Parametric Study of A Class of Arch Bridge Models
Parametric Study of A Class of Arch Bridge Models
Parametric Study of A Class of Arch Bridge Models
Ramez Bou Rizk
Ahmad Mokbel
Charbel Bacha
Faculty of Engineering
University of Balamand
June 2018
Copyright © 2018, Ramez Bou Rizk, Ahmad Mokbel & Charbel Bacha
All Rights Reserved
This report could not have been written if it were not for the contribution and
encouragement of various people.
To begin with, much appreciation and gratitude go to Dr. Nabil Fares, the project
supervisor, for his advice, extensive work, and infinite support.
The writers would like to thank the moderators Dr. Najib Saliba and Eng. Philippe
Hawi for their support and advice during the writing of this report.
This report would have never been completed without the encouragement and faith of
families and friends.
1.1 General Introduction 1
1.2 Background on Arch Bridges 1
1.2.1 Applications of Arch Bridges 1
1.2.2 Benefits of Arch Bridges 2
1.2.3 Types of Arch Bridges 3
1.3 Aims and Objectives 5
1.4 Methodology Chart 6
1.5 Scope of Work 7
2.1 Basic Approach to Solve Simple Cases 8
2.2 Simple Cases Considered 8
2.3 Simple Case Solutions with Discussions 9
2.3.1 Case 1a: Two-Member Truss over Beam (Pinned Supports) 9
2.3.2 Case 1b: Two-Member Truss over Beam (Pinned and Roller Supports) 13
2.3.3 Case 2a: Two-Member Frame over Beam (Pinned Supports) 18
3.1 Direct Stiffness Method 23
3.2 Verification of Simple Cases with SAP 24
3.2.1 Modeling with SAP 24
3.2.2 Verification of Case 1a 31
3.2.3 Verification of Case 1b 34
3.2.4 Verification of Case 2a 37
One of the major fields of civil engineering is the transportation field. This includes
roads, railroads, and other facilities which all rely on bridges when the geography of the
location includes steep slopes and rivers. The idea of bridges evolved from the notion of a
tree-trunk over a stream to a vast array of complex structures that meet different
requirements. The Romans refined bridge building by implementing arch bridges because
they discovered that arches can support more weight than a flat structure, and this innovation
Arch bridges are one of the oldest types of bridges that have been used for a long time.
This is due to their unique mechanism of transferring loads to the supports which have
resulted in great natural strength. Before the introduction of technology to the civil
engineering field, arch bridges were built in a non-optimal way; which means that all of the
elements were not being used to their maximum capability. Today with the help of
technology, the design of different structures is being done with the use of numerous
programs which have facilitated the work to help assure that structures built are executed the
right and proper way. This project aims to analyze and optimize a class of half-through arch
Arch bridges were first built from stone, bricks, clay, and timber. These materials were
later replaced by concrete and steel. Theories regarding the strength of building materials
were developed during the Renaissance by Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo Galilei, who were
both polymaths. Advancements in the educational field lead to new majors in fields such as
engineering, scientists, and mathematicians. These specialists worked out the mechanics of
bridges. Our point of interest is a class of half-through arch bridges since it will be seen that
there are several categories of arch bridges. Arch bridges are particularity unique because
they draw their strength from the compression of the arch and the lateral confinement of the
end supports.
Provide High Level of Resistance – The curved design of the arch gives an
forces that may try to deform it. Due to the symmetry of the structure, the horizontal
Resistant to Distortion – An arch bridge with an arc of circle arch is purposely designed
to ensure that no damage or distortion would occur to the bridge under excessive
amounts of weight. This is very beneficial since it helps cut down potential maintenance
cost [7].
Uniform Pressure Distribution – The weight of anything crossing an arch bridge will be
transferred from the arch to the end supports, instead of dispersing across their entirety.
This is done to make sure no single part of the bridges takes on too much pressure [7].
