Chapter 2 Composting
Chapter 2 Composting
Chapter 2 Composting
Chapter Two
How is the yard used? The use affects the tion! A gasoline lawn mower running for one
amount of space devoted to high-maintenance/ hour emits the same amount of pollution as 40
high waste-producing components, such as lawn new automobiles running for one hour. New reel
and annual flower beds, as opposed to low- mowers are light, quiet, relatively maintenance-
maintenance plantings or paved areas. free, and they don’t blow exhaust. More infor-
Is the level of maintenance provided essential mation about reel mowers is available at
for plant health and a reasonable appearance of
the yard? The amount of yard debris created
can be reduced by mowing, watering, and ferti- During periods of fast growth and wet weather,
lizing less. grasscycling may require more frequent cuttings
What materials can be put to use at home that to avoid heavy deposits of clippings. When not
bagging the clippings, each mowing can take
are currently being disposed?
half the time.
Identify Alternatives
A number of steps can be taken to reduce the
amount of organic wastes generated in home Mulching conserves water and protects soil from
landscapes. The alternatives range from simple erosion and compaction. Many common yard
changes in maintenance procedures to complete clippings make excellent mulches or soft
re-landscaping of yards to create self-sustaining “paving” for paths and play areas. Grass clip-
composting systems. pings, leaves, and pine needles are all suitable
for mulching landscapes. Wood chips from
Landscape Waste Reduction Strategies pruning and removing trees are a natural substi-
tute for “Beauty Bark.” This material can often
Grasscycling be obtained at no cost by calling a tree service.
Grass clippings are the largest single component Yard debris mulches can be applied following
of landscape waste in most yards. Yet it is actu- the same methods described for using compost as
ally healthier for the lawn to leave the clippings mulch (See Figure II-7). Annual flower and veg-
on the lawn than to remove them. It makes etable gardens can be mulched with non-woody
mowing quicker and easier. When grasscycling, materials that break down quickly and tilled un-
it is best to mow every 5 to 7 days in warm sea- der without competing with plants for nitrogen.
sons. However, in wet weather, it is inefficient If woody materials, such as sawdust or wood
to leave the clippings on the lawn. chips, are used in an annual garden, they must be
pulled aside before tilling, or they must be bal-
Letting clippings remain on the ground returns anced by adding a high-nitrogen fertilizer such as
nutrients to the lawn, adds organic matter to reju- blood meal when tilled in.
venate the soil, conserves moisture, and saves
time and money on bagging. Grasscycling does Trees and shrubs can be mulched with one-half
not contribute to build-up of “thatch,” which is to one-inch layers of grass clippings, or with
an accumulation of dead roots and stems. two- to four-inch layers of wood chips, twigs or
pine needles. If layers of fine green materials
It helps to have a lawn mower that is designed to are too thick they can mat down, becoming an-
“mulch” grass clippings back into the turf. aerobic and acting as impenetrable barriers to
Mulching mowers, now widely available, recir- both air and water.
culate the clippings through the blades, chopping
them into tiny pieces and blowing them down Selective Fertilization and Watering
into the grass. Other mowers may be adapted by
modifying the outlet spout to direct clippings Selective use of fertilizers and water, applied at
down rather than out. Reel-type mowers are also the correct time in proper amounts, actually
effective at cutting the clippings small enough so makes lawns healthier and more tolerant of stress
that they are not conspicuous when left on the and produces less waste. Lawns should be ferti-
lawn. They are also a great way to reduce pollu- lized in autumn and winter to encourage strong
from recycled yard debris for potting mixes, large loads of yard debris.
soil amendments, and other garden needs.
Linn and Benton County residents can self-haul
4. Recycling Organic Materials compost to the Process and Recovery, PRC, lo-
cated near the Coffin Butte Landfill.
Recycling organic materials in most cases means
composting. Landscape trimmings and food Curbside Collection
scraps can be composted at home. There are also
commercial alternatives to composting at home. Curbside collection of yard debris is the most
convenient collection method for residents and
A. Commercial Composting the most effective in diverting large volumes of
yard debris from the waste stream. It is also the
There are two commercial composting collection most expensive. In Linn County, curbside col-
methods presently in use in Linn and Benton lection became available in the summer of 1993.
