TCD / TTCD 6.1 L6 TCD 4.1 L4: Operation Manual
TCD / TTCD 6.1 L6 TCD 4.1 L4: Operation Manual
TCD / TTCD 6.1 L6 TCD 4.1 L4: Operation Manual
TCD 4.1 L4
TCD / TTCD 6.1 L6
Operation Manual
EU Stage IV / US EPA Tier 4 Seite 2 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Notes gine, the use of DEUTZ original parts is pre-
scribed. These are specially designed for your
● This engine is defined exclusively for purpose
engine and guarantee perfect operation.
according to the scope of delivery and built by
Non-compliance results in the expiry of the war-
the equipment manufacturer (use for the intend-
ed purpose). Any other use above and beyond
this will be considered as misuse. The manufac- Maintenance/cleaning work on the engine may
turer will not accept any liability for damages re- only be carried out when the engine is not run-
sulting from this. The user bears the sole risk. ning and has cooled down.
● Use for the intended purpose also includes ob- When doing this, make sure that the electrical
servance of the operating, maintenance and re- system is switched off (remove ignition key).
pair conditions specified by the manufacturer. The specifications for accident prevention with
The engine should only be operated, serviced electrical systems (e.g. VDE-0100/-0101/-0104/-
and repaired by personnel trained in its use and 0105 Electrical protective measures against dan-
the hazards involved. gerous contact voltages) must be observed.
The pertinent rules for the prevention of acci- Cover all electrical components tightly when
dents and other generally recognised safety and cleaning with liquids.
industrial medicine rules must be observed. ● Do not work on the fuel system while the engine
● When the engine is running there is a danger of is running - Danger to life!
injury caused by: Wait for the pressure to be relieved once the en-
– rotating and hot components gine has shut down (for engines with common
– on motors with external ignition (high electri- rail, approx. 5 minutes, otherwise 1 minute) as
cal voltage). Contact must be avoided! the system is under high pressure - Danger to
● Unauthorised engine modifications will invalidate
any liability claims against the manufacturer for During the first trial run do not stand in the dan-
resultant damage. ger area of the engine.
● Equally, manipulations to the injection and con- Danger due to high pressure in case of leaks -
trol system can affect the engine's performance Danger to life!
and the exhaust characteristics. Adherence to – In case of leaks immediately contact work-
legislation on pollution can no longer be guaran- shop.
teed under such conditions. – When working on the fuel system, make sure
● Do not change the cooling air feed area to the that the engine is not started inadvertently
blower of fan. An unobstructed cooling air supply during repairs - Danger to life!
must be guaranteed.
The manufacturer will accept no liability for dam-
age resulting from this.
● When carrying out maintenance work on the en-
2 © 2014 Seite 3 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Dear customer, Engine serial number
Congratulations on the purchase of your DEUTZ en- Please enter the engine serial number here. This will
gine. simplify the handling of customer service, repair and
DEUTZ air/liquid-cooled engines are developed for a spare parts queries.
broad spectrum of applications. Consequently, a
wide range of variants is offered to meet the require-
ments of specific cases.
The engine is equipped accordingly for the particular Components of the exhaust aftertreatment system
installation situation, i.e. not all the components de- Please enter the serial numbers of the exhaust after-
scribed in the operating manual are installed in your treatment components.
We have endeavoured to highlight any differences Diesel oxidation catalytic converter
so that you will be able to locate the operating and
maintenance instructions applicable to your engine
more quickly and easily.
Please make sure that this operating manual is avail- Diesel particle filter
able to everyone involved in the operation, mainte-
nance and repair of the engine and that they have
understood the contents.
If you have any queries, please contact us, we'll be SCR module
happy to advise you.
We reserve the right to make technical changes to
the descriptions and data in this operating manual in
the interest of further development of the engines.
This document may only be reprinted and repro-
duced, even in part, with our express permission.
© 2014 3 Seite 4 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Table of contents
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Lubricating oil system. . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Fuel system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SCR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2 Engine description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Engine cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Engine illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Suction system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Lubricating oil diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Belt drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Fuel diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Adjustment work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Coolant diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Electrical system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Exhaust gas recirculation . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7 Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Exhaust gas aftertreatment . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fault table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Electrics/Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Engine management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 8 Transport and storage . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Ambient conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Initial commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Engine corrosion protection . . . . . . . . . 84
Starting process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9 Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Operation monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Engine and setting data . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Exhaust gas aftertreatment system. . . . . . 39 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Passive regeneration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Stopping process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4 Operating media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Lubricating oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Coolant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
SCR reduction agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5 Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Maintenance schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6 Servicing and maintenance work . . . . . . . 57
4 © 2014 Seite 5 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
DEUTZ diesel engines
DEUTZ diesel engines and the appropriate exhaust
velopments for improving the engines are also intro-
duced in the original DEUTZ parts of course. Only
information on product areas and services.
