Thermodynamics Jaan Kalda 1: Version: 15th June 2019

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Thermodynamics where ∆U is the change of the internal (thermal) energy, ∆Q
Jaan Kalda Version: 15th June 2019 — the amount of heat given to the system, and
∆W = p∆V
1 INTRODUCTION is the mechanical work done by the system while expanding; p
This booklet follows the structure of the study guide “Mech- stands for the pressure at the system’s external boundary, and
anics”. Some thermodynamical concepts are inherently rather ∆V denotes the change of the system’s volume.
complex; meanwhile, understanding all the details of that com- This formula (the thermodynamical energy conservation law)
plexity are not necessary for a successful solving of Olympiad is referred to as the 1st law of thermodynamics (1LTD). All
problems. Because of that, the material is divided into two the three terms of this law are signed quantities: if the system
categories: (a) basic topics, learning of which is sufficient for gives away some heat then ∆Q < 0; if the volume contracts
solving a majority of the Olympiad problems, and (b) an ad- then the work done by the system is negative, ∆W < 0 (in-
vanced material, which is primarily aimed for deepening the stead of W , one can also use the work done by external forces
understanding of the origins of thermodynamics and is given ∆We in which case ∆We = −∆W ).
in a small shrift or moved into Appendices. The expression for the work here assumes that the relative
Thermodynamics differs from the other branches of physics changes of the system properties are small, so that the pressure
in that its laws are statistical and hence, are not absolutely p can be considered constant; thus, it would be more correct to
strict: they are valid only with a certain accuracy and certain substitute the ∆-symbols (which are typically used to designate
probability. For macroscopic systems, these statistical laws are a finite change) with differentials, or to write
based on averaging over many atoms and molecules; owing to
W = p dV.
that, the relative statistical fluctuations of average quantities
are very small, so that the accuracy of the statistical laws is This formula implies that the work can
very high. be found as the surface area under p(V )-
This claim can be also stated mathematically. Mathematical statist- graph and can be derived as follows. Let
ics teaches us that if the value of a certain random quantity is obtained us consider a small surface area ∆Ai of
independently N times, the standard deviation of the respective average the interface separating the system under

value (averaged over these N realizations) is N times smaller than the study from the rest of the space, and let
standard deviation of a single measurement. For instance, the root-mean- us denote with ∆xi that component of its displacement which
square (rms) of the speeds of N molecules (v̄) has a standard deviation δv̄ is perpendicular to the surface element ∆Ai ; we can consider so

which is N times smaller than that of a single molecule, δv. The latter short time interval that the displacement ∆xi remains as small
has the same order of magnitude as the rms speed itself, δv ∼ v̄. Hence, as needed. The pressure force acting on the surface element
the relative magnitude of fluctuations of the rms speed of N molecules can ∆Fi = p∆Ai , and its work ∆Wi = ∆Fi ∆xi = p∆Vi , where

be estimated as δv̄/v̄ ∼ 1/ N . To get an idea about typical numerical ∆Vi = ∆Ai ∆x1 is the increase of the system’s volume under
values, let us consider a gas inside a volume of one cubic centimetres. Un- the surface element ∆Ai . In order to find the total work, we
der normal conditions, one mole occupies a volume of 22.4 litres, and one need to sum over the entire interface,
cubic centimetre contains N ≈ 6 × 1023 22400 1
≈ 3 · 1019 molecules, hence ∆W = i p∆Vi = p i ∆Vi = p∆V .
the relative statistical fluctuations of the thermodynamical quantities are For an infinitesimal volume increment dV , it is rewritten as

of the order of 1/ N ≈ 5 · 10−9 , i.e. really negligible. dW = p dV and can be integrated over the whole process to
Within the framework of school physics and for a majority yield W = p dV .
of the Olympiad problems, the statistical nature of the ther- In order to be able to solve problems, we also need the
modynamics remains unnoticed, because the formulae of ther- concept of temperature, which is intuitively clear for everyone,
modynamics and molecular kinetics can be applied exactly in but a correct definition of which is quite complicated. Classical
the same way as all the other physical formulae. (non-digital) thermometers measure the temperature using the
thermal expansion of liquids: warmer liquid takes more space
than a colder one. However, this cannot be used as a good
2 Heat and temperature
definition of temperature: different liquids expand at a differ-
def. 1: Heat is the energy of the thermal motion of a system. ent rate, and most importantly, this approach would be applic-
able only to moderate temperatures (at high temperatures, all
Note that the term “thermal motion” stands for a random mo-
the matter is in the plasma state, and at temperatures close
tion of the microscopic particles making up the bodies (most
to the absolute zero, the few substances which remain in the
typically atoms and molecules). These particles are so small
liquid state undergo phase transitions).
and move so fast that typically, the thermal motion cannot be
We know that if the temperature outside is low, we feel
directly seen.
cold: our body gives away some heat, and according to the
Since the overall energy of any closed system is conserved,
definition 1, the kinetic energy of our body molecules becomes
the following very useful conclusion can be drawn directly from
lower. Inversely, if the temperature is high, it’s hot: our body
this definition (formulated as a “fact”).
cannot give away as much heat as is produced via physiological
fact 1: the full energy (thermal+mechanical etc.) of a closed processes, and the kinetic energy of our body molecules starts
system is conserved: rising. Therefore we can start with a qualitative definition of
∆U = ∆Q − ∆W, the temperature:
— page 1 —
def. 2: Temperature is a quantity which characterizes the bodies: one small (or moderately-sized) and one huge, which is
direction of heat exchange between two bodies, both of which assumed to be in a thermal contact with the small one, i.e. the
have reached a thermal equilibrium: when brought into con- two bodies can exchange energy. For instance, the small body
tact, the heat flows from a body of a higher temperature to the can be a single atom of a monomolecular gas, and the heat
body of a lower temperature (equal temperatures correspond reservoir can be the rest of the gas. The large one is referred
to a zero heat flux). to as the heat bath and is needed to ensure that when the small
body obtains or gives away due to random fluctuations some
This definition is usable (not self-contradictory) only if we have
of its thermal energy, the temperature would remain constant.
the following property. Consider an arbitrary set of three bod-
Therefore, it needs to be much large (have much larger heat
ies A, B, and C; suppose that when A and B are brought into
capacitance) than the body which we analyse.
contact, heat flows from A to B, and when B and C are brought
into contact, heat flows from B to C. Then we can be sure that Let the energy levels of the body states be denoted by Ei
when A and C will be brought into contact, heat will flow from (e.g. for a single, almost free atom, Ei = p2i /2m, where pi is
A to C. Experimental observations confirm this property (so the momentum of the atom in its i-th state).
we can use def. 2), and actually even a more generic property fact 3: It can be shown using mathematical statistics (see
which is known as the second law of thermodynamics (2LTD): Appendix 1) that the probabilities of the body for being in the
i-th or j-th state satisfy the Boltzmann’s law:
fact 2: Whichever tricks are used (heat engines, Maxwell’s pi
= e−β(Ei −Ej ) .
demons1 , etc), if no external work is done, heat can flow only pj
from a body of a higher temperature to a body of a lower tem- The constant β depends on (and describes) the state of the heat
perature (i.e. the direction of heat flow cannot be reversed as reservoir, i.e. on the temperature; it is easy to see that smaller
compared to what is observed in the case of a direct contact of values of β correspond to higher mean energies of the body.
two bodies). Therefore, the temperature of the reservoir can be defined as
Ei − Ej
Within the theory of classical thermodynamics, 2LTD is a T̃ = 1/kβ = ,
k ln(pj /pi )
postulate following from experimental data; within the stat-
where k is a constant which could be freely chosen, but is taken
istical thermodynamics, the methods of mathematical statist-
equal to be kB ≈ 1.38 × 10−23 J/K to ensure agreement with
ics are used to show that for processes involving macroscopic
def. 3.
bodies (i.e. made of a large number of molecules), outcomes
violating 2LTD will have negligible probabilities (the proof is To sum up, the Boltzmann’s law
mathematically complicated and will not be provided here). p ∝ e−E/kB T
Note that the thermal energies of two bodies of equal tem- serves as the definition of temperature which coincides with the
perature are not necessarily equal; however, for a fixed body, Kelvin’s temperature scale; here ∝ denotes proportionality and
thermal energy is a monotonously increasing function of its E is the system’s energy. The only difference with the Kelvin’s
temperature2 . scale is that with the statistical temperature definition, one can
Now we have a qualitative definition of temperature, but we also have negative temperatures — assuming that the body
still lack a quantitative one. For many problems it is enough and heat reservoir have finite number of quantum-mechanical
to know and understand the simplified and classical one: states, and the net energy of the reservoir is so high that higher
def. 3: Temperature is a measure of a body at thermal energy states are more probable than the lower ones.
(quasi)equilibrium: if two bodies of different temperatures are def. 4: Each body is characterized by its thermal capacit-
brought into contact, heat flows from the higher temperature ance C which shows how much heat needs to be given to raise
body to the lower temperature one. For a given body, tem- the temperature by one degree: C = dQ/dT .
perature is a monotonously increasing function of its internal
heat energy. Kelvin’s temperature scale is defined so that zero Note that this definition, when written for finite increments
heat energy corresponds to T = 0 K, ice melts by atmospheric as C = ∆Q/∆T , assumes that there are no phase transitions
pressure at 273.15 K, and water boils at 373.15 K. (such as melting or boiling) within the considered temperature
range, because phase transitions incur additional heat absorp-
This definition is clearly insufficient for designing thermo- tion or heat release.
meters suitable for very low temperatures. Apart from this
definition, there is also the Kelvin’s one which will be discussed def. 5: In order to bring a substance from one phase to an-
in section 4. The best and most generic definition is based on other (typically from solid phase to liquid or from liquid phase
the statistical approach to thermodynamics (in which case the to gaseous phase), certain amount of heat needs to be given
2LTD is derived from the laws of statistics); let us consider this to the substance, which is proportional to the mass m of the
in more details. Quantum mechanics tells us that a body (a substance: Q = λm. The factor λ is referred to as the latent
set of particles which are bound by forces into a finite region heat (e.g. latent heat of evaporation or latent heat of melting).
of space) is characterized by a countable set of its stationary Typically, for moderate temperature increments near room
states — the states where the total energy has a well-defined temperature, the heat capacitance can be assumed to be con-
value. For statistical thermodynamics we need to consider two stant; in that case, we can write ∆Q = C∆T . In the case
1 See
2 This can be shown using 2LTD and a construction involving Carnot cycles (ideal heat engines).

— page 2 —
of larger temperature increments, this is no longer valid and What was the mass of the ice if the heating power of the kettle
integration is needed: ∆Q = CdT . P = 1 kW. The latent heat of melting for ice L = 335 kJ/kg,
the heat capacitance of water c = 4.2 kJ/kg · K. The room
fact 4: At low temperatures, the heat capacitance of crystal
temperature T1 = 20 ◦ C.
materials is proportional to the third power of temperature,
C ∝ T 3. T (°C)
If the body which is being heated expands, the supplied heat
is partially converted into mechanical work. Therefore, the
heat capacitance depends on the conditions under which the
body is held; most often, heat capacitance at constant volume
CV and the heat capacitance at constant pressure Cp are used. 40

fact 5: If a body is heated at a constant volume, no expan-

sion work is done, so that according to the 1LTD, CV can be 20
0 50 100 150 200 t (s)
used to find the change of the internal energy of the thermal
motion of molecules: dU = CV dT and
Z T In the case of this problem, we can also formulate a fact,
U= CV (T ′ )dT ′ . and a rather simple idea.

This integration makes use of the fact that at T = 0, there is fact 6: The heat exchange rate (i.e. the heat flux, measured in
no thermal motion of molecules, and hence, internal energy is Watts) between a body and the environment is a function of the
zero. In particular, for crystal materials at low temperatures temperatures of the body and of the environment, T1 and T2 ,
when C = AT 3 integration yields U = 14 T 4 . respectively; for a small tempera difference ∆T ≡ T1 − T2 ,
In the case of liquids and crystals, the volume change is the heat flux is proportional to ∆T ; this is referred to
typically small so that the expansion work is negligibly small as the Fourier’s law. For larger temperature differences, the
and Cp ≈ CV ; however, this not valid for gases, in which case dependence becomes nonlinear, because (a) heat conductivity
cp = CV + R (this will be discussed later in more details). of the materials may depend on the temperature, (b) the heat
flux due to heat radiation is a non-linear function of T1 and
pr 1. [IPhO-1996] A thermally insulated piece of metal is T2 (however, it can be still linearized for small values of ∆T );
heated under atmospheric pressure by an electric current so (c) large temperature differences may cause convection of air
that it receives electric energy at a constant power P . This and fluids which will enhance heat flux in a nonlinear way. Pay
leads to an increase of the absolute temperature T of the metal attention that the heat flux goes to zero for T1 = T2 !
with time t as follows:
T (t) = T0 [1 + a(t − t0 )]1/4 idea 2: Heat exchange rate of a body with the environment is
Here a, t0 and T0 are constants. Determine the heat capacity a function of the temperatures; hence, for processes during
Cp (T ) of the metal (temperature dependent in the temperature which the temperature change remains small, the heat
range of the experiment). exchange rate can be assumed to be constant. In partic-
ular, if a body has reached a thermal equilibrium while being
The solution of this problem is rather straightforward: it is heated with a power P , it has reached a temperature T by
0 0
enough to apply the definition 4 and make some mathematical which the heat loss power equals exactly to P : P (T ) = P ;
0 HL 0 0
manipulations to eliminate time t. We can still try to formulate hence, if the heater is suddenly switched off, the initial cooling
an appropriate “idea” as follows. power of the body (due to the heat loss to the environment) is
idea 1: The body temperature T and the net heating power P0 .
P are related via equality P ≡ dQ dT
dt = C dt . Therefore, the Returning to the problem 2, the graph allows us to determ-
tangent to the T (t) curve is proportional to the net power and ine, how long time-delay τ in the heating process has been
inversely proportional to the heat capacitance; many problems caused by the piece of ice: this is the time needed to melt and
can be solved by using this observation. heat the meltwater up to the current water temperature. The
In the case of the problem 1, this idea is to be used algebra- value of the ice-heating-time τ would allow us to determine the
ically. In those cases when a T (t)-dependence is provided in a mass of ice from the 1LTD if the net heating power (P minus
graph, it tells us that as long as the heat capacitance of a body the energy loss to the environment) were known. The aver-
remains approximately constant, we can find how many times age net power received by the kettle during that period when
the net heating power is changed by determining the slopes of the ice is being melted and the meltwater being heated can be
the tangent at two different points of the T (t)-graph. Let this determined from the graph using the ideas 2 and 1.
be illustrated with the following problem. The particular case mentioned at the end of the idea 2 is
illustrated with the following problem.
pr 2. [EstPhO-2004] Water is being heated in an electric pr 3. [EstPhO-2001] The filament of a halogen lamp has
kettle. At a certain moment of time, a piece of ice at temper- length l = 5.0 cm and is made of tungsten. At the working tem-
ature T0 = 0 ◦ C was put into the kettle. Figure depicts the perature of the lamp T0 = 3200 ◦ C, the density of the tungsten
dependence of the water temperature as a function of time. ρ = 18 200 kg/m3 , the specific heat c = 235 J/(K · kg), and the
— page 3 —
resistivity ρel = 9.95 × 10−7 Ω · m. When a voltage of rectan- the figure. The cross-sectional area of the wire S = 1 mm2 and
gular waveform as shown in graph is applied to the leads of the length l = 4 cm. Find the heat flux through the wire if one
lamp, the temperature of the filament will reach the nominal end of the wire is kept at the temperature T1 = 100 ◦ C and the
value T0 (strictly speaking, this is the average temperature; the other — at T2 = 0 ◦ C.
interior regions of the filament are slightly hotter). However, (K·m/W)

due to voltage oscillations, there are small oscillations of the

filament’s temperature; find the amplitude of these oscillations
∆T .


The usage of the linear dependence mentioned in the fact 6

is illustrated by the following problem.
0 1 2 3 4
pr 4. A small house is being heated by an electric heater Second half of this problem makes use of a rather generic
of power P = 1 kW which maintains the interior temperature
t1 = 19 ◦ C; the outside temperature t0 = 0 ◦ C. A man enters
the house, upon which the room temperature starts rising and idea 4: Calculation of many physical quantities can be re-
achieves a new value t2 = 20 ◦ C. Find the “heating power” of duced (sometimes not in an obvious way) to the calculation of
the man. surface areas under a graph (i.e. to an integral).
More specifically, if a system is described by a parameter x
Here the task of figuring out that the Fourier’s law can be
(which can be time, coordinate, velocity, etc.) and a quantity
used (because the temperature difference is much smaller than P
A can be expressed as A = i Fi ∆x, where ∆x is a small in-
the temperatures in Kelvins) is left to those who solve the
terval of the parameter x, the sum is taken over all the small
problem. Be aware that for some loosely formulated problems,
intervals, and Fi is a function of x (but not a function of A)
the Fourier’s law is assumed to be used even when its applic- R
then at the limit ∆x → 0 we can write A = F (x)dx, i.e. A is
ability is actually questionable (for instance for temperatures
the surface area under the graph F (x).
T1 = 273 K and T2 = 373 K).
In order to illustrate this method, let us consider the fol-
idea 3: The problems on heat exchange rate are analogous to lowing mechanical problem. For a boat in water, the friction
the problems on electrical circuits. There are following match- force is given as a function of speed F (v), depicted in a graph
ing pairs: temperatures correspond to voltages, heat energy - (it has a crossover from a linear function at small speeds to a
to a charge, heat fluxes — to currents, a thermal resistance parabola for large speeds). You are asked to find, how far will
(proportionality coefficient between the heat flux and ∆T , c.f. travel a boat of a given mass m and initial speed v asymptotic-
idea 6) — to an electrical resistance, heat capacitance — to ally (i.e. upon waiting for a very long time). Let us divide the
electrical capacitance. The both Kirchoff’s law remain valid for displacement into small pieces, s = ∆s, where ∆s = v∆t.
heat exchange processes: while the counterpart of the voltage If the function v(t) were known, the last formula would have
law is quite useless due to triviality (along a closed circuit, the been completed our task. However, the force is given to us as
sum of temperature increments is zero), the counterpart of the a function of v, hence we need to substitute ∆t with ∆v. Force
current law is useful and can be referred to as the continuity is directly related to the acceleration, a(v) = dv dt = F (v)/m,
of thermal fluxes: if the bodies of a system have reached sta- which gives us a hint that we should try substituting ∆t via
tionary temperatures, for each body, the sum of heat fluxes ∆v while introducing the acceleration:
entering it equals to zero. ∆t ∆v ∆v
∆t = ∆v · = = .
∆v ∆v/∆t a
pr 5. [EstFin-2003] Thermal resistivity is a characteristic of This result X
serves us perfectly well:
Xv X vm Z
a material and is defined as the coefficient of proportionality s= v∆t = ∆v = ∆v → dv,
between the temperature gradient dx and the heat flux density a F (v) F (v)
(here we assume that the heat flux is parallel to the x-axis). i.e. the displacement vm
equals to the surface area under a graph
Note that the unit of the heat flux density is W/m2 , hence the which depicts F (v) as a function of v.
unit of the thermal resistivity is K · m/W. The next problem makes also use of the continuity of heat
(i) A microprocessor of power dissipation P = 90 W is cooled flux; however, it also requires the knowledge of the Stefan-
using a flowing water; the thermal contact between the pro- Boltzmann law for heat radiation.
cessor and the water is established via a copper plate of fact 7: For “grey’ bodies (which absorb a constant frac-
thickness d = 5 mm and surface area s = 100 mm2 . De- tion of the incident electromagnetic radiation, independently
termine the temperature difference between the microprocessor of its wavelength), the heat radiation flux density (i.e. radi-
and the flowing water. Thermal resistivity of copper ρ = ated energy per unit area) w = εσT 4 , where T is the tem-
2.6 mm · K/W. perature of the body, ε ∈ [0, 1] — the absorption factor, and
(ii) A wire is made of different alloys so that its thermal res- σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W · m−2 · K−4 — the Stefan-Boltzmann con-
istivity depends on the coordinate along the wire as shown in stant.
— page 4 —
The factor ε shows, which fraction of the incident light is ab- Th Tl
sorbed; for a perfectly black surface ε = 1; for a perfectly
white surface ε = 0. This formula is derived using the assumption
that the radiating body is in a thermal equilibrium with the electromag-
netic waves in the adjacent vacuum; a knowledge of quantum mechanics
This problem leads us to a system of N linear equations.
and application of the Boltzmann’s distribution are required, as well as
certain mathematical skills.
In general, solving such a system of equations is not an easy
task; this particular system, however, can be easily solved. It
pr 6. [IPhO-1992] A satellite represents a homogeneous should not be surprising, because long mathematical calcula-
sphere of diameter D = 1 m; you may assume that all the tions are not compatible with the format of physics Olympiads;
parts of the satellite have the same temperature. The satel- we can formulate an appropriate recommendation — as a “non-
lite orbits around Earth (but is not in its shade). The Sun physical” idea.
can be considered to be an absolutely black body with the
idea 5: As a rule, the problems of physics Olympiads do not
surface temperature T⊙ = 6000 K, the radius of the Sun
require long mathematical calculations. If you obtain a long
R⊙ = 6.96 × 108 m, the orbital radius of the Earth around
or difficult system of equations then most likely one of the fol-
the Sun L = 1.5 × 1011 m. Find the temperature of the satel-
lowing is valid: (a) you have followed a non-optimal (i.e. more
lite assuming that it is coated with a perfectly grey paint (the
complicated than necessary) solving method; (b) the method is
absorption factor is independent of the wavelength of the elec-
good, and the system of equations is only seemingly complex,
tromagnetic radiation). You may neglect the heat radiation of
e.g. almost all the unknowns can be eliminated simultaneously
the Earth.
using the symmetries of the equations.
For this problem, the following fact is to be used (those who
are “afraid” of the surface integral can skip to the paragraph pr 8. [EstOpen-2014] Consider a black cube which is made
next to the fact). from a perfectly heat-conducting material. A parallel beam of
light with intensity I (W/m2 ) falls onto this cube. The equi-
fact 8: In a stationary state, the Gauss theorem is valid for librium temperature T of the cube depends on its orientation;
heat fluxes (this is completely analogous to the Gauss theorem find the minimal and maximal values of T (T
H min and Tmax ,
for the electric and magnetic fields): w ⃗ · dS
⃗ = P , where the
integral is taken over a closed surface, P is the heat power
released inside the surface, the heat flux density vector w ⃗ is This problem is physically quite straightforward, but full
parallel to the propagation direction of the heat energy, the (rigourous) solution requires mathetical skills in the field of
vector dS⃗ is parallel to the surface normal, and is equal by vector calculus.
modulus to the surface area of a small (infinitesimal) surface idea 6: In the case of a homogeneous vector field F⃗ (x, y, z) ≡
element. F⃗0 , its flux Φ = S F⃗ · dS⃗ trhough a (possibly curved) surface
S can be found as the dot product of a certain effective flat
This is essentially a mathematical formulation of the continu- R
surface element S ⃗eff = dS, ⃗ Φ=S ⃗eff · F⃗0 .
ity law for the heat flux. In the case of a spherically symmetric S

geometry (with an isotropic spherical heat source), the surface

integral simplifies to the product of the heat flux density with 3 Gases
the surface area of a sphere:
In statistical physics (thermodynamics), it is relatively easy
4πR w = P, (i.e. difficult, but in many cases still possible) to make calcu-
lations if everything is very regular, for instance in the case of
where w = w(R) is the heat flux density at the distance R from crystalline solids. It is even easier to make calculations when
the centre of the heat source. everything is chaotic, for instance in the case of gases and plas-
The next problem completes the topic of heat flux continu- mas, because then the physical quantities can be averaged. The
ity. most difficult to analyse are media where order and disorder
exist together - such as fluids, granular media, solids near phase
transition, etc. Because of that, high school physics deals only
pr 7. [IPhO-1996] Perfectly black hot surface is kept at a with the chaotic case — with gases.
constant temperature Th . There is another perfectly black cold A good model which describes the reality quite well is the
surface which is parallel to the first one, and is kept at a con- model of ideal gases.
stant temperature Tl ; there is a vacuum in the space between def. 6: An ideal gas is made up of molecules of negligible
the plates. In order to reduce the heat flux between the plates, size (as compared with the average intermolecular distances)
a screen is used, which is made of N parallel thermally insu- which behave as elastic balls (monoatomic gas) or spring-ball-
lated perfectly black plates (in the figure, N = 2). Such a systems (polyatomic gas), and move randomly colliding with
screen is placed between the hot and cold plates, parallel to each other and with the walls of the container. It is assumed
them. By which factor x will the heat flux be reduced once a that there are no other forces between the molecules than the
thermal equilibrium is reached? The edge effects caused by the contact forces (for instance, electrostatic interactions need to
finite size of the plates can be neglected. be negligible as electrostatic forces act over a distance).
— page 5 —
Let n be the number density of the molecules (number is found as F = 2muN/t = nmu2 A. Now, let us recall that in
per unit volume), and f (vx ) — their distribution function reality, molecules can have different speeds, so that we need to
over vx (the x-component of the velocity), defined so that average the result, F = nm⟨u2 ⟩A, where angular braces denote
∆n = nf (vx )∆vx gives us the number density of such mo- averaging. Finally, the pressure p = F/A = is found as
lecules for which the x-component of the velocity lies within the p = nm⟨u2 ⟩.
interval [vx ; vx + ∆vx ] (here, ∆vx denotes a small velocity in- So, the pressure is expressed in terms of the mean square of
crement). According to the Boltzmann’s distribution, f (vx ) = the x-component of the velocity. This expression can be also re-
Ae−mvx /2kT (which in this form is referred to as the Maxwell’s

written in terms of the average net speed v 2 as p = 13 nm⟨v 2 ⟩.
distribution) 3 , where the factor A is such that the area under Indeed, v 2 = vx2 + vy2 + vz2 (where vx ≡ u) and therefore,
the f (vx )-graph is unity, i.e. A = 1/ −∞ e−mvx /2kT dvx .

