Absorbansi Sitral
Absorbansi Sitral
Absorbansi Sitral
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Original article
Diogo Mirona,*, Fernanda Battistia, Fernanda K. Silvab, Aline D. Lanab, Bruna Pippib,
Bruna Casanovac, Simone Gnoattoc, Alexandre Fuentefriab, Paulo Mayorgad,
Elfrides E.S. Schapovala
aLaboratório de Controle de Qualidade Farmacêutico, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
bLaboratório de Micologia Aplicada, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
cLaboratório de Fitoquímica e Síntese Orgânica, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
dLaboratório de Desenvolvimento Galênico, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Article history: Dermatomycosis causes highly frequent dermal lesions, and volatile oils have been proven
Received 26 June 2014 to be promising as antifungal agents. The antifungal activity of geraniol, nerol, citral, ner-
Accepted 28 October 2014 al and geranial (monoterpenes), and terbinafine and anidulafungin (control drugs) against
seven opportunistic pathogenic yeasts and four dermatophyte species was evaluated by the
Keywords: Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute microdilution tests. Monoterpenes were more
Citral active against dermatophytes than yeasts (geometric mean of minimal inhibitory concen-
Geraniol tration (GMIC) of 34.5 and 100.4 μg.ml-1, respectively). Trichophyton rubrum was the fungal
Nerol species most sensitive to monoterpenes (GMIC of 22.9 μg.ml-1). The trans isomers showed
Isomers higher antifungal activity than the cis. The mechanism of action was investigated evalu-
Microdilution assay ating damage in the fungal cell wall (Sorbitol Protection Assay) and in the cell membrane
Mechanism of action (Ergosterol Affinity Assay). No changes were observed in the MIC of monoterpenes in the
sorbitol protection assay. The MIC of citral and geraniol was increased from 32 to 160 μg.ml-1
when the exogenous ergosterol concentrations was zero and 250 μg.ml-1, respectively. The
monoterpenes showed an affinity for ergosterol relating their mechanism of action to cell
membrane destabilization.
© 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected] (D. Miron).
0102-695X/$ - see front matter © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
Diogo Miron et al. / Rev Bras Farmacogn 24(2014): 660-667 661
32, 64, 96, 128 or 160 μg.ml-1 for monoterpenes. The MIC was identified as GAL. A second peak, less intense, at 8.5 min was
determined after 24 h according to the control fungal growth assigned to NAL.
and further confirmed after 48 h. NAL and GAL were purified by HPLC from a CIT standard
solution containing 12 mg.ml-1 (Fig. 1a). The injection of the
Purification of citral isomers highly concentrated CIT solution was monitored at 270 nm
to minimize the greater absorptivity of NAL and GAL at 240
Samples of standard CIT and lemongrass oil were subjected to nm. Four drops from the peak apex were collected in different
analysis by Gas Chromatography – Flame Ionization Detection tubes for each one of the isomers. This small volume collected
(GC-FID), as described in the Lemongrass monograph present in allowed having purified isomers in concentrations greater than
the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia (Farmacopeia Brasileira, 2010). The 1.3 mg.ml-1. NAL and GAL obtained by purification were diluted
analyses were performed on a Perkin Elmer gas chromatograph with water to a concentration of 256 µg.ml-1. Thus, the initial
model Autosystem XL (Shelton, USA). concentrations of GAL and NAL in the microdilution test were
Citral isomers (GAL and NAL) were isolated/purified from 128 µg.ml-1 with less than 7% methanol.
CIT solution (12 mg.ml-1) and identified by a high-performance Purified isomers quantification was performed at 240 nm
liquid chromatography (HPLC) method adapted from Miron et of the diluted samples (Fig. 1c) comparing its results to CIT
al. (2012). Purification was performed in an Agilent instrument standard solution (~ 0.00952 and 0.00982 mg.ml-1 of NAL and
(series 1200) using a reversed phase ACE® RP18 column (250 × GAL, respectively). The purification of NAL results in solutions
4 mm, 5 µm particle size). The system was set with a mobile with higher concentrations (1.35-1.51 mg.ml-1) than GAL (1.30-
phase consisting of methanol and water (67:33, v/v), injection 1.39 mg.ml-1). The purity of the solutions containing the isolated
volume was 50 µl, and flow rate 1.4 ml.min-1. The CIT isomers isomers was estimated from the relative percentage area of
were detected at 270 nm and the apex peak of each isomer the peaks in the chromatograms at 240 nm. Calculated purity
was collected separately in glass tubes. The purified isomers percentages of NAL and GAL were 98.4% and 97.9%, respectively.
were subsequently quantified with the same HPLC method Purified and undiluted NAL and GAL were stable at 4°C for
(detection at 240 nm and injection volume 20 µl). Peak purity at least 72 h. The peak purity analysis did not detect impurities
analysis was performed using the wavelength range of 200-300 for the samples of NAL and GAL stored for 72 h at 4°C (Fig.
nm, standard deviation of noise determined at 0.2 min with 50 1d). The analysis of the same samples after five days showed
spectra, reference spectra set in automatic mode and purity impurities co-eluting with NAL (the similarity curve intersected
level calculated with apex spectrum. the threshold curve) though the reduction in the concentration
of the drugs was not significant (Fig. 1e). Keeping the purified
Statistical analysis isomers at room temperature during 48 h causes over 5%
reduction of content.