the use of original DEUTZ parts manufactured ac- California
aftertreatment components are the result of years of cording to the state-of-the-art can guarantee perfect Proposition 65 Warning
research and development. The detailed know-how functioning and high reliability. Diesel engines and some of its constituents are
gained by this in connection with the high quality de- known to the State of California to cause cancer,
mands are the guarantee for production of engines DEUTZ Xchange components birth defects and other reproductive harm.
with a long life, high reliability and low fuel consump-
tion. Naturally the high demands for protection of the DEUTZ replacement parts are a low-cost alternative. Masthead
environment are also met. Of course, the quality standards here are just as high
as for new parts. DEUTZ replacement parts are DEUTZ AG
Safety precautions when the engine is running equal to the original DEUTZ parts in function and re- Ottostraße 1
Maintenance work or repairs may only be performed 51149 Köln
on the shut-down engine. Make sure that the engine Asbestos Germany
cannot be started inadvertently - Danger of accident!
The gaskets used in this engine contain no asbestos. Phone: +49 (0) 221-822-0
After repair work: Check that all guards have been Please use the appropriate original DEUTZ parts for
replaced and that all tools have been removed from Fax: +49 (0) 221-822-3525
maintenance and repair work.
the engine. E-Mail: [email protected]
Observe industrial safety regulations when running Service
the engine in an enclosed space or underground. We want to preserve the high performance of our en-
When working on the running engine, work clothing gines, and with it the confidence and satisfaction of
must be close fitting. our customers. We are therefore represented world-
wide by a network of service branches.
Never fill the fuel tank while the engine is running.
The DEUTZ name does not merely stand for engines
Service and Maintenance that are the products of extensive development
Service and maintenance are also decisive for work, DEUTZ also stands for complete service pack-
whether the engine satisfactorily meets the set de- ages that ensure optimum operation of our engines,
mands. Recommended service intervals must there- and for customer services operations that you can
fore be observed and service and maintenance work count on.
must be carried out conscientiously. Please contact your DEUTZ-partner in case of mal-
Special care should be taken under abnormally de- functions and sare parts inquiries. Our specially
manding operating conditions. trained personnel will ensure fast, professional re-
pairs using original DEUTZ spare parts in case of
Original DEUTZ parts damage.
Original DEUTZ parts are subject to the same strict The DEUTZ homepage provides a continuously up-
quality demands as the DEUTZ engines. Further de- dated overview of the service partners near you, and
© 2014 5 Seite 6 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
1 Danger
6 © 2014 Seite 7 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 7 Seite 8 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 C
8 © 2014 Seite 9 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 1 1 2 left 2
Serial numbers of the exhaust aftertreatment com- Serial numbers of the exhaust aftertreatment com- Cylinder numbering
ponents ponents
Cylinder arrangement
1 Rating plate of the diesel particle filter 1 Rating plate of the diesel particle filter The cylinders are counted consecutively starting
from flywheel (1).
2 Rating plate of the SCR catalyst 2 Rating plate of the SCR catalyst
Direction of rotation
The serial numbers of the exhaust aftertreatment The serial numbers of the exhaust aftertreatment
Looking onto the flywheel.
components are stamped on the rating plates. components are stamped on the rating plates.
rotating to the left: counter-clockwise.
Engine sides
Looking onto the flywheel.
