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A1G3W2 - DMAL-P21-PR-CN-74-0014.01R Shore Approach Dredging QC Plan

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Document No: MW-310690-103-MT

B1 Issue for Comments JUL-04-08 JPM MTJV MTJV SO MTJV

A1 Issue Internal Review JUN-18-08 BAN AST JGO MVR MTJV
Rev Reason for change Date Prepared by QA/QC Check HSE Check Approved by Company

Company Project No: 310690
McNally – Tideway Joint Venture
Contractor Project No: M-154


Allseas Canada Ltd.

Allseas Canada Ltd. Title: QC Plan - Survey
Shore Approach Services Document No: MW-310690-103-MT
Deep Panuke Pipeline Project Revision: B1 2 of 9

Table of Contents 

1  Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3 
1.1  General .............................................................................................................................. 3 
1.2  Scope of this QC Plan - Survey ......................................................................................... 3 
2  Reference Documents ...........................................................................................................4 
2.1  Company & Client Documents/Specifications.................................................................. 4 
2.2  Contractor Documents/Procedures .................................................................................... 4 
3  Definitions and Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 4 
3.1  Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 4 
3.2  Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 4 
4  Responsibilities and Organization....................................................................................... 5 
5  Notes for guidance ................................................................................................................ 6 
6  Inspection Codes ................................................................................................................... 7 
Allseas Canada Ltd. Title: QC Plan - Survey
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1.1 General
The Deep Panuke Project involves the installation of the facilities required to produce natural
gas from the Deep Panuke field, located about 175 kilometres offshore Nova Scotia. Produced
gas will be transported by subsea pipeline to Goldboro, N.S., where it will be transported via the
Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline (M&NP) to markets in Eastern Canada and the north-eastern
United States. First gas from the project is expected in 2010. For more information on EnCana,
please visit www.encana.com.
The offshore gas export pipeline shall be installed in the 2009 season by Allseas Canada Ltd. and
tied into the PFC during the 2010 season by others. The offshore export pipeline will be 559
mm (22-inch) diameter, with a wall thickness varying from 14.3mm to 17.5mm, and is 173 km in
length. It will be installed in varying water depths up to a maximum of 145m. The pipeline will
comprise a fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) corrosion coating and concrete weight coating of
nominal density 3050Kg/m3 and thickness varying from 60mm to 85mm. Part of the landfall
pull-in section may have a concrete coating thickness of 100mm.
McNally-Tideway JV (MTJV) has been awarded the subcontract for the onshore and near shore
trench excavation, pipe pull-in and backfilling. The trench will have a maximum depth of 4m
below the seabed on the near shore portion. From onshore to approximately 90m offshore, the
trench will be excavated by first building a causeway over the proposed trench. Once the
causeway has been constructed to a water depth of 3-4m, the excavation will commence back to
shore, removing both the causeway and excavating the trench. The near shore portions will be
excavated from approximately 90m offshore to 890m offshore using a long reach excavator
dredger. The excavated material will be cast to the side of the trench. Once the trench
excavation is complete, the pipeline will be pulled from an off shore Allseas vessel to onshore
using a linear pull winch. Prior to installation of the pull-in wire, the minimum excavation depth
needs to be verified and accepted by ACAN/ECA. Upon completion of the pipeline pull-in and
acceptance of the vertical pipeline position to the original natural seabed, the trench will then be
backfilled using the material that was cast to the side of the trench in order to obtain the required
Top of Pope (TOP) cover.

1.2 Scope of this QC Plan - Survey

This procedure describes the Quality Control activities during the Survey activities described in
the Survey Procedure (MW-310690-102-MW).
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2.1 Company & Client Documents/Specifications

1. Contract 310690/LF/001 Shore Approach Services
2.2 Contractor Documents/Procedures
1. GEN-310690-005-MT Project Quality Plan
2. GEN-310690-006-MT Project Control Procedure
3. GEN-310690-007-MT Emergency Response Procedure
4. GEN-310690-008-MT Overall Health & Safety Plan
5. GEN-310690-009-MT Environmental Management Plan
6. GEN-310690-010-MT Environmental Procedures
7. GEN-310690-011-MT HAZID MT Scope of Work
8. MW-310690-102-MT Survey Procedure
9. MW-310690-104-MT Dredging and Backfilling


3.1 Definitions
Client EnCana Corporation
Company Allseas Canada Ltd.
Contractor McNally - Tideway Joint Venture
Work All activities to be performed in accordance with the contract

3.2 Abbreviations
ACAN Allseas Canada Ltd.
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
MT McNally – Tideway Joint Venture
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
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The overall responsibility for the Project’s activities rests with the Project Manager. It will be the
responsibility of the Project Manager to approve key personnel required for employment on the
project. He will liaise with the Company Site Representative’s on and offshore.
The Project Manager will lead the works on site. He will be responsible for the management and
control of the activities and will be assisted by the Superintendent who will act as his deputy.
A project team consisting of the following persons will be of assistance:
 Project Engineer; the Project Engineer will assist the Project Manager in all facets of
the work.
 Superintendent / Works Manager; the Superintendent will lead the specific operations
onboard off the vessels or on the onshore construction site. The superintendent will be
responsible for the direct supervision of the works and construction crew. He will report
to the Project Manager.
 QA/QC/HSE Engineer; the QA/QC/HSE Engineer will monitor the operations with
respect to the observation, implementation and adherence of QA and HS rules and
procedures. He will also monitor the operations with respect to the observation,
implementation and adherence of environmental rules and procedures.
 Project Survey; the Project Surveyor will be responsible for the management and
control of all onshore and offshore survey activities and liaise with Company Survey
Representatives. The Surveyor will report to the Project Manager.
Reference is made to:
 GEN-310690-006-MT, Project Control Procedure
 GEN-310690-007-MT, Emergency Response Plan
 GEN-310690-008-MT, Overall Health, Safety and Environmental Plan
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Quality Control Plans are prepared as brief charts to indicate key activities within a work
package and the characteristics that should be examined to accept that activity. The QCP’s do
not include all steps within a work package, but only those that are critical for acceptance. The
quality planner will prepare the QCP’s by completing the boxes in the chart for each activity.

