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TCode Transaction text

/AIF/28000001 Define Namespace

/AIF/28000002 Define Actions

/AIF/28000003 Define Checks

/AIF/28000004 Define Recordtypes

/AIF/28000006 Define Fix Values

/AIF/28000007 Define Value Mappings

/AIF/28000008 Define Interface

/AIF/28000009 ALV Handles for DDIC Structures

/AIF/28000010 Define Structure Mapping

/AIF/28000011 Define Hash Tables



















/AIF/98000053 Define Proxy Class


/AIF/98000061 Define Interface Variants

/AIF/98000062 Define Interface Key Fields

/AIF/98000063 Define Interface Variants

/AIF/98000064 Assign/Define Actions





/AIF/98000082 Define Business Systems


/AIF/BDC_GEN Batch Input Structure Generator

/AIF/CORRECTIONS Correction Report

/AIF/CUST Customizing

/AIF/CUST_COPY AIF Customizing Copy

/AIF/CUST_FUNC Define Custom Functions

/AIF/CUST_HINTS Define Custom Hints

/AIF/CUST_LINK Define Custom Data Links


/AIF/CUST_SMAP_COPY Copy customizing

/AIF/CUST_TEXT Define Custom Message Texts

/AIF/DEL_STRUC_CACHE Delete Structure Cache


/AIF/DOCU Interface Documentation Tool

/AIF/EDCHANGES Error Handling Changes Log

/AIF/ERR Monitoring and Error Handling

/AIF/ERR_BASE Error Handling Base

/AIF/GENMSGSNAP AIF Generate Snapshot

/AIF/IDOC_GEN IDoc Structure Generator


/AIF/IDOC_MASS_GEN Mass IDoc Struc. and Intf. Generator

/AIF/IDOC_TEST Generate Test IDOCs

/AIF/IDXTBL Index Table Overview

/AIF/IFB Interface Builder

/AIF/IFMON Interface Monitor

/AIF/IFTEST Interface Test Tool

/AIF/IF_TRACE AIF Interface Trace Level

/AIF/LFA_CHECK_SEND Read Files from folder; Send to AIF


/AIF/LOG Interface Logs

/AIF/MSGNOTI Message overview notification

/AIF/MSG_CAT_ASGN Assign Message Category

/AIF/MSG_CAT_DEF Define Message Category

/AIF/MYRECIPIENTS Recipients of Current User

/AIF/MYTRANSPORTS AIF Transport Overview

/AIF/NEWDEVIDS AIF New Development IDs

/AIF/NEWDEVPRO AIF New Development Projects

/AIF/PERFORMANCE Performance Tracking

/AIF/PERS_CGR Runtime Configuration Group

/AIF/PERS_TEST Test Persistence with Flight Booking

/AIF/RECIPIENTS Recipients of a User

/AIF/REP_AC_ASGN AIF Reprocessing Action Assignment

/AIF/REP_AC_DEF AIF Reprocessing Action Definition

/AIF/RFC_FUNC_GEN RFC Function Generator

/AIF/RFC_MASS_GEN Mass RFC Function Generator

/AIF/SERIAL_INDEX Manual Change of External Index


/AIF/SHOW_BLOCK File Adapter Log

/AIF/TEST_BUPA Business Partner XML Test

/AIF/TEXT_HINTS Transport Text of Hints

/AIF/TJ_CONFIG Configure Data Transfer

/AIF/TOPICDEF AIF Topic Definition

/AIF/TOPICSTATUS Maintain Topic ID Status

/AIF/TOPICSTATUSH AIF Topic Status History

/AIF/TOPICSTATUSHALL AIF Topic Status Complete History

/AIF/TOPICSTATUSINIT AIF Initialize Topic Status

/AIF/TRANSFER Transfer into AIF persistence

/AIF/USERATTR Maintain User Attributes

/AIF/USERMGR Switch Topic ID (Topic ID View)

/AIF/USERMGR2 Switch Topic ID (User ID View)

/AIF/VMAP Value Mapping

/AIF/VMAP_BASE Base Transaction for Value Mappings

/AIF/VPN Maintain Validity Periods

/AIF/XML_COMPRESS Compress Existing XML Messages



/AIFX/ERR_WEB Monitoring and Error Handling (Web)

/AIFX/START_TRANSACT Start Transaction


/ASU/SHOW_NOTE Show SAP Note via Web-Browser

/ASU/SSM ASU Simple Schedule Manager

/ASU/START Start ASU Toolbox

/ASU/UPGRADE Start ASU Toolbox in Upgrade Mode


























































/ATL/6111_CODE Define Field Codes

/ATL/6111_CONV Convert FinKey/FuncArea to 6111 Code

/ATL/6111_HEADER Determine Fields for Form 6111 Hdr.

/ATL/A00 Asset Accounting Indexing

/ATL/A01 Maintain reval. dep. area

/ATL/A10 Investment Grant Report

/ATL/A15 Depreciation Convertion

/ATL/A16 Saving periodic values

/ATL/A17 Last Period Posted

/ATL/A20 Base Index Calculation

/ATL/AA_APR_DOC Investment center - Investment plan

/ATL/AA_ICR Investment center - Execution report

/ATL/ACCOUNTTYPE account type for uniform reporting

/ATL/ALLOWED_CHAR Allowed char.in daybook&check number

/ATL/ARDATE Takeover date definition

/ATL/BANK_PARM Check Bnk acc. parm.

/ATL/BOOKD Book depreciation report

/ATL/BOOKG Capital gain for book use

/ATL/CHCKUPD_RES Check&upd. residue for bank acc.num.

/ATL/CHECK_CCARD Check credit card numbers

/ATL/CHECK_DIGIT Add/Check digit

/ATL/CL Adds israeli public holydays

/ATL/CPY_VAR_1 Copy singel program varints to new p

/ATL/DCKP Check Payment Method for Bank Recon.

/ATL/DOCTYPE document's type SAP vs.Tax authority

/ATL/DQQ9 Reconciliation rules

/ATL/F6111_EXPORT Export 6111 File

/ATL/F6111_IMPORT Import G/L Amounts to Form 6111

/ATL/F6111_INPUT Upload 6111 File

/ATL/F6111_MANAGE Form 6111 Field Mapping

/ATL/FIBP Maintain FI/BP ind. for Bank Recon.

/ATL/FOREC Foreclosures Maintenance

/ATL/FORGD Foreclosures Global Data

/ATL/FORUPD Foreclosure - payment amount update

/ATL/GL01 Index Master

/ATL/GL02 Calculation Method

/ATL/GL03 Calculation Version Assignment

/ATL/GL04 Calculation Version

/ATL/GL99 Direct posting to Extended GL

/ATL/GLR Calculation Rules


/ATL/GLV Index Values

/ATL/GLVA Import Index Value

/ATL/HEB_DATE Change Gregorian date to Hebrew date

/ATL/IC_CLASS Asset classification

/ATL/IC_PAR Investment programs

/ATL/ILS_LEDGER ILS Ledger per Company code

/ATL/KP02 Return pmnt to customer

/ATL/KP03 Return cheque from bank

/ATL/KP04 General cashier table

/ATL/KP05 Allowed pmnt metods for transfer

/ATL/KP06 Subject table for cashier

/ATL/KP07 Cashier Balances Report

/ATL/KP08 Declaring cashier amounts

/ATL/KP09 Cheque report

/ATL/KP10 Credit Card report

/ATL/KP11 Table of credit card companies

/ATL/KP12 Cashier physical location table

/ATL/KP13 Table of credit types

/ATL/KP14 Table of credit cards deal types

/ATL/KP15 Print incoming payment receipt

/ATL/KP16 Addition info to house bank table

/ATL/KP17 Transfer of cash payments

/ATL/KP18 Bank deposit of cash payments

/ATL/KP19 Transfer defered cheque to regular

/ATL/KP20 Cashing defered cheque

/ATL/KP22 Create files to the bank

/ATL/KP23 Transfer of payment

/ATL/KP24 Bank Deposit of defered cheque

/ATL/KP25 Deposit of Credit Card

/ATL/KP26 Report of transfer/bank deposit pmnt

/ATL/KP27 Update reference of bank deposit pmt

/ATL/KP28 Incoming payment entry

/ATL/KP30 Manual maintenance

/ATL/KP31 Create restrick account table

/ATL/KP32 Update restrick account table

/ATL/KP33 Cheque control against acc. restrict

/ATL/KP34 Delete restrick account table

/ATL/KP35 Chasier System Parameters

/ATL/KP36 Cashier payment methods table

/ATL/KP38 Cashier statement

/ATL/KP39 Cashier Balances and transactions

/ATL/KP40 Table of incoming pymt entry type

/ATL/KP41 Bank deposit of cheque payment

/ATL/KP42 Cashier Transactions Report

/ATL/KP43 Restore a receipt

/ATL/KP44 Reverse bank deposit cheque payment

/ATL/KP45 Request & Answer files

/ATL/KP46 Request & Answer files structures

/ATL/KP47 Credit card interface messages

/ATL/KP48 Credit card interface log

/ATL/KP49 SHVA currency type


/ATL/LCHK_VBNKA Residue & account length maintain.

/ATL/MAT_MTYPE Classification of movement type

/ATL/NOADJ Adjusted year Y/N

/ATL/PCN874 New VAT file

/ATL/PNCH Positive/negative changes report

/ATL/REV Revaluation

/ATL/REVIN Initialization - Revaluation

/ATL/RGRJBG00 Mass Generate: sets & report group

/ATL/RGUGBR00 Build Validations/Substitutions/Rule

/ATL/RSTXCPAG Define: Code page

/ATL/SD_DOCUMENT Customizing table for SD documents.

/ATL/SPELL_AMOUNT Spell amount example

/ATL/SUPD Supplementary depreciaiton report

/ATL/TAXD Tax depreciation report

/ATL/TAXG Capital gain for tax use

/ATL/TAXU Tax reserves (US$)

/ATL/TAX_PER Tax percentage

/ATL/TEKEN_19 Tax reserve report - Teken 19

/ATL/TKN12_AA teken 12 - assets

/ATL/TKN12_MM teken 12 - material values

/ATL/TKN12_REP2 teken12_repair - $ ratio

/ATL/TRAN_TYPE Transactions type

/ATL/TRES Tax reserves report


/ATL/UNIFILES_UTIL Transfer unifiles server => cliient.

/ATL/UPD_SHAAM First entry date in /atl/shaam

/ATL/UPLOAD_CUSTTAB Upload data into customizing tables

/ATL/UVBN SD - Set invoice number range

/ATL/VATPERC Defining the 100% VAT percents

/ATL/VATRECT1 NewVAT-classification of record type

/ATL/VATRECT2 NewVAT-classification of record type

/ATL/VATRECT3 NewVAT-classification of record type

/ATL/VAT_TRANKEY Vat transaction keys maintenance

/ATL/VBLOCK Explanation : block vendors process


/ATL/VK01_46 Create Wihholding tax file

/ATL/VK02 Mass update: Vendors Master Data

/ATL/VK03 Update WT in open invoices

/ATL/VK04 Update Ex.WT in open invoices

/ATL/VQ22 Send File with Vendors to Shaam

/ATL/VQ23 Receive File with percent from Shaam

/ATL/VQZ10 Withholding Tax Return parameters

/ATL/VQZ11 Withholding Tax Returns - Invoice

/ATL/VQZ12 Classical WT:Update to previous code

/ATL/VQZ2 Classical WT:Update expired tax code

/ATL/VQZ4 Maintain WT recipient type

/ATL/VQZ5 Extended WT:Update exemption rate

/ATL/VQZ6 Maintain secondary currency

/ATL/VQZ7 Maintain Shaam % for Ex.WT type&code

/ATL/VQZ9 Tools for VAT file & Wthd.Tax File

/ATL/WT_REPORT_2008 Create Wihholding tax file for 2008



















/BA1/F4_15_IR_REL01 Customizing for Release Procedure

/BA1/F4_ARC_SEL_DATE Date Values for Access to Archive

/BA1/F4_CSCEN_SHOW Versions of Combined Scenarios

/BA1/F4_FXV02 Edit Exchange Rate Volatility

/BA1/F4_FXV03 Display Exchange Rate Volatility

/BA1/F4_FX_02 Edit Exchange Rates

/BA1/F4_FX_03 Display Exchange Rates

/BA1/F4_FX_DISPLAY Display Extended Exchange Rates

/BA1/F4_IRS02 Edit Interest Rate Spreads

/BA1/F4_IRS03 Display Interest Rate Spreads

/BA1/F4_IRV02 Edit Interest Rate Volatility

/BA1/F4_IRV03 Display Interest Rate Volatility

/BA1/F4_IR_02 Edit Reference Interest Rates

/BA1/F4_IR_03 Display Reference Interest Rates

/BA1/F4_MD0001 Market Data: Applications

/BA1/F4_MD0002 Market Data: Field Groups

/BA1/F4_MD0003 Market Data: Views

/BA1/F4_MD0004 Market Data: Sections

/BA1/F4_MD0005 Market Data: Screens

/BA1/F4_MD0006 Market Data: Screen Sequences

/BA1/F4_MD0007 Market Data: Events

/BA1/F4_MD0008 Market Data: GUI Standard Functions

/BA1/F4_MD0009 Market Data GUI Additional Functions

/BA1/F4_MD0011 Market Data: Assign Screen->DB Field

/BA1/F4_MD0012 Market Data: Field Modif. Criteria

/BA1/F4_MD0013 Market Data: Product Categories

/BA1/F4_MD0015 Market Data: Application Transaction

/BA1/F4_MD0016 Market Data: Tables

/BA1/F4_MD0018 Market Data: Activities

/BA1/F4_MD0019 Market Data: Fld Modif. Per Activity

/BA1/F4_MD0023 Data Sets

/BA1/F4_SEC02 Edit Prices for Fin. Instruments

/BA1/F4_SEC03 Display Prices for Fin. Instruments

/BA1/F4_SEV02 Edit Volatilities

/BA1/F4_SEV03 Display Volatilities

/BA1/F4_VOLA_TEST Test Volatility

/BA1/F4_YC_02 Edit Yield Curves

/BA1/F4_YC_03 Display Yield Curves

/BA1/F4_YC_SHOW Display Yld Curves and Spread Curves


/BCV/AUTH_CHECK Perform Authorization Check

/BCV/AUTH_HOLDER Where-Used List of User Group in ACL

/BCV/CONS_CHECK Perform Consistency Check

/BCV/DEL_PERS Delete Personalization and User Data

/BCV/DEL_SSHOT Delete Snapshots

/BCV/GRPING Define Groupings for BCV Objects

/BCV/IMG Business Context Viewer Customizing

/BCV/MEANING Define Meanings

/BCV/MIGRATION Data migration from PCV to BCV

/BCV/QCACHE Maintain Query Cache

/BCV/QCACHE_DELETE Delete query cache

/BCV/QDISPATCHER Maintain Query Dispatcher Settings

/BCV/QSTAT Display BCV Query Statistics

/BCV/QUERY Define BCV Queries

/BCV/SINC Define Search Connectors

/BCV/SSHOTS Define Snapshot Parameter

/BCV/SSTAT Display Search Connector Statistics


/BCV/TEST_SEARCHCON Search Connector Test

/BCV/UDASH Define Dashboards

/BCV/UGRP Define Query View Hierarchies

/BCV/UPRINT Define Printing Parameters

/BCV/UPRVW Define Overviews

/BCV/UQVIEW Define Query Views

/BDL/SDCC Service Data Control Center


/BEV1/91000082 Material Sorting 1

/BEV1/91000083 Material Sorting 2

/BEV1/91000084 Material Sorting 3

/BEV1/91000085 Material Sorting 4

/BEV1/91000086 Material Sorting 5

/BEV1/91000098 Billing Types w/o Empties Update

/BEV1/91000099 Valid Empties Fields

/BEV1/91000100 Partner Role in Empties

/BEV1/91000101 Empties Material Types

/BEV1/91000102 Empties Item Categories

/BEV1/91000103 Manage Empties Groups

/BEV1/91000104 Empties Formulas

/BEV1/91000105 Empties material

/BEV1/91000106 Empties Update Sequence Number

/BEV1/91000171 '

/BEV1/91000172 '

/BEV1/91000173 '

/BEV1/91000174 '

/BEV1/91000175 '

/BEV1/91000176 '

/BEV1/91000177 '

/BEV1/EM0 Material Sorting Variant

/BEV1/EM1 Form for Material Sorting Variant

/BEV1/EM2 Maintenance of Print Indicator

/BEV1/EM3 Maintenance Empties Material Types

/BEV1/EM4 Maintenance of Empties Materials

/BEV1/EM5 Empties: Assign Item Categories

/BEV1/EMB Archive Monthly Empties Stock

/BEV1/EMC Reload Monthly Empties Stock

/BEV1/EMD Archive Empties Update

/BEV1/EME Reload Empties Update

/BEV1/EMN Empties Update Number Assignment

/BEV1/EM_MIGERP01 Empties Migration

/BEV1/NEMB51 Material Document List (w. Empties)

/BEV1/NE_LISTBALPO Empties Balances in Purchasing

/BEV4/01000010 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDFAUFTRV

/BEV4/77000017 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDVKORGZ_V

/BEV4/77000018 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDANFVKO_V

/BEV4/77000019 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDAUSGABE_V

/BEV4/77000020 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDPFAD_V

/BEV4/77000021 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLAF

/BEV4/77000022 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLPERIGRP

/BEV4/77000023 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLPERIRAS

/BEV4/77000024 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLPERIVIE

/BEV4/77000025 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDPERIOD_V

/BEV4/77000026 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDKART_V

/BEV4/77000027 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDROLZU_V

/BEV4/77000028 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDIFST_V

/BEV4/77000029 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDANFBEL_V

/BEV4/77000030 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLDSTAT_V

/BEV4/77000031 IMG Activity: /BEV4/PLCU

/BEV4/77000399 General Customizing Pendulum List

/BEV4/77000400 Settings PL Requirements

/BEV4/PLAA Display Sales Request Data

/BEV4/PLAC Change Sales Request Data

/BEV4/PLAE Correction of Incorrect Confirmation

/BEV4/PLAF Aut. Filling of Update Determination

/BEV4/PLAN New Creation of Sales Request Data

/BEV4/PLCA Display Customizing Pendulum List

/BEV4/PLCU Pendulum List Customizing

/BEV4/PLEA Reported Sales Import

/BEV4/PLER Manual Entry Confirmation

/BEV4/PLFA Display Update Determination

/BEV4/PLFC Change Update Determination

/BEV4/PLFN Create Update Determination

/BEV4/PLGN Report Generation of Request

/BEV4/PLKA Display Assignment Nos Customers

/BEV4/PLKC Change Assignment Nos Customers

/BEV4/PLKK Schedule Job Update

/BEV4/PLKM Update

/BEV4/PLKN Creation of Assignment Nos Customers

/BEV4/PLPL Area Menu Pendulum List

/BEV4/PLPQ Subsequent Output

/BEV4/PLPR Check Outstanding Sales

/BEV4/PLRS Cancel Confirmation Pendulum List

/BEV4/PLSF Create Order for Confirmation

/BEV4/PLSS Cancelation of a Request Run

/BEV4/PLST Cancelation Request Pendulum List

/BEV4/PLUA Display Conversion Extern. Materials

/BEV4/PLUB Schedule Job: Import Master Data

/BEV4/PLUC Change Conversion External Materials

/BEV4/PLUD Schedule Job: Import Sales

/BEV4/PLUE Import Master Data Ext. Customers

/BEV4/PLUJ Schedule Job to Generate Request

/BEV4/PLUK Correction of Incorrectly Read Data

/BEV4/PLUN Creation for Conversion Ext. Matl.

/BEV4/PLUP Logs Sales Pendulum Lists

/BEV4/PLVF Create Orders After Request Termintd





/BGLOCS/A0 Transaction types for Tax Depr. Plan

/BGLOCS/FI_AA01 Tax Depreciation Plan

/BGLOCS/FI_AA02 Book deprication plan

/BGLOCS/FI_ASSETS Balance Sheet - Assets (Bilateral F)


/BGLOCS/FI_BILAPL Profit and Loss Statement (BG)

/BGLOCS/FI_CFS Cash Flow Statement

/BGLOCS/FI_CFSREP_BG Cash Flow Direct Method for BG

/BGLOCS/FI_DISAV Activation of Cash Discount for CoCd

/BGLOCS/FI_DISDO Cash Disc. - Automatic Generation

/BGLOCS/FI_DISTX Assign Output Tax Code:Cash Discount

/BGLOCS/FI_EQR Bulgarian Equity Report

/BGLOCS/FI_FXR Fixed Assets Report

/BGLOCS/FI_LIABILI Balance Sheet - Liabilities (Bilat.)

/BGLOCS/FI_PL_EXPEN P+L Statement - Expenses (Bilateral)

/BGLOCS/FI_PL_REVEN P+L Statement - Revenues (Bilateral)

/BGLOCS/FI_PRN FI invoice printing

/BGLOCS/FI_VIES VIES BG: VAT Identification Exchange

/BGLOCS/MAT_TRB Material Trial Balance for Bulgaria

/BGLOCS/TRB Bulgarian Trial Balance / T-Report

/BGLOCS/V1 Assign VAT Tax Codes to Columns

/BGLOCS/V10 Company detail settings per language

/BGLOCS/V11 House bank for print in invoice

/BGLOCS/V12 FI Invoice Document Setting

/BGLOCS/V2 Document Types

/BGLOCS/V3 VAT Company Detail Settings

/BGLOCS/V4 Reversal Reason Settings

/BGLOCS/V5 BG VAT Internationalization

/BGLOCS/V6 Document Types SD

/BGLOCS/V7 Document Types MM

/BGLOCS/V8 VAT Protocol Document Settings

/BGLOCS/V9 VAT Protocol Print Form Settings

/BGLOCS/VAT_MARGIN VAT margin protocol BG

/BGLOCS/VEFU Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data

/BGLOCS/VP VAT Protocol Document

/BOBF/CONF_BO_CHECK Check BOPF-Configuration of BOs

/BOBF/CONF_UI BOPF: Business Object Configuration

/BOBF/CONF_UI_RPT BOPF: Business Object Prototyping

/BOBF/CUST_UI BOPF Enhancement Workbench

/BOBF/TEST_UI BOPF: Test Business Object

/BOBF/TOOL_CC_LOG Contract Compliance Check Log

/BOBF/TOOL_CC_SUM Contract Compliance Check Summary














/BSNAGT/ARC_CU Maintain residence time

/BSNAGT/MSGIDNRO Maintain Number Ranges (Message ID)

/BSNAGT/UPLOAD_FILE Create FSN Message manually


























/CCEE/14000174 Activate Revaluation













/CCEE/FISCBS Fiscalization Croatia: Send BS

/CCEE/FISCLOG Fiscalization Croatia: View Log

/CCEE/FISCSENDINV Fiscalization Croatia: Send Invoice

/CCEE/FISC_NR Number range maintenance: /CCEE/FISC

/CCEE/FISIFP_A ©ifrant 1450: Povezava s konti

/CCEE/FISIFP_B ©ifrant 1450: Vrsta poslov

/CCEE/FISIFP_C ©ifrant hi¹nih bank: tip zapisa

/CCEE/FISI_VKO1 Enter coefficients for revaluation

/CCEE/HRFI_EC EC Sales & Purchase List (Croatia)

/CCEE/HRFI_RFUVDE00 Advance Return for Tax on Sal./Prch.

/CCEE/HRFI_UPD Update FI Billing Documents

/CCEE/HR_GL_ACC_STMT G/L Account Statement for Croatia


/CCEE/RSFIAA_TD Tax Depreciation - Serbia

/CCEE/RSFI_BILA Financial Statements Serbia

/CCEE/RSFI_CUSTOM Customs Declaration Report


/CCEE/RSFI_RFDUZI Calculate Interest on Arrears

/CCEE/RSFI_RFEBHALC Bank output - coversion to Multicash

/CCEE/RSFI_RFUVDE Advance Return for VAT - print

/CCEE/SIFIBANKART ZC File conversion into Multicash

/CCEE/SIFIDDVDOB Vendors not from the EU

/CCEE/SIFIPART3 Incoterm part 3 - maintenance

/CCEE/SIFIPE7 PE-7 maintenance

/CCEE/SIFIPE7R PE-7 reporting

/CCEE/SIFIRFBELJ00 Bank of Slovenia - SFR reporting

/CCEE/SIFIVS101PREGL Pregled statusov stavka 101

/CCEE/SIFIVS101UVOZ Uvoz datoteke SIFIVS101


/CCEE/SIFI_BST_R Table of BST report rules

/CCEE/SIFI_BST_T Table of BST Line items description

/CCEE/SIFI_CS_ACC_AS Account assignment to payment type

/CCEE/SIFI_CS_DT_AS Document type assignment

/CCEE/SIFI_CS_REP Cash Sales report

/CCEE/SIFI_CS_TC_AS Assign Tax Code to Rate


/CCEE/SIFI_DDVN Open/close VAT period

/CCEE/SIFI_EXPORT_GL GL line items export

/CCEE/SIFI_HAL Table with special fields for Halcom

/CCEE/SIFI_MIRO Posting VAT on 15.th on month


/CCEE/SIFI_POBOTI3 ePoboti: Receive XML

/CCEE/SIFI_POBXRF Define ref. field, blocking reason

/CCEE/SIFI_PODAT Table of rules for sect. & fin.instr




/CCEE/SIFI_SFR_CONV Bank of Slovenia - SFR conversion


/CCEE/SIFI_STATES Table of sum amounts for sector

/CCEE/SIFI_VATREPOST Input VAT decrease/increase

/CCEE/SIFI_VAT_DATE VAT Due Date Migration Tool

/CCEE/SIFI_ZDDV1 Evidence of payments and corrections

/CCEE/XXFI_CDG Num.range maint.: /CCEE/CDG (obsol.)















































/CEECV/BEFI_BAL Balance Sheet (Estonia)

/CEECV/BEFI_FRBEN Fringe Benefits Estonia

/CEECV/BEFI_PLSTA Profit & Loss Statement Estonia

/CEECV/BEFI_VAT Value-added Tax Return (Estonia)

/CEECV/BEFI_VATC VAT Return Customizing (Estonia)

/CEECV/BGFI_VAT Value-added Tax Return (Bulgaria)

/CEECV/BTFI_BAL Balance Sheet Lithuania

/CEECV/BTFI_INV_REG Invoice Register for Lithuania

/CEECV/BTFI_PLSTA P&L Statement Lithuania

/CEECV/BVFI_ADD_CRLF Latvia: Preprocess Bank Statem. File

/CEECV/BVFI_BAL Balance Sheet (Latvia)

/CEECV/BVFI_DELI_REG Delivery Note Register (Latvia)

/CEECV/BVFI_PLSTA Profit and Loss Statement (Latvia)

/CEECV/BVFI_PVN VAT Declaration (Latvia)

/CEECV/BVFI_PVN_MRG Latvia: PVN xml merge report

/CEECV/ROFI01 Account Card for Misc Operations

/CEECV/ROFI02 General Ledger with Corresp. Accs

/CEECV/ROFI06 Cash Journal

/CEECV/ROFI07 Year-End Postings

/CEECV/ROFI08 Balance Sheet/P+L Statement

/CEECV/ROFI09 Asset History Sheet

/CEECV/ROFI10 Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purc

/CEECV/ROFI11_XML Advance Return for VAT - print (XML)

/CEECV/ROFI12 Petty Cash -print

/CEECV/ROFI13 Inventory Register - Romania

/CEECV/ROFI14 Document Journal

/CEECV/ROFI15 Asset Chart

/CEECV/ROFI16 Trial Balance at profit center level

/CEECV/ROFI16_O Trial Balance at pr.ctr.level-old GL

/CEECV/ROFI17 List of Vendor Line Items - law 1308

/CEECV/ROFI19 RO: Annual Fin. Stat. - Export file

/CEECV/ROFI_MERGE394 VIES-RO 394: File Merge

/CEECV/ROFI_VIES394 VIES-RO 394: VAT Identif. Exchange


/CEECV/ROLO02 Romanian Storage Sheet

/CEECV/ROLO03 Material document list

/CEECV/ROLO04 Analytical balance

/CEECV/ROLO04N Analytical balance - New version

/CEECV/RO_GLT0 General Ledger - Initial balance fro

/CEECV/RO_RFM Import header texts

/CEECV/RO_XML Merge D205 xml files

/CEEIS/RU_F1 F1.: Balance

/CEEIS/RU_F10_1 F10.p1.: Reinsurance operations

/CEEIS/RU_F10_21 F10.p2.1.: Reinsurer's Premiums

/CEEIS/RU_F10_22 F10.p2.2.: Reinsurer's Payments

/CEEIS/RU_F10_23 F10.p2.3.: Reinsurer's Liabilities

/CEEIS/RU_F10_31 F10.p3.1.: Cedent's Premiums

/CEEIS/RU_F10_32 F10.p3.2.: Cedent's Payments

/CEEIS/RU_F10_33 F10.p3.3.: Cedent's Liabilities

/CEEIS/RU_F11 F11.: Info about operational segment

/CEEIS/RU_F2 F2.: Profits and Losses

/CEEIS/RU_F2_SP F2.: Profits and Losses; Appendix

/CEEIS/RU_F3_1 F3.p1.: Capital changes

/CEEIS/RU_F3_2 F3.p2.: Reserves

/CEEIS/RU_F3_3 F3.: Reference

/CEEIS/RU_F3_NA F3.: Net assets value calculation

/CEEIS/RU_F5_3 F5.p3.: Financial investments

/CEEIS/RU_F5_4 F5.p4.: Payables and receivables

/CEEIS/RU_F5_5 F5.p5.: Expences

/CEEIS/RU_F6_1 F6.p1.: Solvency margin of insurer

/CEEIS/RU_F6_2 F6.p2.: Solvency margin of insurer

/CEEIS/RU_F7_1 F7.p1.: Insuran. reserves investment

/CEEIS/RU_F8_1 F8.p1.: Insurance reserves

/CEEIS/RU_F8_2 F8.p2.: Insurance reserves

/CEEIS/RU_F8_2A F8.p2.: Insurance reserves Append.

/CEEIS/RU_F8_2_131 F8.p2.: Insurance reserves; A.g.13.1

/CEEIS/RU_F8_2_131A F8.p2.: Insur.reserves A.g.13.1.Apdx

/CEEIS/RU_F9_1 F9.p1.: PMR

/CEEIS/RU_F9_2 F9.p2.: PMR


/CEERE/19000326 IMG activity: /CEERE/MTPZDR

/CEERE/19000327 IMG activity: /CEERE/MMAPL

/CEERE/19000328 IMG activity: /CEERE/MKONSTC

/CEERE/19000329 IMG activity: /CEERE/MRIZENI

/CEERE/19000330 IMG activity: /CEERE/FU

/CEERE/19000331 IMG activity: /CEERE/OKRESY

/CEERE/19000332 IMG activity: /CEERE/MNUCOK

/CEERE/19000334 IMG activity: /CEERE/KU










/CEERE/DANXML xml output of property tax return

/CEERE/DN05 Calculation

/CEERE/DN12 Constants

/CEERE/DNDP Area types (REM)

/CEERE/DNEM02 Tax objects

/CEERE/DNLOAD Download of key lists from internet




/CEERE/DNUZ Year closing

/CEERE/DNZUDP Assigning usage type/area type (REM)

/CEERE/FU_MREGW Tax office: master data

/CEERE/IMGHS Display IMG structure

/CEERE/MFUKD Tax office: master data

/CEERE/MFUKDC Tax office: master data

/CEERE/MKUK SO: Aver.prices of agricultural land

/CEERE/MMAPLFX Mapping property yax areas RE-FX

/CEERE/MMAPLT Areas for property tax

/CEERE/MNUCOK Company code settings

/CEERE/MOBCOVYK Mun.,cad.districts, distr.,mun.regul

/CEERE/RIZBUK Company Codes to Dominant Co.Codes

/CEERE/SPRO Property tax: customizing

/CEERE/TBUKRS Dominant Company Codes


/CPD/37000014 TR : /CPD/37000014



























































/CPD/90000072 IMG Activity















/CPD/90000095 Transaction : /CPD/90000095

/CPD/ATTACH_CONFIG Schema for Attachment Folder

/CPD/BILL_PLAN_NO_R Billing Plan Number Range Intervals

/CPD/MC_AUTO_CREATE Automatic Creation of Checklist Item

/CPD/MPLINK Master Project Type Link

/CPD/MPSTG_PROFILE Stage Profile Configuration

/CPD/MP_SOBJ Sub Object Maintenence Transaction

/CPD/OBJ_ATR_PROFILE Object Attribute Profile

/CPD/OBJ_LINK_PROF Related Object Link Transaction

/CPD/ORG_PROFILE Organization Profile Transaction

/CPD/PFP_PID_NR Financial Plan No. Range Intervals

/CPD/PWS_RCB_CDATA Rate Card Control Data

/CPD/PWS_RCB_CTL Rate Card Control table

/CPD/PWS_RCB_MNTN Rate Card Profile and Control Data

/CPD/PWS_RCB_PRF Control Data Profile Maintenance

/CPD/PWS_WS_ALT_REP E-mail Alerts Report

/CPD/WI_NUM Number range editing: /CPD/WIUSR

/CRYSTAL/RPTADMIN Administer Crystal Report Content



























































/CUM/ANALYSIS CU: Compare Plan vs. Actual Costs

/CUM/CM01 CU: Create Construction Measure

/CUM/CM02 Change Construction Measure

/CUM/CM03 Display Construction Measure

/CUM/CM04 CU: Delete Construction Measure

/CUM/CMNR No. Range Maintnce: /CUM/CMNUM

/CUM/CU01N Create Compatible Unit

/CUM/CU02N Change Compatible Unit

/CUM/CU03N Display Compatible Unit

/CUM/DESIGN Compatible Unit Design Builder

/CUM/DESIGN_CHANGE Change designs

/CUM/DESIGN_LIST Display designs

/CUM/DESNR No. Range Maintnce: /CUM/DESNM

/CUM/GEN_CU_CLASS CU: Generate CU Class Structure

/CUM/SELECTION Display Compatible Units

/CUM/SELECTION_1 Change Compatible Units




















/CWM/CHECK_TRANSIT Analysis of Stock in Transit

/CWM/IMG IMG Catch Weight Management

/CWM/MESSAGES CWM Message Attributes

/CWM/RHU_STOCK_DIFF Correction of HU Stock Differences

/CWM/STOCK Stock Overview

/CWM/STOCK_CHECK Check Stock Variance

/CWM/TCWM Activate Catch Weight Management

/CWM/VALPROC Default for Valuation Procedure






/DSD/01002309 IMG Activity: /DSD/VC_CALTYP





















/DSD/56000001 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CON_RN







































































































/DSD/91000222 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_DRVTXT

/DSD/91000223 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TRADAT

/DSD/91000224 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAARTT

/DSD/91000225 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RACKDRS

/DSD/91000226 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RADISTYP

/DSD/91000227 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAPAYMNT

/DSD/91000228 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAPROFIL

/DSD/91000229 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAREASON

/DSD/91000230 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RATIMTYP

/DSD/91000231 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RAVISCOD

/DSD/91000232 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_RTATYP

/DSD/91000233 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TBALCTRL

/DSD/91000234 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CLEARSET

/DSD/91000235 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_CLUSTAT

/DSD/91000236 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_POSTSET

/DSD/91000237 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSO

/DSD/91000238 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSOASSM

/DSD/91000239 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TBSOSLTY

/DSD/91000240 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TCSTAMAP

/DSD/91000241 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TCSTATYP

/DSD/91000242 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TIDTAARE

/DSD/91000243 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TSLTYASM

/DSD/91000244 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_TSLTYP

/DSD/91000249 IMG Activity: /DSD/HH_TBALHD

/DSD/91000253 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_ACTIVETA

/DSD/91000255 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDID

/DSD/91000256 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_FSR

/DSD/91000257 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDEL

/DSD/91000258 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLCOC

/DSD/91000259 IMG Activity: /DSD/SL_SNUM_SLINV

/DSD/DE_ENTRY Tour Data Entry: Entry

/DSD/DE_FUPREC Tour Data Entry Control

/DSD/DE_SL Tour Data Entry: Selection

/DSD/DX_AUDIT Display DEX data for audit purpose

/DSD/DX_CARCHIVE DEX - Archiving Control

/DSD/GS_DMI_CHK_PAR Check Customizing Parameters

/DSD/HH_CRED Send DSD-Specific Credit Data

/DSD/HH_CUST Send DSD-Specific Customer Data

/DSD/HH_DRIV Send Driver Data

/DSD/HH_DRVTXT Send Driver Texts

/DSD/HH_MAT Send DSD-Specific Material Data

/DSD/HH_PRINT_BC Print Bar Code

/DSD/HH_RA_DELE Route Settlement Deletion Program

/DSD/HH_TEST Test Route Accounting DB

/DSD/HH_VEHI Send Vehicle Data

/DSD/ME_CPT DSD Connector Cockpit

/DSD/PR_PRO_ARCH Deletion of Deal Conditions

/DSD/PR_PRO_CH Change Deal Conditions

/DSD/PR_PRO_CR Create Deal Conditions

/DSD/PR_PRO_DP Display Deal Conditions

/DSD/PR_PRO_LIST Display List of Deal Conditions

/DSD/PR_PRO_RESULT Display List of Result in Orders

/DSD/RP_DYNDISP Dynamic Transportation Planning

/DSD/RP_TOUR Maintain Tours

/DSD/RP_VT11 DSD Shipment List

/DSD/SL_AUTOFSR_EXCL Control Automatic Settlement

/DSD/SL_CLEAR DSD Clearing: Without Dialog

/DSD/SL_CLEARDIALOG DSD Clearing: With Dialog

/DSD/SL_CLEAR_APPLOG DSD: Application Log for Clearing

/DSD/SL_COCKPIT Settlement Cockpit

/DSD/SL_DIFIAC Interim Accounts

/DSD/SL_FSR DSD Final Settlement Run

/DSD/SL_IACFIN Interim Accounts, Final Difference

/DSD/SL_LIST_DOC_DIF Differences in Settlement Document

/DSD/SL_MS_PRESALES Carry Out Presales Processing

/DSD/SL_MS_SETTLE Perform Final Settlement

/DSD/SL_PMGIAC General Accounts Driver, Customer

/DSD/SL_PMSIAC Specific Accounts Driver, Customer

/DSD/SL_RADB Fill Route Accounting DB

/DSD/SL_SNUM_FSR Maintain Number Ranges FinalSett.Run

/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLCOC Number Ranges COCI - Maintain Docs.

/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDEL Maintain DSD Del. Doc. Number Range

/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLDID Maintain Number Range Settlem. Docs

/DSD/SL_SNUM_SLINV Maintain Number range Ext. Inv. No.

/DSD/SL_TGFIND Determination Tolerance Groups

/DSD/SL_TGGRP Tolerance Groups

/DSD/SL_TGSEARCH Serach Criteria Tolerance Groups

/DSD/SL_TGTYP Tolerance Types

/DSD/SV_CHECK_CG Check Counting Groups in material ma

/DSD/SV_LIST_SHIP List of Shipments

/DSD/SV_LIST_STOCK List of Stock on Truck

/DSD/SV_MAN_COR Reprocess MM Record

/DSD/SV_MR_DEL Delete Obsolete Movement Record Data


/DSD/SV_RL_RELEASE Release Final Unloading Document

/DSD/SV_STOCK_AD_CR Create SV Material Movements

/DSD/SV_STOCK_AD_DP Display SV Material Movements

/DSD/TCBUS DSD Loc: Tax Condition Builder USA

/DSD/VC_B_ACC Access Sequences (Visit List)

/DSD/VC_B_C01 Create Message: Visit List

/DSD/VC_B_C02 Change Message: Visit List

/DSD/VC_B_C03 Display Message: Visit List

/DSD/VC_B_CAT Field Catalog (Visit List)

/DSD/VC_B_CT1 Create Condition Tables

/DSD/VC_B_CT2 VL Messages - Change ConTab

/DSD/VC_B_CT3 VL Messages - Display ConTab

/DSD/VC_B_MAP Assignment of Message Schema

/DSD/VC_B_SCH Message Schema (Visit List)

/DSD/VC_B_TYP Message Types (Visit List)


/DSD/VC_MESSAGES Output Processing

/DSD/VC_RSNAST00 Selection of Messages to Process

/DSD/VC_RSNAST0D Generic output issue

/DSD/VC_RSNAST0F Selection of Incorrect Messages

/DSD/VC_SETTLE Comparison: Deliveries - Visit Lists

/DSD/VC_TEXT_CONTROL Text Control for DSD Visit Control

/DSD/VC_VL Maintain Visit List

/DSD/VC_VLC_ARCH Visit List Archiving Control

/DSD/VC_VLRANGE Maintain Number Ranges: SC Lists

/DSD/VC_VL_VIEW Display Sales Call List

/DSD/VC_VP Maintain Visit Plans

/DSD/VC_VPRANGE Maintain Number Ranges: SC Schedules

/DSD/VC_VP_CREATE Create Sales Call Schedules

/DSD/VC_VP_VIEW Display Sales Call Schedules




















/EACA/CHANGE_TEMPLAT Characteristics for GL - Templates

/EACA/GLCONTROL Characteristics for GL - Templates

/EACA/GLPOST_ACCDATA Post G/L Acct Document to Data Basis

/EACA/GLPOST_ACCSYST G/L Acct Doc. for Accounting System

/EACA/GLPOST_REFDOC Enter Sample Documents

/EACA/GLPST_REF_ACCS Enter Sample Documents

/EACA/GL_BREP GL Balance Reporting


/EACA/GL_DOCNR GL Document Number Maintenance

/EACA/GL_DOC_DISPLAY Document Display

/EACA/GL_DOC_JOURNAL Document Journal

/EACA/GL_IMG IMG Display for General Ledger

/EACA/GL_MANPOS_VM Set Up General Ledger Acct Posting

/EACA/GL_MD GL Master Data: Maintenance

/EACA/GL_POST_ACT Activate G/L Account Posting

/EACA/GL_PRNTA_SHOW Display Source Document/Sample Docs

/EACA/GL_REFDOC_SHOW Display Sample Document

/EACA/GL_REVERSAL Reverse G/L Acct Posting/Source Doc.

/EACA/GL_REV_DOC Reverse G/L Acct Posting/Acc. Doc.

/EACA/PMCFACTIV Activate Profitability Mgt View

/EACA/PMCFSTR_BTAPRO Configure BTA Profit from PM View

/EACA/PMCFSTR_CR_JR Struct. Config. of C&R Journal

/EACA/PM_CK_GRPS Char. and Key Figure Grp Maintenance

/EACA/PM_PPR_DISP Line Item List (Source Document)

/EACA/PM_PPR_LI Manual Entry of Line Items

/EACA/PM_UR_ADMIN Execute Assignment Changes (Realgmt)

/EACA/PM_UR_MAINTAIN Maintain Assignment Changes










/EACC/50000020 IMG Activity: /EACC/SIMG_INST_COMP










/EACC/ACSYST_COPY Copy Valuation Systems

/EACC/ACTIVATE_AE Activation of the Accounting Engine

/EACC/ARCHIVE_CONFIG Document Archiving Maintenance

/EACC/ARCHIVE_RUN Carry Out Document Archiving

/EACC/CONFIGS Journal Configurations

/EACC/DMM_COPYTOOL Copying Map Objects

/EACC/DMM_OBJMAP BW Objects for Accounting Views

/EACC/DMM_OBJMAP_V BW Objects for Accounting Views

/EACC/DMON Monitor Flow Control

/EACC/DM_DEBUG Activate Breakpoints

/EACC/DOCJOURNALCONF Configuration of the Doc. Journal

/EACC/DOC_REPORT Document Display

/EACC/DR_CONFIG Derivation: Add Source Characterstcs

/EACC/DR_CUST Derivation: Add Source Characterstcs

/EACC/FOBU E-Accounting Formula Editor


/EACC/JOURNALCONTENT Accounting Engine Journals Overview


/EACC/KF_CHAR_USAGE Use of Char/Key Fig for Data Basis

/EACC/REGIST_01 Char. and Key Figure Registration


/EACC/SHOW_PLIMA Most Recent Configuration PLIMA






















































/ECRS/POI_EDIT Manage Providers of Information

/ECRS/RP_EDIT Manage Intrastat Declarations

/ECRS/T604 Edit Commodity Codes





/FMP/MP_CHANGE Change Material Prices

/FMP/MP_COMPARE Compare Material Prices

/FMP/MP_DISPLAY Display Material Prices

/FMP/MP_HISTORY Display Material Prices History

/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP Additional search helps

/FSCAA/VC_FIELD Structure Definition and Fld Mapping

/FSCAA/V_IF_2_CLASS Relation Interfaces and Classes





/FSIH/CNCL Give Notice on Expired Ins. Policies

/FSIH/DISB Disburse Insurance Premiums

/FSIH/REPL Compare Pymnt Plans for Ins. Policy

/FTI/ALL All important programs

/FTI/BCO_MAINT BCO Maintenance

/FTI/EXT_SRV_MAINT Extended Service Maintenance UI

/FTI/EXT_SRV_MAINT_N Extended Service Maintenance UI

/FTI/GEN_SERVICE generate OData Service

/FTI/LIST_UPL_SOLU List of Solutions with Instdata


/FTI/MAINT_BOE_FT_UI Maintain BusOrg Entity Finetuning UI

/FTI/MAINT_SERVICE Maintain Service

/FTI/ORG_STRUC_EXT Business Org. Structure extension

/FTI/SERVICE_MAINT Service Maintenance UI

/FTI/SERV_TESTDATA Create testdata for OData service

/FTI/SET_IMPL_PHASE Implementation Phase

/GC1/INIT Garbage Collector: Initial Screen

/GC1/LOG Garbage Collector: Activities/Logs

/GC1/OVERVIEW GC: Overview of Obj. Type Relats

/GC1/SCOPE Overview: Garbage Collector

/GC1/START Garbage Collector Run






































/GSINS/BRBPADD Brasil: BP Enhancement Details




/GSINS/NLGBA_MASS Mass Processing of GBA Data

/GSINS/NLGBA_RANGE Message Number Range Maintenance

/GSINS/NLGBA_RES Define Res. Period for NL GBA

/GSINS/NLGBA_SET FS-CM: NL Pension GBA Basic Settings

/GSINS/PENS_CPHRR Pens.Syst.: Show Claim HCM Relation

/GSINS/PENS_PCDC Pens.system:CD Posting Settings

/GSINS/PENS_PCIM Pens.system:Immed.Payments Payroll

/GSINS/PENS_PCIR Pens.system:Set "Completed" immed.pa

/GSINS/PENS_PCRS Pens.system:Set Control Record

/GSINS/PENS_PRCI Pens.system:Create Immed.Post.Run

/GSINS/PENS_PRCS Pens.system:Create Stand.Post.Run

/GSINS/PENS_PRNR Number range maintenance: /GSINS/P01

/GSINS/PENS_PSTL Mass Data Replication in HCM

/GSINS/PENS_PSTM Mass Posting of C/D Documents

/GSINS/PENS_PSTS Pens.system:Single document posting

/GSINS/PSTRUN_RES Define Res. Period for Post.Run

/GSINS/PTERM_CREATE Create Insurance Premium

/GSINS/PTERM_DISPLAY Display Insurance Premium

/GSINS/RESERVE_CALC Reserve Calculation of Losses

/GSINS/REU_ACCGFI Selection rules of FI tables content

/GSINS/REU_ETL Insurance ETL customizing

/GSINS/REU_RST Retraction customizing

/GSINS/REU_RTR Reserve to FI retraction

/GSINS/RUAC_AAAI_INS Additional Account Assignment Instal

/GSINS/RUAC_AC_GR Maintain Customer Accounting Groups

/GSINS/TR_TRAMER XML File Generation TRAMER Reporting

/GSINS/UPR_CALC Calculations for Company Codes

/GSINS/UPR_CHARG Charges - Percentage

/GSINS/UPR_DISP Display Calculated Results

/GSINS/UPR_FCALC Calculations Methods

/GSINS/UPR_HKONT Allowed General Ledger Accounts

/GSINS/UPR_UFUN Function Module for User Exits





































/IAM/ACT_NO_RANGE Activity Number Range Intervals

/IAM/BPUSER Create Business Partner for User

/IAM/ISS_NO_RANGE Issue Number Range Intervals

/IAM/MANAGE_JUMP /IAM/: Jump Manager


/IAM/RESIDENCE_MAINT Maintain BO-Specific Residence Time

/IAM/SCHEDULE_REMIND Schedule Notifications Job

/IAM/VC_APPL_DEPEND Call VC Dependent on Application

/IAM/VC_REDEF_QIM Redefinitions

/IAM/VC_TYPE Object Types

/IAM/V_APPL_DEPEND Call View Dependent on Application













/IBS/35000023 IMG Activity

















































/IBS/95000012 Transaction


































/IBS/95000055 IMG Activity









/IBS/RB_ACC_CREATION RBD: Automatic Account Creation

/IBS/RB_ASSIGN_CALL RBD: Assign Administrator

/IBS/RB_ASSIGN_CO RBD: Assign Administrator

/IBS/RB_DEVL RBD: Dev. List Value Adjustment

/IBS/RB_DEVL_SINGLE RBD: Development List per Contract


/IBS/RB_ECF_CLEAR IRP: Deletion Report ECF Gate

/IBS/RB_ECF_FILL IRP: Filling Report ECF Gate



/IBS/RB_ECF_RECLAS ECF Balance Sheet Transfer


/IBS/RB_ECF_UNW_UMGL IRP: Unwinding Reclassification





/IBS/RB_EWB_UPD RBD: CML Pos. Monitoring: Update Run


/IBS/RB_GATE_CLEAR Deletion Report for FVA Interface


/IBS/RB_HINT RBD: Pos. Monitoring: List of Notes

/IBS/RB_HINTM List of Notes for Multiple Sce Syst.

/IBS/RB_IAS_FILL IVA: Filling Report IAS Gate

/IBS/RB_IAS_FILL_MIG IVA: CSV Filling Report Ft. Analysis

/IBS/RB_IAS_POST IVA: Posting Run Future Analysis


/IBS/RB_IAS_POST_UNW IVA: Unwinding Posting Run Future

/IBS/RB_IAS_UPD IVA: Update Future Analysis

/IBS/RB_IAS_UPD_INIT IVA: Initial Run for Future Analysis

/IBS/RB_IAS_UPD_KTO IVA: Update Ind Acct Future Analysis


/IBS/RB_IAS_UPD_UNW IVA: Unwinding Run Future Analysis

/IBS/RB_KTO_DIS RBD Dialog: Display RBD Account

/IBS/RB_KTO_INS RBD Dialog: Create RBD Account

/IBS/RB_KTO_REACT RBD: Reactivate RBD Account

/IBS/RB_KTO_UPD RBD Dialog: Change RBD Account


/IBS/RB_LOG_RUN RBD: Valuation Report PPF

/IBS/RB_MANCON ECF: Manual Contract Management

/IBS/RB_MAN_PLAN_CHG RBD: Monitoring - Plnd Rec. Change

/IBS/RB_PEWB_RFR RBD:Clearing Actual Recs (Rev. FIVA)

/IBS/RB_PEWB_RFR_SUM RBD:Clearing Actual Recs (Rev. FIVA)

/IBS/RB_PEWB_RST RBD: Gen. and Post Plnd Recds (FIVA)

/IBS/RB_PEWB_RSTM RBD:Create FIVA For Several Sce Sys.

/IBS/RB_PROPRES_ECF RBD: Decision Template ECF

/IBS/RB_PROPRES_HGB RBD: Decision Template GCC

/IBS/RB_PROPRES_IAS RBD: Decision Template IAS

/IBS/RB_PWV_KK FVA for Consumer Loans

/IBS/RB_PWV_UPD RND: FIVA with Risk Indicator


/IBS/RB_RBDGATE_FILL RBD: Fill RBD Gate with Test Data

/IBS/RB_RBDGATE_FILM RBD: Filling of the FVA Data Store

/IBS/RB_REALLOC ECF: Contract Reallocation

/IBS/RB_RECLAS Balance Sheet Transfer RBD

/IBS/RB_REF RBD: Drilldown Reporting with Ref.

/IBS/RB_REPORTING RBD: Reporting Function

/IBS/RB_SHEETSUMMARY Print ECF Valuation Sheet

/IBS/RB_VS_SALDO RBD: Ind. Document Table Source Sys.