© 2014 9 Seite 10 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 TCD 4.1 L4
Industrial engine
11 1 View from right (example)
1 Combustion air inlet
2 V-rib belt
3 Tension pulley
10 4 Exchangeable fuel filter
5 Lubricating oil drain plug
6 Lube oil replacement filter
7 Lubricating oil dipstick
9 8 Lube oil cooler
9 Rail
10 Lubricating oil filling
11 Crankcase breather
6 3
5 4
10 © 2014 Seite 11 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 11 Seite 12 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 TCD 4.1 L4
Agricultural engine
12 1 View from right (example)
1 Combustion air inlet
2 V-rib belt
3 Tension pulley
11 4 Coolant inlet
5 Lubricating oil drain plug
2 6 Lube oil cooler
7 Generator
10 8 Lube oil replacement filter
9 Exchangeable fuel filter
10 Rail
11 Lubricating oil filling
12 Crankcase breather
5 4 3
12 © 2014 Seite 13 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 13 Seite 14 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 TTCD 6.1 L6
Agricultural engine
11 1
View from right (example)
1 Combustion air inlet
2 Generator
10 3 Lube oil replacement filter
4 V-rib belt
2 5 Coolant inlet
6 Lubricating oil drain plug
9 7 Lube oil cooler
8 Exchangeable fuel filter
9 Rail
10 Lubricating oil filling
11 Crankcase breather
8 3
5 4
14 © 2014 Seite 15 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
4 5
© 2014 15 Seite 16 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 TCD 6.1 L6
Agricultural engine
1 View from right (example)
1 Combustion air inlet
2 Generator
10 3 V-rib belt
4 Coolant inlet
5 Lube oil replacement filter
6 Lubricating oil drain plug
9 7 Lube oil cooler
8 Exchangeable fuel filter
9 Rail
10 Lubricating oil filling
11 Crankcase breather
5 4 3
16 © 2014 Seite 17 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
4 5
© 2014 17 Seite 18 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 TCD 6.1 L6
Industrial engine
10 1
View from right (example)
1 Combustion air inlet
2 V-rib belt
9 3 Tension pulley
4 Lubricating oil drain plug
5 Lube oil replacement filter
6 Lubricating oil dipstick
8 7 Lube oil cooler
8 Rail
9 Lubricating oil filling
10 Crankcase breather
5 3
18 © 2014 Seite 19 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 19 Seite 20 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
8 7 2 1
20 © 2014 Seite 21 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
7 8 9 10 11
Fuel schematic (example)
1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pre-filter
3 Fuel pump
4 Exchangeable fuel filter
5 Fuel supply line to the control block FCU (Fuel
Control Unit)
6 Control block FCU (Fuel Control Unit)
7 High-pressure pump
8 Rail
9 Injector
10 Fuel return to fuel tank
11 Return line
6 5 4 3 2 1
© 2014 21 Seite 22 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
22 © 2014 Seite 23 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
7 8
6 9
6 10 11 12 13
Coolant schematic (example)
Industrial engine
1 Cooler
2 Coolant pump
3 Lube oil cooler
4 Coolant supply for engine cooling
5 Cylinder pipe/head cooling
6 Air compressor
7 Connection possibility for cab heating
x2 x1
x1 x2 8 Metering module
9 AdBlue® tank
10 Exhaust return cooler
T 11 Temperature transmitter
12 Thermostat
13 Compensation tank
1 2 3 4 5 6
6 5 4 3 2 1
© 2014 23 Seite 24 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
6 5 4
24 © 2014 Seite 25 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
14 15 1
© 2014 25 Seite 26 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
1 2
26 © 2014 Seite 27 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 27 Seite 28 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
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© 2014 29 Seite 30 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
30 © 2014 Seite 31 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
3 2
● Switch on any available heating and set to the
highest level so that the heating circuit is filled 3
and vented.
R ● Start the engine and run up until the thermostat
1 opens (line (2) heats up).
● Engine operation with open thermostat 2 - 3 min-
● Check the coolant level and top up coolant if nec-
Danger of scalding from hot coolant!
Cooling system under pressure! Only open
the cap when cool!
Observe safety regulations and national
specifications when handling cooling me-
Filling with AdBlue® Filling the coolant system
● If required, repeat procedure with engine start.
Only re-fuel when the engine is not running. The coolant must have a prescribed con- ● Fill up coolant to the MAX mark on the compen-
Only fill with AdBlue®! centration of cooling system corrosion pro- sation tank and close the cooling system cap.
Other media (e.g. diesel), even in the tection agent! ● Switch on any available heating and set to the
smallest amounts, can cause destruction of Never operate the engine without coolant, highest level so that the heating circuit is filled
the system and a not emmission compliant even for a short time! and vented.
operation. ● Observe the filling volume of the cooling system
If you have filled with e.g. diesel and this Order coolant corrosion protection agent ( 88 ).
has got into the system, the complete from your DEUTZ partner.
AdBlue® injection system must be re-
If the filled medium (e.g. diesel) has not ● Connect the coolant outlet (2) and coolant inlet
reached the lines and supply pump/meter- (1) to the cooling system. Connect lead pipe (3)
ing module, an emptying and thorough from the compensation tank to the coolant pump
cleaning of the AdBlue® tank will be ade- or to the coolant inlet pipe (1).
quate. ● Connect ventilation line from the engine and, if
Ensure cleanliness. necessary, from the cooler to the compensation
● Fill cooling system via the compensation tank.
● Close compensation tank with valve.
