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Orpheus, son of Apollo and the Muse Calliope, grows up in Thrace, a land long noted for the
purity and richness of its divine gift of song. His father presents him with a lyre and teaches him
to play it. So lovely are the songs of Orpheus that the wild beasts follow him when he plays, and
even the trees, the rocks, and the hills gather near him. It is said his music softens the
composition of stones.

Orpheus charms Eurydice with his music, but Hymen brings no happy omens to their wedding.
His torch smokes so that tears come to their eyes. Passionately in love with his wife, Orpheus
becomes mad with grief when Eurydice dies. Fleeing from a shepherd who desires her, she steps
upon a snake and dies from its bite.

Heartbroken, Orpheus wanders over the hills composing and singing melancholy songs of
memory for the lost Eurydice. Finally he descends into the Underworld and makes his way past
the sentries by means of his music. Approaching the throne of Proserpine and Hades, he sings a
lovely song in which he says that love brings him to the Underworld. He complains that
Eurydice was taken from him before her time and if they will not release her, he will not leave
Hades. Proserpine and Hades cannot resist his pleas. They agree to set Eurydice free if Orpheus
will promise not to look upon her until they safely reach the Upperworld.

The music of Orpheus is so tender that even the ghosts shed tears. Tantalus forgets his search for

Orpheus is overcome with passion just as they reach the exit. He turns to look at Eurydice and
she is immediately sent back to the Underworld – forever. Orpheus is devastated (again) and
roams around Greece playing sad songs. Eventually, he is ripped to shreds by a group of drunken
mad women.

In a place where honesty and luxuriance is a divine gift, there is a family living together. The
father is Apollo, his wife is Muse Calliope and their son is Orpheus. Apollo gives Orpheus a lyre
as a present and he taches him how to play it. As he play the instrument, the sound is very
pleasing that even the wild beasts, trees, rocks and hills are following him. Orpheus attracts
Eurydice with his music and in their wedding, Hymen did not bring Omen. The torch burns and
it’s smoke makes them shed tears. As Orpheus got mad because his wife died due to the snake
bite, Orpheus roam around the hill to dedicate a song for his beloved wife. Lastly, Orpheus went
down to the underworld through his music and he approaches the throne of Proserpine and
Hades. As he sings a lovely song that made him go to the underworld, he protested that if they
will not release Eurydice, Orpheus will not leave Hades. Proserpine and Hades cannot endure the
favor of Orpheus, so, they agree to give Eurydice back if Apollo will not look back to his wife
until they reach the Upperworld. The music of Orpheus is so captivating that he made the ghost
cry and Tantalus forgot to search for water. Sadly, he look back to Eurydice and she was sent
back to the underworld forever. Orpheus was wrecked and he meander around Greece playing
sad songs. Unfortunately, he died because he was ripped by a group of intoxicated women.

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