⟨v 2 ⟩ = 3⟨u2 ⟩ (we have taken into account that due to stat-

The integral in the last expression can be taken using two techniques.
istical isotropy, in average all the propagation directions of the
The first (and the simpler) technique is to change integration variable by
p molecules are equivalent, hence ⟨vx2 ⟩ = ⟨vy2 ⟩ = ⟨vz2 ⟩).
substituting x = vx /vT , where vT = 2kT /m, this allows us to get rid of
Using the Maxwell’s distribution one can express the aver-
the parameter v0 in the integrand. Indeed, since v0 constant (independent R
age values in terms of integrals: ⟨vx2 ⟩ = vx2 f (vx )dvx . This in-
of the integration variable), dvx = vT dx and
R ∞ −mv2 /2kT R ∞ −x2 tegral can be taken (see appendix 2), resulting in ⟨vx2 ⟩ = kT /m,
e x dvx = vT e dx. i.e. the average kinetic energy related to the motion along the
−∞ −∞
A second trick (which we don’t discuss here) needs to applied to show that x-axis
R ∞ −x2 √ m 1
e dx = π, resulting in ⟨ vx2 ⟩ = kT.
2 √ 2 2
f (vx ) = e−mvx /2kT /vT π. Using this expression we obtain
p = nm⟨u2 ⟩ = nkT.
fact 9: Velocity distribution of molecules in a gas is given by Once we substitute n = N/V = µ NA /V (NA is the Avogadro
number, µ is the molar mass of the gas, m is the total mass of
the Maxwell’s distribution,
N p the gas, and V is its volume), we obtain pV = m m
µ Na kT = µ RT,
√ e−vx /vT dvx vT = 2kT /m,
2 2
dN = where R = kNA is called the gas constant. This law is known
vT π
where N is the total number of molecules, and vx is the x- as the ideal gas law; sometimes it is convenient to express it in
component of the molecules. In the isotropic 3-dimensional terms of the gas density ρ as pµ = ρRT. Let us sum up our
case, it can be also written for the speed, results.
4N fact 10: Ideal gas state is described by the law
dN = 3 √ v 2 e−v /vT dv.
2 2

vT π
pV = νRT,
In order to derive the last equation, we assumed uncorrelated motion in
which can be also expressed as
x, y, and z-directions so that the individual distributions can be multi-
 3 2 2 3 2 p = nkT or pµ = ρRT.
plied: dN = N
√ e−(vx +vy +vz )/vT dvx dvy dvz , and integrated over
vT π
a spherical layer in vx − vy − vz -space, dvx dvy dvz = 4πv 2 dv. method 1: Various estimation problems related to gases can

Let us find an expression for the pressure. We do this in be done in the same way as we derived the ideal gas law, i.e.

two parts: first we make calculations assuming that all the mo- using the molecular kinetic approach.
lecules approach the wall with the same speed u (let the x-axis Exact calculations require often integration (averaging using
be perpendicular to the wall; then u is the x-component of the the Maxwell’s distribution). However, in the case of Olympiad
molecule’s velocity), and then we generalize the result to the problems, it is typically enough to make only estimates, and
realistic case of different speeds. Pressure is defined as force per there is no need to use the Maxwell’s distribution. This is due
unit area, p = F/A; the force is found as the momentum given to two reasons: (a) taking complex integrals does not test the
to the wall per unit time, F = 2N mu/t, where N is the num- knowledge of physics, (b) in many cases even seemingly exact
ber of molecules colliding with the wall during a time period calculations are exact only for the so-called vacuum approx-
t. The coefficient two reflects the fact that the average speed imation when the mean free path (the distance travelled by
with which the molecules depart from the wall after collision a molecule between two subsequent collisions with other mo-
equals to the approaching speed4 , hence each molecule receives lecules is much larger than the characteristic dimensions of the
momentum 2mu from the wall. During the time period t, only system), and only approximate otherwise.
those molecules will reach the wall which are within the near-
wall-layer of thickness ut and move towards the wall. Thus, the pr 9. In vacuum and weightlessness, at the bottom of a
total number of collisions is found as the number of molecules cylindrical vessel (a cup), there is a layer of solid substance
within the layer of volume V = AvT t, reduced by a factor of of molar mass µ. This substance sublimes slowly (evaporates
two (only half of the molecules move in the direction of the from the solid phase into gaseous phase) and pushes thereby
wall): N = 21 nV ≈ Aut. Thus, the force exerted to the wall the vessel to the opposite direction. Estimate the terminal
3 Strictly speaking, the Boltzmann’s distribution is valid for the average occupancy of a quantum-mechanical state; here we make use of the fact

that for an elastic ball in a box, the quantum-mechanical levels are evenly distributed over the values of vx .
4 Strictly speaking, for a single collision, the departure speed is random and depends on the momentary speed of that wall’s molecule with which

it collides. However, when averaged over many collisions and assuming that the gas and the wall have equal temperatures, the average departure
velocity is such as if there were an elastic collision with a flat wall

— page 6 —
speed of the vessel. The mass of the vessel M , and the initial molecule (or polyatomic linear molecule, such as CO2 ), it can-
mass of the substance m ≪ M ; the temperature of the ves- not rotate around the axis passing through its atoms (let it
sel is T ; the process can be assumed to be isothermal (cooling be the z-axis). Therefore, rotation will take place only around
due to evaporation and heat radiation remains negligible). The the x- and y-axis; the rotational energy is reduced respectively:
cross-sectional area of the vessel is A. Ur = νRT .
Let us notice that each of the so-called degrees of freedom
pr 10. Natural uranium consists of mainly two isotopes, ( translational motion along the x-axis, rotation around the
U238 and U235 , whereas the relative concentration of the latter x-axis, translational motion along the y-axis, etc) contribute
is 0,7%. Uranium is “enriched” (i.e. the concentration of U235 to the overall internal energy always the same amount 21 νRT
is increased) by implementing a multi-stage process, where at ( 12 kT if we speak about the average energy of a single molecule).
each stage, evaporated chemical compound UF6 is led through Because of that, the internal energy of a gas is conveniently ex-
a porous wall. The porous wall can be considered to be a thin pressed in terms of the number of degrees of freedom i as
film having microscopic holes in it (the size of the holes is smal- U = 2i νRT.
ler than the mean free path of the molecules, but larger than For a monoatomic gas i = 3, for a diatomic gas (and a linear
the dimension of the molecules How many stages is needed to polyatomic gas) i = 5; for all other cases i = 6. In the case of a
increase the U235 content to 1,4%? The molar mass of fluoride mixture of gases (such as air), the effective number of degrees
(F) is 19 g/mol. of freedom may turn out to be fractional.
Using the last expression we can easily derive an expression
pr 11. [PhysCup-2012] Determine or estimate the net heat for the internal energy of a gas by constant volume. If the
flux density P between two parallel plates at distance L from volume remains constant, there is no mechanical work done
each other, which are at temperatures T1 and T2 , respectively. (A = pdV = 0), hence all the heat given to the gas goes
The space between the plates is filled with a monoatomic gas to the increase of the internal energy, CV = dU/dT = i νR.
of molar density n and of molar mass M . You may use the Particularly simple expression is obtained for the molar heat
following approximations: capacitance, cV = CV /ν:
(i) the gas density is so low that the mean free path λ ≫ L; cV = 2i R.
(ii) T1 ≫ T2 ;
If we are dealing with an isobaric process (at a constant pres-
(iii) when gas molecules bounce from the plates, they obtain
sure) then the internal energy change can be, of course, calcu-
the temperature of the respective plates (for instance, this will
lated using the previous result, but according to the 1LTD,
happen if they are absorbed/bound for a short time by the
part of the heat goes to the work performed by the gas,
molecules of the plate, and then released back into the space
∆A = p∆V = νR∆T . Hence, the heat given to the gas
between the plates);
∆Q = ∆U + ∆A = i+2 2 νR∆T , i.e. the molar heat capacit-
(iv) you may neglect the black body radiation.
ance for isobaric processes
Note that “Estimate” means that the numeric prefactor of your cp = i+2
2 R.
expression does not need to be accurate. 1
Rule “ 2 kT per each degree of freedom” is valid, however,
The internal energy U of a monomolecular gas (i.e. only for moderate temperatures. When temperature is large
the net kinetic energy of the molecules) can be expressed enough then molecules will start oscillating similarly to balls
in terms of the temperature using the above obtained result which are connected with springs, and oscillation energy needs
mv̄x2 = kT . Indeed, a single atom essentially cannot rotate due to be included, as well. In that case one can say that the os-
to its small dimensions5 . Therefore, U is found as the product cillatory degrees of freedom are excited. For relative light gas
of the energy of a single molecule with the number of molecules molecules, such as the components of air, the critical temperat-
N, ure at which the oscillations are excited is well above the room
m 2 2 2
U = N 2 (v̄x + v̄y + v̄z ). temperature. Meanwhile, heavy gas molecules (e.g. Br2 ) oscil-
Due to statistical isotropy v̄x2 = v̄y2 = v̄z2 = kT ; substitut- late already at the room temperatures. It should be emphas-
ing N = νNA (where ν stands for the number of moles) and ized that the 12 kT -rule is not valid for the oscillatory degrees of
NA k = R we obtain freedom. It appears that each excited oscillatory degree
U = 32 νRT . of freedom contributes full kT to the heat energy of a mo-
In the case of diatomic and polyatomic molecules, the mo- lecule. Thus, each oscillatory degree of freedom increases the
lecules obey also rotational energy Ur = 12 N (Ix ω̄x2 +Iy ω̄y2 +Iz ω̄z2 , effective number of degrees of freedom by 2, e.g. for i = 5+2 = 7
where Ix , Iy and Iz denote momenta of inertia with respect to for Br2 at room temperature.
different axes, and ωx , ωy andωz — the respective angular ve- The reason why oscillatory degrees of freedom contribute twice as
locities. Using the Boltzmann’s distribution for the rotational much as the translational and rotational degrees of freedom lies in the
motion around the x-axis, p ∝ e−Ix ωx /2kT , we obtain an expres- structure of quantum mechanical energy levels. For translational and ro-

sion which is very similar to the one which we had for trans- tational energy, the energy level is a quadratic function of the level order
lational motion (just vx is substituted by ωx and m — with number n, En = h2 n2 /8L2 m; here, L stands for the length of the box
Ix ). Because of that, the result is also the same, Ur = 32 νRT . where our particle is placed. Meanwhile, for oscillatory motion, energy
However, one should keep in mind that if we have a diatomic is a linear function of the order number, En = ~ω(n + 21 ), where ω is
5 The reasons are quantum-mechanical, and to a certain will be discussed later.

— page 7 —
the natural frequency. Therefore, the average oscillation energy can be masses we need already j = 3N coordinates. In order to de-
calculated using the Boltzmann’s distribution as scribe the spatial placement of a solid body, 6 coordinates are
P∞ −~ωn/kT
P∞ −~ωn/kT needed: apart from the coordinates of a certain point of the
Ē = 0
~ωne / 0 e .
body (e.g. the centre of mass), orientation needs to be described
The sums can be taken to find Ē = kT .
by additional 3 coordinates (two angles describing the direction
On the other hand, at very low temperatures, even the ro-
of an axis of the body, and one angle describing rotation around
tational degrees of freedom of polyatomic molecules may not
that axis). In the case of a linear molecule, last coordinate, the
be excited; this means that their effective number of degrees
rotation angle, is not needed, therefore j = 5.
of freedom is 3. In order to determine if one or another degree
of freedom is excited, it is necessary to compare the energy If a system consists of N point masses, the motion of which
level difference ∆E between the ground level and the first ex- is limited by certain restrictions (e.g. the distance between two
cited level with the average energy of a degree of freedom kT : point masses is fixed with a rod, or the angle between the lines
the respective degree of freedom starts to become excited at connecting a certain point A with two neighbouring points has
T ∼ E/k. a fixed value), the number of degrees of freedom can be found
Indeed, let us consider two energy levels E0 and E1 . According to
using the formula j = 3N − r, where r on is the number of re-
the Boltzmann’s distribution, p1 /p0 = e−(E1 −E0 )/kT . If E1 − E0 ≫ kT
strictions. In the case of molecules, the bonds are the chemical
then the probability of being at the excited state is exponentially small
bonds which also serve as the springs and can give rise to os-
and hence, the related average energy increase is exponentially small, as
cillations; in that case, r is the number of oscillatory degrees of
freedom. Knowing that for a linear molecule, the total number
Now it becomes also clear why the molecules of heavy gases start os-
of degrees of freedom j = 5, and for planar or three-dimensional
cillating at lower temperatures than light gases. The natural frequencies
molecules j = 6, we can use this formula to find the number
p of oscillatory degrees of freedom as r = 3N − j. For instance,
ω ≈ k/m of heavy molecules are lower than that of light molecules
(the stiffness of a chemical bond as a “spring” has always the same or-
CO2 molecule is linear: N = 3 and j = 5, hence r = 4. Note
der of magnitude, the main difference comes from the effective mass m).
that in the theory of coupled oscillators, it is shown that the
This means that the energy level difference ∆E = ~ω is correspondingly
number of oscillatory degrees of freedom equals to the number
smaller, leading to a lower excitation temperature.
of natural modes and natural frequencies.
Thus, the effective number of degrees of freedom depends on Let us consider one problem on the topic of degrees of free-
temperature; furthermore, for such a temperature range where dom.
the effective number is changing from one value to another, the pr 12. [EstAcadPhO-2006] Toy “Supermag” makes it pos-
system behaviour is not well described by an integer value of sible to construct, among others, polyhedrons — e.g. tetrahed-
i. Because of that, instead of i, often molar heat capacities cV rons, cubes, and many irregular polyhedrons, where the edges
and cp are used. If the behaviour of a gas is well described of the polyhedron are made of magnetic bars, which are con-
by the model of ideal gas, it is enough to give just the value nected at the vertices with the help of steel balls. The steel
of cV as cp can then be found from the equality cp = cV + R. balls fix the endpoint of a steel bar to itself firmly, but the
Conversely, if for a certain gas cp − cV ̸= R then it does not be- angle between magnetic bars meeting at a steel ball can be
have as an ideal gas, and relationship pV = νRT does not hold changed with a little effort. It appears that a tetrahedron is a
well. Meanwhile, it is well possible that for an ideal gas, 2cV /R rigid construction, but a cube can be easily deformed. Prove
is not an integer: fractional values just show that the current the following theorem: a convex polyhedron is rigid then and
temperature is close to the excitation temperature of a certain only then if all the faces of the polyhedron are triangles.
degree of freedom. Let us make an intermediate summary.
In order to solve this problem, the formula j = 3N − s is
fact 11: For an ideal gas, used, but one more formula is needed — the Euler’s formula
cV = 2i R; cp = cV + R; ∆U = νcV ∆T, for graphs (including polyhedrons) relating the number of ver-
where i is the number of excited degrees of freedom (oscillat- tices N , faces f , and edges e via equality N + f = e + 2.Euler’s
ory degrees of freedom are to be added with double weight). theorem is provided here without proof (which is actually not difficult and
A certain degree of freedom is excited when kT is larger than In order to solve problem 12,
is based on mathematical induction).
the energy level difference of the quantum mechanical states it is necessary to prove that if all the faces are triangular, the
corresponding to the given degree of freedom. As a rule of number of degrees of remaining freedom j = 3N − s equals to
thumb, near room temperature for a monoatomic gas i = 3, that of a rigid body. If the number of degrees of freedom were
for diatomic gas i = 5, and for polyatomic gases i = 6. larger, it would be needed to use more parameters than in the
case of a rigid body to describe its state, i.e. it cannot be rigid.
Thus far we used the concept of the degrees of freedom
without proper definition; let us discuss this notion in more As we have learned, atoms and ions connected in molecules
details. with chemical bounds can oscillate as spring-block systems.
This applies not only to molecules, but also to crystal ma-
def. 7: The number of degrees of freedom shows, how many terials. Similarly to heavy gases, in the case of many crystal
parameters (generalized coordinates) is needed to describe materials, all the oscillatory degrees of freedom are excited. In
completely the state of a system. the case of N -ion(atom)-crystal substance, there are 3N de-
For instance, in order to describe a point mass in three- grees of freedom; almost all these degrees of freedom (except
dimensional space, j = 3 coordinates are needed; for N point for 6 degrees of freedom of a solid body) are oscillatory. Since
— page 8 —
N is very large, we can forget about that 6, so that the internal idea 7: If two reservoirs are connected via a narrow pipe,
energy can be expressed as U = 3νRT . Therefore, molar heat narrow valve, etc, then a quasi-equilibrium is possible: while
capacitance cV = 3R. In the case of light ions, it may still hap- the temperatures of the two reservoirs to the other sides of the
pen that the highest-frequency natural modes have ω > kT /~ pipe are different, the pressures are equal. Thus, there is a
and therefore are not excited yet. In that case, the internal en- mechanical equilibrium, but no thermal equilibrium (it takes
ergy is smaller than 3νRT , and the effective number of degrees much longer time to reach the latter).
of freedom per single ion (atom) is an increasing function of
temperature, approaching asymptotically the limit value i=6 pr 14. Consider a balloon which has thick rigid walls and
(as all degrees of freedom are oscillatory, the number of spatial from which all the air has been pumped out. Now, the valve of
coordinates is multiplied by two). Let us also recall that at low the balloon is slightly opened, and the balloon is slowly filled
temperatures it starts as a cubic function of T . Let us derive the with the air from outside. Find the temperature of the air
cV ∝ T 3 law for low temperatures via rough estimates (for a diamond, inside the balloon once the air flow has stopped (since a mech-
this is valid even for room temperatures). Each excited oscillatory degree anical equilibrium has been reached). The room temperature
of freedom carries energy kT ; thus we need to estimate the number of is T , the balloon walls have low heat conductance and heat ca-
excited oscillations, i.e. number of natural modes with ω < kT /~. Nat- pacitance so that heat flux through the walls can be neglected.
ural oscillation modes of a crystal can be considered as standing sound
The first step towards the solution of this problem is under-
waves. Sound wave frequency is expressed as ω = cs κ, where cs is sound
standing to what is spent the work done by external air p∆V :
speed, and κ = 2π/λ — a wave vector. Thus, all standing waves with
how is it converted to heat and how is the external volume
wave vector λkT /~cs and wavelength λ> hcs /kT will be excited. Let the
change ∆V related to the volume of the cavity V . Let us also
crystal have a cubic shape of side length L. At the free boundary of the
notice that presumably the size of the valve opening is larger
crystal, there can be no strain, hence for the displacement vectors of the
than the mean free path length, so that a molecular kinetic
molecules, there must be antinodes at the boundary. Therefore, L must be
approach is not needed, and instead, macroscopic approach is
a multiple of the half-wavelength: Lκx = mx π, where κx is the projection
to be applied: a narrow (but still macroscopic) stream of air
of the wave vector to the x-axis, and mx is the number of nodes along
enters the cavity thorough the valve.
x. For the smallest excited wavelength, λs = hcs /kT and mx = 2L/λs .
Note that all those standing waves which have smaller number of nodes
are also excited. Similarly, along y- and z-axes, for exited oscillations the Adiabatic processes
number of nodes varies between 1 and 2L/λs . The number of different
Typical reply to the question of what are adiabatic processes
standing waves is found as the number of different triplets (mx , my , mz ),
tends to be that these are so fast processes with a gas that there
which is equal to (2L/λs )3 . Then, the internal energy is found as
is essentially no heat exchange with the gas (during the given
U ≈ M kT ≈ kT (2LkT /hcs )3 ∝ T 4 . time period, the heat transferred conductively and radiatively
Therefore, the internal energy is proportional to T 4 , and the heat capa- to the gas remains much smaller than the internal energy of
citance CV = dU
∝ T 3. the gas).
Now, let us turn to the problems which are not related However, this is only half of the truth, and actually the less
to the molecular kinematic approach, and instead, require the important half. In order to understand this, let us consider the
knowledge of the ideal gas law and its internal energy. Many following simple problem. Thermally isolated vessel is divided
Olympiad problems are based merely on those two equations; into two halves via a wall. Let one of the halves contain a gas
in the case of the next problem, the only “trick” is that un- at a pressure p, and let the other one be empty (i.e. contain
like for ordinary isohoric, isobaric, etc. processes, it is not the vacuum at a negligibly small pressure). The wall separating
amount of gas which is conserved, but the pressure, hence the the two halves is removed instantaneously; what is the pres-
number of moles will change according to νT = Const. sure of the gas inside the vessel upon achieving mechanical and
thermal equilibrium?
pr 13. [EstPhO-2003] An aerostat (an air balloon made of
Since the wall is removed instantaneously, the gas cannot
unstretchable skin) has volume V0 , is filled with hydrogen, and
perform any mechanical work (the wall does not move in the
hovers stably at a certain height where the external pressure is
direction of the force). There is no thermal exchange to the
p, and the air temperature is Tair . Due to sunlight, the aero-
environment and so according to the 1LTD the internal en-
stat is heated up to a temperature T1 . As a result, part of the
ergy remains constant, hence the temperature does not change.
air exits the balloon via a valve. The valve is made so that
Meanwhile, the volume is increased twice and due to the ideal
the if the interior pressure exceeds the exterior one, the excess
gas law, this means that the pressure is decreased twice. So, we
gas is released; the valve never lets gas enter the balloon from
dealing with an isothermal process, and not with an adiabatic
outside. Now, the sunlight is shaded by a cloud: the balloon’s
temperature drops, and volume becomes smaller. How much
As a matter of fact, the main requirement for having an
ballast (which mass m) needs to be thrown out to keep the
adiabatic process is that the process needs to be sufficiently
aerostat at the same height (where the pressure is still equal to
slow — the characteristic time of the process needs to be much
p)? Both air and hydrogen can be treated as ideal gases, the
longer than the period of natural oscillation of the system. In
molar masses are µH2 and µair , respectively.
the case of gases, the natural oscillation modes are standing
The next problem deals with a more complicated energy waves; the period of the slowest mode is cs /2L, where L is the
transfer process; the following idea will be useful. vessel length and the factor two accounts for the fact that the
— page 9 —
wavelength of the longest standing wave has wavelength equal will change the temperature of the radiation, if the linear size of
to 2L; cs denotes the speed of sound. Thus, v/L ≪ cs /2L, the universe grows two times? What is the adiabatic exponent
hence v ≪ cs , where v is the speed of the container walls (or for a photon gas?
of a piston).
For the adiabatic processes with gases, it is also re-
def. 8: Adiabatic process is a process by which the system quired that the heat exchange rate of the given gas is negligibly
parameters change so slowly that the characteristic time of small (as compared with the internal energy change): ∆Q = 0.
changing is much longer than the period of the slowest mode If we recall the adiabatic motion of a particle between two
of natural oscillations; also, there should be no dissipative pro- walls, we see that the no-heat-exchange requirement is very
cesses (where mechanical energy is converted to heat), e.g. fric- much consistent with that adiabatic process: the particle did
tion. In the case of gases, this means that the speed of the con- not receive any external energy apart from the energy received
tainer walls needs to be much smaller than the speed of sound, from the moving wall (heat flux corresponds to an external en-
and also there should be no external heat supply. ergy source for the kinetic energy of the molecules), and there
were no energy losses due to fiction or other processes. So, the
Adiabatic processes in such a wider-than-thermodynamical
adiabatic process with a gas can be arbitrarily slow, in prin-
sense play important role also in quantum mechanics, electro-
ciple, but in practice, for too slow processes the heat exchange
dynamics, etc.
can no longer be ignored.
In the course of analytical mechanics it is shown that for
Before we derive the adiabatic law for gases, let us note
adiabatic processes on periodically oscillating systems, the so-
that at Olympiads, this derivation is typically not needed, it
called adiabatic invariant is conserved; this is the surface area
suffices just to no the law.
of the loop drawn by the oscillator in the phase plane (the
H To begin with, we apply the 1LTD to an adiabatic process
curve in x − px -plane px dx, where x is the coordinate and px
on one mole of gas, dU = pdV , where dU = cV dT , i.e.
— the corresponding momentum), c.f. the booklet of mechan-
cV dT = −pdV .
ics. While a general proof is complicated, a problem of the
Note that even though the volume is not constant, the internal
mechanics booklet dealt with a particle bouncing back and
energy change is expressed in terms of cV . This is a standard
forth between two slowly moving plates; it was shown that
method: with constant volume, there is no mechanical work
Lv = Const, v being the particle’s speed and L — the distance
done and hence, all the provided heat cV dT goes to the change
between the walls.
of the internal energy dU .
Now, let us consider one-dimensional gas: there are many
particles bouncing along the x-axis between the plates. From idea 9: Internal energy change can be calculated as
the molecular kinetic theory, the pressure of such a gas p = dU = cV dT.
nmv̄ 2 . The number density of the particles is, of course, in- We want to derive relationship between the pressure and
versely proportional to the “volume ”, which is in the one- volume, so we need to eliminate here the temperature; to that
dimensional case just the distance between the plates L, i.e. end, we use the ideal gas law, RT = pV , hence
n ∝ 1/L. Due to the adiabatic invariant, the speed of each RdT = pdV + V dp.
of the molecules is inversely proportional to L and hence, the Here we applied the differentiation rule d(pV ) = pdV + V dp.
average speed follows the same law, v̄ ∝ 1/L. Thus, p ∝ 1/L3 , Now we can easily eliminate dT from these two equations to
or alternatively, pL3 = Const. This is our adiabatic law for the obtain
one-dimensional gas: pV γ = Const, with V = L and γ = 3. pdV (cV + R) + cV V dp = 0.
What is even more important, is that in quantum mech- Let us notice that c + R = c , and introduce the adiabatic
V p
anics, the surface area in phase space is related to the quasi- index defined as
classical quantization rule, for n-th quantum-mechanical en-
H γ = cp /cV .
ergy level, px dx = n~. Now, if the potential changes slowly This allows us to rewrite the last equation as
in time, the adiabatic invariant is conserved, hence the system γ dV dp
V + p = 0.
will remain at the same quantum-mechanical energy level (with R
If we integrate this equality, the first term yields γ dV =
the same order number) as it was at the beginning (exceptions R V
γ ln V = ln V γ , and the second one — dp p = ln p, so that
are possible only in the case of a “separatrix-crossing”, e.g. if
ln V γ + ln p = ln pV γ = Const, hence
the “potential well” becomes so narrow that the given bound
pV γ = Const.
state disappears, and the particle formerly bound to the well
Now, let us return to the one-dimensional gas discussed be-
becomes free).
fore; it has one degree of freedom, thus cV = 12 R and cp = 32 R
idea 8: During adiabatic processes, particles remain at their so that γ = 3, which is in a complete agreement with our res-
initial quantum-mechanical levels. When combining this ob- ult for the adiabatic invariant. Let us make an intermediate
servation with the Boltzmann’s law, it is often possible to find summary.
the new temperature.
fact 12: Adiabatic law, which is valid simultaneously with
the ideal gas law pV /T = Const, states that
pr 15. Expansion of our Universe can be considered as an pV γ = Const; kus; γ = cp /cV .
adiabatic processes for the photons of the microwave back-
Combining this with the gas law we have also equalities
ground radiation: the wavelength of the photons grows pro-
T V γ−1 = Const; and; T γ ∝ pγ−1 .
portionally to the linear size of the Universe. How many times
— page 10 —
idea 10: For adiabatic processes, the work done can be cal- significant, it would be necessary to use here the Boltzmann’s
culated as the change of internal energy (since there is no heat distribution ρ ∝ e−µgh/RT . While for µgh ≪ RT , this is ex-
exchange): pression can be simplified using linear term of the Taylor’s
∆A = ν 2i R∆T = pdV . expansion ex ≈ 1 + x, the same approximate result can be
obtained (arguably) more easily using the following idea.
For real-life problems when the applicable assumptions are
not explicitly stated, it is important to understand, when the idea 13: If the height differences are small and there is no
heat exchange rate can be neglected (then the process is adia- need to apply the Boltzmann’s distribution, the air pressure
batic), and when the heat exchange is so fast that the process is change can be found as the air column pressure ∆p = ρgh,
essentially isothermal. Here it is useful to compare character- where ρ can be considered in the first approximation to be
istic time scales of thermal relaxation time τth (the time during independent of height.
which the temperature differences decrease by a factor of e), Using the result of this problem, it becomes also clear, why
and the characteristic time of the process itself (e.g. the time mountain peaks are snowy — for instance 3 km would corres-
during which the system is brought from its initial state to the pond to the temperature difference of 30 degrees. In reality,
final state). It is useful to know that the thermal relaxation the temperature difference remains somewhat lower since the
time depends on the system size (linear dimension) L, being air which ascends along the mountain slopes is being heated due
proportional to L2 ; in the case of air under normal conditions, to heat conductance from the mountain surface (see above).
for L ≈ 1 cm, τth ≈ 1 s. During calm night weather, the adiabatic atmosphere may
Next we proceed to the discussion of atmospheric processes. not be observed. This is because the Earth’s surface gives away
heat via radiation and cools down; lower air masses are also
idea 11: When air masses are in vertical motion, typically cooled via heat conduction. Let us note that heat radiation
during day time, but also during cyclonal activity and strong of the air itself is negligible: being transparent, it doesn’t ab-
winds, the vertical motion of air incurs adiabatic expansion. sorb radiation; due to the 2LTD, absorption and radiation are
This results in the so-called adiabatic atmosphere, where the symmetric phenomena and therefore clean air cannot radiate.
temperature falls with the height h, Lower cold air layers have higher density and therefore, a very
T γ ∝ pγ−1 , p = p0 − ρgh; stable air stratification is formed: there is almost no vertical
here the expression for p is valid for moderate height differences air motion. Such a phenomenon is called “inversion”. In the
when the variation of the air density ρ can be neglected. case of inversion, all the waste gases remain near the surface,
giving rise to high air pollution.
Indeed, air masses are very large and hence, even though the
Bernoulli equation, 12 ρv 2 + ρgh + p = Const (where ρ is
air may rise slowly, the thermal relaxation time is even slower,
the density, v — speed, p — pressure, g — free fall acceler-
so that the process is adiabatic. During daytime, the vertical
ation, and h — height) is a well-known equality expressing
motion of air is caused by sunlight heating the ground, which
the fact that in the case of a stationary flow, the energy flux
in its term, heats the air via thermal conductivity (note that
entering any volume must be equal to the energy flux exit-
as air is transparent, it doesn’t absorb light, and hence, direct
ing that volume: otherwise, the total amount of energy inside
heating by sunlight is negligible). The heated air has smal-
that volume would start growing, contradicting the assump-
ler density than the colder air at higher altitudes, and starts
tion of stationarity. Bernoulli equation, however, is valid only
rising. At the ground level, void cannot be created, so there
in the case of incompressible flows. As we have seen above,
must be also descending air masses. So, air moves up and
atmospheric air flows are typically adiabatic, in which case the
down, resulting in a fairly good vertical mixing, and adiabatic
energy balance equation needs to take into account the change
atmosphere. What does it mean in terms of temperature drop
of internal energy of the gas, and the work done by expansion.
at high altitudes, we’ll learn through the following problem.

