Pronunciation Lesson Plan-Adult Professionals 25 Yo+: Business/Materials Lesson Objectives

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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced
Pronunciation lesson plan-adult professionals 25 yo+
Business/Materials Lesson Objectives
Access to: - Students will recognize the difference between T, D
=MJr9SSJKkII My Fair Lady and TH sounds.
pronunciation -Students will produce the sounds of T, D, and TH.
=wCkONOv2JJM Emma TH
Rachel’s English T and D

minimal pairs lists for T&D and

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Have students repeat after me “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.” Who has heard of
this before? Show video clip from My Fair Lady and pause after each pronunciation lesson
to ask if students can hear the difference between what Audrey Hepburn is saying and what
Rex Harrison wants her to say. After the word stress section, remind students of the James
Earl Jones word stress exercise we did previously with the Field of Dreams baseball movie

You guys don’t have the same problems as she does—not trying to get rid of a Cockney
accent, but this is a great exercise in listening to see if you can hear the difference between the
accents in English. Today we will practice some pronunciation I’ve noticed you all have
difficulties with in your American English accent—T, D, and TH. Next time, we will work on
R and L.

 S
Instruct and Model  R  W  L Rachel’s English T and D

Instruct how T is puff of air and D is voiced. Model speaking words with T vs. D. TH with Emma. Instruct on tongue

position of TH and voiced vs. unvoiced. Model speaking words with TH. Discuss how TH
might be pronounced like a T or D if tongue is too high.

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

Students listen to teacher speak words with T, D, and TH, and students repeat making the

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

Students pair up and read minimal pairs lists to each other. The listener will circle which word
they think the speaker said, so they can test each other.

Assessment R  W  L  S

Students speak tongue twisters out loud for teacher to correct on the spot.

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