Best Practices Guide For Microsoft SQL Server With ONTAP: Technical Report
Best Practices Guide For Microsoft SQL Server With ONTAP: Technical Report
Best Practices Guide For Microsoft SQL Server With ONTAP: Technical Report
This best practices guide enables storage administrators and database administrators to
successfully deploy Microsoft SQL Server on NetApp® storage.
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose and Scope ........................................................................................................................................4
8 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 43
2 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 1) Typical SQL Server workloads. ........................................................................................................................5
Table 2) Volume guarantee set to none. ......................................................................................................................29
Table 3) Setting up volume with autodelete and autogrow. ..........................................................................................30
Table 4) Example of quotas and service level for workload with 16,000 IOPS. ............................................................41
Figure 1) Log entries indicate number of cores being used after SQL Server startup. ...................................................6
Figure 2) Adjusting minimum and maximum server memory using SQL Server Management Studio. ..........................8
Figure 3) Configuring max worker threads using SQL Server Management Studio. ......................................................9
Figure 4) Configuring index create memory and min memory per query using SQL Server Management Studio........11
Figure 5) Filegroups. ....................................................................................................................................................13
Figure 6) Option for granting perform volume maintenance task privilege during SQL Server installation. ..................15
Figure 7) Basic SQL Server database design for NetApp storage for SMSQL or SnapCenter.....................................21
Figure 8) SQL Server database design for NetApp storage using SMSQL or SnapCenter. .........................................22
Figure 9) Server database design for NetApp storage using SMSQL or SnapCenter. .................................................23
Figure 10) Example of simple database layout on VMDKs with VMFS or NFS datastores. .........................................26
Figure 11) Example of database layout on VMDKs with VMFS or NFS datastores. .....................................................27
Figure 12) NetApp Data Fabric – helping you to transform seamlessly to a next-generation data center. ...................34
Figure 13) Assign _SQLAdmin account, which is SQL Server Service Account, to have full access to the volumes. ..38
Figure 14) Example of deploying SQL Server data and log files to Cloud Volumes Service with SMB protocol. .........39
Figure 15) SQL Server Always On with Cloud Volumes Service. .................................................................................42
3 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
SQL Server is the foundation of Microsoft's data platform, delivering mission-critical performance with in-
memory technologies and faster insights on any data, whether on the premises or in the cloud. Microsoft
SQL Server builds on the mission-critical capabilities delivered in prior releases by providing
breakthrough performance, availability, and manageability for mission-critical applications. The storage
system is a key factor in the overall performance of a SQL Server database. NetApp provides several
products to allow your SQL Server database to deliver enterprise-class performance while providing
world-class tools to manage your environment.
4 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
They might also be candidates for clustering with Windows failover cluster or Always On Availability
Groups. The I/O mix of these types of databases is usually characterized by 75% to 90% random
read and 25% to 10% write.
• Decision support system (DSS) databases can be also referred to as data warehouses. These
databases are mission critical in many organizations that rely on analytics for their business. These
databases are sensitive to CPU utilization and read operations from disk when queries are being run.
In many organizations, DSS databases are the most critical during month, quarter, and year end. This
workload typically has a 100% read I/O mix.
TPC-E ~90/10
Although various workload generation options are available, we generally focus our efforts on measuring
the performance of SQL Server databases when handling transactional workloads and use the TPC-E
tools from Microsoft or TPC-H using HammerDB ( The detailed instructions on how to
use these specific benchmarks are beyond the scope of this document.
5 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
3.2 CPU Configuration
Hyperthreading is Intel’s proprietary simultaneous multithreading (SMT) implementation, which improves
parallelization of computations (multitasking) performed on x86 microprocessors. Hardware that uses
hyperthreading allows the logical hyperthread CPUs to appear as physical CPUs to the operating system.
SQL Server then sees the physical CPUs, which the operating system presents and so can use the
hyperthreaded processors.
The caveat here is that each SQL Server version has its own limitations on compute power it can use. For
more information, consult Compute Capacity Limits by Edition of SQL Server.
There are essentially two main schools of thought when licensing SQL Server. The first is known as a
server + client access license (CAL) model; the second is the per processor core model. Although you
can access all the product features available in SQL Server with the server + CAL strategy, there’s a
hardware limit of 20 CPU cores per socket. Even if you have SQL Server Enterprise Edition + CAL for a
server with more than 20 CPU cores per socket, the application cannot use all those cores at a time on
that instance. Figure 1 shows the SQL Server log message after startup indicating the enforcement of the
core limit.
Figure 1) Log entries indicate number of cores being used after SQL Server startup.
6 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Therefore, to use all CPUs, you should use the per-processor core license. For detailed information about
SQL Server licensing, see SQL Server 2017 Editions.
Processor Affinity
You are unlikely ever to need to alter the processor affinity defaults unless you encounter performance
problems, but it is still worth understanding what they are and how they work.
SQL Server supports processor affinity by two options:
• CPU affinity mask
• Affinity I/O mask
SQL Server uses all CPUs available from the operating system (if per-processor core license is chosen).
It creates schedulers on all the CPUs to make best use of the resources for any given workload. When
multitasking, the operating system or other applications on the server can switch process threads from
one processor to another. SQL Server is a resource-intensive application, and so performance can be
affected when this occurs. To minimize the impact, you can configure the processors such that all the
SQL Server load is directed to a preselected group of processors. This is achieved by using CPU affinity
The affinity I/O mask option binds SQL Server disk I/O to a subset of CPUs. In SQL Server OLTP
environments, this extension can enhance the performance of SQL Server threads issuing I/O operations.
7 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
NetApp recommends leaving at least 4GB to 6GB of RAM for the operating system to avoid performance
issues. Figure 2 displays how to set up minimum and maximum server memory.
Figure 2) Adjusting minimum and maximum server memory using SQL Server Management Studio.
Using SQL Server Management Studio to adjust minimum or maximum server memory requires a restart
of the SQL Server service. You can adjust server memory using transact SQL (T-SQL) using this code:
EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
EXECUTE sp_configure 'min server memory (MB)', 2048
EXEC sp_configure 'max server memory (MB)', 120832
8 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
request consumes large amounts of system resources. The max worker threads option helps improve
performance by enabling SQL Server to create a pool of worker threads to service a larger number of
query requests.
The default value is 0, which allows SQL Server to automatically configure the number of worker threads
at startup. This works for most systems. Max worker threads is an advanced option and should not be
altered without assistance from an experienced database administrator (DBA).
When should you configure SQL Server to use more worker threads? If the average work queue length
for each scheduler is above 1, you might benefit from adding more threads to the system, but only if the
load is not CPU-bound or experiencing any other heavy waits. If either of those is happening, adding
more threads will not help because they end up waiting for other system bottlenecks. For more
information about max worker threads, see Configure the max worker threads Server Configuration
Option. Figure 3 indicates how to adjust maximum worker threads.
Figure 3) Configuring max worker threads using SQL Server Management Studio.
The following shows how to configure the max work threads option using T-SQL.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
9 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
EXEC sp_configure 'max worker threads', 900 ;
10 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 4) Configuring index create memory and min memory per query using SQL Server Management
11 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Improved read performance with a larger hybrid buffer pool
• A caching architecture that can take advantage of existing and future low-cost memory
For buffer pool extensions, NetApp recommends:
• Make sure that an SSD-backed LUN (such as NetApp AFF) is presented to the SQL Server host so
that it can be used as a buffer pool extension target disk.