Counties: self-haul to commercial composters Benton County began their program around the
and curbside collection. same time.
1) Advantages and Disadvantages of Wheeled carts are provided for residents to de-
Centralized Composting posit yard debris. Only “clean” yard debris
Home composting is not practical for everyone. should be set out for collection. This includes
Curbside collection and recycling of yard debris the following:
is a sensible alternative for those who do not Grass clippings
have the time or space to make compost. Cen-
tralized composting is also useful for processing
materials that are difficult to handle at home, Brush which is in containers or Bundled
such as brush and woody prunings. The con- Small branches
trolled high-temperature composting conditions
at centralized facilities can assure a high-quality In 2010, it became possible for Corvallis resi-
product from problem materials such as invasive dents to include all food waste in their carts yard
weeds and diseased plants. debris carts. NO garbage, rocks, soil, or other
non-organic materials are allowed.
A major disadvantage of centralized composting
is the expense, effort, and environmental degra- Plastic bags are not allowed in any curbside col-
dation of hauling raw materials to a central loca- lection programs. They are difficult to remove
tion for composting, then hauling material back and are a contaminant in the finished compost.
in the form of finished compost. “Biodegradable” plastic bags are not allowed
either, as they are not all truly biodegradable and
2) Collection they complicate the processing of the material.
Many communities promote the use of sturdy
Many methods are used to collect yard debris, Kraft paper bags which are readily available and
offering varying levels of convenience and ex- compost easily.
pense. Typically, there is a trade-off between
convenience of the collection system and its cost. 3) Commercial Compost Facilities
Self-Haul to a Compost Facility The collection system affects the design of a pro-
cessing facility. The types and amounts of spe-
Self-haul collection systems require individuals cific materials are some of the main factors con-
to take separated yard debris to a composting sidered. Commercial composting uses three ma-
facility. Small fees are charged. Time and haul- jor steps: preprocessing, active composting, and
ing costs can cut the savings in dumping fees for postprocessing.
commercial landscapers if the facility is more
than a few miles from a job site. In addition, Preprocessing
self-haul systems require the use of a truck for
Preprocessing begins with receiving, inspecting,
Some people begin composting to cut down on plants take up a host of minor and trace ele-
the amount of waste in their garbage can. Others ments. The more diverse the materials compost-
are motivated by a desire to use the compost pro- ed, the more likely it is that these elements will
duced. Composting is an excellent waste reduc- be returned to the plants. This does not mean
tion technique because it keeps organic material that the materials will compost more quickly or
out of the waste stream entirely. more thoroughly, but that they will feed the
plants better.
Compost improves the structure of the soil. The
soil is easier to work, has good aeration and wa- b. Non-Compostable Organic Materials
ter retention characteristics, and an increased re-
sistance to erosion. Compost also helps hold ele- Everything that was once alive will compost.
mental plant nutrients until plants are ready to However, not everything belongs in a compost
use them. Soils improved by added compost are pile. Some materials that create problems and
more likely to produce healthy plants able to re- should be kept out of home compost systems are
sist disease and insect attacks. listed in Table II -2.
types of materials and turning the pile frequently. c. Composting Yard Wastes
There are three crucial components to compost- Yard wastes can be composted in simple holding
ing. To live, the microorganisms that make de- units wher e they will sit undistur bed for slow
composition happen need the same basic things decomposition, in turning bins that produce fin-
as humans—oxygen, water, and nutritious food. ished compost in as little as a month, or as
Turning or mixing the compost occasionally will mulches on paths or ar ound planting until
get oxygen into the pile. While the microorgan- they decompose in a year or two.
isms need water, if they have too much water,
they will drown. A good rule of thumb is that Holding units ar e simple container s used to
compost should be as wet as a wrung out rag. store yard and garden waste in an organized way
And lastly, those microorganisms need the right until the materials break down. Using a holding
nutrients in their food. Most things composted unit is the easiest way to compost. It requires no
are either brown or green. Brown material, like turning or other labor except placing wastes into
fallen leaves, are very high in carbon. Green ma- a pile or bin as they are generated.