pr 16. What is the temperature at the top of a hill of height idea 14: For problems set on stationary gas flow, two con-
H = 200 m if at the bottom of the valley t0 = 20 ◦ C? You can servation laws are to be used. First, along streamlines
assume that when air masses move along the slope of the hill, v2
+ gh + cp T = const,
air expansion and/or contraction can be considered to be adia- 2
batic. The air pressure at the valley level p0 = 105 Pa, air where cp = Cp /M is the specific heat of the gas per unit mass
density ρ = 1,29 kg/m and adiabatic index γ = 1, 4. by constant pressure (Cp denotes the molar specific heat, and
M — the molar mass). This equality reflects energy conser-
This problem can be solved very fast if we make use of the fact
vation. Alternatively, if the flow speed is much smaller than
that here, the relative pressure change is very small.
the sonic speed and density variations along streamlines remain
idea 12: In the case of equalities involving products, e.g. small, ∆ρ ρ ≪ 1, the original Bernoulli law
aα bβ = Const, if the relative changes of variables are small 1 2
(∆a ≪ a, ∆b ≪ b) then it is convenient to use approximate ρv + ρgh + p = const
calculation based on logarithmic differentiation, can be also used.
da db ∆a ∆b Second,
0 = d ln(aα bβ ) = α +β ⇒ α = −β .
a b a b ρvA = const,
If the hill height would be very large, so that air density dif- where A is the cross-sectional surface area of a fictitious tube
ference between the top and bottom of the mountain would be formed by streamlines; this reflects mass conservation as ρv
— page 11 —
is equal to the mass flux density (mass passing a unit cross- pr 18. [IPhO-2012] In the fig. below, a cross-section of an
sectional area per unit time). aircraft wing is depicted together with streamlines of the air
It should be emphasized that in the case of gas flows when ρ flow around the wing, as seen in the wing’s reference frame.
is not constant, v2 +gh+cp T = const holds exactly; meanwhile, Assume that (a) the air flow is purely two-dimensional (i.e.
that the velocity vectors of air lie in the figure plane); (b)
ρ ≪ 1.
the Bernoulli law is valid only at the limit ∆ρ
The fact that the Bernoulli law can be used at the limit the streamline pattern is independent of the aircraft speed; (c)
there is no wind; (d) the dynamic pressure is much smaller
ρ ≪ 1 is actually non-trivial. Indeed, the Bernoulli law is

derived from energy balance: work done by pressure is conver- than the atmospheric pressure p0 = 1.0 × 10 Pa. You can use

ted into kinetic and/or potential energy. However, when gas a ruler to take measurements from the fig. on the answer sheet.
is compressible, there is also a conversion into internal energy
due to compression.

Consider a displacement of a certain amount of gas inside a

fictitious tube made from streamlines as shown in figure: let
us assume that before displacement, this volume of gas occu-
pied the region shaded into blue and grey. As the result of
displacement, now it occupies the region shaded into grey and
red. There is no change in the state of the grey region, but a) If the aircraft’s ground speed is v0 = 100 m/s, what is the
gas from blue region has been moved into the red region. The speed of the air vP at the point P (marked in fig.) with respect
to the ground?
change in kinetic energy is m2 (vr − vb ), where vb and vr stand
2 2

for the gas speeds at the blue and red positions, respectively. b) In the case of high relative humidity, as the ground speed of
Energy balance is written as the aircraft increases over a critical value vcrit , a stream of wa-
m ter droplets is created behind the wing. The droplets emerge
W = (vr2 − vb2 ) + ∆U,
2 at a certain point Q. Mark the point Q in fig. on the answer
where ∆U is the change of the internal energy, and the work
sheet. Explain qualitatively (using formulae and as few text as
done by external pressure
possible) how you determined its position.
W = pV − (p + ∆p)(V + ∆V ). c) Estimate the critical speed vcrit using the following data:
Now, consider a longer displacement of gas — such that the relative humidity of the air is r = 90%, specific heat of air at
gas of the blue region has covered the whole distance from blue constant pressure cp = 1.00 × 103 J/kg · K, pressure of satur-
to red, and occupies now the volume shaded into red. Dur- ated water vapour: psa = 2.31 kPa at the temperature of the
ing that displacement, the process on the parcel was adiabatic,
R unperturbed air Ta = 293 K and psb = 2.46 kPa at Tb = 294 K.
so ∆U = − pdV ; assuming ∆p p ≪ 1 (which is equivalent
Idea 14 is also useful when deriving sound speed cs in a gas.
to requiring ∆ρ ρ ≪ 1), the integral can be approximated as Then, however, we need one more idea.
∆U = −p∆V . Returning to the energy balance equation, we
can write idea 16: In order to find the propagation speed of a pulse in
m 2
(v − vb2 ) = V ∆p + ∆V ∆p, homogeneous medium, for instance gas or stretched rope, it is
2 r convenient to use a moving reference frame where the pulse is
which gives us the Bernoulli law if we neglect the quadratically
small term ∆V ∆p and assume that the densities at the blue at rest.
and red positions are approximately equal, m V ≈ V +∆V . This
Let us consider a sound wave which propagates in the direc-
is valid if the relative change in the flow speed is much larger tion of x-axis; then, the air density ρ = ρ(x − cs t). Following
than the relative change in density, which is true if the flow the idea 16, we consider a frame which moves with speed cs ,
speed is much smaller than the sonic speed. with coordinate axis x′ = x − cs t. In that frame, the density
When we derived here the Bernoulli law, we used a trick perturbation remains constant in time, ρ = ρ(x′ ). This means
which can be also formulated as an idea. that we can use idea 14, so that we obtain two equations:
idea 15: If a column of liquid or gas, a rod or a rope (and so (ρ0 + ∆ρ)(v + cs ) = ρ0 cs ,
1 1
on) moves parallel to itself so that the new state and old state (v + cs )2 + cp T = c2s + cp T0 ,
2 2
mostly overlap, and there are only small regions where the state where v ≪ cs is the speed of gas in laboratory frame. In sound
is has been changed (e.g. the red and blue regions in the figure wave, the density perturbations are typically small so that we
above), the change of the total energy (momentum, angular can assume ∆ρ ≪ ρ. Upon opening the braces and neglecting
momentum, etc.) can be calculated by considering only those quadratically small terms (e.g. v∆ρ and v 2 ), we obtain
regions where the state has been changed. ρ0 v + cs ∆ρ = 0, cs v + cp ∆T = 0.
If the wavelength is long enough (much longer than the mean
pr 17. Prove that for a stationary gas flow, along stream- free path length of the gas molecules), the gas flow is adiabatic,
lines 2 + gh + cp T = const. so that we can relate ∆T to ∆ρ via adiabatic law T ρ1−γ =
— page 12 —
T0 + (1 − γ) ρ0 = 0, hence
const. Using the idea 12, we obtain ∆T repel), at moderate distances the force is attractive (this keeps
∆T = (γ − 1) Tρ00 ∆ρ. With this, our equations can be rewritten the particles together in the liquid or crystal phase), and at
as large distances the force decays faster than the electrostatic
T0 law of r−2 . Attraction at moderate distances means that the
ρ0 v + cs ∆ρ = 0, ρ0 cs v + cp (γ − 1) ∆ρ = 0,
ρ0 potential energy (with respect to an infinite distance) for a typ-
C −C
where cp (γ − 1) = M −1 Cp pCV V = M −1 Cp CRV = γ M R
. This ical near-neighbour-pair is negative; let the average potential
is a set of two linear equations with two unknowns, v and ∆ρ energy per particle be −U0 . For particles inside the liquid (or
which can have non-zero solutions only if the determinant is crystal) phase, the number of near neighbours is larger than for
zero (the equations are linearly dependent), i.e. the particles at the surface. Respectively, the average poten-
RT0 tial energy of the inter-particle forces per particle at the surface
c2s = γ .
M is also smaller by modulus than U0 ; let us denote the energy
When calculating cs , we have ignored one important fact:
difference by ∆U0 . Now we can draw two conclusions.
in the case of straight streamlines (what we have in the case of
First, increasing the surface area of a liquid will increase
planar wavefronts/one-dimensional wave propagation), apart
the number of particles at the surface, and hence, the overall
from energy and mass conservation, we have also the conserva-
energy of molecular forces. Naturally, the number of particles
tion of linear momentum of the gas.
adjacent to the surface is proportional to the surface area A,
pr 19. Show that in the case of gas flow along straight and so is the overall energy W associated with the particles be-
streamlines, due to Newton’s II law for the gas parcels, ing at the surface instead of being inside the bulk of the liquid:
ρv 2 + p = const. W = σA, where the coefficient σ characterizes the molecular
forces of the liquid, and is called the surface tension. This
It should be emphasized that this last law is valid only in the
phenomenon will be discussed in the next section.
case of straight streamlines: otherwise, the pressure force by
Second, in order to pull out a particle from the liquid phase,
which the walls of the fictitious tube (made from streamlines)
it needs to obtain energy U0 (this energy is analogous to the
act on the gas parcels would also contribute to the acceleration
work function in the Einstein’s equation of photoelectric ef-
along streamlines.
fect). Thus far we have learned that in thermodynamical sys-
When we calculated cs , we used three equations: en-
tems, particles can be in higher- and lower-energy-states, which
ergy conservation law, 12 v 2 + cp T = const, mass conservation
means that the liquid molecules can obtain also, due to random
ρv = const, and adiabatic law ρ1−γ T = const. We could have
interactions with other molecules, energy exceeding U0 , and as
substituted the adiabatic law with the momentum conserva-
a result, “jump out” of the liquid phase. This process (mo-
tion law ρv 2 + p = const, and still we would have obtained the
lecules jumping out of the liquid) gives rise to evaporation: the
same result. This means that if the amplitude of the density
number of molecules in liquid phase will decrease. However,
perturbations is small, the four equation are linearly depend-
there is also the reverse process, condensation at the liquid
ent, and the adiabatic law can be derived from the remaining
surface. Indeed, if the gaseous phase above the liquid sur-
three: Thus, as long as the amplitude of the wave is small,
face contains the molecules of the liquid, the vapour molecules
the sound propagation is adiabatic. On the other hand, for
(which are in a random motion) can hit the liquid surface and
large amplitudes this is no longer the case: the three conserva-
get “stuck” to it.
tion laws (know as the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions) may (and
For a molecule, the probability of having an additional en-
will) be in contradiction with the adiabatic law. Therefore, in
ergy exceeding U0 is proportional to e−U0 /kT ; the evaporation
the case of large-amplitude shock waves, the process on gas is
rate is proportional to that probability and hence, increases
not adiabatic, and part of mechanical energy is converted into
very rapidly with the temperature. Condensation rate, on
the other hand, is less sensitive to the temperature
√ (is propor-
pr 20. In the case of a shock wave, a high-pressure region tional to the speed of the molecules, i.e. T ), and depends
propagates in gas with a speed which is somewhat larger than mostly on the concentration of the vapour molecules in the
the sound speed. Consider a shock wave in which air density gaseous phase. Obviously, if the evaporation rate exceeds the
grows exactly two times; how many times is such a shock wave condensation rate, the amount of liquid is decreasing, and vice
faster than the sound speed? versa. If we take a certain amount of liquid and seal it tightly
into a bottle, the two processes reach an equilibrium: the con-
centration of the vapour molecules in the gaseous phase will
Interface between liquid and vapours reach such a value that the evaporation rate equals to the con-
The liquid (and crystal) particles (atoms, molecules, ions) are densation rate.
bound to each other via chemical bonds — forces which de- def. 9: Vapour with such a concentration which leads to the
pend on the distance between particles in a complicated way. condensation rate being equal to the evaporation rate at the
By origin, these forces have electrostatic nature: the inter- given temperature is called the saturation vapour.
play of quantum-mechanical laws and electrostatic interactions
Most often, the amount of vapours is measured as the partial
between orbital electrons and atomic nuclei results in the force
pressure caused by the given type of molecules in the gaseous
between particles being a complex function of the positions of
phase. This method is valid owing to the Dalton’s law.
interacting particles. At small distances between the atomic
nuclei, the force becomes repulsive (positive charges of nuclei fact 13: Dalton’s law states that pressure is an additive
— page 13 —
quantity: the total pressure exerted by a gas equals to the densation centres is smaller, each of the droplets will need to
sum of partial pressures: p = PA + PB + . . ., where pA is the absorb the vapours from a larger volume, so the process will
pressure due to the molecules of type A, pA — that of molecules take longer time. In the case of extremely clean air, when there
of type B, etc. are only very few condensation centres, for a certain period of
time r > 100% is possible, such a gas is called an oversaturated
This law follows directly from the principles of molecular kin-
etic theory: pressure is the momentum of molecules transferred
to the container walls per unit time and unit surface area, and Now, let us discuss in more details evaporation at r < 100%.
according to the laws of mechanics, momentum is an additive In the case of water vapours in air, air is most often relatively
quantity (the momentum of an entire system is the sum of the dry, with r ranging typically from 40% to 80%. This is the
momenta of all its parts). case because free water surface forms only a small fraction
of all the surfaces: solar heating reduces r by increasing the
Returning to the vapours, the saturation vapour is typically
saturation pressure, but the vapour pressure remains almost
characterised via its pressure, the saturation vapour pressure.
constant since there no vapour sources (in the form of liquid
water) are available. Even relatively close to water surfaces, r
def. 10: The relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the will remain moderate: there is not enough time for establishing
vapour pressure to the saturation vapour pressure at the given a thermal equilibrium, evaporation is relatively slow and mov-
temperature of the gas. ing air brings new dry air masses into contact with the water
There is another process which is very similar to evapora- surface.
tion: sublimation. In the case of sublimation, the only dif- However, at a narrow layer near water surface, the air moves
ference is that the molecules go straight from solid phase to slowly due to friction against the water surface; let the thick-
gaseous phase; examples for sublimation include water at tem- ness of this (almost) stagnant layer of air be δ (note that δ
peratures below 0 ◦ C, and iodine at room temperatures. In the depends on the wind speed: strong wind makes the stagnant
case of sublimation, the notions of saturation pressure, vapour layer narrower. The air molecules in the stagnant layer pre-
pressure, and relative humidity remain intact. vent the water vapour molecules leaving into the bulk of the
The following problem tests understanding of the concept air: water molecules hit often the air molecules and move ran-
of saturation pressure. domly back and forth; as a result, their departure speed from
the water surface is slow as compared with the thermal speed.
pr 21. In vacuum and weightlessness, at the bottom of a cyl- If the mean free path λ of the vapour molecules is much smaller
indrical vessel (a cup), there is a layer of solid substance. This than the thickness of that surface layer (which is normally the
substance sublimes slowly (evaporates from the solid phase into case) then we can consider separately a thin layer of air which
gaseous phase) and pushes thereby the vessel to the opposite is directly above the water surface, with the thickness of few λ
direction. The mass of the vessel is M , and the initial mass of (this layer is the lowest part of the stagnant layer). Within that
the substance m ≪ M . The cross-sectional area of the vessel layer, let us consider two processes: first, molecules jumping
is A, and the pressure of saturated vapours of the substance from the water into the thin layer and then returning to the
at the temperature T is p0 . What is the acceleration of the liquid phase after performing few collisions with air molecules;
vessel? Provide answer for two cases: (a) the mean free path second, vapour molecules leaving the stagnant layer of thick-
length λ of the molecules at the saturation pressure is much ness δ. Since λ ≪ δ, the characteristic time scale of the first
smaller than the length of the vessel, and (b) much larger than process is much smaller than that of the second process. If one
that. process is much faster than the other, a quasi-equilibrium is
If the current vapour pressure is smaller than the saturation reached for the faster process. Therefore, inside the thin layer
vapour pressure (i.e. relative humidity is smaller than 100%), of thickness λ, thermal quasi-equilibrium is reached between
evaporation at a liquid surface dominates over condensation, the water molecules in the liquid phase and vapour phase: the
and the mass of liquid is slowly decreasing. On the other hand, water molecules jump out from the liquid phase almost as often
if the relative humidity is larger than r = 100%, condensation as the vapour molecules hit the surface and get stuck into the
dominates over evaporation. However, unlike evaporation, con- liquid. By the definition of the saturation pressure, this means
densation can take place not only at the free liquid surface, but that inside the thin layer, the vapour pressure equals to the
also start forming droplets. Still, the vapour molecules cannot saturation pressure (at the water surface temperature).
start forming a droplet at an empty space as in the case of If there were no collisions with the air molecules, i.e. if the
a very small droplet (of the size of few molecules), the liquid mean free path of the molecules were very large and those mo-
phase is not yet formed, and molecular attraction forces are lecules which jump out of the surface would never return, the
not strong enough to keep molecules together (the binding en- evaporation rate could be derived from the saturation vapour
ergy is smaller than that of a liquid phase, U0 ). Therefore, pressure. Indeed the full saturation pressure can be divided
in order to start forming a droplet, a condensation centre is into two components: the momentum per unit time and unit
needed: it may be dust particle or tiny salt crystal hovering in area, (a) exchanged by those molecules which jump out of the
air. So, around each such condensation centre, a tiny droplet water, with those molecules which remain in the liquid-phase,
is formed; this is a mist. If there is a sufficiently large number and (b) transferred by those vapour molecules which hit the
of condensation centres, the tiny droplets “suck away” all the water surface and get “stuck” into it, to the liquid water. At
excess vapour, leading to r = 100%. If the number of con- equilibrium, both processes have equal intensities, hence both
— page 14 —
contribute half of the saturation pressure. If the second com- the effect of the heat flux (i.e. assume that the heat conduct-
ponent were missing, the vapour pressure would be reduced to ivity of air is very small). In what follows, assume that the air
the half of the full saturation pressure, and the evaporation temperature T0 = 20 ◦ C.
intensity (number of molecules leaving per unit time and unit a) Find the temperature difference between the wet and dry
area) could be expressed in terms of the saturation pressure, thermometers if the relative humidity r = 90%.
temperature, and molar mass using the kinetic theory of gases. 3
In reality, however, as long as we are not dealing with sub- pk(kPa)
limation in vacuum, the vapour molecules cannot leave freely
the boundary layer, and many molecules end up colliding again 2