/IBS/RB_WORKLIST RBD: Worklist - Processor

/IBS/RB_WORKLIST_SEL RBD: Worklist - Processor















/IBX/72000311 IMG Activity

















/IBX/72000331 IMG Activity

/IBX/72000333 IMG Activity

































/IBX/COCKPIT ipx: Display Logs

/IBX/D_PP_CUS_DISP Display Process Customizing

/IBX/D_PP_WUL_DISP Where-Used List for Processing Group

/IBX/GENERATE IPX: Generate Comparison Class

/IBX/IMPORT ipx: Import CSV Files

/IBX/IMP_DELETE ipx: Delete Import Data

/IBX/PH_LOG_SHOW Display Application Log

/IBX/RAPI_DELETE Deletion Program RAPI

/IBX/RUN_PROT Extended Logging

/IBX/SELECTION Restrict Data Selection

/IBX/START Start Processing Run




















































/IPRO/67000026 IMG Activity: /IPRO/MGT_OVERLAY





















/IPRO/67000049 IMG Activity: /IPRO/LIST_ALL_VARS








































/IPRO/ACTIVE_VAR List Active Variables

/IPRO/CLASSIF_GEN Set Up Classification System

/IPRO/CLAUSE_COUNT_L List Active Elements

/IPRO/DEF_DUET_MAP Set Default Mapping for Duet Attrib

/IPRO/DOCB_IMG Shortcut for DocB IMG

/IPRO/DOCSEL_DIAG Document Selection diagnostic

/IPRO/DOC_EXPIRE Change Document Status

/IPRO/DUET_IMG_DIAG Run Duet Basic Diagnostic

/IPRO/IMGACT transaction for IMG activities


/IPRO/IMG_CREATE_EMA Create email from log

/IPRO/IMG_DIAG General IMG diagnostic report

/IPRO/IMG_DISPLAY_VA Display variable structure

/IPRO/LIST_DOCSEL Listing document selections

/IPRO/LIST_ELMNTS List elements


/IPRO/LIST_STRUCT Listing structure variables

/IPRO/LIST_TMPL List all affected system templates

/IPRO/LIST_VAR List unstructured simple var

/IPRO/LIST_VARREF List variable-references

/IPRO/LIST_VARS List all variables

/IPRO/LIST_VAR_ELM List affected elements

/IPRO/MIGRATION Migrate Document Builder Data

/IPRO/NUM_RANGE Number Range Maintenance for DocB


/IPRO/POP_VAR Populate Variables

/IPRO/READ_SRM_VAR Read SRM Data and Create Variables

/IPRO/TMPL_ELMNT List system templates and elements

/IPRO/TMPL_LAUNCHER Launch DocB for template operation

/IPRO/VARIABLE_CONFL List Conflicting Variables

/IPRO/XML_STR_GEN Generate Meta Data



























/ISDFPS/11000003 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE01

/ISDFPS/11000004 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE03

/ISDFPS/11000005 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE04

/ISDFPS/11000006 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE05

/ISDFPS/11000007 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE06

/ISDFPS/11000008 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR01

/ISDFPS/11000009 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR02

/ISDFPS/11000010 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORSUP01

/ISDFPS/11000011 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORMNT01

/ISDFPS/11000012 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_CFDP01

/ISDFPS/11000013 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE02

/ISDFPS/11000014 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/MB_DELIV

/ISDFPS/11000020 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE02

/ISDFPS/11000021 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE03

/ISDFPS/11000022 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE04

/ISDFPS/11000023 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE05

/ISDFPS/11000024 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE06

/ISDFPS/11000025 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE11

/ISDFPS/11000026 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE13

/ISDFPS/11000027 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE14

/ISDFPS/11000028 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE12

/ISDFPS/11000029 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE15


/ISDFPS/11000031 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OOVK

/ISDFPS/11000032 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_HR_OPPE12

/ISDFPS/11000033 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_T77OMTAB

/ISDFPS/11000034 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_V_DA04

/ISDFPS/11000040 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA5

/ISDFPS/11000041 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA6

/ISDFPS/11000042 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE07


/ISDFPS/11000051 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUB

/ISDFPS/11000052 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUP

/ISDFPS/11000055 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_SA04

/ISDFPS/11000056 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_CPRIO

/ISDFPS/11000061 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PGRURG

/ISDFPS/11000062 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURG

/ISDFPS/11000063 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PREQ

/ISDFPS/11000064 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PRILOC

/ISDFPS/11000065 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURGSD

/ISDFPS/11000066 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURGPM

/ISDFPS/11000067 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/PRIO

/ISDFPS/11000068 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/VSTAACT



/ISDFPS/11000071 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/VSTASUA












































































































































































/ISDFPS/88000017 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/REFX_002






































/ISDFPS/89000007 Maintain Distributed Sys. Landscape













































































/ISDFPS/99000002 IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/ME_MM_REQ






/ISDFPS/ABRV Maintain Settlement Rule


/ISDFPS/ACCHIERCOPY Copy CO Standard Hierarchy

/ISDFPS/ACCHIERGEN Generate CO Standard Hierarchy

/ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP Prepare CO Hierarchy in Operation

/ISDFPS/ACCHIERREST Replace CO Standard Hierarchy

/ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN Generate CO Account Assignment Objs



/ISDFPS/ALE_STRTSYNC ALE Sync. with Partner System

/ISDFPS/ALE_SYNC ALE Sync. with Partner Systems

/ISDFPS/AVAIL_FORCES Available Force Elements

/ISDFPS/BD11 DFPS Request Material Master





/ISDFPS/BERID_GET Selects MRP Area for Stor. Loc.

/ISDFPS/BRFPLUS_SIM Simulation BRF+ Check for FOX Object

/ISDFPS/C02WM1 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes (Basis)

/ISDFPS/CALL_TRANS Transaction Call with Memory Export

/ISDFPS/CBSART_CS Cust.: Assign Receiver PO Doc. Type

/ISDFPS/CDD_DEPLYMNT Create, Delete, Delimit Deployment

/ISDFPS/CDOC_SEND Send IDocs of Change Documents

/ISDFPS/CFDP01 Structures Workbench: Customizing

/ISDFPS/CFRGKZ_CS Cust: Release ID f. Synchronization

/ISDFPS/CHANGE_PARTY Open Docs for Supply Relationship

/ISDFPS/CHANGE_SLOC Split/Merge Storage Locations

/ISDFPS/CHECK_LES Check: LES Relocation

/ISDFPS/CIL21SUB Hist. Insts: Customiz. Field Sel.

/ISDFPS/CIL21SUP Hist. Inst. Locs: Cust. Field Sel.

/ISDFPS/CLMASCL Cust.: Confign Cd Classes to Mod. ID

/ISDFPS/CLMCAP Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate

/ISDFPS/CLMCUS Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate

/ISDFPS/CLMEAPP Custom. Event Monitor

/ISDFPS/CLMEVT Custom. Event Monitor

/ISDFPS/CLMEXSTA Cust.: Master Equipment Sts Objects

/ISDFPS/CLMFLAUF Customizing: Flight Types

/ISDFPS/CLMFLSTA Customizing: Flight Status Objects

/ISDFPS/CLMIAST Customizing: Order Type Tech. Status

/ISDFPS/CLMIMST Cust.: Notification Type Tech. Sts

/ISDFPS/CLMISE Cust.: Activate Intersession Events

/ISDFPS/CLMMDID Customizing: Model IDs (WS)

/ISDFPS/CLMSFCT Customizing: Status Function

/ISDFPS/CLMSLF Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate

/ISDFPS/CLMSTAD Cust.: Technical Status Semantics

/ISDFPS/CLMSTB Cust.: Status Board Transactions

/ISDFPS/CLMSTIC Customizing: User Status Icons

/ISDFPS/CLMUPRI Customizing: Usage Rate

/ISDFPS/CLPMBOOK Custom. Maintenance Book Types

/ISDFPS/CMP_AGR_TABS Comparison of the AGR Tables

/ISDFPS/COMPARE_MAT Material Auth./Actual Comparison

/ISDFPS/COMPARE_PERS Pers. Authorized/Actual Comparison

/ISDFPS/CPMGOS1 Activate GOS Service "Change Auth."

/ISDFPS/CREIP1M Maintain Obj.Ty.Usage for IPO Types

/ISDFPS/CREIP2M Maintain Rent.Obj. Type for IPO Tys

/ISDFPS/CREIPFM Maintain Func. Usage for Func. IPO

/ISDFPS/CREIPLY Maintain Arch.Obj. Ty for Plan. Lvl

/ISDFPS/CREIPNM Maintain Usage Type for IPO Function

/ISDFPS/CREL Maintain Relocations/Reloc. Steps

/ISDFPS/CREL01 Maintain Relocation

/ISDFPS/CREL02 Maintain Relocation Steps

/ISDFPS/CREL03 Maintain Weight Groups

/ISDFPS/CREL04 Maintain Relocation Types

/ISDFPS/CREL1 Maintain Relocation

/ISDFPS/CREL2 Maintain Relocation Steps

/ISDFPS/CRERRFM Maintain Srch Req.Ty. f. IPO Funct.

/ISDFPS/CRWBD Replication Workbench - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/CS_RELOC Cross-System Reorganization

/ISDFPS/CUA_SWITCH Switches the CUA Connection


/ISDFPS/C_CID Number Range Mainten.: /ISDFPS/CM

/ISDFPS/C_CS_CMD Cust:Cust: Cross-System Commands

/ISDFPS/C_CS_SYS Cust.: Assign Log.Syst. to Plnt/SLoc

/ISDFPS/C_MM_CS Cust.: Cross-System Basic Settings

/ISDFPS/C_V_T307 Maintain Storage Unit Types

/ISDFPS/C_V_T319 Maintain Control of Pick-HU Creation

/ISDFPS/C_V_T319A Maintain Assgmt of Pick-HU Creation

/ISDFPS/DISPLAY_AZA Dependent on Cooperation

/ISDFPS/DISP_EQU_SIT Display Equipment Level

/ISDFPS/DISP_INITSUP Display Initial and Subs. Supply

/ISDFPS/DISP_MATSTAT Display Initial Supply Status

/ISDFPS/DISP_MAT_SIT Display Material Situation

/ISDFPS/DISP_SRV_USE Display Services Received

/ISDFPS/DISP_STR_LWC Force Elements with Log. Work Center

/ISDFPS/DSP1 NCG Planning Workbench

/ISDFPS/DSP_HIER_STR Hier. Overview of Org. Structure

/ISDFPS/DSP_OP_RDNS Hier. Overview of Op. Readiness

/ISDFPS/EL Assignment: Storage Bin to Equipment

/ISDFPS/EPA_HU Processing of HUs from EPA

/ISDFPS/EPA_PRINT Print Equipment Package

/ISDFPS/EQUITRP Assignment: Storage Bin to Equipment

/ISDFPS/EQUI_STAT1 Logistical Mission Support

/ISDFPS/EQUI_STAT2 Personal/Functional Equipment


/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES Create External Batch Usage

/ISDFPS/EXT_BATCHES3 Display External Batch Usage

/ISDFPS/FDP1 Log. Operations Planning & Execution

/ISDFPS/FDP2 Log. Operations Planning & Execution

/ISDFPS/FDP_START Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/FDP_VSTEL Create/Change Shipping Points

/ISDFPS/FE01 Organizational Areas

/ISDFPS/FE02 Structure Levels

/ISDFPS/FE03 Structure Types

/ISDFPS/FE04 Branches
/ISDFPS/FE05 Readiness

/ISDFPS/FE06 Classification of Armed Forces

/ISDFPS/FE07 Material Indicators


/ISDFPS/FORCERMIGSE Migration - Assignment O,RF,S

/ISDFPS/FORCE_CD_DIS Display Change Documents

/ISDFPS/GEOLOC1 Change Geolocation

/ISDFPS/GEOLOC2 Display Geolocation

/ISDFPS/GET_LAGP_BEL Loading Object Stock

/ISDFPS/GET_LAGP_LQU Display Storage Bins



/ISDFPS/GNR_CHECK Check Global Number Ranges

/ISDFPS/ICM_START Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/IE11 List Display of Alt. Equip. History

/ISDFPS/IL07R Multi-Level Reference Location List

/ISDFPS/IL21 Extended Equip. History (Hierarchy)


/ISDFPS/INFO_LES_REL Reorganization/System Switch

/ISDFPS/INFRA1 Infrastructure

/ISDFPS/INFRA2 Infrastructure

/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_ALL Overview of Infrastructure Material

/ISDFPS/INFRAMAT_RET Post Infrastruc. Matl to Prior Per.

/ISDFPS/INFRA_COMP Auth/Actl Comp. Infra.Matl LocMgmtFE

/ISDFPS/INIT_SUPPLY Trigger Initial Supply Run

/ISDFPS/LA01 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes Online

/ISDFPS/LA02 Maintain WM Addnl Attributes in List

/ISDFPS/LA03 Display WM Addnl Attributes in List

/ISDFPS/LES_RETURN Reverse Reorganization by Task Org.

/ISDFPS/LGORT_DELETE Delete Storage Location

/ISDFPS/LMACC1 Enter Aircraft Accident

/ISDFPS/LMAR01 Edit Area

/ISDFPS/LMAR02 Display Area

/ISDFPS/LMASSPTS1 Assign Persons to Site

/ISDFPS/LMCUS1 Start Controlled Usage Rate

/ISDFPS/LMER01 Add/Change Operational Role

/ISDFPS/LMER02 Display Operational Role

/ISDFPS/LMFL01 Create Flight

/ISDFPS/LMFL02 Change Flight

/ISDFPS/LMFL03 Display Flight

/ISDFPS/LMFLM1 Change Mission

/ISDFPS/LMFLP1 Flight Overview

/ISDFPS/LMGEN1 Activate General Availability BAdI

/ISDFPS/LMGENIDX Index Table Generation

/ISDFPS/LMIE01 Create Equipment (Operation Equip.)

/ISDFPS/LMIE02 Change Equipment (Operation Equip.)

/ISDFPS/LMIE03 Display Equipment (Operation Equip.)

/ISDFPS/LMMTB1 Staff Assignment Board (Change Mode)

/ISDFPS/LMSI01 Change or Add Site

/ISDFPS/LMSI02 Display Site

/ISDFPS/LMSI05 Generate Sites

/ISDFPS/LMSSC1 Event Monitor

/ISDFPS/LMSTB1 Status Board (Change Mode)

/ISDFPS/LMSTB2 Status Board (Display Mode)

/ISDFPS/LMTST1 Overview of Technical Status

/ISDFPS/LM_EVM Obsolete: Event Monitor

/ISDFPS/LN01 Create Warehouse Structure

/ISDFPS/LN02 Change Warehouse Structure

/ISDFPS/LN03 Display Warehouse Structure

/ISDFPS/LN04 Delete Warehouse Number

/ISDFPS/LPL1 Material Categories Planning

/ISDFPS/LPL2 Material Categories Planning

/ISDFPS/LS26N Display Material Stocks in WMS

/ISDFPS/LSNR Display Serial Numbers

/ISDFPS/LSP1 Logistical Mission Support

/ISDFPS/LSP2 Logistical Mission Support

/ISDFPS/MASS_LOSS Loss Management

/ISDFPS/MASS_LOSS_HU Scrapping of Partial HUs

/ISDFPS/MATMAS_COPY Copy Material Master Data

/ISDFPS/MAT_ASSIGN Material Assignment

/ISDFPS/MAT_COMP Auth./Actl Comp. w. Matl Container

/ISDFPS/MAT_COMP_PR Procurement of Authorized Materials


/ISDFPS/MAT_CONS_LOG Log for Mass Posting

/ISDFPS/MB52 Material Stock List for MPO/MC

/ISDFPS/MCHG Mass Changes

/ISDFPS/MCHG_SRV_USE Replacement of Service Providers

/ISDFPS/MCHG_SUP_REL Support Relationships Mass Change

/ISDFPS/MDEL Delete Missions

/ISDFPS/MEBOR Conversion Rule for Work Center

/ISDFPS/ME_BSART Maintenance View for BSART

/ISDFPS/ME_BWB Maintain View Cluster for BWB

/ISDFPS/ME_BWS Maintain View Cluster for BWS

/ISDFPS/ME_COMP Maintain Compatibility Matrix

/ISDFPS/ME_HR_TAHDM Maintain Preselection of HR Objects

/ISDFPS/ME_HR_TCTPM Maint. of Usage Types Rel. for MA

/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC00 Maintenance: Program Object CP1

/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC01 Generation of Initial IDocs

/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC02 Generation of Delta IDocs

/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC03 Call BD21 for Delta Download

/ISDFPS/ME_IDOC04 Generate Change Pointers (DB Log)

/ISDFPS/ME_NUM_MAIN Maintain Number Range /ISDFPS/II

/ISDFPS/ME_REQ Maintain View Cluster for REQ

/ISDFPS/MMW_DEL_MSGS Delete Middleware Messages

/ISDFPS/MMW_MESGS Display Middleware Messages

/ISDFPS/MM_CS_EXLST Purchase Requisition Exception List

/ISDFPS/MM_RL01 Create Return Delivery PReqs

/ISDFPS/MM_TRANS_DEL Transport in the Event of a Transfer

/ISDFPS/MNTF_CR Mass Creation Notifications

/ISDFPS/MPA1 Proc. Provisions Packages -Obsolete-

/ISDFPS/MPA2 Display Material Packages

/ISDFPS/MPAEXPGEN Generate Material Packages

/ISDFPS/MPANR Material Package Number Range

/ISDFPS/MPO Auth. Materials and Material Pkgs

/ISDFPS/MPONR Material Planning Obj. Number Range

/ISDFPS/MPO_COMP Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO

/ISDFPS/MPO_MIG Migration Data for iPPE Workbench

/ISDFPS/MPO_PLAN Scheduled Material Planning Objects

/ISDFPS/MPO_SUB Remove Material Planning Objects

/ISDFPS/NASL Unassigned Storage Locations (Stock)

/ISDFPS/NSN1 Create NATO Stock Number

/ISDFPS/NSN2 Change NATO Stock Number

/ISDFPS/NSN3 Display NATO Stock Number

/ISDFPS/OIUO Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Meas. Pt

/ISDFPS/OIX2 Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Location

/ISDFPS/OIX8 Multi-Level R.P. List: Class

/ISDFPS/OIX9 Multi-Level R.P. List: Char.

/ISDFPS/OIXA Multi-Level R.P. List: Document

/ISDFPS/OM_REF Structure Evaluations

/ISDFPS/OPC_CF Operations and Exercises Calendar

/ISDFPS/OPC_LR O/E Calendar: Cmnd Respons. for O/E

/ISDFPS/OPC_OECF O/E Calendar: O/E for FP

/ISDFPS/OPC_OELR O/E Calendar: O/E for Command Resp.

/ISDFPS/OPC_PROJ O/E Calendar: Proj. and Force Elem.

/ISDFPS/OR01 Assgmt: Relationship - Basic Type

/ISDFPS/OR02 Customizing Usage Types

/ISDFPS/ORMNT01 Maintenance Relatshps: Damage Types

/ISDFPS/ORMNT_MMDOCS Open MM Docs for Maint. Relationship

/ISDFPS/ORMNT_PMDOCS PM Documents for Maintenance Rel.

/ISDFPS/ORSUP01 Supply Relatshps: Ext. Matl Groups

/ISDFPS/ORSUP_DOCS Open Docs for Supply Relationship

/ISDFPS/OVXC Assignment of Shipping Pt to Plant

/ISDFPS/PERS1 Personnel Categories Planning

/ISDFPS/PERS2 Personnel Categories Planning

/ISDFPS/PLBA Log Display f. Local User Administ.

/ISDFPS/PMBOOK0 Maintenance Book - Generate Report

/ISDFPS/PMBOOK1 Service Book for Equipment

/ISDFPS/PMBOOK2 Maintenance Book f. Master Equipment

/ISDFPS/PMCP1 Forward Change Authorization

/ISDFPS/PMCPRUN1 "Distribution Factory" Monitor

/ISDFPS/PMCP_OBJ Objects with CA in System

/ISDFPS/PMDIS2 Generic Distrib. of Maint. Objects

/ISDFPS/PMDIS3 Alt. Data Trans: Outbound Processing

/ISDFPS/PMDIS4 Alt. Data Transport - Outb. W/o CA

/ISDFPS/PMDIS5 Alt. Data Transport - Inbound Procg

/ISDFPS/PMDISRUN1 "Distribution Factory" Monitor

/ISDFPS/PMEQSE1 Master Equipment for Force Element

/ISDFPS/PMMASSFWOBJ Maintenance Calls Forward Dialog

/ISDFPS/PMRELOC1 Technical Object Relocation Monitor

/ISDFPS/PMRELO_INT Internal Call: Forward Change Auth.

/ISDFPS/PMRUECK1 Redistribution: Maintenance Data

/ISDFPS/PMTR0 Ref. Transaction: Training f. Flight

/ISDFPS/PMTR1 Confirm Training for Flight

/ISDFPS/PMTR2 Approve Training for Flight

/ISDFPS/PMTR3 Confirm.+Approval of Flight Training

/ISDFPS/PMTR4 Template TA: Training for Request

/ISDFPS/PMTR5 Confirm Training for Order

/ISDFPS/PMTR6 Approve Training for Order

/ISDFPS/PMTR7 Confirm & Approve Training for Order

/ISDFPS/PORT_SWITCH Switch Ports for ALE Partner Profile

/ISDFPS/POSGEN Position Generator: HCP

/ISDFPS/POS_GEN HCP Position Generator

/ISDFPS/PRELOC1 Relocation Planning

/ISDFPS/PRELOC2 Relocation Planning

/ISDFPS/PRPLB Background: Prioritized Matls Plng

/ISDFPS/PRPLD Dialog: Prioritized Materials Plng

/ISDFPS/PRPLL Document Processing Log

/ISDFPS/PURDOCS Follow-on Documents: Purchasing

/ISDFPS/PUWNR_U Change Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/PUWNR_V Display Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/RELOC1 Relocation Execution

/ISDFPS/RELOC2 Relocation Execution

/ISDFPS/RELOC_DEL Undo Assignment to Relocation Step


/ISDFPS/REORG1 Display/Change Reorganizations

/ISDFPS/REPL_LAGP Repl. of Storage Bins: ERP --> LES

/ISDFPS/REPL_LAGP_RF Repl. of Storage Bins: ERP --> ERP

/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHA Commitment Item: Expenditure View

/ISDFPS/RFFMKBHE Commitment Item: Revenues View

/ISDFPS/RIC1 Change Reportable Item Code

/ISDFPS/RIC2 Display Reportable Item Code


/ISDFPS/SHIFT_MAT Move Assignments

/ISDFPS/SHIFT_OPEX Shift Op. Structures/Exercise Tgts


/ISDFPS/SHIFT_REL Shift Exercise Target Relationships

/ISDFPS/SLG1 Show Application Logs

/ISDFPS/SLG1_SW Display System Switch Logs

/ISDFPS/SREL1 Support Relationships

/ISDFPS/SREL2 Support Relationships

/ISDFPS/START_CPR Cross-Plant Reorganization

/ISDFPS/STATE_CHECK Check Organizational Structures

/ISDFPS/STOCK_RELOC Plan Relocation for Complete FE

/ISDFPS/STOCK_RETURN Disband Force Element in Operation

/ISDFPS/SV01 Site Survey - Generate Checklist

/ISDFPS/SV02 Site Survey - Import Checklist

/ISDFPS/SV03 Site Survey - Checklist Overview

/ISDFPS/SV_FORM Site Survey Checklists

/ISDFPS/SW_EXEC Execute System Switch

/ISDFPS/SW_SIMULATE Simulate System Switch

/ISDFPS/SYSTEM_STATE Display Connection Status

/ISDFPS/T024D_U Create/Change MRP Controller

/ISDFPS/T024D_V Display MRP Controller

/ISDFPS/T313Y_U ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level

/ISDFPS/T313Y_V ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level

/ISDFPS/T630L_U Shpg Deadline - Chg. Ldng Time Info

/ISDFPS/T630L_V Shpg Deadline - Disp. Ldng Time Info

/ISDFPS/T630R_U Shpg Deadl- Chg. Pick/Pack Time Info

/ISDFPS/T630R_V Shpg Deadl-Disp. Pick/Pack Time Info

/ISDFPS/TA_PSPMAT Exclusion Objs Auth./Actl Comparison

/ISDFPS/TA_V_TVFP Assign Purch.Data for Shipment Costs

/ISDFPS/TOB1 Assignment of Technical Objects

/ISDFPS/TOB2 Assignment of Technical Objects

/ISDFPS/TOE1 Organizational Structure and Tasks

/ISDFPS/TOE2 Organizational Structure and Tasks

/ISDFPS/TOEACC1 Accounting Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEACC2 Accounting Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEFU1 Command and Control Support

/ISDFPS/TOEFU2 Command and Control Support

/ISDFPS/TOELOG1 Logistics Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOELOG2 Logistics Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEM1 Material Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEM2 Material Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEP1 Personnel Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TOEP2 Personnel Organizational Basis

/ISDFPS/TORG1 Task Organization

/ISDFPS/TORG2 Task Organization

/ISDFPS/TROAL_U Change Loading Points per Shpg Point

/ISDFPS/TROAL_V Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt

/ISDFPS/TROLZ_U Change Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/TROLZ_V Display Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/TST_CHK Consistency Check Technical Status

/ISDFPS/TVKOL_U Picking _ Change Stor.Loc. Determin.

/ISDFPS/TVKOL_V Picking - Display Stor.Loc.Determin.

/ISDFPS/TVLA_U Change Loading Points per Shpg Point

/ISDFPS/TVLA_V Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt

/ISDFPS/TVRO_U Change Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/TVRO_V Display Declaration Planning Scope

/ISDFPS/TVSTRF_U Change Loading Points per Shpg Point

/ISDFPS/TVSTRF_V Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt

/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_LGORTU Change Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)

/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_LGORTV Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)

/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_U Change Shpg Pt Determination (Plant)

/ISDFPS/TVSTZ_V Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (Plant)

/ISDFPS/TZONE_U Change Loading Points per Shpg Point

/ISDFPS/TZONE_V Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt

/ISDFPS/UPD806 Transfer Training Data

/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVB Update the Org. Level Fields

/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVS Comparison of Organizational Levels

/ISDFPS/UPD_ORG_LEVT Update the Org. Level Fields

/ISDFPS/UPLN1 Execute Material Plans

/ISDFPS/UPS ALE Distribution Units - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/UPS01 Create ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/UPS02 Change ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/UPS03 Display ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/UPS04 Copy ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced

/ISDFPS/UPS_FORCE Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/UPS_WRK_MAIN DFPS Maintain Plant Filter in UPS

/ISDFPS/USER_DISTRIB User Distribution

/ISDFPS/VLA01 Create Unplanned Delivery Documents

/ISDFPS/VLKO Comparison of Delivery Documents

/ISDFPS/VLRF Display References in LES

/ISDFPS/VLV1 Deliveries for Relocation

/ISDFPS/VLV2 Display Relocation Deliveries

/ISDFPS/VLVBE Complete Relocation Purch. Orders

/ISDFPS/VLVET Carry Out Own Transport

/ISDFPS/VLVLS Mass Change of Log. Syst. in FEs

/ISDFPS/VPA_INTERN Internal Transaction for PPA

/ISDFPS/V_024_U Create/Change Purchasing Group

/ISDFPS/V_024_V Display Purchasing Group

/ISDFPS/V_TWLVZ Customizing: Assign Goods Rec. Point

/ISDFPS/V_V2 Rescheduling for Defense

/ISDFPS/WFLIST MRP Workbench Items

/ISDFPS/WF_ACC Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_CUST Workflow Tree Customizing

/ISDFPS/WF_EPA Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_EXT Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_EXU Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_KST Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_MAP Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_MAT Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_MATPLAN Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_MC Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_PER Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_PERPLAN Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_RIC Structures Workbench

/ISDFPS/WF_SE16 Call SE 16 for Workflow

/ISDFPS/XI_ALE_SYNC ALE Synchronization














/ISHCDP/AT_EKF_CC EDIVKA Customizing für EKF kopieren

/ISHCDP/BDN_MANEVENT man.Versandauftrag Geb./Tod-Anzeige

/ISHCDP/TNBDN001 Einrichtungsbezogene BDN-Parameter





























/ISHFR/64000073 IMG Activity




























/ISHFR/NCC02 IS-H FR: Process IV Requests

/ISHFR/NCC03 IS-H FR: Display IV Requests


/ISHFR/NCCAM_SECA_PR IS-H FR: Price Seca in CCAM Service

/ISHFR/NDAY_ABS IS-H FR: Number of Days/Absence Type

/ISHFR/NDAY_NUR IS-H FR: No. Days/Level of Care

/ISHFR/NGHM_LOAD IS-H FR: Import DRG Service Master



/ISHFR/NKDICIM10 IS-H FR: Import Diagnosis Cat. CIM10

/ISHFR/NKDICMD IS-H FR: Import CMD Diagnosis Cat.

/ISHFR/NLPP_LOAD IS-H FR: Import LPP Service Master

/ISHFR/NMATSERV IS-H FR: Assign Service -> Material

/ISHFR/NNABM_LOAD IS-H FR: Import NABM Service Master

/ISHFR/NRPPS_LOAD IS-H FR: Update Business Partner

/ISHFR/NUCD_LOAD IS-H FR: Import UCD Service Master

/ISHFR/N_615M_OCREAT 615M Dispatch Orders - Manual

/ISHFR/N_B2_OCREATE IS-H FR: B2 Dispatch Orders Manual

/ISHFR/N_MCO_OCREATE IS-H FR: MCO Dispatch Orders Manual

/ISHFR/N_RSF_OCREATE IS-H FR: RSF Dispatch Orders Manual

/ISIDEX/54000037 IMG Activity: /ISIDEX/_00001

/ISIDEX/54000038 IMG Activity: /ISIDEX/_00002

/ISIDEX/54000039 IMG Activity: /ISIDEX/_00003

/ISIDEX/54000040 IMG Activity: /ISIDEX/_00004

/ISIDEX/B001_U02_01 Create IDEX EDM Factory Calendar

/ISIDEX/B001_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Define Service Types

/ISIDEX/B001_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Define Service Types

/ISIDEX/B001_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Define Service Types

/ISIDEX/B001_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Define Periods/Deadlines

/ISIDEX/B001_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Define Periods/Deadlines

/ISIDEX/B001_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Define Periods/Deadlines

/ISIDEX/B001_U32_01 Maintain Main and Subtransactions

/ISIDEX/B001_U34_01 Maintain Main and Subtransactions

/ISIDEX/B001_U36_01 Maintain Main and Subtransactions

/ISIDEX/B002_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Season Types

/ISIDEX/B002_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Define Deregulation Swtch

/ISIDEX/B002_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Define Deregulation Swtch

/ISIDEX/B002_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Define Deregulation Swtch

/ISIDEX/B002_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Define Checks

/ISIDEX/B002_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Define Checks

/ISIDEX/B002_U32_01 Account Determination ID f. Supplier

/ISIDEX/B002_U34_01 Account Determination ID for Distr.

/ISIDEX/B002_U36_01 Account Det. ID for Contract Account

/ISIDEX/B003_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Season Groups

/ISIDEX/B003_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Define Control Parameters

/ISIDEX/B003_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Define Control Parameters

/ISIDEX/B003_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Define Control Parameters

/ISIDEX/B003_U22_01 IDEX CoS Exception Handling per View

/ISIDEX/B003_U24_01 IDEX CoS: No. Range for Switch Doc.

/ISIDEX/B003_U26_01 IDEX CoS Exception Handling per View

/ISIDEX/B003_U32_01 Account Assgt for Main Transaction

/ISIDEX/B003_U34_01 Account Assgt for Main Transaction

/ISIDEX/B003_U36_01 Account Assgt for Main Transaction

/ISIDEX/B004_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Day Types

/ISIDEX/B004_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Verify WF Customizing

/ISIDEX/B004_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Verify WF Customizing

/ISIDEX/B004_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Verify WF Customizing

/ISIDEX/B004_U22_01 IDEX CoS: No. Range for Switch Doc.

/ISIDEX/B004_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Act. Event Cat. Coupling

/ISIDEX/B004_U26_01 IDEX CoS: No. Range for Switch Doc.

/ISIDEX/B004_U32_01 Account Assignment for Transaction

/ISIDEX/B004_U34_01 Account Assignment for Transaction

/ISIDEX/B004_U36_01 Account Assignment for Transaction

/ISIDEX/B005_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Day Groups

/ISIDEX/B005_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Act. Event Cat. Coupling

/ISIDEX/B005_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Define Type of SPA

/ISIDEX/B005_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Act. Event Cat. Coupling

/ISIDEX/B005_U32_01 Define Payment Frequency

/ISIDEX/B005_U34_01 Specs f. Posting Aggr. Inc. Bills

/ISIDEX/B005_U36_01 Specs f. Posting Aggr. Inc. Bills

/ISIDEX/B006_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Time-of-Use Types

/ISIDEX/B006_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Define Supply Scenarios

/ISIDEX/B006_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Define Supply Scenarios

/ISIDEX/B006_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Define Supply Scenarios

/ISIDEX/B006_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Define Type of SPA

/ISIDEX/B006_U24_01 IDEX CoS Exception Handling per View

/ISIDEX/B006_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Define Type of SPA

/ISIDEX/B006_U32_01 Define Payment Classes

/ISIDEX/B006_U34_01 Data Exchange Process

/ISIDEX/B006_U36_01 Define Payment Frequency

/ISIDEX/B007_U02_01 IDEX EDM: Define Time-of-Use Group

/ISIDEX/B007_U10_01 IDEX DEREG Setup MD Templates

/ISIDEX/B007_U11_01 IDEX DEREG Setup MD Templates

/ISIDEX/B007_U12_01 IDEX DEREG Setup MD Templates

/ISIDEX/B007_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Define Data Exhange Proc.

/ISIDEX/B007_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Define Data Exhange Proc.

/ISIDEX/B007_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Define Data Exhange Proc.

/ISIDEX/B007_U32_01 Define Data Exchange Processes

/ISIDEX/B007_U34_01 Maintain Service Provider Agreements

/ISIDEX/B007_U36_01 Define Payment Classes

/ISIDEX/B008_U02_01 Define IDEX EDM Profile Roles

/ISIDEX/B008_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Switch Views

/ISIDEX/B008_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Switch Views

/ISIDEX/B008_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Switch Views

/ISIDEX/B008_U32_01 Service Provider Agreement Types

/ISIDEX/B008_U34_01 Bill Check (Part 1)

/ISIDEX/B008_U36_01 Data Exchange Process

/ISIDEX/B009_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Define Front Office Proc.

/ISIDEX/B009_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Define Front Office Proc.

/ISIDEX/B009_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Define Front Office Proc.

/ISIDEX/B009_U32_01 Define Reason Codes

/ISIDEX/B009_U34_01 Basic Settings for Bill Check

/ISIDEX/B009_U36_01 Maintain Service Provider Agreements

/ISIDEX/B010_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Assign CIC Profiles

/ISIDEX/B010_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Assign CIC Profiles

/ISIDEX/B010_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Assign CIC Profiles

/ISIDEX/B010_U32_01 Parameters for Distr. Aggr. Payments

/ISIDEX/B010_U34_01 Check Parameters for Bill Check

/ISIDEX/B010_U36_01 Define Process Control (Part 1)

/ISIDEX/B011_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Action Box

/ISIDEX/B011_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Action Box

/ISIDEX/B011_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Maintain Action Box

/ISIDEX/B011_U32_01 Algorithms for Interpr. of PAN Items

/ISIDEX/B011_U34_01 ID of Bill/PAN Parts

/ISIDEX/B011_U36_01 Maintain Permitted Bill/PAN Lines

/ISIDEX/B012_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Asssign Action Box Config.

/ISIDEX/B012_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Asssign Action Box Config.

/ISIDEX/B012_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Asssign Action Box Config.

/ISIDEX/B012_U32_01 Define Process Control (Part 1)

/ISIDEX/B012_U34_01 Define Payment Medium Format

/ISIDEX/B012_U36_01 Check Parameters for Bill Check

/ISIDEX/B013_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Switch Doc. Entry Dialog

/ISIDEX/B013_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Switch Doc. Entry Dialog

/ISIDEX/B013_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Switch Doc. Entry Dialog

/ISIDEX/B013_U32_01 Basic Settings for Bill/PAN Proc.

/ISIDEX/B013_U34_01 Note to Payee Type for Pymt Medium

/ISIDEX/B013_U36_01 ID of Bill/PAN Parts

/ISIDEX/B014_U22_01 IDEX CoS: Required Field Definition

/ISIDEX/B014_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Required Field Definition

/ISIDEX/B014_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Required Field Definition

/ISIDEX/B014_U34_01 Define Payment Method

/ISIDEX/B014_U36_01 Define Payment Medium Format

/ISIDEX/B015_U22_01 IDEX CoS: PoD Identification

/ISIDEX/B015_U24_01 IDEX CoS: PoD Identification

/ISIDEX/B015_U26_01 IDEX CoS: Min. Duration of Contract

/ISIDEX/B015_U32_01 ID of Bill/PAN Parts

/ISIDEX/B015_U34_01 Specs for Responsible Company Code

/ISIDEX/B015_U36_01 Note to Payee Type for Pymt Medium

/ISIDEX/B016_U24_01 IDEX CoS: Min. Duration of Contract

/ISIDEX/B016_U26_01 IDEX CoS: PoD Identification

/ISIDEX/B016_U32_01 Account Balance Transactions AG27

/ISIDEX/B016_U34_01 Define Form for Payment Advice Note

/ISIDEX/B016_U36_01 Define Payment Method

/ISIDEX/B017_U32_01 Specs for Reset Clearing AG27

/ISIDEX/B017_U34_01 Process Control (Part 2)

/ISIDEX/B017_U36_01 Specs for Responsible Company Code

/ISIDEX/B018_U32_01 Specs for Clearing Item AG27

/ISIDEX/B018_U36_01 Define Form for Payment Advice Note

/ISIDEX/B019_U32_01 Alloc. Function Modules for Dunning

/ISIDEX/B019_U34_01 Define Reason Codes

/ISIDEX/B019_U36_01 Parameters for Distr. Aggr. Payments

/ISIDEX/B020_U32_01 Def. CA Items for Communication

/ISIDEX/B020_U34_01 Complaint Notification Form

/ISIDEX/B020_U36_01 Algorithms for Interpr. of PAN Items

/ISIDEX/B021_U32_01 Process Variants for Identifying PoD

/ISIDEX/B021_U34_01 Define Reversal Reasons

/ISIDEX/B021_U36_01 Def. of Account Balance Transactions

/ISIDEX/B022_U32_01 Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD

/ISIDEX/B022_U34_01 Allocate Register Type

/ISIDEX/B022_U36_01 Specifications for Reset Clearing

/ISIDEX/B023_U34_01 Allocate Units of Measurement

/ISIDEX/B023_U36_01 Specifications for Clearing Item

/ISIDEX/B024_U34_01 Process Variants for Identifying PoD

/ISIDEX/B024_U36_01 Define Complaint Modules

/ISIDEX/B025_U34_01 Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD

/ISIDEX/B025_U36_01 Definition of Reason Codes

/ISIDEX/B026_U34_01 User-Defined Meter Reading Type

/ISIDEX/B026_U36_01 Define Complaint Notification

/ISIDEX/B027_U36_01 Define Reversal Reasons

/ISIDEX/B028_U36_01 CA Item for Communication

/ISIDEX/B029_U36_01 Process Variants for Identifying PoD

/ISIDEX/B030_U36_01 Use of Process Var. to Identify PoD

















/IWBEP/92000012 IMG Activity






/IWBEP/92000018 IMG Activity























/IWBEP/BATCH_CONFIG Batch Parallelization

/IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP Cleanup of Model Cache

/IWBEP/CLEANUP_JOBS Manage Cleanup Jobs

/IWBEP/CONF_SERVICE Configuration for IWBEP services

/IWBEP/CRE_DEF_JOBS Create Default SAP GW Cleanup Jobs


/IWBEP/ERROR_LOG_E2E SAP GW Backend Error Log - E2E

/IWBEP/GLOBAL_CONFIG Global configuration settings

/IWBEP/NOTIF_MONITOR SAP GW Backend Notification Monitor

/IWBEP/RFC_BOP_DEL OData Channel : Delete RFC BOP

/IWBEP/RFC_BOP_GEN OData Channel : Generate RFC BOP

/IWBEP/SB SAP Gateway Service Builder

/IWBEP/SBS SAP Gateway Service Builder Setup


/IWBEP/UM_NR_INT MGW Number Range Interval

/IWBEP/UR_CLEANUP User Request Clean Up

/IWBEP/V4_ADMIN SAP Backend Service Administration

/IWBEP/VIEW_LOG SAP Gateway Log Viewer

/IWBEP/WS_BOP_DEL OData Channel : Delete WS BOP

/IWBEP/WS_BOP_GEN OData Channel : Generate WS BOP











































































/IWFND/APPS_LOG SAP Gateway Application Log Viewer

/IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP Cleanup of Model Cache

/IWFND/ERROR_LOG SAP Gateway Error Log

/IWFND/ERROR_LOG_E2E SAP Gateway Error Log - E2E

/IWFND/EXPLORER Service Explorer


/IWFND/NOTIF_CLEANUP Cleanup Notifications

/IWFND/NOTIF_MONITOR Notification Monitor

/IWFND/SERVICE_TEST Service Explorer

/IWFND/STATS SAP Gateway Statistics

/IWFND/TRACES SAP Gateway Traces

/IWFND/V4_ADMIN SAP Gateway Service Administration

/IWFND/VIEW_LOG SAP Gateway Application Log Viewer

/IWFND/WF_WEBGUI WebGUI For Executing Workflow Item

/IWFND/WSS_SETUP Configure WS Message-Based























/IWNGW/BEP_DEMO Generate demo notifications - DEMO

/IWNGW/BEP_NPREG Register Notification Provider

/IWNGW/BEP_SET_ALIAS Enter the SAP Backend System Alias

/IWNGW/BEP_SET_HUB_D Enter the SAP Gateway Hub RFC dest

/IWNGW/HUB_SAP_ALIAS Manage SAP System Alias

/IWNGW/H_CACHE_SDATA Set storing sensitive data on Hub

/IWNGW/H_CLEAR_CACHE Clear the hub's cache

/IWNGW/H_CLEAR_NOTIF Clear the notifications for a user

/IWNGW/H_SMP_DEST Register SMP Destination

/IWNGW/VB_REG Notification provider registry maint

/IWNGW/VB_REG_P Notif. provider activation maint

/IWNGW/VNPUSHP Push channel activation maint

/IWNGW/VNPUSHR Push channel maintenance screen









/IWPGW/PGW_CTXT_SVC Process Context Services


/IWPGW/TGW_TCM_SHMC TCM Provider - Clear Shared Memory








/J7L/LDE Lean Data Entry As Transaction

/KJRTAX01/ATMIGALVD Display Trans. Data - Delete (JP)

/KJRTAX01/ATMIGDEL Delete Asset Transaction Data (JP)

/KJRTAX01/ATMIGINS Insert Asset Transaction Data (JP)

/KJRTAX01/MIG_PRDCD Migration of Add. Dep. Code (JP)

/KJRTAX01/PDEL Delete Data Migr. from Last Yr (JP)

/KJRTAX01/PINS Data Migration - Last Year (JP)

/KJRTAX01/PUPLOAD Upl. Migrat.- Data from LY XML (JP)

/KJRTAX01/RINS Migrate RAJPVERM to Result Tab. (JP)


/LIME/42000001 Determine Node Width



/LIME/86000063 Process Type

/LIME/86000064 Maintain Index Tables

/LIME/86000065 Hierarchy

/LIME/86000066 Grouping Parameter

/LIME/86000067 Types for Quantity Calculation

/LIME/86000068 Supply categories

/LIME/86000069 Virtual Stock Indicator

/LIME/86000070 Special Stock

/LIME/86000071 Reason for movement

/LIME/86000083 Negative stock qty

/LIME/86000084 Control Dispatcher


/LIME/86000088 BAdI Builder /LIME/CUST





/LIME/86000097 Filter Determination for Dispatcher

/LIME/86000098 Locations Business Key

/LIME/86000099 Loc.-Index Tables Generation

/LIME/86000100 Generate Index Tables Code

/LIME/86000101 HU Business Key

/LIME/86000102 HU Index Tables Generation

/LIME/86000103 Stocks Business Key

/LIME/86000104 Stocks Index Tables Generation

/LIME/86000105 Set Filter Values BAdI Dispatcher

/LIME/86000106 Document Number

/LIME/86000107 Determine Stock Type R/3

/LIME/86000108 Settings Movement Type

/LIME/86000109 Determine Movement Type for R/3

/LIME/86000110 Determine Special Stock Indicator

/LIME/GEN_CODE Generation of LIME Source Code

/LIME/SNUM_DIEX Internal LIME Number Range

/LIME/SNUM_EXDO External LIME Number Range














/LSIERP/MATURITY TCode for Maturity Payments Report

/LSIERP/PROCEEDS Process Payment Items

/LSIERP/TQ_CHECK_INC Check Termination Quotation

/LSIERP/TQ_CHECK_LOG Protokoll fuer Pruefung und Beginn

/LSIERP/TQ_DEL_LOG Loeschprotokoll Angeb. z.VB anzeigen

/LSIERP/TQ_DEL_RES Display Results of Termination Quote

/LSIERP/TQ_PAYLOT_PR Process Payment Lot

/LSIERP/TQ_PAYL_LOG Display Appl. Log for Payment Lot

/LSIERP/WLM Manage Worklists

/LSIERP/WL_SEND Transfer Worklists to CRM

/LSIERP/WL_SEND_LOG Display Application Log for Worklist








































/NAM/ABC_REDUC_SUBS ABC Reduced Subscriptions Report

/NAM/BONUS_ITEM Create Bonus Day/Up-Give Items

/NAM/BONUS_LOG Bonus Day / Upgive Item Log

/NAM/BULK_CHG_CUST Mass Changes of Customer Master

/NAM/BULK_CRED_MEMO Mass Creation of Credit Memos

/NAM/BULK_ORD_CREATE Bulk Create/Change Subscriptions

/NAM/CONO_MAINTAIN Number Range Maintenance: /NAM/CONO

/NAM/CTRPARTEXCHANGE Replace Contract Partners

/NAM/CTRPARTKNVPUPD Adjust Partner Roles in Cust. Master

/NAM/CTRPARTREASSIGN Reassign Contract Partners

/NAM/DISPATCHING Dispatching Cockpit

/NAM/EASY_PAY_LK Kicked out Lockbox Payments

/NAM/EASY_PAY_POST Posting Paym. from Lockbox or Phone

/NAM/JHBAD_DEBT Bad Debt Credit Master Update

/NAM/JHBAD_DEBT_COND Maintain Cond.for Credit Master Upd.

/NAM/JHDEBTWOFF Maintain Cond for Bad Debt Write-Off

/NAM/JHDEBT_WOFF Bad Debt Mass Write-Off

/NAM/JHDLINE_OFFSET Deadline Offsets

/NAM/JHMASS_SB_WOFF Small Balance Write-Off

/NAM/JH_ROUNDING Rounding Rules

/NAM/JH_SB_WOFF Maintain Conditions for SB Write-Off

/NAM/JH_UNIT_CONV Unit Conversion

/NAM/JJBPTEXT Maintain Business Partner Texts

/NAM/JJMIN_MAX_RULES Maintain Min Max Rules

/NAM/JJSRTW_FN_MAINT Maintain Sort Word Generate Function

/NAM/JJTWOSCALE Maintain Two Scale Frequency Range

/NAM/JJ_AGENT_REASGN Sales Agent Contract Reassignment





/NFM/ANARM Rate Analysis, MM

/NFM/ANARS Rate Analysis, SD

/NFM/BSLM Exchange Key, Vendor

/NFM/BSLS Exchange Key, Customer

/NFM/CONVM Currency Conversion for Rates, MM

/NFM/CONVS Currency Conversion for Rates, SD

/NFM/COVM1 Maintain Coverage, MM

/NFM/COVM3 Display Coverage, MM

/NFM/COVS1 Maintain Coverage, SD

/NFM/COVS3 Display Coverage, SD

/NFM/C_BOESL Maintain Exchange Keys

/NFM/C_CO Assign CtrlArea/Origin to NF Keys

/NFM/C_COVHM Number range maintenance: /NFM/COVHM

/NFM/C_COVHS Number range maintenance: /NFM/COVHS

/NFM/C_KBB_MM Maint. Mvt Types in Matl Provision

/NFM/C_KBB_SD Maint. Mvt Types in Matl Provision

/NFM/C_NES Maintain NF Keys w. Base Quantities

/NFM/C_NES_EKO Different NF Key, Purch. Org. Level

/NFM/C_NES_VKO Different NF Key, Sales Org. Level

/NFM/C_NFM Maintain Rate Determination Modules

/NFM/C_NFR Maintain Rate Determination Routines

/NFM/C_NFS_MM Maint.Rate Determination Keys for MM

/NFM/C_NFS_SD Maint.Rate Determination Keys for SD

/NFM/C_NKTYP_MM Cond. Type - Cond. Cat/NF Key, MM

/NFM/C_NKTYP_SD Cond. Type - Cond. Cat/NF Key, SD

/NFM/C_NORG_MM Number Range Maintenance: Purchasing

/NFM/C_NORG_SD Maintain Number Range in SD

/NFM/C_PROHM Number range maintenance: /NFM/PROHM

/NFM/C_PROHS Number range maintenance: /NFM/PROHS

/NFM/C_RATEREF NF Rate Reference PurchOrg --> SOrg

/NFM/DEFDS Different Rate Determination, SD

/NFM/DEHM1 Maintain Default Value Header, MM

/NFM/DEHM3 Display Default Value Header, MM

/NFM/DEHS1 Maintain Default Value Header, SD

/NFM/DEHS3 Display Default Value Header, SD

/NFM/DEPM1 Maintain Default Value Item, MM

/NFM/DEPM3 Display Default Value Item, MM

/NFM/DEPS1 Maintain Default Value Item, SD

/NFM/DEPS3 Display Default Value Item, SD

/NFM/DNEBM1 Maintain default base key

/NFM/DNEBM3 Display default base key

/NFM/DNEBS1 Maintain default base key

/NFM/DNEBS3 Display default base key

/NFM/GRAFM NF Rates Graphic, MM

/NFM/GRAFS NF Rates Graphic, SD

/NFM/MM NF Metals - Purchasing Menu

/NFM/MM_IM_PROVMOV NF Provision Posting on GR

/NFM/NEBM1 Materials: Maintain Base Key, MM

/NFM/NEBM3 Materials: Display Base Key, MM

/NFM/NEBS1 Materials: Maintain Base Key, SD

/NFM/NEBS3 Materials: Display Base Key, SD

/NFM/POSLM List NF Data from Purchasing Docs

/NFM/POSLS List NF Data from Sales Documents

/NFM/PROM1 Create Provision Master, MM

/NFM/PROM2 Change Provision Master, MM

/NFM/PROM3 Display Provision Master, MM

/NFM/PROM4 Reprocess Provision Posting, MM

/NFM/PROS1 Create Provision Master, SD

/NFM/PROS2 Change Provision Master, SD

/NFM/PROS3 Display Provision Master, SD

/NFM/PROS4 Reprocess Provision Booking, SD

/NFM/RAPM1 Maintain Rates for Provision, MM

/NFM/RAPM3 Display Rates for Provision, MM

/NFM/RAPS1 Maintain Rates for Provision, SD

/NFM/RAPS3 Display Rates for Provision, SD

/NFM/RATM1 Maintain Rates, MM

/NFM/RATM3 Display Rates, MM

/NFM/RATS1 Maintain Rates, SD

/NFM/RATS3 Display Rates, SD

/NFM/SD NF Metals - Purchasing Menu

/NFM/VGWM1 Maintain Charge Weights for Vendor

/NFM/VGWM3 Display Charge Weights for Vendor

/NFM/VGWS1 Maintain Charge Weights for Customer

/NFM/VGWS3 Display Charge Weights for Customer




/OLC/REBUILD_COSTS Rebuild PM/CS order operation costs























































/OSP/CHECKTOOL Duet Checktool


/OSP/ESACHECK Duet Web Services Check

/OSP/SLD SLD for Duet

/OSP/TR_ACE_STRT Business Environment Configurations

/OSP/TR_CAN_SCHDULE BM Cancel Scheduler

/OSP/TR_RP_ERROR_LOG Error Log for administrator

/OSP/TR_SCHDULER BM Scheduler setting

/OSP/TR_TP_REPORT List of Reports Scheduled for TP

/OSP/TR_WSR_SCHDULE Time WSR scheduling


















































/PLMB/05000139 IMG Activity






















































/PLMB/52000052 /PLMB/52000052





/PLMB/52000072 IMG Activity





/PLMB/52000097 IMG Activity


/PLMB/52000101 Additional Settings






/PLMB/57000007 IMG Activity




/PLMB/57000021 IMG Activity














/PLMB/57000052 IMG Activity









/PLMB/AUTH_ROLE_CHK Check PFCG Role Assignments

/PLMB/CADV_VACT Customizing for viewer actions

/PLMB/CADV_VINST Customizing for viewer installation

/PLMB/CADV_VVAC Customizing for viewer application

/PLMB/DISP_PARAM Display all nav settings parameter

/PLMB/GSS_METADATA Metadata per GSS Application

/PLMB/RCA_BALITM Balancing Item Maintenance

/PLMB/SAM_OBJTBLFILL Object Type Tables will be filled

/PLMB/VWR_VINST Customizing for viewer installation


















































































































/PLMI/52000050 Geometric Instance Grouping

/PLMI/52000051 Assignment of Geometric Instances


















/PLMI/52000091 Set Up Subobject Type













































/PLMI/89000058 IMG Activity







/PLMI/ECR Number Range Maintenance: /PLMI/ECR

/PLMI/ECRN Number range maintenance: /PLMI/ECRN

/PLMI/GSS_B2B_META Metadata of GSS Application B2B

/PLMI/GSS_B2B_SU_NR Number Range Maintenance: /PLMI/B2B

/PLMI/GSS_I2B_META Metadata of GSS Application I2B

/PLMI/GSS_I2B_SU_NR Number Range Maintenance: /PLMI/I2B

/PLMI/GSS_R2B_META Metadata of GSS Appl. Recipe to BOM

/PLMI/GSS_R2B_SU_NR Number range maintenance: /PLMI/R2B

/PLMI/GSS_R2M_SU_NR Number range maintenance: /PLMI/R2MR

/PLMI/GSS_REPORT_VAR Report Variants

/PLMI/GSS_SI2B_SU_NR Number Range Maintenance: /PLMI/SI2B

/PLMI/INST_TRANSFER Instance Transfer

/PLMI/PPE_USER_SET_A Assembly Management User Settings


/PLMI/PRTL Number Range Editing

/PLMI/RCP_MIGRATION Recipe Migration

/PLMI/RMSL_MIGRATION Migration of Label Sets

/PLMI/RSP Specification Workbench

/PLMI/SPC_SAM_MASS_C Mass Change for Header Status

/PLMPCV/82000008 IMG Activity

/PLMPCV/82000009 IMG Activity












/PLMPCV/CONS_CHECK PCV Consistency Check

/PLMPCV/MEANING Define Meaning

/PLMPCV/QSTAT Query Statistics

/PLMPCV/QUERY Define Queries

/PLMPCV/SINC Define Search Connectors

/PLMPCV/UDASH Define Dashboards

/PLMPCV/UGRP Define Query List for Side Panel

/PLMPCV/UPRVW Define Previews for Side Panel

/PLMPCV/URSEQ Define Read Sequence

/PLMPCV/UVAR Define Query Views
















/PLMU/FRW_CHECK_CUST Customizing Check









/PRA/99000012 Maintain CA Global Settings

/PRA/99000013 Rounding Configuration



























/PRA/99000047 IMG Activity















/PRA/99000064 Maintain Attribute Set



/PRA/99000067 Responsibility id BADI implementatio

/PRA/99000068 Maintain Function Area for Resp Id

















































/PRA/99000136 IMG Activity









































































































/PRA/ACCTDOC_CC_RVS Reverse Intercompany Document

/PRA/ACCTDOC_LNK_RPT Accounting document Link report

/PRA/ACCTDOC_LOG_RPT Accounting document application log

/PRA/ACCTDOC_MANUAL Manual Accounting Document

/PRA/ACCT_ANLYSIS_RP Accounting Document Analysis Report

/PRA/ACCT_ANLYS_DEL Accounting Temp Data Deletion

/PRA/ACCT_AWTO Automatic Write-Off Processing

/PRA/ACCT_CRTREJ Accounting Document Correct Rejects

/PRA/ACCT_CYC_CLOSE Accounting Cycle close period report

/PRA/ACCT_DATA_CLNUP Accounting Document Data Clean Up

/PRA/ACCT_DFLT_CFG Migration configuration


/PRA/AR_ACCTP_BAL AR Accounting Period Balance

/PRA/AR_AGED_SUM AR Aged Summary


/PRA/AR_WOCONFIG Accounts Receivable Writeoff Config

/PRA/AR_WORKPLACE Accounts Receivable Workplace

/PRA/BADI_IMP Import BAdI in SAP Easy Access

/PRA/CA_GA_COMPONENT Combined Component

/PRA/CA_GA_LP List Processing for DN Data

/PRA/CA_GA_PORTAL CA Gas Analysis Portal

/PRA/CA_GA_WP2 Chemical Analysis Data

/PRA/CA_GA_WP3 Delivery Network Data

/PRA/CDEX_PRODXREF CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference

/PRA/CI_ACCT_CFG Migration configuration

/PRA/CI_PD_PRC_CFG Migration configuration

/PRA/CI_REC_DEC_CFG Migration configuration

/PRA/COMB_RUN Combined Run Report

/PRA/DISP_KS_OOSWO List of Out-of-Statute Write-offs

/PRA/DISP_KS_RPVAR Kansas Tax Variance Report

/PRA/DISP_WH_TYPE Owner Withholding Amounts

/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_C Contractual Allocation DN Workplace

