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Gender diversity in a work place




Gender diversity is a general term used to explain gender characteristics. These characteristics

show a multiplicity of appearance far beyond the binary framework. Individuals decide whether

to behave as male or female. It is also possible for people to switch from one gender to another or

even chose to portray the two gender traits. Gender diversity indicate differences in terms of

behavior. A diverse gender communicates diverse and unique roles played by individuals who

have chosen to relay either female or male character traits. Gender diversity is caused by

differences in mediums of communication, variations in culture. Language barriers and races play

a role in establishing gender diversity (Maffi, 2018). Due to technological developments in terms

of media and increase gender awareness, the workplace has become more diverse in both gender

and basic cultural features. Individuals have shifted from residing in their places of birth and

moved to different areas of work and established new homes interacting with people of different

cultural values, races and language of communication. These interactions have improved work

efficiency because of sharing work experiences. Companies are now looking forward to employing

workers who are creative and more diversified. There are few drawbacks caused by gender

diversity. (Guillaume, 2017). These deficiencies include racial discrimination, poor

communication due to language barrier and poor coordination human resources towards the

achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Goal which are set by an organization act as

a guidance of desired resources. Labor being part of resource then will be defined by the nature of

set objectives. Organizations should state objectives which do not encourage gender biasness.

There are a number of factors contributing to the increased numbers of women and other

minority groups getting into social ranks at a work place. Gender effects and ethnic diversification

have the same roles that they play in a work place and in ensuring individual reactions within a

group. Therefore, gender balance and non-partisan ethnic grouping serve a major role in the

success of any social organization. It is common that gender diversification mostly concerned

about females in a social society. Gender diversification is essential in increasing the book value

on any board. The concept of book value increases averagely by 33% when an organization has

one or more of the marginalized gender type on the management board (Arifeen and Gatrell, 2019).

As such, addition of the marginalized gender, mostly females have an overall positive increment

on the financial performance and stock market improvements.

Presence of a marginalized gender in a social set up creates new perspectives in the set up.

This creates a general form of diversified talents. It is evident that organizations that do not include

women in their company miss a lot of talents and skills that are necessary to for the productivity

of an organization (Mooney, Ryan and Harris, 2017). To add on the roles of gender diversity,

gender balance in a work place sparks higher levels of innovative growth and creativity in a work

place. These encourages the organizations to patch and grab many chances. According to Arifeen

and Gatrell, (2019), gender and ethnic diversity creates a sense of collaboration and togetherness

in any social set up. It is important to note that some ethnic groups and females have better reading

non-verbal skills compared to males and other ethnic groups. Therefore, inclusion of such people

in a work set up increase collaboration and interaction hence improving efficiency.

Communication in a work place is a key aspect of achieving objectives. Gender diversity should

therefore be seen as a unifying factor towards the establishment of a strong labor force.

Gender and ethnic diversification drive improve recruitment and reputation of any

organization. Most of the employees will tend to prefer employers with good cooperation attitudes.

This demonstrational factor contributes to the positivity of the values of a company (Mooney,

Ryan and Harris, 2017). Cultural disparities have threatened unity in work places. Mooney Ryan

insists that culture should be appreciated at a work place regardless of the gender. He says that an

organization with diversified culture will help in building respect to one another. The aspect of

feminine and masculinity should not be noticed at any work place. Diversification develops

individual-to-individual reactions in the work place and other social places thereby improving the

efficiency of the organization. In addition, gender diversity and ethnic diversity increases the level

of profitability in an organization. Statistical observations and data analysis have shown that

companies and other organizations that do not include certain gender groups and which practice

ethnic biasness are more likely to experience a 21% downfall in their profitability (Arifeen and

Gatrell, 2019).

Gender and ethnic diversity also develops an improved image of the organization to the

customers (Mooney, Ryan and Harris, 2017). Customers originate from all walks of the world.

