Factors Affecting Adoption of Soil and Water Conservation Practices The

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International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279

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International Soil and Water Conservation Research

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Original Research Article

Factors affecting adoption of soil and water conservation practices: The

case of Wereillu Woreda (District), South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region,
Daniel Asfaw a,n, Mulugeta Neka b
Debre Tabor University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ethiopia
Bahir Dar University, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Ethiopia

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In Ethiopia, soil erosion is a severe problem and a major cause of the decline of agricultural productivity.
Received 12 June 2017 Interventions were taken by introducing soil and water conservation practices. However, the adoption of
Received in revised form these practices is far below the expectation. The objective of this study was to examine factors affecting
14 October 2017
adoption of introduced soil and water conservation practices in Wereillu Woreda. Mixed research
Accepted 25 October 2017
methods design was employed in order to conduct this study. Questionnaire, focus group discussion, in-
Available online 27 October 2017
depth interview and field observation were used to collect data. A binary logistic regression model was
Keywords: employed to analyze the collected data. The analysis result showed that sex of household heads, edu-
Soil erosion cation status of household heads, access to extension services and training were positively correlated at
significantly level with the adoption of the introduced soil and water conservation practices. On the other
Adoption of SWC
hand, the age of household heads, off-farm activity, and distance of farmlands from homesteads influ-
enced the adoption of introduced soil and water conservation practices negatively. The finding depicts
that the identified physical, socioeconomic, and institutional factors influence the adoption of soil and
water conservation so, the Woreda Rural and Agricultural Development Office and other concerned
bodies should consider these influential factors to enhance farmers’ adoption of introduced soil and
water conservation practices and to promote agricultural productivity and environmental quality.
& 2017 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and
Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction affected people are concentrated (FAO, 2002; Zachar, 1982). Soil
erosion affects about 5–6 million hectares of land each year in
Soil erosion is a major environmental and agricultural problem Africa (Assefa, 2009; Stocking & Murnaghan, 2001). In Ethiopia,
facing human beings (Blanco & Lal, 2008; Hurni, 1988; World estimates show that 50% of its highland areas have significant soil
Economic Forum, 2010). In the last 40 years, nearly one- third of erosion, 25% of it was highly eroded and 4% of it is seriously eroded
the world arable land was lost by soil erosion and continues to be beyond reclamation (Aklilu, 2006; Kruger, Fantaw, Gebre-Michael,
lost at the rate of more than 10 million hectares per year (Assefa, & Kajela, 1996; Pimental, 1993; Woldeamlak & Sterk, 2002).
2007; Penning de Vries et al., 2008; Pimental, 2006). Soil erosion The problem is more threatening in Amhara region; about 90%
continued to be a major problem which causes loss of 6 million of its population lives in the highlands which constitute 66% of its
hectares of arable land in each year with the rate of 20–40 t of soil total land area. Out of which, 90% of this land is regularly cultivated,
loss per hectare per year but the renewal rate is about 1 t of soil which exposes it to soil erosion. Areas that are severely worn away
per year (Pimental, 1993; Hurni, 1988). It has caused about 85% of are found in Waghimra and North Wollo which are followed by
the world land to be degraded and 17% of crop production to be North and South Gonder, South Wollo and northern part of North
reduced (Hurni, 1993; Scherr & Yadav, 1996). Africa is the worst Shewa zones (Lakew, Menale, & Rennin, 2000; Bureau of Agri-
erosion affected area in the world where 50% of the total erosion culture, 2005). South Wollo Zone is identified as chronically food
deficit area (Eshetu & Gian, 2016; Lakew et al., 2000,). Wereillu
Woreda, which is part of this zone, has experienced high soil erosion
Corresponding author. problem. According to the Woreda Agricultural and Rural Devel-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D. Asfaw),
opment Office (2012), 40% of the total area of the woreda is affected
[email protected] (M. Neka).
Peer review under responsibility of International Research and Training Center by soil erosion. As it is stated in Amhara Livelihood Zone Report
on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and Power Press. (2010), the woreda is the most chronically food deficit area.

