Erosion Training Manual
Erosion Training Manual
Erosion Training Manual
SECTION 1 ...................................................................................................................5
1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................5
1.2 LAWS AND REGULATIONS ..................................................................................5
1.2.1 The Clean Water Act..............................................................................................7
1.2.2 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit.................7
1.2.3 Endangered Species Act ........................................................................................7
1.2.4 Impacts of Erosion & Sedimentation.................................................................... 8
1.3 WSDOT EROSION CONTROL PROGRAM .............................................................8
1.3.1 Program Components............................................................................................8
1.3.2 Highway Runoff Manual Minimum Requirements ..............................................9
1.3.3 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ...............................................11
1.3.4 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan .........................11
1.3.5 Erosion and Sediment Control Lead ..................................................................12
1.3.6 Water Quality Sampling and Reporting Procedures .........................................13
1.5 STANDARD SAMPLING PROCEDURES ................................................................13
1.6 OFFICE DATA RECORDING AND ANALYSIS .......................................................16
1.7 REPORTING SAMPLING RESULTS AND COMPLIANCE ISSUES ...............................16
1.9 IN-WATER WORK MONITORING .......................................................................22
1.9.1 State Standards ....................................................................................................24
1.9.2 Statewide Monitoring Results .............................................................................25
1.9.3 Site Assessments...................................................................................................27
1.9.4 Reporting Non-Compliance ................................................................................28
SECTION 2 .................................................................................................................33
PROCESSES ......................................................................................................33
2.1.1 Definitions ............................................................................................................33
2.1.2 Erosion Process by Water ...................................................................................33
2.1.3 Sediment Movement by Water.............................................................................34
SECTION 3 .................................................................................................................56
3.1 INTRODUCTION – BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ...........................................56
3.2 TEMPORARY COVER ........................................................................................57
3.2.1 Seeding .................................................................................................................57
3.2.2 Mulching...............................................................................................................60
3.2.3 Bonded Fiber Matrix & Mechanically Bonded Fiber Matrix...........................61
3.2.4 Blankets and Mats................................................................................................61
3.2.5 Plastic Covering...................................................................................................63
3.2.6 Polyacrylamide for Soil Erosion Protection ......................................................64
3.3 PERMANENT COVER ........................................................................................68
3.3.1 Preserving Natural Vegetation ...........................................................................68
3.3.2 Permanent Seeding and Planting .......................................................................69
3.3.3 Sodding .................................................................................................................72
3.3.4 Topsoiling.............................................................................................................72
3.3.5 Conveyance Channel Stabilization .....................................................................73
3.4 STRUCTURAL EROSION CONTROL .....................................................................78
3.4.1 Fencing .................................................................................................................78
3.4.2 Stabilized Construction Entrance .......................................................................79
3.4.3 Tire Wash .............................................................................................................81
3.4.4 Construction Road Stabilization.........................................................................81
3.4.5 Dust Control.........................................................................................................82
3.4.6 Surface Roughening.............................................................................................83
Figu re 1. 2 C on struct i on Site Run off – Med ian Se dime nt Concent rat ion
Uncontrolled Erosion Sediment Urbanized Natural
Source: Performance of current Sediment Control Measures at Maryland Construction Sites,
Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook.
Water pollution is regulated under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972,
known as the Clean Water Act (CWA). The CWA established effluent discharge
limitations and receiving water quality standards under United States Environmental
Protection Agency regulation (EPA). Enforcement of the CWA has been delegated to the
Washington State Department of Ecology.
Until the mid-1980s, emphasis was on control of point source pollution, typically outfalls
from industrial factories and municipal sewage treatment plants. The CWA was
amended in 1987 to include non-point sources of pollution. These sources originate from
diffuse and diverse activities in a watershed that enter a water body through non-
discernible, unconfined and indistinct conveyances. Stormwater pollution generally
originates as non-point pollution, but is typically collected, conveyed and discharged as a
point source.
NPDES General Construction permits are currently required on WSDOT projects that
involve disturbance of 1 acre or more with potential to discharge stormwater to surface
waters of the state. As a result the NPDES permit (commonly referred to as General
Stormwater Permit) is the most commonly encountered construction permit on WSDOT
construction projects. NPDES permits require, among other things, TESC and SPCC
plans. See Sections 1.3.5, 1.3.6 and 1.3.7 for more information on other NPDES permit
The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, was adopted to prevent the extinction
of animals and plants. The ESA protects endangered species by prohibiting “the take of
listed species without special permit” where:
• Take means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, collect or
the intent to engage in such activities. Harm includes indirect harm to listed species
by harming the habitat.
Several stocks of salmon and bull trout have been added to the list of species protected by
the ESA. These listed species inhabit waters in all regions of the state. Accordingly,
protection of endangered fish species is considered on nearly all projects.
Fish spawn in gravel to protect their eggs from predators and because their eggs require
clean, cold water that provides oxygen and removes waste. This is disrupted when soil
erodes and sediment is deposited in the gravel. As a result, the eggs often suffocate and
the gravel beds become unsuitable for future egg incubation.
Also, turbid water reduces the food supply for fish and their ability to find food. Many of
the invertebrates that fish eat are filter-feeders, and their numbers tend to decline if their
filter feeding mechanisms become clogged with suspended sediment. In addition,
suspended sediment can clog and be very abrasive to fish gills.
Another consequence of turbid water involves reduced light penetration to the bottom of
the stream, which creates a reduction in algae and plant growth. A reduction in plant
growth, which is the base of the food chain, means a reduced food supply for fish.
In response to the potential for sediment discharged from construction sites and
federal/state regulations, WSDOT has developed an overall approach to protect water
quality while completing its mission of building and maintaining a quality transportation
system. The Erosion Control Program does this by applying the standards of an
Environmental Management System to proactively plan, implement, and monitor
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) activities. The Erosion Control
Program maintains effectiveness through regular review and update of existing erosion
control policies, procedures, guidance documents, and training curriculum. Changes are
based on solid data gathered by a number of compliance assurance activities.
Guidance Materials
Maintaining guidance documents is essential to high quality erosion control planning and
effective implementation. Success is based on a strong partnership with Regional
Compliance Assurance
An Environmental Management System ensures efficiency and allows accountability to
be demonstrated to resource agencies and the public. It relies heavily on compliance
assurance activities in its continuous evolution of effectiveness. The two primary
activities used are the annual fall assessment and standardized water quality monitoring
Training is the most effective tool for conveying erosion control policy and procedure
updates since there is direct contact with individuals responsible for implementing the
changes. The Erosion Control Program provides training to approximately 250 WSDOT
employees every year. Contractors are required to attend erosion control training
provided by an Ecology approved training partner. A list of Ecology approved training
providers can be found at:
Technical Assistance
The Erosion Control Program provides technical assistance to WSDOT staff preparing
TESC plans or implementing them in the field or those monitoring water quality.
The Highway Runoff Manual contains nine minimum requirements that WSDOT
employs to protect surface waters. Erosion and sediment control is largely dealt with in
Minimum Requirement 2, but it is relevant to all of the minimum requirements.
SPCC plans are prepared by the contractor and are required on all WSDOT projects
regardless of size or activities. The contents of the SPCC plan are described in Section
1.3.4 below.
The TESC plan establishes when, where, and how specific BMPs will be implemented to
prevent erosion and the transport of sediments from a site during construction. All TESC
plans must address the 12 elements described in Section 2.3 of this document and in the
Highway Runoff Manual. The elements include:
The Hazardous Materials Program provides on-line guidance to Contractors for preparing
SPCC plans and provides training to WSDOT staff for reviewing an SPCC plan to ensure
compliance with the following required elements:
• Site information and project description
• Spill prevention and containment
• Spill response procedures
• Standby, on-site material and equipment requirements
• Reporting information
• Program management
SPCC plans are required to be project/site specific and when Contractors write the SPCC
plan in coordination with key WSDOT project staff, the plan can ensure that:
• All pollutants are handled in a manner that does not cause contamination of
• Cover, containment, and protection from vandalism is provided for all materials
that, if spilled, would pose an immediate risk to surface waters or groundwater.
• Maintenance and repair of heavy equipment is conducted using spill prevention
measures such as drip pans and, if necessary, cover.
• Contractors follow manufacturers’ recommendations for applying fertilizers and
herbicides, to protect runoff water quality.
• Materials that modify pH, such as cement, concrete, kiln dust, fly ash, cement
grindings, and cement wash-water be managed to prevent contamination of
Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Leads are required on all WSDOT projects
involving earthwork. The qualifications and responsibilities of the ESC Lead are
described in section 8-01.3(1)B of the Standard Specifications.
2008 Standard Specifications
8-01.3(1)B Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Lead
The Contractor shall identify the ESC Lead at the preconstruction discussions and in the TESC plan. The ESC Lead
shall have, for the life of the contract, a current Certificate of Training in Construction Site Erosion and Sediment
Control from a course approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology. The ESC Lead shall be listed on the
Emergency Contact List required under Section 1-05.13(1).
The ESC Lead shall implement the Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC)
plan. Implementation shall include, but is not limited to:
1. Installing and maintaining all temporary erosion and sediment control Best Management Practices (BMPs) included
in the TESC plan to assure continued performance of their intended function. Damaged or inadequate TESC BMPs
shall be corrected immediately.
When a TESC plan is included in the contract plans, the Contractor shall inspect all on-site erosion and sediment
control BMPs at least once every calendar week and within 24 hours of runoff events in which stormwater discharges
from the site. Inspections of temporarily stabilized, inactive sites may be reduced to once every calendar month.
The Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Form (Form Number 220-030 EF) shall be completed for each inspection
and a copy shall be submitted to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day following the inspection.
