Wickes Tiling Guide

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ISSUE 04/10



For many years ceramic is purely that they are so believing that it is too
tiles have been popular as a durable that they cannot complicated. This leaflet is
means of covering wall, floor be stripped off at will like aimed to dispel many of the
and work surfaces. wallpaper or paint to suit doubts and worries which
changing decorative tastes. exist and to make tiling an
They provide a maintenance easier and more enjoyable
free, long lasting, and tough Although the use of ceramic task.
decorative surface finish and quarry tiles is on the
which cannot be matched by increase, there are still
any other form of covering. many people who hesitate to
If they have a drawback it tackle a major tiling project,


Ceramic wall tiles are made in an enormous variety of colours, designs and sizes.
Nobody can choose the colour and design that suits your taste other than you so you
will need to spend some time looking at our displays to find the tiles which appeal

Keep an eye open for ‘combination’ tiles. These are tiles with the same background
colour with the majority used being plain but with decorated tiles in
singles or sets of two or three which are used almost like pictures on a wall being
interspaced with the plain tiles. Many of these decorative tiles are handpainted before
being glazed and can bring a tiled wall to life.

Look out for tiles which are a colour match for modern sanitaryware. You’ll find these
available plain or decorated in some way.

If you plan to tile the floor as well, it is important to remember that wall tiles cannot be
used on the floor. They are not tough enough.
• Look for other Good Idea So choosing colour and design is purely a question of looking at what is available.
Leaflets that could help you Wall tile sizes are most commonly 15 x 15cm (6 x 6”), 20 x 20cm (8 x 8”),
with your current project. 20 x 25cm (8 x 10”), 20 x 30cm (8 x 12”) and 30 x 40cm (12 x 153/4”).

• Check that your Good Idea As a general rule, and assuming it suits your colour scheming, aim for large tiles in
Leaflets are kept up to date. a large room and small tiles in a small room. This is partly for aesthetic reasons and
Leaflets are regularly changed partly because in a big room tiling can proceed more quickly when larger tiles are
to reflect product changes so
keep an eye on issue dates.
Once you have chosen your tiles you’ll need to work out how many you need to
• If you would like to be put on
purchase. Probably the easiest method is to measure the height of the wall and
our mailing list for the Wickes
booklet, call our Freephone calculate how many of your chosen tile size will be needed to fit from floor to
number which is: ceiling. Count a half or part of a tile as whole one. Do the same for the wall width.
Multiply the number required for the height by the number for the width and this will
0500 300 328 give you the total number for the wall. Repeat the process on the other walls.
• Visit our website at Make adjustments to allow for doors and windows, and for the inclusion of any
www.wickes.co.uk decorated tiles.
When you have a total for the whole suitable for use in dry areas. It can cope Wickes Grout Film Remover is a
room add on a further 10%. There are with the occasional splashing or a little concentrated, biodegradable, powerful
two reasons for this, the first being that condensation so is generally satisfactory but safe cleaner. Removes cement film,
inevitably some breakages will occur, in a well ventilated kitchen or bathroom, grout bloom residues from Wickes
and the second that if, in the future, tiles even around the bath or basin if the glazed floor tiles, quarry tiles+, unglazed
are damaged you will have replacements family tends not to saturate the walls. floor tiles. It will not damage the grout
available. or harm the tiles. It can be used to
Where condensation is a problem or in neutralise efflorescence, white salt stains
Purchase all your tile requirements at the shower areas then our Water Resistant from brick, flags or terracotta tiles and
same time to avoid colour variation Wall Tile adhesive must be used. Since remove rust and oxide stains from the
which may occur in different batches this is a slightly more expensive surfaces such as chrome and stainless
from the manufacturer. It is also worth adhesive there is no reason why it steel. It does not give off fumes.
‘shuffling’ the tiles you purchase to again DO NOT USE ON NATURAL STONE
should not be used in those frequently
ensure that colour variations are spread TILES, or other acid sensitive materials.
wet locations and the standard wall tile
over the entire wall area and are not laid adhesive used in dryer parts of the same
in noticeable blocks. Natural Stone Grout Film Remover
room.You do not have to stick to the
Removes cement grout film after initial
same adhesive on all walls. If in doubt
NOTE: that no claims for colour installation.
always go for the water resistant type.
variations can be considered after the
tiles have been fixed. Wickes Natural Stone Grout Film
Wickes All Purpose Tile Adhesive and Remover is highly concentrated,
Grout is designed as a product for both waterbased, buffered alkaline cleaner.
If the wall tiles you choose do not have tile bonding and grouting.
built in spacer lugs or are not of the It removes cement film, rust stains and
lime scale residues. Suitable for use on
universal type with chamfered edges,
For floor tiling work, exterior tiling, and pure marble, granite, travertine, slate and
which act as spaces, then you should
tiling worktops an entirely different other calcareous natural stone as well as
also purchase proper tile spacers.
adhesive must be used and we offer a man made materials containing marble
These plastic spacers are of uniform
choice. Use our Rapid Set Floor Tile such as terrazzo and composition tiles.
size and are far better than matches at
Adhesive where an excellent bond and Use Wickes Natural Stone Grout Film
achieving regular spacing between
quick setting is needed. The alternative is Remover as an alternative to
our Ceramic Floor Tile Adhesive. conventional acid-based products on
Supplied in powder form for mixing with lime containing surfaces where an acidic
Floor Tiles
water, this cement based adhesive is product would cause damage.
Ceramic floor tiles, quarry, terracotta,
water resistant when dry and can even
marble and slate are also available in a Protection
variety of styles, so again, you’ll need to be used in swimming pools, which is
what many kitchen floors seem to be like Tile Sealer Satin
look around to find the ones which suit Protects treated slate, quarry tiles and
you. when the washing machine goes wrong,
or elsewhere when the bath or basin unglazed ceramic tiles.