Gain Strength Over Time – Since arch bridges are built to resist compression the bridge
would actually become stronger over time. This is a material related phenomenon since
the atoms of a material under constant compression move closer and gain compressive
strength [7].
In arch bridges, the forces are transmitted along from the top member all the way to the
supports located at each end, unlike straight bridges where the force is concentrated at a
certain point. The critical component to transfer forces between all the connections is the
hinges at the intersections of the arch and deck which do not allow transferring of the
moment. There are three types of arch bridges, illustrated in Figure 1.3, and these include:
Deck Arch Bridge (a) – The spandrel columns are the main support of the arch ribs. It is
usually made of reinforced concrete and the deck is located above the crown of the
Through Arch Bridge (b) – The suspenders are the support and the deck is located
Half-Through Arch Bridge (c) – The spandrel columns and suspender are the supports
The aim of this project is to optimize parameters related to stress distribution and select
the best possible configuration for a class of arch bridge models. The objectives of this
Solve basic arch bridge models using manual calculations that will be used as
calculating critical parameters for several cases in a bid to optimize the overall
Solving basic examples that consist of a simple truss over a beam with various end
support conditions.
Calculating deflections, moments, and forces for the basic examples and creating plots
Identify parameter limitations and conduct a parametric study. All results are tabulated
In this project, a rudimentary approach is used to analyze basic forms of arch bridges.
This includes understanding the various elements (members, supports, and connections) as
well as their different properties (stiffness, dimensions, and orientation of members) that
make up a typical arch bridge. These simple cases are idealized forms of arch bridges that can
be used as reference models when studying more complicated examples and as controlling
cases when testing an automated program in later stages of the project. In each example, a
figure is displayed to aid in understanding the case and followed by various plots that are
further explained.
A total of three simple cases are considered in this project. These cases are each made
up of three members and have two supports on either end. The simplest possible form of an
arch is used, and this involves two members in a triangular configuration. A single point load
of magnitude ‘P’ is placed at the center of the beam. In order to ensure load distribution
between the arch and beam, an infinitely stiff link is placed connecting them together. Figure
2.1 illustrates the three basic examples that will be covered in more details in the next section.
The first simple case solved consists of a two-member truss (AD and CD) over a beam
(AB and BC) as seen in the figure below. The case will be solved using manual application of
the direct stiffness method and the final results will include the deflection and moments at
mid-span in the beam and the axial load in the truss elements.
The structure has a single point load applied downwards at the center of the beam with
a magnitude of ‘P’. An infinite stiff element is placed between nodes B and D to transfer the
loads between the truss elements and beam. The supports at A and C are pinned, therefore
This fundamental arch bridge has a total of three degrees of freedom. It initially starts
with four degrees of freedom, but due to the infinite stiff element between nodes B and D the
vertical degrees of freedom are equal at these nodes. Additionally, each support has a
The direct stiffness method is used to analyze the above case and the first step is to
construct the LM vectors of the elements. Axial deformations are ignored in members AB
and BC since they are laterally restricted and this is shown in the table below.
1 PL3
δMid = 1 EA L2
× (2.1)
1+12× EIt Cos[θ]Sin[θ]2 48 EIb
1 PL
𝑀Mid = 1 EA L2
× (2.2)
1+12× EIt Cos[θ]Sin[θ]2 4
1 EAt L2 Sin[𝜃]Cos[𝜃] P
𝐹Truss = 1 EA L2
× × (2.3)
1+12× EIt Cos[θ]Sin[θ]2 12EIb 2
We note that the dependence of δMid and 𝑀Mid on θ are exactly the same. Due to the
symmetry of the structure, the maximum moment and deflection occur at the middle of the
beam. Using the derived equations, we were able to create three plots that study the various
parameters as the angle and relative truss to beam stiffness (β) is varied.