Statistical analysis was carried out using Prism 5 statistical
analysis software for Windows (GraphPad software®). MIC data In vitro activity
were used to compare the activity of the antifungal agents
using a non-parametric statistical test (Mann-Whitney Test). The isolates of yeasts tested in this study exhibited different
The geometric mean MIC (GMIC) was employed to summarize sensitivities against monoterpenes (Table 1). CIT was more
results. The values of MIC > 128 µg.ml -1 were replaced by active against C. neoformans and T. asahii; however, CIT showed
256 µg.ml -1 to enable the calculation and thus avoid the lower MIC against Candida species than its isolated isomers.
underestimation of GMIC by deletion of data. The results of GOL and NOL against yeasts were not impressive,
especially for Candida species. It should be mentioned that all
yeast strains were susceptible to CIT in the concentration range
Results evaluated (0.25 – 128 μg.ml-1).
For dermatophyte isolates, the greatest effect of
Purification of citral isomers monoterpenes was observed against T. rubrum (GMIC of 22.9
μg.ml-1). GOL and CIT were the most active monoterpenes
The analysis by GC-FID was performed to identify and quantify against Microsporum strains (GMIC of 19.5 and 23.8 μg.ml-1) and
NAL and GAL in the CIT standard and the lemongrass oil. The highly effective against dermatophytes (GMIC of 25.4 and 16.0
identification of CIT isomers was achieved by comparing the μg.ml-1, respectively).
experimental results of Kovats Index to the values established In general, the monoterpenes were more active against
by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia. NAL showed lower retention dermatophytes than yeasts (Fig. 2). The GMIC of monoterpenes
time (10.1 min) than GAL (10.7 min). The relative percentage were 34.5 and 100.4 μg.ml-1 for dermatophytes and yeasts,
area of the chromatogram peaks of NAL and GAL was calculated respectively.
by electronic integration. The CIT standard showed 47.6 and CIT was active ag ainst all strains of yeasts and
49.1% of NAL and GAL, respectively, whereas lemongrass oil dermatophytes. GOL and GAL had intermediate activity,
had 33.5 and 44.6%. For CIT standard, NAL and GAL had similar similar to CIT in many strains. Furthermore, trans isomers (GOL
peak intensities. Nevertheless, for the lemongrass oil, GAL and GAL) showed greater activity than cis isomers (NOL and
showed a more intense peak than NAL. GOL). The Mann-Whitney test showed a statistical difference
The lemongrass oil analysis by HPLC at 240 nm showed between MIC of trans and cis isomers (p = 0.007) with GMIC of
the highest peak with retention time at 9.5 min, which was 56.3 and 99.0 μg.ml-1, respectively.
Diogo Miron et al. / Rev Bras Farmacogn 24(2014): 660-667 663
Figure 1 – Chromatograms, UV spectra and peak purity analysis of citral isomers. A. Chromatogram at 270 nm of high concentrated
citral solution used to neral and geranial purification; B. UV spectra of neral and geranial; C. Chromatogram at 240 nm of citral stan-
dard and neral and geranial purified; D. Peak purity analysis of neral after 72 h of storage at 4°C – impurity not detected; E. Peak purity
analysis of neral after five days of storage at 4°C – impurity detected.
Table 1
Susceptibility of yeast and dermatophytes against monoterpenes (NAL, GAL, CIT, NOL and GOL) and control drugs (AFG and
TBF). Median MIC in μg.ml-1 (the results in brackets represent the maximum and minimum MIC for each species).
MIC (µg.ml-1)
M. gypseum (n = 3) >128 (>128,32) 32 (>128,16) 16 (128,1) 128 (128,1) 128 (128,1) 0.25 (0.5,0.25)
C. albicans (n = 3) >128 (>128, >128) >128 (>128, >128) 64 (128,64) >128 (>128,128) >128 (>128,128) 8 (8,0.25)
C. Krusei (n = 3) >128 (>128, >128) >128 (>128,64) 64 (64,64) 128 (128,128) 128 (128,64) 0.5 (32,0.25)
C. glabrata (n = 3) 64 (>128,32) 64 (64,64) 64 (128,64) >128 (>128,128) >128 (128,32) 0.5 (4,0.25)
C. tropicalis (n = 3) >128 (>128, >128) >128 (>128,128) 64 (128,64) >128 (>128,128) 128 (128,128) 4 (32,2)
C. parapsilosis (n = 3) >128 (>128,128) 64 (>128,32) 64 (128,64) 128 (128,64) 128 (128,64) 2 (2,0.25)
T. asahii (n = 3) 128 (>128,64) 128 (128,64) 32 (64,32) 64 (128,32) 128 (128,32) 0.25 (4,0.25)
C. neoformans (n = 2) 17 (32,2) 8.5 (16,1) 12 (16,8) 128 (128,128) 72 (128,16) 1.1 (2,0.25)
664 Diogo Miron et al. / Rev Bras Farmacogn 24(2014): 660-667
Figure 2 – Geometric mean of minimum inhibitory concentration (GMIC) of monoterpenes against yeasts and dermatophytes, and
95% confidence interval.
