UESRPG File/Link Compendium

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The document provides an overview of the rulebooks, supplements, and support files available for the Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG (UESRPG) system across its 3rd, 2nd, and 1st editions.

The core rulebooks include the Core Rulebook, GM Handbook, and Player's Handbook. Major supplements include books covering inhabitants, beasts, undeath, Oblivion, artifacts, and more. There are also 'support files' like character sheets.

Support files mentioned include form-fillable character sheets, an Excel character sheet, and a combat quick reference.

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls RPG - File/Link Compendium

Latest News:​ ​Scroll of People v1 released!

- (6/17) Scroll of People v1 released (See links below)
- (4/05) Wonders of the Ayleids v2 released (See links below)
- (1/19) Tamrielic Artifacts released (See links below)

3rd Edition Files (New but WIP edition)

UESRPG 3e Feedback Form​: ​We’d love to hear from you!
Game File Downloads​ ​(3rd edition, 2nd edition files are on the next page)
UESRPG 3e Living Errata​ ​Online reference document for latest changes to the game
Changelogs + WIP Changelogs​ ​(Look here for changes to released versions + WIP changes)

● Core Books
○ Core Rulebook​ (Version 2, v3 in the works)
The core rules needed to create characters, and play the game.
○ GM Handbook ​- v1 Currently WIP, ETA (in flux)
Consolidated advice and optional rules for game masters.
○ Players Handbook ​(Version 1)
Contains new playable races, racial variants and a selection of optional rules for
character creation and play that the GM can choose to include in the game.

● Supplements
○ Inhabitants of Tamriel - v1 Currently WIP, ETA (in flux)
A thorough bestiary containing both mundane and magical monsters, and NPCs
for your campaign.​ ​Currently released 1 chapter at a time, see below
○ Scroll of Beasts​ (Version 1)
Contains the bestiary profiles for most of the common, and some uncommon
beasts and pests of Tamriel.
○ Scroll of Thu’um ​(Version 1)
Contains the bestiary profiles for the various Draugr and the Dragon Priest, along
with the Tongue elite advance giving access to the powerful Thu’um.
○ Scroll of Undeath​ (Version 1)
Contains the bestiary profiles for the various undead foes of tamriel, and the rules
for being a necromancer + the Lich elite advance.
○ Scroll of Oblivion​ (Version 1)
Contains the bestiary profiles for the commonly summonable daedra, along with
the Conjuration school and advanced rituals + rules for crafting daedric gear.
○ Book of Circles​ (Version 1)
Contains new weapons and shield types, along with expanded smithing rules.
Also includes new Weaponry talents, and the Sword-Singer elite advance
granting access to the powerful art of Shehai Shen She Ru.
○ Scroll of Solstheim​ (WiP, ETA unknown at this time)
○ Contains the bestiary profiles for the unique creatures of Solstheim, and
expanded rules for cavalry combat.
○ Scroll of People​ (Version 1)
Contains profiles for humanoid NPC’s, ranging from simple bandits to specialized
regional NPC’s like the Thalmor Justicar and the Dunmer Mabrigash.
○ Tamrielic Artifacts​ (Version 1)
Contains rules for various Aedric, Daedric and man-made Artifacts in Tamriel.

● Support Files
○ Character Sheet ​(Version 2)
Form-fillable PDF character sheets (with and without backgrounds).
○ Excel Sheet​ ​(Version 1)
Fancy excel sheet created by ezioauditore1017.
○ Combat Quick Reference ​(Version 1 - Outdated, do not use with V2 Core )
A printable reference containing key rules for combat, and copies of other rules
you may wish to reference (conditions, luck, stamina, etc). Toss pages you don’t

Community Links
● Official Subreddit
● Discord Server​ ​(we’re using this to replace to the old IRC)
● L4G Sheet​ ​Enter your info into your L4G sheet and see who you can find!
● /tgesg/: ​Check /tg/ on/around weekends.
● Developer Contact: ​Email ​[email protected]​ or use one of the above sites.

Space for more 3e links!

Guar and scrib love you, and so do I.

2nd Edition Files (Older but more complete edition)
The 2nd edition of the UESRPG, which is mostly finished. Development has been abandoned in
favor of a 3rd edition to improve and streamline core mechanics.

Game File Downloads

● Core Books
○ Core Rulebook​ (v1.22)
The core rules needed to create characters, and play the game.
○ Player Handbook​ (v1.1)
Additional playable races, and advice for players of the game.
● Supplements
○ Arcane Arts ​(v1.04)
Introduces rules for a variety of the unique types of magic found throughout the
world of the Elder Scrolls.
○ Dark Paths ​(v1.1)
Introduces rules for Vampires and Werewolves.
○ Inhabitants of Tamriel ​(v1.01)
A thorough bestiary containing both mundane and magical monsters and NPCs
in your campaign.
○ Secrets of the Dwemer ​(v1.01)
A combination of rules and advice for playing Dwemer characters, and for using
Dwemer ruins and artifacts in your campaign.
○ Tamrielic Artifacts ​(v1.03)
Contains rules for using many famous artifacts from Tamrielic history in your
● Support Files: ​Character sheets (PDF and Excel), Quick Reference.

1st Edition Files (Legacy Version)

The 1st edition of the UESRPG, essentially a heavily modified edition of the Dark Heresy rules.
While heavily outdated, it is listed here for the sake of completion and nostalgia.

Game File Downloads

● Core Rules ​(Beta 1.05)
The core rules needed to create characters and play the game.
Contains several extra rules, various elite advances, artifacts etc.
Other TES RPGs
None of these are ours, but I’ve gathered them from across the internet so you can enjoy them.

Game File Downloads

● Morrowind RPG .996.8
● TES Morrowind
● The Elder Scrolls d100 v0_55
● The Elder Scrolls d6
● The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim - Five Years Later
● The Elder Scrolls for Savage Worlds v1-2
● True20 Tamriel
● The Elder Scrolls RPG
○ Monster Manual
○ History of Tamriel

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