Surrey Tree Bylaw

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City of Surrey

"Surrey Tree Protection Bylaw, 2006 No. 16100"

A Bylaw to regulate and prohibit the cutting,
removal and damage of trees, the setting of fees and
issuance of permits for the same and the requirement
for replacement trees and of security for their
provision and maintenance.
PART 1........................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS ....................................................................................................... 1
PART 2........................................................................................................................................... 6
APPLICATION AND EXEMPTIONS .................................................................................................. 6
PART 3........................................................................................................................................... 7
PROHIBITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 7
PART 4........................................................................................................................................... 7
OFFENCES .................................................................................................................................... 7
PART 5........................................................................................................................................... 8
PENALTIES ................................................................................................................................... 8
PART 6........................................................................................................................................... 9
SIGNIFICANT TREES ..................................................................................................................... 9
PART 7......................................................................................................................................... 10
TREE CUTTING PERMITS ............................................................................................................ 10
PART 8......................................................................................................................................... 13
PERMIT FEES AND SECURITIES ................................................................................................... 13
PART 9......................................................................................................................................... 17
REPLACEMENT TREES ................................................................................................................ 17
PART 10....................................................................................................................................... 19
TREE PROTECTION ..................................................................................................................... 19
PART 11....................................................................................................................................... 20
INSPECTION AND ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 20
PART 12....................................................................................................................................... 21
GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................... 21
SCHEDULE "A" .......................................................................................................................... 1
ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS ....................................................................................... 1
SCHEDULE "B" .......................................................................................................................... 1

SIGNIFICANT TREES ................................................................................................................ 1

SCHEDULE "B1" ...................................................................................................................... 13

SEMIAHMOO TRAIL .................................................................................................................... 13

SCHEDULE "C" .......................................................................................................................... 1

TREE PROTECTION BARRIER DETAIL ............................................................................... 1

- ii -

BYLAW NO. 16100

A Bylaw to regulate and prohibit the cutting, removal and damage

of trees, the setting of fees and issuance of permits and the
requirement for replacement trees and of security for their
provision and maintenance.

As amended by By-law No: 16532, 01/14/08; 16586 03/10/08; 16859, 01/19/09; 16894,
04/20/09; 17047, 11/30/09; 17082, 12/14/09; 17327, 01/10/11; 17371, 03/14/11; 17480,
10/03/11; 17569, 02/06/12; 17635, 05/07/12; 17810, 12/10/12; 17845, 12/17/12; 18138,
01/13/14; 18360, 01/12/15; 18592, 12/14/15; 18659, 03/07/16; 18710, 07/11/16; 18984,
12/19/16; 19430, 12/18/17



(a) WHEREAS pursuant to Sections 8(3)(c) and 50 to 52 of the Community Charter,

S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, a city may, by bylaw, exercise certain powers to preserve and protect
trees within the city, regulate the cutting and removal of trees and require their

(b) AND WHEREAS Council considers it is in the public interest to provide for the
protection and preservation of trees, the regulation of their cutting and removal and their

Under its statutory powers, including Sections 8(3)(c) and 50 to 52 of the Community Charter,
S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, the Council of the City of Surrey, in open meeting assembled, enacts the
following provisions:

Part 1
Introductory Provisions


1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Surrey Tree Protection Bylaw, 2006, No. 16100".


2. In this Bylaw,

"agricultural use"

means the use of land for the growing of crops or the raising of livestock as
permitted under the Zoning Bylaw.


means an arborist who:

(a) is certified by the International Society of Arboriculture; and

(b) is certified as a tree risk assessor by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the
International Society of Arboriculture.

"arborist report"

means a technical report prepared by an arborist which:

(a) identifies information relevant to the purpose for which the report is to be
submitted to the City including, but not limited to, surveyed location,
species, size and condition of the subject tree or trees;
(b) provides the reasons for any proposed removal of a tree or trees;
(c) describes the recommended tree protection and mitigation measures; and
(d) includes a tree replacement strategy.


means the diameter of a tree at 15 centimetres [6 inches] above the natural grade
of the ground, measured from the base of the tree.


means the City of Surrey.

"City Landscape Architect"

means a person employed by the City and designated by the General Manager as
the City's landscape architect.


means a tree that has needle-shaped or scale-like leaves and is cone-bearing.


means the municipal Council of the City of Surrey.


means to cut down a tree and shall include to pull up, push or pull over or
otherwise fall a tree. "Cutting" shall have the corresponding meaning.


means any action which will likely cause a tree to die or to decline, including, but
not limited to, ringing, poisoning, burning, topping, excessive pruning, excessive
crown lifting, or pruning in a manner not in accordance with "Best Management
Practices, Tree Pruning (Revised 2008)". Topping will not fall within this
definition of "damage" if evidence satisfactory to the General Manager is
provided to the City to establish that the tree in question has been previously
topped. "Damaged" and "damaging" shall have the corresponding meaning.


means the diameter of a tree at roughly breast height or 1.4 metres [4.6 feet]
above the highest point of the natural grade of the ground measured from the base
of a tree. For multi-stemmed trees, the three (3) largest stems shall be measured
1.4 metres [4.6 feet] above the highest point of the natural grade and the D.B.H.
of the tree shall equal the cumulative total of the D.B.H. of the three (3) largest


means a tree that naturally loses most or all of its leaves seasonally, most often in
or around autumn.

"drip line"

means a horizontal line on the ground encircling a tree corresponding to the

furthest extension of the branches of a tree.


means a person registered or licensed as a professional engineer pursuant to the

provisions of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 116, as

"Environmental Technician"

means a person employed by the City and designated by the General Manager as a
City environmental technician.

"General Manager"

means the person appointed by Council as the General Manager of Planning and
Development or the duly authorized representative.


in relation to a tree, means a tree that, in the opinion of an arborist, is in imminent

danger of falling and injuring a person, or persons, or property.

"landscape architect"

means a landscape architect registered with the British Columbia Society of

Landscape Architects.


means land designated as a separate and distinct parcel on a legally recorded

subdivision plan or description filed in the records of the Land Title Office.

"natural causes"

means death or decline of a tree as a result of natural diseases, pests, climactic

conditions, inherent structural defects, or senescence.


means the registered owner in fee simple of a lot upon which a tree is located.

"protected tree"


(a) any tree, including multi-stemmed trees, within the City, regardless of
species, having a D.B.H. of 30 centimetres [11.8 inches] or more or, where
measurement of the D.B.H. is impossible or impractical, any tree with a
stump having a diameter of 45 centimetres [17.7 inches] or more,
measured at the natural grade of the ground;

(b) a replacement tree;

(c) a tree planted or retained as a requirement of a subdivision application,

development permit, development variance permit, building permit or
demolition permit;

(d) a tree located within a high sensitivity area as identified on the "City of
Surrey Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map" described in SCHEDULE

(e) a specimen quality tree;

(f) a significant tree;

(g) a tree with evidence of nesting or use by:

(i) raptors as defined in the Wildlife Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 488,

(ii) osprey, or
(iii) a heron colony;

(h) the following tree species where the tree is 3 metres [118.1 inches] or
taller, if coniferous, or a tree having a 5 centimetres [1.9 inches] or greater
caliper, if deciduous:

(i) Arbutus (Arbutus menziesii),

(ii) Garry Oak (Quercus garryana),
(iii) Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens),
(iv) Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides),
(v) Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum),
(vi) Maidenhair Tree (Ginkgo biloba), and

"replacement tree"

means a tree required to be planted to replace a tree cut, removed or damaged in

accordance with this Bylaw.


means to cut a tree and to remove it from the lot where it exists. "Removed",
"removal" and "removing" shall have the corresponding meaning.