Figure 2.3 shows the angle required to obtain the maximum force and bending moments
as the relative truss to beam stiffness (β) is varied. It is noticed that the optimal angle to
obtain the maximum bending moment in the beam is constant and independent of the relative
beam to truss stiffness ratio. To reach the maximum force in the truss as β is increasing, a
smaller angle is required. This is because as EAt is increasing the truss is capable of resisting
more load. Finally, we note that at 45 degrees the force in the truss is maximum for a very
Figure 2.3: Angle at Which Either the Force in the Truss or Bending Moment in the Beam is a Maximum
There is a rapid change in angle when β increases from zero to 200. This is due to the
increase in the axial stiffness of the truss leading it to resist a maximum force at a shallower
angle. In conclusion, to obtain the maximum force in the truss a lower angle is required as the
Figure 2.4 illustrates the distribution of forces among the members while varying the
relative truss to beam stiffness (β). When β has a value of zero and due to the truss having no
axial stiffness, the beam has a maximum bending moment value. Conversely, when the β is
large the truss has a maximal value while the beam is minimal. As the relative stiffness ratio
approaches infinity, the truss tends to resists all the applied load.
Figure 2.4: Maximum Force in Truss and Maximum Bending Moment in Beam at Optimal Angle as a
Using Figure 2.5 we notice that at zero degrees, the deflection is maximum because the
truss has no contribution, and the system is acting as if it is a simply supported beam. It can
also be seen that at 90 degrees a similar behavior is noted, but in this case, the truss has a
length that tends to infinity resulting in a complete loss of stiffness. The optimal angle is seen
to be between 45 to 60 degrees. In this case, the beam and truss are both carrying the load in a
manner that the deflection is minimized. As β increases, the deflection decreases since the
Figure 2.5: Case 1a Normalized Deflection at Beam Middle for Various Angles as β is Varied.
2.3.2 Case 1b: Two-Member Truss over Beam (Pinned and Roller Supports)
The second simple case solved consists of a two-member truss (AD and CD) over a
beam (AB and BC) as seen in the figure below. The same method of solving and results will
The structure has a single point load applied downwards at the center of the beam with
a magnitude of ‘P’. An infinite stiff element is placed between nodes B and D to transfer the
loads between the truss elements and beam. The support at A is pinned while C is a roller.
They both restrict vertical translation and allow rotation. Additionally, support C allows
lateral translation, unlike support A. This case has a total of five degrees of freedom. The first
three degrees of freedom are similar to the previous case, in addition to two horizontal
Figure 2.6: Two-Member Truss over Beam (Pinned and Roller Supports).
The direct stiffness method is also used to analyze the above case and the first step is to
construct the LM vectors of the elements. In this case, axial deformations are not ignored in
members AB and BC, since laterally deformation is permitted by the roller at node C. This is
Table 2.2: LM Vectors of Two-Member Truss over Beam (Pinned and Roller Supports).
1 𝑃𝐿3
δMid = 1 EAt𝐿2 (1+αtCos[𝜃]3 )
× (2.4)
1+12× Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃]2 48 EIb
EIb (1+2αtCos[𝜃]3 )
1 PL
𝑀Mid = 1 EA 𝐿2 (1+αtCos[𝜃]3 )
× (2.5)
1+ × t Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃]2 4
12 EIb (1+2αtCos[𝜃]3 )
EAt 𝐿2
EIb 1 P
𝐹Truss = Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃] 1 EAt𝐿2 (1+αtCos[𝜃]3 )
× (2.6)
12 1+ × Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃]2 2
12 EIb (1+2αtCos[𝜃]3 )
A similar dependence between δMid and 𝑀Mid on θ is noted as in the previous case.
Additionally, due to the symmetry of the structure, maximum moment and deflection occur at
the middle of the beam. Using the obtained results, we were able to create three plots that
study the various parameters as the angle and relative truss to beam stiffness (β) is varied.