terials are a rich nitrogen source. A healthy
compost pile needs both types of materials. Mi- Non-woody materials such as grass clippings,
croorganisms need 30 times more carbon than garden weeds, crop wastes, and leaves work best
nitrogen so adding more brown materials makes in these systems. Decomposition can take from
a compost pile function best. A more in-depth six months to two years. However, the process
discussion of the science of composting is in- can be sped up by chopping or shredding wastes,
cluded later in this chapter. mixing green and brown materials, and maintain-
ing proper moisture.
b. Criteria for Selecting a Compost System
Since materials are continuously added to hold-
There are many ways to make compost. Home ing units, they are at various stages of decompo-
compost methods range from mulched paths that sition. Generally, the more finished compost is
are replenished every other year, to turning units at the bottom of the pile, while partially decom-
that are maintained weekly. Many compost sys- posed materials are near the top. Once it is de-
tems can be built with scavenged materials, some termined that finished compost is at the bottom
require nothing but the soil in a garden, and oth- of a holding bin or pile, the compost is ready to
ers cost over $300. be harvested and used. (Finished compost is
somewhat of a personal judgment. It should look
Composting systems are organized by the type of like mulch, have a nice earthy smell, and not be
wastes they process: yard wastes are composted changing very much.) To harvest the compost,
by using them as mulches or in holding and the holding unit is removed from the compost
turning units; vegetative kitchen food wastes are pile and placed next to it. Yard wastes are then
composted either through soil incorporation or in forked from the top of the old pile into the bot-
worm bins. Turning units also may be used to tom of the empty holding unit until rich compost
compost kitchen and yard waste together in a hot is found. The compost can be used and the hold-
pile for those willing to turn the piles regularly. ing unit is ready to receive additional yard
Usually, food wastes should be composted in wastes.
closed systems separately from yard wastes to
keep rodents and other pests from becoming a Holding units can be made of light materials so
problem in the open, longer-standing yard waste they may be easily taken apart and moved
composting systems. Yard wastes are generally around the garden. Some examples of holding
not susceptible to pest problems, so they may be units include circles of snow fencing or hardware
composted in a variety of open systems. The cloth, old wooden pallets lashed together, or wire
style depends on what materials are to be recy- framed in wood. More permanent holding areas
cled, how much space is available, when com- can be made by stacking cinder blocks or mortar-
post is needed, and what it will be used for. ing bricks or rocks together. It is helpful to have
two of these stationary bins, one to use for fresh
wastes while the other is curing.
Sod also can be composted in a holding system, composted. These units can be expensive to buy
with or without a structure. Simply pile freshly or build. However, the effort and expense is re-
stripped sod roots up, grass down. Make sure it warded with large quantities of compost pro-
is thoroughly wet, and cover with black plastic to duced in a short time.
keep light out. Sod takes one to three years to
decompose completely. Decomposition of sod Non-woody yard wastes, along with vegetable
piles can be shortened to as little as six months wastes from the kitchen, may be composted in
by adding a high-nitrogen fertilizer such as cot- turning units. Composting in these units is most
tonseed meal or ammonium sulphate. Covered efficiently done in batches. Materials should be
piles are also an effective way to kill quack grass stockpiled until enough are on hand to make a
and some other noxious weeds. pile that fills a 3 ft. by 3 ft. by 3 ft. bin, or almost
fills a barrel composter. (To reduce odors and
Turning Units ar e typically a ser ies of bins pests, food wastes should be stored in a sealed
used for building and turning hot compost piles. container until enough materials are available to
An alternative turning system is a horizontally make a large pile.)
mounted rotation barrel. A turning unit allows
wastes to be conveniently mixed for regular aera- Gather all the materials needed to make a
tion. This speeds composting by providing bac- pile that is at least 3 cubic feet. Use both
teria with the air they need to break down materi- green and brown materials to approximate
als. Turning systems require frequent mainte- the 30:1 carbon to nitrogen balance.
nance and involve preparation of the wastes to be
Increase decomposition rate of the materials A rotating barrel composter may be made from a
by running them through a shredder or chop 55-gallon drum with a loading door cut and
them with a spade or machete on a piece of hinged. Aeration holes must be cut at the ends or
plywood. Brown leaves may be run over around the barrel. A variety of rotating barrel
with a rotary lawn mower to break them composters is available commercially. Avoid
down. barrel units made entirely from metal perforated
Start building the pile with a 4- to 6-inch with 1" holes, as they leave materials dry or
base of brown material. If the pile is going to clumped together. Ideally, barrel units should
sit for a few weeks or more, use coarse mate- have flat sides, or "fins" inside to lift and drop
rial (small branches, corn stalks, straw) for materials as the barrel is turned.
