Métodos Computacionais
Métodos Computacionais
Métodos Computacionais
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The structures and tautomeric equilibria of a number of new gossypol imine derivatives were studied by
Received 5 May 2018 NMR, FT-IR, UVeVis spectroscopy and quantum chemistry methods. Geometry of the molecules and
Received in revised form complete assignment of all signals (13C NMR) and bands in vibrational and electronic absorption spectra
11 October 2018
were established using DFT and TD-DFT calculations. It was shown that gossypol Schiff bases exist in
Accepted 8 November 2018
solution as enamineeenamine tautomer. Shift the equilibrium toward the imine-imine tautomeric form
Available online 9 November 2018
for 3-amino-5-methylisoxazole derivative in highly polar media (DMSO, DMF) was observed. Gossypol
hydrazones exist in solution only as imineeimine tautomer.
Gossypol imine derivative
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction 2. Experimental
The study of gossypol imine derivatives is very actual and 2.1. Apparatus and materials
important task [1e10]. Interest to this class of compounds is due to
their biological activity. Gossypol imine derivatives are effective All imine derivatives were synthesized and purified as in
antioxidants exhibit antitumor, antiviral activity and posses less Ref. [20]. 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded in CDCl3, DMSO-d6
toxicity than the original polyphenol [1e7]. The diversity of the and DMF-d7 solutions on Bruker Avance II (400 MHz) spectrometer
biological properties of gossypol and its derivatives is largely due to at T ¼ 293 K. The spectra were obtained at a base frequency of
their existence in different tautomeric forms. It is known that 100 MHz for 13C and 400 MHz for 1H nuclei. The residual signals of
gossypol imine derivatives can exist in imine-imine and enamine- protons and 13C nuclei of the solvent were used as internal stan-
enamine forms which is analogues of aldehyde-aldehyde and dard. UVeVis spectra were recorded on Shimadzu UV-1650PC
ketol-ketol form of gossypol, respectively [8,9]. Tautomeric equi- spectrometer in cells (layer thickness 1 cm) at T ¼ 293 K. The con-
libria of gossypol Schiff bases and hydrazones are extensively centrations of tested solutions were 2.1$105 e 1.0$104 М. FT-IR
studying by IR, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling spectra were recorded on Perkin-Elmer Spectrum BX spectrom-
methods [10e20]. However the factors that determine tautomers eter (resolution 4 cm1) in KBr discs.
ratio in each particular case are not entirely obvious.
In this paper, the structure and tautomeric equilibria of nine 2.2. Computational methods
gossypol imine derivatives (Fig. 1) were studied by 1Н and 13С NMR,
FT-IR, UVeVis spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. The molecular geometries were optimized using the NWChem-
6.1 software package [21]. The vibrational spectra and dipole mo-
ments were calculated using B3LYP/6-31G(d). The scaling factor (l)
was used in order to correct the calculated vibrational frequencies
[22]. Chemical shifts were calculated using the GIAO-B3LYP/6-
31G(d) approach. The excited states energies of enamine-
* Corresponding author. enamine and imine-imine tautomeric forms of GAMI were ob-
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Dykun). tained using the GAMESS-US 12 software package [23] by TD-DFT
0022-2860/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 A.M. Dykun et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1179 (2019) 289e296
Table 1
H NMR chemical shifts (ppm) of gossypol imine derivatives in CDCl3 (numbering according to Fig. 1).
Table 2
H NMR chemical shifts (ppm) of gossypol imine derivatives in DMSO-d6 and in solution CDCl3/DMSO-d6 (numbering according to Fig. 1).
diimine dienamine
Me(1) 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.41 1.41 1.42 1.47 1.45 1.43 1.43
Me(2) 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.43 1.43 1.44 1.48 1.47 1.45 1.45
Me(3) 1.97 1.99 1.97 2.05 2.05 1.91 1.98 1.95 2.02 1.96
C(12)H 3.74 3.75 3.71 3.71 3.71 3.78 3.90 3.90 3.66 3.71
С(1)OH 8.25 8.18 8.32 7.60 7.41 7.66 8.09 8.36 7.37 7.97
С(6)OH 8.57 8.51 8.68 8.49 8.59 8.33 8.76 8.84 8.08 8.17
C(4)H 7.52 7.52 7.51 7.16 7.16 7.41 7.60 7.60 7.77 7.59
C(11)H 10.31 10.29 10.39 7.20 10.18 9.45 10.47 10.09 10.25 10.88
N(13)H 14.97 15.14 14.61 e 14.42 13.21 e e 14.85 16.18
N(14)H e e e e e e 9.78 13.11 e e
С(7)OH e e e 9.88 e e 13.95 14.25 e e
Table 3
С NMR chemical shifts (ppm) of gossypol imine derivatives in CDCl3 and DMSO-d6 (numbering according to Fig. 1).
