S7 Calculation PDF
S7 Calculation PDF
S7 Calculation PDF
-CaDL = 0.000 Negative moment coefficient along the shorter dimension due to dead load
-CaLL = 0.000 Negative moment coefficient along the shorter dimension due to live load
-CbDL = 0.051 Negative moment coefficient along the longer dimension due to dead load
-CbLL = 0.051 Negative moment coefficient along the longer dimension due to live load
+CaDL = 0.045 Positive moment coefficient along the shorter dimension due to dead load
+CaLL = 0.051 Positive moment coefficient along the shorter dimension due to live load
+CbDL = 0.022 Positive moment coefficient along the longer dimension due to dead load
+CbLL = 0.023 Positive moment coefficient along the longer dimension due to live load
LOCATION EQUATIONS MOMENT MTOTAL rreqd Ductility rused Spacing suse Rebar spacing, mm
Negative -CaDLW uDLLa 0.00
2 0.00 0.0000 ok 0.0051 206 206 10 mm diameter @ 200 mm
Moment, Ma -CaLLW uLLLa 0.00
Negative -CbDLW uDLLb 1.30
2.05 0.0015 ok 0.0051 206 206 10 mm diameter @ 200 mm
Moment, Mb -CbLLW uLLLb2 0.75
Positive +CaDLW uDLLa2 0.42
0.70 0.0005 ok 0.0051 206 206 10 mm diameter @ 200 mm
Moment, Ma +C W L 2 0.28
aLL uLL a
Positive +CbDLW uDLLb2 0.56
0.90 0.0007 ok 0.0051 206 206 10 mm diameter @ 200 mm
Moment, Mb +C W L 2 0.34
bLL uLL b
200 mm - 10 mm diameter W aDL = 0.5CaDLW DLLa
= 1.439 kN/m
200 mm - 10 mm diameter W aLL = 0.5CaLLW LLLa
= 0.621 kN/m