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Tourism Management: Augusto Voltes-Dorta, H Ector Rodríguez-Deniz, Pere Suau-Sanchez

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Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

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Tourism Management
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Passenger recovery after an airport closure at tourist destinations: A

case study of Palma de Mallorca airport
Augusto Voltes-Dorta a, *, He
ctor Rodríguez-De
niz b, Pere Suau-Sanchez c
University of Edinburgh Business School, Management Science and Business Economics Group, EH8 9JS Edinburgh, United Kingdom
b €ping University, Linko
Division of Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linko €ping, Sweden
Cranfield University, Centre for Air Transport Management, MK43 0TR, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

h i g h l i g h t s

 We analyze passenger recovery in the event of a closure of PMI airport.

 Our model relocates disrupted holidaymakers to minimum-delay itineraries.
 Speed of recovery differs across airlines and geographical markets.
 Intermodal transfers improve the quality of relocation.
 Public authorities should facilitate airline cooperation to improve resilience.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In the context of increased concern about the resilience of critical transport infrastructure to external
Received 18 April 2016 events and the impact of such events on local tourism industries, this paper analyzes the ability of
Received in revised form tourism-oriented airports to relocate departing passengers in the event of an unexpected airport closure.
30 August 2016
A case study of Palma de Mallorca airport is presented. Using an MIDT dataset on passenger itineraries in
Accepted 1 September 2016
Available online 14 September 2016
August 2014, several closure scenarios are simulated, and disrupted passengers are relocated to
minimum-delay itineraries. Aggregate delays and relocation rates are used to assess the impact of each
scenario, with a particular focus on UK and Germany markets. The results provide useful benchmarks for
Tourist airports
the development of policies aimed at minimizing the impact on stranded tourists, such as allowing for
Crisis management passenger connections, establishing a protocol for interline cooperation, and improving intermodal
Passenger recovery transfers. These measures will help mitigate the negative impacts on airline loyalty and destination
Resilience image.
Destination image © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction though most events are related to those most widely addressed in
the literature on post-crisis recovery at tourism destinations, i.e.,
In recent years, a number of events have challenged the weather events and terrorist attacks (Mair, Ritchie, & Walters,
robustness of air transport services worldwide. These events 2016). In 2010, the Volcanic Ash Cloud led to thousands of
negatively affect both passengers, particularly those departing or cancelled flights, millions of stranded tourists across Europe, and
returning from their holidays at major tourist destinations, and massive economic impacts (Mazzocchi, Hansstein, & Ragona, 2010).
airlines, which have a statutory responsibility to assist their dis- On a smaller scale, a volcanic eruption led to the closure of Bali
rupted passengers. The nature of each disruptive event varies, International airport in November 2015, with the expected impact
on tourists returning from holidays (BBC, 2015a). The closures of
both London and Gatwick airports for several days in December
2010 due to heavy snowfall also left thousands of tourists trapped
* Corresponding author.
(BBC, 2010). In addition to weather conditions, industrial actions
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Voltes-Dorta), hrodriguez@
niz), p.suausanchez@cranfield.ac.uk (P. Suau-
becarios.ulpgc.es (H. Rodríguez-De are also responsible for massive flight cancellations, particularly in
Sanchez). periods of strong holiday demand: In late 2009, the entire Spanish

0261-5177/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
450 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

airspace had to be closed due to a nationwide strike of air traffic destinations (Ritchie, 2008), bringing the concepts of resilience,
controllers (ATC) at the beginning of the Constitution/Immaculate speed of recovery, and cooperation into play (Scott & Laws, 2008).
Conception holiday (El País, 2009). In March 2016, the French ATC At this point, however, the tourism literature becomes mainly
strike affected European holidaymakers during the Easter period qualitative and discursive, with some authors (e.g., Mair et al., 2016)
(BBC, 2016), continuing a trend from previous years. Between 2015 recommending the production of more quantitative research.
and 2016, several strikes (primarily ATC and ground handling) also To that end, it is worth mentioning that there is a decent body of
occurred in Italy, Spain, and Greece, causing many flight cancella- transport literature on the structure of airline networks and their
tions, as reported by the websites of Europe's major low-cost car- implications in terms of resilience to airport failures or the closure
riers (LCCs). An industrial action was also an underlying cause of of air corridors (Lordan, Sallan, & Simo, 2014a). Building on these
the collapse of Vueling operations at Barcelona airport in July 2016. papers, we seek the opportunity to adapt a quantitative transport
In this case, however, the primary factor, as concluded by the methodology to the subject of tourism. To the best of our knowl-
Spanish Government, was the lack of resilient planning of summer edge, there is no quantitative study that focuses on passenger
operations by the low-cost carrier, which compromised its ability to service recovery at tourism-oriented airports in the transport or
adapt to minor disruptions (El País, 2016). tourism literatures. We argue that this type of airport presents a set
Furthermore, it is worth mentioning the threat of terrorism, of characteristics that warrant differentiated treatment, such as a
which has also affected airports directly. According to the Global focus on origin-destination traffic, the prevalence of insular or
Terrorism Database compiled by START (2016), 75 terrorist attacks otherwise isolated locations, strong seasonality (Dobruszkes, 2013),
specifically targeted European airports between 1970 and 2015, or the dominance of LCCs. These carriers have a strong focus on
83% of which were bombings/explosions. Twenty-eight of these cost-cutting measures (Doganis, 2006), and their service failures
airport attacks (37.3%) occurred during the summer months. The typically result in more complaints in comparison to full-service
most affected airports are located in the UK (primarily London and carriers (Bamford & Xystouri, 2005; Dobruszkes, 2006). These
Belfast), France (Paris), Italy (Rome), Spain (Madrid), and Turkey characteristics can hamper the ability of tourism-oriented airports
(Istanbul), which together accounted for 39 attacks (52% of the to relocate stranded passengers in the event of a major disruption
attacks in the last 45 years). This trend continued during the first and, therefore, should be analyzed within a context of tourism crisis
nine months of 2016, when two major attacks in Europe occurred. management, alongside any policies aimed to improve the speed of
The bombing of a passenger terminal at Brussels International recovery, including the issue of multi-party cooperation high-
Airport on March 22nd led to a full closure for passenger flights that lighted in the literature.
lasted for 12 days, affecting many tourists, after which the airport We observe a disconnection between the analyses provided by
opened on a limited basis (CNN, 2016). Istanbul Ataturk Airport was the transport literature and the actual impact of airline or airport
the target of a very similar bombing attack on the evening of June disruptions on the final users (i.e., the passengers/tourists who
28th. However, in this case, the airport closed only overnight and experience travel delays). Only a few of the available studies on air
was operating by the next morning (NYT, 2016). Terrorist attacks at transport vulnerability and resilience consider the important
non-European airports can also affect European holiday travelers. aspect of how airlines relocate disrupted passengers, and to the
For example, the presumed bombing of a Russian flight departing best of our knowledge, no paper has taken into account the full
from Sharm el-Sheikh Airport (Egypt) in November 2015 led to passenger itineraries by employing air passenger demand data, as
many flight cancellations due to increased security measures that we do in this paper. Knowing the original passenger itineraries
left more than a thousand UK tourists stranded (BBC, 2015b) and allows us to simulate an airline recovery process (i.e., rescheduling
caused substantial immediate damage to the tourism industry in the stranded passengers) in the event of an airport closure. The use
the city (Colliers, 2016). In the future, the predicted rates of growth of demand data also allows us to disaggregate the impact across
in air transport demand (ICAO, 2013) and the current geopolitical geographical markets, which is also a novel contribution to the
instability in regions that attract substantial tourism activity (e.g., literature. The relevance of this disaggregation can be understood
the Mediterranean) could reduce the ability to cope with such by contrasting the literature on airline service recovery d which
disturbances and put additional pressure on airport and airline establishes the importance of “fairness” in that process (Akamavi,
managers as well as public authorities in tourist destinations. Mohamed, Pellmann, & Xu, 2015; Nibkin, Hyun, Iranmanesh,
The existing tourism literature (see, e.g., Mair et al., 2016) pro- Maghsoudi, & Jeong, 2015) d with the experience of UK passen-
vides little insight into the role of air transportation agents in crisis gers stranded at Sharm el-Sheikh Airport in November 2015. These
management at tourism destinations, particularly regarding the passengers faced longer delays than holidaymakers from other
recovery of departing tourists stranded due to massive flight can- countries. While these differences were linked to increased security
cellations. Previous studies in a broader tourism context, however, measures from UK authorities, it illustrates a situation in which a
have established the negative impact of large-scale disruptions on perceived “unfairness” in service recovery leads to passenger
destination image. The impact is particularly severe if it generates dissatisfaction (The Guardian, 2015) and negative impacts for the
negative word-of-mouth (Lehto, Douglas, & Park, 2008), if the airline and the local tourism industry.
tourists are relatively close to the source of the disruption (Walters In this context, the objective of the present paper is to analyze
& Clulow, 2010), and if there is some attribution of responsibility by the ability of tourism-oriented airports to relocate departing pas-
the tourists to a local authority or organization (Breitsohl & Garrod, sengers in the event of an unexpected airport closure. A case study
2016). We argue that these characteristics are present in disruptive of Palma de Mallorca Airport (PMI), the busiest tourism-oriented
events that directly involve air transport services. Therefore, the island airport in Europe, is presented. PMI is chosen due to its
issue of passenger recovery at tourism-oriented airports is bound to large number of passenger departures and the lack of alternative
be relevant not only from a purely service-recovery perspective modes of transportation in the event on an airport closure. More-
(airports and airlines) but also from the perspective of protecting over, the case study provides enough variability on airline types and
the destination image (tourism authorities). The literature also geographical markets for a more detailed discussion of the results.
highlights the importance of planning and preparedness for Using an MIDT dataset on passenger itineraries that includes flights
improving the outcome of crisis management strategies in tourism in August 2014, several closure scenarios are simulated, and
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 451

disrupted passengers are sequentially relocated to minimum-delay are given notice more than two weeks before their flight or 2) they
itineraries where seat capacity is available. Average departure de- are given notice between two weeks and seven days before their
lays and non-relocation rates are used, along with other indicators, flight and offered rerouting that departs no more than two hours
to assess the damage caused by each closure scenario, with a before, and arrives no less than four hours after, the original flight
particular focus on the impact on UK and Germany markets. An (one hour before and two hours after if less than a week's notice is
econometric regression reveals the existence of airline and market- given). The amount of compensation is EUR 250, EUR 400, and EUR
specific effects on the quality of passenger relocation at Palma de 600 for type 1, type 2, and type 3 trips, respectively, as defined
Mallorca International Airport. The analysis of the results focuses above. These amounts are reduced by 50% if the airline offers a
on the development of policies aimed at minimizing the impact on suitable rerouting with a maximum arrival delay for type 1, type 2,
stranded tourists, such as allowing for passenger connections, and type 3 trips, analogous to the ones at the beginning of this
establishing a protocol for interline cooperation, or improving section.
intermodal access. All these measures are expected to play a role in
mitigating the impact of the airport closure on airline loyalty and 3. Literature review and contribution
the destination image of the affected country or region.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 Our contribution is thematically framed within the tourism
summarizes the European regulations on passengers’ rights in the literature, particularly in the areas of post-crisis recovery and
event of cancellations and delays. Section 3 provides a literature destination image. From a methodological perspective, however, it
review on all subjects relevant to this paper and discusses our builds on concepts from the transport literature, particularly papers
contribution. Section 4 introduces the case study and describes the that analyze the resilience of transport networks, upon which we
dataset and methodology. Section 5 presents the results and dis- develop a new methodology to measure passenger delays and
cusses their main implications. Finally, Section 6 summarizes our relocation rates and to identify airline- and market-specific effects.
findings, addresses the limitations of our model, and proposes new
paths for future research. 3.1. Tourism literature