/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_P Production DN Workplace

/PRA/DN_WORKPLACE_V Valuation DN Workplace

/PRA/DOC_COMPARE Compare RD results of 2 VL Documents

/PRA/ESCH_DISP_HIST Display Owner Escheat History

/PRA/ESCH_WORKPLACE Escheat Workplace

/PRA/ESCR_HISTORY Wyoming Escrow Owner History

/PRA/ESCR_WORKPLACE Wyoming Escrow Workplace

/PRA/ESC_SFI Suspended Funds Inquiry

/PRA/FP_ADMIN_WP ONRR-2014 Admin Workplace

/PRA/FP_AGREE Maintain Agreement

/PRA/FP_ARC Maintain Adj Reason Code Override

/PRA/FP_ASU Maintain Auto-Suspend

/PRA/FP_ASUE Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception

/PRA/FP_CTXRF Maintain Contract/Sales Type XRef

/PRA/FP_DISP_COM_REC Compliance Reconciliation Report

/PRA/FP_DISP_FED_BAL Federal/Indian Balance Inquiry

/PRA/FP_DISP_INDXPRC Display Monthly Index Zone Prices

/PRA/FP_DISP_INT_CAL Maintain Interest Calculations

/PRA/FP_DISP_RCP_HD Maintain Recoupable Balances

/PRA/FP_DIS_HST_CMP History Compare Workplace


/PRA/FP_EDTOVR Maintain Edit Code Override

/PRA/FP_EST ONRR-2014 Estimates Workplace

/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_POP Financial Reconciliation Populate

/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_RPT Financial Reconciliation Report

/PRA/FP_INDX_PRC Maintain Monthly Index Zone Prices

/PRA/FP_INDX_TOL Maintain Indian Indx Prc Tolerances

/PRA/FP_INT_RT Maintain Interest Rates

/PRA/FP_LEASE Maintain Lease

/PRA/FP_MANUAL_2014 Manual 2014 Workplace

/PRA/FP_MASTER Maintain Master

/PRA/FP_MIGRATION ONRR-2014 Migration Workbench

/PRA/FP_OOS_WO Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/FP_OOS_WO2 Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT2 Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/FP_OWN_GRP Maintain Owner Groups

/PRA/FP_PDCXRF Display PRA/ONRR Product Code XRef

/PRA/FP_PORTAL ONRR-2014 2.0 Portal

/PRA/FP_PRC_LMT Price Limit for Product Code

/PRA/FP_PRDTA Display PRA Details

/PRA/FP_PRDTE Display PRA Detail Rejects


/PRA/FP_RECON_RPT ONRR 2014 Recon Report

/PRA/FP_RNT_CRD Maintain Advance Rental Credits

/PRA/FP_RPDT Display Report Details

/PRA/FP_RPDTE Display Report Detail Rejects

/PRA/FP_S6RTOVR Maintain Section 6 rate override

/PRA/FP_SBGRFCMON ONRR-2014 Queue Monitor

/PRA/FP_SOL Maintain Statute of Limitations

/PRA/FP_SOLE Maintain SOL Exceptions

/PRA/FP_SRC Maintain Suspense Reason Codes

/PRA/FP_TRAN_PRO Transportation Processing

/PRA/FP_UPDATE_PRICE Upload Monthly Index Zone Prices

/PRA/FP_UPD_EST Upload Initial Estimates

/PRA/FP_UPD_HST_CMP Load History Compare

/PRA/FP_UPD_INT_EST Upload Initial Interest Estimates

/PRA/FP_UPD_RPDT_HST Report Detail History Maintenance

/PRA/FP_UPL_LSE_AGR Upload Lease and Agreement X-refs

/PRA/FP_VAR_RPT_MO ONRR-2014 Variance by Report Month

/PRA/FP_VAR_SAL_MO ONRR-2014 Variance by Sales Month


/PRA/FT_OWNER_BAL Owner Balance Enquiry

/PRA/JEPURGE_OFF JE Offset Purge for Fedl/Indian OPSL

/PRA/KS_ASU Maintain Auto-Suspension Data

/PRA/KS_ASU1 Kansas Auto Suspend

/PRA/KS_LEASE Maintain Kansas Lease Data

/PRA/KS_LEASE_UP_DWN Tax 2.0 : Kansas Lease Up/Dwn

/PRA/KS_MASTER Maintain Kansas Master Data

/PRA/KS_MASTER_UPDWN Tax 2.0 : Kansas Master Up/Dwn

/PRA/KS_MIGRATION Kansas Tax Migration Workbench

/PRA/KS_OOS_WO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance

/PRA/KS_SOL Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data

/PRA/KS_SOLE Maintain SOL Exceptions

/PRA/KS_SOLE1 Kansas Statute of limitation excepti

/PRA/KS_TAXHST Up-to-Date Reported Transactions

/PRA/KS_TAXHT_UPDATE Update Kansas Tax History

/PRA/KS_TAXRT Tax 2.0 : Kansas Tax Rate Maintenanc

/PRA/KS_TAXTXN KansasTax Transactions Display

/PRA/KS_TAXTXN_UPLD Tax 2.0 Kansas Tax trans Upload

/PRA/KS_TXCL_XFR Tax Class Xref

/PRA/LS_QUEUE_MON Legal Suspense Queue Monitor

/PRA/LS_RECON_RPT Payment Processing Recon Report

/PRA/MASS_MIG_VL_DOC Mass Migration of VL Documents

/PRA/MASS_PDX Transaction code for Mass PDX upload

/PRA/MIGRATION Process 2.0 - Migration Workbench

/PRA/MIG_ACCT Mig Company and accounts

/PRA/MIG_AR AR Migration Input

/PRA/MIG_BA BA Migration

/PRA/MIG_BADI_RAD Populate New Fields in RAD

/PRA/MIG_CFG Migration configuration


/PRA/MIG_FP_BT Migrate ONRR Batches to RAD

/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD JE Migration Input

/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD_STS JE to RAD migration status

/PRA/MIG_JE_TO_RAD Journal Entry to Revenue Accounting

/PRA/MIG_PP_LS_FP Migrate check je to rad

/PRA/MIG_R3_PRDT Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO PRDT Migration

/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYHST Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO Hist Migration

/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYSTG Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO STG Migration

/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYTXN Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO TXN Migration

/PRA/MIG_R6_PRDT Royalty 2.0 - WY PRDT Migration

/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYHST Royalty 2.0 - WY History Migration

/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYSTG Royalty 2.0 - WY STG Migration

/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYTXN Royalty 2.0 - WY TXN Migration

/PRA/MIG_RD Revenue Distribution document migrat

/PRA/MIG_RECON_JERAD JE to RAD Document Level Recon Rpt

/PRA/MIG_TP TP Migration Input

/PRA/ND_ASU North Dakota Auto Suspend Data

/PRA/ND_ASUE Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception

/PRA/ND_CUSTAXID Tax 2.0 Customer Taxpayer Id

/PRA/ND_DISP_OOSWO Tax 2.0 North Dakota Out Of Statute

/PRA/ND_DISP_VAR Tax 2.0 : ND Tax Variance Report

/PRA/ND_MASTER North Dakota Master data

/PRA/ND_MASTER_UPDWN Tax 2.0 ND MAster Upload & Download

/PRA/ND_MIGRATION ND Tax Migration Workbench

/PRA/ND_OOS_WRITE_OF Tax 2.0 ND Out Of Statute Write Off

/PRA/ND_SOL Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data


/PRA/ND_TAXHST Tax 2.0 ND Up-To-Date Rp Transaction

/PRA/ND_TAXHT_UPDATE Update North Dakota Tax History


/PRA/ND_TAXTXN_DISPL Tax 2.0 North Dakota Tax Transaction

/PRA/ND_VEN_POOL_XRF Tax 2.0 : ND venture pool code xref

/PRA/OFS Owner Fact Sheet

/PRA/OM_DOCUMENT Marketing Free Maintenance

/PRA/OM_EXECUTE Marketing Free Maint. execute

/PRA/OUTBOUND_CDEX Outbound CDEX Processing


/PRA/PN_DNL_PCTL DN Launcher Process Control Settings

/PRA/PN_DNL_QCTL DN Launcher Queue Control Settings

/PRA/PN_MANUAL Manual PPN Event Creation


/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_C Contractual Allocation PPN Workplace

/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_M Migration PPN Workplace

/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_P Production PPN Workplace

/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_V Valuation PPN Workplace

/PRA/PP_ADMIN_WP Payment Processing Admin Workplace

/PRA/PP_ANALYSIS Payment Posting Analysis Report

/PRA/PP_BANK_TAPE Bank tape output file Creation

/PRA/PP_CHECK_CLEAR Check clear using the Bank sent File

/PRA/PP_DISB_DEC Disbursement Decimal - Check Detail

/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_DTL Check Detail Inquiry

/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_HDR Check Inquiry

/PRA/PP_DISP_OWN_BAL Owner Balance Inquiry

/PRA/PP_MIN_PAY Maintain Minimum Pay (Regions)

/PRA/PP_MKT_OVR Maintain Marketing Type Override

/PRA/PP_NRC_VD Maintain Recoupment Groups

/PRA/PP_OUTPUT_FILE Output file creation

/PRA/PP_OUT_FILE Output File Creation: DMEE

/PRA/PP_PORTAL Payment Processing 2.0 Portal

/PRA/PP_QUEUE_MON Payment Processing Queue Monitor

/PRA/PP_RECON_RPT Payment Processing Recon Report

/PRA/PP_RUN_ANALYSIS Trial Check Run Analysis

/PRA/PP_SBGRFCMON Payment Processing Queue Monitor

/PRA/PP_TAX_OVR Maintain Tax Type Override

/PRA/PP_VAR_SET Maintain Variance Parameter Sets

/PRA/PP_WH_RT Maintain Withholding Rates

/PRA/PP_WORKPLACE Payment Processing Workplace

/PRA/PRA_FI_BALANCE PRA and FI balance transaction

/PRA/PROC_SEL Maintain Process Selection

/PRA/QUEUE_MON Payment Processing Queue Monitor

/PRA/R3_DISP_BAL_RPT Texas GLO/TAMU Balancing Report

/PRA/R3_MASTER Royalty 2.0 - TX GLO/TAMU Master Dat

/PRA/R3_OWNOVR Maintain TX GLO/TAMU Own Lvl Rpt Ovr

/PRA/R3_OWNXRF Royalty 2.0 - Texas GLO/TAMU - BA XR

/PRA/R3_PAY_RECON Texas GLO/TAMU Payables Recon

/PRA/R3_RRC Royalty 2.0 - Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Mas

/PRA/R6_DISP_BAL_RPT Wyoming Royalty Balancing Report

/PRA/R6_DISP_OOSWO List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYHST Up-to-Date Reported Wyoming Trans

/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYTXN Display Wyoming Royalty Transactions

/PRA/R6_MASTER Royalty 2.0 - Wyoming Master

/PRA/R6_PAY_RECON Wyoming Royalty Payables Recon

/PRA/R6_UPD_OOS_WO Wyoming Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYHST Update Wyoming Royalty History

/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYTXN Maintain Wyoming User Roy Trans

/PRA/RAD_REC_EXCEP RAD Recon Exception Report

/PRA/RD_CRUN_COMPARE combined run compare

/PRA/RD_RPT_BG RD Bearer Group Report

/PRA/RD_RPT_COT RD Chain-of-Title Report

/PRA/RD_RPT_DEF RD DeferredAmts & Differences Report

/PRA/RKS_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RKS_P2_OOS_WO Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO Main

/PRA/RND_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 ND Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RND_P2_OOS_WO ND Out-of-Statute Write-Off


/PRA/RP_PORTAL Tax & Royalty Reporting Portal

/PRA/RP_PROF Maintain Report Profiles

/PRA/RP_ROYOWN Royalty 2.0 - BA & Rpt ID XReference

/PRA/RP_WORKPLACE Tax & Royalty Reporting Workplace

/PRA/RSP Transaction for Responsibility Area

/PRA/RSPFH Func. Area - Hier. ID XREF

/PRA/RSPHR Transaction for Hierarchy Maint.

/PRA/RSPLP Responsibility Area List Processing

/PRA/RSPUG Transaction for User Group Maintence

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT Mass Upload Attribute Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT2 Mass Upload Attribute Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_DN Mass Upload DN Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_HIER Mass Upload Hierarchy Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_LEASE Mass Upload Lease Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_MP Mass Upload MP Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_TP Mass Upload TP Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_USER Mass Upload User Structure

/PRA/RSP_UPLD_VDMP Mass Upload VDMP Structure

/PRA/RT3_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 TX Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RT5_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 OK Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RT6_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 WY Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RT8_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 NM Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RT9_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 LA Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOSWO Process 2.0 CO (21PD) Write-Off

/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOS_WO CO (21PD) Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/RTA_P2_OOSWO Process 2.0 CO Out-Of_Statue WO

/PRA/RTA_P2_OOS_WO CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/R_PN_JE_DTL_RPT Valuation Document JE Detail Report


/PRA/R_PN_VL_POST_ST VL Posting Statistics

/PRA/R_PN_VOL_PPN Volumetric Prior Period Notification


/PRA/R_VL_SD_STITCH SD Date Continuity Merge Utility

/PRA/R_WH_REP_TH Maintain Min Threshold for Reporting

/PRA/SS0 Settlement Statement

/PRA/T3_OOS_WO Process 2.0 Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/T3_TAXID Process 2.0 Texas Tax Id Xref

/PRA/T5_OOS_WO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance

/PRA/T5_TAXID Process 2.0 OK Tax Id Xref

/PRA/T6_OPID Process 2.0 WY Tax Id Xref

/PRA/T6_WYC_OOS_WO WY Consv Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/T6_WYS_OOS_WO WY Sev Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/T7_MIG_4X11HST WYGP 2.0 - Migrate 4x11hst t-code

/PRA/T8_OOS_WO New Mexico Out-of-Statute Write-Off

/PRA/T9_ASU Maintain Louisiana Auto-Suspend

/PRA/T9_ASUE Maintain LA Auto-Suspend Exception

/PRA/T9_DIS_OGP_COMP OGP Compare Report

/PRA/T9_DIS_OOSWO Display LA Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/T9_DIS_RPGDTE Display Louisiana Gas Report Details

/PRA/T9_DIS_RPODTD Display Louisiana Oil Report Details

/PRA/T9_DIS_RPT_VAR Louisiana Tax Variance Report

/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXHST Display LA Up-to-Date Reported Trans

/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXTXN Louisiana Tax Transactions

/PRA/T9_ISMASTER Maintain Incentive Master

/PRA/T9_LEASE Maintain Louisiana Lease

/PRA/T9_MASTER Maintain Louisiana Master

/PRA/T9_MIGRATION Tax 2.0 LA - Migration Workbench

/PRA/T9_OOSWO LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint

/PRA/T9_P2_OOSWO LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint

/PRA/T9_PTCXRF Edit LA Producer / Transporter XRef

/PRA/T9_SOL Maintain LA Statute-of-Limitation

/PRA/T9_SOLE Maintain Louisiana SOL Exception

/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXHST Louisiana Tax History Transactions

/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXTXN Louisiana User Tax Transactions

/PRA/TAO Tax Allocation Override

/PRA/TA_ASU Maintain Colorado Auto-Suspend

/PRA/TA_ASUE Maintain CO Auto-Suspend Exception

/PRA/TA_DIS_IOOSWO Show 21PD Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXHST Display CO Up-to-Date Reported Trans

/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXTXN Colorado Tax Transactions

/PRA/TA_DIS_OOSWO Display CO Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

/PRA/TA_DIS_RPT_VAR Colorado Tax Variance Report

/PRA/TA_DIS_TAXTXN Colorado Tax Transactions

/PRA/TA_IASU Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Suspend

/PRA/TA_IASUE Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Susp Exception

/PRA/TA_IMIGRATION Tax 2.0 CO Sev - Migration Workbench

/PRA/TA_IOOSWO CO 21PD Out-of-Statute W/O Maint

/PRA/TA_ISOL Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit.

/PRA/TA_ISOLE Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit Ex

/PRA/TA_LEVY Maintain Colorado Levy Rate

/PRA/TA_MIGRATION Tax 2.0 CO - Migration Workbench

/PRA/TA_OOSWO CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint

/PRA/TA_OPERXREF Maintain CO Oper. to OGCC Payor Xref

/PRA/TA_SOL Maintain CO Statute-of-Limitation

/PRA/TA_SOLE Maintain Colorado SOL Exception

/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXHST CO 21PD Tax History Transactions

/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXTXN Colorado 21PD User Tax Transactions

/PRA/TA_UPD_TAXHST Colorado Tax History Transactions

/PRA/TEMP_DIS_SHC Display Special Handling Codes

/PRA/TEMP_PP_OWN Maintain Owner Info

/PRA/TP_CNTRL_RPT TP Control Report

/PRA/TP_SUMMRY Taxes Payable Summary

/PRA/TP_WO_SETUP Taxes Payable Write Off Setup

/PRA/VL_DA_LOG Dual Accounting Audit log

/PRA/VL_FRML_CALC Formula Calculation

/PRA/VL_SD_TEMPLATE Settlement Diversity Template Mgr


/PRA/VL_SD_WORKPL_M Migration SD Workplace

/PRA/WH_ADMIN Annual Reporting Admin Workplace

/PRA/WH_BL_ENQ Withholding Inquiry

/PRA/WH_EN_TYP_REP Maintain Reportable Entity Types

/PRA/WH_MANUAL_DATA Manual Data Entry

/PRA/WH_OWN_GRP Owner Group

/PRA/WH_PORTAL Annual Reporting Portal

/PRA/WH_PROC_SEL Annual Reporting Process Selection

/PRA/WH_RECON_RPT Reconciliation Report

/PRA/WH_SBGRFCMON Reporting Processing Queue Monitor

/PRA/WH_STR_WELL Stripper Well Inquiry

/PRA/WH_WORKPLACE Annual Reporting Workplace

/PRA/WORKPLACE Process 2.1 Workplace

/SAPAPO/FCSTOUTL Outlier Correction Settings

/SAPBOQ/AC0X Composite of Service Master Records

/SAPBOQ/MESSAGE Specify system messages

/SAPBOQ/SES Service entry sheet Transaction

/SAPBOQ/SES1 Create Service Entry Sheet

/SAPBOQ/SES2 Change Service Entry Sheet

/SAPBOQ/SES3 Display Service Entry Sheet

/SAPBOQ/SES_NR Number Assignment for Document

/SAPBOQ/SI Sub Item Enable Transaction

/SAPCEM/12000436 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/PIVARLV

/SAPCEM/12000437 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/VARPI


/SAPCEM/12000439 IMG Activity: /SAPCEM/WF_EQUI





/SAPCEM/ABRLISTE Settlement List

/SAPCEM/BDNUM Number Range Maintenance: /SAPCEM/BD

/SAPCEM/CI Transfer of Catalog Data

/SAPCEM/EINSAT Usage Statement

/SAPCEM/EL Entry List for Settlement Calendar

/SAPCEM/INV_ABGLEICH Inventory: Compare Differences

/SAPCEM/INV_AIB Inventory: Stock in Inventory

/SAPCEM/INV_AUSBUM Inventory: Reset Multipart Equi.

/SAPCEM/INV_BEST Inventory: Stock List

/SAPCEM/INV_CHECK Inventory: Check

/SAPCEM/INV_DIFFLIST Inventory: List of Differences

/SAPCEM/INV_MENGE Inventory: Quantity Determination

/SAPCEM/INV_OHNEEQUI Inventory: Items W/O Equi. Master

/SAPCEM/INV_RUECK Inventory: Reset Gen. Stock Diff.



/SAPCEM/LAYDEB Debtor ETM Master Data

/SAPCEM/MCK0 Plant Maintenance Information System

/SAPCEM/ML Display Material Assignment

/SAPCEM/PI_CSS Price Information for Constr. Site

/SAPCEM/PRIE Price Information for Equipment

/SAPCEM/PRIR Price Info. for Recipient/Equipment

/SAPCEM/SARA_BOM Archiving: PBE Document

/SAPCEM/SARA_CAT Archiving: PBE Document

/SAPCEM/SARA_COND Archiving: Condition Records

/SAPCEM/SARA_INS Archiving: Insurance Data

/SAPCEM/SARA_PB Archiving: PBE Document

/SAPCEM/SARA_REQ Archiving: Requisition Note

/SAPCEM/SARA_SHIPDOC Archiving: Shipping Document

/SAPCEM/SCS Catalog Structure Display

/SAPCEM/SDL List of Shipping Documents

/SAPCEM/SD_PROT Log for ETM SD Settlement

/SAPCEM/SD_PROT1 Log for ETM SD Settlement

/SAPCEM/SHOW_BOM BOM Display in Control

/SAPCEM/VKVE Conditions: Procedure for A V

/SAPCEM/VS_CREATE Create Shipping Documents - Require.

/SAPCND/43000002 Set Up Usage

/SAPCND/43000003 Set Up Application

/SAPCND/43000004 Set Up Task

/SAPCND/43000005 Set Up Condition Maintenance Context


/SAPCND/68000405 Condition Types

/SAPCND/68000406 R/3 Compatability

/SAPCND/68000633 Access Seq.

/SAPCND/68000635 Impl. for /SAPCND/MNT_CHECK

/SAPCND/68000636 Condition Tables

/SAPCND/68000637 Field Catalog

/SAPCND/68000688 IMG Activity: /SAPCND/V_GROUP

/SAPCND/68000744 MaintenanceGrp

/SAPCND/68000747 Assign Group to Context

/SAPCND/68000927 Det. Procedure

/SAPCND/83000118 Assign Group to Context




/SAPCND/ARC1 Archiving of Condition Records

/SAPCND/ARC2 Deletion of Archived Cond. Records

/SAPCND/ARC3 Displaying of Archived Cond. Records

/SAPCND/ARCC Control for Archiving


/SAPCND/CTCT Maintain Condition Tables

/SAPCND/CTFC Maintain Field Catalog

/SAPCND/CT_ACC_SEQ Maintenance of Access Sequences

/SAPCND/CT_CNTXT_GR Assignment Maint. Groups to Contexts

/SAPCND/CT_COND_TYPE Maintain Condition Types

/SAPCND/CT_DET_PROC Determination procedure maintenance

/SAPCND/CT_GCM_GRP Assign Maintenance Groups to GCM

/SAPCND/DD_CUS Configure Information Determination

/SAPCND/DD_MNT Maintain Information

/SAPCND/GCM Condition Maintenance

/SAPCND/MASS_GEN Mass Generation

/SAPCND/UEASS Userexits: Assignments

/SAPCND/UELIB Userexits: Library

/SAPCND/UERNG Userexits: Ranges

/SAPCND/UE_DEV Development of Cond. Tech. Userexits



















/SAPDII/T_CAPPID Maintain Application Id

/SAPDII/T_CAPPROP Maintain Application Property

/SAPDII/T_CAPPSET Maintain Application Set

/SAPDII/T_CCOMPID Maintain component Id

/SAPDII/T_CCOMPSET Maintain component Id

/SAPDII/T_CDOCPROF Maintain Document Profile

/SAPDII/T_CDOCPROT Maintain Document Type Texts

/SAPDII/T_CDWBAC MAp Frontend actions Backend action

/SAPDII/T_CDWBACT Front End Text Maintenence

/SAPDII/T_CDWB_ACC Actions Changing Vehicle

/SAPDII/T_CDWB_ACM Maintain Dealer Action Master

/SAPDII/T_CDWB_DST Text of Dealer Status

/SAPDII/T_CDWDBS Dealer Status

/SAPDII/T_CEXINTID Value Table for Ext Interface ID

/SAPDII/T_CEXTINT External Interface

/SAPDII/T_CIMGMANT Image Maintenence

/SAPDII/T_CPRSYSM Partner to System Mapping

/SAPDII/T_CSYSRFCM Logical sys to RFC Dest Mapping

/SAPDII/T_CUSPRMAP User To Partner Mapping

/SAPDII/T_CWTYSTAT Map Frontend toBackend Status

/SAPDII/T_CWTYWBST Frontend Status

/SAPDMC/LSMW LSM Workbench: Initial Screen
































/SAPF15/ARCHIVIERUNG F15 Archivierung

/SAPF15/ARC_HKR_ZUEV F15 Löschen HKR/ZÜV Kontoinformation

/SAPF15/ASVW_LISTE F15 Abschlag/Schluss/Vorschuss/verW.

/SAPF15/BEWIRT F15 Bewirtschafter Stammdaten

/SAPF15/CHECK_SAPHKR F15 Stammdatenabgleich SAP <-> HKR

/SAPF15/CO_HKR_C HKR-Fehlercodes: Kundeneig. Nachri.

/SAPF15/CO_ZUV_C ZÜV-Fehlercodes: Kundeneig. Nachri.

/SAPF15/DATENTRAEGER F15 Erstellung Datenträger

/SAPF15/DATENUEBERNA F15 Datenübernahme AO, FL, VP, MD

/SAPF15/DATEN_LKZ F15 Löschkennzeichen setzen


/SAPF15/DATEN_LOESCH F15 Daten löschen

/SAPF15/ELKOGES F15 Änderungsbelege GES Statusinfos

/SAPF15/ENTSPERREN_F Festlegung/Verpflichtung entsperren

/SAPF15/F15 F15 Schnittstelle

/SAPF15/F15GJW F15 FI Belege mit Geschäftsjahresw.

/SAPF15/F15GJWVP F15 VP Belege mit Geschäftsjahresw.

/SAPF15/F15H_LISTE F15 Statusänderungen

/SAPF15/F15H_LISTE_E F15 Status Changes, Enhanced List

/SAPF15/FIPO2BW Finanzpositionen -> Bewirtschafter

/SAPF15/FMITBACT HHM Summenbeleg Betragsarten 300/350

/SAPF15/FMITFIPO HHM Summenbeleg F15 Relevanz

/SAPF15/FMITWRTY HHM Summenbeleg aktive Werttypen

/SAPF15/FREIGABE F15 Anzahlungsverrechnungen

/SAPF15/FREIG_A F15 Anzahlungsverrechnungen

/SAPF15/GJW F15 Geschäftsjahreswechsel FI

/SAPF15/GJWVP F15 Geschäftsjahreswechsel VP

/SAPF15/HKR1_LISTE HKR Bestandsinformationen

/SAPF15/HKR2_LISTE HKR Einzelbuchungen

/SAPF15/HKR4_LISTE HKR Verarbeitungsprotokoll

/SAPF15/HKR5_LISTE HKR Bestandsinformationen VE

/SAPF15/HKRZ_LISTE HKR Einzelbuchungen Zusatzdaten

/SAPF15/KASSENZEICHE F15 Kassenzeichen suchen

/SAPF15/KLAERUNG F15 Klärung

/SAPF15/KLAERUNGLIST F15 Klärung Auswertung

/SAPF15/KLAERUNGWORK F15 Klärung im Dialog bearbeiten

/SAPF15/KURSDIFF F15 Buchen Kursdifferenzen aus HKR

/SAPF15/KZ F15 Kassenzeichen (neu)

/SAPF15/KZPRAEF F15 Kassenzeichen Präfix

/SAPF15/KZPRAEF_SNUM F15 Kassenzeicheninterv. je Präfix

/SAPF15/KZ_LSEKZ Kz: Lastschriftkennzeichen setzen

/SAPF15/LOESCHTA Customizing Löschkennzeichen

/SAPF15/NOTE_1734693 Hinweis 1734693 aufrufen

/SAPF15/PRUEFZIFFER_ F15 Prüfziffergenerator

/SAPF15/RFEBKA00 Kontoauszug einlesen

/SAPF15/RFEBKAP0 Kontoauszug anzeigen

/SAPF15/RUECKMELDUNG F15 Rückmeldung Datenträgerverarbei.

/SAPF15/SAP_BELEGE_M F15 Anzeige fehlerhafter SAP Belege

/SAPF15/SAP_STORNO_B F15 SAP Stornobel. / Ausgleichsbel.

/SAPF15/SEPA_MANDAT F15 Analyse SEPA Mandate

/SAPF15/SLG1_FIFMBU Liste E08 Aufhebungen

/SAPF15/SM_STORNO Reversal F15 SEPA Mandate Document

/SAPF15/SM_USE_UPD Mandatsverwendung prüfen/aktual.

/SAPF15/SPERREN_FEST Festlegung/Verpflichtung sperren

/SAPF15/T000 Mandanten-weite Einstellungen

/SAPF15/TABLT F15 Allgemeine Einstellungen

/SAPF15/TAO2VSL F15 relevante Belegarten AO's

/SAPF15/TAZV F15 Kontonummern Korrespondenzbanken

/SAPF15/TBA2VSL F15 relevante Budgetbelegarten MD's

/SAPF15/TBU2VSL F15 relevante Budgetunterarten MD's

/SAPF15/TFLDMAP Feldzuordnung SAP -> F15

/SAPF15/TFMITVSL F15 FMIT Abgleich HKR Gruppieru. VSL

/SAPF15/TKZNKR F15 Kassenzeichen Nummernkreis (alt)

/SAPF15/TKZNKRH F15 Kassenzeichen Nummernkreis Hist.

/SAPF15/TMAHNKZ F15 gültige Mahnkennzeichen

/SAPF15/TMV2VSL F15 relevante Belegarten FL VP MU

/SAPF15/TRMBLART F15 Klärung Belegart Barzahlung

/SAPF15/TRMBUTYP F15 Klärung VSL -> Buchungstyp

/SAPF15/TRMKFA F15 Klärung Klärungsfallarten

/SAPF15/TRMKFAF F15 Klärung Buchungstyp -> KFA

/SAPF15/TRMKFAH4 F15 Klärung HKR4 Fehlercode -> KFA

/SAPF15/TRMKFAZ9 F15 Klärung ZÜV900 Fehlercode -> KFA


/SAPF15/TZAHLSTA F15 Zahlstelle Zuordnung Anordungen

/SAPF15/TZAHLSTB F15 Zahlstelle Zuordnung Bewirtsch.

/SAPF15/TZAHLSTL F15 Zahlstelle Zuordn. Kto u. Belart

/SAPF15/UNSPR Übernahmesperre ändern

/SAPF15/VERSION F15 Version

/SAPF15/VORMERKUNG_L F15 Vormerkung löschen

/SAPF15/V_T015L LZB - Kennzeichen

/SAPF15/V_T015W Weisungsschlüssel

/SAPF15/V_T015W1 Weisungen S.W.I.F.T. MT103

/SAPF15/ZAHLSTL F15 Zahlstelle Stammdaten

/SAPF15/ZAHLSTLS F15 Zahlstelle Summentabelle

/SAPF15/ZLSPR Zahlungssperre ändern

/SAPF15/ZUEV100_LIST ZÜV Stammdaten Personenkonten

/SAPF15/ZUEV101_ABGL Abgleich ZÜV 101 mit SEPA Mandat

/SAPF15/ZUEV101_LIST ZÜV Mandatsdaten Personenkonto

/SAPF15/ZUEV200_LIST ZÜV Bewegungsdaten Personenkonten

/SAPF15/ZUEV500_LIST ZÜV Sammelbuchung HKR

/SAPF15/ZUEV600_LIST ZÜV Einzelbuchung HKR

/SAPF15/ZUEV900_LIST ZÜV Verarbeitungsprotokoll

/SAPF15/ZUV_ZAHLUNG F15 Analyse ZÜV-Zahlungen

/SAPF15/ZUWEI_HHM F15 Buchen Zuweisung von Haushaltsm.














/SAPMP/97000078 IMG Activity: /SAPMP/LESHPLBA3

/SAPMP/97000079 IMG Activity: /SAPMP/LESHPLBA4


/SAPMP/CHARACT Assignment of MillCa Characteristics

/SAPMP/CMTSBV_STATUS Status Report of CMTSBV Scenario

/SAPMP/COCA Transfer MillCa Chars. in Logon

/SAPMP/CUST_LGPR Rental Fees as a Percentage

/SAPMP/LEIHG Returnable Packaging Settlement

/SAPMP/LE_LBA_LIST Selection and Display: DTUC Worklist

/SAPMP/LE_LBA_WM Display WM Documents for DTUC Pool

/SAPMP/OATRKZ_PLA_OC Work Center for Order Combination

/SAPMP/OTATRKZ_OB_OC Original Batches for Add. Orders

/SAPMP/PP_COHV Mass Processing of Production Order

/SAPMP/PP_FHM_WC Link from PRT to Work Center

/SAPMP/RTSQMT Maintenance of Reel Type Sequence

/SAPMP/SEROU Send Routing

/SAPMP/STOCK Batch-Based Packaging Overview

/SAPMP/TOOL_POOL_CHK Comparison PRT Pool<->Assigned WkCtr


/SAPMP/WEHB PO History with Characteristics

/SAPMP/WEHF GR History of Production Order


/SAPNEA/01001951 IMG Activity: /SAPNEA/SUBCON_002























/SAPNEA/FORMSW Switch Between PDF and SAPScript

/SAPNEA/JSCR04 Price List of Chargeable Components

/SAPNEA/JSCR05 List of Components at Subcontractor

/SAPNEA/JSCR06 In-Out History List

/SAPNEA/JSCR11 Create Chargeable Invoice

/SAPNEA/JSCR12 Percentage-Based Offsetting

/SAPNEA/JSCR16 Output for delivery vendor

/SAPNEA/JSCR19 Consumption-Based Offsetting

/SAPNEA/JSCR2 Subcontractor List

/SAPNEA/JSCR21 Start/Stop Charging for Components

/SAPNEA/JSCR22 Changing component history

/SAPNEA/JSCR23 SCC - Change Component Price

/SAPNEA/JSCR24 SC: Change Valuation Class

/SAPNEA/JSCR3 Notification of Payment Terms

/SAPNEA/JSCR30 Create Invoices Shrinkage in Phy Inv

/SAPNEA/J_SC00 Area menu for Subcontracting Managem

/SAPNEA/J_SC_OMESCJ Activate SCC at Client Level

/SAPNEA/MR3_SODT Discount rate maintenance

/SAPNEA/MRCH Enter Deductible Payables

/SAPNEA/ROWA data migration /sapnea/rowa -> rowa


/SAPPCE/06000010 Cust.

/SAPPCE/06000011 Cust.

/SAPPCE/06000013 Cust.

/SAPPCE/0VJVAPROF JVA master data profile

/SAPPCE/12001093 DP Chains: Change Chain Types

/SAPPCE/12001094 Down Payment Chain Number Ranges

/SAPPCE/12001095 DP Chains: Change Retention Amounts

/SAPPCE/12001096 DP Chains: Change Verifications

/SAPPCE/12001097 DP Chains: Change Assmnt/Addtl Costs

/SAPPCE/12001098 DP Chains: Change Contractual Penlty

/SAPPCE/12001099 DP Chain: Special G/L Transactions

/SAPPCE/12001101 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/PNVNUM

/SAPPCE/12001104 IMG Activity: xxx

/SAPPCE/12001108 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/TPNV08

/SAPPCE/12001109 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/V_TPNV03

/SAPPCE/12001112 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/PNV_V_T100C

/SAPPCE/12001113 DP Chains: BAdI Implementations

/SAPPCE/12001114 DP Chains: BAdI Implementations II

/SAPPCE/12001115 DP Chains: Change Payment Block

/SAPPCE/12001116 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/TPNV04

/SAPPCE/12001118 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/V_TPNV03

/SAPPCE/12001120 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/TPNV06

/SAPPCE/12001121 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/BADI_PNV02

/SAPPCE/12001152 IMG activity: /SAPPCE/ORG_01

/SAPPCE/12001162 IMG activity: /SAPPCE/ORG_02

/SAPPCE/24000002 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/V_TPNV11

/SAPPCE/24000003 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/V_TPNV13

/SAPPCE/24000004 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/PNVPSP

/SAPPCE/24000005 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/BADI_PNV01

/SAPPCE/24000006 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/TPNV08

/SAPPCE/24000008 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/BADI_PNV03

/SAPPCE/24000010 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/TPNV15

/SAPPCE/24000011 IMG Activity: /SAPPCE/DPC_BADI3

/SAPPCE/24000012 IMG activity: /SAPPCE/DPC_MESSAGE























/SAPPCE/DPCD01 Debit-Side Down Payment Chains

/SAPPCE/DPCK01 Credit-Side Down Payment Chains

/SAPPCE/DPCNKR Number Range Maintenance: /SAPPCE/DP

/SAPPCE/DPC_LIST_C Credit-Side Down Payment Chains-List

/SAPPCE/DPC_LIST_D Debit-Side Down Payment Chains-List

/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX Tax Comparison Report

/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_C Cred. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change

/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX01_D Deb. DP Chains - Tax Rate Change

/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_C Cred. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block

/SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_D Deb. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block

/SAPPCE/JVA_ECP_ACT Equity Change Management (Actual)

/SAPPCE/JVA_ECP_PLN Equity Change Management (Planned)

/SAPPCE/JVA_PART Edit Joint Venture Partners

/SAPPCE/JVA_VENCH Change Joint Venture

/SAPPCE/JVA_VENCR Create Joint Venture

/SAPPCE/JVA_VENDIS Display Joint Venture

/SAPPCE/KWF1_COMPARE DP Chain Tax Comparison Program

/SAPPCE/KWF1_POST DP Chain Transfer of Deferred Tax

/SAPPCE/KWF1_REPORT DP Chain Analysis of Deferred Tax

/SAPPCE/OIC Debit-Side Open Items

/SAPPCE/OIGL G/L Account Open Items

/SAPPCE/OIV Credit-Side Open Posts

/SAPPCE/ORG01 Create Enterprise Structure

/SAPPCE/ORG02 Change Enterprise Structure

/SAPPCE/ORG03 Display Enterprise Structure

/SAPPCE/ORGCK Check Enterprise Structure


/SAPPCE/PNV03 Display Construction Progress Report

/SAPPCE/PNV04 Display construction progress report

/SAPPCE/PNV05 Create and Change CPR

/SAPPCE/PNV07 Create and Change Remaining Plan

/SAPPCE/PNV08 Create and Change CPR via Org. Unit

/SAPPCE/PNV09 Display CPR via Organizational Unit

/SAPPCE/PNV11 Remaining Plan via Org. Unit

/SAPPCE/PVNNUM Number Range Maintenance: /SAPPCE/PN









/SAPPO/26000047 BAdI Additive Authorization

/SAPPO/26000050 Software Components

/SAPPO/26000051 Software Components:Attribute Assgmt


/SAPPO/26000058 Define Worklists


/SAPPO/72000176 Tab Pages in Order Area

/SAPPO/72000177 Business Processes

/SAPPO/72000178 Assignment of Business Processes

/SAPPO/72000179 Business Processes: Priorities

/SAPPO/72000180 Dialog: Authorization Change

/SAPPO/72000181 Assign Worklist to Processes

/SAPPO/72000182 Root Organizational Unit

/SAPPO/72000183 Object Types

/SAPPO/72000184 Object Type Attributes

/SAPPO/72000185 Processing Methods

/SAPPO/72000186 Function Assignment

/SAPPO/72000187 Tab Page: Object Area

/SAPPO/72000188 Filter Attributes

/SAPPO/72000189 Permit Object Types

/SAPPO/72000190 Server Groups








/SAPPO/72000244 Redirection to Software Components

/SAPPO/72000315 Retry Groups



/SAPPO/ARCHIVING_HDS Residence Time for PPO Orders

/SAPPO/ARCH_JOBS Maintain Job Distribution


/SAPPO/CLOSE_ORDERS Complete Postprocessing Orders

/SAPPO/DELETE_ORDERS Delete Postprocessing Orders

/SAPPO/DISCARD Discard Postprocessing Orders

/SAPPO/LOGSYS Logical Systems

/SAPPO/LOGSYS_AS Assign RFC Destination

/SAPPO/NF_ORDER_ED Display/Change a PPO Order

/SAPPO/PPO2 Edit Postprocessing Order

/SAPPO/PPO3 Display Postprocessing Order

/SAPPO/RESI_TIME Residence Time for PPO Orders

/SAPPO/RESUBMIT Retry Postprocessing Orders

/SAPPO/SYS_VAL_DISP Display System Settings

/SAPPO/USER_REMOTE Cross-System User(s)

/SAPPO/WL_CHANGE Change Worklist Assignment

/SAPPO/WL_DISPLAY Display Worklist Assignment

/SAPPO/WL_NOTIFY Send Worklist Information

/SAPPSPRO/11000047 Incremental Funding: Change Msg Ctrl
































































/SAPSLL/98000023 IMG Activity

/SAPSLL/ALRGDA_DSPR3 Display Pref. Agreement Determin.

/SAPSLL/APLMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transfer of Applicants

/SAPSLL/BANK_DIST_R3 Transfer Bank Master to GTS

/SAPSLL/BANMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transfer of Banks

/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_MM_R3 GTS: LCI: Blocked MM Docmts

/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_RS_R3 GTS: Res: Blocked SD Documents

/SAPSLL/BL_DOC_SD_R3 GTS: LCE: Blocked SD Documents


/SAPSLL/BWHIDP_R3 Initial Transfer of Duty-Paid Stock

/SAPSLL/CPMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transf. of Cont.Persons

/SAPSLL/CREMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transfer - Vendors

/SAPSLL/CUDC_STAT_R3 Display Status of Customs Declar.


/SAPSLL/CUS_INV_R3 GTS: Shipment Consolidation

/SAPSLL/CUS_TRSM_R3 SAP GTS: Transit Monitor

/SAPSLL/DEBMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transfer - Customers

/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0A_R3 GTS: Transfer MM Purch. Ord. to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0B_R3 GTS: Transfer MM Deliveries to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_D_MM0C_R3 GTS: Initial Transfer of GR to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0A_R3 GTS: Transfer SD Orders to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0B_R3 GTS: Transfer SD Deliveries to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_D_SD0C_R3 GTS: Transfer SD Billing Docs to GTS

/SAPSLL/DS_I_MM0A_R3 GTS: Purchase Order Object Index

/SAPSLL/DS_I_MM0B_R3 GTS: Object Index Inbound Deliveries

/SAPSLL/DS_I_RORG_R3 GTS: Reorganize Object Index

/SAPSLL/DS_I_SD0A_R3 GTS: Order Object Index

/SAPSLL/DS_I_SD0B_R3 GTS: Delivery Object Index

/SAPSLL/DS_I_SD0C_R3 GTS: Billing Docmt Object Index

/SAPSLL/DS_P_FLON_R3 Reporting for Follow-On Functions

/SAPSLL/DS_P_MM0A_R3 GTS: Follow-On Funct.: MM Purch.Ord.

/SAPSLL/DS_P_MM0B_R3 GTS: Follow-On Funct.: Inbound Del.

/SAPSLL/DS_P_RCVY_R3 Reporting for Recovery Index

/SAPSLL/DS_P_SD0A_R3 GTS: Follow-On Function: SD Order

/SAPSLL/DS_P_SD0B_R3 GTS: Follow-On Funct.: SD Outb.Del.

/SAPSLL/IS_MM Transfer MM Receipts and Returns

/SAPSLL/IS_MM_RET Transfer MM Dispatches - OBSOLETE

/SAPSLL/IS_SD Select SD Dispatches and Returns

/SAPSLL/IS_SD_IB Transfer Intercompany Bill. Receipts

/SAPSLL/KMATBOM_DIR3 Transfer of Configurable Materials

/SAPSLL/KMATWLR3_03 GTS: Display and Transfer KMAT WL


/SAPSLL/MATMAS_DIRR3 GTS: Initial Transfer of Materials

/SAPSLL/MENU_CUS_R3 GTS: Menu: Basis Customizing

/SAPSLL/MENU_LEGALR3 GTS: Global Trade Services Area Menu

/SAPSLL/PERTMVAR_R3 GTS: Period. Transfer: Variant

/SAPSLL/PRCMAT_DIRR3 Initial Transfer: Material Price

/SAPSLL/PRECIP_R3 Initial Transfer of Prod. Attributes

/SAPSLL/PREF_AGR_R3 Replicate Pref. Agreement Determin.

/SAPSLL/PRPARC_DIRR3 Initial Transfer: Supplier Material

/SAPSLL/PRPARV_DIRR3 Initial Transfer: Supplier Material

/SAPSLL/PSD_INIT_R3 Perform Init. Transf. of Procmt Ind.

/SAPSLL/RES_INV_R3 GTS: Create Restitution Invoice

/SAPSLL/SAKE_DLV_MON Inbound Deliveries in Storage

/SAPSLL/SAKE_LOG_DIS Display Error Logs

/SAPSLL/SAKE_MTH_R3 Choose Method for Temporary Storage

/SAPSLL/SAKE_XMON_R3 Manually Process Temporary Storage

/SAPSLL/SD0C_RIMAR3 GTS: Transfer Bill. Docs to Risk Mgt

/SAPSLL/SWNAV_DISP Display Worklist Retrans. Comm. Code

/SAPSLL/SWNAV_RTR_R3 Process Worklist Retransf. Comm. Cds

/SAPSLL/SWN_RTR_R3 GTS: Retransfer Commodity Code

/SAPSLL/T000_R3 GTS: Assign Logical System

/SAPSLL/T000_SPI Assign Logical System

/SAPSLL/TBDLS_R3 GTS: Define Logical System

/SAPSLL/TBDLS_SPI Define logical system

/SAPSLL/TECOR3 Assignment of Custms ID to Plnt/SLoc

/SAPSLL/TIVDR3 GTS: Ctrl f. Vend.-Based VD Worklist

/SAPSLL/TLER3 GTS: Call Global Trade Services

/SAPSLL/TLER3B GTS: Call GTS: Document Types

/SAPSLL/TLER3_B_R3 GTS: Control: Call GTS

/SAPSLL/TLSDST SLL: Assgmt Server Legal Services

/SAPSMOSS/IQS1 Create notification

/SAPSMOSS/IQS2 Change notification

/SAPSMOSS/IQS3 Display Notification

/SAPSMOSS/M00 SAP Notifications

/SAPSMOSS/M01 SAP Notifications

/SAPSMOSS/M02 SAP Notifications

/SAPSMOSS/O01 SAP add-on system installation

/SAPSMOSS/O02 SAP add-on system release

/SAPSMOSS/O03 SAP database system

/SAPSMOSS/O04 Frontend for SAP operating system

/SAPSMOSS/O05 SAP installation

/SAPSMOSS/O06 SAP operating system

/SAPSMOSS/O07 SAP release

/SAPSMOSS/O08 SAP system type

/SAPSMOSS/O09 SAP system type

/SAPSMOSS/QM10 Change list of R/3 notificatiions

/SAPSMOSS/QM11 Display list of R/3 notifications

/SAPSMOSS/QM12 Change list of tasks

/SAPSMOSS/QM13 Display list of tasks

/SAPSMOSS/QM19 List of R/3 notifications, multilvl

/SAPSMOSS/QM50 Time line display:R/3 notifications

/SAPSMOSS/U01 Updating R/3 notifications

/SAPSMOSS/U02 Update job planning

/SAPSMOSS/U03 Update job overview



/SAPTRX/68000157 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000158 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000159 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000160 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000161 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000162 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/68000163 IMG activity

/SAPTRX/ASAPLOG Appl. system log for event handling

/SAPTRX/ASC0AO Define App. Object and Event Types

/SAPTRX/ASC0AP Define application parameters

/SAPTRX/ASC0SCU Assign Scenario to Users

/SAPTRX/ASC0SD1 Define Solution / Scenario

/SAPTRX/ASC0SD2 Define Solution / Scenario

/SAPTRX/ASC0TC Define EM Relevance Conditions

/SAPTRX/ASC0TE Define EM extraction

/SAPTRX/ASC0TF Define EM Interface Functions

/SAPTRX/ASC0TO Define Business Process Types

/SAPTRX/ASC0TS Define Event Managers (Engines)

/SAPTRX/ASEHVIEW EH list of shipments

/SAPTRX/DISP_LINK Show the link to SAP System

/SAPTRX/TRACKING_MON Display Event Handler Status (old)

/SAPTRX/TSC0GBPT Global Business Process Types Def.

/SAPTRX/TSC0SCR Assign Scenarios to roles

/SAPTRX/TSC0SCU Assign Scenario to Users

/SAPTRX/TSC0SO Define Solution / Scenario

/SAPTRX/TSC0SO1 Define Solution / Scenario

/SAPTRX/TSC0SO2 Define Solution / Scenario




/SCMB/DF_CHAIN Definition of Maximum Chains in Flow

/SCMB/DF_CUST Document Admin. in Flow (Custom.)

/SDF/AD Show Alert Detail List

/SDF/CD_CCA Custom Code Analysis

/SDF/E2E_TRACE SAPGUI based E2E trace

/SDF/EXTRACTOR_GEN Extractor Generation

/SDF/MON Schedule Monitoring Set

/SDF/ORADLD Service Download Cockpit

/SDF/SM Snapshot Monitor

/SDF/SMON Snapshot Monitor

/SDF/SQL Display SQL Monitor Data



/SDF/ZQLMD Display SQL Monitor Data


/SHCM/BUPA_SYNC Sync Employee to Businesspartner


/SLOAP/DOWNLOAD_DAT Download LT Analysis data


/SLOAP/MAPPING Maintain Mapping for LT Analysis

/SLOAP/MODULE_GEN Generation of function modules

/SLOAP/TITLE_TRANS LT Analysis-Title Translation Tool

/SLOAP/UNPACK Copy and Unpack a Profile

/SLOAP/UNPACK_ALL Copy and unpack all LT analysis soln

/SLOAP/UPLOAD_DAT Upload LT Analysis data


/SMB/ACTV_DET_LOG Activation Detailed Log

/SMB/ACT_LOG Activation Logs

/SMB/ACT_TABLE_MAINT Table trace maintenance

/SMB/ADMIN_GUIDE Admin Guide Maintenance

/SMB/BBFROMTRANSPORT Create Building Block from Transport

/SMB/BBI Solution Builder


/SMB/BBI_ACTV_RPT Activate Solution per report

/SMB/BBI_ACTV_UI Activation from Solution Launch Pad

/SMB/BBI_IMPL Solution Builder new user interfaces

/SMB/BBI_NEW_UI Solution Builder new user interfaces

/SMB/BBI_NEW_UI_ACC Solution Launch Pad -- Accessibility

/SMB/BB_MIGRATION Building Block Migration to IMG

/SMB/BB_MIG_BCS_INFO Building Block Migration BC-Set Info

/SMB/BCSET_DEF_SYNC main screen of BcSet definition Sync

/SMB/BUMF Check Object Usage

/SMB/BWI Building block w/o item

/SMB/CCF Consistency Check Framework

/SMB/CCF_EXT_PROG CCF Extended checks


/SMB/COMP_PME_RT Compare PME and Runtime

/SMB/CONTEXT Solution Builder: Status and Context

/SMB/DIAGNOSIS Tcode to diagnose wrong settings


/SMB/FLEX_ORG_EXT Obsolete: Maint Flex Org Extensions

/SMB/GMD_ADMIN GMD Administration Console

/SMB/GMD_ADMIN_CST GMD Administration Console

/SMB/GMD_REPORTING Global Meta Data Reporting

/SMB/MAINT_MIGR_ASMT Maintain Migration Assignment

/SMB/MAINT_MIGR_OBJ Maintain Migration Object

/SMB/METADATA Download / Upload Sec.Tasks & Crite

/SMB/PROC_4_LC Processors for Lifecycle Automation

/SMB/PROC_PREP Procedure Preparation (legacy)

/SMB/PROXY_MAIN Proxy maintenance for offering serve

/SMB/QA_ACT_TIME Performance Numbers Activation Time


/SMB/SBA1_BCSET BC-set Activation Tool

/SMB/SBA1_BCSET_LOG BCset Activate Log Selection


/SMB/SBA1_ORGC Organization Structure Composer

/SMB/SCOPE Maintain Customer Solution Scope

/SMB/SC_JAL7 Maintain Selection Templates

/SMB/SE61 Call SE61 with Dialog Text as defaul

/SMB/SM01 Solution Manager call

/SMB/SM02 Solution Manager call

/SMB/SM03 Solution Manager call

/SMB/SM04 Solution Manager call

/SMB/SM09 test


/SMB/SOL_4_LC Solutions for Lifecycle Automation

/SMB/TRANSFORMATION create transformation for structure

/SMB/TRANS_CONT Transport Reference Business Content

/SMB/TRANS_LOG Lifecycle Automation Logs

/SMB/UPL_CONT Upload and Process Reference Content

/SMB/UPL_LOG Display Upload Ref. Content Logs

/SMB/WD_CONF_EXPORT Export Webdynpro Configuration


/SMB99/SSM_SEME Copy Menu Path



























































































































































/SPE/ASN01 ASN cancelling in returns process

/SPE/ASN02 Compensating transaction for ASN cn.

/SPE/CDMON Transportation Cross-Docking Monitor

/SPE/COPY_CHAR Copy fixed characteristics to logon

/SPE/CRM_QUOT Report for monitoring quotations

/SPE/CVAL01 Define Validation Routines

/SPE/DELTA01 Delta Report : Start dialog program

/SPE/EGR Planlieferungen anlegen

/SPE/MQWL_APPL Queue Editing: System Settings

/SPE/MQWL_CUS Queue Editing: Customizing

/SPE/MQWL_SYS Queue Editing: System Settings

/SPE/REDIR ID redirecting dialog

/SPE/RETINSPNO Number range maintenance: /SPE/RETIN

/SPE/RETINSP_DISPLAY Display Inspection Outcomes

/SPE/VL10CUC Create Profile - Delivery


























/SRMERP/44000475 IMG Activity
















/SRMERP/BRFP_DSS_SC Determine SC Document Subset

/SRMERP/BRFP_DS_APPR Determine Approver for Decision Set

/SRMERP/BRFP_DS_SC Determine SC Decision Set

/SRMERP/BRFP_FOOTY Follow-On Object Type

/SRMERP/BRFP_FOO_TYP Follow on Object Type Determination

/SRMERP/BRFP_MATGRP Determine Material Group

/SRMERP/BRFP_MOV_TYP BRF rule for movement type for res

/SRMERP/BRFP_PROC_L Get Process Level Configuration

/SRMERP/BRFP_PROC_S Process Schema Determination

/SRMERP/BRFP_PURGRP Determine Purchasing Group


/SRMERP/SC_ARCHIVING Mark shopping carts for archiving

/SRMERP/SNUM Define Number Ranges for SC

/SRMERP/WF_GEN Define Task as General Task

















/SRMSMC/62000018 IMG Activity


/SRMSMC/62000021 Number Ranges for Qual. Template

/SRMSMC/62000022 Number Ranges for Qual. Request

/SRMSMC/62000023 Number Ranges for Qual. Response

/SRMSMC/62000025 Number Range for Questions

/SRMSMC/62000026 Number Range for Question Groups

/SRMSMC/62000027 Number Range for Sections

/SRMSMC/62000028 Create Question Library for Sup.Qual



/SRMSMC/62000031 Sell-Side Registration Customizing


/SRMSMC/62000037 Sell side S3Q Customizing



/SRMSMC/62000040 Supplier Self-Service Customizing

/SRMSMC/62000042 StyleSheets f. Brandg of Qual. Resp.

