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FBS Lesson Plan 1.3

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Name: Jodalyn M.

Tagab Date: February 5, 2018

School: Dalipuga National High School Subject: Food & Beverage Services
School Address: Dalipuga, Iligan City Grade: 12
Cooperating Teacher: Laile R. Tatad

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

Food and Beverages Services for Grade 12

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. recognize the proper ways of serving food to the guest
2. demonstrate the proper ways of serving food to the guest
3. value the importance of the proper ways of serving food to the guest


A. Subject Matter: Proper ways of serving food to the guests

B. References: Department of Education, (2017). Food and Beverages Services Manual
(p.199-201). Pasig City: Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House
C. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, tv, laptop
D. Teaching Strategies: video presentation, prior knowledge checking, demonstration
E. Values Infuse: Versatility, consistency of good manners


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

To start our day, it should be start with a prayer,


Who is assigned to lead the prayer for this day?

(A student will raise a hand)
Yes ____________. Please lead the prayer.

(Students will rise for the prayer)

Before taking your seats, kindly arrange your

chairs properly and pick up trashes on the floor.
(Students will execute)

Let me check your attendance first.

Let me hear your energetic HELLO when your

name is called
(Calling names)

Wow! Very Good no one is absent today!

Let’s have 5 claps!

(Students clap their hands)


I gave you an assignment last meeting, right?
Please pass it forward and to the center aisle,
(Students will pass their assignments)
In a count of 5

(the teacher will count up to 5)

Are all papers in? Thank you

Yes ma’am.


Class, what was our topic last meeting? Who can

recall what was our topic yesterday?
(Student raising a hand)
Yes, _______.
Last meeting, we discussed about the protocol
and etiquette of serving food
Thank you, _____. So, last meeting we discussed
about the protocol and etiquette of serving food.
These two words may seem so common yet it has
different meaning. Who can differentiate
between protocol and etiquette?

Yes, _______.

(Student raising a hand)

Protocol is the official procedure or system of

rules governing affairs of state or diplomatic
Very Good! occasions while Etiquette is the customary code
Thank you so much, ______. of polite behavior in society or among members
of a particular profession or group.
So, any questions about this topic?

None? so it means you are ready for our next

None ma’am!


This morning we will have a new discussion and

activities as well.
But before that let me show you a video

Okay class! Thank you for watching. (Student watching video)

From the things we watched a while ago, what do

you think our lesson for today?

Okay, very good!

Proper ways of serving food to the guest
Our topic today is about the proper ways of
serving food to the guest.


To begin our lesson, let me present to you the

lesson objectives for this day so that you will be
guided with what are expected to you at the end
of this period.

First, kindly read ________.

We will identify the proper ways of serving food

to the guest identify the proper ways of serving food to the
Second, kindly read ________.

Later we will demonstrate the proper ways of

serving food to the guest demonstrate the proper ways of serving food to
the guest
Lastly, kindly read ________.

Of course, we will know the importance of the value the importance of the proper ways of
proper ways of serving food to the guest serving food to the guest


For us to understand well and to have smooth

transition, we will unlock some difficult terms.

Appetizer- a small dish of food or a drink taken

before a meal or the main course of a meal to
stimulate one's appetite.

Condiments- a substance such as salt or ketchup

that is used to add flavor to food.

Let’s read together!

Thank you so much class!

(Students read together)

 Activity
Let’s have another activity!
I will group you into 3 groups. Starting from this
row. Count from 1 to 3

Listen carefully to the instruction. I will give you a

manila paper and as a group you will write 5 (Students counting)
sentences that you think when you say the word
proper ways in serving food to the guest.


Yes ma’am!
 Analysis
Yes ma’am!
Okay so let’s have a round of applause for each
and every one.
Did each group think critically in our activity?

Okay. Let’s learn further.

Yes ma’am!!
 Abstraction
Serving food

 Place the plates in front of the customer

with the right hand while the stack of
other plated food is held by the left hand
behind customer's chair
 If there is an accident, the plates held in
the left hand will go onto the floor rather
than over the customer.
 Plated food should be placed uniformly so
that the food items are consistently in the
same position for all customers. In case
there is the a logo name of establishments
on the plate, place at the 12 o clock
position and the meat is set on the plate
at 6 o'clock

Serving the First Course (Soup or Appetizer)

Within 15 minutes (AXLER, 1990) after being
seated, the guest must be served with appetizers.
Server may announce the title of appetizer as it is
served at the left side of the guest

 When both guests are finished, remove

appetizer plates and forks. Say: May I
remove these? (Hand gesture towards
plate and fork).
 Remember also to refill water goblets
with iced water, unless the guest signals
he/she does not want so.
 Soup is served within 10 minutes after the
appetizer plates are cleared. Again, serve
soup bowl with an under liner plate on the
left side of the guest
 Remove the bowl with under liner at the
right side of the guest. Always begin with
the lady guest
 If the male guest finishes ahead or at on
the same time as with the female guest,
his soup plate should be cleared first
followed by the lady guest's soup plate
Serving the Salad

 Serve the salad plate with an under liner

in front of the guest at his/her left side.
Always check if the salad fork and knife
are still in place and unused
 Remember to stay at the left side of the
guest, using the left hand when placing an
ordered item in front of the guest
 Clear salad plate with under liner,
together with the salad fork and knife.
Position at the right side of the guest
Serving Entrée (main Course)

 Clearing all Dishes

 Clearing Condiments
 Crumbling Down
 Positioning Dessert spoon and fork
The main course should follow within 10 minutes
of first or course whichever the last course is
served. If no appetizer is served, the entree is
served within 20 minutes after the beverages are
served service

 Make sure that there is a dinner fork at

the left side of the guest and a dinner knife
on his right side
Remove first the entrée dish together with dinner
fork and knife by standing at the guest's right
side. Say: May I remove your plate, sir? (Motion
with the right hand towards the dish)

 Generalization
So those are the proper ways of serving food to
the guest.
Now class, why do we need to follow the proper
ways of serving food to the guest?

It is important to follow the proper ways of

serving food to the guest to monitor sequence of
Very Good! Well said, ______. service and delivering of meal according to
 Application
Our 3rd activity is an application of what we have
discussed. Still on your groups a while ago, you
will demonstrate the procedures or the ways of
serving food to the guest, I will give you 5
minutes for your brainstorming after that you will
present it on the front.

Before that, let me present to you our rubric in

grading you. (Presents a rubric)

Any questions?

None ma’am!

(Teacher will rate them after) Yes ma’am!

Good job guys!

A round of applause for each and every one.
So, class when you are in a restaurant setting,
remember the word versatile. You have to adapt (Student execute)
different roles yet what remains is your
consistency of your good character.

May you remember that always.

Since everybody seems understood well our
topic. Get ½ sheet crosswise paper and answer

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Below is the characteristics of the proper ways of serving food to the guest. Identify
them if the characteristic is about Serving first course, Serving the Salad or Serving the main

 Clearing all dishes

 Clearing condiments
 Positioning dessert spoon and fork
 Remove the bowl under liner at the right side
 Soup is served within 10 minutes
 Soup plate should be cleared first followed by lady guest’s soup plate
 Serve salad plate with an under liner in front of guest
 Always check the salad fork and knife are still in place
 Clear salad plate with under liner

Serving first course Serving salad Serving main course

V. Assignment

Research on the guests with special needs and how they should serve them.

(Include your reference here)

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