1. Precast concrete can reduce construction costs in several ways such as faster construction speed, reduced design and construction costs, and lower long-term maintenance expenses.
2. It takes less time to design and construct buildings using precast concrete panels which allows projects to be completed quicker. Precast components can also be fabricated off-site while other work is underway.
3. Precast concrete allows for economical and customized building designs through repetition of panel sizes and material efficiency compared to other materials like stone. It also reduces weather impacts on construction schedules.
1. Precast concrete can reduce construction costs in several ways such as faster construction speed, reduced design and construction costs, and lower long-term maintenance expenses.
2. It takes less time to design and construct buildings using precast concrete panels which allows projects to be completed quicker. Precast components can also be fabricated off-site while other work is underway.
3. Precast concrete allows for economical and customized building designs through repetition of panel sizes and material efficiency compared to other materials like stone. It also reduces weather impacts on construction schedules.
1. Precast concrete can reduce construction costs in several ways such as faster construction speed, reduced design and construction costs, and lower long-term maintenance expenses.
2. It takes less time to design and construct buildings using precast concrete panels which allows projects to be completed quicker. Precast components can also be fabricated off-site while other work is underway.
3. Precast concrete allows for economical and customized building designs through repetition of panel sizes and material efficiency compared to other materials like stone. It also reduces weather impacts on construction schedules.
1. Precast concrete can reduce construction costs in several ways such as faster construction speed, reduced design and construction costs, and lower long-term maintenance expenses.
2. It takes less time to design and construct buildings using precast concrete panels which allows projects to be completed quicker. Precast components can also be fabricated off-site while other work is underway.
3. Precast concrete allows for economical and customized building designs through repetition of panel sizes and material efficiency compared to other materials like stone. It also reduces weather impacts on construction schedules.
PhD Structural Engineering A variety of cost calculations are required on everyy p project j to determine what design g approaches will generate the most advantages and allow budgets to be allocated most efficiently. Initial, in-ground costs are the most obvious expenses but hidden and longer-term expenses, longer term costs are becoming more significant as owners and d i designers study d the h budget b d i impact off various i specification choices. The key to finding the most efficient design is to realize that every system and decision impacts others. The ggoal is to ensure all pproducts and systems work together without creating redundancy or inefficiencies. inefficiencies Spending more of the budget to add insulation and other energygy efficiencies,, for instance,, mayy allow the installation of smaller HVAC equipment that will save equipment expenditures. expenditures Using a design and materials that enclose the building quickly avoids winter slow downs and gets crews inside quicker, quicker bringing the project on-line faster so revenues can b generated be d quicker k . Maintenance needs throughout g the building'sg life also must be considered. These expenses come from the operating budget rather than the construction budget, so they sometimes have not been considered when evaluating the building building'ss cost . Durability, such that a building does not need to h have i exterior its i refurbished f bi h d or possibly ibl replaced l d ini 20 years, also has become more of a consideration. The entire life-cycle costs of a project are being determined,, and each material choice must jjustifyy its value today, tomorrow and many years from now. now Precast concrete structural and architectural systems help save cost in a variety of ways, from the design phases through construction and throughout the building's service life. Budget Management of In In-Ground Ground Costs Precast concrete components provide a variety of savings g to a p project j in waysy that are not always y considered when looking at upfront costing versus other materials, materials including masonry block and curtain wall.These savings include: 1. Speed p Precast concrete components provide a variety of ways to speed the construction process, from design through fabrication and erection. These efficiencies can shave as much as one third of the time needed for construction, meeting tight deadlines and generating ti revenues quicker. i k Ti Time can beb saved d through: •The design process. It takes less time to design a precast concrete building b ld than h one built b l off masonry, due to the lessened detail required in precast's panelized system and the ability to quickly replicate p both structural and architectural components. •The fabrication process. process Precast components can be fabricated while permitting and foundation workk progress, so they th are readyd tot begin b i erection ti as soon as foundations are complete. As a single- source supplier for a large portion of the structural y system, pprecasters help p maintain the critical-path p scheduling. •The Th erection ti process. Foundations F d ti can beb placed one day and precast load-bearing panels or structural framing can be erected as