Call For Papers: ISSN: 2394 - 0816

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The International Journal of Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics

Engineering (IJACEEE)

ISSN : 2394 – 0816

Call for papers

The International Journal of Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(IJACEEE) is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes quality articles
contributing new results in all areas of Applied Control Systems, Electrical Engineering and
Electronics Engineering.

Topics of Interest

 Adaptive control 
 Advanced computing techniques  Instrumentation and control
 Advanced control techniques component
 Applications of control theory in  Intelligent systems
industry  Linear and nonlinear control
 Automation systems
 Biomedical engineering  Mathematical and computer
 Chaos theory and control modelling
 Communication engineering  Measurement techniques
 Computers and information  Network based systems
technology  Networks and Computing
 Computer vision  Neural networks and fuzzy logic
 Control applications  Optimization and optimal control
 Digital electronics  Pattern recognition
 Digital image processing  Power Electronics
 Digital signal processing  Power Systems
 Electric energy and automation  Process control and
 Electronics and communication instrumentation
engineering  Robotics and applications
 Evolutionary algorithms  Robust control
 Fault detection and isolation  Sampled-data control systems and
 Filtering digital control
 Flight control and surveillance  Scientific and engineering
systems modeling
 Fuzzy logic and control  Secure communication
 Genetic algorithms and  Signal processing
applications  Soft computing techniques in
 Genetic algorithms and control
evolutionary computing  Stochastic control and filtering
 Guidance control systems  System identification and control
 Image processing  System modeling and control
 Industrial applications  Systems and automation
 Industrial automation  Telecommunications
 Industry, military, space  Transducers
applications  Transformers
Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through Submission
System Submissions must be original and should not have been published
previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this

Important Dates

 Submission Deadline : November 02, 2019

 Notification : December 02, 2019
 Final Manuscript Due : December 10, 2019
 Publication Date : Determined by the Editor-in-Chief

For other details please visit : [email protected]

Submission link:

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