• The extension file must be the same size as or larger than the buffer pool.
The following is a T-SQL command to set up a buffer pool extension of 32GB.
USE master
12 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 5) Filegroups.
The ability to put multiple data files inside the filegroup allows us to spread the load across different
storage devices, which helps to improve I/O performance of the system. The transaction log, in contrast,
does not benefit from the multiple files because SQL Server writes to the transaction log in a sequential
The separation between logical object placement in the filegroups and physical database files allows us
to fine-tune the database file layout, getting the most from the storage subsystem. For example,
independent software vendors (ISVs) who are deploying their products to different customers can adjust
the number of database files based on underlying I/O configuration and expected amount of data during
the deployment stage. Those changes are transparent to the application developers, who are placing the
database objects in the filegroups rather than database files.
It is generally recommended to avoid using the primary filegroup for anything but system objects.
Creating a separate filegroup or set of filegroups for the user objects simplifies database administration
and disaster recovery, especially in cases of large databases.
You can specify initial file size and autogrowth parameters at the time when you create the database or
add new files to an existing database. SQL Server uses a proportional fill algorithm when choosing into
what data file it should write data. It writes an amount of data proportionally to the free space available in
the files. The more free space in the file, the more writes it handles.
NetApp recommends that all files in the single filegroup have the same initial size and autogrowth
parameters, with grow size defined in megabytes rather than percentages. This helps the proportional fill
algorithm evenly balance write activities across data files.
Every time SQL Server grows the files, it fills newly allocated space in the files with zeros. That process
blocks all sessions that need to write to the corresponding file or, in case of transaction log growth,
generate transaction log records.
SQL Server always zeroes out the transaction log, and that behavior cannot be changed. However, you
can control if data files are zeroing out or not by enabling or disabling instant file initialization. Enabling
instant file initialization helps to speed up data file growth and reduces the time required to create or
restore the database.
A small security risk is associated with instant file initialization. When this option is enabled, unallocated
parts of the data file can contain the information from the previously deleted OS files. Database
administrators are able to examine such data.
13 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
You can enable instant file initialization by adding SA_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME permission, also
known as “perform volume maintenance task,” to the SQL Server startup account. This can be done
under the local security policy management application (secpol.msc), as shown in the following figure.
You need to open properties for “perform volume maintenance task” permission and add the SQL Server
startup account to the list of users there.
To check if permission is enabled, you can use the code from the following example. This code sets two
trace flags that force SQL Server to write additional information to the error log, create a small database,
and read the content of the log.
DBCC TRACEON(3004,3605,-1)
EXECUTE sp_readerrorlog
DBCC TRACEOFF(3004,3605,-1)
When instant file initialization is not enabled, the SQL Server error log shows that SQL Server is zeroing
the mdf data file in addition to zeroing the ldf log file, as shown in the following example. When instant file
initialization is enabled, it displays only zeroing of the log file.
14 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
The perform volume maintenance task is simplified in SQL Server 2016 and later as an option is provided
during the installation process. Figure 6 displays the option to grant the SQL Server database engine
service the privilege to perform the volume maintenance task.
Figure 6) Option for granting perform volume maintenance task privilege during SQL Server installation.
15 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Another important database option that controls the database file sizes is autoshrink. When this option is
enabled, SQL Server regularly shrinks the database files, reduces their size, and releases space to the
operating system. This operation is resource-intensive and rarely useful because the database files grow
again after some time when new data comes into the system. Autoshrink must never be enabled on the
5.1 Aggregates
Aggregates are the primary storage containers for NetApp storage configurations and contain one or
more RAID groups consisting of both data disks and parity disks.
NetApp has performed various I/O workload characterization tests using shared and dedicated
aggregates with data files and transaction log files separated. The tests show that one large aggregate
with more RAID groups and spindles optimizes and improves storage performance and is easier for
administrators to manage for two reasons:
• One large aggregate makes the I/O abilities of all spindles available to all files.
• One large aggregate enables the most efficient use of disk space.
For high availability (HA), place the SQL Server Always On Availability Group secondary synchronous
replica on a separate storage virtual machine (SVM) in the aggregate. For disaster recovery purposes,
place the asynchronous replica on an aggregate that is part of a separate storage cluster in the DR site,
with content replicated by using NetApp SnapMirror® technology.
NetApp recommends having at least 10% free space available in an aggregate for optimal storage
5.2 Volumes
NetApp FlexVol are created and reside inside aggregates. Many volumes can be created in a single
aggregate, and each volume can be expanded, shrunk, or moved between aggregates with no user
16 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Enable read reallocation on the volume when the SQL Server database I/O profile consists of mostly
large sequential reads, such as with decision support system workloads. Read reallocation optimizes
the blocks to provide better performance.
• If you install SQL Server on an SMB share, make sure that Unicode is enabled on the SMB/CIFS
volumes for creating folders.
• Set the NetApp snapshot copy reserve value in the volume to zero for ease of monitoring from
an operational perspective.
• Disable storage Snapshot™ copy schedules and retention policies. Instead, use SnapCenter or
SnapManager for SQL Server to coordinate Snapshot copies of the SQL Server data volumes.
• For SnapManager for SQL Server, place the SQL Server system databases on a dedicated volume or
VMDK, because colocating system databases with user databases, including availability group
databases, prevents Snapshot backups of the user databases. Backups of system databases are
streamed into the SnapInfo LUN. This LUN is typically the same volume or VMDK that hosts the
Windows operating system files and SQL Server binaries, which are random read/write workloads.
• tempdb is a system database used by SQL Server as a temporary workspace, especially for I/O-
intensive DBCC CHECKDB operations. Therefore, place this database on a dedicated volume with a
separate set of spindles. In large environments in which volume count is a challenge, you can
consolidate tempdb into fewer volumes and store it in the same volume as other system databases
after careful planning. Data protection for tempdb is not a high priority because this database is
recreated every time SQL Server is restarted.
• Place user data files (.mdf) on separate volumes because they are random read/write workloads. It is
common to create transaction log backups more frequently than database backups. For this reason,
place transaction log files (.ldf) on a separate volume or VMDK from the data files so that
independent backup schedules can be created for each. This separation also isolates the sequential
write I/O of the log files from the random read/write I/O of data files and significantly improves SQL
Server performance.
• Create the host log directory (for SnapCenter) or SnapManager share (for SMSQL) on the dedicated
FlexVol volume in which SnapManager or SnapCenter copies transaction logs.
5.3 LUNs
tempdb Files
NetApp recommends proactively inflating tempdb files to their full size to avoid disk fragmentation. Page
contention can occur on global allocation map (GAM), shared global allocation map (SGAM), or page free
space (PFS) pages when SQL Server has to write to special system pages to allocate new objects.
Latches protect (lock) these pages in memory. On a busy SQL Server instance, it can take a long time to
17 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
get a latch on a system page in tempdb. This results in slower query run times and is known as latch
contention. A good rule of thumb for creating tempdb data files:
• For <= 8 cores: tempdb data files = number of cores
• For > 8 cores: 8 tempdb data files
The following is the script to modify tempdb by creating 8 tempdb files and move tempdb to mount point
C:\MSSQL\tempdb for SQL Server 2012 and later.
use master
-- Change logical tempdb file name first since SQL Server shipped with logical file name called
alter database tempdb modify file (name = 'tempdev', newname = 'tempdev01');
Beginning with SQL Server 2016, the number of CPU cores visible to the operating system is
automatically detected during installation, and, based on that number, SQL Server calculates and
configures the number of tempdb files required for optimum performance.