"significant tree"

means a tree listed in SCHEDULE "B" and SCHEDULE "B1".

"sound arboricultural practice"

means tree planting, pruning and maintenance practices endorsed by the

International Society of Arboriculture.

"specimen quality tree"

means a tree of any size which an arborist, a landscape architect, or the General
Manager deems to be of exceptional value because of its species, condition, form,
age or size but which has not been designated by Council to be a significant tree.

"tree cutting permit"

means the written authority granted by the General Manager pursuant to this
Bylaw for the cutting or removal of a specified tree or trees.

"tree protection barrier"

means a barrier constructed around a tree in accordance with Schedule "C" of this
Bylaw to protect the tree from damage during site work or construction.

"Trees and Landscape Manager"

means a person employed by the City and designated by the General Manager to
oversee the implementation of this Bylaw.

"tree protection zone"

means the area within a tree protection barrier. Where a tree protection barrier
has not been erected as required by this Bylaw, the tree protection zone shall be
the area within which a tree protection barrier should have been erected in
accordance with this Bylaw.

"tree survey"

means a survey plan prepared by an engineer or by a surveyor registered as a

British Columbia land surveyor, that illustrates the location of trees in relation to
the property lines of a lot, along with the size and species of each tree, plus any
other information required by the General Manager for the purpose of assessing a
tree cutting permit application.

"Zoning Bylaw"

means Surrey Zoning Bylaw, 1993, No. 12000, as may be amended or replaced
from time to time.

Part 2
Application and Exemptions

3. This Bylaw applies to protected trees and to no other trees.

4. This Bylaw does not apply to protected trees, that are cut, removed or damaged, pursuant
to the Hydro and Power Authority Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 212 or the Pipeline Act,
R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 364.

5. This Bylaw does not apply to trees on City-owned property or highways that are cut or
removed by the City or its authorized agents in accordance with approved City

5.1 This Bylaw does not apply to trees on property owned by either the Government of
Canada, the Province, or Metro Vancouver that are cut or removed by that entity or its
authorized agents.

Part 3

6. No person shall cut, remove or damage any protected tree or cause, suffer or permit any
such tree to be cut, removed or damaged, except where permitted by and in accordance
with the terms of this Bylaw.

7. In the event that a protected tree is in imminent danger of falling and injuring persons or
property due to natural causes, and it is not possible to obtain a tree cutting permit prior
to the tree falling, the owner may cut the tree or have it cut, but shall report the cutting of
the tree to the General Manager within the next business day. The owner shall not
remove the tree from the lot until the City has visited the lot and confirmed that the tree
was in imminent danger of falling and injuring persons or property. If the City
determines that the tree was not in imminent danger, or was in imminent danger, but due
to reasons other than natural causes, the City may impose a penalty on the owner in
accordance with Part 5.

8. No person shall fail to comply with the terms and conditions of a tree cutting permit
issued pursuant to this Bylaw.

8.1 No person shall provide information in support of a tree cutting permit application, which
is false, inaccurate, incomplete or erroneous.

9. For the purposes of this Bylaw, an arborist report will only be accepted by the City within
two (2) years of the date of issuance of the arborist report.

Part 4

10. Every person is guilty of an offence against this Bylaw and is liable to a fine of not less
than FIFTY ($50.00) DOLLARS and not more than TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00)
DOLLARS per offence, who:

(a) cuts, removes or damages a tree contrary to this Bylaw or contrary to the terms
and conditions of a tree cutting permit;

(b) violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw or a tree cutting permit;

(c) suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention or violation of any
provision of this Bylaw or a tree cutting permit; or

(d) omits to do or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any of the
provisions of this Bylaw or a tree cutting permit.

11. For the purposes of this Bylaw, each tree cut, removed or damaged in violation of this
Bylaw and each day that a violation of this Bylaw is caused or permitted to exist by any
person, shall constitute a separate offence.

Part 5

12. In addition to any prosecution pursuant to Part 4 of this Bylaw, where an owner cuts,
removes or damages, or suffers or permits any tree to be cut, removed or damaged, in
contravention of this Bylaw, or in excess of any permission, or in violation of any terms
and conditions of a tree cutting permit issued pursuant to this Bylaw, the owner shall pay
the penalties imposed under this Part 5 and:

(a) shall plant on the same parcel of land the number, size and species of replacement
trees required by this Bylaw, as determined by the General Manager in
accordance with this Bylaw; and, in addition,

(b) where the tree cut, removed or damaged is identified in a tree preservation plan
approved by the City as a tree to be retained or protected, then the General
Manager may require the owner to plant the replacement trees at the exact
location as the tree that has been cut, removed or damaged and may require that
any building or structure shall not be located within the drip line of the
replacement trees at full growth.

13. The penalty for cutting, removing or damaging a protected tree, other than a significant
tree or a specimen quality tree, is ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00) DOLLARS per tree, or
the loss of any securities provided to the City to ensure protection and preservation of the
tree, whichever amount is greater. The size, number, species and location of replacement
trees and amount of securities required to ensure the planting and maintenance of
replacement trees, is to be determined by the General Manager, based on the size,
condition, species and location of the tree cut, removed or damaged in contravention of
this Bylaw.

14. The penalty for cutting, removing or damaging a significant tree is TEN THOUSAND
($10,000.00) DOLLARS per tree. The size, number, species and location of replacement
trees, and amount of securities required to ensure the planting and maintenance of
replacement trees, is to be determined by the General Manager based on the size,
condition, species and location of the tree cut, removed or damaged in contravention of
this Bylaw.

15. The penalty for cutting, removing or damaging a specimen quality tree is TWO
THOUSAND ($2,000.00) DOLLARS per tree, or the loss of any securities provided to
the City to ensure protection and preservation of the tree, whichever amount is greater.
The size, number, species and location of replacement trees and amount of securities
required to ensure the planting and maintenance of replacement trees is to be determined
by the General Manager, based on the size, condition, species and location of the tree cut,
removed or damaged in contravention of this Bylaw.

16. The size, number, species and location of replacement trees required as a penalty under
this Part 5 and the amount of securities required to ensure their planting and maintenance
will be determined by the General Manager and is dependent upon the value of the tree
removed and conditions of the lot where the replacement trees are to be planted. Where
upsized replacement trees are required by this Bylaw, the amount of the securities will
reflect the value of the upsized trees and the related planting and maintenance costs.

17. Except as specified in Section 48, if the owner fails or refuses to plant the required
number, size and type of replacement trees in the specified locations within four (4)
months of receiving written direction from the General Manager to do so, the City may
use the security collected to either have the trees planted onto the owner's lot or use the
securities to plant trees elsewhere on City-owned property.

18. If an owner fails or refuses to plant the required number, size and type of replacement
trees in the specified locations after receiving written direction from the General Manager
to do so, the City, by its employees or other persons, at reasonable times and in a
reasonable manner, may enter the owner's lot and fulfill the requirement by planting the
replacement trees at the expense of the owner.

19. In the event that the owner of the lot described in Section 18 fails to pay the costs of
compliance before the 31st day of December in the year following the year that the
compliance was effected by the City, the costs shall be added to and form part of the
taxes payable on the lot as taxes in arrears.

20. Prosecution of a person pursuant to Part 4 of this Bylaw does not exempt the person from
the provisions of Part 5 of this Bylaw.