Sizes are generally from 20cm square overflows!

Wickes Tile Sealer Satin is a
upwards to 45cm square. Floor tiles are sophisticated water based polish and
thicker than wall tiles and some can be All ceramic tile adhesives have full usage
sealer which provides a hard wearing
used indoors or outside. Look out for instructions on their containers and these
protective sheen finish to unglazed tiles,
guidance on the packaging which instructions should be closely followed.
such as Wickes quarry tiles or Wickes
indicates suitable areas for their use. natural slate. Porous materials, such as
Others are suitable for use on worktops The spaces between tiles are filled in
slate, or other natural stone or brick must
as well as the floor. These are strong with a grouting compound. For wall tiles first be treated with Wickes Tile & Stone
enough to resist harsh wear, impact, purchase our ready mixed water Stain Protector. Wickes Tile Sealer Satin
heat and cold. However, marble would resistant grout or our powdered water provides a finish which resists dirt
not retain it’s appearance for long if resistant grout which is ready for mixing penetration and staining by liquids,
regularly used as a chopping board! with water. Where a water resistant tile ensuring ease of cleaning. The sheen
adhesive has been used you must use a finish enhances natural colours without
To work out the number of tiles you need water resistant grout. darkening. It has a non-slippery finish.
for a floor, use the same method
described previously for wall tiles, not For floor tiling, the grout must be a water Natural Stone Gloss Finish
forgetting to add on 10% for breakages resistant one, specially formulated for Protects and shines marble, limestone
and future repairs. Floor tiles are harder flooring use. This is again cement based and natural floors.
to cut than wall tiles and even the most and available in grey, white or brown, in
experienced tiler will break one or two. 5kg or 12.5kg containers. It is simply Wickes Natural Stone Gloss Finish is a
called Floor Tile Grout. protective self-shining coat that provides
ADHESIVES & GROUTS a tough but removable finish which helps
The long term success of your tiling Tile Care & Maintenance protect natural stone floors against
Wickes stocks a range of product for staining, scratching and dulling caused
depends to a large extent on the
cleaning and maintaining your tiles. by foot traffic. It also deepens the colour
adhesives you use to bond the tiles to
Details of these are listed here together and texture and is effective against
the surface behind, and you must select
with an easy to follow table on their uses damage from acidic substances which
the correct adhesive for any particular
on specific products. can attack marble or other calcareous
natural stone. Particularly recommended
Installation for treading internal polished floor
For wall tiling work you need either a surfaces such as Wickes marble tiles or
ready mixed standard wall tile adhesive Grout Film Remover
Safely removes cement grout film. as a gloss seal for Wickes natural slate.
or a water resistant variety. The
standard and less expensive type is
Tile & Stone Stain Protector unglazed floor tiles, Wickes quarry tiles,
Protects porous natural stones and tiles. Wickes Natural slate and marble tiles,
allowing a new fresh Satin or Gloss
Wickes Tile & Stone Stain Protector is a coating to be applied.
PENCIL MARKS ON solvent based ‘undercoat’ sealer. For
interior and exterior use. Dust proofs PROJECT SHOPPING LIST
TIMBER MARKED OUT and reduces the water absorption of
PLUS SPACERS porous surfaces such as Wickes marble
and natural slate. Helps to protect REQUIREMENTS
against staining and deep stubborn An example of calculating tile
FIG. 2 marking by forming a matt internal seal requirement follows, given a wall
that does not contain silicones and measuring 2.7 metres long by 2.2 metres
allows surfaces to ‘breathe’. Enhances high, to be tiled using 15cm x 15cm
colour and makes cleaning considerably mixed plain and patterned tiles but no
easier. For additional surface protection borders.
WALLS on porous floor tiles, particularly those in Divide wall height by tile height.
the kitchen or hallway, Wickes Tile 220cm / 15cm = 14.67, say 15.
FLOOR Sealer Divide wall length by tile width.
Satin (slate, quarry tiles etc.) or Wickes 270cm / 15cm = 18
TILE HEIGHT Natural Stone Gloss Finish (marble tiles) Tiles required: 15 x 18 = 270
DO NOT DRIVE NAILS should also be applied. Add 10% for breakages = 297 total.
15cm square tiles are usually packed in
Cleaning & Aftercare boxes of 43, so 297 / 43 = 6.9, say 7
Natural Stone Wash & Shine boxes. To use a mix of tiles purchase,
FIG. 3 Cleans and protects marble, granite and for
other natural stones. example, 5 boxes of plain and 2
MEASURING GAUGE patterned. Matching borders if needed
Wickes Natural Stone & Wash Shine is a are 7.5cm high by 15cm wide and are
FIXED BATTEN highly concentrated, biodegradable,
available usually in packs of 10 or 12.
water based alkaline cleaner. Effectively
You will further require Wall Tile
cleans, enhances and protects all pure
Adhesive plus grout. Packs have
PENCIL MARK TO SHOW marble, granite, travertine and other
coverage stated on them.
POSITION OF LAST WHOLE TILE calcareous natural stone as well as man
made materials containing marble such
as terrazzo and composition tiles. SPECIAL TOOLS REQUIRED
Suitable for use on all types of finish;
You must have a plumb bob and line, a
FIG. 4 polished, honed, flamed, riven etc.
Particularly recommended for tile cutter and a tile saw for cutting to fit
DROPPED maintaining floors that have been treated around door and window surrounds.
FIXED BATTEN with Wickes Natural Stone Gloss Finish,
as the product not only cleans but also BEFORE YOU START
feeds and extends the life of the finish. Tiles can be bonded to virtually any
surface, including old tiles so long as
Floor Tile Clean & Shine those surfaces are dry, clean, in
Cleans and protects all in one go. sound condition and properly prepared.