2. Regulatory background A recent survey of the published research on post-crisis recovery

strategies for tourist destinations (Mair et al., 2016) does not feature
European regulations d i.e., European Commission (EC) No. any research with a primary focus on the role of transportation
261/2004 d grant airline passengers a number of rights in the agents, airports, or airlines in that process. This is at odds with the
event of flight cancellation or delay (see EC, 2008). These include definition of a tourism product (Gunn, 1988) as a complex experi-
the rights of care, rerouting, reimbursement, and compensation. ence where tourists use multiple services during the course of their
The regulations recognize three different thresholds of departure visit (including transportation, accommodation, and attraction
delay, depending on the travel distance, that trigger a duty of care services). The role of transportation services as a factor in the cre-
by the airline. Type 1 trips are those under 1500 km, for which the ation a “destination product” has been empirically established
threshold is two hours; type 2 trips are those between 1500 km and since Mo, Howard, and Havitz (1993), while the impact of trans-
3500 km (and all remaining intra-EU flights), for which the portation infrastructure on international tourism growth has also
threshold is three hours; and type 3 trips are the remaining ones been established by studies such as Khadaroo and Seetanah (2008).
(longer than 3500 km), for which the threshold is four hours. This In that regard, it is common for airport managers to refer to the key
classification refers to the great circle distance between the affected role of airports as visitors’ first and last impressions of a particular
passenger's location (e.g., point of departure of the cancelled flight) city or country (Heathrow Airport, 2014). Several studies also note
and the last destination at which the cancellation will delay the the close link between airport service quality and destination im-
passenger's scheduled arrival. Airlines should provide passengers age, as services such as check-in (Rendeiro, 2006) or food and
with meals and refreshments, hotel accommodations (when over- beverage (Del Chiappa, Martín, & Roman, 2016) are an integral part
night stays are needed), airport transfers, and appropriate means of of the tourism experience. Therefore, we conclude that the key role
communication (e.g., phone, email, and/or fax). Delays longer than that transportation agents, including airports and airlines, must
five hours also allow passengers to cancel their reservation and be play in crisis recovery at tourist destinations has been neglected by
reimbursed in full “for the parts of the journey not made, and for the tourism crisis management literature.
the parts already made if the flight is no longer serving any purpose The relevance of this gap is accentuated by the fact that the
in relation to the passenger's original travel plan”. The duty of care same literature indicates several factors that are harmful to desti-
of an air carrier stops when the reservation is cancelled. nation image and are present in disruptive events involving air
In the event of a flight cancellation, passengers are entitled to all transport. First, a link between the destination image and brand
of the above, but they can also be offered a new travel itinerary image of the organizations and businesses involved is established
(rerouting) d under “comparable transport conditions” d to their by Niininen and Gatsou (2008). In this regard, Lehto et al. (2008)
final destination “at the earliest convenience” and “subject to document the damage to the destination image after the 2004 In-
availability of seats”. According to the EC, “re-routing does not dian Ocean Tsunami caused by negative word-of-mouth about
necessarily need to be operated by the airline the passenger booked seaside destinations in the affected areas. Arguably, this process
with”, and “re-routing alternatives can be proposed by other means applies to air transport disruptions: The generation of word-of-
of transport, such as train, taxi or bus, if the distance to be covered mouth is a typical outcome of airline service recovery in-
is appropriate for such transport modes” (EC, 2008). Finally, pas- teractions, as indicated by Weber and Sparks (2004). Any negative
sengers on cancelled flights are also entitled to compensation un- impact on the airline's brand image can also have an impact on the
der certain conditions, such as when the cancellation is not caused image of the affected destination. This effect is potentiated in the
by extraordinary circumstances beyond the airline's control (e.g., case of airport service recovery interactions because the name of
safety and security, weather, industrial actions, or airport facilities). the airport typically includes the name of the city where the
The airline is not liable to pay compensation when 1) passengers disruption took place. The second factor is the concept of proximity,
452 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

explored by Walters and Clulow (2010), which has been shown to face in rebuilding their market shares in the absence of mutual
affect tourists' perceptions of a disruptive event. In the case of air collaboration. This issue is bound to be relevant in relation to LCC
transport disruptions, this “proximity” is inferred from the role of service recovery at tourist airports because these types of airlines
tourists as the users of the service that has been suspended, who are not typically part of an alliance and thus do not have immediate
now depend on the recovery of the service for the provision of their airline partners to reach in the event of a disruption.
basic needs (i.e., food and accommodation). Third, Breitsohl and The tourism literature becomes mainly discursive in relation to
Garrod (2016) reflect on the concepts of severity and re- these topics, with Mair et al. (2016) recommending the production
sponsibility attribution in a destination image context, with a focus of more quantitative research. To that end, we aim to develop a
on i) the amount of damage generated by the disruptive event, ii) quantitative model to measure the effectiveness of several strate-
the cognitive association of the cause of an incident with a partic- gies at the time of improving the speed of recovery and minimizing
ular entity, and iii) the perceived likelihood of that entity experi- the impact on stranded tourists in the event of an airport closure.
encing any negative effects from its disrupting decision. The Based on the conclusions of the crisis management and service
stronger these three effects, the greater the damage to the desti- recovery literature, we will address the issues of airline cooperation
nation image. The connection to air transport is supported by the and fairness by comparing the outcomes (in terms of travel delays
airline service recovery literature, which has established the link and rates of relocation) of the airline recovery process under
between the “controllability” of a disruption event and passenger different cooperation scenarios and across airlines and geograph-
trust and loyalty towards an airline. Controllability refers to cus- ical markets.
tomers' evaluation of whether the cause of the failure was uncon-
trollable or controllable by the service provider (Nibkin et al., 2015). 3.2. Transport literature
Again, we submit that this effect is present in air transport dis-
ruptions, particularly those associated with large-scale industrial The literature on transport resilience and vulnerability offers a
actions, such as ATC strikes. Thus, by focusing on air transport relevant body of knowledge to operationalize the measurements
disruptions, our contribution is relevant at the first level from the needed to achieve the contributions stated in the previous section.
perspective of destination image recovery. Rose (2007) defines resilience as the ability of a system to maintain
At the second level, we also contribute to the literature on functionality when disrupted, with a particular focus on the speed
tourism service recovery, which already includes a few papers at which the system returns to normal. Vulnerability is defined by
focusing on airline passengers (see, e.g., Cheng, Chen, & Chang, Berdica (2002) as the “susceptibility of a system to experience
2008; Lindenmeier & Tscheulin, 2008; Akamavi et al., 2015; and disruptions that can affect its functionality”. When referring to a
Nibkin et al., 2015). A recurring theme in these publications is the transportation network, functionality is commonly related to the
idea of “fairness”, linked to both i) the perception of whether the possibility of using any node or link of the network during a given
extent of the recovery effort is sufficient to compensate passengers period (Jenelius, Petersen, & Mattsson, 2006). Authors such as
for their trouble and ii) the perception that the airline prioritized Berdica (2002) and D'Este and Taylor (2003) argue that measuring
ethical principles, rather than profit maximization, in its recovery the magnitude of the consequences associated with a service
decision-making process. Fairness is identified as a key driver of disruption should be the primary focus of vulnerability studies.
airport service quality by Wattanacharoensil, Schuckert, and Mattsson and Jenelius (2015) describe two main approaches to
Graham (2015). Furthermore, it is worth remembering that measuring the vulnerability of transport networks: a) topological
regardless of the cause of the disruption, passengers are always vulnerability and b) system-based vulnerability. In the topological
instructed to contact their respective airline. Therefore, even if the vulnerability approach, the network is represented as an abstract
airlines are not directly responsible (e.g., weather, terrorism), a graph, and the system damage is measured by the changes in
sentiment of “unfairness” towards the airlines can arise if passen- network topology after a disruption affects one or more nodes or
gers perceive that the commitment to and quality of recovery ef- links. This approach uses only supply data on available infrastruc-
forts are not in line with the extent of the damage caused to them. ture and service frequencies. In the system-based vulnerability
Whereas these previous studies are mainly based on questionnaire approach, the network graph is complemented with information
data on passenger perceptions, we are able to contribute to the on actual or predicted traffic flows, and the interaction between
airline service recovery literature in a different way, i.e., with a supply and demand under disruptions is modelled, for example,
comparative analysis of the quality of passenger relocation across with a user rerouting algorithm. Examples of this system-based
different airlines and geographical markets. The airline dimension approach are found in Jenelius et al. (2006), De-Los-Santos,
of this analysis is highly relevant. The strong focus on cost-cutting Laporte, Mesa, and Perea (2012), or Rodríguez-Nún ~ ez and García-
measures from LCCs (Doganis, 2006) can drive feelings of unfair- Palomares (2014), where road and rail network vulnerability un-
ness among stranded passengers, particularly in comparison with der a variety of disrupting scenarios is measured by the total delays
the recovery service offered by full-service airlines. The country- experienced by users, who need to alter their original itineraries,
level dimension of this analysis is also a novel contribution, moti- and by the amount of unsatisfied demand. This second approach is
vated by the November 2015 experience of UK passengers at Sharm the one we prefer for our case study. The reason is that it allows us
el-Sheikh Airport and their differentiated treatment in comparison to obtain a more detailed measurement of the consequences for
with passengers departing to other countries. stranded tourists in the event of an airport closure, to evaluate the
Finally, the tourism literature also highlights the importance of performance of airlines in meeting the regulatory requirements of
planning and preparedness in improving the outcome of crisis rerouting passengers in “comparable transport conditions” and to
management strategies (Ritchie, 2008), bringing the concepts of discuss the potential costs they incur.
“resilience” and speed of recovery into play (Scott & Laws, 2008), as Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in measuring
well as the need for multi-party cooperation in resilience planning the damage caused by the removal of nodes (i.e., airport closures)
(Xu & Grunewald, 2009). None of these topics has been covered in a and/or links (i.e., air corridors) to determine the vulnerability of an
case study on a tourism-oriented airport. Authors such as Ciocco air transport network to these events. The purely topological
and Michael (2007) note the difficulties that individual operators approach to assessing this damage does not explicitly take into
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 453