with the water surface, and condensing at it. Then, the effect-
ive evaporation rate is defined by the interplay of two processes:
molecules (a) jumping out of the water surface, and (b) diffus-
ing through the boundary layer. As discussed earlier, directly
above the water surface, the water and vapours are at equi- T C
librium, i.e. r = 100%. At the top of the stagnant layer, air 0 5 10 15 20 25
motion brings fresh air with relative humidity r equal to that b) If we assume that the wind blows with a fixed speed, then
of the bulk of the air masses. The thickness of the stagnant the conductive heat flux Qc (measured in watts) is propor-
layer depends mainly on the wind speed; narrower layer means tional to the difference between the temperature of the air T0
higher vapour concentration gradient, and hence, larger flux and that of the wet cloth T , Qc = a(T0 − T ). The coefficient
of vapour molecules, i.e. larger evaporation speed. Therefore, of proportionality a depends on the shape and size of the wet
moist things dry faster if the relative humidity of air is low, cloth, as well as on the wind speed. Apart from the heat flux
and if there is a strong wind. due to conductivity, there is also heat flux due to evaporation:
evaporating molecules take away heat according to the latent
idea 17: If the dependence between two physical quantities y
heat of evaporation. This evaporation heat flux Qe is propor-
and x is given as a graph where y is plotted versus x [y = f (x)],
tional to the evaporation rate, which in its turn is proportional
and you are asked to find, which value of x (or f ) is taken, and
to the difference of the saturation pressure (at the temperat-
from theoretical considerations one can derive another func-
ure of the wet cloth), ps (T ), and the pressure of vapours in
tional dependence between f and x, for instance y = ax + b,
the surrounding air, pa . Thus, Qe = b[ps (T ) − pa ], where the
then the solution can be found as the intersection point of two
coefficient b depends on the same things as the coefficient a.
graphs, y = f (x) and y = ax + b.
However, it appears that the ratio a/b is a quantity which can
Thus, it suffices to draw a line y = ax + b onto the (provided be assumed to be constant for a wide range of conditions, as-
to you) graph y = f (x), and read out the intersection point co- suming that the saturation pressure is much smaller than the
ordinates. If the theoretical dependence is not linear, plotting atmospheric pressure. It does depend slowly on the air pres-
efforts are increased: either you redraw the graph y = f (x) sure and temperature, but for any reasonable temperatures and
using other coordinates — such that the theoretical depend- air pressures at the sea level it can be taken to be equal to
ence would be given by a straight line — or plot onto the given a/b = 65 Pa/K. Taken into account what has been mentioned
graph y = f (x) the curve corresponding to the theoretical de- above, what would be the reading of the wet thermometer if
pendence. In generic case, there is no need for the theoretical the air is absolutely dry (i.e. r = 0)?
dependence to be a linear function; however, linear depend-
c) Derive as simple as possible expression for finding the dif-
ences are not too rare. For instance, in the case of electrical
ference between the readings of the wet and dry thermometers
circuits, Kirchoff’s laws ensure linearity, c.f. idea ?? from the
within the relative accuracy of 10% which could be applied for
booklet of electrical circuits.
T0 = 20 ◦ C and for the humidity range 80% < r < 100%.
pr 22. [EstPhO-1997] One method for finding relative hu- d) A laundry is drying so that there is no direct sunlight falling
midity is based on taking the readings of a dry and a wet onto it. In one case, the humidity is 95%, in the other case —
thermometer. The wet thermometer has a wet piece of cloth 80%; all the other conditions are exactly the same. How many
wrapped around its sensor. For the method to yield an ac- times faster will dry the laundry in the second case?
curate result, a wind must blow onto the wet sensor (you can
create it using a fan). Throughout this problem, you can use fact 14: Liquid will start boiling if the condition ps (T ) > patm
the graph of the pressure of saturated water vapours as a func- is satisfied.
tion of temperature.
Conversely, if ps (T ) < patm , the external pressure will not
When wind blows onto the wet sensor, there will be two pro- allow expansion of a bubble: larger external pressure would al-
cesses influencing the sensor temperature: first, wind removes ways compress the bubble back to its initial tiny size (defined
the high-humidity air from the neighbourhood of the wet cloth by the impurity size, or the number of non-soluble molecules
surface so that the water can evaporate; second, it increases of some other gas inside it).
the heat flux from the warm air towards the colder sensor by Only extremely clean liquids can be almost free of evapora-
reducing the thickness of the stagnant air layer where the tem- tion centres, in which case it is possible to have what is called
perature drop is localized. For question a) you may neglect overheated liquids: while ps (T ) is slightly larger than patm , due
— page 15 —
to the absence of evaporation centres inside the liquid, evap- two liquids, the molecules of both liquids can enter in the va-
oration can take place only at the surface. Even though this pour phase. According to the Dalton’s law, the pressure inside
process is now relatively fast (no wind is needed to accelerate the bubble will be equal to p1s + p2s , where p1s and p2s are the
evaporation as the vapours can now freely push away the air), saturation pressures of the first and second liquid at the given
there is no evaporation from the bulk in the form of bubbles, i.e. temperature, respectively.
there is no boiling. This is very similar to the oversaturated va-
pours discussed earlier. Furthermore, under similar conditions
(of very clean liquids) it is possible to have overcooled liquids fact 15: At the interface of two liquids, boiling can start at
which stay in the liquid phase below the melting point. For considerably lower temperatures than in both liquids, separ-
instance, a very clean water can stay liquid at few degrees be- ately: boiling will start when the condition p1s + p2s > patm is
low 0 ◦ C. Both for overheated and overcooled liquids, shaking satisfied.
can initiate a very fast phase transition: for overheated liquid,
the excess heat is released via latent heat during partial evap-
oration, and in the case of overcooled liquid, part of the liquid
solidifies releasing latent heat and raising the temperature to
pr 24. [IPhO-1989] Consider two liquids A and B insol-
the melting point value.
uble in each other. The pressures pi (i = A, B) of their sat-
It should be noted that overcooling can happen also with
urated vapours obey, to a good approximation, the formula
rain droplets, which leads to the phenomenon known as glaze
ln(pi /p0 ) = ai /T + bi , where p0 denotes the normal atmo-
frost: as soon as a droplet hits a solid surface (road, electrical
spheric pressure, T — the absolute temperature of the vapour,
wires, etc), part of the water solidifies at that solid surface.
and ai and bi (i = A, B) — certain constants depending on the
1,5 liquid. The values of the ratio pi /p0 , i = A, B, for the liquids
A and B at the temperature 40◦ C and 90◦ C are given in the
table below.
T (◦ C) pA /p0 pB /p0
40 0,248 0,07278
90 1,476 0,6918
a) Determine the boiling temperatures of the liquids A and B
under the pressure p0 .
The liquids A and B were poured into a vessel in which the
layers shown in figure were formed. The surface of the liquid
100 120 140 160 180 200 T C
B has been covered with a thin layer of a non-volatile liquid
C, which is insoluble in the liquids A and B and vice versa,
pr 23. Geysers can be considered as large underground thereby preventing any free evaporation from the upper surface
reservoirs which are filled with ground water and are being of the liquid B, The ratio of molecular masses of the liquids A
heated by hot walls. Such a reservoir is connected with the and B (in the gaseous phase) is g = MA /MB = 8
earth surface via a narrow and deep channel, which in the gey-
ser’s rest state (inactivity period) is filled with relatively cold
water (the channel’s walls are cold and do not heat the water The masses of the liquids A and B were initially the same, each
inside the channel). The geyser becomes active when the wa- equal to m = 100g. The heights of the layers of the liquids in
ter in the reservoir starts boiling; during the activity period, the vessel and the densities of the liquids are small enough to
the channel connecting the reservoir with the ground surface make the assumption that the pressure in any point in the ves-
is filled with water vapours. The fresh water supply rate of sel is practically equal to the normal atmospheric pressure p0 .
the reservoir is so slow that the inflow can be neglected dur- The system of liquids in the vessel is slowly, but continuously
ing the (relatively very short) activity period; meanwhile, it is and uniformly, heated. It was established that the temperature
so fast that the entire reservoir and the entire channel (up to t of the liquids changed with time τ as shown schematically in
the ground surface) becomes filled with the water during the the figure. Determine the temperatures t1 and t2 correspond-
(relatively very long) inactivity period. ing to the horizontal parts of the diagram and the masses of
the liquids A and B at the time τ1 . The temperatures should
Let the height difference between the endpoints of the chan-
be rounded to the nearest degree (in ◦ C) and the masses of the
nel be h = 90 m. The latent heat of evaporation for water
liquids should be determined to one-tenth of gram.
λ = 2.26 × 106 J/kg; its specific heat c = 4.2 × 103 J/kg · K.
REMARK: Assume that the vapours of the liquids, to a good
The dependence of the saturated water vapour pressure on
temperature is depicted in the graph. Find how large frac-
(1) obey the Dalton law stating that the pressure of a mixture
tion of the water in the reservoir is lost during a single activity
of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of the gases
forming the mixture and
If we have an interface between two liquids, the facts 13 and (2) can be treated as perfect gases up to the pressures corres-
14 need to be combined: into the bubbles at the interface of ponding to the saturated vapours.
— page 16 —
p0 t t2 Let us consider the contact line of three substances, a gas
C (e.g. air), a liquid (e.g. water), and a solid (e.g. a glass where
the water is kept). Thus we have liquid-gas, solid-gas, and
B solid-liquid interfaces; let the respective surface tensions be
t1 σl-g , σs-g and σs-l . We study the equilibrium for the position of
the contact line of the three substances. Solid surface cannot
be deformed, so this contact line can move only along the solid
surface. Now, suppose that the length of the contact line is L
and it moved towards the liquid phase from its initial position
Surface tension by a small distance |AB| = a, see figure depicting a cross-
section of the system. Then the solid-gas surface energy was
As we saw in the previous chapter, the molecules of a substance
increased by σs-g aL, and the solid-liquid surface energy was
in the liquid phase are being attracted by the other liquid mo-
decreased by σs-g aL. Suppose that the liquid-air and solid-
lecules and therefore have a certain negative potential energy
liquid surfaces form angle α, see figure. Note that the figure is
with respect to infinity. Notice that those liquid molecules
drawn assuming that the overall volume of the liquid is so large
which are directly at the liquid-gas interface are being attrac-
that the displaced liquid volume ABC flowing rightwards of the
ted by other molecules only from the side of the liquid phase.
point P does not incur any significant changes in the liquid sur-
Therefore, for the molecules directly at the surface, as com-
face shape in that region. Then, the displacement of contact
pared with the molecules in the bulk of the liquid, the number
line will reduce the liquid-air surface energy by σl-g aL cos α.
of attracting neighbours is smaller and respectively, the negat-
Indeed, from the right triangle ABC, the liquid-gas surface
ive potential energy is also smaller by modulus. This missing
length is decreased by |AD| = |AB| cos α (we ignore the length
negative energy can be interpreted as a positive energy of the
difference |CD| − |CB| which has second-order smallness in the
surface, which is proportional to the number of molecules at
small parameter |AB|/|AC|).
the surface, which is in its turn proportional to the surface
area of the liquid,
U = Sσ,
where the coefficient of proportionality σ is called the surface
tension. At room temperature, it takes typically values from
17 mN/m (diethyl ether) to 73 mN/m (water); and 480 mN/m AD
for mercury. In the case of water, very small concentrations of B
substances known as surfactants can lower the surface tension Now we can conclude using the energy balance that it is en-
two- or three-fold. ergetically favourable for the contact line to move rightwards if
Now, let us consider a rectangular shape a×b of a liquid sur- σl-g cos α + σs-l > σs-g , and leftwards, if the opposite inequality
face, and a process where we increase the side length a by ∆a. holds; the equilibrium is possible only if
By doing so we increase the surface area by b∆a, and hence, σl-g cos α + σs-l = σs-g .
the surface energy by σb∆a. As the energy was increased, some Now we can express for the so-called contact angle α
work must have been done. In order to increase the side length σs-g − σs-l
cos α = .
a, we needed to pull one edge of length b by ∆a. Let us assume σl-g
that in order to do so, a force F was needed. Then, from the In the case of normal liquids and surfaces, the contact angle
energy balance we can equate the work done F ∆a with the is larger than 0 and smaller than π; cases with α < π/2 are
energy increase σb∆a; hence, referred to as hydrophilic or wetting, and cases with α > π/2
F = σa, — hydrophobic or non-wetting. In the case of perfect wetting,
i.e. σ is the force per unit length. To sum up, similarly to the cos α = 1. In the case of even smaller values of σl-g we would
tension in rope, we can say that if we make an imaginary cut obtain cos α > 1, which is clearly impossible; instead, inequal-
line of length L on the surface, the two halves of the surface ity σl-g + σs-l < σs-g means that the gas-solid surface tension
pull each with force F = σL. σs-g is so large and the surface tensions of the liquid is so small
Note that surface tension exists not only at a free liquid that it is energetically useful for a drop of liquid to disperse
surface, i.e. liquid-air interface, but also at liquid-liquid in- over the whole solid surface so that it will be covered com-
terfaces between two insoluble liquids, liquid-solid interfaces, pletely with a thin layer of liquid. If such a liquid is kept in
solid-gas interfaces, and solid-solid interfaces. However, un- a vessel with vertical walls, it would be even energetically fa-
less we have nano-scale (or smaller) objects in which case the vourable for the liquid to “climb” up along the walls: in the
surface-area-to-bulk-volume ratio (and along with it, the rel- case of extremely thin liquid layer, gravitational potential en-
ative importance of the surface energy) is anomalously large, ergy would be negligible. However, the flow rate of the liquid
surface tension doesn’t have noticeable effects at solid-solid and in an extremely thin layer will be extremely slow due to viscous
solid-air interfaces due to the fact that the size and shape of drag. Because of that, such behaviour can be observed only if
these surfaces is fixed by the shape of the solid bodies. As an there is no viscous drag, in the case of superfluidity (helium at
exception, the energy of a solid-air interfaces becomes import- very low temperatures).
ant if it is adjacent to a solid-liquid and solid-air interface. Let If there were interfaces with σl-g + σs-g ≤ σs-l , it would be
us consider this case in more details. energetically favourable to keep a narrow air gap between the
— page 17 —
liquid and solid: liquid would not be sticking to the surface, a unit vector along the axis of the hemisphere, and dS ⃗ is an
and liquid droplets would be able to move essentially without a infinitesimal surface element (its modulus being equal to the
drag along the surface. While there are no such surfaces, there corresponding surface area, and pointing parallel to the sur-
are interfaces for which cos α is fairly close to −1. For instance, face normal). However, if such an hemisphere were surrounded
the contact angle of mercury on most surfaces is around 140 ◦ . both from the curved and flat sides by the same hydrostatic
pressure (cf. a half of a watermelon subject to the air pressure
pr 25. For some natural materials (e.g. lotus leafs), and for
in atmosphere), the body would obviously remain still at rest,
materials with modern nano-technological coatings, the con-
i.e. the pressure forces to both sides would be equal. There-
tact angle of liquids is increased due to the micro-structure of
fore F3 = πr2 pout . And so, the equilibrium condition for the
the surface: there are microscopical “whiskers” which keep the
hemisphere is written as πr2 pout + 2πσr = πr2 pin , hence
droplets on the tips of the whiskers and reduce thereby the
contact area between the liquid and the solid material. If the pin − pout = 2σ/r.
apparent contact area of a droplet with such a surface is A, In the case of a cylindrical surface, we can use a completely
and the real contact area due to the microscopic whiskers is similar approach to obtain pin − pout = σ/r.
rA with r = 0.006, what is the contact angle? Assume that However, cylindrical geometry can
without “whiskers”, the contact angle would be α0 = 110 ◦ . be analysed also using a different x
approach: consider the force bal- F F
Note that the energy minimum condition can be also in-
ance for a very small surface ele-
terpreted as the force balance condition for the line where
ment (in figure, α ≪ 1) in the perpendicular direction to the
the three phases meet (point A in figure): forces σl-g , σs-l ,
surface (the x-axis in figure). The surface tension force F ,
and σs-g (per unit length) pull the liquid molecules at the
tangent to the surface, is applied to the edges of the surface
three-phase-contact-line along the liquid-gas, solid-liquid, and
element, yielding Fx = − 21 σl sin α ≈ − 12 σlα (l is the length of
solid-gas interfaces, respectively. Hence, then the equality
the surface element perpendicularly to the figure plane). The
σl-g cos α + σs-l = σs-g represents the equilibrium condition for
area of the surface element ∆A = lrα, and hence, the force
the horizontal direction (along which the line could move if the
balance is written as (pin − pout )lRα = 2Fx = σlα, yielding
area covered by the liquid were to contract or expand).
immediately pin − pout = σ/r. Notice also that in the figure
Let us sum up what we have learned.
above, the liquid-gas interface can be thought to be a rope of
fact 16: Interfaces between phases carry energy; each inter- tension T , in which case we obtain the normal force per unit
face is characterized by the surface tension coefficient σ which length of the rope n = T /R.
gives the energy per unit area. As a direct consequence, σ gives Finally, the last paragraph illustrates a very important and
also the force per unit length of a fictitious cut of the interface universal method in physics, differential calculus approach.
(known as the surface tension or capillary force). Differential calculus has many flavours: for instance, in math-
Now, let us study the capillary pressure which is the gauge ematics, we speak most often about taking derivatives and in-
pressure due to spherical liquid-air interface of radius r, such tegrals, and solving differential equations. In physics, it is a
as one would have in the case of a bubble inside a liquid, or a very useful skill to know how to show that one or another
small droplet hovering in the air. Let us divide the bubble into physical quantity is a certain integral (cf. idea ?? from the
two halves by a plane passing through its centre, and consider electrical circuits booklet). Let us try to give a specific recipe
the force balance for one of the halves. To begin with, we need — summary about what was done in the previous paragraph.
a new idea.
idea 18: It is often useful to consider a force balance condi- idea 19: Consider (infinitesimally) small volumes (line seg-
tion for fictitiously separated part of a liquid involving gravity ments, etc.) and write down applicable force balances and/or
force, surface tension force, and force due to hydrostatic pres- conservation laws for these volumes to derive either a rela-
sure. tionship between physical quantities, or differential equations
describing a physical quantity as a function of other quantities.
Let us consider, for instance, an air
Make use of the smallness of these quantities: drop anything
bubble inside a liquid, and let us cut it
which has higher order of smallness (e.g. squared small quant-
fictitiously into two equal halves by a flat
surface. The body for which we write the
force balance consists of the air inside the Let us also sum up the capillary pressure results.
half-bubble, and the hemispherical liquid- fact 17: The gauge pressure due to capillary forces across
air interface around it. The forces acting on this body are: the a curved interface is ∆p = 2σ/r in spherical geometry, and
capillary force across the cut line pulling towards the other ∆p = σ/r in cylindrical geometry.
half, F1 = 2πσr; the force due to the hydrostatic pressure pin
It appears that these expressions can be generalized to arbit-
inside the bubble, F2 = πr2 pin , exerted by the other half of the
rary shapes of the interface; here we just provide the result,
bubble and pushing the two halves apart from each other; the
force F3 due to the hydrostatic pressure pout outside the sphere pin − pout = σ(r1−1 + r2−1 ),
acting in the same direction as the capillary force. Note that where r1 and r2 are the curvature radii of two curves at their
pout acts onto a curved surface so that the calculation of the crossing point P ; the two curves are formed as the intersection
resultant force would require integration pout x̂ · dS,
⃗ where x̂ is lines of the air-liquid interface with two planes, assuming that
— page 18 —
all the three surfaces are mutually perpendicular at the point
P . It can be shown that while the individual curvatures r1
and r2 depend on the orientation of the two plains, the sum
σ(r1−1 + r2−1 ) remains invariant when the planes are rotated
around the normal drawn through the point P to the air-liquid
In particular, the volume of a meniscus, the mass of a
droplet falling from a water tube, etc. can be found using the
idea 18, i.e. from the force balance condition for the surface ten-
sion force and the gravity force. The following problem serves
One can spot two issues which can invalidate the solution of
as an illustration here.
the problem 28 for δ & 0.5: (a) at the droplet’s upper rim
pr 26. [EstPhO-1995] Measuring cylinder has volume V = (where it is connected to the tap), the droplet walls are no
100 ml and height h = 20 cm. There are marker lines drawn on longer vertical (hence, the force balance needs to include the
the cylinder after each 1ml. Suppose the cylinder is used for cosine of the angle between a vertical line and the surface tan-
measuring water volume, and the reading is taken according to gent); (b) the pressure force due to the gauge pressure inside
the lowest point of the curved water surface. How large mistake the droplet needs to be calculated more precisely (curvature
is made due to the fact that the water surface is curved, and radii and hence, the gauge pressure change along the height of
not flat? Surface tension coefficient for water σ = 0.073 N/m; the droplet). Furthermore, it is not clear, which part of the
Assume that water wets perfectly the walls of the cylinder. droplet separates from the tap when the droplet starts falling:
it is apparently somewhat less than the whole volume depicted
pr 27. [EstAcadPhO-2003] Two coaxial in the figure. The figure above indicates the relative correc-
rings of radius R = 10 cm are placed to a dis- tion to the droplet’s mass ε due the above mentioned effects
tance L from each other. There is a soap film (for δ = 0.5 and δ = 1, it is assumed that what separates
connecting the two rings as shown in figure. De- as a falling droplet is the part beneath the narrowest part of
rive a differential equation describing the shape r(z) of the film, the droplet). Parameter κ shows the relative difference of the
where r is the radial distance of the film from the symmetry gauge pressures at the bottom and at the top of the droplet;
axis, as the function of the distance z along the axis. Show red line shows the level of zero gauge pressure.
that cosh x is one of its solutions. When the distance between The case δ = 3.218 (also shown in figure) yields the largest
rings is slowly increased, at a certain critical distance L0 , the droplet (with all the volume beneath the rim of the tap be-
soap film breaks. Find L0 . ing taken into account); it is also the droplet which is hanging
It is tempting to apply the idea 18 to the droplets falling from a horizontal ceiling when water vapours condense on it.
from a tap, straw, or syringe, to relate the mass of a droplet to When the tap radius is further increased, the droplets become
the internal diameter of the tap. even flatter, and at δ ≈ 3.83, the droplet’s height becomes zero.
When the tap radius is larger than 3.83λ, the tap can no longer
pr 28. Consider droplets falling from a syringe as the A a contain water: due to what is known as the Rayleigh-Taylor in-
syringe is kept vertically an pointing downwards; it is pressed
stability, water flows out.
slowly so that liquid drops are falling from the tip of its needle
(the needle’s tip is flat, i.e. is cut perpendicularly to its axis). idea 20: Equilibrium states of a system can be found as its
The surface tension of the liquid is σ, its density is ρ, free minimal total energy state; this is valid not only for mech-
fall acceleration
p is g, and internal diameter of the needle d anical systems, but also for systems involving thermodynamic
(d ≪ σ/ρg) Find the mass m of a falling droplet (provide (electromagnetic etc.) phenomena.
a correction to your answer by taking into account the small
pressure force due to the gauge pressure inside the droplet). pr 29. [EstPhO-1995] Liquid is poured onto a horizontal
totally non-wetting surface where it forms a pool (a layer of
This approach is, indeed, valid if the internal diameter d
liquid). Find the thickness of the layer if the density of the
of the tap/syringe is small. However, if that is not the case,
liquid is ρ and the surface tension coefficient is σ. What would
the problem becomes much more complicated. Based on the
be the thickness if it were a partially wetting liquid, with the
static force balance for horizontal layers of a growing droplet, a
angle between the air-liquid and liquid-solid interfaces being
differential equation can be composed to determine the shape
equal to α (0 < α < π)?
of the droplet. When liquid is being injected into the droplet,
it is growing, and its shape is changing; at a certain moment,
maximal size is achieved: with larger droplet volumes, for the
pr 30. Find the height of the meniscus in the case of prob-
lem 26, i.e. the height difference between the highest and lowest
given diameter of the tap, there are no solutions of the differ-
points of the air-liquid interface. Use the data of problem 26;
ential equation. This is the moment when the droplet falls. In
the liquid density is ρ.
the figure below, the shapes of falling droplets are depicted for
different syringe (tap)pradii r (indicated in dimensionless units, Finally, regarding instabilities due to surface tension: any
δ = r/λ, where λ = σ/ρg is the characteristic length scale at liquid tries to take the shape of minimal energy, which in the
which capillary and hydrostatic pressures have the same order case of weightlessness is a sphere. Because of that, any other
of magnitude, σ/λ = ρgλ). shapes, such as cylindrical or flat (soap films) are unstable.
— page 19 —
In the case of a cylindrical shape, the instability evolves fairly there is strictly speaking no need to discuss the Kelvin’s one:
fast; consider the following problem. in the case of positive temperatures, these two are identical.
However, discussion of the Kelvin’s temperature scale serves
pr 31. [Seagull-2014] Due to instability (know as us as a useful exercise, and it provides additional insight to
the Plateau-Rayleigh instability), a tap water stream thermodynamics.
breaks into droplets at a certain height. This pro- The Kelvin’s definition of temperature is based on the
cess can be modelled by the instability of a long water Carnot’ cycle which will be discussed later in more details;
cylinder in weightlessness. Let the diameter of the here it is enough to know its definition.
cylinder be d = 1 mm; estimate the time period T
during which the amplitude of the most unstable per- def. 12: Carnot’ cycle is a reversible process with a gas which
turbations will increase by a factor of e ≈ 2.718. The has four stages:
surface-tension of water γ = 72 g/s , and the density (i) the gas expands isothermally (i.e. at a constant temperat-
ρ = 1 g/cm .3 ure) while receiving slowly heat Q1 from a heat reservoir6 at a
temperature T1 ,
Due to the same reason, falling droplets don’t have the
(ii) it expands adiabatically (i.e. slowly without receiving or
shape of a droplet, because a sharp tip would imply a huge
giving away any heat) and is thereby cooled (cf. fact 12) down
capillary pressure beneath the tip, and would push the fluid
to a temperature T2 ;
immediately towards the regions of smaller pressure (larger
(iii) the gas is brought to a thermal contact with another heat
curvature radius). Instead, the falling droplets take a shape
reservoir of temperature T2 ; the gas gives away heat Q2 to the
which (due to air drag) is similar to the shape of small droplets
reservoir and contracts therefore isothermally;
lying on a hydrophobic surface: slightly ellipsoidal. Similarly,
(iv) the gas is compressed adiabatically until it reaches the
thin films are unstable, but in the case of very thin films (soap
temperature T1 .
films), the characteristic time for the growth of instabilities is
very large. Soap films are therefore fairly stable, and can be Note that thus far we don’t have quantitative definitions of
met often in problems; in that case, don’t forget the factor “2” temperature, but we know that the temperatures T1 and T2
for pressures, forces and energies reflecting the fact that a film are different, T1 > T2 : based on the fact 2 we know that if
has two interfaces: inner and outer ones! the reservoirs were brought into contact, there would be a heat
flow from the first one to the second one.
Since the pressure of the gas falls when cooling down (see
4 Entropy and Carnot cycle
Section 3), the net mechanical work performed by the gas dur-
The classical theory of thermodynamics is built around the ing the whole cycle is positive (contribution of the expansion
concept of reversible processes. stage A1 = exp pdV > 0 dominates over that of the contrac-
def. 11: Reversible processes are processes for which the sys- tion stage, A2 = contr pdV < 0). Hence, due to the 1LTD,
tem under consideration is always at a thermodynamical quasi- Q1 = Q2 + A1 + A2 > Q2 . So, the system works as a heat en-
equilibrium (those parts of the system which are in a thermal gine: the heat difference goes to mechanical work W = Q1 −Q2 ;
contact must have almost the same temperature), and there the ratio η ≡ Q1 = 1 − Q1 is called the efficiency of the heat
W Q2

should be no dissipation (i.e. conversion of mechanical energy engine.