this base layer to let air into the pile. Mois-
ten materials. Mulches ar e or ganic mater ials spr ead over
Next, add a 4- to 6-inch layer of green mate- the surface of the soil to suppress weeds, keep
plant roots cool and moist, and prevent soil from
rials. If the greens are not very fresh, sprin-
kle on a small amount of blood meal or cot- eroding or compacting. Mulches are used
around plants in the garden, or as a soft "paving"
tonseed meal, poultry manure, or other high-
for paths and play areas. An ideal mulch materi-
nitrogen source. Fresh grass clippings should
al is one that costs nothing, is easy to keep in
be used in thin layers. Mix the green and
place, and reduces evaporation of soil moisture
brown layers together so bacteria can feed on
while permitting rapid penetration of water.
both simultaneously.
There are a great variety of organic and inorganic
These piles should be monitored and turned after
temperatures have peaked and begun to fall, in materials that can be used for mulching. In this
4 to 7 days; then turned a second time when the manual, only organic mulches will be discussed.
Some common organic materials used for mulch-
temperature peaks again, 4 to 7 days later. Com-
es include: wood chips, lawn clippings, com-
post processed this way will be ready in 3 weeks.
post, sawdust, leaves from deciduous trees and
Rotating barrel units do not need layering; mate-
shrubs, manure, and pine needles. It is also pos-
rial can be thrown in and mixed up. If rotating
sible to mulch with commercial by-products such
barrel composters are turned every 2 to 4 days,
as coffee chaff and buckwheat hulls, or straw.
compost will be ready to use in 2 to 3 weeks.
The focus here will be on using organic wastes
that are readily available in and around our
These materials are suitable for surface mulching corporating them into the soil where they will
around trees, shrubs, and other perennial plant- break down to fertilize established or future
ings. However, in annual flower and vegetable plantings, by placing them in worm bins that pro-
gardens, it is best to mulch with non-woody ma- duce high quality "castings" for use on plants
terials such as lawn clippings, compost, and oth- indoors or out, or layering them in hot piles
er green garden trimmings. Non-woody materi- along with yard wastes as described in the previ-
als break down quickly and can then be turned ous section. Food wastes incorporated into the
under without competing with plants for the ni- soil can take from one month to one year to de-
trogen that bacteria need to break down woody compose fully. It takes worms three to six
wastes. If woody wastes are used in an annual months to transform a bin of wastes into ver-
garden, they should be pulled aside before tilling micompost. Hot piles can compost a mixed
so that they do not use up nitrogen that plants load of food and yard wastes in three weeks.
need. If woody wastes are tilled in, they must be
balanced by adding a high-nitrogen source such Soil incorporation is the simplest method for
as blood meal. composting food waste. A hole is dug one foot
deep, and the food wastes are chopped and
The material most commonly used for mulching mixed into the soil, then covered with at least 8
commercial landscaping is ground bark ("beauty inches of additional soil. (Pet wastes can also be
bark”). A more natural looking alternative is the buried in the soil as long as it is done in orna-
chipped waste from tree pruning and removal mental gardens, not vegetable gardens.)
operations. This material can often be obtained Depending on soil temperature, the number of
for free by calling a tree service. If one has tree micro-organisms in the soil, and the carbon con-
work done at home, the tree service may be will-
ing to leave the chips. Any leaves left with the
branches will decompose in a short time, adding
to the beauty of the variegated mulch. Wood
chip makes an excellent path and play area mate-
rial, as it decomposes slowly and softens the sur-
d. Composting Food
Non-fatty food wastes may be composted by in-
zone, and will benefit most from nutrients added plywood. Brown leaves may be run over
there. Food wastes also may be buried in a fal- with a rotary lawn mower to break them
low area of an annual garden, or a trench may be down.