Part 6
Significant Trees

21. The owner of a significant tree shall maintain or cause to maintain the tree in accordance
with sound arboricultural practice.

22. No person shall prune the branches or roots of a significant tree without first obtaining a
tree cutting permit to do so in accordance with Part 7. There is no fee for such a permit.

23. A significant tree shall not be cut, removed or damaged in any way unless it is first
removed from SCHEDULE "B" by an amendment to this Bylaw.

24. The General Manager, with the consent of the owner of the significant tree, may direct
that a plaque or marker, that provides information about the significant tree, be placed
near the significant tree.

Part 7
Tree Cutting Permits

25. A person wishing to cut or remove a protected tree shall apply to the General Manager
for a tree cutting permit to cut or remove the tree. A tree cutting permit application shall
be in a form approved by the General Manager. The tree cutting permit shall be in a form
approved by the General Manager. The tree cutting permit may determine the number,
size, species and location of replacement trees and required security.

26. Notice of the tree cutting permit shall be posted on the lot for which a tree cutting permit
has been issued in a location visible to the public, prior to the commencement of any
cutting or removal of a protected tree and shall remain posted on the lot until the
completion of all work related to the cutting or removal of protected trees on the lot. The
notice shall include a copy of the tree cutting permit, identify by species and location the
trees which are to be cut or removed and provide a contact number for the permit holder
and the City.

27. A tree cutting permit is not required for the pruning of a protected tree, other than a
significant tree, in accordance with sound arboricultural practice. The pruning and
treatment of diseased trees in accordance with sound arboricultural practice, shall be
practiced where possible and practical as an alternative to the cutting or removal of a
protected tree. Sound arboricultural practice shall not include the following:

(a) the removal of branches or limbs on the upper sixty-seven percent (67%) of the
total height of the protected tree;

(b) the removal of more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the protected tree's total
branches or limbs within one (1) twelve (12) month period"; and

(c) the topping of a protected tree, except where the owner has shown, to the General
Manager's satisfaction, that the tree has been previously topped in compliance
with this Bylaw.

28. The fee for the tree cutting permit shall be determined as set out in Part 8 and shall be
paid upon application for the permit. No fee is required for a tree cutting permit issued
pursuant to Part 7, Section 31.
29. Subject to Part 7, Section 35, a tree cutting permit to cut or remove a protected tree, other
than a significant tree, may be issued by the General Manager only in the following

(a) where an arborist provides an arborist report to the satisfaction of the General
Manager that a tree is an unreasonable hazard to the safety of persons or property,
or where the applicant has otherwise demonstrated to the satisfaction of the

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General Manager that the tree is hazardous, dead, damaged, diseased or in decline
beyond expectation of recovery;

(b) where the General Manager, or his or her duly authorized representative, or an
engineer employed by any public utility or an arborist certifies that in his or her
opinion a tree is impairing, interfering with, or presents a risk or hazard to the
operation of sewers, drains, water lines, septic fields, electrical lines, poles or
other similar equipment and appurtenances and that the impairment, interference
or risk cannot be reduced or removed in any way other than the removal of the

(c) where the tree prevents the owner of the lot on which the tree is located from
developing or using a lot in a manner permitted under the Zoning Bylaw, and the
development or use cannot be modified to accommodate the tree without causing
the owner undue hardship as determined by the General Manager;

(d) where:

(i) the tree has a mature height of eight (8) metres or less, situated within two
(2) metres of an existing building foundation wall permitted pursuant to
the Zoning By-law; or

(ii) the tree has a mature height of more than eight (8) metres situated within
three (3) metres of an existing building foundation wall permitted pursuant
to the Zoning By-law; or

(iii) a building permitted by the Zoning By-law is proposed and the building
layout, location, or shape cannot be modified to accommodate the tree
without causing the owner undue hardship as determined by the General

(e) where the tree is situated on a lot within the Agricultural Land Reserve, which is
zoned to permit agricultural use and the application is accompanied by a sworn
declaration of the owner declaring that the tree is to be cut or removed to permit
agricultural use, that the agricultural use cannot be located elsewhere on the lot so
as to accommodate the tree, and that the owner agrees in writing that no
application for subdivision, rezoning, or development of that lot will be accepted
by the City for a period of five (5) years commencing on the date of issuance of
the tree cutting permit; or

(f) where the tree is situated on a lot outside the Agricultural Land Reserve, which is
zoned to permit agricultural use and the application is accompanied by an arborist
report and by a sworn declaration of the owner declaring that the tree is to be cut
or removed to permit agricultural use, that the agricultural use cannot be located
elsewhere on that lot so as to accommodate the tree, and where the owner enters
into a restrictive covenant registered on the title of the lot documenting that the
owner has agreed not to make application for development of the lot for a period
of ten (10) years, and that full replacement trees and all other applicable

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provisions of this Bylaw, as determined by the General Manager, will apply
should the development application be considered for the lot within the ten (10)
year period.

30. The General Manager may issue a tree cutting permit for the removal of a protected tree
other than a significant tree where the owner submits an arborist report which documents
that the protected tree, by virtue of its size and species, is inappropriate for its location
and the reasons that it is deemed to be inappropriate for its location, all to the satisfaction
of the General Manager. The General Manager shall determine the number, size, species
and location of replacement trees and required securities.

31. A tree cutting permit will be issued for the pruning of a significant tree where the owner
submits an arborist report which certifies that the pruning is necessary and where this
report is approved by the City Landscape Architect, the Trees and Landscape Manager or
an arborist chosen by the City, in which case the General Manager may require, as a
condition of the tree cutting permit, that all pruning activity be carried out under the on-
site supervision of an arborist.

32. The General Manager may, as a condition of any tree cutting permit:

(a) require that a tree survey, arborist report in accordance with the terms of the tree
cutting permit application, or both, accompany the tree cutting permit application;

(b) require that preliminary lot grading and servicing plans accompany the tree
cutting permit application;

(c) require that the cutting and removal of trees or specific trees be carried out under
the supervision of an arborist;

(d) recommend the treatment of diseased trees in accordance with sound

arboricultural practice as an alternative to the removal of a protected tree; and

(e) determine the location, number, species and size of replacement trees required.

33. The General Manager may revoke a tree cutting permit if the terms and conditions of the
permit have been breached or the information supplied by the applicant in support of the
permit is found by the General Manager to have been inaccurate, incomplete or

34. The General Manager may retain the services of an independent arborist to review an
arborist report submitted to the City under the provisions of this Bylaw, in support of an
application for a tree cutting permit, in instances where the completeness or accuracy of
the report are brought into question through a field inspection by the City Landscape
Architect, Trees and Landscape Manager or the Environmental Technician. Where the
original arborist report submitted to the City is shown to be incomplete or inaccurate, the
cost of the independent arborist report shall be paid by the owner and collected by the
City, prior to the adoption of the related rezoning or the subdivision approval or the
issuance of the related tree cutting permit, whichever comes first.

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35. The General Manager may refuse to grant a tree cutting permit for trees located with the
high sensitivity area as described in SCHEDULE "A".

Part 8
Permit Fees and Securities

Permit Fees

36. Existing Lots Where No Subdivision is Proposed

On existing lots zones for residential use where no subdivision is proposed, as well as on
the lots zoned for commercial, industrial, or institutional use where neither subdivision
consolidation, nor any development requiring a development permit or development
variance permit is proposed, the fee for tree cutting permit shall be a EIGHTY-TWO
($82.00) DOLLARS base fee plus THIRTY-TWO ($32.00) DOLLARS for every
protected tree removed.

