Laguna State Polytechnic University: College of Agriculture

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Dear Graduate:
Good Day! Please complete this Graduate Tracer Survey (GTS) questionnaire as
accurate and frankly as possible by checking (/) the box corresponding to your response. Your
answer will be used for research purposes in order to assess graduate employability and
eventually, improve course offerings to your alma mater & other universities/ colleges in the
Philippines. Your answer to this survey will be treated with strictest confidentially.


1. Name ____________________________________________________________________
2. Permanent Address; Town/City: ________________ Province: ___________________
3. E-mail address _____________________________ Facebook account ______________
4. Telephone or Contact Number (s) ________________________________________
5. Civil Status
( ) Single ( ) Single parent born a child but not married ( ) Separated/Divorced
( ) Married ( ) Married but not living with spouse ( ) Widow or Widower
6. Gender ( ) Male ( ) Female
7. Birthday Month ___________ Day ____________ Year ____________
8. Degree earned at the Laguna State Polytechnic University – College of Agriculture
Degree Major Year& Month Honors/Awards
Graduated received
( ) BS Agriculture
( ) BS Agricultural Education
( ) BS Agri Business/ BSABA
( ) DAT/ BAT Bachelor of
Agricultural Technology
( ) MSA Master of Science in Agriculture
( ) PhD Doctor of Philosophy in

9. Professional examination (s) passed
Name of Examination Date Taken Rating
____________________________ ____________________ ___________
____________________________ ____________________ ___________
____________________________ ____________________ ___________
10. Reason (s) for taking the course (s) or pursuing degree (s). You may check (/) more than
Undergraduate / BS Graduate / MS / Ph.D.
High grades in the course or subject
area (s) related to the course ( ) ( )
Good grades in high school ( ) ( )
Influence of parents or relatives ( ) ( )
Peer influence ( ) ( )
Inspired by a role model ( ) ( )
Strong passion for profession ( ) ( )
Prospect for immediate employment ( ) ( )
Status or prestige of the profession ( ) ( )
Availability of course offering in
chosen institution ( ) ( )
Prospect of career advancement ( ) ( )
Affordable for the family ( ) ( )
Prospect of attractive compensation ( ) ( )
Opportunity for employment abroad ( ) ( )
No particular choice or no better idea ( ) ( )
Others, please specify __________________________________________________________

11a. please list down all professional or work-related training program (s) including advance
studies have you attended after college. You may use extra sheet if needed.
Title of Trainings Attended Duration & Credits Earned Name of Training Institution

____________________ ___________________ _____________________

____________________ ___________________ _____________________
____________________ ___________________ _____________________
Title of Advance Studies Duration & Credits Earned Name of Training Institution

____________________ ___________________ _____________________

____________________ ___________________ _____________________
____________________ ___________________ _____________________
11b. What made you pursue advanced studies?
( ) for promotion ( ) for professional development
( ) others, please specify _____________________________________________________
(Employment here means any type of work performed or services rendered in exchanged for
compensation under a contract of hire which create the employer and employee reelations)
12. Are you employed? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If NO, proceed to Question No. 13. If YES, proceed to Question 14 - 18.
13. Please state reason (s) why you are not yet employed. You may check (/) more than one
answer.( ) Advance or further study ( ) Running own business
( ) Family concern and decided not to find a job ( ) Running Family Business
( ) Health-related reason (s) Specify type of business:
( ) Lack of work experience ( ) Agri-related
( ) No job opportunity ( ) Not agri-related
( ) Did not look for a job Scope of operation of the business
( ) other reason (s) please specify ( ) local within Laguna
( ) Regional w/in Region 4A
( ) National
( ) International

14. Employment Data (from present to previous)

Inclusive Date Position / Title Agency Monthly Status of Sector

(mm/dd/yy) /Department salary appointment (Public/Private
/ Company /
From To

15. Place of work ( ) Local ( ) Abroad

16. Is this your first job after college ( ) Yes ( ) No
If NO, Proceed to Questions ___ and __.
17. What are the reason (s) for staying on the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skill
( ) Related to course or program of study
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Peer influence
( ) family influence
( ) Other reasons (s) please specify _________________________________________
18. Is your first job related to the course you took up in college?
( ) Yes ( ) No
If NO, proceed to Question ___
19. What were your reason for accepting the job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skills
( ) Related to special skills
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Other reason (s) please specify __________________________________________