soon as the foundations have cured sufficiently.y Wall ppanels, double tees and hollow-core planking also erect quickly, often cutting weeks or months from the schedule. This speed allows construction to get into the dry quicker. quicker The fast enclosure also lessens concern for weather or material damage during erection, i reducing d i the h contractor's ' risks i k and d costs. •The Th fi i hi finishing process. Precast P t concrete t insulated sandwich panels create a finished interior wall that avoids the time and cost of furring and y g Architectural p drywalling. panels can have a varietyy of colors and textures cast into them, including several in one panel, eliminating the need to field field-set set trim pieces or paint the facade after the structure is built. built 2. Design Economy The custom, sculptured designs that are possible with pprecast concrete mayy be achieved within a limited budget by selecting economical aggregates and textures combined with effective production and erection procedures. The key factors in designing economically with architectural precast are: •Repetition. By reusing the same dimensions for components the same forms can be used, components, used minimizing the total number needed and the changes h b between castings. •Averageg piece size. Precast ppricingg is p determined primarily by the size of the pieces and piece repetition. repetition Pricing depends more on the number of pieces than the size of the project. Labor functions drive pricing more than material cost, cost and each new piece of a different size or shape drives up that h cost. •Material Efficiency. Precast concrete saves money by replicating the look of more expensive materials, such as natural stone (granite, marble, li limestone, t sandstone dt or slate). l t ) Veneers V off these th materials also can be cast into the face of the precast components, saving the expense of full thickness p pieces. Brick-faced pprecast also eliminates labor costs and speeds up construction. •Construction Efficiency. Because precast components are fabricated under factory- controlled conditions at a pplant, harsh winter weather does not impact the production schedule or product quality. This approach means they can be erected through the winter months to meet a tight schedule, schedule cutting overhead costs and opening the building for occupancy faster. •Hidden Costs. Precast concrete’s speed of construction can reduce the construction timeframe by several months. This results in less time to carry financial bonds, lower contractor overhead costs and risk, risk elimination of expenses for non-precast related equipment and reduced subcontractor b t t costs t by b giving i i more responsibility ibilit to a single-source supplier. Life Cycle y Costs Precast concrete provides low on-going costs for maintenance repair and other needs that add maintenance, material and labor costs. Generally, precast concrete components, even those h exposed d to weather, h require little maintenance. A regular inspection and routine recaulking of cladding panels every 15 to 20 yyears is all that mayy typically yp y be required. q Panels can be washed with strong chemicals and cleaners without losing their color, and UV rays will not cause them to fade, fade as will happen with paint. paint Parking P ki structures, t t more than th any otherth building b ildi type, require routine maintenance. The severity of the wear and exposure demands will depend on the structure’s location, environmental conditions and maintenance schedule. Based on national surveys, precast concrete parking structures provide superior resistance to deterioration. Components produced by PCI-certified PCI certified plants in particular use durable concrete mixes with specialty i l curing i can be b createdd that h cannot be b achieved in the field. In general, there are three types of maintenance: p g, for ggeneral upkeep; housekeeping, p p; ppreventive maintenance, with periodic checkups and cleaning of components; and structural repairs, repairs due to spalling, cracking or other wear issues. All of th these are minimized i i i d with ith the th use off precastt concrete components. References: 1. PCI Mid-Atlantic - http://www.mapaprecast.org 2. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Experimental and Nonlinear Analysis of Non- Prismatic Double Tee Prestressed Concrete Beams" Beams , PhD Thesis Thesis, Baghdad University, 2005. 3. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Nonlinear Analysis of Flanged Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Three Three-Dimensional Dimensional Finite Element Model Model",, MSc Thesis, Saddam University, 2000. 4. Hussam Ali Mohammed, Ihsan A. Shaarbaf, Khild S. Mahmod, " Finite Element y of Prestressed Concrete Double Tee Beams",, Journal of Babylon Analysis y University for Engineering Science, Vol.12, No.5, 2006. 5. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Non-Prismatic Double Tee Beams", Journal of kerbala University, Vol.8, No.1, 2010. 6. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "Finite Element Analysis of Non-Prismatic Prestressed Concrete Double Tee Beams" Journal of Kerbala University, Vol.8, No.1, 2010. 7. Hussam Ali Mohammed, "The Effect of Web Opening on Prestressed Concrete Double Tee Beams under Flexure", The Second Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Engineering /Babylon University, Iraq, 24-25 March 2010. 8. Hussam Ali Mohammed, " Analysis and Design of Precast Concrete St t Structures”, ” B Bookk , ISBN ISBN: 978-9922-20-146-7, 978 9922 20 146 7 2018. 2018 9. Hussam Ali Mohammed, " Analysis and Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, Book , ISBN: 978-9922-20-145-0, 2018.