37. Proposed Subdivisions for Single Family Residential Lots

The following table shall be used to calculate the fee for a tree cutting permit for
proposed subdivisions involving single family residential lots:

Zone and Lot Size Fees

RF-12, and RF-G, RF-9, $108.00 per proposed Lot
RF-12C, RF-13, RF-10, RF-10S
and RF-9C Lots smaller
than 340 m2
RF, RF-G Lots greater than or equal $140.00 per proposed Lot
to 340 m2, RF-SS, R-F(R), R-F(F), R-

RH, RH-G, R-1, R-H(G) $166.00 per proposed Lot

RA, RA-G, RC, R-S, R-A(G) $529.00 per proposed Lot

All fees are subject to applicable taxes.

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38. Proposed Multi-Family Residential Lots, Commercial, Industrial and Institutional
Lots (Other than those described in Part 8, Section 36)

The following table shall be used to calculate the fee for a tree cutting permit for sites
proposed for multi-family residential, commercial, industrial and institutional use:

Zone Designation Fees

RM-10, RM-15
RM-30, RM-45
RM-70, RM-135
RMC-135, RMC-150,
RMS-1, RMS-1A, RMS-2,
R-F(m), R-T(1),
RM-1, RM-2, RM-3,
RM-4, P-P,
C-4, C-5, C-8, C8A, C-8B,
C-15, C-35, CHI, CG-1,
CG-2, CTA, CCR, CPR, $529.00 per acre
CPG-, CPM, C-L, C-R(1),
CR(2), C-R(3), C-S, C-C,
I-S, C-G(1)
C-G(2), C-T(1),
C-T(2), P-P(1), P-R, P-D,
I-1, I-P(2), I-G,
I-T, I-W, I-H,
I-W, I-L(S), I-A
PC, PA-1, PA-2, PI

All fees are subject to applicable taxes.

39. Agricultural Lots

The following table shall be used to calculate the fee for a tree cutting permit for sites
zoned or proposed for agricultural use:

Zone Designation Fees

A-1, A-2, A-3

$432.00 per acre
A-1, A-2, A-3 within the ALR $432.00 per acre
All fees are subject to applicable taxes.

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For the purposes of Part 8, Section 39, the number of acres is based on the area to be
cleared and not on the area of the entire lot.

40. Where a tree cutting permit must be amended to show a change in the number or location
of trees to be retained or removed after the tree cutting permit has been issued, the permit
holder will be required to pay a non-refundable permit amendment fee in the amount of
EIGHTY-EIGHT ($88.00) DOLLARS plus applicable taxes.

41. For the purposes of determining the fees under Part 8, any lot against which a land use
contract has been registered shall be deemed to have the zone underlying the applicable
land use contract and lots zoned pursuant to Surrey Zoning Bylaw, 1979, No. 5942, as
amended, shall be deemed to have the zoning which corresponds to the zone name in
Zoning Bylaw, 1979, No. 5942, as amended.


42. Where replacement trees or retention of existing trees are required as a condition of a tree
cutting permit or as part of a penalty for cutting, removing or damaging protected trees
without a tree cutting permit or cutting, removing or damaging trees in excess of the
number allowed by the tree cutting permit, the owner or person responsible for the
cutting, removal or damage shall provide to the City a security deposit in cash or letter of
credit in the amount specified on the tree cutting permit or a penalty notice, for the period
and on the terms specified in Part 8 of this Bylaw. No interest shall be paid by the City
on security deposits.

43. Any letter of credit required to be provided under this Bylaw shall be a clean,
unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit drawn from a Canadian financial institution
acceptable to the City and in a form acceptable to the City. If, for any reason, the
irrevocable letter of credit ceases to be effective security or becomes unenforceable so as
to remove or reduce its purpose as full security for the due and proper performance of the
requirements of this Bylaw, the owner shall replace it with a further letter of credit
acceptable to the City within twenty-one (21) days prior to the expiry of the letter of
credit then held by the City. If the owner fails to do so, the City will draw down on the
current letter of credit without notice or restriction and hold the monies in lieu thereof.

44. If at any time an owner fails to comply with the provisions of this Bylaw relating to
requirements for retention of existing trees or replacement trees and their maintenance,
the City may by its employees or others under its direction enter upon the lands that are
the subject of the requirements to plant replacement trees or maintain protected trees and
for such purposes may draw upon the securities provided and expend the funds to cover
all costs and expenses of so doing. Alternatively, the City may use the securities to plant
trees elsewhere on any City-owned property.

- 15 -
45. The amount of the security for the provision, installation and maintenance of replacement
trees, as may be required by this Bylaw, shall be as follows:

(a) FOUR HUNDRED ($400.00) DOLLARS, plus applicable taxes per replacement
tree where the replacement tree required is a five (5) centimetre caliper deciduous
tree or a three (3) metre tall conifer;

(b) EIGHT HUNDRED ($800.00) DOLLARS, plus applicable taxes per replacement
tree where the replacement tree required is an eight (8) centimetre caliper
deciduous tree or a four (4) metre tall conifer;

(c) as specified by the General Manager when the replacement tree is other than the
sizes listed in 45(a) or 45(b); and

(d) where the replacement trees are part of the overall landscaping required under a
development permit, development variance permit or subdivision, the security is
to be in the amount specified in the approved landscape cost estimate associated
with the development permit, development variance permit or subdivision; and

46. The amount of security for the trees proposed to be retained as a requirement of a
subdivision application, development permit, development variance permit, building
permit or demolition permit shall be as follows:

(a) TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS per significant tree;

(b) FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS per specimen quality tree;

(c) THREE THOUSAND ($3,000.00) DOLLARS per protected tree other than 46(a)
and 46(b) above; and

(d) The total amount of security deposited under Section 46 may not exceed ONE
HUNDRED THOUSAND ($100,000.00) DOLLARS or, in the case of a single
family subdivision, TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS per lot created by
the subdivision, whichever amount is lower, for each tree cutting permit or for each
subdivision application, development permit.

46.1 The security provided to the City under Section 46 will be held by the City until
two (2) years after building final approval has been issued. If an Environmental
Technician determines that the retained trees have not been damaged during
construction, then the General Manager may, at his or her sole discretion, release
the security after building final approval has been issued.

- 16 -
47. The amount of security held by the City under Section 45 shall be released in stages as
provided in Sections 48 and 49. It will be a condition of the release of any security
provided under this Bylaw, that the General Manager be satisfied that the owner has
complied with the tree replacement and maintenance requirements of this Bylaw and the
tree cutting permit.

48. Subject to Section 47, a security deposit collected to cover the cost and maintenance of a
replacement tree, shall be reduced as follows:

(a) by fifty (50%) percent of the original amount after the planting of replacement
trees has been approved by the City in accordance with the inspection
requirements as set out in Part 11; and

(b) by the balance of the deposit after one year from the date of the first reduction
provided that the condition of the replacement trees has been approved by the
City in accordance with the inspection requirements as set out in Part 11.

49. Subject to Section 47 a security deposit collected to cover the total costs of the required
landscaping, including replacement trees, shall be reduced as follows:

(a) by ninety (90%) percent of the original amount after the landscaping is completed
and approved by the City in accordance with the inspection requirements set out
in Part 11; and

(b) by the balance of the deposit after one year from the date of the first reduction
provided that the landscaping is approved by the City in accordance with the
inspection requirements set out in Part 11.