All projects with greater than 1 acre of soil disturbance (except federal and tribal land)
that may discharge construction stormwater to waters of the state are required to seek
coverage under the NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit. Sampling
guidance for meeting permit requirements can be found in Section 6-8.
Sampling guidance for in-water work projects that are issued a 401 Certification is in
Section 6-9.
Projects that require additional permit conditions should contact Region environmental
and HQ Environmental Services Office staff to incorporate additional sampling
parameters into these protocols.
2. Equipment Calibration
Calibrate equipment according to manufacturers’ recommendations and
specified schedules. Calibration frequency must follow the manufacturers’
recommendations, at a minimum, for data to be legally defensible. Additional
calibrations should be performed immediately if data appear suspect.
6. Sampling Information
The following information is recorded in the field notebook (or on the data
recording sheets) for each sampling event:
Data collected during in-water work projects, on projects covered under Individual
NPDES permits, or those discharging to 303(d) or TMDL-listed water bodies must also
be entered into the Water Quality Monitoring Database, but the data must be reported to
resource agencies by project office staff. The Water Quality Monitoring database can
generate graphs of water quality data showing both upstream and downstream data, along
with the state standard.
If a project chooses to monitor any pollutants more frequently than required by these
protocols, the data must be reported to Ecology per a requirement of the NPDES
Construction Stormwater General Permit. Section 6-8 of WSDOT’s water quality
monitoring protocols is designed to meet the NPDES permit requirements, and Region
environmental and HQ Environmental Services Office staff should be contacted if
additional sampling will be performed.
Enter all water quality data into the Water Quality Monitoring Database, regardless of
which permit or regulatory program the project is under. Data submitted for the NPDES
Construction Stormwater General Permit will be reported to Ecology through the HQ
Water Quality Program. Project offices, or Region environmental support staff, must
directly submit data collected for all individual NPDES, 401 Cert, TMDL, or 303(d)-
listed water bodies to the appropriate Ecology contact, per permit requirements.
Prior to water quality sampling in the field, the responsible WSDOT personnel must
perform the following procedures:
Figure 6-5.1. General layout of NPDES General Construction Permit water quality
sampling location.
Waters of
the state
Project Site
Downstream location 100’ or edge of
-100’ or edge
ROW. If out of compliance, sample
of ROW
at mixing zone point of compliance.
Turbidity standards for discharges to surface waters vary with the turbidity of the
receiving waters. For most state waters the water quality criteria for turbidity and general
water quality is as follows:
• Turbidity shall not exceed 5 NTU over background turbidity when the
background turbidity is 50 NTU or less, or have more than a 10 percent increase
in turbidity when the background turbidity is more than 50 NTU.
• Aesthetic values shall not be impaired by the presence of materials or their
effects, excluding those of natural origin, which offend the senses of sight, smell,
touch, or taste.
Mixing zones may be allowed under certain conditions on some sites. A mixing zone is
defined in state law as “that portion of a water body adjacent to an effluent outfall where
mixing results in the dilution of the effluent with the receiving water. Water quality
criteria may be exceeded in a mixing zone as conditioned and provided for in WAC 173-
201A-100.” The use, size, and location of mixing zones are established in permits or
orders by the Department of Ecology.
The acidity or alkalinity of discharge water from construction sites, measured as pH, is
monitored because elevated levels can directly harm aquatic resources. The pH scale
ranges from 0 to 14, with a pH of 7 being neutral. Levels higher than 7 are alkaline and
lower than 7 are acidic. Construction projects are most likely to have more alkaline or
elevated pH levels as a result of concrete grinding, saw cutting, concrete placing, and
truck washing, for example. The standard for pH is no increase greater than 0.2 or 0.5
over background depending on the classification of the waterbody.
In 2007, 10 projects performing in-water work monitored for substantial water quality
impacts. Many of these projects were required to collect this data during construction to
meet Department of Ecology permit requirements. During in-water work, WSDOT
inspectors collect flowing water samples from sites where compliance with state
standards is thought to be the most challenging. The following graph summarizes results
comparing water quality upstream and downstream. Results show that 87% (73 out of 84)
of the samples collected met state water quality standards for turbidity. Of the 11 non
compliance events, eight were associated with stream diversions and re-introduction of
streams into stream channels. The remaining non-compliance events were associated with
rock removal within a river (one recorded event), an undersized pump was ineffective in
getting muddy water to a suitable upland area (one recorded event), and stream bank
erosion caused by flow from a diversion pipe (one recorded event).
Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 A pr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 A ug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07
In 2006 the DOE began requiring water quality sampling on construction sites with
greater than five acres of soil disturbance as a condition of their general construction
permit so they could gauge the effectiveness of their permit program in keeping the water
clean. These projects are required to collect water clarity samples at all locations where
stormwater leaves the construction site. DOE provides indicators of compliance, also
called ‘benchmark values’, for these samples. The benchmark values are intended to
estimate the likelihood of meeting water quality standards and are also indicators of
properly functioning BMPs. Discharges from construction sites less than 25 NTUs are
considered not likely to cause an exceedance of state water quality standards under most
conditions, and BMPs are thought to be functioning well. Construction site discharges
above 26 NTUs indicate BMPs are not functioning properly so action must be taken to
correct problems. A discharge of 250 NTU or more has a higher risk of exceeding water
quality standards. Consequently, DOE must be notified, and immediate corrective actions
must be taken. The data WSDOT collected from October 2006 through October 2007 at
all applicable locations is summarized in the graph below. Over the past year, only 4%
(101 of 2309) of WSDOT’s samples exceeded the 250 NTU benchmark.
# of samples
0 Oct-06 Nov-06 Dec-06 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07
WSDOT’s performance steadily improved from 2003 through 2005. However, the level
of performance dropped in 2006 for several of the recorded measures. Performance in
2007 rebounded, and is at an all time high with all measures above 80% and with only
one measure demonstrating a decrease. Access route stabilization to prevent tracking of
mud onto streets dropped due to insufficient maintenance, inappropriate placement, or
delayed installation of this Best Management Practice (BMP). Recommendations were
made to fix the identified deficiency and prevent possible problems.
Three reasons were identified for the improved performance in 2007. First, due to
forecasted wet weather, projects began preparing sites for winter earlier than in past years.
Second, 13 out of the 30 projects requested the optional follow-up visit to document the
improvements made to fix deficiencies that were identified during the initial site
inspection. Third, 12 out of the 30 projects were nearing completion, so much of the site
had been permanently stabilized.
While many of these projects are nearing completion, WSDOT has 10 very challenging
projects due to ongoing construction through the winter. These projects are doing a good
job of proactively preventing erosion, but will receive extra attention throughout the
winter. One such project was flooded in early December by the Chehalis River, yet
sustained little damage.
This course is designed to help you keep your construction projects in environmental
compliance. There will be times, however, when problems will arise despite the best
efforts to implement BMPs. Regardless of the reason, if site runoff fails to meet water
quality standards, the notification procedures described in the Construction Manual must
be implemented immediately by the contractor and WSDOT management. This guidance
describes “notification triggers” and follows a step-by-step notification procedure from
the contractor who discovers the problem to the WSDOT Regional Administrator and
director of Environmental Services. These procedures can also be viewed on-line at:
Procedure Overview
When any action (Notification Trigger) below occurs or if there are questions about
compliance, the Project Engineer (PE) shall initiate this procedure to develop corrective
actions to solve the identified problem. The Regional Environmental Manager (REM)
will serve as a resource to the PE and give priority to addressing the actions, activities, or
situations that stem from notification triggers. The PE and REM will work together on an
When any action (Notification Trigger) below occurs or if there are questions about
compliance, the Project Engineer (PE) shall initiate this procedure to develop corrective
actions to solve the identified problem. The Regional Environmental Manager (REM)
will serve as a resource to the PE and give priority to addressing the actions, activities, or
situations that stem from notification triggers. The PE and REM will work together on an
appropriate response to the notification trigger to avoid or minimize environmental
2. Any action that, in the judgment of the REM, contractor or Project Engineer,
may violate environmental permit conditions, agreements, or approvals for the
project; or other environmental laws, ordinances, or regulations;
a. The activities that triggered the notification and why they occurred.
b. Location of the work.
c. Potential solutions to the problem, or if additional investigation is
needed, the agreed upon course of action.
d. Any related site constraints or safety issues.
e. Urgency of the issue
Step 6. In consultation with the REM, determine the resource agencies having
jurisdiction and who will notify them.
Step 3. Work with the Project Engineer to resolve the issue that caused the
notification trigger.
Step 1. Notify Compliance Branch Manager and any other ESO Program
Managers associated with the resource issue.
Step 2. Ensure that the Project Engineer and the Regional Environmental Manager
have the necessary resources, authority and organizational support to successfully
resolve the environmental problem.
C. Timing: Due to costs of project delays, or risk of not acting quickly during emergency
situations, the REM shall provide a 24 hour contact person for environmental
D. Documentation:
1. The Project Engineer shall document the details of the notification and problem
resolution in the contract records.
The REM shall provide all regional noncompliance tracking data to ESO
Compliance Branch Manager for the purposes of annual reporting and review of
compliance performance.
1. “Project Engineer” is the person responsible for the project and administration
of the construction contract. This responsibility may be delegated to a subordinate
employee on site, but the ultimate responsibility for making sure these procedures
are followed will be with the Project Engineer. The Project Engineer shall have a
thorough knowledge of all of the environmental permit conditions and design
requirements for the project, and have such certifications and other qualifications
as may be required.
