Theory of Cost
Theory of Cost
Theory of Cost
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What is Cost?
Principles of Economics 1
Principles of Economics 1
To the economists, the cost of any good or service is the totality of all
sacrifices made to bring the good or service into existence. Therefore, the
“economic cost” (opportunity cost of production) is made up of both the
explicit and the implicit cost. Implicit cost, are the imputed value of the
entrepreneur’s own resources and services. According to Salvatore,
“implicit costs are the value of owned inputs used by the firm in its
production process”. These include the salary of the owner-manager who is
content with having normal profits but does not receive any salary, the
estimated rent of the building (if it belongs to the entrepreneur), etc. While
explicit cost is monetarily valued, implicit cost is the forgone alternative or
opportunity cost which the accounting cost didn't take note of.
3) Real costs: It tells us what lies behind money cost, since money cost
are expenses of production from the point of view of the producer. Thus,
according to Marshall, the efforts and sacrifices made by various members
of the society in producing a commodity are the real costs of production.
The efforts and sacrifices made by business men to save and invest,
workers foregoing leisure, and by the landlords in the use of land, all these
constitute real cost.
Principles of Economics 1
an equivalent group of factors, costing the same amount of money. E.g. the
real cost of labour is what it could get in some alternative employment.
Opportunity cost includes both explicit and implicit cost.
5) Private and social cost: Private costs are the costs incurred by a
firm in producing a commodity or service. It includes both implicit and
explicit cost. However, the production activities of a firm may lead to
economic benefit or harm for others. For instance, production of
commodities like steel, rubber and chemical pollute the environment which
leads to social costs. The society suffers some inconveniences as a result
of the production exercise embarked upon by the firm.
6) Sunk costs: This refers to all the costs that have been incurred and
definitely not recoverable or changeable whether the particular project or
business goes on or not. For instance, if a road project already
commissioned is abandoned or not, the money has already been spent and
there is no way of recovering it. This cost is undiscoverable if not
considered in economic decision making.
Cost functions are derived functions. They are derived from the
production function which describes the available efficient methods of
Principles of Economics 1
The short run is a period in the production process, which is too short
for a firm to vary all its factors of production. Short-run costs are the cost
over a period during which some factors of production (usually capital
equipment and management) are fixed. It is the cost at which the firm
operates in any one period, where one or more factors of production are in
fixed quantity. On the other hand, the long-run costs are costs over a
period long enough to permit a change in all factors of production. The
long-run costs are planning costs or ex ante costs, in that they present the
optimal possibilities for expansion of the output and thus help the
entrepreneurs to plan their future activities. In the long-run, there are no
fixed factors of production and hence, no fixed costs. In the long-run, all
factors are variable, all costs are also variable.
C = f (Q,T,Pf,)
C = f (Q,T,Pf,K)
Principles of Economics 1
Principles of Economics 1
Given the cost functions, we discuss the traditional and modern theories of
The traditional theory of costs analyses the behaviour of cost curves in the
short-run and long-run and arrives at the conclusion that both the short-run
and long-run cost curves are U-shaped but the long-run cost curves are
flatter than short-run cost curves.
In the traditional theory of the firm, in the short run, there are variable inputs
and at least one fixed input. This suggests that short run costs are divided
into fixed costs and variable costs. Thus, there are three concepts of total
cost in the short run: Total fixed costs (TFC), total variable costs (TVC),
and total costs (TC).
Principles of Economics 1
1. Total Fixed Cost: These are costs of production that do not change
(vary) with the level of output, and they are incurred whether the firm is
producing or not. They are independent of the level of output and it is the
sum of all costs incurred by the firm for fixed inputs, and it is always the
same at any level of output. It includes; (a) salaries of administrative staff
(b) depreciation (wear and tear) of machinery (c) expenses for building
depreciation and repairs (d) expenses for land maintenance and
depreciation (if any). Another element that may be treated in the same way
as fixed costs is the normal profit, which a lump sum including a
percentage return on is fixed capital and allowance for risk.
Cos ts
0 Output Q
TVC = f (Q) 1
Principles of Economics 1
In the traditional theory of the firm, the total variable cost (TVC) has an
inverse-S-shape, graphically shown below, and it reflects the law of
variable proportions.
0 Output Q
3. Total Cost: The firm's short run total cost is the sum of the total fixed
cost (TFC) and total variable cost (TVC) at any given level of output. Total
cost also varies with the level of the firm's output.
