B.Sc. (HONS.) I Semester (C.B.C.S)
General Chemistry (CHB 151)
(W.E.F. 2015 – 2016)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Inorganic Chemistry
I (a) Atomic Structure
Idea of de Broglie matter waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, Schrodinger
wave equation, significance of and 2, quantum numbers, radial and angular wave functions
and probability distribution curves, shapes of s, p, d orbitals. Aufbau and Pauli exclusion
principles, Hund's multiplicity rule. Electronic configurations of the elements.
(c) Lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, solvation energy and solubility of ionic solids, polarizing
power and polarisability of ions, Fajan's rule. Metallic bond-free electron, valence bond and
band theories.
Organic Chemistry
II (a) Structure Bonding
Hybridization and its effect on bond length and bond angles, bond energy, localized and
delocalized chemical bond, inductive, resonance, hyperconjugation, hydrogen bonding, van der
Waals interactions
Physical Chemistry
III (a) Gaseous State
Postulates of kinetic theory of gases, deviation from ideal behavior, van der Waals equation of
state.Critical Phenomena: PV isotherms of real gases, continuity of states, the isotherms of van
der Waals equation, relationship between critical constants and van der Waals constants, the law
of corresponding states, reduced equation of state. Problems
Molecular velocities: Root mean square, average and most probable velocities. Qualitative
discussion of the Maxwell's distribution of molecular velocities, collision number, mean free path
and collision diameter. liquification of gases (based on Joule-Thomson effect). Problems
(b) Solid State
Definition of space lattice, unit cell.
Laws of crystallography - (i) Law of constancy of interfacial angles (ii) Laws of rationality of
indices (iii) Law of symmetry. Symmetry elements in crystals.
X-ray diffraction by crystals. Derivation of Bragg equation. Determination of crystal structure of
NaCl, KCl and CsCl.
1. New Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee Edition III Compton Printing Ltd London.
2. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by HR Puri, R. Sharma & S.P. Jauhar, Vishal Publications
3. Organic Chemistry, S.M. Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern Ltd. (New Age
4. Modern Organic Chemistry, M. K. Jain and S.C. Sharma, Vishal Publications Jalandhar.
5. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press.
6. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri & L.R. Sharma, Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co.
Unit I Covalent Bond: Valence bond theory and its limitations, directional characteristics of
covalent bond, various types of hybridization and shapes of simple inorganic molecules
and ions. Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory to NH3, H3O+, SF4,
ClF3, ICl2‒ SO42‒, CO32‒, NO3‒ and H2O.
Unit II Molecular Orbital (MO) theory and applications for homonuclear and heteronuclear
(CO and NO) diatomic molecules, multicenter bonding in electron deficient molecules.
Weak Interactions - Hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces.
Books Recommended:
1. New Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee Edition III Compton Printing Ltd London.
2. Principles of Inorganic Chemistry by HR Puri, R. Sharma & S.P. Jauhar, Vishal Publications
3. Basic Inorganic Chemistry F.A. Cotton and G. Willkinson III Edition.
B.Sc. (HONS.) II Semester (C.B.C.S)
Physical Chemistry (CHB 253)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
2 Periods/week
2 Credits
Unit I Chemical Kinetics:
Chemical kinetics and its scope, rate of a reaction, factors influencing the rate of a reaction-
concentration, temperature, pressure, solvent, light, catalyst. Concentration dependence of
rates, mathematical characteristics of simple chemical reactions - zero order, first order,
second order, pseudo order, half life and mean life. Determination of the order of reaction -
differential method, method of integration, method of half life period and isolation method.
Radioactive decay as a first order phenomenon. Problems
Experimental methods of chemical kinetics: conductometric, optical methods, polarimetry
and spectrophotometry (problems only).
Unit II Catalysis:
Effect of temperature on rate of reaction, Arrhenius equation, concept of activation energy.
Homogeneous Catalysis, characteristics of catalysed reactions, classification of catalysis,
miscellaneous examples. Enzyme Catalysis.
