WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dce-Third Semester Examination
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dce-Third Semester Examination
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Board Diploma Examination, (C-16) Oct/Nov-2018 Dce-Third Semester Examination
* C16–C– 303
Board Diploma Examination, (C–16)
dce—THIRD Semester Examination
PART—A 3×10=30
Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.
(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point
and shall not exceed five simple sentences.
/6224 1 [Contd...
10. State the component parts of a hydroelectric power plant.
PART–B 10×5=50
16. A main pipe divides into two parallel pipes of 0.8m and 0.5m diam-
eter with equal lengths. Parallal pipes meet again at the lower end.
Find the discharge in each parallal pipe, if discharge in main pipe
is 2.5 cumec. The Co-efficient of friction for each parallal pipe is
/6224 2 [Contd...
17. (a) Derive the condition for a rectangular channel section to be most
(b) A rectangular channel having most economical section is 6m
wides. Find the discharge , if the bed slope is 1 in 1200. Assume C
as 50.
18. List any ten differences between impulse turbine and reaction tur-
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/6224 3 AA8(T)—PDF