Binder 1
Binder 1
Binder 1
1- At 17-1/2 inch surface hole is being drilled at 3750 feet the formation fluid
pressure is 2000 psi at this depth.
Is the formation fluid pressure?
o Above normal.
o Below normal.
o Normal.
o Under–compacted shales.
o Carbonate layers.
o Depleted sands.
o Abnormal pressure.
o Normal pressure.
o Sub normal pressure.
o 0.495 psi/ft
o 0.564 psi/ft
o 0.376 psi/ft
o 0.465 psi/ft
o The formation water source located at a higher level than the rig floor.
o The difference in density between gas and formation fluid.
o Compaction of the formation from the above laying formation.
one. Around the drill collars if and annular capacity is 0.03 bls/ft
Two. Around the drill pipe if the annular capacity is 0.05 bbls/ft
11- If a formation pore pressure gradient at 8500ft is 0.489 psi/ft what mud
weight is required to give an over –balance of 200 psi?
Answer :------------- .
12- Match the descriptions on the right with the terms A to D by placing the
letters in the appropriate blanks. Use each letter only once, and only one
letter per blank.
13- There are a variety of mechanisms that an cause abnormal formation fluid
pressures list 4 of the principle causes below.
14- While normal formation fluid gradients vary around the world they are
generally assumed to be:
o .495 psi/ft
o .564 psi/ft
o .833 psi/ft
o .465 psi/ft
15- The mud weight required in the hole to balance normal formation fluid
pressure would have to be:
o 8.3 ppg
o 10.3 ppg
o 8.9 ppg
o 9.5 ppg
16- How does the artesian effect cause abnormal pressure?
(Two answers)
3- Which of the following are needed for the calculation of an accurate formation
strength at the shoe?
(Three answers)
o ------------- ppg
7- Well data
13-3/8 inch casing is set at 5,210 feet TVD. Formation strength at the shoe is
3,800 psi. Current mud weight = 10.6 ppg.
o 2,050 psi
o 555 psi
o 928 psi
o 1,800 psi
(Three answers)
12- Which of the following have to be performed before taking a leak-off test?
o Circulate the mud to get same weight all the way around.
o Line up through kill line and pump at the slow circulating rate
o To prevent damage to the formation, raise the bit up inside the shoe.
o Drill out the casing shoe and approximately 15 ft into new formation.
o To minimize chance of stuck pipe, raise the bit up inside the shoe.
13- When should a leak –off test be carried out? (Choose one answer)
o Stop the pump after 10 barrels has been pumped then read the drill pipe pressure.
o Condition the mud until mud density in the well is constant. Then carry out the
leak-of test.
o Pump at slow circulation rate until fracture pressure is reached.
o Pump down drill string at slow circulating rate and read drillpipe pressure.
15- What happens to MAASP if the mud weight is increased? (Choose one answer)
16- Which of the following can affect MAASP. (Choose three answer)
o Annular volume.
o Ph of the mud.
o Shoe depth.
o Mud weight.
o The maximum pressure the pump can handle.
o The fracture pressure of the formation at the casing shoe.
17- 9-5/8 inch casing set at 8900 ft TVD. Formation strength at the shoe is 6350 psi.
Mud weight is 11 ppg.
3- While pulling out of the hole, at which point is the most critical to keep the hole
full before pulling another stand?
4- Of all the system pressure losses in a circulating system, which one is the
exerted just on the formation?
5- The rate at which a formation will flow into a wellbore depends on:
6- What is the influx contaminent? If 21.7 bbl were gained from a 8-3/8” hole
with 720 feet of 6-1/4” drill collars (0.03018 bbl/ft annular volume) and shut in
drill pipe pressure was 370, shut in casing pressure 670, with 80 pcf mud in the
a) Gas
b) Oil
c) Water
d) Salt water
1- When pipe is tripped out of the hole, you should expect the mud level to—
a. Decrease.
b. Increase.
c. Stay the same
2- If pipe is tripped in to the hole too fast, surging can occur, which may result
a. Formation fracturing.
b. A kick.
c. Lost circulation.
d. All the above.
4- the most common mistake made by the crew when tripping out of the hole is—
a. Surging.
b. Fracturing the formation.
c. Not keeping the hole full of mud.
d. Not checking for a change in cutting size.