/SRMSMC/62000043 BAdI for SAP SLC Suppl. Notification





/SRMSMC/62000049 MIME types for Att. upload in BuPA






/SRMSMC/62000055 Workflow Fallback Agents



/SRMSMC/62000060 View for /SRMSMC/D_SYSCHR

/SRMSMC/62000061 View for /SRMSMC/D_RFCDST


/SRMSMC/62000064 MIME types for Att. upload

/SRMSMC/62000065 MIME Types for Att. Upload



/SRMSMC/62000069 IMG Activity








/SRMSMC/62000080 IMG Activity















/SRMSMC/62000097 IMG Activity





































/SRMSMC/62000140 IMG Activity


































/SRMSMC/CREA_QLB_EVL Create Quest. Lib. for Evaluation

/SRMSMC/CREA_QLB_QUA Create Quest. Lib. for Qualification

/SRMSMC/NR_ACT Number Ranges for Activities

/SRMSMC/NR_BPH Number Range for Supplier Hierarchy

/SRMSMC/NR_CRT Number Range for Certificate Types

/SRMSMC/NR_PUC Number Range for Purch. Categories

/SRMSMC/NR_Q Number Ranges for Questions

/SRMSMC/NR_QG Number Ranges for Question Groups

/SRMSMC/NR_QNR Number Ranges for Questionnaires

/SRMSMC/NR_QNRE Number Ranges Eval. Questionnaire

/SRMSMC/NR_QS Number Ranges for Sections

/SRMSMC/NR_SCS Number Ranges for Class. Profiles

/SRMSMC/NR_SEP Number Ranges for Eval. Templates

/SRMSMC/NR_SES Number Ranges for Suppl. Scorecards

/SRMSMC/NR_SEV Number Ranges for Eval. Requests

/SRMSMC/NR_SQP Number Ranges for Qual. Templates

/SRMSMC/NR_SQQ Number Ranges for Qual. Requests

/SRMSMC/NR_SQR Number Ranges for Qual. Responses

/SRMSMC/NR_SQS Number Ranges for Qual. Scorecards

/SRMSMC/NR_SRS Number Ranges for Eval. Responses

/SRMSMC/NR_TSK Number Ranges for Tasks

/SRMSMC/UPLOAD_MCASS Upload Master Category Assignments

/SRMSMC/UPLOAD_MGPCT Upload Material Groups and Prod. Cat

/SRMSMC/UPLOAD_SPC Upload SPCs/Master Categories

/SRMSMC/WF_AUTO_CUST Customize SAP Business Workflow

/SRMSMC/WF_GEN Define Tasks as General Tasks

/SSF/AB Analysis browser & Download

/SSF/PB Project browser & test environment



























































/UI2/APPDESC_GET UI2 Get Appdescriptors remote

/UI2/CACHE Register service for UI2 cache use

/UI2/CACHE_DEL Delete cache entries

/UI2/CHIP Chip Registration

/UI2/CSU UI2 Cache Statistics Utility

/UI2/CUST Customizing of UI Technologies

/UI2/FEEDBACK_SETUP UI2 Setup User Feedback Service

/UI2/FLC Fiori Launchpad Checks

/UI2/FLC1 Fiori Launchpad Checks

/UI2/FLIA Fiori Launchpad Intent Analyis

/UI2/FLP SAP Fiori Launchpad

/UI2/FLPD_CONF Fiori Lpd. Designer (cross-client)

/UI2/FLPD_CUST Fiori Lpd. Designer (client-spec.)

/UI2/FLP_APPDESC_GET Fiori Launchpad - Content Checks

/UI2/FLP_CONTCHECK Fiori Launchpad - Content Checks

/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECK Fiori Launchpad - Intent Checks

/UI2/GW_ACTIVATE Gateway - Activation

/UI2/GW_APPS_LOG Gateway - Application Log

/UI2/GW_ERR_LOG Gateway - Error Log

/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRV Gateway - Service Maintenance

/UI2/GW_SYS_ALI Gateway - Manage SAP System Alias

/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIAS Gateway - Manage SAP System Alias

/UI2/INVAL_CACHES Global Invalidation of UI2 chaches

/UI2/NAV Register navigation objects

/UI2/NAVPROV Define navigation provider


/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUST NWBC Configuration (Customer)

/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_CUST NWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust)

/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_SAP NWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP)

/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAP NWBC Configuration (SAP)

/UI2/PERS_DEL Cleanup Personalisatation Service

/UI2/POWL Register POWL for OData consumption

/UI2/SEMOBJ Define Semantic Object - Customer

/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAP Define Semantic Object - SAP

/UI5/07000003 IMG Activity




/UIF/CLEAN_LREP Cleans the layered repository




/VSO/91000206 IMG Activity: /VSO/P_V_PRTYP

/VSO/91000207 IMG Activity: /VSO/P_V_F_PRTYP

/VSO/91000208 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_ACT_STAT

/VSO/91000209 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PLT_TP

/VSO/91000210 IMG Activity: /VSO/R_V_TVTK

/VSO/91000211 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PROFIL

/VSO/91000212 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PALVCL

/VSO/91000213 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PKG

/VSO/91000214 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PACKTYP

/VSO/91000215 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PKG_PKTYP

/VSO/91000216 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PKGPAL

/VSO/91000219 IMG Activity: /VSO/B_SUBVCL_FT

/VSO/91000245 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_VSO_SETUP

/VSO/91000246 IMG Activity: /VSO/R_DPOINT

/VSO/91000247 IMG Activity: /VSO/P_V_HU_CRT

/VSO/91000248 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_PROF_W_S

/VSO/91000250 IMG Activity: /VSO/M_BAY_CAT

/VSO/M_STACK Maintain Overstackability

/VSO/M_VHMPGR Maintain Pack.Mtls.Prop.for Pack.Grp

/VSO/M_VHMVCL Assign Allowed Pack.Mtls to Vehicle

/VSO/P_PICK Picking According to VSO

0000 Dialog Box for Customizing

00_PTSPPS_INCLUPD Activate Functionality

0184 Delivery item category determination

0817_CHG Change Object

0817_CUST SAP ArchiveLink: Bar Code Entry

0817_DIS Display Object

0817_INS Create Object

0CJBQ1 Customizing Billing Plan Ps

0DIS01 Distribution profile

0FIEHGF001_01 Define Handling Methods

0FIEHGF002_01 Retrieval of Object Data

0FILA Customizing LAE Initial Screen

0FILA000R Reasons for Changes

0FILA000R_1 Define Reasons for Change

0FILA001CE_1 Change Processes Rest. NEWL

0FILA001CE_2 Define Adjustment Processes

0FILA001CE_3 Change Processes Rest. UPGR

0FILA001CE_4 Change Processes Rest. ROLL

0FILA001CE_5 Change Process Rest. BLEX

0FILA001CE_6 Change Process Rest. CONT

0FILA001CE_7 Change Processes Rest. RNEW

0FILA001S_1 Subprocesses

0FILA001_2 Define Adjustment Processes

0FILA003CF_1 Assign Pmnt Schedule to $CASHPREV

0FILA003MV_1 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003M_1 Value IDs for Later Use

0FILA003_1 Value Determ. Using Formula Interp.

0FILA003_10 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003_11 Determine Accrual Postings Balance

0FILA003_13 Value Determination Using Transfer

0FILA003_14 Net Book Value at Retirement

0FILA003_15 Overview of Defined Value IDs

0FILA003_16 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003_2 Value Determ. by Assign.Constants

0FILA003_3 Value Determination By Value Support

0FILA003_4 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003_5 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003_6 Value Determ. Using Value Determin.

0FILA003_7 Value ID of Inbound Predecessor

0FILA003_8 Value Determination Using Method

0FILA003_9 Value Determination By Derivation

0FILA004_1 Assignment of Trans. to Trans. Types

0FILA005_1 Assign Structure for Acct Assignmt

0FILA006_1 Assign Company Code/Grouping Key

0FILA007CF_1 Definition of Payment Schedules

0FILA007C_1 Add Value ID to Basis Payment Sched.

0FILA007VC_1 Value Determination by Calculation

0FILA007_1 Value Transfer from Condition Types

0FILA008G_1 Definition of CoCd Grouping Key

0FILA008_1 Assign Company Code/Grouping Key

0FILA00970 Specifications - Post Retirement

0FILA009F_1 Dates for Postings

0FILA009F_2 Data for Payment Schedule Definition

0FILA009V_1 Value Transfer from Contract Item

0FILA009V_2 Value Transfer from Material Master

0FILA009V_3 Value Transfer from Classification

0FILA009V_4 Value Transfer from Customer Master

0FILA009V_6 Value Transfer from LAE_CRM_CLASS

0FILA009_1 Data for Pmnt Schedule Def. frm IDs

0FILA009_10 Fill Basis Struct. for Fin.Class.

0FILA009_11 Fill Basis Struct. for Validations

0FILA009_12 Fill Bas.Struct.for Deriv. UseflLife

0FILA009_13 Specifications- Post Acquisition

0FILA009_15 Specifications for Posting APC Adj.

0FILA009_16 General Info for Asset Transactions

0FILA009_17 Specifications- Set Deprec. Terms

0FILA009_19 Fill IDAT Structure for Control

0FILA009_2 Fill Basis Struct. for Substitution

0FILA009_20 Fill IDAT Structure for Control

0FILA009_21 Change Specifications- Deprec. Terms

0FILA009_22 Fill Structure for Changing Asset

0FILA009_23 Fill Structure Using Value IDs

0FILA009_24 Fill Structure Using Value IDs

0FILA009_3 Fill Basis Struct. for Derivation

0FILA009_4 Fill Structure for Creating Asset

0FILA009_5 Specifications- Set Deprec. Terms

0FILA009_6 Specifications- Post Acquisition

0FILA009_7 Specifications- Post Retirement

0FILA009_8 Assign Structure for Acct Assignmt

0FILA009_9 Fill Basis Struct. for Valid.Determ.

0FILA011_1 Option IDs

0FILA110_1 Value Determ. Check Sequences/Steps

0FILA110_2 Validation Check Sequences/Steps

0FILA110_3 Classification Check Sequences/Steps

0FILAACCRULE_1 Acct Principles for Classif. in CRM

0FILAALOG_01 Process list

0FILACHECK_01 Process list

0FILACHECK_02 List of Subprocesses

0FILACHECK_03 Where-Used List for Methods

0FILACHECK_04 Value IDs Customizing

0FILACHECK_05 Method Customizing

0FILACOMPSET LAE: Specify Application Component

0FILACREATE_01 Generate Table Entries

0FILAFA001_1 Assignment of Trans. to Trans. Types

0FILAFA002_1 Assignment Acct Princ. to Dep. Area

0FILAFA003_1 Upgrade Specifications

0FILAHELP_01 Control List of FILAE-MSGNOs Used

0FILAHELP_02 Where-Used List Error Numbers in LAE

0FILAHELP_03 Where-Used List Error Nos. in FIAA

0FILAHELP_04 List of Parameter Transactions

0FILAIMG Customizing LAE Initial Screen

0FILAIMG_ADJ Jump to IMG for Customer Customizing

0FILAIMG_CLASS Jump to IMG for Financing Classif.

0FILAIMG_CUST Jump to IMG for Customer Customizing

0FILAIMG_SYST Jump to IMG for System Customizing

0FILAIRCM_1 Assign Company Code/Grouping Key

0FILALAYOUT Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments

0FILALAYOUTADMN Tabstrip Explorer/Adjustments

0FILALC001_1 Definition Financing Classif.Group

0FILALC002TO_1 Upgrade Specifications

0FILALC002_2 Definition of Financing Classes

0FILALC003_1 Assign Structure for Classification

0FILALDB000_01 Struct. of Selection Cond.-Component

0FILALDB000_02 Assign Val.IDs to Fields of Log. DB

0FILALDB000_03 Struct. of Selection Conditions-Hdr

0FILALDB001_01 Specify Determination of Data Basis

0FILALDB001_02 Specify Determination of Data Basis

0FILANDURDET Determine Asset Useful Life

0FILASTRUC_ACCDET Leasing: Acct Determ. for Accrual

0FILASTRUC_ACINF Struc. Enhancement for Substitution

0FILASTRUC_DATES Param. Classification Financing

0FILASTRUC_DEPPARM Determine Asset Normal Useful Life

0FILASTRUC_LCS_PARAM Param. Classification Financing

0FILASTRUC_LDB_ITEMS Struc. Adjustment Flds of Log. DB

0FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM Validation Parameter

0FILASTRUC_NDURDET Determine Asset Normal Useful Life

0FILASTRUC_POINF Struc. Enhancement for Substitution

0FILASTRUC_VALSUP Struc. Enhancement for Substitution

0FILASTRUC_VSRDET Struc. Adj. Valid./Subs. Determ.

0FILASUBST0 Substitution
0FILASUBST1 Financing Classification

0FILASUBST3 Rules for Value Determ. via Subst.

0FILAVAL1 Validation Processing Steps

0FILAVSRDEF Derivation of Check Sequences

0FILAVSRDEF_CLAS Derivation of Check Sequences

0FILAVSRDEF_VALI Derivation of Check Sequences

0FILAVSRDEF_VALU Derivation of Check Sequences

0FILA_CALL_FM Customizing LAE Initial Screen

0FILA_EXPL_001 Hierarchy Steps of Leasing Explorer

0FIOTP001_1 Acct Determ. Document Grouping

0FIOTP003_1 Posting Control for One-Off Postings

0FIOTPKOFIDEF Maintain Account Determination

0FMCA_FORMNUM Number range maintenance: FMCA_FORM

0FPM001 Define Standard Texts for Carry/Fwd

0FPM002 Import Logo for Reporting

0K01 List of Costing Variants

0KE0 EC-PCA: Transfer prog. for act. data

0KE1 EC-PCA: Delete Transaction Data

0KE2 EC-PCA: Del. Profit Ctr Master Data

0KE3 EC-PCA:Delete Transaction Data(Bkgd)

0KE4 EC-PCA: Update settings

0KE5 EC-PCA: Controlling Area Settings

0KE5_WIZARD Activate Profit Center Accounting

0KE6 EC-PCA: Average Balance Ledger

0KE7 EC-PCA: Maintain Time-Based Fields

0KE8 EC-PCA:Maintain Summarization Fields

0KEA EC-PCA: Maintain report tree

0KEH EC-PCA: Report List

0KEJ Account Determination PC Allocation

0KEK EC-PCA: Account Determination

0KEL EC-PCA: Substitutions

0KEM EC-PCA: Maintain substitutions

0KEMD_46C_UPGRADE EC-PCA: Upgrade PrCtr MstData <= 46B

0KEN Special handling, PrCtr goods mvmt

0KEO Activities in Profit Center Accountg

0KEP EC-PCA:Transport Environ/Master Data

0KEQ EC-PCA: Transport Master Data

0KER EC-PCA: Transport Planning

0KES EC-PCA: Transport Actual Settings

0KET EC-PCA: Transport Information System

0KEU EC-PCA: Transport Cycles

0KEX EC-PCA: Conv. totals recs 2.x ->3.0

0KEX1 Easy Execution Services

0KEX2 Customizing Execution Profile

0KEX3 Customizing Execution Profile

0KEX4 Detail Control Execution Services

0KEX_ROLE Workflow: Role Customizing

0KEX_TASK Workflow: Task Customizing

0KEY EC-PCA: Conv.act.line items 2.x->3.0

0KEZ EC-PCA:Conv.plan line items 2.x->3.0

0KM1 CO Variant Maintenance: Cost Centers

0KMV List Variants, CCA/ABC Master Data

0KW1 CO Area Settings, Business Processes

0KW2 Change Business Process Attributes

0KW3 CO Variant Maintenance: CO-OM-ABC

0KW7 Master Data Report: Cost Objects

0KW9 Import Business Process Reports

0KWD Delete Business Processes

0KWM Activity Based Costing: Customizing

0KWO Maintain Search Help for Bus. Proc.

0KWP Display Search Help for Bus. Proc.

0KWT CO-OM-ABC: Transport Customizing

0MEC Settings for B2B Sched. Agreements

0PEG01 General Settings

0PEG02 Allowed Movement Types

0PM3 Define Career Groups and Texts

0PMDIKEY Distribution Keys

0REP Start of program, etc. from IMG

0SHP Customizing for delivery types

0TBLP01 Customizing - TBLP

0VI1 Maintain selection variants calc.

0VI2 Maintain selection variants settl.

0VI3 Selec.var. coll. run shipment costs

0VI4 Selec.var. coll. run shipment costs

0VLK Customizing for delivery types

0VLKAIP Customizing: Del. Type Determin. AIP

0VLP Customizing/deliv.item categories

0VLPAIP Customizing: Del.Itm.Cat.Determ. AIP

0VRF Definition of Route Determination

0VSD Stat. Groups: Trans. Service Agent

0VSE Units of measmnt. for Transp. stat.

0VSF Statistics Update: Shipment

0VSH Customizing Global Shipping Param.

0VST Statistics Groups: Shipment Types

0VSU Assign Statistics Group/Shipmnt Type

0VT0 Maintain Selection Variants

0VT1 Maintain PersInChargOfShip SelectVar

0VT2 Maintain Tranport.Process. SelectVar

0VT3 Maintain Selection Var. Registration

0VT4 Maintain Selection Variant Registr.

0VT5 Maintain utilization select.variants

0VT6 Maintain free capacity sel. variants

0VT7 Maintain Selection Variant F4 Help

0VT9 Maintain Selection Variant F4 Help

0VTA Customizing Shipping Types

0VTB Customizing Modes of Transport

0VTC Route definition

0VTCFP Set Freight Planning for Fwdg Agents

0VTCR Define routes

0VTD Def. of Transp. Connection Point

0VTE Multiple Maintenance Route Stages

0VTG Cumulation of Materials in TPS

0VTGC Cumulation of Matl (Freight Plng)

0VTH Insert Material Cumulation to TPS

0VTI Copy Material Cumulation to TPS

0VTK Customizing Transport Types

0VTKT Assign deadlines to shipment types

0VTL Activity Profiles for Shipment Types

0VTP Tr.Planning Pos.ext. Planning System

0VTR Route limits ext. Transport. Planng

0VTRC Route Limitation f. Freight Planning

0VTS Copy TPS Route Restrictions

0VTT Create TPS Route Restrictions

0VTW Special Processing Indicator

0VU0 Tracking Operations and Events

0VU1 Tracking: Partner code types

0VU2 Tracking: Tracking ID code types

0VU3 Tracking: Location code types

0VU4 Tracking: Route type code types

0VVT Set Up Express Delivery Company

0VVT_TVSHP Activate Exp. Dlv. Company Globally

0VVT_VC_VXSIQ XSI: External Qualifier

0VVT_V_VLBLTD Service Agnt as Express Dlv. Company

0VVT_V_VXSI Express Dlv. Company's Master Data

0VVT_V_VXSI1 Tracking Status Details

0VVT_V_VXSI2 Express Dlv. Company - Routing Info

0VVT_V_VXSIFN Exp. Dlv. Cmpany - Function Modules

0VVT_V_VXSIQ Express Delivery Company Qualifier

0VVT_V_VXSIR Express Dlv. Company-Service Codes

0VVT_V_VXSIT Express Dlv. Company's Master Data

0VVT_V_VXTD XSI Carriers

0VVU Packing Table

0VVW Item Category Usage

0VX0 Maintain Selection Variants - Japan

0VX1 Maintain Selection Variants MITI

0VX2 Selection variants - Customs decl JP

0VX3 Selection variants - Customs decl JP

1KE0 EC-PCA: Transfer prog. for plan data

1KE1 EC-PCA: Analyze Settings

1KE3 EC-PCA: Rebuild matchcodes

1KE4 EC-PCA: Customizing monitor

1KE4N Profit Center Where-Used List

1KE4NS Where-Used List Administration

1KE6 EC-PCA: Maintain Matchcode

1KE8 Post FI data

1KE9 Post Data SD -> EC-PCA

1KEA Post Selected Data CO -> EC-PCA

1KEC Post MM data to EC-PCA

1KED Transfer Statistical Key Figures

1KEE EC-PCA: Plan Statistical Key Figures

1KEF EC-PCA: Parameter acutal postings

1KEG Callup view maintenance with COArea

1KEH EC-PCA: Transfer Material Stocks

1KEI EC-PCA: Transfer Assets

1KEJ EC-PCA: Transfer Work in Process

1KEK EC-PCA:Transfer Payables/Receivables

1KEL EC-PCA: Create Document

2KE0 PrCtr: Field usage assessment

2KE1 PrCtr: Data control assessment

2KE2 PrCtr: Field group definition

2KE3 PrCtr: Field group texts

2KE4 PrCtr: Field usage distribution

2KE5 PrCtr: Data control distribution

2KE6 PrCtr: Field usage assessment

2KE7 PrCtr: Data control assessment

2KE8 PrCtr: Field group definition

2KE9 PrCtr: Field group texts

2KEA PrCtr: Field usage distribution

2KEB PrCtr: Data control distribution

2KEE Profit Center: Totals Records

2KEL EC-PCA: Display Profit Center Doc.

2KEM EC-PCA: Account Valuation Variances

2KES Profit center: Balance carr'd forw.

2KET EC-PCA: Allow Balance Carryforward

2KEU Copy Cost Center Hierarchy

2KEV Copy cost centers

3KE1N EC-PCA: Create Actual Assessment

3KE2N EC-PCA: Change Actual Assessment

3KE3 EC-PCA: Display Actual Assessment

3KE3N EC-PCA: Display Actual Assessment

3KE4N EC-PCA: Delete Actual Assessment

3KE6 EC-PCA: Actual Assessment Overview

3KE7N EC-PCA: Create Plan Assessment

3KE8N EC-PCA: Change Plan Assessment

3KE9 EC-PCA: Display Plan Assessment

3KE9N EC-PCA: Display Plan Assessment

3KEAN EC-PCA: Delete Plan Assessment

3KEC EC-PCA: Plan Assessment Overview

3KEG EC-PCA: Transfer Stat. Key Figures

3KEH EC-PCA:Addit. Bal. Sheet/P+L Accts

3KEI Derive Default Profit Center

3KEJ Activate representative materials

3KEK Choose representative materials

3KEL Acct determination for prod.variance

3KOV Cycle Overview

4KE1N EC-PCA: Create Actual Distribution

4KE2N EC-PCA: Change Actual Distribution

4KE3 EC-PCA: Display Actual Distribution

4KE3N EC-PCA: Display Actual Distribution

4KE4N EC-PCA: Delete Actual Distribution

4KE6 EC-PCA: Actual Distribution Overview

4KE7N EC-PCA: Create Plan Distribution

4KE8N EC-PCA: Change Plan Distribution

4KE9 EC-PCA: Display Plan Distribution

4KE9N EC-PCA: Display Plan Distribution

4KEAN EC-PCA: Delete Plan Distribution

4KEC EC-PCA: Plan Distribution Overview

5NZI Number range maintenance: RP_IRCERT

5NZL Leave View Transaction

5NZT New Zealand Terminations

6KEA Profit Center: Display Changes

7KE1 Change Plan Costs/Revenues

7KE2 Display Plan Costs/Revenues

7KE3 Change Plan Inventories

7KE4 Display Plan Inventories

7KE5 Change Plan Statisitcal Key Figures

7KE6 Display Plan Statisitcal Key Figures

7KEA Create Planning Layout for Costs/Rev

7KEB Change Planning Layout for Costs/Rev

7KEC Display Planning Layout for Cost/Rev

7KEF Create Planning Layout for Inventory

7KEG Change Planning Layout for Inventory

7KEH Display Planning Lyt for Inventory

7KEI Transport Planning Layouts

7KEJ Import Planning Layouts

7KEK Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

7KEL Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

7KEM Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

7KEO Correction of Plan Bals with PCA

7KEP Set Planner Profile

7KEQ EC-PCA: Reorganize Long Texts

7KER Call Up Planning with Initial Screen

7KES EC-PCA: Carry Forward Plan Balance

7KET Execute Formula Planning

7KEV Copy Plan Template

7KEX Flexible Excel Upload

7KEY Log: Flexible Excel Upload

7KEZ Planning:Maintain Variable Attribute

8AS5 PCA: Balance Carryforw.Field Transf.

8KAL Controlling Areas: ALE for PCA

8KE1 PCA: Rollup: Create Field Assignment

8KE2 PCA: Rollup: Change Field Assignment

8KE3 PCA: Rollup: Display Field Assignmnt

8KE4 PCA: Rollup Substitution

8KE5 PCA: Rollup Substitution

8KE6 PCA: Delete Rollup Field Assignment

8KEA Create Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr)

8KEB Change Cond. Table (Price/Prof. Ctr)

8KEC Display Cond.Table (Price/Prof. Ctr)

8KED Access: Pflegen (Profit Center)

8KEE Condition:Sheet for Transfer Pricing

8KEF Maintain Condition Types

8KEG Create Condition List

8KEG_02 Change Pricing Report

8KEG_03 Display Pricing Report

8KEG_16 Execute Pricing Report

8KEH Condition Exclusion:Sheet Assgt TP

8KEI Maintain Exclusion Group (TP)

8KEJ Maintain CElem for Excl. Grou (TP)

8KEK Maintain Transfer Price Variants

8KEL Trans.Pr.:Allowed Flds for Cond.Tab.

8KEM Currency and Valuation Profiles

8KEN Acct Det. for Charg. Off Val. Diff.

8KEO Assign Representative Material

8KEP Activate Cur.+Val. Profile in COArea

8KEP_WIZARD Activate Transfer Pricing

8KEQ Assign Cur. + Val. Profile to COArea

8KER Derive Partner Profit Center: Sales

8KES Derive Partner Profit Center: Purch.

8KET Derive Costing Key

8KET1 Maintain Stock Change Accounts

8KET2 Maintain Stock Change Accounts

8KET3 Define Costing Key

8KET4 Opening Balance for PCA Costing

8KET5 Valuation for Calculation Base

8KET6 Enter Accts for Quantity Based Plang

8KET7 Set up Profit Planning

8KEU Deactivate C&V Profile in CO Area

8KEV CO-PA Pricing


8KEX Conversion of condition vals for TP

8KEY Company Code Field Transfer Rule

8KEZ EC-PCA Transfer Pricing



AACCOBJ Display Active Acct Assgnmt Elements

AAEP1 Procedure for Single Records: AA

AAEP2 Procedure for Final Results: AA

AARC Archiving Asset Accounting

AARDB1 RDB: Archive Single Records

AARDB2 Delete Archived Single Records

AART Reading of Archive Data

AASRPDEL Reorganization Single Records Proc.

AATENV1 Create Data Collection

AATENV2 Create Test Cases

AATENV3 Execute Test Cases

AB01 Create asset transactions

AB01L Create asset transactions

AB02 Change asset document

AB03 Display Asset Document

AB08 Reverse Line Items

ABAA Unplanned depreciation

ABAAL Unplanned depreciation

ABAD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer

ABAD0 Derivation: Initial Screen

ABAKL Last Retirement on Group Asset

ABAKN Last Retirement on Group Asset

ABAO Asset Sale Without Customer

ABAOL Asset Sale Without Customer

ABAON Asset Sale Without Customer

ABAPDOCU Display ABAP Documentation

ABAPHELP Search ABAP Documentation

ABAP_DOCU_SHOW Call ABAP Keyword Documentation

ABAP_TRACE ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis

ABAV Asset Retirement by Scrapping

ABAVL Asset Retirement by Scrapping

ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping

ABAW Balance sheet revaluation

ABAWL Revaluation
ABAWN New value method

ABB1 Correction of Asset Accounts

ABCO Adjustment Posting to Areas

ABCOL Adjustment Posting to Areas

ABDBG_TRACE Debugger Trace

ABGF Credit Memo in Year after Invoice

ABGFL Credit Memo in Year after Invoice

ABGL Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice

ABGLL Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoice

ABIF Investment support

ABIFL Investment Support

ABLDT Legacy Data - Transfer Values

ABLDT_OI Legacy Data - Transfer Open Items

ABMA Manual depreciation

ABMAL Manual Depreciation

ABMR Manual transfer of reserves

ABMRL Manual transfer of reserves

ABMW Reverse asset trans. using doc. no.

ABNA Post-capitalization

ABNAL Post-Capitalization

ABNAN Post-Capitalization

ABNE Subsequent Revenue

ABNEL Subsequent Revenue

ABNK Subsequent Costs

ABNKL Subsequent Costs

ABNV Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR

ABSE61 SE61 for ABAP, ABEN and DYNP Objects

ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions

ABSOL Miscellaneous Transactions

ABT1 Intercompany Asset Transfer

ABT1L Intercompany Asset Transfer

ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer

ABUBN Transfer between areas

ABUM Transfer From

ABUML Transfer within Company Code

ABUMN Transfer within Company Code

ABUZSM Maintain Line Item Schema

ABZE Acquisition from in-house production

ABZEL Acquisition from In-House Production

ABZK Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

ABZO Asset acquis. autom. offset. posting

ABZOL Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry

ABZON Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry

ABZP Acquistion from affiliated company

ABZPL Acquistion from Affiliated Company

ABZU Write-up

ABZUL Writeup

ABZV Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct

AC00 Service Master

AC01 Service Master

AC02 Service Master

AC03 Service Master

AC04 Service Master

AC05 List Processing: Service Master

AC06 List Display: Service Master

AC08 Send service

AC10 Class Hierarchy with Services

ACACACT Calculate and Post Accruals

ACACAD ACE Account Assignment

ACACADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01

ACACADCONT02 Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 02

ACACADMETA01 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 01

ACACADMETA02 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 02

ACACADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules

ACACAD_MAIN Acct Determination: Maintain Entries

ACACAD_META Account Determination: Rule Definitn

ACACARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run

ACACCARRYFORWARD Balance Carryforward

ACACDATADEL Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine

ACACDATATRANS Example: Data Transfer to ACE

ACACDSITEMS Reporting Accrual Objects ACAC

ACACDSPARAMS Reporting ACE Object Parameter ACAC

ACACFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation

ACACFISCYEAR Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE

ACACIMG Accrual Accounting IMG

ACACPPLOG Display Periodic Posting Runs


ACACPSITEMS Display Totals Values in ACAC

ACACREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs

ACACTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting

ACACTRANSFERCUST Settings for data collection

ACACTREE01 Create Accrual Objects

ACACTREE02 Edit Accrual Objects


ACAC_NUMOBJ Number Range Maintenance: ACAC_OBJ

ACB1 Compact Account Balance Display

ACBD Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check

ACC01 Account Maintenance FI-AA

ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_FG Access Sequences for Free Goods

ACCESS_SEQ_CRM_PD Access Sequences for Product Determ.

ACCMAP Convert Depreciation Areas

ACCN Number Range Maint.: ACCR_BELNR

ACCR Personal Menu Volker Hofmann

ACCR01 Create Accrual/Deferral Document

ACCR02 Change Accrual/Deferral Document

ACCR03 Display Accrual/Deferral Document

ACCR04 Execute Accruals/Deferrals

ACCR05 Display Accruals/Deferrals Log

ACCR06 Delete Accruals/Deferrals Log

ACCR07 Reverse Accruals/Deferrals

ACCT_DETER Report for Account Determination

ACC_CHECK Accessibility Checktool CRM PC UI

ACC_CUST_CALL Call Customizing Transaction


ACC_ECS_ACP04_CONF Minimum Amount for ECS Items

ACC_ECS_ACP_TRACE Display of BRF Trace

ACC_ECS_AGING Aging List for ECS Items

ACC_ECS_ARC_CUST Customizing Object GLE_ECS

ACC_ECS_BALANCING Differences btw ECS and GL Balances

ACC_ECS_DCT_CONF Define First-Level Checks

ACC_ECS_DIR_INPUT_PP Document Posting as Parallel Job


ACC_ECS_IF_CONF ECS: Define Parameters

ACC_ECS_LIST List of ECS Items (All Criteria)

ACC_ECS_LOG_DISPLAY Display ECS Application Logs

ACC_ECS_MAINTAIN Edit Error Correction Items

ACC_ECS_MASS_REVERSE Mass Reversal of Documents

ACC_ECS_RECONC Reconcilation Report


ACC_ECS_RUNADM ECS Run Administration

ACC_ECS_SNUM_AWREF ECS: Maintain Number Ranges AWREF

ACC_ECS_SNUM_RUNID ECS Number Range Maintenance Run ID

ACC_ECS_STAFF Corrections/Deletions by User

ACC_ECS_STATISTIC Statistics for ECS Items

ACC_ECS_TREND Trend for Past 6 Months

ACC_HIST_CUST Config. Statement of Changes Prov.

ACC_PERIOD Open and Close Periods

ACC_PERIOD_LE Open and Close Periods

ACC_SYSTEM_SELECTION Accounting Selections

ACC_SYSTEM_SET Set Accounting System

ACEACM Accrual Methods

ACEADET Accrual Engine: Acct Determination

ACEADETCUST Accrual Engine: Acct Determination

ACEADETCUST_D Accrual Engine: Acct Determn Display

ACEADETCUST_DISP Accrual Engine: Acct Determn Display

ACEADET_D Accrual Engine: Change Acct Detrmntn

ACEADET_DISP Accrual Engine: Change Acct Detrmntn

ACEARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run

ACEC Accrual Engine - IMG

ACECOMP Components Setup

ACEDATADEL Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine

ACENAVIGATOR02 Change ACE Navigator

ACENAVIGATOR03 ACE Navigator Change Mode

ACEPP Accrual Engine - Periodic Postings

ACEPS Posting Schema for Accruals

ACEPSAD ACE Account Assignment

ACEPSADCONT01 Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 01

ACEPSADCONT02 Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 02

ACEPSADFILA1 ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 1

ACEPSADFILA1CUST ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 1

ACEPSADFILA2 ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 2

ACEPSADFILA2CUST ACE Acct Determination: FILA Area 2

ACEPSADMETA01 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 01

ACEPSADMETA02 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 02

ACEPSADMETASGL Acct Detrmn: Define Single-Step Rule

ACEPSAD_MAIN Acct Determination: Maintain Entries

ACEPSAD_META Acct Determination: Define Rules


ACEPS_APPLLOG Number Range Maintenance: ACEAPPLLOG

ACEPS_AWREF Number Range Maintenance: ACE

ACEPS_RUNID Number Range Maint: ACE Posting Run

ACEPS_RUNID_TST Number Range: Test Posting Run ACE

ACEPS_TRANS Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting

ACEREV Reverse Postings

ACE_CHECKOFF Extended Data Checks off

ACE_CHECKON Extended Data Check on

ACE_COMP_SET Set the Component in Accrual Engine


ACLA Define Archiving Classes

ACNR No. Range Maintenance: Ext. Service

ACO1 Activities for Authorization Check

ACO2 Authorization Check Object Types

ACO3 Allowed Activities per Object Type

ACO4 Change Documents for ACO Objects

ACOMPXPD Progress Tracking Evaluations

ACO_PROXY SAP ACO Proxy generation

ACPTOOL for admin cock pit sanity check tool

ACSET Maint.Acct Types for Acct Asgmt Obj.

ACTEXP_APPR Approve Working Times and Trips

ACTEXP_APPR_LITE Approve Working Times and Trips


AD08 Enter G/L Account Posting

AD0M New A&D functionality

AD1T Clear down payment requests

AD20 Search help maintenance (for IMG)

AD21 Matchcode maintenance (for IMG)

AD31 Plan data handling

AD32 Costs-to-complete evaluation

AD3P Plan data handling profile

AD3V Version type and text maintenance

AD43 Assessment Preprocessor with rollup

AD4P Customize assessment: stat.key figs.

ADAA Activity Allocation Conversion

ADA_COCKPIT_LVC liveCache in DBA Cockpit

ADA_COCKPIT_VOL liveCache Volumes in DBA Cockpit



ADBOS01 SD-SRV Reporting: Quantity Flow

ADBOS02 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w. Hierarchy

ADBOS03 SD-SRV Reporting: BOS w/o Hierarchy

ADBT ORF: Stock Calculation (Batch)

ADCO99 Closure of SM Orders

ADCPL1 Maintain CMC FFFC Parameters

ADCPL10 Display CMC UserStatus Setup

ADCPL2 Display CMC FFFC Parameters

ADCPL3 Maintain CMC Settings

ADCPL4 Display CMC Settings

ADCPL5 Maintain Inventory Group Customizing

ADCPL6 Display Inventory Group Customizing

ADCPL7 Maintain CMC Profile

ADCPL8 Display CMC Profile

ADCPL9 Maintain CMC User Status Setup

ADEX Order-material transfer posting

ADFSH_CUST Flight scheduling view maintenance

ADIP SPEC 2000: Initial Provisioning

ADJNR Number range maintenance: ADJNR


ADPMPS PM/PS Integration

ADPMPS2 PM/PS Integration

ADPRCP Copy Partner Profiles for SPEC 2000

ADPT Component Maintenance Cockpit

ADRE ORF: Results Report

ADRF ORF: Stock Calculation

ADS2KARCH SPEC2000 IP Data Archiving

ADS2KIPUPL_CUST SPEC2000 IP Upload: Gen. Customizing

ADS2KIP_PROF User Profile

ADS2KSTAT Update IP status after creating mast

ADS2KUPL SPEC2000 Initial Provisioning Upload

ADS2KUPL1 Resume Upload

ADSPCIP SPEC 2000: File Upload To ERP




ADTBOS01 Maintenance: SD-SRV Valid Reports

AD_SPC_MOI Customizing: Model ID Codes

AD_SPC_S1S Customizing: Doc. Type f. Stock Inq.

AEAN Trigger Group Message Determination

AEFI_0701 Certificate of ownership (AE)

AEFI_0812 Vendor Statement (AE)

AEFM_0101 Budget Preparation Overview (AE)

AEFM_0102 Budget Preparation by Program (AE)

AEFM_0103 Budget Transfer by Commit. Item (AE)

AEFM_0104 Budget Transfer by CmtItem/Prog (AE)

AEFM_0105 Overview of Budget Entry Doc. (AE)

AEFM_0106 Budget Consumption (AE)

AEFM_0107 Estimated Revenue Budget (AE)

AEFM_0813 Account level budget transfer (AE)

AEFM_0815 Summary of Budget and Expenditures

AEFM_08G1 Revenue Budget (AE)

AEFM_08G2 Expenses Budget (AE)

AEFM_08G3 Implemented Projects (AE)

AEFM_08G4 Budget update documents (AE)

AEUB Limit transaction types

AFAF Assets with errors

AFBP Create depreciation posting log

AFO_AP_GT_CRE_UPD Create/Update FO for Generic Trans.

AFO_FOI_DER_DERIVA FO Integ.: Derivation - Derivatives

AFO_FOI_DER_EXP FO Integ: Derive – Operational Expos

AFO_FOI_DER_FAZ FO Int.: Derivation from Facilities

AFO_FOI_DER_FX FO Integration: Derivation - Forex

AFO_FOI_DER_LOAN FO Integration: Derivation - Loans

AFO_FOI_DER_MONEY FO Integ.: Derivation - Money Market

AFO_FOI_DER_POS1 FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in SA

AFO_FOI_DER_POS2 FO Int.: Deriv. - Class Pos. in FA

AFO_FOI_DER_POS3 FO Int.: Deriv. - Lot Pos. in FA

AFO_FOI_DER_REXP FO Int.: Deriv.- Op. Exp. (Raw Exp.)

AFO_FOI_DER_ST FO Integ: Derive - Security Trans

AFO_FOI_DER_TRL FO Integ. Derive : Subledger Pos./Sp

AFO_FOI_FIELD_EXPT FO Integ.: Exceptions for Character.

AFO_FOI_RULE_DERIVA Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_EXP Operational Exp: Maintain Rule Entry

AFO_FOI_RULE_FAZ Facility: Maintain Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_FX Forex: Maintain Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_LOAN Loans: Maintian Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_MONEY Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_POS1 Class Pos. in SA: Define Rule Values

AFO_FOI_RULE_POS2 Class Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values

AFO_FOI_RULE_POS3 Lot Pos. in FA: Define Rule Values

AFO_FOI_RULE_ST Security Tran: Maintain Rule Entries

AFO_FOI_RULE_TRL Subledger Pos./Sp: Maint. rule entri

AFWA Create/Maintain Analysis Structures

AFWBM Edit Master Data for Benchmark

AFWBMPH Assign Benchmark to PH Nodes

AFWFL AFWCH: Filter Maintenance

AFWFLT AFWCH: Filter Maintenance

AFWGOCREATEBGRFC Set Up bgRFC for Real-Time MtM Upd.

AFWGO_LG1 Log for Real-Time MtM Update

AFWKF_AA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures

AFWKF_AA_MD Master Data Reporting for RDB

AFWKF_MD Master Data Reporting for RDB

AFWKF_OV Key Figure Overview

AFWKF_OV_AA Key Figure Overview: Acct Analyzer

AFWKF_OV_PA Key Figure Overview: Portf. Analyzer

AFWKF_OV_RA Key Figure Overview: Risk Analyzer

AFWKF_PA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures

AFWKF_RA Key Figures and Eval. Procedures

AFWPH Portfolio Hierarchies

AFWPHD Portfolio Hierarchies (Display)

AFWS Maintain Segment Level Characterist.

AFW_ACT1 Anal. Struct.: Activ.Sample Settings

AFW_ACT2 Anal. Struct: Activate Customizing

AFW_BP1 BP Conversion: Field Catalog Entries

AFW_BP2 BP Conversion: Portfolio Hierarchies

AFW_BP3 BP Conversion: Character.Hierarchies

AFW_BP4 BP Conversion:: Encode PH Value

AFW_BP5 BP Conv. with Ident.Numbers: BPMIG=3

AFW_BP6 Set Status to "Completed"

AFX_ACT_SNUM Number Range Maint.: AFX_ACT Object

AFX_CUST_CHECK Check: Archiving Customizing

AFX_CUST_DEPL Distribute Global Ctrl Customizing

AFX_GLOBAL_CTRL Control Archiving: Check Table

AFX_GLOBAL_CUST Archiving Control: Settings

AFX_GLOBAL_PBP Archiving Ctrl: Package Form. Procs

AFX_MONITOR Archiving Monitor

AIAB AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule

AIAO C AM Maint. list vers. gen. line itm

AIAZ Display Dist. Rule Allocation

AIBU Transfer Asset under Const.

AIDMM Create Material Master Data IDocs

AIDNR Create EPC Number Range IDocs

AIDNR_MASTER Define EPC Serial Number Ranges

AISGENKF_LAYOUT_DEF SVA: Define Key Figure Layout

AISPL Einzelwertanalyse: Gewinn & Verlust

AIST Reverse Settlement of AuC

AIS_FORMULA_DEF Define Formulas for AIS

AIS_LAY_DEF Define Initial Layout

AKAB List purchasing arrangements

AKE1 Create Condition

AKE10 Transfer Prices: Display Overhead

AKE2 Change Condition

AKE3 Display Condition

AKE4 Copy Condition

AKE5 PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices

AKE6 PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices

AKE7 PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices

AKE8 Transfer Prices: Create Overhead

AKE9 Transfer Prices: Change Overhead

AKKO Promotion pur. pr. conditions

AKOF C FI Maintain Table TAKOF

AKVA List sales arrangements

AKVK Promotion sales price conditions

AL08 Users Logged On

AL08_OLD List of All Users Logged On

AL11 Display SAP Directories

AL11_OLD Display SAP Directories

AL12 Display Table Buffer (Exp. Session)

AL13 Display Shared Memory (Expert Mode)

AL15 Customize SAPOSCOL destination

ALLOC_BATCH_RUN To run Allocation in the batch mode

ALM99 JBALMCTRL Control Tables

ALM_01 ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator

ALM_ME_DEBUG MAM Debugging Settings

ALM_ME_GENERAL Smartsync Settings

ALM_ME_INVENTORY Inventory Management Profile

ALM_ME_NOTIF Notification Processing Profile

ALM_ME_ORDER Order Processing Profile


ALM_ME_SCENARIO Mobile Asset Management Scenario

ALM_ME_USER User-specific settings

ALO1 Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships

ALRTCATDEF Editing Alert Categories

ALRTCATDEF_SEL Define Alert Category

ALRTDISP Display Alerts


ALRTMON Alert Monitor

ALRTPERS Personalize Alert Delivery

ALRTPROC Process Alerts

ALRTSUBSCR Subscribe to Alert Categories

ALVIEWER ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web

AM04 Changes to Asset Classes

AMADEUS Amadeus Direct

AMC_LOG_ADMIN Administration of ABAP Messaging Cha

AMC_LOG_PROCESSING Selection of AMC Log Entries

AMC_SHOW_LOG_LIST Show List of activated AMC Logs

AMDP_UTIL Run All AMDP Reports

AMEN ABAP Tools Menu

AMRP Send Stock/Requirements List

ANA_STRUCT_GEN OLTP Metadata Repository

ANA_STRUCT_GEN_ALM OLTP Metadata Repository

ANA_VAR Table Analysis: Analysis Variants

ANHAL Maintain Cutoff Value Key

ANK0 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Asset Class Data

ANK1 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Control Specif.

ANK2 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Allocations

ANK3 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Net Worth Valuat.

ANK4 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Insurance Data

ANKA Directory of asset classes

ANKL Generate Asset Classes

ANKL_OLD Create Asset Classes from Accounts

ANNETTE Check Archiving Documentation

ANSICHT00 Assignment Trans.Group - Asset View

ANST Automated Note Search Tool

ANST_SEARCH_TOOL Automated Note Search Tool

ANVEST Maintain Investment Support Measures

ANZARCH Display Reloaded Structures

AO11 Assign number range

AO21 Screen layout for deprec. areas

AO25 Unit-of-prod. depreciation

AO31 Specify Depreciation Area

AO32 Assign net worth tax area

AO33 Net worth tax field selection

AO41 Add to insurance specifications

AO42 Insurance field selection

AO51 Leasing field selection

AO52 Add to leasing entries

AO61 Assign user fields

AO67 Define Transaction Type

AO68 Define Transaction Type

AO69 Account assignmt. KTNAIB

AO71 Document type for posting deprec.

AO72 Specify posting procedure

AO73 Define Transaction Type

AO73_INV Define Transaction Type

AO74 Define Transaction Type

AO75 Define Transaction Type

AO76 Define Transaction Type

AO77 Define Transaction Type

AO78 Define Transaction Type

AO79 Define Transaction Type

AO80 Define Transaction Type

AO81 Define Transaction Type

AO82 Define Transaction Type

AO83 Define Transaction Type

AO84 Define Transaction Type

AO85 Account assignmt Acquisitions

AO86 Account assingmt. Retirements

AO87 Acct. Assignmt Revaluation on APC

AO88 Acct.Assignmt for Investment Support

AO89 Acct.assmt. not to curr ac.as.share

AO90 Account assignmt Acquisitions

AO91 Specify field group authorization

AO92 Logical field groups

AO93 Ord. Depreciation Acct Assignment

AO94 Special Depreciation Acct Assignment

AO95 Acct. assgnmt. Unplanned deprec.

AO96 Acct. assgnmt. Transfer of reserves

AO97 Acct. assgnmt. Reval. of deprec.

AO98 Acct. assignment Interest

AO99 Acct. assgnmt. Derived dep. areas

AOBJ Archiving object definition

AOBJ_DOCU Display Archiving Object Docu.

AOBV Maint. of rules for delivery costs

AOCO Cost center check (across co.codes)

AOLA Master Data Tab

AOLAPOST Tabstrip Posting Transactions

AOLK Tab Layout for Asset Master Data

APB_CALL_IS_QUERIES Call Infoset Queries

APB_ISR_CUST ISR Scenario Customizing


APB_LPD_CALL_B_I_TXN Call Transaction via Batch Input

APB_LPD_CALL_ISQ Launch an Infoset Query

APB_LPD_CALL_RW_REP Start Report Writer Reports


APB_LPD_RRMXP_REMOTE Call Transaction RRMXP in a remote s

APER_RESET Reset Periodic Posting Run

APOLLO Apollo Bypass


APPCHANGE Reporting Options for Appraisals

APPCREATE Create Appraisal

APPDELETE Delete Appraisal

APPDISPLAY Display Appraisal

APPSEARCH Reporting Options for Appraisals

APPTAKEBACK Reset Appraisal Status to 'Active'

AR01 Call Asset List

AR02 Call Up Asset History Sheet

AR03 Call Up Depreciation List

AR04 Call Up Depreciation + Interest List

AR05 Call Up Asset Acquisition List

AR06 Call Up Asset Retirement List

AR07 Call Up Asset Transfer List

AR08 Call Up Depreciation Compare List

AR09 Call Up Property List

AR10 Call Up Insurance List

AR12 Call Up Asset Directory

AR13_RESET Reset Plan Values

AR14 Call Up Manual Depreciation List

AR15 Changes to Master Record

AR16 Changes to Asset Classes

AR17 Call Up Leasing Liability List

AR18 Call Up Depr.Simulation

AR18N Depreciation Simulation (New)

AR19 Call Up List of Origins

AR20 Retirement comparison

AR21 Mid-quarter Alert Report

AR22 Analysis of retirment revenue

AR23 Italy: Asset register

AR24 Italy: Assets at 3rd party

AR25 Depreciation posted

AR26 Call up special reserve list

AR27 Call up: Group asset list

AR28 Call up asset history

AR29 Re- and New Valuation of Assets

AR29N Re- and New Valuation of Assets

AR30 Display Worklist

AR31 Edit Worklist

AR32 Call Create Worklist

AR32N Call Create Worklist

ARAL Display Application Log

ARCHGUIDE Data Archiving Guide

ARCH_PROT Archiving Logs

ARCU_COIT1 Residence Times for CO Line Items

ARKO KOBRA: Archiving

ARMO Schedule Monitor: Asset Accounting

ARNO Number Range Maintenance: FSH_ARUNNO

ARQ0 FIAA - Ad hoc reports

ARRAY_CREATE Generate Column Group

ART0 FIAA - Information System

ARTE Replace Articles in Layout Modules

ARUN Order Allocation


ARUNWB ARun Workbench

ARUNWB_BATCH ARun Workbench Batch

ARUN_BATCH Batch Order Allocation Run

ARUN_CUST_TEMP_GRP ARun group rule determination


AR_CUST Archiving Engine - Configurator


AR_ENGINE Archiving Engine

AR_FACTORY Archiving Factory

AR_HDS Assignment of Residence Times

AR_MIGRATION Archiving engine migration launchpad

AR_SFLICONNAR_DISPL Flight Connections

AR_SFLIGHTAR_DISPLAY Display Flight Bookings from Archive

AR_TEST Test Archiving

AS03 Display Asset Master Record

AS04 Asset Changes

AS08 Number Ranges:Asset Number

AS100 Legacy Data Transfer using Excel

AS23 Display Group Asset

AS83 Display old group asset

AS93 Display Old Asset

ASACT Activate Application Stat. Types

ASMN Asset Master Menu

ASOKEY Definition of SAP Function OPENKEY

AS_ADMIN SAP AS: Administration

AS_AFB Archive File Browser

ATC ATC Administration



ATO_CLOUD_SUPPORT ATO Development Support Transaction

ATP01 Cancel/Delete Prod. Avail. Req.

ATPC01 Maintain number range for PAR

ATPS ATP Check: Send Customizing

ATRA ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis

ATRANSGRP Transaction Group Maintenance

ATRA_E2E ABAP Obj. Runtime Analysis for E2E

AUFW Maintain Revaluation Measures

AUN0 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN1 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN10 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN11 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN2 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN3 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN4 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN5 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN6 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN7 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN8 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUN9 FI-AA Asset Summary

AUT01 Configuration of Logging

AUT02 Configuration of Navigation Help

AUT03 Display Configuration

AUT04 Configuration of Long Text Logs

AUT05 Deletion of Long Texts

AUT10 Evaluation of Audit Trail

AUTH_ASSISTANT Role Authorization Assistant

AUTH_DISPLAY_OBJECTS Display Active Authorization Objects

AUTH_SWITCH_OBJECTS Switch on/off authorizations

AUVA FI-AA Incomplete Assets

AW01 Asset Explorer

AW01N Asset Explorer

AWUW Assignment LIS except/BOR event

AXPD Progress Tracking Evaluations

AXTEXT Extensibility Extension Types Reg.

AXTOBJ Extensibility Generation Registry

AXTREG Extensibility Registry

AXTSHOW Display and analyze Enhancements

AXTSYS Extensibility Tool System Info

AXT_EXT_GEN_SESSION Extension Generation by Session ID

CB85 Maint. Print Control for Proc. Ords

CBCACT Maintenance CBP planning actions

CBCAT Maintenance CBP Problem Categories

CBCBRG Maintenance of v_cbp_brg

CBCMLGSOP Maintenance defaults (SOP)

CBCMLS Assign infostructure

CBCMOD Maintain SCP model

CBCMSV Activate versions

CBCMTG Maintenance general technical data

CBCONFSOP Maintenance startup parameters (SOP)

CBCPAR Maintenance step parameters

CBCS Activate system status

CBCSTEP Maintenance steps

CBDE PDC records with system errors

CBGLWB Function Workbench

CBGLWB_CU_BP EHS LWB Definition of Sel. Functions


CBGL_BS EHS: Print Using Bar-Code Scanner

CBGL_CD03 EHS: Display Change Documents

CBGL_CL02 EHS: Edit Customer-Specific Labels

CBGL_CL03 EHS: Display Customer-Spec. Labels

CBGL_CS01 EHS: Transfer GLM Printers

CBGL_CS02 EHS: Adopt SAP Spool Printer

CBGL_CS03 EHS: Transfer WWI Printer

CBGL_CS04 EHS: Transfer Scenarios

CBGL_CS05 EHS: Schedule Background Processing


CBGL_GLMRECN EHS: No. Range Maintenance GLM_RECN

CBGL_LS02 EHS: Edit Label Stock

CBGL_LS03 EHS: Display Label Stock

CBGL_MP01 EHS: Manual Print Dialog

CBGL_MP01_ITS EHS: Manual Print Dialog for ITS

CBGL_REORG EHS: Reorganization Print Orders

CBHR11 EHS-INT: Create External Person

CBHR12 EHS-INT: Change External Person

CBHR13 EHS-INT: Display External Person

CBHR21 EHS-INT: Create Authority

CBHR22 EHS-INT: Change Authority

CBHR23 EHS-INT: Display Authority

CBN_SMI_EXPORT Export data for SMI

CBP Constraint Based Planning Workbench

CBPRO Maintenance of v_tcbp_soprof

CBRC01 Only Rep.: Ext. Business Partners

CBRC02 Only Rep.: Int. Business Partners

CBRC03 Imported By

CBRC04 Bonded Warehouse

CBRC10 Substance Volume Tracking: Appl. Log

CBRC11 Regulation Check: Blocked Orders

CBRC12 Regulation Check: TSCA12b Output

CBRC13 Regulation Check: Application Log

CBRC22 Output Customer List

CC00 Engineering Change Management Menu

CC03 Display Change Master

CC04 Display Product Structure

CC04P Parameter Transaction for CC04

CC05 Change overview

CC06 Flip trace protocoll for user

CC07 Engineering Change Mgmt information

CC13 Display Material Revision Level

CC16 Display Document Revision Level

CC23 Display Object Management Record

CC33 Display Change Request

CC60 Browser hierarchy

CC62 Conversion of change packages

CC90 Number Ranges for Change Numbers

CC92 Distribute change number

CC93 Number Range Maintenance: TECHS

CCA1 Initial screen for archiving

CCAA Change tables for archiving

CCAC Reset Set-Get Parameter CAC

CCAD Delete archived change tables

CCAPPS Custom Code Analysis Applications

CCAR Read archived data

CCF1 Create Message: Error Management

CCF2 Change Message: Error Management

CCF3 Display Message: Error Management

CCM2 Configuration Control Workbench


CCMONITOR_RRIF Start Report/Report Interface

CCMON_DOC_CALL Call Doc. Display for CCtr Monitor

CCMP_RABOX Remote Action Box via SAPGui for HTM

CCMSBISUITE Reporting Suite

CCPPMD CCP: Display Planning Folders

CCR Customizing Check Report

CCR_EMERGENCY Customizing Check for Old Op. VA

CCS Cost Component Split

CCSECA Admin. of Key Versions for PAYCRV

CCSECM0 Migration to SSF Application PAYCRV

CCSECM1 Execute Conversion

CCSECV_DATA_DEL Deletion of Credit Card Data

CCSEC_LOG_DEL Delete Payment Card Log

CCSEC_LOG_SHOW Evaluate Payment Card Log

CCSEQ_CSGUPD Update Change Sequence Graph

CCSEQ_CUST Activate Change Sequence Graph

CCSEQ_CYCLE Display Cycles

CCTM Maintain Standard Variant

CCV2 Change Output: Document Management

CCW1 Task-specific Workflow Customizing

CCZU Allocation: Material to Valid.Prof.