Figure 2.7 shows the change in optimal angle needed to obtain the maximum force in
the truss. The relative truss to beam stiffness is varied along with various values of relative
axial stiffness of truss to beam (αt). As EAb tends to infinity, αt approaches zero and it is seen
that the change in optimal angle is zero. This is because the beam has no axial deformation
and reverts back to the previous example. For αt ranging between 0.01 to 0.2, which are
practical values, the maximum change in angle ranges from 0.85 to -0.3 degrees which is not
a major difference from the previous case. Therefore, we can conclude that the effect of the
roller support is not critical and it would be easier for practical purposes to ignore the axial
deformation in the beam and hence considered the supports of a bridge strictly as pins.
Figure 2.7: Change in Optimal Angle at which the Force in the Truss is a Maximum Verses the Relative
Similarly, Figure 2.8 shows the change in optimal angle needed to obtain the maximum
bending moment at the middle of the beam. A similar conclusion can be drawn since the
change in angle varies from 1.3 to 0.9 degrees as αt is varied. This is also not a major
Figure 2.8: Change in Optimal Angle at Which the Bending Moment in the Beam is a Maximum Verses
Similar to case 1a we notice for example 1b, in Figure 2.9, that at zero degrees, the
deflection is maximum because the truss is not helping at all and the structure is acting as if it
is a simply supported beam. It can also be seen that at 90 degrees a similar behavior is noted,
but in this case, the truss has a length that tends to infinity resulting in a complete loss of
The optimal angle is seen to be between 45 to 60 degrees. In this case, the beam and
truss are both carrying the load in a manner that the deflection is minimized. As β increases,
the deflection decreases due to a higher ratio of the truss to beam ratio since the truss begins
Figure 2.9: Case 1b Normalized Deflection at Beam Middle for Various Angles as β is Varied.
The final simple case solved consists of a two-member frame (AD and CD) over a beam
(AB and BC) as seen in the figure below. The same method of solving and results will be
The loading and element layout are similar to the previous cases, while the supports at
A and C are pinned. Therefore, restricting lateral and vertical translation while allowing
rotation. This case has a total of three degrees of freedom that are similar to those of the first
example presented in this chapter. It is worth noting that since the inclined elements are
frames and not trusses in this example an additional rotational degree of freedom is present at
node D. This rotational DOF is not shown since it is zero due to the symmetry of the structure
and loading.
The direct stiffness method is used to analyze the above case and the first step is to
construct the LM vectors of the elements. Axial deformations are ignored in members AB
and BC, since they are laterally restricted and this is shown in the LM vectors below.
1 PL3
δMid = 1 EAt𝐿2
× (2.7)
(10+22Cos[𝜃]−7Cos[3𝜃]+6Cos[4𝜃]+Cos[5𝜃])+ × Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃]2 48EIb
48 12 EIb
(−1−Cos[𝜃]+Cos[𝜃]2 ) PL
𝑀Mid = 1 × (2.8)
(1+3Cos[𝜃]−3Cos[𝜃]2 −3Cos[𝜃]3 +3Cos[𝜃]4 +Cos[𝜃]5 )+12𝛽Cos[𝜃]Sin[𝜃]2 4
2𝛽Sin[2𝜃] P
𝐹Truss = (66+𝛽)Cos[𝜃]−(21+𝛽)Cos[3𝜃]+3(10+6Cos[4𝜃]+Cos[5𝜃]) × (2.9)
We notice that at zero degrees in Figure 2.11 the deflection is equal to half, this is due
to the help of the inclined frames that are horizontal in this case. They are adding to the
section of the beam thus doubling flexural resistance and reducing deflection. At 90 degrees,
the frame is not carrying any of the loads thus the beam is resisting all the loads resulting to a
deflection value similar to that of a simply supported beam. This is due to the inclined frame
Figure 2.11: Case 2a Normalized Deflection at Beam Middle for Various Angles as β is Varied.
