WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dce-Third Semester Examination

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* C16–C– 303
Board Diploma Examination, (C–16)
dce—THIRD Semester Examination


Time : 3 hours ] [ Total Marks : 80

PART—A 3×10=30
Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.
(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point
and shall not exceed five simple sentences.

1. Define the terms viscosity, capillarity and surface tension.

2. What is manometer? Writethe different types of manometers.
3. Write the diffrence between laminar flow and turbulent flow with an
4. What is vena-contracta? State the various hydraulic co-efficient.

5. Find the discharge over a rectangular notch having width 2m and a
constant head of 30cm. Assume Cd = 0.62.
* 6. Define weir and classify according to the shape of crest.
7. Define Reynolds’ number. How it is useful in determining the type
of flow?
8. State Chezy’s formula and Manning’s formula and name the

9. Define turbine and classify according to the direction of flow of water

through runner.

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10. State the component parts of a hydroelectric power plant.

PART–B 10×5=50

Instructions : (1) Answer any f ive questions.

(2) Each questions carries ten marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and the criteria
for valuation are the content but not the length of
the answer.

11. A circular plate 3m in diameter is immersed in water with its great-

est and lowest depths below the water surface being 2m and 1m
respectively. Find the total pressure and depth of centre of pres-

12. The diameter of a pipe changes gradually from 150mm at point A to

100mm at point B, which are situated at 20m and 16m respectively
above the datum. Determine the pressure at B, if the pressure at
A is 0.2 N/mm2 and velocity of flow at A is 1.1m/sec. Neglect the
losses between A and B.
13. (a) Define co-efficient of contraction and decuce the relation between
the three hydraulic co-efficient.

(b) An internal mouthpiece of diameter 60mm is discharged water

under a constant head of 9m. Find the discharge in lit/sec, if the
mouthpiece is (i) running free, (ii) running full.
14. Water flows over a rectangular notch of 1m length over a depth of
15cm. If the sam e quantity of water passing through a right angel
triangular notch, find the depth of water through the notch. Take
Cd values for rectangular notch and trangular notch as 0.62 and
0.59 respe ctovely.
* 15. Water flows through a pipe 250cm diameter, 80m long with a veloc-
ity of 3.5m/sec. Find the losses in friction by using (a) Darcy’s for-
mula, (b) Chezy’s formula. Assume Chezy’s constant as 55.

16. A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes of 0.8m and 0.5m diam-
eter with equal lengths. Parallal pipes meet again at the lower end.
Find the discharge in each parallal pipe, if discharge in main pipe
is 2.5 cumec. The Co-efficient of friction for each parallal pipe is

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17. (a) Derive the condition for a rectangular channel section to be most
(b) A rectangular channel having most economical section is 6m
wides. Find the discharge , if the bed slope is 1 in 1200. Assume C
as 50.
18. List any ten differences between impulse turbine and reaction tur-
* * *

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