Hidzqi SA - 15A - Assingment 3
Hidzqi SA - 15A - Assingment 3
Hidzqi SA - 15A - Assingment 3
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the following expressions in appropriate
forms. Use each expression only once.
chemical formula, chemical equation, proton, neutron, element, electron, atomic nucleus,
molecule, cation, anion, chemical compound, chemical reaction, chemical bonds, ion, molecule,
atomic number
2. Read the article again. The names of which chemical elements and compounds can
you find there?
Chemical elements: Clor (Cl), Oxygen (O2), Carbon (C)
Chemical Coumpond: Carbo dioxide (CO2), water (H2O)
3. What is the meaning of the following expressions:
Chemical bonds: is two or more elements sharing electrons and resamble
Dense: one pacticle with another particle near each other
Density: decide 1 kg mass in 1 liters volume
Bond together: when atoms of two more different form chemical coumpond.