Figure 2.12 illustrates the axial force in the inclined frame members for various values
of β. At an angle of zero, the axial force is zero due to the inclined frames being
perpendicular to the load and hence no axial force is being exerted. A similar resulted is
noted at 90 degrees, but in this case, the inclined frames have no stiffness and cannot resist
any load. The optimal angle occurs near 45 degrees for β up to 10. When the value of β
increases above 100 then the force in the inclined frame is significantly large and this is due
to the increase in their axial stiffness allowing them to resist much larger forces.
Figure 2.12: Case 2a Normalized Axial Force in Inclined Frame for Various Angles as β is Varied.
A similar explanation is valid for Figure 2.13 as that used for Figure 2.11. We also
notice a similarity in the shape of the curves and similar values at zero and 90 degrees. This is
due to the fact that the bending moment and deflection in the beam are directly related.
Regarding the optimal angle, it is found to be in the range of 45 degrees for a β value of
100. While for smaller β values a maximum moment is achieved at 45 degrees. This is the
opposite of Figure 2.12 since the applied load is shared between the inclined frames and
Figure 2.13: Case 2a Normalized Bending Moment at Beam Middle for Various Angles as β is Varied.
are considered to be the primary unknowns. One such example of this is the direct stiffness
method which is a matrix based structural analysis theory. This is particularly suited for
this project since one of our aims is to create an automated program. The results of the direct
The method works by identifying the degrees of freedom of the elements (LM vector of
each element) and then assembling the stiffness matrix of the structure. The individual
element stiffness matrices are obtained by using Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.
This method was used to obtain all the equations presented in the previous chapter of
this report. This chapter will verify the credibility of these equations by assigning numeric
values for all parameters and comparing the obtained values with equivalent SAP models of
program capable of analyzing complex structures in real time. We modeled the three basic
arch bridge cases defined in the previous chapter of this report. The first step was to assign
numeric values to all the parameters required to calculate deflections, bending moments, and
axial forces. These parameters are summarized in Table 3.1. The results obtained from SAP
are compared to those obtained from the derived direct stiffness equations, and the
differences are noted in order to study the accuracy of the direct stiffness method.
It is worth noting that SAP calculates both flexural and shear deformation stresses. The
direct stiffness method neglects the effect of shear deformation. This issue is solved by using
sections with minimal values of radius of gyration and materials with a large shear modulus.
The version of SAP used is 19.2.0 and the following series of figures illustrate the basic
set-up process of the grid system, material, and required sections. These steps are similar for
Figure 3.15: Infinitely Stiff Link between Arch Top and Mid-Beam.
The first case, as previously defined, involves a two-member truss over a beam with
pinned connections on both ends. This is the simplest of the three cases, and applying the
numeric values defined in Table 3.1 in Equations 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 we obtained the following
1 100 × 53
δMid = × = 1.481 × 10−5 m
0.09 ×52 48 × 200 × 106 × 0.0171
1 + 12 × 0.0171 Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19]2
1 100 × 5
MMid = × = 24.31 kN. m
0.09 × 52 4
1 + 12 × 0.0171 Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19]2
Figure 3.18 shows the vertical deflection at the highlighted nodes. We note that the
deflections are equal. This is expected since the infinitely stiff link causes the direct transfer
of the applied load and therefore the deflection at the top of the arch equals that of the beam.
Using Figure 3.19 and 3.20 we note that the bending moment and axial force values are
Table 3.2: Case 1a Difference between Derived Formulas and SAP Results.
The second case involves a two-member truss over beam with a pinned connection at
one end and roller at the other end. The same numeric values defined in Table 3.1 are applied
for Equations 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6. We obtained the following results.