CC_APPS Custom Code Analysis Applications

CC_MIGRATION Migration of Credit Cards



CDESK_CUS Customizing CAD Desktop

CDESK_DEL_DBTRACE CAD Desktop: Delete Trace

CDESK_READ_DBTRACE CAD Desktop: Analyze Trace

CDESK_SAVE_DBTRACE Save Database Trace

CE00 Menu: CAPP-based calc. of std.values

CE01 CEP: View

CE02 CEP: Transfer

CE03 CEP: Review

CE13 Display standard value formula

CE16 Use of CAPP elements (single-level)

CE23 Display standard value method

CE33 Display standard value process

CE41 Simulate calculation of std. values

CEMN Cost Element Accounting

CEPC Display Table CEPC

CEP_CUST_WF Maintain Distibution Workflows

CEP_IAC_PO ITS Transaction Project Overview

CEP_R3_MON SAP Transaction: Monitoring

CEP_SA_DEFCLAS Default Classes


CEP_SA_DOCDOC Document 2 Document

CEP_SA_ICONDEF Icon Definition for Documents


CERTMAP Certificate Assignment

CERTREQ Certificate enrollment

CERTRULE Rule based Certificate Mapping

CERTRULE_MIG Rule based Cert. Mapping Migration

CES3 Display Set (Resource Planning)

CEV3 Display value variable(res.planning)

CEVC Copy custom. tab. for std.val. calc.

CEVF Number ranges for CAPP formulas

CEVM Number ranges for CAPP methods

CEVP Display CAPP tables

CEVV Number ranges for CAPP processes

CEWB PP: Engineering Workbench

CEWO CE: Structure of product folder

CE_CL_EXTRACT Extract Class Database

CF00 Prod. Resources/Tools Master Menu

CF03 Display Production Resources/Tools

CF10 PRT: Use of PRT master in prod.order

CF11 PRT: Use of material in prod. order

CF12 PRT: Use of document in prod. order

CF13 PRT: Use of equipment in prod. order

CF15 PRT: Use of PRT master in network

CF16 PRT: Use of material in network

CF17 PRT: Use of document in network

CF18 PRT: Use of piece of equip. in netw.

CF20 PRT: Use of PRT master in orders

CF21 PRT: Use of material in orders

CF22 PRT: Use of document in orders

CF23 PRT: Use of pc. of equip. in orders

CF25 PRT: PRT Master Usage in PM Order

CF26 PRT: Material Usage in PM Orders

CF27 PRT: Document Usage in PM Orders

CF28 PRT: Equipment Usage in PM Order

CFB_NAV Start Transactions


CFC01 cFolders Backend Integr. Customizing

CFC02 Mapping of Attributes

CFC1 Maintain Operating Mode ADC

CFC2 Customizing Parameters

CFC3 CIF: Initial Transfer for Block Size

CFC4 Maintenance of Object Infos

CFC6 Configuration of CIF Application Log

CFC7 RFC Destination Maintenance

CFC8 Number Range Parallelization

CFC9 Target-System-Ind. Settings in CIF

CFC91 Activate/Deactivate bgRFC for CIF

CFCAO Customizing: Application object

CFCP PRT: Copy C-Tables

CFCS Clarification worklist - Customizing

CFCSS CFC: Maintain status information

CFCSTART Start clarification controller

CFCSTARTBOR Start CFC with Obj. Key from BOR Mth

CFDI_CANC Cancellation request report

CFDI_MONITOR CFDI: Monitor Approval Requests

CFDS Customizing - MRP based DS(APO)

CFE01 Export Documents to cFolders

CFE02 Export Objects to cFolders

CFE03 Export iPPE Objects to cFolders

CFENVSET Cloud Financials: Set Environment

CFG1 Display CIF Application Log

CFG3 Find in Application Log

CFGD Delete Application Log Entries


CFG_USER_EXIT_DEV Variant Function Development

CFI01 Import Documents from cFolders

CFI02 Import Objects from cFolders

CFI03 Import iPPE Objects from cFolders

CFIMGEXP Cloud Financials: Show Expert IMG

CFIMGUSR Cloud Financials: Show Expert IMG

CFINIMG Central Finance Customizing

CFIN_CO_INIT_PREP Preparation for CO Initial Load

CFIN_CO_MAPPING_ADM Display Cost Object Mapping

CFIN_CO_MAPPING_CORR Cost Object Mapping Correction

CFIN_CO_MAPPING_DEL Delete Cost Object Mapping and Cost

CFIN_CO_SIMU Simulate CO Replication

CFIN_MAPPING Mapping Entry Tools for CFin

CFL1 Current Settings

CFM1 Create Integration Model

CFM2 Manually Activate Integration Models

CFM3 Activate Integration Models (Bkgd)

CFM4 Display Integration Models

CFM5 Integration Model Object Search

CFM6 Modify Integration Model

CFM7 Delete Integration Models

CFM9 Integration model activ. RIMODINI

CFMALMART Maintain ALM Valuation Type

CFMCK Client Copy Customizing

CFMCSVK Client Copy Customizing

CFMCSVUK Client Copy Customizing

CFMCUK Client Copy Customizing

CFMEVAL Maintain Evaluation Type

CFNA Maintain PRT number range: FHM_CRFH

CFO1 Production Sched. Profile APO CIF

CFO3 Scheduling Parameters in APO CIF

CFP1 Analyze and Send Changes

CFP1N Analyze and Send Changes

CFP2 Analyze and Send Changes

CFP3 CIF: PPM Transfer of Data Changes

CFP4 Delete PPM Change Pointer

CFQ1 Display qRFC Monitor

CFS0 Display Serialization Channels

CFS1 Serialization Channels Display (Prg)

CFS2 Display All Today's TRFCs

CFSHOWIMG Cloud Financials: Show Exprt/Usr IMG

CFSRMPO SRM PO Transfer Customizing

CG00 Basic Data Environment

CG02 Substance Workbench

CG02BD Specification Workbench

CG02CALL Call Specification Workbench

CG05 Distribute Specification

CG12 Edit Phrases

CG13 Display Phrases

CG1B Edit Phrase Sets

CG1C Display Phrase Sets

CG2A Create Generation Variant

CG2B Edit Generation Variant

CG2C Display Generation Variant

CG2GD Display Report Generation Groups

CG2GE Edit Report Generation Groups

CG31 Import Phrases

CG32 Import Sources

CG33 Import Specifications

CG34 Import Report Template

CG35 Import Property Tree

CG36 Import Reports

CG36VEN Import Single Report

CG37 Edit Worklist

CG3A Check Source Export

CG3B Check Phrase Export

CG3C Check Specification Export

CG3D Check Property Tree Export

CG3E Check Report Template Export

CG3F Check Source Import

CG3G Check Phrase Import

CG3H Check Specification Import

CG3I Check Property Tree Import

CG3J Check Report Import

CG3K Check Report Template Import

CG3L Check Import Log

CG3Y Download file

CG3Z Upload file

CG42 Edit Report Templates

CG43 Display Report Templates

CG4B Edit Cover Sheet Template

CG4C Display Cover Sheet Template

CG4D Edit Acknowl. of Receipt Template

CG4E Display Acknowl. of Receipt Template

CG50 Edit Report

CG54 Report Information System

CG55 Validate Report

CG56 Release Report

CG57 Assign Report Versions

CG58 Set Report to Historical

CG59 EHS: manual entry WL generation

CG5A EHS: manual entry WL generation

CG5B EHS: manual entry WL generation

CG5Z EHS: WWI server monitor

CGA1 EHS: Maintain Specification Type

CGA2 EHS: Val.Asg.Type/Specification Type

CGA3 EHS: Authorization Object

CGA4 EHS: Identification Category

CGA5 EHS: Value Assignment Text Type

CGA6 EHS: Value Assignment Assessment

CGA7 EHS: Maintain component category

CGA8 EHS: Characteristic rating

CGA9 EHS: Phrase Library

CGAB EHS: Edit Phrase Set-Attrib. Assgmt

CGAC EHS: Display Phrase Set-Attr. Assgmt

CGB1 EHS: Number Range for Spec. Key

CGB2 EHS: No. rng. maintenance record no.

CGB3 EHS: Number range record counter

CGB4 EHS: Number range phrase key

CGB5 EHS: No. range maint.: SAP_CLASSR

CGB6 EHS: No. range maint.: SAP_CHARCR

CGB7 EHS: Char,Class,PropTree,ClientCopy

CGBB EHS: Initial generation of phr. sets

CGBC EHS: Load XLS Macro Spec Info System

CGC1 EHS: Validity area

CGC2 EHS: Usage profile

CGC3 EHS: Property Tree

CGC4 EHS: Identification listing

CGC5 EHS: Report Symbol Group

CGC6 EHS: Report Symbol

CGC7 EHS: Report Syntax

CGC8 EHS: Report environment

CGC9 EHS: Syntax graph definition

CGCL EHS: Customizing - sources

CGCL2 Dangerous Goods Workbench

CGCNIMPEXP EHS:No.Range Maintenance Imp./Export


CGCNRCNGRP EHS: No. Range Maint. Group Admin.

CGCNSESSID EHS: No. Range Maint. Session ID




CGCO EHS: Customizing - Regulatory Lists

CGCV EHS: Customizing - usage profile

CGCZ Match Up Master Data

CGC_ESC_VERIFY_CUST Check Configuration

CGD1 EHS: Phrase languages

CGE2 Packaging Workbench

CGESCIP ESComXML Files for Import Processing




CGK1 EHS: Namespaces for characteristics

CGNAV Business Document Navigator

CGQM Specify QM Interface

CGSADM WWI and Expert Server Admin.

CGVAI01 EHS: Value Asst Type Entry Function

CGVAI02 EHS: Initial Filling TCG11_VAI

CGVERSION EHS: Product Information

CHANGERUNMONI Call Change Run Monitor


CHECKFM Check Correction Modules

CHECKMAN Check Manager: Display Check Results

CHECKMAN_E Check Manager: Check Exceptions

CHECKMAN_F CheckMan for Final Assembly

CHECK_ANCHOR Inconsistency Check:MK -MatMstr-CoEs

CHECK_PA Test Tool Decoupled PA Infotypes

CHGOBJ1 Number range maint: CHGCOMPS

CHGOBJ2 Nummernkreispflege: CHGSEQOPRS

CHKPT Call Up Checkpoint Maintenance View

CHPV1 Spec.Syst: Assignment class template

CI01 Create CIAP Document

CI02 Change CIAP Document

CI03 Display CIAP Document

CI11 PDC Groups

CI12 Deviation Record.-Selection Variants

CIAP_ACCOUNTING Run Accounting for CIAP Records

CIAP_CREDFACT Define Credit Factor

CIAP_DEL CIAP Archiving Delete


CIAP_QUONR Number range editing: CIAP_QUONR

CIAP_RD Read Archived Records

CIAP_REPORT Display CIAP Records Data

CIAP_WRI Create Archiving File

CIC1 Scripting: Assign Texts

CIC2 Scripting: Variable Maintenance

CIC3 Sales Summary

CIC4 Archiving Logging

CIC5 Archiving Infostore

CIC7 Maintain Scripting Profile

CIC8 CIC Customizing Menu (Temporary - Lo

CIC9 Maintain scripts

CICA Maintain Activities in CIC

CICAA Callback Queue Maintenance

CICAB Callback Queue Assignment

CICAC Callback Component Configuration

CICAD BDC name and Transaction Code

CICAE Input Step Mapping

CICAF Constant Source

CICAG Container Source

CICAH Function Call Source

CICAI BDC Field Destination

CICAJ Parameter ID Destination

CICAK Output Mapping

CICAL CIC Compoent Variants

CICAM Assignment of Visible Components

CICB Detail Keys for Activities in CIC

CICC Maintain CIC Framework ID

CICD Assign Components to Framework ID

CICE Assignment of Visible Components

CICF CIC Component Definition

CICG Call Center Profile Maintenance

CICH CTI Telephony Buttons

CICI Profile for Telephony Controls

CICJ Maintain Logging Profile

CICK Maintain Scripting Profile

CICL CIC Profile Definition

CICM Component Profile Type Definition

CICN Customizing Toolbar Maintenance

CICO CIC Profile Definition

CICP Contact Search Configuration

CICQ Assign Hidden Components to Framewrk

CICS Customer Interaction Center

CICU Toolbar Profile Maintenance

CICV CTI Queue Maintenance

CICW CTI Queue Assignment Maintenance

CICX Component Container Maintenance

CICY CTI Administration

CICZ DNIS mapping

CIC_PPOCE Create CIC Organizational Plan

CIC_PPOME Change CIC Organizational Plan

CIC_PPOSE Display CIC Organizational Plan

CIF APO Core Interface

CIFPUCUST Customizing CIF External Procurement

CIFPUCUST01 CIF Source of Supply Determination

CIFPUCUST02 CIF External Procurement Orders

CISV CIS Vendor Verification Process

CISVU Update Vendor master

CIS_VENDOR Vendor Master Data Update

CITI_VENTAS CITI Ventas report

CI_IMPORT Import Device Properties

CJ00 Find Digital Signatures

CJ14 Display WBS Element (From DMS)

CJ48 Change Payment Planning: Init.Screen

CJ49 Display Payment Planning: Init.Scrn

CJ70 Maintain Project Settlement LIs

CJ72 Project: Act. amt. line item settlmt

CJ7E Plan Data Transfer: Projects

CJ7G Plan Data Transfer: Projects

CJ7N Maint. DRG inv.projects for retmt.

CJ81 Update Report List

CJ8GH Actual Settlement: Projects/Networks

CJ8VH Project Selection for CJ8GH

CJ9E Plan Settlement: Projects

CJ9ECP Project System: Easy Cost Planning

CJ9G Plan Settlement: Projects

CJAL Send project

CJB1H Generate Sttlmt Rule: HANA Optimized

CJBBS1 Planning Board Report Assignment

CJBBS2 Structure Overview Report Asst

CJBVH Project Selection for CJ8GH

CJC1 Maintenance Dialog for Stat.by Per.

CJC2 Maintain Planned Status Changes

CJCF Carry Forward Project Commitments

CJE3 Display Hierarchy Report

CJE6 Display Project Report Layout

CJEA Call Hierarchy Report

CJEC Maintain Project Crcy Trans.Type

CJET Translation Tool - Drilldown

CJEX Reorganize Drilldown Reports

CJEY Reorganize Report Data

CJEZ Reorganize Forms

CJF1 Create Transfer Price Agreement

CJF2 Change Transfer Price Agreement

CJF3 Display Transfer Price Agreement

CJF4 Transfer Price Agreement List

CJFA Analysis of Data Trans. into PS Cash

CJG1 Enter Transfer Price Allocation

CJG3 Display Transfer Price Allocation

CJG4 Enter Trsfr Price Allocation: List

CJG5 Cancel Transfer Price Allocation

CJH2 Project Inheritance Log

CJIG Display PS Cash Documents

CJK2 Change Statistical Key Figures

CJK3 Display Statistical Key Figures

CJL2 Collective Agreement

CJNO Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR

CJP1 Create Project Plan Adjustment

CJP2 Change Project Plan Adjustment

CJP3 Display Project Plan Adjustment

CJP4 Delete Project Plan Adjustment

CJPN Number Range Maintenance: Proj.Items

CJPU Execute Project Plan Adjustment

CJSA Data Transfer to SAP-EIS

CJSB Select Key Figure and Characteristic

CJSN Number Range Maintenance: Projects

CJVC Value Category Checking Program

CJW1 EURO: Adjust Project Budget

CJZ6 Actual Int.Calc.: Indiv.CO Order Prc

CJZ7 Planned Int.Calc: Indiv.CO Ord.Proc.

CJZ8 Actual Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.

CJZ9 Plan Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.

CK00 Product costing initial screen

CK11 Create Product Cost Estimate

CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate

CK13 Display Product Cost Estimate

CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate

CK22 Organizational Measure

CK24 Price Update with Cost Estimate

CK31 Print Log of Costing Run

CK32 CK BATCH: Print logs

CK33 Comparison of Itemizations

CK40N Edit Costing Run

CK40N_STAT Analyze Statistics for Costing Run

CK41 Create Costing Run

CK42 Change Costing Run

CK43 Display Costing Run

CK44 Delete Costing Run

CK45 Delete Costing Run in Background

CK51 Create Order BOM Cost Estimate

CK51N Create Order BOM Cost Estimate

CK53 Display Order BOM Cost Estimate

CK53N Display Order BOM Cost Estimate

CK55 Mass Costing - Sales Documents

CK60 Preselection for Material/Plant

CK61 CK Batch Processing

CK62 Find Structure: BOM Explosion

CK63 CK Batch Processing

CK64 Run: Cost Estimate of Objects

CK65 CK Batch Processing

CK66 Mark Run for Release

CK68 Release Costing Run

CK74 Create Additive Costs

CK74N Create Additive Costs

CK75 Change Additive Costs

CK75N Change Additive Costs

CK76 Display Additive Costs

CK76N Display Additive Costs

CK77N Create Additive Costs

CK79_99 Material: Itemization Comparison

CK80 Flexible Cost Component Report

CK80_99 Material: Cost Components

CK81 Overview of Reports

CK82 Select Cost Estimates

CK83 Print Cost Estimates in Background

CK84 Line Items in Cost Est for Product

CK84_99 Material: Itemization

CK84_99_COST_ELEMENT Cost Elements

CK85 Line Items in Cost Est for Order

CK85_99 Sales Document: Itemization

CK85_99_COST_ELEMENT Cost Elements

CK86 Costed Multilevel BOM

CK86_99 Material: Multilevel BOM

CK87 Costed BOM Sales Orders

CK87_99 Sales Document: Multilevel BOM

CK88 Partner Cost Component Split

CK88_99 Material: Partner Cost Comp. Split

CK89 Flexible Cost Comp. Report SaleOrder

CK89_99 Sales Document: Cost Components

CK90 Mixed Costing

CK91 Create Procurement Alternatives

CK91N Edit Procurement Alternatives

CK92 Change Procurement Alternatives

CK93 Display Procurement Alternatives

CK94 Change Mixing Ratio

CK95 Display Mixing Ratios

CKA1 Std Cost Est to Profitability Anal.

CKAPP01 Materials To Be Costed

CKAPP03 Sales Order Item to be Costed

CKAV Check availability

CKC1 Check Costing Variant

CKCM Costing Model

CKECP Ad Hoc Cost Estimate

CKECP1 Easy Cost Planning: Central Access

CKECPCP Ad Hoc Cost Estimate for cProjects

CKECPCP_DIR Ad Hoc Cost Est cProjects (Direct)

CKECPEWT Ad Hoc Cost Estimate

CKECPINT Easy Cost Planning

CKECP_AR Write Archive

CKFA Split Display for Production Order

CKM3 Material Price Analysis

CKM3N Material Price Analysis

CKM3OLD Material Price Analysis

CKM3VERYOLD Display Material Ledger Data

CKM9 Show Customizing Settings for Plant

CKMACD Value Flow Display f. Activity Types

CKMADJUST Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI

CKMARCHBEL Archive Document

CKMARCHDAT Archive Period Records

CKMARCHIDX Archive Index Entries

CKMARCHRUN Archive Period Records

CKMARCHSPL Archiving Actl Cost Comp. Split Recs

CKMARCHWIP Archive WIP for Actual Costs

CKMATCON Selection List Maintenance Dialog

CKMATSEL Selection List

CKMB Display Material Ledger Document

CKMB_RUN Create Basic List for Costing Run

CKMC Consistency Check for a Material

CKMCCC Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Split

CKMCCD ManChang: Display Actual CC Split

CKMCCE Man. Change of Transfer Price Markup

CKMCCF Man. Display of Transf. Price Markup

CKMCCS Display Actual Cost Component Split

CKMC_RUN Set Costing Sequence

CKMD Transactions for a Material

CKMDISPACT Technical Activity Type View

CKMDISPDOC Technical View ML Document

CKMDISPPOH Technical View of Order Development

CKMDISPTAB Technical View of ML Master Data

CKMDUVACT Distribution of Activity Differences

CKMDUVMAT Distribution of Inventory Diffs

CKMDUVREC Enter Activity Differences

CKMDUVSHOW Display Inventory and Activity Diff.

CKME Activation of Planned Prices

CKMF Allow Price Determination

CKMF_RUN Allow Price Determination for Run

CKMG Allow Closing Entries

CKMG_RUN Allow Closing Entries for Run

CKMH Single-Level Price Determination


CKMH_RUN Single-Level Price Det.for Costg Run

CKMI Post Closing

CKMI_RUN Post Closing for Costing Run

CKMJ Display Organizational Measures

CKMJ_RUN Organizational Measures for Run

CKMK Control of Information System ML

CKMKO88SIM Simulate order settlement

CKML Actual Costing/Material Ledger

CKMLAVREXP AVR Erklärungstool

CKMLAVRPERD Display period values

CKMLBB_AGGREGATE Calculate Periodic Receipt Values


CKMLBB_PERIODS_LIST Display Periodic Receipt Values

CKMLBB_PRICES_CHANGE Price Change with Alternat. Prices

CKMLBB_PRICES_LIST Display Alternative Prices

CKMLCP Cockpit Actual Costing

CKMLCPAVR Alternative Valuation Run Cockpit

CKMLCPMLBF Material Ledger Budget Cockpit

CKMLCPW Actual Costing for Reporting Periods

CKMLDC Debit/Credit Material

CKMLDM Debit or Credit Material

CKMLLA Prices in the Material Ledger

CKMLLACHANGE Display ActvPrices, Change NO_SETTLE

CKMLLACREATE Create ML-AT Master Data Manually

CKMLLANOSETTLE Ind.'Do Not Consider Price'

CKMLLASHOW Display Activity Prices

CKMLMAT Display Material List

CKMLMVCHECK Quantity Structure Consistency

CKMLMV_CA Edit Controlling Level

CKMLMV_MCA_N Mass Maintenance: Controlling Levels

CKMLOH PO History/Multiple Currencies

CKMLPC Price Change

CKMLPOH Order History Display

CKMLPROT Delete Logs

CKMLQS Valuated Quantity Structure(M-level)

CKMLRUNCUMDEL Delete costing run cumulation

CKMLRUNDEL Delete Costing Run (Actual Costing)

CKMLRUNREORG Reorganization of Costing Runs

CKMLRUNWDEL Delete Runs for Weekly Act. Costing

CKMLSTATUS Materials by Period Status

CKMLWIPDEACT Check Report: WIP Deactivation

CKMLXPRA46A Postprocessing Report for 46A-XPRA

CKML_FPR1 Create Production Process

CKML_FPR1N Edit Production Process

CKML_FPR3 Display Production Process

CKML_PRICES_SEND Send Material Prices

CKML_SURF Edit Prcrmnt / Cnsmptn Alternatives

CKMM Change Price Determination

CKMM_RUN Multilevel Pr. Deter. for Cstg Run

CKMPCD Display Price Change Document

CKMPCSEARCH Price Change Documents for Material

CKMPDB Price Difference Balance


CKMPRP Maintain Planned Prices

CKMPRP2 Maintain Future Prices by Profile

CKMPRPN Price Maintenance

CKMR Report Selection Material Ledger

CKMREDWIP Value Flow Display for Reduced WIP

CKMS Material Ledger Docs for Material

CKMSTART Production Startup of Mat. Ledger

CKMTOPPRICEDIF Mat. with Highest MAP Difference

CKMTOPSTOCKVAL Materials w/ Highest Inventory Value

CKMVAPP Data Transfer: Val. Production Plan

CKMVFM Value Flow Monitor

CKMVFM_DEL Delete Extract

CKM_CURRENCIES_LIST Currency and Val.types in ML, FI, CO

CKNR Maintain Number Ranges: KALK

CKR1 Reorganization in Product Costing

CKR3 Write Archive

CKR5 Reorganize in Background

CKRA Archive: Create and Remove Index

CKRU00 Create ML Costing Run

CKRU01 ML Costing Run, Create Profile

CKRU02 ML Costing Run, Change Profile

CKRU03 ML Costing Run, Display Profile

CKRU04 Display Selection

CKRU05 Display ML Costing Run

CKRU06 Delete ML Costing Run

CKRU07 Plants in Costing Runs

CKRU08 Display Levels

CKSBX Administration Shared Buffer

CKTC Concurrent Costing -XiPPE Dialog

CKU1 Update Material Price

CKUC Multilevel Unit Costing

CKVF Show Whether Marking/Release Allowed

CKW1 Create Production Lot Cost Est.

CKW3 Display Production Lot Cost Est.

CKW4 Activate Production Lot Cost Est.

CKWE Determine Value Added

CK_CCS Analysis of Primary CCS

CL00 Classification Menu

CL02 Classes

CL03 Display Class

CL20 Assign Object to Classes

CL20N Object Assignments

CL21 Display Object in Classes

CL22 Allocate Class to Classes

CL22N Assign Class to Superior Classes

CL23 Display Class for Classes

CL24 Assign Objects to One Class

CL24N Class Assignments

CL25 Display Objects in Class

CL26 Mass Release of Assignments

CL31 Find Object In Class Type

CL6P Where-Used List for Classes

CL6Q Where-Used List for Classes

CL6R Direct Input for Classes

CL6T Copy Text for Classes

CLABAP Display ABAP class library

CLB1 Batch Input for Classification

CLB2 Direct Input for Classification

CLB2_APPLI Collaboration: Applications

CLB2_APPLI_PLATF Collaboration: Application Settings

CLB2_AUTH_CONT Collaboration: Authorization Context

CLB2_AUTH_METH Collaboration: Authorization Methods

CLB2_CUST Transaction to fill SMI customzings

CLB2_GW_SRV_C OData Service Registry (Custom)

CLB2_IC_DISP Collaboration: Dispatcher

CLB2_PLATF Collaboration: Server Settings

CLB2_PLATF_DEF Collaboration: Server Definitions

CLB2_PTYPE Collaboration: Service Provider

CLB2_SERVICE_C Define OData Service

CLB2_TOKEN_DEL Delete User Access Token

CLB2_TOKEN_MOD Collaboration: Modify Access Token

CLB2_TUNNEL Collaboration: REST Tunnel

CLB3 Display Classification File

CLBOR Display BOR library

CLB_APPLI Collaboration: Applications

CLB_APPLI_PLATF Collaboration: Application Settings

CLB_AUTH_CONT Collaboration: Authorization Context

CLB_AUTH_METH Collaboration: Authorization Methods

CLB_GW_SRV_C SAIL: OData Service Registry

CLB_IC_DISP Collaboration: Dispatcher

CLB_PLATF Collaboration: Server Settings

CLB_PLATF_DEF Collaboration: Server Definitions

CLB_PTYPE Collaboration: Service Provider

CLB_TOKEN_DEL Delete User Access Token

CLB_TOKEN_MOD Collaboration: Modify Access Token

CLCO 2.1A Copy Tables for Classes

CLCP Copy Classification C Tables

CLD0 Distr. Configuration Profile (Netwk)

CLD1 Distr. Configuration Profile (Matl)

CLD2 Distribute Global Dependencies

CLD3 Distr. Variant Tables (Structure)

CLD4 Distr. Variant Tables (Data)

CLEAR Start Data Cleansing Tool

CLEAR_INT Start Data Cleansing Tool (Internal)

CLGT Set Up Tables for Search

CLHI Distribution of Class Hierarchies

CLHP Graphical Hierarchy Maintenance

CLIST Configuration Ctrl.: Component List

CLIST_UPD_RESB Internal TCode for CLIST Reservation

CLJP Specify Japanese Calendar

CLM1 Create Claim

CLM10 Claim Overview

CLM11 Claim Hierarchy

CLM2 Change Claim

CLM3 Display Claim

CLMM Mass Change for Assigned Values

CLNA Namespace f. Classes/Characteristics

CLNK Number Ranges for Class Maintenance

CLOCO Closing Cockpit - Execution

CLOCOC Closing Cockpit - Customizing

CLOCOC_SLL Closing Cockpit for LLS

CLOCOS Closing Cockpit - Aggregated View

CLOCOS_MY Closing Cockpit - Aggregated View

CLOCOT Closing Cockpit: Preparation

CLOCO_ACE Closing Cockpit - Accrual Engine

CLOCO_MIG Closing Cockpit - Migration

CLOCO_SLL Closing Cockpit for LLS

CLOI Production Optimization Interface

CLST Create Class Statistics

CLVL Maintain Variable Lists

CLW1 Allocate Material Group Hierarchy

CLWA Create Material Group (MMS)

CLWB Change Material Group (MMS)

CLWD Delete Material Group (MMS)

CLWE Create Characteristic Profile (MMS)

CLWF Change Characteristic Profile (MMS)

CLWH Delete Characteristic Profile (MMS)

CLWJ Change Generic Article (MMS)

CLWK Display Generic article (MMS)

CLWL Delete Generic Article (MMS)

CLWM Create MMS Material Group Hierarchy

CLWN Change MMS Material Group Hierarchy

CLWO Display MMS Material Group Hierarchy

CLWP Delete MMS Material Group Hierarchy



CM01 Cap. planning, work center load

CM02 Capac. planning, work center orders

CM03 Capac. planning, work center pool

CM04 Capac. planning, work center backlog

CM05 Capacity plan.:Work center overload

CM07 Cap. planning: Variable access

CM10 Capacity leveling

CM21 Capacity leveling SFC planning table

CM22 Capacity leveling:SFC planning table

CM23 Capacity leveling: SFC orders tab.

CM24 Capacity leveling: PM indiv. tab.

CM25 Capacity leveling: Variable

CM26 Capacity Leveling: Proj.View Tabular

CM27 Capacity level.: SFC indiv.cap.graph

CM28 Capac.level.: SFC indiv.cap. tab.

CM29 Capacity leveling: PI planning table

CM30 Cap. leveling: PM indiv.cap.graph.

CM31 Cap. leveling: SFC orders graphical

CM32 Cap. leveling: PS graph.

CM33 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. graphic

CM34 Cap.leveling: PM work cntr. tab.

CM35 Capacity leveling: PI work cntr.tab.

CM36 Capacity leveling: PI order graphic.

CM37 Capacity leveling: PI order tab.

CM38 Capacity leveling L-T planning

CM40 Capacity leveling in the background

CM41 Evaluation of leveling in background

CM50 Capacity level.: SFC work cntr list

CM51 Cap.level.: SFC individual.cap. list

CM52 Cap.leveling: SFC orders list

CM53 Capacity leveling: PS elem/version

CM54 Capacity leveling: PS list via vers.

CM55 Cap.leveling: PS list WCntr/version

CM56 Capacity leveling: PI resource list

CM57 Capacity leveling: PI orders list

CMAC_FEE_CALC Fee Calculation Report

CMAP0 Configurable Semantic Mapping

CMATRANGE Add CWD Material Range


CMCB_ACT_HR Activate HR Organization

CMCB_DOC Maintain Number Ranges for CB Doc

CMCB_FLQ_CCR Forecast from Accounting

CMCB_SNRO Maintain Number Ranges for Cycle ID

CMCB_WF Approval Process

CMCE Copy Table Contents ResourcePlanning

CMCH Check overall profile

CMCMT Claim Control Maintenance

CMCY Copy table entries, capacity planng.

CMD1 Create Output: Direct Procurement

CMD2 Change output: Direct procurement

CMD3 Display Output: Direct Procurement

CMECUST CME Customizing

CME_CHAR_DSCOPE Assign Definition Scope to Char.

CMFN Number Range Maint: CMF_PROTOK (SAP)

CMIG iPPE Migration Tool

CMM_ALLOC Allocation Cockpit

CMM_ALLOC_WL Worklist for Allocation Cockpit

CMM_DEND_CHECK_LOGS Check Logs Before End of Day

CMM_DEND_SNAPSHOT Define Cutoff time for EOD

CMM_FCHAR01 Assign Free Characteristics

CMM_FCHAR_GENERATE Generate APPENDs for Free Charact's

CMM_FCHAR_MAP Maintain mapping of Bookstructure

CMM_FIX_SPREAD Fix Spread Maintenance

CMM_LOAD_GMDA GMDA Initial Load Report

CMM_LOAD_GMDACC Load Commodity Curves


CMM_LREV Revaluation of Logistics Documents

CMM_MD_CHAR Assign Commodity Mat. to Charact.

CMM_MTM Mark-to-Market Adhoc Report

CMM_MTM_DISC Recalculation of Disc. MtM Values

CMM_PEV_AD PEV: Maintain Accrual Document

CMM_PEV_CALC PEV: Creation of Worklist

CMM_PEV_SNUM Number Ranges for Accrual Document

CMM_PEV_WL PEV: Maintain Worklist

CMM_SRP_CONFIG Assign SRP and KF to port. hierarchy

CMM_TRM_CREATE_BGRFC Create bgRFC Destin. for End of Day

CMM_UOM01 Unit of Mesure Conversion Settings

CMNK Nummernkreispflege: COMPNUM

CMOD Enhancements

CMP2 Workforce Planning: Project View

CMP3 Workforce Planning: Work Center View

CMPC Workforce Planning Profile

CMPC1 Cond.: Field Cat. Campaign Determin.

CMPC2 CondTab: Create (Campaign Determ.)

CMPC3 CondTab: Change (Campaign Determ.)

CMPC4 CondTab: Display (Campaign Determ.)

CMPC5 Access: Maintain (Campaign Determ.)

CMPC6 Condition Types: Campaign Determ.

CMPC7 Procedure: Campaign Determination

CMPC8 Optimize Accesses (Campaign Deter.)

CMPC9 Determine Proced. Campaign Determ.

CMPDS1 Customize multiple PDS

CMPERS_CALL Edit User Settings

CMPERS_MAINTAIN_SGL Maintain Personalization Data

CMPERS_MM Personalization: Collective Maint

CMPERS_TEST Test User Settings

CMPP Workforce Planning

CMPRO Category Management:Project Mainten.

CMP_CHECK Code Composer Template Check

CMP_CUST IMG Campaign Determination

CMP_PROCESSING Complaints Processing

CMP_REASON Customizing for Complaints Reasons


CMSORG Organizational Unit in CMS

CMS_ACG_01 Coverage Gap

CMS_ACG_02 Coverage Gap

CMS_ACG_03 Coverage Gap

CMS_ARC_CAG_DISPLAY Display CAG Archived data

CMS_ARC_CDOCU Archive Change Documents only

CMS_ARC_INS_DISPLAY Display Insurances Archived data

CMS_ARC_MIGRATE_DATA Migrate existing data to Arc tables

CMS_ARC_MOV_DISPLAY Display Movables Archived data

CMS_ARC_RBL_DISPLAY Display Receivables Archived data

CMS_ARC_RE_DISPLAY Display Real Estates Archived data

CMS_ARC_RIG_DISPLAY Display Rights Archived data

CMS_ARC_SEC_DISPLAY Display Securities Archived data

CMS_ARC_SHP_DISPLAY Display Ships Archived data

CMS_AST_01 Create Asset

CMS_AST_02 Change Asset

CMS_AST_03 Display Asset

CMS_BCM Coverage gap monitoring

CMS_BCM_ACG_DISPLAY Display BCM Res. with Appr. Cov. Gap

CMS_BCM_DEL Delete Coverage gap results

CMS_BCM_DISPLAY Display BCM results for Specific Run

CMS_BII_CUS_01 Maintain Extraction Process Type

CMS_BII_DEX_PR_START CMS Data Extraction Process

CMS_BLOCK CMS Blocking/Unblocking Report

CMS_CAG_01 Create Collateral Agreement

CMS_CAG_02 Change Collateral Agreement

CMS_CAG_03 Display Collateral Agreement

CMS_COR_REQ_PRINT Start correspondence print

CMS_CREATE_CHG_PTR Create chg ptr for entities in const

CMS_CS Collateral Sheet

CMS_CUS_01 Object Systems

CMS_CUS_02 Credit Systems

CMS_CUS_03 Risk Codes

CMS_CUS_04 Document Types

CMS_CUS_05 Business Partner Roles

CMS_CUS_06 Transactions

CMS_CUS_07 BDT Field Grouping for Asset Type

CMS_CUS_08 BDT Field Grouping for CAG Type

CMS_CUS_09 BDT Field Grouping for a Product

CMS_CUS_11 Asset Types

CMS_CUS_12 Collateral Agreement Types

CMS_CUS_13 Products

CMS_CUS_14 Product Sets

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_ACG_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_ACG_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_ASSET_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_ASSET

CMS_CUS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_BDT_013 CMS Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_BDT_014 CMS Control: BP Role Groupings

CMS_CUS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_BDT_017 CMS-Control: External applications

CMS_CUS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_BDT_020 CMS Control: Search Help

CMS_CUS_BDT_021 CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld

CMS_CUS_BDT_022 CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.

CMS_CUS_BDT_023 CMS Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_BDT_100 CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_BDT_101 CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping

CMS_CUS_BDT_102 CMS Cust: Authorization Types

CMS_CUS_BDT_103 CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization

CMS_CUS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_BDT_105 CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application

CMS_CUS_BDT_106 CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles

CMS_CUS_BDT_107 CMS Cust: Where-Used List

CMS_CUS_CAG_NUMRANGE Number range maintenance: CMS_CAGMT

CMS_CUS_COM_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_MOV

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_INS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_002 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_003 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_004 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_005 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_006 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_007 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_008 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_009 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_011 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_012 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_015 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_016 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_018 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_100 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_103 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_104 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LIQ_BDT_105 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_LOC_01 Search Application Customizing

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_001 CMS Control: Applications

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_002 CMS Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_003 CMS Control: Views

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_004 CMS Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_005 CMS Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_006 CMS Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_007 CMS Control: Events

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_008 CMS Control: GUI Standard Functions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_009 CMS Control: GUI Addl Functions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_011 CMS Control: Asn.scrn.fld->dbase fld

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_012 CMS Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_013 CMS Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_014 CMS Control: BP Role Groupings

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_015 CMS Control: Appl. Transactions

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_016 CMS Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_017 CMS-Control: External applications

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_018 CMS Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_019 CMS Control: FuncMod. Activity(Ctrl)

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_020 CMS Control: Search Help

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_021 CMS control: Assign.DI field->DB fld

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_022 CMS Control: Where-Used List Struct.

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_023 CMS Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_100 CMS Cust: Field Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_101 CMS Cust: BP Role Field Grouping

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_102 CMS Cust: Authorization Types

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_103 CMS Cust: Field Grps f.Authorization

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_104 CMS-Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_105 CMS-Cust:Fld.modif.exter.application

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_106 CMS-Cust: Notes on Roles

CMS_CUS_OMS_BDT_107 CMS Cust: Where-Used List

CMS_CUS_PCN_ASTC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_AST_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_CAGC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_CAG_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_OMSC_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_PCN_OMS_REL Assign Rel Object to Rel Procedure

CMS_CUS_RBL_NUMRANGE Number range maintenance: CMS_RBL

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_001 CMS-RE Control:Applications

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_002 CMS-RE Control: Field Groups

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_003 CMS-RE Control: Views

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_004 CMS-RE Control: Sections

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_005 CMS-RE Control: Screens

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_006 CMS-RE Control: Screen Seq.

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_007 CMS-RE Control: Events

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_008 CMS-RE Control:GUI Standard Function

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_009 CMS-RE Control:GUI Addl Function

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_011 CMS-RE Control:Asn scrn fld->DB fld

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_012 CMS-RE Control: Field Grp. Criteria

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_013 CMS-RE Control: BP Roles

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_014 CMS-RE Control: BP Role Grouping

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_015 CMS-RE Control: Appl Transactions

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_016 CMS-RE Control: Tables

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_017 CMS-RE Control: External Application

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_018 CMS-RE Control: Activities

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_019 CMS-RE Control:FuncMod. Activity

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_020 CMS-RE Control: Search help

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_021 CMS-RE Control:Asn DI fld->DB fld

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_022 CMS-RE Control:Where used-list

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_023 CMS-RE Tax: Data Sets

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_100 CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Activity

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_101 CMS-RE Cust: BP Role Fld Grouping

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_102 CMS-RE Cust: Authorization types

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_103 CMS-RE Cust: Fld Grouping Auth.

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_104 CMS-RE Cust: Screen Configuration

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_105 CMS-RE Cust:Fld Mod ext application

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_106 CMS-RE Cust: Notes on rules

CMS_CUS_RE_BDT_107 CMS-RE Cust: Where used list

CMS_CUS_RE_OBJECT_NR Number range maintenance: CMS_RE_OBJ

CMS_DEL_CAG_RBL Deletion of invalid CAG-RBL links

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_MOV Delete wrong subassets for Movables

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_RE Delete wrong subassets for RE

CMS_DEL_SUBAST_SEC Delete wrong subassets for Sec acc

CMS_DERI_ADMIN_O_CRM Ableitung 'Verwaltende Org.einheit'

CMS_DERI_BANK_AR_CRM Ableitung 'Bankbereich'

CMS_DERI_ORG_UNI_CRM Ableitung 'Organisationseinheiten'

CMS_DERI_ORG_U_R_CRM Ableitung 'Org.einh. Geschäftswert'

CMS_DERI_RE_ATTR_CRM Ableitung 'Attribute Immobilien'

CMS_INS_01 Insurance Create

CMS_INS_02 Insurance Maintain

CMS_INS_03 Display Insurance

CMS_LIQ_01 Create Liquidation

CMS_LIQ_02 Change Liquidation

CMS_LIQ_03 Display Liquidation Measure

CMS_LIQ_CFL Maintain Liq. Cash Flows (Rel 3.0)

CMS_LIQ_MOV Liquidation Measure: MOV handle

CMS_LIQ_RE Liquidation Measure:RE handle

CMS_LIQ_RIG Liquidation Measure: RIG handle

CMS_LR_DE_CHANGE Change German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_CREATE Create German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_DISPLAY Display German Land Register

CMS_LR_DE_MAINTAIN Maintain Land Register

CMS_OVER Collateral Overview

CMS_RBL_01 Create Receivable

CMS_RBL_02 Change Receivable

CMS_RBL_03 Display Receivable

CMS_RBL_SYNC Synchronize receivables

CMS_REP_CAG_VLDT_01 Collateral Expiry Report


CMS_RE_CHANGE Change real estate

CMS_RE_COPY Create real estate

CMS_RE_CREATE Create real estate

CMS_RE_DISPLAY Display real estate

CMS_RULE_ADMIN_O_CRM Regeleinträge für 'Verwaltende Org.E

CMS_RULE_BANK_AR_CRM Regeleinträge für den 'Bankbereich'

CMS_RULE_ORG_UNI_CRM Regeln für 'Organisationseinheiten'

CMS_RULE_ORG_U_R_CRM Regeln für 'Org.einh. Geschäftswert'

CMS_RULE_RE_ATTR_CRM Regeln für 'Attribute Immobilien'

CMS_SEC_ISIN Maintain class master data for ISINs

CMS_SEC_ISIN_PRICE Maintain price data for ISINs

CMS_WB CMS Workbench

CMTCUS01 CM application: General settings

CMTCUS11 Maintaining life cycle profile

CMTCUS21 Configuration definition

CMTCUS22 Maintain number range for CM product

CMTCUS31 Configuration folder: Gen. settings

CMTCUS32 Maintain number range for CM folder

CMTCUS41 Baseline: General settings

CMTCUS42 Maintain number ranges for Baseline

CMTCUSEX Maintain explosion profile

CMTCUSMEM CM Application: General Settings

CMWO Configuration Management Workbench

CMWODISP CM Workbench - Display transaction

CMX01 XSteps: Register Applications

CMX02 XSteps: Define BAdI Filter Values

CMX03 XSteps: Register Services

CMX04 XSteps: Release Namespaces

CMX05 XSteps: BADI Monitor

CMX10 XSEditor:Maintain BAdI Filter Values

CMX20 SXS Repository: Authorization Groups

CMX21 SXS Repository: Customizing

CMX22 Define Reference Plant

CMX23 XSteps: Translatable PI Characts

CMX24 XSteps: Desired Standard Language

CMXSV Standard XStep Repository

CMXSVN Cross-Plant SXS Repository

CMX_XS_ARC XSteps: Generate Archive Files

CMX_XS_ARCHIVE Archiving XSteps

CMX_XS_DEL XSteps: Start Delete Program

CMX_XS_MANAGE XSteps: Management


CM_TEST_0 Control Tests (Internal)

CM_TEST_1 Test for Single IO Test

CM_TEST_2 Test Program for KW Document Bridge

CM_TEST_3 Demo Program for Composite Control

CM_TEST_4 Test for single IO test

CN08 Allocate material -> stand. network

CN08CI Config. of Commercial Proj Inception

CN09 Allocate material -> stand. network

CN19 Display Activity (From DMS)

CN26N Display Mat. Components (From DMS)

CN34 Maintain release table TCNRL

CN35 Control stock / account assignment

CN36 BOM Transfer Profile

CN37 BOM Allocation Field Selection

CN38 Maintain Flexible Reference Point

CN43N Overview: WBS Elements

CN65 Change documents order /network

CN80 Archiving project structures

CN81 PS: Archiving project - preliminary

CN82 PS: Archiving project structures

CN83 PS: Archiving project - Info System

CN84 PS: Archiving project - admin.

CN85 PS: Delete operative structures

CN99 Archiving Standard Networks

CNB1 Purchase requisitions for project

CNB2 Purchase orders for project

CNC4 Consistency checks for WBS

CNC5 Consistency checks sales order/proj.

CNG1 Netw./Hier.: Maintain frame types

CNG2 Netw./Hier.: Maintain form def.

CNG3 Netw./hier.: maintain color definit.

CNG4 Netw./Hier.: Maintain graph. profile

CNG5 Netw./Hier: Maintain options profile

CNG6 Netw./hier.: Maintain node type

CNG7 Netw./Hier.: Maintain link types

CNG8 Netw./Hier.: Maintain field def.

CNG9 Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph.

CNLDSTINIT Initialization: Lang.-Dep.Short Txts

CNN0 Number Range for Library Network

CNN1 Number range maint.: ROUTING_0

CNPAR Partner Overview

CNPRG Network Progress

CNR1 Create Work Center

CNR2 Change Work Center

CNR3 Display Work Center

CNS83 PS: Archiving project - Info System

CNSKFDEF SKF defaults for project elements

CNS_CHK_CUSTOMIZING Check Customizing for CNS

CNS_CP_DELETE Delete Change Pointers

CNS_CP_MONITOR Display Change Pointer(s)

CNTRY_CONV Country Code

CNVA_00006 Content Based Search Transaction

CNVA_00006_NO_REC Transaction to view size category

CNVA_00555_IMG Runtime Estimation IMG

CNVA_00555_RUNTM_CCD Runtime Analysis for CC Delete

CNVA_00555_RUNTM_GEN Trigger Runtime Estimation

CNVA_00555_TRIGGER Trigger Runtime Estimation

CNVA_CCD_ANA Trigger CC Delete Downtime Analysis

CNVA_CCD_ANA_IMG CC Delete Downtime Analysis IMG

CNVA_COA_ANALYSIS Chart of Accounts Pre-Analysis

CNVA_TAB_DEF_CHR Usage Characteristics

CNVCDMCCA_GET_EXITS Get Programs linked to CustomerExits

CNVCDMCCA_UPLD_EXITS UploadProgram linked to CustomerExit

CNVCDMC_EXTRACT_KB Transaction to Extract RIB content

CNVCDMC_IMPORT_KB Transaction to Import RIB content

CNVC_CCE Customizing Comparison Engine

CNVC_CCE_ACT Vergleichslauf aktivieren

CNVC_CCE_EVAL CCE - Auswertung

CNVC_CCE_EVAL_OBJECT CCE - Auswertung (nach Objekten)

CNVC_SCNG_STATUS Status Overview

CNVC_SCWB System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB1 System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB1_V1 System comparison workbench

CNVC_SCWB_ADM System comparison - Administration

CNVC_SCWB_ADM_V1 Display for old runid's

CNVL Variable Overviews

CNVMBTACT Activity definition function

CNVMBTACTDEF MBT PCL Activity maintenance

CNVMBTACTIVE Active packages in subprojects

CNVMBTACTPAR Activity parameters in package

CNVMBTACTSTATUSRESET Maintain reset variant & activities

CNVMBTACTTSREF Assign activities to troubleshooting



CNVMBTCOBJ Conversion objects

CNVMBTCOBJC Conversion objects

CNVMBTCONDEF Conversion object definition

CNVMBTCONFLICTS Active packages in subprojects

CNVMBTCOPYC Maintain Copy Variants

CNVMBTCOPYVAR Define Copy Variant

CNVMBTDEST Maintain RFC connections for package

CNVMBTDESTDIST MBT PCL define destination distrib.

CNVMBTDEVCL Devclasses used in packages

CNVMBTDOCTEMPL MBT PCL activity docum. templates

CNVMBTFIELDS fields / conversion rules

CNVMBTFIELDSC fields / conversion rules

CNVMBTIMG MBT process tree definition

CNVMBTINCL Includes for migration

CNVMBTJOBSCT Batch-related technical control

CNVMBTMON Migration process monitor

CNVMBTMSG_SETT Message Settings

CNVMBTNAMSP DMIS Package Development Namespaces

CNVMBTNOTETEMPL Maintenance view for note templates

CNVMBTOVWDEF Partner Platform Package Development

CNVMBTPACDEF Package definition function

CNVMBTPACK Package overview

CNVMBTPACKOVWDEF Package overview definition

CNVMBTPARAMS General package parameter settings

CNVMBTPCT Migration Process Tree


CNVMBTPEM User Interface for PEM

CNVMBTPROCTYPE Process Type Maintenance

CNVMBTPRODEFDELTA Process tree delta definition

CNVMBTPROJECT Project definition

CNVMBTPROMO Merged Process tree and monitor

CNVMBTPTDEF Process type definitions

CNVMBTREORG Reorganization



CNVMBTSEL Selection group maintenance

CNVMBTSELCLAUSE MBT PCL Selection group clause

CNVMBTSELDEF Selection Group Definition


CNVMBTSELGRPDEF MBT PCL Selection group definition

CNVMBTSELGRPDOCU Selection group documentation

CNVMBTSELGRPVAL MBT PCL Selection group values

CNVMBTSELMEMTYPE MBT PCL Selection group member types

CNVMBTSELREF MBT PCL Selection group reference

CNVMBTSELVAR MBT PCL Selection group variants

CNVMBTSPEZC Table handling for copy procedure

CNVMBTSPEZL Table handling for load procedure



CNVMBTSTOVW State management overview

CNVMBTSUBPARAMS Includes for migration

CNVMBTSUBPROJECT Subproject definition

CNVMBTTABLES tables to be handled

CNVMBTTABLESC tables to be handled

CNVMBTTRANSPROJ Transfer Projection

CNVMBTTREE Hierachy of conversion object

CNVMBTTREEC Hierachy of conversion object

CNVMBTTS Define trouble shooting process

CNVMBTTSWB Troubleshooter Workbench


CNVMBTUISWITCH Change User Interface Design

CNVMBTUSEPEM Enable/Disable PEM Execution

CNVMON Conv. Services Procedure Monitor

CNVNOTE1003051 Call note 1003051

CNV_00001_BACKUP Optimization transaction

CNV_00001_BACKUPTOOL Backup Tool

CNV_00001_COND_SPLIT Analysis of selection partitioning

CNV_00001_CONFIRM Confirm preparations for conversion

CNV_00001_FORMS Maintenance of forms and parameters

CNV_00001_INDEX Selection of indexes for dropping

CNV_00001_INDEX_E Selection of indexes for dropping

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN Maintenance of converted tables

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_E Maintenance of tables - expert view

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_G Maintenance of tables - general view

CNV_00001_MAINTAIN_R Maintenance of tables - expert view

CNV_00001_MAP_HIST Display upload history

CNV_00001_OPT Optimization transaction

CNV_00001_OPT_D Optimization transaction - delivery

CNV_00001_OPT_E Optimization transaction - expert

CNV_00001_OPT_G Performance optimization transaction

CNV_00001_PERFDB Transaction for database performance

CNV_00001_PROCNUM Conversion runtime parameters

CNV_00001_PROCNUM_E Set number of processes for convers.

CNV_00001_REG_USER Register users for conversion

CNV_00001_RUN_INFO Runtime evaluation for conversion

CNV_00001_SEL_ANLZ Selection partitioning analysis

CNV_00001_SEL_ANLZ_E Selection partitioning analysis

CNV_00001_USERLOCK Lock/unlock user

CNV_00001_USERUNLOCK Unlock users

CNV_00300_ID Maintain Identifiers

CNV_00300_MAPS Maintain Mapping IDs

CNV_00300_MAPSPC Maintain Template ID - Profile Class

CNV_02300_AA Archive conversion - Analysis

CNV_10020_ANACMON Monitor for analysis comparison

CNV_10020_ANACRES Monitor for analysis comparison res.