account the need to redistribute the disrupted traffic. Nonetheless, Johnson, & Nemhauser, 2000; Abdelghany, Abdelghany, & Ekollu,
many interesting conclusions can be obtained. Lordan, Sallan, Simo, 2008; Bratu & Barnhart, 2006; Petersen, So € lveling, Clarke,
and Gonzalez-Prieto (2014b) model the global airport network and Johnson, & Shebalov, 2012;; Maher, 2015). However, Kohl et al.
develop a measure of the damage produced by both random fail- (2007) note the lack of studies featuring interline cooperation for
ures and targeted attacks based on the number of disconnected passenger recovery. The available works address single-airline
airports that result from them. Janic (2015) also relies on discon- cases (in isolation from larger-scale air transport networks) and
nected flights as a measure of network damage and concludes that aim to achieve minimum execution times for different flight
larger airports (i.e., Atlanta in the case of 2012 Hurricane Sandy) cancellation scenarios. By focusing exclusively on passenger re-
tend to be the most critical. Lordan, Sallan, Simo, and Gonzalez- covery, we are able to adapt the optimization techniques to an
Prieto (2015) analyze the resilience of the global airline alliance entire airport closure, involving many affected airlines that may
networks. They conclude that Star Alliance is the most resilient interact with one another. Furthermore, passenger relocation oc-
because its network has a more balanced distribution of important curs within the context of a large-scale air transport network, in
airports, in contrast with the dominance of few large hubs in the interaction with airlines, airports, and markets not initially affected
networks of Oneworld and SkyTeam. Finally, Lordan, Sallan, by the closure.
Escorihuela, and Gonzalez-Prieto (2016) examine the topological Few papers on air transport resilience and vulnerability have
resilience of individual airline networks, establishing that the modelled passenger recovery in this fashion. However, none of
point-to-point flight networks of LCCs are more robust than the these studies use detailed demand data, and therefore, their
hub-and-spoke structures of traditional carriers. This is aligned rescheduling simulations do not take into account the original
with the established notion that as network concentration around passenger itineraries. This is the methodological gap that we aim to
pivotal nodes increases, so does the network's vulnerability, mainly cover. Cardillo et al. (2013), working with the European network,
because of the lack of structural redundancies that support the develop a passenger rescheduling algorithm and determine the
recovery of traffic flows via alternative routings (Zhang, Miller- change in network topology after simulating random failures. They
Hooks, & Denny, 2015). define a multi-layered network, with each layer representing an
A system-based approach to assessing network vulnerability individual airline's flight network. To make the rescheduling more
incorporates information on passenger flows to simulate how realistic, passenger recovery options within the same layer are
passengers are relocated after a disruption. The costs of airline given priority. The results show that the definition of a multi-
disruptions for airlines and passengers have been measured by layered structure increases network damage as it restricts the op-
many studies that employ both monetary and non-monetary in- tions for passenger relocation. This methodological choice is rele-
dicators (e.g., Allan, Beesley, Evans, & Gaddy, 2001; Janic, 2005, vant for our research purposes because it provides a clear way to
2015; Kohl, Larsen, Larsen, Ross, & Tiourine, 2007; Schaefer & implement different scenarios depending on the degree of interline
Millner, 2001; Schavell, 2000). The most common non-monetary cooperation. Also relevant is the paper by Hossain, Alam, Rees, and
cost measures are the number of passengers affected (missed Abbass (2013) on Australian airports, where variables such as
connections and cancellations), the proportion of those successfully airport capacity and ground transfers are included in the resched-
relocated within a recovery window, and the total delay experi- uling algorithm. They find that the impact of a closure can be
enced, measured by the difference between the original and mitigated by having close surrogate airports to serve stranded
rescheduled itineraries (Bratu & Barnhart, 2006). We implement passengers.
these measures of passenger disruption into our case study. These conclusions also serve to highlight the challenging nature
In simulating the airline recovery process, there is a need to of air transport disruptions at tourism-oriented airports in com-
replicate the challenges arising from irregular airline operations, parison with other airports. First, tourism-oriented airports tend to
with a particular focus on the recovery of aircraft, crews, and pas- experience strong seasonality (Dobruszkes, 2006), which chal-
sengers in an optimal (i.e., cost-minimizing) fashion. The operating lenges the ability of tourism businesses to plan and manage their
carrier typically takes responsibility for this process on the day of labor and capital resources efficiently (Ruggieri, 2015). We submit
the disruption. As noted by Barnhart (2009), there are a number of that this argument also extends to the planning and management
strategies that airlines use to that end, including delaying and of resources needed to ensure resilient transport operations during
cancelling flights, reassigning aircraft or crews to different routes, peak periods. The reason is that seasonal traffic patterns affect
and relocating disrupted passengers. These adjustments are subject airports’ financial performance (Graham, 2013) and force mana-
to a number of restrictions, including crew work rules, mainte- gerial decisions into survival mode during off-peak periods
nance schedules, aircraft and passenger positioning, and the (Eurocontrol, 2007). These difficulties persist even after medium-
inherent competitive pressures from other airlines operating at the term activity forecasts became more reliable when traditional
same airport, to which dissatisfied passengers may switch. Thus, “holiday” charter airlines move to scheduled operations (De Wit &
one can argue that robust operations can be a source of competitive Zuidberg, 2016).
advantage for airlines. However, the operating carrier may collab- Table 1 identifies the most seasonal airports (highest ratio be-
orate with other airlines during the recovery. If a ticket is sold as a tween August and February seat capacity in 2014) among the top-
codeshare, the disruption procedures are carried out through a 100 busiest airports in the European Economic Area. Inspecting this
specific annex within the agreement. Other procedures are carried table, we can identify a second characteristic of tourism-oriented
out through agreements linked to alliance membership. According airports: they primarily handle origin-destination (OD) traffic
to EC (2007), most airlines will reach out to help a customer of (Dobruszkes, 2006). This means that passengers either initiate or
another member airline if necessary. The importance of interline terminate their journey at the airport. Therefore, they have a
cooperation in improving the quality of airline recovery is noted by reduced set of transportation alternatives in the event of a closure
authors such as Wang (2007) d who looks at the effects of shared in comparison with connecting passengers, for whom alternative
airline capacity on reducing passenger delay d and by organiza- intermediate hubs may be available. Third, there is a substantial
tions such as AIAA (2015). number of tourist airports serving island destinations (for example,
There is a decent body of operations research literature devoted in the Mediterranean region). While larger islands can indeed be
to providing efficient methods to solve these optimization prob- served by more than one airport, insularity adds to the aforemen-
lems under different scenarios (e.g., Yan & Lin, 1997; Lettovsky, tioned restrictions for passenger relocation by limiting the access to
454 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

Table 1
Most seasonal airports among the top-100 busiest airports in the EEA (August 2014).

Airport code Airport name Country Seasonality factor Low-cost/unallied seat capacity % OD passengers % Island destination

CFU Corfu Greece 23.8 85.3% 97.8% Yes

SPU Split Croatia 13.1 52.0% 98.6% No
IBZ Ibiza Spain 10.7 82.3% 97.4% Yes
RHO Rhodes Greece 9.7 74.2% 98.4% Yes
HER Irakleion Greece 9.3 66.4% 98.5% Yes
OLB Olbia Italy 8.3 90.1% 97.2% Yes*
MAH Menorca Spain 7.8 87.2% 98.6% Yes
PMI Palma de Mallorca Spain 4.8 80.5% 95.5% Yes
FAO Faro Portugal 4.5 84.7% 99.8% No
EMA East Midlands UK 2.9 100.0% 99.6% No
LBA Leeds Bradford UK 2.7 91.5% 99.8% No
KEF Keflavik International Iceland 2.6 91.7% 69.5% Yes*
LCA Larnaca Cyprus 2.5 68.4% 98.0% Yes*
AGP Malaga Spain 2.4 75.9% 99.4% No
ALC Alicante Spain 2.2 86.0% 99.2% No
CAG Cagliari Italy 2.2 63.8% 98.9% Yes*
SKG Thessaloniki Greece 2.1 48.7% 94.8% No
PSA Pisa Italy 2.1 78.4% 99.0% No
MLA Malta Malta 2.0 86.3% 96.3% Yes
ATH Athens Greece 2.0 22.0% 82.6% No

Note: Seasonality factor is calculated as the ratio of seat capacity of August over February 2014. An asterisk denotes an island airport that is not the only airport in the island
(e.g. Corsica, Cyprus, or Tenerife have more than one airport). Source: OAG, Own elaboration.

immediate road or rail transportation alternatives for international passed through the airport either originated or terminated their
travel. Fourth, tourist airports are typically dominated by LCCs (Rey, journeys there. Therefore, PMI can be defined as mainly an origin-
Myro, & Galera, 2011), which have different network structures destination (OD) airport. For the purposes of this paper, however,
than traditional, full-service carriers1 (Dobruszkes, 2013). On one we focus only on passenger departures. This airport (at its peak
hand, Lordan et al. (2016) does establish that the point-to-point level of operation in August) is deemed a suitable case study as it
flight network of LCCs is more robust, from a topological perspec- meets the criteria stated in the introduction. First, as an island
tive, than the hub-and-spoke structures of traditional carriers. On airport, disrupted departing passengers do not have access to
the other hand, one must not forget that only a few LCCs belong to alternative modes of transportation, such as rail or road, to reach
airline alliances, which effectively restricts their ability to relocate their destinations. In addition, there is limited access to surrogate
disrupted passengers in seats offered by partner airlines in the airports. The closest commercial airports are located on the islands
event of an airport closure. The conclusions of Cardillo et al. (2013) of Ibiza and Menorca, both of which require a ferry transfer that
suggest that LCCs offer a worse quality of relocation by being exceeds 5 h in duration. This makes departing passengers at PMI
restricted to their own flight networks when searching for reloca- particularly vulnerable to airport closures in terms of potential
tion alternatives. We aim to investigate this in a context of evalu- travel delays. The airport is no stranger to these events. In July 2009,
ating “fairness” in service recovery across different airline types. PMI remained closed for two hours after a terrorist attack in the
In summary, this review of the transport literature supports the island (to prevent the perpetrators from fleeing), which led to the
existence of a methodological gap related to the use of demand data disruption of 47 flights. AENA reinforced ATC services and coordi-
to simulate multiple-airline recovery in the event of major dis- nated with airlines and baggage handling companies to ensure a
ruptions. Existing papers, however, refer to the types of passenger swift recovery (El País, 2009). In December 2010, airport operations
impacts to be measured (delays and relocation rates) and give clues at PMI were stopped for two days because of the nationwide ATC
on how to implement airline cooperation in the model. In addition, strike (El País, 2010). Many recovery measures were implemented:
the available evidence on air transport resilience supports the The government militarized ATC services to force controllers back
definition of tourism-oriented airports as a differentiated case into their posts. The airport operator advised departing passengers
study. not to go to the airport until further notice to facilitate terminal
operations. During the closure, ferry companies reinforced their
services, as they became the only means of travel out of the island.
4. Data and methodology Airlines had limited maneuverability and, only after flights
resumed, Iberia deployed larger aircraft to PMI routes to increase its
4.1. A case study of Palma de Mallorca airport capacity for relocated passengers (Rtve, 2010). On a smaller scale,
these disruptions have continued to occur due to frequent indus-
Palma de Mallorca Airport (IATA code: PMI) is the main airport trial actions across Europe. For example, 28 flights were cancelled
serving the Balearic island of Mallorca (Spain), located in the at PMI because of the French ATC strike during Easter 2016 (Diario
Mediterranean. It is owned and operated by AENA (Spanish Air- de Mallorca, 2016).
ports and Airspace), which also operates most commercial airports Second, PMI is a tourism-oriented airport with strong seasonal
in Spain. In August 2014, approximately 96% of passengers who traffic. During the summer months, PMI becomes one of the busiest
airports in Europe (Fig. 1), due to the large number of visitors to the
island. As a major inbound tourist market, most passenger de-
Some LCCs, such as Air Berlin or Vueling, have developed a “hybrid” strategy, partures at PMI are tourists returning their countries of residence
allowing passenger connections at their main bases at Palma de Mallorca and
after their holidays. This limits the ability of disrupted passengers
Barcelona (Burghouwt, 2016). This type of traffic, however, is secondary to the main
OD business of LCCs. to decide not to fly in the event of a cancellation and places great
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 455