1 100 × 53
δMid = ×
0.09 × 52 (1 + 0.07335 × Cos[50.19]3 ) 48 × 200 × 106 × 0.0171
1 + 12 × 0.0171 Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19]2
(1 + 2 × 0.07335 × Cos[50.19]3 )
1 100 × 5
𝑀Mid = 3) ×
0.09 × 52 (1 + 0.07335 × Cos[50.19] 4
1+ Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19]2
12 × 0.0171 (1 + 2 × 0.07335 × Cos[50.19]3 )
0.09 × 52
1 100
𝐹Truss = 0.0171 Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19] ∗ ×
12 0.09 × 52 2 (1 + 0.07335 × Cos[50.19]2) 2
1+ Cos[50.19]Sin[50.19]
12 × 0.0171 (1 + 2 × 0.07335 × Cos[50.19]2)
𝐹Truss = 53.66 kN
Figure 2.23 shows the vertical deflection at the highlighted nodes. We note that the
deflections are equal. This is expected since the infinitely stiff link causes the direct transfer
of the applied load and therefore the deflection at the top of the arch equals that of the beam.
Using Figure 3.24 and 3.25 we note that the bending moment and axial force values are
Table 3.3: Case 1b Difference between Derived Formulas and SAP Results.
The final case involves a two-member beam over beam with pinned connections on
both ends. The same numeric values defined in Table 3.1 are applied for Equations 2.7, 2.8,
100 × 53
× = 1.311 × 10−5 m
48 × 200 × 106 × 0.0171
100 × 5
× = −2.65 kN. m
= 63.39 kN
Using Figure 3.28 and 3.29 we note that the bending moment and axial force values are
Table 3.4: Case 2a Difference between Derived Formulas and SAP Results.
Now that all cases have been modeled with SAP and numeric results have been
obtained using the direct stiffness equation, we can compare the results to check the validity
of the direct stiffness equations. We see that the largest difference between results presented
in Tables 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 is 3.1%. This confirms that our work is verified since the
There are several possible arch configurations that can be modeled and studied. These
include an arc of a circle, parabolic arc, ogee, and depressed arches. The remainder of this
project will consider arc of circle arches. The two main parameters that need to be considered
for this case are the height of the arch above the deck and the width of the arch between the
Figure 3.30 illustrates the basic arch bridge graphic used throughout the Wolfram
Mathematics program. We also see the three critical dimensions that need to be defined in
L – This is the entire span of the bridge deck. There are pinned or fixed supports at
LMid – This dimension defines the distance between the intersection of the arch and
bridge deck. In the case of LMid = L, the bridge is a through arch bridge and not a half-
HTop – This is the distance from the middle of the bridge deck to the top of the arch. The
Since an arc of a circle will be used to define the arch for the bridge, there are certain
limitations that arise and need to be considered. These limitations prevent any combinations
of HTop and LMid from working. Equations 3.1 and 3.2 shows the conditions that need to be
L ≥ LMid (3.2)
This chapter will cover a comprehensive parametric study using Wolfram Mathematica
to analyze a half-through arch bridge with an arc of circle arch. The first step in this
L̂Mid = LMid / 𝐿 This variable ranges from zero to one. When it is equal to zero this means
the arch does not exist. At a value of one, the arch and bridge deck start
and end at the same point. In this case the model becomes a through arch
̂𝑇𝑜𝑝 = 𝐻𝑇𝑜𝑝 / LMid This variable ranges from zero to half since the largest possible arc of
Applying the previous limitation specified in Equations 3.1 and 3.2 for the normalized
parameters, the values to be considered can be derived. These values will be seen in the
remainder of this section in the summarized tables. The parametric study will include the
following results: arch bending moment, deck bending moment, and deflections at the middle
of the deck.
