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AN IN-DEPTH STUDY Ofimpact Ofemployee'S Delectation Towards Jobat Sportking Synthetics

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Submitted by
Enrollment no: 171919865
Management Programme


Submitted to:

School of Management Studies

March, 2019


I did a project proposal as a part of our course of master of business administration in sportking India ltd,
Ludhiana on the delectation of employees at job. I choose employees delectation as my topic because welfare of
employees in an organization contributes greatly to any organization.
Job delectation of the employees is important if the employees are satisfied then only the organization can
function smoothly, increases its production, faces competition. If employees are satisfied with their job they will
carry a positive attitude.
As employees are the most valuable asset, who are responsible for the growth and prosperity of the
organization. Hence the study has been undertaken to assess the employee job contentedness which is necessary
for the organization in order to make sound decisions.
Human resource is of paramount importance for the success of any organization. It is the sum-total of inherent
abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who
comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human resource
should be utilized to the maximum possibleextent, in order to achieve individual and organizational goals. It is
thus the employee’s.



1. It enhances employee retention and the company does not need to train employees repeatedly.
2. The overall productivity of the company is increased and it assists in achieving the goals of the
3. When employees are satisfied with their job they deal with customers in a better manner and thus
customer satisfaction is achieved to great extent.
4. It helps the company in getting better services and products from its employees.
5. Money spent on training new candidates and recruitment of new candidates can be saved


1. When the employee gets satisfactory services from the company initially, he tends to believe that
same treatment would be offered in long run.
2. Employee would start taking interest in his work instead of worrying about other issues.
3. The employee starts feeling a sense of responsibility towards the organization.
4. He deals with customers in a better way and builds strong relations with them.
5. They would try to produce better results in order to get appreciation from the company.


Sportkingis a well-known brand in the Textile Industry & a vertically integrated Conglomerate, having varied
ventures in Yarns, Fabrics, Garments and Retail Business and Education through SIFT. Years of relentless toil
and dedication of the promoters and employees alike have brought the group to its current glory. Today, under
the experience and benevolent vision of Raj Avasthi: Group Chairman and the dynamism of his son
MunishAvasthi: Managing Director, the group is one of the front runners in the Industry.Sh. Raj kumarAwasthi
built the company from a scratch and with his dedication, diligence and ingenuity lead to the resplendent rise of
the company. Sportking India ltd. Incorporate in 1992, promoted by Mr. Awasthi and his family members. In
1999 established M/s Sobhagya sales Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana and entered in retail garment business. In 2005 M/s
Sportking institute of fashion technology, Ludhiana running graduate and postgraduate courses.

It started its operation with initial investment of Rs15 crores and production capacity was 12000 spindles. At
present, concern has a production capacity of around 80,000 spindles and generates a turnover of more than Rs.
156 crore. Company has a market share of approximately 8 to 10 %. Company is also availing the facility of
sales tax exemption due to establishment of unit in rural area. Now company’s annual turnover is more than
1100 crore.Sportking aims to be a dynamic leader in the global textile industry. Sportking has carved a name in
the core business of textiles, standing on firm grounds of strong beliefs in the versatile growth of this industry at
global level and is continually making expansion in the textile related areas.Sportking the group therefore is
committed to add value of the socio-economic growth through excellence and adapting to the state of the art and
technology in both business and education. Sportking group is dedicated to deliver superior values to its
customer, shareholder, employee and society. The Sportking group is ethical in all its practices and has great
passion to meet the commitments and targets. The aim is to raise the bar for standards to newer heights all the
time. Sportking has an innovative approach and is inclined to change as per the need of the hour.


Background of the study Job satisfaction describes the feelings attitudes or preference of individuals regarding
work. It indicates how content an individual is towards his or her work. (Armstrong, 2006) defines job
satisfaction as the attitudes and feelings people have about their work. Positive and favorable attitude towards
the job indicate job satisfaction, Negative and unfavorable attitude indicate dissatisfaction. This study sought to
determine factors influencing job satisfaction among employees in Sportking Village Kanech G.T Road
Sahnewal Ludhiana.


