Policy Statement-Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors: Committee On Bioethics
Policy Statement-Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors: Committee On Bioethics
Policy Statement-Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors: Committee On Bioethics
and 10 years, although in some communities it may be practiced on Copyright © 2010 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
infants or postponed until just before marriage.1 Typically, a local vil-
lage practitioner, lay person, or midwife is engaged for a fee to per-
form the procedure, which is done without anesthesia and by using a
variety of instruments such as knives, razor blades, broken glass, or
scissors. In developed countries, physicians may be sought to perform
FGC under sterile conditions with the use of anesthesia.
The ritual and practice of FGC persists today primarily in Africa, the
Middle East, and small communities in Asia.2 Immigrants from these
countries have brought the practice with them to Europe and North
America, but no data are available for the prevalence of this practice in
the West.3
The language to describe this spectrum of procedures is controversial.
Some commentators prefer “female circumcision,” but others object
that this term trivializes the procedure, falsely confers on it the re-
spectability afforded to male circumcision in the West, or implies a
medical context.4 The commonly used “female genital mutilation” is
also problematic. Some forms of FGC italia and promote culturally sensitive marriage is essential to women’s so-
are less extensive than the newborn education about the physical conse- cial and economic security. FGC be-
male circumcision commonly per- quences of FGC.12 comes a physical sign of a woman’s
formed in the West. In addition, “muti- FGC is illegal and subject to criminal marriageability, with social control
lation” is an inflammatory term that prosecution in several countries, includ- over her sexual pleasure by clitorec-
tends to foreclose communication and ing Sweden, Norway, Australia, and the tomy and over reproduction by infibu-
that fails to respect the experience of United Kingdom.13,14 In the United States, lation (sewing together the labia so
the many women who have had their federal legislation in 1996 criminalized that the vaginal opening is about the
genitals altered and who do not per- the performance of FGC by practitioners width of a pencil).
ceive themselves as “mutilated.”5 It is on female infants and children or adoles- When parents request a ritual genital
paradoxical to recommend “culturally cents younger than 18 years and man- procedure for their daughter, they be-
sensitive counseling” while using cul- dated development of educational pro- lieve that it will promote their daughter’s
turally insensitive language. “Female grams at the community level and for integration into their culture, protect her
genital cutting” is a neutral, descrip- physicians about the harmful conse- virginity, and, thereby, guarantee her de-
tive term.4 quences of the practice.15 Various state sirability as a marriage partner. In some
It is estimated that at least 100 million laws exist as well.4 societies, failure to ensure a daughter’s
women have undergone FGC and that marriageable status can realistically be
between 4 and 5 million procedures CULTURAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES seen as failure to ensure her survival.20 It
are performed annually on female in- FGC has been documented in individuals is tragic that the same procedure that
fants and children, with the most se- from many religions, including Chris- made the daughter marriageable may
vere types performed in Somalian and tians, Muslims, and Jews.5 The relation- ultimately contribute to her infertility.21
Sudanese populations.6,7 Pediatri- ship of FGC and Islam is complex and Parents are often unaware of the harm-
cians, therefore, may encounter pa- controversial. Some of the most conser- ful physical consequences of the custom,
tients who have undergone these pro- vative Islamic societies, such as Saudi because the complications of FGC are at-
cedures, and pediatric surgeons and Arabia, do not practice FGC, whereas in tributed to other causes and are rarely
pediatric urologists may be asked by some African settings, the primary moti- discussed outside of the family.22 Women
patients or their parents to perform a vation seems tribal and nationalistic from developing countries who are advo-
ritual genital operation. rather than religious.16 For many Muslim cates for children’s health have differing
During the past 2 decades, several in- religious scholars, male circumcision is perspectives on how to respond to FGC.
