Voter's ID, Senior Citizen's ID, Driver's License, Passport, Etc.)
Voter's ID, Senior Citizen's ID, Driver's License, Passport, Etc.)
Voter's ID, Senior Citizen's ID, Driver's License, Passport, Etc.)
Laoag City
University Physician/Private Physician
I hereby understand that this educational tour is not mandatory to all students although it is
part of the curriculum of the students.
I further understand that there are risks of physical injury associated with participation in these
activities. In case of injury or serious illness, I authorize qualified emergency medical
professionals to examine and administer emergency care to the student. I understand every effort
will be made to contact me to explain the nature of the problem prior to any involved treatment. In
the event it becomes necessary to give emergency care to the student, neither he/she nor the school
assumes financial liability for expenses incurred by reason of the accident, injury, illness and/or
unforeseen circumstances. This activity is an extension of the school education program and the
student’s conduct is to be in accordance with the school’s published rules and regulations.
Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
Date Signed
Contact Number
I pledge that my conduct will, at all times, reflect credit upon myself, my parents, and my
school. I understand that the school’s rule of conduct apply while on the trip.
Signature over Printed Name of Student
Date Signed
__________________________________ ____________________________________
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Laoag, this __________________
personally appeared _______________________________ (Name of Parent/Guardian) with
government-issued ID ______________________ (Type of ID) ID No. _____________________
issued on ___________________ at ______________________, known to me and to me known to be
the same person who executed the foregoing instrument, and he/she acknowledged that the same is
his/her voluntary act and deed. This instrument consists of two (2) pages and has been signed on each
and every page hereof.