*Denotes that the action is mandatory when the violation 1) results in agency
enforcement staff coming on site to conduct enforcement review; and/or 2) there is a high
likelihood the event will result in NOVs or penalty.
Raindrop The impact of raindrops on bare soil displaces soil particles. Over
the duration of a storm, significant volumes of sediment are made
available to be transported.
Sheet As rain accumulates a non-concentrated, uniform layer of runoff is
formed. This sheet flow transports detached soil from raindrop
impacts, as well as plucks off additional soil particles caused by
the shear stress of the runoff.
Rill When sheet flows converge, increased volumes and velocities of
water are concentrated. Small, intermittent watercourses with
steep sides, known as rills, are formed. They are usually only a
few inches deep.
Gully When rills converge and/or impervious surfaces focus runoff in a
single location, a large channel, known as a gully, is formed.
Volumes and velocities of water, along with shear stress are
increasing dramatically.
Stream Bank Bank erosion of existing streams/channels is caused by increased
peak flows.
The volumes and velocities of runoff at the raindrop and sheet flow phases are relatively
low and as a result, they are often referred to as “low energy” phases. The rill and gully
phases are often referred to as “high energy” because of the greater volumes and
velocities. Therefore, if erosion control efforts are focused at the “low energy” phases,
less expensive BMPs can be used, less time will be spent implementing them, and less
maintenance will be needed. The opposite is true if too much reliance is put on sediment
control in place of prevention.
Bed Load - Soil particles that are dragged, rolled, skipped, or saltated.
Suspension - Soil particles that are lifted up by the flow energy and moved long
distances down stream before settling to the bed.
Colloidal Suspension - Same as suspension but includes only the fine, colloidal soil
particles that may never settle to the bed.
As is the case with water erosion, the loss of soil by wind movement involves the
detachment and transportation processes. The lifting and abrasive action of the wind
results in some detachment of tiny soil grains from the granules or clods of which they
are a part. When the wind is laden with soil particles, however, its abrasive action is
greatly increased. The impact of these rapidly moving grains dislodges other particles
from soil clods and aggregates. These dislodged particles are now ready for movement.
Saltation – The most important of the mechanics of wind erosion is saltation, defined by
soil particles bouncing short distances. They remain close to the ground, usually no
higher than twelve inches. Depending on soil conditions, saltation may account for 50-
70% of total erosion.
Surface Creep – Saltation encourages surface creep, which is the rolling and sliding
along the surface of larger soil particles. Not only is surface creep initiated by saltation,
it is actually prolonged by the ricocheting action of saltating particles. Surface creep may
account for 5-25% of total erosion.
Suspension – Dust particles of fine sand size or smaller are moved parallel and upward
to the ground surface. Suspension can reach ten feet to many miles into the sky. Very
fine particles are lifted from the surface by impact/saltation and carried high into the air,
remaining suspended in air for long distances. Although it is a spectacular and visible
method of transporting soil, it may account for only 15% of total erosion.
• Soil
• Precipitation
• Vegetation
• Surface Area
• Slope Length & Gradient
• Surface Texture
Basin area, vegetation type, amount and type of precipitation, soil characteristics,
gradient and slope length all contribute to the amount of soil lost to erosion. On any
given site and project you will be able to control some of these factors, but not others.
They can be compared to the knobs on a control panel and one of the first tasks of
erosion control planning is to determine which knobs are adjustable.
For example, slope length and gradient can often be controlled through project design, or
by terracing or otherwise breaking up a slope. Soil type is usually not controllable except
when soil is imported for fill. Likewise, you can't change precipitation, but scheduling to
avoid periods of high probability of rainfall provides some control over this factor. For
any project and site consider the contribution each of these factors will make to potential
erosion, and which of those you can control to reduce that potential.
Soil Texture
Soil contains varying combinations of sand, silt, and clay. The overall combination of
these minerals is referred to as soil “texture.” For example, a soil with 50% sand, 19%
silt, and 31% clay is called a “sandy clay loam” (see soil triangle). Two important
characteristics of texture are cohesion and infiltration.
Cohesion is the ability of soil particles to bind together. As it increases, erosion potential
decreases. Sands are large, heavy particles that are loosely packed together. Silts consist
of medium sized particles, which are moderately packed together. Clays are extremely
small, tightly packed particles.
Infiltration is the ability for soil to absorb water and is a function of soil texture. Water
infiltrates rapidly in coarse textured, highly porous soils such as sands, while fine
textured soils like silt and clay will infiltrate little if any water. Groundwater seeps and
mudslides are often found in association with fine textured soil due to limited infiltration
in those layers.
Water and wind erosion are similarly affected by texture. Sands and silt are more
susceptible due to less cohesion than the tightly packed clay particles.
The following methods are used to determine site-specific erosion potential based on soil
texture. These include the following methods: (1) county soil surveys, (2) geotechnical
reports, (3) jar test in combination with soil triangle, and (4) hand texturing.
The Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), formerly the Soil Conservation
Service, has developed maps for Washington State that show the specific soil
classification for any given location. These maps are compiled by county and are
typically available from the regional NRCS office, local conservation district, or
Washington State University Cooperative Extension office. To determine which soil
group to use for an analysis, locate the project site on the NRCS map and read the soil
classification that is listed. WSDOT’s Erosion Control Designers Course (course
code CAY) contains additional information to evaluate risks related to soils.
Group B
Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly
of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well-drained soils that have
moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture.
Group C
Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of
soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of
moderately fine texture or fine texture.
Group D
Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet.
These consist chiefly of clays that have high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a
permanent high water table, soils that have a clay pan or clay layer at or near the
surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material.
2. Geotechnical Reports
These usually give detailed descriptions of soils including soil grain size, which refers
to the actual sizes of the individual particles (i.e., sand, silt, clay) making up the
sediment portion of the soils. The grain size distribution of a given sample of
sediment or soil is most often reported as a series of percentages (for each size class)
of the overall sample mass or weight. Knowing the grain size and structure can lead
to understanding the porosity of the soil and its ability to hold moisture.
One way to determine soil texture in the field involves using a jar and soil triangle.
This method involves the following steps.
Step 1
Fill a quart jar with equal parts of soil and water; shake vigorously, then let it stand.
The largest particles (sand) will settle out in about a minute. Silt will take about an
hour, while clay may take all day. Measure the depth of each layer, and divide by the
total depth of the soil to get a percentage for each component.
Fi gu re 2. 2. 1B Jar Te st
Step 2
Plot the results of your soil test on the soil-texture triangle. Draw a line from each
scale (clay, silt, or sand) that starts at the approximate percentage and runs parallel to
the triangle side at the 0% end of the scale. In the example shown here, lines from
31% on the clay scale, 19% on the silt scale, and 50% on the sand scale meet to
identify the soil as "sandy clay loam."
70 30
50 50
40 S ANDY 60
31% clay 30
L OAM 70
L OAM 80
10 90
S AND 100
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
50% sand
4. Hand Texturing
Another field sampling method to determine soil texture is hand texturing. For this
method, a representative soil sample is rolled into a ball and the flow chart provided
on the next page is followed. While not as precise as some of the other methods
mentioned above, hand texturing can give a rough estimate of a soils texture and how
that soil might affect erosion.
Place ball of soil between thumb and forefinger, gently pushing the soil with the
thumb, squeezing it upward into a ribbon. Form a ribbon of uniform thickness
width. Allow the ribbon to emerge and extend over the forefinger, breaking from its
own weight.
Excessively wet a small pinch of soil in palm and rub with forefinger.
Silt Loam Yes Clay Loam Yes Silty Clay Yes
No No No
Soil texture greatly influences the turbidity of construction runoff. The rate at which
eroded soil particles settle out of solution as sediment is largely determined by the size of
the particle. Larger particles weigh more and settle faster, whereas, smaller particles
weigh less and settle more slowly. Extremely small particles form colloidal suspensions
that do not settle out for years or centuries. Settling rates for a wide range of soil particle
sizes is indicated on Table 2.2.1.
Time Required to
Diameter of Settling Velocity
Order of Size Settle One Meter
Particle (mm) (mm/sec)
(3.28 Ft)
10.0 Gravel 1.000 1.0 Seconds
1.0 100 9.8 Seconds
0.6 Coarse Sand 63 15.0 Seconds
0.3 32 30.0 seconds
0.15 Fine Sand 15 67.0 Seconds
0.015 0.35 47.6 Minutes
0.010 Silt 0.154 107.0 Minutes
0.003 0.0138 20.1 Hours
0.0015 Clay 0.0035 79.0 Hours
0.001 0.00154 180.0 Hours
0.0001 0.0000154 754.0 Days
0.00001 Colloidal Particles 0.000000154 207.0 Years
NOTE: Temperature 50°C; all particles assumed to have a specific gravity of 2.65.
Fine textured soils contain a high proportion of small soil particles that, once suspended,
create turbid runoff that requires long settling times to clarify. Such runoff is very
difficult to clarify using standard sediment control BMPs.
Coarse, sandy soils are easily eroded, but suspended particles rapidly settle due to their
larger size. Therefore, sites with sandy soils may experience severe erosion yet have low
turbidity runoffs, especially when effective sedimentation control BMPs are used.
2.2.2 Precipitation
The frequency, intensity and duration of precipitation events affect erosion potential. It is
important to know the precipitation patterns when preparing and implementing TESC
plans. Knowing one rainfall variable alone is insufficient. All three factors must be
evaluated to accurately assess the potential for erosion. Seasonal variations for each of
these factors must also be considered.
Intensity - High intensity rainfall events have the greatest potential for erosion for two
reasons. First, high intensity rainfall events cause the most severe raindrop erosion.
