31 Federal Builders V Foundation Specialists - de Leon
31 Federal Builders V Foundation Specialists - de Leon
31 Federal Builders V Foundation Specialists - de Leon
Federal Builders, Inc. (FBI) entered into an agreement with HELD: Yes
Foundation Specialists, Inc. (FSI) whereby the latter, as
subcontractor, undertook the construction of the RULING:
diaphragm wall, capping beam, and guide walls of the Plaintiff had finished the construction of the guide wall
Trafalgar Plaza located at Salcedo Village, Makati City and diaphragm wall but had not yet constructed the
(the Project), for a total contract price of Seven Million capping beam as of April 22, 1991 for defendant’s failure
Four Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱7,400,000.00). Under the to deliver the needed cement in accordance with their
agreement, FBI was to pay a downpayment equivalent agreement. The diaphragm wall had likewise been
to twenty percent (20%) of the contract price and the concrete tested and was found to have conformed with
balance, through a progress billing every fifteen (15) the required design strength.
days, payable not later than one (1) week from contrary to the allegations of FBI, FSI had indeed
presentation of the billing. completed its assigned obligations, with the exception of
On January 9, 1992, FSI filed a complaint for Sum of certain assigned tasks, which was due to the failure of FBI
Money against FBI before the RTC of Makati City seeking to fulfil its end of the bargain.
to collect the amount of One Million Six Hundred Thirty- It can similarly be deduced that the defects FBI
Five Thousand Two Hundred Seventy-Eight Pesos and complained of, such as the misaligned diaphragm wall
Ninety-One Centavos (₱1,635,278.91), representing Billings and the erroneous location of the rebar dowels, were not
No. 3 and 4, with accrued interest from August 1, 1991 only anticipated by the parties, having stipulated
plus moral and exemplary damages with attorney’s fees. alternative plans to remedy the same, but more
In its complaint,FSI alleged that FBI refused to pay said importantly, are also attributable to the very actions of
FBI. Accordingly, considering that the alleged defects in
FSI’s contracted works were not so much due to the fault
or negligence of the FSI, but were satisfactorily proven to
be caused by FBI’s own acts, FBI’s claim of ₱8,582,756.29
representing the cost of the measures it undertook to
rectify the alleged defects must necessarily fail. In fact, as
the lower court noted, at the time when FBI had
evaluated FSI’s works, it did not categorically pose any