Grade 9 Science 3rd Grading

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Division of Romblon

School Year 2015 – 2016
Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Score:
General Directions: Read the sentences or questions carefully. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the
best answer.

1. What should geologist do about volcanic

eruptions in the future?
A. Monitor and study volcanoes to find
out more about how and why they
erupt. 5. As shown in the illustration below, how
B. Conduct intensive study on the do volcanoes erupt?
distribution of volcanoes around the A. Magma needs to small amount heat
world. and pressure to escape out.
C. Educate people about the historical B. Molten rocks inside the earth become
records of people living the area. colder and pressure increases causing
D. Present complete information about the volcano to erupt.
the topographic feature of the land. C. Lower temperature or increase in
pressure causes magma to form faster.
For questions2-3, consider the diagram D. The magma within the earth becomes
below. lighter as it heats up and rises until it
2. Which of the following statements is NOT pushes to the surface of the earth.
associated with volcanoes?
A. Volcanoes give off hot gases.
B. Volcanoes have opening on top and
emits melted rocks
C. Volcanoes are randomly distributed
over the surface of the earth.
D. Volcanoes are classified in terms of
their eruption. 6. Volcanic eruption is associated with
different factors. Which of the following
3. What part of a volcano is indicated by the statement/s is/are CORRECT?
arrow in the figure below? A. Large amounts of gas and high
A. vent B. slope
C. summitL D. viscosity magma will form an
explosive eruption.
a B. Small amounts of gas and (or) low
viscosity (runny) magma will form an

v effusive eruption
C. When lava reaches the surface, it
flows depends on the humidity of the
a atmosphere.
D. Both A and B are correct.

4. Volcanic eruptions often change 7. Which of the following phenomena best

atmospheric conditions. Which of the explains the lowering of the earth’s
following statements is INCORRECT? atmosphere during volcanic eruption?
A. Cause climate warming over a long A. Ash and gases block the sunlight.
term (decades) basis.
B. Cause temporary (few years) cooling B. Molten rock releases water droplets.
of the earth.
C. Only cause additional climate C. Emission of magma lowers the
warming after the temperature humidity.
recovers from the cooling period. D. Pressure inside tends to lower the
D. Emission of ash and gases block temperature.
sunlight that lower atmospheric
8. Which of the following is NOT associated
with explosive eruption of volcanoes? 12. Mt. Bulusan has erupted recently. What
A. high silica content can you say about Mt. Bulusan?
A. dormant C. active
B. high water content B. extinct D. explosive

C. high temperature of magma 13. What do you call the volcanoes that
D. high humidity inside the earth’s haven’t erupted in recorded history and
surface showed no signs of eruption?
A. dormant C. active
B. extinct D. explosive

14. During eruption, a volcano thrusts out

different objects and substances. Which of
For item no. 9, refer to figure below. the following products of eruption can
cause damage to the environment most
especially to the people?
A. lava and tephra C. ash and
B. water, rock and mud D. all of the

9. How will you classify this volcano? 15. Which of the following refers to dormant
I. A cinder cone volcano has steep sides volcanoes?
and is loosely packed. A. no activity recorded in history
II. A stratovolcano because it has steep B. have errupted in recen history
sides, due to lava’s high viscosity. C. currently errupting
III. It is a shield volcano because it has a D. show signs of activity, but have not
broad, slightly domed structure. errupted in recent history because ”it
IV. It is a composite volcano because it is sleeping”
has a large, nearly perfect slope 16. Which of the following is an active
structure volcano?
A.Cocoro B. Mayon C. Pulung D. Urot
A. I only C. II and III
B. IV only D. II and IV 17. What is a volcano?
A. the highest peak in a mountain range
10. Given the following figures below. Which B. a flat surface on the earth’s crust
one illustrates the Plinian type of volcano? C. a character on a star trek
D. a thin spot in the earth’s crust

For item 18, refer to the figure below.

18. How is energy from volcanoes tapped as

I II III an alternative source of energy?
A. Collection of heat > steam>
A. I C. III mechanical energy >electrical energy
B. II D. II and III B. Collection of heat > steam> electrical
energy >mechanical energy
11. What type of volcano is formed by the C. Collection of steam > heat > electrical
accumulation of lava that oozes out from energy >mechanical energy
the inside? D. Collection of steam > heat >
A. shield C. composite mechanical energy > electrical energy
B. cinder D. dome
For item 19, refer to the figure below. 22. Give the temperature - elevation
relationship of an atmosphere as
illustrated in the proceeding diagram.