5- swabbing is—
Place the item on the right in the order you would expect them to occur in a porous and
permeable formation. Place the letters in the correct sequence in the spaces.
a. Annulus.
b. Drill stem.
c. Bit nozzles.
d. Return line.
a. Mud pump.
b. Driller’s console.
c. Mud pit.
d. Rotary hose.
13- If we are pumping 10 barrels per minute in to the well, and 12 barrels per
minute is returning to the mud pits, we have—
a. A kick.
b. Surging.
c. A fractured formation.
d. A drilling break.
14- What is the influx contaminant? If 21.7 bbl were gained from a 8-3/8” hole
with 720 feet of 6-1/4” drill collars (0.03018 bbl/ft annular volume) and shut in
drill pipe pressure was 370, shut in casing pressure 670, with 11ppg mud in the
a) Gas
b) Oil & Gas
c) Salt water
Quiz IV
1- a drilling break means—
You are drilling at 14,823 feet. The drilling rate has recently increased from 4 feet per
hour to 6 feet per hour. The mud engineer told you to tell the driller that the salinity
(salt content) of the returning mud has increase. Also, the derrickman has noticed that
the cuttings have increased in size. The driller has shut off the mud pump, and there
is no flow from the mud return line.
a. Could occur.
b. Could not occur.
c. Has occurred.
4- place an X in the space before the warning signs that did occur.
4- Due to failure to fill the hole when pulling pipe, the mud level in the hole drops
580 ft. causing the sell to flow. The mud weight is 11.9 ppg and the T.V.D is
9500 ft. what is the bottom hole pressure when the well starts to flow?
5- Which of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and due to lack of
alertness by the driller?
□ Lost circulation
□ Gas cut mud
□ Failure to fill hole during trip
□ Abnormal formation pressures
6- When running in the hole the measured volume of mud displaced is less than
calculated. What could be the cause?
9- You are drilling ahead when you notice increasing drill rate, slight torque rise and
small amounts of gas in the mud. What action would you take?
12- A drilling break occurs, you check for flow- negative. One hour later the mud
returning is gas cut, you check for flow – negative. What has happened?
□ Well is kicking
□ Less porous formation
□ High pressure high volume formation
□ Gas has com from the drilled formation
13- using the following data calculate the mud required to fill the hole during a trip.
Calculate volume to fill the hole per stand when pulling ‘dry’ for:-
Calculate volume to fill the hole per stand when pulling ‘wet’ (no returns to trip
tank) for:-
14- match the descriptions on the right with the terms A to D by placing the letters in
the appropriate blanks. Use each letter only once, and only one letter per blank.
a. Over balance
b. Kick
c. Lost circulation
d. Swabbing
1. mud hydrostatic pressure drop if one stand of pipe is pulled ‘dry’ from the well.
= ------------- psi
2. mud hydrostatic pressure drip if one stand of pipe is pulled ‘wet’ from the well
(no returns from inside of pipe back to the well)’
=-------------- psi
16- What is influx contaminant? If 21.7 bbl were gained from a 8-3/8" hole with 720
feet of 6-1/4" drill collars (0.03018 bbl/ft annular volume) and shut in drill
pressure was 370, shut in casing pressure 670, with 10.5 ppg mud in the hole;
□ gas
□ oil
□ water
□ salt water
Quiz #5
1- What is the choke manifold line up for a soft shut-in procedure whilst drilling?
2- What is the choke manifold line up for a hard shut – in procedure whilst drilling?
4- When tripping out of the hole with 40 stands still to pull the well flows.
How do we shut the well in using the soft shut –in method?
5- When picking up to check for flow the pumps are usually kept running , why?
7- Why should the well be shut in quickly after a kick has been detected?
9- What is the choke manifold line up for the soft shut –in procedure whilst drilling?
10- Which of the following describes the hard shut-in procedure for a surface stack according
to APIRP59?
11- Which of the following describes the soft shut-in procedure when the well is observed to
be flowing while tripping?
12- When drilling with a surface BOP how should the stack and choke manifold be set up for
a soft shut-in?
(Three answers)
13- Which of the following correctly describes the soft shut-in procedure according to
14- Which of the following describes the APIRP59 hard shut- in procedure?
1. With choke open, Pick up off the bottom, shut down pumps, Open side outlet valve on
BOP, Close BOP, close the choke, Record pressure.
2. With choke closed, Pick up off bottom, shut down pumps, Close BOP, Open side outlet
valve on BOP, Record pressure.
16- How should the choke manifold be lined up, when drilling, for a soft shut-in procedure?
