Project Review On Ultrasonic Distance Measurement: Prakhar Shrivastava, Praveen Kumar, Ankit Tiwari

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National Conference on Synergetic Trends in engineering and Technology (STET-2014)

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research ISSN: 2321-0869, Special Issue

Project Review on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement

Prakhar Shrivastava, Praveen Kumar, Ankit Tiwari

Abstract— Nowadays, we have some difficulties in obtaining
the distance that we want to measure. Even though, measuring
tape is an easy option, but this kind of tool will have a limitation
of manual error. Before this, engineers have produced a range
finder module but in the end, they find out the module have
many disadvantages like limitation for distance, different result
for different coloured obstacles, and need a calibration for every
time before starts using it. Manual distance measuring is always
done at the expense of human error. Precise and fix
measurement of low range distance, is the main objective for this
project. This device can measure distance in the range of 0.5m to
4m with the accuracy of1cm.This project is used to measure the
distance by using ultrasonic sensors. It works by transmitting
ultrasonic waves at 40 kHz. Then, the transducers will measure
the amount of time taken for a pulse of sound travel to a
particular surfaces and return as the reflected echo. After that,
the circuit that have been programmed with AT mega Fig 1- Front-view of Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
microcontroller will calculate the distance based on the speed of Device
sound at 25°C which an ambient temperature and also the time
taken. The distance then will be display on a LCD module. The
importance of the project is calculating accurate distance from
The transmitter transmits the ultra sonic waves towards the
any obstacle that we want to measure. The device can be used in object and according to the time taken by echo from the
many different fields and categories like distance calculation in transmitter to object and object to receiver, the distance is
construction field, robots, car sensor to avoid obstacles and calculated. If the obstacle is in the designated range the
many other applications. The building process of the device was comparator sends the signal to microcontroller which in turn
based on using as much as possible from the courses taken in the sends an output signal as shown through block diagram in
university, like Micro Processor, Basic Electrical Engineering, fig2.
Multimedia and systems and Electronics Devices and also
practical work in the laboratories.

Index Terms— Nowadays, measure, calibration., LCD



An ultrasonic sensor houses a transducer that emits

high-frequency, inaudible acoustic waves in one direction
when the transducer element vibrates. If the waves strike and
bounce off an object, the transducer receives the echoed
signal. The sensor then determines its distance from the object
based on the length of time between the initial sound burst and
the echo's return. Ultrasonic sensors require fairly accurate
timing circuitry, so acoustic sensors really require a processor
of some sort to drive them. Ultrasonic sensors should be a first
choice for detecting clear objects, liquids, dense materials of
any surface type (rough, smooth, shiny) and irregular shaped
objects. This makes them one of the most ideal choices for
measuring the height of containers which could be of different
shapes, sizes, color and material.

Prakhar Shrivastava, Praveen Kumar, Ankit Tiwari, (Department of

Electronics and Instrumentation, Institute of Technology and Management
Opp. to Sithouli Railway Station, NH-75 Jhansi Road, Gwalior, Madhya
Pradesh, India) 218

Project Review on Ultrasonic Distance Measurement


The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be
Ultrasonic sensors (also known as transceivers when they reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile
both send and receive) shown in fig2 work on a principle, memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU
which evaluate attributes of a target by interpreting the echoes with In-System Programmable Flash on a monolithic chip, the
from radio or sound waves respectively. Ultrasonic sensors Atmel AT89S51 is a powerful microcontroller which
generate high frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many
which is received back by the sensor. Sensors calculate the embedded control applications.
time interval between sending the signal and receiving the
echo to determine the distance to an object. By measuring the time taken for the whole process, it will use
the arithmetic operation that has been programmed in
AT89S51 microcontroller in order to obtain the distance.
Lastly, the output will be display at LCD Module.