Employee satisfaction is an important aspect as far as an organization is considered. Employees are backbone of
every organization. So it is responsibility of the management to keep the employees to contribute more.

It is said that satisfied employees are more productive. So every organization is giving high priority to keep
their employees satisfied by providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and reduce dissatisfaction.

I want to know whether the employees in sportking India ltd, Ludhiana are satisfied or not. So I had to address
the problem in my study.

Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with joining process. There are a variety of factors that
can influence a person’s level of joining process satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of on
boarding and pre boarding, interview and satisfaction about position and company.



The topic selected for the study is an important key to make the employees satisfied and motivated to work for

the organization whereby the employees will also look at their career positively.The problem to be addressed is

to assess the Job delectation management and procedures followed by “SPORTKING SYNTHETICS in

Ludhiana” to solve the job satisfaction of the employees. There are various factors that motivate the employees

to work for an organization and make them retain in the organization for a longer period of time. There are

factors that will exhibit whether the employees’ satisfaction are addressed and solved properly or not. The

factors considered here include the awareness of the problem, is whether the employee is satisfied, to increase

the productivity and tofulfill the economic, social, and psychological needs of employees. In satisfying these
needs a favorable attitude towards the job can be developed. Job delectation is an attitude, which is the result of

many likes and dislikes experienced while working in an organization. The provision of labor welfare facilities

is one of the factors instrumental in promoting job satisfaction.In a globalized and highly competitive world,

synthetics companies are in stiff competition with each other. They need to encourage their workers to perform

better, improve efficiency and retain good employees. For this purpose providing adequate labor welfare

facilities and promoting job satisfaction assumes importance.


By conducting employee satisfaction surveys, you are taking a proactive stance to better your company.
Soliciting employee feedback allows you to evaluate how your company is thriving internally. It also lets the
employees know that you care. When employees are not satisfied, it can lead to high attrition rates and low
productivity. A satisfied employee often equates to a productive employee. A productive employee equates to a
productive and happy company.

The objectives of the study as follow:

1. To access the satisfaction level of employees.

2. To identify the factor this influences the job satisfaction of employees.
3. To identify the factor which improve the satisfaction level of employees.
4. To check the effectiveness of educational level of the workers on the satisfaction level of the workers.
5. To check the experience level of the worker on the satisfaction level of the employee.
6. To offer valuable suggestion to improve the satisfaction level of employees



The scope of study is limited to the employees of Sportking Synthetics Ltd. The study is based on the collection
of primary data. It is reviewed that this is one man survey to be completed in a limited period of time and
limited resources. The present study is restricted to be the employees of Sportking Synthetics Ltd.


Research design describes the layout for carrying on the research. The study is descriptive, as it describes the
state of affairs as it exists at resent and there is no control over variable factors.

Type of Research

The type of research used in this project is exploratory in nature. Exploratory research is the researcher’s tool to

understand an issue more thoroughly, before attempting to quantify mass responses into statistically inferable

data. The focus is on gaining insights and familiarity for later investigation or undertaken when problems are in

a preliminary stage of investigation.


Exploratory research, as the name states, intends merely to explore the research questions and does not intend to

offer final and conclusive solutions to existing problems. Conducted in order to determine the nature of the

problem, exploratory research is not intended to provide conclusive evidence, but helps us to have a better

understanding of the problem.

Exploratory research design does not aim to provide the final and conclusive answers to the research questions,

but merely explores the research topic with varying levels of depth. It is most commonly used for further

defining company issues, areas for potential growth, alternative courses of action, and prioritizing areas that

require statistical research.

The key benefits of exploratory research design are:

a) Increased Understanding
b) Concept Testing

c) Assistance to Researchers

d) Flexibility of Data Sources

e) It can help to find out possible ways to achieve decision makers goals

f) This method serves to provide better conclusions

g) Over time it can assist decision makers and research workers cut costs

h) It helps in Strategic Planning as in some cases it saves a lot of time & money.


