Qasim2013 PP LaboratoryandHEC RASSimulationsofaSingle StepWeir
Qasim2013 PP LaboratoryandHEC RASSimulationsofaSingle StepWeir
Qasim2013 PP LaboratoryandHEC RASSimulationsofaSingle StepWeir
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The River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software was used to simulate the free flow over the broad-crested
single-step weir. The software was used to compute the water surface profile, determine the location of the hydraulic jump,
and establish the head-discharge relationship for the weir. The simulation results were verified by a series of laboratory
measurements using a horizontal flume 5 m long, 0.45 m deep and 0.30 m wide. The tested weir had the following
dimensions: total length was 48 cm; length of the downstream step of the weir was 24 cm; total height was 24 cm; height
of the downstream step of the weir was 12 cm. Different inflow rates were applied to the weir for tail water depths of 6, 8,
10, 12 and 14 cm under free flow conditions. It was found that HEC-RAS could capture the overall features of the flow
profile over the weir with reasonable accuracy. HEC-RAS could also determine the location of the hydraulic jump. It also
produced a head-discharge relationship well close to the measured data. Besides, HEC-RAS was found easy to use for this
specific flow problem and performed the computations in a short time.
Keywords: single-step weir, HEC-RAS, water surface profile, head-discharge relationship, hydraulic jump, free flow.
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Figure-5(a). Computed and observed water surface profiles over a single-step weir.
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Figure-5(b). Computed and observed water surface profiles over a single-step weir (continued).
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
It may be seen from the above figures that HEC- of the channel, except when the jump occurs at the toe of
RAS well predicted the water surface profile upstream of the weir at low flow rates. HEC-RAS represents the jump
the weir. The HEC-RAS profile is also in good agreement as a straight line.
with the observed profile over the upper part of the weir. However, reviewing the second case of Figure-
However, it may also be observed that HEC-RAS 5.a shows that HEC-RAS made an improper prediction of
could not simulate the curvature of the water profile at the the jump location. The reason behind this unstable
hydraulic drops where the water falls from the upper part performance is not clear. The prediction of the water level
of the weir to the lower part, and also from the lower part in this case is still correct.
of the weir to the channel bed. HEC-RAS could neither
describe the impact of jet occurring after these hydraulic 7.3. Head-discharge relationship
drops. This behaviour is believed to be due to the marked The head-discharge relationship is established by
curvature of the streamlines, and the difficulty of forming plotting the total head over the weir crest against the
a smooth transition. discharge. The experimentally observed results and the
predicted head-discharge relationship for the weir are
7.2. Location of the hydraulic jump shown in Figure-6.
HEC-RAS proved its ability to predict accurately
the occurrence of the hydraulic jump on the horizontal bed
The figure shows that the results produced by 7.5. Ease of use
HEC-RAS are in good agreement with the laboratory In addition to the run time, inputting data and
results. Thus, HEC-RAS possess considerable accuracy in displaying the results are other parts of the simulation
estimating this relationship for such stepped hydraulic process. From this perspective, HEC-RAS with its simple
structure. interface windows was found easy to create and modify
the geometric data file for this specific flow problem.
7.4. Computational time Besides, it is apparent from the running procedure
The theoretical bases and the solution techniques of HEC-RAS, illustrated previously, that it requires no
of the HEC-RAS model are determining factors of the initial conditions and also demands few boundary
time of computations. In the present simulations, HEC- conditions data, resulting in significant savings in effort
RAS spent a maximum time of less than (30) seconds to and time.
compute the water surface profiles over the weir. However, HEC-RAS offers simple and not quite
This significantly short run time is owed to the descriptive graphs, but it offers tabular forms that are quite
governing equations and solution approaches followed by flexible for viewing the results.
HEC-RAS. The 1-D steady-flow component of HEC-RAS
is based on the energy equation, which involves a number 8. CONCLUSIONS
of simplifying approximations that help reduce The1-D steady-flow HEC-RAS module was used
computational complexity. Furthermore, the energy to describe the water surface profile, determine the
equation is solved by the standard step method, which is a location of the hydraulic jump, and produce the head-
relatively simple iterative approach applied easily to 1-D discharge relationship for the single-step weir.
grids and, hence, contributes to the short computation Performance of the numerical model was evaluated by free
time. flow laboratory tests on the weir.
VOL. 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2013 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2013 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
From analysing and comparing the HEC-RAS Siddique-E-Akbor A.H.M. and others. 2011. Inter-
results to the observed results, the following conclusions comparison study of water level estimates derived from
may be drawn: hydrodynamic-hydrologic model and satellite altimetry for
a complex deltaic environment. Remote Sensing of
a) HEC-RAS could compute the water surface profile Environment. 115: 1522-1531.
upstream of the single-step weir very well.
b) HEC-RAS could simulate accurately the water surface Toombes L. and Chanson H. 2011. Numerical Limitations
profile over the upper part of the single-step weir. of Hydraulic Models. The 34th International Association
c) HEC-RAS could not simulate the curved flow past the for Hydraulic Research World Congress, Brisbane,
vertical faces of the single-step weir. Australia. pp. 2322-2329.
d) HEC-RAS could not simulate the impact of jet past
the vertical faces of the single-step weir. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2010. HEC-RAS River
e) HEC-RAS could accurately determine the location of Analysis System, Hydraulic Reference Manual, Version
the hydraulic jump on the channel bed when the jump 4.1, Hydrologic Engineering Center, Davis, California,
was not at the toe of the weir. USA.
f) HEC-RAS presented precise results of the head-
discharge relationship for the single-step weir.
g) HEC-RAS is easy and friendly to use. It demands few
boundary conditions data and required no initial
conditions. The geometric data file for this specific
flow problem was also found easy to create and
h) HEC-RAS computes the one-dimensional free-flow
surface profiles very quickly. The computation time
was less than a half minute.
The author owes recognition to the water
resources engineers Parizad Ahmed Hussein, Sipel Ameer
Fize and Jihan Moayad Fariq, for their assistance in the
laboratory works.
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