19. How will you describe the condition of

magma’s viscosity?
A. Lava with low amount of gas and high
silica content is very viscous and does
not flow out at all as it rises forming, a
columnar plug in the vent. A. Temperature decreases with elevation
B. Lava with low amount of gas raises becomes higher.
high viscosity that it piles up at a vent B. Temperature increases as elevation
resulting in a dome. also increases.
C. Lava with less silica content has low C. Elevation is directly proportional with
viscosity that it can travel a great temperature.
distance, forming a thin sheet. D. Elevation and temperature has no
D. Lava with high silica content is too relationship.
viscous to travel far, and tends to
break up as it flows. 23. Which of the following is the best practice
to reduce negative effects of climate
20. Based on the graph below, which sample change?
liquid is the most viscous? A. using of motorbikes C. burning of
2 plastic
Ti B. practicing the 3R’s D. animal
e6 For questions no 24 – 25, see figure below.

ra Ketchup Soysauce Mayonnaise Fruit S U N
( liquid samples)
A. ketchup C. mayonnaise
B. soysauce D. fruit juice 24. Sun’s ray spread out over the earth at
higher latitude. What does it mean?
21. As illustrated in the diagram below, why A. Wide distribution of sunlight,
does latitude affect climate? temperature becomes higher
B. The heat is less concentrated so
climate is cooler.
C. Sun’s ray is being scattered and makes
climate becomes cooler
D. Both B and C are correct.

A. Different latitudes receive different 25. The farther you travel away from the
amounts of equator the cooler it gets. Why is this so?
solar energy. A. This is because the Earth is curved
B. Solar energy directly affects the that’s why it is hot at the equator and
temperature and wind patterns of a very cold at the poles.
region. B. This is because the tilting of the earth
C. Higher altitude have higher is too fast.
temparature and C. This is because the sun rays hitting
relative humidity. the Earth at higher latitude are spread
D. Both A and B are correct. out over a concentrated area.
D. This is because over the equator the
rays are not randomly spread out into
a smaller area.
For item no. 26 – 27, refer to table below. 2
Name of Elevation Annual 2
Place above Sea average
level (m) temperature
Bacolod 10 27.5
Baguio 1400 16.0 A. The sun heats up the earth’s surface
Laoag 20 27.3 and radiated back into the earth’s
Manila 10 29.4 atmosphere.
B. Water droplets on land evaporate and
Tacloban 20 27.7
form clouds.
Tagaytay 640 22.7 C. Thermal energy strike on the earth’s
Zamboanga 30 27.6 surface producing high temperature.
D. Both B and C are correct.
26. Among the following places, which one
has the coldest climate? 32. Brightness of the stars depends on the
A. Laoag C. Zamboanga following factors EXCEPT
B. Tagaytay D. Baguio A. The temperature of the star
B. The star’s distance from Earth
27. Air pressure changes with altitude. Based C. The star’s size
from the table above, which area has the D. The density of the star
highest air pressure?
A. Manila C. Laoag 33. What will happen if there is an excessive
B. Tagaytay D. Zamboanga air pollutant in the atmosphere such as
SO2, CO2 and NO2?
28. Which of the following is TRUE about A. Continuous Climate Change
climate? B. Relative Humidity lowered
A. Climate is the average weather over C. Temperature will fluctuate from time
many years. to time
B. Climates are affected by latitude, D. Green House effect occur
altitude, distance from the sea, ocean
currents and prevailing winds. 34. Why are inland areas hotter than coastal
C. Many areas around the world have areas in summer (please see figure
similar climates below)?
D. All of the above

29. Many people visit the summer capital of

the Philippines which is Baquio City
during summer days because of its cold
weather. Which of the following
statements explain the Phenomenon?
A. Because of Latitude
B. Because of altitude I. Wind moves from high to low
C. Because of topography pressure and as it travels over sea
D. Because of distance from the ocean it picks up water so is able to rain.
II. As air cools it moves towards the
30. Which side of the mountain often receives sea creating high pressure causing
the most precipitation? the temperature to decrease.
A. leeward side C. windward III. Wind moves from high to low
side pressure and as it travels over the
B. rain shadow D. peak area land it does not picks up water
creating dry weather.
IV. Sea is cooler than the land in the
dry season because air over the
land heats up and rises, creating
31. How will you describe the illustration low pressure.
A. I only B. II only C.III only D.
35. During night time, we see a visible pattern B. Vega, Sirius D. Sun, Alpha
of stars outlining the shapes of animals, Centauri
objects and people. They are referred to
as ______________. 39. The table above shows the color and
A. earth B. sun C. constellation D. temperature range of the stars. Which
stars among is the brightest one?
A. Arcturus, Aldebaran C. Polaris,
B. Vega, Sirius D. Zeta Orionis