18 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Place the SMSQL SnapInfo directory or host log directory on a dedicated volume or LUN. The amount of
data in the SnapInfo directory or host log directory depends on the size of the backups and the number of
days that backups are retained. The SnapInfo directory can be configured at any time by running the
configuration wizard. Although using a single SnapInfo directory reduces complexity, separate SnapInfo
directories offer flexibility for applying varying retention and archiving policies to databases. Host log
directories can be configured from SnapCenter > Host > Configure Plug-in.
You can back up SQL Server databases to a NetApp SnapVault® location and perform the following
• Restore all LUNs in a volume.
• Restore a single LUN from the vault.
• Access the latest Snapshot copy of a LUN directly from the backup vault.
The following are NetApp recommendations for SnapInfo directories and host log directories:
• Make sure that the SMSQL SnapInfo LUN or SnapCenter host log directory is not shared by any
other type of data that can potentially corrupt the backup Snapshot copies.
• Do not place user databases or system databases on a LUN that hosts mount points.
• Always use the SMSQL or SnapCenter configuration wizards to migrate databases to NetApp storage
so that the databases are stored in valid locations, enabling successful SMSQL or SnapCenter
backup and restore operations. Keep in mind that the migration process is disruptive and can cause
the databases to go offline while the migration is in progress.
• The following conditions must be in place for failover cluster instances (FCIs) of SQL Server:
− If using failover cluster instance, the SnapInfo or SnapCenter host log directory LUN must be a
cluster disk resource in the same cluster group as the SQL Server instance being backed up by
− If using failover cluster instance, user databases must be placed on shared LUNs that are
physical disk cluster resources assigned to the cluster group associated with the SQL Server
• Make sure that the user database and the SnapInfo or host log directory are on separate volumes to
prevent the retention policy from overwriting Snapshot copies when these are used with SnapVault
• Make sure that SQL Server databases reside on LUNs separate from LUNs that have nondatabase
files, such as full-text search-related files.
• Placing database secondary files (as part of a filegroup) on separate volumes improves the
performance of the SQL Server database. This separation is valid only if the database’s .mdf file does
not share its LUN with any other .mdf files.
• If any database filegroups share LUNs, the database layout must be identical for all databases.
However, this restriction is not applicable when the unrestricted database layout (UDL) option is
• Create LUNs with SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows whenever possible. If you want to
create LUNs with DiskManager or other tools, make sure that allocation unit size is set to 64K for
partitions during formatting the LUNs.
19 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Content SMB Shares
The following are NetApp recommendations for SMSQL and databases on SMB shares:
• Configure the Transport Protocol Setting dialog box in SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows with
the information for connecting to the SVM (SVM IP address, user name, and password) to view all
SMB shares on its CIFS server, which then becomes visible to SnapManager for SQL Server.
• Disable the automatic Snapshot copy scheduling configured by SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft
• For SnapManager to be able to recognize the database file path as a valid file path hosted on NetApp
storage, you must use the CIFS server name on the storage system in the SMB share path instead of
the IP address of the management LIF or other data LIF. The path format is \\<CIFS server
name>\<share name>. If the database uses the IP address in the share name, manually detach and
attach the database by using the SMB share path with the CIFS server name in its share name.
• When provisioning volumes for SMB environments, you must create the volumes as NTFS security-
style volumes.
• Make sure that all database files (the data files, in addition to the transaction log files) reside on SMB
shares instead of placing them across LUNs and SMB shares.
• Make sure that no antivirus scanning is performed on the SMB/CIFS shares in which SQL Server
data is stored to avoid failed transactions due to latency.
• Make sure that Windows host caching is disabled on the SMB/CIFS share in which SQL Server data
is stored to avoid corruption caused by caching.
• When you use availability groups, the transaction logs are streamed to a shared network location that
is a SnapManager SMB share accessible by all the replicas. Therefore, verify that this CIFS share is
sized to accommodate the transaction logs.
Design Example 1
This configuration can be used for SQL Server instances that require basic performance and contain
multiple small databases. The database storage design has the following characteristics:
• Contains one aggregate for SQL Server instances.
• Uses a dedicated volume and LUN for the SQL Server system databases, including the
tempdb database.
• Uses a dedicated LUN for each database.
• Uses a single volume for both data and log.
• Uses dedicated SMB shares for both data and log (if using SMSQL for backup).
• Has a relatively lower recovery time objective (RTO) because data and log reside in the same
20 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Is suited for small-size databases in which medium to low performance is sufficient.
Figure 7) Basic SQL Server database design for NetApp storage for SMSQL or SnapCenter.
Because system databases, including tempdb databases, reside in the same volume, the database
backup is performed using native SQL Server but not SMSQL or SnapCenter.
Design Example 2
This configuration is designed to be used for SQL Server instances that require basic performance and
contain multiple databases that are backed up using either SMSQL or SnapCenter. The database storage
design has the following characteristics:
• Contains one aggregate for SQL Server instances.
• Uses a dedicated volume and LUN for the SQL Server system databases.
• Uses a dedicated volume and LUN for tempdb database.
• Uses a dedicated LUN for each database.
• Uses a single volume for both data and log.
• Uses dedicated SMB shares for both data and log (if using SMSQL for backup).
• Has a low to medium RTO because the data and log reside in the same volume.
• Is suitable for medium-size databases where medium performance required.
21 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 8) SQL Server database design for NetApp storage using SMSQL or SnapCenter.
Design Example 3
This configuration is designed to be used for SQL Server instances that require high performance and
contain a few databases that are backed up using either SMSQL or SnapCenter. The database storage
design has the following characteristics:
• Contains one aggregate for SQL Server instances.
• Uses a dedicated volume and LUN for the SQL Server system databases.
• Uses a dedicated volume and LUN for tempdb database.
• Uses a dedicated LUN for each user database.
• Uses dedicated volumes for primary and secondary data and log files.
• Has a relatively high RTO because data and log reside in separate volumes.
• Is suitable for medium to large size databases where high performance required.
22 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 9) Server database design for NetApp storage using SMSQL or SnapCenter.
5.6 Virtualization
SQL Server virtualization enables consolidation, which boosts efficiency. Recent developments have
brought about very powerful virtual machines that can manage larger capacities and provide faster
provisioning of the database environment. In addition, SQL Server virtualization is cost-effective and
convenient. There are three things to consider when virtualizing SQL Server: disk throughput, memory,
and processors. This document focuses on disk only. The two major hypervisors that are commonly used
to virtualize SQL Server are Hyper-V and VMware. Information about each hypervisor is covered in the
following section.
The improvements in Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V and its expanded virtual machine capabilities
eliminated most of the limits related to performance in a virtualized environment. Windows Server 2016
Hyper-V provides better consolidation of workloads that are traditionally more complex and that tend to
saturate resources and contend for other system resources and storage.
SQL Server 2016 and Windows Server 2016 provide a host of new features that can be used to
effectively virtualize demanding complex database workloads such as online transaction
processing/analysis (OLTP/OLTA), data warehousing, and business intelligence, which were not
previously considered for virtualization.