Me(1e3) 20.3 20.3 20.2 21.0 20.3 20.7 20.6 20.3 20.3
Me(4) e 55.5 e e e e e e e
Me(5) e e 55.6 e e e e e e
Me(6) e e 56.5 e e e e e e
Me(7) e e e 12.1 e e e e e
Me(8) e e e e 25.5 e e e e
Me(9) e e e e 13.5 e e e e
Me(10) e e e e 11.1 e e e e
Me(11) e e e e e e e e 10.6
Me(12) e e e e e e e e 36.3
Me(13e15) e e e e e e 53.6 e e
C(1) 150.2 150.1 150.4 146.7 153.0 145.3 150.1 149.6 149.9
C(2) 127.8 121.0 120.9 115.5 120.0 115.8 116.9 116.6 116.1
C(3) 136.4 132.2 129.1 135.8 131.4 132.6 132.9 133.3 132.4
C(4) 121.2 115.5 115.1 112.6 115.6 129.0 119.0 119.0 118.1
C(5) 128.9 127.7 128.0 125.6 126.9 126.2 128.7 129.4 128.6
C(6) 146.2 146.2 146.5 139.2 146.1 143.8 143.8 147.0 146.5
C(7) 173.7 172.9 174.8 155.5 172.1 151.2 150.9 174.8 171.1
C(8) 105.7 105.3 106.2 108.4 103.3 108.7 107.0 105.5 105.3
C(9) 119.9 117.1 117.1 121.0 116.6 118.1 115.8 118.9 114.7
C(10) 132.5 128.4 128.7 123.8 127.0 126.3 128.4 130.1 129.1
C(11) 153.9 157.4 154.1 167.9 158.7 147.5 154.1 153.6 157.6
C(12) 26.7 26.7 26.6 26.2 26.6 26.6 26.7 27.7 27.6
C(15) 136.4 132.8 132.5 162.7 52.2 144.7 159.6 138.7 111.9
C(16) 117.2 119.4 143.3 94.2 56.6 111.5 63.0 119.7 159.4
C(17) 119.8 115.3 113.3 168.2 161.2 129.5 e 133.1 143.7
C(18) 159.8* 153.8 109.7 e 149.7 119.1 e 114.4 134.2
C(19) 119.8 115.3 150.9 e e 129.5 e 133.1 124.5
C(20) 117.2 119.4 101.5 e e 111.5 e 119.7 129.4
C(21) e e e e e e e e 127.4
C(22) e e e e e e e e 129.4
C(23) e e e e e e e e 124.5
e Observing splitting is due to CeF couplings (1J(C,F) ¼ 243 Hz).
extinction coefficients of the CT bands of studied gossypol imine broadened band at lmax ¼ 300 nm. Apparently the intensity
derivatives varies from 16000 l mol1∙cm1to 45000 l mol1 cm1. decreasing of the longest wavelength band in the experimental
In DMSO the CT bands display a red shift and intensity decrease. UVeVis spectrum of GAMI in DMSO is explained by the shifting the
This is due to the intermolecular hydrogen bond formation with the tautomeric equilibrium towards imine-imine form which is in
solvent [35e38]. The longest wavelength bands for the studied agreement with the NMR data.
hydrazones are located in the range of 385e395 nm.
The electronic absorption spectrum of GAMI in chloroform at 3.3. IR spectra
T ¼ 293 K displays three main bands: at lmax ¼ 250 nm, at
lmax ¼ 310 nm and at lmax ¼ 425 nm (ε ¼ 67000 l mol1 cm1, In the IR spectra of all studied compounds strong absorption
ε ¼ 26000 l mol1 cm1 and ε ¼ 30000 l mol1 cm1, respectively). bands in the range of 1600e1620 cm1 are observed. In the spec-
In DMSO all those bands display a shift (lmax ¼ 262 nm, trum of GSAP strong absorption band at 1652 cm1 was assigned to
lmax ¼ 300 nm and lmax ¼ 442 nm, respectively). Furthermore, the the stretching vibrations of C(16) ¼ O. Absorption band at 1691 cm1
longest wavelength band displays significant intensity decrease in the spectrum of hydrazone GCTA was assigned to stretching vi-
(from ε ¼ 30000 l mol1 cm1 to ε ¼ 6200 l mol1 cm1). With ris- brations of C(15) ¼ O. The most noticeable differences in the IR
ing of the temperature from 293 K to 353 K the intensity of this spectra of Schiff bases and hydrazones are observed in the region of
band increases. The intensities of the bands at lmax ¼ 262 and at ОeН and NeН stretching vibrations. In the case of Schiff bases
lmax ¼ 300 nm almost do not change. This may be due to the shift of strong broadened bands corresponding to the stretching vibrations
tautomeric equilibrium toward enamine-enamine form [25]. of ОeН groups (С(1)ОeН and С(6)ОeН groups, respectively) in the
Calculated electronic absorption spectrum of GAMI in enamine- region of 3480 cm1 and 3350 cm1 are observed. Broadened ab-
enamine form in chloroform exhibit band at lmax ¼ 427 nm sorption bands at 3400 cm1 appear in the spectrum of hydrazones.
