Recloser and Sectionalizers
Recloser and Sectionalizers
Recloser and Sectionalizers
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Vhiie Pantua
on 29 January 2014
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A recloser is a protection device for electrical distribution networks. It combines a circuit breaker
that trips if an overcurrent is detected (indicating a short circuit somewhere in a section of the
network), with an electronically-controlled reclosing function that automatically restores power
to the affected line if the fault clears itself quickly – which usually happens around 80 percent of
the time.
are an economical solution to sectionalizing large outdoor networks, and often used in locations
where coordination with other devices is difficult.
Sectionalizer senses current flow above a preset level, and when the source-side protective
device opens to de-energize the circuit, the sectionalizer counts the overcurrent interruption.
It provides an additional step of protection without adding a coordinating step to the protective
scheme. Sectionalizers can be used in place of fuses or between the reclosing device and a fuse
without setting changes to other devices.
*Reclosers have two basic functions on the distribution system:
~Reliability and Over current protection
Reclosers are frequently applied to increase reliability, mainly due to three of their benefits:
reclosing capability
Three benefits:
single phase reclosing
automated loop capabilities.
In electric power distribution, a
recloser, or autorecloser
, is a circuit breaker equipped with a mechanism that can automatically close the breaker after it
has been opened due to a fault.
Reclosers are used on overhead distribution systems to detect and interrupt momentary faults.
Since many short-circuits on overhead lines clear themselves, a recloser improves service
continuity by automatically restoring power to the line after a momentary fault.
Why use reclosers?
There is a double incentive for electricity distribution companies to deploy reclosers in their
1. The first is that reclosers prevent transient short circuits from triggering prolonged power
outages. This results in better supply continuity to customers.
2. The second benefit is that reclosers restore power automatically, without requiring an
engineering site visit
are suitable for use on outdoor medium voltage overhead distribution networks, in conjunction
with automatic circuit recloser protection.
Single phase sectionalizers
Three phase sectionlizers
three-phase devices that automatically open all three phases simultaneously for either phase or
ground faults. Combined with a three-phase electronic recloser, they provide a fully automated
economical solution for fault isolation
sectionalizer protects single-phase lines such as branches or taps of a three-phase feeder.
Primarily installed beyond single-phase reclosers, it isolates the fault to the smallest area.
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