(Tick the appropriate box below).
Tick here:
a. Side outlet valve on BOP closed.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Remote adjustable choke closed.
b. Side outlet valve on BOP open.
Choke line open through manual choke.
Remote choke open.
c. Side outlet valve on BOP open.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Manual choke closed.
d. Side outlet valve on BOP closed.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Remote adjustable choke open.
17- How should the choke manifold be lined up, when drilling, for a hard shut-in procedure?
(Tick the appropriate box below).
Tick here:
a. Side outlet valve on BOP closed.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Remote adjustable choke closed.
b. Side outlet valve on BOP open.
Choke line open through manual choke.
Remote choke open.
c. Side outlet valve on BOP open.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Manual choke closed.
d. Side outlet valve on BOP closed.
Choke line open through remote adjustable choke.
Remote adjustable choke open.
18- The well starts to flow when tripping out of the hole. Which of the following actions
should be taken to close the well in using the soft shut-in? (Choose one answer).
20- What action should be taken if the well flows while tripping out of the hole?
(Choose one answer)
□ Install a safety valve on drill string and shut the well in.
□ Run back to bottom immediately.
□ Continue pulling out of hole.
□ Close BOP then install Kelly or top drive.
21- Using the BOP configuration shown below answer the following questions.
a. with drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and repair the side
outlets on the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
b. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and repair the
drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
c. is it possible to shut the well in with drill pipe in the hole and circulate through the drill pipe?
o Yes
o No
d. with drill pipe in the hole, and the well shut in under pressure with the annular preventer, is it
possible to circulate through the kill line and choke line?
o Yes
o No
e. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure using the
annular preventer and change pipe rams to blind rams?
o Yes
o No
f. while replacing the ring gasket on the drilling spool choke line flange the well starts to flow.
There is no drill pipe in the hole. Can the well be shut in under pressure?
o Yes
o No
22- using the BOP configuration shown below answer the following questions.
a. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and repair the
side outlets on the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
b. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and repair the
drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
c. is it possible to shut the well in with drill pipe in the hole and circulate through the drill pipe?
o Yes
o No
d. while changing blind rams to pipe rams with drill pipe in the hole the well starts to flow. Can
the well be shut in?
o Yes
o No
e. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and change the
pipe rams?
o Yes
o No
f. with drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and change blind
rams to pipe rams?
o Yes
o No
23- Which of the following affect the shut in drill pipe pressure?
24- A vertical well with a surface BOP stack is shut in on a kick. The pressure readings are as
LEAK – OFF test result using 11 ppg mud weight 1175 psi
a. 12.2 ppg
b. 11.4 ppg
c. 12.4 ppg
d. 12.7 ppg
a. 982 strokes
b. 1265 strokes
c. 1167 strokes
d. 942 strokes
a. 2553 strokes
b. 2210 strokes
c. 3944 strokes
d. 1281 strokes
a. 1075 bbl
b. 953 bbl
c. 891 bbl
d. 1005 bbl
a. 850 psi
b. 780 psi
c. 950 psi
d. 480 psi
a. 480 psi
b. 780 psi
c. 400 psi
d. 850 psi
a. 0.293 psi/ft
b. 0.498 psi/ft
c. 0.103 psi/ft
d. 0.065 psi/ft
8. Approximately how long will it take to circulate kill mud around the well at 30 spm?
a. 1000 psi
b. 1080 psi
c. 865 psi
d. 800 psi
10. What is the new MAASP , once the kill mud has been circulated around the well?
a. 1075 psi
b. 550 psi
c. 865 psi
d. 755 psi
1- Which of the following factors increases the chance of swabbing?
2- Due to failure to fill the hole when pulling pipe, the mud level in the hole drops
580 ft. causing the well to flow. The mud weight is 11.9 ppg and the T.V.D is
9500ft. what is the bottom hole pressure when the well starts to flow?
o 5750 psi
o 5880 psi
o 5520 psi
o 5430 psi
3- Which of the following causes of well kicks is totally avoidable and due to lack of
alertness by the driller?
o lost circulation
o gas cut mud
o failure to fill hole during trip
o abnormal formation pressure
5- A drilling break occurs, you check for flow – negative, one hour later the mud
returning is gas cut. You check for flow-negative. What has happened?
o well is kicking
o less porous formation
o high pressure high volume formation
o gas has come from the drilled formation
6- To ensure that an accurate leak – off test result a number of parameters must be
accurately recorded.
