Processing of The Phonocardiographic Signal Methods For The Intelligent Stethoscope
Processing of The Phonocardiographic Signal Methods For The Intelligent Stethoscope
Processing of The Phonocardiographic Signal Methods For The Intelligent Stethoscope
Christer Ahlström
LiU-TEK-LIC-2006: 34
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Linköpings universitet, SE-58185 Linköping, Sweden
List of Publications
This thesis is based on three papers, which will be referred to in the text by their
roman numerals.
I. Ahlstrom C, Liljefelt O, Hult P, Ask P: Heart Sound Cancellation from
Lung Sound Recordings using Recurrence Time Statistics and Nonlinear
Prediction. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 2005. 12:812-815.
II. Ahlstrom C, Hult P, Ask P: Detection of the 3rd Heart Sound using
Recurrence Time Statistics. Proc. 31st IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, Toulouse, France, 2006.
III. Ahlstrom C, Hult P, Rask P, Karlsson J-E, Nylander E, Dahlström U, Ask
P: Feature Extraction for Systolic Heart Murmur Classification.
• Ahlstrom C, Johansson A, Länne T, Ask P: A Respiration Monitor Based
on Electrocardiographic and Photoplethysmographic Sensor Fusion. Proc.
26th Ann. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol., San Francisco, US, 2004.
The intelligent stethoscope has occupied my mind for three years now, this dragon
which consumes my time and drowns me in endless riddles. Many times have I
looked at its mysteries in despair, but once and again the dusk disperses. Perhaps
you can liken the process with the butterfly effect, where a butterfly flapping its
wings over the beautiful island of Gotland can cause a hurricane in Canada.
Similarly, the seed of an idea can be planted in the most unlikely ways; while
hanging on the edge of a cliff or when biking along a swaying trail, while waiting
in line at the local grocery store and sometimes even at work. A fragment of a
thought suddenly starts to make sense, the idea tries to break free but gets lost and
sinks into nothingness. Somewhere in a hidden corner the seed lay fallow, waiting
for a new opportunity to rise. This could happen any day, any week or any year. In
the end, you can only hope that the idea is unleashed while it still makes sense.
After all, what would I write in my book if the seed decided not to grow?
To all of my friends, thank you for still being my friends. Especially Markus, who
kept up with my complaints, and Jonas, for telling me when I was working too
much (I believe the exact phrase was: “You’re about as funny as a genital
My mother, father, brother and sister, the mainstay of my life, I’ll try to visit you
more often now when this work is behind me.
All colleagues at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, particularly Amir,
my gangsta brotha in arms, my faithful office-mate and my personal music
provider. Your company has been most appreciated over the last couple of years.
Linda, I owe you more than you’d like to admit, thanks again!
Anders Brun and Eva Nylander helped proof-reading the manuscript.
My supervisors; Per Ask, Peter Hult and Anders Johansson. Especially Per for
having faith in my ideas, Peter for introducing me to the intelligent stethoscope
and Anders for guiding me in scientific methodology and research ethics, for
endless patience and most of all, for also being a friend.
Many colleagues have helped me in my works; your contributions will not be
forgotten. To name but a few, Olle Liljefeldt, Fredrik Hasfjord, Erik Nilsson, Jan-
Erik Karlsson, Peter Rask, Birgitta Schmekel, Christina Svensson, Björn
Svensson, AnnSofie Sommer, Ulf Dahlström, January Gnitecki, Per Sveider,
Bengt Ragnemalm, Solveig Carlsson, Susanne Skytt and Nils-Erik Pettersson with
staff at Biomedical Engineering, Örebro County Council.
The artwork on the cover was kindly provided by Nancy Munford. The idea
behind the image comes from the heart muscle being spiral in shape, but as it turns
out, also the flow in the heart advances along spiral pathways (or rather, vortices
or eddies). With a little good will it looks a bit like a signal moving around in its
state space as well.
Finally, my beloved Anneli, thank you for letting me use your time.
This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems, the Health
Research Council in the South-East of Sweden, the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish
National Centre of Excellence for Non-invasive Medical Measurements and CORTECH (Swedish
universities in cooperation for new cardiovascular technology).
Abbreviations have been avoided as much as possible, but every now and then
they tend to sneak in anyhow.
AR Autoregressive
ARMA Autoregressive moving average
AS Aortic stenosis
MA Moving average
MI Mitral insufficiency
PM Physiological murmur
ROC Receiver operating curve
RP Recurrence plot
RQA Recurrence quantification analysis
S1 The first heart sound
S2 The second heart sound
S3 The third heart sound
S4 The fourth heart sound
ST Stockwell transform
STFT Short time Fourier transform
TFR Time Frequency Representation
VFD Variance fractal dimension
WT Wavelet transform
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................... I
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS....................................................................................................................... III
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... IX
1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................1
1.1. AIM OF THE THESIS .......................................................................................................................3
1.2. THESIS OUTLINE ...........................................................................................................................4
2. PRELIMINARIES ON HEART SOUNDS AND HEART MURMURS.........................................5
2.1. PHYSICS OF SOUND .......................................................................................................................5
2.2. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HEART .........................................................................................................6
2.3. HEART SOUNDS ............................................................................................................................7
2.4. HEART MURMURS .........................................................................................................................8
2.5. AUSCULTATION AND THE PHONOCARDIOGRAM ..........................................................................10
2.6. ACQUISITION OF PHONOCARDIOGRAPHIC SIGNALS .....................................................................10
2.6.1. Sensors ..................................................................................................................................11
2.6.2. Pre-processing, digitalization and storage............................................................................11
3. SIGNAL ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................13
3.1. MEASURING CHARACTERISTICS THAT VARY IN TIME .................................................................15
3.1.1. Intensity .................................................................................................................................15
3.1.2. Frequency..............................................................................................................................17
3.2. NONLINEAR SYSTEMS AND EMBEDOLOGY ..................................................................................18
3.3. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS TOOLS ....................................................................................................21
3.3.1. Non-integer dimensions.........................................................................................................21
3.3.2. Recurrence quantification analysis .......................................................................................23
3.3.3. Higher order statistics...........................................................................................................25
3.4. NONLINEAR PREDICTION ............................................................................................................27
4. PROPERTIES OF PHONOCARDIOGRAPHIC SIGNALS ........................................................31
4.1. TIME AND FREQUENCY ...............................................................................................................31
4.1.1. Murmurs from stenotic semilunar valves ..............................................................................34
4.1.2. Murmurs from regurgitant atrioventricular valves ...............................................................34
4.1.3. Murmurs caused by septal defects.........................................................................................35
4.1.4. Quantifying the results ..........................................................................................................36
4.2. HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS ........................................................................................................37
4.3. RECONSTRUCTED STATE SPACES ................................................................................................40
4.3.1. Quantifying the reconstructed state space.............................................................................41
4.3.2. Recurrence time statistics......................................................................................................42
4.4. FRACTAL DIMENSION .................................................................................................................43
5.1. SEGMENTATION OF THE PHONOCARDIOGRAPHIC SIGNAL ...........................................................47
5.2. FINDING S3 .................................................................................................................................49
5.3. FILTERING OUT SIGNAL COMPONENTS ........................................................................................50
5.4. CLASSIFICATION OF MURMURS ...................................................................................................52
5.4.1. Feature extraction .................................................................................................................53
5.4.2. Finding relevant features ......................................................................................................55
5.4.3. Classifying murmurs..............................................................................................................57
6. DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................................................59
6.1. CONTEXT OF THE PAPERS............................................................................................................59
6.2. PATIENTS AND DATA SETS ..........................................................................................................60
6.2.1. Measurement noise................................................................................................................62
6.3. METHODOLOGY ..........................................................................................................................62
6.4. FUTURE WORK............................................................................................................................64
6.4.1. Clinical validation.................................................................................................................64
6.4.2. Multi-sensor approach ..........................................................................................................64
6.4.3. Dimension reduction .............................................................................................................65
6.4.4. Choosing an appropriate classifier .......................................................................................65
7. REVIEW OF PAPERS......................................................................................................................67
7.1. PAPER I, HEART SOUND CANCELLATION ....................................................................................67
7.2. PAPER II, DETECTION OF THE 3RD HEART SOUND ........................................................................67
7.3. PAPER III, FEATURE EXTRACTION FROM SYSTOLIC MURMURS ..................................................68
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................69
1. Introduction
“The way to the heart is through the ears.”
Katie Hurley
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
care, when deciding which patients need special care. The most important body
sounds are heart sounds and lung sounds, but sounds from swallowing,
micturition, muscles and arteries are also of clinical relevance. The main sources
for production of body sounds are acceleration or deceleration of organs or fluids,
friction rubs and turbulent flow of fluids or gases.
