Immediate Loading Implants - A Paradigm Shift - A Review
Immediate Loading Implants - A Paradigm Shift - A Review
Immediate Loading Implants - A Paradigm Shift - A Review
1,3-Post Graduate Student, Department Of Prosthodontics, Daswani Dental College Correspondence to:
And Research Centre, Kota, Rajasthan. 2-Professor And Head Of Department, Dr. Himani Chaudhary, Post Graduate Student,
Department Of Prosthodontics, Daswani Dental College And Research Centre, Kota, Department Of Prosthodontics, Daswani Dental College
Rajasthan. 4-Post Graduate Student, Department Of Pedodontics, Daswani Dental And Research Centre, Kota, Rajasthan.
College And Research Centre, Kota, Rajasthan. Contact Us:
There is a growing trend in implant dentistry to decrease the treatment times associated with implant therapy. This can
be achieved with immediate occlusal loading protocol. Immediate loading (IL) of dental implants is an eminent and
acknowledged treatment strategy which is extensively being used for the rehabilitation of missing teeth. IL may be
described as functional loading (With occlusal contacts) immediately after implantation (or within 3–4 days after
surgery) without waiting for the healing period. IL has gained popularity nowadays as it includes less possible trauma to
the tissues, overall treatment time is decreased, reduced patient‘s discomfort and anxiety , better patient acceptance
and good function and aesthetics.
KEYWORDS: Immediate loading (IL) impants, Rehabilitation, Osseointegration
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International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MAY-JUNE 2017 | VOL 4 | ISSUE 1 76
Chaudhary H et al.: Immediate Loading Implants REVIEW ARTICLE
& experimental studies by Chiapasco et al.20; Schnitman Immediate loading protocol should be limited to the
et al.21; Tarnow et al.22 had been reported which patients who have the most to gain and least to lose.
acknowledged the patients the prospects of expected Eg. Patients who cannot tolerate a removable
dental rehabilitation. These studies ultimately led to the prosthesis due to social or psychological reasons.
introduction of the concept of immediate loading.12 A key Patients who cannot wait for 3 months for the
element in immediate occlusal loading protocols involves prosthesis.
eliminating micromovements between implants and
osteotomies.23,24 The ultimate goal of animmediate Other indications described are as follows28 :
loading protocol is to predictably decrease surgical Poor oral muscular coordination.2. Unrealistic
interventions and to reduce the time gap between surgery patient expectations for complete dentures.3. Patient
and prosthesis completion,25 but without decreasing the psychologically against removable
success rates associated with implant treatment and the prosthesis.4.Single tooth loss; avoid preparation of
unloaded healing protocol.23 sound teeth.
Contraindications The suggested contraindications,in
PRINCIPLE OF IMMEDIATE general, for considerationof an immediate loading
protocol include the following5,12:
LOADING Chronic smoker.
With the help of the implant whenever a controlled load If bone volume is not adequate.
is applied to the bone, bone responds by remodelling its If dentisty of bone is not good (D4).
architecture according to the magnitude and the direction Parafunctiona; chewing habits (bruxing, clenching,
of the load applied. It has been described by Frost tongue thrust).
mechanostat theory which suggests that bone adapts itself
by different biologic processes: trivial, physiological,
overload and pathological. Remodelling is described as a GUIDELINES FOR IMMEDIATE
simultaneous process of formation and resorption that
replaces previously existing bone, tends toremove or
conserve bone and is activated by reduced mechanical al22
usage in the trivial loading zone or micro damage in the
pathological loading zone. Main objective of immediately 1. Immediate loading should be attempted in dentulous
loaded implant prosthesis is to reduce the risk of occlusal arches only, to create cross-arch stability
overload and thereby, resulting in increase in the 2. The implants should be at least 10mm long.
remodeling rate of bone. Woven and lamellar are the two 3. A diagnostic wax-up should be used for the template
types of bone forming at the interface. Woven bone is and the provisional restoration fabrication.
produced in response to extraordinary loading condition, 4. A rigid metal casting should be used on the lingual
forming at a rate of more than 60 microns each day and is aspect of the provisional restoration.
found to be less mineralized12 whereas lamellar bone 5. A screw retained provisional restoration should be
forms at a rate of 1-5 microns each day. Thereby, a higher used where possible.
turnover rates lead to higher risks for the bone-implant 6. If cemented, the provisional restoration should not be
interface.26 removed during the 4-6 month healing period.
7. All implants should be evaluated with Periotest at
StageI, and the implants that show the least mobility
INDICATIONS & should be selected for the immediate loading.
CONTRAINDICATIONS 8. The widest possible anterior-posterior distribution of
the implants should be used.
Not every patient or every tooth site is indicated for
theimmediate loading approach. Patients must
understandthe limitations of such treatment and be OCCLUSAL OVERLOAD IN
willing to accept the scientifically based precautionary IMMEDIATE LOADING33
measures. 12 Chief among them is the fact that, in order to
limit the functional forces during osseointegration, Occlusal overload have been found to cause
patients need to abstain from chewing anything but soft implant/implant prosthesis failure and peri-implant bone
food or otherwise applyingforce to the restoration for loss and/or loss of osseointegration. The main principles
approximately 3 months.27 of implant occlusion have been derived from occlusal
principles in tooth restoration.
Indications5, 12, 28:
Completely edentulous jaw. Three occlusal concepts (balanced, group function and
Partially edentulous jaw. mutually protected occlusion) have been successfully
Patients with missing dentition requiring long span accepted nowadays with certain modifications for
fixed partial denture . implant-supported prostheses. All of the concepts may
Patient who are not willing to use a removable type have maximum intercuspation (MIP) during habitual
prosthesis. and/or centric occlusion.
International Journal of Oral Health and Medical Research | ISSN 2395-7387 | MAY-JUNE 2017 | VOL 4 | ISSUE 1 77
Chaudhary H et al.: Immediate Loading Implants REVIEW ARTICLE
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Source of Support: Nil
27. Evans GH, Mendez J, Caudil RF. Loaded and Non loaded Conflict of Interest: Nil
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