© 2014 31 Seite 32 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
3 Trial run
32 © 2014 Seite 33 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 33 Seite 34 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
34 © 2014 Seite 35 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 35 Seite 36 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Lubricating oil temperature Lubricating oil temperature too high Switch off engine
Lubricating oil pressure pilot Lubricating oil pressure below minimum Switch off engine
Lube oil level Lubricating oil level too low Fill up lube oil
Coolant level Coolant level too low Shut down the engine, allow to cool and top up cool-
Operating hours counter Indicates the previous operating time of the engine Observe the maintenance intervals
36 © 2014 Seite 37 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Ash lamp Continuous light The ash lamp indicates, that the loading of the diesel particle
filter with incombustible residues has reached a critical level
and must be replaced. 44
Engine warning lamp Continuous light In combination with the SCR function lamp
Flashing Check AdBlue® filling level
Check SCR system 39
In combination with the DPF function lamp
Initiate standstill regeneration 44
© 2014 37 Seite 38 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
3 ●
Operation monitoring of the diesel particle filter
Faults in the exhaust aftertreatment system
● Filling level of the AdBlue® tank
● Battery voltage
● Accelerator position
● Fuel consumption
● Operating hours
Error messages are displayed in clear text and
acoustically; the error memory of the control unit can
be read out.
For a detailed description, refer to the operating in-
structions enclosed with the DEUTZ Electronic Dis-
38 © 2014 Seite 39 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 39 Seite 40 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
AdBlue® filling level SCR function lamp Engine warning lamp DEUTZ CAN display Power reduction
<15 Continuous light off SCR symbol None None
% Text message
<10 flashes (0.5 Hz) off SCR symbol None None
% Text message
<5% flashes (0.5 Hz) Continuous light SCR symbol None None
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
<5% ≥ 10 min flashes (1 Hz) Continuous light SCR symbol Stage 1 None
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
<5% ≥ 15 min flashes (2 Hz) Flashing SCR symbol Stage 1 None
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
<5% ≥ 20 min flashes (2 Hz) Flashing SCR symbol Stage 2 Stage 2
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
40 © 2014 Seite 41 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Catalytic converter effi- SCR function lamp Engine warning lamp DEUTZ CAN display Power reduction
ciency/Adblue® quality EU EPA
too low Continuous light Continuous light SCR symbol Stage 1 None
Acoustic signal Text message After pre-warning time
Acoustic signal
too low Continuous light Flashing SCR symbol Stage 2 Stage 2
not remedied Acoustic signal Text message After pre-warning time After pre-warning
Acoustic signal time
If the system detects a manipulated part or use of the wrong reduction agent, the performance is reduced. The performance is reduced in stages and depends on the motor
Manipulation SCR function lamp Engine warning lamp DEUTZ CAN display Power reduction
detected Continuous light Continuous light SCR symbol Stage 1 None
Acoustic signal Text message After pre-warning time
Acoustic signal
not remedied Continuous light Flashing SCR symbol Stage 2 Stage 2
Acoustic signal Text message After pre-warning time After pre-warning
Acoustic signal time
© 2014 41 Seite 42 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
3 System fault
System faults may be faults of individual SCR components such as the implausible value of a Nox or temperature sensor. The performance is reduced if the AdBlue® in-
jection is impaired by a system fault.
System fault SCR function lamp Engine warning lamp DEUTZ CAN display Power reduction
detected Continuous light Flashing SCR symbol None
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
detected ≥ 10min Continuous light Flashing SCR symbol Stage 2
Acoustic signal Text message
Acoustic signal
Crystalisation results when the engine's workload is too low, or its operating times are too short.
System fault Regeneration lamp Engine warning lamp DEUTZ CAN display Power reduction
detected flashes (0.5 Hz) off Text message None
Standstill regeneration Acoustic signal
detected flashes (0.5 Hz) Continuous light Text message Stage 1
Standstill regeneration Acoustic signal
detected flashes (3 Hz) Flashing Text message Stage 2
Standstill regeneration Acoustic signal
42 © 2014 Seite 43 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 43 Seite 44 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
3 Normal operation
Under normal operating conditions (exhaust temper-
Power reduction
regeneration as quickly as possible, as otherwise the
diesel particle filter will continue to become contami-
Stage 1 Torque reduction nated with soot.
ature > 250 °C), the filter contamination with soot re-
mains in a permissible range and no actions are Stage 2 Torque reduction If the standstill regeneration is not carried out, the
necessary. + Engine speed limitation engine control unit will activate the specified engine
protection functions, depending on the contamina-
The regeneration lamp is off. Bridging of the power reduction tion of the diesel particle filter.