The auscultatory skills amongst physicians demonstrate a negative trend. The loss
has occurred despite new teaching aids such as multimedia tutorials, and the
reasons are the availability of new diagnostic tools such as echocardiography and
magnetic resonance imaging, a lack of confidence and increased concern about
litigations [2]. The art of auscultation is often described as quite difficult, partly
because of the fact that only a portion of the cardiohemic vibrations are audible,
see Figure 2.
Figure 1. Early monaural stethoscopes (top left), Cummanns and Allisons stethoscopes (lower left), a
modern binaural stethoscope (middle) and a modern electronic stethoscope, Meditron M30 (right).
Chapter 1. Introduction
Heart sounds
10 -4 and murmurs Threshold of
8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2. The frequency content of heart sounds and murmurs in relation to the human threshold of
audibility. Drawn from [3]. Note that without amplification, the area representing the audible part of
the phonocardiographic signal is very small.
50-80% of the population has murmurs during childhood, whereas only about 1%
of the murmurs are pathological [2]. A simple tool able to screen murmurs would
be both time- and cost-saving while relieving many patients from needless anxiety.
The sensor technology in such a tool is basically simple and the parameters
obtained are directly related to mechanical processes within the body (in contrast
to ECG which measures the heart’s electrical activity). In the new field of
telemedicine and home care, bioacoustics is definitely a suitable method.
2. Preliminaries on Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs
"The heart is of such density that fire can scarcely damage it."
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
This chapter sets the scene for up-coming sections. The physics of sound is
introduced followed by a review of the operation of the heart and the associated
terminology. The genesis of heart sounds and heart murmurs is discussed and
finally a short presentation of auscultation techniques and signal acquisition is
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
1 A B C D E F G H I
2 AB C D E F G H I
3 A BC D E F G H I
4 A B CD E F G H I
11 A B CD E F GH I
Figure 3. The left figure is a schematic drawing of nine particles in simple harmonic motion at twelwe
moments in time. The sound source is located on the left side and the pressure wave, indicated by
clustering of three adjacent particles, moves from left to right. Note that each particle moves
relatively little around a rest position. In the right figure a pressure wave emanating from a sound
source (black circle) is illustrated. Drawn from [4].
Chapter 2. Preliminaries on Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs
in the blood vessels, the semilunar valves open allowing blood to eject out through
the aorta and the pulmonary trunk. As the ventricles relax the pressure gradient
reverses, the semilunar valves close and a new heart cycle begins.
Arch of Aorta
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Right Atrium
Aortic Semilunar Valve
Pulmonary Semilunar
Left Ventricle
Tricuspid Valve
Interventricular Septum
Right Ventricle
Figure 4. Anatomy of the heart (left) and the blood flow pathways through left and right heart
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
vibrations caused by turbulence in the ejected blood flowing into aorta. The
second sound (S2) signals the end of systole and the beginning of diastole, and is
heard at the time of the closing of the aortic and pulmonary valves [7]. S2 is
probably the result of oscillations in the cardiohemic system caused by
deceleration and reversal of flow into the aorta and the pulmonary artery [5].
Left ventricle
Figure 5. Particle trace (path line) visualization of intra-cardiac blood flow. The colour coding
represents velocity according to the legend to the right. The image was adapted from [6].
There is also a third and a fourth heart sound (S3 and S4). They are both connected
with the diastolic filling period. The rapid filling phase starts with the opening of
the semilunar valves. Most investigators attribute S3 to the energy released with
the sudden deceleration of blood that enters the ventricle throughout this period
[8]. A fourth heart sound may occur during atrial systole where blood is forced
into the ventricles. If the ventricle is stiff, the force of blood entering the ventricle
is more vigorous, and the result is an impact sound in late diastole, S4 [7]. There
are also sounds such as friction rubs and opening snaps, but they will not be
treated further.
Chapter 2. Preliminaries on Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs
Aortic pressure
Left atrial
R pressure
Heart sounds
S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
Figure 6. The four heart sounds in relation to various hemodynamic events and the ECG. All units
are arbitrary.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Figure 7. Traditional areas of auscultation (M refers to the mitral area, T the tricuspid area, P the
pulmonic area, and A the aortic area).
Chapter 2. Preliminaries on Heart Sounds and Heart Murmurs
2.6.1. Sensors
Microphones and accelerometers are the natural choice of sensor when recording
sound. These sensors have a high-frequency response that is quite adequate for
body sounds. Rather, it is the low-frequency region that might cause problems [9].
There are mainly two different kinds of sensors, microphones and accelerometers.
The microphone is an air coupled sensor that measure pressure waves induced by
chest-wall movements while accelerometers are contact sensors which directly
measures chest-wall movements [10]. For recording of body sounds, both kinds
can be used. More precisely, condenser microphones and piezoelectric
accelerometers have been recommended [11].
Electronic stethoscopes make use of sensors specially designed to suit cardiac
sounds. Compared to classic stethoscopes, electronic stethoscopes tries to make
heart and lung sounds more clearly audible using different filters and amplifiers.
Some also allow storage and the possibility to connect the stethoscope to a
computer for further analysis of the recorded sounds. The leading suppliers of
electronic stethoscopes are Thinklabs, Welch-Allyn and 3M. Thinklabs uses a
novel electronic diaphragm detection system to directly convert sounds into
electronic signals. Welch-Allyn Meditron uses a piezo-electric sensor on a metal
shaft inside the chest piece, while 3M uses a conventional microphone.
The studies included in this thesis have used two different sensors; the Siemens
Elema EMT25C contact accelerometer and an electronic stethoscope from Welch-
Allyn Meditron (the Stethoscope, Meditron ASA, Oslo, Norway).
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
3. Signal Analysis Framework
“Calling a science nonlinear is like calling
zoology the study of non-human animals.”
Stanislaw Ulam
The underlying assumption of many signal processing tools is that the signals are
Gaussian, stationary and linear. This chapter will introduce methods suitable for
analysing signals that do not fall into these categories. Two short examples will
precede the theoretical treatment to illustrate the problem at hand.
Example 1, Characteristics that vary with time: A sinusoid with changing mean,
amplitude and frequency is shown in Figure 8. Using the Fourier transform to
investigate the signal’s frequency content, it can be seen that the signal contains
frequencies up to about 35 Hz. However, much more information can be obtained
by investigating how the frequency content varies over time. Methods able to
investigate how a certain signal property varies over time are suitable for
nonstationary signal analysis. A number of such methods are introduced in section
(a) (b) (c)
350 50
Frequency (Hz)
FFT magnitude
5 250
200 30
0 150 20
−5 10
0 0
2000 4000 6000 8000 0 20 40 2000 4000 6000 8000
Time (ms) Frequency (Hz) Time (ms)
Figure 8. A sinusoid with changing mean, amplitude and frequency plotted as a waveform in the time
domain (a), as a frequency spectrum in the frequency domain (b) and in a combined time-frequency
domain (c).
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
represented by this power spectral information. However, there are many types of
signals, both theoretical and experimental, for which a frequency domain
representation is insufficient to distinguish two signals from each other. For
example, signals generated through nonlinear differential or difference equations
typically exhibit broadband spectral characteristics that are difficult to interpret
and compare. Two signals with indistinguishable power spectra are presented in
Figure 9.
(a) (b)
1.5 1.5
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
−0.5 −0.5
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (sample) Time (sample)
Power/frequency (dB/rad/sample)
Power/frequency (dB/rad/sample)
(c) (d)
5 5
0 0
−5 −5
−10 −10
−15 −15
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
Normalized Frequency (×π rad/sample)Normalized Frequency (×π rad/sample)
(e) (f)
1 1.5
0.5 0.5
0 −0.5
1 1.5
0.5 1 0.5 1.5
0.5 0.5
s(t+1) 0 0 s(t) s(t+1)−0.5 −0.5 s(t)
Figure 9. The logistic map, s(t+1) = c•s(t)[1-s(t)], where c is a constant, is often used as a model in
population studies. Here a logistic map with c=4 and s(0) = 0.1 is presented in (a) and a phase
randomized correspondence is shown in (b). Their respective frequency spectra, which are almost
identical, are shown in (c) and (d). Finally, in (e) and (f) their corresponding phase portraits are
The first signal is the logistic map and the second signal is its phase randomized
correspondence. Even though they have the same (but rather obscure) frequency
spectrum, the logistic map has structure in its phase portrait while the phase
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
randomized signal does not (the phase portrait is just the signal plotted against a
time delayed version of itself). To distinguish between the two, or for that matter,
to find the structure in the logistic map, it is obviously not enough to study their
spectra. Methods for nonlinear signal analysis will be introduced in section 3.3.