dug and filled with soil as food waste is added. Start building the pile with a 4- to 6-inch
base of brown material. If the pile is going
In English gardens a form of soil incorporation to sit for a few weeks or more, use coarse
known as "pit and trench" composting is prac- material (small branches, corn stalks, straw)
ticed (illustrated in Figure II-5). This is a simple for this base layer to let air into the pile.
three-year rotation of soil incorporation of kitch- Moisten materials.
en wastes, growing crops, and path making. In Next, add a 4- to 6-inch layer of green mate-
the first season a trench is dug, filled with food rials. If the greens are not very fresh, sprin-
wastes and covered. At the same time, another kle on a small amount of blood meal or cot-
row is used to grow crops and a third is used as a tonseed meal, poultry manure, or other high-
path. In the second year the fertile soil of the nitrogen source. Fresh grass clippings
former compost trench is used to grow crops, the should be used in thin layers. Mix the green
former crop row is used as a path, and the path is and brown layers together so bacteria can
dug as a new trench. After a third year of rota- feed on both simultaneously.
tion, the cycle starts over. This form of compost- Continue alternating and mixing layers of
ing keeps the garden perpetually fertile with a
green and brown materials, adding water and
small organizational effort.
extra green materials as needed, until the
pile is 3 to 4 feet high (fill the bin).
Anaerobic composters, such as the Gedye bin,
can also be used to decompose both food and Close bin or cover pile and wait.
yard waste. In anaerobic composting, bacteria Monitor temperature in the interior of the
break down the organic material without the ad- pile regularly. It should peak between 120o
dition of oxygen. This type of composting re- to 160o F in 5 to 10 days.
tains more nitrogen while producing methane but When the temperature begins to decrease,
does not reach temperatures high enough to kill turn the pile. Take materials from the outer
weed seeds or pathogens. edges and top off the pile and place them at
the base and middle of the new pile. Those
Anaerobic systems usually consist of a closed from the middle should be on the outside
bin or dark plastic bag which is filled with vege- edges and top of the new pile.
tative waste, moistened, closed, and placed in the Continue monitoring the temperature in the
sun for 10 to 12 weeks. To avoid animal pests it pile.
is best to cover the bottom of the composting bin About one week later, the temperature of the
with wire mesh. pile should peak. Turn the pile again. After
another week, the compost should be fin-
Hot compost piles ar e the only safe way to ished. Piles made this way without food
compost food and yard wastes together without wastes do not need to be turned; they will be
pest problems. They are also the best way to kill finished in 3 to 4 months.
soil diseases and weed seeds in compost, and to
produce compost in a short period. Not everyone Vermicomposting (wor m bin composition)
wants or needs to make hot compost piles. Here uses redworms in an enclosed container to con-
is a recipe for those who do: vert vegetable and fruit scraps into a nutrient-rich
soil amendment called worm castings.
Gather all the materials needed to make a pile
that is at least 3 cubic feet. Use both green and Materials needed
brown materials to approximate the 30:1 carbon
to nitrogen balance. A container
To increase decomposition rate of the mate- Red worms
rials, run them through a shredder or chop Kitchen scraps
them with a spade or machete on a piece of
made by using almost any container that is an Worm bins are fun and an interesting way to
appropriate size, prevents light from entering, compost non-fatty kitchen wastes. In addition,
has air vents, and is covered. Surface area is they compost the newsprint, cardboard, or other
more important than depth for a worm system. wastes used as bedding. Worm bins are most
Generally, one square foot of surface is required efficient if sized and stocked according to the
for every pound of food waste to be composted amount of waste to be handled. Mary Appelhof's
per week. book “Worms Eat My Garbage” provides infor-
mation on how to determine what size a worm
Bedding: bin should be, and the amount of bedding and
worms required for an efficient system. Another
Suitable bedding materials include shredded source of information on worms and worm com-
newspaper or cardboard, dry leaves, straw, peat posting is the “Worm Digest.”
moss, and wood shavings.
3) Compost Uses
Compost is a much needed resource. It is not
only useful to the home gardener, but is essential
The most popular redworm used for vermicom- to the restoration of landscapes where topsoil has
posting is Eisenia fetida. In nature, redworms been removed or destroyed during construction
are surface dwellers that live in the top layer of or mining operations. Compost is increasingly
soil under the organic debris that is their food. being applied to agricultural and forest lands that
By creating suitable living conditions, one can have been depleted of their organic matter. The
take advantage of the redworm’s ability to recy- most common use of compost today is probably
cle organic matter. in topsoil mixes used in the landscape industry.