Fig. 1. (left). Top-20 European airports by monthly departures (August 2014).

Fig. 2. (right). Monthly distribution of flights at PMI airport (2014).

Source: OAG.

pressure on the airport and airlines to attend to the welfare of day: the morning wave, from 8:00 to 13:00 (peak traffic
passengers until they are assigned an alternative itinerary. PMI's 10:00e12:00); the afternoon wave, from 13:00 to 19:00 (peak
strong dependence on tourism translates into seasonal traffic flows. traffic 14:00e16:00); and the evening wave, from 19:00 to 24:00
As observed in Fig. 2, traffic during the peak month of August is (peak traffic 22:00e24:00)2. This is used to define the closure
between four and five times higher than it is during the off-peak scenarios. A scenario is defined by a combination of closure times
months in the winter. This unevenness in monthly traffic is and recovery constraints. All 19 scenarios included in this case
bound to challenge the ability of airlines and airports to plan and study are shown in Table 4. In regards to the temporal scope, we
invest in measures to improve the resilience of air transport include three short 2-h closures that coincide with the peaks of
operations. activity shown in Fig. 3; three medium-length closures for each of
Third, while the airport is dominated by LCCs, we observe a the daily traffic waves; and one full-day closure. In all instances, a
diversity of business models, ranging from unallied no-frills car- recovery window of 48 h is set, i.e., disrupted passengers can be
riers (Ryanair) to allied hybrid carriers (e.g., Air Berlin, a member of relocated in alternative itineraries within a window of 48 h after
Oneworld). There is also a good representation of “holiday” airlines the closure ends. The implementation of a 48-h recovery window
(e.g., Thomas Cook, Monarch) and even a small presence of tradi- (which is the computational limit to our depth of search for alter-
tional, full-service airlines (such as British Airways or Lufthansa). native itineraries) implies the assumption that passengers always
This allows a comparative analysis of the potential for passenger accept a rerouting within the first 48 h (instead of deciding not to
recovery between airline types. An additional depth of analysis is travel). The choice of case study supports this simplification. The
provided by focusing on the German and UK markets, which are the large cohort of inbound holiday passengers stranded at our insular
largest international markets served by the airport and account for airport will be less likely to reject a rerouting if offered one. The
57% of departures during the sample month (Table 2). Table 3 recent case of Sharm-el-Sheikh, with UK holidaymakers waiting for
provides disaggregated information on the top destinations and days, confirms that view. This fixed recovery window also preserves
airlines in both markets according to the number of weekly de- comparability across scenarios with different closure periods. In
partures. The largest carrier is Air Berlin, which operated more than addition to looking at the total number of relocated passengers, the
400 flights per week from PMI to German destinations in August effectiveness of each scenario is measured by the average departure
2014. In the UK market, the top carriers were Ryanair and EasyJet, delays per passenger and other indicators linked to airline costs.
which also serve the German market. Each scenario also sets the constraints that will guide the search for
Our empirical analysis is based on the traffic of an average
Monday at PMI. The hourly distribution of flights is shown in Fig. 3.
This chart reveals three distinct waves of activity throughout the 2
All times are local (UTCþ2).
456 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

Table 2
Top-10 European markets departing from PMI (August 2014).

Country % OD passengers over airport total % Indirect passengers in country market

1. Germany 37.0% 1.0%

2. UK 20.3% 0.6%
3. Switzerland 3.8% 1.6%
4. France 2.2% 6.0%
5. Netherlands 1.8% 2.2%
6. Austria 1.6% 2.5%
7. Belgium 1.5% 0.7%
8. Italy 1.5% 12.9%
9. Denmark 1.2% 4.3%
10. Sweden 1.0% 20.1%

Source: OAG.

Table 3
Top-10 airlines and destinations in Germany and UK markets served by PMI (August 2014).

Germany market UK market

Airline Weekly departures Destination Weekly departures Airline Weekly departures Destination Weekly departures

Air Berlin 407 Dusseldorf 96 Easyjet 126 London Gatwick 62

Germanwings 109 Koln/Bonn 81 Ryanair 87 Manchester 58
Condor 72 Stuttgart 67 Jet2.com 73 East Midlands 34
TUIfly 57 Frankfurt 64 Monarch 62 Birmingham 32
Ryanair 52 Hamburg 62 Thomas Cook 40 Stansted 29
Lufthansa 25 Munich 62 British Airways 15 London Luton 28
Easyjet 16 Berlin Tegel 50 Flybe 12 Bristol 24
Germania 14 Hannover 40 Thomson 8 Leeds-Bradford 24
Vueling 7 Bremen 27 Condor 5 Newcastle 23
Jetairfly 1 Nuremberg 27 Norwegian 3 Liverpool 20

Source: OAG.

Fig. 3. Hourly distribution of flights at PMI airport (average Monday August 2014).
Source: OAG.

Table 4
Recovery scenarios.

Beginning End closure 48 h Recovery window, direct 48 h Recovery window, direct 48 h Recovery window, direct and 48 h Recovery window, direct and
closure e Monday flights only, own recovery, and indirect, own recovery, indirect, interline recovery, indirect, interline recovery, no
(UTCþ2) capacity restrictions capacity restrictions capacity restrictions capacity restrictions

10:00 12:00 scenario 1 scenario 2

15:00 17:00 scenario 3 scenario 4
22:00 24:00 scenario 5 scenario 6

08:00 13:00 scenario 7 scenario 8 scenario 9

13:00 19:00 scenario 10 scenario 11 scenario 12
19:00 24:00 scenario 13 scenario 14 scenario 15

08:00 24:00 scenario 16 scenario 17 scenario 18 scenario 19

A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 457

alternative itineraries. The most restrictive scenarios allow airlines from Grosche (2009) and Seredyn  ski, Rothlauf, and Grosche (2014):
to relocate only passengers with direct (non-stop) itineraries, a) The published minimum connecting times must be met, b) the
within their own airline/alliance/partnership flight networks, and maximum connecting time is arbitrarily set at one hour above the
with seat capacity constraints. The least restrictive scenario allows shortest valid connection time, c) passengers on each first-leg flight
both direct and indirect itineraries, across all airlines, and no seat always prefer the shortest travel time, and d) passengers on each
capacity restrictions. The implementation of interline constraints to final-leg flight also prefer the shortest travel times.
passenger recovery is based on the definition of a multi-layered air Once the suitable flights (or flight combinations) are selected,
transport network, as suggested by Cardillo et al. (2013). the proportion of passengers allocated to each travel option is equal
The methodological process can be summarized as follows. First, to the proportion of its seat capacity to the total capacity. After the
a baseline travel dataset is generated by assigning flight numbers first round of processing, the records in the baseline travel dataset
and travel times to passenger itineraries. Second, we simulate each are aggregated by flight number and departure date to check
of the 19 closure scenarios, and the affected passengers are whether the number of passengers assigned to each individual
sequentially relocated in delay-minimizing itineraries that meet flight exceeds the seat capacity of the aircraft. Passengers over ca-
the scenario's constraints. Third, the impact of each closure is pacity are removed from the baseline travel dataset and brought
measured by several disruption indicators. Finally, a set of econo- into new rounds of processing with updated seat capacities. For this
metric regressions determines whether the quality of relocation paper, three sequential rounds are enough to ensure that 95% of all
differs across markets and airlines for selected scenarios. passengers in the MIDT file are allocated. The average load factor for
intra-European flights that results from this processing is 78.6%,
4.2. Datasets which falls within the range of values reported for intra-European
domestic and international markets by the Association of European
The proposed method combines worldwide supply (schedules Airlines (AEA, 2014) for August 2014 (78.3e81.5). The average travel
and seats) and demand data (passenger itineraries). It is worth times are 144 min for the German markets and 161 for the UK
noting that the geographical scope of these datasets exceeds the markets out of PMI.
destination map of PMI. This is done to reflect the seat capacity The baseline travel dataset and the predicted load factors for all
available in the European air transport system to accommodate the European flights are brought forward into the next stage.
disrupted passengers at PMI. The supply side is covered by a dataset
of worldwide flight schedules during the first week of August 2014,
4.4. Airport closures and passenger rescheduling
obtained from OAG Schedules. Each record indicates the operating
airline, alliance membership (if applicable), flight number, origin
An airport closure is characterized by a vector including the
and destination airport codes, number of seats, flight distance,
airport code and the times of the beginning and end of the closure.
departure time, and arrival times. The demand side is covered by an
All flights scheduled to depart from the closed airport are labelled
MIDT dataset for the first week of August 2014, which includes all
as “OFF”. Of all remaining flights, those already at full capacity are
passenger itineraries involving at least one European airport as
labelled as “FULL”, and the rest are “ON”. Every disrupted demand
origin, destination, or intermediate hub. Each record contains in-
record from the baseline travel dataset is compiled in a resched-
formation on the ticketing airline and indicates the points of origin
uling matrix that indicates the number of passengers, the first flight
and destination, the connecting airports (up to two intermediate
in their itinerary to be rescheduled, and the final destination of
stops), and the number of passengers. The original sources of in-
their trip. This matrix is sorted by the original departure time to
formation for the MIDT dataset are Global Distributions Systems
establish the sequence in which passengers will be relocated.
(GDSs) such as Galileo, Sabre, and Amadeus, among others. These
Depending on the scenario, different passenger recovery options
raw data are processed by our data provider, OAG. Previous studies
are considered: 1) relocation only in non-stop flights within the
have used these datasets for the analysis of airport connectivity
same airline, alliance, or partnership, 2) relocation via non-stop and
(Suau-Sanchez, Voltes-Dorta, and Rodríguez-De niz, 2015, 2016).
indirect routes within the same airline, alliance, or partnership, and
The proposed method requires three additional datasets: 1) a
3) unrestricted relocation (passengers can be relocated in suitable
full list of alliance, codeshare, and interline partners for each pub-
flights operated by all airlines). Only remaining “ON” flights can be
lished airline in the MIDT file. This information is obtained both
used for passenger recovery, and all retain their original schedules.
from OAG and the airlines’ websites; 2) airport-specific minimum
In addition, there is the possibility of transferring to other airports
connecting times, including approximately 68,000 airline-specific
by ground transport with the objective to make flight connections
exceptions. This is obtained from the OAG Connections Analyser;
or end the journey. This allows a disrupted passenger bound to a
and 3) minimum ground transfer times between the 50 largest
German destination to arrive at, for example, Frankfurt and take
airports in the European network and their potential surrogates.
advantage of intermodal transport alternatives available at the
The surrogates are defined as airports located less than 130 min
airport terminal for medium- or long-distance rail travel. For
from a given airport in an uncongested road/rail transfer. This
simplicity, only road/rail travel times between airports in different
threshold represents the corresponding road/rail transfer time
cities are computed.
associated with the shortest flights in the schedule dataset. The
Once the scenario's constraints are implemented, the search for
travel times are easily obtained using Google Maps.
alternative routings for passenger recovery is driven by the objec-
tive of delay minimization, as is common in empirical applications
4.3. Creating the baseline travel dataset
(Barnhart, 2009). In real-world recovery scenarios, airlines face
many competing objectives in their attempt to minimize the costs
Although the MIDT dataset provides information on passenger
of disruption. Some of these objectives may be at odds with delay
itineraries, it does not indicate the actual flights taken by the pas-
minimization (Rupp, Holmes, & DeSimone, 2005).3 In support of
sengers or their travel times. Therefore, for each MIDT record, a
search is performed in the OAG file for all relevant flights that were
operated by either the published airline or any of its partners during 3
Recently, British Airways preferred to pay for two-night accommodations for
the sample week. If the itinerary involves more than one sector, approx. 100 stranded passengers in Cyprus after an aircraft had a technical fault
flight connections are built on the following restrictions, adapted rather than to quickly source a new aircraft (Daily Mail, 2016).
458 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