These results will each be obtained twice, once assuming a hinged connection between
the arch and deck and another assuming a stiff connection. The connection between the arch
and deck is modeled as a rotary spring. At a spring stiffness equal to zero, the connection is
hinged. As the spring stiffness increases the connection also tends to stiffen preventing any
Only pinned support at the ends of the arch and deck will be considered for this
parametric study. The flexural and axial stiffness of the arch will be varied for three possible
cases to study the change in load distribution as the arch stiffness increases. EI Arch will be
taken as 0.1, 1, and 10. Also, EA / EI = 1000 for both the arch and deck. The corresponding
The values in Table 4.1 are used to initialize the Mathematica program in order to
create tables for a parametric study. A total of six study cases are considered as previously
These tables can be used to easily identify the optimum values of L̂Mid and 𝐻
̂𝑇𝑜𝑝 in
order to minimize the member bending moments and vertical deflections. Tables 4.2 and 4.3
show the basic layout of the arch bridge for various valid combinations of L̂Mid and 𝐻
̂𝑇𝑜𝑝 .
This is particularly useful in visualizing the shape of the arch, and correlating the physical
Table 4.3: Pinned Arch and Deck – Various Arch Layouts with Deformation.
4.2.1 Study 1: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged Connection - EI Arch = 0.1
Figure 4.1: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.4: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.2: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.5: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deck Moment.
Figure 4.3: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deflection.
Table 4.6: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deflection.
Figure 4.4: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 1 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.7: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 1 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.5: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 1 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.8: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 1 - Deck Moment.
Figure 4.7: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 10 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.10: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 10 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.8: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 10 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.11: Pinned Arch and Deck - Hinged - EI Arch = 10 - Deck Moment.
4.2.4 Study 4: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff Connection - EI Arch = 0.1
Figure 4.10: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.13: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.11: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.14: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deck Moment.
Figure 4.12: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deflection.
Table 4.15: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 0.1 - Deflection.
Figure 4.13: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 1 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.16: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 1 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.14: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 1 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.17: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 1 - Deck Moment.
Figure 4.16: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 10 - Arch Moment.
Table 4.19: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 10 - Arch Moment.
Figure 4.17: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 10 - Deck Moment.
Table 4.20: Pinned Arch and Deck - Stiff - EI Arch = 10 - Deck Moment.
results and deduce what arch dimensions and properties are best for an overall optimized
smallest moment and deflection coefficients. Upon observation these values are found to be
0.6 and 0.1, respectively. Table 4.22 summarizes the corresponding coefficients obtained
We immediately notice that as the stiffness of the arch increases the normalized
moment coefficient also increases. This true for both cases of arch to deck connection. It is
also worth noting that when the connection becomes stiff the arch moment coefficient is
smaller than the previous case. This is due to some moment being transferred into the deck.
An inverse observation is made for the deck normalized moment and deflection
coefficients. These values decrease as the arch stiffness is increased. This is an expected
behavior since as the arch resists more load, the deck load is reduced.
Minimal change in deflection is noted when the arch to deck connection is changed
from hinged to stiff. While the deck moment coefficients are seen to increase slightly when
Based on these observations it can be concluded that the best possible configuration is
dependent on the design of the arch and deck. There are various ways of achieving different
load distributions, and based on the required design an adequate analysis can be provided.
5.1 Conclusions
This project has broadened our knowledge towards the behavior of arches. Starting with
simple examples and progressing towards more complex cases allowed us to build an
understanding and appreciation for the Direct Stiffness Method and its systematic approach to
Solving the initial three cases using manual calculations and SAP was an important step
in verifying the credibility of our work and significant conclusions were made. The first
being that a negligible difference in optimal angle is noticed between double pinned and
pinned - roller supports. This is useful in simplifying analysis calculations even though in
reality a roller support is used. We also noticed that to minimize deflection, an angle between
45 to 60 degrees should be used regardless if the arch is a truss or frame system. Parametric
studies involving about 3600 cases were done for the arc of a circle arch case. The results
5.2 Recommendations
The potential improvements for this project are numerous. Additional research and
analysis could lead to further understanding the parameters of an arch bridge and how to
Expand arch configuration to other cases such as arcs of parabolas and ogee arches.
Studying various distributed vertical loads and other real-world load simulations.
Use derived analysis results to design member sections based on different materials.
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