2095-6339/& 2017 International Research and Training Center on Erosion and Sedimentation and China Water and Power Press. Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. This
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
274 D. Asfaw, M. Neka / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279

Since 2008, the Woreda Agricultural and Rural Development their farmlands and create difficulties in plowing the farmlands.
office has identified and selected 27 micro-watersheds and applied So, farmers prefer removing the conservation structures to main-
integrated watershed development programs. At the beginning of taining them. So, this research examined the influential factors
the implementation of the program in seven micro-watersheds, that affect farmers’ adoption of introduced soil and water con-
soil and water conservation practices were implemented. In the servation practices.
following years, the same actions were taken phase by phase in
the remaining watersheds that have been identified and deli-
neated. However, the adoption of soil and water conservation 2. Methods and materials
practices is very low and the expected change is far below the
efforts done. On the other hand, soil erosion problem increased as 2.1. Description of the study area
the utilization of land continuous without maintaining the con-
structed physical structures. Wereillu Woreda is located between 10°50'N to 10°33′N lati-
The poor level of adoption of soil and water conservation tudes and 39 °10’E°10′E to 39°167’E longitudes 10°-21'N to 10°-57′
practices is common in the developing countries. For example, a N and 39°-20'E to 39°-36′E (Fig. 1). It is situated in South Wollo
study conducted in Malawi has confirmed that dissemination Zone in Amhara National Regional State about 482 km north of
and adoption of soil and water conservation innovations by Addis Ababa. It covers a total area of 987.77 square km. Wereillu
farmers were still very low (Kabuli). The factors that contributed Woreda is found in Wollo Highlands (south of Amba Farit Moun-
to the low level of adoption were lack of provision of adequate tain) in the North-Eastern Massif of Ethiopia. The woreda is char-
information on the technical details of the innovation, in- acterized by rugged topography which comprises mountains,
adequate extension services, poor linkages with research teams, plains, and plateaus. The altitude of the woreda ranges from
illiteracy, and poor transportation and communication net- 1700 m to 3200 m above mean sea level.
works. In support of this, Sands (1986) explains that many in- Based on 36 years (1972–2008) rainfall data obtained from
troduced technologies have been rejected by farmers since they Wereillu Station of Ethiopian National Meteorology Authority, the
are simply inappropriate for the specific condition of small farm mean annual rainfall of the area is 897.9 mm. The maximum
systems. Similarly, there were several factors that were barriers amounts of rainfall are received in the months of July and August
to full scale implementation of soil and water conservation
followed by September. According to Morgan (2005), the erosivity
techniques in USA in the 1980s (Dialla, 1992). Lack of awareness
power of rainfall is computed by using R = EI30/100 where R is
of soil erosion and socio-cultural, institutional, structural, eco-
erosivity power of rainfall and EI iskenetic energy of rain drops.
nomic, environmental and institutional issues were constrain-
However, EI data is not available for the Ethiopian case. Thus,
ing factors.
another formula is adapted to Ethiopian case by Hurni (1985). The
Attitudes towards risk are also major determinants of the
erosivity power of rainfall is computed using R = − 8.12 + .562*P .
rate of adoption of new soil and water conservation practices
Consequently, the erosivity power of the rainfall of the area is
(Moscardi & De Janvry, 1977). This is especially true in the tro-
496.49. The mean maximum and minimum annual temperatures
pics where there are unreliable rainfall, major pest and disease
of the area are 9.3 °C and 21.7 °C respectively with mean annual
outbreaks and widely fluctuating market prices (Ruthenberg,
temperature of 15.5 °C.
1985). The attitude of minimizing or avoiding risk is a matter of
According to Amhara Livelihood Zone Annual Report (2012),
life and death in the developing world. In a study in Dilla (1992)
the study area has two agroecological zones -Dega (temperate
acknowledges that third world farmers are very responsive to
area) and Woinadega (sub-tropical area) which cover 72% and 28%
immediate observable outcomes rather than to uncertain long-
respectively. According to FAO (1984) soil classification, the soil
term benefits.
types of the area are categorized as vertisols, cambisols, leptosols,
Jara -Rojas, Bravo-Ureta, and Diaz (2012) explains that size of
and regosols. According to the Woreda Agricultural and Develop-
farms and the ownership of land are important variables asso-
ment Office Report (2012), 10% is fertile soil and 50% is moderately
ciated with the adoption of soil and water conservation measures.
fertile and the rest 40% is degraded land. Cultivation of crops along
Moreover, a study conducted in Tanzania enabled to identify age,
with rearing of animals is the major farming system practiced in
sex, educational status of the head of families, and ownership of
land to have significant positive effect on soil and water con- the area. In order to manage the soil fertility, crop rotation, con-
servation practices. But non-farm income and distance from tour farming, mixed cropping, fallowing, and terracing in some
farmland to home were found to have significant negative effects steep slope are practiced in the area. Rural kebeles (sub-district)
on soil and water conservation measures (Ashoori, Bagheri, Alla- development agent (DA) workers are assigned to assist farmers
hyari, & Al-rimawl, 2016). Farm size, man power, and number of while they practice agricultural activities and other related natural
domestic animals were found to have no significant effect on soil resource management activities. The conservation activity es are
and water conservation practices. Résistance to adopting soil and performed by mobilizing the masses for two months after har-
water conservation practices were attributed to lack of farmers’ vesting season (Fig. 1).
awareness of soil loss caused by erosion and lack of immediate
apparent financial benefits from soil and water conservation 2.2. Research design and methodology
practices (Tenge, De-Graaff, & Hella, 2004).
As agricultural experts and agricultural extension workers of Mixed research methods design was employed in this study.
Wereillu Woreda explain, once the conservation practices con- Among the different types of mixed research methods, concurrent
structed on their farmlands, the owners of the farmlands do not or parallel was implemented. The quantitative research method
maintain them. After harvesting their farmlands, they graze on enabled to collect data on all quantified relationships between
crop residues. They also feed their domestic animals on shrubs and adoption of introduced soil and water conservation practices and
grasses which are planted for strengthening the conservation factors (household characteristics, and socio- economic, institu-
structures. Because of these reasons, new soil and water con- tional, and physical factors) affecting it. Qualitative research
servation practices are being implemented in the same farmlands method was used to collect and analyze qualitative data which
year after year. In addition, farmers complain that constructed were used to strengthen and bridge the gap in quantitative re-
physical soil and water conservation practices reduce the size of search method.
D. Asfaw, M. Neka / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279 275