(2.91 eV). This band is due to the p/p* intramolecular charge Obviously these bands correspond to the stretching vibrations of
transfer transition. Calculated wavelength is in a good agreement ОeН groups at С(7). In the spectra of all studied compounds strong
with the experimental value of 425 nm (2.92 eV). Upon transition to absorption bands in the range of 1500e1600 см1 are observed.
the imine-imine tautomeric form the hydrogen at N(13) is trans- These bands can be assigned to the C]C stretching vibrations. Less
ferred to oxygen at C(7) [26] and the electronic structure of the intense absorption bands are observed in this region in the spectrum
molecule is changed. This leads to a blue shift of the corresponding of hydrazone GCTA. Which is probably due to the absence of C]C
CT band. Calculated electronic absorption spectrum of GAMI in groups in imine fragment of this molecule.
imine-imine form exhibit CT band at lmax ¼ 375 nm (3.31 eV). In IR spectra of enamine-enamine and imine-imine tautomers of
the experimental spectrum of GAMI in DMSO (imine-imine form is GAMI were calculated to determine tautomeric form of this com-
present) this absorption band is overlapped by an intense pound in the solid state. Fig. 3 shows atoms and molecular
A.M. Dykun et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1179 (2019) 289e296 293
Table 4
Assignments of fundamental vibrations of GAMI (numbering according to Fig. 3).
3009 nas(CeH)Me3,30
2992 nas(CeH)Me1,1' þ nas(CeH)Me2,2' þ nas(CeH)Me4,40
2981 nas(CeH)Me3,3' þ n(C12, 120 -H)
2928 2933 ns(CeH)Me4,40
2924 ns(CeH)Me1,1' þ ns(CeH)Me2,20
2921 ns(CeH)Me1,1' þ ns(CeH)Me2,20
2919 ns(CeH)Me3,30
1624 1634 n(C5,5' ¼ C6,60 ) þ d(N13,130 -H)
1625 d(N13,130 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ n(C15,15' ¼ C16,160 )
1605 1604 d(N13,130 eH) þ n(C15,15' ¼ C16,160 ) þ n(C7,7' ¼ O)
1599 n(RI,I0 ) þ n(RII,II0 )
1553 1576 n(C7,7' ¼ O) þ d(N13,130 -H)
1512 1518 n(C8,8' ¼ C11,110 ) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ n(C]N)RIII,III0
1513 n(C2,2' ¼ C3,30 ) þ d(CeH)Me3,30
1485 1489 d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ n(C]N)RIII,III' þ d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 -H)
1486 n(C7,7' ¼ C8,80 ) þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ n(C]
N)RIII,III' þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C16,160 -CMe4,40 )
1462 1473 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ n(C14,14' ¼ C15,150 )
1468 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(O1,10 eH) þ n(C14,14' ¼ C15,150 ) þ d(C11,110 -H)
1462 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(O1,10 eH) þ n(C14,14' ¼ C15,150 ) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(C15,150 -H)
1454 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 -H)
1449 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ n(C1,1' ¼ C9,90 )
1423 1436 d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(CeH)Me3,30
1433 d(CeH)Me3,30
1427 d(CeH)Me4,40
1424 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(CeH)Me4,40
1423 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(CeH)Me4,4' þ n(C6,60 -C7,70 )
1411 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ n(C1,10 -C9,90 ) þ n(C2eC20 )
1383 1396 n(C2,20 -C3,30 ) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(O6,60 -H)
1375 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 -H)
1367 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(O6,60 -H)
1365 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C7,70 -C8,80 ) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C15,150 eH) þ d(C11,110 -H)
1319 1348 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,20
1339 d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ n(C5,50 -C12,120 )þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 -H)
1331 d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(CeH)Me3,3' þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ n(C1,10 -O)
