Thesis: Analytical Exposition "Social Media Are Bad For Teenagers"
Thesis: Analytical Exposition "Social Media Are Bad For Teenagers"
Thesis: Analytical Exposition "Social Media Are Bad For Teenagers"
Social media or social network websites become one of the inescapable aspects of
our modern life, they spend their time more and more on social media, they can use
it to connect to the internet and access social media freely, this hyper-connected
habit to social media could lead to some bad effects for them.
Firstly, most teens accessing social media the whole time, they always check their
social media account every morning until night, this is bad habit because it could
make the risk they are getting bullied higher. These days, bullying doesn’t only
happen in schools or on buses, but it also has spread over social media, it means if
a teen is getting bullied in real life, the bully will simply keep doing it online on
social media.
Secondly, based on the latest study, teenagers who engage with social media
during the night could ruin their sleep pattern and it would lead to a higher risk of
anxiety and depression, teens are so emotionally devoted on social media.
Lastly, Social media could decrease the real life social interaction . Most girls seek
comfort on social media rather than talking their problem to their parents , girls are
likely experiencing stress more often than boys about twice in a week.
Social media websites are basically created to connect people around the world
easily so they can interact and communicate with each other. However, the
excessive use of social media could lead to some bad effects, especially for
teenagers. Social media can be a medium of intimidation and make opportunities
for a teenager more intimidated, many things can affect us with social media,
because of that social media is dangerous for the health of adolescents emotionally
and briefly.
indeed : memang
Constantly : selalu
Engage : menggunakan/mengikutsertakan
Anxiety : kecemasan
Tended : cenderung
Devoted : dikhususkan
Experiencing : mengalami
Rather : agak
Mentioned : disebutkan
Improve : meningkatkan
Obvious : jelas