All virtual hard disks (VHDs) are just files. They have a specialized format that Hyper-V and other
operating systems can mount to store or retrieve data, but they are nothing more than files. There are
three basic types of VHDs that you can use with VMs. These are fixed VHDs, dynamic VHDs, and pass-
through disks:
• Fixed VHDs. When creating fixed VHDs, operating systems allocate 100% of the indicated space on
the underlying physical media. There is no block allocation table to be concerned with, so the extra
I/O load above a pass-through disk is only what occurs within the virtualization stack. Fixed VHD
benefits are:
− Fastest VHD mechanism
− No potential for causing overcommitment collisions
23 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
− Always same fragmentation level as at creation time
Fixed VHD drawbacks include:
− VM-level backups capture all space, even unused.
− Larger size inhibits portability.
Realistically, the biggest problems with this system appear when you need to copy or move the VHD.
The VHD itself doesn’t know which of its blocks are empty, so 100% of them have to be copied. Even
if your backup or copy software employs compression, empty blocks aren’t necessarily devoid of
data. In the guest’s file system, “deleting” a file just removes its reference in the file allocation table.
The blocks themselves and the data within them remain unchanged until another file’s data is saved
over them.
• Dynamic VHDs. A dynamic VHD has a maximum size but is initially small. The guest operating
system believes that it just a regular hard disk of the size indicated by the maximum. As it adds data
to that disk, the underlying VHD file grows. This technique of only allocating a small portion of what
could eventually become much larger resource usage is also commonly referred to as thin
provisioning. The following are some benefits of dynamic VHD:
− Quick allocation of space. Because a new dynamic VHD contains only header and footer
information, it is extremely small and can be created almost immediately.
− Minimal space usage for VM-level backups. Backup utilities that capture a VM operate at the
VHD level and back it up in its entirety no matter what. The smaller the VHD, the smaller (and
faster) the backup.
− Overcommitment of hard drive resources. You can create 20 virtual machines with 40GB boot
VHDs on a hard drive array that only has 500GB of free space.
• Pass-through disks. These are not virtualized at all, but hand I/O from a virtual machine directly to a
disk or disk array on the host machine. This could be a disk that is internal to the host machine or a
LUN on an external system connected by FC or iSCSI. This mechanism provides the fastest possible
disk performance but has some restrictive drawbacks. The following are some benefits of pass-
through disks:
− Fastest disk system for Hyper-V guests.
− If the underlying disk storage system grows (such as by adding a drive to the array) and the
virtual machine’s operating system allows dynamic disk growth, the drive can be expanded within
the guest without downtime.
The following are some drawbacks of pass-through disks:
− Live migrations of VMs that use pass-through disks are noticeably slower and often include an
interruption of service. Because pass-through disks are not cluster resources, they must be
temporarily taken offline during transfer of ownership.
− Hyper-V’s VSS writer cannot process a pass-through disk. That means that any VM-level backup
software has to take the virtual machine offline while backing it up.
− Volumes on pass-through disks are nonportable. This is most easily understood by its contrast to
a VHD. You can copy a VHD from one location to another, and it works the same way. Data on
pass-through volumes is not encapsulated in any fashion.
The following are NetApp recommendations regarding disk storage for SQL Server on Hyper-V guests:
• Always use a fixed VHD for high-I/O applications such as Exchange and SQL Server. Even if you
won’t be placing as much burden on these applications as they were designed to handle, these
applications always behave as though they need a lot of I/O and are liberal in their usage of drive
space. If space is a concern, start with a small fixed VHD; you can expand it if necessary.
• If you aren’t certain, try to come up with a specific reason to use fixed. If you can’t, then use dynamic.
Even if you determine afterward you made the wrong choice, you can always convert the drive later.
It takes some time to do so (dependent upon your hardware and the size of the VHD), but you
probably won’t need to make the conversion.
24 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• A single virtual machine can have more than one VHD, and it is acceptable to mix and match VHD
types. Your virtualized SQL Server can have a dynamic VHD for its C: drive to hold Windows and a
fixed VHD for its D: drive to hold SQL Server data.
• If using dynamic drives in an overcommit situation, set up a monitoring system or a schedule to keep
an eye on physical space usage. If the drive dips below 20% available free space, the VSS writer
might not activate, which can cause problems for VM-level backups. If the space is ever completely
consumed, Hyper-V pauses all virtual machines with active VHDs on that drive.
• For a high-performance production virtual SQL Server instance, it's important that you put your OS
files, data files, and log files on different VHDs or pass-through disks. If you're using a shared storage
solution, it's also important that you be aware of the physical disk implementation and make sure that
the disks used for the SQL Server log files are separate from the disks used for the SQL Server data
VMware virtual machines include a set of files in typically one of two given formats: virtual machine file
system (VMFS) or raw device mapping (RDM). Both formats enable you to access the virtual machine's
disk (VMDK), but they differ in approach to storage, and VMware recommends VMFS for most VMs. With
VMFS, the VMDK files also hold the data, while with RDM, the data is stored on an external disk system
similar to Hyper-V pass through disks. VMFS holds disk data from multiple VMs; RDM does not.
VMFS was designed specifically to support virtualization. Although RDM is sometimes recommended for
I/O-intensive operations, with VMFS, a storage volume can support one or many VMs. This volume can
change without affecting network operations. Because they share storage volumes, VMs are easier to
manage, and resource utilization remains high. Various ESXi servers can read and write to the file system
simultaneously, because it stores information at the block level.
The following are NetApp recommendations for VMDK:
• Use separate VMDKs for primary (.mdf) and log (.ldf) files for user databases. Make sure that these
VMDKs reside in a datastore placed on a separate volume from the volume containing system
databases and the operating system VMDKs.
• Use separate VMDKs for system databases (master, model, and msdb). Make sure that these
VMDKs reside in a datastore placed on a separate volume from the volume containing user
databases and the operating system VMDKs.
• Use separate VMDKs for the tempdb database.
• Use NetApp Virtual Storage Console (VSC) for VMware vSphere to provision VMDKs.
• Create user databases directly on the VSC-provisioned VMDKs.
• Data files (tables and indexes) are the primary files that are used by the SQL Server storage engine.
Each database might have multiple files and be spread across multiple VMDKs.
• If possible, avoid sharing volumes and datastores between different Windows Server machines.
ESXi can access a designated NFS volume on a NAS server, mount the volume, and use it for its storage
needs. You can use NFS volumes to store and boot virtual machines in the same way that you use VMFS
datastores. ESXi supports the following shared storage capabilities on NFS volumes:
• vMotion
• VMware DRS and VMware HA
• ISO images, which are presented as CD-ROMs to virtual machines
• Virtual machine snapshots
ESX 5.0 and later support up to 256 NFS datastores. The default value is 8, but this value can be
increased to the maximum number that is specific to the version of ESX or ESXi being used. The
following are NetApp recommendations for NFS datastores:
25 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Make sure that each NFS export that is used as an NFS datastore resides on its own volume.
• Use one NFS datastore for multiple system databases from multiple instances.
• Use one NFS datastore per user database and user log; alternatively, separate the user database
and the user login to different NFS datastores.
• Do not define a default gateway for the NFS storage network.