into heat) inside the system. def. 13: Heat engine is a device which converts heat energy
So, the system can have two or more thermally isolated parts into a mechanical work using a temperature difference between
of different temperatures, but each of such parts should be the heating and cooling bodies; heat pump makes use of mech-
thermally isolated (there should be no heat flux between them). anical work to “pump” heat energy from a body with lower
As soon as heat is allowed to flow from one part to another, temperature to a body with higher temperature. Ideal heat
the temperatures of these parts must be almost equal: in that engine is based on Carnot’ cycle; ideal heat pump makes use of
case, the direction of the heat flow can be reversed by chan- the reversed Carnot cycle (all the stages are reversed: contrac-
ging the temperatures only by a very small amount. For a tion is substituted with expansion, cooling is substituted with
perfectly reversible process, the temperature difference should heating, etc).
be infinitely small, so that the temperature change required for
a process reversal would be infinitely small. However, such a pr 32. Show that for a Carnot’ cycle, the efficiency can
process would be also infinitely slow, because the heat flow rate depend only on the temperatures of the heating and cooling
between the bodies would be also infinitely small. Thus, real bodies and does not depend on which gas is used as the work-
processes can be reasonably close to being reversible, but never ing gas.
perfectly reversible. Notice that for a reversed process, all the
quantities (exchanged heat, work) obtain opposite signs. The solution here is based on the 2LTD, which we formulate
As mentioned before, the best definition of temperature is as an idea.
based on statistical thermodynamics; this, however, is based idea 21: The 2LTD can be used to prove by contradiction
on quantum mechanics, and in pre-quantum-mechanical era, impossibility or nonexistence of various things. To that end,
a different definition, the Kelvin’s one was used. Since we are it is necessary to show that when assuming that the opposite
already equipped with the statistical definition of temperature, is true, one can construct a scheme by which energy is trans-
6 heat reservoir — so large thermally isolated body that receiving or giving away some heat will not cause any noticeable changes in its temperature.

— page 20 —
ferred from a body of lower temperature to a body with a higher the transmitted part of the light coming from inside, but the
temperature while no net work is done. These constructions opposite is not true. The effect can be enhanced by overlaying
usually make use of ideal heat engines and/or heat pumps. an absorbing and reflecting layers and turning the reflecting
The solution of problem 32 can be directly used to show layer outside. Then, while total transmittance is equal from
more generic (and very useful) statement, which we formulate both sides, the reflectance from outside is larger because from
as a fact. outside, reflected light does not pass through the absorbing
fact 18: Any reversible heat engine (not necessarily based on
Carnot’ cycle) which takes heat from a heat bath at a single idea 22: The fact (No. 18) that all reversible heat engines
fixed temperature T1 , and gives away heat to another heat bath have the same efficiency ηC = 1 − T1 can be used to solve a

at another fixed temperature T2 , must have (and does have) ex- series of problems.
actly the same efficiency as a Carnot’ cycle, ηC = 1 − TT21 . For First of all, this idea applies to all the problems which deal with
non-ideal (non-reversible) heat engines, the efficiency can be heat engines if these engines involve heat baths with exactly
only smaller than ηC and never larger than that. two different temperatures. In particular, one should keep in
This efficiency expression follows directly from the following mind that devices based on the thermoelectric effect (see fact
temperature definition. According to the Problem 32, the ratio 20) can theoretically be reversible (of course, ohmic dissipation
Q2 /Q1 is a quantity which depends only on the temperatures in such devices is irreversible and needs thus to be excluded
of the heat reservoirs. This fact can be used to quantify the from energy balance). In some cases, it is possible to solve a
temperatures by defining the ratio of the temperatures of two problem (derive an equation) by making a thought experiment
bodies as with a suitably designed hypothetical heat engine, see the next
T1 /T2 = Q1 /Q2 , problem.
where Q1 and Q2 are the heat amounts received and given
pr 35. Derive the so-called Clausius-Clapeyron equality re-
away, respectively, by a fictitious Carnot’ cycle using these two
lating the temperature derivative of the saturation pressures of
bodies as the heating and cooling heat reservoirs. This is the
a substance, dpdT , to the latent heat of evaporation λ, temper-

Kelvin’s temperature definition; the temperature unit 1 K is

ature T , saturation pressure ps , and molar mass µ.
defined by postulating that the water’s triple point7 temper-
ature is T0 = 273.16 K. This value for T0 is chosen so that By how much will change the pressure of saturated vapours of

at the atmospheric pressure, the difference of the boiling and water if the temperature is decreased from T0 = 100.0 C down

melting temperatures of water would be equal to 100 K. Note to T1 = 99.9 C? Atmospheric pressure P0 = 1.0 × 10 Pa,

that using this definition, the Carnot’ cycle efficiency can be latent heat of evaporation for water L = 2260 kJ/kg. Hint:
rewritten as ηC = 1 − Q Q2
= 1 − TT21 . consider Carnot cycle where work is being done by water va-
pours, and both cooling and heating reservoirs are made of
pr 33. Show that fact 18 is a consequence of the fact 2. water, at temperatures T0 and T1 , respectively.

As mentioned, in statistical thermodynamics it is shown

pr 36. Note that the Clausius-Clapeyron equality can be
that with the statistical definition of temperature (from the −U/kB T
Boltzmann’s law) T̃ , in the case of a Carnot cycle Q1 /Q2 = written as a Boltzmann’s law, pS = p0 e ; express U in
T̃1 /T̃2 . This means that the Kelvin’s definition and the defin- terms of the parameters listed in problem 35, and interpret it
ition from statistical mechanics are identical; equality of units physically.
is achieved if the constant k in the Boltzmann’s law is taken
def. 14: Classical (unrelated to quantum mechanics) entropy
equal to kB ≈ 1.38 × 10−23 J/K.
S is defined only via increments (similarly to potential energy):
pr 34. [IPhO-1992] A manufacturer advertises a special ∆S = ∆Q/T,
paint in the following way: “This paint will reflect more than where ∆Q is the heat given to the system, and T — the tem-
90% of all incoming radiation (both visible light and infrared) perature of the system.
but it will radiate at all frequencies (visible light and infrared)
Conclusion: adiabatic process is an isoentropic process.
as a black body, thus removing lots of heat from the satellite.
While in classical thermodynamics, only entropy increments are
Thus the paint will help keep the satellite as cool as possible.”
defined, in statistical thermodynamics which is based on quantum mech-
Can such paint exist? Why or why not?
anics, absolute values of entropy are well-defined; roughly speaking, it
A consequence of this problem is that radiation and ab- is S = kB ln N , where N is the number of thermally excited quantum-
sorption properties of a material must be identical throughout mechanical states; more precisely S = −kB ⟨ln pi ⟩i , where pi is the prob-
the entire spectrum. It can be similarly shown that a partially ability of the i-the quantum-mechanical state, and angular braces denote
reflecting material must have equal transmittance from both averaging over all the possible states. Using mathematical statistics, one
sides. It may seem that dark window glasses are more trans- can show that this definition yields ∆S = ∆Q/T , in agreement with the
parent when looking from inside of a darkly lit room, but this classical definition.
is a mere illusion: when looking from outside, a small fraction It is quite easy to see that for a closed system undergoing re-
of reflected abundant outside light can easily dominate over versible processes, the entropy is conserved. Indeed, since heat
7 Triple point of a substance — such a combination of temperature and pressure that the solid, liquid and gaseous states are all in thermal
equilibrium with each other.

— page 21 —
exchange between its different parts takes place at the same and length of the rectangle — ∆S. According to the defini-
temperature then by exchanging a certain amount of heat, the tion of entropy, the heat received from the heating reservoir
two parts obtain equal by modulus and opposite entropy incre- ∆Q1 = A T dS = T1 ∆S is the surface area of the large
ments. However, in the case of irreversible processes, according rectangle; similarly, the heat given to the cooling reservoir
to the 2LTD (idea 2) that part of the system which gives away ∆Q2 = C T dS = T2 ∆S is the surface area of the dark-grey
heat (−∆Q < 0) has larger temperature than that part which rectangle. According to the energy conservation law, the work
receives the heat, T1 > T2 . Hence, the total entropy change for done ∆W = ABCD T dS = ∆Q1 − ∆Q2 = ∆S(T1 − T2 ) is
the entire system ∆S = − ∆Q ∆Q
T1 + T2 > 0 is positive. the surface area of the light grey rectangle. According to the
definition of efficiency,
fact 19: The entropy of a closed system remains constant ∆W T1 − T2 T2
in reversible processes and grows in irreversible ones. ηC = = =1− .
∆Q1 T1 T1
Reversed Carnot’ cycle has a counter-clock-wise motion in
Being equipped with the statistical definition of entropy, we can say
the S − T -diagram: all contractions become expansions (and
that if a system evolves by itself, the total number of excited quantum-
vice versa), heat flow direction is reversed, and mechanical work
mechanical states can only grow. This can be formally shown using math-
becomes negative, i.e. a work needs to be done to keep the
ematical statistics. The number of excited states can be also considered as
process going on. Such a reversed heat engine can be used
a parameter describing the degree of order: more occupied states implies
for two purposes: for heat pumps and fridges. In a fridge,
less order. So, the degree of order of a closed system is can only increase.
a working gas takes heat from the interior of the fridge at the
Yo can use this as an excuse if your room becomes messy.
inside-temperature T2 , flows through the ribs at the back of the
Finally, notice that the facts 19 and 18 are also often re-
fridge and gives there more heat away at the ribs’ temperature
ferred to as the 2LTD, which is OK since these are equivalent
T1 > T2 ; the electrical engine of the fridge keeps the process
to fact 2: an entropy reduction would directly mean that heat
going on. The fridge efficiency (often called the coefficient of
has been transferred from a lower temperature body to a higher
performance, or COP) is characterized by the ratio of the heat
temperature one.
Q2 which is taken away from the inside, and work W done by
We have shown already equivalence between the fact 2 and
the engine (consumed electrical power),
19. A hypothetical heat engine with η > ηC is referred to as Q2 T2
perpetuum mobile of second kind, and it is as impossible as the ηfridge = = .
W T1 − T2
perpetuum mobile of the first kind (the one which violates en- From this expression we can deduce that the efficiency of a
ergy conservation law). However, people tend to trust the laws fridge can be both larger and smaller than one, but it is very
of statistics less than the other laws of nature (else, who would difficult to achieve extremely low temperatures, because the
buy lottery tickets!). This has resulted in a large number of efficiency goes down together with the temperature inside the
failed attempts at creating perpetuum mobile of second kind, fridge.
but also in really interesting paradoxes. Perhaps the most fam- Heat pump can be considered as a fridge, which has its hot
ous one is the Maxwell’s demon: a nano-scaled guy who sits at ribs inside our living rooms, and which takes heat from the
a gate between two parts of a vessel and who opens the gate colder heat reservoirs outside the house (air or ground). Now,
when a fast molecule is approaching, and keeps the gate closed what is useful to us is the heat Q1 received by our living room,
otherwise. Apparently, the temperature at the other side of so that the efficiency of a heat pump
the vessel would start rising, violating 2LTD. The resolution of Q1 T1
ηHP = = ,
the paradox is that the guy needs to obtain information about W T1 − T2
which is always larger than one: it works always more efficiently
approaching molecules and needs to probe these by sending, for
than an electrical radiator.
instance, photons. However, photons scattered from molecules
Finally, let us discuss the thermoelectric effect. To begin
would contribute to an increase of entropy.
with, let us recall problem 36: for a molecule to be able to
Now, let us consider the forward and reversed Carnot’ cycles
leave the liquid phase, a certain energy U needs to be supplied.
in more details.
This means that effectively, the liquid phase molecules obey po-
idea 23: The processes involving Carnot’ cycle are typically tential energy −U with respect to vapour phase molecules; this
most conveniently studied using a S−T -diagram, because then, potential energy is referred to as the chemical potential, and is
the process has a rectangular shape. equal to the change of total energy when one particle is ad-
ded to a system (final energy minus the particle’s and system’s
initial energies). Similarly to molecules in liquid phase, elec-
trons in metals (semiconductors, dielectrics) are also described
by chemical potential, often referred to as the Fermi level EF .
The Fermi level of a material depends on temperature; if the
temperature of a wire changes along its length, the Fermi level
will also change along its length. As a result, electrons move to-
wards lower Fermi levels (smaller potential energy), creating a
While we have already derived the efficiency of a Carnot’ surplus of charges and an electric field. Finally, an equilibrium
cycle starting from the Kelvin’s definition of temperature, let is reached: electrostatic potential compensates Fermi level dif-
us do it, once again, starting from the definition of entropy ference. So, at equilibrium, there is a changing potential along
and using the S − T -diagram. Let the S-axis be horizontal, the wire. Let us summarize.
— page 22 —
fact 20: If a wire is being heated from its one end, and cooled pr 37. A thermocouple is being used as a battery: one
at the other end so that the temperatures of its endpoints are of its solder joints is at the room temperature T1 = 20 ◦ C,
Th and Tc , respectively, then there will be a voltage the other is kept inside a glass of water with ice, at temper-
V = S(Th − Tc ) ature T2 = 0 ◦ C. The output leads are connected to a res-
between the endpoints, where the Seebeck coefficient S takes istor R = 10Ω, connected in series with an ammeter which
different for different materials. This is known as the Seebeck shows that current I = 10 mA. How much ice is melted during
effect. t = 10 h if the glass with ice has very good thermal insula-
tion and room temperature remains constant? Latent heat of
A thermocouple is a device made of wires of two different
melting for ice λ = 330 kJ/kg. Assume the energy transfer
materials which are selected so that the difference of Seebeck
processes in the thermocouple to be reversible.
coefficients would be as large as possible. A wire of material A
is connected at its two endpoints, the junctions, to the wires of
appendix 1: Motivation of the Boltzmann’s law
material B; if the junctions are kept at different temperature,
The reason why an energy level occupation probability vanishes
an electromotive force is created at the output terminals of the
exponentially with energy lies in the fact that in the case of a
thermocouple. Thermocouples which are used for generation
heat reservoir which is supposed to consist of a large number of
of electrical energy are called thermoelectric generators. Ther-
subsystems, the number of quantum-mechanical states grows
mocouples take and release heat at the junctions, and perform
exponentially with the total energy Etot . Let us consider sim-
electrical work, so they operate as heat engines. If we were to
plifyingly a body which has several equispaced energy levels,
reverse such a heat engine, we would need to supply a current
E0 , E1 = E0 + E , . . . En = E0 + nE . Further, let the heat
into it from an external source. Then we would expect that
reservoir be made of a large number N ≫ n identical particles,
one of the junctions would release heat, and the other would
each of which has two energy levels, 0 (ground level) and E
absorb heat; this is, indeed, what will happen, and is referred
(the excited state), and let the total number of particles at the
to as the Peltier effect. The direction of current defines, which
excited state be M (with M, N − M ≫ n). Now, the body is
of the junctions will absorb heat.
brought to a contact with the reservoir; let us assume that its
For majority of metals, S takes values remaining less than
energy becomes equal to nE . Due to the energy conservation
10 µV/K, and for certain metal alloys up to 30 µV/K (70 µV/K
law, this will decrease the number of excited particles inside
for bismuth). What matters in the case of a thermocouple, is
the heat reservoir by n. Thus, the number of excited particles
the difference of Seebeck coefficients of the two wire materials,
is M − n; the number of dierent states of heat reservoir sat-
and in the case of chromel and constantan pair, the difference
isfying this condition equals to the number of dierent ways of
at the room temperature is 62 µV/K. For semiconductor ma-
selecting M − n particles from the set of N particles, given by
terials, S can reach much higher values.  
N N!
Now we can ask, how close to being reversible is the thermo- = .
M −n (M − n)!(N − M + n)!
electric effect. For a system to be reversible, all its parts need For the ground level of the body, the number of the heat reser-
to have reached a state very close to a thermal equilibrium. voir states is similarly given by
In the case of a thermocouple, however, we have a wire which N N!
= .
connects cold and warm junctions: the temperature difference M M !(N − M )!
creates a heat flux through the wire, which is very irreversible. Since all these states are equally probable, the ratio of prob-
For the process to be reversible, the irreversible heat flux abilities for the n-th excited state and the ground state of the
κA body is given by the ratio of the number of states,
Φir = (Th − Tc ) pn N! M !(N − M )!
l = =
(where κ is the heat conductivity, A — cross-sectional area, p0 (M − n)!(N − M + n)! N!  n
and l — length) needs to be small as compared with the re- (M − n + 1)(M − n + 2) . . . M M
≈ .
versible heat flux which is spent on producing the electrical (N − M + 1)(N − M + 2) . . . (N − M + n) N −M
power, Here,
N −M is a number which characterizes the state of the
P V 2
Th S (Th − Tc )Th
heat reservoir; we can introduce the parameter β = − ln(
E M −
Φr = = = .
ηC R Th − Tc ρl/A 1), which leads us to the Boltzmann's law
So, the process can be considered to be reversible if = e−βEn .
Φr 2
S Th p0
= ≫ 1.
Φir κρ This proof  is probably not too satisfying for a mathematically
This dimensionless parameter is called the merit factor and oriented reader, because we made very limiting assumptions for
denoted by the particles of the heat reservoir. For a more generic proof, one
S2T can introduce the energy level density g(E) of the particles
ZT ≡ ;
κρ making up the heat reservoir, express the energy level density
currently the materials with highest merit factor reach values
of the entire reservoir as the N -th convolution of g(E) with
ZT ≈ 2.5, but theoretically there is no upper limit for ZT . It
itself, calculate it in the Fourier space (because the Fourier
appears that in the case of ZT ≈ 2.5, the maximal efficiency
transform of a convolution is just the product of the Fourier
of a thermocouple is 30% of the Carnot’ cycle efficiency. It is a
transforms), take the inverse Fourier transform and estimate it
challenge for material sciences to create materials with higher
asymptotically (for N → ∞) using the saddle point method 
merit factors which could be used for making compact thermo-
these techniques are well beyond the scope of this booklet.
electric generators.
— page 23 —
Revision problems
pr 41. In a thermally isolated cylinder,
pr 38. [EstPhO-2007] Certain room is being heated using a a piston can move without friction up and
heating device the output power P (T ) of which depends on the down. The cylinder is divided into two com-
room temperature T as shown in figure. If the outside temper- partments by a freely moving weightless wall
ature is T1 then the room temperature will reach value T2 (see which conducts slowly heat, see figure. Ini-
figure). Which room temperature will be reached if the outside tially the gas temperatures are equal, and
temperature is T3 ? (find the solution graphically using the fig- the volume of hydrogen is 3 times smaller than that of helium.
ure). The heat exchange loss rate of the room is proportional Helium receives a certain amount of heat, because of which the
to the difference of the inside and outside temperatures. piston moves up by d1 = 5 cm. After waiting for some longer
P (T ) period of time, an additional displacement of the piston was ob-
served. By how much and in what direction the piston moved
additionally? Gases can be considered to be ideal. Molar heat
capacitance at constant pressure is CP H2 = 7/2R for hydrogen,
and CP He = 5/2R for helium.

pr 42. [EstFin-2006] According to the wide-spread belief,

it is useful to keep window open when drying laundry even if
the relative humidity outside is 100%, because the temperat-
ure of the incoming air rises and thereby the relative humidity
drops. Let us analyse, do these arguments hold, when heating
is switched off.
Suppose that inside a room, the volume of air V1 = 20 m3
0 T1 T2 T3 T from inside at the temperature t1 = 25 ◦ C is mixed with the
volume of air V2 = 10 m3 from outside at the temperature
t2 = 1 ◦ C. The specific heat of the air (by fixed pressure)
pr 39. [EstPhO-2000] The nominal voltage of a light bulb is cp = 1005 J/(kg · K) can be assumed to be constant for the
V0 = 26 V and nominal current I0 = 0.12 A. Cold tungsten fil- given temperature range; the heat exchange with the medium
ament of this light bulb has resistance R0 = 24 Ω. Estimate the can be neglected. For the time being, you may neglect the
length l and the diameter d of this filament. Also, at which tem- possibility of (partial) condensation of the vapour.
perature T is this filament supposed to emit light (when work- a) Prove that the total volume of the air will not change i.e.
ing in nominal regime)? The resistivity of tungsten at room that the volume of the mixed air V = V1 + V2 .
temperature ρ0 = 5.3 × 10−8 Ω · m. For metals, the resistivity
b) What is the temperature of the mixed air T ?
can be taken to be proportional to the temperature in Kelvins.
Treat tungsten as a perfectly grey body which absorbs k = 0.3
of the incident radiation at any wavelength. Stefan-Boltzmann
constant σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/(m2 · K4 ). Neglect thermal ex-
pansion of the filament.

pr 40. [EstPhO-2006] Due to cold weather, heating sys- 1,5

tem was broken and temperature in a room started decreasing.
A fan heater was quickly bought and switched on. During all
that period, the room temperature changed in time as shown in
graph. Which room temperature will be reached in long term? 1,0
Outside temperature remained constant. Note that due to cer-
tain construction elements, the heat exchange rate between the
room and outside environment was a nonlinear function of the t (0C)
temperature difference. 0 5 10 15 20 25