the simple approach that we employ is the fact that we do not and 3 h), the number of overnight stays by relocated passengers
introduce aircraft or crew relocation into our algorithm, which (proxy for accommodation expenses), and the proportion of pas-
would bring the cost implications of recovery decisions to the sengers who would require ground transfers. We are unable to
forefront. However, there is still an implicit cost pressure to mini- translate these measures into monetary costs due to a lack of data
mize delays to cut down on assistance costs, reimbursements, and on the average meals, accommodation, and transport costs per
passenger disgruntlement. Furthermore, our approach is supported passenger. However, with enough information, this calculation
by the regulatory statement that rerouting should be offered “at the would be straightforward from our reported figures. Reimburse-
earliest convenience”. ment costs are linked to non-relocated passengers, which we have
A shortest-path-length algorithm is applied on a time-distance already reported. In theory, delays above five hours also give pas-
matrix comprising all remaining origin and destination flight sengers the right to reimbursement, but given the nature of our
nodes. The rescheduling algorithm finds the optimal alternative case study, inbound international holiday passengers are less likely
routing for the disrupted passengers in a dynamic and iterative to decide not to travel and seek reimbursement instead of the
process (Table 5). Capacity constraints are taken into account: If alternative itinerary. Given the focus of our paper on disruptive
there is no spare capacity to allocate all disrupted passengers in events that can certainly be classified as “extraordinary circum-
their new itinerary, the excess passengers are taken aside and stances” (terror, weather, industrial actions), we do not include
relocated in the next iteration using an updated distance matrix compensation costs either because airlines are exempt.
that reflects the changes in capacity. Any passenger who remains Finally, eight linear regressions are carried out to obtain addi-
unallocated at the end of the process is flagged as such. The tional insight on the factors affecting the quality of passenger re-
calculation of shortest-path itineraries is performed using the covery at PMI for UK and German markets in scenarios 17 and 18.
iGraph library in R (Csardi & Nepusz, 2006). This employs the well- The dependent variable is either the departure delay per passenger
known Dijkstra algorithm, which performs an exhaustive search or the proportion of passengers relocated per airline and destina-
that ensures that, if anything, a shortest path is always returned. tion. The explanatory variables are original travel time (in days),
The impact of each closure is measured by the non-relocation traffic wave (morning, afternoon, or evening), geographical market
rate (the proportion of passengers for whom an alternative itin- (UK or Germany), weekly frequencies to the destination (for either
erary was not found within the recovery window) and by the the relevant airline or the total for all airlines at PMI), airline type
average departure delay experienced by the relocated passengers. (low-cost or full-service), type of relocation (inline or interline),
Separate measures of impact are provided for the German and UK and a set of airline-specific dummy variables (with Germanwings as
markets, and we also report the airports that serve the largest the reference airline). Two sets of specifications are run, one with
amounts of relocated traffic in each closure scenario. Additional interactions between airline type and geographical market and
measures are provided to discuss the potential costs for the airline another with the individual airline dummies. (EasyJet and Ryanair
in terms of passenger care. This is possible because of the regula- are separated for German and UK markets because they have a
tions that establish delay thresholds that trigger several passenger large presence in both.) The total airline frequencies and interline
rights. Therefore, we report the proportion of disrupted passengers variables are included in the models based on scenario 18, where
for whom the airline has a duty of care (departure delays between 2 interlining is allowed.

Table 5
Algorithm for passenger rescheduling.

Inputs: Time-directed distance matrix (TDM) containing origin and destination flights.
Rescheduling matrix (RES) created from the disrupted records in the baseline travel dataset
Matrix of flight schedules and load factors (MFS)
Output: Matrix with the new itineraries of the relocated passengers (REL).
1: for each entry of RES do
2: lookup the disrupted flights in MFS
3: subtract disrupted passengers and check for changes in flight
4: if status has changed then update TDM
5: while not all passengers are processed do
6: SP shortest path in TDM between the original departure time in RES and the passenger final destination airport
7: if SP algorithm does not converge then do
8: discard passengers and lookup next entry in RES
9: else
10: create a new entry of REL
11: for each flight segment in SP do
12: if capacity of the flight is exceeded then do
13: add the segment to the current entry of REL allocating as many passengers as possible
15: relocate the remaining passengers in further iterations
16: else
17: add the segment to the current entry of REL allocating the disrupted passengers
18: if flight is full now then
19: end if
20: end for
21: end if
22: end while
23: end for
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 459

Table 6
Summary of passenger disruption indicators per geographical market and closure scenario.

Scenario Beginning closure End closure Spain to EEA markets Spain to UK markets Spain to Germany markets

Dpax %Non- reloc %Care Nights %grt Ddel/pax Dpax %Non- reloc Ddel/pax Dpax %Non- reloc Ddel/pax

1 10:00 12:00 4060 14.9% 82.0% 2953 39.4% 24 h 10 m 2694 14.6% 23 h 26 m 751 4.4% 26 h 06 m
2 10:00 12:00 4060 4.3% 89.4% 2309 49.6% 18 h 46 m 2694 5.2% 20 h 09 m 751 0.0% 18 h 15 m
3 15:00 17:00 3022 29.6% 67.0% 1400 47.6% 16 h 41 m 597 32.8% 14 h 34 m 1477 18.3% 14 h 36 m
4 15:00 17:00 3022 5.5% 90.7% 1422 51.9% 14 h 03 m 597 6.5% 15 h 54 m 1477 2.0% 13 h 03 m
5 22:00 24:00 2310 36.6% 63.0% 1904 43.1% 21 h 50 m 1043 33.3% 21 h 31 m 565 39.5% 11 h 30 m
6 22:00 24:00 2310 7.7% 92.2% 2636 43.2% 19 h 46 m 1043 0.0% 22 h 25 m 565 18.1% 10 h 51 m
7 08:00 13:00 11,181 26.0% 73.7% 6807 37.8% 24 h 13 m 3605 19.4% 27 h 30 m 5793 25.7% 21 h 20 m
8 08:00 13:00 11,181 16.0% 82.2% 6087 40.6% 20 h 41 m 3605 14.9% 28 h 27 m 5793 17.0% 16 h 31 m
9 08:00 13:00 11,181 2.2% 96.5% 3850 60.9% 13 h 36 m 3605 0.0% 18 h 44 m 5793 4.2% 10 h 20 m
10 13:00 19:00 9164 25.6% 74.0% 6990 37.5% 24 h 55 m 1432 41.1% 22 h 03 m 5040 19.7% 26 h 08 m
11 13:00 19:00 9164 16.0% 83.3% 6214 40.1% 20 h 07 m 1432 31.9% 22 h 51 m 5040 10.2% 20 h 14 m
12 13:00 19:00 9164 2.7% 93.2% 4883 69.6% 12 h 47 m 1432 0.0% 15 h 13 m 5040 0.6% 12 h 11 m
13 19:00 24:00 8523 22.2% 77.2% 8144 36.1% 26 h 47 m 1938 39.3% 24 h 59 m 4083 36.7% 23 h 33 m
14 19:00 24:00 8523 12.0% 87.2% 8700 39.4% 21 h 37 m 1938 10.4% 25 h 51 m 4083 14.4% 18 h 14 m
15 19:00 24:00 8523 6.1% 92.4% 7691 59.5% 13 h 55 m 1938 0.0% 14 h 09 m 4083 12.7% 13 h 35 m
16 08:00 24:00 28,736 43.9% 56.0% 23,456 28.7% 36 h 06 m 6968 52.1% 35 h 35 m 14,824 38.6% 37 h 07 m
17 08:00 24:00 28,736 38.5% 60.6% 24,437 29.1% 34 h 36 m 6968 47.7% 35 h 49 m 14,824 33.6% 34 h 58 m
18 08:00 24:00 28,736 15.6% 81.6% 33,739 53.1% 34 h 21 m 6968 13.3% 34 h 36 m 14,824 14.1% 33 h 44 m
19 08:00 24:00 28,736 2.9% 94.0% 6968 67.2% 13 h 18 m 6968 0.0% 14 h 02 m 14,824 5.0% 13 h 22 m

Note: dpax ¼ disrupted passengers; %non-reloc ¼ % passengers not relocated within the recovery window; ddel/pax ¼ average departure delay per relocated passenger. %
care ¼ proportion of disrupted passengers that the airline relocates and has a duty of care. %grt ¼ proportion of disrupted passengers that require ground transfers for
successful relocation. Nights ¼ number of overnight stays by relocated passengers (a passenger may require more than one night).