Worms eat half their weight in food scraps and Compost is typically applied:
about an equal amount of bedding each day. A 1. To mulch or “top dress” planted trees.
bin that starts with about a 1 pound of worms 2. To amend soil prior to planting.
will need to be fed a handful of food every other 3. To amend potting mixes.
day. As worms multiply the food supply should
be increased.
limits of the container, it is essential to amend create compost. Inseparable from these dead res-
compost-based potting mixes with a “complete” idues are the living microorganisms that decom-
pose, or digest, them. The length of the process
fertilizer to provide an adequate supply of macro depends on several factors: density of the mate-
nutrients (N-P-K). Simple “recipes” for making rial, amount of surface area exposed, balance of
your compost mixes are shown in Figure II-9. carbon and nitrogen, and envir onmental con-
ditions such as moisture, air, and temperature.
4) Troubleshooting These factors, in various combinations, set the
stage for the cast of characters--bacteria, fungi,
The troubleshooting chart, Table II-4, is based millipedes, earthworms, and other living inhabit-
on information found in the book Home Com- ants of the compost pile--and determine the
posting Made Easy by C. Forrest McDowell and speed at which these characters perform.
Tricia Clark-McDowell, and The Incredible
Heap: A Guide to Compost Gardening by Stu The process of decomposition is a very complex
Campbell. but natural one. There are many organisms that
are responsible for the breakdown of organic
5) Why Composting Works- matter. Although most are not seen by the hu-
Technical Information man eye, they are there throughout the process.
Others that are large enough to see are usually
Chemical and biological factors affect the de- associated with the later breakdown stages.
composition of organic materials.
Not all bugs are bad. In fact, all bugs play a role
a. The Life Cycle of a Heap in nature. Many compost pile organisms eat oth-
The decomposition and recombining of various er organisms and turn them into compost. At
forms of plant and animal life (organic matter) least one-third of the volume in a compost pile is
made up of the dead, decomposed bodies of soil
organisms. Still, a compost pile shouldn’t allow ducing at an incredible rate. One gram of bacte-
in any old bugs. ria can become about 450 grams of bacteria in
only three hours.
First time composters may be surprised by the
size and complexity of the community of small There are many kinds of specialized bacteria op-
organisms residing in a compost pile. These or- erating in different temperature ranges.
ganisms, which include many insects, bugs, Psychrophilic bacter ia wor k best in temper a-
slugs, bacteria, and fungi, form what is called a tures of about 55 degrees F, but can stay on the
"food web" (Figure II-10). In the food web, each job even in near freezing conditions. This is why
organism has a job to do in turning organic waste a compost pile sinks in the winter; these bacteria
into dark, crumbly finished compost. are busy breaking down organic matter. As these
cooler bacteria go to work, their activity actually
The food web decomposition process includes: begins to heat up the pile.
Level One - primary consumers. Organisms The increased temperature creates the ideal con-
that shred organic matter and the microscopic ditions for the next type of bacteria to arrive.
organisms that eat the shredded organic resi-
dues. Mesophilic bacter ia wor k best in temper a-
Level Two - secondary consumers. Organ- tures of about 70 degrees F to 90 degrees F, but
isms that eat level one organisms. can stay on the job in even hotter conditions. The
Level Three - tertiary consumers. Organisms activity of mesophilic bacteria can heat the pile
that eat level two organisms. up to temperatures greater than 110 degrees F.
All members of the compost food web are very Thermophilic bacter ia become active when
beneficial to a compost pile and should be left the temperature reaches between 104 degrees F
alone to do their work. They need each other to to 200 degrees F. If a compost pile steams in the
survive. If any of the member organisms are re- morning or on a frosty day, it's because these
moved by using insecticides, their natural cycle bacteria are busy at work decomposing the or-
is disrupted and the compost is contaminated ganic waste. These bacteria generally last for up
with insecticide residues. to five days and then the pile begins to cool.