CNV_10020_ANACRT Monitor for analysis of crit. values

CNV_10020_ANALYSE Org. analysis

CNV_10020_ANAMON Monitor for analysis status

CNV_10020_ANAOBJ Monitor for analysis of obj. numbers

CNV_10020_ANARES Monitor for analysis of filling

CNV_10020_AOBJNR Maintenance of CNV_10020_AOBJNR

CNV_10020_CALCULATOR Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10020_CARD Maintenance of CNV_10020_CARD

CNV_10020_CFTAB Maintenance of CNV_10020_CFTAB

CNV_10020_COLLECTOR Summary of LOR data for coll. paths

CNV_10020_CONDFV Maintenance of CNV_10020_CONDFV

CNV_10020_COPY Copy of relationship data

CNV_10020_DELETE_LOR Deletion of object tables

CNV_10020_DELREP Deletion of generated org. programs

CNV_10020_DLV_STAT Change of delivery status

CNV_10020_DPPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_DPPATH

CNV_10020_DTFLD Maintenance of CNV_10020_DTFLD

CNV_10020_DTFLD_C Maint. of CNV_10020_DTFLD w. client

CNV_10020_DTMON Monitor for determination

CNV_10020_EMEM Maintenance of CNV_10020_EMEM

CNV_10020_EOBART Maintenance of CNV_10020_EOBART

CNV_10020_EPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_EPATH

CNV_10020_FILL_LOR Fill object tables

CNV_10020_FUA Follow up actions

CNV_10020_GET_PATH Display path SDetObj to TDetObj

CNV_10020_GET_REF Where-used list for objects

CNV_10020_IOBJECTS Entry point: Edit ITR objects

CNV_10020_LCOMP Maintenance of CNV_10020_LCOMP

CNV_10020_LOAD Initial load: org. objects, DTFLD

CNV_10020_LOBART Maintenance of CNV_10020_LOBART

CNV_10020_LOGMON Monitor for log

CNV_10020_LPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_LPATH

CNV_10020_MEMORY Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10020_MEMPMON Monitor for memory requirem. tab/fld

CNV_10020_MEMTMON Monitor for memory requirem. tables

CNV_10020_MESSAGE Maintenance of CNV_10020_MSG

CNV_10020_OBJECTS Entry point: Edit org. object

CNV_10020_PARAM Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAM

CNV_10020_PARAMP Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAMP

CNV_10020_PKGINT Maintenance of CNV_10020_PKGINT

CNV_10020_PLHMON Monitor for history of partial load

CNV_10020_PLSMON Monitor for statistics - part. load

CNV_10020_PLTP Maintenance of CNV_10020_PLTP

CNV_10020_PROXYF Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYF

CNV_10020_PROXYT Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYT

CNV_10020_RANGES Creation of intervals

CNV_10020_RCOMP Maintenance of RCOMP/RCPARM

CNV_10020_RCOMPS Maintenance of CNV_10020_RCOMP

CNV_10020_RCOMPS_C Maint. of CNV_10020_RCOMP w. client

CNV_10020_RCOMP_C Maint. of RCOMP/RCPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RCPARMS Maintenance of CNV_10020_RCPARM

CNV_10020_RCPARMS_C Maint. of CNV_10020_RCPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RDPARMS Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDPARM

CNV_10020_RDPARMS_C Maint. of CNV_10020_RDPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RDTOBJ Maintenance of RDTOBJ/RDPARM

CNV_10020_RDTOBJS Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ

CNV_10020_RDTOBJS_C Maint. of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ w. client

CNV_10020_RDTOBJ_C Maint. of RDTOBJ/RDPARM w. client

CNV_10020_RELV Maintenance of CNV_10020_RELV

CNV_10020_RELV_EXP Export of the relevance table

CNV_10020_RELV_IMP Import of the relevance table

CNV_10020_SCAN Find block limits for partial load

CNV_10020_SCMON Monitor for scan

CNV_10020_SE16 Data Browser

CNV_10020_SHORTCUTS Creation of shortcuts

CNV_10020_SPECFF Maintenance of CNV_10020_SPECFF

CNV_10020_TDTOBJ Maintenance of CNV_10020_TDTOBJ

CNV_10020_TRANSLATE Translation of object names

CNV_10020_TRANSPORT Creation of an org content transport

CNV_10020_TRANS_OBJ Creation of an org object transport

CNV_10020_TRMON Monitor for tracking

CNV_10020_UPD_STATS Refresh of optimizer statistics

CNV_10020_VIEWCLUST Viewcluster maintenance

CNV_10020_VIEWS View maintenance

CNV_10030_ANALYSE Org. analysis

CNV_10030_ANALYSE_E Org. analysis (expert)

CNV_10030_ANALYSE_S Org. analysis (standard)

CNV_10030_ANAMON Monitor for org. analysis

CNV_10030_AOBJNR Maintenance of CNV_10020_AOBJNR

CNV_10030_A_DTFLD Assignmt. of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_A_DTFLD_S Assignmt. of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_A_RCOMP Assignmt. of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_A_RCOMP_S Assignmt. of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_CARD Maintenance of CNV_10020_CARD

CNV_10030_CHCK_DTFLD Check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_CHCK_RCOMP Check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_CWBPARAM Maintenance of CNV_10030_PARAM

CNV_10030_C_DTFLD Check of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_C_DTFLD_S Check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_C_RCOMP Check of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_C_RCOMP_S Check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_DPPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_DPPATH

CNV_10030_DTFLD Maint. of CNV_10020_DTFLD

CNV_10030_DTMON Monitor for loading object tables

CNV_10030_DT_ASSIGN Assignment of determin. to fields

CNV_10030_EMEM Maintenance of CNV_10020_EMEM

CNV_10030_ENRICH Enter fields for the determination

CNV_10030_EPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_EPATH

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR Load object tables

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR_E Load object tables (expert)

CNV_10030_FILL_LOR_S Load object tables (standard)

CNV_10030_GENERORG Prepare for org-spec. generation

CNV_10030_ICHK_DTFLD IMG check of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_ICHK_RCOMP IMG check of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_IDT_ASSIGN IMG assignm. of rules to components

CNV_10030_IIT_ASSIGN IMG assignm. of determin. to fields

CNV_10030_IT_ASSIGN Assignment of rules to components

CNV_10030_LCOMP Maintenance of CNV_10020_LCOMP

CNV_10030_LOAD_OBJ Initial load of org. objects

CNV_10030_LOBART Maintenance of CNV_10020_LOBART

CNV_10030_LPATH Maintenance of CNV_10020_LPATH

CNV_10030_MAIN_DTFLD Maintenance of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_MAIN_RCOMP Maintenance of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_MAIN_RELV Maintenance of relevant org. units

CNV_10030_MEMORY Calculation of memory requirements

CNV_10030_MEMPMON Monitor for memory requirem. tab/fld

CNV_10030_MEMTMON Monitor for memory requirem. tables

CNV_10030_M_DTFLD Maint. of DTFLD entries (expert)

CNV_10030_M_DTFLD_S Maint. of DTFLD entries

CNV_10030_M_RCOMP Maint. of RCOMP entries (expert)

CNV_10030_M_RCOMP_S Maint. of RCOMP entries

CNV_10030_NOTLOAD Exclude paths that are not needed

CNV_10030_PARAM Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAM

CNV_10030_PARAMP Maintenance of CNV_10020_PARAMP

CNV_10030_PLHMON Monitor for history of partial load

CNV_10030_PLSMON Monitor for statistics - part. load

CNV_10030_PLTP Maintenance of CNV_10020_PLTP

CNV_10030_PROXYF Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYF

CNV_10030_PROXYT Maintenance of CNV_10020_PROXYT

CNV_10030_RDTOBJ Maintenance of CNV_10020_RDTOBJ

CNV_10030_RELV Maintenance of CNV_10020_RELV

CNV_10030_SCENARIO Display org. scenario

CNV_10030_SCENPACK Display org. scen. (package-depndnt)

CNV_10030_SCMON Monitor for scan

CNV_10030_SWITCH Maintenance of CNV_10030_SWITCH

CNV_10030_TDTOBJ Maintenance of CNV_10020_TDTOBJ

CNV_10030_TRMON Monitor for tracking

CNV_10030_VIEWCLUST Viewcluster maintenance

CNV_10030_VIEWS View maintenance

CNV_10100_01 Convert sets

CNV_10100_02 Delete sets

CNV_10100_03 Convert sets

CNV_10100_C_ANAL_SET Analyze Set Classes

CNV_10100_C_DEL_DUPL Clarify Duplicate Set Values

CNV_10100_C_DUPREC Determine Set duplicate records

CNV_10100_C_INTERVAL Determine Set Intervals

CNV_10100_C_IV_BRDWN Break Down Set Intervals

CNV_10100_C_OLD_SET Check old set data tables

CNV_10100_C_RELOCATE Relocate Set Hierarchy

CNV_10100_C_SETCHECK Check changed Sets

CNV_10210_CUST NCE Settings

CNV_10210_DOMS NCE Subobject Domains

CNV_10210_INFO NCE: Original & New Numbers

CNV_10210_NCE_ANA Analyse number range objects

CNV_10210_NCE_CHECK NCE: completeness check

CNV_10210_NCE_DET Determine number range objects

CNV_10210_NCE_FINAL Final adaptation of NR settings

CNV_10210_NCE_GEN Generate NCE mappings

CNV_10210_NCE_INIT Initialize NCE for CWB

CNV_10210_NCE_MAINT Local knowledge base: maintenance

CNV_10210_NCE_MAP Manual maintenance of NCE mapping

CNV_10210_NCE_SIMU_A Simulation During System Lock

CNV_10210_NCE_SIMU_B Simulation Before System Lock

CNV_10210_NRIV Manual processing of NRIV

CNV_10210_TNRO NCE Settings

CNV_10310_ANA Maintenance of CNV_INTR_FLD_ANA

CNV_10310_ANALYSE Analyze intransp. fields

CNV_10310_ANALYSE2 Exclude non-relev. intransp. fields

CNV_10310_ANA_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Tables

CNV_10310_ANR_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Rule

CNV_10310_ANT_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Text

CNV_10310_CREATE Create check routines for intr.flds

CNV_10310_DEFINE Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_10310_JOBS_START Start analysis jobs

CNV_10310_MAINTAIN Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_10310_MAINT_ANA Setting of analysis for intr. fields

CNV_10310_SET_JOBS Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10310_STRUC Strukcure maint. for intr. fields

CNV_10310_VIEW Display structure for intr. field

CNV_10400_MAINTAIN Maintain Scharacteristics for Conver

CNV_10400_SELECTION Select/Prepare Characteristics

CNV_10500_NEWGL Start program for new G/L

CNV_10501_CONFIRM Confirm execution of CHECK-reports

CNV_10501_PREPARE Start program for new G/L

CNV_10510_CREATEMAP Create mapping for FI-CA connection

CNV_10520_CHECKI Check for merges in FI-CA logic. key

CNV_10520_CREATEMAP Create mapping for foreign curr

CNV_10520_TRANSFERI Transfer flags to FI-CA

CNV_10940 Transaction for Report Variant

CNV_10940_CCD_RVSA Execute the Analyse steps for scan

CNV_10940_COA_RVSA Execute the Analyse steps for scan

CNV_10940_COA_RVSAC Execute Analyse & Conversion steps

CNV_10940_COA_RVSC Execute the Conversion step for scan

CNV_10940_RVSAC_GEN Generic RVS - Analysis & Conversion

CNV_10940_VIEW Maint. View for Table CNV_10940_str

CNV_10992_DATA_CHECK Check existing text data

CNV_10992_FIND Find unknown text objects

CNV_10992_FIND_UNKNO Find unknown text objects

CNV_10992_FORMS_CHK Check form routines to be used

CNV_10992_JOBS_START Start search jobs

CNV_10992_MAINTAIN Maintenance of text object table

CNV_10992_PARALLEL Process STXH and STXL in parallel?

CNV_10992_SET_JOBS Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10993 Code Scan Transaction

CNV_10993_CCD_CS SHC: Coding Scan for CCD

CNV_10993_COA_CS SHC: Coding Scan for COA

CNV_10993_CS_GEN SHC: Coding Scan for CCD

CNV_10993_DISPLAY transaction to display results

CNV_10993_VIEW Maint. View for Table CNV_10993_STAT

CNV_10994_CDPOS Find unknown objects in CDPOS

CNV_10994_CDPOS_A Analyze CDPOS

CNV_10994_DATA_CHECK Check existing change document data

CNV_10994_FIND Find unknown change document objects

CNV_10994_FIND_UNKNO Find unknown change document objects

CNV_10994_FORMS_CHK Check form routines to be used

CNV_10994_JOBS_START Start search and analysis jobs

CNV_10994_MAINTAIN Convert change documents

CNV_10994_PARALLEL Process table CDPOS in parallel?

CNV_10994_SET_JOBS Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_10996_ADDTAB Add temporary entries

CNV_10996_ADD_CHECK Add. checks for conversion

CNV_10996_ARCHIV Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_10996_CHECKACC Check accessibility

CNV_10996_CHECKFILE Check accessibility in file system

CNV_10996_CHECKFUB Check function modules for a.classes

CNV_10996_CHECK_CONS Check CNV tables for consistency

CNV_10996_CHECK_PACK Doublecheck package settings

CNV_10996_CHECK_REL Check relev. of archiving sessions

CNV_10996_CHECK_RELV Check relev. of archiving sessions

CNV_10996_CLASS Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_10996_DELIM Archive conv.: a'obj. delimitation

CNV_10996_DELTAB Delete temporary entries

CNV_10996_DTFLD Maintenance of CNV_10996_DTFLD

CNV_10996_FIELDS Maintenance of CNV_10996_FIELDS

CNV_10996_FINALIZE Finalize archiv conversion

CNV_10996_GENER Expert: Generate archive conv.progr.

CNV_10996_GENERATE Create archive conversion programs

CNV_10996_GENERI Create archive conversion programs

CNV_10996_JOBS Define jobs for archive conversion

CNV_10996_MAINTAIN Maint. ARCHIVING sessions for conv.

CNV_10996_MAINTAIN2 Check ARCHIVING sessions for conv.

CNV_10996_MOVECOMM Transfer orig. note to new sessions

CNV_10996_MOVEDATE Creation date of new sessions

CNV_10996_ORGPTH Maintenance of CNV_10996_ORGPTH

CNV_10996_PREPARE Prepare conversion

CNV_10996_SCAN Scan archiving sessions for generat.

CNV_10996_START Start conversion of archive sessions

CNV_10996_TABLES Maintain archive obj. for conversion

CNV_11000_UPLOAD Upload mapping table

CNV_12000_UPDATE Update Text Objects after Conversion

CNV_20000_ANALYSE Start the fiscal year analysis

CNV_20000_BELNR Determine value to be added to BELNR

CNV_20000_BELNR_CONS Consistency check for BELNR-BKPF

CNV_20000_BELNR_EXT Create mapping for BELNR-EXT NUMKR

CNV_20000_BELNR_INTR Create mapping for BELNR-In NUMKR

CNV_20000_CETAB Maintain CE* tables in CNVFIELDSCU


CNV_20000_CLOSE Confirm settings

CNV_20000_DECISION NRIV Adjustment decision

CNV_20000_DIS_MAPP Display mapping of BELNR

CNV_20000_GAP_DOC Gap in FI Document Numbering

CNV_20000_LIST_AFT FY Change Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20000_LIST_BEF FY Change Docu BEFORE Conversion



CNV_20000_POST_30 Adapt fiscal year variant

CNV_20000_PRE_30 Preprocessing_30

CNV_20000_PRE_40 Save scenario , package 10000 on/off

CNV_20000_PRE_45 Consider analysis results

CNV_20000_SAVE1 Save important header tables

CNV_20000_SCENARIO Determine scenario for FY Conversion

CNV_20100_ANALYZE Carry out analyses

CNV_20100_BPRIO B segment merge

CNV_20100_BPRIO_CALL Used for calling CNV_20100_BPRIO_M..

CNV_20100_BPRIO_CHK Check B priority entries

CNV_20100_BPRIO_IMPL Check for undefined B segment merge

CNV_20100_BPRIO_INIT B segment merge (Direct without PCL)

CNV_20100_CHECKBUK Check participating company codes

CNV_20100_CHECK_COES Check table COES

CNV_20100_CHECK_GUV Check p&l statement structures

CNV_20100_CHECK_INT Check interval limits

CNV_20100_CHECK_N Check accounts for conversion

CNV_20100_CHECK_PACK Check package settings

CNV_20100_CHK_FLD Analyze new account/cost el. fields

CNV_20100_COES_ADJ Postprocess tables COES and COSP

CNV_20100_COMPLETE Check for completeness of mapping

CNV_20100_CONFIRM Confirm settings

CNV_20100_DATAB Adapt validity periods of cost elmts

CNV_20100_DOWN Download results of accounts check

CNV_20100_DOWNLOAD Download backup tables

CNV_20100_DOWN_BPRIO Download results of accounts check

CNV_20100_DOWN_MASK Download found masked entries

CNV_20100_GETSCEN Determine scenario

CNV_20100_GUV Specify p&l structures for conv.

CNV_20100_GUV_CONV Convert a balance sheet structure

CNV_20100_GUV_RESOLV Break down intervals of p&l structur

CNV_20100_GUV_START Create conv. jobs for bal.sheet str.

CNV_20100_IC_CHECK Check Target Item Category customizi

CNV_20100_IC_MAIN Maintain Target Item Category

CNV_20100_IC_MAP Find Critical Item Category Changes

CNV_20100_IC_NEW Build Item Category Customizing

CNV_20100_INIT Carry out initialization

CNV_20100_KNUMV_EKKO Time-independent conditions from PD

CNV_20100_KNUMV_LIKP Time-independent cond. from SD doc.

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VBAK Time-indep. cond. from sales doc.

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VBRK Time-indep. cond. from billing hdr

CNV_20100_KNUMV_VPKH Conditions from sales price headers

CNV_20100_KNUMV_WBRK Time-indep.cond.from vendor bill.doc

CNV_20100_LANDCOPY Save SKA1 for country-spec. CoA

CNV_20100_LAND_IMPL Implement country-specific CoA

CNV_20100_LIST_AFT CoA Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20100_LIST_BEF CoA Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20100_MAINTAIN Specify Mapping Values (Ch. of Acc.)

CNV_20100_MAP Accounts and CoA for conversion

CNV_20100_MAP_CONS Check Consistency of Mapping

CNV_20100_ME_KTOPL Mapping Template for CoA Conversion

CNV_20100_OVERVIEW Mapping overview

CNV_20100_SETDATA Transfer set data into transp tables

CNV_20100_TABOPT Make scen.related optimization

CNV_20100_TX_KONTEN Mapping Descr. for Chart of Accounts


CNV_20110_PAN Pre-analysis for CoA conversion

CNV_20200_ANALYZE Carry out analyses

CNV_20200_CHECK Check mapping

CNV_20200_CHK_REGU Check open payment runs

CNV_20200_CJTRANS Generate CJTRANS Mapp.

CNV_20200_CONFIRM Confirm mapping for CoCode merge

CNV_20200_CRE_STCEG Create mapping for VAT reg. no.

CNV_20200_FILLRF180 Copy Balance Sheet Adjustment Runs

CNV_20200_FILLTABAS Copy Periodic Posting Run Keys

CNV_20200_KLIMT_ADD Sum up credit limits?

CNV_20200_LIST_AFT CC Merge Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20200_LIST_BEF CC Merge Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20200_MNT_ACCCOD Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_ACCGRP Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_BRANCH Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_CJNR Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_CJTRAN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_HBKID Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_RLDEPO Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_MNT_STCEG Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20200_POSTPROC Postprocess table TABA

CNV_20200_SNAP_CRE Create and Activate Snap Shots

CNV_20200_SNAP_DEL Deactivate and Delete Snap Shots

CNV_20200_SPECPRIO Assign Special Priority

CNV_20200_SPEC_LEDG Special Ledger tables: Convers.logic

CNV_20200_SUBMIT_ANA Call pre-analysis for CoCd merge

CNV_20200_TABOPT Make settings (company code merge)

CNV_20200_TX_ACCCODE Mapping Descr. for Accouting Codes

CNV_20200_TX_ACCGRP Mapping Descr. for Sec. Acc. Groups

CNV_20200_TX_CJNR Mapping Descr. for Cash Journals

CNV_20200_TX_CJTRANS Mapping Descr. for Trans. number

CNV_20200_TX_HBKID Mapping Descr. for House Banks

CNV_20200_TX_RLDEPO Mapping Descr. for Securities Acc.

CNV_20200_WEL1 EDI: Interface Invoice for EDILOGADR

CNV_20201_CONV_CHECK Check the conversion rule

CNV_20201_DOC FI document old - new

CNV_20201_DOC_GEN NoRg objects (general) old - new

CNV_20201_LOAD Load the number range table

CNV_20201_NRIV_A Indicator for shifting, tracking

CNV_20201_NRIV_N Target number ranges

CNV_20201_NROBJ Conversion rules for number ranges

CNV_20201_NROBJ0 Maintain no. range conversion rule

CNV_20201_NROBJ1 Display number range conversion rule

CNV_20201_RELOAD Reload the number range table

CNV_20201_SIMUL_B Simulate number range conversion

CNV_20201_SIMUL_R Simulate number range conversion

CNV_20201_UPDATE_B Update the current number levels

CNV_20201_UPDATE_R Update the current number levels

CNV_20211_MNT_RCOMP Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20211_TX_RCOMP Mapping Descr. for Companies

CNV_20212_MNT_KKBER Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20212_TX_KKBER Mapping Descr. for Cred. Contr. Area

CNV_20302_TKA01 Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20302_TKA01_STR Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20305_ADJUST_CNV Adjust conversion settings (CoAr-dep

CNV_20305_SAVE_TABS Save customizing tables in CNV table

CNV_20306_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20306_LIST_AFT CA Rename Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20306_LIST_BEF CA Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20306_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20306_ME_KOKRS Map. Template for Controlling Areas

CNV_20306_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Controlling Areas

CNV_20306_TKA00 Adapt TKA00

CNV_20306_TX_KOKRS Mapping Descr. for Controlling Areas

CNV_20308_BACKUP Save and Restore

CNV_20308_CMPMON Program Monitor for Comparisons

CNV_20308_COMPARE Comparison of Package Data

CNV_20308_CONDITION Maintenance Conditions for Download

CNV_20308_CWBMON Data Transfer from CWB Monitor

CNV_20308_DLMON Program Monitor for Download

CNV_20308_DOWNLOAD Download of Package Data

CNV_20308_FIELDS Maintain Table Fields for Comparison

CNV_20308_HLPMSG Maintain More Tips for Messages

CNV_20308_INIT Copy Customizing

CNV_20308_MONITOR Display package comparison

CNV_20308_PARAMS Maintain Param. for Package Compar.

CNV_20308_PRGMON Monitor for Programs

CNV_20308_REPORT Display Report for Comparison Run

CNV_20308_REPORTS Maintain Reports for Comparison

CNV_20308_STAFF Assignment of Users to Objects

CNV_20308_VARIANTS Maintain Variants for Pack. Compar.

CNV_20308_VIEWS Call Maintenance Views

CNV_20308_WB Workbench for Package Comparison

CNV_20308_WORKBENCH Workbench for Package Comparison

CNV_20309_CMPMON Program Monitor for Comparisons

CNV_20309_COMPARE_G IMG: Comparison in Phase G

CNV_20309_COMPARE_N IMG: Comparison in Phase N

CNV_20309_DLMON Program Monitor for Downloads

CNV_20309_DOWNLOAD IMG: Download of CWB Package Data

CNV_20309_MONITOR IMG: Display Package Comparison

CNV_20310_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20310_EDIT_DATBI DATBI for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_LIST_AFT Cost Center Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20310_LIST_BEF Cost Center Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20310_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20310_ME_KOSTL Mapping Template for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Cost Centers

CNV_20310_TX_KOSTL Mapping Descr. for Cost Centers

CNV_20317_DATBI_M Maintain validity dependent mergers

CNV_20317_DATBI_TS Maintain validity dependent mergers

CNV_20317_FILL Fill CNV_20317_DATBI

CNV_20320_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20320_EDIT_DATBI DATBI for Activity Types

CNV_20320_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20320_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Activity Types

CNV_20320_TX_LSTAR Mapping Descr. for Activity Types

CNV_20325_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20325_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20325_TX_STAGR Mapping Descr. for Stat. key figure

CNV_20330_ANALYZE analyze CO object numbers

CNV_20330_AO_OBJNR Prepr. program for AO objNo (ONRAO)

CNV_20332_CREATEMAP Create mapping for AO object IDs

CNV_20332_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20332_PARTIF Settings for package 20332

CNV_20333_CREATEMAP Create mapping for VD object IDs

CNV_20333_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20333_PARTIF Settings for package 20333

CNV_20335_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20335_EDIT_DATBI DATBI for Business Processes

CNV_20335_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20335_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Business Processes

CNV_20335_TX_PRZNR Mapping Descr. for Business Proc.

CNV_20340_DUPLICATES Determine duplicate cycles

CNV_20340_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20340_TX_CYCLE Mapping Descr. for Cycles

CNV_20345_ADD_ERKRS Enter fields for operating concerns

CNV_20345_ADJ_CBUKRS Adjust table CEPC_BUKRS

CNV_20345_EDIT_DATBI DATBI for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_LIST_AFT Profit Center Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20345_LIST_BEF Profit Center Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20345_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20345_ME_PRCTR Mapping Template for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Profit Centers

CNV_20345_TX_PRCTR Mapping Descr. for Profit Centers

CNV_20375_EDIT_DATBI DATBI for Cost Elements

CNV_20375_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20375_TX_KSTAR Mapping Descr. for Cost Elements

CNV_20400_EXCLUDE Exclude Tables from Conversion

CNV_20400_LIST_AFT CA Merge Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_20400_LIST_BEF CA Merge Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20400_PERF_OPT 20400: Performance optimizer

CNV_20400_PRIO Set priority indicator

CNV_20400_TKA01 Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20400_TKA01_STR Strd hierarchy - insert top node(s)

CNV_20410_ADJUST_CNV Adjust conversion settings (Op.conc)

CNV_20410_ERKRS_ME Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20410_EXCL_TABFL Exclude non-rel. tab/flds (Op.conc)

CNV_20410_TABFLD_CHK Consistency Check of TabFld-Mapping

CNV_20410_TABFLD_MAP Maintain Mapping for Tables & Fields

CNV_20551_ABGL Create reconciliation routines

CNV_20551_ADJUST Make additional changes

CNV_20551_ADJ_1099X Carry out adjustments re 1099x

CNV_20551_ANALYSE Carry out various analyses

CNV_20551_ANA_COPA CO-PA analysis

CNV_20551_AN_INTFLDS Analyze intransp. fields

CNV_20551_AN_POOLS Analysis of the table pools

CNV_20551_AN_RUL Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_RUL

CNV_20551_AN_RUL_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Rule

CNV_20551_AN_TAB Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_TAB

CNV_20551_AN_TAB_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Tables

CNV_20551_AN_TXT Maint. of table CNV_20551_AN_TXT

CNV_20551_AN_TXT_CL Analysis of intransp. fields: Text

CNV_20551_APLNO_EDIT Applicant numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_APLNO_SHOW Applicant numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_BUKRS Maintain company codes for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_DELE Check deletion criteria

CNV_20551_CHECK_MD Check master data for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_ORG Check org. units for deletion

CNV_20551_CHECK_P Check PersNo/PersArea for deletion

CNV_20551_CHK_RULES Check delet. crit. for indiv. tables

CNV_20551_CHK_RULES2 Check delet. crit. for indiv. tables

CNV_20551_CLEAR_SCOB Delete log tables

CNV_20551_CLIINDEP Exclude cross-client tables

CNV_20551_COMPARE Compare pre-selected obj. for packge

CNV_20551_CONFIRM1 Confirm master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_B Confirm completeness of preparations

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_O Confirm org. units for clean-up

CNV_20551_CONFIRM_P Confirm PersNo/PersArea for deletion


CNV_20551_CO_BEL CO document numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_CO_BEL_D CO document numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_CREATESUGG Create default for deletion crit.

CNV_20551_DATA_CHECK Check intransp. fields

CNV_20551_DATA_CHK_A Check intransp. fields (all)

CNV_20551_DEFINE Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_20551_DELDOC Deletion Criteria document viewer

CNV_20551_DELET1_CPY Take-over from CNV_20551_DELET1

CNV_20551_DELET1_MNT Tables (CHECK_MANDT) for take-over

CNV_20551_DELTAB Edit list of tables to be dropped

CNV_20551_DELTAB_E Edit list of tables to be dropped(E)

CNV_20551_DELTAB_MNT Edit list of tables to be dropped

CNV_20551_DEL_CSKS Deletion CSKS and CSKT

CNV_20551_DEL_PROC Check Deletion Procedure

CNV_20551_DEL_SCOB Not delete master data with conflict

CNV_20551_DEL_T001 Deletion of T001 and TKA01

CNV_20551_DERIV Maintain determination logic

CNV_20551_DISPLAY Display deletion criteria

CNV_20551_DISP_EDIT Display/edit deletion criteria

CNV_20551_DISP_MORE Display filled client-dependent tabs

CNV_20551_DOMS Domain maintenance

CNV_20551_DOMS0 Display domains and check routines

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD Download

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD_O Download Organizational Units

CNV_20551_DOWNLOAD_T Download transactional data(Seq 1-6)

CNV_20551_DROP Delete complete tables from DB

CNV_20551_DROPINS Maintain drop-insert indicator

CNV_20551_D_CHK Maint. of table CNV_20551_D_CHK

CNV_20551_EDIT Edit deletion criteria

CNV_20551_EDIT_E Edit deletion criteria - Expert mode

CNV_20551_EXCL Specify tables to be excluded

CNV_20551_EXCLUDE Exclude tables with empty del. crit.


CNV_20551_EXCL_DROP Set drop tables to NOTUSE=X

CNV_20551_EXCL_TAB Exclude specific tables

CNV_20551_FIND_GEN Create determination routines

CNV_20551_FIND_GEN2 Create check routines

CNV_20551_FIND_MORE Find more filled tables

CNV_20551_FIND_YZ Find more filled tables

CNV_20551_HRNODEL Identify HR tables not cleaned up

CNV_20551_HROBJ HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJID Find HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJ_EDIT Maintain HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HROBJ_SHOW Display HR object IDs for clean-up

CNV_20551_HR_ANALYSE Exclude HR tables

CNV_20551_INTR_FLDS Maintain intransp. fields (defin.)

CNV_20551_INTR_FLDS2 Create check routines for intr.flds

CNV_20551_JOBS_START Start determination jobs

CNV_20551_KNUMH Condition record no. for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMH_D Condition record no. for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMVT Condition numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_KNUMVT_D Condition numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_KOMBI Maintain combined check routines

CNV_20551_LIST_AFT CC Delete Docu for Comparision Check

CNV_20551_LIST_BEF CC Delete Docu for Comparision Check

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN1 Select master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN2 Maintain objects for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINTAIN_O Select org. units for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_ANA Setting of analysis for intr. fields

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ1 Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ2 Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ3 Org. units/master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ4 Display mat. numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ5 Maintain mat. numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ6 Display master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MAINT_OBJ7 Edit master data for clean-up

CNV_20551_MATKL Find material and sales groups

CNV_20551_MATNR Material numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_MATNR_D Material numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_MBLNR Material documents for deletion

CNV_20551_MBLNR_D Material documents for deletion

CNV_20551_MONITOR Monitor for determination jobs

CNV_20551_MONITOR_E CNV_20551_MONITOR in expert mode

CNV_20551_NO_MORE_TX Preprocessing of control tables

CNV_20551_OBJ Maintain object types

CNV_20551_OBJ0 Assignm. domain/DataEl - obj. type

CNV_20551_OBJNR Internal CO obj. no. for deletion

CNV_20551_OBJNR_D Internal CO obj. no. for deletion

CNV_20551_OPT_PCDPOS Optimization for table PCDPOS


CNV_20551_PDSNR_SHOW Sequ. PDC message no. for deletion

CNV_20551_PERC Maintain tables for % calculation

CNV_20551_PERCENTAGE Calculate relev. transact. data (%)

CNV_20551_PERNR Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_PERNR_EDIT Personnel numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERNR_SHOW Personnel numbers for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA0 Personnel areas for deletion

CNV_20551_PERSA_EDIT Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PERSA_SHOW Personnel areas for clean-up

CNV_20551_PNRAPPL_ED Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_PNRAPPL_SH Displ./edit PerNr/AplNo for deletion

CNV_20551_POOL Maintain pool tables and pools

CNV_20551_POOL2 Create check routines for pools

CNV_20551_REORGANISE Reorganize structure data

CNV_20551_RKEOBJ CO-PA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RKEOBJNR COPA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RKEOBJ_D CO-PA object numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_RPUDELPN Delete specific HR tables

CNV_20551_RPUSELPN Find personnel numbers for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB0 Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB0_D Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SCOB1 Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1A Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1A_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1B Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1B_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1C Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1C_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB1_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2 Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2A Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2A_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2B Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2B_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2C Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2C_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB2_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3 Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3A Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3A_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3B Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3B_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3C Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3C_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB3_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4 Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4A Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4A_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4B Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4B_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4C Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4C_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB4_D Objects to be deleted

CNV_20551_SCOB_D Org. units/master data for deletion

CNV_20551_SE11 Monitor for determination jobs

CNV_20551_SEL_MD Determine master data

CNV_20551_SEL_MD1 Determine Master Data (KOKRS delet.)

CNV_20551_SEL_MDX Determine master data

CNV_20551_SEL_ORG Determine relevant org. units

CNV_20551_SET_DESCR Set or delete DESCR indicator

CNV_20551_SET_JOBS Specify number of batch jobs

CNV_20551_SET_LANGU Specify preferred language

CNV_20551_SHOW Display/maintain deletion criteria

CNV_20551_SHOW_E Display/maintain deletion criteria

CNV_20551_START_OBJ1 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ2 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ3 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ4 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ5 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_START_OBJ6 Determine objects for deletion

CNV_20551_STRUC Strukcure maint. for intr. fields

CNV_20551_SYNTAX Syntax check for generated routines

CNV_20551_TEMP Not delete master data w/ conflict

CNV_20551_TSTRUC Maintenance of the non-transp. flds

CNV_20551_VBELN Sales documents for deletion

CNV_20551_VBELN_D Sales documents for deletion

CNV_20551_VIEW Display structure for intr. field

CNV_20600_ADJUST_CNV Adjust conversion settings (CoCd)

CNV_20600_BUKRSN_ME Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_BUKRS_ME Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_CHECK Check mapping

CNV_20600_LIST_AFT CC Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20600_LIST_BEF CC Rename Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20600_ME_BUKRS Mapping Template for Company Codes

CNV_20600_MNT_ACCCOD Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20600_TEXT_MAP Descriptions for Company Codes

CNV_20600_TXT_ACC_CD Descriptions for Accounting Codes

CNV_20600_TX_BUKRS Mapping Descr. for Company Codes

CNV_20600_TX_BUKRSN Mapping Descr. for CoCode no. alloc.

CNV_20600_USR_MAPP Create User Mapping for DM

CNV_20600_USR_RESET Reset users in DM after conversion

CNV_20700_CMFP_ANA CMFP Analysis

CNV_20700_DECIDE Determine scenario for MATNR conv.

CNV_20700_LIST_AFT Material No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20700_LIST_BEF Material No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20700_MAINTAIN Enter Material Number Mapping

CNV_20700_MATNR_MAP Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20700_MDTC Start framework program for MDTX

CNV_20700_ME_MATNR Mapping Template for Material No.

CNV_20700_OMSL_NEW Transaction to call OMSL

CNV_20700_TX_MATNR Mapping Descr. for Material Numbers


CNV_20800_CHK_KUNNR Check mapping table for customers


CNV_20800_KNVK_DELE Delete contact persons KNVK

CNV_20800_LIST_AFT Customer No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20800_LIST_BEF Customer No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20800_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20800_ME_KUNNR Mapping Template for Customer No.

CNV_20800_PARAM Maintenance of CNV_20800_PARAM

CNV_20800_PART_FUNC Adjust Customer Partner Functions

CNV_20800_SETTINGS Special settings for customer conv.

CNV_20800_TABOPT Make scen.-dependent optimizations

CNV_20800_TX_KUNNR Mapping Descr. for Customer Numbers



CNV_20900_CHK_LIFNR Check mapping table for vendors

CNV_20900_KNVK_ADJ Vendor KNVK partner adjust

CNV_20900_KNVK_DELE Delete contact persons KNVK

CNV_20900_LIST_AFT Vendor No. Docu AFTER conversion

CNV_20900_LIST_BEF Vendor No. Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_20900_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_20900_ME_LIFNR Mapping Template for Vendor No.

CNV_20900_PARAM Maintenance of CNV_20900_PARAM

CNV_20900_PART_FUNC Adjust Customer Partner Functions

CNV_20900_SETTINGS Special settings for vendor convers.

CNV_20900_TABOPT Make scen.-dependent optimizations

CNV_20900_TX_LIFNR Mapping Descr. for Vendor Numbers

CNV_21500_ANALYZE HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21500_ANALYZEI HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21500_CUSE HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21500_CUSEI HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21510_ANALYZE HR conversions: analysis

CNV_21510_CUSE HR conversions: customer search

CNV_21510_GENER Generate HR Conversion Programs

CNV_21510_GENERI Generate HR Conversion Programs

CNV_40107_CHECK Check cnvrename

CNV_40107_MAINT Call Maintenance cnvrename

CNV_40300_CHECK Check mapping for asset classes

CNV_40300_KTOGR_AD Update Asset Account Determination

CNV_40300_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_40300_ME_ANLKL Mapping Template for Asset Classes

CNV_40300_TX_ANLKL Mapping Descr. for Asset Class

CNV_40301_CHECK Check mapping for acct. det.

CNV_40301_MAINTAIN Enter Mapping for Conversion Package

CNV_40301_ME_KTOGR Map. Template for Asset Account Det.

CNV_40301_TX_KTOGR Mapping Descr. for Asset Account Det

CNV_40305_ANALYZE Analyze Backup Tables

CNV_40305_ANLN_CHK Check assets with changing a.det.

CNV_40305_ANLN_GET Identify assets with changing a.det.

CNV_40305_BACKUP Fill Backup Tables

CNV_40305_BLART Specify Document Type for Transfer

CNV_40305_LIST_AFT FIAA Docu AFTER Conversion

CNV_40305_LIST_BEF FI-AA Docu BEFORE Conversion

CNV_40305_RAP2000 Check execution of FI-AA posting run

CNV_40305_SIM_GET_PA Display Assest Values Amounts

CNV_40305_VAL_GET Get asset values for reposting

CNV_40305_VAL_GET_N Determine Assest Values to be Posted

CNV_40305_VAL_TRAN Repost asset values

CNV_ACT CNV: Display active package

CNV_ADT Transformation Summary

CNV_ADT_CUST Transformation Summary: Customizing

CNV_AKTP Activate Conversion Package

CNV_BACKUP_TAB CNV: Maint. of tables for backup



CNV_BACK_GENER Generate program for table backup

CNV_BACK_GENERI Generate conversion programs

CNV_BACK_START Start jobs for table backup

CNV_CDOP Custom Develop. Optimization Package

CNV_CDOP_TRFILEDWNLD CDOP:Download Trace file to Frontend

CNV_CHECK Check Conversion Package

CNV_CHECK_FIN_MAPP Check final mapping

CNV_CHECK_INDEX Check indexes

CNV_CHECK_LAST Check Package before Generation

CNV_CHECK_MAPMONITOR Monitor: Check Mapping


CNV_CHECK_MAP_EXIST Check whether mapping content exist

CNV_CHECK_MAP_MON Monitor: Check Mapping

CNV_CHECK_PROFILES Maintain check profiles

CNV_CHECK_SET Check Conversion Package

CNV_CHECK_TMPDUPL Check for temp. dupl. in mapping


CNV_CLUST Create cluster

CNV_CLUSTER Create CNVCLU data temp. storage

CNV_CLUST_NEW Create cluster

CNV_CLUST_NONDIA Create cluster - no user intraction

CNV_CMIS_BACKUP Backup Functionality

CNV_CMIS_HTML_DOWNLO Download file from appln server

CNV_CMIS_TAB_COUNT Display tables counter



CNV_CONF Transaction for conflict handling

CNV_CONTROL CNV: technical settings

CNV_COPY Copy Conversion Package

CNV_CRE_BACKUP_CLUST Create tablespace for backup cluster

CNV_CUPF CNV: Field Control, Custom.

CNV_CUS1 Find user-defined tables

CNV_CUSA Save user-defined tables

CNV_CUSAH CNV: Maintenance of IMG attributes

CNV_CUSU Find user-defined tables

CNV_CUTA CNV: Maintain user-def. table INFO

CNV_DELETE Delete a Conversion Package

CNV_DEL_MON Process monitor for deletion pack.

CNV_DEL_MONITOR Monitor for deletion packages

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK Consistency check for flight data

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_A Consistency check before conversion

CNV_DEMO_CONS_CHK_B Consistency check after conversion

CNV_DOMS CNV: Domain Maintenance

CNV_DOMSC CNV: Domain maintenance conflicts

CNV_DOWNLOAD Download table entries

CNV_DOWNUP_GUI Table set creation GUI

CNV_DOWNUP_TABLESETS Maintain download / upload table set

CNV_DOWN_PACK Download Table Entries


CNV_DOWN_UP_TAB Maintenance of table CNV_DOWN_UP_TAB

CNV_EMPCHKEXCL CNV: Tables without filling check

CNV_EMPTY_CHECK Check Conversion Package

CNV_ENCRYPT CNV: Package Overview

CNV_FIELDS CNV: Field-rel. control

CNV_FIELDSC CNV: Field-rel. control

CNV_FY_ANA Execute fiscal year analysis

CNV_GENER Generate the Conversion Programs

CNV_GENERI Generate conversion programs

CNV_GL_GENER Generate Special Ledger programs

CNV_GL_JOBS Schedule Special LEDGER jobs

CNV_GL_START Special Ledger analysis

CNV_IMG Start IMG Conversion

CNV_IMGORD Exception table IMG sequence

CNV_IMGORD_NEW Exception table IMG sequence

CNV_IMG_ATTR CNV: Maintenance of IMG attributes

CNV_IMG_BACKUP Add IMG activities


CNV_IMG_DOC Maintain text documents for IMG act.

CNV_IMG_MAIN IMG maintenance

CNV_IMG_TEST Testing the IMG for a package



CNV_INDX_CHECK Check conv. settings for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_CHECKI Check conv. settings for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_GENER Generate Conv. Prog. for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_GENERI Generate Conv. Prog. for INDX tables

CNV_INDX_KNOWLEDGE INDX knowledge maintenance

CNV_INDX_MACROS HR conversion: Macro maintenance

CNV_INDX_OVERVIEW Overview of INDX package customizing

CNV_INDX_PREPARE Init. conversion of INDX-like tables

CNV_INDX_PREPAREI Init. conversion of INDX-like tables

CNV_INDX_SCAN Find conv.-relev. INDX components

CNV_INDX_SCANI Find conv.-relev. INDX components

CNV_INDX_TABLES HR: Maintain tables, fields, steps


CNV_JOB Schedule conversion jobs


CNV_JOBS Conversion Job Scheduling


CNV_LKEY License Key


CNV_LM_GEN_ANALYSIS Analysis of DMIS Generation Errors

CNV_LOAD Loading Conversion Package from 000

CNV_LTHCM_CFG_DOWNLD Download Settings

CNV_LTHCM_TAB_SEARCH Search for Tables

CNV_MACO Rebuilding matchcodes

CNV_MAPPING_HIST CNV: Display mapping history

CNV_MATA Maintaining mapping tables

CNV_MATA_COA View/Viewclusterdisplay w/o StatMan

CNV_MAXPROCSET Set max. number of processes

CNV_MBT_ALL_ND Call Overview with all scenarios

CNV_MBT_CLUSTTABS Cluster tables for de-clustered syst

CNV_MBT_CMIS Migration Server Overview - CMIS

CNV_MBT_CMIS_MY Migration Server Overview - CMIS

CNV_MBT_CMIS_ND Call Overview with scenario CMIS

CNV_MBT_COPY Copy package

CNV_MBT_CR Checking Rule maintenance

CNV_MBT_CUS_SAVE Save customer objects

CNV_MBT_CUS_SEARCH Customer Search Expert Modus

CNV_MBT_CWB_DUMMY Dummy Transaction

CNV_MBT_DEXDEFAULTS Tech.Settings for DMIS Data Extracts

CNV_MBT_DOCU Maintain activity documentation

CNV_MBT_DOCU_PROCT Maintain Process Type documentation

CNV_MBT_DOCU_SHOW Program start in background

CNV_MBT_FREERECEIVER Unlock field receiver in rfc mngmnt

CNV_MBT_GP Global parameter maintenance

CNV_MBT_KP_OVW Overview/Reload load routines of KP

CNV_MBT_KP_OVW_E Overview/Reload load routines of KP

CNV_MBT_LOAD Load/blend package

CNV_MBT_MENU MBT package development menu

CNV_MBT_ME_DOWN_DEMO Download Demo Excel for a Mapping

CNV_MBT_ME_DYN_MAINT DMIS Mapping Maintenance

CNV_MBT_NGLM NewGL Migration - Overview

CNV_MBT_NGLM_MY NewGL Migration - Overview

CNV_MBT_NGLM_ND Calling NGLM Overview

CNV_MBT_NOTE_SEARCH To Search oss notes

CNV_MBT_NO_REORG Exclude package from reorg and back

CNV_MBT_OVW Migration Server Overview

CNV_MBT_PCT Migration process tree

CNV_MBT_PEP_REPAIR Force recalculation of PEM Plan

CNV_MBT_PIFD_IF DMIS PIFD Interface Definition


CNV_MBT_PLK Settings for Product lock

CNV_MBT_REP_PWD Change pwds in locked rfc destinatio

CNV_MBT_RFCDESTCLCNT Delete User Info for RFC Connections

CNV_MBT_RFCDESTCLLOC Delete User Info for RFC Connections

CNV_MBT_RFCM MBT RFC destination management

CNV_MBT_RULES Rule Maintenance Platform

CNV_MBT_SHELL_EXCTB Shell Creation Excluded Tables

CNV_MBT_SHELL_SIZE Shell Creation Size Methods

CNV_MBT_SHELL_TEMPL Shell Creation Table size Templates

CNV_MBT_SLOP SAP LT Project Overview

CNV_MBT_SWITCH Transaction for switch framework

CNV_MBT_TDMS Migration Server Overview - TDMS


CNV_MBT_TDMS_MY Migration Server Overview - TDMS

CNV_MBT_TDMS_ND Call Overview with scenario TDMS

CNV_MBT_URL_TDMS Call TDMS information URL

CNV_MBT_UT Unittest Runner

CNV_MBT_VIEWS_R3E Adapt Maint.Views for R/3 Enterprise

CNV_MCR Rebuilding matchcodes

CNV_MC_CHECK Conversion: Checking for matchcodes

CNV_MC_CHECK1 Conversion: Checking for matchcodes


CNV_MESSAGE CNV: Number of log messages

CNV_MIG46 Migrate CWB menu to user menu

CNV_MONITOR Conv. Services Procedure Monitor


CNV_MWB CWB / MWB coupling

CNV_NCE_KB Knowledge Base maintenance

CNV_NCE_XLS_TMPL Create Excel template

CNV_NOTE_00001 Display Note 500290

CNV_NOTE_329116 Display Note 329116

CNV_NOTE_534036 System settings Note 534036

CNV_NOTE_638258 Note 638258

CNV_NOTE_SHOW Display notes

CNV_NOTE_SHOW_NEW Display notes

CNV_OBZU CNV: Object Assignment Maintenance

CNV_OBZUL Determine General LEDGER Data

CNV_OPT Optimization transaction

CNV_OPTSET Switch on optimized job starter

CNV_ORDER Maintenance for CNVORDER

CNV_PACK CNV: Package Overview

CNV_PACKDP CNV: Overview of Dependent Packages

CNV_PACKOVW Package Overview

CNV_PAKSPEZTAB Handling of package-specific tables



CNV_PERFDB Transaction for database performance


CNV_PROG_START Program start in background

CNV_PROT Display log


CNV_REC_GENER Generate prog. for reloading data

CNV_RENAME CNV: Maintain Renamed Entries


CNV_RESET Reset all table buffers

CNV_RESTORE Recover backup tables

CNV_RUNTIME Runtime evaluation for conversion

CNV_SAVE_BACKUP_CLUS Save tables in backup cluster

CNV_SETYELLOW Set red traffic lights to yellow


CNV_SHOWTRANSPORTS Transports imported into system

CNV_SIM_LOAD Simulate package loading

CNV_SOBJ CNV: Maintenance of subobjects

CNV_START Start conversion

CNV_START_BATCH Start Conversion in Background Job

CNV_STAT CNV: Display the Status Table

CNV_STATE_ORDER Maintain relationship of programs

CNV_STEPS CNV: Table-Related Control

CNV_STEPSC CNV: Table-Related Control

CNV_SUBSTEPS Table related control Cluster

CNV_SUBSTEPSC Table related control Cluster


CNV_SYST Optimize number of processes

CNV_TABLEFIELDMAP Table field mapping

CNV_TABLEFIELDMAP_ST Field mapping with status support

CNV_TABLES CNV: Maintenance of Table INFO

CNV_TABLESC CNV: Maintenance of Table INFO

CNV_TABLO CNV: enter package-dependent tables

CNV_TAB_DOWN Download Table Entries

CNV_TAB_ORDER Maintain sequence between tables

CNV_TDMS_CLS_SCRAM TDMS HCM Classical scrambling


CNV_TIMEREC CNV: Runtime logging

CNV_TRANS Transporting Table Contents


CNV_TS_ACT Troubleshooting activities

CNV_TS_DEF Troubleshooting definition

CNV_TS_GENER_N TS for generating programs

CNV_TS_GENER_T TS for generating programs

CNV_TS_IMG Troubleshooting activities

CNV_UPLOAD Download table entries


CO01 Create production order

CO02 Change Production Order

CO03 Display Production Order

CO03S Display simulation order

CO04N Print Production Orders

CO05N Release Production Orders

CO06 Backorder Processing

CO09 Availability Overview

CO0DS Delete Simulation Order

CO0R5 Release Production/Process Orders

CO11 Enter Time Ticket

CO11N Single Screen Entry of Confirmations

CO12 Collective Entry of Confirmations

CO13 Cancel confirmation of prod. order

CO14 Display confirmation of prod. order

CO15 Enter Production order Confirmation

CO16 Conf.: Postprocessing error records

CO16N Postprocessing Confirmation

CO17 Enter confirmation with reference

CO19 Enter Time Event

CO1F Create confirmation of prod. order

CO1L Confirmation: List of requests

CO1P Predefined confirmation processes

CO1V Confirmation: Fast entry of time tkt

CO20 Orders acc. to Order Numbers

CO21 Orders for Material

CO22 Orders for MRP Controller

CO23 Orders for Production Supervisor

CO24 MissingPartsInfoSyst

CO26 Order information system

CO27 Picking list

CO28 Choose indiv. object lists

CO30 Standard trigger points

CO31 Create standard trigger point

CO32 Change standard trigger point

CO33 Display standard trigger point

CO42 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro.

CO43 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro.

CO44 Mass processing of orders

CO46 Order progress report

CO47 Change comparison

CO48 Conv.plan.ord.to prod.ord.part.redct

CO51 Send Process Messages

CO53 Control Recipe Monitor

CO53XT Monitor Control Instructions/Recipes

CO53_BJS Send Control Instructions/Recipes

CO54 Message Monitor

CO54XT Monitor for Process Messages

CO54_BJS_PD Send Process Messages (Plant-Dep.)

CO54_BJS_PI Send Process Messages (Plant-Indep.)

CO55 Worklist for Maintaining PI Sheets

CO56 Display PI Sheet

CO60 Find PI Sheet

CO60D PI Sheet: Display

CO60E PI Sheet: Change

CO60XT Find Work Instructions

CO60_VM ALV Variant Maint. PI Sheet Worklist

CO63 Evaluate Deletion Logs

CO64 Worklist for Completing PI Sheets

CO67 Worklist for Checking PI Sheets

CO69 Create Message Automatically

CO78 Archiving orders

CO80 Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECK

CO81 Number assignment: routing to order

CO82 Number Ranges for Orders

CO83 Number range maintenance: RESB

CO84 No. Range for ReqmtsTrackgNo. (KBED)

CO86 Field Selection for PP Confirmations

CO88 Actual Settlement: Prod./Process Ord

CO88H Actual Settlement: Prod./Process Ord

CO8A Presett. Co-Products, Postprocessing

CO8B Presett. Co-Products, Postprocessing

CO99 Set Status "Closed"

COA1 PP: Archiving orders - preparation

COA2 PP: Archiving orders

COA3 PP: Archiving orders - retrieval

COA4 PP: Archiving order - administration

COA5 Proc.Order: Archiving Prep. Program

COA6 Process Order: Archiving

COA8 Process Order: Archive Management

COA9 PP: Archiving delete orders

COAA Simulate Order Record

COAD Process Order: Delete Archiving

COAL Read Order Record from Archive



COATR COAT: Repository


COAT_CUST COAT: Customizing of Attributes

COAT_CUST_SAP COAT: Customizing of SAP Attributes

COAT_FILL Fill Attributes from Excel

COAT_MASS COAT Mass Processing


COA_TEST Cost_object_analyzer

COB1 Create batch search strategy - prod.

COB2 Change batch search strategy - prod.

COB3 Display batch search strategy- prod.


COCB Process Management

COCM OCM - Initiating object

COCM1 OCM - Procurement

COCM2 OCM - Picking

COCPCPR Cockpit for Controlling Integration

COCPCPRE Cockpit for Controlling Integration

COCR_NUM Early Number Assignment for XStep

COCR_PROF Assign Standard XStep Profile

COCS Batch Record: Signature Strategy

COCT Tab.transfer Tab.contents Confirm

COCU1 Batch Record: Document Profile

COCU2 Batch Record: L-Profile, Dev.Anal.

COCU3 Batch Record: Signature Strategy

COCU4 Batch Record: Cover Page

COCUSDIS Display Customizing Settings

CODC Change Documents for Network

CODD_CODE_LIST_MAP Code List Mapping Data Extract


COEBR Batch Record

COF1 Filter prof. - maintain prod. order

COF4 Maintain filter profs.for proc.order

COFC Postprocessing Errors Actual Costs

COFI Create Command Files

COGI Postprocess Faulty Goods Movements

COHV Mass Processing Production Orders

COHVOMPRINT Print Production Orders

COHVOMRELEASE Release Production Orders

COHVPI Mass Processing: Process Orders

COIB As-Built for Serialized Material

COID Select Object Detail Lists in PP-PI

COIF Production Notes

COIK Picking list

COINTCOCP Cockpit for Controlling Integration

COINT_TP Controlling Integration: Reposting

COINT_TP_CUST CO Integration: Link to Customizing

COINT_TP_MAINT CO Integration: Reposting Maint.

COINT_TP_MAINT_S CO Integration: Reposting Maint.