20. What were your reason (s) for changing job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) salaries and benefits
( ) Career challenge
( ) Related to special skills
( ) Proximity to residence
( ) Other reason (s), please specify _________________________________________
21. How did you find your first job?
( ) Response to an advertisement
( ) As walk-in applicant
( ) Recommended by someone
( ) information from friends
( ) Arranged by school’s job placement officers
( ) Family business
( ) Job fair or Public Employment Service Office (PESO)
22. How long did it take you to land on your first job?
( ) less than a month ( ) 1 year to less than 2 years
( ) 1 to 6 months ( ) 2 years to less than 3 years
( ) 7 to 11 months ( ) 3 years to less than 4 years
( ) others, please specify _______________________________________________
23. Job level Position
Job level 23.1 First job 23.2 Current or present job
Rank or clerical ( ) ( )
Professional, Technical or supervisory ( ) ( )
Management or executive ( ) ( )
Self-employed ( ) ( )
24. Was the Curriculum of your Degree program is relevant to your first job?
( ) Yes ( ) No

25. If YES, what is your competencies learned in college did you find very useful in your first
job? You may check (/) more than one answer.
( ) Communication skills
( ) Human relation skills
( ) Entrepreneurial skills
( ) Problem-solving skills
( ) Critical-Thinking skills
( ) Other skills, please specify _____________________________________________
26. What type of jobs were you expecting that you may find by choosing your last program?
27. Do you face any major problem/s in your job assignment? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If YES, Please specify the problems briefly;
28. Were you adequately prepared for your present job by the program you attended at the
LSPU-College of Agriculture, please explain:

29. How would you rate the contribution of the program of your study at the LSPU-College of
Agriculture to your personal knowledge, skills and attitudes?
(Give number from range 0-5) 0=Not at all 5=Very much
SN Particulars Please tick under the number which best suit your answer
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Enhanced academic knowledge
2 Improved problem-solving skills
3 Improved research skills
4 Improved learning efficiency
5 Improved communication skills
6 Improved information technology skills
7 Enhanced team spirit

30. Was your Degree program of study at the LSPU-College of Agriculture relevant to your
present job?
(Give number from range 0-5) 0=Not at all 5=Very much

SN Particulars Please tick under the number which best suit your answer
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Enhanced academic knowledge
2 Improved problem-solving skills
3 Improved research skills
4 Improved learning efficiency
5 Improved communication skills
6 Improved information technology skills
7 Enhanced team spirit

31. How satisfied are you with your current job?

( ) Very much ( ) Much ( ) A little ( ) Not satisfied
32. Do you intend to stay in the same job/profession? ( ) Yes ( ) No
33. Which of the following best represent major strengths and weaknesses of the institutional
program that you attended?
(Give number from range 0-5) 0=Not at all 5=Very much

SN Particulars Please tick under the number which best suit your answer
0 1 2 3 4 5
1 Range of course offered
2 Number of optional subjects
3 Relevance of the program to your
professional requirements
4 Extra-curricular activities
5 Problem solving
6 Inter-disciplinary learning
7 Work placement/attachment
8 Teaching/Learning environment
9 Quality of delivery
10 Teaching students’ relations
11 Library/Lab etc.
12 Other strength/ weakness (please specify)

34. If pursuing further study:

Enrollment year _________________________________________________ (Year/Month)
Program: ______________________________________ Level______________________
Campus/University __________________________________________________________
Campus/ University Address: __________________________________________________

Could you please give the main reason for pursuing further studies?

35. List down suggestions to further improve your course curriculum


36. Contact address/s of your friend/s, who had graduated in the same year you had graduated:
( Note: Please provide contact address of your colleagues whom you know from your batch.
This will help us to effectively complete this tracer study.)
1. Name: ____________________________ Contact No./Email ID/SNID:

2. Name: ____________________________ Contact No./Email ID/SNID:

3. Name: ____________________________ Contact No./Email ID/SNID:

(SNID-Social Network ID/ You can see additional sheet if you have information of more of your
friends of your batch.)

Signature of the Graduate

Thank you for time out to fill out this questionnaire.

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