5. Results and discussion between reimbursement and care/rerouting costs. As expected, a

reduction in the non-relocation rate boosts the proportion of pas-
5.1. Simulation results sengers for whom the airline has a duty of care, alongside the
number of overnight stays and ground transfers required. Thus,
Table 6 summarizes the main indicators of passenger disruption airlines with higher fares (e.g., full-service airlines) have a greater
for each of the 19 scenarios. For short-length closures (2 h), if air- incentive to implement measures to reduce the non-relocation rate
lines allow alternative itineraries involving at least one flight than low-fare carriers. In regards to interlining, an additional cost-
connection, rather than employing only non-stop recovery options, saving advantage is the significant reduction in average departure
non-relocation rates are shown to decrease, on average, between delays, which also bring a reduction in average overnight stays per
5% and 30% and reduce average passenger departure delays be- relocated passenger. The opportunity to achieve faster and cheaper
tween 2 and 6 h. Passengers disrupted by morning closures benefit relocations by means of interlining is optimal in medium-length
the most from the increased recovery options due to the availability closures, which is when airlines still have enough capacity to
on onward travel options in the same day. In medium-length clo- share. In full-length closures, the massive backlog of disrupted
sures (5e6 h), the lack of seat capacity makes interline cooperation passengers can also benefit from interlining, but capacity shortages
necessary to achieve non-relocation rates below 10%. This leads to make that process slower.
further improvements in the speed to recovery between 7 and 8 h Table 7 shows the results of the linear regressions on scenarios
per passenger. The same delay reductions, however, cannot be 17 and 18 (full-day closures with and without interline restrictions).
achieved by interline cooperation in the full-day closure scenario, When interlining is not allowed, airline frequencies do not have a
which remains stable above 34 h of average departure delay (sce- significant impact on either departure delays or relocation rates.
narios 17 and 18). The non-relocation rate does indeed decrease by While more frequencies create more capacity for inline relocation,
approximately 23%, but it does not achieve the levels estimated for they also increase the potential number of disrupted passengers in
shorter closures, remaining at 15.6%. The reason is again a lack of the event of a closure, hence the ambiguous impact. When inter-
seat capacity. The fully unrestricted scenario (19) indicates that the lining is allowed, the estimated coefficients clearly indicate that the
lowest possible non-relocation rate is 2.9%, and the lowest possible most popular destinations (the ones with the highest weekly fre-
average departure delay is 13 h and 55 min. This theoretical quencies; see Table 3) enjoy higher relocation rates but also longer
improvement is consistent with the conclusions of Wang (2007), departure delays. At an airline level, airlines with more frequencies
who discusses how high load factors reduce the resilience of an air d and thus a larger number of disrupted passengers d experience
transport system by leaving little free capacity to relocate disrupted lower relocation rates. Another result that is consistent across
passengers. The disaggregated information on German and UK specifications is that passengers on disrupted afternoon and eve-
markets shows important differences in passenger disruption. In ning flights have worse prospects of recovery than those on dis-
regards to improvements in the speed of recovery, German pas- rupted morning flights, which take precedence in our relocation
sengers consistently benefit more from indirect relocation, inter- algorithm. For routes above the average travel time (approx. 0.1
lining, and additional capacity than UK passengers do. On the other days), interlining has a negative impact only on departure delays
hand, interline cooperation can always achieve 100% relocation for per passenger.
UK markets in medium-length closures, regardless of when they Table 7 also indicates that LCCs (particularly EasyJet and Ryan-
occur. Looking at the full-day closures, German markets recover air) have longer departure delays in UK markets than in German
more passengers under inline recovery, though these differences markets. These significant differences persist even in the interline
are greatly reduced after cooperation is allowed. equations, which tend to show smaller individual effects because
From a cost perspective, it is clear that airlines face a tradeoff airlines are effectively sharing their seat capacity. Ryanair also has a
Table 7
Linear regressions for selected scenarios.

Dependent variable Departure delay per passenger % relocated passengers per airline and destination

Scenario 17 Scenario 18 Scenario 17 Scenario 18

Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d. Coeff. s.d.

Constant 0.920 0.185 1.091 0.214 0.883 0.143 0.942 0.145 3.922 1.499 0.528 0.372 2.274 1.393 1.268 0.887
Original travel time 4.646 1.805 2.473 2.022 2.147 1.375 1.750 1.375 2.275 3.139 4.132 3.521 5.884 8.418 4.304 8.373
Weekly frequency (airline) 0.002 0.008 0.007 0.007 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.012 0.010 0.013 0.038 0.012 0.033 0.012
Weekly frequency (total) 0.004 0.001 0.004 0.001 0.016 0.004 0.014 0.005
Afternoon flight 0.289 0.043 0.365 0.045 0.572 0.013 0.565 0.014 0.270 0.068 0.293 0.074 0.138 0.055 0.129 0.060

A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

Evening flight 0.542 0.060 0.616 0.057 0.812 0.016 0.811 0.017 0.649 0.071 0.672 0.072 0.296 0.114 0.362 0.116
Interline 0.333 0.151 0.375 0.150 1.150 1.003 1.110 1.007
Interline_travel time 3.568 1.451 4.052 1.442 11.328 9.523 10.598 9.625
Full service_UK 0.551 0.092 0.014 0.033 0.143 0.246 0.037 0.162
Low Cost_UK 0.112 0.053 0.124 0.016 0.068 0.087 0.029 0.058
Full Service_DE 0.076 0.050 0.007 0.018 0.113 0.085 0.002 0.061
Air Berlin 0.160 0.064 0.028 0.025 0.177 0.117 0.029 0.086
British Airways 0.542 0.146 0.025 0.059 0.463 0.313 0.117 0.208
Flybe 0.012 0.223 0.076 0.066 0.050 0.355 0.422 0.235
Condor 0.048 0.080 0.017 0.029 0.095 0.153 0.136 0.096
Norwegian 0.335 1.794 0.130 0.718
Iberia 0.706 0.591 0.276 0.235
Lufthansa 0.521 0.378 0.150 0.052 0.511 0.286 0.019 0.187
Jet2.com 0.022 0.095 0.120 0.030 0.253 0.162 0.042 0.105
SAS 0.411 1.796 0.163 0.718
Germania 0.363 0.133 0.065 0.043 0.241 0.211 0.006 0.140
Thomas Cook 0.538 0.112 0.017 0.042 0.030 0.228 0.058 0.147
Air Europa 0.917 0.903 0.089 0.361
Vueling 1.059 0.208 0.170 0.082 0.403 0.459 0.005 0.297
TUIfly 0.254 0.087 0.074 0.029 0.169 0.153 0.040 0.098
Monarch Airlines 0.184 0.095 0.126 0.035 0.137 0.188 0.091 0.119
Ryanair_UK 0.322 0.093 0.173 0.028 0.325 0.143 0.029 0.096
Ryanair_DE 0.576 0.114 0.178 0.033 0.202 0.168 0.115 0.111
Easyjet_UK 0.408 0.086 0.058 0.028 0.249 0.137 0.130 0.093
Easyjet_DE 0.532 0.128 0.010 0.046 0.057 0.207 0.082 0.138
Number of observations 585 585 873 873 158 158 158 158
R-squared 0.206 0.351 0.815 0.825 0.415 0.472 0.398 0.520

Note: bold denotes significance at 5% level.

A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 461

Fig. 4. Hourly distribution of passenger relocation for individual airlines: German market (Scenario 17).
Source: Own elaboration

Fig. 5. Hourly distribution of passenger relocation for individual airlines: UK market (Scenario 17).
Source: Own elaboration

Table 8
and in Table 8. Note how EasyJet and Ryanair recover less than the
Airline relocation rates in scenario 17.
market average of its disrupted UK and German passengers due to
UK market Germany market the lack of seat capacity in their networks. On the other hand, the
Airline Code dpax %reloc Airline Code dpax %reloc recovery rates of low-cost/hybrid carriers Air Berlin (member of
Easyjet U2 2188 38.8% Air Berlin AB 7737 68.6% Oneworld), Germanwings (owned by Lufthansa), and Vueling
Ryanair FR 1739 39.4% Germanwings 4U 1641 67.9% (partnered with Iberia and British Airways) are higher than the
Jet2.com LS 1506 53.3% Condor DE 1447 81.8% respective market averages. Furthermore, in the regression anal-
Monarch ZB 673 89.3% TUIfly X3 1265 61.3% ysis, these figures suggest that airline partnerships boost the
Thomas Cook TCX 416 88.9% Ryanair FR 1001 46.7%
British Airways BA 176 100.0% Germania ST 484 52.7%
resilience of LCCs’ flight networks since they provide additional
Flybe BE 139 51.1% Easyjet U2 457 57.8% onward connectivity for rerouting passengers. In addition, note
Air Europa UX 4 100.0% Lufthansa LH 219 10.5% how airlines in German markets show a more consistent quality
Vueling VY 2 100.0% Vueling VY 81 100.0% and speed of recovery than their UK counterparts, and the busiest
Note: dpax ¼ disrupted passengers; %reloc ¼ % passengers relocated within the German airlines have better relocation rates than the busiest UK
recovery window. ones. This evidence also suggests an asymmetry in the quality of
relocation between the main geographical markets in PMI in the
significantly lower proportion of inline relocated passengers in UK absence of interline cooperation.
markets. (EasyJet's negative effect is significant at a 10% level.) On Table 9 provides information on the proportion of disrupted
the other hand, full-service carriers in the UK (which handle a passengers from the largest airlines than could potentially take
minority of traffic) have lower departure delays than German ones. advantage of a cooperative agreement to share seat capacity (full
Further details on the performance of individual airlines when relocation matrix in Appendix A). The main conclusion from this
restricted to their own airline/partnership/alliance networks is matrix is that there are no substantial imbalances between seats
provided in Figs. 4 and 5 (for German and UK markets, respectively) given to and seats taken from the pool. The heterogeneous
462 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

Table 9
Interline relocation matrix between largest airlines in scenario 18.