They would love an organization with more make-up, and certain ethnic groups and females are

influential in creating such make-ups improve organizational image to customers. It is common

that some of the known industries globally are dominated with the masculinity. Specifically, some

countries have more ethnic groups than others working in the same organization. For Instance, it

is true that in a county like Dubai, most of the employees are male Arabs, while females and other

ethnic groups are less dominant in such a country. In nations where gender discrimination is

prohibited, there is a recommendable progress in terms of development. Social aspects at a place

of work can either build or destroy worker relationship. Gender diversity can help in eliminating

this effect,

Gender and ethnic diversity also improves staff retention. My interview with different

individuals who experienced gender biasness suggested that the aspect of diversification in gender

and ethnicity is a key factor towards staff retention. My respondents during interviews also noted

that gender and ethnic diversification ensures understanding of the needs of customers.

Understanding gender diversity in an organization is very crucial for the success of the

organization. In order to reach the targeted organizational goals, managers need to vividly

understand the constitution of men and women in his organization. Any organization with diverse

gender is characterized by meeting her goals (Carol, 1995). Behavior of an organization can be

predetermined by the constitution of its members (Business World, 2019). Organizations with

balanced number of women and men prospers in most cases. The following are some of the

positive effects of constituting gender sensitivity in the labor force of any organization.

Collection of a wider talent pool

Different people have different talents, having different people in an organization results

in collection of a wider talent pool. This is more important when the population employed in the

organization comprises of different gender groups. Typically, some organization sideline women

in the constitution of the work force in an organization. In some cases, reasons for sidelining

women in organizations originate from peculiar conspiracies of gender and work or responsibilities

of different gender groups in various ethnic groups. When a manager includes equal number of

women and men in the organization, there are higher chances that the organization will prosper.

Collection of different perspectives

Working with both women and men in an organization increases the chances of creativity

and innovation in the organization. Ideas can be shared on the same table regardless of who

presents the point. Organization comprising of people from different corners of the country or

world increases the chances of its success (Kochan, 2003). This is because different people have

different perspectives of view on various aspects of the organization, which is very useful in

decision-making. When these people come together, they contribute a pool of thoughts that can

lead to creativity and innovation within the organization thus aiding towards achievement of the

organizational goals. Collection of different perspectives may help an organization to overcome

the challenge of gender or ethnic stereotype.

Improved Collaboration

Women are conspired as more observative than men. Therefore, when they are put together

in an organization to perform a particular task, the resultant product has a higher probability of

having the highest quality. Similarly, people from given ethnic groups are conspired to be unique

in terms of their capabilities in performing particular tasks. Managers of different organizations

needs to understand such factors before constituting up a work force in the organizations. Through

this, the organization places itself in a better position towards achieving its objectives.

Enhanced Staff Retention

When an organization is sensitive to gender and ethnic diversity, employees feels

comfortable and feels more motivated. The success of any organization entirely lies on the

motivation of the employees. Motivated employees usually work wholeheartedly towards

achieving the organizational goals. Moreover, the employees develop love to one another and to

the organization thus does not develop the feeling of relocating or resigning from the organization

(Barak, Findler and Wind, 2016). Hence, the chances of the staffs remaining in the particular

organization increases.

Positive reflection to Customers


When an organization deploys a full representation of all category of people irrespective

of gender and ethnicity, the company does not get alienated to specific gender and ethnic group.

This encourages the customers to get their services from the organization as they feel represented.

Moreover, in cases where a customer faces certain difficulties which requires a solution from a

person from the same group. For example, when a female customer would like to enquire an

information concerning feminine then the organization has enough female employees to take care

of such problems.


This essay has sought to explain gender diversity to in depth. Gender and ethnicity have

been discussed giving clear implications of the diverse effects of culture, tribalism and racial

discrimination at a work place. Gender diversity has been integrated into the present day way of

life since the renaissance period. It is clear that there are still a lot to be done to ensure that work

places are well arranged in terms of policies to cater for individuals with diverse culture.

Masculinity and feminism have been regarded as the determining the type of work to be done by

who, where and where. Organizations need to embrace current social issues in everyday activities.

Nowadays the efficiency of labor force does not depend on masculinity of feminism. All

individuals are potential workers in terms of innovation, creativity and productivity. The world is

ever changing in technology, this calls for a more informed organization that will ensure all

genders are involved in the daily running and achievement of set objectives. In summary, gender

should not be a determining factor when it comes to working. It has shown beyond doubts that

gender diversification strengthens the labor force. When ideas are shared a work place becomes

more than a home to workers of all genders. (Maffi, 2018).



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