Support mode A separate emergency switch has been provided, in Every standstill regeneration slightly dilutes the en-
order to temporarily disable power reductions gine oil with fuel. The number of standstill regenera-
During this operating state, an acoustic caused by the EAT system. tions is therefore monitored..
change occurs to the running of the engine. This function is available for a limited period and is
Implementation of the standstill regeneration
expected to enable the user to move the machine to
If the operating conditions of the engine do not per- a safe location. The engine must be brought into a "safe state" for
mit any passive regeneration, the contamination of This function is available for engines with power re- the regeneration:
the diesel particle filter with soot will increase. duction levels 1 and 2, in accordance with EU legis- ● Shut down the engine on an open terrain at a
A throttle valve controlled via the engine control unit lation, and with power reduction level 1, in safe distance to flammable objects.
is located in the combustion air inlet. This is used to accordance with EPA legislation. ● Warm up the engine; the coolant temperature
increase the exhaust gas temperature for regenera- Standstill regeneration must reach at least 75°C.
tion of the diesel particle filter, if this is not reached ● Operate the engine in idling.
during normal operation. ● The engine control unit now requires a signal in-
Temperatures of approx. 600 °C occur on
This can be the case if: the exhaust pipe during regeneration. dicating that the unit is safely parked (stationary
A special engine operating state becomes signal).
● The engine only has short operating times.
active during standstill regeneration and This occurs,depending on the application, for ex-
● The engine workload is not high.
the machine is not allowed to be used dur- ample by:
This process is automatically activated by the engine ing the active standstill regeneration. – Activating the parking brake.
control unit, the operator does not need to perform Danger of burns! – Engaging a specified gear position in the
any actions. gearbox.
If the support mode does not attain an adequate re-
The regeneration lamp is off. ● Operating the release button.
duction of the soot contamination, the filter will con-
tinue to become contaminated with soot and a Position depends on application, see device
Power reduction manual.
standstill regeneration will be necessary.
If a serious fault occurs or a fault is not remedied, the The regeneration lamp lights up continuously.
This is displayed by a flashing regeneration lamp.
system reacts by reducing the engine performance.
The standstill regeneration must be initiated by the Once the standstill regeneration has been released,
There is a one or two-stage performance reduction the engine automatically increases the speed level.
depending on the type of fault.
We recommend carrying out a necessary standstill Using the device during standstill regeneration is
44 © 2014 Seite 45 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 45 Seite 46 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
46 © 2014 Seite 47 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Shutting off
© 2014 47 Seite 48 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
4 General
Modern diesel engines place very high demands on
bricating oil flows, depending on the temperature.
The lubricating oil viscosity only has a small influ-
The following lubricating oils are permissible for the
engines in this operating manual:
ence and effect on the quality of the oil.
the lubricating oil to be used. The specific engine Permissible quality class
performances which have increased constantly over Synthetic lubricating oils are used increasingly and
the last few years lead to an increased thermal load offer advantages. These lubricating oils have better DQC III LA
on the lubricating oil. The lubricating oil is also more temperature and oxidation stability, as well as rela- DQC IV LA
exposed to contamination due to reduced oil com- tively low cold vicosity. Since some processes which
sumption and longer oil change intervals. For this are relevant for determining the lubricating oil For low-ash engine oils released according to the
reason it is necessary to observe the requirements change times are largely dependent on the oil quality DQC system an appropriate reference is made in the
and recommendations described in this operating (e.g. the infiltration of soot and other contamination), oil release list.
manual in order not to shorten the life of the engine. the oil change time for synthetic lubricating oils may
not be increased in relation to the specifications on DEUTZ lubricating oils DQC III LA low-ash
Lubricating oils always consist of a base oil and an DEUTZ Oil Rodon 10W40 Low SAPS
lubricating oil change intervals.
additive package. The most important tasks of a lu-
bricating oil (e.g. wear protection, corrosion protec- Biodegradable lubricating oils may be used in Container Order number:
tion, neutralisation of acids from combustion DEUTZ engines if they meet the requirements of this 20 litre canister 0101 7976
products, prevention of coke and soot deposits on operating manual.
209 litre barrel 0101 7977
the engine parts) are assumed by the additives. The
Quality Lubricating oil change intervals
properties of the base oil are also decisive for the
quality of the product, e.g. with regard to thermal Lubricating oils are classified by DEUTZ according
● The intervals depend on:
load capacity. to their performance and quality class (DQC: DEUTZ
– lubricating oil quality
In principle, all engine oils of the same specification Quality Class). Essentially, the following applies: the
higher the quality class (DQC I, II, III, IV), the more – sulphur content in the fuel
can be mixed. However, mixing of engine oils should
effective/the better quality the lubricating oil is. – type of application of engine
be avoided because the worst properties of the mix-
ture are always dominant. – Number of standstill regenerations
The DQC quality classes are still to be extended by
the DQC-LA quality classes which include the mod- ● The lubricating oil change interval must be
The lubricating oils approved by DEUTZ have been halved if at least one of the following conditions
thoroughly tested for all engine applications. The ac- ern, low-ash lubricating oils (LA = Low Ash).
tive ingredients they contain are compatible with or see
– Constant ambient temperature below -10 °C
each other. Therefore, the use of additives for lubri-
(14 °F) or lube oil temperature below 60 °C
cating oils is not permitted in DEUTZ engines.