• Make sure that each NFS datastore is connected only once from each ESX or ESXi server using the
same NetApp target IP address on each ESX or ESXi server.
Figure 10 is a simple layout for small databases (~=<200GB) that do not require very low (submillisecond)
latency. This layout makes it easy to manager datastores and flexible volumes.
Figure 10) Example of simple database layout on VMDKs with VMFS or NFS datastores.
Figure 11 is a database layout example for VMware using VMDK with VMFS or NFS datastores. The
database storage design has the following characteristics:
• If the user wants to restore a single database in the VMDK that resides on NFS datastore, SMSQL or
SnapCenter creates a flexible volume from selected Snapshot copies and performs single-file
SnapRestore® (SFSR) to recover the data file and log. Therefore, the recovery time is slightly longer
than when using volume SnapRestore.
• When placing multiple database files and logs in the same VMDK, there is a chance that I/O might
compete, and performance might not be as high as dedicated VMDK.
26 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 11) Example of database layout on VMDKs with VMFS or NFS datastores.
With RDM, the VM directly connects to the SAN using a dedicated storage LUN. The total number of
LUNs visible to an ESXi host is capped at 256, with the same LUNs visible across a whole cluster of up to
32 ESXi servers. RDM is recommended in a few specific situations, such as when a virtual machine is
SAN-aware. NetApp recommends using SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows when using RDM
LUNs on the virtual machine. NetApp recommends using RDM for one of the following reasons:
• If you need files larger than 2TB in size, because VMDK files are limited to 2TB in size
• If using clustered data and quorum disks is required (applies for both virtual-to-virtual and physical-to-
virtual clusters)
27 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
There is no performance penalty for creating Snapshot copies, because data is never moved as it is with
other copy-out technologies. The cost for Snapshot copies is only at the rate of block-level changes, not
at 100% for each backup, as is the case with mirror copies. Snapshot technology can result in savings in
storage costs for backup and restore purposes and opens up several efficient data management
If a database uses multiple LUNs on the same volume, then all Snapshot copies of these LUNs are made
simultaneously, because Snapshot copies are volume-based. In certain situations, a SnapManager for
SQL Server (SMSQL) or SnapCenter clone operation restores a LUN from a Snapshot copy for temporary
read/write access to an alternative location by using a writable Snapshot copy during the SMSQL or
SnapCenter verification process.
28 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
6.4 Space Reclamation
Space reclamation can be initiated periodically to recover unused space in a LUN. Storage space can be
reclaimed at the storage level by using the SnapDrive start space reclaimer option, thus reducing
utilization in the LUN and in Snapshot copies.
With SnapCenter, you can use the following PowerShell command to start space reclaimer.
Invoke-SdHostVolumeSpaceReclaim -Path drive_path
If you need to run space reclamation, this process should be run during periods of low activity because it
initially consumes cycles on the host.
Setting Value
fractional_reserve 0%
snap_reserve 0%
autodelete volume/oldest_first
autosize off
try_first snap_delete
29 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
If the LUNs or Snapshot copies require more space than the space available in the volume, the volumes
automatically grow, taking more space from the containing aggregate. Additionally, the advantage of
having the LUN space reservation setting disabled is that Snapshot copies can use the space that is not
needed by the LUNs. The LUNs themselves are not in danger of running out of space because the
autodelete feature removes the Snapshot copies that are consuming space.
Note: Snapshot copies used for creating NetApp FlexClone® volumes are not deleted by the autodelete
Setting Value
fractional_reserve 0%
snap_reserve 0%
autodelete volume/oldest_first
autosize on
try_first autogrow
NetApp recommends using autogrow for most common deployment configurations. The reason for this is
that the storage admin only needs to monitor space usage in the aggregate.
30 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
4K WAFL block. Compression methods such as secondary compression use a larger block size and
deliver better efficiency but are not suitable for data that is subject to small block overwrites.
Decompressing 32KB units of data, updating an 8K portion, recompressing, and writing back to disk
create overhead.
There are multiple ways to compress a database. Until recently, compression was of limited value
because most databases required a large number of spindles to provide sufficient performance. One side
effect of building a storage array with acceptable performance was that the array generally offered more
capacity than required. The situation has changed with the rise of solid-state storage. There is no longer a
need to vastly overprovision the drive count to obtain good performance.
Even without compression, migrating a database to a partially or fully solid-state storage platform can
yield significant cost savings because doing so avoids the need to purchase drives only needed to
support I/O. For example, NetApp has examined some storage configurations from recent large database
projects and compared the costs with and without the use of solid-state drives (SSDs) using NetApp
Flash Cache™ and Flash Pool™ intelligent data caching or all-flash arrays. These flash technologies
decreased costs by approximately 50% because IOPS-dense flash media permit a significant reduction in
the number of spinning disks and shelves than are otherwise required. See NetApp AFF8080 EX
Performance and Server Consolidation with Microsoft SQL Server 2014 for additional information.
As stated earlier, the increased IOPS capability of SSDs almost always yields cost savings, but
compression can achieve further savings by increasing the effective capacity of solid-state media.
SQL Server currently supports two types of data compression: row compression and page compression.
Row compression changes the data storage format. For example, it changes integers and decimals to the
variable-length format instead of their native fixed-length format. It also changes fixed-length character
strings to the variable-length format by eliminating blank spaces. Page compression implements row
compression and two other compression strategies (prefix compression and dictionary compression). You
can find more details about page compression in Page Compression Implementation.
Data compression is currently supported in the Enterprise, Developer, and Evaluation editions of SQL
Server 2008 and later. Although compression can be performed by the database itself, this is rarely
observed in a SQL Server environment.
NetApp Adaptive Compression
Adaptive compression has been thoroughly tested with SQL Server workloads, and the performance
effect has been found to be negligible, even in an all-flash environment (where it is enabled by default) in
which latency is measured in microseconds. In initial testing, some customers have reported a
performance increase with the use of compression. This increase is the result of compression effectively
increasing the amount of SSD available to the database.
ONTAP manages physical blocks in 4KB units. Therefore, the maximum possible compression ratio is 2:1
with a typical SQL Server database using an 8KB block. Early testing with real customer data has shown
compression ratios approaching this level, but results vary based on the type of data stored.
NetApp Secondary Compression
Secondary compression uses a larger block size that is fixed at 32KB. This feature enables ONTAP to
compress data with increased efficiency, but secondary compression is primarily designed for data at rest
or data that is written sequentially and requires maximum compression.
NetApp recommends secondary compression for data such as transaction logs and backup files. These
types of files are written sequentially and not updated. This point does not mean that adaptive
compression is discouraged. However, if the volume of data being stored is large, then secondary
compression delivers better savings when compared to adaptive compression.
31 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Consider secondary compression of data files when the amount of data is very large and the data files
themselves are either read-only or rarely updated. Data files using a 32KB block size should see more
compression under secondary compression that has a matching 32KB block size. However, care must be
taken to verify that data using block sizes other than 32KB are not placed on these volumes. Only use
this method in cases in which the data is not frequently updated.
NetApp does not recommend using deduplication with SQL Server database files primarily because this
process is almost entirely ineffective. A SQL Server page contains a header that is globally unique to the
database and a trailer that is nearly unique. One percent space savings are possible, but this is at the
expense of significant overhead caused by data deduplication.