Wickes Floor Tile Clean & Shine is a

FIG. 5 VERTICAL BATTEN highly concentrated buffered cleaner
Important: All tiles must be adhered to a
FIXED IN LINE sound surface, which is strong enough to
WITH PENCIL MARKS containing special shine compounds and support their weight.
UP WALL perfumes. Effectively cleans and
Plasterboard must be fully and
CHECK VERTICAL protects all Ceramic floor tiles, glazed
WITH SPIRIT LEVEL correctly fixed to the substrate as per
and unglazed, Terrazzo, Marble, natural
manufactures guidance.
stone and Slate. Particularly
Cement backing boards, such as Wickes
recommended for regular maintenance
FIXED Aquapanel, must be fixed as per the
HORIZONTAL cleaning of floors treated with Wickes
manufactures instructions.
BATTEN Tile Sealer Satin.
Maximum wall tile weights
Tiles weighing in excess of 20kg/m2
Tile & Natural Stone Renovator
High performance renovator for problem – this is a combined weight and must
stains and old polish. include the weight of the adhesive and
grout - should not be used on plastered
FIG. 6 or rendered walls.
Wickes Tile & Natural Stone Renovator
isa highly concentrated powerful cleaner
that is biodegradable and For tile weights of between 20 & 32kg/
environmentally safe. This product will m2, we recommend either:
remove old layers of wax and polishes, 1. Cutting back the plaster/rendering to
such as Wickes Tile Sealer Satin and sound solid wall.
Wickes Natural Stone Gloss Finish. 2. Using fully adhered and sound
Ingrained dirt that has built up over time, plasterboard (without a plaster skim).
most oil and grease marks and other 3. Using, correctly fixed, Wickes
stubborn stains can be scrubbed away. Aquapanel, cement-backing board.
The ideal spring cleaner to revive
FIG. 7 FIG. 8 Why?
The quality of adhesion between plaster
and the substrate cannot be guaranteed,
making this the weakest part of the wall.
Too much weight, and at sometime, it
will fall off.