Level One - Primary Consumers As the psychrophiles eat away at organic matter,
they give off a small amount of heat. If condi-
This level is made up of herbivores: bacteria, tions are right for rapid growth, this heat will be
fungi, actinomycetes, nematodes, mites, snails, sufficient to set the stage for the mesophiles. In
slugs, earthworms, millipedes, sowbugs, and many compost piles, these efficient mid-range
worms. Note that some types of mites are carni- bacteria do most of the work. However, given
vores. optimal conditions, they may produce enough
heat to kick in the real hot shots–the thermo-
The most productive members of a compost philes.
pile's food web are the bacteria, which are chem-
ical decomposers. As a group, they can eat near- Although at first they are the most active decom-
ly anything. Some are so adaptable that they can posers, the bacteria are not alone in all of this
use more than a hundred different organic com- work. Other microbes, fungi, and a host of in-
pounds as their source of carbon due to their vertebrate decomposers also take part. Some are
ability to produce a variety of enzymes. Usually, active in the heating cycle, but most other organ-
they can produce the appropriate enzyme to di- isms prefer the cooler temperatures of later de-
gest whatever material they find themselves on. composition.
Every piece of organic matter placed in the pile After temperatures go down, the decomposing
is covered with varying amounts of bacteria. As pile becomes a real zoo. Larger organisms,
they digest the organic material and break it many of them feeding on the piles' earlier inhab-
down into its basic elements, they are also repro- itants, add diversity to the action.
pile is relatively cool. Ants prey on first-level mites, larvae, and small earthworms.
consumers, and help benefit the composting pro-
cess by bringing fungi and other organisms into Earwigs ar e lar ge pr edator s, easily
their nests. The work of ants can make compost seen with the naked eye. They move
richer in phosphorus and potassium by moving about quickly. Some are predators, oth-
minerals from one place to another. ers feed chiefly on decayed vegetation. Earwig
Compost pile does not heat up Too Wet: compost materials are Turn the pile, adding dry absorbent mate-
soggy; not enough air. rial (carbon or “brown”) like straw or
corn stalks
Too Dry: not enough moisture. Moisten pile without saturating it.
The pile is damp and warm right in Turn pile, adding nitrogen-rich materials
the middle, but nowhere else. Pile is such as manure, grass clippings, fresh
not decomposing. leaves, or vegetable or fruit wastes.
Ammonia smell Too much nitrogen (green matter such If nitrogen problem: turn pile and add
as grass clippings) in the pile or the more carbon (brown) material.
pile is too alkaline (possibly too much
limestone added). If alkaline related: turn pile and add acid
material like sawdust, oak leaves, or veg-
etable scraps.
“Rotten Egg” smell Pile is too wet and there isn’t enough Turn pile to aerate it and add dry carbon
oxygen. (brown) materials to absorb excessive
The center is dry and contains tough, Not enough water in pile. Turn and moisten; add fresh green wastes;
woody wastes. Too much woody material. chop or shred.
Pests (rats, raccoons, fruit flies, etc.) Rodents and raccoons are attracted to Remove meat/fatty foods from pile. Turn
meat and fatty food scraps like cheese pile to increase temperature. Balance
and other dairy products. carbon to nitrogen ratio. Use rodent-
proof bin; keep lid on, put ¼-inch wire
mesh on bottom or sides and insure air
venting holes are less than ½-inch diame-
Flies, gnats, etc. are attracted to un- Don’t leave exposed! Mix or cover with
covered wastes, especially fruits, mel- carbon (brown) materials, finished com-
ons, and vegetables. post, or some soil.
The pile is damp and sweet-smelling, Lack of nitrogen in pile. Mix in fresh grass clippings or nitrogen
but will not heat up. Compost is done! fertilizer.
Source: New Brunswick Department of the Environment, "Black Magic, The Composting Handbook"
tion." Rats are probably the least-wanted guests guidelines; they are not accurate for every mate-
of all. With a hospitable environment and plenty rial of that type. For instance brown grass clip-
of food, their numbers increase quickly and they pings from a poorly kept lawn will have far less
may become transmitters of disease. So, it is im- nitrogen content than lush green clippings from
portant to compost food wastes by burying them an abundantly fertilized lawn. Also, the leaves
in the garden, in rodent-proof worm bins, or in from different types of trees vary in the C:N bal-
hot compost piles. Always keep high-protein ance. It helps to think of materials high in nitro-
and fatty food wastes out of the compost pile gen as "Greens," and woody, carbon-rich materi-
(meat and fish scraps, bones, cheeses, butter, and al as “Browns.”
other dairy products).
