Also known as Oracle Database backup and restore operations Large Pool
It holds information about changes made to the database Redo Log Buffer
It is a collection of data treated as a unit with the main purpose of storing and retrieving related
information in the database. ORACLE DATABASE
It is a type of process structure that automatically connects to other databases involved in in- doubt
distributed transactions Recoverer Process
It is a type of process structure that can collect transaction, redo data and transmit that data to
standby destinations Archiver Processes (ARCn)
It is a type of process structure that cleans up the database buffer cache Process Monitor Process
It is a type of process structure that records checkpoint information in Control file on each data file
header Checkpoint Process (CKPT)
It is a type of process structure that writes modified (dirty) buffers in the database buffer cache
asynchronously while performing other processing to advance the checkpoint Database Writer
Process (DBWn)
It is a type of process structure that writes the redo log buffer to a redo log file on disk Log Writer
Process (LGWR)
It is also known as specific connection of a user to an instance through a user process Session
It is part of the System Global Area (SGA) that hold copies of data blocks that are read from data
files Data Buffer Cache
It is part of the System Global Area which is used to provide memory for Oracle Streams processes
Java Pool
Which of the following are mandatory tablespaces that are created at the time of database creation
System and Syshaux
Which of the following is not part or Oracle Installation System Requirement. File Manager
In planning to install Oracle which of the following is not important to consider. Any Oracle version will
do even when multiple products are involved.
Which of the following is the correct Disk space requirement when installing Oracle? 3.8 GB
Which of the following follows the correct order of designing, implementing and mainting and Oracle
Database. Evaluating the database server hardware
Installing the Oracle software
Planning the database and security strategy
Creating, migrating, and opening the database
Backing up the database
Enrolling system users and planning for their Oracle Network access.
Implementing the database design
Recovering from database failure
Monitoring database performance
It is a type process structure that records checkpoint information in Control file on each data file header.
Checkpoint Process (CKPT)
Which of the following is not included in the optional requirement for operating system of oracle database? Dba
Which of the following system privileges is not part of the task by the database admin.? Managing user
Also known as the application or tool that connects to the Oracle Database Processes User process
It is part of the System Global Area (SGA) that hold copies of data blocks that are read from data files. Data
Buffer Cache
This is use to connect to the Oracle instance and is started when a user establishes a session Server process
Holds information about changes made to the database Redo Log Buffer
It is a type process structure that cleans up the database buffer cache Process Monitor Process (PMON)
It is a type of privilege that is used to manipulating the content of the database objects. Object
Which of the following is not included in the memory requirements of oracle database. 3GB for the ASM
It is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store and retrieve related information.
Oracle database
It is a type process structure that automatically connects to other databases involved in in- doubt distributed
transactions. Recoverer Process
Which of the following is not included in the disk requirements of oracle database? 3 GB for the
preconfigured database (required)
It is a communication pathway between a user process and an Oracle Database instance. Connection
It represents the state of a current user login to the database instance. Session
It is part of the System Global Area which is used to provide memory for Oracle Streams processes Java Pool
Which one (1) Data Definition Language is considered as part of Database Transaction CREATE TABLE
Which three (3) of thefollowing is the three Data Manipulation Langauge that is considered as part of database
transaction. Insert,delete,update
A type of lock that is acquired when an application wants to read and prevent others from updating the same
row. Share locks
This is acquired automatically as needed to support a transaction based on isolation levels. Locks
A type of transaction that is ends the current transactions by making all pending data changes permanent.
Which of the following transaction rules is not included in the group? Redundancy
A type of transaction that rolls back the current transaction to the specified savepoint, thereby discarding any
changes or savepoint created after the savepoint to which you are rolling back. Rollback to savepoint
A type of lock that is acquired when an application updates, inserts, or deletes a row exclusive lock