Select those parameters from the following.
o ………… ppg
13-3/8 inch casing is set at 5,210 feet TVD. Formation strength at the shoe is
3,800 psi. Current mud weight = 10.6 ppg
What is the maximum allowable annulus surface pressure (MAASP)
o 2,050 psi
o 555 psi
o 928 psi
o 1,800 psi
a. with drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and repair
the side outlets on the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
b. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
repair the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
c. is it possible to shut the well in with drill pipe in the hole and circulate through the
drill pipe?
o Yes
o No
d. with drill pipe in the hole, and the well shut in under pressure with the annular
preventer, is it possible to circulate through the kill line and choke line?
o Yes
o No
e. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure using the
annular preventer and change pipe rams to blind rams?
o Yes
o No
f. while replacing the ring gasket on the drilling spool choke line flange the well starts
to flow. There is no drill pipe in the hole. Can the well be shut in under pressure?
o Yes
o No
12- using the BOP configuration shown below answer the following questions.
a. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
repair the side outlets on the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
b. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
repair the drilling spool?
o Yes
o No
c. is it possible to shut the well in with drill pipe in the hole and circulate through the
drill pipe?
o Yes
o No
d. while changing blind rams to pipe rams with drill pipe in the hole the well starts to
flow. Can the well be shut in?
o Yes
o No
e. with no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and
change the pipe rams?
o Yes
o No
f. with drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut the well in under pressure and change
blind rams to pipe rams?
o Yes
o No
13- Which of the following affect the shut in drill pipe pressure?
14- A vertical well with a surface BOP stack is shut in on a kick. The pressure readings
are as follows:
15- A well has been shut in on a kick. The drill pipe pressure is zero because there is a
float (non-return) valve in the string.
o Bring the pump up to kill rate holding the casing pressure constant by opening the
choke. The pressure shown when the pump is at kill rate is the shut in drill pipe
o Shear the pipe and read the drill pipe pressure directly off the casing gauge.
o Pump very slowly in to the drill string with the well shut in. When casing
pressure starts to rise, stop the pump and read the pressure. This is the shut in drill
pipe pressure.
o Pump at 2 barrels per minute into the annulus with the well shut in. when the
pressure equalizes the float will open. This pump pressure is the shut in drill pipe
A salt-water kick has been taken, filling 250 feet of the annulus.
o 18 psi.
o 318 psi
o 430 psi
o 412 psi
17- what is the choke manifold line up for a soft shut – in procedure whilst drilling?
18- What is the choke manifold line up for a hard shut – in procedure whilst drilling?
20- when picking up to check for flow the pumps are usually kept running, why?
o To take a slow circulating rate pressure.
o To check the pressure losses in the annulus.
o To clean the bottom of the hole of cuttings.
o To maximize the pressure on the bottom of the hole.
21- Whilst tripping out of the hole the well starts flowing.
What is the first action that should be taken?
o Stab a drill string safety valve and shut the well in.
o Pull back to shoe and shut in.
o Run back to bottom as quickly as possible.
o Close the annular and make up the top drive or Kelly.
22- Why should the well be shut in quickly after a kick has been detected?
o To minimize the shut in drill pipe pressure (SIDPP).
o To reduce the migration speed of the influx.
o To minimize the size of the influx.
1. Prior to starting to pull out of the hole a heavy slug was pumped into the
drill pipe followed by 15 barrels of 13.2 ppg mud.
Use the data to calculate the distance between the drilling fluid level in the
drill pipe and in the flowline after the slug has been pumped.
287 ft
270 ft
207 ft
2. If the driller pulls all 400 ft of 8" OD x 2-13/16" ID drill collars out of the
hole, including the bit, without filling the hole, what would be the
reduction in bottom hole pressure?
Mud weight= 11.8 ppg
Casing capacity= 0.1545 bbl/ft
Metal displacement = 0.0545 bbl.ft
88.6 psi
134 psi
234 psi
4. With the well shut in on a kick, the SIDPP plus the hydrostatic pressure of
the mud in the drill string equals:
Casing pressure.
Degree of underbalance.
Bottomhole pressure.
7. A vertical well is shut- in after a gas kick has been taken. The bit is 1,000
ft off bottom and the influx is totally beneath the bit. Shut – in drill pipe
pressure is 500 psi. What will shut – in casing pressure be (most likely)?