Unit III Thermodynamics
First law of thermodynamics: statement, definition of internal energy and enthalphy, Heat
capacity. Heat capacities at constant volume and pressure and their relationship. Joule-
Thomson coefficient and inversion temperature. Calculation of w,q, dU & dH for the
expansion of ideal gases under isothermal and adiabatic conditions for reversible process.
Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of neutralization. Bond dissociation energy and its
calculation from thermo-chemical data, temperature dependence of enthalphy. Kirchhoff's
equation. Problems
Unit IV Second law of thermodynamics:
Different statements of the law. Carnot cycle and its efficiency, Carnot theorem.
Thermodynamic scale of temperature. Problems
Concept of entropy: entropy as a state function, entropy as a function of V & T, entropy as
a function of P &T, entropy change in physical change, Clausius inequality, entropy as a
criteria of spontaneity and equilibrium. Entropy change in ideal gases and mixing of gases.
Gibbs and Helmholtz functions: Gibbs function (G) and Helmholtz function (A) as
thermodynamic quantities, A & G as criteria for thermodynamic equilibrium and
spontaneity, their advatage over entropy change, Variation of G and A with P, V and T.
Books Recommended:
Unit– IV Electrochemistry
Reversible and irreversible cells. Concept of EMF of a cell. Measurement of EMF of a cell.
Nernst equation and its importance. Types of electrodes. Standard electrode potential.
Electrochemical series. Thermodynamics of a reversible cell, calculation of thermodynamic
properties: ∆G, ∆H and ∆S from EMF data.
Calculation of equilibrium constant from EMF data. Concentration cells with transference
and without transference. Liquid junction potential and salt bridge.
pH determination using hydrogen electrode and quinhydrone electrode.
Books Recommended:
1. Physical Chemistry, G.M. Barrow, Int. Students Edition, McGraw Hill
2. Physical Chemistry, R.A. Alberty, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press.
4. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri & L.R. Sharma, Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co.
Unit – III Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB): Classification of acids and
bases as hard and soft. Pearson's HSAB concept, acid-base strength
and hardness and softness. Symbiosis, theoretical basis of hardness
and softness, elecctronegativity and hardness and softness.
Unit III Carboxylic acids: Structure and bonding, physical properties, acidity of
carboxylic acids, effects of substituents on acid strength. Preparation of
carboxylic acids. Reactions of carboxylic acids. Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky
reaction. Reduction and decarboxylation. Carboxylic Acid Derivatives:
Structure and Preparation of acid chlorides, ester, amides and acid
anhydrides. Relative stabilities, interconversion of acid derivatives.
Mechanism of esterification and hydrolysis (acidic and basic).
Unit IV Amines: Preparation of amines (alkyl & aryl). Structural features affecting
basicity of amines. Reactions of amines, electrophilic aromatic substitution
in aryl amines, reactions of amines with nitrous acid. Synthetic
transformation of aryl diazonium salts, azo coupling.
Books Recommended:
1. Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd, Printice-Hall.
2. Organic Chemistry, S.M. Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
(New Age International).
3. Organic Chemistry, Graham Solomons, T.W. John Wiley & Sons. INC.
Books Recommended
1. Analytical Chemistry in GMP Environment – A Practical Guide, J.M. Miller and Crowther (Ed.),
Jhon Wiley & Sons Inc., New York 2000
2. Indian Pharmacopoeia, Indian Pharmacopoeial Commission, Ghaziabad (U.P.), India, 2010.
3. A Text Book of Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, C. H. Rogers, T. O. Soine and C.O. Wilson,
fourth edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1949
B.Sc. (HONS.) V Semester (C.B.C.S)
Physical Chemistry (CHB 551)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Unit I Quantum Mechanics
Black-body radiation, Planck's radiation law, photoelectric effect, heat capacity of solids, Bohr's
model of hydrogen atom (no derivation) and its defects, Compton effect. De Broglie hypothesis, the
Heisenberg's uncertainty priciple, Sinusoidal wave equation, Hamiltonian operator, Schrodinger wave
equation and its importance, physical interpretation of the wave function, postulates of quantum
mechanics, particle in a one dimensional box.
Schrodinger wave equation for H-atom, separation into three equations (without derivation),
quantum numbers and their importance, hydrogen like wave funcitons, radial wave functions, angular
wave functions.