Part 9
Replacement Trees

50. Replacement trees shall be required in accordance with this Bylaw for each lot from
which any protected tree is cut, removed or damaged and must be of a species and size as
determined by the General Manager or as specified in the tree cutting permit, at the
discretion of the General Manager. Replacement trees required pursuant to Part 5 shall
be of a size, species and location as determined by the General Manager.

51. Replacement Trees must meet the plant condition and structure requirements set out in
the latest edition of the BCSLA/BCLNA "B.C. Landscape Standard" and the CNTA
"Canadian Standards for Nursery Stock" to be considered acceptable by the General

- 17 -
52. Replacement Trees must be planted and maintained in accordance with the requirements
set out in the latest edition of the BCSLA/BCLNA "B.C. Landscape Standard".

53. Replacement Trees shall be planted, where possible, on the same lot as the trees that are
cut or removed from the lot, to the extent that the lot will accommodate such replacement
trees in accordance with sound arboricultural practice.

53.1 Replacement trees shall not be planted:

(a) in the case of trees having a mature height of eight (8) metres or less, within two
(2) metres of a building foundation wall; or
(b) in the case of trees having a mature height of greater than eight (8) metres, within
three (3) metres of a building foundation wall; and
(c) within one (1) metre of any property line of a lot.

54. Where no construction or site disturbance is proposed that would affect the planting of
replacement trees, the replacement trees must be planted within ninety (90) days of the
date of issuance of the tree cutting permit.

55. Where a replacement tree is to be planted pursuant to Part 5 of this Bylaw, it must be
planted within ninety (90) days of written notice being delivered to the owner by the City.

56. Where the planting of replacement trees would hinder proposed construction or where
proposed construction would jeopardize the survival of replacement trees, the
replacement trees must be planted within ninety (90) days of the final occupancy
approval for the last building being constructed that would jeopardize the survival of the
tree, but in any case, within three (3) years of the date of the issuance of the tree cutting
permit when the date of construction completion is not known, except where an extension
of time is granted in writing by the General Manager.

57. The number of replacement trees required under Section 50 shall be two (2) replacement
trees for each one (1) protected tree that is cut, removed or damaged, except that where
the protected tree is an alder or cottonwood tree then one (1) replacement tree shall be
required for each alder or cottonwood tree that is cut, removed or damaged. If, in the
assessment of the General Manager, the lot cannot accommodate two (2) replacement
trees for each protected tree that is cut, removed or damaged without compromising
sound arboricultural practices, due to the size or other characteristics of the lot, the owner
shall be required to pay cash-in-lieu to the City in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED
($400.00) DOLLARS plus applicable taxes for each replacement tree that cannot be

58. The General Manager may reduce the number of replacement trees required in Section 57
and increase the size of the required replacement trees and increase the amount of
securities from FOUR HUNDRED ($400.00) DOLLARS plus applicable taxes per tree to
EIGHT HUNDRED ($800.00) DOLLARS plus applicable taxes per tree where it is
required by the General Manager that upsizing is required.

- 18 -
59. The cash-in-lieu described in Section 57 shall not exceed THIRTY THOUSAND
($30,000.00) DOLLARS, plus applicable taxes per acre of land from which trees are

60. The number of replacement trees to be planted on each lot in single-family subdivisions,
based on the zoning designation of the lot being created, may not exceed the number as
specified below, provided that the requirements of Sections 57, Error! Reference source
not found. and 59 are met:

Size of Lot Being Created No. of Replacement Trees

Required Per New Lot
RF-12 and RF-G (those RF-G 0, unless otherwise
Lots smaller than 340 m2) determined by the General
RF, RF-G Lots greater than or 3
equal to 340 m2, RF-SS, R-F(R),
R-F(F), R-F(C)
RH, RH-G, R-1, R-H(G) 5
Larger than RH To be determined by the
General Manager

61. Where the total number of replacement trees required for the subdivision is less than one-
half of the total number of protected trees to be removed from the parent lots that are
being subdivided, the General Manager may require that the size of the replacement trees
be increased and the amount of securities be increased to reflect the larger size of the
replacement trees.

62. Where a tree that is not a protected tree is proposed to be retained within a proposed
subdivision, and where the tree is the same size or larger than the size of the required
replacement tree, the retained tree may be considered as one (1) of the replacement trees
required for that lot, provided that it is growing in a location that does not conflict with
proposed buildings, driveways, services or the construction of those buildings, driveways
or services. If the number of trees retained on one (1) lot exceeds the number of
replacement trees required for that lot, the extra trees may be credited against other lots.
However, this transfer of credits from one (1) lot to another will be limited to a maximum
of two (2) credits per lot, provided that a minimum of one (1) tree is planted in the front
yard of each new lot.

Part 10
Tree Protection

63. Where the trunk of any protected tree is within ten (10) metres of any excavation,
demolition, construction, or engineering works, or as otherwise required by the General
Manager, a tree protection barrier must be installed around the protected tree in
accordance with Schedule "C".

- 19 -
64. No demolition permit, building permit or tree cutting permit shall be issued before the
tree protection barrier has been installed and approved by either the Environmental
Technician or the General Manager or his duly authorized representative, unless
otherwise directed by the General Manager.

65. A tree protection barrier must remain in place and in accordance with Schedule "C" until
the removal of the tree protection barrier is approved by the General Manager.

66. Site disturbance within the tree protection zone is prohibited including, but not limited to,
site grading, deposition or storage of soil or any other any material, disposal of any toxic
material, access by any vehicular traffic or heavy equipment, or use of the area as an
amenity space during construction.

67. Any work within a tree protection zone must be approved by the General Manager, prior
to its commencement and the General Manager may refuse to allow the work or may
specify conditions under which the work is to be undertaken.

Part 11
Inspection and Assessment

68. The Landscape Technician, City Landscape Architect, Trees and Landscape Manager, an
arborist or similarly qualified expert retained by the General Manager to provide
technical advice to the General Manager, or any Bylaw Enforcement Officer of the City
is authorized to enter at all reasonable times without the consent of the owner on any lot
that is subject to the Bylaw to ascertain whether the regulations, prohibitions and
requirements of this Bylaw or any tree cutting permit are being met or to assess or inspect
any tree or tree remains on the lot.

69. Where a protected tree has been cut or damaged on a lot in violation of this Bylaw,
without a tree cutting permit, or in excess of any permission or in violation of any terms
and conditions of a tree cutting permit, the trunks, limbs, roots, and remains of the cut or
damaged tree shall not be removed from the lot until an investigation and assessment by
the General Manager is completed and the removal is expressly authorized by the
General Manager.

70. In accordance with Part 8, Section 47, once all replacement trees required under a tree
cutting permit have been planted, or once the landscaping requirements of a development
permit or building permit have been substantially completed, the owner may either:

(a) request that the Environmental Technician conduct a field review to confirm that
the replacement trees or landscaping have been provided and installed in
accordance with this Bylaw and any related permits, and if a reduction or release
of securities is in order; or

(b) have a landscape architect submit to the City a sealed BCSLA Schedule L-3,
provided that the same landscape architect has previously submitted to the City, a
BCSLA Schedule L-1 and L-2 for the same project and work.

- 20 -
71. A ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY ($160.00) DOLLARS plus applicable taxes Site Visit
fee will be charged for every field review that has been requested and conducted after the
first review for any project, where no reasonable attempt has been made by the owner to
correct the deficiency(s) identified during the previous field review. No further field
reviews will be conducted until the Site Visit fee has been paid in full.