3.1.1. Intensity
The textbook approach to extract a signal’s envelope, E(t), is via the analytic
signal [13, 14]. The continuous analytic signal is composed by the original signal
and its Hilbert transform according to equation (3.1) where H(t) is the Hilbert
transform (equation (3.2)).
s A ( t ) = s ( t ) + i ⋅ sH ( t ) (3.1)
s (τ )
sH ( t ) = ∫ τ − t dτ (3.2)
π −∞
The Hilbert transform can be interpreted as a convolution between the signal and -
1/ t, or as a rotation of the argument with /2 for positive frequencies and – /2 for
negative frequencies. Similarly, the analytic signal can be obtained by removing
the negative frequencies and multiplying the positive frequencies by two [13].
Amongst several interesting properties of the analytic signal, the desired envelope
can be found as:
Other envelope-like measures are the absolute value or the square of the signal,
see equations (3.4)-(3.5). The absolute value gives equal weight to all samples
regardless of the signal’s intensity. The energy (square) on the other hand colours
the measure by emphasizing higher intensities compared to lower intensities. Two
other envelope-like measures are the Shannon entropy and the Shannon energy
[15], see equation (3.6)-(3.7). These measures give greater weight to medium
intensity signal components, thus attenuating low intensity noise and high intensity
disturbances. A practical issue with these approaches is that the envelope becomes
rather jagged. This is usually dealt with by low-pass filtering E(t) [13, 15]. A
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Energy (square): E ( t ) = s ( t )
0.8 0.5
0.6 s(t)2
0.6 0 −s(t)2⋅log(s(t)2)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1 0.5 −|s(t)|⋅log|s(t)|
Amplitude of "energy"
0.5 0.4
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.3
0.2 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1
−0.6 0.4
−0.8 0.2
−1 0 −0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (s) Time (s) Amplitude of normalized signal
Figure 10. Comparison of different envelope estimation methods. The test signal is presented in (a)
and the result of various envelope-measures are shown in (b). The smoothed envelope measures are
presented in (c).
e { ( ) ( )} = e { ( )} { ( )} ≈ e { ( )} ≈ l ( t )
LP log l t + log h t LP log l t + LP log h t LP log l t
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
3.1.2. Frequency
The Fourier transform can be used to produce a time-averaged frequency
spectrum. However, it is often desirable to study how the frequency content of a
signal varies over time. There are many techniques available to perform such
analyses, and they are generally named time-frequency representations (TFR). The
simplest approach is probably the short time Fourier transform (STFT), which is
merely a windowed Fourier transform:
N kt
−2π i
STFT ( m, k ) = ∑ s ( t ) w ( t − m ) e N
t =1
where w denotes the time window, m is the translation parameter and k the
frequency parameter. If w is chosen as the Gaussian function in equation (3.13),
the obtained TFR is called the Gabor transform [18].
1 − 2
g (t ) = e 2σ (3.13)
σ 2π
denotes the variance and is related to the width of the analyzing window. The
STFT does, however, suffer from the uncertainty principle. This means that the
frequency resolution decreases as the time resolution increases and the other way
around (since time is the dual of frequency). One way to obtain better resolution is
to use shorter windows for higher frequencies and longer windows for lower
frequencies. One such approach is the wavelet transform (WT) [13]:
1 N
WT ( m, a ) =
∑ s ( t ) w ⎜⎝
t =1
a ⎠
where m is a translation parameter and a is a scale parameter. The main idea is that
any signal can be decomposed into a series of dilatations or compressions of a
mother wavelet denoted w(t). The mother wavelet should resemble interesting
parts of the signal, and the choice is important for the results. An issue with
wavelets is that the link to local frequency is lost (hence the term scale is preferred
instead of frequency). A similar but phase corrected transform, able to maintain
the notion of frequency, is the S-transform (ST) [19]:
N ( t − m )2 k 2 kt
k − −2π i
ST ( m, k ) = ∑ s ( t ) e 2
e N
t =1 2π
Compared to STFT, the window function is chosen as a Gaussian function where
the variance is allowed to vary proportionally with the period of the analyzing
sinusoid. When changing the variance, the width of the window is altered giving a
multi-resolution description of the signal. An example comparing STFT, WT and
ST is given in Figure 11.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
There are many other approaches available for joint time-frequency analysis. The
methods just described belong to the linear nonparametric group. The quadratic
nonparametric group, the parametric group etc., will not be treated in this thesis.
(a) (b)
1 0.4
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (sample) Time (sample)
(c) (d)
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (sample) Time (sample)
Figure 11. An example signal consisting of two well separated sinusoids (sample 1-500) and two
chirps, one ascending and one descending (sample 600-1100) is given in (a). TFR-plots calculated
with STFT, WT (with a Daubechie 2 mother wavelet) and ST are given in (b-d), respectively. The
frequency axes are in arbitrary units.
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
Figure 12. Examples of a fixed point attractor (a), a limit cycle (b) and a strange attractor from a
Lorenz system (c). A physical example of a fix point attractor is a pendulum, where all initial states
will converge to a single point. Modifying this example so that the pendulum has a driving force, thus
creating a simple oscillation, a periodic attractor is obtained. Chaotic systems like the Lorenz system
have been used to describe weather, and give rise to strange attractors, where the trajectories never
cross or touch each other.
The true state space (M) thus contains the true states x, whose time evolution is
described by the map , x(t)= t(x(0)). Now suppose that the only information
available about this system is what we can find in a scalar measure s(t)=h(x(t)),
where h:M → . If s(t) is a projection from the true (multivariate) state space M,
then it might be possible to undo the projection, see Figure 13. That is, given a
measured signal s(t) in , is there a way to create a map from an unknown state
x(t) in M to a corresponding point y(t) in a reconstructed state space in d?
Takens’ theorem provides us with such a map [20]:
F : M → d
x(t ) → y ( t ) = F ( x ( t ) ) = ⎡⎣ s ( t ) , s ( t + τ ) ,..., s ( t + ( d − 1)τ ) ⎤⎦
where is a delay parameter, d is the embedding dimension and F is the map from
the true state space to the reconstructed state space. The selection of and d affects
how accurately the embedding reconstructs the system’s state space. These issues
are important, but there are no bullet-proof ways to determine and d. In this
thesis will be determined using average mutual information [21] and d will be
chosen based on Cao’s method [22].
What Takens actually proved was that the reconstructed state space d is a
dynamical and topological equivalent to M. Since the dynamics of the
reconstructed state space contains the same topological information as the original
state space, characterization and prediction based on the reconstructed state space
is as valid as if it was made in the true state space.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Table 1. Comparison of linear and nonlinear signal processing techniques. The table is adapted from
Linear signal processing Nonlinear signal processing
Finding the signal: Finding the signal:
Separate broadband noise from Separate broadband signal from broadband
narrowband signal using spectral noise using the deterministic nature of the
characteristics. Method: Matched filter signal. Method: Manifold decomposition
in frequency domain. or statistics on the attractor.
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
Figure 13. Delay reconstruction of states from a scalar time series (example using the Lorenz system).
Redrawn from [20].
−2 0 2
Figure 14. Zooming into the Henon map reveals new levels of complexity. No matter how much the
figure is magnified it will never collapse into a one-dimensional line, nor does it fill the two-
dimensional space in (a). Instead, the Henon map has a dimension somewhere in between one and
two, i.e. a fractal dimension.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
There are two types of approaches to estimate the fractal dimension; those that
operate directly on the waveform and those that operate in the reconstructed state
space. Note that the dimension of the attractor (measured in the reconstructed state
space) is normally different from the waveform fractal dimension (measured on
the projected signal s(t), and thus limited to the range 1 dim 2. There are a
number of problems when determining the fractal dimension of an attractor in
state space, one being the computational burden [23]. For this reason, we will only
consider waveform fractal dimensions. In this setting, the signal is looked upon as
a planar set in 2, where the waveform is considered a geometric figure. Even
though there are many ways to estimate the fractal dimension of a waveform, we
focus on the variance fractal dimension (VFD) due to its robustness to noise [24].
The calculations are based on a power law relation between the variance of the
amplitude increments of the signal and the corresponding time increments, see
equation (3.18).
Var ( s ( t2 ) − s ( t1 ) ) ∼ t2 − t1
where H is the Hurst exponent, a measure of the smoothness of a signal. The Hurst
exponent can be calculated by taking the logarithm of (3.18):
log Var ( s ( t2 ) − s ( t1 ) ) = 2 H ⋅ log ( t2 − t1 ) ) (3.19)
2 4 6 8 10
Time (sample) 4
x 10
log( var( s(t2)−s(t1)))
slope = 2H
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 15. An example showing Brownian motion (a) and the corresponding log-log plot (b). H is
calculated to 0.4983 which is very close to the theoretical answer 0.5. The variance fractal dimension
is VFD = Ed+1-H = 1+1-0.5 = 1.5.