Unit II Molecular orbital theory, basic ideas -criteria for forming M.O. from A.O., construction of M.O's by LCAO-
H2+ ion, calculation of energy levels from wave functions, physical picture of bonding and
antibonding wave functions, concept of , *, , * orbitals and their characteristics. Hybrid
orbitals- sp, sp2, sp3; calculation of coefficients of A.O.'s used in these hybrid orbitals.
Introduction to valence bond model of H2, comparison of M.O. and V.B. models.
Unit III Spectroscopy
Introduction: electromagnetic radiation, regions of the spectrum, basic features of different
spectrometers, statement of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, degrees of freedom.
Rotational Spectrum
Diatomic molecules, Energy of a rigid rotor (semi-classical principles), selection rules, spectral
intesity, distribution using population distribution (Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution), determination of
bond length, qualitative description of non-rigid rotor, isotope effect.
Vibrational Spectrum
Infrared spectrum: Energy levels of simple harmonic oscillator, selection rules, pure vibrational
spectrum, intensity, determination of force constant and qualitative relation of force constant and
bond energies, effect of anharmonic motion and isotope on the spectrum, idea of vibrational
frequencies of different funcitonal groups.
Raman Spectrum: Concept of polarizability, pure rotational and pure vibrational Raman spectra of
diatomic molecules, selection rules.
Electronic Spectrum
Concept of potential energy curves for bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals, qualitative
description of selection rules and Franck-Condon principle.
Qualitative description of , - and n M.O., their energy levels and the respective transitions.
Unit IV Photochemistry
Interaction of radiation with matter, difference between thermal and photochemical porcesses.
Laws of photochemistry: Grothus -Drapper law, Stark -Einstein law. Jablonski diagram depicting
various processes occurring in the excited state, qualitative description of fluorescence,
phosphorescence, non-radiative processes (internal conversion, intersystem crossing), quantum
yield, photosensitized reactions - energy transfer processes (simple examples).
Books Suggested:
1. Physical Chemistry, G.M. Barrow, Int. Students Edition, McGraw Hill.
2. Physical Chemistry, R.A. Alberty, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press.
4. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri & L.R. Sharma, Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co.
5. Physical Chemistry, Maron & Lando.
6. Quantum Chemistry, R.K. Prasad, New Age.
7. Physical Chemistry, Vol. 04, K.L. Kapoor, Macmillan
8. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, Colin N Banwell, McGraw Hill.
B.Sc. (HONS.) V Semester (C.B.C.S)
Organic Chemistry (CHB 552)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Unit I (a) Organometallic compounds
Organomagnesium compounds: the Grignard reagents-formation, structure and
chemical reactions. Organozinc compounds: formation and chemical reactions.
Organolithium compounds: formation and chemical reactions.
(b) Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon:
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons Structure, synthesis and reaction of naphthalene
and anthracene.
(c) Organosulphur compounds.
Nomenclature and structural features. Methods of formation and chemical reactions of
thiols, thioethers, sulphonic acids, sulphonamides and sulphaguanidine.
Unit II Heterocyclic Compounds
Introduction: Molecular orbital picture and aromatic characteristics of pyrrole, furan,
thiophene and pyridine. Methods of synthesis and chemical reactions with particular
emphasis on the mechanism of electrophilic substitution.Mechanism of nucleophilic
substitution reactions in pyridine derivatives.Comparison of basicity of pyridine, piperidine
and pyrrole.
Introduction to condensed five and six- membered heterocycles.Preparation and reactions
of indole, quinoline and isoquinoline with special reference to Fisher indole synthesis,
Skraup synthesis and Bischler-Napieralski synthesis.Mechanism of electrophilic
substitution reactions of indole, quinoline and isoquinoline.
Unit III Carbohydrates.
Classification and nomenclature. Monosaccharides, mechanism of osazone formation,
interconversion of glucose and fructose, chain lengthening and chain shortening of aldoses.
Configuration of monosaccharides. Erythro and threodiastereomers. Conversion of glucose
into mannose. Formation of glycosides, ethers and esters. Determination of ring size of
monsaccharides. Cyclic structure of D(+)-glucose. Mechanism of mutarotation.