TC = TFC + TVC 2
TC = f(Q) 3
TFC = TC - TVC 4
TVC = TC - TFC 5
combined with the fixed factor(s) the productivity of the variable factor(s)
decline (and the AVC rises). By adding the TFC and TVC we obtain the TC
of the firm.
0 Output Q
a. Average Fixed Cost (AFC): The AFC at any given level of output is
total fixed cost divided by output. In symbol, this becomes:
AFC >0 6
Graphically, the AFC is a rectangular hyperbola, showing at all its
points the same magnitude, that is, the level of TFC.
AFC 153
0 Output Q
Principles of Economics 1
TVC ………………………..7
The SAVC curve falls initially as the productivity of the variable factor(s)
increases, reaches a minimum when the plant is operated optimally (with
optimal combination of fixed and variable factors), and rises beyond that
point, due to law of diminishing returns.
b d
0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q
Principles of Economics 1
Therefore, the firm must know the per-unit cost or the average cost. Thus,
the short-run average cost of a firm is the average fixed costs, the average
variable cost and average total costs. The short run average total cost
(SAC) at any given output level is obtained by simply dividing total cost by
the output level:
SAC .................... .......... .........8
Then, SAC
Graphically, the ATC curve is derived in the same way as the SAVC. The
shape of the ATC is similar to that of AVC (both being U-shaped). Initially,
the ATC declines, it reaches a minimum at the optimal operation of the
plant (Qm) and subsequently rises again, as seen in Figure 5.6.
B1 L
0 Q1 Q2 Qm QL Q
Principles of Economics 1
From Equation 9 we know that the SAC can be alternatively defined as the
sum of AFC and AVC. Therefore,
The U-shape of both the AVC and the ATC reflects the law of variable
proportions or law of diminishing returns to the variable factor(s) of
Therefore, if
Principles of Economics 1
0 Qa Q
Thus, the SMC curve is also U-shaped, as seen above. Therefore, the
traditional theory of costs postulates that in the short-run, the costs curves
(AVC, ATC and MC) are U-shaped reflecting the law of variable
proportions. In the short-run with a fixed plant there is a phase of increasing
productivity (falling unit costs) and the phase of decreasing productivity
(increasing unit costs) of the variable factor(s). Between these two phases
of plant operation there is a single point at which unit costs are at a
minimum. When this point on the SATC is reached the plant is utilized
optimally, that is, with optimal combination (proportions) of fixed and
variable factors.
Principles of Economics 1
The data on Table 5.1 gives a short run cost schedules for a
hypothetical firm.
Table 5.1: Short run cost schedules for a firm (hypothetical data)
Note that in some cases, the AFC, and AVC do not add up exactly to the
SAC. This is due to the fact that figures are rounded up. Table 5.1 reveals
two important information which must be emphasized; to give an insight
into management strategies for profit maximization, or loss minimization.
a.) When output is zero, TFC and TC are equal to each other. This
implies that a firm incurs a loss which is equal to the TFC if nothing is
Principles of Economics 1
produced after the firm's plant has been installed. Such a loss will likely
be in terms of rent on factory building, if not owned by the firm, interest on
money borrowed from the bank, and wear and tear (depreciation) of fixed
assets as a result of being neglected or exposed to unfavorable weather
b.) Average fixed cost (AFC) falls as output (Q) is increased. This occurs
because TFC is the same at any level of output. Therefore, the larger the
output level, the more these overhead costs are spread out.
Both AVC and ATC are U-shaped, reflecting the law of variable
proportions. However, the minimum point of the ATC occurs to the right of
the minimum point of AVC in the figures above due to the fact that ATC
includes AFC and the AVC falls continuously with increases in output. After
AVC has reached its lowest point and starts rising, its rises is over a certain
range, set off by the fall in the AFC, so that ATC continues to fall (over that
range) despite the increase in AVC. Thus, the rise in AVC eventually
becomes greater than the fall in the AFC so that the ATC starts increasing.
The AVC approaches the ATC asymptotically as X increases.
Principles of Economics 1
The MC cuts the ATC and the AVC at their lowest points. Recall that
MC is the change in Total Cost (TC)
Fig. 5.8a: Firm’s Total Costs in -the Short-run Fig. 5.8b: Firm’sAverage andMarginal Costs inthe Short-run
0 Output Q 0 Q1 Q2 output
for producing an extra unit of output. Assume that we start from a level of n
units of output. If we increase the output by one unit the MC is the change
in TC resulting from the production of the (n+1)th unit.