(84 °F).
The lubricating oil quality has a considerable influ- de \SERVICE \Betriebsstoffe und Addi- – Sulphur content in diesel fuel of >0.5 weight
ence on the life, performance and thus also on the tive\Deutz Quality Class\DQC-Freigabeliste %.
costs-effectiveness of the engine. It basically applies en \SERVICE \Operating Liquids and Addi- ● If the lubricating oil change intervals are not
that: The better the lubricating oil quality, the better tives\Deutz Quality Class\DQC Release List reached within a year, the oil should be changed
these properties. at least once a year.
The choice of luricating oil essentially depends on
The lubricating oil viscosity describes the way the lu-
the exhaust aftertreatment system.
48 © 2014 Seite 49 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
SAE 15W-40
SAE 15W-30
SAE 10W-30
SAE 10W-40
SAE 5W-30
SAE 5W-40
Depending on the ambient temperature we recom-
mend the following common viscosity classes:
© 2014 49 Seite 50 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
4 Permissible fuels
In order to satisfy the exhaust gas legislation, diesel
ASTM D 975 described in the operation manual. No
emission values are guaranteed with the other fuels
described in this operation manual.
engines that are equipped with an exhaust aftertreat-
ment system may only be operated with a sulphur- The respective fuels prescribed by law must be used
free diesel fuel. to comply with the national emission regulations
(e.g. sulphur content).
The operational reliability and durability of the indi-
vidual exhaust aftertreatment technologies cannot Please contact your DEUTZ partner
be assured upon failure to comply. or see
50 © 2014 Seite 51 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 51 Seite 52 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
52 © 2014 Seite 53 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
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The lubricating oil load may be high depending on the application. The lubricating oil change interval must be halved here ( 48 ).
Data for lubricating oil change interval, in relation to lubricating oil quality DQC III.
The display of the operating hours should be ensured by the device manufacturer. The engine operating hours are recorded by the control unit. Enquiry via the CAN
bus and display in a display or creation/display via electromechanical counter.
General overhaul
The best time for a general overhaul depends to a great extent on the load, application and ambient conditions and the care and maintenance of the engine during the
operating time.
Your DEUTZ partner will advise you on determining the best time for a general overhaul.
54 © 2014 Seite 55 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 55 Seite 56 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
5 Stage
Engine monitor, warning system Maintenance only to be carried out by authorised service personnel
Order number: 0312 4669 (TCD 4.1 L4/TTCD 6.1 L6/TCD 6.1 L6)
56 © 2014 Seite 57 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 57 Seite 58 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Change lubricating oil filter ● Oil the gasket of the new DEUTZ original filter
cartridge lightly.
The filter cartridge should never be pre- ● Screw on new filter by hand until the gasket is
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- touching and tighten with a torque of:
tion! 15-17 Nm
● Remove clamps when twist protection mounted ● Fasten clamps of the twist protection (optional).
● Loosen and unscrew filter with tool (order no.:
0189 9142)
● Collect draining lubricating oil
● Clean the sealing surface of the filter support
with a lint-free, clean cloth.
58 © 2014 Seite 59 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 5
5 5
3 4 3
Replace lubricating oil filter cartridge ● Collect draining lubricating oil ● Replace gasket and oil lightly.
● Bend the filter cartridge in the collecting contain- ● Press new filter cartridge into bracket and place
The filter cartridge should never be pre- er slightly to the side until the cartridge comes them carefully into the guide.
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- out of the bracket. ● Screw the cover clockwise (25 Nm).
tion! ● Clean components. ● Start engine.
1 Cover
2 Sealing ring
3 Housing
4 Guide
5 Filter insert
6 Bracket
● Switch off the engine.
● Loosen cover by turning 2-3 times and wait for 30
● Unscrew cover with filter cartridge anti-clock-
● Loosen the filter cartridge carefully out of the
guide in the housing and upwards.
© 2014 59 Seite 60 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
60 © 2014 Seite 61 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Change the fuel filter cartridge ● Oil the gasket of the new DEUTZ original filter
cartridge lightly.