Structure of ribose and deoxyribose. An introduction to disaccharides (maltose, sucrose
and lactose) and polysaccharides (starch and cellulose) without involving structure
Unit IV Spectroscopy
(a) Basic concepts of IR, UV, NMR spectroscopy & Mass spectrometry.
(b) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy: 1H-NMR spectroscopy, nuclear shielding
and deshielding, chemical shift and molecular structure, spin-spin splitting and coupling
constants, areas of signals, interpretation of 1H-NMR spectra of simple organic molecules
such as ethyl bromide, ethanol, acetaldehyde, 1,1,2-tribromoethane, ethyl acetate, toluene
and acetophenone. Problems pertaining to the structure elucidation of simple organic
compounds using UV, IR and PMR spectroscopic techniques.
Books Recommended:
1. Organic Chemistry by L.G. Wade Jr. Prentice-Hall.
2. Organic Chemistry by Fessenden &Fessenden, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
3. Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd, Printice-Hall
4. Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Solomons, John Wiley.
5. Organic Chemistry, Vol. II, III, S.M. Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern Ltd. (New Age
6. Organic Chemistry, F.A. Carey, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Books recommended:
Unit IV Spectrophotometry
The electromagnetic spectrum, interaction of radiant energy with molecules, absorption
of UV and visible radiation, Beer-Lambert’s Law. Terms employed in absorption
spectrometry, derivation of Beer’s law. Additivity of absorbance’s, deviation from Beer’s
law. Instrumentation of UV-VIS spectrometers – Sources, Wavelength selectors (Filters,
monochromators), sample cell, Detectors (Photovoltaic cells, phototubes, Diode-array &
others), single and double beam spectrophotometers, Problems.
Books Suggested:
1. Quantitative Analysis, 6th Ed. R.A. Day Jr. and A.L. Underwood. Printice Hall India Ltd. 1991.
2. Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. G.D. Christian, Jhon Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitatvive Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed. J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes, M.J.K. Thomas, Pearson Education Ltd. 2000
4. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed. D.A. Skoog, D.M. west, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch,
Brooks Cole – Cengage Learning 2014
5. Chemical Analysis, Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques, 2nd Ed. Francis
Rouessac, Annick Rouessac, Wiley 2007.
6. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed. 1985.
B.Sc. (HONS.) VI Semester (C.B.C.S)
Physical/Organic Chemistry (CHB 651)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
2 Periods/week
2 Credits
Unit I Amino Acids
Classification, structure and stereochemistry of amino acids, Acid-base behaviour,
isoelectric point and electrophoresis. Preparation using Hell-Volhard-Zeliensky reaction,
Streker synthesis, amidomalonate synthesis, biosynthesis.Resolution of R and S amino
acids, Reactions of -amino acids.
Books recommended:
1. Organic Chemistry by L.G. Wade Jr. Prentice-Hall.
2. Organic Chemistry, by Morrison & Boyd, Printice Hall
3. Organic Chemistry, Vol. III, S.M. Mukherji, S.P. Singh and R.P. Kapoor, Wiley Eastern Ltd. (New
Age International).
4. Organic Chemistry by Fessenden and Fessenden, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
5. Physical Chemistry, G.M. Barrow, Int. Students Edition, McGraw Hill.
6. Physical Chemistry, R.A. Alberty, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
7. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkins, Oxford University Press.
8. Principles of Physical Chemistry, B.R. Puri & L.R. Sharma, Shoban Lal Nagin Chand & Co.
9. Physical Chemistry, Maron & Lando.
B.Sc. (HONS.) VI Semester (C.B.C.S)
Inorganic/ Analytical Chemistry (CHB 652)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
2 Periods/week
2 Credits
Unit I Complexometric titrations - I
Introduction, chelating agents, formation of complexes, stability of complexes,
EDTA: acidic properties, complexes of EDTA and metal ions, Equilibria involved in EDTA
titrations, problems.
Unit III Essential and Trace elements in biological systems, Na +/ K+ ion pump, metalloporpyrins
with reference to Haemoglobin and myoglobin.