20 c) The graph below shows the dependence of the saturated

vapour density for water as a function of temperature. Before
mixing, both the interior and exterior air had relative humidity

of r0 = 100%. What is the relative humidity r of the mixed air
(if it happens to increase then assume that an oversaturated
vapour with r > 100% is formed)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 d) If you happened to obtain r > 100% then the oversatur-
ated vapour breaks down into a fog which contains tiny water
— page 24 —
droplets. In that case, what is the mass m of the condensed pr 44. [EstPhO-1998] A tire is being pumped using a
water (i.e. the total mass of the water droplets)? Air dens- hand pump. A manometer shows that the excess pressure
ity ρ0 = 1.189 kg/m3 ; latent heat of vaporization for water (the difference between the pressures inside and outside) is
q = 2500 kJ/kg. p1 = 2 × 105 Pa, the air pressure p0 = 1 × 105 Pa. Find the
temperature of the air which enters the tire through the valve.
pr 43. [IPhO-1999] A cylindrical vessel, with its axis ver- The pump has two valves. One of them lets gas into the pump
tical, contains a molecular gas at thermodynamic equilibrium. from the atmosphere; it opens as soon as the pressure inside the
The upper base of the cylinder can be displaced freely and is pump becomes lower than p0 , and closes as soon as it becomes
made out of a glass plate; let’s assume that there is no gas larger than p0 . The other lets gas from the pump into the tire;
leakage and that the friction between glass plate and cylinder it opens as soon as the pressure inside the pump becomes lar-
walls is just sufficient to damp oscillations but doesn’t involve ger than the pressure inside the tire, and closes as soon as this
any significant loss of energy with respect to the other energies inequality no longer holds. Room temperature T0 = 20 ◦ C
involved. Initially the gas temperature is equal to that of the
surrounding environment. The gas can be considered as perfect
pr 45. [EstPhO-2002] The main components of a car engine
within a good approximation. Let’s assume that the cylinder
are: a cylinder, a piston which moves inside it, and a valve for
walls (including the bases) have a very low thermal conductiv-
letting gases in and out of the cylinder.
ity and capacity, and therefore the heat transfer between gas
and environment is very slow, and can be neglected in the solu- piston
tion of this problem. Through the glass plate we send into valve
the cylinder the light emitted by a constant power laser; this
The working cycle of the engine consists of the following stages:
radiation is easily transmitted by air and glass but is com-
I. Gas entry: the piston moves from the rightmost position to
pletely absorbed by the gas inside the vessel. By absorbing
left; fresh air comes in through the valve and fills the cylinder.
this radiation the molecules reach excited states, where they
II. Pressure increase: the valve closes, and the piston moves
quickly emit infrared radiation returning in steps to the mo-
back to the rightmost position; the air is compressed adiabat-
lecular ground state; this infrared radiation, however, is further
absorbed by other molecules and is reflected by the vessel walls,
III. Work: Fuel is injected into the cylinder, and is ignited. You
including the glass plate. The energy absorbed from the laser
may assume that the fuel burns instantaneously. Gas starts ex-
is therefore transferred in a very short time into thermal move-
panding and pushes the piston to the leftmost position.
ment (molecular chaos) and thereafter stays in the gas for a
IV. Gas disposal: valve is opened, piston moves to right and
sufficiently long time. We observe that the glass plate moves
the gas is pushed out from the cylinder. The process starts
upwards; after a certain irradiation time we switch the laser off
periodically repeating.
and we measure this displacement.
a) Depict the entire cycle in p − V -diagram.
a) Using the data below and - if necessary - those on the
b) Find the efficiency η.
sheet with physical constants, compute the temperature and
Data. Adiabatic index for air γ = 1.4. The compression factor
the pressure of the gas after the irradiation.
is defined as the ratio of the largest and smallest volumes of
b) Compute the mechanical work carried out by the gas as a
the cylinder, k = Vl /Vs ; here k = 10. Neglect friction when
consequence of the radiation absorption.
the piston moves. The number of fuel molecules is much smal-
c) Compute the radiant energy absorbed during the irradi-
ler than the number of air molecules inside the cylinder. The
air is to be considered as an ideal gas, one mole of which has
d)Compute the power emitted by the laser that is absorbed by
internal energy equal to U = cV T , where cV is its molar heat
the gas, and the corresponding number of photons (and thus
capacitance by constant volume.
of elementary absorption processes) per unit time.
e) Compute the efficiency of the conversion process of optical N(103hours)
energy into a change of mechanical potential energy of the glass

Thereafter the cylinder axis is slowly rotated by 90 , bringing 7
it into a horizontal direction. The heat exchanges between gas 6
and vessel can still be neglected. 5
f) State whether the pressure and/or the temperature of the
gas change as a consequence of such a rotation, and - if that is
the case what is its/their new value. 3

Data: Room pressure: p0 = 101.3 kPa; Room temperature: 2

T0 = 20.0 ◦ C; Inner diameter of the cylinder: 2r = 100 mm; 1
Mass of the glass plate: m = 800 g; Quantity of gas within the T(oC)
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
vessel: n = 0.100 mol; Molar specific heat at constant volume
of the gas: cV = 20.8 J/(mol · K); Emission wavelength of the pr 46. [EstPhO-2002] Archive storage rooms need to main-
laser: l = 514 nm; Irradiation time: : ∆t = 10.0 s; Displace- tain constant temperature T0 = 15 ◦ C throughout the year.
ment of the movable plate after irradiation: ∆s = 30.0 mm. Find the annual electricity expenses needed to maintain that
— page 25 —
temperature if the heat exchange rate throughout the walls T1 , respectively, what is the temperature T2 of the incoming
of the building P = C∆T , where C = 200 W/K and ∆T is air at the entrance to the room?
the temperature difference inside the storage room and outside metal plate cold air
the building. In order to regulate the temperature inside the warm air
room, heat pump is used; the heat pump can also operate as
an air conditioner. If the device is used as an air conditioner b) Attached is a plot of the heat exchange rate P of the wire of
(for cooling the room), the efficiency ηc = 10 (usually referred an electric heater as a function of temperature (assuming the

to as coefficient of performance, COP; this is the ratio of the room temperature is T0 = 20 C). The operating temperature

cooling power to the consumed electrical power); if used as an of the wire is T1 = 800 C. The heater is switched off; find the
heat pump (for heating), the efficiency ηh = 6 (COP; the heat- time after which the temperature of the wire will drop down to

ing power and electrical energy consumption rate ratio). The T2 = 100 C. The heat capacitance of the wire is C = 10 J/K.
attached N − T -graph depicts how many hours in year (N ) P(W )
the outside air temperature was higher than T . The electrical 300
energy cost is c = 0.1 EUR/kWh.
pr 47. [EstPhO-2001] Using the assumptions and numer-
ical data of problem 3, and the density of tungsten at room
temperature ρ = 19 250 kg/m3 , answer the following questions.
a) A smaller-than-nominal direct voltage U0 = 3 V is applied 400
600T( C )
to the leads of the halogen bulb. How long does it take for the
tungsten filament to reach temperature T1 = 40 ◦ C starting
from the room temperature Tr = 20 ◦ C?
pr 49. [EstFin-2004] Consider a passive cooling system de-
picted in figure. Cold air (at normal conditions: p0 = 105 Pa,
b) Accidentally, a too large DC voltage U1 = 120 V is applied T0 = 293 K) flows over the heat sink of a chip of power dissip-
to the leads of the lamp. How long does it take to reach the ation P = 100 W, into a vertical pipe of length L = 1 m and
melting temperature T2 = 3410 ◦ C of the tungsten? Heat losses cross-sectional area S = 25 cm2 . After passing the pipe, air
can be neglected, as well as the temperature dependence of the enters the ambient room. Assume that the air inside the pipe
tungsten’s density and specific heat; use the graph depicting becomes well mixed; neglect the viscous and turbulent friction
the resistivity of tungsten as a function of temperature. of air inside the pipe and heat sink. Air can be considered as
an ideal gas with adiabatic exponent γ = 1.4 and molar mass
µ = 29 g/mol; gas constant R = 8.31 J/(K · mol)

pr 48. [EstFin-2005] a) Consider a simplified model of the

air ventilation system of a house using a passive heat exchanger. a) Express heat capacitance at constant pressure cp via quant-
The exchanger consists of a metal plate of length x and width ities γ and R.
y and thickness d dividing the air channel into two halves, one
b) Find a relationship between the outflowing air density ρ and
for incoming cold air, and another for outgoing warm air. Both
temperature T (the relationship may contain also the paramet-
channels have constant thickness h, air flow velocity is v see
ers defined above).
Figure. Thermal conductance of the metal is σ (the heat flux
through a unit area of the plate per unit time, assuming that c) Find a relationship between the air flow velocity in the pipe
the temperature drops by one degree per unit thickness of the v and outflowing air density ρ (the relationship may contain
plate). Specific heat capacity of the air by constant pressure is also the parameters defined above).
cp , air density is ρ (neglect its temperature dependence). You d) Express the power dissipation P in terms of the air flow ve-
may assume that the air is turbulently mixed in the channel, locity v, the outflowing air temperature T , and density ρ (the
so that the incoming and outgoing air temperatures Tin and relationship may contain also the parameters defined above).
Tout depend only on the coordinate x (the x-axes is taken par-
e) What is the temperature T of the outflowing air? In your
allel to the flow velocity), i.e. Tin ≡ Tin (x) and Tout ≡ Tout (x).
calculations, you may use approximation T − T0 ≪ T0 .
Assuming that the inside and outside temperatures are T0 and
— page 26 —

pr 50. [EstPhO-2000] Glycerol is stored in a tightly closed b) What is the height h1 (at M1 ) above station M0 of the cloud
vessel of volume V = 1 l; inside glycerol, there is an air bubble ceiling assuming a linear decrease of atmospheric density?
of volume w = 1 ml. At temperature T0 = 20 ◦ C, the pressure c) What temperature T2 is measured at the ridge of the moun-
inside the vessel is p0 = 1 atm. The linear expansion coeffi- tain range?
cient of the vessel material is very small and the vessel walls
d) Determine the height of the water column (precipitation
are thick. The volumetric expansion coefficient of the glycerol
level) precipitated by the air stream in 3 hours, assuming a
α = 5.1 × 10−4 K−1 . Air can be treated as an ideal gas.
homogeneous rainfall between points M1 and M2 .
a) Find the dependence of the pressure inside the bottle as a
function of temperature. e) What temperature T3 is measured in the back of the moun-
b) At which temperature and for which physical reason the tain range at station M3 ? Discuss the state of the atmosphere
obtained equality will no longer be valid? at station M3 in comparison with that at station M0 .
Hints and Data. The atmosphere is to be dealt with as an
pr 51. [EstPhO-2003] Juice bottle is being pasteurised at ideal gas. Influences of the water vapour on the specific heat
temperature t1 = 80 ◦ C so that a light cap lies freely on the capacity and the atmospheric density are to be neglected; the
bottle rim (excess gas can exit freely from the bottle, but out- same applies to the temperature dependence of the specific lat-
side air cannot come in). Then the cap is tightly fixed so that ent heat of vaporisation. The temperatures are to be determ-
air can no longer enter and exit from the bottle; the cap is so ined to an accuracy of 1 K, the height of the cloud ceiling to an
rigid that its deformation due to excess pressure can be neg- accuracy of 10 m, and the precipitation level to an accuracy of
lected. The bottle is cooled down to the room temperature 1 mm. Specific heat capacity of the atmosphere in the pertain-
t2 = 20 ◦ C. What is the pressure under the bottle cap? As- ing temperature range: cp = 1005 J/(kg · K). Air density for at
sume that the physical properties of the juice are identical to the station M0 (i.e. for p0 and T0 ) is ρ0 = 1,189 Kg/m . Specific
that of water; the pressure of saturated water vapours is de- latent heat of vaporisation of the water within the volume of the
picted as a function of temperature in a graph. Atmospheric cloud: qV = 2500 kJ/kg; free fall acceleration g = 9,81 m/s .
pressure P = 1.01 × 105 Pa. Adiabatic index for both wet and dry air γ = cp /cV = 1,4.
P(Pa) pr 53. In a science fiction novel, the following situation is
4.10 4 described. There is an emergency on a spaceship, and an as-
tronaut got by an accident to a distance of L = 100 m from the
spaceship. He has a cup with solidified water (ice) and uses the
104 sublimation (evaporation) of ice to return to the spaceship. Es-
timate, how realistic is this method. You may assume that the
4.103 sublimation takes place at a constant temperature T = 272 K,
2.103 by which the pressure of saturated vapours is P = 550 Pa. Es-
timate the dimensions of the cup and the mass of the water by
t( oC) yourself.
0 20 40 60 80 100
pr 54. [EstFin-2009] Lord Rayleigh had in 1891 a lecture
pr 52. [IPhO-1987] Moist air is streaming adiabatically about taking photos of physical processes. Among others, he
across a mountain range as indicated in the figure. Equal atmo- showed a photo of a soap film, which is falling apart (see figure).
spheric pressures of p0 = 100 kPa are measured at meteorolo- Instead of a flash, he used an electric spark (well, nowadays the
gical stations M0 and M3 and a pressure of p2 = 70 kPa at sta- flashes are also based on electric sparks). Estimate, how pre-
tion M2 . The temperature of the air at M0 is t0 = +20◦ C. As cise must have been the timing, i.e. estimate the time for a
the air is ascending, cloud formation sets in at p1 = 84,5 KPa. soap film to fall apart. Let the thickness of the soap film be
Consider a quantity of moist air ascending the mountain with a h = 1 µm, the ring diameter D = 10 cm and the surface tension
mass of 2000 kg over each square meter. This moist air reaches σ = 0.025 N/m.
the mountain ridge (station M2 ) after 1500 seconds. During
Hint: you may use a model, according
that rise an amount of m = 2,45 g of water per kilogram of air
to which the already broken part of the
is precipitated as rain.
soap film gathers into a single front and
M moves all together towards the still pre-
served part of the film.

pr 55. Consider two soap bubbles which have “stuck” to-

M gether. Now three soap film parts can be distinguished: one
separates the interior of the first bubble from the outside air —
M M
this has curvature radius R; second separates the interior of the
second bubble from the outside air — this has curvature radius
a) Determine temperature T1 at M1 where the cloud ceiling 2R; third separates the interiors of the two bubbles. Find the
forms surface area of the third soap film part.
— page 27 —

pr 56. [EstFin-2013] Sun-rays are focused with a lens of Let us model the Hadley circu-
diameter d = 10 cm and focal length of f = 7 cm to the lation simplifyingly as a heat
black side of a thin plate. One side of the plate is perfectly engine shown in the schematic
black, and the other side is perfectly white. Angular dia- below. For simplicity, let us as-
meter of the Sun is α = 32′ and its intensity on the surface sume that when air moves from
of the Earth is I = 1000 W/m2 , Stefan-Boltzmann constant A to B, it expands adiabatic-
σ = 5.670 × 10−8 W/(m2 K4 ). (i) Find the temperature of the ally, and when it moves from
heated point of the plate. (ii) Using thermodynamic argu- D to E, it contracts adiabat-
ments, estimate the maximal diameter-to-focal-length ratio of ically. Further, let us assume
a lens. that the processes with air when it moves from B to D, and
from E to A are isothermal; on segment E-A it receives heat
from the surface, on segment B-C — receives heat from vapour
pr 57. [EstFin-2008] There is wet wood burning in a fire- condensation, and on segment C-D — gives heat away due to
place on the ground. Seven meters above ground, the smoke radiation.
is at a temperature of t7 = 40 ◦ C. Disregard the exchange a) Given that atmospheric pressure at a vertical level owes its
of heat with the surrounding air and assume that the atmo- origin to the weight of the air above that level, and knowing
spheric pressure at the ground is constant in time and equal to that pA = 1000 hPa and pD = 225 hPa, order the pressures pA ,
p0 = 1000 hPa; the air temperature t0 = 20 ◦ C is independent pB , pC , pD , pE , respectively at the points A, B, C, D, E by a
of height 8 . Assume that the smoke represents an ideal gas series of inequalities.
of a molar mass µ = 29 g/mol (i.e. equal to the molar mass b) Let the temperature next to the surface and at the top of the
of the air), and of a molar specific heat at constant volume atmosphere be TH and TC respectively. Given that the pres-
CV = 2.5R; universal gas constant R = 8.31 J/kg · K. How sure difference between points A and E is 20 hPa, calculate TC
high will the smoke column rise? for TH = 300 K. Note that the ratio of molar gas constant
(R) to molar heat capacity at constant pressure (cp ) for air is
κ = 2/7.
pr 58. [IPhO-2014] A bubble of radius r = 5.00 cm is a c) Calculate the pressure pB .
soap film of thickness h = 10.0 µm containing a diatomic ideal
d) For an air mass moving once around the winter Hadley cir-
gas. It is placed in vacuum. The soap film has surface tension
culation, using the molar gas constant, R, and the quantities
σ = 4.00 × 10−2 N/m and density ρ = 1.10 g/cm3 .
defined above, obtain expressions for the net work done per
a) Find a formula for the molar heat capacity of the gas in the
unit mole Wnet ignoring surface friction and for the heat loss
bubble, for a process in which the gas is heated so slowly that
per unit mole Qloss at the top of the atmosphere.
the bubble remains in mechanical equilibrium. Evaluate your
answer. e) What is the value of the ideal thermodynamic efficiency εi
b) Find a formula for the frequency ω of small radial oscilla- for the winter Hadley circulation?
tions of the bubble and evaluate it under the assumption that f) Prove that the actual thermodynamic efficiency ε for the
the heat capacity of the soap film is much greater than the heat winter Hadley circulation is always smaller than εi .
capacity of the gas in the bubble. Assume that the interior of g) Which of the following statements best explains why ε is less
the bubble reaches thermal equilibrium much faster than the than the ideal value? Tick the correct answer(s). There can be
period of oscillations; also, the total mass of the gas is much more than one correct answer.
smaller than the mass of the soap film. Neglect the possibility (I) We have ignored work done against surface friction.
of soap film’s evaporation. (II) Condensation occurs at a temperature lower than the tem-
perature of the heat source.
(III) There is irreversible evaporation of water at the surface.
pr 59. [APhO-2014] Let us consider the so-called Hadley (IV) The ideal efficiency is applicable only when there is no
circulation: this is a large-scale circulation of air masses, which phase change of water
rise at a certain geographical latitude (close to the equator)
from lower atmospheric layers (from near-surface regions) to pr 60. [EstFin-2008] A microcalorimeter is a thin circu-
higher altitudes. During this rising phase the air cools adiabat- lar silicon nitride membrane, thermally isolated from the sur-
ically which leads to a condensation of air vapours, cloud form- roundings, except that it is thermally connected to the wafer
ation and rain. The cool air moves at higher atmospheric layers by four thin and narrow thermal bridges (see Figure). The mi-
in north-south direction (while radiating heat slowly away into crocalorimeter is equipped with a small heater in the middle
space) until it reaches higher geographical latitudes, where it of the membrane and a similar structure on the edge of the
descends to Earth’s surface while heating adiabatically. Fi- membrane working as a thermometer. This micro calorimeter
nally, the warm air moves along Earth’s surface to its starting is used to study the thermal properties of nanoscale Ti disks
point while being heated by surface (which is hot due to sun- (light tiny dots in Fig). The thermal power of the heater de-
light). pends sinusoidally on time, P = P0 cos(ωt) (negative power
8 Actually, during day time, this is not the case: air temperature decreases with height. However, during evening and night, due to heat radiation,
the lower layers of air cool more rapidly than upper layers, and it may easily happen that the temperature is roughly independent of height.

— page 28 —
implies a withdrawal of heat). The circular frequency ω is b) Estimate, how long time does it take for a full evaporiza-
sufficiently low, so that for any moment of time t, the temper- tion of the liquid nitrogen (the vapour escapes through an over
ature of the microcalorimeter T (t) can be considered constant pressure valve). For the liquid nitrogen, density ρ = 810 g/l
across its entire surface, and the temperature profile along the and latent heat of vaporization λ = 199 kJ/kg). NB! If you
thermal bridges can be considered linear. The wafer, to which were unable to find P (for question a), express the evaporiza-
the bridges are connected, is large and thick enough, so that its tion time symbolically (i.e. using the symbol P ).
temperature T0 can be considered to be constant all the time.
Each of the four bridges have length L and cross sectional area pr 62. [EstFin-2011] Let us study how a vacuum can be cre-
of S; the thermal conductance of them is κ. Thermal conduct- ated inside a bulb by pumping. Let the volume of the bulb be
ance is defined as the heat flux (measured in Watts) per surface V , and the pump consist in a piston moving inside a cylinder
area, assuming that the temperature drop is 1 ◦ C per 1 m. The of volume αV , where α ≪ 1. The pumping cycles starts with
heat capacity of the microcalorimeter (with Ti-disks) is C. piston being pulled up; when the pressure inside the cylinder
becomes smaller than inside the bulb, a valve VA (connecting
the cylinder and the bulb) opens and remains open as long as
the piston moves up. When piston is released, it starts moving
down, at that moment, the valve VA closes. As long as the
valve VA is open, the pressures of the bulb and the cylinder
can be considered as equal to each other. When the piston
moves down, the pressure in the cylinder increases adiabatic-
ally until becoming equal to the outside pressure p0 = 105 Pa;
at that moment, another valve VB opens letting the gas out
of the cylinder. When the piston reaches the bottommost po-
sition, there is no residual air left inside the cylinder. Now,
the piston is ready for being lift up: the valve VB closes and
a) Find the thermal resistance R between the microcalorimeter VA opens, marking the beginning of the next pumping cycle.
and the wafer (i.e. the ratio of the temperature difference and The air inside the bulb can be considered isothermal, with the
heat flux). temperature being equal to the surrounding temperature T0 .
For questions (ii) and (iii), use quantity R, without substitut- The adiabatic exponent of air γ = cp /cV = 1.4.
ing it via the answer of question (a). a) How many pumping cycles N needs to be done to reduce
b) Write down the heat balance equation for the microcalor- the pressure inside bulb from p = p0 down to p = βp0 , where
imeter and find the temperature of the microcalorimeter as β ≪ 1?
a function of time T (t) [you may seek it in the form T = b) What is the net mechanical work done during such a pump-
T0 + ∆T sin(ωt + ϕ)]. ing (covering all the N cycles)?
c) In order to study the thermal properties of the Ti-nanodisks, c) What is the temperature of the air released from the cylinder
the amplitude of the sinusoidal oscillations of T (t) should to the surroundings at the end of the pumping process (when
change by as large as possible value, as a response to a small the pressure inside the bulb has become equal to βp0 )?
change of C (which is caused by the Ti-disks). Find the optimal d) According to the above described pumping scheme, there is
circular frequency ω0 . a considerable loss of mechanical work during the period when
d) We have assumed that the temperature profile along the the piston is released and moves down. Such a loss can be
bridges is linear, i.e. their heat capacity can be neglected. For avoided if there is another pump, which moves in an opposite
high frequencies ω & ωc , this is not the case. Estimate the crit- phase: the force due to outside air pressure pushing the piston
ical frequency ωc in terms of κ, l, specific heat c and density ρ down can be transmitted to the other pump for lifting the pis-
of the bridge material. ton up. What is the net mechanical work done when such a
pumping scheme is used?
pr 61. [EstFin-2010] In order to study the thermal prop-
erties of a thermos bottle, let us model it as two concentric pr 63. [EstFin-2011] Consider a heat sink in the form of a
spherical vessels, with radii R1 = 7 cm and R2 = 10 cm. The copper plate of a constant thickness (much smaller than the
gap between the walls of the vessels contains vacuum (hence, diameter d of the plate). An electronic component is fixed to
the heat conductivity can be neglected). the plate, and a temperature sensor is fixed to the plate at
a) Find the radiative heat flux (i.e. transmitted heat per unit some distance from that component. You may assume that
time) between the walls of the bottle, assuming that the am- the heat flux (i.e. power per unit area) from the plate to the
bient temperature is T2 = 293 K and the inner sphere is filled surrounding air is proportional to the difference of the plate
with liquid nitrogen at the boiling temperature T1 = 77 K. temperature at the given point (the coefficient of proportion-
The emissivities of all the surfaces are equal to that of stain- ality is constant over the entire plate, including the site of the
less steel: ε = 0.1. Remark: The emitted heat flux per electronic component).
unit area is given Stefan-Boltzmann’s law P = εσT 4 , where a) The electronic component has been dissipating energy with
σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/m2 K4 (assuming that ε is independent of a constant power of P = 35 W for a long time, and the aver-
the wavelength. age plate temperature has stabilized at the value T0 = 49 ◦ C.
— page 29 —
Now, the component is switched off, and the average plate tem- 3R v
perature starts dropping; it takes τ = 10 s to reach the value
T1 = 48 ◦ C. Determine the heat capacity C (units J/◦ C) of 2R
the plate. The capacities of the electronic component and the
temperature sensor are negligible. R
b) Now, the electronic component has been switched off for
a long time; at the moment t = 0, a certain amount of heat T(K)
Q is dissipated at it during a very short time. In the Figure
0 100 200 300
and Table, the temperature is given as a function of time, as a) What is the total heat energy of such a cube at the initial
recorded by the sensor. Determine the dissipated heat amount temperature T0 ?
b) Now, the cube has 5 faces painted in white (reflects all rel-
evant wavelengths) and one face painted in black (absorbs all
these waves). The cube is surrounded by vacuum at a very
low temperature (near absolute zero); there is no gravity field.
Initially, the cube is at rest; as it cools down due to heat ra-
diation, it starts slowly moving. Estimate its terminal speed
v1 .
c) At very low temperatures, the heat capacitance of aluminium
is proportional to T 3 , where T is its temperature. Which func-
tional dependence f (t) describes the temperature as a function
of time [T = A · f (Bt), where A and B are constants] for such
very low temperatures under the assumptions of the previous
t (s) 0 20 30 100 200 300 question?
T (◦ C) 20.0 20.0 20.4 32.9 41.6 42.2
d) Now, the cube has 5 faces covered with a thermal insulation
t (s) 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
layer (you may neglect heat transfer through these faces). One
T (◦ C) 39.9 33.4 27.9 24.4 22.3 21.2
face is left uncovered. The cube is surrounded by hydrogen at-
mosphere at a very low temperature (molar mass of hydrogen
pr 64. [Seagull-2016] What would be the temperature in the molecules MH = 2 g/mol). The cube starts cooling down due
middle of a celestial body of the size of our Moon in Kelvins to heat transfer to the surrounding gas; you may neglect the
if the following assumptions can be made. The celestial body heat radiation. Initially, the cube is at rest; as it cools down,
consists of an homogeneous solid material of average density it starts slowly moving. Estimate the order of magnitude of its
ρ = 3 cm g
3 and heat conductivity k = 3 W/m · K, and has the
terminal speed v2 . Assume that the surrounding gas is sparse,
shape of a sphere of radius R = 2000 km. It radiates heat so that the mean free path of the molecules is much larger than
as a perfectly black body, i.e. the heat flux density at its sur- a. Assume that v2 ≪ cs where cs is the speed sound in the
face w = σT 4 , where σ = 5.67 × 10−8 J/s · m2 · K4 and T is atmosphere surrounding the cube.
its surface temperature. There is no external heat flux fall-
ing onto the surface of this celestial body. Due to nuclear pr 67. [PhysCup] As compared to ordinary light bulbs, light
decay of various isotopes (mostly uranium-238 and its decay emitting diodes (LED) provide very high lighting efficiency.
products), the power density released in the crust material The reason is that the spectral energy distribution of ordinary
P = 7 × 10−12 W/kg. lamps is close to black body radiation, in which case one can
say that the photons are in thermal equilibrium with the black
pr 65. [EstFin-2011] Calculate the thermal efficiency of body. Then, the total energy radiated by a black body per
an ideal-gas cycle consisting of two isotherms at temperatures unit area, unit time, and unit frequency interval is given by
T1 and T2, and two isochores joining them. (An isochore is Planck’s law
2πh ν3
a constant-volume process.) The engine is constructed so that I = 2 hν/kT ,
c e −1
the heat released during the cooling isochore is used for feeding where ν is the frequency, h = 6.626 × 10−34 J · s — the Planck
the heating isochore constant, c = 2.997 × 108 m/s — the speed of light, k =
1.38 × 10−23 J · K−1 — the Boltzmann constant, and T — the
pr 66. [EstFin-2014] Consider a cube of side length a = temperature; note that
Z ∞
1 cm, made of aluminium (density ρ = 2.7 g/cm3 , molar mass Idν = σT 4 ,
MA = 23 g/mol). The heat capacitance of one mole of alu- 0
minium is given as a function of temperature in the graph be- where σ = 5.678 × 10−8 W · m−2 · K−4 is the Stefan-Boltzmann
low. The speed of light c = 3 × 108 m/s, universal gas constant constant. With a black body radiation, a lot of energy is wasted
R = 8.31 J/(kg · K). The initial temperature of the cube is by radiating non-visible light. Meanwhile, LED-s can be con-
T0 = 300 K. structed so that they radiate almost only visible light.
9 P. Santhanam et al, Thermoelectrically Pumped Light-Emitting Diodes Operating above Unity Efficiency, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 097403 (2012)