Secondly, high intensity rainfall events create flashy, large runoff volumes. This runoff
usually collects as high energy, concentrated flow that can cause rills, gullies, and
damage to drainage features.
Duration - Duration of precipitation events also affects the potential for erosion because
of the ability to saturate the soil. Saturated soil conditions increase the potential for both
increased surface runoff volumes and mudslides. A given amount of rainfall at the end of
a prolonged rain event often does much greater damage than the same amount of rain at
the beginning of the rain event.
Moisture content of the soil is critical when determining its susceptibility to wind erosion.
Figure 2.2.2A illustrates how dust control issues may vary around the state.
Knowing the expected rainfall for any given area and time of year can be critical.
Forecasts provide an idea of the weather for the next few days, but statistical data, based
on past rainfall records, is needed to help identify long-term trends.
Of particular interest to WSDOT designers, inspectors, and project managers are the
Average Total Monthly Precipitation graphs. These graphs are available for over 200
sampling stations throughout the state and can be copied and pasted into Stormwater Site
Plans, Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plans, Water Quality Monitoring plans,
and other documents that address stormwater and its potential for impacts on the environment.
The address for the Western Regional Climate Center summaries is:
At this address an alphabetical list of all the sampling stations is available in the left
frame and an interactive map (Figure 2.2.2B) showing their locations in the right frame.
Linking to a station by clicking on the list name or on the map location is available.
Average monthly totals give a good starting point to determine how projects should be
phased and at what times of year the site should be most heavily protected.
Extreme events, not averages, are responsible for severe erosion problems. Note that the
frequency of extreme events is highest during the wet season, yet extreme events happen
throughout the year.
The probability of extreme events (any rainfall quantity) can be checked for risk
assessment during construction.
Runoff Volume:
Well-vegetated areas experience little erosion. Rain is intercepted by the tree canopy and
evaporates back into the atmosphere. The canopy also decreases the evaporation of water
from the soil, making it less susceptible to wind erosion. Plant roots increase the porosity
of soils increasing infiltration rates. Forest floor material such as moss, pine needles,
twigs, dead grass, and rotten wood absorb water and decreases ground level wind speeds.
Flow Velocity:
The velocity of stormwater runoff slows down due to surface friction created by vegetation
and other material on the forest floor.
Sediment Filtration:
Vegetation and litter (dead plants) serve as natural filters, catching suspended materials in
Energy Absorption:
Vegetation and litter absorb the energy of falling raindrops, reducing raindrop erosion.
Roots, vegetation and litter break up flows reducing runoff energy below levels that cause
Soil Retention:
Roots bind soils, while vegetation and litter trap most dislodged soil particles. Grass roots
make up 50% of the plant mass.
There are two ways that large surface areas affect soil erodibility. First, they collect large
volumes of water and the concentrated flows can be quite damaging. Second, the available
supply of fugitive dust particles is increased. As a result of this problem with surface area,
WSDOT has created standard specification 8-01.1, which limits acreage exposure based on
time of year and location within Washington (Eastern/Western).
Doubling the slope length increases the potential for water erosion four times and doubling
the slope gradient increases the potential five times. With increased slope lengths and
gradients, runoff travels faster with more erosive energy. Higher velocity runoff more
rapidly form rills and gullies that concentrate erosive flows and energy even further.
Increased surface texture decreases soil erosion by slowing runoff velocities and
decreasing ground level wind speeds. Increased texture encourages infiltration of
stormwater and reduces saltation and surface creep of wind blown soil particles.
Inadequate erosion control can lead to serious regulatory and economic setbacks to project
delivery. WSDOT conducted a study to assess the costs of erosion control in the field.
The study included a review of approximately 89 projects completed in 2001.
From that study, it was determined that 28 or approximately one-third of the projects were
over budget for the line item water pollution prevention/erosion control. Only 18 projects,
however, were responsible for the majority of cost overruns. The 18 projects were
budgeted at $600,000 for water pollution prevention/erosion control, but a total of $2.6
million was spent. Those 18 projects were responsible for 80 percent of total erosion
control spending for that year.
Water quality and offsite damage virtually guarantee regulatory and/or legal involvement.
If site damage can be avoided altogether, then it stands to reason that water quality
violations and offsite damage can be avoided as well.
The purpose of TESC planning is to clearly establish when, where, and how specific BMPs
will be implemented to prevent erosion and the transport of sediment from a site during
construction. TESC planning is used to identify potential problems and to provide
solutions to eliminate or minimize the risk of erosion. It should indicate what BMPs will
be implemented in the design of the project as well as the procedures used during
construction to minimize erosion. Due to the unpredictable nature of weather and
construction conditions, an erosion control plan must be flexible and open to modifications
or additions during construction.
The principal focus of an effective TESC plan should be erosion control. Although every
plan will contain both erosion and sediment control measures, it is more cost effective to
emphasize erosion prevention. Erosion prevention should be considered in both the design
and construction planning processes as well as during construction. Properly implemented
A WSDOT TESC plan includes two parts; a narrative (written description) section and a
set of plan sheets. The narrative must be written first, as it is the tool used to analyze the
factors affecting erodibility (see Section 2.2) and determine the correct combination of
BMPs to apply. The narrative needs to include documentation to explain and justify the
pollution prevention decisions made for the project, including information about
topography, drainage, soils, vegetation, and potential erosion problem areas. The narrative
must also account for intermediate stages of construction because the plan sheets only
reveal temporary BMP placement for the built out condition of the project. It is necessary
that all 12 Elements be considered during the planning process, although not all may be
applicable. In that instance, explain in the narrative why the element is not applicable.
The TESC elements are:
• Element 1: Mark clearing limits • Element 8: Stabilize channels and
• Element 2: Establish construction access outlets
• Element 3: Control flow rates • Element 9: Control Pollutants
• Element 4: Install sediment controls • Element 10: Control dewatering
• Element 5: Stabilize soils • Element 11: Maintain BMPs
• Element 6: Protect slopes • Element 12: Manage the project
• Element 7: Protect drain inlets
WSDOT has created a TESC Planning Tool. The tool will: 1) reduce the amount of time
needed to prepare and review temporary erosion control plans, 2) help ensure that plans are
more thorough, and 3) help designers prepare contractual tools for enforcing all plan
elements. Training is required on the use of the database and is available in ATMS (course
code CAY). Contact Jana Ratcliff (360) 570-6649 for more information.
Each TESC element should be evaluated for risk and explained in detail. The evaluation
must include all stages of project construction and account for varying seasons. After
reviewing WSDOT’s Standard Specifications and Standard Plans, determine if the Best
Management Practices (BMPs) address the risks previously identified for the TESC
elements. If a specification or plan does not adequately address the risk or is completely
nonexistent, then you need to locate an existing General Special Provision that may suite
WSDOT prepares an initial erosion control plan for all projects involving soil disturbances.
These plans are prepared in advance to satisfy permit requirements for project approval.
Important TESC planning details cannot be included in the initial plan because the
contractor frequently determines construction dates, methods and schedules.
Because contractors determine the construction methods and schedule, contractors are
encouraged to modify the TESC plan so that it is compatible with their construction plans.
The contractor should prepare TESC plan modifications for presentation at the Pre-
construction Meeting. Modifications should describe: 1) how the construction schedule
will minimize site exposure to erosion, 2) how TESC BMP installation will correspond
with the construction schedule, 3) how and where the proposed erosion and sediment
control measures will stabilize disturbed soils, divert or store flows, and retain sediments
throughout each phase of construction, 4) how and when the TESC measures will be
replaced or converted into permanent stormwater management BMPs, and 5) the schedule
and procedures for monitoring and maintaining the erosion and sediment control measures.
The contractor must identify an ESC Lead at the pre-construction meeting and the Lead is
responsible for implementing the TESC plan throughout construction. This includes
installing and maintaining the BMPs, performing the BMP inspections, maintaining and
updating the TESC plan, and working with the WSDOT Engineer. Implementing the plan
often includes making modifications in the field and the ESC Lead must coordinate with
the WSDOT Engineer to modify the plan as needed. If there is a NPDES General
Construction Permit for the project, a weekly site inspection is required to meet permit
conditions. WSDOT has created an inspection form to ensure compliance with permit
requirement. The form number is 220-030 EF (see Table 2.3.7 below) and is available at:
The WSDOT engineer or inspector will conduct frequent site inspections to confirm that the
contractor is implementing the plan and that the plan is working effectively. The WSDOT
inspector will walk the site with the TESC plan in hand to evaluate whether BMPs were
installed as specified on the plan drawings. Inspections will be made on a regular basis to
ensure that the site is always prepared for a storm. The inspector may use a tool such as the
TESC Inspection Form to evaluate whether BMPs have been installed properly and are
effective (see Table 2.3.7).
When the ESC Lead becomes aware of a problem on the site, the WSDOT Engineer must
be notified. The WSDOT Engineer will determine if the problem warrants notifying the
regulatory authorities.
Date & Time: __________ Current Weather: _____________ Precip in 24 Hours: __________
A project design that minimizes erosion risks results in reduced erosion complications
during and after construction. All possible measures should be utilized to minimize
clearing and grading which exposes the site to erosion. Projects should be designed to
integrate existing land contours as much as possible and minimize the angle and lengths
of slopes. Project drainage design should consider water generated both on and off of the
site that can impact erosion potential.
How and when a project is built can greatly affect the potential for erosion. Sequencing
and scheduling are some of the most important aspects of erosion control planning.
Construction sequencing should minimize the duration and extent of soil disturbance.
Whenever possible, major soil disturbing activities should be done in phases to minimize
exposed areas. Likewise, major grading operations should be limited to the dry season.
An effective schedule prevents the site from becoming overexposed to erosion risks. The
construction schedule should tie the installation of erosion control BMPs to the order of
land disturbing activities. The types of activities that should be included in the schedule
• Installation of perimeter control and detention BMPs prior to soil-disturbing activities
• Phasing and timing of clearing, grubbing, and grading
• Interim BMP strategies
• Installation of permanent BMPs and a description of how temporary BMPs have been
coordinated with the development of permanent measures
• Erosion control inspection and maintenance schedule
Physical BMPs include all of the erosion and sediment control measures that are put in
place after all possible design and procedural BMPs have been considered. Physical
BMPs should be considered as a supplement to and not a replacement for the design and
procedural BMPs. Examples are described in Section 3 of this manual, the Highway
Runoff Manual, and the Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington.
When selecting BMPs it is important to correctly identify the source of the problem. It is
better to treat the source once than constantly battle with the symptoms down gradient;
i.e., cover a slope once as opposed to fixing a silt fence ten times. Misidentification of
the source of the problem often leads to wasting of time, material and money on
inappropriate and ineffective measures.
The Erosion Control Program works with the Construction Office and updates the Standard
Specifications every 3-6 months. A complete electronic copy is available online at Standard
Plans compliment Standard Specifications with details on installation requirements. Plans
can be downloaded from the Design Office website at However, when the
erosion/sediment risk is so unique that a Standard Specification is not sufficient, either a
General or Special Provision must be written.
Physical BMPs are organized into two parts; erosion control (preventing soil detachment)
and sediment control (trapping detached soil particles). Temporary and permanent cover
using natural or simulated vegetation are examples of source control BMPs. That is, they
prevent erosion from happening in the first place. However, even the best efforts at
preventing erosion are usually not 100% effective, particularly during big rain events.
Sediment control BMPs such as silt fence work to remove as much sediment as possible
from runoff before it leaves the site.
Properly installed erosion control BMPs improves the performance of sediment control
efforts. However, solely relying on erosion control BMPs is inadequate. In addition,
solely relying on sediment control without performing any erosion control will
overwhelm the BMPs.
Many structural erosion control BMPs do not actually cover bare soil. They prevent
further erosion by preventing existing runoff from accessing the soil. Other structural
control BMPs prevent site conditions from getting worse as a result of construction
All prefabricated erosion and sediment control BMPs must be approved prior to use on
WSDOT projects. The Qualified Products Lists (QPL) contains many pre-approved
products to choose from. Manufacturers of products must submit an application with
specific product information to WSDOT’s New Products Committee for review.
Applications can be submitted online to the New Products Committee and the QPL can
be viewed at the following website:
3.2.1 Seeding
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Refer to regional Landscape Architects for seed mix information.
• If seeding outside of the seeding window, a BFM or MBFM should be used.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end
of section 3.2.
Application of organic material to protect bare soil from raindrop and sheet erosion, in
addition to enhancing seed germination.
Mulch provides immediate temporary protection from erosion. Mulch also enhances plant
establishment by conserving moisture, holding fertilizer, seed, and topsoil in place, and
moderating soil temperatures. There are numerous mulches that can be used, such as
straw, wood chips (hog-fuel), wood fibers, and compost.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
8-01.3(2)D Mulching
Mulch of the type specified in the Special Provisions shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied at the
rates indicated and shall be spread on seeded areas within 48 hours after seeding unless otherwise specified.
Distribution of straw mulch material shall be by means of an approved mulch spreader that utilizes forced air to
blow mulch material on seeded areas.
Mulch may be applied with seed and fertilizer West of the summit of the Cascade Range. East of the summit of
the Cascade Range, seed and fertilizer shall be applied in one application followed by the application of mulch.
Mulch shall be suitable for application with a hydro seeder as specified in 8-01.3(2)B.
Temporary seed applied outside the application windows established in 8-01.3(2)F, shall be covered with a mulch
containing either BFM or MBFM, as designated by the Engineer.
Mulch sprayed on signs or sign structures shall be removed the same day.
Areas not accessible by mulching equipment shall be mulched by approved hand methods.
Additional Information
• Compost is a popular material for mulching due to soil amending properties that
benefit plant growth and because of its significant stormwater infiltration
capacity. Compost must be sufficiently aged or digested and meet the materials
specification in Section 9-14.4(8) to prevent leaching of nutrients into the runoff.
• Wood chips left over from land clearing activities are also a great mulch. During
the decomposition process, however, a nitrogen deficiency in the soil can occur
making it difficult for plants to grow well.
• Wood chip mulch may also a suitable material for stabilizing entrances and haul
roads. Heavy traffic areas may require rock however.
• Hand spread straw is less likely to be displaced because of its weight and length.
Blown straw is smaller and may be more susceptible to wind and rain action.
• Tackifiers ranging from organic to inorganic are available for use to prevent
displacement by wind and rain (Refer to 8-01.3(2)C Soil Binding Using
Polyacrylamide (PAM), and 8-02.3(15) Erosion Control Seeding, Fertilizing, and
• Consult with the Engineer to determine which mulch is best for the project.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the
end of section 3.2.
Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM): A combination of wood fiber and organic or synthetic
tackifier that can be mixed with seed and applied hydraulically. Requires at least a 48-hour
cure time and should not be used on saturated soils that have groundwater seeps.
Soil stabilization BMPs that form a permeable crust over disturbed soils to protect from
raindrop impacts. Both products provide better protection than wood cellulose fiber alone.
They can be applied with seed or as a stand-alone BMP.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
8-01.3(2)E Tacking Agent and Soil Binders
Soil Binding Using Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM)
The BFM shall be hydraulically applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Soil Binding Using Mechanically-Bonded Fiber Matrix (MBFM)
The MBFM shall be hydraulically applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions and
Additional Information
• Vendors of BFM can be found in the Qualified Products List (QPL) under
Standard Specification 9-14.4(9) and MBFM vendors can be found under
Standard Specification 9-14.4(10).
• Both products are hydraulically applied and can have seed included.
A blanket made of natural plant material or synthetic fibers, which is rolled out and
fastened to the soil surface to protect soil from raindrop and sheet erosion.
Erosion control blankets protect soil from raindrop and sheet erosion until permanent
vegetation is established. Organic blankets are made of either jute, straw, wood shavings,
WSDOT Construction Site Erosion & Sediment Control Certification Course
coconut fiber (coir) or varying combinations of each. Product longevity ranges from six
months to five years depending on composition of blanket and environmental conditions.
Synthetic blankets often contain materials that resist ultraviolet light and last more than
five years. While most are suitable for slopes, others can be used in ditches with
considerable volumes/velocities.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Refer to WSDOT Qualified Products List (QPL) for more information on WSDOT
approved blanket manufacturers.
• Slopes must be prepared prior to installing the blanket. If a slope with rills is
covered with a blanket, erosion will continue underneath the blanket. The blanket
must consistently make direct contact with the soil.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end
of section 3.2.
The covering of bare areas with plastic sheeting to provide immediate erosion protection.
The three main uses for plastic include providing: (1) immediate coverage of slopes and
stockpiles; (2) short term coverage where mulch or blankets are not an option; and
(3) protection from extreme cold weather to encourage early growth of vegetation.
WSDOT Specification
WSDOT Specification
Additional Information
• Plastic provides 100% protection of the soil, however, it collects 100% of the rain and
transfers the erosion potential elsewhere. Therefore, energy dissipation below the
plastic, as well as conveyance of runoff should be anticipated.
PAM is a long-chain polymer developed to clarify drinking water that can be used in
erosion control because of its ability to stabilize soils and remove fine suspended
sediments from stormwater runoff at highway construction sites. PAM also increases
infiltration rates in soils by preventing surface sealing.
Applying PAM to bare soil in advance of a rain event reduces erosion and controls
sediment. First, PAM binds soil particles together and reduces the affects of raindrop and
sheet erosion. As a result, stormwater infiltration is increased because the soil pore
volume is not clogged with fine sediments. Second, stormwater pond performance is
enhanced because sediment that reaches the pond will contain PAM. The polymer binds
the smaller particles together making longer, heavier particles that settle out of suspension
faster than in the absence of PAM.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Tacking Agents
Tacking agents shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended requirements.
Soil Binders
Soil binders shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended requirements.
Additional Information
• PAM products shall meet ANSI/NSF Standard 60 for drinking water treatment. PAM
shall be “anionic” and linear (non-crosslinked). The minimum average molecular
weight shall be 5 Mg/mole. WSDOT’s Qualified Products List (QPL) lists approved
manufacturers of PAM.
• PAM shall not be directly applied to water or allowed to enter a water body.
• Since PAM is not directly applied to water it is not considered a form of chemical
treatment so special approval from Ecology is not needed.
• In areas that drain to a sediment pond, PAM can be applied to bare soil under the
following conditions:
During rough grading operations
Staging areas.
Balanced cut and fill earthwork.
Haul roads prior to placement of crushed rock surfacing.
Compacted soil road base.
After final grade and before paving or final seeding and planting.
Pit sites.
• In areas where soil will remain un-worked for several months, PAM should be used in
combination with mulch.
• For small areas that need coverage, PAM can be applied at the dry application rate of 5
lbs/acre using a hand-held “organ grinder” seed spreader.
• Depending on site conditions, PAM will last 3 to 6 months in the soil from the date of
application. Extreme weather and heavy traffic (if used on haul roads) will shorten the
lifespan and will require more frequent application.
• Refer to the Washington State Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management
Manual for Western Washington, Volume II for more information on PAM.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.2.
8-01.3(15) Maintenance
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained so they properly perform their function until the Engineer
determines they are no longer needed.
The BMP’s shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B for damage and sediment deposits.
Damage to or undercutting of BMP’s shall be repaired immediately.
In areas where the Contractor’s activities have compromised the erosion control functions of the existing grasses, the
Contractor shall overseed at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one-third the
height of the BMP the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated sediment shall be disposed of in accordance
with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Clean sediments may be stabilized on site using approved best management practices when the
Engineer approves.
Vegetation provides the following benefits: (1) rainfall impact (energy) absorption; (2)
reduction of runoff volumes and velocities; (3) sediment trapping; and (4) root stabilization
of soil. Preserving natural vegetation reduces the need to spend money on BMPs, which
try to mimic these natural benefits.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
The establishment of perennial vegetative cover on disturbed areas. Species are often
native to the region.
To prevent soil erosion by wind or water, and to improve wildlife habitat and site
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Soil Binders
Soil binders shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended requirements.
Additional Information
• Refer to regional Landscape Architects for seed mix information.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.3.
Stabilizing fine-graded disturbed areas by establishing permanent grass stands with sod.
To establish permanent turf for immediate erosion protection or to stabilize drainage ways
where concentrated overland flow will occur.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
9-14.6(8) Sod
The available grass mixtures on the current market shall be submitted to the Engineer for selection and
The sod shall be field grown one calendar year or older, have a well developed root structure, and be free of all
weeds, disease, and insect damage.
Prior to cutting, the sod shall be green, in an active and vigorous state of growth, and mowed to a height not
exceeding 1-inch.
The sod shall be cut with a minimum of 1-inch of soil adhering.
Additional Information
• Sod may be more expensive than other permanent cover BMPs but because the grass is
already established, instant protection is provided.
• In swales, placing sod strips perpendicular to the flow of water increases its ability to
resist shear stress.
• Staggering sod strips will produce a tight fit.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.3.
3.3.4 Topsoiling
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specification
8-02.3(4) Topsoil
Additional Information
Conveyance channels move water and are categorized as flexible and rigid. Flexible
include vegetation, blankets, gravel, and small-medium sized riprap. Rigid include
pvc/concrete pipe, asphalt, and large rock.
Conveyance channels are used to convey water from a project to a stable location capable
of handling a given volume of water without causing erosion.
WSDOT Specification
The following general guidance comes from the Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 15 –
Design of Roadside Channels with Flexible Linings, Federal Highways Department
publication (No. FHWA-IP-87-7).
Flexible Rigid
Advantages Advantages
• Inexpensive to install and maintain (grass • Maximizes conveyance capacity using
lined ditches are self-healing) limited space
• Provide water quality treatment • Fully effective immediately (no need to wait
• Allow some infiltration for grass to grow)
• Cause less increase in peak flows • Can be designed to withstand and level of
shear stress.
Disadvantages Disadvantages
• Excessive flows can cause erosion • Expensive to build, maintain and repair
• Vegetation requires time to become • Increased peak discharge rates more likely to
established cause downstream erosion
• Requires more space • No infiltration
• Not be used in channels where shear stress • No water quality treatment
exceeds 8 lb/ft 2 or slopes exceeding 10%
(except riprap)
The potential for erosion is based on shear stress, which is the force required to pull or peel
(erode) material off of the bottom or sides of a ditch. Shear stress can be calculated using
the following formula.
What is the shear stress in a straight ditch with a slope of 5% when the water is 1 foot
Table 3.2.6B indicates the maximum shear stresses that several different types of flexible
liner materials can withstand. As a general guideline, multiply the expected maximum
shear stress by 3 (a 30% safety factor is built in) to the diameter or riprap needed to
stabilize a ditch. Manufacturers provide the shear strength ratings for erosion control
blankets. Selection of liner material should be based upon the maximum shear stress that
products or specified rock sizes can withstand.
What flexible liner materials are adequate to stabilize a ditch with a 3% slope and an
expected flow depth of 1.5 feet.
If rock were used a minimum mean stone size of at least 8.4 inches should be used because
(2.81) (3.0 conversion factor) = 8.4
Numerous coir erosion control blankets and synthetic turf reinforcement products could be
substituted for rock with potentially significant cost savings. A well-established healthy
stand of grass could also withstand the expected shear stresses in the ditch and help purify
the runoff.
• Check dams can greatly reduce the velocity of flowing water, thereby reducing shear
stress. Check dams can prevent erosion until the permanent grass liner is established.
Temporary slope drains provide rigid lined conveyances until the permanent rigid or
flexible lined channels are completed.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.3.
8-01.3(15) Maintenance
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained so they properly perform their function until the Engineer
determines they are no longer needed.
The BMP’s shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B for damage and sediment deposits.
Damage to or undercutting of BMP’s shall be repaired immediately.
Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one-third the
height of the BMP the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated sediment shall be disposed of in accordance
with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Clean sediments may be stabilized on site using approved best management practices when the
Engineer approves.
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s that have been damaged shall be repaired or replaced immediately by the
Contractor, in accordance with Section 1-07.13(4).
3.4.1 Fencing
Fencing restricts clearing to approved limits, prevents disturbance of sensitive areas, and
limits construction traffic to designated roads and entrances.
WSDOT Specification
Project Delivery Memo #04-04 from Don Nelson dated August 11, 2004 addresses high
visibility construction fencing. Regions have adapted the special provision to best fit their
method of presentation, while retaining the intent.
2008 Standard Specification
Additional Information
• In some instances where turbid runoff could enter sensitive areas, silt fence and high
visibility fencing should run parallel to each other. Orange silt fence may be used in
these situations.
To reduce the amount of mud, dirt, rocks, etc., transported onto public roads by motor
vehicles or runoff by constructing a stabilized pad of rock spalls at entrances to
construction sites.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• The same practice can be implemented for all staging and employee parking areas for
the project.
• Grade rock entrance to drain away from the roadway or install a asphalt curb to keep
runoff from flowing onto the roadway.
• Steel plates can be used on top of rock entrances to reduce needed maintenance.
Contact Region Environmental for more information on these steel plates.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
A system using a sump and spray equipment to remove sediment from vehicles during
A tire wash is used when a stabilized construction entrance does not prevent sediment from
being tracked onto pavement.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Effective function requires participation by and communication with vehicle drivers.
• Wash water should be disposed of in a way that does not violate water quality
standards. If the project has an NPDES General Construction Permit, wash-water must
be dispersed and infiltrated or discharged to a separate on-site treatment system, such
as closed-loop recirculation, or discharged to a sanitary sewer (if allowed by individual
• Local jurisdictions may require a tire wash as a permit condition.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
The temporary stabilization of access roads and other on-site vehicle transportation routes
immediately after grading.
To reduce dust generation during dry weather and erosion of temporary roadbeds by
construction traffic during wet weather and to eliminate the need for regrading of
permanent roadbeds between the time of initial grading and final stabilization.
WSDOT Specification
WSDOT Construction Site Erosion & Sediment Control Certification Course
No WSDOT Standard Specification exists; therefore, a special provision must be written.
Additional Information
• If the area will not be used for permanent roads, parking areas, or structures, a 6-inch
depth of hog fuel may also be used, but this is likely to require more maintenance.
Whenever possible, construction roads and parking areas shall be placed on a firm,
compacted subgrade.
• On areas that will receive asphalt as part of the project, install the first lift as soon as
• A 6-inch depth of 2- to 4-inch crushed rock, gravel base, or crushed surfacing base
course can be applied immediately after grading or utility installation. A 4-inch course
of asphalt treated base (ATB) may also be used, or the road/parking area may be paved.
It may also be possible to use cement or calcium chloride for soil stabilization. If
cement or cement kiln dust is used for road base stabilization, pH monitoring and
BMPs are necessary to evaluate and minimize the effects on stormwater.
• Roadways shall be carefully graded to drain. Drainage ditches shall be provided on
each side of the roadway in the case of a crowned section, or on one side in the case of
a super-elevated section. Drainage ditches should be directed to a sediment control
• Rather than relying on ditches, it may also be possible to grade the road so that runoff
sheet-flows into a heavily vegetated area with a well-developed topsoil. Landscaped
areas are not adequate. If this area has at least 50 feet of vegetation, then it is generally
preferable to use the vegetation to treat runoff, rather than a sediment pond or trap.
• Project storm drain inlets shall be protected to prevent sediment-laden water entering
the storm drain system.
• Inspect stabilized areas regularly, especially after large storm events.
• Crushed rock, gravel base, hog fuel, etc. shall be added as required to maintain a stable
driving surface and to stabilize any areas that have eroded.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
Reducing surface and air movement of dust during land disturbing, demolition, and
construction activities.
To prevent surface and air movement of dust where on-site and off-site impacts to
roadways, drainage ways, or surface waters are likely.
Additional Information
• Vegetate or mulch areas that will not receive vehicle traffic. In areas where planting,
mulching, or paving is impractical, apply gravel or landscaping rock.
• Limit dust generation by clearing only those areas where immediate activity will take
• Construct natural or artificial windbreaks or windscreens.
• Spray the site with water until surface is wet. Repeat as needed. To prevent carryout
of mud onto street, refer to Stabilized Construction Entrance.
• Spray exposed soil areas with a dust palliative, following the manufacturer’s
instructions and cautions regarding handling and application. Used oil is prohibited
from use as a dust suppressant. Local governments may approve other dust palliatives
such as calcium chloride or PAM.
Techniques that can be used for unpaved roads and lots include:
• Lower speed limits.
• Upgrade the road surface strength by improving particle size, shape, and mineral types
that make up the surface and base materials.
• Add surface gravel to reduce the source of dust emission. Limit the amount of fine
particles (those passing a #200 screen) to 10 to 20 percent.
• Use geotextile fabrics to increase the strength of new roads or roads undergoing
• Encourage the use of alternate, paved routes, if available.
• Restrict use by tracked vehicles and heavy trucks to prevent damage to road surface
and base.
• Apply chemical dust suppressants using the admix method, blending the product with
the top few inches of surface material. Suppressants may also be applied as surface
• Pave unpaved permanent roads and other high-traffic areas.
• Use vacuum street sweepers.
• Remove mud and other dirt promptly so it does not dry and then turn into dust.
• Limit dust-causing work on windy days.
Contact your local Air Pollution Control Authority for guidance and training on other dust
control measures. Compliance with the local Air Pollution Control Authority constitutes
compliance with this BMP.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Temporary Seeding
A cleated roller, crawler tractor, or similar equipment, approved by the Engineer that forms longitudinal
depressions at least 2 inches deep shall be used for compaction and preparation of the surface to be seeded. The
entire area shall be uniformly covered with longitudinal depressions formed perpendicular to the natural flow of
water on the slope. The soil shall be conditioned with sufficient water so the longitudinal depressions remain in
the soil surface until completion of the seeding.
Additional Information
There are different methods for achieving a roughened soil surface on a slope, and the
selection of an appropriate method depends upon the type of slope. Roughening methods
include stair-step grading, grooving, contour furrows, and tracking. Factors to be
considered in choosing a method are slope steepness, mowing requirements, and whether
the slope is formed by cutting or filling.
• Disturbed areas that will not require mowing may be stair-step graded, grooved, or left
rough after filling.
• Stair-step grading is particularly appropriate in soils containing large amounts of soft
rock. Each "step" catches material that sloughs from above, and provides a level site
where vegetation can become established. Stairs should be wide enough to work with
standard earth moving equipment. Stair steps must be on contour or gullies will form
on the slope.
• Areas that will be mowed (these areas should have slopes less steep than 3:1) may have
small furrows left by disking, harrowing, raking, or seed-planting machinery operated
on the contour.
• Graded areas with slopes greater than 3:1 but less than 2:1 should be roughened before
seeding. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including "track walking," or
A pipe extending from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope and discharging into a
stabilized conveyance, sediment-trapping device, or stabilized outfall.
To carry concentrated runoff down slopes without causing rills and gullies and to minimize
saturation of slide-prone soils.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Chapter 6 of the Highway Runoff Manual provides information for the calculation of
flow rates and selection of pipe diameters large enough to convey the flow.
• Pipe slope drains can be used when a temporary or permanent stormwater conveyance
is needed to move the water down a slope to prevent erosion.
• On highway projects, they can be used at bridge ends to collect runoff and pipe it to the
base of the fill slopes along bridge approaches. These can be designed into a project
and included as bid items. Another use on road projects is to collect runoff from
pavement and pipe it away from side slopes. These are useful because there is
generally a time lag between having the first lift of asphalt installed and the curbs,
gutters, and permanent drainage installed.
• Water can be collected and channeled to inlets with sand bags, triangular silt dikes,
berms, or other material, and piped to temporary sediment ponds, vegetated strips, and
infiltration areas.
• Use temporary drains on new cut or fill slopes.
To direct concentrated runoff to stabilized conveyances such as pipe slope drains in order
to avoid rills and gullies and to minimize saturation of slide-prone soils.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Do not leave gaps in temporary curb without stabilized conveyance. Gaps left in curb
will cause more severe gully erosion than if the curb wasn’t there in the first place.
• When connecting pipe to curb, arrange curb material, such as sandbags or asphalt to
form sump to minimize bypass of the pipe.
WSDOT Construction Site Erosion & Sediment Control Certification Course
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
To minimize and eliminate concrete process water from entering waters of the state.
Reduce the impact to regulated water bodies resulting from concrete work including
sawing, grinding, and resurfacing. Turbidity and pH are parameters impacted by concrete
WSDOT Specification
WSDOT has created a GSP for treatment of pH for concrete work that can be found at:
Additional Information
• See Highway Runoff Manual Appendix 6A (Sections 6A-2.32 and 2.33) for additional
information on concrete handling and treatment.
• Stormwater inlet protection measures should be placed around all catch basins in
vicinity of concrete work.
• Performing concrete work in advance of storm events reduces the risk of generating
concrete runoff and violating water quality standards.
• BMPs designed for spill prevention and containment can be used to eliminate the risk
of discharging concrete runoff to receiving waters.
• Designated areas to hold process water and for tool washing stations will reduce the
risk of losing concrete runoff. Dewatering in such areas needs to be done in a way
that does not violate water quality standards.
Small dams constructed across a swale or drainage ditch. Suitable materials include riprap,
washed gravel, sandbags, and prefabricated structures.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Whatever material is used, the dam should form a triangle when viewed from the side.
This prevents undercutting as water flows over the face of the dam rather than falling
directly onto the ditch bottom.
• The material used to fill sand bags should not contribute to turbid runoff. For example,
use washed rock or pea gravel.
• Keep the center of the check dam lower than the outer edges at natural ground
elevation to prevent flooding of roads, dikes, or other structures.
• Placing rock, geotextile, or erosion control blankets will reduce/eliminate scouring.
• Know the expected flow rates to determine the appropriate check dam material.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
To reduce the velocity of concentrated flows, reduce erosion of the swale or ditch, and
cause some suspended sediment to settle in ponded areas upstream of check dams. A
triangular silt dike can be mobilized and placed quickly. If they are taken care of,
triangular silt dikes can be reused.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
The flexibility of the materials in triangular silt dikes allows them to conform to all
channel configurations.
• Can be fastened to soil with staples or rock and pavement with adhesives.
• TSDs have been used to build temporary sediment ponds, diversion ditches, concrete
wash out facilities, curbing, water bars, level spreaders, and berms.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
To prevent scour at conveyance outlets and minimize the potential for downstream erosion
by reducing the velocity of concentrated stormwater flows.
Additional Information
• Common locations for outlet protection include ponds, pipes, ditches, or other
• Size the scale of the outlet protection based on expected flow volumes and velocities.
• Refer to section 3.2.6 of this manual and/or the WSDOT Highway Runoff Manual for
guidance in choosing appropriate sized rock outlet protection or alternative materials.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.4.
8-01.3(15) Maintenance
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained so they properly perform their function until the Engineer
determines they are no longer needed.
The BMP’s shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B for damage and sediment deposits.
Damage to or undercutting of BMP’s shall be repaired immediately.
In areas where the Contractor’s activities have compromised the erosion control functions of the existing grasses, the
Contractor shall overseed at no additional cost to the Contracting Agency.
Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one-third the
height of the BMP the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated sediment shall be disposed of in accordance
with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Clean sediments may be stabilized on site using approved best management practices when the
Engineer approves.
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s that have been damaged shall be repaired or replaced immediately by the
Contractor, in accordance with Section 1-07.13(4).
To prevent sediment tracked onto roadways from entering runoff or the air.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
8-01.3(8) Street Cleaning
Self-propelled pickup street sweepers shall be used, whenever required by the Engineer, to prevent the transport of
sediment and other debris off the project site. Street sweepers shall be designed and operated to meet air quality
Street washing with water will require approval by the Engineer.
Additional Information
• Roadway cleanliness is also a public safety issue.
To reduce the volume of runoff and the transport of sediment from a construction site.
8-01.3(1)D Dispersion/Infiltration
Water shall be conveyed only to dispersion or infiltration areas designated in the TESC plan or to sites approved by
the Engineer. Water shall be conveyed to designated dispersion areas at a rate that when runoff leaves the area, turbidity
standards are achieved. Water shall be conveyed to designated infiltration areas at a rate that does not produce runoff.
Additional Information
• Approval and infiltration site designation from the WSDOT Project Engineer is
required before dispersing or infiltrating water. These areas should be marked on the
TESC plan sheets as dispersion/infiltration areas.
• Infiltration can be maximized by spreading water over the largest possible area,
discharging water at a slow and constant rate, and using vegetated areas whenever
• If an area becomes saturated, give it a break and try it again later.
• Many local jurisdictions require that vegetated strips be identified and protected with
signs and fencing.
• Vegetated strips are not intended to treat concentrated flows, nor are they intended to
treat substantial amounts of overland flow. Any concentrated flows must be conveyed
through the drainage system to a sediment pond.
• Ideally, vegetated strips shall consist of undisturbed native growth with a well-
developed soil that allows for infiltration of runoff.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
3.5.3 Wattles
Temporary erosion and sediment control barriers consisting of any plant material that is
wrapped in biodegradable tubular plastic or similar encasing material. Wattles are
typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and 25 to 30 feet in length.
There are two main purposes for wattles: 1) reduce slope length; and 2) trap sediment.
Cutting a slope length in half reduces erosion potential by a factor of four. In addition,
they also trap sediment whether used on a slope or as a perimeter control device.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
8-01.3(10) Wattles
Additional Information
• Wattles can also be used as temporary curbs for conveying water to catch basins and
pipe slope drain inlets.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
Compost socks will slow and filter water to capture and degrade pollutants transported by
runoff. Compost socks can be placed at the top of slopes and on the contour across slopes
to intercept and treat sheet runoff. Also can be used as a perimeter control device to trap
sediment and slow down runoff. Compost socks can be used in place of silt fence in some
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
A temporary sediment barrier consisting of a geotextile fabric stretched across and attached
to supporting posts, which are entrenched. Adding rigid wire fence backing can strengthen
silt fence.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Silt fence should be installed along contours whenever possible.
• Wire mesh backing is recommended for multi-year projects. Non-mesh backed
fencing requires more maintenance.
• Silt fence only filters out sediment particles larger than fine sand, smaller particles
travel through the silt fence.
• Silt fences should not be constructed in streams or used in V-shaped ditches.
• Compaction of the soil around the fence is vitally important for effective results.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end
of section 3.5.
A temporary sediment barrier consisting of a row of entrenched and anchored straw bales.
To intercept sheet flow and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Place below disturbed areas subject to sheet and rill erosion.
• They are more suitable for low gradient slopes and small drainage areas.
• The longevity of the barrier is dependent on the time of year and climate.
• Under no circumstances should straw bale barriers be constructed in streams, channels,
or ditches.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
There are two main functions of filter berms. The first is to prevent concentrated flows
from damaging exposed cut/fill slopes. The second is to provide perimeter containment of
sediment at the toe of a slope.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Pipe slope drains may be needed to convey water that accumulates along the filter berm
to prevent blowouts.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
Storm drain inlet protection is a concept where sediment is trapped internally or externally
of the catch basin. Prefabricated devices are available for both situations.
Inlet protection is often the last opportunity to minimize sediment impact to an receiving
water body.
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• There is a difference in how internal and external inlet protection devices function.
• Internal devices tend to consist of a non-woven material that is semi-porous. Larger
sediments are trapped, but silt and clay sized particles pass through. They are most
appropriate in situations where roadway flooding is a concern or construction traffic
will damage an external device.
• External devices may be prefabricated or assembled in the field using silt fence. Both
trap sediment by creating a ponding area surrounding the inlet. The reduced velocities
allow sediment to settle. This process allows external devices to be more efficient at
trapping greater volumes of sediment of smaller size.
• The above mentioned inlet protection devices are preferred, however in an emergency,
berms of sand bags or washed gravel can be placed around the inlet.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
Figu re 3. 5. 8A Te mp or ary S ilt Fe nce For In let Pr ote ction In Unp aved
Are as
WSDOT Specification
Additional Information
• Trap efficiency is enhanced when runoff is passed through additional sediment control
• Sediment traps do not have to be an engineered structure, however, prior to
implementing this BMP, consult with the WSDOT inspector or engineer.
• Sediment traps and ponds are limited to removing medium sized sediment.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
To collect stormwater runoff and detain it long enough to trap sediment and allow
WSDOT Specification
2008 Standard Specifications
Additional Information
• Use of infiltration facilities for sedimentation basins during construction may clog the
soils and reduce their capacity to infiltrate.
• If the sediment pond is at final grade a pretreatment structure will minimize the
clogging affects of the fine sediments.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
WSDOT Specification
Additional Information
• Region Environmental and the Statewide Erosion Control Coordinator must be
included in the decision to use chemical treatment.
• This process is used in conjunction with stormwater filtration (refer to 3.4.11).
• Due to the small size, shape, and weight of fine particles, such as silt and clay,
conventional methods are largely ineffective at removing these particles from
construction site runoff.
• Deterrents to the wide spread usage of chemical stormwater treatment include:
1. It is not cheap.
2. Special approval is required from the Washington State Department of
3. Adjustment to the pH of the untreated water may be necessary.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
The use of filters to remove sediment from construction site stormwater. The process of
pumping construction stormwater through a series of filters, primarily sand. Many of these
systems are mobile and can be setup on any construction site.
WSDOT Specification
• Unlike chemical treatment, the use of construction stormwater filtration does not
require approval from Ecology.
• Two types of filtration systems may be applied to construction stormwater treatment:
rapid and slow. Rapid sand filters are the typical system used for water and wastewater
treatment. They can achieve relatively high hydraulic flow rates, on the order of 2 to
20 gpm/sf, because they have automatic backwash systems to remove accumulated
solids. In contrast, slow sand filters have very low hydraulic rates, on the order of 0.02
gpm/sf, because they do not have backwash systems. To date, slow sand filtration has
generally been used to treat stormwater. Slow sand filtration is mechanically simple in
comparison to rapid sand filtration but requires a much larger filter area.
• Filtration Equipment. Sand media filters are available with automatic backwashing
features that can filter to 50 m particle size. Screen or bag filters can filter down to 5
m. Fiber wound filters can remove particles down to 0.5 m. Filters should be
sequenced from the largest to the smallest pore opening. Sediment removal efficiency
will be related to particle size distribution in the stormwater.
• Treatment Process Description. Stormwater is collected at interception point(s) on
the site and is diverted to a sediment pond or tank for removal of large sediment and
storage of the stormwater before it is treated by the filtration system. The stormwater
is pumped from the trap, pond, or tank through the filtration system in a rapid sand
filtration system. Slow sand filtration systems are designed as flow through systems
using gravity.
• If large volumes of concrete are being poured, pH adjustment may be necessary.
• Filtration may also be used in conjunction with polymer treatment in a portable system
to assure capture of the flocculated solids.
• Maintenance – Refer to WSDOT Standard Specification for Maintenance at the end of
section 3.5.
8-01.3(15) Maintenance
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s shall be maintained so they properly perform their function until the Engineer
determines they are no longer needed.
The BMP’s shall be inspected on the schedule outlined in Section 8-01.3(1)B for damage and sediment deposits.
Damage to or undercutting of BMP’s shall be repaired immediately.
Unless otherwise specified, when the depth of accumulated sediment and debris reaches approximately one-third the
height of the BMP the deposits shall be removed. Debris or contaminated sediment shall be disposed of in accordance
with Section 2-03.3(7)C. Clean sediments may be stabilized on site using approved best management practices when the
Engineer approves.
Erosion and sediment control BMP’s that have been damaged shall be repaired or replaced immediately by the
Contractor, in accordance with Section 1-07.13(4).
D. Spill Response
Outline spill response procedures including assessment of the hazard, securing spill response and
personal protective equipment, containing and eliminating the spill source, and mitigation, removal and disposal
of the material.
F. Reporting
The plan shall list all federal, state and local agency telephone numbers the Contractor must notify in the
event of a spill.
G. Program Management
Identify site security measures, inspection procedures and personnel training procedures as they relate to
spill prevention, containment, response, management and cleanup.
H. Preexisting Contamination
If preexisting contamination in the project area is described elsewhere in the plans or specifications, the
SPCC plan shall indicate measures the Contractor will take to conduct work without allowing release or further
spreading of the materials.
2. Attachments
A. Site plan showing the locations identified in (1. B. and 1. C.) noted previously.
B. Spill and Incident Report Forms, if any, that the Contractor will be using.
Implementation Requirements
The Contractor shall implement prevention and containment measures identified in the SPCC plan prior to
performing any of the following:
1. Placing materials or equipment in staging or storage areas
2. Equipment refueling
3. Equipment washing
4. Stockpiling contaminated materials
The lump sum contract price for the “SPCC Plan” shall be full pay for:
1. All costs associated with creating the SPCC plan.
2. All costs associated with providing and maintaining on site standby materials and equipment described in the
SPCC plan.
3. All costs associated with implementing the prevention and containment measures identified in the approved
SPCC plan.
As to other costs associated with spills, the contractor may request payment as provided for in the Contract. No payment
shall be made if the spill was caused by or resulted from the Contractor’s operations, negligence or omissions.
Section 5
Clean Water Act (CWA): Water pollution is regulated under the Federal Water Pollution
Control Act of 1972, known as the Clean Water Act. The CWA established effluent
discharge limitations and receiving water quality standards under United States EPA.
Enforcement of the CWA has been delegated to Ecology.
Endangered Species Act (ESA): The Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, was
adopted to prevent the extinction of animals and plants. The ESA protects endangered
species by prohibiting “the take of listed species without special permit” where take means
“to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, collect or the intent to
engage in such activities.” Harm also includes indirect harm to listed species by harming the
Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (ESC Lead): Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC)
Leads are required on all WSDOT projects involving earthwork. The qualifications and
responsibilities of the ESC Lead are described in section 8-01.3(1)B of the Standard
Gray Notebook: A quarterly WSDOT publication that reports the status of projects and
program performance.
Highway Runoff Manual (HRM): The HRM is the guidance document used by WSDOT,
engineering consultants, and many local transportation agencies for designing stormwater
control systems as part of transportation improvement projects. Conformance to the
provisions of the manual result in consistent design procedures statewide, and support the
acceptance of WSDOT stormwater planning by regulatory agencies.
Instructional Letter: An internal WSDOT document that provides rules and procedures for
varying topics.
Mixing Zone: A mixing zone is defined in state law as “that portion of a water body
adjacent to an effluent outfall where mixing results in the dilution of the effluent with the
receiving water. Water quality criteria may be exceeded in a mixing zone as conditioned and
provided for in WAC 173-201A-100.” The use, size, and location of mixing zones are
established in permits or orders by the Department of Ecology.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC): All WSDOT projects
require the contractor to prepare a SPCC plan. It describes the BMPs that will be employed
to prevent the contamination of a site from all forms of pollution other than sediment.
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: WSDOT prepares an initial erosion
control plan for all projects involving soil disturbances. These plans are prepared in advance
to satisfy permit requirements for project approval. The TESC plan establishes when, where,
and how specific BMPs will be implemented to prevent erosion and the transport of
sediments from a site during construction. Manual. Contractors are encouraged to modify
the TESC plan so that it is compatible with their construction plans. Implementation of the
plan and maintenance of BMPs is the responsibility of the ESC Lead.
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Elements: All TESC plans must
address the 12 elements described in Section 2.3 of this document and in the Highway
Runoff. When creating a TESC Plan, each TESC element should be evaluated for risk and
explained in as much detail as necessary. The evaluation must include all stages of project
construction and account for varying seasons.