1318 d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C9,90 -C10,100 ) þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ d(C15,150 eH) þ d(CeH)Me4,40
1313 d(C11,110 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C15,150 -H)
1311 d(C11,110 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C7,70 -C8,80 ) þ n(C9,90 -C10,100 )
1309 d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C9,90 -C10,100 ) þ n(C1,10 -C2,20 )
1290 d(C11,110 eH) þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C8,80 -C9,90 ) þ n(C5,50 -C10,100 ) þ n(C2eC20 )
1287 n(C11,110 -N13,130 ) þ n(C5,50 -C10,100 ) þ n(C3,30 -CMe3,30 )
1286 n(C16,160 -O)RV,V' þ n(C11,110 -N13,130 ) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ n(C5,50 -C12,120 )
1273 d(C11,110 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ n(C6,60 eO) þ n(C6,60 -C7,70 ) þ n(C8,80 -C9,90 ) þ d(C12,120 -H)
1244 1259 n(C16,160 -O)RV,V' þ n(C14,140 -C15,150 ) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ n(C6,60 eO) þ d(CeH)Me4,40
1252 d(O1,10 eH) þ n(C2eC20 ) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ n(C8,80 -C9,90 )
1245 d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ
(continued on next page)
294 A.M. Dykun et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 1179 (2019) 289e296
Table 4 (continued )
1242 d(O1,10 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(C12,120 eH) þ n(C5,50 -C10,100 ) þ n(C8,80 -C9,90 )
1237 d(C4,40 eH) þ n(C5,50 -C10,100 ) þ n(C5,50 -C12,120 )
1171 1197 d(O1,10 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ n(C1,10 -C9,90 ) þ n(C6,60 -O)
1160 d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(C15,150 eH) þ d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C6,60 -C7,70 )
1156 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(O1,10 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ n(C6,60 -O)
1138 1134 d(C15,150 eH) þ d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(C5,50 -C12,120 ) þ d(C12,120 -Me1,10 ) þ d(C12,120 -
Me2,20 )
1115 d(C15,150 eH) þ d(N13,130 -H)
1105 1089 d(C15,150 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(CeH)Me3,30
1062 1071 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(O6,60 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(N13,130 -H)
1062 d(C15,150 eH) þ n(OeN)RIII,III' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 eH) þ d(N13,130 -H)
1036 1056 n(OeN)RIII,III' þ d(C15,150 -H)
1005 1011 d(CeH)Me3,3' þ n(C5,50 -C10,100 )
996 d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(C15,150 -H)
976 973 dop(N13,130 eH) þ dop(C11,110 -H)
953 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(C8,8' ¼ C11,110 ) þ d(C1,1' ¼ C9,90 )
926 928 d(CeH)Me4,4' þ d(C15,150 eH) þ n(OeN)RIII,III0
925 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,20
839 843 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C5,50 -C12,120 ) þ d(C12,120 -Me1,10 ) þ d(C12,120 -Me2,20 )
830 dop(N13,130 -H)
804 dop(C4,40 eH) þ d(C11,110 -N13,130 )
779 780 d(C11,110 -N13,130 ) þ d(N13,130 eH) þ d(C11,110 eH) þ d(C16eO)RIII,III0
760 759 dop(C15,150 -H)
747 d(CeH)Me1,1' þ d(CeH)Me2,2' þ d(C12,120 eH) þ d(C4,40 -C10,100 ) þ d(C9,90 -C10,100 ) þ d(C11,110 -N13,130 )
708 727 dop(N13,130 eH) þ dop(O6,60 eH) þ dop(RI,I0 ) þ dop(RII,II0 ) þ d(C2eC20 )
682 677 dop(O6,60 eH) þ dop(C4,40 -H)
578 578 dop(O1,10 -H)
505 511 dop(O1,10 -H)
495 d(C8,8' ¼ C11,110 ) þ d(C15,150 eH) þ d(C14,140 -N13,130 )
Abbreviations: R e ring; Me e methyl; n e stretching; d e deformation; as e asymmetric; s e symmetric; op e out of plane bending.
Calculated frequencies obtained using B3LYP/6-31G(d) and l ¼ 0.9613.
Table 5
Structural characteristics of gossypol imine derivatives (numbering according to Fig. 1).
Compound Hydrogen bond Hydrogen bond length, Å Bond angle, Dihedral angle C(1)eC(2)eC(20 )eC(10 ),
4. Conclusions
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