Part 12
General Provisions

72. Surrey Tree Preservation Bylaw, 1996, No. 12880 and all amendments thereto are hereby
repealed, except in the case of applications for rezoning, subdivision, development permit
or building permit, which have been submitted to the City and the applicable fees have
been paid as of the date of adoption of this Bylaw, in which case Surrey Tree
Preservation Bylaw, 1996, No. 12880, as amended, shall apply to such applications for a
period of twelve (12) months after the date of adoption of this Bylaw. After the
expiration of twelve (12) months, this Bylaw shall apply to all trees in the City of Surrey
and Surrey Tree Preservation Bylaw, 1996, No. 12880 and all amendments thereto, shall
be wholly repealed.

73. All Schedules referred to herein are attached to and form part of this Bylaw.

74. The provisions of this Bylaw are several and the invalidity of any part of this Bylaw shall
not affect the validity of the remainder of this Bylaw.

75. This Bylaw shall come into force on the date of final adoption hereof.

PASSED THREE READINGS on the 11th day of September, 2006.

RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, signed by the Mayor and Clerk and sealed with
the Corporate Seal on the 25th day of September, 2006.

_____________________________ Mayor

_____________________________ Clerk
h:\clerks\by-laws\bylaw library\regulatory\byl reg 16100.doc

- 21 -
Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Note: This version of the map is a general guide only. The official detailed version of this map shall
be kept in the Building Division of the Planning and Development Department of the City and takes
precedence over this general guide for all purposes. For a detailed plan of specific areas, please
contact the Trees and Landscape Manager.

- A1 -
Significant Trees

Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage

No. Plaque
(if applicable)
1. English Oak King George Blvd - 1984 City of Surrey
2. English Oak King George Blvd - 1985 City of Surrey
3. English Oak King George Blvd - 2009 City of Surrey
4. English Oak King George Blvd - 2015 City of Surrey
5. English Oak King George Blvd - 2023 City of Surrey
6. English Oak King George Blvd - 2050 City of Surrey
7. English Oak King George Blvd - 2078 City of Surrey
8. English Oak King George Blvd - 2120 City of Surrey
9. English Oak King George Blvd - 2121 City of Surrey
10. English Oak King George Blvd - 2130 City of Surrey
11. English Oak King George Blvd - 2140 City of Surrey
12. English Oak King George Blvd - 2150 City of Surrey
13. English Oak King George Blvd - 2155 City of Surrey
14. English Oak King George Blvd - 2195 City of Surrey
15. English Oak King George Blvd - 2227 City of Surrey
16. English Oak King George Blvd - 2511 City of Surrey
17. English Oak King George Blvd - 2525 City of Surrey
18. English Oak King George Blvd - 2567 City of Surrey
19. English Oak King George Blvd - 2601 City of Surrey
20. English Oak King George Blvd - 2619 City of Surrey
21. English Oak King George Blvd - 2620 City of Surrey
22. English Oak King George Blvd - 2646 City of Surrey
23. English Oak King George Blvd - 2812 City of Surrey
24. English Oak King George Blvd - 2825 City of Surrey
25. English Oak King George Blvd - 2845 City of Surrey
26. English Oak King George Blvd - 2855 City of Surrey
27. English Oak King George Blvd - 2875 City of Surrey
28. English Oak King George Blvd - 2885 City of Surrey
29. English Oak King George Blvd - 2925 City of Surrey
30. English Oak King George Blvd - 2952 City of Surrey
31. English Oak King George Blvd - 2958 City of Surrey
32. English Oak King George Blvd - 2962 City of Surrey
33. English Oak King George Blvd - 2970 City of Surrey
34. English Oak King George Blvd - 2986 City of Surrey
35. English Oak King George Blvd - 3061 City of Surrey
36. English Oak King George Blvd - 3155 City of Surrey
37. English Oak King George Blvd - 3189 City of Surrey
38. English Oak King George Blvd - 3237 City of Surrey
39. English Oak King George Blvd - 3247 City of Surrey
40. English Oak King George Blvd - 3269 City of Surrey
41. English Oak King George Blvd - 3329 City of Surrey

- B1 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
42. English Oak King George Blvd - 3331 City of Surrey
43. Various Cloverdale Library City of Surrey
17671 - 56 Avenue
44. Various St. Helen's Church Synod of the Diocese
10787-128 Street of New Westminster
45. Various Christ Church and Cemetery Synod of the Diocese
16631 Old McLellan Road of New Westminster
46. Various Elgin Hall 14250 Crescent Road City of Surrey
47. Various Elgin Centre 3530-144 Street City of Surrey
48. Various Pillath Hall/ House City of Surrey
11113-148 Street
49. Various Crescent Road, which land was City of Surrey
designated as a heritage area
and is more particularly
described in Section 2 of "Surrey
Municipal Heritage Site
Designation Bylaw, 1983, No.
50. Various Steward House/Ward's Marina City of Surrey
13723 Crescent Road
51. Red Cedar Stump 8920 Queen Mary Boulevard City of Surrey
52. Various Old Anniedale School Surrey School
9744-176 Street District No. 36
53. Royal Oak Tree 16613 Old McLellan Road City of Surrey
54. Douglas Fir Avenue of Trees City of Surrey
16613 Old McLellan Road
55. Various 5418-184 Street Private 12
Robert Dougal MacKenzie
56. English Oak King George Blvd - 3333 City of Surrey
57. English Oak King George Blvd - 3387 City of Surrey
58. English Oak King George Blvd - 3389 City of Surrey
59. English Oak King George Blvd - 3391 City of Surrey
60. English Oak King George Blvd - 3393 City of Surrey
61. English Oak King George Blvd - 3395 City of Surrey
68. English Oak King George Blvd - 1195 City of Surrey
69. English Oak King George Blvd - 1201 City of Surrey
70. English Oak King George Blvd - 1210 City of Surrey
71. English Oak King George Blvd - 1211 City of Surrey
72. English Oak King George Blvd - 1221 City of Surrey
73. English Oak King George Blvd - 1231 City of Surrey
74. English Oak King George Blvd - 1250 City of Surrey
75. English Oak King George Blvd - 1251 City of Surrey
76. English Oak King George Blvd - 1255 City of Surrey

- B2 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
77. English Oak King George Blvd - 1259 City of Surrey
78. English Oak King George Blvd - 1265 City of Surrey
79. English Oak King George Blvd - 1269 City of Surrey
80. English Oak King George Blvd - 1272 City of Surrey
81. English Oak King George Blvd - 1275 City of Surrey
82. English Oak King George Blvd - 1276 City of Surrey
83. English Oak King George Blvd - 1279 City of Surrey
84. English Oak King George Blvd - 1280 City of Surrey
85. English Oak King George Blvd - 1284 City of Surrey
86. English Oak King George Blvd - 1288 City of Surrey
87. English Oak King George Blvd - 1289 City of Surrey
88. English Oak King George Blvd - 1292 City of Surrey
89. English Oak King George Blvd - 1293 City of Surrey
90. English Oak King George Blvd - 1296 City of Surrey
91. English Oak King George Blvd - 1299 City of Surrey
92. English Oak King George Blvd - 1300 City of Surrey
93. Douglas Fir 5804 Kilkee Drive City of Surrey 2
(Kilkee Park)
94. Butternut/White 6272-152 Street City of Surrey 1
Walnut (Sullivan Park)
95. Douglas Fir 15100-22 Avenue City of Surrey 3
96. Canadian/Japanese 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey 4
Walnut Cross
98. Douglas Fir 1990-134 Street Private 16
99. Douglas Fir 9016-164 Street Private 5
100. Douglas Fir 19587-0 Avenue Private 6
101. Weeping Willow 2865 - 164 Street Private 15
102. Sitka Spruce 13398-Vine Maple Drive Private 7
103. English Oak 9353-160 Street City of Surrey 8
104. Scotch Elm 4100 - 152 Street Private Group 10
105. Nordmann Fir 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
106. Spanish Fir 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
107. Incense Cedar 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
(3 Trees)
108. Corkscrew Hazel 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
109. Sekkan Sugi 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
Japanese Cedar
110. Sweet Chestnut 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
111. White Mulberry 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
112. Bigleaf Magnolia 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
113. Medlar 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
114. Antarctic Beech 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
115. Ironwood 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
116. Empress Tree 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1