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
RP(i, j ) = Θ ε − y ( i ) − y ( j ) ) (3.20)
Timek (sample)
0 0
−0.5 −0.5
−1 −1
200 400 600 800 −1 0 1 200 400 600 800
Time (sample) Timek (sample) Timek (sample)
Figure 16. A noisy sinusoid represented with its waveform, its phase portrait (in a reconstructed state
space) and by its recurrence plot. Dots are positioned on the waveform near amplitude values of 0.5,
red dots for increasing amplitude and blue dots for decreasing amplitude. The recurrence plot shows
clear diagonal lines which arise when trajectories in the state space run in parallel for some time
period. The red and blue dots end up on these lines, and it can be seen that the distance between two
diagonal lines is the period of the sinusoid.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
There are seven parameters affecting the outcome of an RP; the embedding
dimension d, the time delay , the range (or length) of the time series under
investigation, the norm • , the possibility to rescale the distance matrix, the cut-
off distance and the minimal number of adjacent samples to be counted as a line
(minimum line length) [26]. The last parameter is not used when creating RPs, but
rather when trying to quantify them (recurrence quantification analysis, RQA).
Measures used for RQA are often based on diagonal structures, vertical structures
and time statistics. Isolated recurrence points occur if states are rare, if they do not
persist for any time or if they fluctuate heavily. Diagonal lines occur when a
segment of the trajectory runs in parallel with another segment, i.e. when the
trajectory visits the same region of the phase space at different times, see Figure
16. Vertical (horizontal) lines mark a time length in which a state does not change
or changes very slowly. The most common RQA-parameters are [27-29]:
• Recurrence rate: The percentage of recurrence points (black dots) in the
recurrence matrix.
• Determinism: The percentage of the recurrence points that form diagonal
lines. Diagonal lines are associated with deterministic patterns in the
dynamic, hence determinism.
• Laver: The average length of the diagonal lines.
• Lmax: The length of the longest diagonal line. Lmax is inversely proportional
to the largest Lyapunov exponent which describes how fast trajectories
diverge in the reconstructed state space.
• Entropy: The Shannon entropy of the distribution of the diagonal line
lengths. Measures the complexity of the signal.
• Laminarity: The percentage of recurrence points which form vertical lines.
• Trapping time: The average length of the vertical lines.
• Vmax: The length of the longest vertical line.
• T1: Recurrence time of the first kind, see below.
• T2: Recurrence time of the second kind, see below.
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
Figure 17. Recurrence points of the second kind (solid circles) and the sojourn points (open circles) in
B (y(ref)). Recurrence points of the first kind comprise all circles in the set.
Bε ( y ( ref ) ) = y ( t ) : y ( t ) − y ( ref ) ≤ ε } ∀t (3.21)
The recurrence points of the first kind (T1) are defined as all the points within the
hypersphere (i.e. the entire set B ). Since the trajectory stays within the
neighbourhood for a while (thus generating a whole sequence of points), T1
doesn’t really reflect the recurrence of states. Therefore, the recurrence points of
the second kind (T2) are defined as the first states entering the neighbourhood in
each sequence (these points are commonly called true recurrence points). T2 is
hence the set of points constituted by B (y(ref)) excluding the sojourn points, see
Figure 17. Both T1 and T2 are related to the information dimension via a power
law, motivating their ability to detect weak signal transitions based on amplitude,
period, dimension and complexity [31]. Specifically, T2 is able to detect very
weak transitions with high accuracy, both in clean and noisy environments while
T1 has the distinguished merit of being more robust to the noise level and not
sensitive to the choice of . A mathematically more rigorous definition of T1 and
T2 can be found in [31]. A sliding window approach is necessary to obtain time
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
ms(1) = cs(1) = E {s ( t )} = 0
ms(2) (τ ) = cs(2) (τ ) = E {s ( t ) s ( t + τ )}
ms(3) (τ 1 ,τ 2 ) = cs(3) (τ 1 ,τ 2 ) = E {s ( t ) s ( t + τ 1 ) s ( t + τ 2 )} (3.22)
ms(4) (τ 1 ,τ 2 ,τ 3 ) = E {s ( t ) s ( t + τ ) s ( t + τ 2 ) s ( t + τ 3 )}
cs(4) (τ 1 ,τ 2 ,τ 3 ) = E {s ( t ) s ( t + τ ) s ( t + τ 2 ) s ( t + τ 3 )} − 3 ⎡⎣ E {s ( t ) s ( t + τ )}⎤⎦
where E represents the expected value. Interesting special cases are cs(1)(0),
cs(2)(0,0) and cs(3)(0,0,0) which represent the variance, skewness and kurtosis of
s(t). The Fourier transforms of cumulants are called polyspectra, and are defined
according to equation (3.23). An example of a simple bispectrum, the Fourier
transform of the third order cumulant, is shown in Figure 18.
(a) (b)
FFT magnitude
20 20
0 30
0 10 20 30 40 ω2 10
Frequency (ω) ω1
Figure 18. An example of phase coupling. The frequency spectrum of a signal composed of three
sinusoids with frequencies 1, 2 and 3 = 1 + 2 is shown in (a). The corresponding bispectrum is
shown in (b). Since 3 is caused by phase coupling between 1 and 2, a peak due to the phase
coupling will appear in the bispectrum at 1 = 1, 2 = 2 (another peak will also emerge at 1 = 2,
2 = 1).
Cs(2) (ω ) = FT cs(2) (τ ) } Power spectrum
C s (ω1 , ω2 ) = FT {c (τ 1 ,τ 2 )} Bispectrum
(3) (3)
s (3.23)
Cs(4) (ω1 , ω2 , ω3 ) = FT {cs(4) (τ 1 ,τ 2 ,τ 3 )} Trispectrum
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
3. The cumulant of two independent random processes equals the sum of the
cumulants of the individual random processes.
Higher order cumulants provide a measure of how much a random vector deviates
from a Gaussian random vector with an identical mean and covariance matrix.
This property can be used for extracting the nongaussian part of a signal (one
application is removal of Gaussian noise). Other interesting properties are that the
bispectrum is zero for a Gaussian signal and that the bicoherence (normalized
bispectra) is constant for a linear signal.
where k are the linear weights. For prediction, only the weighting coefficients are
important and the prediction is obtained by ignoring the unknown innovation. This
model can be expanded to allow nonlinear dependencies between previous outputs
s(t-k). Actually, a very general framework for predicting time series is given in
Ljung [34] ( may include all available signal samples including multivariate
inputs and outputs):
s ( t θ ) = ∑ α k g k (ϕ )
k =1
θ = [α1 , α 2 ,..., α n ]
g k ( ϕ ) = κ ( β k (ϕ − γ k ) )
ϕ = ⎣⎡ s ( t − k ) ,..., s ( t − 1) ⎦⎤
where all the gk are formed from dilated and translated versions of a mother basis
function . is a vector of weights and is a vector of known signal samples.
are the coordinates or weights, are the scale or dilation parameters and are the
location or translation parameters. A few examples of how this model framework
can be used are:
Autoregressive model: set most of the parameters to unity.
Sigmoid Neural Network: is a ridge construction such as the sigmoid function.
Radial basis networks: is a radial construction such as the Gaussian bell.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Turning back to the reconstructed state space setting, it can be seen that in
equation (3.25) is very similar to a reconstructed coordinate. Toss in a delay
parameter , or set = 1, and turns into y (see equation (3.17)). A way to look at
the model in (3.25) is thus as a function describing the whole attractor. Usually, all
parameters but the :s are design parameters that either vary in a predetermined
way or are fixed. Inserted into a cost function, (3.25) leads to linear equations
when estimating the :s, thus simplifying their determination [23]. Since this
modelling attempt tries to model the whole attractor, it is called a global model.
That being said about global models, we will abandon them altogether and focus
on local methods working directly in the reconstructed state space. Similar
trajectories in state space share the same waveform characteristics in time domain,
and a way of predicting the future is thus to mimic the evolution of neighbouring
trajectories, see Figure 19. If the data is sampled with high frequency, most of the
discovered nearest neighbours will probably be samples adjacent to each other in
the time series. A considerable improvement could thus be obtained by using
nearest trajectories instead of nearest neighbours see Figure 20.