Fig. 1. Map of the Study Area.

2.3. Sampling technique and sample size ended questions. The questionnaire enabled to collect data from
representative sample household farmers. In-depth interview was
Wereillu Woreda has 27 micro-watersheds which are grouped conducted with key informants who were considered knowl-
under their agroecological zones (temperate and sub-tropical edgeable about the general situation of soil and water conserva-
watersheds). From the total watersheds, 16 and 11 of them are tion practices. In addition, the secondary data were gathered from
found in the sub-tropical and temperate agroecological zones re- the annual report of the related offices of the woreda, SWC man-
spectively. By employing simple random sampling technique, two uals, different written documents, books, and statistical data about
watersheds from temperate and three watersheds from sub-tro- the physical and socio- economic conditions of the study area.
pical agroecological zones were selected. They were Dolleke,
Mesnoamba, Gollbo, Kurerebere and Amiteager watersheds.
2.5. Data analysis and interpretation
Sample household farmers from the sampled watersheds were
selected by using simple random sampling technique. The sample
A binary logistic regression model was used to analyze the
size of the respondents was determined by Kothri (2004) sample
relationship between the dichotomous dependent variable and the
size determination formula. From the total 1102 farm household
independent variables (Hyeoun-Ae, 2013). It enabled to determine
heads, 112 respondents constituted the sample size. Finally, pro-
the impact of multiple independent variables on the dependent
portional numbers of sample respondents were taken from each
variable. The objective was to identify the determinant variables
sample watershed.
Key informants were selected purposely from the woreda (Kalineza, Mdoe, & Moliz, 1999). The assumptions of binary logistic
agricultural experts, agricultural extension workers, watersheds regression were tested before using the results of the binary lo-
development committees, and kebele administrators. Based on gistic regression.
data saturation, 5 key informants were employed. Eight knowl- As revealed by regression model test of coefficient table, the
edgeable participants were purposely selected for focus group model was statistically significant (chi-square¼103.225, p-value
discussion. o.000 with df ¼ 10) and appropriate for the data. Concerning to
the predictive efficiency of the model, it explains that 93.8% of the
2.4. Data source and data collection techniques total 112 sample household heads included in the model correctly
predicted the adoption of soil and water conservation practices. It
Questionnaires, in-depth interview, focus group discussion and also correctly predicted 95.6% of the adopter's household and
field observation was used as the main primary data collection 90.9% of the non-adopters household in their respective categories
techniques. The questionnaire included both closed and open- With regard to the error rates committed in the classification
276 D. Asfaw, M. Neka / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279