The filter cartridge should never be pre- ● Screw on new filter by hand until the gasket is
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- touching and tighten with a torque of:
tion! 10-12 Nm
● Fasten clamps of the twist protection (optional).
● Remove clamps when twist protection mounted
(optional). ● Vent the fuel system.
● Loosen and unscrew filter with tool (order no.:
0189 9142)
● Catch any escaping fuel.
● Clean the sealing surface of the filter support
with a lint-free, clean cloth.
© 2014 61 Seite 62 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
6 1
2 5
5 5
3 4 3
Replace fuel filter cartridge ● Catch any escaping fuel. ● Replace gasket and oil lightly.
● Bend the filter cartridge in the collecting contain- ● Press new filter cartridge into bracket and place
The filter cartridge should never be pre- er slightly to the side until the cartridge comes them carefully into the guide.
filled. There is a danger of dirt contamina- out of the bracket. ● Screw the cover clockwise (25 Nm).
tion! ● Clean components. ● Start engine.
1 Cover
2 Sealing ring
3 Housing
4 Guide
5 Filter insert
6 Bracket
● Switch off the engine.
● Loosen cover by turning 2-3 times and wait for 30
● Unscrew cover with filter cartridge anti-clock-
● Loosen the filter cartridge carefully out of the
guide in the housing and upwards.
62 © 2014 Seite 63 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 63 Seite 64 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
1 2 3
Change the filter cartridge of the AdBlue® supply ● Insert new filter insert with compensation body.
pump ● Mount cover.
Protective gloves are to be worn when Tightening torque 22.5 ±2.5 Nm
working with Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) components. ● Electrical connection
Ensure cleanliness. – Connect cable connections.
1 Cover ● Start
2 Compensation body
3 Filter insert
● Switch off the engine.
● Electrical connection
– Disconnect cable connections.
● Place suitable collecting containers underneath.
● Remove cover.
Socket wrench insert 27 mm
● Pull out filter insert and compensation body.
64 © 2014 Seite 65 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 65 Seite 66 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
66 © 2014 Seite 67 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Only carry out cleaning work on the engine ● Clean the engine with a steam jet (maximum
when it is not running! spray pressure 60 bar, maximum steam temper-
Remove the engine cover and cooling air ature 90 °C, distance at least 1m).
cover if available and remount after clean- ● Warm up the engine so that the water residues
ing. evaporate.
The respective environmental regulations ● Always clean the cooler and cooling fins from the
must be observed. exhaust air side to the fresh air side.
The following causes of soiling make it necessary to
clean the engine:
● High dust content in the air.
● Chaff and chopped straw in the area of the en-
● Coolant leaks
● Lubricating oil leakage
● Fuel leaks
Because of the different application conditions,
cleaning depends on the degree of dirt contamina-
Cleaning with compressed air
● Blow dirt off or out. Always blow out the cooler
and cooling fins from the exhaust air side to the
fresh air side.
© 2014 67 Seite 68 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Do not work when the engine is running! Never clean the safety cartridge (4).
68 © 2014 Seite 69 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Maintenance indicators for dry air filter Clean the dust discharge valve of the dry air filter
● The dry air filter is maintained according to a ● Empty the dust discharge valve (1) by pressing
maintenance switch or maintenance indicator. together the discharge slit.
● Maintenance is necessary when: ● Remove any caked dust by pressing together the
– the yellow warning light of the maintenance upper section of the valve.
switch lights up when the engine is running. ● Clean the discharge slit.
– the red field (1) of the maintenance indicator
is fully visible.
● After carrying out maintenance work, reset the
signal by pressing the button on the mainte-
nance indicator. The maintenance indicator is
now ready for operation again.
© 2014 69 Seite 70 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
70 © 2014 Seite 71 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
2 3
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76 © 2014 Seite 77 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
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7 Faults
Engine output is deficient
Lube oil level too high
Check lube oil level, if necessary drain off.