From the issues that have been discussed in the previous
section, the objectives of this project were set out as below:

1. Precise and fix measurement of low range distance

2. To measure a distance at any obstacle.
3. Operating range of 0.5m up to 4 m with an accuracy of 1
4. Design a simple circuit and find a suitable hardware for this

Fig 3- Ultrasonic Transmitter and Receiver Pair IV. MATHEMATICAL MODEL

I.II. AT89S51 Microcontroller

All ultrasonic sensors have their specific radiation
pattern associated with it. This acoustic radiation pattern
The microcontroller is used to generate 40 kHz sound pulse. It
is a function of spatial angle called beam angle. Beam
reads when the echo arrives; it finds the time taken in
angle, Ω is defined as the total angle between the points at
microseconds for to and from travel of sound waves. Using
which the sound power reduces to half its peak value,
velocity of 330 m/s, it does the calculations and shows on the
commonly known as 3 dB points. The spot diameter of
LCD Module and display the distance in centimeters. It used
the beam can be formulated as:
In-System programming (ISP) to be programmed.
D = 2R tan (0.5 Ω)
AT89S51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit
D = spot diameter in centimeters.
microcontroller with 4K bytes of In-System Programmable
R = target range in centimeters.
Flash memory. The device is manufactured using Atmel’s
Ω = beam angle in degrees.
high density nonvolatile memory technology and is
compatible with the industry standard 80C51 instruction set
Radiation pattern consists of a main lobe and side lobes.
and pin out.
Radiation power is dominant mainly in the front region of the
sensor, so as to say that the main lobe is directly in front of the
sensor, followed by side lobes sidewise with null region in
between these lobes. Radiation pattern is mainly determined
by factors such as the frequency of operation and the size,
shape and acoustic phase characteristics of the vibrating
surface. The beam pattern of the transducer is independent of
its nature as a transmitter or receiver. In most of the
application, side lobes are suppressed and narrow beams are
used. This suppression is achieved by the processing system
and so, the radiation pattern of the transducer may not be same
as the radiation pattern of the whole ultrasonic sensing
system. The narrowness of the beam pattern is a function of
the diameter of the radiating surface to the wavelength of the
sound at the operating frequency. As the D/λ ratio increases,
beam narrows out whereas as D/λ ratio decreases, beam
broadens. For most of the application narrow beam is desired
Fig 4- 89S51 Microcontroller and therefore D/λ ratio should be more. 219

National Conference on Synergetic Trends in engineering and Technology (STET-2014)
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research ISSN: 2321-0869, Special Issue

used in many different fields and categories like distance

calculation in construction field, robots, car sensor to avoid
obstacles and many other applications. The building process
of the device was based on using as much as possible from the
courses taken in the university, like Micro Processor, Basic
Electrical Engineering, Multimedia and systems and
Electronics Devices and also practical work in the

Fig 5- Geometric approximation of the ultrasonic beam width
[1] An Ultrasonic Range Finder Designed for an Autonomous Vehicle
Navigation System - by JiqiuSai 2009
[4] Ultrasonic Distance Measurement With the MSP430-Application
Report- Murugavel Raju, ,LAA136A - October 2001

Fig 6- Beam pattern with respect to amplitude


1. The speed of sound is variable in different mediums &

also depends on temperature of the medium, so manual
manipulations are required on calculated distance.
2. Signals get weekend as they propagate through the
medium .Attenuation depend on frequency of the
signals putting a constraints on the range of the systems.
3. The size of the object should be of the order of
wavelength of signal for it to be detected. So object
should not be very small.
4. The object should be placed near the rotational axis of
transmitter. At wider angles less reflection takes place.
5. The object should be a good reflecting surface.


This is a very economic technology and can be used in several

other fields as well, few are listed as below:

1. Can be used as parking assistance systems in vehicles with

high power ultrasonic transmitter.
2. Can be used as burglar alarm with suitable additional
software for homes and offices.
3. Can be a used in liquid level measurement.
4. Can be used to find breakdowns in wires or threads.


The importance of the project is calculating accurate distance

from any obstacle that we want to measure. The device can be 220

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