Figure 19. Three trajectory segments and a (forward) predicted trajectory in a two-dimensional
phase space. The average change between the nearest neighbouring trajectory points (black stars)
and their successors (white circles) are used to predict the next point (white square).
Figure 20. Many of the nearest neighbours to y(t), stars, are actually phoneys due to the high
sampling rate. Using a nearest trajectory algorithm instead of a nearest neighbour algorithm is one
Chapter 3. Signal Analysis Framework
There are two approaches to predict p steps ahead, either using iterated prediction
or direct prediction. If the prediction is iterated, the algorithm predicts one step
ahead p times (the predicted values will then be used as a starting point in the next
iteration). In direct prediction, the evolutions of the nearest neighbours are
modelled and the resulting function maps p steps into the future. It is empirically
shown that iterated prediction is better on short term forecasts for a variety of non-
linear models. However, iterated predictions do not take the accumulated errors in
the input vector into account, and these errors grow exponentially [35].
More options are available. In averaged prediction, the average of the neighbours’
successors (white circles) locations are chosen as the predicted value while in
integrated prediction the next point is estimated as the current point plus the
average change amongst the neighbours. If the trajectory that is to be predicted is
an outlier; the mean of the nearest neighbours will always be misleading.
To conclude, local models can give excellent short-term prediction results, they
are conceptually simple but may require a large computational burden due to the
dependence of nearest neighbour calculations.
4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
“Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely…”
The land before time (1988)
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
causes the various components of S1 and S2 [36, 37]. S3 and S4 are believed to
originate from vibrations in the left ventricle and surrounding structures powered
by the acceleration and deceleration of blood flow. 75 % of the total energy in S3
is contained below 60 Hz [39] while S4 mainly contain frequencies below 45 Hz
[40]. The time and frequency properties of heart sounds are summarized in
Table 2 and examples of two heart sounds and their frequency spectra are
illustrated in Figure 21. The different heart sounds are affected by various heart
diseases, and the main changes are described in sections 4.1.1 - 4.1.3.
Phonocardiogram S1 S2 S3
S1 S2
FFT magnitude
FFT magnitude
FFT magnitude
Subject 1
FFT magnitude
FFT magnitude
FFT magnitude
Subject 2
Figure 21. Heart sounds and their respective frequency spectra from a 13 year old girl (top row) and
a 36 year old male (bottom row). Data obtained from paper I and II.
There is a small delay between the aortic component and the pulmonary
component causing a splitting of S2 (since right ventricular ejection terminates
after left ventricular ejection). Normally, the splitting increases with inspiration
due to increased blood return to the right heart, increased vascular capacitance of
the pulmonary bed and decreased blood return to the left heart [7]. That is, the
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
aortic component occurs earlier and the pulmonary component occurs later during
inspiration. In certain heart diseases, this splitting can become wide, fixed or
reversed (see sections 4.1.1 - 4.1.3). FFT analysis does not take timing into
consideration, so it cannot reveal which of the two valves closes first. Meanwhile,
it is hard to notice any difference between the two components in the time domain.
A tool able to investigate how the signal’s frequency content varies over time is
thus called for. Such methods were introduced in section 3.1.2, and an example
showing the four heart sounds is presented in Figure 22. Taking a closer look at S2
in Figure 22, it can be seen that the two components are merged together, but it is
also clear that the higher frequency aortic component precede the lower frequency
pulmonary component.
S1 S2
300 300
Frequency (Hz)
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
S3 S4
300 300
Frequency (Hz)
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 22. Example of TFR contour plots of S1, S2, S3 and S4 (note the different scaling of the x-
axis). Stockwell’s method was used to calculate the TFR. Data obtained from paper II.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Frequency (Hz)
S1 S2
400 S2
Figure 23. A basic layout sketch of the phonocardiographic signal from a murmur caused by stenosis
in the semilunar valves is presented in the left plot while an example TFR (showing pulmonary
stenosis, calculated by Stockwell’s transform) is illustrated in the right plot. EC = Ejection click.
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
Frequency (Hz)
S1 S2
400 S1 S2
Figure 24. A basic layout sketch of the phonocardiogram from a murmur caused by a regurgitant
atrioventricular valve is presented in the left plot while an example TFR (mitral insufficiency,
calculated by Stockwell’s transform) is illustrated in the right plot.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
In atrial septal defect, recently oxygenated blood leaks back to the right atrium
where it is, again, sent through the pulmonary circulation system. The increased
flow through the pulmonary valve produces a soft mid-systolic ejection murmur.
S2 has a large fix split caused by decreased resistance in the pulmonary aorta
which delays the pulmonary component of S2.
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
1.5 1.5 1.5
Shannon energy
Shannon energy
Shannon energy
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
1 1 1
0 0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Feature number Feature number Feature number
Figure 25. Mean value of the Shannon energy calculated at nine time instants in systole, the whiskers
show the standard deviation. Data obtained from paper III.
50 50 50
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
AS, standard deviation MI, standard deviation PM, standard deviation
200 200 200
Frequency (Hz)
50 50 50
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time Time Time
Figure 26. Mean (top) and standard deviation (bottom) TFRs (calculated by Stockwell’s transform)
of aortic stenosis, mitral insufficiency and physiological murmurs. The time scale was resampled to
2048 samples after calculating the TFR, and is here represented in arbitrary normalized units. Data
obtained from paper III.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
[42, 43], but it has not been explicitly stated that this is the case. When performing
Hinich's Gaussianity test on each heart cycle in the data from paper III, it turns out
that each and every one of the 445 heart cycles have zero skewness with
probability <0.05. This strongly suggests that the data are non Gaussian (nonzero
skewness) and that investigations of the higher-order statistics of
phonocardiographic signals are relevant. Similarly, a hypothesis regarding
linearity could be rejected using Hinich's linearity test (for a nonlinear process, an
estimated statistic may be expected to be much larger than a theoretical statistic,
and in this case the estimated value is, on average, 3.4 times larger). This
motivates the use of nonlinear techniques in the two subsequent sections, 0-4.3.
Both Hinich’s tests are described in [44].
−100 −100
0 0
100 100
Figure 27. Examples of bispectra from one heart cycle in different heart diseases. One heart cycle
here roughly corresponds start S1 to stop S2. All axes represent frequency in Hz.
The bispectra in Figure 27 are all very nice to look at, but we need to quantify
them somehow. To make the number of quantifying units manageable, the
bispectrum can be discretized [45], see Figure 28. Due to symmetry, it is enough
to investigate the first nonredundant region [33]. Using data from paper III, box
and whisker plots were derived for these 16 features, see Figure 29 are presented
in. Unfortunately the features overlap and are more or less useless for
classification purposes (t-tests show significant differences (p<0.05) for feature 2
between AS PM, feature 3 between AS MI and AS PM, feature 7-8, 11
between MI PM). The bispectrum is however a useful tool and Figure 27 does
reveal a lot of information. If nothing more, it could be used as a visualisation
technique to support the physician’s decision.
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
There are distinct differences between the various heart valve diseases in Figure
27. Obviously these differences are lost in the discretization when attempting to
reduce the information into a manageable feature set. A different approach is thus
needed to extract this information. A few ideas are Gaussian mixture models or
perhaps some parametric models like the non Gaussian AR model, but these issues
are left for future studies.
(a) (b)
300 150
100 100 14 15
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
0 13 16
−100 50 5 9
2 3 6 7 10 11
1 4 8 12
−300 0
−200 0 200 0 50 100 150 200 250
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 28. Example of bispectrum from a patient with aortic stenosis. The different regions of the
bispectrum is plotted in (a) where the bold triangle shows the first non-redundant region. In (b) the
region of interest is highlighted. The smaller triangles indicate the 16 features obtained from the
bispectrum, where each feature is calculated as the mean intensity of each triangle.
Figure 29. Box and whisker plots showing results from the bispectral analysis. The boxes have lines
at the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile values. The whiskers show the extent of the data.
Outliers (+) are data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers. Data obtained from paper III.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Hypothesising that the blood flow is a dynamic system which is observed via the
recorded phonocardiographic signal, then the reconstructed state space would be
an attempt to recreate the characteristics of the flow (compare with Figure 13).
Since turbulence is a nonlinear phenomenon with strong interaction between the
flow and the associated acoustic field [47], the theoretical foundation for the
hypothesis seems valid.
Before pursuing any attempts to use nonlinear analysis tools, one should execute
some tests to see whether the data really behave in a nonlinear fashion. Two such
tests were performed on the data in paper III; Hinich's linearity test (see section
4.2) and phase randomized surrogate data [23]. Both tests indicated nonlinearity
by rejecting the hypothesis of linearity.