Table II-5. Average Carbon:Nitrogen
Many flies, including house flies, can spend their Ratios for Organic Materials
larval phase as maggots in decomposing food
wastes. Though they play an important part in High Nitrogen Materials: C:N
the breaking down of all types of organic debris,
they are unwanted guests around human house- Grass Clippings 19:1
holds. There are several ways to control their
numbers: frequently turn compost piles that con- Sewage Sludge (digested) 16:1
tain food (larvae die at high temperatures); cover Food Wastes 15:1
piles with a dry material that has a high carbon
content, such as straw or old grass clippings; or Cow Manure 20:1
avoiding composting food wastes in yard waste Horse Manure 25:1
High Carbon Materials: C:N
c. Carbon-to-Nitrogen Ratios:
"Greens" and "Browns" Leaves and Foliage 40-80:1
All living organisms are made up of large Bark 100-130:1
amounts of the element carbon (C) combined Paper 170:1
with smaller amounts of nitrogen (N). The bal-
ance of these elements in a material is called the Wood and Sawdust 300-700:1
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N). This r atio is
an important factor in determining how easily
bacteria can decompose an organic waste. The The best way to become familiar with this bal-
micro-organisms in compost use carbon for ener- ancing is to be specific about it at first, then relax
gy and nitrogen for protein synthesis. The pro- into an intuitive assessment of what a pile needs.
portion of these two elements used by the bacte- Some people like to think in terms of half brown
ria averages about 30 parts carbon to 1 part nitro- and half green material when building a compost
gen. Given a steady diet at this 30:1 ratio, they pile out of kitchen and yard wastes. While this
can work on organic material very quickly. may not give the optimum C:N balance, it is a
useful rule of thumb for those new to composting
Most materials available for composting do not and not familiar with the materials.
have this ratio, so to speed-up composting, our
job is to balance the numbers. For instance, a It can be thought of like a chef varying the in-
mixture containing equal parts of brown tree gredients for a recipe. Be curious, write down
leaves (40:1 ratio) and grass clippings (20:1 ra- the type and quantity of materials used, and take
tio) would have the ideal 30:1 ratio. This will note of the temperature the pile reaches and the
work best on a weight, not volume, basis. Mix- quality of the finished compost. After a while,
ing materials of different sizes and textures also the process becomes no more technical than
helps to provide a well-drained and well-aerated making a cake.
compost pile.
Actually, building a compost pile is often com-
The C:N ratios listed in Table II-5 are only pared to making a layer cake. Materials can be
added in 2- to 6-inch layers. Water and amend- A melting block of ice is a great analogy for or-
ments can be added between layers, like frosting. ganic materials in compost. When the block is
Alternating layers of "greens" and "browns" large it melts quite slowly, but when it is broken
helps to proportion carbon and nitrogen through- into smaller pieces the surface area increases,
out the pile. After two layers are placed, they and the melting increases. Similarly, when or-
should be mixed together. This ensures speedy ganic materials are chopped or shredded into
multiplication of bacteria. smaller pieces, the composting process speeds
up. With more surface area exposed, decompos-
A pile that is too high in carbon will stay cool er bacteria have more food easily available so
and sit a long time without breaking down. A they can reproduce and grow more quickly.
pile too high in nitrogen will give off the smell
of ammonia gas, and is also likely to get slimy
and have a foul odor. The decomposition pro- It is not essential to break organic materials into
cess is working on everything organic, and with small pieces to compost them, it just speeds the
time to wait and space to keep these materials, process. Sometimes, such as when using mulch-
eventually the reward will be compost. es, slow decomposition is advantageous. It
can certainly be less work!
d. Surface Area
Mulches are organic materials placed on the soil
Figure II-10. Food web at the compost pile. (Source: The Ecology of Compost, Daniel Dindal,
Chapter II
Composting and Vermicomposting