Answer -----------------
Answer -----------------
Answer -----------------
d. If the pump speed is increased to give 800 GPM, what will the pump
pressure be?
Answer -----------------
e. Will this increase in the pump speed have any effect on bottom hole
Answer YES/ NO
f. Referring to the data given above, if the mud weight being circulated at
700 GPM was 12 ppg rather than 10 ppg, what would pump pressure be?
Answer -----------------
6- When circulating a 12 ppg mud at 10000 ft ECD is 12.3 ppg. What is the annular
pressure loss?
Answer -----------------
a. Around the drill collars if the annular capacity is 0.03 bbls/ ft.
Answer -----------------
b. Around the drill pipe if the annular capacity is 0.05 bbls/ ft.
Answer -----------------
8- If the fluid level in a well bore fell by 480 ft, what is the reduction in bottom hole
pressure if the mud weight is 12 ppg?
Answer -----------------
9- if a 12 ppg mud over – balances the formation pressure by 240 psi theoretically
how far could the mud level fall before going under – balance?
Answer -----------------
10- Drilling at 12700 ft with an 8-1/2" bit, the drill pipe is 5" with 700 ft of 6-1/2"
collars. The mud weight = 12 ppg. The yield point of the mud is 12 lbs / 100ft2.
Use the equation given below to determine ECD.
Answer -----------------
Annular- pressure loss=
200( DH DP )
11- If a formation pore pressure gradient at 8500 ft is 0.486 psi/ft, what mud weight is
required to give an over- balance of 200 psi?
Answer -----------------
1. Convert the following mud densities into pressure gradients.
5. High bottom hole temperatures could affect the hydrostatic pressure gradients
resulting in:
Answer..................... 2
Answer..................... 2
Answer..................... 2
d. If the pump speed is increased to give 800 GPM, what will the pump
pressure be?
Answer..................... 2
e. Will this increase in the pump speed have any effect on bottom hole
Answer YES/NO 2
f. Referring to the data given above, if the mud weight being circulated
at 700 GPM was 12 ppg rather than 10 ppg, what would pump
pressure be?
Answer...................... 2
7. When circulating a 12 ppg mud at 10000ft ECD is 12.3 ppg. What is the
annular pressure loss?
Answer...................... 2
8. Calculate the pressure that one barrel of 12 ppg mud Wt exerts.
Answer...................... 2
Answer...................... 2
9. If the fluid level in a well bore fell by 480ft, what is the reduction in bottom
hole pressure if the mud weight is 12 ppg?
Answer...................... 2
10. If a 12 ppg mud over-balances the formation pressure by 240 psi theoretically
how far could the mud level fall before going under-balance?
Answer....................... 2
11. Drilling at 12700ft with an 8 1/2" bit, the drill pipe is 5" with 700ft of 6 1/2"
collars. The mud weight = 12 ppg. The yield point of themud is 12lbs/100ft
2.Use the equation given below to determine
Answer...................... 4
Annular-pressure loss = YP x L
200( DH-DP )
12. If a formation pore pressure gradient at 8500ft is 0.486 psi/ft, what mud
weight is required to give an over-balance of 200 psi?
Answer...................... 2
1. There are a variety of mechanisms that can cause abnormal formation fluid
pressures. List 4 of the principle causes below.
Answer ( a) ———————— (
b) ———————— ( c)
(d) ———————— 2
2. Shown below is a pressure versus volume plot of a leak off test.
The leak off was carried out with a 10.6 ppg mud. The casing shoe is at 4000 ft TVD.
a. What is the maximum pressure that the exposed formations below the
shoe can support?
ANSWER................. 2
3. M.A.A.S.P. The maximum allowable annular surface pressure should be re-
a. At the start of each shift
b. As soon as possible after a drilling break
c. When approaching a suspected transition zone
d. When the mud weight has been increased in the system
e. If a kick has occurred and the well is shut-in
ANSWER................. 2
4. The calculated M.A.A.S.P. value is relevant..
a. When the influx is in the open-hole section
b. As the influx approaches the surface
ANSWER................. 2
Given the following data:
Depth 10000 ft TVD Bit size 8
Shoe depth 8500 ft TVD
Mud weight 12.6 ppg
Collars - 600ft. capacity = 0.0077 bbl/ft Metal
displacement = 0.03 bbl/ft
Drill-pipe 5" capacity = 0.0178 bbl/ft Metal
displacement = 0.0075 bbl/ft
Casing/pipe annular capacity = 0.0476 bbl/ft Casing
capacity = 0.0729 bbl/ft One stand of drill-pipe
= 94 ft.