Principles of Economics 1
Thus, if the MC of (n+1)th unit is less than ACn (i.e. the AC of the previous
'n' units) the ACn+1 will be smaller than ACn. If the MC of the (n+1)th is
higher than the ACn, the ACn+1 will be higher than ACn.
Thus, so long as the MC lies below the AC curve, it pulls the latter
(AC curve) downwards; when the MC rises above the AC, it pulls the AC
upwards, as in Figure 5.8b.
Both the inverse S-shape of the total cost curves and the U-shape of
the average and marginal cost curves in the short-run reflect the law of
diminishing returns (law of variable proportions). For instance, over the
range of output from the origin to Q1 in Figure 5.8b, productivity per unit of
variable factor increases as more of the variable factor is applied to a given
quantity of the fixed factor. The AVC falls and reaches its minimum at Q1.
Beyond Q1, as increased quantities of the variable factor are combined with
a given quantity of fixed factors, the output per unit of the variable factor
declines and the AVC rises. Note that, the TC and the TVC curves in
Figure 5.8a have the same shape, since they differ by only a constant
Principles of Economics 1
Figure 5.9a: Long-run Total Costs curve for a firm Figure5.9b: FirmsL-ong-runAverageandMarginalCostscurves
Cos ts
0 o utput Q 0 output Q
The long-run total cost shows the relationship between the total cost of a
firm and its level of output when all inputs are variable, so that it is possible
for the firm to produce each level of output with the optimal combination of
inputs. The long-run average cost, or cost per unit of output is obtained as
total cost divided by quantity of output. The long-run marginal cost is equal
to the change in long-run total cost divided by the change in quantity of
Principles of Economics 1
firm's unit cost of production as it alters its plant size. But once a firm has
installed a particular plant, it goes back to the short-run situation. The long-
run average cost (LAC) curve of the firm shows the minimum average cost
of producing various levels of output from all possible short-run average
curves (SAC). Thus, the LAC curve is derived from short-run cost curves.
Each point on the LAC corresponds to a point on a short-run cost curve,
which is tangent to the LAC at the point. Let's examine in details how the
LAC is derived from the SRC curves. Assuming the available technology of
the firm at a particular point of time includes three methods of production,
each with a different plant size; a small plant, medium plant and large plant.
The small plant operates with costs denoted by the curve SAC1, the
medium size plant operates with the costs on SAC2 and the large-size plant
gives rise to costs shown on SAC3.
C1 '
C 2'
Principles of Economics 1
If the firm plans to produce output Q1 it will choose the small plant. If
it plans to produce Q2 it will choose the medium plant. If it chooses to
produce Q3 it will choose the large size plant. If the firm starts with the small
plant and its demand gradually increases, it will produce at lower cost.
Beyond that point costs start increasing. If its demand reaches level Q''1,
the firm can either continue to produce with the small plant or it can install
the medium size plant. The decision at this point depends not on costs but
on the firm's expectations about its future demand. If the firm expects that
the demand will expand further than Q'', it will install the medium plant
because with this, plant outputs larger than Q''1 are produced with a lower
cost. Similar considerations hold for the decision of the firm when it reaches
the level Q2''. If it expects its demand to stay constant at this level, the firm
will not install the large plant, given that it involves a larger investment
which is profitable only if demand expands beyond Q2''. For example, the
level of output Q3 is produced at a cost C3 with the larger plant, while it
costs C'2 is produced with the medium size plant (C'2 C3).
Principles of Economics 1
level of output. The firm chooses the short-run plant which allows it to
produce the anticipated (in the long-run) output at the least possible cost. In
the traditional theory of firm, the LAC Curve is U-shaped and it is often
called the “envelope curve” because it envelops the SAC Curves as seen
on Figure 5.11.
0 Qm
Examining the U-shape of the LAC, this shape reflects the law of
returns to scale. According to the law, the unit costs of production
decreases as plant size increases, due to the economies of scale which the
Principles of Economics 1
larger plant sizes make possible. The traditional theory of firm assumes
that economies of scale exist only up to a certain size of plant, which is
known as the optimal plant size because with this plant size all possible
economies of scale are fully exploited. If the plant increases further than
this optimal size there are diseconomies of scale, arising from managerial
Diseconomies of Scale
Economies of Scale
Principles of Economics 1
able to support its own research and development programme. Since the
production process is highly fragmentized, it is easy to invent and introduce
cost-reducing machines and equipments to perform simple production
c.) Financial economies: Large firms can easily obtain loans at lower
rates of interest than small firms because they can provide collateral
security. Hence, they are considered less risky customers than small firms.