- B3 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
117. Oriental Spruce 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
118. Chinese Elm 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
119. Variegated Hiba 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
120. California Bay Tree 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
121. China Fir 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
122. Weep. Giant 1660-168 Street (Darts Hill) City of Surrey Group 1
123. Western Red Cedar 10648-127 Street City of Surrey
124. Douglas Fir 19016- 96 Avenue City of Surrey Group 2
(St. Oswalds)
125. Douglas Fir 19016-96 Avenue City of Surrey Group 2
(St. Oswalds)
126. Douglas Fir 19016-96 Avenue City of Surrey Group 2
(St. Oswalds)
127. Douglas Fir 19016-96 Avenue City of Surrey Group 2
(St. Oswalds)
128. English Oak 19016-96 Avenue City of Surrey 31
(St. Oswalds Church
129. Western Red Cedar 19587-0 Avenue Private 9
130. European Beech Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
131. Western White Pine Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
134. Red Japanese Maple Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
135. Atlas Cedar Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
136. Crimson King Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
137. Maidenhair Tree Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
138. Lawson's Cypress Peace Arch Park Province of BC Group 3
139. Horse Chestnut 17857-56 Avenue Surrey School Group 4
(15 Trees) (Cloverdale Elementary) District No. 36
140. Incense Cedar 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
141. Sweet Chestnut 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
142. Golden Lawson's 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
Cypress (Redwood Park)
143. English Walnut 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
144. Dawn Redwood 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
145. Red Oak 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
146. Giant Sequoia 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)

- B4 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
147. Hiba Arborvitae 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(2 trees) (Redwood Park)
148. Siberian Elm 17900-20 Avenue City of Surrey Group 5
(Redwood Park)
149. Golden Locust 14239 Melrose Private
150. English Oak Grove 140 Street and 96 Avenue City of Surrey Group 6
(Green Timbers)
151. Douglas Fir 5480-184A Street City of Surrey 21
152. Oriental Plane 4117-152 Street Private 10
155. English Oak 16671 Old McLellan Road City of Surrey 19
156. Western Red Cedar 168 Street and 50 Avenue City of Surrey Group 7
(Mound Farm)
157. Western Red Cedar 168 Street and 50 Avenue City of Surrey Group 7
(Mound Farm)
158. Douglas Fir 168 Street and 50 Avenue City of Surrey Group 7
(Mound Farm)
159. Douglas Fir 168 Street and 50 Avenue City of Surrey Group 7
(Mound Farm)
160. Douglas Fir 168 Street and 50 Avenue City of Surrey Group 7
(Mound Farm)
161. Weep. Norway 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
Spruce (The Glades)
162. Kobus Magnolia 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
163. Dove Tree 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
164. Dawn Redwood 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
166. California Bay St 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
167. Mirbeck's Oak 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
169. Western Red Cedar 561-172 Street City of Surrey Group 8
(The Glades)
170. Various - 9800-140 Street City of Surrey Group 9
Arboretum (Green Timbers)
171. English Oak 13997-90 Avenue Private 11
(on 140 Street)
172. Butternut 6091-181A Street City of Surrey 28
174. Sitka Spruce Tynehead Regional Park GVRD
175. Sitka Spruce Tynehead Regional Park GVRD
176. Common Apple 18029 Highway 10 Private
177. Horse Chestnut 18029 Highway 10 Private
178. English Walnut 18029 Highway 10 Private

- B5 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
179. English Walnut 18029 Highway 10 Private
180. Black Walnut 18029 Highway 10 Private
181. Black Walnut 18029 Highway 10 Private
183. Douglas Fir 18 Avenue and 136 Street City of Surrey Group 11
(Bell Park)
184. Douglas Fir 18 Avenue and 136 Street City of Surrey Group 11
(Bell Park)
185. Coulter Pine 12649-25 Avenue Private
186. English Oak 13722-56 Avenue Private
187. Douglas Fir 13600-55A Avenue City of Surrey 29
188. Tulip Tree 12976-Old Yale Road City of Surrey 20
189. English Walnut 19251-76 Avenue Private 23
190. Beech 12691-14 Avenue Private
191. Dead Douglas Fir South Side of Highway #1 Province of B.C.
East of 176 Street
193. Douglas Fir 14158 Hyland Road City of Surrey 24
194. Bigleaf Maple 19184-16 Avenue City of Surrey 25
195. Brewer's Weeping 12731 Becket Road Private 26
196. Purple Beech 13275 Colebrook Road City of Surrey Group 12
197. Purple Beech 13275 Colebrook Road City of Surrey Group 12
198. Purple Beech 13275 Colebrook Road City of Surrey Group 12
199. Weeping Linden 13275 Colebrook Road City of Surrey Group 12
200. English Oak 13275 Colebrook Road City of Surrey Group 12
201. Rock Tree 12237 – 91A Avenue Private
202. All trees on Various lots City of Surrey
Semiahmoo Trail (see Schedule B1 for details)
203. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
204. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
205. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
206. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
207. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
208. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
209. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
210. Hedge Maple 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)

- B6 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
211. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
212. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
213. Hedge Maple 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
214. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
215. Hedge Maple 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
216. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
217. Hedge Maple 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
218. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
219. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
220. Hedge Maple 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
221. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
222. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
223. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
224. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
225. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
226. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
227. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
228. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
229. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
230. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
231. Common Beech 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
232. English Oak 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)

- B7 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
233. Sitka Spruce 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
234. Sitka Spruce 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
235. Douglas Fir 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
236. Douglas Fir 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
237. Douglas Fir 19340–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 14
(Port Kells Park)
238. Douglas Fir 18918–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 15
(Port Kells Community Hall)
239. Douglas Fir 18918–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 15
(Port Kells Community Hall)
240. Douglas Fir 18918–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 15
(Port Kells Community Hall)
241. Douglas Fir 18918–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 15
(Port Kells Community Hall)
242. Douglas Fir 18918–88 Avenue City of Surrey Group 15
(Port Kells Community Hall)
243. Douglas Fir 18809-88 Avenue City of Surrey 30
(Port Kells Library)
244. Douglas Fir 19076-88 Avenue Surrey School Group 16
(Port Kells Elementary School) District No. 36
245. Douglas Fir 19076-88 Avenue Surrey School Group 16
(Port Kells Elementary School) District No. 36
246. Douglas Fir 19076-88 Avenue Surrey School Group 16
(Port Kells Elementary School) District No. 36
247. Sugar Maple 8261–188 Street City of Surrey Group 17
(12 trees)
249. Douglas Fir 8850 Harvie Road Private Group 18
250. Douglas Fir 8850 Harvie Road Private Group 18
251. White Ash 18385 – 80 Avenue Private 34
252. English Oak 9012 – 160 Street City of Surrey 32
253. Sugar Maples 8495 – 144 Street City of Surrey Group 13
(2 Trees)
254. Silver maple Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
255. Norway Maple Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
256. Hedge Maple Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
257. Whitebeam Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Mountain Ash Timbers

