This document contains the schedule of Tarawih prayer leaders and preachers at the "Manbaul Barakah" mosque for the month of Ramadan 1440 H. It lists the imam, preacher, and master of ceremonies for each night of Tarawih prayers from the 1st to the 30th night of Ramadan. The schedule was drawn up on the 1st of Ramadan 1440 H and was signed off by the head of the mosque youth and the head of the Islamic religious affairs institute of the mosque.
This document contains the schedule of Tarawih prayer leaders and preachers at the "Manbaul Barakah" mosque for the month of Ramadan 1440 H. It lists the imam, preacher, and master of ceremonies for each night of Tarawih prayers from the 1st to the 30th night of Ramadan. The schedule was drawn up on the 1st of Ramadan 1440 H and was signed off by the head of the mosque youth and the head of the Islamic religious affairs institute of the mosque.
This document contains the schedule of Tarawih prayer leaders and preachers at the "Manbaul Barakah" mosque for the month of Ramadan 1440 H. It lists the imam, preacher, and master of ceremonies for each night of Tarawih prayers from the 1st to the 30th night of Ramadan. The schedule was drawn up on the 1st of Ramadan 1440 H and was signed off by the head of the mosque youth and the head of the Islamic religious affairs institute of the mosque.
This document contains the schedule of Tarawih prayer leaders and preachers at the "Manbaul Barakah" mosque for the month of Ramadan 1440 H. It lists the imam, preacher, and master of ceremonies for each night of Tarawih prayers from the 1st to the 30th night of Ramadan. The schedule was drawn up on the 1st of Ramadan 1440 H and was signed off by the head of the mosque youth and the head of the Islamic religious affairs institute of the mosque.
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1. Malam Senin, 1 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar Di Tiadakan H. Hakim Usman, M.Pd 2. Malam Selasa, 2 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Saleh Sayuti, S.Pd Sofian Hadi, S.Pd 3. Malam Rabu, 3 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar M. Zamroni, S.A.g M. Taqiyuddin 4. Malam Kamis, 4 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I Samsul Arifin, 5. Malam Jum’at, 5 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Ibrahim Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd Helmi Zikri 6. Malam Sabtu, 6 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Kamarudin, SE M. Azrin 7. Malam Ahad, 7 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar Ust. Muhtar Said M. Yunus Sapoan H. 8. Malam Senin, 8 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Kamarudin, SE H. Hakim Usman, M.Pd Ahmad Julianto 9. Malam Selasa, 9 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd H. Saleh Sayuti, S.Pd Wahyu Taufik H. 10. Malam Rabu, 10 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar M. Zamroni, S.A.g Sofian Hadi, S.Pd 11. Malam Kamis, 11 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I M. Taqiyuddin 12. Malam Jum’at, 12 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Muhtar Said Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd Samsul Arifin, 13. Malam Sabtu, 13 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I H. Kamarudin, SE Helmi Zikri 14. Malam Ahad, 14 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar Ust. Muhtar Said M. Azrin 15. Malam Senin, 15 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Hakim Usman, M.Pd M. Yunus Sapoan H. 16. Malam Selasa, 16 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Ibrahim H. Saleh Sayuti, S.Pd Ahmad Julianto 17. Malam Rabu, 17 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Kamarudin, SE M. Zamroni, S.A.g Wahyu Taufik H. 18. Malam Kamis, 18 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I Sofian Hadi, S.Pd 19. Malam Jum’at, 19 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd M. Taqiyuddin 20. Malam Sabtu, 20 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd H. Kamarudin, SE Samsul Arifin, 21. Malam Ahad, 21 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Muhtar Said Ust. Muhtar Said Helmi Zikri 22. Malam Senin, 22 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Hakim Usman, M.Pd M. Azrin 23. Malam Selasa, 23 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Saleh Sayuti, S.Pd M. Yunus Sapoan H. 24. Malam Rabu, 24 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I M. Zamroni, S.A.g Ahmad Julianto 25. Malam Kamis, 25 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Ibrahim H. Zainudin Ikhsan, S.Pd.I Wahyu Taufik H. 26. Malam Jum’at, 26 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd Sofian Hadi, S.Pd 27. Malam Sabtu, 27 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Kamarudin, SE M. Taqiyuddin 28. Malam Ahad, 28 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Kamarudin, SE Ust. Muhtar Said Samsul Arifin, 29. Malam Senin, 29 Ramadhan 1440 H. Ust. Rahman Umar, S.Pd H. Hakim Usman, M.Pd Helmi Zikri 30. Malam Selasa, 30 Ramadhan 1440 H. H. Abd Satar H. Saleh Sayuti, S.Pd M. Azrin