The rate of interest charged by banks to those firms regarded as best credit
risks is called prime lending rate.
d.) Marketing economies: A large firm buys its raw materials in bulk
and obtain discount. Eventually, the large firm pays lower prices than the
small firms. A large firm can also promote its sales through advertising
thereby spreading the selling costs over a large output, i.e. the larger the
output, the smaller the advertising cost per unit of output.
Each point on the LAC Curve represents the least unit cost for producing
the corresponding level of output. Any point above the LAC is inefficient in
that it shows a higher cost for producing the corresponding level of output.
Any point below the LAC is economically desirable because it implies a
lower-unit cost, but it is not attainable in the current state of technology and
with the prevailing market prices of factors of production.
The long-run marginal cost curve is derived from the SRMC Curve,
but does not 'envelop' them. The LRMC is formed from points of
interception of the SRMC Curves with vertical lines (to the X-axis).
The LAC curve falls or rises more slowly than the SAC Curve
because in the long-run, all costs become variable and few are fixed. The
plant and equipment can be worked fully and more efficiently so that both
the AFC and AVC are lower in the long-run than in the short-run. As a
result of this the LAC curve becomes flatter than the SAC curve. Also, the
LMC curve is flatter than the SMC curve because, all costs are variable and
there are few fixed costs. In the short-run, the market cost is related to both
the fixed and variable costs.
Principles of Economics 1
As a result, the SMC curve falls and rises more swiftly than the LAC
curve. The LMC curve bears the usual relation to the LAC curve. It first falls
and is below the LAC, then, it rises, and cuts the LAC curve at its lowest
point E, and is above the latter throughout its length as shown in Figure
0 m output
The modern theory of cost differs from the traditional theory of costs
with regards to the shapes of the cost curves. The U-shaped cost curves of
the traditional theory have been questioned by various writers both on
theoretical, a priori, and on empirical grounds.
Principles of Economics 1
detail by various economists. The shape of the long run cost curve has
attracted greater attention in economic literature, due to the serious policy
implication of the economies of large scale production. Several reasons
have been put forward to explain why the long-run cost curve is L-shaped
rather than U-shaped. It has been argued that managerial diseconomies
can be avoided by the improved methods of modern management science,
and when they appear (at a very large scale of output) they are insignificant
relative to the technical (production) economies of large plants, so that the
total costs per unit of output falls, at least over the scales which have been
operated in the real industrial world. Like the traditional theory, modern
microeconomics distinguishes between short run and long run costs.
This is the cost of indirect factors; it is the cost of the physical and
personal organizations of the firm. The fixed cost include cost for (a)
Principles of Economics 1
The planning of the plant (or the firm) consists of deciding the size of
the fixed and indirect factors which determine the size of the plant, because
they set limits to its production capacity. Direct factors such as labour and
raw materials are assumed not to set limit on size; the firm can acquire
them easily from the market without any time lag. The business man will
start his planning with a figure for the level of output which he anticipates
selling, and he will choose the size of plant which allows him to produce
this level of output more efficiently, and with the maximum flexibility, the
business man will want to be able to meet seasonal and cyclical
fluctuations in his demand.
Reserve capacity will give the business man greater flexibility for
repairs of broken down machinery without disrupting the smooth flow of the
production process. The entrepreneur will want to have more freedom to
increase his output if demand increases. All businessmen hope for growth.
In view of anticipated increase in demand, the entrepreneur builds some
reserve capacity because he would not like to let all new demand go to his
rivals as this may endanger his future hold in the market. It also gives him
some flexibility for minor alterations of his product, in view of changing
tastes of customers.
Principles of Economics 1
In summary, the businessman will not necessarily choose the plant which
will give him the lowest cost, but rather, that equipment which will allow him
the greatest possible flexibility for minor alterations of his product or his
technique of production.
Principles of Economics 1
Under these conditions, the AFC curve will be as in Figure 5.14. The
firm has some “largest capacity” units of machinery which set an absolute
limit to the short-run expansion of output (boundary B). The firm also has
small-unit machinery, which sets a limit to expansion (boundary A). This,
however, is not an absolute boundary because the firm can increase its
output in the short-run (until the absolute limit B is reached), either by
paying overtime to direct labour for working longer hours (here the AFC is
shown by the dotted line), or by buying some additional small unit type of
machinery here the AFC curve shifts upwards, and starts falling again, as
shown on line ab).