— page 30 —
In recent experiments 9 , it has been reported that such LED-s jective is to estimate the outside temperature Ttop at the top.
have been constructed which have efficiency higher that 100%. Consider a thin slab of air (ideal nitrogen gas with adiabatic
Here the efficiency is defined as the ratio of the radiated light coefficient γ = 7/5) rising slowly to height z where the pres-
energy to the consumed electrical energy. sure is lower, and assume that this slab expands adiabatically
so that its temperature drops to the temperature of the sur-
Based on reasonable approximations, find what is the theoret-
rounding air.
ically highest possible efficiency of a LED assuming that:
a) How is the fractional change in temperature dT /T related
(a) the LED has a heat sink which is kept at the room tem-
to dp/p, the fractional change in pressure?
perature T0 = 293 K (via a fast enough heat exchange with the
b) Express the pressure difference dp in terms of dz, the change
surrounding medium);
in height.
(b) the LED emits light at wavelengths smaller than λ0 =
c) What is the resulting temperature at the top of the building?
700 nm
Data: Boltzmann constant: kB = 1.38 × 1023 J · K−1 , Mass of
(b) the surface area of the light-emitting part of the LED is
a nitrogen molecule: m = 4.65 × 10−26 kg, Gravitational accel-
S = 1 mm2 ;
eration: g = 9.80 m · s−2 .
(c) the light emission power of the LED is P = 1 µW.

pr 68. [EstOpen-2010] A liquid rocket engine is schematic- pr 71. [IPhO-2006] An egg, taken directly from the fridge
ally shown in the figure below. Burning products are formed at temperatureT0 = 4◦ C, is dropped into a pot with water that
inside the combustion chamber at a high pressure and tem- is kept boiling at temperature T1 .
perature, and expand adiabatically while leaving the chamber a) How large is the amount of energy U that is needed to get
through the nozzle. If the nozzle is correctly constructed (the the egg coagulated?
neck diameter needs to correspond to the burning rate), ex- b) How large is the heat flow J that is flowing into the egg?
haust gases continue adiabatic expansion after passing through c) How large is the heat power P transferred to the egg?
the throat, up to the exit from the nozzle. As a result, a major d) For how long do you need to cook the egg so that it is
part of the heat energy is converted into kinetic energy of the hard-boiled?
exhaust gases at the exit of the nozzle. The temperature of the Hint: You may use the simplified form of Fouriers Law J =
exhaust gases inside the combustion chamber is T0 ; at the exit, κ∆T /∆r, where ∆T is the temperature difference associated
the cross-sectional area of the nozzle is S, temperature of the with ∆r, the typical length scale of the problem. The heat flow
exhaust gases is T1 , and pressure is p1 . Find the thrust force J is in units of W · m−2 .
F assuming that T0 ≫ T1 , the effect of atmospheric pressure Data: Mass density of the egg: µ = 10 × 103 kg · m−3 , specific
on the thrust can be neglected, and the kinetic energy of the heat capacity of the egg: C = 4.2 J · K−1 g−1 , radius of the egg:
gases inside the combustion chamber is negligible (as compared R = 2.5 cm, coagulation temperature of albumen (egg protein):
to the thermal energy). The heat capacitance of one mole of Tc = 65 ◦ C, heat transport coefficient: κ = 0.64 W · K−1 m−1
the exhaust gases by constant volume is cV = 52 R, where R is (assumed to be the same for liquid and solid albumen)
the universal gas constant.

pr 72. [EstPhO-2000] A tightly closed vessel with thick and

solid walls is filled with glycerin. Inside the glycerin, there is a
bubble of air of volume w = 1 ml. At temperature T0 = 20 ◦ C,
the pressure in the vessel is p0 = 1 atm. The total volume of
the vessel V = 1 l linear thermal expansion coefficient of the
vessel is negligibly small. The volumetric thermal expansion
coefficient of glycerin α = 5.1 × 10−4 K−1. Express the pres-
pr 69. During a day time, air masses in atmosphere are usu- sure inside the vessel as a function of temperature; at which
ally in a turbulent (random) motion, up and down, which leads temperatures and why your expression becomes invalid?
to what is referred to as adiabatic atmosphere: when a parcel
of air (a fictitious volume) is raising up, it is expanding and
cooling adiabatically; in adiabatic atmosphere, the surround- pr 73. [WoPhO-2012] Tornado is a violent vortex (rotating
ing air is in mechanical and thermodynamical equilibrium with column) of air connecting the base of cumulonimbus10 cloud
the raising air parcel (has exactly the same pressure and tem- and the ground. A distinct feature of the tornado is its funnel-
perature). Find, how depends air temperature T on height h like core or condensation funnel (Region II) which is made of
in adiabatic atmosphere. At the ground level (h = 0), T = T0 ; small water droplets that condense as they are sucked into the
express your answer in terms of the adiabatic index of air γ, core as shown in Fig. 1(b). This region is defined by the core
molar mass µ, universal gas constant R, and free fall accelera- radius rC (z) which generally increases with altitude forming
tion g. the signature funnel-shape of the tornado. Region I is the re-
gion outside tornado core. In our simplified model, region I and
pr 70. [IPhO-2006] At the bottom of a 1000 m high sky- II have different velocity distribution profile as we will explore
scraper, the outside temperature is Tbot = 30 ◦ C. The ob- later.
10 Cumulonimbus cloud is a towering vertical cloud that is very tall, dense, and involved in thunderstorms and other rainy weather.

— page 31 —
density (ρair ) can be assumed to be constant.
i) Show that in both region I and II,
dP v2
= ρair .
dr r
ii) In region I, calculate the wind velocity v as a function of r,
in terms of vG and rG .
iii) Estimate the air speed vG .
iv) Derive the shape of the condensation funnel, i.e. find the
function rC (z), where rC denotes the radial distance of a point
C at the boundary layer (see figure). Sketch this tornado shape
In what follows, you may use the following data:
in dimensionless quantities z/h vs. r/rG , where h is the height
gravitational acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 ,
defined in figure.
air density ρair = 1.2 kg/m3 ,
v) Most tornadoes look like funnel (the radius is larger at higher
molar mass of dry air Mair = 0.029 kg/mol,
altitude) while some are more uniform in diameter, like a pipe.
universal gas constant R = 8.314 J/(mol · K),
Which type has the higher ground rotation speed vG ?
pressure at point A (see figure) P0 = 1.0 × 105 Pa,
temperature at point A (see figure) T0 = 15 ◦ C, C) The core. Now we will consider both region I and II.
heat capacity ratio of air Cp/Cv = 1.4. i) In region II (r < rC ) the tornado core behaves as rigid body,
derive expression for the (tangential) speed v(r) in this region.
ii) Calculate the pressure at the center of the tornado (point
D, at the same altitude as point G).
iii) Estimate the temperature TD at the center of the tornado.
iv) Based on your finding in (iii) suggest, what could be a pos-
sible source of tornado’s tremendous energy.
D) Windows. The differential pressure near a tornado is
thought to cause poorly ventilated houses to “explode” even
though the tornado is only passing at a distance. Therefore
some people suggest that the windows have to be opened to let
A) The calm weather. We will investigate the atmospheric the pressure in the house equilibrates with outside. Then, how-
pressure of the troposphere (the lowest part of the atmosphere) ever, wind and debris and can freely enter the house. Consider
where most of the weather phenomena including tornado oc- a house with all windows and openings closed with a at roof of
curs. Let us start from a calm weather location at point A far dimension (width × length × thickness) 15 m × 15 m × 0.1 m
away from the tornado. and mass density ρroof = 800 kg/m3 . The tornado is coming
i) Assuming ideal gas law, constant gravity acceleration and a fast and passing at a distance d = 2rG away from the house.
constant temperature T0 . Show that the atmospheric pressure i) What is the lift-force-to-weight ratio for the roof?
as a function of altitude z is P (z) = P0 e−αz ; express α in terms ii) Shall you open or close the windows?
of the constants listed above.
ii) For simplicity we neglect the dependence of air density, ρair pr 74. [IPhO-2004] A rubber balloon filled with helium
on z. Derive the pressure as a function of altitude, P (z). gas goes up high into the sky where the pressure and tem-
iii) Using your result in (ii) calculate the pressure at point B perature decrease with height. In the following questions, as-
on the base of the cumulonimbus! (use h = 1 km) sume that the shape of the balloon remains spherical regard-
less of the payload, and neglect the payload volume. Also
B)The shape. Inside the tornado’s core the water vapour con-
assume that the temperature of the helium gas inside of the
denses into liquid droplets as the air spirals into the core form-
balloon is always the same as that of the ambient air, and
ing condensation funnel. The water vapour condenses when the
treat all gases as ideal gases. The universal gas constant is
temperature drops below dew point. The temperature drop is
R = 8.31 J/(mol · K) and the molar masses of helium and air
caused by a pressure drop so the points where the water va-
are MH = 4.00 × 10−3 kg/mol and MA = 28.9 × 10−3 kg/mol,
pour starts to condense lay on a surface of equal pressure, called
respectively. The gravitational acceleration is g = 9.8 m/s2 .
isobar boundary layer shown as red boundary in figure. This
is the boundary between region I and II. For now we only con- A-i) Let the pressure of the ambient air be P and the temper-
sider region I. Consider a point G (see figure) very close to the ature be T . The pressure inside of the balloon is higher than
ground (z ≈ 0) located at radial distance r = rG from the axis that of outside due to the surface tension of the balloon. The
(point C). At that point, the wind speed vG can be treated balloon contains n moles of helium gas and the pressure inside
as the ground rotation speed of the tornado. We further make is P + ∆P . Find the buoyant force FB acting on the balloon
the following assumptions: the tornado is stationary (only has as a function of P and ∆P .
rotation and no translation); the radial velocity of the wind is ii) On a particular summer day in Korea, the air temperature
much smaller than the tangential speed v = v(r) which will be T at the height z from the sea level was found to be T (z) =
assumed to be independent of altitude z (depends only on r); T0 (1 − z/z0 ) in the range of 0 < z < 15 km with z0 = 49 km
turbulence very close to the ground can be ignored; air mass and T0 = 303 K. The pressure and density at the sea level
— page 32 —
were P0 = 1 atm = 1.01 × 105 Pa and ρ0 = 1.16 kg/m3 , re-
spectively. For this height range, the pressure takes the form
P (z) = P0 (1 − z/z0 )η . Express η in terms of z0 , ρ0 , P0 , and
g, and find its numerical value to the two significant digits. 1,2
Treat the gravitational acceleration as a constant, independent
of height. 0,8
B) When a rubber balloon of spherical shape with un-stretched
radius 0r is inflated to a sphere of radius r0 (r ≥ r0 ), the balloon 0,4
surface contains extra elastic energy due to the stretching. In
a simplistic theory, the elastic energy at constant temperature
T can be expressed by 0 2 4 6 8 10
U= 4πr02 κRT (2λ2 +λ − 3, In many applications it is necessary to keep the satellite as
whereλ ≡ r/r0 (≥ 1) is the size-inflation ratio and κ is a con- cool as possible. To cool the satellite, engineers use a reflect-
stant in units of mol/m2 . ive coating that reflects light above a cut-off frequency but
i) Express ∆P in terms of parameters given in Eq. above, and does not prevent heat radiation at lower frequency from escap-
sketch ∆P as a function of λ = r/r0 . ing. Assume that this (sharp) cut-off frequency corresponds to
ii) The constant κ can be determined from the amount of hf /k = 1200 K.
the gas needed to inflate the balloon. At T0 = 303 K and
Estimate now, what is the temperature of the satellite.
P0 = 1 atm, an un-stretched balloon (λ = 1) contains n0 = 12.5
moles. It takes n = 3.6n0 = 45 moles in total to inflate the Hint: exact calculation is not required; because of that, in-
balloon to λ = 1.5 at the same T0 and P0 . Express the bal- stead of precise and complicated integrations use approximate
loon parameter a, defined as a = κ/κ0 , in terms of n, n0 , and calculations where possible. The value of the following integral
λ, where κ0 = r0 P0 /4RT0 . Evaluate a to the two significant is known: Z
η 3 dη π4
digits. ∞ η = .
0 e −1 15
C) A balloon is prepared as in (C-ii) at the sea level (inflated Function η /(e − 1) maximum is near η ≈ 2.82. For small
3 η

to λ = 1.5 with n = 3,6 = 45 moles of helium gas at T0 = 303 K values of η, approximation eη ≈ 1 + η can be used.
and P0 = 1 atm). The total mass including gas, balloon itself,
and other payloads is MT = 1.12 kg. Now let the balloon rise pr 76. [IPhO-200011 ] Ideal heat engine receives heat from
from the sea level. body A and gives it away to body B; both bodies have equal
i) Suppose that the balloon eventually stops at the height zf heat capacitance C. Initial temperature of body A was T1 and
where the buoyant force balances the total weight. Find zf and that of body B — T2 . What is the maximal amount of work
the inflation ratio λf at that height. Give the answers in two which can be done by such a heat engine?
significant digits. Assume there are no drift effect and no gas
leakage during the upward flight. pr 77. Both solder joints of a thermocouple exchange heat
with the surrounding air at the rate Pe = κ∆T , where ∆T is
pr 75. [IPhO-1992] This is a continuation of the prob- the difference between the temperature of a solder joint and
lem 6; here we repeat the numerical data: the satellite is a that of the air; the constant κ = 30 µW/K. The thermo-
sphere of radius 1 m all points of which have the same tem- couple sensitivity α is defined as the proportionality coefficient
perature. The satellite is near Earth, but is not shaded by between the thermocouple voltage and the temperature differ-
it; The surface temperature of the Sun T⊙ = 6000 K, and its ence between the solder joints; in this case, α = 50 µV/K. The
radius R⊙ = 6.96 × 108 m, The distance between the Earth thermocouple is fed with electric current I = 10 mA; find the
and the Sun L = 1.5 × 1011 m Stefan-Boltzmann constant temperature of the colder solder joint if the air temperature
σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W · m−2 · K−4 . ta = 20◦ C. Assume the energy transfer processes in the ther-
The blackbody radiation spectrum u(T, f ) of a body at tem- mocouple to be reversible.
perature T obeys Planck’s radiation law
η 3 dη pr 78. [EstPhO-2010] A disc of radius r = 1 cm is made
u(T, f )df = A η
e −1 from dry ice (carbon dioxide in solid phase), and is pressed
where udf is the energy density of the electromagnetic radi- against a plate which is made from a material of high heat
ation in a frequency interval (f, f + df ), and η = hf /kT ; con- conductivity. The disc is pressed against the plate with force
stant A can be expressed in terms of fundamental constants c F = 100 N, which is applied to the centre of the disc and is
(the speed of light), k (Boltzmann’s constant), and h (Planck’s almost (but not exactly) perpendicular to the plate. When the
constant): A = 8πkc3 h3 . The blackbody spectrum, integrated over plate temperature is low, the friction force between the disk
all frequencies f and directions of emission, gives the total radi- and plate keeps the disk at rest. However, when the plate tem-
ated power per unit area P = u(T, f )df = σT 4 as expressed perature rises above a critical value T0 , the friction force disap-
in the Stefan-Boltzmann law given above. The figure shows pears almost completely, and the disc starts sliding along the
the normalized spectrum u(T, f )/AT 4 as a function of η. plate. Find T0 . Air pressure is 101 kPa, triple point pressure
11 Voted out by the International Board from the final text

— page 33 —
of carbon dioxide is pt = 5.1 × 105 kPa, saturation pressure of
carbon dioxide is plotted against temperature in figure below.

a) What is the minimal height of the chimney needed for an

efficient withdrawal of the gases? Express answer in terms of
B, A, Tair , g = 9.81 m/s2 , and ∆T ≡ Tsmoke − Tair . In all
subsequent tasks assume that this minimal height is the height
of the chimney.
b) Assume that two chimneys are built to serve exactly the
same purpose. Their cross sections are identical, but are de-
signed to work in different parts of the world: one in cold re-
gions, designed to work at an average atmospheric temperature
of −30 ◦ C and the other in warm regions, designed to work at
an average atmospheric temperature of 30 ◦ C. The temperat-
ure of the furnace is 400 ◦ C. It was calculated that the height
of the chimney designed to work in cold regions is 100 m. How
pr 79. [EstPhO-2009] Room is being heated by an electrical high is the other chimney?
radiator of power P = 1 kW. Outside temperature is t0 = 0 ◦ C, c) How does the velocity of the gases vary along the height of
the room temperature has been stabilized at t1 = 20 ◦ C. A the chimney? Make a sketch/graph assuming that the chimney
ventilation window is opened, supplying now a fresh air at the cross-section does not change along the height.
volume rate v = 20 l/s. What will be the new room temperat- d) How does the pressure of the gases vary along the height of
ure? Air can be considered to be an ideal bimolecular gas. the chimney?
Solar power plant. The chimney operation principle can be
used to construct a particular kind of solar power plant, solar
chimney. The idea is illustrated in figure b. The Sun heats the
pr 80. [IPhO-1997] On a given day, the air is dry and air underneath the collector of area S with an open periphery
has a density ρ = 1.250 kg/m3 . The next day the humid- to allow the undisturbed inflow of air. As the heated air rises
ity has increased and the air is 2% by mass water vapour. through the chimney (red arrows), new cold air enters the col-
The pressure and temperature are the same as the day before. lector from its surrounding (blue arrows) enabling a continuous
What is the air density ρ′ now? Mean molar mass of dry air: flow of air through the power plant. The flow of air through
Ma = 28.8 g/mol; molar mass of water: Mw = 18 g/mol. As- the chimney powers a turbine, resulting in the production of
sume ideal-gas behaviour. electrical energy. The energy of solar radiation per unit time
per unit of horizontal area of the collector is G. Assume that
all that energy can be used to heat the air in the collector (the
pr 81. [IPhO-2010] Chimney. Gaseous products of burn- mass heat capacity of the air is c, and one can neglect its de-
pendence on the air temperature). We define the efficiency of
ing are released into the atmosphere of temperature Tair
the solar chimney as the ratio of the kinetic energy of the gas
through a high chimney of cross-section A and height h (see
flow and the solar energy absorbed in heating of the air prior
figure a). The solid matter is burned in the furnace which is
to its entry into the chimney.
at temperature Tsmoke . The volume of gases produced per unit
time in the furnace is B. Assume that: e) What is the efficiency of the solar chimney power plant?
f) Make a graph showing how the efficiency of the chimney
changes with its height.
⋄ the velocity of the gases in the furnace is negligibly small;
The prototype chimney built in Manzanares, Spain, had a
⋄ the average molar mass of the gases produced in the fur- height of 195 m, and a radius 5 m. The collector is circular
nace (smoke) equals to that of the air, and these gases can with diameter of 244 m. The specific heat of the air under
be treated as ideal; typical operational conditions of the prototype solar chimney
is 1012 J/kg · K, the density of the hot air is about 0.9 kg/m3 ,
⋄ chimney is not very high (not higher than a hundred
and the typical temperature of the atmosphere Tair = 295 K.
In Manzanares, the solar power per unit of horizontal surface
⋄ smoke temperature can be assumed to be constant through- is typically 150 W/m during a sunny day.
out the entire length of the chimney. g) What is the efficiency of the prototype power plant? Write
— page 34 —
down the numerical estimate. b) The mean free path λ is the average distance covered by a
h) How much power could be produced in the prototype power moving particle in a gas between two consecutive collisions and
plant? this can be expressed by the following equality:
i) How much energy could the power plant produce during a λ = (σn)−1 ,
typical sunny day? where σ is the effective cross sectional area; σ = 0.2 nm2 for
j) How large is the rise in the air temperature as it enters the the collisions of an hydrogen atom with the air molecules (with
chimney (warm air) from the surrounding (cold air)? Write the molecular composition corresponding to exobase), and n is the
general formula and evaluate it for the prototype chimney. number of molecules per unit volume. We know that at an
k) What is the mass flow rate of air through the system? altitude of h0 = 250 km, the pressure is p0 = 21 µPa, and tem-
perature can be assumed to be constant between the exobase
pr 82. Air (a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen) is stored and the reference height h0 . Determine the mean free path for
in a closed container equipped with a piston on one end at the hydrogen atoms at the altitude h0 .
a temperature of T = 77.4 K. The total amount of the gas c) Determine the exobase height hEB .
mixture occupies volume V0 = 1.00 l and its initial pressure is
d) Atmospheric escape. Particles in the exobase with enough
p0 = 0.500 atm. With the help of the piston the gas mixture
outwards velocity will escape gravitational attraction. Assum-
is slowly compressed at constant temperature. Using plausible
ing a Maxwellian distribution, determine the probability that a
assumptions, plot the pressure of the system as a function of
hydrogen atom has a velocity greater than the escape velocity
its volume until one tenth of the initial volume, if the ratio
in the exobase.
of the number of moles of oxygen to the number of moles of
nitrogen is nO2 : nN2 = 21 : 79. Find the pressure and volume e) Determine the hydrogen atoms flux (number of particle per
at distinctive points of these isothermal curves. unit area and per unit time) that will escape the atmosphere,
You can use the following data: boiling point of liquid nitro- knowing that the concentration of hydrogen atoms in the exo-
gen at p1 = 1.00 atm: TN2 = 77.4 K; boiling point of liquid base is nH = 1 × 1011 m−3 . You may assume that the hydrogen
oxygen at p1 = 1.00 atm: TO2 = 90.2 K; heat of vaporization is in a monoatomic state: when atmospheric molecules reach
of oxygen: λO2 = 213 J/g (can be assumed to be constant for a certain height lower than hEB , they split into atoms due to
TN2 ≤ T ≤ TO2 ). Neglect solubility of gaseous nitrogen in solar radiation.
liquid oxygen and vice versa. The following calculations will show hat thermal atmospheric
escape cannot be the single processes that explains why some
pr 83. [WoPhOSR-2013] Thermal atmospheric escape is a gases are present in the atmosphere and some others are not.
process in which small gas molecules reach speeds high enough f) Knowing that the current average molar mass of the at-
to escape the gravitational field of the Earth and reach outer mosphere is MAtm = 29 gr/mol, atmospheric pressure P0 =
space. This process, known as Jeans escape, is believed to have 1 × 105 Pa, and a fraction of χH = SI5.5e − 7 of the atmo-
been responsible for the loss of water from Venus and Mars at- spheric molecules are hydrogen molecules, estimate the number
mospheres, due to their lower escape velocity. NH of hydrogen atoms in the Earth’s atmosphere. Neglect the
presence of other hydrogen-containing molecules.
In what follows we assume that the distribution of the mo-
lecules of the atmosphere is given by the Maxwellian distribu- g) Let us make a robust model and assume that the concentra-
tion. Thus at any temperature there can always be some mo- tion of hydrogen atoms in the exobase remains constant over
lecules whose velocity is greater than the escape velocity. A mo- time. Find out how much time would it take for half of the
lecule located in the lower part of the atmosphere would not be hydrogen atoms to escape the Earth’s atmosphere.
able to escape to outer space even though its velocity is greater h) Now let us consider helium atoms; currently, their concen-
than the limit velocity because it would soon collide with other tration in the exobase is nHe = 2.5 × 1012 m−3 , and they make
molecules, losing a big part of its energy. In order to escape, χHe = 5 × 10−6 of the atmospheric molecules. Let us use now
these molecules need to be at a certain height: such that density a more realistic model and assume that their concentration in
is so low that their probability of colliding is negligible. The re- exobase is proportional to their concentration in the lower at-
gion in the atmosphere where this condition is satisfied is called mosphere.
exosphere and its lower boundary, which separates the dense
i) Suggest a reason, why there is currently still some hydrogen
zone from the exosphere, is called exobase. You may assume
in the Earth’s atmosphere.
that the temperature near the exobase is roughly T = 1000 K;
universal gas constant R = 8.31 J/K · mol, free fall acceleration
pr 84. [IPhO-2012] Let us model the formation of a star as
g ≈ 9.5 m/s2 , Avogadro number NA = 6.02 × 1023 1/mol.
follows. A spherical cloud of sparse interstellar gas, initially at
a) Exobase height. Exobase is defined as the height above which rest, starts to collapse due to its own gravity. The initial radius
a radially outward moving particle will suffer less than one of the ball is r0 and the mass — m. The temperature of the
backscattering collision on average. This means that the mean surroundings (much sparser than the gas) and the initial tem-
free path has to be equal to the scale height H, which is defined perature of the gas is uniformly T0 . The gas may be assumed
as such an height increment which leads to the atmosphere’s to be ideal. The average molar mass of the gas is µ and its
density dropping e times. What is the average molar mass of adiabatic index is γ> 34 . Assume that G mµ r0 ≫ RT0 , where R
the Earth’s atmosphere at the exobase if H = 60 km? is the gas constant and G — the gravity constant.
— page 35 —
a) During much of the collapse, the gas is so transparent that shrinking speed Ṙ as
any heat generated is immediately radiated away, i.e. the ball Ek = 2πρ0 R3 Ṙ2 .
stays in a thermodynamic equilibrium with its surroundings.
a) Find the minimal radius Rm and maximal temperature Tm
How many times (n) does the pressure increase while the ra-
of the bubble during the shrinking process.
dius is halved (r1 = 0.5r0 )? Assume that the gas density stays
uniform. b) Find the radius Rf of the bubble at the moment tf when
the bubble’s shrinking speed is maximal.
b) At some radius r3 ≪ r0 , the gas becomes dense enough to
be opaque to the heat radiation. Calculate the amount of heat c) Most of the heat radiation is emitted between t = tf and
Q radiated away during the collapse from the radius r0 down the moment tm when the minimal radius is reached. Estimate
to r3 . Assume that the gas density stays uniform12 the total duration of the radiation period.