(% relocated passengers) Relocated airline Air berlin Vueling Ryanair Easyjet Air Europa Condor Thomas cook Germanwings TUIfly NIKI Iberia Monarch Jet2.com

Disrupted airline Code AB VY FR U2 UX DE TCX 4U X3 HG IB ZB LS

Air Berlin AB 38.3% 9.4% 5.2% 1.9% 2.7% 11.3% 0.0% 7.1% 5.6% 1.8% 2.3% 0.7% 0.0%
Ryanair FR 21.4% 6.8% 7.1% 8.7% 4.9% 1.1% 8.2% 3.2% 1.0% 3.3% 3.7% 5.9% 5.2%
Easyjet U2 8.8% 7.1% 12.3% 16.7% 8.3% 0.1% 15.1% 3.2% 0.4% 1.9% 2.3% 5.5% 7.4%
Germanwings 4U 53.3% 5.2% 2.8% 0.5% 4.4% 5.3% 0.0% 8.5% 9.0% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Jet2.com LS 11.8% 13.9% 18.3% 8.6% 15.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12.4% 3.3% 7.7%
Condor DE 25.8% 5.5% 3.0% 9.1% 6.2% 1.4% 8.5% 9.4% 6.1% 0.5% 0.0% 4.5% 1.5%
TUIfly X3 20.1% 11.7% 3.7% 6.0% 2.2% 17.1% 8.4% 2.9% 9.4% 4.9% 0.4% 0.9% 0.0%
Monarch ZB 3.1% 9.8% 9.2% 3.4% 16.2% 0.0% 3.9% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 4.5% 13.5% 10.3%
Vueling VY 9.3% 40.7% 2.1% 4.9% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% 6.1% 3.5% 1.2% 7.9% 11.1% 0.0%
NIKI HG 4.6% 2.6% 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 22.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 63.4% 4.9% 0.0% 0.0%
Thomas Cook TCX 19.5% 4.3% 10.1% 20.4% 7.7% 0.0% 22.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.2% 12.7%

distribution of flight schedules across the week allows all airlines to towards improving resilience can be focused in fewer places, with
both contribute to and benefit from a hypothetical agreement. For fewer stakeholders involved.
example, Air Berlin, which has by far the largest number of fre- Amongst other factors, the role of large European hubs in
quencies at PMI for the markets under study, only provides improving the quality of airline recovery is built upon good inter-
minimum-delay itineraries for 38.3% of its relocated passengers, modal connectivity with neighbouring regions. This is shown by
while 11.3% of passengers could be served better by Condor's spare investigating how Frankfurt airport processes the 2072 relocated
capacity. Conversely, Air Berlin could accommodate 25.8% of passengers it receives in Scenario 18. Our simulation output in-
Condor passengers. This perspective of mutual benefit from the dicates that 1550 of these passengers continue their travel by rail or
collaborative scheme is bound to facilitate negotiations between road (Fig. 6). This expands the scope of the policy discussion on air
the airlines. transport resilience at tourist destinations and effectively links it to
In regards to the implementation of airline recovery strategies, the high-level objectives of improving intermodality and airport
regardless of the extent of collaboration, it must be clarified that the accessibility currently defined by the European Commission (EC,
scope of the disruption extends well beyond the airport originally 2014).
affected. To illustrate this, Table 10 shows the top-ten airports that
experience the highest increase in passenger departures as a result 5.2. Implications
of the modelled recovery process for both UK and German markets
in Scenarios 17 and 18. In Scenario 17 (without collaboration), the These results have many policy and managerial implications.
busiest alternate airports correlate with the top destinations served From the point of view of the airlines serving the tourist destina-
by the airlines at PMI. Beyond flight frequency, the alternate air- tion, the improvement in the quality of relocation can be expected
port's geographic location plays an important role in allowing to reduce the likelihood of negative word-of-mouth being gener-
convenient onward travel by rail or road (less than 130 min to the ated and increase the loyalty of the disrupted passengers. Resilience
passenger's final destination). This explains, for example, how planning should be an integral part of managerial decision-making,
Manchester Airport (within short reach of other popular destina- as a single disruption at a major destination can have damaging
tions, such as Birmingham, East Midlands, Leeds, and Liverpool) is impacts on passenger numbers in the future and require substantial
present in the highest proportion of delay-minimizing itineraries marketing efforts to restore the trust of consumers. In that regard,
for UK stranded passengers. In the scenario with collaboration (18), shortening passengers’ waiting time at the airport and achieving a
two interesting results are observed: 1) the role of primary Euro- more consistent quality of recovery across geographical markets
pean hubs, such as Heathrow and Frankfurt, as potential gateways can improve the perception of “fairness” associated to the recovery
for passenger recovery and 2) the increased concentration in dis- process (Akamavi et al., 2015). Any additional effort towards
rupted passenger shares handled by alternate airports. This is collaboration between airlines at the disrupted airport, as well as
evident from Table 10, as the aggregate share of top-ten alternates with further agents in onward destinations, will be evident to the
increases from 27.3% to 76.2% in the UK markets because of coop- disrupted passengers and, via the moderation effect of “controlla-
eration. This presents many advantages in terms of resource plan- bility” (Nibkin et al., 2015), also help make the recovery process
ning in the event of a closure because any planned investments more satisfying. These results also contribute to the literature in

Table 10
Top-ten busiest alternative airports for selected geographical markets and scenarios.

UK scenario 17 UK scenario 18 Germany scenario 17 Germany scenario 18

Alternate Dpax %dpax Alternate Dpax %dpax Alternate Dpax %dpax Alternate Dpax %dpax

Manchester 523 7.5% Heathrow 1214 17.4% Dusseldorf 1758 11.9% Frankfurt 2072 14.0%
Stansted 239 3.4% Manchester 909 13.0% Berlin Tegel 972 6.6% Dusseldorf 1605 10.8%
East Midlands 227 3.3% Dublin 560 8.0% Frankfurt 861 5.8% Berlin Tegel 1034 7.0%
Gatwick 158 2.3% Stansted 496 7.1% Koln/Bonn 841 5.7% Hamburg 1012 6.8%
Edinburgh 155 2.2% Birmingham 413 5.9% Munich 811 5.5% Munich 715 4.8%
Dublin 153 2.2% Gatwick 378 5.4% Stuttgart 746 5.0% Stuttgart 687 4.6%
Brussels 146 2.1% Ibiza 372 5.3% Hamburg 708 4.8% Brussels 664 4.5%
Luton 109 1.6% Amsterdam 341 4.9% Nuremberg 436 2.9% Zurich 623 4.2%
Liverpool 97 1.4% Barcelona 324 4.6% Brussels 386 2.6% Barcelona 546 3.7%
Ibiza 94 1.3% Edinburgh 304 4.4% Madrid 348 2.3% Koln/Bonn 480 3.2%

Note: Dpax ¼ increase in departures with respect to baseline travel dataset; %dpax ¼ % of disrupted passengers relocated via the airport.
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 463

Fig. 6. Ground transfers from Frankfurt to onward German destinations (Scenario 18).
Source: Own elaboration

regards to the positive impact of multi-party collaboration within a plans. We aim to provide intelligence on some of these factors,
context of tourism crisis management (Xu & Grunewald, 2009). In including the impact of multi-party cooperation in reducing pas-
this regard, we conclude that interline cooperation works optimally senger delays and airlines' incentives to take part in these agree-
in medium-length closures (5e6 h), which is when airlines still ments. Another contribution of this paper is to illustrate how
have sufficient capacity to recover quickly. In full-day closures, airports and airlines at tourist destinations do not operate in isola-
cooperation is also beneficial, but capacity restrictions make the tion from larger-scale air transport networks, and even those do not
process of sharing capacity slower. Furthermore, it is important that operate in isolation from other transport modes. Therefore, the
the negotiations to establish an airline cooperation scheme be process of resilience planning transcends the national boundaries of
grounded upon the realization that airlines can both benefit from the destination airport and needs to include other stakeholders,
and contribute seats to delay-minimizing recovery itineraries, such as airports and rail operators from the main passenger mar-
despite the differences in the individual airline recovery profiles. kets, which can greatly improve the speed of recovery. Indeed, we
The airport will experience increased non-aeronautical reve- show how air/rail combinations can offer a minimum-delay alter-
nues due to longer passenger dwelling times, particularly in the native for stranded passengers due to the shortage of airline seat
event on longer closures (of course, where the airport is not evac- capacity to travel to their final destinations. In view of recent events,
uated because of the disruption). However, the airport also has we suggest the development of a European-wide framework for air
incentives to improve the quality of relocation in order to prevent transport resilience planning with a particular focus on those
substantial damage to future passenger traffic during its peak countries with substantial outbound traffic to tourism destinations
period, upon which the financial viability of the airport may criti- in the Mediterranean. Moreover, in anticipation of possible differ-
cally depend. Despite the dominance of LCCs, passengers in holiday ences in the quality of relocation across the main geographical
markets such as the ones investigated in this study tend to travel markets served at the airport, engaging with the relevant country's
with the maximum of their baggage allowance. Therefore, the media is advised to help contextualize the challenges faced by air-
implementation in baggage transfer protocols among the disrupted ports and airlines. Following the recommendation from Tsai and
airlines in a context of shared capacity is an important aspect. In the Chen (2010), public authorities should aim to shine a light on
absence of said collaboration, our estimates on the hourly reloca- cases of good management performance (particularly selling the
tion rates per airline suggest that the airport should be prepared to ideas of collaboration between the actors involved) to help build
accommodate a large number of passengers within the terminal, confidence about the destination.
particularly in the first 24 h after the flights resume. The intro- Finally, it is worth commenting on the relevance of our meth-
duction of a system to separate the passengers to be immediately odology to other European tourist destinations, particularly in view
relocated (and mixed with the new passenger departures) from of the simplified approach to passenger relocation forced by insu-
those with longer waiting times is also advised. While our case larity and the lack of either alternative airports or ground transport
study refers to an island airport with no alternate airports reach- options. While every airport is unique in its location, scale of op-
able by road or rail, in other instances, (e.g., Sicily, Cyprus) addi- erations, airline and destination mixes, there are fundamental
tional efforts to facilitate ground transfers should be implemented. similarities that indicate that our proposed method can be adapted
From the point of view of local tourism authorities, we recall the to other case studies. For example, the closure of the only airports in
suggestion from Ritchie (2008), who prompts destination man- the islands of Crete (Heraklion), Rhodes, Malta, Ibiza, Menorca, and
agement organizations to assist stakeholders in developing crisis the Canary Islands (except Tenerife) would present passengers and
management plans, with explicit knowledge of the effects, barriers airlines with a similar challenge to PMI. In addition, multi-airport
and facilitating factors in relation to the implementation of these islands are vulnerable to multi-airport closures. In the case of
464 A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466

