Power Stations: Heinrichs Messtechnik

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We measure flow, mass, density, level and pressure

Heinrichs Messtechnik
Power Stations
Beside conventional EPCs we deliver also measuring technology into nuclear
power plants and thus we are familiar with the corresponding demands.
Special for us is normal.

We measure flow, mass, density, level and pressure

EPC INDUSTRY Electromagnetic Flow Meter
Inline / Insertion design

Variable Area Flow Meters

Target Flow Meter

Vortex Flow Meters

Steam monitoring

Maximum Reliability Technologies

Power plants – regardless whether operated Variable Area Flow Meters 13

with coal, oil, gas or nuclear power – normally Flow measurement / -monitoring of lqiuids
work with steam turbines. Water - in the form and gases upt to 6 “, monitoring of cooling and
of steam - is used both for the power turbines as supply lines, dry run monitoring of pumps,
well as in liquid form during the entire thermal cooling lines for heat exchangers and air con-
process inside a power plant. A large number of ditions
cooling circuits are drawn through the plant and
all sub-circuits must be safety monitored. The Target Flow Meters
central water supply and measurement control Monitoring of cooling and supply lines
are of the highest importance and must deliver 4”…20” nominal size, extremely compact
maximum performance 24-7. Heinrichs Mess- mounting for critical space installations
technik has been for many years a strong part-
ner of the power plant industry and engineering Electromagnetic Flow Meters
companies, our instruments been successfully Central water supply for In-Line sensors with
deployed since decades. We are partner of Sie- lining of hard rubber, soft rubber, line sizes up
mens, ABB, Alfa Lavall, Hitachi-Power, Technip to 1200 mm or use of insertion meters up to
and many more and we stand for hiqhest reli- 2200 mm line size, redundancy measurement
ability and measurement precision. Our instru- for insertion technology Incl. multiple measure-
ments find use in nuclear power plants where ment.
reliability is of a particular necessity, since coo-
ling circuits - also in peripheral areas – can be Vortex Flow Meters
contaminated and must therefore continue to Measurement of hot gases and steam from
work safely under the most extreme conditions. ½“ to 12“ up to 400° C

www.heinrichs.eu | Heinrichs Messtechnik GmbH

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