For tile weights below 20kg/m2, you

can tile onto plaster but the plaster and
GLAZED substrate must be in good condition. If
UNDER SCORE LINE in any doubt, cut back and start again. If
you are still not sure, seek professional

FIG. 9 Wall Preparation

Thoroughly clean the walls to remove all
traces of dirt, grease, soapy deposits,
etc. Make good major defects like loose
BATTEN SECURED AT plaster. Remove any old wallpaper. If the
END OF LAST WHOLE walls are gloss painted they should be
CHALKED CENTRE LINE well sanded down to provide a good key
for the adhesive. Ensure that old
LOOSE LAID TILES emulsion paint is not peeling away from
WITH SPACERS the walls. If it is then it should be
removed to leave a sound secure base
for the adhesive.
New plaster should not be tiled over until
it is completely dry and this can take up
to three months in some instances.
Old tiles do not have to be removed. So
long as they are still securely attached to
CHALKED LINE the wall, they need only be cleaned. Any
OF ROOM loose tiles should be stuck back into

Make sure the wall is dry. If there is a

damp problem this must be cured before
any tiling is done.

Absorbent surfaces such as new or bare

plaster, timber, ply, blockboard or
chipboard must be primed with our PVA
Building Adhesive diluted 1 part
adhesive to 5 parts water. This priming
prevents the moisture in the tile adhesive
FIG. 10 being absorbed too quickly by the wall,
and provides a much better key for the
END WALL adhesive. Commence tiling only when
the primer/sealer is dry.
Floor Preparation
90° ALONG Concrete floors must be clean and dry.
BATTEN WITH SPACERS There should be a damp proof
membrane below the surface to prevent
rising damp. Since the floor tile adhesive
TILING WILL can be applied as a thin bed or a thick
THE CORNER OF bed, the floor does not have to be
THE BATTENS perfectly level, although this is
SECOND BATTEN If the concrete is very uneven or it is
FITTED AT END OF damaged use our floor levelling
AT 90° TO FIRST compound to make it level.

Suspended wooden floors can be

WALL successfully tiled but you must be sure
that they are sufficiently strong to carry
the very considerable extra weight of
tiles, that they are rigid and that the area
below the floorboards is well ventilated.
If the floor is weak and shows any sign
of movement you must strengthen it. determine where the last whole tile will to provide the starting point.
Use a sheet material such as our be fixed close to the end of the wall.
exterior grade plywood building up to a Mark this point on the fixed batten. Using a measure and a chalked string
minimum 18mm thick covering screwing See FIG. 3. line mark the centre line of the room
it into place at no more than 200mm from the door end to the far end. Find
centres. It is absolutely essential Drop a plumb line down the wall so that and mark the centre of this line.
that a suspended timber floor is made the string touches the last mark on the
100% rigid. Any movement will first horizontal batten. FIG. 4. Make Loose lay tiles complete with spacers
cause the grout to break up allowing several pencil marks on the wall behind from the centre point alongside the line
moisture ingress and, subsequently, the the string line then fix another straight to the far wall. Fix a straight batten to the
tiles will break or lift. batten vertically to the wall along the floor at 90° to the line of tiles where the
marks. FIG. 5. Check that the batten is edge of the last whole tile is. FIG. 9.
‘Loose’ floor coverings such as vinyl truly vertical with a spirit level. Loose lay
sheeting should be completely removed. a few tiles into the corner formed by the Loose lay further tiles towards the corner
Any covering like old ceramic tiles must battens to check that they sit squarely. of the room and fix another batten at
be thoroughly scrubbed clean and all 90° to the first alongside the last whole
traces of old polish removed. 3. TILING tile. FIG. 10. Check that the corner
Tiling commences in the corner. produced is exactly square, and that
WORK SEQUENCE Follow the instructions supplied with the the positioning of neither line of tiles will
adhesive, spreading this over an area of result in narrow tiles having to be cut
Bare wood or ply covered floors should to fill in around the perimeter once the
be primed with Floor Tile Primer before about one square metre at a time then
comb it out. FIG. 6. Place the tiles firmly battening has been removed.
tiling commences. Usage instructions are Tiling commences on the prepared
on the container. onto the ribbed adhesive with
corner following the instructions on the
spacers set in between.
WALL TILING adhesive container. Any inward opening
1. Make a measuring gauge. door will have to be removed and
Working sideways and upwards
2. Determine a starting point for tiling. reduced in height to open again over
complete the fixing of all whole tiles then
3. Commence tiling. the tiles.
leave for about 24 hours to dry.
4. Cutting tiles.
5. Grouting. A heavy duty floor tile cutter will be
Remove the battens carefully then cut
needed to cut ceramic tiles to fit around
tiles to fit around the perimeter. Where
1. MAKE A MEASURING GAUGE the perimeter once all whole tiles are laid
space is limited the adhesive can be
Start by making yourself a measuring and the adhesive has set.
applied to the back of the cut tiles
gauge. This is simply a length of instead of onto the wall.
18mm x 44mm PSE timber about 1.8 Important: Tile adhesive setting times
or 2.4 metres long marked out in exact are quoted for ideal conditions and
4. CUTTING WALL TILES is intended only as a guide. Where
tile widths including spacers between. The simplest method of doing this is to
You will be able to use this gauge to temperatures are low, the air is damp,
mark the glazed tile surface, where it is thick tiles are used or the substrate is
determine where lines of tiles start and to be cut, then, with the help of a straight of low porosity, setting times will be
finish and will be able to avoid difficult edge, score the surface with the tile increased, sometimes greatly.
cutting. FIG. 1. cutter to break the glaze. FIG. 7.
A hired diamond tipped wet cutter will
2. DETERMINE A STARTING POINT Place the scored tile over a couple of be needed for terracotta, granite, marble
FOR TILING matchsticks, then press down gently and slate tiles.
Fix a perfectly straight length of timber either side to snap the tile. FIG. 8.
to the wall horizontally with the top
Grouting is only done after all tiling
edge just over one tile height above the Pincers, pliers or a tile saw can be used is complete.
highest floor or skirting board level. Use to cut corners or curves out of tiles to fit
a spirit level to check that the batten is around projections. Again the surface
truly horizontal. This batten going the full should be scored before the waste area
width of the wall will provide the level at is nibbled away.
which tiling commences and will ensure
that tiling lines are straight even though 5. GROUTING
the floor may be uneven. Don’t drive the When all tiling is complete and has dried
masonry nails fully home. They have to for about 24 hours, the spaces between
be removed later. See FIG. 2. them should be filled with grouting
Use your measuring gauge vertically
from the fixed batten to check that at FINISHING OFF
the top of the wall you are not left with a Joins between tiles and horizontal
narrow strip to be tiled. Narrow tile strips surfaces such as baths, basins, sinks,
are difficult to cut. If this situation arises worktops etc., should be sealed with
then drop the horizontal fixed batten to our silicone sealant to prevent moisture
leave roughly equal spacing at the top penetrating behind such fixtures.
and bottom of the wall for cut tiles.
By measurement, find the centre point of Tiling commences in the corner of the
the fixed batten (the centre point along room furthest from the door but as with
the width of the wall). Mark this point wall tiling you cannot rely upon existing
on the batten. Use your measuring wall corners to be square or walls to be
gauge horizontally along the batten to straight so again battening must be used
wickes tile treatment system