Assuming the 12.6 ppg mud gives an over-balance of 200 psi.
a. If 10 stands of pipe are removed “dry” without filling the hole, what
would be the resultant reduction in bottom-hole pressure?
ANSWER........................... 3
b. If 5 stands of pipe had been pulled “wet” without filling the hole, the
resultant reduction in bottom-hole pressure would be.
ANSWER........................... 3
c. If prior to tripping a 20 barrel slug of 14.6 ppg mud was displaced to
prevent a wet trip, what would be the expected volume return due to the
U-tubing of the heavy mud?
ANSWER........................... 2
6. Prior to tripping out of the hole a trip tank and pump are lined up to keep
the hole full as the pipe is removed. The trip tank contains 30 barrels of
mud. After pulling 10 stands of pipe the level in the trip tank is 27 barrels.
(Use data given in Question 6). Would the safest option be..
a. To continue tripping but flow-check when bits at shoe.
b. Stop and shut the well in. If no pressures seen open the well up and
continue tripping.
c. Flow-check. If no flow, go back to bottom and circulate.
d. Flow-check. If no flow, continue tripping
ANSWER............................ 2
7. A well can be induced to flow by swabbing. Swabbing is the reduction of
bottom hole pressure due to the effects of pulling pipe. List below 3
conditions that can cause swabbing.
Answer ( a) ———————
(b) ———————
(c) ——————— 2
8. A drill string consist of 5" 20 lb/ft drill-pipe and 8 1/2" drill-collars. The
spare kelly cock has 4 1/2" I. F. thread connections. What crossover sub is
required for the collars?
ANSWER.......................... 2
9. A fixed rig is set in 300ft of sea water. The marine conductor has been set
X ft below the sea-bed. The flow line is 65ft above the mean sea-level.
The strength of the sub-sea formations is 0.68 psi/ft. Sea-water gradient is
0.445 psi/ft. It is proposed to drill with 9.2 ppg mud. What is the minimum
depth that the conductor has to be set below sea-bed to prevent losses?
ANSWER............................. 8
10. An over-balance or trip margin is added to the mud. When tripping this
will prevent a loss of B.H.P. due to the swabbing effect of pulling the pipe.
11. Assume casing is set at 4800ft TVD/MD and that gas sands were
encountered at 5000ft and at 8500ft. If the formation pressure gradient at
5000 ft is 0.47 psi/ft and at 8500ft it is 0.476 psi/ft. What mud weight is
required to give an over-balance or trip margin of 200 psi?
ANSWER............................ 4
1) GAS cutting of the mud could be prevented by having a mud weight that gives a large over
(a) TRUE
4) If the gas cutting of the mud is at a constant level but shows significantly bigger peak levels
when connections are made, this indicates:
(a) That formation permeability has changed.
(a) TRUE
6) An increase in both the volume and size of cuttings at the shaker is an indication of
overpressured formations:
(a) TRUE
7) Drilling in a deep high pressure high temperature well with oil based muds. A small gas kick
that goes into solution: ( Select two answers )
(b) Will come out of solution when it reaches a bubble point pressure.
(a) Due to a temporary reduction in the overall mud pressure during a connection.
(b) Due to a temporary increase in the overall mud pressure during the connection.
Questions 1-4 refer to the diagram above. The valves shown are numbered 1 to 15.
1. If all of the above valves were closed, indicate below those valves that should be in
the open position if the Manifold is lined up to suit a Soft Shut-in (excluding
2. Referring to the above question indicate the position of the chokes, when lined up for a
Soft Shut-in .
4. Indicate the position of the chokes, when lined up for a Hard Shut-in .
a. Left hand remote choke Opened Closed
b. Manual adjustable choke Opened Closed
c. Right hand remote choke Opened Closed
If an indication of a Kick while Drilling occurs, or if the Well flows while Tripping, then
the well must be closed-In. (A Kelly is being used) The following is a list of possible
Actions that could or could not be taken when shutting the well in.
5. Select the correct sequence of actions which should be taken if a well kicks while drilling and
the Soft Shut-in is to be used.
6. Select the correct sequence of actions which should be taken if a well kicks while drilling and
the Fast shut-in is to be used.
7. Select the correct sequence of actions which should be taken if a well kicks while drilling and
the Hard shut-in is to be used.