Principles of Economics 1
0 Q
Principles of Economics 1
0 Q Qm Q 0 Q1 Q2 Q
In the modern theory of costs, the range of output Q1Q2 in Figure 5.16b
reflects the planned capacity which does not lead to increased costs.
0 QA
Principles of Economics 1
All costs are variable in the long run and they give rise to a long run
cost curve which is roughly L-shaped. Empirical evidence about the long
run average cost curve reveals that the LAC curve is L-shaped rather than
U-shaped. In the beginning, the LAC curve rapidly falls but after a point,
“the curve remains flat, or may slope gently downwards, at its right-hand
end”. Production cost fall continuously with increases in output. At very
large scales of output, managerial costs may rise. But the fall in production
costs more than offsets the increase in the managerial costs, so that the
total LAC falls with increases in scale. Economists have assigned the
following reasons for the L-shape of the LAC curve.
Principles of Economics 1
technology of the industry, the firm can continue to enjoy some technical
economies at outputs larger than the MES for the following reasons.
(b) From lower repair costs after the firm reaches a certain size; and
Principles of Economics 1
C3 N
0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Output
Principles of Economics 1
This curve does not turn up at very large scales of output. It does not
envelope the SAC curves but intersects them at the optimal level of output
of each plant.
Suppose the firm is producing 0Q1 output on LAC1 curve at per unit
cost of 0C1 output on LAC1 curve at a per unit cost of 0C1. If there is an
increase in demand for the firm's product to 0Q2, with no change in
technology, the firm will produce 0Q2 output along the LAC1 curve at per
unit cost of 0C'. If, however, there is technical progress in the firm, it will
install a new plant having LAC2 as the long-run average cost curve. On this
plant, it produces 0Q2 output at a lower cost 0C2 per unit. Similarly, if the
firm decides to increase its output to 0Q3 to meet further rise in demand,
technical progress may have advanced to such a level that it installs the
plant with the LAC3 curve. Now it produces 0Q3 output at a still lower cost
0C3 per unit. If the minimum points, L, M and N of these U-shaped long-run
average cost curves LAC1, LAC2 and LAC3 are joined by a line, it forms an
L-shaped gently sloping downward curve LAC.
Principles of Economics 1
3. Learning: Yet another reason for the L-shaped long-run average cost
curve is the learning process. Learning is the product of experience. If
experience in this context can be measured by the amount of a commodity
produced, then higher the production is, the lower it is per unit cost. The
consequences of learning are similar to increasing returns. First, the
knowledge gained from working on a large scale cannot be forgotten.
Second, learning increases the rate of productivity. Third, experience is
measured by the aggregate output produced since the firm first started to
produce the product. Learning by doing has been observed when firm
starts producing new products. After they have produced the first unit, they
are able to reduce the time required for production and thus reduce per unit
Figure 5.20 shows a learning curve (LAC) which relates the cost of
producing a given output to the total output over the entire time period.
Growing experience with making the product leads to falling costs as more
and more of it is produced. When the firm has exploited all learning
Principles of Economics 1
possibilities, costs reach a minimum level, M in the figure. Thus the LAC
curve is L-shaped due to learning by doing.
In the modern theory of costs, if the LAC curve falls smoothly and
continuously even at very large scales of output, the LMC curve will lie
below the LAC curve throughout its length, as shown in the Figure 5.21.
Principles of Economics 1
0 Q
The majority of empirical cost studies suggest that the U-shaped cost
curves postulated by the traditional theory are not observed in the real
world. Two major results emerge predominantly from most studies. First,
the SAVC and SMC curves are constant over a wide-range of output.
Second, the LAC curve falls sharply over low levels of output, and
subsequently remains practically constant as the scale of output increases.
This means that the LAC curve is L-shaped rather than U-shaped. Only in
very few cases diseconomies of scale were observed, and these at very
high levels of output.
Revision Questions
Principles of Economics 1
2. What are the basic difference(s) between the following types of costs:
accounting and economic costs, real and nominal cost, private and
social cost, sunk and incremental cost?
3. Why is it necessary to properly identify the costs associated with
specified business ventures?
4. Illustrate the total, average and marginal cost curves for both the
short run and the long run scenario.
5. What are the determinants of each of internal and external economics
of scale?
6. Proffer two major reasons for the L-shape of the long run average
cost curve.
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Principles of Economics 1