COINT_TP_S CO Integr.: Reposting - Indiv. Procg

COIO Order Info System for PP-PI

COIS Order info system: customizing

COISC Editable Fields Mass Processing

COISF Field Settings in Info System

COISL List Types in Information System

COISN Order info system: customizing

COLI_WP Co-Liability Workplace

COMAC Collective Availability Check


COMCPRAUTHGROUP Authorization Groups

COMCPRD_BSP_ID Number Range Maintenance: PRD_BSP_ID

COMCPRFORMAT Format of the Product ID

COMCPRLOGSYS Prod.ID: Storage Type in Log. System

COMCPRMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages

COMCPRTYPENRO Number Assignment Control

COMCSERVICEID Number Range Maintenance Materials

COMC_CATEGORY_SCHEME Define Category Numbering Schemata

COMC_DIFF_BSP Number Range Maintenance: PRDDIFFBSP

COMC_LOGSYS_MAP Assignment of Logical Systems

COMC_MATERIALID_ALL Number Range Maintenance Materials

COMC_PRAPPLCAT Assign Hierarchies to Applications

COMC_PRODUCT_IDX Activate Index Table for Products

COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM Define Object Families

COMC_PR_OBJ_FAM1 Define Object Families


COMC_SERVICEID_ALL Number Range Maintenance Service

COMC_TRADEITEMID_ALL No. Range Maintenance Trade Item

COMES_CAPA_ALLOC Assignment Individual Cap. - Equipm.

COMLI Post WIP Closing for Activities

COMLWIPARCH Archive WIP Quantities Document

COMLWIPDISP Trans. For Prog. Display_WIP_OBJ_M

COMLWIPDOC Display WIP Quantities Document

COMMAND_NR Number Range Maintenance: COMMAND_NR

COMMPR01 Product Workbench

COMMPR02 Collective Proc.of Inactive Products

COMMPR03 Maintain Views

COMMPR05 Maintain Numbering Scheme

COMMPR06 Collective Proc.of Inactive Products

COMMPR_PCUI Set Types Generation in PC-UI PRD

COMM_ATTRIBUTE Maintain Set Types and Attributes

COMM_ATTRSET Maintain Set Types and Attributes

COMM_CAT_TEXT_UPG40 Convert Category Short Texts (4.0)

COMM_CAT_TRANS Transport Category

COMM_DEL_PRWB_USER Reset User Settings

COMM_EXTRSET Extraction Individual Objects

COMM_HIERARCHY Maintain Categories and Hierarchies

COMM_HIER_CAT_GUID GUIDs for Hierarchy/Category

COMM_IOBJ_RECATEG Recategorize Indivdual Objects

COMM_LH_KEY_GEN Key Types - Generic Link Handler

COMM_MSG01 Customer Settings for Messages

COMM_PRAPPLCAT Assign Hierarchies to Applications

COMM_PRDARC Display Products from Archive

COMM_PROD_RECATEG Recategorize Products

COMM_SETTYPE Maintain Set Types and Attributes

COMP Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst.

COMPDAT BRE: Determine Planned Billing Date

COMPXPD Progress Tracking for Components

COM_BUPA_CALL_FU Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP


COM_CAT_UPG30 Check Duplicate Categ., Hierarchies

COM_CFG_SUPPORT entry point for support tools

COM_CLEAR_NUM Number Range Maintenance: COM_CLEAR

COM_MDF Master Data Framework

COM_PR_MDCHECK Consistency Check Product Master

COM_SE_NRO_CP Number Range Maintenance: COM_SE_CP

COM_SE_NRO_CP2 Number range maintenance: COM_SE_CP2

CON1 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro.

CON2 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro.

CONC No.Range for CtrlRecipes: COCB_CRID

COND_POWL_CUS1 Condition: POWL Variant (Header)

COND_POWL_CUS2 Condition: POWL Variant (Item)

COND_POWL_START Condition Information: Start POWL

COND_POWL_TEST Condition Info.: Test Object Types

COND_TABLE_CRM_FG Condition Tables for Free Goods

COND_TABLE_CRM_PD Condition Tables for Product Determ.

COND_TYPE_CRM_FG Condition Types for Free Goods

COND_TYPE_CRM_PD Condition Types for Product Determ.

CONM No.Range for Proc.Messages:COCB_MSID

CONV01 Converter: Display application log

CONV02 Convert document

CONV03 Convert a BOM assembly

CONV04 Convert Document Structure

CONV12 Conversion: Location Dependency

CONV20 Reset Converter(s) Status(es)

CON_FAIC01 Act. of Texts After Language Import

CON_FAIC02 Maintain Price Types

CON_FAIC03 Activation of Dynamic Price Release

CON_FAIC04 Settings for Dynamic Price Release

CON_FAIC05 Assign Price Type and Price Variant

CON_FAIC06 Additional Business Transaction Catg

CON_FAIC07 Assignment of Derivations CO-PA

CON_FAIP04_ABGRIR Transaction-Rel. GR/IR Activation

COOIS Production Order Information System

COOISPI Process Order Information System

COOPC OPC Test Environment

COOPC1 Define Settings for SAP ODA

COOPCI Define OPC Items

COOPCS Define OPC Servers

COP1 Plan HUs - General

COP11 Plan HUs Without Sales Order

COP12 Plan HUs for Sales Order

COP13 Plan HUs for Delivery

COP14 Plan HUs for Purchase Order

COP2 Pack HUs - General

COP21 Pack HUs - Without Sales Order

COP22 Pack HUs for Sales Order

COP23 Pack HUs for Delivery

COP24 Pack HUs for Purchase Order

COPAWA Pack components for order

COPC_AGENT_ASSIGN Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment

COPC_CASH_CON Cash concentration for core BAM

COPC_CASH_CON_SET Cash concentr. settings for core BAM

COPC_POOL_CREATE Pool creation for core BAM

COPC_POOL_DISP Pool edit for core BAM

COPC_POOL_EDIT Pool edit for core BAM

COPC_RFPRQSHW COPC: Payment Request Page Overview

COPC_WFT_COPY Transaction Release: Adjust Workflow

COPC_XAGNR Maintain Number Ranges(Cash Account)

COPD Print Process Order

COPOC Process Manufacturing Cockpit

COPOCC Coll. Conversion of Planned Orders

COPP1 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Plan

COPP2 PackDemandMgt for ProdOrd. : Pack

COR1 Create Process Order

COR3 Display Process Order

COR4 Customizing Process Order RecTypePar

COR6 Single Process Order Confirmation

COR6N Single Screen Entry of Confirmations

COR7_PC Part.Conv.: Plnned Ord. to Proc.Ord.

COR9 Material Types for Master Recipe

CORC Search Proc. for Batch Determ. PP-PI

CORD Batch Record: Type of DMS Used

CORK Process Order Confirmations (Total)

CORM Mass Processing

CORN Order Types Process Order

CORP Control Parameters for Proc. Orders

CORR Collective Entry of Confirmations

CORRHIST Display Correspondence History

CORR_MAINTAIN Maintain correlations for all instr.

CORS Cancel Process Order Confirmation

CORT Display Process Order Confirmation

CORU Maintain prod. scheduler group

CORW Prod. Scheduling Profiles/Batches

CORX Cust.:Scheduling Type Process Orders

CORY Cust.:Production Scheduling Profiles

CORZ Process Order: Time Event Confirmat.

COS1 Sort profiles - maintain prod. order

COS4 Sort profiles - maintain proc. order

COSS Transport of C Tables

COTB Transport table contents SFC

COTF Comm. File Missing Parts Info System

COW1 Production Order Workplace

COWBHUWA GI HU for Production Order

COWBHUWE GR HU for Production Order

COWBPACK Packing in production orders

COWF1 Task Customizing (Production Order)

COX1 Create Order (Internally)


CO_ITEM_WR Archive CO Line Items

CO_MES_BOM Distribution of Material BOMs

CO_MES_OD Maintenance of ME-Rel. Dependencies

CP01 Create Business Process

CP02 Change Business Process

CP03 Display Business Process

CP04 Delete Business Process

CP05 Process: Display Changes

CP06 CO-ABC Planning: Activity Inputs

CP07 CO-ABC Planning: Display Act. Inputs

CP12 Edit Business Processes

CP13 Business Processes: Master Data Rep.

CP14 Delete Business Processes

CP20 Business Alloc Structure Display

CP26 CO-ABC Planning: Quantities & Prices

CP27 CO-ABC Planning: Display Qty/Price

CP30 Business Process: Change Management

CP46 CO-ABC Planning: Stat. Key Figures

CP47 CO-ABC Planning: Display Stat. KF

CP65 Create ABC Planning Layout (ActInpt)

CP66 Change ABC Planning Layout (AcInput)

CP67 Display ABC Planning Layout (AcInpt)

CP75 Planning Layout: Create Qtys/Prices

CP76 Planning Layout: Change Qtys/Prices

CP77 Planning Layout: Display Qtys/Prices

CP85 Create ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)

CP86 Change ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)

CP87 Display ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)

CP97 Copy Planning for Business Processes

CP97_OLD Business Processes: Copy Plan

CP98 Copy Planning for Business Processes

CP98_OLD Business Process: Copy Act. to Plan

CPAE Actl. Template Alloc: Prof. Analysis

CPAR Archiving Business Processes

CPAS Act. Template Alloc.: Bus. Processes

CPB1 Business Processes: Act. Line Items

CPB9 Planning Report for Bus. Processes

CPBA Run Selected Reports

CPBB Select Reports

CPBL Bus. Processes: Planning Overview

CPBP Business Processes: Plan Line Items

CPBT Bus. Process.: Activity Price Report

CPBTV Price Comparison: Business Processes

CPC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPC6 Overview actual ind. activity alloc.

CPC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview

CPC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan

CPC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan

CPCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

CPCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.

CPCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview

CPCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview

CPCN Nummernkreispflege: PCAMPAIGN

CPE_FA_MAINT_GROUP Cond. Maintenance Groups for CPE FA

CPFX Predistrib. of Fixed Costs:Processes

CPF_A_BRFAPP CPF Customizing BRFplus Application

CPF_A_CAT CPF Customizing Parameter Catalog

CPF_A_DS_ROUT CPF Customizing Data Source Routine

CPF_A_FORM CPF Customizing Formula

CPF_A_ROUT CPF Customizing Routine

CPF_A_TASK CPF Customizing Usage Task

CPF_STRUC CPF Customizing Customer Structure



CPH1 Create Business Process Group

CPH2 Change Business Process Group

CPH3 Display Business Process Group

CPH4 Change Standard Hierarchy (BusProc)

CPH4N Change Standard Hierarchy

CPH5 Display bus. process std. hierarchy

CPH5N Display Std Hierarchy/Business Proc.

CPI1 Enter Statistical Key Figures

CPII Price calc. in actl: process

CPK1 Create Task Cost Data

CPK2 Change Task Cost Data

CPK3 Display Task Cost Data

CPMA Target=Actual-IAA: process

CPMB ABC: Plan Reconciliation

CPMN Activity-Based Costing Menu

CPP1 Create Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP1N Create Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP2 Change Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP2N Change Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP3 Display Actual Assess.for Processes

CPP3N Display Actual Assess.for Processes

CPP4 Delete Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP4N Delete Actual Assess. for Processes

CPP5 Execute Actual Assess.for Processes

CPP6 Actual Assess. Processes: Overview

CPP6N Actual Assess. Processes: Overview

CPP7 Create Plan Assess. for Processes

CPP7N Create Plan Assess. for Processes

CPP8 Change Plan Assess. for Processes

CPP8N Change Plan Assess. for Processes

CPP9 Display Plan Assess. for Processes

CPP9N Display Plan Assess. for Processes

CPPA Delete Plan Assessment for Processes

CPPAN Delete Plan Assessment for Processes

CPPB Execute Plan Assess. for Processes

CPPC Plan Assess. for Processes: Overview

CPPCN Plan Assess. for Processes: Overview

CPPE Plan Templ. Alloc.: Results Analysis

CPPI Iter. plan act. price calc. (CO-ABC)

CPPS Plan Template Allocation: Processes

CPS1 Variance Calculation: Processes

CPS2 Actual Cost Splitting: Processes

CPSP Split Plan Costs

CPT1 Create Template

CPT2 Change Template

CPT3 Display Template

CPT4 Delete Template

CPT6 Formula Plan for Bus. Processes

CPTA Actual Template Allocation: Order

CPTB Actual Template Allocation: Orders

CPTD Actual Template Alloc.: Prod. Orders

CPTE Actual Template Alloc.: Run Sched.

CPTG Actual Templ. Allocation: Cost Obj.

CPTH Actual Templ. Allocation: Cost Obj.

CPTJ Actl Template Alloc.: Cust. Orders

CPTK Actual Template Allocation: Project

CPTL Actual Template Allocation: Projects

CPUA Plan Template Allocation: Order

CPUB Plan Template Allocation: Orders

CPUK Plan Template Allocation: Project

CPUL Plan Template Allocation: Projects

CPV1 Create Actual Process Distribution

CPV1N Create Actual Process Distribution

CPV2 Change Actual Distribution Process

CPV2N Change Actual Distribution Process

CPV3 Display Actual Process Distribution

CPV3N Display Actual Process Distribution

CPV4 Delete Actual Process Distribution

CPV4N Delete Actual Process Distribution

CPV5 Execute Actual Process Distribution

CPV6 Actual Process Distribution Overview

CPV6N Actual Process Distribution Overview

CPV7 Create Plan Process Distribution

CPV7N Create Plan Process Distribution

CPV8 Change Plan Process Distribution

CPV8N Change Plan Process Distribution

CPV9 Display Plan Process Distribution

CPV9N Display Plan Process Distribution

CPVA Delete Plan Process Distribution

CPVAN Delete Plan Process Distribution

CPVB Execute Plan Process Distribution

CPVC Plan Process Distribution Overview

CPVCN Plan Process Distribution Overview

CPZI Actual overhead calc.: process

CPZP Plan Overhead: Business Processes

CQ85 Maint. Print Control for Insp. Ords

CR00 Resource Planning Menu

CR01 Create Work Center

CR02 Change Work Center

CR03 Display Work Center

CR04 Test Work Center Formulas

CR05 Work Center List

CR06 Work Center Assignment to Cost Ctr

CR07 Work Center Capacities

CR08 Work Center Hierarchy

CR09 Task list reference text

CR0C Work centers current settings

CR10 Work center change documents

CR13 Display Capacity

CR15 Capacity where-used

CR23 Display Hierarchy

CR24 Create Resource Network

CR26 Display Resource Network

CR33 Display Hierarchy

CR40 Work center usage in deleted object

CR41 Archiving work centers

CR60 Work center information system

CRA1 PP: Archiving work centers

CRA2 PP: Archiving delete work centers

CRA3 PP: Archiving work cntr maintenance

CRAA Display Work Center

CRAF Archive Data File

CRAM Archive Card Master Records


CRC1 Create Resource

CRC2 Change Resource

CRC3 Display Resource

CRC4 Change Default Resource

CRCC Current Settings - Resources

CRCHECK Check Certificate Statuses

CRCOMP Assign Certificates to Company Codes

CRCONFIG Certificate Revocation Configuration

CRDCS1 Credentialing Correspondence Print

CRDEFINE Define Certificate Types

CRDETAIL Create Certificates

CRDIMG Credentialing Implementation Guide

CRDSNROASID Number Range Maintenance: CRD_AS_ID



CRD_APPL_03 Call VCRD_CassgT





CRD_APPL_08 Configure Requirement Types

CRD_APPL_09 Simple Requirements

CRD_APPL_10 Define Requirements

CRD_APPL_11 Configure Combined Requirements


CRD_APPL_SET Set Credentialing Application

CRD_DET_AF Referencing Descriptions

CRD_DET_AFAL Referencing Descriptions All Vers.

CRD_DET_CRD Credential Descriptions

CRD_DET_CRDAL Credential Descriptions All Versions

CRD_RQMNT_DETAIL Credentialing (Internal Usage)

CRD_SEND_AS Send Credential and Appointment Info

CRD_TEST Credentialing: Test

CREATE_EPM_IBC Create IBC's for the EPM Scenario

CRF1 Credit Cards: Read Original Data

CRF2 Credit Cards: Delete Standard File

CRF3 Credit Cards: Edit Standard File

CRF4 Credit Cards: Edit Log

CRIT Call the Criteria Manager

CRK1 Create Card Document

CRK2 Change Card Document

CRK3 Display Card Document

CRMBS02 Define Status Profiles

CRMBS03 Display Status Profiles

CRMBS42 Maintain Status Selection Profiles

CRMBS43 Display Status Selection Profile

CRMBS52 Maintain Authorization Keys

CRMBS53 Display Authoriztaion Key

CRMBWST Genertd DataSource for BW Status Obj

CRMCFSPRODID Number Range Maintenance: FS_PRODID

CRMC_BLUEPRINT Maintenance for BSP Blueprint


CRMC_BL_CHECK Check Blueprint Tables

CRMC_BL_COPY_QUERIES Copy Report for Delivery Queries


CRMC_BSP_CT Customizing Tool

CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU Determining FMs for Data Exchange:BP

CRMC_CIC_WSP0 CIC Component Definition


CRMC_EXEC_BAB CRM: Start Business Applic. Builder

CRMC_EXEC_BAB_C CRM: Start BAB in Customer Mode

CRMC_EXEC_BAB_D CRM: BAB in Customer Designer Mode


CRMC_IC_ACPROF Define Activity Clipboard Profiles

CRMC_IC_ACTIONPROF Copy/Delete Launch Transactions

CRMC_IC_ACTIONWZ Configure Transaction Launcher

CRMC_IC_ACTPROF Activity Clipboard Technical Profile

CRMC_IC_ALERTMODELER Define Alerts and Alert Profiles


CRMC_IC_BROAD IC WebClient Broadcast Customizing

CRMC_IC_CHAT Define Chat Profiles

CRMC_IC_EMAIL Define E-Mail Profiles

CRMC_IC_EMAIL_BAS Define E-Mail Profiles

CRMC_IC_EVENTING Define Event Classes

CRMC_IC_FROMGRP Define Outgoing Address Groups

CRMC_IC_HEARTBEAT Define Heartbeat Check Profile

CRMC_IC_KSPROF Define Knowledge Search Profiles

CRMC_IC_LTX_URLS Define URLs and Parameters

CRMC_IC_MAIN Define IC WebClient Profiles

CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO Define Com Mgmt Software Profiles

CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERM Define Navigation Bar Profiles

CRMC_IC_PMASTER Define Function Profiles

CRMC_IC_RESPNGRP Define Standard Response Groups

CRMC_IC_RTFRAMEWORK IC Runtime Framework Customizing

CRMC_IC_SCRIPT Maintain Interactive Scripting Prof

CRMC_IC_TLBBTN Define Toolbar Buttons

CRMC_IC_TLBPROF Define Toolbar Profiles

CRMC_ISE_GRP Define Script Authorization Groups

CRMC_LAYOUTC_GENE Generation of Customer Table Layout

CRMC_LAYOUT_GENERATE Generation of Layout Table


CRMC_SAF_ADV SAF: Advanced customizing for saf

CRMC_SAF_ADV_APP SAF: Customizing for applications

CRMC_SAF_ADV_CLIENT SAF: Advanced customizing for saf

CRMC_SAF_ICKB Knowledge search attachment


CRMC_SAF_TOOL SAF Diagnosis Tool

CRMC_SAF_WZ_APP SAF: Wizard for applications

CRMC_SAF_WZ_COMPILE SAF: Wizard for compilation service

CRMC_SAF_WZ_KB SAF: Wizard BAdI Knowledge Base

CRMC_SAF_WZ_LE SAF: Wizard for learning engine

CRMC_SAF_WZ_RFC Configure RFC Destinations

CRMC_SAF_WZ_SE SAF: Wizard for seach engine


CRMC_UI_ACTIONWZ Configure Transaction Launcher

CRMC_UI_BI Define BI Reports for CRM UI

CRMC_UI_CLIP Activitiy Clipboard

CRMC_UI_COMPONENTS Component definitions

CRMC_UI_CONF_KEY Define Role Config Keys

CRMC_UI_DC_PARAM Define data context parameters

CRMC_UI_LAYOUT CRM UI Application Context Layout

CRMC_UI_NBCOMP Define navigation components

CRMC_UI_NBLINKS Define NavBar Profile

CRMC_UI_OBJ_MAPPING Define Object Mapping


CRMC_UI_PMASTER Define Function Profiles

CRMC_UI_PROFILE Define Business Roles

CRMC_UI_TPROFILE Technical Profile Definition

CRMC_UI_WA_COMP_REP Define Work Area Components

CRMC_XMLEDITOR Start XML Editor for Spice

CRMM_BCB_ADM Maintain Connections

CRMM_IC_GFS IC Global Framework Settings

CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM Maintain System Settings

CRMM_IC_MCM_CCLNK Assign Profiles

CRMM_IC_SPHQ CCS SAPphone Queue Maintenance

CRMM_IC_SPHQA CCS SAPphone Queue Assignment Maint

CRMOST_LOG Show generation logs

CRMOST_MON Web Service Tool Monitoring

CRMOST_TRANS CRMWST: Transport Service Objects

CRMSRVCOCP Cockpit for Controlling Integration

CRMS_IC_CHECK Check System Settings and Status

CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Transaction Launcher Logical Systems

CRMS_UI_OBJ_MAPPING Define Object Mapping

CRMS_UI_TLINK Define Technical Links

CRM_AC Check Appntmnt Rule f. Data Exchange

CRM_BSP_DELETE_QUERY Delete Old and Unused Queries

CRM_BSP_STATE_ERASE Erases the specified PCUI state.







CRM_BSP_VCLS_SHOW Display view cluster






























CRM_BSP_VIEW_SHOW Call Maintenance Dialog for View











CRM_CCM_CUST00 Activate Automatic Recovery Process

CRM_CIC_RABOX Remote Action Box via SAPGui for HTM




CRM_ES_SGEN Structure generation for search


CRM_ES_WB CRM ES Modeling Workbench



CRM_GENIL_WSC Web Service Consumption Tool

CRM_ICI_TRACE ICI Trace Display and Comparison

CRM_INIT_APPLSET_REL Application Set: Assignment Tables

CRM_PRODUCT_LOG Display Product Verification Log

CRM_PRODUCT_STA Display Product Status

CRM_ROLE_CHECK Admin Tools: Role Check

CRM_ROLE_COPIER Role Copier (Portal Administration)

CRM_ROLE_MAP_ADDER Admin Tools: Role Mappings Adder

CRM_TAX_VALIDATE_BP Customizing Report for BP in OLTP

CRM_UI Start CRM WebClient

CRM_UI_DBG Start CRM WebClient (Debug mode)

CRM_URL_CONSIST_CHK Consistency Check (Portal Admin.)


CRNH Number range maintenance: CR_HIERAR

CRO0 Display Card Types

CRO1 Maintain Card Types

CRO2 Display Field Control

CRO3 Maintain Field Control

CRO4 Display Selection Codes

CRO5 Maintain Selection Codes


CRQ1 Create work center

CRQ2 Change work center

CRQ3 Display work center

CRR1 Evaluate Card Master Records

CRR2 Evaluate Card Documents

CRR3 Evaluate Log File

CRS1 Create Credit Card Master Record

CRS2 Change Credit Card Master Record

CRS3 Display Credit Card Master Record

CRT0 Copy C Tables Work Center

CRT1 Work Center Options in Rel. 2.1A

CRT2 Settings Work Center Rel. 2.2a

CRT3 Upload C Tables Resource 3.0a

CRT4 Field selection transfer settings

CRTD Payment Card: Create Example File

CRTGDSREC Tcode for MIGO entry from Portal

CRTRETDELDOC Tcode MIGO return delivery Portal

CRTSUBDELDOC Tcode MIGO subsequent deliver Portal

CRWBD Replication Workbench

CRWBD_GENBASELINE Test of Transfer Inside WF

CS00 BOM Menu

CS03 Display Material BOM

CS06 Display Material BOM Group

CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant

CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc.

CS09 Display Allocations to Plant

CS11 Display BOM Level by Level

CS11H Display BOM level by level-SAP HANA

CS12 Multilevel BOM

CS12H Display multilevel BOM - SAP HANA

CS13 Summarized BOM

CS13H Display Summarized BOM - SAP HANA

CS14 BOM Comparison

CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List

CS25 Archiving for BOMs

CS26 BOM deletion

CS27 Retrieval of BOMs

CS28 Archiving for BOMs

CS33 Display class BOM

CS40 Create Link to Configurable Material

CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation

CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment

CS53 Display standard BOM

CS63 Display Order BOM

CS73 Display WBS BOM

CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM

CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM

CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM

CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM

CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM

CS82 Change documents for sales order BOM

CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM

CS84 Change documents for class BOM

CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges

CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs

CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs

CSA1 Enqueue test for dialog RFC

CSA2 Current settings

CSAB Browse Sales Order BOM

CSADMIN Content Server Administration

CSC5 Single-Level Class Where-Used List

CSCPMCL Maintain material completion levels

CSCPPLPA Maint. routing param with materials

CSD5 Single-Level Doc. Where-Used List

CSI_INSTANCE_LOG CSI: Instance Log Display

CSI_PROFILE CSI: Profile Administration

CSI_PROVACCOUNT Cloud Provider Account

CSK1 Sales order BOM multi-lev. explosion

CSK2 Multi-level sales order BOM

CSK3 Sales order BOM - summarized BOM

CSKB Start order Browser

CSMB Start material BOM browser

CSMONITOR Knowledge Provider Monitor

CSP1 Multi-level WBS BOM explosion

CSP2 WBS BOM multi-level BOM

CSP3 WBS BOM - summarized BOM

CSPB Start WBS BOM browser

CSPC Customer Specifications

CSRC_TRACE Switch for BOM Recursion Trace

CT01 Create Characteristic

CT02 Change Characteristic

CT03 Display Characteristic

CT04 Characteristics

CT05 Create Characteristic

CT06 Display Characteristic

CT11 CT12

CT12 Where-Used List for Char.Environment

CT21 Batch Input for Characteristics

CT22 Maint. Seq. File for Characteristics

CT23 Display Chars for Change Number

CT24 Display Change Numbers Used

CT25 Where-Used List of Chars in Deps

CTBW Table Maint. for BW and Classes

CTBW_CHANGE_CLIENT Change CTBW Data Source Client

CTBW_META Generating Metadata

CTCP Copy C tables for characteristics

CTCX Table entries for scheduling


CTNK Number Ranges for Characteristics

CTOB Object overview: Table entries

CTU6 Function Tree with Tree Control

CTW_PFAC_IMP_ADM Define Responsibilities


CU01 Create Dependency

CU02 Change Dependency

CU03 Display Dependency

CU04 Dependency List

CU05 Dependency Where-Used List

CU10 Dependency Maintenance - Statuses

CU11 Dependency Maintenance - Groups

CU12 Dependencies - Objects

CU13 Dep. Maint. - allowed dep. types

CU14 Maintenance Auths for Dependencies

CU15 Maintenance Auths for Dependencies

CU16 Configuration Paramters: Statuses

CU17 Configuration Parameters: Objects

CU18 Configuration Paramters: Default

CU19 Organizational Areas

CU21 Create Dependency Net

CU22 Change Dependency Net

CU23 Display Dependency Net

CU31 Create Knowledge Base Object

CU32 Change Knowledge Base Object

CU33 Display Knowledge Base Object

CU34 Create Runtime Version for SCE

CU35 Change Runtime Version for SCE

CU36 Display Runtime Version for SCE

CU37 Create SCE Database Schema

CU41 Create Configuration Profile

CU42 Change Configuration Profile

CU43 Display Configuration Profile

CU44 Material Configuration Overview

CU45 Standard Network Config. Overview

CU50 Material Config. Simul./Modelling

CU51 Order BOM

CU51E CE: Order BOM (eoASL)

CU52 Display Order BOM

CU52E CE: Display Order BOM


CU59 Transfer Variant Table Contents

CU60 Table Maintenance

CU60E MS Excel Upload of Variant Tables

CU61 Create Table Structure

CU62 Change Table Structure

CU63 Display Table Structure

CU64 Table Structure List

CU65 Create Function

CU66 Change Function

CU67 Display Function

CU68 Function List

CU70 Create Sort Sequence

CU71 Change Sort Sequence

CU72 Display Sort Sequence

CU80 Configurable Mat. Characteristics

CUAL Distribution of SCE Knowledge Bases


CUCHECK Check Reports for LO-VC

CUCK Copy Config. Material

CUD2 Distr. Conf. Prof. for GM Task List

CUD3 Distr. Conf. Prof. for Mod. Specs

CUDS Nummernkreispflege: CE_DESIGN

CUFD Distribute Variant Functions

CUID Distribution of Interface Designs

CUK2 Distribute Dependency Nets

CULL_TRACEFILTER Filter Param. Low-Level Conf.Trace

CULL_TRACE_DISPLAY Display Low-Level Trace

CUMODEL Transaction for Displaying Model

CUNI Units of measure

CUNK Number Ranges for Dependencies

CUNR Number Range Maintenance: CU_INOB

CURR_CONV Currency Conversion

CURTO_CREATE PDS Transfer (ERP System)


CURTO_CREATE_FOCUS Transfer of Order/Project Status

CUSC Customize Country Version

CUSTMON1 Objects in Customer Namespace


CUSTSELDEF_FIAA Selection Tool Default Criteria /CUS

CUSTSELDEF_IM_FA_IA Selection Tool Default Criteria /CUS

CUSTSEL_FIAA Customizing of Selection Tool

CUSTSEL_IM_FA_IA Customizing of Selection Tool

CUS_FLEET_01 Field Selection Fleet Fields Equipmt

CUS_ORIGLANG Original Languages in Customizing


CUTRACE Extended Dependency Trace

CUTRC Start of Message Handling Trace

CUUPDMV Update Material Variants

CV00 Document Management

CV03 Display Document Info Record

CV03N Display document

CV04 List Document Info Records

CV04N Find Document

CV13 Display Document Structure

CV130 TEST_CV130

CV16 Display Document BOM Group

CV22 Change Frontend Type

CV30 Display Transfer Log

CV31 Find CAD Interface Errors Online

CV80 Change Documents for Doc. Structure

CV90 Number ranges for documents

CV91 Number Ranges for Doc. Structures

CVAD Initial Screen for Archiving

CVAR Archive DMS Tables

CVAW_CUST Customizing for CVAW

CVD1 Edit Report Shipping Orders

CVD2 Edit Report Recipient

CVD3 EHS: Maintain report recipient (P)

CVD5 Edit Data Provider

CVI0 Document distribution

CVI3 Display recipient list

CVI4 All recipients of a document

CVI6 Display documents of recipient

CVI8 Start document distribution

CVI9 Log for distribution orders

CVII Display Initial Order on Classific.

CVIX Activate event type linkage

CVIY Task-specific Customizing

CVI_CUST_CHECK Check of the CVI customizig

CVI_FS_CHECK_CUST CVI Customizing - Check Report

CVLO Delete Archived DMS Table Entries

CVP_CUST IMG for Customer/Vendor Deletion

CVP_DISPLAY_LOG Disp. Stored Appl Logs for Cust/Vend

CVP_PRE_EOP Block Customer & Vendor Master Data

CVP_SORT_MONITOR Monitor Start of Retention Time

CVP_SORT_MONITOR_DEL Monitor and Delete SoRT records

CVP_UNBLOCK_MD Unblock Customer&Vendor Master Data

CVRC1AVGE1 RC1AVGE1 - Authorization Test

CVRC1AVGE2 RC1AVGE2 - Authorization Test

CVRC1WWIDP RC1WWIDP - Authorization Test

CVRC1WWIWP RC1WWIWP - Authorization Test

CVRCVDCREO Export of Documents

CVRCVDDISP RCVDDISP - Authorization Test

CVRCVDEVEN RCVDEVEN - Authorization Test

CVRCVDRFSH RCVDRFSH - Authorization Test

CVRE Read Archived Tables

CVSE_CUSTOMIZING Customizing for SE document search

CVSE_MAINTAIN Find and process document(s)

CVSE_SEARCH Find document with search engine

CVSE_VERIFY Documents in the search engine index










CVW1 Internet scenario for doc. search

CVW2 Index search DMS in WWW

CVW3 Find documents in the World Wide Web

CVW3A Find documents in the World Wide Web

CVW4 Display document lists in WWW

CVW4A Display document lists in WWW

CVWD WWW access:Distribtution order pack.

CVWEB_DOCLIST_SHOW Find documents in the World Wide Web

CVWG DMS: Test for up/download ActiveX

CWBQM QM: Engineering Workbench

CWVT Merchandise Distribution

CX00 SAP Cons.: Application Menu

CX00N SAP Cons.: Application Menu

CX01 SAP Cons: General Configuration Menu

CX01N SAP Cons.: Configuration Menu

CX0A1 Edit Characteristics

CX0A2 Edit Field Groups

CX0A3 Generate Master Data Maint. Modules

CX0A4 Reorg.View Maintenance (master data)

CX0A5 Maintain Characteristic Values

CX0A6 Display Characteristic Values

CX0A7 Maintain Characteristic Values

CX0A8 Display Characteristic Values

CX0AA Maintain Default Values

CX0AB Display Default Values

CX0AC Attrib for CU: Maint. Char. Values

CX0AD Attrib for CU: Displ. Char. Values

CX0AE Subassign.: Maintain Char Values

CX0AF Subassign.: Display Char Values

CX0C00 Check Ref. Integrity Customizing

CX0C10 Display Chg.Log - MasterData/Custom.

CX0T9 Export Transaction Data

CX0TA Import Transaction Data

CX0TC Transport of ECCS Customizing

CX0UD Copy Customizing Between Dimensions

CX0UN Copy Document Number Ranges

CX0US EC-CS: Copy Sets

CX12 Display cons charts of accounts

CX15 Display FS items

CX16 Edit Item Hierarchy

CX16_OLD Edit Item Hierarchy

CX17 Display Item Hierarchy

CX17_OLD Display Item Hierarchy

CX19 CU / Financial Data Type Assignments

CX1B0 List Master Data: Cons Units

CX1B1 Upload Methods - Cons Units

CX1B2 Upload Consolidation Units

CX1B4 Consistency Check Transaction Data

CX1C Display Breakdown Categories

CX1C0 List Master Data: Cons Groups

CX1C1 Upload Methods for Cons Groups

CX1C2 Upload Consolidation Groups

CX1C3 Copy Cons Group Hierarchies

CX1F Display subitem categories

CX1H0 Where-used List for CG/CU

CX1H1 FS Items Where-Used List

CX1I Display subitems

CX1I0 Upload Methods for FS Items

CX1I1 List Master Data: FS Items

CX1I2 Upload FS Items

CX1I3 Mass Change: FS Items

CX1I4 Breakdown Categories

CX1I5 Copy Item Sets

CX1L Display dimensions

CX1N1 Set Cons Units Inactive

CX1O Display Consolidation Units

CX1R Display consolidation group

CX1S0 Upload Methods for Subitems

CX1S1 List Master Data: Subitems

CX1S2 Upload Subitems

CX1S3 Display subitem category/subitem

CX1S4 Change subitem category/subitem

CX1U Display hierarchy

CX1X Edit Cons Group Hierarchies

CX1XN Edit Cons Group Hierarchies

CX1X_OLD Edit Cons Group Hierarchies

CX1Y Display CG Hierarchy

CX1YN Display CG Hierarchy

CX1Y_OLD Display CG Hierarchy

CX1Z_CONGR Hierarchy Variants for Cons Groups

CX1Z_ITEM Hierarchy Variants for FS Items

CX20 Consolidation Monitor

CX22 Display Additional financial data

CX23 Default Values for Activity Entry

CX24 Preparation for Divestiture

CX25 Upload Reported Financial Data

CX26 Apportionment

CX27 List of Last Change of Task Status

CX2V1 Customize Version

CX32 Upload Financial Data, Offline Entry

CX33 Upload IPI AFD, Offline Data Entry

CX34 Database list of totals

CX34A DB List of Totals - Cons Logic

CX36 Display reported financial data

CX39 Display data entry layout

CX3A Translate Data Entry Layout

CX3B CG: Assign Valid. and CU recordable

CX3D Cons: Import Data Entry Layout

CX3D1 Download Reported Financial Data

CX3E Cons: Transport Data Entry Layout

CX3E0 Extract from Step Consolidation

CX3F0 Upload Methods - Chgs in Investments

CX3F1 Upload Methods - Changes in Equity

CX3F2 Upload Methods - Equity Holdings Adj

CX3F3 Upload Changes in Investments

CX3F4 Upload Changes in Investee Equity

CX3F5 Upload Equity Holdings Adjustments

CX3F6 Method for uploading inventory data

CX3F7 Method for uploading supplier data

CX3F8 Upload Inventory Data

CX3F9 Upload Supplier Data

CX3FA Upload Methods-Fair Value Adjs(Cust)

CX3FB Upload FVAs (Master data)

CX3FC Upload Meths: Fair Value Adjs(Value)

CX3FD Upload Fair Value Adjustments(Value)

CX3FE Upload Methods, Product Groups

CX3FF Upload Product Groups

CX3FG Upload Methods for Breakdown Cats

CX3FH Upload Breakdown Categories

CX3FI Upload Methods for Goodwill

CX3FJ Upload Goodwill

CX3L1 DB List of Totals Recs/Jrnl Entries

CX3O0 Online Entry: Reorg File Descript.

CX3O1 Scaling Factor for Online Entry

CX40 Currency translation

CX52 Display posting document

CX53 Number range maintenance

CX54 Intercompany elimination

CX55 Validate documents

CX56 Database list of journal entries

CX56A DB List of Jrnl Entries - Cons Logic

CX57 Consolidation of investments

CX58 Journal Entry Report

CX59 Journal Entry Layouts

CX5A Cons: Number Ranges - FS Items

CX5B Cons: Number Ranges - Cons Units

CX5C Cons: Number Ranges - Activity No's

CX5D Cons: Number Range - Documents

CX5E Delete Held Documents

CX5F Display Held Documents

CX5G Display Held Document

CX5H Cons: Number Range Maintenance Log

CX5I1 Customizing of Interunit Elimination

CX5J1 Reconcile Totals with Jrnl Entries

CX5J2 Reconcile/Update Totals-Jrnl Entries

CX5P1 Inventory Data

CX5P2 Supplier Data

CX5R1 Customizing of Reclassifications

CX5T0 Custom Tasks

CX5T1 IMG: Tasks for Manual Posting, DM

CX5T2 IMG: Tasks for Manual Posting, CM

CX5T3 IMG: Tasks for Reclassifications, DM

CX5T4 IMG: Tasks for Reclassifications, CM

CX5T5 IMG: Tasks for Prep/CG Change, DM

CX5T6 IMG: Tasks for Prep/CG Change, CM

CX5T7 IMG: Tasks for Elim. of P/L in Inv.

CX5T8 Tasks for apportionment

CX5T9 Copy Tasks

CX5TA Cons Groups to be Copied

CX5TB Tasks without Settings

CX5TC Cons Units to be Copied

CX5TD Edit Consolidation Cycles

CX5TE Assign Cons Cycles to Versions

CX5U0 Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory

CX5U1 Product Groups & Inventory Items

CX5U2 IPI: Product Group Posting Items

CX5U3 IPI: Inventory Item-Dep. Posting Itm

CX5U4 IPI: Offsetting items

CX5U5 IPI: Items for translation diff.

CX5U6 IPI: Item for reclass.of distr.costs

CX5UA IPI: Item for distribution costs

CX5UB Elim.IU P/L Inv: Subassign, Inv.Item

CX5UC Global Settings for Elim.of IPI

CX5UD Customizing Listing: IU P/L in Inv.

CX60 Enter changes in investments

CX61 Display changes in investments

CX62 Enter Changes in Investee Equity

CX63 Display Changes in Equity

CX64 Group shares

CX65 Changes in investments

CX66 Changes in investee equity

CX67 Amortization of goodwill

CX68 Equity Holdings Adjustments

CX69 Value Changes: Goodwill in LC

CX6C1 Customizing of Cons. of Investments

CX6C2 Subitems for Equity Aging Report

CX6C3 Check Customizing of Cons of Investm

CX6F0 Goodwill Amortization/Writeup

CX6F1 Match Activity Numbers f. Inv./Eqty

CX6F2 Fair Value Adjustments

CX6F3 Reporting Fair Value Adjustment Data

CX6F4 Rptd Data, FVA: Reporting

CX6F5 Changes to Eliminated Fair Value Adj

CX6F6 Fair Value Adjustments

CX70 Rollup

CX71 Generation of cons group sets

CX72 Number ranges for set generation

CX7B0 Read Customizing Data from SAP BW

CX7B1 Data transfer initialization

CX7B2 Comparison data slice BCS and BW

CX7F0 List of Ownership

CXA1 FS item hierarchies

CXA2 Item Categories

CXA3 CU: Assign validation groups

CXA4 CG / Validation Group Assignments

CXA5 HI: Assign cons tasks

CXA6 CU/CG: Assign contact person

CXA7 Positions of contact persons

CXA8 Fiscal year variants

CXA9 Reasons for Inclusion

CXAA Hierarchy levels

CXAB Assign hierarchy levels

CXAC Assign hierarchy levels

CXAD Organizational elements

CXAE Char. Values of Org. Elements

CXAF Org. Element Relationships

CXAG HI levels with general structure

CXAH Hierarchy Level Relationships

CXAO CU / Translation Method Assignments

CXAP Cons Unit/Tax Rate Assignments

CXAQ Cons: CU: Validation Assignment

CXAR Mass Changes - Cons Units

CXAS Mass Changes - Cons Groups

CXB1 Versions

CXB2 Consolidation frequencies

CXB3 Global System Settings

CXB5 Central maintenance of master data

CXBCS20 BCS Session Manager Menu

CXBW0 Initial Data Transfer

CXBW1 Comparison of Data Slice

CXC0 Selection criteria FICDOW20

CXC2 Data Entry Groups

CXC4 Data entry profiles

CXC5 Cons: Selection parameters FICDOW00

CXC6 Cons: Selection parameters FICDOW10

CXC8 Assign PC Pathname to CG/CU

CXC9 Period Categories

CXCA Financial data types

CXCC Upload Methods: Reported Fin. Data

CXCD Data Monitor

CXCD_WEB Data Monitor for SAPGUI for HTML

CXCE Data Monitor for a Cons Unit

CXCF Cons Monitor for a Cons Group

CXCK Copy Totals Records

CXCL Cons: Item Substitution/Ret.Earnings

CXCR Delete Totals Records

CXCX Report Selection

CXCY Customizing of Report Selection

CXD1 Currency translation methods

CXD2 Exchange Rate Indicators

CXD3 Cur.Trl.aff.Earnings: FS Items

CXDL Delete trans. data in Cons ledger

CXDL1 Delete trans. data in Cons ledger

CXDT_INT Translation: Miscellaneous Texts

CXDT_T884M Translation: Cur.Translation Methods

CXDT_TF100 Translation: FS Items

CXDT_TF103 Translation: Breakdown Categories

CXDT_TF105 Translation: FS Item Categories

CXDT_TF110 Translation: Subitems

CXDT_TF115 Translation: Subitems

CXDT_TF120 Translation: Cons Charts of Accounts

CXDT_TF130 Translation: FS Item Hierarchies

CXDT_TF150 Translation: Dimensions

CXDT_TF160 Translation: Cons Units

CXDT_TF170 Translation: Positions of Contacts

CXDT_TF173 Translation: Reasons for Inclusion

CXDT_TF180 Translation: Cons Groups

CXDT_TF190 Translation: Hierarchies

CXDT_TF195 Translation: Hierarchy Levels

CXDT_TF200 Translation: Versions

CXDT_TF202 Translate: Versions of Structures

CXDT_TF204 Translate: Versions of Data Entry

CXDT_TF206 Translate: Versions of CT Methods

CXDT_TF208 Translate: Versions of Exch. Rates

CXDT_TF210 Translate: Versions of Ledgers

CXDT_TF212 Translate: Versions of Selected Itms

CXDT_TF214 Translation: Tax Rate Versions

CXDT_TF216 Translation: C/I Method Versions

CXDT_TF218 Translation: Investment Versions

CXDT_TF220 Translation: Equity Capital Versions

CXDT_TF222 Translation: Hidden Reserve Versions

CXDT_TF224 Translation: Elim.Hidden Res.Version

CXDT_TF226 Translation: Earnings Versions

CXDT_TF228 Translation: Goodwill Versions

CXDT_TF230 Translation: Task Versions

CXDT_TF232 Translation: Reclassification Vers.

CXDT_TF234 Translation: Versions for Elim. IPI

CXDT_TF236 Translation: Versions for Attributes

CXDT_TF240 Translation: Cons Frequencies

CXDT_TF310 Translation: Data Entry Groups

CXDT_TF320 Translate: Financial Data Types

CXDT_TF325 Translation: Period Categories

CXDT_TF380 Translation: Upload Methods

CXDT_TF400 Translation: Cur.Translation Methods

CXDT_TF420 Translation: Exchange Rate Ind.

CXDT_TF500 Translation: Document Types

CXDT_TF515 Translation: Journal Entry Layouts

CXDT_TF530 Translation: Task Groups

CXDT_TF540 Translation: Tasks

CXDT_TF550 Translation: Consolidation Methods

CXDT_TF665 Translation: Scope for Equity Method

CXDT_TFIN003 Translation: Consolidation Types

CXE0 Task groups

CXE0P Assignment Archiving Log

CXE1 Document Types

CXE2 Consolidation task groups

CXE3 Consolidation tasks

CXE5 Post selected items

CXE6 Tasks for IU Elimination

CXE7 Methods for Interunit Elimination

CXE8 Tasks for IU Elimination


CXE9N Start IMG for SAP Cons (internal)

CXEA Tasks for Reclassification

CXEAD Check Reclassification, Data Monitor

CXEAK Check Reclassification, Cons Monitor

CXEB Methods for Reclassification

CXEC Reclassification

CXED Tasks for Prep.for Cons Group Change

CXEE Cons: Contra Items / Ret. Earnings

CXEF Cons: Rollup Standardized Fin. Data

CXEG IMG: Doc.Types for Man.Posting - DM

CXEH IMG: Doc.Types for Reclassific. - DM

CXEI IMG: Doc.Types for Prep/CG Chgs - DM

CXEJ IMG: Doc.Types for Man.Posting - CM

CXEK IMG: Doc.Types for Reclassific. - CM

CXEL IMG: Doc.Types for Prep/CG Chgs - CM

CXEM IMG: Doc.Types for IU Elimination

CXEN IMG: Doc.Types for Cons of Investmts

CXEO IMG: Doc. Types for Realtime Update

CXEP IMG: Document types for EIPI

CXEU1 ECCS EURO: Populate Euro Units

CXEU2 ECCS EURO: Maintain Euro Units

CXEU3 ECCS EURO: Select Ledger

CXEU4 ECCS Euro: Status Management

CXEU5 ECCS EURO: Selected Items

CXEUA ECCS EURO: Reconcile Totals Records

CXEUB ECCS EURO: Additional Financial Data

CXEUC ECCS Euro: Integration

CXG1 Integrated Entry from Invest./Equity

CXGP Global parameters

CXGWMIG Migration of Goodwill Entries

CXH1 Minority Interest Items

CXH2 Appropriation Items for the Group

CXH3 Minority Appropriation Items

CXH4 Statistical Equity Capital

CXH5 Other Comprehensive Income

CXH6 Oth.Compreh.Income: Offsetting Item

CXHA Distribution of Dividends

CXHB Director's Bonus

CXI0 Global Settings for C/I

CXI1 Consolidation of investments tasks

CXI2 C/I system utilization

CXI3 C/I Activities: Default Sequence

CXI4 Consolidation of investments methods

CXI5 Activity/Method Type: Asgn Doc.Types

CXI6 C/I Activities: Goodwill Treatment

CXI9 Selected Items for C/I

CXIA Consolidation tasks

CXIB Cons Tasks: Assign Document Type

CXJ1 Equity Method: Scope of Rptd Data

CXJ2 Reported Items for Equity Method

CXJ3 Posted Items in Equity Consolidation

CXJ4 Reported items for investments

CXJ5 Reported Items for Changes in Equity

CXL1 Create Ledger

CXL2 Change Ledger

CXL3 Display Ledger

CXM0 Migrate Master Data EC-CS - SEM-BCS

CXM01 Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Mapping

CXM2 Display method hierarchies

CXMF Changeover to Physical File Names

CXN0 Map Secondary Cost Elements

CXN001 Delete Docs from Realtime Updates

CXN01 Maintain Transaction Types of Cons

CXN011 Define Profit Center Groupings

CXN013 Integr. Cons Units - PrCtr Cons

CXN023 Integr. Cons Groups - PrCtr Cons

CXN2 Compare G/L Charts and Cons Charts

CXN3 Rules for ID Combination

CXN4 Convert Collection of CU Master Data

CXN41 Realtime Update: Ledger Selection

CXN5 Assign Company Codes/Business Areas

CXN6 Cons Type and Dimension Assignments

CXN7 Download Rollup-related Data

CXN8 Upload Rollup-related Data

CXNE List CO Cost Elements by Category

CXNF Assign G/L chart and Cons chart

CXNG Integrated Cons Units

CXNH Display Integrated Cons Units

CXNI Display Items from Integration

CXNJ Display Subitems from Integration

CXNL Cons: Download PrCtr Master/Hier.

CXNM Follow-up pstng FI-Doc. (Tot. table)

CXNN Write Periodic Extract

CXNN1 Totals Record Display

CXNO Delete Realtime-Updated Documents

CXNP Copy Group Accounts to FS Items

CXNQ Display Transferred Documents

CXNR Reconc. totals record General/ConsSL

CXNT Subsequent Integration of Org Units

CXNU Maintain Field Movement/Real.Update

CXNV Maintain Group Acct in G/L Account

CXNW Subseq.Posting of FI Docs->ConsPrep.

CXNX Reconcile FI/Cons at Document Level

CXNX1 Reconcile Trans. of G/L with Cons.

CXNY Set/Display Lock Mode for Rollup

CXNZ Reconciliation Totals Consolidation

CXOC1 Organizational Change Numbers

CXOC2 Top Groups, Organizational Changes

CXP0 Call Log Display

CXP01 Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Log

CXP1 Assign Task groups

CXP2 Tasks for Carryforward

CXP3 Tasks for Data Collection

CXP4 Tasks for Validation of Rptd Data

CXP5 Tasks for Manual Posting

CXP6 Tasks for Currency Translation

CXP7 Tasks for Valid.of Standardized Data

CXP8 Tasks for Rollups

CXP9 Tasks for Valid.of consolidated data

CXPGW1 Reported Items for Push-down Method

CXPGW2 Posting Items for Push-down Method

CXPGW3 List of Reported Push-down Data

CXR3 Display drilldown report

CXR6 Form for displaying reports

CXRA Maintain Variant Groups

CXRC Schedule Variant Groups

CXRD Create Variant Groups

CXRE Reorganization of Variant Groups

CXRF Characteristic Group Maintenance

CXRH Hierarchy Maintenance

CXRI Overview of Reports

CXRK Maintain Key Figures

CXRU Cross-table translation keys

CXRW Convert Drilldown Reports

CXRX Reorganize Drilldown Reports

CXRY Reorganize report data

CXRZ Reorganize Forms

CXS1 Carry Forward Balances

CXS3 Carryforward Items

CXS4 Non-carryforward Items

CXSA Display Set Maintenance

CXSB Change Set Maintenance

CXSC Create Set Maintenance

CXSD Delete Set Maintenance

CXSTPMIG C/I: Migration of Stat. Postings

CXSTPMIG2 C/I: Reclass. of Stat. GW Items

CXV4 Display Validation

CXV5 Maintain equivalency relationship

CXVM Call View Maintenance

CY00 Engineering Menu

CY40 Planning table sort key maintenance

CZ48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout

CZ48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout

CZ48_4 Transport Planning Layouts

CZ48_5 Import Planning Layouts

DAGADM Display for Data Aging Administrator

DAGADM_IMG Display of Data Aging Administrator

DAGLOG Display of Data Aging Object Logs

DAGOBJ Overview of Data Aging Objects

DAGOBJ_CALL Overview of Data Aging Objects

DAGPTC Partitioning Customizing

DAGPTM Manage Partitions

DAGRUN Overview of Data Aging Runs

DAG_DELIVER_GROUPS Maintain Application Delivered Grps

DAG_UNDO Overview of Data Aging Runs

DA_CONTROL Data Archiving Control

DA_SARA Cross-Archiving-Object Check/Delete

DA_SLS_ANA Analysis for Data Aging in Sales

DB01 Analyze Exclusive Lockwaits

DB02 Tables and Indexes Monitor

DB02OLD old DB02DB02

DB02_MSS Db02 for MS SQL Server

DB03 Parameter Changes in Database

DB05 Analysis of a Table Acc. to Index

DB11 Create Database Connection

DB12 DBA Backup Logs

DB12OLD DBA Backup Logs (OLD)

DB12_MSS DB12 Multiconnect transaction

DB13 DBA Planning Calendar

DB13C Central DBA Planning Calendar

DB13COLD Central DBA Planning Calendar (OLD)

DB13OLD DBA Planning Calendar (OLD)

DB14 Display DBA Operation Logs

DB14OLD Display DBA Operation Logs (OLD)

DB15 Data Archiving: Database Tables

DB16 Display DB Check Results

DB16ORA Display DB Check Results: Oracle

DB17 Configure DB Check

DB17ORA Configure DB Check: Oracle

DB2 DB2 z/OS: Select Database Activities

DB20 Update DB Statistics

DB20ORA Update DB Statistics: Oracle

DB21 Configure DB Statistics

DB24 Administrative Database Operations

DB26 DB Profile:Monitor and Configuration

DB26ORA DB Profile Maintenance: Oracle

DB2B DB2 z/OS: Buffer pool tuning

DB2BW BW Analysis Tool

DB2C DB2 z/OS: Catalog Browser

DB2D DB2 z/OS - Deadlock Monitor

DB2J DB2 z/OS: Manage JCL Jobs

DB2SPACE DB2: Space Analysis

DB2SYSPARM DB2: System Parameters

DB2T DB2 z/OS - Timeout Monitor

DB2U DB2 z/OS: Long Running Transactions

DB2W DB2 z/OS: Workload Manager Monitor

DB2X DB2/390: database check

DB2_IXFIX DB2-z/OS: index fix (padded, codepg)

DB33 DB System check (configure, IFMX)

DB34 Dbspace extension (IFMX)

DB36 DB6: Alert Configuration

DB37 DB6: Alert Message Log

DB4COCKPIT iSeries: Cockpit for CCMS Transact.