table, the false positive rate (the number of errors where the de- level (ß ¼ 1.034; p- value ¼ .001). The Wald statistics (10.444) also
pendent is predicted to be adopter, but it is in fact non-adopter) is revealed its significant association with the adoption of SWC prac-
4.4% while the false negative rate (the number of errors where the tices (Table 1). This showed that relatively better educated farmers
dependent is predicted to be non- adopter, but it is in fact adopter) are engaged in the adoption of the newly introduced SWC practices.
is 8.1%. The odds ratio also revealed that educated household farmers
adopted the introduced SWC practices by the factor of 2.812 than
non-educated (illiterate) household farmers.
3. Results and discussions Similarly, Fikru (2009); Tiwari et al. (2008); Aberha (2008);
Krishna, Bicol Ingrid, and Giridhari (2008); Million and Kassa
The major factors that influenced adoption of soil and water (2004); Abera (2003); Okoye (1998); Gould, William, and Klemme
conservation practices in Wereillu Woreda were identified by (1989) described that better education level of household heads
analyzing the dependent variable (adoption of soil and water having strong and positive relationship with farmers’ adoption of
conservation practices) against 11 explanatory variables. SWC conservation practices. Better exposure to education in-
creases farmers’ better understanding of the benefits and con-
3.1. Household characteristics and adoption of SWC practices straints of soil conservation (King & Alderman, 2001). Contrary to
this, Eleni (2008); Francis (1999) elaborated that illiterate farmers
Among household characteristics, the age of the household are better to be involved in the use of SWC practices than educated
head influenced the adoption of introduced SWC practices nega- farmers who are usually engaged in the off-farm activity.
tively and it was statistically significant at .05 level (ß ¼ .067 Family size correlated insignificantly but positively with the
and p-value ¼ .045). The Wald statistics (4.016) also showed its adoption of introduced SWC practices (ß¼ .183; p-value ¼.273).
significant relationship. Its negative sign reflects that as the age of Eleni (2008); Habtamu (2006); Million and Kassa (2004) stated
a farmer increases, the adoption of introduced soil and water similar results. They described that small sized household family is
conservation (SWC) practices decreases. This is because of the fact less likely to involve in retaining of soil and water conservation
that as the age of a farmer increases, the acceptance level about practices than larger sized household family. The larger sized fa-
the introduced soil and water conservation practices decreases. mily could provide the required labor for implementing and
Old farmers become exhausted and unable to give care for their maintaining conservation practices. But Fikru (2009); Aklilu
farmlands. On the other hand, younger farmers have more will- (2006); Foltz and Jeremy (2003) stated that farmers with larger
ingness to adopt the introduced soil and water conservation family sizes are less likely to continue using introduced soil and
practices. The odds ratio depicts that one year increase in the age water conservation practices. Because there is competition for la-
of household head decreases the adoption of introduced SWC bor between food generating off-farm activities and investment in
practices by a factor of .935. maintenance of soil and water conservation practices. Similarly,
Similar to the finding of this study, Tiwari, Sitaula, Nyborg, and Budry et al. (2006); Bekele and Holden (1998) indicated that
Paudel (2008); Bekele and Drake (2003); Budry, Curtis, and Dennis physical conservation practices occupy a large area and compete
(2006) reported that age of household heads was negatively cor- for the scarce productive land resource. Thus, households with
related at statistically significant level. In the same manner, Mu- large family sizes tend to remove the constructed physical con-
lugeta, Kassa, and Legesse (2001); Bekele and Holden (1999) servation structure from their farmlands.
confirmed that younger farmers are often expected to invest more Sex of the household heads is positively correlated with the
in soil conservation practices. Because they are more often edu- adoption of introduced SWC practices at statistically significant
cated and they are more aware of soil erosion problem and its level (ß ¼2.680; p-value ¼ .031) which is also confirmed by the
solution. Contrary to this, Fikru (2009); Chomba (2004); Francis Wald statistics (4.661). This showed that male headed households
(1999) have verified that age of household heads had positively are more likely to be engaged in implementation and maintenance
influenced adoption of SWC practices. Younger farmers are less of SWC practices than female headed households. The odds ratio
likely to use SWC practices continuously. This is due to the fact of logistic regression showed that male household heads adopted
that younger farmers have small size farmlands and they are re- the introduced SWC practices by the factor of 14.582 than female
luctant to implement the SWC practices. headed households. Most of the women households rent their
Educational status of household heads correlated positively with farmlands because of lack of labor to cultivate and conserve their
the adoption of introduced SWC practices at .05 level of significance farmlands. In addition, females are involved in taking care of their
children, preparing food and other related tasks at home. More-
over, all female household heads are widowed or divorced and
Table: 1
Binary logistic regression model result for factors influencing adoption of SWC
don’t have support other than their children.
practices. Corresponding to this, Aberha (2008); Eleni (2008); Krishna
et al. (2008) obtained that male headed households have a higher
Explanatory variables ß S. Error Wald P-value Exp(ß) chance to involve in soil and water conservation practices since
Age of HH*** heads  .067 .033 4.016 .045** .935
constructing and maintaining SWC practices demand much labor.
Sex of HH heads 2.680 1.241 4.661 .031** 14.582 Hence, female headed households are not motivated to invest in
Education status of HH 1.034 .320 10.444 .001* 2.812 soil and water conservation. Contrary to this, a research conducted
Family size of HH .183 .964 1.203 .273 1.384 by Fikru (2009) in Koga Watershed in Northern Ethiopia reported
Farm size of HH  .325 .296 .036 .849 .833
that gender did not have any relationship with the adoption of
Distance from home stead  .100 .044 5.060 .024** .905
Off- farm activity  2.472 .957 6.675 .010* .084 introduced SWC structures since women have the culture of
Access to Extension service 2.011 .902 4.973 .026** 7.472 working in their farmlands. Similarly, a research conducted by
Access to Training service 2.001 .858 5.438 .020** 7.395 Tenge et al. (2004) explained that female headed households have
Access to credit service 1.089 .933 1.362 .243 2.971
adopted more than males. Most fields affected by erosion have
Note: - ** Statistically significant at .05 level * Statistically significant at .01 level. been planted with annual food crops which are mainly cultivated
*** Household heads. by women.
D. Asfaw, M. Neka / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279 277