Mechanism of action
Table 2
MIC values (μg.ml-1) of monoterpenes (CIT, GOL and NOL)
and anidulafungin (AFG) against T. asahii TAH10 in the
Sorbitol Protection Assay.
Figure 3 – Optical microscopy of T. asahii after seven days of in-
Sorbitol in cubation in culture medium (a) no antifungal, (b) medium with
the media MIC (µg.ml-1) AFG and sorbitol.
CIT GOL NOL of exogenous ergosterol, equal or greater than 100 μg.ml-1,
increased the MIC of AMP; and at concentrations of 150 μg.ml-1
Day 2 1 32 32 32
0.0 of ergosterol in the medium, the MIC of AMP has increased
Day 7 1 32 32 32 eight-fold.
Day 2 1 32 32 32
Day 7 128 32 32 32
Figure 4 – Effect of exogenous ergosterol (50-250 μg.ml−1) on the MIC of (a) amphotericin B and (b) monoterpenes against T. asahii
(strain TAH10).
Essential oils, including CIT (Log Po/w 2.8-3.0), have the antifungal activity against this species as well as against
pronounced lipophilic properties (OECD, 2001). Therefore, a dermatophytes in general.
large amount of the organic phase (67% methanol) was used Many studies on volatile oils evaluate the activity of
for elution of the isomers (NAL and GAL). In this context, monoterpenes against Candida species, probably due to its
it was essential to collect small volumes of the apex of the clinical relevance (Sajjad et al., 2012; Zore et al., 2011a,b).
chromatographic peak yielding high concentrations of the Despite this, our study demonstrated that monoterpenes were
isolated isomers. This allowed a large dilution (at least 1:10) more active against dermatophytes than yeasts. These results
of the isolated isomers such that the final concentration of are promising, demonstrating the potential of monoterpenes
methanol in the tests of microbiological activity was less than against dermatophyte species.
7% (there was no growth inhibition at this concentration of
methanol for any of the strains tested). Mechanism of action
CIT and its isomers are aldehydes that can be unstable in
aqueous solution (Choi et al., 2009; Miron et al., 2014b). The The Sorbitol Protection Assay was performed to test the effect
CIT isomers were stored at 4°C because of its great instability of monoterpenes on the integrity of the fungal cell wall (Frost
at room temperature (more than 5% is degraded in 48 h). Peak et al., 1995). In this assay, MIC determinations were conducted
purity analysis is a very sensitive tool and detected a co-eluting with and without 0.8 mol.l-1 sorbitol. Specific T. asahii strain
compound along NAL peak after 120 h of storage at 4°C. The TAH10 (Internal laboratory identification) was used because of
purification/isolation process did not last more than 8 h. The its known sensitivity to AFG and other terpenes. Note that this
purified isomers were kept in a refrigerator in a tight glass flask specific strain was not tested in the antifungal activity assay
and used within 48 h after extraction in the microbiological and its MIC results are not presented in the Table 1.
assays. This procedure was used to minimize the effect of the Sorbitol is an osmotic protectant used for stabilizing fungal
instability of the CIT isomers and to ensure reproducibility of protoplasts and it is expected that the MIC of a compound that
the results. For the same reason, CIT solutions were prepared damages the cell wall will shift to a much higher value in the
at the same time of the purification process of its isomers to presence of the osmotic support. No variations in MIC were
control any time effect on the microbiological assays. NOL observed for monoterpenes in this assay suggesting that CIT,
and GOL are alcohols and previous studies did not show any GOL and NOL would not act by inhibiting control of cell wall
stability problems in aqueous solution and in temperatures synthesis or assembly mechanisms.
around 32°C (Miron et al., 2014a). To determine if monoterpenes bind to ergosterol, the assay
based on the effect of exogenous ergosterol was performed.
In vitro activity The affinity of a molecule with ergosterol can be established by
determining the MIC in the presence of exogenous ergosterol in
CIT was the monoterpene with greater antifungal activity the extracellular media. If the compound binds to ergosterol, it
against yeasts. These results are consistent with results from will rapidly form a complex, preventing the cellular membrane
Sajjad et al. (2012) and Zore et al. (2011a,b) that showed lower from interacting with ergosterol. Consequently the observed
MIC values to CIT than to GOL. MIC increases.
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which causes most cases of onychomycosis (Thomas et al., presence of exogenous ergosterol revealing that CIT, GOL and
2010; Nazar et al., 2012). Microsporum species infect animals NOL bind to the main sterol of fungal membranes. AMP also
more frequently than humans, but reports have shown that interacts with ergosterol, and at concentrations of 200 μg.ml-1
dogs and cats can transmit these microorganisms to man of sterol there was no more inhibition caused by AMP. This
(Segundo et al., 2004; Grills et al., 2007). GOL and CIT lead is probably due the large relative concentration of ergosterol
666 Diogo Miron et al. / Rev Bras Farmacogn 24(2014): 660-667
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