ternational and national humanitarian considered obligatory, whereas some Some activists put the campaign against
and medical organizations have drawn form of female “circumcision” is consid- FGC at the center of their work, but oth-
worldwide attention to the physical ered optional but virtuous.17 Across na- ers complain that the West’s obsession
harms associated with FGC. The World tions and cultures that practice FGC, the with FGC masks an indifference to chil-
Health Organization and the Interna- perception that it is religiously obligated dren’s suffering caused by famine, war,
tional Federation of Gynecology and or at least encouraged is ubiquitous.5 and infectious disease.23
Obstetrics have opposed FGC as a med- Kopelman18 summarized 4 additional The physical burdens and potential
ically unnecessary practice with seri- reasons proposed to explain the cus- psychological harms associated with
ous, potentially life-threatening com- tom of FGC: (1) to preserve group iden- FGC violate the principle of nonmalefi-
plications.8,9 The American College of tity; (2) to help maintain cleanliness cence (a commitment to avoid doing
Obstetricians and Gynecologists and and health; (3) to preserve virginity harm) and disrupt the accepted norms
the College of Physicians and Sur- and family honor and prevent immo- inherent in the patient-physician rela-
geons of Ontario, Canada, also op- rality; and (4) to further marriage tionship, such as trust and the promo-
posed FGC and advised their members goals, including enhancement of sex- tion of good health. More recently, FGC
not to perform these procedures.10,11 In ual pleasure for men. Preservation of has been characterized as a practice
2006, the Council on Scientific Affairs cultural identity was noted by Toubia19 that violates the right of infants and
of the American Medical Association to be of particular importance for children to good health and well-being,
reaffirmed its recommendation that groups that have previously faced co- part of a universal standard of basic
all physicians in the United States lonialism and for immigrants threat- human rights.24
strongly denounce all medically unnec- ened by a dominant culture. FGC is en- Protection of the physical and mental
essary procedures to alter female gen- demic in many poor societies in which health of girls should be the overriding
Figure 1 shows the normal genital
anatomy of a prepubertal female. The
various ritual genital practices are
classified into 4 types on the basis of
severity of structural alteration.2
Type 1 FGC, often termed clitorectomy,
involves excision of the skin surround-
ing the clitoris with or without excision
of part or all of the clitoris (Fig 2).
When this procedure is performed on Normal female genital anatomy.
infants and young girls, a portion of or
all of the clitoris and surrounding tis-
sues may be removed. If only the clito-
ral prepuce is removed, the physical
manifestation of type 1 FGC may be
subtle, necessitating a careful exami-
nation of the clitoris and adjacent
structures for recognition.
Type 2 FGC, referred to as excision, is the
removal of the entire clitoris and part or
all of the labia minora (Fig 3). Crude
stitches of catgut or thorns may be used
to control bleeding from the clitoral ar-
tery and raw tissue surfaces, or mud
poultices may be applied directly to the
perineum. Because of the absence of
the labia minora and clitoris, females
with type 2 FGC do not have the typical
contour of the anterior perineal struc-
tures. The vaginal opening is not covered
in the type 2 procedure.
Type 3 FGC, known as infibulation, is
the most severe form, in which the en- FIGURE 2
tire clitoris and some or all of the labia Type 1 female genital mutilation.
minora are excised, and incisions are
made in the labia majora to create raw
surfaces (Fig 4). The labial raw sur- nary and menstrual flow. In type 3 FGC, Type 4 FGC includes different practices
faces are stitched together to cover the patient will have a firm band of tis- of variable severity, including pricking,
the urethra and vaginal introitus, leav- sue replacing the labia and obscuring piercing, or incising the clitoris and/or
ing a small posterior opening for uri- the urethral and vaginal openings. labia; stretching the clitoris and/or
from carrying out harmful forms of COMMITTEE ON BIOETHICS, Jeffrey L. Ecker, MD – American College of
2006 –2007 Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Marcia Levetown, MD – American Board of
Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH, Chairperson
4. Recommends that its members pro- Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, MD, PhD
Ellen Tsai, MD, MHSc – Canadian Paediatric
vide patients and their parents with Mary E. Fallat, MD
compassionate education about the Ian R. Holzman, MD
Steven R. Leuthner, MD CONSULTANT
physical harms and psychological risks Lainie F. Ross, MD, PhD *Dena S. Davis, JD, PhD
of FGC while remaining sensitive to the Sally Webb, MD STAFF
cultural and religious reasons that mo- Alison Baker, MS
tivate parents to seek this procedure LIAISONS [email protected]
Philip Baese, MD – American Academy of Child
for their daughters. and Adolescent Psychiatry *Lead author
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