Many competing arrays claim the ability to deduplicate SQL Server databases based on the presumption
that a database is copied multiple times. In this respect, NetApp deduplication could also be used, but
ONTAP offers a better option: NetApp FlexClone technology. The result is the same; multiple copies of a
SQL Server database that share most of the underlying physical blocks are created. Using FlexClone is
much more efficient than taking the time to copy data files and then deduplicate them. It is, in effect,
nonduplication rather than deduplication, because a duplicate is never created in the first place.
In the unusual case in which multiple copies of the same data files exist, deduplication can be used.
NetApp recommends that you do not enable deduplication on any volumes containing SQL Server data
files unless the volume is known to contain multiple copies of the same data, such as restoring database
from backups to a single volume.
32 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• For consistency purposes, do not schedule SnapMirror update from the controllers. However, enable
SnapMirror update from either SMSQL or SnapCenter to update SnapMirror after either full or log
backup is completed.
• Distribute volumes that contain SQL Server data across different nodes in the cluster to allow all
cluster nodes to share SnapMirror replication activity. This distribution optimizes the use of node
• Mirror the CIFS share used by the availability group to the secondary data center for disaster
recovery purposes.
For more information about SnapMirror, see the following resources:
• TR-4015-0118-SnapMirror-Configuration-Best-Practices-ONTAP-9.1-9.2
• TR-4733 SnapMirror Synchronous for ONTAP 9.5
7.1 Introduction
The Data Fabric is NetApp’s vision for the future of data management. It enables customers to respond
and innovate more quickly because their data is free to be accessed where it is needed most. Customers
can realize the full potential of their hybrid cloud and make the best decisions for their business.
To fulfill this vision, the Data Fabric defines the NetApp technology architecture for hybrid cloud. NetApp
products, services, and partnerships help customers seamlessly manage their data across their diverse IT
resources, spanning flash, disk, and cloud. IT has the flexibility to choose the right set of resources to
meet the needs of applications and the freedom to change them whenever they want.
A true Data Fabric delivers on five major design principles:
• Control. Securely retain control and governance of data regardless of its location: on the premises,
near the cloud, or in the cloud.
• Choice. Choose cloud, application ecosystem, delivery methods, storage systems, and deployment
models, with freedom to change.
• Integration. Enable the components in every layer of the architectural stack to operate as one while
extracting the full value of each component.
• Access. Easily get data to where applications need it, when they need it, in a way they can use it.
• Consistency. Manage data across multiple environments using common tools and processes
regardless of where it resides.
The NetApp Data Fabric empowers customers to successfully meet the challenge of digital transformation
by giving you the ability to:
• Harness the power of the hybrid cloud
• Build a next-generation data center
• Modernize storage through data management
33 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Build a Next-Generation Data Center
Get the scale and quality of service that modern applications require. Deliver consistent and integrated
data management services and applications for data visibility and insights, data access and control, and
data protection and security.
Figure 12) NetApp Data Fabric – helping you to transform seamlessly to a next-generation data center.
34 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Benefit of Cloud Volumes ONTAP with SQL Server
Cloud Volumes ONTAP offers advanced data management that enhances service levels, saves time for
IT and DevOps, and reduces storage management and associated costs. The following are benefits of
using Cloud Volumes ONTAP with SQL Server:
• Cost savings with storage efficiencies. Cloud Volumes ONTAP can help you to save up to 90% on
storage capacity with space-efficiency technologies such as data deduplication, compression, thin-
cloning, and Snapshot copies that don’t affect storage footprint.
• High availability. Achieve high availability with a two-node solution that supports multiple Availability
Zones and enables business continuity for your critical production workloads and databases with no
data loss (RPO=0) and short recovery times (RTO < 60 secs).
• Data protection and disaster recovery. Recover from data corruption or loss with efficient data
Snapshot and disaster recovery copies, which are easily configured, cost effective, and support
seamless failover, failback, restore, and recovery processes that meet minute-level SLAs.
• Hybrid and multicloud environments. Save time and money by using the same storage and
advanced ONTAP data management software across hybrid and multicloud environments, including
DR, HA, dev/test and DevOps, sandbox, reporting, data tiering, workload hosting, and training.
• Data mobility. Migrate, replicate, and synchronize your data securely, leveraging efficient data
Snapshot copies to transfer only incremental changes and recover from any point in time by using
NetApp SnapMirror.
• Cloning technology for developers. Increase DevOps agility by cloning writable volumes from
Snapshot copies so that data can be shared simultaneously across organizations and regions with
zero capacity and performance penalties using FlexClone. These processes can be done by using
SnapCenter to provide application consistency.
• Interoperability. Leverage multiprotocol support (iSCSI and SMB) for your data and file shares and
meet the demands of SQL Server workloads.
• Flexible licensing. There are multiple Cloud Volumes ONTAP solutions from hourly priced options,
longer-term subscriptions, and Bring Your Own License (BYOL) options.
• Enhanced security. In addition to security and privacy features offered by the hyperscaler, Cloud
Volume ONTAP provides NetApp managed encryption, which gives you the capability to manage
encryption keys on your premises.
For more information about Cloud Volume ONTAP, go to
35 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP Licensing
Cloud Volumes ONTAP is licensed in one of two ways: on-demand through a hyperscaler cloud provider
or as a BYOL model.
The detailed pricing information is available on the AWS and Microsoft Azure marketplaces. If the on-
demand options are not suitable for your requirements, Cloud Volumes ONTAP licenses can be
purchased directly from NetApp or a NetApp partner.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP uses a collection of hyperscaler volumes to provide advanced capabilities such
as backup and recovery, database cloning, and disaster recovery services based on Snapshot copies.
Cloud Volumes ONTAP cannot improve performance much beyond the capabilities of the underlying
hyperscaler volumes. Cloud Volumes ONTAP provides a cache to assist a highly cacheable workload
such as highly repeated read workload. In general, however, database performance of the underlying
hyperscaler volumes is neither improved nor reduced by the use of Cloud Volumes ONTAP. Exceptions
include unusual workloads or when the overall configuration is not optimal.
Detailed performance information of Cloud Volumes ONTAP is available on For detailed performance
information of Cloud Volumes ONTAP, see Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in
AWS and Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure.
36 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
SnapCenter leverages technologies, including Snapshot, SnapMirror, SnapRestore software, and
FlexClone, which allow it to integrate seamlessly with technologies offered by SQL Server across iSCSI
protocol for Cloud Volumes ONTAP. More information of SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server is
available on Best Practice Guide for SQL Server using NetApp SnapCenter. For SnapCenter and SQL
Server video resources, see the following links:
• Setup SnapCenter 4.0 for SQL Server plug-in
• How to clone a database using SnapCenter with SQL Server plug-in
• How to back up and restore databases using SnapCenter with SQL Server Plug-in
• Building SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance with SnapCenter for SQL Server Plug-in
37 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• \\ServerName\ShareName\
• \\ServerName\ShareName
For more information about UNC, see
To deploy SQL Server over SMB with Cloud Volumes Service, NetApp recommends the following best
• Managed service accounts or group-managed service accounts
− Grant full control for SQL Server service account
• Do not use virtual accounts such as NT SERVICE\<SERVICENAME>
After provisioning Cloud Volumes Service, the Everyone account typically has access to the volumes.