(a) (b)
5 1
Mutual Information
4 0.8
Cao’s Method
3 0.6
2 0.4
1 0.2
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time delay (sample) Embedding dimension (d)
Figure 30. Average mutual information calculations are used to determine the time delay embedding
parameter (a). The first minimum of the mutual information function indicates a delay where the
signal contains little mutual information compared to a delayed version of itself (why the comb-
ination of the two provides as much information as possible). Cao’s method (b) is used to determine
the embedding dimension d. This method is similar to the common false nearest neighbour approach,
which make use of the fact that points are moved closer together in a reconstructed state space,
compared to the true state space, by folding. Data obtained from paper III.
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
Since roughly half of the patients had a minimum in the vicinity of = 150, while
the other half lacked an obvious minimum in the range = 1…500 samples, was
set to 150. These routines should not be used on nonstationary data, and to
minimize the damage, these values were determined on data consisting of only
murmur data. En example of a phonocardiographic signal embedded in three
dimensions is given in Figure 31. The heart sounds are clearly encircling the more
complex murmur.
0 −4
−5 4
Figure 31. Example of embedded heart sound with d = 3 and = 200. Heart sounds (S1 and S2) are
plotted in red and the murmur (AS) in blue. The small bumps in the trajectory are due to
concatenation of segments. Data obtained from paper III.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4
Figure 32. A reconstructed state space (d = 2, = 150) of the systolic period from a patient with aortic
stenosis. The red ellipses symbolize a Gaussian mixture model with five mixtures. Note that d = 2 is
not enough to unfold the trajectory.
Normal AS
0 0
−0.1 −0.1
200 200
400 400
600 600
800 800
1000 1000
1200 1200
1400 1400
500 1000 1500 500 1000 1500
Time Time
Figure 33. Example of recurrence plots for a normal phonocardiographic signal and for an AS case.
The interpretation of recurrence plots was briefly explained in section 3.3.2.
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
Recurrence Rate Determinism Average Length of Diag. Lines Longest Diagonal Line
9 1500
0.1 8
0.8 1000
0.08 0.7
6 500
0.06 0.6
0.06 12
0.9 10
8 60
0.02 0.8
0.75 6 40
10 80
Figure 34. Box and whisker plots showing results from the recurrence quantification analysis. The
boxes have lines at the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile values. The whiskers show the
extent of the data. Outliers (+) are data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers. Data obtained
from paper III.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Time (ms)
Figure 35. Example of aortic stenosis (a) showing the variance fractal dimension plotted over time
Chapter 4. Properties of Phonocardiographic Signals
Variance fractal dimension for the data in paper III is shown in Figure 36. The
nine chosen instants were selected at times analogous to the Shannon energy plot
in Figure 25. Again, the variance is rather large, especially in the AS case. VFD of
the different murmurs are however quite well separated in their mean; AS = 1.202,
MI = 1.037 and PM = 1.336 (calculated as mean values for feature number 4-6 in
Figure 36, the values deviate from those in the figure due to normalization).
Hypothesis testing for the difference in mean between the groups (t-test) shows a
difference with significance p = 0.03, p = 0.07 and p = 0.01 when comparing
AS MI, AS PM and MI PM, respectively. Boxplots of the same data are
shown in Figure 37. Here the VFD was calculated using a concatenation of all S1
segments, all S2 segments and all murmur segments from each patient. Focusing
on the murmur, the trend from Figure 36 is recognised; MI has lowest dimension,
PM has highest dimension and AS is somewhere in between. The interpatient
variability is still a problem, especially in the AS case (probably due to the wide
range of mild to moderate AS).
1 1 1
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
0.8 0.8 0.8
0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10
Feature number Feature number Feature number
Figure 36. Mean values of the variance fractal dimension at nine time instants in systole, the whiskers
show the standard deviation. The data were normalized so S1 had unit fractal dimension (for visual
appearance). Data obtained from paper III.
S1 Murmur S2
1.6 1.6 1.6
VFD (based on all data)
1 1 1
Figure 37. Boxplots of the VFD when calculated for S1, murmur and S2 when concatenating all S1
data, all S2 data and all murmur data, respectively, within each patient. The boxes have lines at the
lower quartile, median, and upper quartile values. The whiskers show the extent of the data. Data
obtained from paper III.
5. Applications in Phonocardiographic
Signal Processing
“The modern age has a false sense of security because of the great
mass of data at its disposal. But the valid issue is the extent to which
people know how to form and master the material at their disposal.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1832)
This chapter presents some applications that make use of the knowledge gained in
previous chapters. Almost all phonocardiographic signal processing tasks are
dependent on accurate segmentation of the signal. The segmentation algorithms
that are described in 5.1 are later used in 5.2 - 5.4. Other treated applications
include detection of the third heart sound, denoising of lung sound signals and
classification or heart murmurs.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
constant and normally shorter than the duration of diastole, giving a binominal
distribution, see Figure 38). A problem with all of these approaches is that it is
hard to distinguish the heart sounds in noisy phonocardiographic signals. Noise in
this case could be heart murmurs, lung sounds and/or background noise such as
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (ms)
Figure 38. Histogram showing the distribution of systolic and diastolic duration in a heart cycle
(based on 604 heart cycles from six subjects). It can be seen that the duration of systole is rather
constant and normally shorter than the duration of diastole, giving a binominal distribution. Data
obtained from paper I.
Different change detection methods have been employed for segmentation of heart
sounds (unpublished work). One-model, two-model as well as multiple-model
approaches were tried out, but neither of them was suitable for segmentation of
heart sounds. A reason could be that they were all based on a linear regression
framework, which was not able to separate changes due to heart sounds from
changes due to noise. Parts of paper I was devoted to a nonlinear change detection
method for the task of emphasizing S1 and S2 (as an alternative to the above
mentioned transformations and change detection approaches). Heart sounds have a
transient waveform that is superpositioned upon lung sounds and other
disturbances. Since the heart sounds and the noise originate from different sources,
they have different attractors, see Figure 39. These changes in signal dynamics can
be detected with the change detection scheme in section 3.3.2 (based on recurrence
times of the first kind, T1).
A sliding window was used to partition the phonocardiographic signal into
overlapping segments to obtain time resolution. T1 is plotted in Figure 40. Since
the application in paper I was to find and remove both S1 and S2, no attempts
were made to actually classify the two sounds. This method was used in both
paper I and paper II, and resulted in an error rate of 12.4 % and 0.5 %,
respectively. The big difference in detection accuracy depends on heavy breathing
in one of the provocation sequences in paper I.
Chapter 5. Applications in Phonocardiographic Signal Processing
Figure 39. State space trajectories (d = 3, = 12) of a sound signal with S1 and S2 cut out (a). In (b)
the whole signal including S1 and S2 is shown. The transition between the two attractors is reflected
in the recurrence time statistic, hence indicating when a heart sound is present.
(a) (b)
0.20 0.2
32 33 34 35 36 32 33 34 35 36
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 40. An example showing how the recurrence time statistic indicate the location of heart
sounds. Note the obscuring noise (a deep breath) in the end of the signal. In (a) T1 is plotted over
time for various -values where the grey scale indicates the strength of T1. Superimposed in the
figure is the phonocardiographic signal (black waveform). T1( ) for one fixed -value is plotted in (b).
5.2. Finding S3
The third heart sound occurs normally in children but disappears with increasing
age. The sound can reappear in elderly persons and is clinically important because
of its established connection with heart failure [8, 57]. Compared to the task of
locating S1 and S2, finding S3 is harder due to its low amplitude, short duration
and low frequency.
Previous methods to detect S3 is limited to a matched wavelet approach, where the
mother wavelet was designed to have similar morphology as S3 [58, 59]. The idea
was to divide the signal into four frequency bands; 17, 35, 60 and 160 Hz. S1 and
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Chapter 5. Applications in Phonocardiographic Signal Processing
0.5 S1 S2 S1 S2
S3 S3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time (s)
Figure 41. Example of a heart sound signal where S1, S2 and S3 are marked (a). T1, calculated for a
range of -values, is shown in (b) while a single T1 is shown in (c) for = 0.4. T1(0.4) is used to find S1
and S2. T2, calculated for a whole range of -values is shown in (d). An edge detection algorithm is
used to convert T2 to the 1D signal in (e) which is used to detect S3 (marked as arrows by the
detection algorithm).
