Unstuck in Time. Or: The Sudden Presence of The Past': April 2002
Unstuck in Time. Or: The Sudden Presence of The Past': April 2002
Unstuck in Time. Or: The Sudden Presence of The Past': April 2002
20 640
1 author:
Chris Lorenz
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
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© Karin Tilmans, Frank van Vree and Jay Winter / Amsterdam University Press, 2010
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Table of Contents
Preface 7
Acknowledgements 9
1 Introduction.
The performance of the past: memory, history, identity 11
jay winter
11 Novels and their readers, memories and their social frameworks 235
joep leerssen
chris lorenz
Since 1989, the past is no longer what it used to be, and neither is the
academic study of the past – that is the Geschichtswissenschaft. No
historian had predicted the total collapse of the Soviet bloc and the
sudden end of the Cold War, the ensuing German unification and the
radical reshuffling of global power relations. A similar story goes for the
other two ‘epochal’ and ‘rupturing’ events of the past two decades:
‘9/11’ and the economic meltdown of 2008. 1 Therefore, academic
historians can claim very little credit for their traditional role as the
privileged interpreters of the present in its relationship to the past and
the future (and it is only a small consolation to know that the social
scientists and the economists performed only slightly better on this
Maybe even more surprising – or disappointing – is the observation that
no historian had imagined the eruptions of the past into the present which
started in Eastern-Central Europe directly after 1989 – especially in the
form of genocidal war and of ethnic cleansing in former Yugoslavia.
68 Performing the past
Suddenly it seemed like the Croats and the Serbs had slipped back into the
Second World War.
Through these events both the ‘pastness of the past’ (which had been the
constitutive presupposition of academic history since the French revolution)
and the capacity of academic history to explain how the past is connected
to the present, suddenly lost their ‘evidential’ quality. If burying the dead
is equal to creating the past, as Michel de Certeau and Eelco Runia both
have argued, their funeral was suddenly interrupted, confronting
historians since 1989 with a ‘haunting’ past instead of with a – distant –
‘historical’ past.2 This change can undoubtedly be connected to an
experience of crisis, as Jan-Werner Müller has recently suggested:
‘According to John Keane, “crisis periods …. prompt awareness of the
crucial importance of the past for the present. As a rule, crises are times
during which the living do battle for the hearts, minds and souls of the
dead”. But the dead also seem to be doing battle for the hearts, minds and
souls of the living, as the latter often resort during times of crisis to a kind
of mythical re-enactment of the past’.3
Another constitutive presupposition of academic history since the early
nineteenth century – that the nation and the nation-state were the
fundamental subjects of history – also lost its plausibility around the same
time – as if there was a sudden consciousness that the mass killings of the
twentieth century had been caused by nationalisms run wild. Since then,
‘methodological nationalism’ is ‘out’ and debates concerning the question
which spatial units should replace the nation in history writing have been
rampant. Both sub-national units (cities or city-networks, regions,
borderlands, etc.) and supra-national units (like empires, cultures,
civilizations, networks, diasporas, or the entire world) have been
advertised as such. Therefore, not only the temporal dimension of history
has turned into a new object of discussion in academic history after 1989,
but also history’s spatial construction , spiraling into discussions about
‘transnational’, ‘global’, and even ‘big’ history.
Last but not least, the relationships between history and politics,
history and ethics, and history and justice have resurfaced in
unprecedented ways – all problems academic history claimed to have ‘left
behind’ by splitting off the ‘historical’ past from the ‘practical’ past when
history turned into an ‘autonomous profession’. The attempts to confine
academic history to the issues of epistemology and of methodology and to
fence it off from the domain of politics and ethics seem to have lost
whatever plausibility they had in the second half of the catastrophic
twentieth century.
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 69
Of course each individual issue had been raised at some point before 1989
and of course national history never had been the only show in university
town – most certainly not – but at no time had these questions collectively
unsettled academic history to a similar degree. Fundamental questions as
regards the ‘the founding myth’ of professional, academic history – its
‘objectivity’ – had started destabilizing academic history from the 1970s
onwards in the slipstream of multiculturalism, the ‘cultural wars’, and the
‘politics of identity’ – often referred to collectively under the name of
‘postmodernism’. Class, gender, ethnicity, and race were mobilized
successively and successfully in order to undermine the academic
historians’ claim to ‘objectivity’. These collective identities fragmented the
profession along different fracture lines and opposed history’s ‘objectivity’
to the notion of (class, gender, etc.) ‘experience’ and – increasingly and
most fundamentally – to the notion of ‘memory’. Illustrative for these
developments was the fact Peter Novick’s debunking book on the American
historical professions claim to ‘objectivity’ was rewarded with the AHA
Prize in 1988.4
The notion of memory became the common denominator for anchoring
the past in collective experiences of specific groups. Especially traumatic or
catastrophic memories became the privileged window on the past since the
1980s. Wulf Kansteiner formulates the present predicament of ‘memory
studies’ as follows: ‘The predominance of traumatic memory and its impact
on history is […] exemplified by the increasing importance since the 1970s
of the Holocaust in the ‘catastrophic’ history of the twentieth century.
Despite an impressive range of subject matter, memory studies thrive on
catastrophes and trauma and the Holocaust is still the primary, archetypal
topic in memory studies. […] Due to its exceptional breadth and depth
Holocaust studies illustrate the full range of methods and perspectives in
event-oriented studies of collective memory, but we find similar works
analyzing the memory of other exceptionally destructive, criminal and
catastrophic events, for instance World War II and fascism, slavery, and
recent genocides and human rights abuses. Especially with regard to the
last topic attempts to establish the historical record of the events in question
and the desire to facilitate collective remembrance and mourning often
overlap. In comparison, the legacy of relatively benign events is only rarely
considered in contemporary studies of collective memory.’5
In the following contribution I will analyse some of the implications of
the rise of memory for history as an academic discipline in the beginning of
the twenty-first century. Basically I will argue that the rise of memory
necessitates reflection both on the frames of representation of academic
70 Performing the past
history – especially on its temporal and spatial frames – and on its political
and ethical entanglements.
My analysis starts with going back to the origins of academic history in
the early nineteenth century and its connection to the nation/state. In the
first section I argue that academic history presupposed a specific
conception of space – that of the nation-state – and that it identified history
with the process of nation formation. I also argue that the specific claim of
academic history to ‘objectivity’ was directly based on and thus dependent
on this spatial unit.
In the second section I argue that academic history was based on a
specific conception of time – that of linear, irreversible and teleological
time. Following Koselleck and Hartog I interpret this time conception in
terms of the ‘modern regime of historicity’ and with Agamben I locate the
origins of this ‘modern’ time conception in a mixture of the Greek and the
Christian ideas of time. I also argue that the academic conception of history
as the process of nation formation is based on this ‘modern’ time
conception. Last but not least I argue that the storyline of national history is
derived from the narrative structure of the Christian bible and that both
imperial histories and class histories can be regarded as sub-genres of
national histories in this respect.
In the third section I argue with Nora and Hartog that the rise of
memory studies in the 1980s is related to the fall of national history and that
this development can best be explained in terms of a change of the
‘modern’ to the ‘presentist’ regime of historicity. Because their analysis of
presentism does not confront the catastrophic or traumatic character of the
present past explicitly, however, their diagnosis of ‘presentism’ is missing
important characteristics. With Spiegel, Langer, Bevernage, and
Chakrabarty I argue that the recognition of ‘historical wounds’ is an
essential ingredient of ‘presentism’ and that this presupposes a time
conception which is not ‘erasive’ and which can explain duration.
In the fourth section I go into some of the implications of my amended
version of ‘presentism’ (which could be called ‘catastrophic presentism’)
for academic history. Two implications are emphasized. First, given the fact
that the claim of academic history to be ‘objective’ is damaged beyond
repair, the ideal of ‘resurrecting the past’ must be abandoned for a
systematic reflection on the representational forms of history. The recent
debates about the spatial alternatives to national history in transnational,
imperial and global history can be interpreted as examples of this type of
reflection. Second, however, given the fact that the catastrophes in
twentieth-century history are present in such a manner that they have
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 71
undermined the claim that academic history can keep ‘distance’ from them,
academic history needs to reflect on its own political and ethical
investments. In Holocaust historiography, these issues have already made
it to the agenda. A reflexive academic history in the twenty-first century
can no longer afford to be only academic. Therefore I argue that a reflexive
kind of history writing does not only need to problematize its
(epistemological) choices of representation, but also its political and ethical
Fig. 4.1. See coloursection p. 25. Fig. 4.2. See coloursection p. 25.
Fig. 4.3. See coloursection p. 26. Fig. 4.4 See coloursection p. 26.
before. In the case of Ranke and of Von Humboldt, for instance, subscribing
explicitly to the Christian religion had long not been regarded as being
‘partisan’ and as threatening history’s ‘objectivity’.38 For most historians
well into the twentieth century, nationality simply implied a specific (state-)
religion39. Nor had subscribing explicitly to the cause of the (German)
nation/state been regarded as such by most of the ‘Neo-Rankeans’ later on,
nor to a purely Eurocentric worldview, nor to a (male) gender-biased or a
(bourgeois) class-biased worldview. The very same held for the academic
historians outside Germany, so in retrospect, the discourse in academic
history concerning the identification of ‘biases’ and ‘partisanship’
(threatening history’s ‘objectivity’) just represents shifting boundaries
between what could be stated and what not could be stated ‘academically’.
Although this process of change has often been interpreted as a sign of the
discipline’s ‘progress’ – due to the decrease of ‘biases’ – as a result of these
combined critiques the long and happy marriage between the nation-state
and academic history was showing serious symptoms of dissolution since
the 1970s – or at least so it seemed.
‘Historical wounds are not the same as historical truths but the latter
constitute a condition of possibility of the former. Historical truths are
broad, synthetic generalisations based on researched collections of
individual historical facts. They could be wrong but they are always
amenable to verification by methods of historical research. Historical
wounds, on the other hand, are a mix of history and memory and hence
their truth is not verifiable by historians. Historical wounds cannot come
into being, however, without the prior existence of historical truths’.54
Because ‘historical wounds’ are dependent on the recognition as such by
the ‘perpetrator groups’ – usually at the level of ‘their’ state – they are
‘dialogically formed’ and not ‘permanent formations’. As their ‘dialogical
formation’ is part of politics, their spatial framework is usually the same as
in national histories: the framework of the nation-state. As their formation
is group specific and partly the result of politics, the notion of a ‘historical
wound’ – like trauma – has predominantly been approached with
suspicion in academic history.
Now with the recognition of ‘historical wounds’ and of ‘durational
time’, the traditional notion of ‘objectivity’ also becomes problematic,
because since Ranke distance in time was regarded as an absolute
precondition for ‘objectivity’. Temporal distance and ‘objectivity’ were
directly connected because interested ‘partisanship’ (and interested actors)
– religious, political, or otherwise – needed time in order to disappear and
to give way to supra-partisan perspectives. This transformation from
interested ‘partisanship’ to supra-partisan ‘objectivity’ was identified with
the change from closure to accessibility of the state archives to historians.
Most historians regarded 50 years’ distance as the absolute minimum for
(warm) memory to ‘cool down’ and to transform into (cold) history but 100
years was, of course, safer.55 Temporal distance between the past and the
present was also seen as necessary because in historicism the consequences
of events and developments – their future dimension or Nachgeschichte, so to
speak – must be known before historians can judge and explain them
‘objectively’. This is another reason why the idea of ‘flowing’, linear time
was the basis of the traditional idea of ‘objectivity’ in history.
This view on the relation between time and ‘objectivity’ explains the
very late birth of contemporary history as a specialisation within academic
history. Only in the 1960s – that is: in the aftermath of the Second World
War and the Holocaust – did contemporary history slowly gain recognition
as a legitimate specialisation of ‘scientific’ history manifesting itself in
academic chairs, journals etc.56 Until then, contemporary history was
primarily seen as an impossible mix of the past and the present – as a
86 Performing the past
and the past is characteristic for the ‘presentist’ regime of historicity now in
place: ‘Given to us as radically other, the past has become a world apart.’ 61
Micro-history and history of everyday life according to Nora are
characteristic of this ‘presentist’ consciousness of the alterity of the past.
This is, he suggests, a consciousness of alterity paradoxically clothed in the
garb of directness (oral literature, quoting informants to render intelligible
their voices being the characteristic of these two historical genres); 62 ‘It is no
longer genesis that we seek but instead the decipherment of what we are in
the light of what we are no longer’.63 Although neither Nora nor Hartog
even mentions global and world history, following their argument, both
could also be seen as typical ‘presentist’ genres of history, because like
micro-history they seem to privilege the synchronic dimension over the
diachronical and thus discontinuity over continuity. The same goes for the
growing popularity of ‘network approaches’ in history.
This diagnosis based on Nora and Hartog remains one-sided, however,
if we don’t consider the tendencies which point in the opposite direction –
that is: genres of history writing reaffirming ‘the nation’, national history,
and its continuities. This includes the growth industry of histories of
Europe in which the history of the European Union is conceptualized on
the model of the (super) nation-state.64 Although seldom defended in
theory, national history still has an overwhelming presence in popular
history, in history education – the debates about the ‘historical canon’ are
just one symptom in case – but also – mirabile dictu – in memory studies
itself.65 Not only was Nora’s lieux de mémoire project itself fundamentally
based on a national framework, as Englund has convincingly argued, but
the same goes for all of its copies outside France.66 A growing number of
national states from Luxemburg to Latvia have developed their own ‘sites
of memory’ projects in the meantime – within a national framework. So
Müller certainly is right in pointing out that in many states – especially
those which have been subject to Soviet rule – ‘memory has become
shorthand for a glorious past that needs to be regained in the near future
(and the ‘near abroad’)’.67 The circumstance that recently also transnational
‘sites of memory’ are sought after does not alter this basic fact.68 Therefore
the relationship between the memory approach and the national
framework remains an ambivalent one because sometimes ‘memory’ looks
suspiciously much like an incarnation of national history.
However this may be, Nora is undoubtedly right about at least one
characteristic of the ‘presentist’ regime of historicity. I am referring to the
total abandonment of the ideal of ‘resurrecting the past’ after the nation lost
its status as the natural backbone of history, and to the ‘epistemological’
88 Performing the past
Fig. 4.9. The ‘presentist condition’ of history: ‘no floor to stand on’.
92 Performing the past
So, all in all, after ‘1990’ both the past and the future seem to have
collapsed as points of orientation, so to speak – and as a consequence
academic history is stuck in the present and is in need of coming to terms
with the presence of a catastrophic past.83 Indicative of this ‘collapse’ is, as
was argued earlier, that both the temporal and the spatial frames of
academic history have turned into topics of fundamental reflection and
debates (which sometimes are referred to as the ‘spatial’ and the ‘temporal
turn’). The earlier debates about micro-history and the ongoing debates
about transnational, comparative, global, and world history all indicate
that the nation-state is no longer the self-evident backbone – the spatial
frame – of history, although the place of national history in history
education is still quite strong. With the questioning of the nation-state, the
‘progressive’ future orientation of academic history is on the agenda, too –
unless historians will develop an exclusive preference for histories of
decline, that is: for the inverted forms of linear ‘progressive’ history. The
renewed interest in histories of disintegrating empires should remind us
that this is a real option to deal with anxieties about the future. In this
context one could think of the bestselling imperial histories written by Niall
Ferguson, Paul Kennedy, and Norman Davies 84 (fig. 4.10).
The only sensible thing academic historians can do under the ‘presentist’
condition, according to Hartog, is to reflect on their own temporal and
representational position in a comparative way and to argue for it explicitly.85
This does, of course, not ‘cure’ their temporal and representational condition,
but makes it at least self-reflective’.86
A similar self-reflective approach to history has been proposed by
Michael Werner and Bénédicte Zimmermann in their proposal for a histoire
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 93
1. Samuel Huntington, who had predicted ‘a clash of civilisations’ in 1993, was a political
2. Michel de Certeau, The Writing History of History, New York 1988; Eelco Runia, ‘Burying
the Dead, Creating the Past’, in: History and Theory 46/3 (2007) 313-326.
3. Jan-Werner Müller (ed.), Memory and Power in Post-War Europe. Studies in the Presence of
the Past, Cambridge 2002, 4.
4. Peter Novick, That Noble Dream. The ‘Objectivity Question’ and the American Historical
Profession, Cambridge 1988.
5. Wulf Kansteiner Compare Pierre Nora’s statement ‘whoever says memory says Shoah’,
cited in Müller (ed.), Memory and Power, 14. Given the paradigmatic role of the
Holocaust as Urtrauma in history, it is remarkable that Frank Ankersmits’ recent attempt
to give a philosophical account of historical experience leads him to the conclusion that
the Holocaust does not represent a trauma. See F.R. Ankersmit, De Sublieme Historische
Ervaring, Groningen 2007, 387.
6. See Rüdiger vom Bruch, ‘Geschichtswissenschaft’, in: St. Jordan (ed.), Lexikon
Geschichtswissenschaft. 100 Grundbegriffe, Stuttgart 2002, 124-130; Georg Iggers,
Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern
Challenge, Hanover and London 1997; Anthony Grafton, The Footnote: a Curious History,
London 1997; Arnaldo Momigliano, The Classical Foundations of Modern Historiography,
Berkeley 1990.
7. For a global perspective, see D. Woolf ‘Historiography’, in: M.C. Horowitz (ed.), New
Dictionary of the History of Ideas, New York 2004, xxxv–lxxxv.
8. Q. Edward Wang‚ ‘Cross-Cultural Developments of Modern Historiography. Examples
from East Asia, the Middle East, and India’, in: Q. Edward Wang and Franz Fillafer
(eds.), The Many Faces of Clio. Cross-cultural Approaches to Historiography. Essays in Honor
of Georg G. Iggers, New York/Oxford 2007, 189, 193, 194. Q. Edward Wang, ‘Beyond East
and West: Antiquarianism, Evidential Learning, and Global Trends in Historical Study’,
in: Journal of World History 19/4 (2008) 489-519.
96 Performing the past
9. For the variety of history, see D. Kelley (ed.), Versions of History from Antiquity to the
Enlightenment, New Haven and London 1991; F. Stern (ed.), Varieties of History. From
Voltaire to the Present, London 1970; Woolf, ‘Historiography’.
10. Georg Iggers, ‘The Professionalization of Historical Studies’ in: Kramer and Maza (eds.),
Western Historical Thought, 234. Further see: R. Thorstendahl and I. Veit-Brause (eds.),
History-Making. The Intellectual and Social Formation of a Discipline, Stockholm1996;
Wolfgang Weber, Priester der Klio: historisch.-sozialwissenschaftliche. Studien zur Herkunft
und Karriere deutscher Historiker und. zur Geschichte der Geschichtswissenschaft 1800-1970,
(Frankfurt am Main 1987); Pim den Boer, History as a Profession: The Study of History in
France, 1818-1914, Princeton 1998; Gabriele Lingelbach, Klio macht Karriere. Die
Institutionalisierung der Geschichtswissenschaft in Frankreich und in den USA in der zweiten
Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, Göttingen 2003.
11. Daniel Woolf, ‘Of Nations, Nationalism, and National Identity. Reflections on the
Historiographic Organization of the Past’, in: Wang and Fillafer (eds.), Many Faces of
Clio, 73; Stefan Berger, ‘Towards a Global History of National Historiographies’, in:
idem (ed.), Writing the Nation. A Global Perspective, Houndmills 2007, 1-30. Gerard
Bouchard, The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World: An Essay in
Comparative History, Montreal and Kingston 2008.
12. See Joep Leersen, ‘Nation and Ethnicity’, in: Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz (eds.), The
Contested Nation: Religion, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in National Histories, Houndmills
2008, 75-104. Ranke as a conservative, however, still identified states more with their
ruling dynasties than with nations.
13. Leopold von Ranke: ‘Aus dem Besonderem kannst du wohl bedachtsam und kühn zu
den Allgemeinen aufsteigen; aus der allgemeine Theorie gibt es keinen Weg zur
Anschauung des Besonderen’, in: Leopold von Ranke, Die großen Mächte. Politisches
Gespräch (ed. Ulrich Muhlack), Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig 1995, 90.
14. For the history of the very idea of objectivity see Lorraine Daston and Peter Gallison,
Objectivity, New York 2007, for the nineteenth century, see T. N. Baker, ‘National History
in the Age of Michelet, Macaulay, and Bancroft’, in Kramer and Mah (eds.), Companion
to Western Historical Thought, 185-201. Further see Woolf, ‘Of Nations, Nationalism, and
National Identity’.
15. See Thomas Welskopp and Gita Deneckere, ‘Nation and Class’ in: Berger and Lorenz
(eds.), The Contested Nation, 135-171.
16. For the ideas of ‘scientificity’, see Heiko Fellner, ‘The New Scientificity in Historical
Writing around 1800’, in Heiko Fellner and Kevin Passmore (eds.), Writing History.
Theory and Practice, London 2003, 3–22. For Ranke’s ideas of ‘objectivity’ see Rudolf
Vierhaus, ‘Rankes Begriff der historischen Objektivität’, in: R. Koselleck, W.J.
Mommsen, and J. Rüsen (eds.), Objektivität und Parteilichkeit, Munich 1977, 63-77.
17. Grafton, Footnote, 59-60, argues that Ranke himself was guilty of identifying specific
archival information with ‘the past’ itself: ‘It became evident that he [Ranke, CL] had
unjustifiably accepted certain classes of documents – like the official reports of Venetian
ambassadors to their senate – as transparent windows on past states and events rather
than colourful reconstructions of them, whose authors wrote within rigid conventions,
had not heard or seen everything they had reported, and often wished to convince their
own audience of a personal theory rather than simply to tell them what had happened’.
Grafton also argues that ‘in his reliance on central archives and great family papers
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 97
Ranke had accepted, without reflecting hard enough, a certain interpretation of history
itself: one in which the story of nations and monarchies took precedence over that of
peoples or cultures [-]’. For the problem of the ‘scientificity’ of national history in
France, see Steven Englund, ‘The Ghost of Nation Past’, in: Journal of Modern History
64/2 (1992) 307-310.
18. For Foucault see Joseph Rouse, ‘Power/Knowledge’, in: Gary Gutting (ed.), The
Cambridge Companion to Foucault, Cambridge 2005, 95-122.
19. See Jo Tollebeek, ‘“Turn to Dust and Tears”’: Revisiting the Archive’, in: History and
Theory 43/2 (2004) 237-248.
20. See Koselleck et al. (eds.) Objektivität und Parteilichkeit. For Volksgeschichte see Peter
Schöttler (ed.), Geschichte als Legitimationswissenschaft.
21. See for South Africa: Carolyn Hamilton et al. (eds.), Refiguring the Archive, Dordrecht-
Boston-London 2002.
22. Marlene Manoff, ‘Theories of the archive from across the disciplines’, Portal: Libraries
and the Academy, 4/1 (2001) 12; Terry Cook, ‘Archival science and postmodernism: new
formulations for old concepts’, Archival Science 1 (2001) 3-24.
23. F. Hartog, ‘Time and Heritage’, Museum International, 57, 227 (2005) 7-18, 8.
24. Koselleck has therefore rightly observed that the Geschichtswissenschaft and the
Geschichtsphilosophie came into existence simultaneously: ‘It is no accident that in the
same decades in which history as a singular discipline began to establish itself (between
1760 and 1780), the concept of a philosophy of history also surfaced’.[…] ‘History and
philosophy of history are complementary concepts which render impossible any
attempt at a philosophization of history’. See Reinhart Koselleck, ‘Historia Magistra
Vitae: The Dissolution of the Topos into the Perspective of a Modernized Historical
Process’, in: idem, Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time, Cambridge MA 1985, 32.
25. Harold Mah, however, has traced the direct connection of origin and telos in historicism
back to the very origins of Historismus: ‘Both Herder’s and Möser’s historicist histories
required the assumption of a mythical past. A mythical event or development
functioned for them as a privileged origin establishing a standard whose continuous
influence was then perceived to be disseminated throughout the rest of history, so that
subsequent events or developments could be measured against it or legitimated by it.
That originating event or development thus overshadowed what came after it; it
reduced or even cancelled out the historical significance of subsequent events. German
tribalism thus defined the truly German, while the French culture that many of
Germany’s rulers had adopted in the eighteenth century was rejected as alien or anti-
German’. ‘Historicism, in other words, can paradoxically be seen as the expression of a
desire to overcome history, whether it was the cosmopolitan influence of French culture
or other undesirable developments and political life’. […] ‘The importance of this
ahistorical classical thinking in a deeply historicizing philosophy is a paradox that
suggests the same motive that is suggested in historicist myths of origin – namely, that
one attends to historical development in its most elaborate way in order to overcome
history, to transcend its contradictions, transience, and mortality’. Harold Mah,
‘German Historical Thought in the Age of Herder, Kant, and Hegel’, in: Kramer and
Sarah Mah (eds.), A Companion to Western Historical Thought, 143-166, here: 160-161.
26. F. Hartog, ‘Time, History and the Writing of History: the Order of Time’, in: R.
Thorstendahl and I. Veit-Brause (eds.), History-Making, 85-113, 97.
98 Performing the past
27. See E. Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism since 1780. Programme, Myth, Reality,
Cambridge 1992, 31-32, 157-158. The recent discussion about ‘failed’ states can be
directly connected to the idea of ‘failed’ nations.
28. Giorgio Agamben, ‘Time and History. Critique of the Instant and the Continuum’, in:
idem, Infancy and History. The Destruction of Experience, London and New York 1993, 91-
105. Also see Berber Bevernage. ‘Time, Presence, and Historical Injustice’, in: History and
Theory 47/2 (2008) 149–167; and Berber Bevernage, ‘We victims and survivors declare the
past to be in the present’. Time, Historical Injustice and the Irrevocable, Ghent 2009.
29. Agamben; ‘Time and History’, 94.
30. See Welskopp and Deneckere, ‘Nation and Class’.
31. See Stefan Berger and Chris Lorenz, ‘National Narratives and their “Others”: Ethnicity,
Class, Religion and the Gendering of National Histories’, in: Storia della Storiografia
/Geschichte der Geschichtsschreibung 50 (2006) 59-98.
32. See Dennis Dworkin, Class Struggles (Series History: Concepts, Theories and Practice),
Harlow 2007.
33. See Chris Lorenz, ‘Representations of Identity. Ethnicity, Race, Class, Gender and
Religion. An Introduction to Conceptual History’, in: Berger and Lorenz (eds.), The
Contested Nation, 24-60.
34. See Geoff Eley, ‘Historicizing the Global, Politicizing Capital: Giving the Present a
Name’, History Workshop Journal 1 (2007) 1-35, and Jürgen Osterhammel and Niels
Petersson, Die Geschichte der Globalisierung, Munich 2003, 12-15. As for transnational
history, Michael Geyer has signaled a ‘growing consensus’ of what it is not: ‘The
emerging consensus is also suitably vague. […] Almost everyone, it seems, agrees on the
basic presupposition that there is history ‘beyond the nation state’ and that this history
is more than national and inter-national history; that this history mandates a ‘global’ or,
in any case, grander-than-national horizon for thought and action’. […] ‘For the time
being [it] rather amounts to a project with many loose ends than a distinct approach and
it is more of an orientation than a paradigm’, At: http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de
/rezensionen/2006-4-032, (visited on 25-10-08).
35. See Celia Applegate, ‘A Europe of Regions: Reflections on the Historiography of Sub-
National Spaces in Modern Times’, American Historical Review 104/4 (1999) 1157-1182;
Jeremy Adelman and Stephen Aron, ‘From Borderlands to Borders: Empires, Nation-
States, and the Peoples in Between in North American History’, American Historical
Review 104/3 (1999) 814-842; Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, ‘Entangled Histories:
Borderland Historiographies in New Clothes?’, in: American Historical Review 112/3
(2007) 787-800.
36. Charles S. Maier, ‘Transformations of Territoriality 1600–2000’, in: G. Budde, S. Conrad
and O. Jansz (eds.), Transnationale Geschichte. Themen, Tendenzen und Theorien, Göttingen
2006. 32-56; F. Hartog, Régimes d’Historicité. Presentisme et Expériences du Temps, Paris
2003; F. Hartog, ‘Time and Heritage’, Museum International, 57/227 (2005) 7-18.
37. See for example Ute Frevert and David Blackbourn, ‘Europeanizing German history’,
Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. 36 (2005) 9–33. For global and
world history, see Patrick O’Brien, ‘Historiographical traditions and modern
imperatives for the restoration of global history’, Journal of Global History, 1 (2006) 3-39;
A. Dirlik, ‘Performing the world: reality and representation in the making of world
history(ies)’, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC, 37 (2005) 9-27.
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 99
38. See my article ‘Drawing the line: “Scientific” History between Myth-making and Myth-
breaking’, in: Stefan Berger, Linas Eriksonas, and Andrew Mycock (eds.), Narrating the
Nation. Representations in History, Media and the Arts, New York/Oxford 2008, 35-55.
39. See James C. Kennedy, ‘Religion, Nation and Representations of the Past’, in: Berger and
Lorenz (eds.), The Contested Nation, 104-135.
40. Jay Winter, ‘The generation of memory: reflections on the “memory boom” in
contemporary historical studies’, Bulletin of the German Historical Institute, Washington,
DC 27 (2006) 69-92. The notions of memory and of collective identity are intertwined,
however, as Müller, Memory and Power, 18, observes for national identity: ‘Wherever
“national identity” seems to be in question, memory comes to be the key to national
recovery through reconfiguring the past […]’.
41. See Wulf Kansteiner, In Pursuit of German Memory. History, Television and Politics after
Auschwitz, Athens OH 2006, 11-39; Kerwin Lee Klein, ‘On the Emergence of Memory in
Historical Discourse’, in: Representations 69 (2000) 127-150.
42. Hartog, ‘Time, History and the Writing of History’, 109.
43. P. Nora, ‘Between Memory and History: les Lieux de Memoire’, Representations, 26
(1989), 7-25, esp. 8-9. For an overview see Aleida Assmann, ‘History and Memory’, in:
N. Smelser and P. Baltus (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of the Social & Behavioural
Sciences, vol. 10 (Oxford 2001) 6822 –6829; P. Hutton, ‘Recent Scholarship on Memory
and History’, The History Teacher, 33/4 (2000) 533-548.
44. Nora, ‘Between Memory and History’, 11.
45. For Nora’s own deep nationalism see Englund, ‘The Ghost of Nation Past’, 299-320. For
a comparison with the US, see Allan Megill, ‘Fragmentation and the Future of
Historiography’, in American Historical Review, 96/3 (1991) 693-698. (reprinted in his:
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error, Chicago 2007).
46. Hutton, ‘Recent Scholarship on Memory and History’, 535.
47. See Berger and Lorenz, ‘Introduction’ of The Contested Nation. Also see Wulf Kansteiner,
‘Postmodern Historicism: A Critical Appraisal of Collective Memory Studies’, 5
48. See Englund, ‘Ghost of Nation Past’, 305: ‘So why call it memory if you mean history?’.
Also see Eelco Runia, ‘Burying the dead, creating the past’, in: History and Theory 46/3
(2007) 315-316.
49. Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, ‘A Looming Crash or a Soft Landing? Forecasting the Future of
the Memory “Industry”’, in: The Journal of Modern History 81 (March 2009) 122–158.
50. Runia locates the presence of the past in the ‘mémoire involuntaire’. Although he does not
mention traumatic memory explicitly it can easily be interpreted as a part of the
‘mémoire involuntaire’. See Eelco Runia, ‘Presence’, in: History and Theory 45/1 (2006) 1-
20; Eelco Runia, ‘Spots of Time’, in: History and Theory 45/3 (2006) 305-317; Forum on
‘Presence’ (with contributions of Eelco Runia, Hans-Ulrich Gumbrecht, Frank
Ankersmit, Ewa Domanska, Michael Bentley, and Rik Peters), in: History and Theory
45/3 (2006) 305-375; Dipesh Chakrabarty, ‘History and the Politics of Recognition’, in:
Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan, and Alun Munslow (eds.), Manifestos for History, New York
2007, 77-88.
51. John Torpey, ‘The Pursuit of the Past: A Polemical Perspective’, in: Peter Seixas (ed.),
Theorizing Historical Consciousness, Toronto 2004, 242.
52. This problem and distinction in fact has been with history and philosophy since St.
Augustine. See Herman Hausheer, ‘St. Augustine’s Conception of Time’, in: The
100 Performing the past
Philosophical Review 46/5 (1937) 503-512: ‘The essence of time is the indivisible instant in
the present, which knows itself to be neither long nor short’ (504).
53. Gabrielle Spiegel, ‘Memory and History: Liturgical Time and Historical Time’, in:
History and Theory 41/2 (2002) 159.
54. Dipesh Chakrabarty, ‘History and the Politics of Recognition’, in: Keith Jenkins, Sue
Morgan, and Alun Munslow (eds.), Manifestos for History, New York 2007, 77-78.
55. See M. Phillips, ‘Distance and Historical Representation’, in History Workshop Journal, 57
(2004) 123-141; M. Phillips, ‘History, Memory and Historical Distance’, in P. Seixas (ed.),
Theorizing Historical Consciousness, Toronto 2004, 86-109. See further, B. Taylor,
‘Introduction: How far, how near: distance and proximity in the historical imagination’,
History Workshop Journal 57 (2004) 117-122. The point of view formulated by the Chinese
statesman Chou En-Lai (1898-1976) was not foreseen, however. In 1971, Henry
Kissinger asked Chou, who had been specializing in the French Revolution in his youth,
‘What do you think of the significance of the French Revolution?’ Chou answered him
after thinking for some time: ‘It is too soon to tell’. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/
html/zhou_enlai.stm (20 April 2008); http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=1411
(20 April 2008).
56. Alexander Nützenadel and Wolfgang Schieder (eds.), Zeitgeschichte als Problem.
Nationale Traditionen und Perspektiven der Forschung in Europa (Sonderheft Geschichte und
Gesellschaft), Göttingen 2004: Martin Sabrow et al. (eds.), Zeitgeschichte als Streitgeschichte.
Grosse Kontroversen seit 1945, Munich 2003.
57. On the literally sickening effects of the failure to forget, see: Jessica Marshall,
‘Unforgettable’, in: New Scientist 197 (2008), Issue Feb 16-Feb 22 2008, 30-34.
58. Hartog, ‘Time and Heritage’, 12.
59. See Hartog, ‘Time and Heritage’, 12-14. Also see http://sites-of-memory.de/main/
resources.html#scholarship for an overview (date of last access: 8 March 2009).
60. Nora, ‘Between Memory and History’, 16.
61. Nora, ‘Between Memory and History’, 17. However, Nora does not use Hartog’s terms
‘regime of historicity’ or ‘presentism’.
62. Nora’s diagnosis and imagery of the present state of history is also developed in F.R.
Ankersmit, ‘History and Postmodernism’, in: F. Ankersmit, History and Tropology: The
Rise and Fall of Metaphor, Berkeley 1994, 162-182; more precisely in Ankersmit’s
comparison of ‘modern’ or ‘essentialist’ history with a tree and ‘post-modern’ history
with its leaves (pp. 175-6), and in his identification of history of everyday life and micro-
history as the typical ‘present’ (or ‘postmodern’) genres of history (pp. 174-7).
63. Nora, ‘Between Memory and History’, 17-18. Ankersmit develops a similar argument in
‘The sublime dissociation of the past: or how to be(come) what one is no longer’, in
History and Theory 40/3 (2001) 295-323.
64. See e.g. Jan Ifversen, ‘Myths in writing European histories’, in: Stefan Berger and Chris
Lorenz (eds.), Historians as Nation builders. Micro studies in National History, Houndmills
2010 (forthcoming).
65. For the debates about the historical canon see Maria Grever and Siep Stuurman (eds.),
Beyond the Canon. History for the Twenty-First Century, Basingstoke 2007.
66. See ‘“Lieux de memoire” in Europe: National Receptions and Appropriations of a
Historiographical Concept’ at: http://www2.iisg.nl/esshc/programme9606.asp?selyear
Unstuck in time. Or: the sudden presence of the past 101
82. See Rob van der Laarse, ‘Erfgoed en de constructie van vroeger’, in: idem (ed.), Bezeten
van vroeger, 1-29; David Lowenthal, ‘Heritage and history. Rivals and partners in
Europe’, in: Van der Laarse (ed.), Bezeten van vroeger, 29-40.
83. See also John Torpey, ‘The future of the past: a polemical perspective’ in Seixas (ed.),
Theorizing Historical Consciousness, 240-255, esp. p. 250; ‘The discrediting of the twin
forces that dominated the twentieth-century history – namely, nationalism and
socialism/communism – has promoted a pervasive “consciousness of catastrophe”
among the educated segments of Euro-Atlantic society’.
84. Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, 1988; Norman Davies, The Isles, 1999;
Niall Ferguson, Colossus. The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, 2004.
85. Michael Werner and Bénédicte Zimmermann, ‘Beyond comparison: histoire croissée
and the challenge of reflexivity’, History and Theory 45/1 (2006) 30-50.
86. Hartog, ‘Time, History and the Writing of History’, 111.
87. Werner and Zimmermann, ‘Beyond comparison’, 32-33.
88. Hartog, ‘Time, History and the Writing of History’, 112.
89. Pierre Bourdieu, ‘The specificity of the scientific field’, in: Ch. Lemert, French Sociology.
Renewal and rupture since 1968, New York 1981, 257-293; Michel Foucault,
Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977 (edited by Colin
Gordon), New York 1980. See also George Steinmetz (ed.), The Politics of Method in the
Human Sciences, and Durham/London 2005.
90. See my article ‘Drawing the line: “Scientific” History between Myth-making and Myth-
breaking’ for a case study concerning the disciplinary genre of national history.
91. See Johannes Fabian, Time and the Other: How Anthropology Makes Its Object, New York
1983; Bevernage, ‘We victims and survivors’. For another exception in history see:
Sebastian Conrad, ‘What time is Japan? Problems of Comparative (Intercultural)
Historiography’, History and Theory 38/1 (1999) 67-83.
92. Werner Müller, Memory and Power, 12-13, arrives at a similar conclusion arguing that
‘historical and social scientific research about memory indeed cannot be entirely
separated from normative questions – not least because so many memory tales are shot
through with normative claims’, and 19: ‘The memorialisation of history is at the same
time its moralisation […]’.
93. See John Torpey, ‘Making whole what has been smashed’, in: Journal of Modern History;
A. Dirk Moses, ‘White, Traumatic Nationalism and the Public Role of History’, in:
History and Theory 44/3 (2005) 311-332; Hayden White, ‘The public relevance of
historical studies: a reply to Dirk Moses’, History and Theory 44/3 (2005) 333-338.
94. Antoon de Baets, ‘The Impact of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the
Study of History’, in: History and Theory 48/1 (2009) 29-44. This does of course not imply
that there is one set of ethical values historians should subscribe to, as Müller, Memory
and Power, 32, rightly argues: ‘[-] it is important to recognize that there might be
genuinely tragic choices between incompatible or even incommensurable values here [-
]. There might be unsolvable dilemmas in attaining truth, justice, reconciliation and
democracy all at the same time’.
95. Dirlik, ‘Performing the world’, 18-19.
Performing the past 25
Fig. 4.3. ‘Beloved Stalin – the people’s happiness!’: Secularized, Communist version of
the Promised Land.
Fig. 4.4. ‘Continuous on Revolution road to strive for highest victory’. Secularized,
Maoist version of the Promised Land.
Performing the past 27
Fig. 4.7. The Berlin Wall as a museum of art: graffiti Thierry Noir.