Books Suggested:
1. Quantitative Analysis, 6th Ed. R.A. Day Jr. and A.L. Underwood. Printice Hall India Ltd. 1991.
2. Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. G.D. Christian, Jhon Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004
3. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitatvive Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed. J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes, M.J.K. Thomas, Pearson Education Ltd. 2000
4. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed. D.A. Skoog, D.M. west, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch,
Brooks Cole – Cengage Learning 2014
5. Chemical Analysis, Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques, 2 nd Ed. Francis Rouessac,
Annick Rouessac, Wiley 2007.
6. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed. 1985.
7. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Cotton and willkinson.
8. Organometallic Chemistry, H.Zeiss.
9. New Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee.
Books Suggested:
1. Quantitative Analysis, 6th Ed. R.A. Day Jr. and A.L. Underwood. Printice Hall India Ltd. 1991.
2. Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed. G.D. Christian, Jhon Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004
3. Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitatvive Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed. J. Mendham, R.C. Denney, J.D.
Barnes, M.J.K. Thomas, Pearson Education Ltd. 2000
4. Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Ed. D.A. Skoog, D.M. west, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch,
Brooks Cole – Cengage Learning 2014
5. Chemical Analysis, Modern Instrumental Methods and Techniques, 2nd Ed. Francis Rouessac,
Annick Rouessac, Wiley 2007.
6. G.W. Ewing, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5th Ed. 1985.
Unit II Mathematics – II
Differential Calculus: continuity and differentiability, Basic rules for differentiation,
First Derivatives, Second Derivatives, Partial Derivatives, Exact and inexact
differentials. Applications of differential Calculus in Physical Chemistry including
maxima and minima. Integral Calculus: Basic rules for integration, Methods of
Integration-Substitution, Partial Fractions and by parts. Applications of integral
calculus in Physical Chemistry. Elementary Differential equations: First-order and
second order differential equations and their applications in Physical Chemistry.
Unit IV Biology – II
Components of nucleic acids: Adenine, guanine, thymine and Cytosine (Structure only),
other components of nucleic acids, Nucleosides and nucleotides (Nomenclature),
Structure of polynucleotides; Structure of DNA (Watson-Crick model) and RNA (types
of RNA), Genetic Code, Biological roles of DNA and RNA: Replication, Transcription and
Books Recommended:
1. Biochemistry, Lubert Stryer; W.H. Freeman
2. Principles of Biochemistry, G.L. Zubay; McGraw–Hill
B.Sc. (HONS.) VI Semester (C.B.C.S)
Organic Chemistry – AE (CHB 672)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Books recommended:
1. Modern Organic Chemistry, M. K. Jain and S. C. Sharma; Vishal Publishing Co.
2. Synthetic drugs by Gurdeep R Chatwal; Himalya Publishing House
3. Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd, Printice Hall
B.Sc. (HONS.) VI Semester (C.B.C.S)
Inorganic Chemistry – AE (CHB 673)
(W.E.F. 2017-2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Books recommended:
1. Inorganic Chemistry, Principle, structure and reactivity, 4 th edition, J. E. Huheey
2. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Cotton & Willkinson 5th Edition.
3. Elementary Organic Spectroscopy: Principles and Chemical Applications, Y. R.
Sharma, S. Chand publications.
B.Sc. (HONS.) VI Semester (C.B.C.S)
Analytical Chemistry – AE (CHB 674)
(W.E.F. 2017 – 2018)
M.M.: 100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
4 Credits
Unit I Drugs in the Environment
Introduction, exposure, fate and effects of drugs for human and veterinary treatment
in the environment, analysis of drugs in the environment: analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, beta-blockers and antibiotics.
Books Suggested:
1. An Introduction to Pollution science, R.M. Harrision [Ed.], Royal Society of Chemistry,
United Kingdom, 2006.
2. Fundamental Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, G.S. Sodhi, 3 rd Ed., Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Environmental Chemistry, A.K. De, 6th Ed., Wiley Eastern Limited Publishers, New Delhi,
4. Chemosphere, Volume 40, Jorgensen & Sorensen, Pergamon Press, Denmark, 2000.
5. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 23, V. Andreu, Y. Pico, Elsevier Sciences, Spain,