3.2. Socio- economic and institutional factors and adoption of in- practices will increase. The odds ratio showed that farmers who
troduced soil and water conservation practices have access to extension services adopt the introduced soil and
water conservation practices by the factor of 7.472 than those who
The binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the size of have no access to extension services (Table 1). Positive perception
farmlands cultivated by households had a negative and insignif- and attitude towards soil and water conservation practices is de-
icant impact on farmers’ adoption of SWC practices (ß ¼  .325; cisive for adopting introduced practices. Similarly, Fikru (2009);
p-value ¼ .849). The negative sign shows that as the farm size Tiwari et al. (2008); Eleni (2008); Habtamu (2006); Asrat, Belay,
increases the probability to adopt the introduced SWC practices and Hamito (2004); Bekele and Drake (2003) stated that farmers
decreases (Table 1). In the study area, farmers with large farm- who receive better information from extension agents have willing
lands are in their old ages. They are not engaged in constructing to implement new soil and water conservation practices and
and maintaining of SWC practices because of lack of labor. maintain the existing practices. But low frequency of contact be-
Similarly, Garcia (2001) reported a negative relationship be- tween farmers and extension agents result in insignificant effect.
tween the size of farmland holding and the probability of adopting Access to training correlated positively and significantly with
soil and water conservation practices. This is due to labor intensive the adoption of soil and water conservation practices (ß ¼ 2.001;
nature of constructing soil conservation structures in Philippines’ p-value ¼ .020). The Wald statistics (5.438) also indicated highly
upland areas. The same is true for Habtamu (2006) and Budry et al. significant association. The odds ratio of farmers who have access
(2006) who asserted a negative and significant relationship be- to training is greater by the factor of 7.395 than non-trained
tween farmland size and the decision to retain soil and water farmer household heads to the adoption of introduced soil and
conservation practices. Because most farmers who cultivate large water conservation practices (Table 1). This shows that as farmers
farm sizes are old aged farmers. They have short term plan and are trained about the introduced soil and water conservation
lack the labor force for maintaining conservation practices. But practices (utilization and implementation skills), the probability of
Fikru (2009); Eleni (2008); Million and Kassa (2004); Abera (2003) farmer's adoption increases.
argued against this. They affirmed that farm size is associated In line with this, Tiwari et al. (2008); Eleni (2008); Habtamu
positively and significantly with the adoption of introduced soil (2006); Bekele and Holden (1998). revealed that access to training
and water conservation practices. has a positive insignificant correlation with the adoption of in-
Off-farm activity is one of the important socioeconomic factors troduced soil and water conservation practices. But Fikru (2009)
that influence farmers’ decision to adopt introduced soil and water reported that training has positive correlation with the adoption of
conservation practices. The result of binary logistic regression soil or stone bund and tree plantations. According to Tenge et al.
analysis depicted that off-farm activity has a negative relationship (2004); Asrat et al. (2004); Million and Kassa (2004), better per-
at statistically significant level (ß ¼  2.472; p-value ¼ .010) with ception and knowledge of farmers about the soil erosion problem
the adoption of introduced SWC practices (Table 1). The odds ratio contribute significantly to the sustainable use of introduced soil
of the binary logistic regression result revealed that household and water conservation practices. So, intervention through train-
heads who are not engaged in off-farm activity adopt introduced ing and extension services is a means of creating awareness and
SWC practices .084 times greater than those who are engaged in provision of support for the adoption of new technologies.
the off-farm activity. Because there is labor competition between
off- farm activity and SWC practices which restrain farmers from 3.3. Physical factors and adoption of introduced soil and water