8. If a well flow while Tripping, select the correct sequence of actions which should be taken if
the Fast shut-in is to be used.
a. Controlling formation fluids with the pressure of the mud column, in a static or dynamic
b. Controlling formation fluids with the pressure of the mud column and the well closed in.
10. Prior to Stripping back to bottom, and assuming there is no float valve in the string, the
equipment made up on top of the string would generally be;
11. If a well starts to Flow due to Gas at shallow levels, the safest action would be: ( Select three
answers )
The following questions 1-5 refer to the first stage of the Drillers Method.
1. A well was shut-in on a kick that occurred whilst drilling. During the first circulation of
the Drillers Method, the choke operator maintains a constant drill pipe pressure at a
constant pump speed.
Will bottom hole pressure: a. Be increasing
b. Be decreasing
c. Being kept constant
2. Referring to the question above, the choke operator has not taken into account the
large volume of the surface lines, i.e. from the pump to the rig floor. This will
result in:
3. Referring to question 1 above if the kick was brine, (with no gas) Casing or Choke
pressure will be at its highest : a. When pressures have stabilised at shut-in
b. When the kick is going into the shoe
c. When the kick is nearing the surface
4. What happens to pressure at the shoe as the brine kick is being moved into the casing
5. If the kick is gas rather than brine and as it is being circulated into the casing shoe will:
6. During the second stage of the Drillers Method, assuming all of the kick was removed
during the first stage, if when starting the operation the choke operator maintained a
constant initial circulating pressure in the drill-pipe until kill mud reached the bit. Would
bottom hole pressure? a. Be increased
b. Have reduced
c. Be constant
7. If at the start of the second stage of the Drillers Method, the choke operator maintained a
constant Casing or Choke pressure until kill mud was at surface. How would this action
affect B.H.P. ?
a. B.H.P. would be seeing an increase from the moment the pump reached kill speed
until kill mud was at surface.
b. B.H.P. would have increased until kill mud was at the bit, then B.H.P. would have
remained constant as kill mud displaced the annulus.
c. B.H.P. would have remained constant until kill mud at bit then B.H.P. would be
increased as kill mud displaced the annulus.
8. If total losses occur when drilling and with the bit off bottom and the mud pumps off.
Sea-water is then pumped to the annulus. Assume the volume of water it took to fill the
well to the top was equivalent to 500' of annulus. What is the resultant reduction in
bottom hole pressure due to this action ?
Mud weight = 10 ppg Sea-water = 8.7
ppg a. 260 psi
b. 226 psi
c. 34 psi
9. The well flows with the bit 10 stands off bottom. Shut-in casing pressure reads 200 psi. If
the influx is below the bit:
10. A well is shut-in on a kick whilst drilling and stabilised shut-in pressures have been
established. Due to a delay in starting the kill operation surface pressures have increased
by 100 psi as the influx is migrating. The safest action would be:
a. To bleed mud off using the choke until casing pressure reduces by 100 psi. Then keep it
b. Bleed mud off keeping a constant drill pipe pressure.
c. Leave it until the problem causing the delay has been resolved then increase the kill mud
weight by .5 ppg.
11. Referring to Q10. If surface pressure had increased by 200 psi due to migration of the
influx. How far has the influx migrated if the mud weight is 10 ppg and the influx density
is assumed to be .12 psi/ft ?
12. When comparing the Drillers and Wait & Weight Kill Methods with regards to the
pressures that will be exerted on the exposed foundations immediately below the casing
shoe: Select 2 answers from the following statements.
13. If a well is shut-in on a gas kick and the gas is not allowed to expand as it migrates up the
well-bore. What happens ? a. To B.H.P.
(i) It increases
(ii) It decreases
(iii) Stays more or less the same
b. To surface pressures
(i) They increase
(ii) They stay more or less the same
(iii) Only casing pressure will increase
14. A kick is being circulated out using the Wait & Weight Kill Method. Shortly after pumping
kill mud to the bit, final circulating pressure has suddenly increased by 200 psi. The pump
speed has been kept constant at kill speed and there was no change noted on the choke
gauge. What is the problem ? a. The choke has plugged
b. A bit nozzle has plugged
c. A pack-off has occurred around the bit
15. If the choke operator opened the choke and reduced drill pipe pressure back to the
calculated final circulating pressure in the problem as described in Question 14. The result
would be: a. B.H.P. would be reduced
b. B.H.P. would be increased
c. no change to B.H.P