There are many different methods available for heart sound cancellation from lung
sounds. Heart sounds and lung sounds have overlapping frequency spectra, and
even though high pass filtering is often employed to reduce the influence of heart
sounds, this results in loss of important signal information [60]. Previous
approaches to heart sound cancellation include wavelet based methods [60],
adaptive filtering techniques [61] and fourth-order statistics [62], all resulting in
reduced but still audible HS. Recent studies indicate that cutting out segments
containing HS followed by interpolation of the missing data yields promising
results [63, 64]. The method developed in paper I is based on work by Thomas et
al. [63, 64], but the used signal processing techniques are fundamentally different
and allow nonlinear behaviour in the lung sound signal. This is an important
difference since it has been indicated that lung sounds are indeed nonlinear [65-
The method suggested in paper I uses the heart sound locator presented in section
5.1. The detections are simply cut out and the resulting gaps are filled with
predicted lung sound using the nonlinear prediction scheme described in section
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
3.4. Since the prediction error grows exponentially with prediction length [23],
both forward and backward prediction was used (hence dividing the missing
segment in two parts of half the size). To avoid discontinuities in the mid point,
the number of predicted points was allowed to exceed past half of the segment.
The two predictions were then merged in the time domain close to the midpoint at
an intersection where the slopes were similar.
Figure 42. Example of a recorded lung sound signal with heart sounds present (a) and reconstructed
lung sounds with heart sounds removed (b). The bars indicate heart sound detections. A zoomed in
version showing the predicted lung sound (solid) and lung sound including heart sounds (dashed), is
shown in (c).
The results are a bit hard to evaluate since the actual lung sound is unknown in the
segments that are predicted. However, the waveform similarity between predicted
segments and actual lung sound data is very high with a cross-correlation index of
CCI = 0.997±0.004. The spectral difference was 0.34±0.25 dB/Hz, 0.50±0.33
dB/Hz, 0.46±0.35 dB/Hz and 0.94±0.64 dB/Hz in the frequency bands 20 – 40 Hz,
40 – 70 Hz, 70 – 150 Hz and 150 – 300 Hz, respectively. Since the main objective
of the method was to give auditory high-quality results, a simple complementary
listening test was performed by a skilled primary health care physician. The
impression was that most heart sounds had been successfully replaced, but that
some predictions had a slightly higher pitch than pure lung sounds. An example of
heart sound cancellation is illustrated in Figure 42.
Chapter 5. Applications in Phonocardiographic Signal Processing
different domains. Although not mentioned explicitly, the underlying goal of the
characterization was to find data representations with distinct differences between
heart murmurs. This section is devoted to the problem of extracting features from
these data representations and selecting those features with best discriminative
power. Finally, the selected features are used to classify three different heart
murmurs; aortic stenosis, mitral insufficiency and physiological murmurs.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2
Shannon energy
5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2
5.4 5.6 5.8 6 6.2
Time (s)
Figure 43. An example showing one heart cycle from a patient with aortic stenosis (a). In (b) the
signal’s envelope has been extracted (Shannon energy), the rings indicate the selected features. A
wavelet detail is illustrated in (c), where the vertical lines are time markers equidistantly distributed
over the region of interest. The absolute sum between each marker constitutes feature values. In (d)
the variance fractal dimension trajectory is plotted together with the selected features marked as
(a) (b)
150 4.5
4 13 14 15 16
Frequency (Hz)
3 9 10 11 12
2 5 6 7 8
1 1 2 3 4
0 0.5
5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 1 2 3 4
Time (s)
Figure 44. Time frequency representation of one systolic heart beat from a patient with aortic
stenosis (a), S1 can be seen at 5.3 s and S2 at 5.8 seconds. In (b) the same data has been discretized
into a 4x4 map of features.
Chapter 5. Applications in Phonocardiographic Signal Processing
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
problem, allowing features to be both included and excluded several times [71]. A
flow chart describing the algorithm is presented in Figure 45.
Let k = 0
Let k = k + 1
Yes Let k = k -1
Stop number of features
Is this
No the best (k-1)- Yes
subset so far?
Figure 45. Flow chart of Pudil’s sequential floating forward selection method, where k is the current
number of features in the subset.
In paper III, Pudil’s sequential floating forward selection method was used to
reduce the number of features from 213 to 14. Inclusion or rejection of features
was based on the error estimate of a 1-nearest neighbour leave-one-out classifier
where the performance criterion equals 1 – the estimation error. The number of
features used in the final set was chosen to maximize the performance criterion
while keeping the number of features as low as possible.
14 features were selected, see Table 3, and the resulting set was denoted the SFFS
subset. Bearing in mind that the investigated murmurs are aortic stenosis, mitral
insufficiency and physiological murmurs, the selected features are actually very
reasonable. A wavelet detail represents the end of systole, where it can be used to
separate holosystolic mitral insufficiency murmurs from physiological murmurs
and aortic stenosis murmurs which are of crescendo-decrescendo shape. Three
Shannon energy measures represent the signal’s intensity in mid systole, thereby
describing the shape of the murmur in the time domain. A fractal dimension
measure represents the complexity of the murmur in relation to the heart sounds.
This measure can be seen as the amplitude normalized complexity of the murmur.
Another fractal dimension measure, located at S1, represents the change of S1 that
is associated with mitral insufficiency. Remaining features are a bit hard to explain
in a physiologically meaningful way.
Chapter 5. Applications in Phonocardiographic Signal Processing
Table 3. A brief summary of the features selected by Pudil’s sequential forward feature selection
method, the SFFS subset.
Wavelet detail: One feature representing the end of systole
Wavelet entropy: One feature describing the information content in the high frequency
Shannon energy: Three features in mid systole able to describe the shape and intensity of
the murmur and one feature after S2 revealing the noise level.
Stockwell’s TFR: Two features giving a collected view of the low frequency content over
the heart cycle.
Bispectrum: One feature indicating phase coupling and frequency content for low
Reconstructed state space: Three features describing the width of the Gaussian mixture
model (probably located in the part of state space where the murmur lives), two of these
belong to the largest mixture.
Variance fractal dimension: Two features, one giving the amplitude normalized
complexity of the murmur and the other describing S1.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
pathology that were erroneously classified as physiological was comparable for all
feature subsets; 10%, 10%, 7% and 7%, respectively.
Table 4. Confusion matrices showing the classification results from four different feature subsets.
Target groups are presented horizontally while the predicted groups are presented vertically. Each
number represents number of patients (total number of patients in the study is 36).
Shannon Energy Wavelet detail TFR features SFFS
AS 17 4 4 15 5 2 14 4 3 19 1 0
MI 3 2 1 6 0 4 8 1 0 2 5 0
PM 3 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 0 7
6. Discussion
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition,
but certainty is absurd.”
Voltaire (1694 - 1778)
The focus of this thesis has been to investigate and develop new tools to facilitate
physicians’ daily work. Evaluation of patients with heart disease is a complex task,
where auscultation provides one piece of the puzzle. Therefore, our intelligent
stethoscope is not to be seen as a tool capable of replacing clinicians, but rather as
a provider of quantitative decision support. The stethoscope’s main usage will be
in the primary health care, when deciding who requires special care.
Consequently, it should neither be seen as a replacement of more advanced
techniques such as echocardiography.
The main tasks for the intelligent stethoscope are to improve sound quality, to
emphasize weak or abnormal events (such as reverse splitting of S2) and to
distinguish different heart murmurs from each other. In a small pilot study from
2002, interviews with nine primary health care physicians revealed that the most
interesting task for an intelligent stethoscope was classification of heart murmurs,
especially to distinguish physiological murmurs from pathological murmurs.
A danger with projects such as the intelligent stethoscope is that technology is
sometimes introduced for the sake of technology. Heart sound cancellation from
lung sounds (paper I) tends in this direction, see section 6.1. Detection of the third
heart sound is somewhat different since S3 can be very difficult to hear. Notifying
the physician that a third heart sound is present could thus be of great value (paper
II). When it comes to decision support and classification (paper III), the intended
use of the system becomes an important issue, see section 6.2.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
new features. The survey is based on features from the literature, ranging from
time domain characteristics [76-78], spectral characteristics [79-81] and frequency
representations with time resolution [17, 72, 73, 81-83]. The main contribution
compared to previous works is the incorporation of nonlinear and chaos based
features, a source of information that has not previously been explored in the
context of heart murmur classification.
There are a number of methods available for heart sound cancellation from lung
sound recordings. This is quite interesting since heart sound cancellation have
limited clinical use (physicians are able to more or less ignore heart sounds while
tuning in on lung sounds during auscultation). The problem at hand is a very
intriguing engineering problem though, and this is probably one reason for its
popularity. A justification of all these methods is that automatic classifiers seem to
be confused by the heart sounds. When trying to separate different lung diseases
based on lungs sounds, results tend to improve after removal of the heart sounds.