The boxes detail:

a) Activity Number - the serial number for each activity.

b) Inspection/Test Activity - a description of significant activities that affect
the quality of the works.
c) Procedure Reference - the number of the control or operational
procedure to which the activity is carried out.
d) Quality Characteristics - a brief description of aspects of the activity that
are to be verified and/or reported upon.
e) Acceptance Criteria - a reference to a specified tolerance,
performance requirement or a stated standard of
f) Responsible Person - the member of engineering, supervisory or
inspection staff responsible carrying out the
g) Verifying Document - the documentation that demonstrated that an
activity has been carried out in a satisfactory
h) MT QC Action - the member of engineering, supervisory or
inspection staff responsible for acceptance and
completing the verifying document.
i) Company QC Action - where required, the intervention by the
Company in accepting an activity.
j) Client QC Action - where required, the intervention by the
Client in accepting an activity
Allseas Canada Ltd. Title: QC Plan - Survey
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Inspection codes are given by an alphanumeric coding. This indicates the degree of inspection
intervention required.

Hold(H) A point at which further work within a particular process may not proceed until
approval has been gained. Approval will be recorded as a separate letter or
signature on an inspection report/certificate of completion.

Witness(W) An activity that requires constant monitoring or recording of parameters until

completion of the activity.

Monitor(M) An activity that requires intermittent observation and supervision to verify that
process parameters are being maintained.

Review(R) An engineering activity where witness and/or other reports and certification are
reviewed so that a judgment can be made on the adequacy of a process.
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Act. Inspection/ Test Activity Procedure Reference Quality Acceptance Criteria Responsible Person Verifying Document MT Allseas Client
No Characteristics to of MT QC QC QC
be Verified Action Action Action
Calibration of total station by
Procedure of Manufacturer Calibration
1 manufacturer Criteria of Manufacturer Survey Party Chief R R
Manufacturer Specifications Certificate
Notification to Landowners through
2 Client Site access Site Access Project Manager Company Approval R H

3 Field Test MW-310690-102-MT Inspection Report Within Tolerances Survey Party Chief Inspection Report R W R

Check Survey System Calibration Manufacturer Survey Readiness

4 Manufacturer Specs. Surveyor H W
Instructions Specs. Report

Check gyro calibration Calibration Manufacturer Survey Readiness

5 Manufacturer Specs. Surveyor H W
Instructions Specs. Report

Carry out bar check Calibration Manufacturer Survey Readiness

6 Manufacturer Specs. Surveyor H W
Instructions Specs. Report

Check validity of Control Points

7 MW-310690-102-MT Known coordinates <0.1 m accuracy Survey Party Chief Inspection Report R R

Defining network points for horizontal

8 and vertical control MW-310690-102-MT <0.1 m accuracy MW-310690-102-MT Survey Party Chief Nomogram R W

Pre-Topographic/Hydrographic Survey
Survey Party Chief /
9 incl. verification of existing services MW-310690-102-MT n.a. MW-310690-102-MT Drawings/DPR R W R

10 Daily Report MW-310690-102-MT n.a. GEN-310690-006-MT Project Manager DPR R R R

Log sheet for each survey operation

11 MW-310690-102-MT n.a. MW-310690-102-MT Survey Party Chief Log sheet R R
Pre-works survey report
12 MW-310690-102-MT n.a. MW-310690-102-MT Survey Party Chief Pre Entry Report R R R

Intermediate Surveys (Dredging, as

required) Applicable
13 MW-310690-102-MT n.a. Survey Party Chief Charts W, R
Allseas Canada Ltd. Title: QC Plan - Survey
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Act. Inspection/ Test Activity Procedure Reference Quality Acceptance Criteria Responsible Person Verifying Document MT Allseas Client
No Characteristics to of MT QC QC QC
be Verified Action Action Action

Post-Dredge Survey
14 MW-310690-102-MT Within tolerances Survey Party Chief Charts W, R W

Pre-Installation Survey
15 MW-310690-102-MT Within tolerances Survey Party Chief Charts W, R H H

Post-Installation Survey
16 MW-310690-102-MT Within tolerances Survey Party Chief Charts W, R H H

Intermediate Surveys (Backfill, as Applicable

17 MW-310690-102-MT n.a. Survey Party Chief Charts W, R R
required) procedures

18 Log sheet for each survey operation DB-310690-310-MT DB-310690-310-MT Survey Party Chief Log-sheet R

As-Built Report
DB-310690-310-MT / Applicable
19 AB-310690-305-MT Project Manager AB-310690-305-MT R R R
AB-310690-305-MT procedures

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