Corsica, with four major commercial airports, we can mention the markets have a worse recovery performance than their German
strike by Air France and Corse Mediterrane e in 2007, which para- counterparts. German passengers tend to benefit more from indi-
lyzed air traffic to/from the island (Europa Press, 2007). Other Eu- rect relocation, interlining, and additional capacity than UK pas-
ropean islands, such as Tenerife and Cyprus, have the particularity sengers. Looking at full-day closures, German markets recover
that all their airports are operated by the same company. Therefore, more passengers under inline recovery, though the country dif-
the possibility of a multi-airport industrial action that paralyzes all ferences are reduced after cooperation is allowed.
air traffic cannot be discounted. Additionally, since the provision of These results have many policy and managerial implications.
ATC services is commonly handled at a nationwide level in Europe, From the point of view of airlines, the improvement in the quality of
ATC strikes typically affect more than one airport (if not all) in the relocation will reduce the likelihood of negative word-of-mouth
same country, thus also reducing the recovery options in these being generated and increase the loyalty of the disrupted passen-
cases. Another possibility, in the event of a terrorist attack, is that all gers. From the airport perspective, the implementation of baggage
airports and seaports in an island destination are closed in order to transfer protocols among the disrupted airlines in a context of
have the perpetrators “caged in”, as occurred at PMI in 2009. While shared capacity is an important aspect. Separating the passengers
very rare in the Mediterranean islands, multi-airport closures can to be immediately relocated from those with longer waiting times
also be correlated for weather reasons. This factor could make a is also advised. Furthermore, this paper suggests that local tourism
weather-related closure at Keflavik (Iceland) comparable, in terms authorities must engage as facilitators between all stakeholders to
of lack of transport alternatives, to our PMI case. develop appropriate resilience plans, with the ultimate goal to
protect the image of the destination for the future. The process of
6. Summary, limitations, and future research planning and negotiation, however, transcends the national
boundaries of the destination airport and needs to include other
Recent years have witnessed a number of events (weather- stakeholders, such as airports and rail operators from the main
related, industrial actions, or terrorism) that have affected the passenger markets, which can greatly improve the speed of re-
robustness of air transport services, leading to airport closures and covery. In view of recent events, we suggest the development of a
flight cancellations that have left air travelers in general (and hol- European-wide framework for air transport resilience planning
idaymakers in particular) stranded at major airports. However, to with a particular focus on countries with substantial outbound
date, there is no study in the tourism crisis management literature traffic to tourism destinations in the Mediterranean.
that analyzes the passenger recovery process in the event of an Finally, it is important to acknowledge the limitations of our
airport closure at a major tourist destination and its implications in model, particularly in regards to the implementation of additional
terms of speed of recovery, fairness, resilience, and multi-party service recovery measures by airlines, such as delaying flights in the
collaboration. To fill this gap, a case study of Palma de Mallorca case of shorter closures. Aircraft and crew recovery decisions that
Airport, the busiest tourism-oriented island airport in Europe, is take into account maintenance and labor rules restrictions could
presented. Using an MIDT dataset on passenger itineraries that also be included by adapting the methods suggested by the opera-
included flights in August 2014, several closure scenarios are tions research literature. Future work could also introduce a set of
simulated, and disrupted passengers are relocated to minimum- criteria to prioritize different options of passenger recovery across
delay itineraries. Average departure delays and relocation rates layers (e.g., the airline, alliances, interline partners, other airlines) in
are used to assess the impact of each scenario, with a particular order to model the passenger rescheduling process in a more real-
focus on the UK and Germany markets. istic fashion. This can be achieved by incorporating the published
The results provide useful benchmarks for the development of IROPS (Irregular Operations) guidelines for the major carriers into
policies aimed at minimizing the impact on stranded tourists. From the rescheduling algorithm. Furthermore, the analysis of intermodal
a cost perspective, it is clear that airlines face a clear tradeoff be- connections can be expanded with the addition of rail schedules and
tween reimbursement and care/rerouting costs. Therefore, airlines capacities at a European level. With enough information on pas-
with higher fares (e.g., full-service) will have a greater incentive senger preferences, we could also improve our algorithm by intro-
than low-fare carriers to implement measures that improve the ducing the maximum acceptable delays per passenger type
relocation rate. In that regard, if airlines allow relocation itineraries (depending on, e.g., travel distance, destination type, and booking
involving at least one flight connection, rather than employing only class), beyond which rerouting will be rejected and reimbursement
non-stop recovery options, relocation rates are shown to improve, will be sought, with the objective to bring our simulations closer to
on average, between 5% and 30% and reduce average passenger real-world passenger decision-making. Finally, further research
delays up to 6 h. In medium- and full-day closures (more than 5 h), could simulate a number of case studies covering the tourist airports
the lack of seat capacity makes interline cooperation necessary to in the Mediterranean region and develop a ranking of airport,
achieve non-relocation rates below 16%. In terms of departure de- airline, and route criticality to guide strategic decision-making in the
lays, the benefits of cooperation are highest for medium-length area of tourism crisis management.
closures (between 5 and 6 h) due to capacity constraints. We also
show that all affected airlines can benefit from collaboration and Acknowledgements
contribute seats simultaneously, which suggests that they will have
incentives to participate in such a plan. A detailed analysis of how The authors are grateful to the editor and two anonymous re-
passenger flows are redistributed throughout the European air viewers for their helpful comments. This research project has been
transport network reveals the airports where airlines should direct partly funded by the University of Edinburgh Business School
their investment in resilience plans due to their central location through the Early Venture Fund program. The authors would also
within the shortest path lengths between PMI and its major des- like to thank the support of the Business School IT department in
tinations. In a scenario of full airline collaboration, investments running the simulations.
should be directed at major European hubs (such as Heathrow or
Frankfurt) that allow good onward connectivity via air, rail, or road. Appendix B. Supplementary data
A second-stage regression reveals significant differences in the
performance of full-service vs LCCs in terms of departure delays, Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
which also depend on the geographic market. LCCs serving UK dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.001.
A. Voltes-Dorta et al. / Tourism Management 59 (2017) 449e466 465

Appendix A. Complete interline relocation matrix in Scenario 18

Brussels Airlines
British Airways

Blue Panorama

Edelweiss Air
Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook

Bulgaria Air

Aer Lingus
Air Europa


Sky Work
Air Berlin



Wizz Air


Air One







airline Code
Air Berlin AB 2,757 676 375 137 193 810 514 400
130 163 50 74 40 62 57 159 147 47 104 1 3 96 37 37 98 27 6 7,200
Ryanair FR 781 249 259 318 179 39 300 117 35
119 137 217 192 164 99 62 159 9 6 14 150 18 5 3 14 13 3,658
Easyjet U2 234 189 325 442 219 3 399 85 11
51 62 145 197 34 71 32 3 3 21 30 35 48 10 2,649
germanwings 4U 824 81 44 7 68 82 132 91 140 17 2 5 4 34 16 1,547
Jet2.com LS 177 210 276 129 234 5 186 49 116 15 30 59 20 1,506
Condor DE 374 79 43 131 89 20 123 136 88 7 65 21 90 74 55 26 7 19 1,447
TUIfly X3 233 135 43 70 26 198 97 34 109 57 5 10 22 70 49 1,158
Monarch ZB 21 66 62 23 109 26 11 30 91 69 102 12 31 20 673
Vueling VY 53 232 12 28 18 35 20 7 45 63 11 10 8 19 3 2 2 2 570
NIKI HG 26 15 14 125 360 28 568
Thomas Cook TCX 81 18 42 85 32 92 9 53 4 416
Germania ST 57 31 46 37 6 46 38 70 30 17 13 391
Norwegian DY 57 28 1 1 71 148 306
Lufthansa LH 147 28 7 4 10 2 18 3 27 246
Transavia.com HV 55 19 16 67 3 54 13 1 228
SAS SK 17 5 66 18 99 13 218
Thomas Cook HQ 62 10 3 72 57 204
Iberia IB 12 48 37 4 37 1 13 1 17 4 3 1 9 3 8 1 200
British Airways BA 53 36 3 20 5 60 2 179
Swiss/Crossair LX 40 91 4 27 4 166
Air Europa UX 16 73 11 10 3 2 9 1 2 1 3 19 2 1 4 1 1 160
Flybe BE 20 30 6 16 15 31 21 139
Luxair LG 39 52 12 25 4 132
Volotea V7 15 14 64 93
Edelweiss Air WK 47 13 12 72
SmartWings QS 5 1 64 70
Jetairfly TB 35 35
Sky Work SX 3 17 20
Total 6,056 2,327 1,789 1,536 1,346 1,336 1,145 1,139 831 824 803 746 658 566 469 369 281 248 217 196 189 164 163 145 135 117 99 99 71 61 51 27 16 13 10 7 24,249

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e A discussion of recent research. Transportation Research Part A, 81, 16e34. MSc in Airport Planning and Management from Cranfield
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09/12/2010. from Linko €ping University (Sweden). His main research
País, El (2016). Fomento abre expediente a Vueling por el caos en el aeropuerto de interests include air transport connectivity, transportation
Barcelona, 04/07/2016. networks, data mining and simulation. He has published in
€ lveling, G., Clarke, J., Johnson, E., & Shebalov, S. (2012). An optimization
Petersen, J., So many peer-reviewed journals such as Transportation
approach to airline integrated recovery. Transportation Science, 46(4), 482e500. Research Part E, Transport Reviews, as well as in the Jour-
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A dynamic panel data model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 17(3),
Ritchie, B. (2008). Tourism disaster planning and management: From response and Pere Suau-Sa nchez holds a PhD in Geography from the
recovery to reduction and readiness. Current Issues in Tourism, 11(4), 315e348. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) and an MA in
Rodríguez-Nún ~ ez, E., & García-Palomares, J. (2014). Measuring the vulnerability of Urban Management from Erasmus University Rotterdam
public transport networks. Journal of Transport Geography, 35, 50e63. (Netherlands). He is currently a Lecturer in Air Transport
Rose, A. (2007). Economic resilience to natural and man-made disasters: Multi- Management at Cranfield University (UK), where he was
disciplinary origins and contextual dimensions. Environmental Hazards, 7(4), appointed the Director of the full-time and part-time MSc
383e398. programs in Airport Planning and Management. He has
Rtve, es (2010). Huelga de los controladores, así hemos contado la primera jornada. been quoted in many press articles, including from the
Rtve.es, 04/12/2010. BBC and CNN, on a wide range of air transport topics.
Ruggieri, G. (2015). Islands tourism seasonality. In H. Pechlaner, & E. Smeral (Eds.), His main research interests include airline networks, air
Tourism and leisure. Wiesbaden: Springer. transport geography, airport connectivity, environmental
Rupp, N., Holmes, G., & DeSimone, J. (2005). Airline schedule recovery after airport management, and transport policy. He has published in
closures: Empirical evidence since september 11. Southern Economic Journal, many peer-reviewed journals such as Transport Policy,
71(4), 800e820. the Journal of Transport Geography, and the Journal of
Schaefer, L., & Millner, D. (2001). Flight delay propagation analysis with the detailed Air Transport Management.

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