In order that the surface protection can achieve a good standard

INSTALLATION it is vital that all grout and surface cementicious residues are removed.

PROTECTION Enhances colour and helps protect against stains , stubborn marks and scratches

CLEANING & WICKES FLOOR TILES WICKES FLOOR TILES Cleans, shines and protects, for regular maintenance and cleaning.
AFTERCARE CLEAN & SHINE CLEAN & SHINE Fresh and scented wash ideal for glazed tiles

WICKES TILE & WICKES TILE & Strong cleaning product for remnants of old polish,
RENOVATOR RENOVATOR wax, or real problem stains. Ideal for periodic floor renovation.

© Wickes Building Supplies Limited 2010

Each of the Wickes protective surface coatings is highly resistant to wear. However, cleaning and the sweeping up of loose dirt will prolong the life of the seal. Diluting
MAINTENANCE the appropriate finish 1:100 with water and washing over from time to time will help to repair worn areas. Strong detergents will erode and destroy the surface of the
floor, and should never be used.

• Do not try to seal or polish wet tiles. Porous tiles absorb water: This must dry out and • The body seal protection must fully absorb into the surface. Do not over apply and
the more porous the material, the more days this will take. allow to film on the surface; use an absorbent cloth, dampened with a little white
spirit if necessary to remove any surplus while still wet.
• Do not seal or polish dirty floors. Sealing does not hide dirty marks. • Always seal floors previously sealed with linseed oil with a wax rather than the water

constructing any of the products described in this leaflet are still valid at the time of purchase or placing an order.
based system recommended here.

or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without the written permission of the copyright holder and the publisher.
• Avoid allowing foam or bubbles to spoil the finish.
• Further information is available on the individual product labels.
• Always read the bottle labels and information sheets. Always pre-test on a small,
inconspicuous area.

printing. Wickes products will inevitably change from time to time and the customer is advised to check that the design, descriptions, specifications and techniques of
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the product design, descriptions, specifications and techniques of constructing the products are accurate at the date of

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise

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