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Voice Based E-Mail For Visually Challanged

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1. SRS






2.1.1-ER DIAGRAM 8





1. Software Requirement Specification

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for

The purpose of developing this system is to enable blind people to control
their mail accounts using their voice and to be able to read, send and
perform all the other useful tasks. So, that the blind people can use the

1.1.2 Document Conventions

The SRS document uses few different font sizes for clear
distinction. For example, the main headings are numbered with whole
numbers like 1. Introduction 2. Overall Description. The subheadings are
numbered with decimals like 1.1 Purpose, 1.2 Document Conventions etc.
1.1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
The SRS document also gives testers a way to ensure the
application adherence to original vision. Although the document may be
read from front to back for a complete understanding of the project, it was
written in sections and hence can be read as such. For an overview of the
document and the project itself, see Overall Description. Readers interested
in the application interfaces and front-end menus should see the External
Interface Requirements. For a detailed description of the application see
System Features. Technical standards to which the team will hold the
project are laid out in Other Nonfunctional Requirements.

1.1.4 Product Scope

The user gives the request to login into their account through the
voice or text using phone, personal computer or laptop. The request is
granted for authenticated user. The user can access their account through
voice, Send or retrieve messages. speech recognition converts voice into text
for composing mail and then checks the grammar and then by using speech
synthesis to convert text into pre-recorded audio. The pre-recorded audio
should be stored in the administrator,
It should display to the user. For retrieving message, it converts it from text
to voice document conventions.

1.2 Overall Description

1.2.1Product Perspective
 To provide a user-friendly system to all the visually impaired
people. To help them move forward in the challenging world of
internet, to provide them a facility to use these technologies,
through this they have a chance to overcome their visual disability.

1.2.2 Product Functions

This voice mail system is developed to help the visually impaired
people to make them feel like a normal user. Voice interactions can escape the
physical limitations on keypad and help user to access mails easily. This system
can be used by visually disabled people. The proposed system is a desktop
application that allows sending and receiving of mails via the internet. The
proposed system is a desktop application which makes it cost-effective and easy
to maintain.
1.2.3 User Classes and Characteristic
The mail system is user friendly. We can access easily. This Mail
system can be support user on any time. The user using text to speech and voice
recognition the user receives and send mails.

1.2.4 Operating Environment

 System Requirements – Hardware:

- Pentium core processor.

- 512 mb RAM.
- Microphone
 System Requirements – Software:
1.2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is
accessible by the administrator. Voice Mail system facility is available to all
the users 24 hours a day. User can access their account from any computer and
can send or retrieve messages that are previously stored.

1.2.6 User Characteristics

1.2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

This application is compatible with windows and Linux system with
2.7.13 version
The application is to be started in order to start using it.

1.3 External Interface Requirements

1.3.1 User Interfaces

1.3.2 Hardware Interfaces

The hardware must have minimum requirement of 512 MB of
RAM and 2 GB of Secondary memory to run the website.
1.3.3 Software Interfaces

The software Interface is java and sql

1.4System Features
1.4.1 Functional Requirements
A functional requirement defines a function of a system or its


This is the first module of the system for any of the user who wants to use
the system, they should first register them self to obtain his/her own username and
password. Registration module will obtain all the details about the user through
voice commands given by the system. The user should speak the details as per the
system requirements.

If the user has registered him/herself previously then login page is displayed. It
will prompt user with voice command to enter user name. After receiving user
name it will prompt again for password. After receiving all of the details from
user, it will encrypt and check the validity of the details entered by user. If valid,
then user will be redirected to dashboard else will be sent back to login page.

After successful login, user will be redirected to this page and this is the main
page from where user can perform all the activities like, compose a new mail,
check inbox, save to draft etc.
Below steps specifies the operation that will be executed based on a specific click
of mouse button. As the user is supposed to be blind, so it is allowed to click
blindly anywhere on the screen:
 Left Click to Compose a new Mail.
 Right Click to Go to the Sent Mails.
 Double Left Click to Go to the Inbox View.
 Scroll Button Click to go to Trash Messages.
 Double Right Click to Log out of the Session.
Common Rule:
Left Click = Next Step
Right Click = Back
Scroll Button Click = Dashboard
Compose a Mail:
This module is used to compose a new mail. Below are the steps followed by this
module to compose a new mail:

 Left Click from dashboard to Compose a new Mail. Give Voice Data
about the Recipient, and CC, BCC, the Subject and then the body. If
satisfied with current input Left Click to go to next Stage
 In next Stage your voice will be recognized, Left Click to proceed. In
this stage your voice and input will be verified if any problem is found
you are redirected to that or Left Click to proceed to Send the Mail or
Right Click to Double Left Click to save as Draft

This page will store all of the mails received by user. Below steps explains how to
access a mail from inbox:
 All the received Mails will be listed sorted in order of date
 Double left Click to give voice input to filter Mail, when Satisfied Left
click to proceed.
 In this Stage your mail will be read out, Double Left Click to start/pause.

This folder will store all of mails deleted by the user. Below steps provide detailed
explanation about this module:
 All the deleted Mails will be listed sorted in order of date.
 Double left Click to give voice input to filter Mail, when Satisfied Left
click to proceed to Read Section.
 In this Stage your mail will be read out.
 Double Left Click to start/pause.
 Left Click to proceed to Delete the Mail or Right Click to back.
 If in Delete Section Left Click to Delete the Mail.

Sent Mail:
This folder will store all of the mails sent from the user. Below steps explains the
working of this module:
 All the sent Mails will be listed sorted in order of date.
 Double left Click to give voice input to filter Mail, when Satisfied Left
click to proceed to Read Section.
 In this Stage your mail will be read out, Double Left Click to start/pause.
 Left Click to proceed to Delete the Mail or Right Click to back.
 If in Delete Section Left Click to Delete the Mail.

1.4 Other Nonfunctional Requirements
1.5.1 Performance Requirements
Non-functional requirements describe how the system works. It
essentially specifies how the system should behave and
that it is a constraint upon the systems behavior. One could also think of non-
functional requirements as quality attributes for of a system.
1.5.2 Safety Requirements
Backup, recovery of application should ensure adequate backup of
data as may be required by their operations. Both data and software should
back up.
1.5.3 Security Requirements
The system shall provide a secure environment for the storage of confidential
member information and make fake users away.
1.5.4Software Quality Attributes Reliability: Measure if product is reliable enough to sustain in any
condition. Should give consistently correct results. Product reliability
is measured in terms of working of project under different working
environment and different conditions. Maintainability: Different versions of the product should be easy to

maintain. For development, it should be easy to add code to existing system,
should be easy to upgrade for new features and new technologies time to
time. Maintenance should be cost effective and easy. System be easy to
maintain and correcting defects or making a change in the software. Usability: This can be measured in terms of ease of use. Application

should be user friendly. Should be easy to learn. Navigation should be
simple. This can be measured in terms of Costing issues related

to porting, Technical issues related to porting, Behavioral issues related to
porting. To Major system quality attribute. Measuring in terms of

time requires to complete any task given to the system. For example, system
should utilize processor capacity, disk space and memory efficiently. If
system is using all the available resources, then user will get degraded
performance failing the system for efficiency. If system is not efficient then
it cannot be used in real time applications. Should be flexible enough to modify. Adaptable to other

products with which it needs interaction. Should be easy to interface with
other standard 3rd party components.

2.System Design
2.1 Structural Diagram
2.1.1 E-R Diagram

E-R diagram helps to identify various entities in the system and

relationships between them. Entities are represented by rectangles and
relationships are represented by lines joining entities. Weak entities are
represented by double rectangles and weak relationships by double
diamonds. Each entity has some attributes which are represented by
ellipses attached to the entity. Primary key attribute of the entity is
underlined. Each relationship has cardinality limits which describe the
number of entities participating in the relationship. Cardinality limits can
be represented by lb. where l represents minimum number of entities to be
participated in the relationship and h represents maximum number of
entities (* is used if there is no maximum limit).

E-R Diagram for voice-based e-mail for visually challenged.

2.1.2.DFD Diagram
DFD diagram shows the data flow between various processes in the system. DFD
are drawn at different levels. Level 0 shows the main process in the system.
Further levels
describe the subprocesses and the development in the system. Processes are
represented by
circles and data flow between them is represented by straight lines between the
External entities like input output are represented by rectangles. Data Store like
are represented by two parellel lines.




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