Throttle valve defective Check/replace
Exhaust gas recirculation, actuator defective Check/replace
Fuel suction temperature too high Check the system
Fuel quality does not comply with operating manual Change the fuel
Air filter clogged / turbocharger defective Check/replace
Air filter maintenance switch / maintenance indicator defective Check/replace
Fan defective/V-rib belt torn or loose Check fan/V-belt, change if necessary
Charge air line leaking Check charge air line
Charge air cooler soiled Clean
Exhaust gas backpressure too high Check/clean
Injection line leaks Check injection line
Injector defective Change
Exhaust gas turbocharger defective Change
Engine performs poorly and diagnos- Engine electronics reduce performance Please contact your DEUTZ partner
tic lamp lights
Engine does not run on all cylinders Injection line leaks Check injection line
Injector defective Change
Incorrect valve clearance Check valve clearance and set if necessary
Compression pressure too low Check compression pressure
Engine cable harness defective Check/replace
Engine lubricating oil pressure is non- Lubricating oil level too low Fill up lube oil
existant or excessively low Excessive inclination of engine Check engine mounting / reduce inclination
Wrong SAE viscosity class of the engine lubricating oil Change the lubricating oil
Lubricating oil pressure sensor defective Check/replace
Lubricating oil control valve jammed Check/clean
Lubricating oil suction pipe blocked Check/clean
78 © 2014 Seite 79 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 79 Seite 80 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
7 Faults
Error in the SCR system
AdBlue® tank empty/display full
Check tank sensor
SCR not working Check plug connections and lines at the sup-
ply pump and injector.
Check plugs and lines of supply pump, Nox
sensor and exhaust temperature sensor.
SCR not working (cold) Lines frozen, lines to be cleaned, heating to
be checked
AdBlue® Tank frozen, heating to be checked
Frequent standstill regenerations Air filter clogged / turbocharger defective Check/replace
Incorrect valve clearance Check valve clearance and set if necessary
Charge air line leaking Check charge air line
Injector defective Change
Differential pressure of flow meter defective Change
Nox sensor defective Change
Differential pressure sensor of diesel particulate filter is issuing an implausible Change
Differential pressure line added Clean
80 © 2014 Seite 81 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 81 Seite 82 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
7 Diagnosis button
The diagnosis button allows the errors currently
saved in the error memory of the electronic engine
control to be visualised in the form of a flash code.
The flash codes permit:
● Errors that may occur can be classified.
● Clear display of the error as visual signal.
– The blink codes can only be interpreted by a
DEUTZ partner.
0,8 s
0,4 s
0,4 s
0,4 s
0,8 s
0,4 s
2s 2s
Use of the diagnostic key
The flash code displays all errors in the error memo-
ry, this means active as well as passive ones.
The control unit must be switched on to start the en-
1 2 8
quiry (ignition on). Then the diagnosis button must Display system error by flash code
be pressed and held for approx. 1 s.
Then the next error (i.e. the following one in the error
memory) can be displayed by pressing the diagnos- Flash code 1-2-8
tic key again. If the last error was displayed, the first 1 x short flash
error is displayed again on pressing the diagnostic
2 x long flash
key again.
8 x short flash
After the display of the error flash code, the error
lamp goes out for five seconds. This flash code indicates a break or short circuit in
the wiring of the charge air temperature sensor. The
temporal sequence of the flash signals is shown in
the illustration.
● The blink codes can only be interpreted by a
DEUTZ partner.
82 © 2014 Seite 83 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
1 8
Suspension equipment
Danger to life!
The engine may tip over or fall down if sus-
The transport devices mounted on this en- pended incorrectly!
gine are adapted to the engine weight. If
the engine is transported with add-on com- ● The fastening attachment cannot be fixed se-
ponents, the transport devices must be de- curely above the centre of gravity (1).
signed accordingly. ● The fastening attachment can slip, the engine
swings backwards and forwards (1).
● Always use proper suspension equipment when
transporting the engine. ● Too short a fastening attachment causes bend-
ing torques in the transport device (2) and can
● The suspension device (1) must be adjustable
damage it.
for the engine's centre of gravity.
● After transportation and before commissioning of
engine: remove attachment eyes (2).
© 2014 83 Seite 84 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
8 General
Engines contain the following types of corrosion pro-
Exhaust aftertreatment system
Selective Catalytic Reduction
not be remedied.
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88 © 2014 Seite 89 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
© 2014 89 Seite 90 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
9 Tool ordering
The special tools described in this chapter can be or-
dered from:
Please contact your DEUTZ partner
90 © 2014 Seite 91 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Special wrench for loosening exchangeable filters Rotaqtion angle disc Pin wrench insert
Order number: Order number: Order number:
0189 9142 0189 9093 0189 9096
For loosening changeable filters. For setting the valve clearance For setting the valve clearance
© 2014 91 Seite 92 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
92 © 2014 Seite 93 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12 Seite 94 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12 Seite 95 Freitag, 4. Juli 2014 12:14 12
Information Systems Sales & Service
Ottostraße 1
51149 Köln
Phone: +49 (0) 221-822-0
Fax: +49 (0) 221-822-3525
E-Mail: [email protected]
Printed in Germany
© 06/2014
All rights reserved
Order number:
0312 4684 en
The engine company. Original operating instructions