c) For radii smaller than r3 you may neglect heat radiation. d) For our model to remain valid, the heat loss Q due to ra-
Determine how the temperature T of the ball depends on its diation must be much smaller than the internal energy of the
radius r< r3 . gas U ; let us require that Q ≤ 51 U . This means that if we
consider the entrapped gas as a sphere of radius R emitting
d) Eventually we cannot neglect the effect of the pressure on
thermal radiation at emissivity a, the emissivity should be not
the dynamics of the gas and the collapse stops at r = r4 (with
too large, a ≤ a0 . Estimate the value of a0 . Stefan-Boltzmann
r4 ≪ r3 ). However, the radiation can still be neglected and
constant σ = 5.678 × 10−8 W · m−2 · K−4 .
the temperature is not yet high enough to ignite nuclear fu-
sion. The pressure of such a protostar is not uniform anymore, pr 86. [APhO-2007] a) For a metal at thermal equilibrium,
but rough estimates with inaccurate numerical prefactors can the average energy of the conduction electrons makes a certain
still be done. Estimate the final radius r4 and the respective contribution to the specific heat. According to the classical
temperature T4 . physics the conduction electrons in metals constitute free elec-
tron gas trapped into the volume of the metal, and this gas
pr 85. [APhO-2010]13 Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon can be considered to be ideal. Find the average contribution
when strong sound waves put small bubbles inside a liquid (e.g. of each electron to the specific heat at constant volume (cV )
water) into oscillatory motion; collapsing bubbles may heat the using the classical model.
entrapped gas so much that it will emit black body radiation
b) Experimentally it has been shown that the specific heat
in visible range of wavelengths.
of the conduction electrons at constant volume in metals de-
Throughout the problem, you may use the following model. pends on temperature, and the experimental value at room
All times t, the bubble of radius R = R(t) is spherical and temperature is about two orders of magnitude lower than its
its centre remains stationary in the water of density ρ0 = classical counterpart. This is because the electrons obey the
1.0 × 103 kg/m3 . The entrapped gas density ρ pressure P , quantum statistics rather than classical statistics. According
and temperature T are always uniform inside the bubble as to the quantum theory, for a metallic material the density of
its size diminishes. The liquid containing the bubble is as- states of conduction electrons (the number of electronic states
sumed to be isotropic, nonviscous, incompressible, and very per unit volume and per unit energy) is proportional to the
much larger in extent than the bubble. This means that we square root of electron energy E, then the number of states
can consider a fictitious water sphere of radius r ≫ R centred dE within energy range for a metal of volume V can be writ-
around the bubble, and it will contract isotropically during ten as √
the contraction of the bubble. Heat exchange between the dS = CV EdE,
gas and the surrounding water can be neglected. All effects where C is the normalization constant, determined by the total
due to gravity and surface tension are neglected so that for number of electrons of the system. The probability that the
any t, the pressure inside the liquid is a function of r only: state of energy E is occupied by electron is called the Fermi
P = P (r) for r > R. You may assume that the ambient pres- distribution,
sure P0 = P (r → ∞) = 1.01 × 105 Pa and the water temperat-   −1
E − EF
ure T0 = 300 K remain constant in time. Initially, the bubble f (E) = 1 + exp ,
kB T
has radius Ri = 7R0 , entrapped gas temperature T = T0 , where kB = 1.381 × 10−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant
and the surrounding water is motionless (i.e. dRdt = 0); here and T is the absolute temperature, while EF is called Fermi
R0 = 5.00 µm denotes the equilibrium radius of the bubble at level. Usually at room temperature EF is about several eVs
which the entrapped gas would have pressure P0 with T = T0 . for metallic materials (1 eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J) and therefore
The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure to that at con- kB T ≪ EF , in which case the Fermi distribution behaves as
stant volume for the gas is γ = 5/3. shown in figure by red curve; you are allowed to approximate
You may find it useful to know that the kinetic energy of the it by a piece-wise linear function as depicted by blue line. Ad-
surrounding water can be expressed in terms of the bubble’s ditionally, you may neglect the dependence of Fermi level on
12 This is valid as long as the gravitational energy dominates over the heat energy; in the original IPhO problem, the students needed to conclude
this by themselves, based on the dynamics of the gas cloud. It should be emphasized that such a model with a ballistic contraction stage deviates from
the standard model of protostar collapse in which case a gas cloud contracts due to radiative cooling while maintaining a quasi-equilibrium between
gravitational and pressure forces.
13 Subtasks are cut from this version: you have a freedom of bypassing unnecessarily long mathematical calculations, but you need to demonstrate

more independence.

— page 36 —
temperature so that its value can be expressed in terms of the Hints
total number of electrons by putting T = 0. 1. Express the constant heating power as P = dQ dt and sub-
stitute dQ = Cp dT ; this allows you to find Cp as a func-
tion of time t; eliminate t using the provided dependence
T = T (t).
2. Some hints are already given after the problem; determ-
ine the net heating power at the average ice-heating-
temperature T2 ≈ 72 ◦ C by comparing the tangents of the
T (t)-curve at T = T1 (c.f. the fact 6) and T = T2 .
Express the average contribution of each electron to the spe-
3. In average, electrical heating power equals to the cooling
cific heat at constant volume in terms of kB , EF , and T using
power due to heat loss. The temperature oscillations are
the quantum mechanical model. Give a qualitative explanation
small, hence (according to the idea 2) the cooling power
for the deviation of the classical result from that of quantum
is almost constant; meanwhile, heating power oscillates
between a maximal value U12 /R and zero according to a
rectangular waveform. Here, the filament’s resistance R
pr 87. [EstFin-2014]14 Let us consider a system of N can be expressed in terms of the filament’s length l and
independent magnetic dipoles (spins) in a magnetic field B cross-sectional area S (the value of the latter is not given
and temperature T . Each spin has two states: spin up, and but we may hope that it will cancel out from the final an-
spin down; the x-component of its dipole moment takes values swer). Now we can express the thermal power drawn to
+µB ≡ 2me~
and −µB , respectively (x is a fixed axis). (from) the filament for both of the half-periods, and find
a) What is the average value of the total energy Es of the spin the temperature oscillations amplitude from the 1LTD.
system as a function of B and T ? 4. Based on the fact 6, determine how many percents has in-
b) At the high temperature limit T ≫ αBm creased the thermal flux to the environment, and use this
k , what is the heat
capacity C of such a spin system? to conclude, how many percents has increased the heat
production rate inside the house.
pr 88. [EstOpen-2001] In order to store ν = 1 mol of ideal 5. Follow the idea 3; the thermal resistance of the copper
gas at temperatur T0 , a vessel made of steel (density ρ) is plate is calculated in the same way as an electrical resist-
used. Assume that the vessel’s walls are much thinner than the ance, RT = ρd/s.
vessel’s linear dimensions. According to the specification, the 22. Recall the idea 7: for dynamical processes, at first, a mech-
mechanical stress in the walls (force per cross-sectional area) anical equilibrium is reached, which means the equality
must be everywhere (and for any direction) not larger than σ0 . of pressures; the other equilibria (e.g. thermal) will be
What is the minimal mass of the vessel? reached later (if ever within a reasonable time frame). In
particular, this means that if there is evaporation from
appendix 2: Finding mean kinetic energy from a water surface, and because of that, close to the water
Maxwell’s law Using substitution rule, surface, there is an higher concentration of water vapours,
R ∞ −v2 /v2 R ∞ −x2
e x 0 dvx = v0 −∞ e dx. then there must be a lower concentration of air molecules.
Integration is essentially taking a sum, and we know that a
Indeed, while due to mechanical equilibrium, the total
derivative of a sum is the sum of the derivatives. Hence, we
pressure must remain equal to the atmospheric one, it also
can take derivative from the both sides of this equality by v0 ;
equals to the sum of the vapour pressure and air pressure
left-hand-side yields
13. Equivalently can be said that the air pressure equals
R ∞ −v2 /v2 R ∞ d −v2 /v2 to the atmospheric pressure minus the vapour pressure.
dv0 −∞ e
0 dv
x = −∞ dv0 e x 0 dvx =
R∞ If the saturation pressure ps (T ) becomes larger than the
2v0−3 −∞ vx2 e−vx /v0 dvx ,
2 2

atmospheric pressure patm then mechanical equilibrium is

and the right-hand-side yields
R ∞ −x2 R∞ no longer possible: as we learned earlier, very close to
dx = −∞ e−x dx.
dv0 v0 −∞ e the water surface, there is thermal quasi-equilibrium and
This means that r = 100% and hence, in that layer, the vapour pressure
R ∞ 2 −v2 /v2 R ∞ −x2
v e x 0 dvx = 2 v0 −∞ e 1 3
dx. pv = ps (T ). The total pressure p in that layer is sum of
−∞ x
−vx /v0
R ∞ the vapour pressure and air pressure, hence p ≥ pv > patm .
/ −∞ e−vx /v0 dvx . So we can
2 2 2 2
Let us recall that f (vx ) = e
Therefore, the vapours at the liquid surface will have larger
rewrite the expression for the root-mean-square velocity as
R∞ R∞ pressure than the atmospheric one, and the surrounding
v̄x2 = −∞ vx2 e−vx /v0 dvx / −∞ e−vx /v0 dvx = 21 v02 .
2 2 2 2
air will be pushed away. Furthermore, if there were a small
Now, if we substitute back v0 = 2kB T /m (which corresponds bubble inside the liquid, it would also have higher pressure
to the Maxwell's distribution), we obtain nally of vapours inside than the pressure of the surroundings,
v̄x2 = kB T. hence the bubble would start growing. It should be noted
that there are always either microscopic bubbles or other
14 Text here is somewhat modified

— page 37 —
impurities inside the liquid which can serve as evaporation Answers
1. 4P T 3 /aT04
25. Apply the same approach what was used to derive expres- 2. m = Q/(L + c∆T ) ≈ 28 g (Q = 500 W · 37 s)
sion for the contact angle in terms of surface tensions, but U12 T
keep in mind that solid-liquid contact area is now smaller. 3. ∆T = 8ρe ρcl2 ≈ 34 K
26. We have a meniscus as shown in figure, and separate a 4. P ′ = P tt21 −t1 ◦
−t0 ≈ 53 C
fraction of water (depicted in grey) by a fictitious hori- 5. ∆T = P ρd/s ≈ 11.7 K; Q = (T1 − T2 )S/ ρdx ≈ 18 mW
zontal plane passing the flat bottom of the meniscus, and p
6. T = T⊙ R⊙ /2L ≈ 290 K
consider the force balance for the grey volume. At the
separation plane inside the liquid, the hydrostatic pressure 7. N +1

equals to the atmospheric one. Indeed, at the bottom of 8. Tmin = (I/σ)1/4 , Tmax = ( 3I/σ)1/4
the meniscus, through the flat water-air interface, there is q
no capillary pressure, hence the hydrostatic gauge pressure 9. v≈M m RT

must be zero; inside the liquid, the hydrostatic pressure is 10. N ≈ 162
a function of height only, so the pressure remains equal
11. Φ ≈ 32 nRT1 RT2
to the atmospheric one through the horizontal plane. So,
the volume depicted by grey in the figure is surrounded by 13. ∆m = ( T 1 − 1 p0 V0
T1 ) R (µair − µH )
atmospheric pressure, i.e. there is no extra net force acting 14. T = 1.4T0 .
on it due to pressure.
15. is reduced by 2 times; γ = 3
ρ0 T0 g∆h γ−1
16. ∆T = p0 γ = 2.1 celsius
18. a) vP ≈ 23 m/s; b) where the distance between the lines
29. Notice that the volume of the water is fixed: if the layer is the smallest; c) vcrit ≈ 23 m/s,

thickness were small, the gravitational energy would be 20. 2.5
small, but the surface energy would be large (the opposite
21. (a) a = pM
; (b) a = p2M0S

also holds). Express the total energy for a fixed amount

of liquid. 22. a) ∆T ≈ 1.5 ◦ C

30. Use the fact 17 and idea 19 to conclude that the shape of b) ∆T ≈ 6.5 ◦ C
the cross-section of the meniscus is identical to the cross- c) ∆T = 12.1(1 − r)
section of the pool of liquid laying on the desk (cf. problem d) ≈ 4
29). Indeed, the surface curvature depends only on the T −T100 ◦ C
surface tension and gauge pressure, which can be matched 23. κ = λ c = 0.154
in the case of the meniscus and a pool as shown in figure. 24. a) TA = 350 K TB = 100 K
b) t1 ≈ 67 ◦ C t2 = 100 ◦ C mA
mB ≈ 22

25. 175
2π Vπ
26. ∆V = ρ h = 0.58 ml
27. 13.3 cm
32. Assuming the opposite, consider two heat engines with dif- 29. h = 2σ ρg (1 + cos α)
ferent efficiencies. The Carnot’ cycle is reversible, so we’ll q
use the engine of higher efficiency as a heat pump (with 30. h = ρg
reversed Carnot’ cycle): it takes heat from a body of lower T0 −T1 P0 µL
35. dp λµ
dT = ps RT 2 ; ∆P =
T02 R ≈ 350 Pa
temperature and gives it to a body of higher temperature;
a net mechanical work needs to be done to operate the 36. U = L/µNA — exit work, negative potential energy of a
heat pump. Show that if the work done by the heat en- molecule in the liquid phase.
gine of lower efficiency is used to propel the heat pump of 37. m = I 2 RtT2 ≈ 1.5 g
(T1 −T2 )λ
higher efficiency, the net effect of the entire system would
be in violation to 2LTD. 38. T3 ≈ 1.4T3 ≈ 3.5T1
39. T = I0VR0 0 T0 = 2650 K
46. For the cooling period, during the number of days ∆N q
for which the temperature stayed in the (small) range −5
d = 3 π4V 2 R kσT 4 = 1.5 × 10
0 I0 ρ 0
between T and T + ∆T , the heat loss is Pc = (T −

T0 )C∆N · 3600s /h. (T − T0 )∆N is a horizontal narrow l = R4ρ
0d π
= 0.0566 m
rectangular region between the graph and the vertical line 41. d = 1 d
2 11 1
T = T0 , hence the total heat loss is related to the area
between the graph and the line T = T0 . 42. b) T = VV11 +VV22 ≈ 16.5 ◦ C; c) r ≈ 1.22; d) m ≈ 7.5 g.
T1 + T2

— page 38 —
∆s(p0 πr 2 +mg) εσ4πR12 (T24 −T14 )
43. a) T2 = T0 + nR = 322 K 61. a)P = Qdi − Qdo = 1+(1−ε)R12 /R22
≈ 1.78 W;
p = p0 + mg
= 102.32 kPa b) τ = 43 πρR3 λµ/P ≈ 36 h.
πr 2
b) W = (mg + p0 πr2 )∆s = 24.1 J 62. a) N = − lnαβ ;
 b) A ≈ N p0 V α = p0 V | ln β|;
c) Q = ∆(p0 πr2 + mg) cRV + 1 = 84 J
c) T = T0 β γ −1 ;

d) P = cRV + 1 ∆s 2
∆t (p0 πr + mg) = 8.4 W d) A = 2p0 V .
ṅ = P hc = 2.2 × 1019 s−1 63. a) C ≈ T0P−T
= 350 J/◦ C;
1 −3
e) η = p0 πr 2
= 2.8 × 10 b) Q = CTc ≈ 46 kJ.
1+ mg (1+ cRV )
  γ−1 64. 4689 K
p0 γ
f) T3 = T2 = 321 K 65. 1 − T1
T2 .
44. T1 = 3 γ T0 ≈ 400 K 66. a) Q = qν ≈ 546 J;
3 c ≈ 0.22 mm/s (an approximate answer, e.g.
b) v = 3ρa
45. η = 1 − k 1−γ = 0.602
v ≈ 0.67 mm/s. is also OK);
46. a = 290 EU R c) T = A · eq−Bt
47. a) ρ20 ρel cl2 (T1 − Tr )/U02 = 25 ms d) v ∼ Q MH
≈ 180 m/s.
R ρa3 RT
b) ρ20 cl2 U0−2 ρel dT = 1.5 ms 67. 135%.
xσT0 +ρhcp vdT1
48. a) T2 = xσ+ρhcp vd . 68. F = 7Sp1 T0 /T1 .
R T2
b) t = −C T1
P (T ) ≈ 120 s 69. T = T0 − (1 − γ −1 ) µg
49. a) cp = γ−1 R 70. a) dT
T = (1 − γ −1 ) dp ◦
p ; b) dp = − kB T dz; c) Ttop = 20.6 C.

p0 M
b) ρ = RT 71. a) U = µ 43 πR3 C(Tc − T0 ) = 16 768 J;
c) ∆ρgL = ρ0 v 2 (2∆ρgL = ρ0 v 2 is also OK, cf. Mechanics b) J = κ(T1 − T0 )/R = 2458 W · m−2 ;
Pr. 29.) c) P = 4πR2 J = 19.3 W; d) τ = U/P = 869 s (these are
  2  estimates, so different numerical factors are acceptable).
P gL γ−1 3
d) T = T0 1 + gL Sp0 γ ≈ 322 K w0 ◦
72. p = p0 TT0 w0 −V α(T −T0 ) ; invalid if T > 22 C.
50. a) p = p0 w−V α(T T
−T0 ) T0 73. Ai) α = gMair /RT0 ; Aii) P = P0 − ρgz; Aiii) 88 kPa
b) Tmax = T0 + w
= 22.0 ◦ C Bii) v = vG rGp/r; Biii) 141 m/s;

Biv) r = rG / 1 − 2gz/vG 2 ; Bv) Pipe-like ones.
51. p ≈ 45 kPa Ci) v = vG r/rG ; Cii) 76 kPa;
 1− γ1
52. a) T1 = T0 p1
= 279 K Ciii) between 5 ◦ C (at G) and −7 ◦ C (neglecting latent
heat of condensation); Civ) heat released by condensation;
2 p0 −p1
b) h1 = gρ0 1+ p1 T0 = 1410 m Di) 3.8; Dii) a close call.
p T 0 1
 1− γ1 P
74. Ai) FB = MA ng P +∆P ; Aii) γ = ρ0 z0 g/P0 = 5.5;
c) T2 = T1 p2
+ qV m
= 271 K 
p1 cp Bi) ∆P = r0 λ − λ−7 ; Bii) a = 0.110;
4κRT −1

d) h = 35 mm Ci) zf = 11 km, λf = 2.1.

 1− γ1 p
75. T⊙ = R⊙ 2L ≈ 289 K
e) T3 = T2 pp23 = 300 K √ √
 q  q 76. Wmax = C( T1 − T2 )2
53. L = 12 MmpS RT + t − 1 2RT m RT
µ pS µ M 2µ 77. T2 = T0 κ
κ+Iα ≈ 288 K
t ≈ 160 s
78. T0 ≈ 212 K
54. t ∼ 1
100 s
r 79. 13.2 ◦ C
56. T = d I
σ; D/F > 2 80. 1.2352 kg/m3
B 2 1 Tair
57. 1900 m. 81. a) h ≥ A2 2g ∆T ; b) 45 m; c) v = 2gh T∆T is constant;
p air
58. a) C = 4R; b) ω = r−1 8σ/ρh d) p = p0 − (ρair − ρsmoke )gh − ρsmoke gz; e) η = cTgh ;
f) linear; g) 0.64%; h) 45 kW; i) 360 kWh with 8 h;
59. a) pE > pA > pD > pB > pC ; b) 195 K; c) 220 hPa; d)  1/3
Wnet = R(TH − TC ) ln(pE /pA ), Qloss = RTC ln(pD /pC ); G2 S 2 T
j) ∆T = A2 c2 ρ2 air 2gh
≈ 9.1K; w = 760 kg/s
e) εi = 0.35; g) II & III.
82. V1 = 0.472 l, p1 = 1.06 atm; V2 = 0.395 l, p2 = 1.22 atm,
60. a) R = L/4κS; √  Vf = 0.100 l, pf = 1.22 atm
P0 cos ωt+arcsin(Cω/ C 2 ω 2 +R−2 )
b) T = T0 + √ ;
C 2 ω 2 +R−2 83. a) 14 g/mol; b) 3.3 km; c) 420 km; d) 2.6 × 10−3 ;

c) ω = 1/ 2CR; e) 7.5 × 1011 1/m2 s; f) 1.2 × 1038 ; g) 4500 years;
d) ωc ≈ κ/cρL2 . h) 9.6 × 1011 years; i) supply as H2 O from oceans.
— page 39 —
84. a) 8; b) µ ln rr03 ; c) T0 rr3 ;
1   3γ−3
RT0 r3 4−3γ
d) r4 ≈ r3 RT 0 r3
µmG , T4 ≈ T 0 µmG

85. a) Rm = 2.31 µm, Tm = 6.86 × 104 K; b) Rf = 2.98 µm;

c) τ ∼ 3 × 10−9 s; d) a0 ∼ 0.01
86. a) 32 kB T ; b) k3 B T /EF , as the temperature grows, energy
of a majority of the electrons will remain unchanged.
87. a)−N µB B tanh(µB B/kB T ) b) N (µB B)2 /kB T .
88. m = 1.5RT νρ/σ (proof of minimality required).

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