• This is the most useful (and appropriate) research design for those projects that are addressing a subject about

which there are high levels of uncertainty and ignorance about the subject, and when the problem is not very

well understood. Such research is usually characterized by a high degree of flexibility and lacks a formal


•The main aim of exploratory research is to identify the boundaries of the environment in which the problems,

opportunities or situations of interest are likely to reside and to identify the salient factors or variables that

might be found there and be of relevance to the research.


Designed and structured questionnaire was prepared for collection of information from the workers. The
objective of the study was job satisfaction among workers. So for this purpose likert scale and graphic technique
was used. In all 222-23 questions were asked to workers to check their level of satisfaction. The questionnaire
was containing questions based on salary/wages, promotion policy working hours, canteen facility working
environment, relation with top management and many more. To less educate workers, I ask questions to them
and their answers, I filed questionnaire on their behalf.


The primary data was collected from the respondents by administering a structured questionnaire and also
through observation, interview and discussion with management.


Secondary data are collected from books and internet.


As sample set of 100 employees from 2000 employees are chosen. The sample design for present study is
divided in to parts i.e. 60 workers and 40 managers /clerical staff. All the workers of Sportking Synthetics have
given equal chance of being selected.


There are totally 2000 employees working in the organization.


Out of the total strength of the sample taken amongst workers i.e. 100 respondents


The research was conducted within the area of Sportking.


The research was made by the survey in accordance to the convenience of the employees. So the sample type is
convenient sampling.

Importance of Questionnaires:

• To collect factual information in order to classify employees and their circumstances.

• To gather straightforward information relating to employees’ behavior towards Job delectation.

• To look at the basic attitudes/opinions of a group of employees relating to their jobs .

• To measure the level of satisfaction of employees.

Sampling Method : Convenient sampling


HYPOTHESIS TESTING :In this project hypothesis method test areused.Hypothesis testing refers to a formal
process of investigating a supposition or statement to accept or reject it. If it is consistent with the hypothesis, it
is accepted. Otherwise it is rejected.

Types of Hypothesis

There are two types of hypothesis – Null and Alternative.

 Null Hypothesis: It is denoted by H0. A null hypothesis is the one in which sample observations result
purely from chance. This means that the observations are not influenced by some non-random cause.
 Alternative Hypothesis: It is denoted by Ha or H1. An alternative hypothesis is the one in which sample
observations are influenced by some non-random cause.

A hypothesis test concludes whether to reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis or to fail
to reject the null hypothesis.


Following hypotheses are utilized to fulfill the objectives of the study. These hypotheses are expressed in null –
forms as follows:

H1: There is no significant difference between job satisfaction of male and female.

H2: There is no significant difference in job satisfaction on the basis of age.

H3: There is no significant difference in job satisfaction on the basis of income.

H4: There is no significant difference in job satisfaction on the basis of designation.

H5: There is no significant difference in job satisfaction on the basis of experience.

CHI-SQUARE : A chi-squared test, also written as χ2 test, is any statistical hypothesis test where
the sampling distribution of the test statistic is a chi-squared distribution when the null hypothesis is
true. Without other qualification, 'chi-squared test' often is used as short for Pearson's chi-squared
test. The chi-squared test is used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the
expected frequencies and the observed frequencies in one or more categories.
In the standard applications of this test, the observations are classified into mutually exclusive
classes, and there is some theory, or say null hypothesis, which gives the probability that any
observation falls into the corresponding class. The purpose of the test is to evaluate how likely the
observations that are made would be, assuming the null hypothesis is true.
The formula for the chi-square statistic used in the chi square test is:
Z-test is any statistical hypothesis used to determine whether two samples' means are
different when variances are known and sample is large (n ≥ 30).
The basic z score formula for a sample is:
z = (x – μ) / σ

The z score tells you how many standard deviations from the mean your score is

MEAN SCORE The mean value or score of a certain set of data is equal to the sum of all
the values in the data set divided by the total number of values. A mean is the same as
an average. The mean, or average, is calculated by adding up the scores and dividing the total by
the number of scores. Consider the following number set: 3, 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, 11. The mean is calculated
in the following manner:

 3 + 4 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 9 + 11 = 47
 47 / 7 = 6.7
 The mean (average) of the number set is 6.7.