36. Which of these is TRUE about 40. The illustration below shows an
constellation? imaginary group of stars that forms a
A. Constellations are fixed arrangements figure of an animal. What constellation is
of stars that resemble animals, being represented by the given figure?
objects, and mythological figures.
B. Stars in a constellation are physically
C. Positions of stars change very slowly;
constellations will look the same for
thousands of years
D. Constellations have names that can be
traced back to early Babylonians and
Greek civilizations A. Bootes B. Cancer C. Leo D.
37. Refer to table below. Which of the
41. The constellation Cetus changes its
following statements is TRUE about the
position during night time as shown in
two stars?
the diagram below.
Star Apparent Distance ( d)
Brightness ( B)
A 10 1
B 1 10
Cetus Cetus
A. Star A is 10 times more luminous than
B. Star B is 10 times more luminous than
C. Luminosity of both stars depend on
the apparent brightness
D. Star A and B has an equal brightness Which motion is mainly responsible for this
change in position?
For questions no. 38 – 39. Please refer to the A. Revolution of Earth around the sun.
table below. B. Rotation of Earth on its axis.
C. Revolution of Cetus around the Sun.
Colour Temp. Range Examples D. Rotation of Cetus on its axis.
( O C)
Blue 25000 – 50 000 Zeta Orionis 42. How did ancient people make use of the
Bluish-white 11 000 – 25 000 Rigel, Spica
A. It served as their calendar for their
White 7 500 - 11 000 Vega, Sirius agricultural activities.
Yellowish-white 6 000 - 7 500 Polaris, Procyon B. It is used as their marriage guide.
C. It is utilized for navigation purposes
Yellow 5 000 - 6 000 Sun, Alpha D. Both A and C are correct
Orange 3 500 - 5 000 Arcturus, 43. Why are some constellations not seen at
Aldebaran certain months?
A. Because of the revolution of the
38. Which of the following stars/group of earth
stars is the hottest?
B. Because of the fluctuating air
A. Zeta, Oriones C. Rigel, Spica
C. Because of the rotation of the sun D. Visible any time at night because
around the earth star x is powerful.
D. Because of the relative humidity in
the atmosphere. 49. Two sources of light that are positioned in
different distances from the reference
44. As we observe during night time, the stars point resulted to different brightness.
in the sky seem moving. Which of the Why is this so?
following explains this phenomenon? A. Absolute brightness and distance
A. Because the night sky is keep on affect brightness
moving. B. Shape and size of the sources are the
B. Because the universe is constantly key factors.
expanding. C. Position and material used affects
C. Because of the rotation of the earth brightness
around its axis. D. Presence of air resistance and
D. Because a group of stars releases humidity block the brightness
luminous content.
50. Refer to the figure below. During
45. Which of the following statements best winter, what constellations can be
explains why stars have different colors as seen by an observer from earth?
perceived by our naked eye?
A. Because of the pull of gravity Leo
B. Because continuously rotation of the
sun around the earth Orion
C. Because of their different Scorpio
D. Both A and B are correct

46. Which of the following stars is commonly Cygnus

known as North Star and are considered Taurus
as the brightest in the constellation
Ursa Minor? A. Cygnus & Taurus C. Orion and
A. Cygnus C. Hydra Leo
B. Polaris D. Pisces B. Scorpio & Cygnus D. Taurus and

47. Which of the following statements is NOT

TRUE about the different star patterns
through the year?
A. Pegasus could be seen in September
but not in other months.
B. Constellation locally named Balatik,
Malara and Baha appears on different
C. Stars at night appear to move from
west to east.
D. Orion, Cetus, and Canis Major appear
every month of December.

48. Given the situation, star 1 is visible at

9PM – 10PM. At 11:20PM onwards, star 1
could not be seen already. Why this
A. Not visible during that time due to
change in direction.
B. Star 1 is only visible during that
C. Star 1 decreases its luminosity.

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