- B8 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
258. Weeping American Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Elm Timbers
259. Thornless Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Honeylocust Timbers
260. Sawara False Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Cypress Timbers
261. European Beech Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
262. Weeping cut-leaf Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Birch Timbers
263. European Mountain Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Ash Timbers
264. Dawn Redwood Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
265. Golden Atlas Cedar Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
266. Sawara False Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Cypress Timbers
267. Weeping White Surrey Nature Centre at Green City of Surrey Group 9
Mulberry Timbers
268. American Elm Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
269. Northern Red Oak Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
270. White Hawthorn Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
271. Common Horse Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
272. Northern Red Oak Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
273. Black Locust Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
274. Western Catalpa Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
275. Red Maple Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
276. Purple Leaf English Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
277. Northern Red Oak Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
278. Northern Red Oak Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
279. Northern Red Oak Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
280. Tulip Poplar Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
281. Norway Maple Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
282. Black Locust Green Timbers Way Province of BC Group 9
283. Atlas cedar Green Timbers Block H Province of BC Group 9
284. Deodar Cedar Green Timbers Block H Province of BC Group 9
285. Colorado Blue Green Timbers Block H Province of BC Group 9
286. Weeping Giant Green Timbers Block H Province of BC Group 9

- B9 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
287. Sugar Maple Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
288. European Ash Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
289. Sugar Maple Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
290. European Ash Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
291. American elm Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
292. Red Maple Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
293. London Plane Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
294. Sugar Maple Green Timbers RCMP E Federal Group 9
295. Weeping Willow 8375 - 168 Street City of Surrey
296. American Elm 8135 - 132 Street City of Surrey
297. White Spruce Elgin Heritage Park, 13723 City of Surrey
Crescent Rd.
298. Western Red Cedar Royal Kwantlen Park, 13079 - 104 City of Surrey
299. Giant Sequoia Enver Creek Park, 8170 - 146 City of Surrey
300. Yellow Buckeye Sullivan Park, 6272 - 152 Street City of Surrey
301. Giant Sequoia Larond Park, 1806 - 130 Street City of Surrey
302. Douglas-fir Cloverdale Athletic Park City of Surrey
303. Lavalle hawthorn 19083-68B Avenue City of Surrey
304. Coskspur Thorn Green Timbers Nature Centre City of Surrey
305. Dawn Redwood Hjorth Road Park City of Surrey
306. Giant Sequoia Unwin Park, 13313 68 Ave City of Surrey
307. Jeffrey pine Hillcrest- maple leaf day 2008 City of Surrey
308. Western Red Cedar 13124 – 14A Avenue Private 35
309. English Oak King George Blvd - 2200 City of Surrey
310. English Oak King George Blvd - 2202 City of Surrey
311. English Oak King George Blvd - 2204 City of Surrey
312. English Oak King George Blvd - 2206 City of Surrey
313. English Oak King George Blvd - 2208 City of Surrey
314. English Oak King George Blvd - 2225 City of Surrey
315. English Oak King George Blvd - 2227 City of Surrey
316. English Oak King George Blvd - 2251 City of Surrey
317. English Oak King George Blvd - 2255 City of Surrey
318. English Oak King George Blvd - 2281 City of Surrey
319. English Oak King George Blvd - 2293 City of Surrey

- B10 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
320. English Oak King George Blvd - 2297 City of Surrey
321. English Oak King George Blvd - 2300 City of Surrey
322. English Oak King George Blvd - 2301 City of Surrey
323. English Oak King George Blvd - 2302 City of Surrey
324. English Oak King George Blvd - 2304 City of Surrey
325. English Oak King George Blvd - 2306 City of Surrey
326. English Oak King George Blvd - 2308 City of Surrey
327. English Oak King George Blvd - 2310 City of Surrey
328. English Oak King George Blvd - 2315 City of Surrey
329. English Oak King George Blvd - 2320 City of Surrey
330. English Oak King George Blvd - 2336 City of Surrey
331. English Oak King George Blvd - 2337 City of Surrey
332. English Oak King George Blvd - 2355 City of Surrey
333. English Oak King George Blvd - 2377 City of Surrey
334. English Oak King George Blvd - 2381 City of Surrey
335. English Oak King George Blvd - 2423 City of Surrey
336. English Oak King George Blvd - 2428 City of Surrey
337. English Oak King George Blvd - 2430 City of Surrey
338. English Oak King George Blvd - 2451 City of Surrey
339. English Oak King George Blvd - 2460 City of Surrey
340. English Oak King George Blvd - 2461 City of Surrey
341. English Oak King George Blvd - 2466 City of Surrey
342. English Oak King George Blvd - 2471 City of Surrey
343. English Oak King George Blvd - 2480 City of Surrey
344. English Oak King George Blvd - 2491 City of Surrey
345. English Oak King George Blvd - 2498 City of Surrey
346. English Oak King George Blvd - 2500 City of Surrey
347. English Oak King George Blvd - 2524 City of Surrey
348. English Oak King George Blvd - 2530 City of Surrey
349. English Oak King George Blvd - 2536 City of Surrey
350. English Oak King George Blvd - 2546 City of Surrey
351. English Oak King George Blvd - 2569 City of Surrey
352. English Oak King George Blvd - 2570 City of Surrey
353. English Oak King George Blvd - 2571 City of Surrey
354. English Oak King George Blvd - 2601 City of Surrey
355. English Oak King George Blvd - 2641 City of Surrey
356. English Oak King George Blvd - 2645 City of Surrey
357. English Oak King George Blvd - 2649 City of Surrey
358. English Oak King George Blvd - 2650 City of Surrey
359. English Oak King George Blvd - 2651 City of Surrey
360. English Oak King George Blvd - 2655 City of Surrey
361. English Oak King George Blvd - 2660 City of Surrey
362. English Oak King George Blvd - 2670 City of Surrey

- B11 -
Tree Tree Species Location Owner Heritage
No. Plaque
(if applicable)
363. English Oak King George Blvd - 2675 City of Surrey
364. English Oak King George Blvd - 2680 City of Surrey
365. English Oak King George Blvd - 2690 City of Surrey
366. English Oak King George Blvd - 2700 City of Surrey
367. English Oak King George Blvd - 2710 City of Surrey
368. English Oak King George Blvd - 2713 City of Surrey
369. English Oak King George Blvd - 2751 City of Surrey
370. English Oak King George Blvd - 2755 City of Surrey
371. English Oak King George Blvd - 2759 City of Surrey
372. English Oak King George Blvd - 2763 City of Surrey
373. English Oak King George Blvd - 2765 City of Surrey
374. English Oak King George Blvd - 2769 City of Surrey
375. English Oak King George Blvd - 2770 City of Surrey
376. English Oak King George Blvd - 2780 City of Surrey
377. English Oak King George Blvd - 2790 City of Surrey
378. English Oak King George Blvd - 2800 City of Surrey
379. Common Horse
12645 – 14B Avenue City of Surrey
380. Giant Sequoia 9700 Block – 168 Street City of Surrey
381. Black Walnut 10871 – 139A Street Private
382. Douglas Fir 9631 – 161A Street Private

- B12 -
Semiahmoo Trail

- B13 -
Semiahmoo Trail

- B14 -

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