involving in implementing and maintaining conservation practices conservation practices
on their farmlands. A similar result was reported by Tenge et al.
(2004); Eleni (2008). They confirmed that the involvement of The distance of farmland from homestead is negatively corre-
farmers in off- farm activity influenced negatively the continued lated with the adoption of introduced SWC practices at statistically
use of soil and water conservation practices. significant level (ß ¼  .100; p-value ¼ .024). The Wald statistics
Contrary to this, Mulugeta and Stahar (2010) reported that off- also (5.060) indicated that distance of farmland has a strong as-
farm activity is correlated positively at statistically significant level sociation with the adoption of introduced SWC practice (Table 1).
with the adoption of SWC practices. Because income from off-farm Its negative sign shows that as the distance of farmland increases
activity increases the financial potential of farmers which in turn from farmers’ home, the probability of adopting introduced SWC
encourages investment in soil and water conservation practices. practices decreases. The odds ratio indicated that a one minute
Similarly, Krishna et al. (2008) reported similar result. They said increase in distance of farmland from a farmer's home decreases
that off-farm income served as a source of cash to invest in SWC adoption of introduced SWC practices by a factor of .905. In ad-
practices and finally led to better and continued use of conserva- dition, from the total respondents, only 30 (26.9%) of them im-
tion practices. plemented SWC structures on far away farmlands. A limited
As Mulugeta et al. (2001) and Tenge et al. (2003) stated, in- number of farmers were frequently maintaining the conservation
formation is basic to adopt not only new soil and water con- practices. This revealed that less time and energy are needed for
servation practices but also other newly introduced technologies. maintaining near farmlands than far away farmlands Thus, farm-
In this respect, agricultural extension services and trainings are the ers who have farmlands far from their homes are discouraged
basic sources of information for small holder farmers’ awareness from conserving their farmlands.
about soil erosion and the way in which it can be tackled. Among Similarly, Fikru (2009); Tiwari et al. (2008); Asrat et al. (2004)
the identified institutional factors which affect farmer's adoption reported that longer walking distance between farmlands and
of introduced soil and water conservation practices, access to ex- household residences correlated significantly and negatively to the
tension service and training were statistically significant. adoption of introduced SWC practices. Because farmlands far away
Access to extension service has a positive correlation at sta- from homesteads require more time and energy for the con-
tistically significant level (ß ¼ 2.011; p-value ¼ .026) with the servation of farmlands. Habtamu (2006) reported that farmlands
adoption of introduced soil and water conservation practices far from home do not get much attention from owners since it
which was affirmed by the Wald statistics (4.973). This explains needs more time and energy for taking care of their farmlands.
that as farmers are supported by extension workers and know well Similarly, Birhanu and Swinton (2003) and Kessler (2006) also
about the benefit of conservation practices, the probability of using confirmed that far away farmlands discouraged adoption of soil
and maintaining the introduced soil and water conservation and water conservation practices.
278 D. Asfaw, M. Neka / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 5 (2017) 273–279

4. Conclusion FAO (2002). Reducing poverty and hunger: the critical role of financing for food,
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northern province of South Africa. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 50(2),
troduced SWC practices. But family size of household, farm size
and access to credit service are not statistically significant in in- Garcia, Y. T. (2001). Analysis of farmer decision to adopt soil conservation tech-
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This implies that the regional and local administrates should holder farming system in the Philippine uplands: a socioeconomic evaluation.
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