Leticia Ligon Vs CA
Leticia Ligon Vs CA
Leticia Ligon Vs CA
Asserting the applicability of Section 108 of PD 1529 and
insisting that his petition filed under Section 108 should
not be dismissed because it was exempt from the against forum shopping (as required for all initiatory
requirements of paying docket feesm of service of pleadings). He ought to know that his taking such required
summons and of the certification against forum shopping acts for granted was immediately fatal to his petition,
due to its not being an initatory pleading warranting the granting of the respondents' motion to
dismiss. IScaAE
The petition for review is devoid of merit. The dismissal WHEREFORE, the PETITION FOR REVIEW ON
of the petition for certiorari by the CA was proper and CERTIORARI is DENIED
correct because the RTC did not abuse its discretion, least
of all gravely. Section 108 of P.D. No. 1529 reads as