Laboratory Manual
Laboratory Manual
Laboratory Manual
Medical School
Universitas Islam Bandung
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Cervix Uterine
Fig. 1 Pap smear. The tumor cells are large, polygonal, with pleomorphic and hyperchromatic
nuclei. The cytoplasm are abundant and orange to pale-blue appearance. There are increase
Fig. 4 Endometrial hyperplasia. The endometrium showed the glands were enlarged and
irregular lined bycolumnar cells. The nuclei are normal. The stroma was dense, with bleeding
and dilated capillary vessel. (100x, H&E)
Fig. 5 Endometrial hyperplasia. Note the glands lined by hyperplastic columnar epithelial with
normal nuclear appearance. (400x, H&E)
Mola Hidatidosa
Fig. 6 Mola hidatidiform. The Villi chorialis underwent a hydrophic degeneration. These villi lined
by highly proliferative trophoblastic cells. (100x, H&E)
Ectopic Pregnancy
Fig. 7 Tubal Pregnancy. The lower part is the tubal wall and at the lumen part there are some
villi chorialis.
Fig. 8 The papillary appearance consist of hyperplastic columnar cell with pleomorphic nuclei,
hyperchromatic and a lot of mitotic figures. The stalk consist of fibrocollagen tissue. (100x, H&E)
Fig. 9 Higher magnification of papillary cysadenocarcinoma serosum ovarium. Note there are a
lot of mitotic figures.
Fibroadenoam Mammae
Fig. 10 The tumor consist of both stromal and glandular hyperplasia. The stromal underwent a
myxomatous degeneration. The duct dilatated, and the epithelial nuclei normal. (200x, H&E)
Fig. 11 The tumor cell are polygonal hyperplastis, some give a ductuli appearance with central
necrosis and the stromal is fully invaded by the tumor cells.
Simple endometrial hyperplasia.
Fig . 4
End o me trial hyp e rp lasia. The e nd o me trium sho we d the g land s we re e nlarg e d and irregular
lined bycolumnar cells. The nuclei are normal. The stroma was dense, with oleeding and dilated
capillary vessel. (100x, H&E)
Fig. 6 Mola hidatidiform. The Villi chorialis underwent a hydrophic degeneration. These villi lined by
highly proliferative trophoblastic cells. (100x, H&E)
Ectopic Pregnancy
Fig. 7 Tubal Pregnancy. The lower part is the tuba) wall and at the lumen part there are some villi