Teen Questions
Teen Questions
Teen Questions
Instructions: To assist in helping you, please fill out this form as fully and openly as possible. All of the information
on this form is held in the strictest confidence within legal limits. If certain questions do not apply, please leave
them blank.
Presenting Concern(s):
What issues or problems bring you to therapy? _______________________________________________________
Medical History/Information:
Do you have any concerns about your physical health? If yes, please specify: _______________________________
Please list any psychotherapy or chemical dependency treatment you have received in the past: ______________
How would you describe the result of that psychotherapy? What was helpful about it? ______________________
Family Information:
Your Father’s Name: __________________________Occupation:________________________________________
Is there anything you would like to change about your relationship with your father? If yes, please specify: _______
Is there anything you would like to change about your relationship with your mother? If yes, please specify: _____
Do you have concerns about either the drug or alcohol use of your parents? If yes, please specify: _____________
Do you think your parents are: too strict Not strict enough just about right
Your parents’ relationship status: Married Separated Divorced Remarried
If applicable
Step-parent(s) name(s): __________________________________________________________________________
If your parents are divorced, please describe the details of the custody/visitation schedule (i.e. when you are with
each parent): __________________________________________________________________________________
If you could, is there anything you would change about this schedule? ____________________________________
Have any of the following stressful events occurred in the life of your family? If so, please indicate which ones, to
whom it may have occurred and how old you were when it/they occurred.
List a few things you like about yourself and/or what others would say they like about you: ___________________
List a few things about yourself or your life you don’t like or would like to change? __________________________
Any concerns about your relationships with friends? If yes, please describe: ________________________________
Symptom Check-List:
Listed below are a number of common symptoms. Please check ALL that apply to you
(rate the severity for each one you’ve checked on a scale from 1-5; 1 = least severe 5 = most severe):
Do you:
1. Eat breakfast most mornings? Yes No
2. Eat lunch at school? Yes No
3. Does your family eat meals together most days? Yes No
4. Exercise daily? Yes No
5. Eat a balanced diet including a variety of food and adequate amounts
(such as 3-5 servings of fruits & vegetables per day and 2-3 servings of milk) Yes No
6. Lost or gained over 10 pounds in the last 6 months without trying? Yes No
7. Suspect that you may have an eating disorder? Yes No
8. Spend more than 4 hours with the TV or computer each day? Yes No
9. Have any special dietary needs? (i.e. pregnancy, diabetes, allergies, etc.) Yes No
10. Take herbal supplements or other over-the-counter medications? Yes No
Please list any other concerns about your diet that we should know about: ________________________________
1. Have you ever used alcohol or drugs? Yes No If YES, complete the questions below:
a. Used more than one chemical at the same time in order to get high? Yes No
b. Avoid family activities so you can use? Yes No
c. Have a group of friends who use? Yes No
d. Use to improve emotions such as when you may feel sad or depressed? Yes No
2. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes No If YES, how many and how often:______________________
3. Do you consume caffeinated beverages? Yes No If YES, what beverage, how much and how