NetApp recommends assigning SQL Server service to have full access to the volumes and removing the
Everyone account permissions from the volumes.
Figure 13) Assigning full access permissions for the SQL Server Service Account.
After creating the volumes and assigning proper permissions to the volumes, DBAs or application owners
can place databases on the volumes using SQL Server Management Studio or T-SQL script.
38 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 14) Example of deploying SQL Server data and log files to Cloud Volumes Service with SMB protocol.
39 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
When assessing your storage needs, consider two fundamental aspects:
• The storage capacity for holding data
• The storage bandwidth for interacting with data
If you consume more storage space than the capacity you selected for the volume, the following
considerations apply:
• You will be billed for the additional storage capacity that you consume at the price defined by your
service level.
• The amount of storage bandwidth available to the volume does not increase until you increase the
allocated capacity size or change the service level.
Service Levels
NetApp Cloud Volumes Service for AWS supports three service levels. You specify your service level
when you create or modify the volume.
The service levels cater to different storage capacity and storage bandwidth needs:
• Standard (capacity)
If you want capacity at the lowest cost, and your bandwidth needs are limited, the Standard service
level might be most appropriate for you. An example is when you want to use the volume as a backup
− Bandwidth: 16KB of bandwidth per GB provisioned capacity
• Premium (a balance of capacity and performance)
If your application has a balanced need for storage capacity and bandwidth, the Premium service
level might be most appropriate for you. This level is less expensive per MBps than the Standard
service level, and it is also less expensive per GB of storage capacity than the Extreme service level.
− Bandwidth: 64KB of bandwidth per GB provisioned capacity
• Extreme (performance)
The Extreme service level is least expensive in terms of storage bandwidth. If your application
demands storage bandwidth without the associated demand for large storage capacity, the Extreme
service level might be most appropriate for you.
− Bandwidth: 128KB of bandwidth per GB provisioned capacity
Allocated Capacity
You must specify your allocated capacity for the volume when you create or modify the volume. Although
you would select your service level based on your general, high-level business needs, you should select
your allocated capacity size based on the specific needs of applications, for example:
• The storage space required by the applications
• The storage bandwidth per second required by the applications or the users
Allocated capacity is specified in GBps. A volume’s allocated capacity can be set within the range of 1GB
to 100,000GB (equivalent to 100TBps).
The combination of the service level and allocated capacity that you select determines the maximum
bandwidth for the volume.
If your applications or users need more bandwidth than your selections, you can change the service level
or increase the allocated capacity. The changes do not disrupt data access.
40 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Selecting the Service Level and the Allocated Capacity
To select the most appropriate service level and allocated capacity for your needs, you need to know how
much capacity and bandwidth you require at the peak or the edge.
Table 4) Example of quotas and service level for workload with 16,000 IOPS.
Because this task involves calculation and lookup for the Service Level table, a PowerShell script has
been developed to assist you with this task and deploy Cloud Volumes Service for your account. The
PowerShell script is available in the appendix.
41 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
• As part of the SQL Server Always On offering, Always On FCI uses Windows Server Failover
Clustering (WSFC) functionality to provide local high availability through redundancy at the server-
instance level—an FCI. An FCI is a single instance of SQL Server that is installed across the WSFC
nodes and, possibly, across multiple subnets. On the network, an FCI appears to be an instance of
SQL Server running on a single computer, but the FCI provides failover from one WSFC node to
another if the current node becomes unavailable.
Note: Currently the Always On FCI is not supported for Cloud Volumes Service.
• Always On Availability Groups
Always On Availability Groups is an enterprise-level high-availability and disaster recovery solution
introduced in SQL Server 2012 (11.x) to enable you to maximize availability for one or more user
databases. Always On Availability Groups requires that the SQL Server instances reside on WSFC
For information about Always On Availability Groups for SQL Server, see Overview of Always On
Availability Groups (SQL Server).
To set up Always On Availability Groups with Cloud Volumes Service, complete the following steps:
1. Create the Windows Failover Cluster.
2. Enable the Always On feature for SQL Server on all nodes.
3. Create the full and log backup database.
4. Restore the databases to the replica node by using the norecovery option.
5. Create Always On Availability Groups and add databases by using the join only option.
For instructions to deploy Always On Availability Groups Over SMB on Cloud Volumes Service, see
Deploy Always On Availability Groups Over SMB on Cloud Volumes Service.
42 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
8 Conclusion
SQL Server users typically face a series of significant challenges in their effort to increase the return on
their SQL Server investments and optimize their infrastructure to support business and IT requirements.
They must:
• Accelerate new database implementations or migrations and lower the risk of these operations.
• Make sure that the underlying storage infrastructure is fully optimized to support SLAs, including
performance, scalability, and availability.
• Consolidate existing databases and infrastructure to lower costs.
• Reduce complexity and simplify IT infrastructure.
• Increase the productivity of IT personnel.
To succeed in these challenges, the architects, sysadmins, or DBAs are looking to deploy their databases
and storage infrastructure based on proven best practices and technology.
This document covers NetApp’s recommendations for designing, optimizing, and scaling Microsoft SQL
Server deployments, which can vary greatly between implementations. Options such as cluster
awareness and virtualization introduce further variables. The right solution depends on both the technical
details of the implementation and the business requirements driving the project.
This document gives common recommendations in the following areas:
• SQL Server workload type
• SQL Server configuration
• Database storage layout
• Storage efficiency
It also introduces deploying SQL Server in the Data Fabric. Currently, there are two products that
available for SQL Server:
• Cloud Volumes ONTAP
• Cloud Volumes Service
SQL Server databases can be quickly and easily protected using NetApp SnapCenter software or a
combination of SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows and SnapManager for SQL Server. These
products enable application-consistent backup, automated cloning, and restore and recovery of SQL
Server databases, instances, or availability groups.
NetApp and partner professional services experts are available for assistance in complex projects. Even if
assistance is not required during the project, NetApp strongly encourages new customers to use
professional services for assistance in developing a high-level approach.
The following is an example PowerShell script to convert IOPS to throughput, look up Cloud Volumes
Service, and deploy Cloud Volumes Service.