Some of the previous approaches to heart sound cancellation include wavelet
based methods [60], adaptive filtering techniques [61] and fourth-order statistics
[62], all resulting in reduced but still audible HS. The contribution of paper I is
that nonlinear behaviour in the lung sound signal is taken into account while
cancelling out the heart sounds. This is an important extension since it has been
indicted that lung sounds are indeed nonlinear [65-68].
In contrast to the other two papers, there is not much work available on detection
of the third heart sound. A matched wavelet approach giving good results has
previously been developed in our research group [58, 59]. The method presented
in paper II is based on a change detection scheme developed to find weak transient
components in signals. Compared to the wavelet approach, the change detection
method finds more third heart sounds at the expense of more false detections. It is
thus a complement rather than a replacement of the wavelet method, where the
new approach could be used to find the third heart sounds while the wavelet
approach could be used to exclude false detections.
Chapter 6. Discussion
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
6.3. Methodology
Most methods used in this thesis suffer from high computational burden. This is a
problem since the software is supposed to be implemented in a portable
stethoscope, preferably in real time. It is however difficult to assess the actual
performance limitations of the used methods because they were never designed to
be quick or efficient. A number of potential speed-ups come to mind.
• Matlab was used to implement all algorithms, but using a lower level
language would increase performance.
• Fast nearest neighbour routines are available, but currently a very simple
search routine is used.
• A sliding window approach is often used to gain time resolution. The
reconstructed state space is nearly identical between iterations due to the
overlap between segments, and this fact is not exploited.
A fundamentally different bottle-neck is the fact that the some calculations are
non-causal. For instance, many of the features in paper III were derived as
averages over all available heart cycles. In most cases this could be dealt with by
only using old data. Accumulated statistics could then be used to increase the
accuracy of the output as more data become available.
Chapter 6. Discussion
Significance tests could have been performed to statistically verify if there were
any differences between the different groups in paper III. The number of tests
would have been large, trying to separate three groups from each other in 213
cases (the total number of features). There are at least two reasons why these tests
were not performed. Firstly, when performing a great number of statistical tests,
the probability of getting significant differences by chance is rather high and
secondly, variables that are useless by themselves might be useful in combination
with others.
The greatest problems when using chaos based signal analysis tools are that the
results are almost always open for interpretation, that nearly noise free data is
required and that the amount of data should be large. Phonocardiographic data is
rather cyclo-stationary than nonstationary, so by concatenating stationary
segments, large data sets can be obtained. In this thesis, these segments were
simply concatenated in the time domain, while a better approach would have been
to append the reconstructed state space matrices to each other. An extra flag would
then be appended to each coordinate, keeping track of the last coordinate in each
segment. This way, false neighbours due to the concatenation procedure can be
excluded from the calculations. This addendum would have impact on all methods
where a reconstructed state space is constructed from concatenated data
(prediction in paper I and certain features in paper III).
Estimation of fractal dimension characteristics should also be based on large
enough data sets [86]. This implies a trade-off between time resolution and
accuracy in the estimation of the time dependent fractal dimension (similar to the
uncertainty principle when calculating time-frequency representations). As the
investigated signal segment does not possess self-similarity over an infinite range
of scales, the self-similar properties of the segment are lost if the sliding window is
too short. Similarly, if the window size is set too long, the different characteristics
of consecutive signal segments will be blurred together. Another reason for not
using too short windows is that the number of signal amplitude increments used to
calculate the variance in the variance fractal dimension algorithm must be greater
than 30 to be statistically valid [24].
Ideally, four different data sets should have been used in paper III. One set for
selecting analysis methods able to extract features, one set for selecting the most
important features, one set for training the classifier and a final set for validation.
This set-up requires an extensive database of phonocardiographic signals.
Unfortunately, this was unattainable within the scope of this project. A good
compromise when the number of data is limited is the leave-one-out approach.
Here the training is performed on N-1 samples and the test is carried out on the
excluded sample. This is repeated till all samples have been tested. The results
when using separate training and testing sets compared to the leave-one-out
approach are very similar [69]. However, the independence between the training
and testing sets are compromised since the same sets are used for both feature
selection and training of the classifier.
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Chapter 6. Discussion
7. Review of Papers
“There is a coherent plan in the universe,
though I don't know what it's a plan for.”
Fred Hoyle (1915 - 2001)
This chapter introduces the papers which are included in the second part of this
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
points of the first kind (T1) are known to be rather noise insensitive and robust,
while recurrence points of the second kind (T2) are better suited for finding very
weak signals. The two could be used as a pair where T1 is used on a coarse scale
to locate the first and second heart sounds, while T2 could be used on a finer scale
to locate the third heart sound within a predetermined window succeeding the
other heart sounds. The reason to look for S3 after both S1 and S2 was to avoid the
problem of distinguishing the two (statistics about their timing is hard to use on a
young population where the heart rate is high).
Since S3 is normally heard during auscultation of younger individuals, the method
was tested on ten children. Most S3 occurrences were detected (98 %), but the
amount of false extra detections was rather high (7% of the heart cycles).
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
Processing of the Phonocardiographic Signal
[53] H. Liang, L. Sakari, and H. Iiro, "A heart sound segmentation algorithm using
wavelet decomposition and reconstruction," in Proc. 19th Ann. Int. Conf. of the
IEEE, EMBS, 1997, pp. 1630 - 1633.
[54] H. Sava, P. Pibarot, and L. G. Durand, "Application of the matching pursuit
method for structural decomposition and averaging of phonocardiographic
signals," Med Biol Eng Comput, vol. 36, pp. 302-308, 1998.
[55] J. Gnitecki and Z. Moussavi, "Variance fractal dimension trajectory as a tool for
hear sound localization in lung sounds recordings," in Proc. 25th Ann. Int. Conf.
IEEE EMBS, 2003, pp. 2420-2423.
[56] V. Nigam and R. Priemer, "Accessing heart dynamics to estimate durations of
heart sounds," Physiological Measurement, pp. 1005-1018, 2005.
[57] N. Joshi, "The third heart sound," South Med J, vol. 92, pp. 756-761, 1999.
[58] P. Hult, T. Fjallbrant, K. Hilden, U. Dahlstrom, B. Wranne, and P. Ask,
"Detection of the third heart sound using a tailored wavelet approach: method
verification," Med Biol Eng Comput, vol. 43, pp. 212-217, 2005.
[59] P. Hult, T. Fjallbrant, B. Wranne, and P. Ask, "Detection of the third heart sound
using a tailored wavelet approach," Med Biol Eng Comput, vol. 42, pp. 253-258,
[60] S. Charleston, M. R. Azimi-Sadjadi, and R. Gonzalez-Camarena, "Interference
cancellation in respiratory sounds via a multiresolution joint time-delay and
signal-estimation scheme," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 44, pp. 1006-1019,
[61] S. Charleston and M. R. Azimi-Sadjadi, "Reduced order Kalman filtering for the
enhancement of respiratory sounds," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 43, pp. 421-
424, 1996.
[62] L. J. Hadjileontiadis and S. M. Panas, "Adaptive reduction of heart sounds from
lung sounds using fourth-order statistics," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, vol. 44, pp.
642, 1997.
[63] Z. K. Moussavi, D. Flores, and G. Thomas, "Heart sound cancellation based on
multiscale products and linear prediction," in Proc. 26th Annu. Int. Conf. IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC’04, San Francisco, USA,
2004, pp. 3840-3843.
[64] M. T. Pourazad, Z. K. Moussavi, and G. Thomas, "Heart sound cancellation from
lung sound recordings using adaptive threshold and 2D interpolation in time-
frequency domain," in Proc. 25th Annu. Int. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society, EMBC’03, Cancun, Mexico, 2003, pp. 2586-2589.
[65] C. Ahlstrom, A. Johansson, P. Hult, and P. Ask, "Chaotic dynamics of respiratory
sounds," Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol. In Press, Corrected Proof.
[66] J. Gnitecki and Z. Moussavi, "The fractality of lung sounds: A comparison of
three waveform fractal dimension algorithms," Chaos Solitons & Fractals, vol.
26, pp. 1065-1072, 2005.
[67] J. Gnitecki, Z. Moussavi, and H. Pasterkamp, " Geometrical and Dynamical State
Space Parameters of Lung Sounds," in 5th Int. Workshop on Biosignal
Interpretation, 2005, pp. 113-116.
[68] A. Vena, E. Conte, G. Perchiazzi, A. Federici, R. Giuliani, and J. P. Zbilut,
"Detection of physiological singularities in respiratory dynamics analyzed by
recurrence quantification analysis of tracheal sounds," Chaos Solitons & Fractals,
vol. 22, pp. 869-881, 2004.
The phonocardiography factory.