Tool of Analysis: Tool of analysis will be used are pie charts,bar graphs and values.


These are yet to find out.


No study is perfect at all. Certain limitations are faced in every study. This study may also suffer from
the limitations, following can be limitations of proposed project :

1. Being an opinion survey, the personal basis of respondent may be entered in to their response.
2. The study will be exclusively one man study. So all the limitations of one man study like limitation of
time, finance, etc.
3. Due to the screened policies of the company, the information will be limited on some matters.
4. The objective and conclusion of the study will be suggestive and not conclusive.
5. Due to the limitation of time the research will not be made more detailed.
6. Due to confidential of some information, accurate response may not be revealed.
7. Some of the replies of the respondent may be biased.

Future direction for further research

In numerous independent studies, the relationships among job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior
and organizational commitment were examined. In almost all the studies positive significant relationships were
achieved. Therefore I suggest that, there is no more need for analyzing the relationship between those variables.
Only if it is necessary for some specific sample then it might make sense to conduct a study to analyze the
relationship among these variables. Therefore, it is suggested that conducting a “Meta Analysis” instead of
testing the relationship which is known in advance, could be more appropriate.

 It is recommended to choose the sample (as sector or as employee) in accordance with the research
question. Because it was found that in some studies there was no explanation for the sampling choice.
 In order to understand the reasons of satisfaction and dissatisfaction deeper, there should be more studies
conducted by using qualitative research method. Because except a few studies, the majority of the
studies examined in the scope of the study were found to be conducted with quantitative method.

Chapter 7
Details which will help for better appreciation and understanding of project
proposal are as follow-

As it is explained in the entire context it can be said that no business can accomplish its goals without a
dedicated workforce. In other words, except for those few small businesses that are owned by one person who is
also the company's only worker, companies rely on a properly trained and knowledgeable employee base to
provide services. Because happy people tend to be better workers, a business will never be as successful as it
could be unless there are measures in place to help establish and maintain employee satisfaction. Satisfied
employees are happy to come to work and willing to go the extra mile for their employers because the
employees love their jobs and want to advance the company's mission.

Questionnaire on employee satisfaction

Personal information of the employee –

Name – Sex- Marital status -

Address -

Q1. What is your Age?

Ans. Below 20years 20-30 years 30-40 years

40-50years Above 50 years

Q2. What is your qualification?

Ans. 10th 12th Graduation

Post- graduation

Q3. Which of the following describes the department you work in?

Ans.Customer service Finance/accounting HRM

Sales/marketing Transport MIS

Corporate Operations


Q4. How much salary you are getting from the company?

Ans. Below 10,000 10,000-20,000 20,000-30,000

30,000-40,000 40,000-50,000 50,000above

Q5. How long you are working in the company?

Ans. Less than 6 months 6-12 months 1-3 years

3-5 years more than 5 years

Q6. Which of the following describes your position in the company?

Ans. Clerical Technician Managerial

Accounting Project mgt. Other

Q7. How satisfied you are with your position in the company?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q8. How much satisfied are you with your job?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q9. How much satisfied you are with your relation with top mgt?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q10. How flexible is the company with respect to your family responsibility?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q11. Company clearly communicates about its goals and strategies?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q12. How satisfied are you with the working time in the company?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q13. Are you getting salary in time?

Ans. Yes No

Q14. How much satisfied are you with the training provided by the company?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q15. How much satisfied are you with the promotion policy of the company?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q16. Are you satisfied with the lunch time given to you?

Ans. Yes No

Q17. Is your company covered you under insurance policy?

Ans. Yes No

Q18. How much satisfied are you with the canteen facility?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q19. How much satisfied are you with the working environment of the company?

Ans Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q20. Is your company providing you time to time allowances and increments?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q21. How much satisfied are you with your participation in your company?
Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q22. Is your company providing you holidays for entertainment?

Ans . Yes No

Q23. How much satisfies are you in terms of safety in your company?

Ans. Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral

Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Q24. In future you will change the company or not in case of higher salary or wages?

Ans. Yes No

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