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School: Langkaan II National High School Grade Level: Grade 9

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Carmel M. Gelbolingo Learning Area: MAPEH

Teaching Dates and Time: February 18-22, 2019 Quarter: Fourth

I. Date Feb. 18, 2019 (MUSIC) Feb. 19, 2019 (MUSIC) Feb. 20, 2019 (MUSIC) Feb. 21, 2019 (PE) Feb. 22, 2019 (MUSIC)
The learners should The learners should The learners should The learner should The learners should
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of lifestyle understanding of
Content Standards
characteristic features of characteristic features of characteristic features of and weight management to characteristic features of
vocal music of the vocal music of the vocal music of the promote community vocal music of the
Romantic period. Romantic period. Romantic period. fitness. Romantic period.
The learner maintains an
The learner sings and The learner sings and The learner sings and active lifestyle to influence The learner sings and
Performance Standards: performs themes of performs themes of performs themes of the physical activity performs themes of
selected songs. selected songs. selected songs. participation of the selected songs.
1. Enumerate Opera
Composer of the Romantic 1. Analyze musical
1. Identify the voice
Period. components of Opera. 1. Discusses the nature and
classification of the 1. Tests one’s ability and
2. Give at least one 2. Differentiate the musical background of indoor and
romantic period. knowledge about the topic.
composition of these elements of the romantic outdoor recreational
Learning 2. Discuss two famous 2. Follow the direction in
composers using a graphic period from the classical activities.
Competencies/Objectives: operas of the Romantic the given test.
organizer. period. 2. Participates in active
Period. 3. Show honesty in
3. Explain the importance 3. Listens perceptively to recreation.
3. Participate actively in answering the test.
of vocal music of the selected art songs and
the given tasks.
romantic period in the excerpts of opera.
Recreational Activity
Vocal Music of the Vocal Music of the Vocal Music of the Vocal Music of the
II. CONTENT (Indoor and Outdoor
Romantic Period Romantic Period Romantic Period Romantic Period
Music and Arts Learner’s Music and Arts Learner’s Music and Arts Learner’s Physical Education and
A. References Test Questionnaire / Pen
Material Material Material Health Learner’s Material
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 130 – 132 137 138 – 139
2. Learner’s Materials Pages 107 – 109 112 – 113 114 – 117 167 – 179

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Materials search?q=romantic+music
Ask the student what could
be the possible topic to be
discussed with the used of
the picture below: The students will listen to
The students will listen to Show them pictures of
Reviewing the PAST lesson/ different singers from the
sample music of the different activities both
presenting the NEW lesson Philippines of different
Romantic Period. indoor and outdoor.
voice classifications.

Ask the students the Then ask them these
Ask the students the
following questions: questions:
following questions:
1. What do you feel upon 1. What can you say about
1. What do you think are
hearing the sample music the singers that you’ve Explain the importance of
Establishing the purpose of the the characteristic of the
of the romantic era? heard? How about their doing these kinds of
lesson music of the romantic era?
2. How would you compare voices? activities in our daily lives?
2. How does the music
the music of this period to 2. What are the different
from this era differ from
the music of the classical voice classifications that
the other periods?
era? you know?
Sharing of ideas: The teacher will distribute Sharing of Ideas:
1. Franz Schubert strips f paper showing The teacher will play
2. Giuseppe Verdi different musical elements video/ sound clip of
Presenting Examples/ Instances Discussion: INDOOR and
3. Giacomo Puccini of Opera in the Romantic different voices
of the lesson OUTDOOR Recreation
4. Richard Wagner Period and with their classifications for both
5. Georges Bizet groups ask them to define male and female and let
each, and let them discuss them identify each.

With their groups let them
identify the voice
Ask them to enumerate all
classification of each and
the composers and Ask the students to think
ask them to perform a
research at least one of the of a local opera/ music
short song using their Allow the students to play
Discussing NEW concepts and compositions of the said from the Philippine Opera
blended voices. different indoor and
practicing NEW skills. composers using their asks them to differentiate
outdoor games/ activities
phones/ internet and the it from the opera during
story behind the the romantic period.
Voice – 10 points
Clarity – 5 points
Presence - 5 points

I. Evaluating learning QUIZ

K. Remediation

V. Remarks


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

E. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

F. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by : Checked by :
Carmel Mogol Gelbolingo Ms. Sheila Mae Generoso – Maghari
MAPEH Teacher MAPEH Key Teacher

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