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | File : DeployCloudVol.PS1
# | Version : 1.0
# | Purpose : Pull Cloud Volume info from web to better assist in volume deployment
# | based on user input of necessary throughput or IOPS
# | Usage : .\DeployCloudVol.ps1
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Maintenance History
# | -------------------
# | Name Date [YYYY-MM-DD] Version Description
43 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
# | --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Alex Lopez 2018-09-26 1.0 Initial release
# +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ********************************************************************************
# Documentation
# ***********************
# Globals
# ***********************
# env variables
# # x2 <-->
$URI = ""
$apiKey = "cFlqbWVSblg4Q1kyNTJUbTJSWmY4d2ZVYlRzdHhyXXXX" #
$secretKey = "V3B3aHBCMEc1RWtWZFlMcjcwelBnNkNldWZkbm03XXXX" #
$region = "us-east-1"
# ***********************
# GET Functions
# ***********************
Function GetFileSystemID {
(Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($URI+"FileSystems") -Headers $headers | Where-Object {
$ -like '*orourke*' }).fileSystemId
Function GetActiveDirectory {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($URI+"Storage/ActiveDirectory") -Headers $headers
Function GetAllJobs {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($URI+"Jobs") -Headers $headers
Function GetAllPools {
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($URI+"Pools") -Headers $headers
Function GetMountTargets {
$fsID = GetFileSystemID | Select-Object -First 1 # if more than one, change as necessary
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($URI+"FileSystems/"+$fsID+"/MountTargets") -Headers
Function GetWebTables {
$tableURL = "
$page = Invoke-WebRequest $tableURL
$tables = @($page.ParsedHtml.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName("TABLE"))
$table = $tables[2]
$titles = @('Capacity (TB)', 'Standard (MB/s)', 'Cost1', 'Premium (MB/s)', 'Cost2', 'Extreme
(MB/s)', 'Cost3')
$rows = @($table.Rows)
44 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
for($counter = 0; $counter -lt $cells.Count; $counter++)
$title = $titles[$counter]
if(-not $title) { continue }
if ($cells[$counter].InnerText -contains '*$*') {
# $resultObject[$title] = ("" + $cells[$counter+1].InnerText).Trim()
else {
$resultObject[$title] = ("" + $cells[$counter].InnerText).Trim()
# ***********************
# POST Functions
# ***********************
# the following example uses the $filesystem string, formatted as json, which is sent through the
body of the POST request
Function CreateCloudVol ($volName, $creationToken, $quota, $serviceLevel, $protocol) {
$filesystem = '
"name": "' + $volName + '",
"region": "' + $region + '",
"backupPolicy": {
"dailyBackupsToKeep": 7,
"enabled": false,
"monthlyBackupsToKeep": 12,
"weeklyBackupsToKeep": 52
"creationToken": "' + $creationToken + '",
"jobs": [
"labels": [
"poolId": "",
"protocolTypes": [' + $protocol + '],
"quotaInBytes": ' + $quota + ',
"serviceLevel": "' + $serviceLevel + '",
"smbShareSettings": [
"snapReserve": 20,
"snapshotPolicy": {
"dailySchedule": {
"hour": 23,
"minute": 10,
"snapshotsToKeep": 7
"enabled": false,
"hourlySchedule": {
"minute": 10,
"snapshotsToKeep": 24
"monthlySchedule": {
"daysOfMonth": "1,15,31",
"hour": 23,
"minute": 10,
"snapshotsToKeep": 12
45 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
"weeklySchedule": {
"day": "Saturday,Sunday",
"hour": 23,
"minute": 10,
"snapshotsToKeep": 52
# $filesystem
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri ($URI+"FileSystems") -Headers $headers -Body $filesystem
-ContentType 'application/json'
# CreateCloudVol 'API Test Vol' 'api-nfs-volume' '30000000000' 'extreme' '"NFSv3"'
# ***********************
# PUT Functions
# ***********************
# update fs: you can make changes to the name, serviceLevel, quotaInBytes, snapReserve,
snapshotPolicy, backupPolicy, and exportPolicy
# the following example uses a powershell hashtable object and converts to json before sending
the put method
Function UpdateFilesystem ($filesystemID, $SLO, $quota) {
$filesystem = @{
name = "FelineFriends01_data"
quotaInBytes = $quota
serviceLevel = $SLO
region = $region
backupPolicy = @{
dailyBackupsToKeep = 7
enabled = $false
monthlyBackupsToKeep = 12
weeklyBackupsToKeep = 52
creationToken = "amazing-backstabbing-mcnulty"
snapReserve = 20
snapshotPolicy = @{
enabled = $false
dailySchedule = @{
hour = 23
minute = 10
snapshotsToKeep = 7
hourlySchedule = @{
minute = 10
snapshotsToKeep = 7
monthlySchedule = @{
daysOfMonth = "1,15,31"
hour = 23
minute = 10
snapshotsToKeep = 7
weeklySchedule = @{
day = "Saturday,Sunday"
hour = 23
minute = 10
snapshotsToKeep = 7
$json = $filesystem | ConvertTo-Json #-Depth 4
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri ($URI+"FileSystems/"+$filesystemID) -Headers $headers -
Body $json -ContentType 'application/json'
46 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
# UpdateFilesystem $global:fsID 'standard' 30000000000
# ***********************
# User Input Functions
# ***********************
Function GetInput {
# store table locally
$table = @(GetWebTables)
do {
do {
Write-Host "Enter IOPS or Throughput"
[int]$userIOPS = Read-Host -Prompt 'IOPS (if unknown, hit enter)'
if ($userIOPS) {
[ValidateRange(4,128)][int]$userBlock = Read-Host -Prompt 'Block size (in KB,
values 4 - 128)'
# TP = (IOps * block size [kb]) / 1024
$userTP = ($userIOPS * $userBlock) / 1024
else {
[ValidateRange(0,3500)]$userTP = Read-Host -Prompt 'ThroughPut (in MB/s, values
16 - 3,500)'
# display offered configs based on table
if (!$userIOPS -and !$userTP) {
Write-Host 'Please enter a value' -ForegroundColor Yellow
$continue = $false
else {
$continue = $true
} while ($continue -eq $false)
$standardRow = $newTable.NewRow()
$premiumRow = $newTable.NewRow()
$extremeRow = $newTable.NewRow()
47 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
$standardRow.'Service Level' = '1) Standard'
$standardRow.'Quota (TB)' = $standardCapacity
$standardRow.'Throughput (MB/s)' = $standardTP
# output table
Write-Host 'Available configurations based on input:'
$newTable | Out-Host
# Notes
# 30000000000 B is 30GB
# 1000000000000 B is 1TB
48 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
# todo
# nicer formatting
# change hardcoded api keys to pull from text file, json, or .csv
# add gui -- may use
$form = New-Object “System.Windows.Forms.Form”;
$form.Width = 500;
$form.Height = 150;
$form.Text = $title;
$form.StartPosition = [System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition]::CenterScreen;
# buttons
$okButton = New-Object
$okButton.Text = "OK"
# From here, display tables in the form and allow the user to select from the 3 options
# once selection has been made, clear those tables from view (as well as whatever TB was holding
# and present the name, size, and number of volumes options
49 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Where to Find Additional Information
To learn more about the information described in this document, refer to the following documents and/or
• NetApp Interoperability Matrix Tool
• NetApp Product Documentation:
• HammerDB
• Compute Capacity Limits by Edition of SQL Server
• SQL Server 2017 Editions
• Configure the max worker threads Server Configuration Option
• NetApp AFF8080 EX Performance and Server Consolidation with Microsoft SQL Server 2014
• Page Compression Implementation
• TR-4015: SnapMirror Configuration Best Practices ONTAP 9.1 and 9.2
• TR-4733 SnapMirror Synchronous for ONTAP 9.5
• TR-4383: Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in AWS
• TR-4671: Performance Characterization of Cloud Volumes ONTAP in Azure
• Cloud Manager and Cloud Volumes ONTAP documentation
• Best Practice Guide for SQL Server using NetApp SnapCenter
• Cloud Volumes ONTAP Resources Page
• ONTAP Select Resources Page
50 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.
Refer to the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) on the NetApp Support site to validate that the exact
product and feature versions described in this document are supported for your specific environment. The
NetApp IMT defines the product components and versions that can be used to construct configurations
that are supported by NetApp. Specific results depend on each customer’s installation in accordance with
published specifications.
Copyright Information
Copyright © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S. No part of this document covered
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51 Best Practice Guide for Microsoft SQL Server with ONTAP © 2019 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved.