Role of Anuran Tadpoles As Biological Control For Dengue Larvae
Role of Anuran Tadpoles As Biological Control For Dengue Larvae
Role of Anuran Tadpoles As Biological Control For Dengue Larvae
ISSN: 2348-5906
IJMR 2019; 6(3): 22-26 Role of anuran tadpoles as biological control for
© 2019 IJMR
Received: 11-03-2019 dengue larvae
Accepted: 15-04-2019
Saira Naz Saira Naz, Huma Akbar, Syed Sikandar Habib, Muhammad Faiq,
Department of Biological
Sciences, University of Sargodha
Muhammad Rais, Muhammad Asif Malik and Asad Shafiq
Sub Campus Mianwali Punjab,
Pakistan Abstract
Dengue is a viral disease caused by Aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) and cause serious illness in
Huma Akbar people community living in tropics. It is able to cause bundles of symptoms and may cause bleeding
Department of Wildlife internally leading to death of the patient. Currently there is no immunization against dengue disorder but
Management, Pir Mehr Ali Shah,
the most broadly utilized techniques for control of mosquitoes are usage of insecticides and biological
Arid Agriculture University
control. Present study has been designed to observe and compare the consumption of dengue mosquito
Rawalpindi Punjab, Pakistan
larvae by two anuran species, Common Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis) and South-east Asian
Syed Sikandar Habib Toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) tadpoles inhabiting Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The tadpoles and
Department of Biological dengue larvae were collected from ponds and pools using dip nets. Six trails were carried with anuran
Sciences, University of Sargodha species of common skittering frog and South-east Asian toad. Each trail was replicated thrice. The
Sub Campus Mianwali Punjab, Kruskal-Wallis test present that the total number of consumed dengue larvae among various trials
Pakistan between two species (Common Skittering Frog and South-east Asian Toad) did not differ-significantly
(P=0.26) and (P=0.08), while the Wilcoxon test showed that the number of consumed dengue larvae by
Muhammad Faiq tadpoles of the two anuran species was P=0.08 which also did not differ significantly. Therefore it was
Department of Pathology concluded that the South-east Asian toad is better in the consumption of dengue mosquito larvae as
(Animal Health), Agriculture compared to common skittering frog.
University Peshawar KPK,
Keywords: anuran, dengue, rawalpindi, islamabad tadpoles
Muhammad Rais
Department of Wildlife 1. Introduction
Management, Pir Mehr Ali Shah, The crops, livestock and human contract diseases spread through various vectors such as
Arid Agriculture University mosquitoes. By using natural competitors we can control the density of vectors and disease
Rawalpindi Punjab, Pakistan
transmission as biological control methods. However, the indirect interactions in host-vector
Muhammad Asif Malik disease system make it very problematic to practice the out-of-date nuisance control system [1].
Department of Biological By the health potential and natural risks of chemicals, mosquitoes have more resistant for
Sciences, University of Sargodha traditional chemical sprays and pesticides for example Methoprene, Piperonyl, Butoxide etc.
Sub Campus Mianwali Punjab, [2]
. Due to the environmental pollution risks, an environmental protection agency (EPA) has
also banned the use of many pesticides used by human [3].
Asad Shafiq For the control of mosquito-borne arboviruses, use of frogs is important, because normally
Department of Biological there is not any specific antiviral rehabilitation. The tadpoles of frogs were usually considered
Sciences, University of Sargodha to prey upon mosquitoes larvae. To reduce density of mosquitoes population which serve as
Sub Campus Mianwali Punjab, disease spreading vectors, people use different predatory species and other microscopic
organisms under the biological control method in the past [4].
Adults as well as tadpoles of amphibians have been employed for the control of disease
vectors. Frogs showed very significant character in the ecosystems with a prodigious
importance for insect and pest control system [5]. The transmission of dengue in the society can
only be decreased when controlling mosquito vectors. The tropical and subtropical countries
have dengue fever (brain-hemorrhagic fever) as an endemic disease [6].
In biological control of mosquitoes, only fish has been mentioned. Larvivorous fish like
Correspondence Guppy (Poecilia reticulate) and Mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) has familiarized in different
Saira Naz chunks of the universe [7]. An aspect that they reduced the efficacy by means of fish for control
Department of Biological of mosquitoes is that, maximum fishes (particularly carnivorous fish) frequently needs related
Sciences, University of Sargodha
watercourses for swimming, while frogs did not need this because they can traffic over this
Sub Campus Mianwali Punjab,
Pakistan earth, the mosquitoes hypothetically are free to produce eggs in any water body at their will [8].
~ 22 ~
International Journal of Mosquito Research
The common anurans of Rawalpindi-Islamabad area were using dip nets from Ghori town, Shaheen town, Fazal town,
common skittering frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis), Indus Yousaf colony, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The tadpoles were
Valley toad (Bufo Stomaticus), Asian common toad (Bufo transferred to buckets containing mixture of tap water and
melanostictus), Indian bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus Tigerinus), pond/pool water, and brought to University laboratory. The
ornamented pygmy frog (Microhyla ornata), Indian tadpoles were kept in glass aquaria (tadpole bank), and fed
burrowing frog (Sphaerotheca breviceps) and Indian cricket with boiled cabbage/lettuce initially and boiled chicken after
frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) [9]. They breed mostly during external gill stage. From tadpole bank, they were transferred
summer and monsoon seasons. Hence, during these seasons to experimental beaker (1000 ml). Six trails were carried with
the wetlands of the current areas have full of tadpoles [10]. anuran species of Common Skittering frog and South-east
Study on the need of anuran tadpoles in the process of Asian Toad. Each trail was replicated thrice. Six anuran
biological control of Aedes mosquito in Pakistan are lacking. tadpoles were transferred to the beakers placed under glass
The present study has therefore, been designed to study the cage and provided with the following combinations:
consumption of dengue mosquito larvae by anurans tadpoles Trial I: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae only.
inhabiting Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan. And to Trial II: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae and snail meat.
compare the consumption of dengue mosquito larvae by Trial III: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae and earthworm
tadpole of anuran species. meat.
Trial IV: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae and beetles.
2. Materials and Methods Trial V: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae and flies.
2.1 Study area Trial VI: Tadpoles fed with dengue larvae, beetles and snail
The sampling of tadpoles carried out from chosen areas of meat.
Rawalpindi, Islamabad (Ghori town, Shaheen town, Fazal The observations were made after 24 hours, and the number
town and Yousaf colony). The district Rawalpindi (32 ͦ 56̍ 0̎ of consumed dengue larvae was noted. The comparison of
N, and 72ͦ 52̍ 0̎ E) has an area of about 5282 km2 and situated consumption of dengue larvae among different trial was made
on the southern slopes north-western edges of Himalayas, also using Kruskal-Wallis test. The comparison of consumption of
contains big tracks and rich valleys. The district comprise of dengue larvae between the both anuran species was made
seven tehsils including Kahuta, Gujar Khan, Kotli Sattian, using Wilcoxon test (Field, 2009).
Murree, Kallar Syedan, Taxila and Rawalpindi. Common
anurans species of Rawalpindi Islamabad area are Indus 3. Results and Discussion
Valley toad (Bufostomaticus), Asian common toad (Bufo 3.1 Consumption of dengue larvae by common skittering
melanostictus), ornamented pygmy frog (Microhyla ornate), frog in various trails
skittering frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis), Asian bullfrog The results of trial I showed 50, 100 and 75%, trial II showed
(Hoplobatrachus tigerinus), Indian burrowing frog 75, 100 and 50%, trial III showed 50, 100 and 75%, trial IV
(Sphaerotheca breviceps) and Rice field frog (Fejervarya showed 100, 100 and 75%, trial V showed 50, 100 and 75%
limnocharis) [11, 6]. and trial VI showed 100, 100 and 100% consumption of
dengue larvae by tadpoles of common skittering frog (E.
2.2 Methodology cyanophlyctus) in all three replications respectively (Table 1
Dengue larvae were collected by using dipping net method, and figure 1). The Kruskal-Wallis test present that the total
and were identify with the help of identification key [12], while number of consumed dengue larvae among various trials did
the anuran tadpoles were collected from ponds and pools not differ significantly (P=0.48).
Table 1: Consumption of dengue larvae by Common Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis) in various trials
No. of No. of dengue Quantity of No. and %age of
Trial Replication Combination
tadpoles larvae food consumed dengue larvae
1 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 2 (50%)
1 2 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 3 (75%)
2 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 2 (50%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 2 (50%)
3 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 4 (100%)
4 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 2 (50%)
5 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
6 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
International Journal of Mosquito Research
Fig 1: Consumption of dengue larvae by Common Skittering Frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis) in various trials
3.2 Consumption of dengue larvae by South East Asian Asian toad (D. melanostictus) in replication 1, 2 and 3
toad in various trials respectively (Table 2 and Figure 2). The Kruskal-Wallis test
The results of trial I showed 100, 100 and 100%, trial II present that the total number of consumed dengue larvae
showed 75, 75 and 100%, trial III showed 75, 100 and 75%, among various trials did not differ significantly (P=0.26). The
trial IV showed 100, 100 and 75%, trial V showed 75, 100 Wilcoxon test present that the total number of consumed
and 75% and trial VI showed 100, 100 and 100% dengue larvae in various trials by tadpoles of the two anuran
consumption of dengue larvae by tadpoles of South-east species did not differ significantly (P=0.08).
Table 2: Consumption of dengue larvae by south-east Asian toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) in various trials
No. of No. of dengue No. and %age of
Trial Replication Combination Quantity of food
tadpoles larvae consumed dengue larvae
1 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 4 (100%)
1 2 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae only 1 individual 4(100%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 3 (75%)
2 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 3 (75%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + Snail meat 2 individuals 4 (100%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 3 (75%)
3 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + earthworm 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 4 (100%)
4 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + brown beetle 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 3 (75%)
5 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies 2 individuals 3 (75%)
1 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
6 2 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
3 2 4 Dengue larvae + water flies + brown beetle 3 individuals 4 (100%)
International Journal of Mosquito Research
Fig 2: Consumption of dengue larvare by South-east Asian toad (Duttaphrynus melanostictus) in various trials.
The role of different anuran species included adult and larvae as compared to common skittering frog. So, it is
tadpoles both serve as biological control of disease holding recommended that the production of South-east Asian toad
mosquitos are unappreciated [13]. Most of the anuran species should be improved on large scale at dengue breeding sites.
feed is composed mainly by insects, but they also consuming So the dengue infection can be controlled by this less
other invertebrates. The Unscrupulous behavior of many expensive anuran species of South-east Asian toad.
anuran species, they are usually regarded as generalist
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