DB4DB12 iSeries: Backup and Recovery

DB4DGN Diagnostics

DB4LCK Lock Monitor


DB50 Database Assistant

DB50N Database Assistant

DB59 MaxDB/liveCache System Overview

DB6BACKHIST DB6: DBA Planning Calendar

DB6CLP DB6: Command Line Processor


DB6CST DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace

DB6CST_LST DB6: Analyze Cumulative SQL Trace



DB6DBM DB6: Database Manager Configuration

DB6DBP DB6: Database Configuration

DB6EXL DB6: Analyze Exclusive Lock Waits

DB6EXPLAIN DB6: Explain SQL Statement

DB6FSC DB6: File System Configuration

DB6PARHIS DB6: Show Parameter History

DB6PERF DB6: DB2 UDB Cockpit Performance

DB6PLAN DB6: DBA Planning Calendar

DB6SPACE DB6: Space Analysis

DB6SQC DB6: Analyze SQL Cache

DB6STATS DB6: Run Single Statistics

DB6SYSCFG DB6: System Registration

DB6TAC DB6: Analyze Table Snapshot

DB6TRC DB6: Trace Status






DBCO Database Connection Maintenance

DBG_ABAP_EDITOR Debugger -> ABAP Editor

DBG_BROWSER Debugger -> Repository Browser

DBG_MEMORY_DIFFTOOL Debugger: Call Memory Inspector

DBG_SCREEN_PAINTER Debugger -> Screen Painter

DBG_TABLE_TO_EXCEL ABAP Debugger: Table as Excel File


DBOSC_CM DBOSC-CM: Content Administration

DBOSC_DEV DBOS Cockpit: Development Mode

DBOSC_STARTUP DBOS Cockpit with Startup Parameters

DC10 Define document types

DC20 Define data carrier

DC30 Define workstation application

DCSWI Document Browser Switch

DCSWITCH Browser and ACL switch


DDCHECK Classification of DDIC Structures

DD_PONUM Number range maintenance: DD_PONUM

DD_TRNUM Number range maintenance: DD_TRNUM

DECK Cash Holding Years

DELETE_COL_SETTINGS Delete Column Configuration

DELETE_FACTS Delete from the fact table

DELETE_MDT_SETTINGS Delete Manager's Desktop Settings

DELETE_NF_SETTINGS Delete Framework Settings

DELETE_OM_SETTINGS Delete Object Manager Settings

DELG1 Edit Outbound Delivery Groups

DELTACUST Balance Sheet Valuation Delta Run


DEMO_CR_CAR_RENTAL Call Car Rental Demo

DEMO_OO_METHOD OO Trans. for Local Instance Method

DEMO_REPORT_TRANSACT Report Transaction with SelScrn 500

DEMO_SCREEN_FLOW Demonstration for Dynpro Sequences

DEMO_SELSCREEN_DYNP Selection Screen as Initial Dynpro

DEMO_STRING_PROCESS String Processing frmo 7.02


DEMO_TABSTRIP Test Transaction Tabstrip

DEMO_TCD DEMO of a TCD Recording

DEMO_TRANSACTION Demonstration Transaction

DEVBOOK Project management

DEVICE_CONFIG Device Configuration


DEXP Expediting

DGA1 DG: Activation DG Checks

DGA10 Assign DG check schema/SD documents

DGA2 DG-Check Schema-Determ. Routine

DGA3 DG - Check Methods

DGA4 Usage Profile DG Check Routines

DGA5 DG: Countries en Route

DGA6 DG: Alloctn Chk Schema/Chk Methods

DGA7 Usage Context DG Check Schema

DGA8 DG-CheckSchemaDetRoutineShipmentDoc

DGA9 Allocate DG-CheckSchema/ShipmentDoc

DGAA DG: Output Cond. for MatMast Fields

DGAB DG: Profile for DG Ind. in Del. Head

DGAC DG: Controlling EDI Processing

DGC2 DG: Specify Transport Type

DGC4 DG: Define DG Classes

DGC5 DG: Define Water Pollution Classes

DGC6 DG: Specify Danger Label

DGC8 Text IDs standard/user-defined texts

DGC9 DG: Dialog type for ident. no.

DGCA DG: Hazard Notes

DGCB DG: Labels for Printing

DGCC DG: Hazard Identification Numbers

DGCD DG: Hazard-Inducing Substances

DGCE DG: VbF Classes

DGCF DG: Storage Hazard Classes

DGCG DG: Processing Status

DGCH DG: Maintain indicator profile

DGCI DG: Date Determination

DGCK Txt names for DG MatMast ind. txts

DGCL DG: Primary and Secondary Languages

DGCM DG: Assign check list

DGCN DG: Assign check list (pack.)

DGCR DG: Regulations

DGCS Texts for mode of transport cats.

DGCV DG UN Number and Description

DGCW Reactivate DG Indicators

DGD1 Maint. and Assign Regulation Profile

DGD2 Assignmt Regul. Profile/Indic. Cat.

DGD3 Checkbox Struc. for T/O-T Materials

DGE4 First database via DGP1

DGE5 DG Filling from Spec. Management

DGE6 DG Simul. of Filling from Spec. Mgmt

DGP0 Basic Data: Environment

DGP1 Create Dangerous Goods Master

DGP10 Generate Phrase Sets

DGP2 Change Dangerous Goods Master

DGP3 Display Dangerous Goods Master

DGP5 Report for sending dangerous goods

DGP5S Report to Simulate Sending

DGP7 Display import logs

DGP8 Delete import logs

DGP9 Activate phrase library

DGPEX2 Exceptions to DG Regulations:

DGPEX3 Exceptions to DG Regulations:

DGPEX5 Init.Distr. of Exceptions to DG Regs

DGPREL Dangerous Goods Product Release

DGR1 Displaying DG master data

DGR2 Dangerous goods: Change document

DGR3 Display DG Packaging Data

DGR4 Display DG Packaging Data

DGSD Display Report Logs

DGTD DG: Maintain mat-dependent texts

DGTU DG: Maintain mat-independent texts

DGU0 DG: Conversion of Customizing Tables

DGU1 DG: Conversion of DG Reg. tables

DGU2 DG: Conversion Texts/Descriptions

DGU3 DG: Converting the DG Descriptions

DGUC DG: Test refer. integrity regulation

DGUD DG: Test ref. integrity of C tables

DGUM DG: Convert field LWDG to MasterData

DGUT Migrate Indicators for Transport

DIACLC1 Logbook: counter type definition

DIACLC2 Customizing for cntr upd in Logbook

DIACLC3 Logbook: Dig. signature customizing

DIACLC4 Log Entry Type customizing

DIACL_CUST_LBK_SMODE Set logbook sync mode

DIAN_DISPLAY_INFO Dian Display Document Information

DIAN_EXTRACTION Diana Data Extraction Within ERP

DIAN_GENERATION Dian Files Generation

DIAN_MIGRATION Dian Customizing Migration

DICTIONARY Terminology and Glossary Maintenance

DIMSP_NOTIF_TYPE Maintain MSP Notification type

DIMSP_REVI_TYPE Maintain MSP Revision type

DIOHFWC1 Application definition (cust.)

DIOHFWC2 Node type specification (Customizing

DIOHFWC3 Hierarchy definition (customizing)

DIOHFWC4 Fcode definitions (customizing)

DIS05 Cost Distribution: Overview

DISCALC Calculation of Low-Level Codes

DISCOSTVAL GPD: Cost validation

DISRP Distribution: Run Profile

DISRPM Pegging: Run Profile Messages

DIWPSC2 Custom. of Time Interval in MEB

DIWPSC3 Customizing of Fleet for the MEB

DIWPSC4 Customizing of Revision Type

DIWPS_REVNR Number range maintenance: WPS_REV

DIWPS_REVNRS Number Range Maintenance: WPS_REV

DI_0MVTPM Movement Types for PM/CS Orders

DI_0PCS1 SN Criteria in Sales Documents

DI_0PCS2 Stock Determ. Rule PM/CS Orders

DI_0PCS3 Customizing Stock Determ. in PM/CS

DI_PCS1 Stock Det. Rules for Special Stock

DI_SCCOUNT Meas.Point for Subcontracting

DL10 Download

DL11 Create download profile

DL12 Change condition download profile

DL13 Display condition download profile

DLC2 Comparison of Delivery Confirmations

DLCN Delivery Confirmation Matching

DLOG BRE: Overview of Extract Generation

DMC Start DMC Interface

DMCAPP Maintain Applications in DMC Tool

DMCEQ Check Program for Object Equality


DMCISB Maintain Direct Input 2

DMCMON MWB: Transfer Monitor

DMCRULE Maintain Global Transfer Rules

DMCWB Workbench for DMC Development

DMC_CU Content Upgrade

DMC_MDS_ADDTOBUFFER Add transport request to buffer

DMEE DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool

DMEE1 DMEE: Format Tree Maintenance Tool

DMEE1_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode

DMEE_DEBUG DMEE: Format Tree Expert Mode

DMF_RFCLOG DMF RFC application log

DMLCUST Customizing for MDF Objects

DMLCUSTOBJTYPE Customizing for MDF Object Types

DMS_CONV01 Document Start Conversion

DMS_FOLDER1 Find favorites


DMS_REG01 Document Registration for Conversion

DMS_SERDEPLOY Deployment of services

DMS_VWR Visual Enterprise Viewer

DMWB Document Modeling Workbench

DNOTIF Basic Notification

DNOTIFREP Basis Notification Reporting

DNOTIFWL Basic Notifications Worklist

DNOTIFWL_EWT Basic Notifications Worklist

DNOTIF_EWT Basic Notification

DNOTIF_FCT Basic Notification

DNOTIF_FCT_EWT Basic Notification

DNO_CUST01 Settings for Notification Type

DNO_CUST02 Settings for Partner Types

DNO_CUST03 Settings for Note Types

DNO_CUST04 Basic Notification: User Settings

DNO_CUST05 Subscreen Control

DNO_NOTIF Number Range Maintenance

DNO_UPDATE Manual Adjustment

DOBJ Def. of Data Destruction Objects

DOCCHG_FB05 Post with Clearing

DOCMAP Doc_mapping

DP101 Reset Billing Plan Date

DP60 Change Accounting Indicator in LI

DP70 Conversion of Individual Orders

DP80 SM: Resource-Related Quotation

DP82 PS: Sales Pricing Project

DP90 CS: Resource-Related Billing Doc.

DP91 SD: Resource-Related Billing Doc.

DP93 Res.-Rel. Billing Btwn Comp. Codes

DP94 Billing btwn Co.Codes (Coll.Proc.)

DP95 Resource-Rel. Billing, Coll.Processg

DP96 Res-Rel.Billing Collect.Proc - Sales

DP97 Res-Rel. Billing Collect. Proc.-Srvc

DP98 Resource for Billing Request

DP99A Doc.Flow Reporting - Res.-Rel. Bill.

DP99B Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill. - SD

DP99C Doc.Flow for Res.-Rel. Bill.-Service

DPCOMMON_BUPAUI Determine BUPA User Interface

DPCOMMON_MAP_P_S DPCOMMON: Partner to System Mapping


DPCOMMON_MAP_U_P DPCOMMON: User to Partner Mapping

DPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted

DPRV Change Material When Profile Changed

DPWTY_IMG IMG Dealer Portal Warranty

DRAIRPORT Display Airport Data

DRAW_RES Display Reserve Fields

DRBBOOK Display Company Booking

DRBOOK Display Booking

DRB_SHOW_CALL_DUMMY DRB Call for Layout Maintenance

DRC1 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient

DRC2 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient

DRC3 Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient

DRC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DR

DRC5 Access Sequences: Deriv. Recipient

DRC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Recipient

DRC7 Search Proc.: Derivation Recipient

DRCARR Display Carrier

DRCONN Display Connection

DRCOUNTRY Display Country

DRCUSTOM Booked Flights for Customer

DRE Delivery-Related Analyses

DRFCC Check DRF Customizing

DRFF Define Filter Criteria

DRFIMG Cust. Data Replication Framework

DRFLIGHT Display Flight Data

DRFLOG Analyze Replication Log

DRFLOGDEL Delete Replication Log

DRFOUT Execute Data Replication

DRFRSD Display Object Replication Status

DRFRSDEL Delete Replication Status

DRFSUB Subscribe Objects for Replication

DRP0 Network Graphic

DRP4 Network Graphic/Quotas View

DRP8 Maintain Materials Deployment

DRP9 Maintain Plant Categories

DRPA Definition of DRP Planning Run

DRPB Deployment: Background Processing

DRPBOOK Display Private Booking

DRPLANETYPE Display Aircraft Type

DRPM Deployment for Material

DRPO Deployment for Material

DRPS Calculate Safety Stock

DRPW Deployment for Plant

DSAL Digital Signature Logs

DSC1 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender

DSC2 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender

DSC3 Create CondTables: Derivation Sender

DSC4 Conditions: V_T681F for R DS

DSC5 Access Sequences: Derivation Sender

DSC6 Strategy Types: Derivation Sender

DSC7 Search Procedures: Derivation Sender

DSETGEN BRE: Create Error Extract from Log

DSINA Display Backlog Entry in Extract

DSLOG Signature Tool: Log Display

DTIMG Data Transfer Customizing

DTLMON MWB: Transfer monitor

DTMONITOR Data Transfer Monitor

DUMMY_MASS_EINE Dummy transaction for mail execution

DUMMY_MASS_EKKO Dummy transaction for mail execution

DUMMY_MASS_MARC Dummy transaction for mail execution

DUMMY_MASS_VENDOR Load programs global data

DVC1 Derivation: No. Range f. Deriv. No.

DVC2 Derivation: No. Range f. Cond. Recds

DVC8 Assignmt of Search Procedure to Evnt

DVCO Condition Records Via Bill of Mat.

DVDC Delete Extended Batch Where-Used Lst

DVDL Delete Derivation Log

DVMAN Perform Manual Derivation

DVMO Monitor

DVR1 Create Derivation Recipient Record

DVR2 Change Derivation Recipient Record

DVR3 Display Derivation Recipient Record

DVS1 Create Derivation Sender Record

DVS2 Change Derivation Sender Record

DVS3 Display Derivation Sender Record

DVSA Shipping Approval

DVSP Set Up Derivation

DWDM Development Workbench Demos

DXCF DARTX Field Catalog

DXCS DARTX Segment Catalog

DXEV DARTX Extract Administration

DXVW Data View Administration

DXX01 DARTX Maintain Authorization Groups

DXX02 DARTX Segment Maintenance

DXX03 DARTX Maintain SAP Segment Control

DXX04 DARTX Maintain MasterData Indicators

DXX05 DARTX Application Maintenance

DXX06 DARTX Reference Table Maintenance

DXX07 DARTX Data Set/Segment Assignments

DXX08 DARTX Data Set Maintenance

DXX09 DARTX Global Settings Maintenance

DXX10 DARTX Maintain Segment Relationships

DXX11 DARTX Maintain Sel.Parameter Display

DXX12 DARTX Directory Group Maintenance

DXX13 DARTX Maintain Customer Seg. Control

DXX14 DARTX Maintain Reference Crcy/Qty

DXXV Define Data View

DXXVW Execute Data View

DZ00 Introduction to decentr.systems

E1DY Create/Rep. Dynamic Schedule Records

E25M Extend Budget Billing Plan

E25T Select BillOrder/Uninvoiced BillDocs

E2DY Change/Display Dyn. Schedule Records

E2EIE_CC_TC_MNT_IMG Transaction for Maintaining IMG

E2EIE_CC_TR_CRT_IMG Tcode for Creating IMG Activity



E309 Define Air Pressure Areas

E3DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records

E40A Display Sched. Recs

E40B Change Sched. Recs

E41A Display Portion

E41B Create Portion

E41C Change Portion

E41D List of Sched. Master Recs

E41E Delete Portion

E41F Display MR Units

E41G Change MR Unit

E41H Create Meter Reading Unit

E41I Delete MR Unit

E41J Maint. Portion

E41L List of MRUs Alloc. to Main MRU

E42A Display Parameter Recs

E42B Create Parameter Recs

E42C Change Parameter Recs

E42D List of Parameter Recs

E42F Delete Parameter Rec

E43A Generate Sched. Recs for Rec Types

E43B Generate SRs of all MRUs of Portion

E43C List of Sched. Recs

E43D List of all MRUs of a Portion

E43E Activate Meter Reading Units

E4DY Delete Dynamic Schedule Records

E61CD Delete Correspondence Data

E61D Delete Budget Billing Plan

E61K Maintain Defaults for BB Procedure

E61L Charges Plan Active for Div. Cat. 06

E61M Adjust BB Plans Automatically

E61PSD Stop Payment Scheme

E61PSM Adjust Payment Schemes Automatically

EA00 Test Billing of a Contract

EA04 Maintain Specifs for PayMeth.Determ.

EA05 Display and Release Outsortings

EA10 Document Invoicing

EA10_AGGRBILL Create Aggregated Bill

EA10_COLL Create collective bill

EA11 Budget Billing Invoicing

EA12 Request Budget Billing Amounts

EA12IC Req.Budg.Bill.Amts for IC (Deregul.)

EA13 Print/Billing Document Reversal

EA14 Print/Billing Document Reversal

EA14_IN Selecting Print Documents

EA15 Reversal of Invoicing Documents

EA16 Create Manual Backbilling

EA17 Change Manual Backbilling

EA18 Display Manual Backbilling

EA19 Create Bill (Individual Creation)

EA20 Reverse Billing Document

EA21 Adjustment Reversal Billing Docs

EA22 Display Billing Document

EA22_TOOL Billing Tool

EA24 Delete Adj. Reversal frm Bill.Order

EA25 Create Partial Bill (Individual)

EA26 Mass Processing: Create Bill

EA26_COLL Create Collective Bill

EA27 Mass Processing: Create Partial Bill

EA28 Mass Process.: Request BB Amounts

EA29 Mass Processing: Bill Printout

EA29_AGGRBILL Print Aggregated Bill

EA30 Create Rate

EA31 Change Rate

EA32 Display Rate

EA33 Mass Processing: Bill Reversal

EA34 Mass Processing: Full Reversal

EA35 Create Schema

EA36 Change Schema

EA37 Display Schema

EA38 Mass Activity: Billing

EA39 Mass Activity: Billing Simulation

EA40 Display Print Document

EA43 Generate SRs of a Record Type

EA44 Delete Sched. Recs

EA44M Mass Deletion of Schedule Records

EA45 Create Consumption and Partial Bill

EA46 Create Consumption and Partial Bill

EA47 Crt. Discount/Surcharge

EA48 Chg.Discount/Surcharge

EA49 Displ.Discount/Surcharge

EA50 Create Operand

EA51 Change Operand

EA52 Display Operand

EA53 Create Rate Cat.

EA54 Chg. Rate Cat.

EA55 Display Rate Cat.

EA56 Maint. Rate Type

EA57 Create Budget Billing Change Doc.

EA58 Mass Activity: Coll. Bill Printout

EA59 Print Collective Bill (Old)

EA60 Print Invoicing Document

EA61 Create BB Plan

EA61EX Budget Billing Change

EA61IC Create Budget Billing Plan for IC

EA61PS Create Payment Scheme

EA62 Change BB Plan

EA62IC Change Budget Billing Plan for IC

EA62PS Change Payment Scheme

EA63 Display BB Plan

EA63IC Display Budget Billing Plan for IC

EA63PS Display Payment Scheme

EA64 Print collective bill

EA65 Portion Change

EA65PS Create Payment Scheme Requests

EA67 Settings for BB Plan

EA68 Maint. Specifs in Posting Area R007

EA70 Create Billing Cal. Value

EA71 Change Billing Cal. Value

EA72 Display Billing Cal. Value

EA73 Create Gas Procedure

EA74 Change Gas Proced.

EA75 Display Gas Procedure

EA76 Create Cal. Value Proced.

EA77 Change Calorific Value Procedure

EA78 Display Cal. Value Proced.

EA79 Create Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.

EA80 Change Vol. Corr. Fact.Proc.

EA81 Display Vol. Corr. Fact. Proc.

EA85 Maintain Burning Hour Calendar

EA86 Copy Burng Hr Calendar for One Year

EA87 Rate Determination

EA88 Maintain Variant

EA89 Create Price

EA90 Change Price

EA91 Display Price

EA92 Maintain Price Adjustment Clause

EA97 Evaluation 1: Variants R/2 <-> ERP

EA98 Evaluation 2: Variants R/2 <-> ERP

EA99 Eval. of Variants

EABBP Archive Budget Billing Plans

EABI Billing/Invoicing log display

EABICO Bill Correction

EABIH Archive Billing Document Headers

EABIL Archive Billing Document Line Items

EABR IS-U Billing

EACCBAL Acct Balnce Display for Deregulation

EACCMAIN Manual Acct Maintenance for Supplier

EACOLLREV Select Reversed Documents (SR)

EADYN Define Dynamic Period Control

EAFACTS Archive Installation Facts

EAIN Billing/Invoicing log display

EAINV_MON Analysis of Invoicing Orders

EALOGBI_1 Detail display: MiniApp EMAP_LOGBI

EALOGIN_1 Detail display MiniApp EMAP_LOGIN

EALZ Logical Register Numbers

EAMABI Mass Billing

EAMACB Consumption History from Inv. Line

EAMACF Consumption History from Inst. Facts

EAMACH Mass Overall Check

EAMASI Mass Billing Simulation

EAMICAG Change AMI Activation Group

EAMIDISCMON01 Monitor Disconnection Orders

EAMIDISCRESCH01 Reschedule Disconnection Orders

EAMIDISCSEND01 Mass Act.: Send Disconnection Orders

EAMIEVTMON01 Monitor AMI Events

EAMIEVTPROC01 Mass Activity: Process Events

EAMIEVTPROC02 Process New AMI Events

EAMIMON01 Monitoring of AMI Communication

EAMIMSGSEND01 Mass Act.: Messaging

EAMIPROFSYNC Profile synchronization for AMI

EAMISMDS Simplified Master Data Synchron.

EAMISYNC AMI devices synchronization

EAMS00 Mass Billing of Simulation Indexes

EAMS01 Mass Act.: Billing of Sim. Indexes

EAMS10 Create Simulation Indexes

EAMS11 Monitoring of Mass Simulation

EAMS12 Statisics for Simulation Indices

EAMS13 Delete Simulation Indexes

EAMS20 Define Simulation Periods

EAMS21 UIS Version: Create for Mass Simul.

EAMS22 Statistics for Billing-Rel. Proc.


EAM_USER User Settings for EAM

EAN1 Create GTIN Mapping

EAN2 Change GTIN Mapping

EAN3 Display GTIN Mapping

EAN4 Create GTIN Mapping with Template

EANC1 Cond.: Field Cat. GTIN Mapping

EANC2 CondTab: Create (GTIN Mapping)

EANC3 CondTab: Change (GTIN Mapping)

EANC4 CondTab: Display (GTIN Mapping)

EANC5 Access sequences: GTIN Mapping

EANC6 Condition types: GTIN Mapping

EANC7 Procedure: GTIN Mapping

EANC8 Determine Procedure GTIN Mapping

EANC9 Customizing GTIN Variant Types

EANCONSISTENCYCHECK Change Materials Regarding EAN Attr.

EANGLN Maintain: Global Location Number

EANPROCESS IO Processes to be Mapped for EAN


EANUG EAN.UCC (UoM Grouping criteria)

EANVENDOR Maintain Vendor EANs

EAOUT Display Outsourcing for Bill/Inv.

EAOUTL Cross-Contract Billing

EAOUT_1 Detail display MiniApp EMAP_OUTBIIN

EAPDH Archive Print Document Headers

EAPDL Archive Print Document Line Items

EARDISP01 Display Archive: Print Doc. Header

EARDISP02 Display Archive: Print Document Itms

EARDISP03 Display Archive: Billing Document

EARDISP04 Display Archive: Budget Billng Plans

EARDISP05 Display Archive: Billing Doc. Lines

EARDISP06 Display Archive: MR Results

EARDISP07 Display Archive: Inspection List

EARDISP08 Display Archive: EDM Profile Values

EARELINVOICE Release Billing in Background

EARETPER Define retention period

EAROUND Accts for Rounding Amnt Gross Price

EAR_CHECKER Verify legal rep. cust. consistency

EASIBI Create Individual Bill

EASICH Individual Overall Check

EASIM Simulation Scenarios

EASIM01 Simulation f. Backbill. and PE Bill.

EASISI Create Individ. Simulation

EASY Tool:Search For/Call-Up Transactions

EASYDMS_CUS Customizing Easy Document Management

EATAXROUND_JP Amount Rounding for Jap. Tax Calcul.

EATB ISU: Turbo Billing

EATR Mass Activity: Create Bill/Part.Bill

EAXX IS-U Billing

EA_BSCHEXT_DISP Billing Schema Extension Overview

EA_DOWNLOAD Download Billing Master Data

EA_TRANSPORT Complete Transport of Master Data

EA_UPLOAD Upload Billing Master Data

EBAA Connection object overview

EBO1 Create boleto for bills


EBPP_APAR_SUPPORT Support Transaction for Bill. Direct


EBPP_AR_MATCH EBPP: Assignmt of User to Accounts

EBPP_AR_T042ICC Account Determination Payment Cards

EBPP_AR_T042ZEBPP EBPP: Maintain EBPP Payment Methods

EBPP_CREATE_USER Create a new user

EBPP_CUST_CHNG Change Notification Data

EBPP_CUST_DISP Display Notification Data

EBPP_LOG_CUST Customizing for Log Categories

EBPP_LOG_DISP Display of Log Categories

EBPP_LOG_ORGA Reorganize Log Entries

EBPP_RI Biller Direct Bill Receipt

EBPP_RIC BD Invoice Receipt: Settings

EBPP_RICONN BD Invoice Receipt: Links

EBR_CATCFOP CFOP Category Determination -ISU

EBR_COMPROVRET Yearly discounted IRPJ by customer


EBR_LIVICMS Update EBRLIVICMS table for Brazil

EBR_MATCATCFOP Mat Categ Determination CFOP - ISU

EBR_TE011BR Quantity dependent tax determination

EBR_VALRETIR Monthly discounted IRPJ - Customers

EBW_DQ_CS Marketing: Consumpt. -> Delta Queue

EBW_DQ_SS Sales Statistics -> BW Delta Queue

EBW_SS_MON Analysis of BW Extraction Orders

EC01 Org.Object Copier: Company Code

EC02 Org.Object Copier: Plant

EC03 Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area

EC04 Org.Object Copier: Sales Organizatn

EC05 Org.Object Copier: Distribution Chnl

EC06 Org.Object Copier: Division

EC07 Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point

EC08 Org.Object Copier: Shipping Point

EC09 Org.Object Copier: Warehouse Number

EC10 Org.Object Copier: Personnel Area

EC11 Org.Object Copier: Personnel Subarea

EC12 Org.Object Copier: Employee Subgroup

EC13 Org.Object Copier: Purchasing Org.

EC14 Org.Object Copier: Storage Location

EC15 Org.Object Copier: Material Type

EC16 Org.Object Copier: Controlling Area

EC25 IS-U navigator

EC30 Maintain rate data

EC31 Display Rate Data

EC50 Create Move-In Doc.

EC50E Create Move-In Document

EC51 Change Move-In Document

EC51E Change Move-In Document

EC52 Display Move-In Doc.

EC52E Display Move-In Document

EC53 Reverse Move-In Documnt

EC53E Reverse Move-In Document

EC55 Create Move-Out Doc.

EC55C Tabstrip- ISU - Move-Out

EC55E Move-Out

EC56 Chg. Move-Out Doc.

EC56E Change Move-Out

EC57 Display Move-Out Doc.

EC57E Display Move-Out

EC58 Reverse Move-Out Doc.

EC58E Reverse Move-Out

EC60 Initial Processing: Move-In/Out

EC6F Initial Processing: Move-In/Out

EC70 Accel.Entry: Move-In / Out / In/Out

EC85 Create Disc. Doc.

EC86 Change Disc. Doc.

EC87 Display Disc. Doc.

ECBWPP Prepare Extrapolation Indexes

ECENV_BP Data environ. for business partner

ECENV_CO Data environ. for connection object

ECENV_DV Data environment for device

ECHE Assignment of Visible Components

ECHT_CUST4INBOUNDSRV Create ECH Process for Service Oper.

ECHT_PLX_MAINTENANCE Define Payload Extraction Attributes

ECH_DEFLT_RESOL_SAP SAP Default Resolution Strategy

ECH_MONI Error and Conflict Handler Order

ECH_MONI_SEL Error and Conflict Handler Selection

ECH_RESOL Define Resolution Strategy

ECH_RESOL_COMP Define Resolution Strategy

ECH_RESOL_COMP_SYS Define SAP Resolution Strategy

ECH_RESOL_SYS Define SAP Resolution Strategy

ECICACC Konfiguration Autocall & Config


ECLP1 Create Loyalty Account

ECLP2 Change Loyalty Account

ECLP3 Display Loyalty Account

ECMCUST Customizing for ECM

ECMO Overview of ECOs

ECMR Overview of ECRs

ECM_APP_CONF Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (custom)

ECM_APP_CONF_SAP Edit ECM App to Rep mapping (SAP)

ECM_APP_SETTINGS Edit ECM App definitions (custom)

ECM_APP_SETTINGS_SAP Edit ECM App definitions (SAP)

ECM_CMIS_CONF Configure CMIS Repository

ECM_DATA_GENERATION ECMI: Test data generation

ECM_FS_CONFIG ECMI: Fileshare Repository Config

ECM_GROUP_CONF ECM Group Configurator

ECM_STORE_CONF Configure ECM Repository

ECM_WD_CONF ECM CMIS Connector Configuration

ECM_WD_DEFAULT_STATE WebDAV Server Default Settings

ECM_WD_STATE WebDAV Server Session State Settings

ECNC IS-U Navigator: Customizing


ECOMP_GRP_BR Maintain Contract Group and Relation

ECON1 Maintain Concession Eligibility

ECON2 Display Concession Eligibility

ECOP Main Program for Entity Copier

ECP_CT04 Change Characteristics

ECP_CT05 Create Characteristics

ECP_FUNCT_TYPE Maintain iView function types

ECRD1 Create Redemption

ECRD2 Change Redemption

ECRD3 Display Redemption

ECRD4 Mass Printout of Redemption Vouchers

ECRMREPL Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U

ECRMREPLM Error Handling Replication CRM/IS-U

ECRM_OBJ_TEMPL Master Data Templates for CRM TO

ECRM_PROD_TEMPL MD Templates for CRM Products

ECVBP02 Customer Data Overview

ECVCO00 Connection object overview

ECVE Export Resources from Web Repository

ECVM Generate Language Version Cust. Info




EC_TUTORIAL_TESTDATA eCATT: Demo for Test Data Management

EDATEXAGGR Export Aggregated Messages

EDATEXAGGRMON Monitor Aggregated Messages

EDATEXDELETE Delete Data Exchange Task

EDATEXEVENTDUE Monitoring of Due Date of Task

EDATEXEXECUTE Execute Data Exchange Tasks

EDATEXEXECUTEMA Mass Act.: Execute Data Exch. Tasks

EDATEXGEN Generate Data Exchange Tasks

EDATEXGENMA Mass Act.: Generate Data Exch. Tasks

EDATEXMON01 Monitoring of Data Exchange Tasks

EDATEXREVGEN Generation Reversal of D.Exch. Tasks

EDATEXSEND Send Data for Due Tasks

EDEREG_ANALYSE Analyses for POD/Service Provider

EDEREG_PODGROUP_GEN Generate Point of Delivery Groups

EDESK_CUS Customizing in Engineering Desktop

EDESK_IPPE Product Designer Workbench

EDM1N Profile Value Import (New)

EDOC_CL_DTESTA eDocument Chile: Get Status of DTE

EDOC_CL_INCOMING Chile eDocument Incoming

EDOC_CL_NRXML eDocument Chile: Upload Number Range

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE033 Number range editing: EDOC_CL033

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE034 Number range editing: EDOC_CL034

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE039 Number range editing: EDOC_CL039

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE041 Number range editing: EDOC_CL041

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE043 Number range editing: EDOC_CL043

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE046 Number range editing: EDOC_CL046

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE052 Number range editing: EDOC_CL052

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE056 Number range editing: EDOC_CL056

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE061 Number range editing: EDOC_CL061

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE110 Number range editing: EDOC_CL110

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE111 Number range editing: EDOC_CL111

EDOC_CL_NUMDTE112 Number range editing: EDOC_CL112



EDOC_CL_SUMMARY Chile eDocument Summary Report

EDOC_COCKPIT eDocument Cockpit

EDOC_IT_NOTIFICATION Notificatinon Handling

EDOC_IT_NUMBER Number range editing: EDOITPROGR

EDOC_OP_ASGMNT Operator assignment

EDOC_PERU_NUMBER Number range editing: EDOC_PE

EDOC_PE_VOID_DOC Create eDocument Voiding Request

EDOC_RESUBMIT Create and Submit eDocument

EDOC_SUMMARY eDocument Summary

EDX_BALANCING EDX: Message Comparison

EDX_BBX_EXT EDX: Customer registration list

EDX_BBX_INT EDX: Customer registration list

EDX_DEL EDX: Delete Messages (Test)

EDX_DUMP EDX: Save Messages with Errors

EDX_LINK EDX: Link Document to Attachments

EDX_LIST EDX: Message Overview

EDX_POLL EDX: Polling List Web Dynpro


EDX_PULL EDX: Pulling Batch Program

EDX_READ_FILES EDX: Read Messages From File System

EDX_RESET EDX: Reset Message Status

EDX_RESET_PARK EDX: Update Messages stat. EDX_PARK

EDX_RUN EDX: Perform processing all messages

EDX_SEND EDX: Send Messages

EDX_TRACE EDX: Display Trace Messages

EE25 Budget Billing Amounts

EE52 IS-U: Change Notification

EE53 IS-U: Display Notification

EE72 IS-U: Change Work Order

EE73 IS-U: Display Work Order

EE73_WM_NOTIF_1 Detail Display for MiniApp WM_NOTIF

EE73_WM_ORDER_1 Detail display for MiniApp WM_ORDER

EEAK Employment equity - Canada

EECA_UPD_BR Manual update of ECA table

EECREDIT_HIS_BR Credit and Compenstion History

EEDM00 EDM Frame

EEDM01 Maintain Profile

EEDM02 Display Profile

EEDM04 Maintain Profile Allocation

EEDM05 Display Profile Allocation

EEDM06 Create Profile Header

EEDM07 Change Profile Header

EEDM08 Display Profile Header

EEDM09 Create Point of Delivery

EEDM10 Change Point of Delivery

EEDM11 Display Point of Delivery

EEDM12 Operand - Profile Role Allocation

EEDMCALCMA EDM Formula Calculation (Mass Act.)

EEDMCALCWB EDM Calculation Workbench

EEDMCOPY01 Copy a file with profile values

EEDMCOPY02 Copy File with Internal Data

EEDMEXP01 Download profile values via PoD

EEDMEXP02 Download Profile Values by Prof. No.

EEDMFACTORCALC Calculate Dynamic Modif. Factor

EEDMFICALC01 Start Formula Instance Calculation

EEDMFICALC02 Monitor Formula Instance Calculation

EEDMFICALC03 Compress Temporary Trigger

EEDMFICALC04 Analyze/Delete Calculation Run Info.

EEDMFORMGRPSHOW Define, Display Formula Groups

EEDMFORMGRPUPDATE Define, Change Formula Groups

EEDMIDESERVPROV01 Create Service Provider

EEDMIDESERVPROV02 Change Service Provider

EEDMIDESERVPROV03 Display Service Provider

EEDMIDE_GRID01 Create Grid

EEDMIDE_GRID02 Change Grid

EEDMIDE_GRID03 Display Grid

EEDMIMP01 Upload Profile Values via PoD

EEDMIMP02 Upload Profile Values by Profile No.

EEDMIMPLOGDEL EDM Import Log: Delete Logs

EEDMPODCONSGEN Generation of Consumption History

EEDMRTPCODE Generate Codes for RTP Components

EEDMSENDPRO01 Send Profiles

EEDMSENDPRO02 List of Sent Profiles

EEDMSETTLANALYSE Display Settled PoDs for Document


EEDMSETTLCHANGE Change Settlement Document

EEDMSETTLCREATE Create Settlement Document

EEDMSETTLDISP Display Settlement Document

EEDMSETTLPARA_WZ Wizard: Check and Create Parameters

EEDMSETTLST Start/Stop Settlement Run

EEDMSETTLUNIT01 Create Settlement Unit

EEDMSETTLUNIT02 Change Settlement Unit

EEDMSETTLUNIT03 Display Settlement Unit

EEDMSETTLVAR01 Create Selection Variant

EEDMSETTLVAR02 Change Selection Variant

EEDMSETTLVAR03 Display Selection Variant

EEDM_CMP01 Create RTP Component

EEDM_CMP02 Change RTP Component

EEDM_CMP03 Display RTP Component

EEDM_FRM01 Create RTP Formula

EEDM_FRM02 Change RTP Formula

EEDM_FRM03 Display RTP Formula

EEDM_RTP01 Create RTP Interface

EEDM_RTP02 Change RTP Interface

EEDM_RTP03 Display RTP Interface

EEDM_SETTLPROFILE Profile Template for Settlmnt Params

EEDM_SETTLUNIT_GEN Generation of Settlement Units

EEFO_CREDIT_CREATE Front Office: Create Credit Memo

EEFO_INSTMNTPLN_CREA Front Office: Create Installmt Plan


EEIS1 Output Unbilled Contracts

EEIS2 Ouput Contr.Accts w/o BB Amounts

EEIS3 Output Portion w/o BB Amount

EENERGY_AUD_IN Transaction for Energy Audit India

EERCH_DEL Only Relevant for DE

EERCH_EXP Billing Document Extraction - Export

EERCH_IMP Only relevant for Germany

EERD_DATA_DEL Delete Print Document Extracts

EERD_DEL Only Relevant for DE

EERD_EXP Print Document Extracts - Export

EERD_EXTR Extracts: Export Print Documents

EERD_IMP Only relevant for Germany

EEWB Easy Enhancement Workbench

EEWC System Data Maintenance

EEWM_CU_ANALYSIS Analyze Operations in Task Lists

EEWM_ILCH Change Inspection List

EEWM_ILCR Create/Extend Inspection List

EEWM_ILDI Display Inspection List

EEWM_INOC Create Insp. Orders/Notifications

EEWM_SHIFTLOG shift management

EEWZ1 Maintain Application Group Data

EEWZ2 Use for Extension Fields

EEWZ3 Additional Extension Definition

EEXTSYNPROF Maint. View for Ext. Synth. Prof. ID

EE_CRM_CLASS_GENER Generate class for set type

EFAK IS-U Invoicing

EFAKTOR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_FAKTOR

EFCC Print Workbench Mass Processing

EFCM Print Workbench Form Class Processg

EFCS Print Workbench: Form Class

EFGM Print Workbench Mass Processing

EFGN Print Workbench: Mass Activation

EFRANCH_CHNG Change Franchisee Management

EFRANCH_CRTE Create Franchisee Management

EFRANCH_DISP Display Franchisee Management

EFRANCH_EFFC Performance evaluation for Franchise

EFRANCH_PODL Proof of Delivery

EFRM Print Workbench: Application Form

EFTP Print Workbench Mass Processing

EFTR Print Workbench: Generate Trans.List

EFTRADM Translation of Application Forms

EFTRADMLANGUS Print Workbench Mass Processing

EFTRLANGVEC Language Transport Form Objects

EFTRSL Print Wbench Trans. for Translation

EFTT Print Workbench: Transl. Worklist

EFUD Print Workbench: Application Form

EG01 Create Device Category

EG02 Change Device Category

EG03 Display Device Category

EG04 Create Register Group

EG05 Change Register Group

EG06 Display Register Group

EG07 Create Input/Output Group

EG08 Change Input/Output Group

EG09 Display Input/Output Group

EG14 Create Command

EG15 Change Command

EG16 Display Command

EG17 Create Command Group

EG18 Change Command Group

EG19 Display Command Group

EG27 Create Device Group

EG28 Change Device Group

EG29 Display Device Group

EG30 Full Replacement

EG31 Full Installation

EG32 Full Removal

EG33 Technical Installation

EG34 Billing-Related Installation

EG35 Billing-Related Removal

EG36 Technical Removal

EG41 Change device info record

EG42 Device modification

EG43 Display device info record

EG44 Create device info record

EG50 Inst./Removal/Repl.: Reversal

EG51 Installation Reversal

EG52 Reverse Technical Replacement

EG53 Reverse Technical Removal

EG60 Maintain Logical Register

EG61 Display Logical Register

EG70 Maintain Rate Data

EG71 Display Rate Data

EG72 Maintain Device Allocation

EG73 Display Device Allocation

EG75 Create Register Relationships

EG76 Change Register Relationships

EG77 Display Register Relationships

EG7A Maint. Basic Cat. Desc. and SortSeq.

EG7B Maintain Inspection Points

EG80 Create Sample Lot

EG81 Change Sample Lot

EG82 Display Sample Lot

EG83 Compile Sample Lot

EG84 Determine Lot Devices

EG85 Draw Sample Devices from Lot

EG88 Create Periodic Replacement List

EG89 Display Periodic Replacement List

EG8A Compile Sample Lot: Report

EG8B Sampling procedure B/NL

EG8C Combine Sample Lots

EG8D Draw Sample Devices from Lot

EG90 Create repl. orders/notifications

EG97 Perform Certification

EGCONTRACT Number Range Maintenance: ISU_GCONTR

EGMN IS-U Device Management

EGPB Assign Breakpoint to User

EGR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_DGEN

EGRID_OVRW Grid Overview

EGW1 Create Winding Group

EGW2 Change Winding Group

EGW3 Display Winding Group


EHFND_CTRL_EXPORT Export Control Regitser

EHFND_CUST_GENERATOR Customizing Generator

EHFND_LOC_SNRO Specify Number Range for Location

EHFND_REGL_IMPORT Import Regulatory List Revision

EHFND_WFF_SYSTEM_CHK Workflow System - Check

EHFND_WFF_TECH_WFIBO Technical Workflow Inbox


EHHSS_HSP_SNRO Number range maintenance: EHHSSHSPID

EHHSS_INC_CFG_WFTASK EHS: Assign Users to WF Tasks


EHHSS_RAS_CFG_WFTASK EHS: Assign Users to WF Tasks

EHHSS_RAS_SNRO Number range maintenance: EHHSSRASID

EHHSS_RSK_SNRO Specify Number Range for Risk


























EHPRC_80000009 Specify Incoming Types

EHPRC_80000020 Specify Environment Parameters

EHPRC_80000021 Specify Selection Criteria BOMBOS

EHPRC_80000025 Specify Regulatory Lists

EHPRC_80000027 Manage User Exits

EHPRC_80000031 Specify Env Parameters for Backend

EHPRC_80000032 Specify IMDS System

EHPRC_80000034 Specify Checks and Single Criteria

EHPRC_80000035 Specify Properties and Char.

EHPRC_80000043 Specify IMDS Material Data Sheet Var

EHPRC_80000044 Specify Basic Material Industry Stan

EHPRC_80000045 Specify IMDS Download Types

EHPRC_80000049 Specify Export Types

EHPRC_80000061 IMG Activity: EHPRC_DMS

EHPRC_80000064 Specify PDM Systems

EHPRC_80000074 IMG activity: EHPRC_CLASS


EHPRC_80000088 IMG activity: EHPRC_BADI_003

EHPRC_80000094 IMG activity: EHPRC_BADI_005

EHPRC_CFG_WFTASK Assign Users to WF Tasks


EHPRC_COD_SNRO Number Range Maintenance: EHPRCCODID

EHPRC_CPB02 Bill of Material Transfer

EHPRC_CPB02PV Product Variant Transfer








EHPRC_CPDOCU_SE24 Display Class or Interface

EHPRC_CPDOCU_SE37 Display Function Module

EHPRC_CPE03 IMDS Download of All Result Files

EHPRC_CPE06 Customer and Supplier Information

EHPRC_CPE07 Supplier and Contact Data

EHPRC_CPH00 Global Product Number

EHPRC_CPH01 Harmonization Manufacturer/Supplier

EHPRC_CPH02 Harmonization Customer

EHPRC_CPH03 Harmonization Product Number

EHPRC_CPI00 Import Batch Mode


EHPRC_CPI02 Download of IMDS Files

EHPRC_CPI03 Import from Application Server

EHPRC_CPI04 Import from Front End

EHPRC_CPI08 Import Documents

EHPRC_CPO00 Partner Adresses

EHPRC_CPO01 IMDS Company Data

EHPRC_CPO02 IMDS Contact Persons

EHPRC_CPO10 IMDS Customer MDS Center

EHPRC_CPO20 IMDS Supplier MDS Center

EHPRC_CPP01 CfP Runtime Analysis

EHPRC_CPP02 Performance Setting

EHPRC_CPSM30 Call View Maintenance

EHPRC_CPU02 Test Inbound Conversion

EHPRC_CPU02O Test Outbound Conversion

EHPRC_CPU04 Test CSV2XML conversion of PDM data

EHPRC_CPW03 Show Application Log







EHPRC_RCST03 Template DMS Assignment

EHPRC_RCS_MMPHR_ACT Activate Mat.-Class. Phrasing

EHPRC_RCS_PHRSET_CR Phrase Set Creation

EHQL EH&S-QM: Display Logs

EHQMC1 EH&S-QM: Maintain Types of Chars.

EHQMNUMCODE EHS: Maintain Number Range for Codes

EHQMNUMGRP EHS: Maintain No.Range for Code Grps

EHQMNUMSLST EHS:Maintain No.Range for Phrase Set

EHSB_D_RC_01 Internal: Start Compliance Check

EHSB_D_RC_02 Number Range for Application Log ID

EHVD HTML Customer Overview: Select Data


EI01 UIS: Activate Update

EI03 UIS: Change Communication Structure

EI10 UIS: Execute Evaluation

EI11 UIS: Create Evaluation

EI12 UIS: Change Evaluation

EI13 UIS: Display Evaluation

EI14 UIS: Settings for Standard Analysis

EI18 UIS: Create Field Catalog

EI19 UIS: Change Field Catalog

EI1B UIS: Maintain Requirements

EI20 UIS: Display Field Catalog

EI21 UIS: Create Info Structure

EI22 UIS: Change Info Structure

EI23 UIS: Display Info Structure

EI24 UIS: Create Update

EI25 UIS: Change Update

EI26 UIS: Display Update

EI27 UIS: Create Evaluation Structure

EI28 UIS: Change Evaluation Structure

EI29 UIS: Display Evaluation Structure

EI30 UIS: Simulate Document Update

EI31 UIS: Statistics Update

EI32 UIS: Setup of Statistical Data

EI35 Set up stock statistics

EI44 UIS: Rate Statistics Selection

EI45 UIS: Rate Statistics Selection

EI72 CO-PA: Statistical Update

EI80 Check Document transfer COPA/BW/UIS

EIDECOM1 Communication on Basis of Serv.Prov.

EIDECOM2 Communication on Basis of Serv. Type

EIDESERV1 Define Service Types

EIDESERV2 Define Process Control

EIDESERV3 Define Own Billable Services

EIDESERV4 Define Third Party Billable Services

EIDESERV5 Define Non-Billable Services

EIDESP1 Allocate Operational Area

EIDESP2 Allocate Rate Categories

EIDESP3 Allocate Certification Status

EINF IS-U Information System

EINVRFCDTR Maintain RFC Destination for TR EINV

EINVSCNTR Maintain E-Invoice scenario for TR

EINVSCNVTR Maintain E-Invoice scenario for V TR

EINV_AGR Processing eFaktura Agreement

EINV_CUST TW: Customers Eligible for E-INVOICE

EINV_MASS Mass update of CA with einvoice ref

EINV_NO Number range maintenance: EINVNO

EINV_R Process receipt file for eInvoice

EIS1 UIS: Current Settings


EK01 Acct Determ.: IS-U Receiv. Accounts

EK02 Acct Determ.: IS-U Rev. Accts

EK03 IS-U Argentinian Tax Determination

EK04 Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina

EK05 Activ.Code Distrib.Type in Argentina

EK06 Defaults for Acct Display BB Amounts

EK07 Defaults for Acct Disp BB Amnts CIC

EK08 IS-U Account Display: Specifications

EK09 Define Specifications for Loans

EK11 Specifs: Source Item Charges in IP

EK12 Down Payment Specifications

EK13 Down Paym./Rec. Clearing Information

EK14 C FI Maintain Table TFK022A/B

EK15 Dunning Charge Specif.in Invoicing

EK16 Document Type: GI and VAT Perception

EK17 Specif. for Migration of Payments

EK20 Activate 2-Level Tax Determ. Code

EK21 Maintain 2-Step Tax Determ. Ident.

EK22 Payment Migration: Specifications

EK23 Down Payment Request Payment Proc.

EK25 Create Loan

EK26 Change Loan

EK27 Display Loan

EK70 Cust. Item Ind. -> Payment Block

EK71 Cstmzng: Aggr. Posting of Inbnd Bill

EK72 Transactions for Aggregated Posting

EK73 Aggr. Bill: Trans. -> Offsetting Tr.

EK74 Dereg. - Maintain Factory Calendar

EK75 Conversion Int./Ext. Transaction

EK76 Specs for Aggr. Posting and Payment

EK78 FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit

EK79 Default values for cash deposit int.

EK81 Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts

EK82 Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts

EK92 Create Payment Plan

EK93 Change Payment Plan

EK93C Combined Change of Payment Plans

EK93M Adjust Payment Plans Automatically

EK94 Display Payment Plan

EK94C Combined Display of Payment Plans

EK95 Manual History for Payment Schedule

EK96 Adjust Balance-Forward Amount

EK96_DEFAULT Default Adjustm. of Difference Amnt

EKND IS-U Customer Service

EKS1 PURCHIS: Statistics Update: Item Lvl

EKSR Remove BBP from Collective Bill

EK_EXT_BR Nummernkreispflege: ISU_EXT_BR

EK_M100 Defaults for Payment Medium ID

EK_NF_BR Nummernkreispflege: ISU_NF_BR

EK_R017 Doc. Type for Stat. Fee in Argentina

EK_R100 Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID

EK_R200 Def. Info. for Security Dep. Transf.

EK_R201 Def. Info for Sec.Dep.Trans. Revers.

EK_R230 Dunning Grouping for Collections

EK_SURS Charge Request for Mass Activity

EL01 Execute Order Creation

EL06 Execute Mass Order Creation

EL09 Execute Order Creation

EL16 Execute Order Output

EL18 Execute Estimation

EL20 Fast Entry

EL22 Fast Entry With Correction

EL27 Correction of Implausible Results

EL27_MRUNIT Correct Implausible MRs for MR Unit

EL28 Single Entry

EL29 Correction of Plausible Results

EL30 Estimate Meter Reading Results

EL31 Manual Monitoring

EL32 Automatic Monitoring

EL35 Meter Reading Order Output

EL37 Reverse Meter Reading Order Creation

EL37_WO_MRUNIT Reverse MRRs w/o Order Creation

EL40 Maintain Street Route

EL41 Display Street Route

EL42 Display Meter Reading Units

EL43 Device Overview

EL44 MAU Planning Meter Reading Orders

EL50 Create Meter Reading Group

EL51 Change Meter Reading Group

EL52 Display Meter Reading Group

EL56 Change Periodic Consumption

EL57 Display period consumption

EL59 Mass Change Meter Reading Units

EL59P Define Parameter Group

EL60 Activation EB for Individ. Install.

EL61 Activation EB for Amount of Install.

EL62 Deactivation of EB for Ind. Install.

EL70 List of Implausible MR Results

ELDM Monitoring of IDocs Processed

ELEU Display IDoc

ELMRDEL Delete Reversed Meter Readings

ELMU Upload

ELOC Manage Container Location

ELSIG00 Signature Strategy

ELSIG01 Authorization Grp Digital Signatures

ELSIG02 Digital Signature

ELSIG03 Signature Method for Signat. Object

ELSIG03N Signature Method for Signat. Object

EL_MA_MRIDOC Process IDocs with errors

EM10 Goods Movement via Serial Numbers

EMAIL SAPconnect Easy EMail

EMASN IDoc Monitor for Inb. Ship. Notific.

EMC_JP Transaction code for Japan EMC


EMDUSCRTRQ_MA Mass Activity: Create MDUS Request

EMDUSFORM Edit Time-of-Use Formula

EMDUSIFACE Edit Time-of-Use Interface

EMFOR Monitor for Forecast/JIT Del.Sched.

EMIGALL IS-U Migration

EMIGCMP IS-U Migration Company Maintenance

EMIGCNV IS-U Mig: Maintain Conversion Obj.

EMIGCOM Compare with migration Customizing

EMIGFLD IS-U Migration: Maintain Fields

EMIGFVA Fixed Value Maintenance

EMIGIMP IS-U Migration: Data Import

EMIGJOB IS-U Migration: Job Scheduler

EMIGKSV IS-U Migration: Maintain KSM

EMIGMASSRUN Mass Import Monitor: IS Migration

EMIGMASSRUNGROUP Group Import IS Migration

EMIGOBJ Maintain migration object

EMIGPREPBAL Migration of Prepaid Balances

EMIGPREPCLE Prepaid Migration: Clean-Up Tasks

EMIGPROJECT IS-U Migration: Maintain Project

EMIGSTAT Display Stats Record: IS-U Migration

EMIGSTR Maintenance of autom. data structure

EMIGUSR IS-U migration user maintenance

EMINV IDoc-Monitor für eingehende Rechnung

EMJIT IDoc Monitor for JIT Calls

EMMA Log Analysis and Case Creation

EMMAC1 Create Case

EMMAC2 Change Case

EMMAC3 Display Case

EMMACAP Run Automatic Processes for Cases

EMMACC Cust. Tab. Add. Data in Transaction

EMMACCAT1 Create Case Category

EMMACCAT1M Create Case Category from Message

EMMACCAT2 Change Case Category

EMMACCAT3 Display Case Category

EMMACCAT4 Delete Case Category

EMMACCAT5 Transport Case Category

EMMACL Clarification List

EMMACLGEN Generate Case List Program

EMMACLS Case List with Shortcut Keys




EMMALOG Display Application Log

EMMARTA BPEM Runtime Error Analysis

EMMA_NR_CASE Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_CASE

EMMA_NR_JOB Number Range Maintenance: EMMA_RUNID

EMMA_OLD Monitor mass activity

EMORD IDoc Monitor for SD Orders

EMSG Maintenance of Message Groups

EMTB Mass Activity: Turbo Billing

EMTC Toolbox Technischer Check

EMTRA IDoc Monitor for Inbound Transports

EN00 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDK

EN01 Subscreens for Simple Notification

EN03 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EHAU

EN04 Number Range Maint.: ISU_EVBS

EN05 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDCN

EN06 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EANL

EN07 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ETRF

EN08 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAOBJ

EN09 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDOC

EN10 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAORD

EN11 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EZWG

EN12 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKOG

EN13 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEAG

EN15 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABL

EN17 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EVER

EN18 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_CREFNO

EN19 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDEPRO

EN20 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDETRA

EN22 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EDSC

EN23 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EPREI

EN25 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABP

EN27 No. Range Maint.: ISU_DEVGRP

EN40 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDOC

EN41 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDCDCI

EN43 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EKON

EN50 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EEIN

EN55 No. Range Maint.: ISU_EAUS

EN70 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PRDOC

EN80 No. Range Maint.: ISU_TE271

EN99 General Foreign Trade Processing

ENBI Number Range Maintenance: ISU_BIRUN

ENCLEAN Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ECLEAN

ENCO Printing / Communication

ENCONDI Number Range Maintenance: ISU_CONDI

ENDELIVER Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_DELI

ENEDMCR Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_CR

ENEDMFI Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_FI

ENEDMIB Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_IB

ENEDMPRO Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDMP

ENEDMPROT Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDMPT

ENEDMSC Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_SC

ENEDMSD Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_SD

ENEDMUS1 Number Range Maintenance ISU_EDM_U1

ENEDMVN Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EDM_VN

ENER No. Range Maint.: ISU_ERCH

ENFO Foreign Trade/Customs: Init. Screen

ENGK Legal control

ENGR Periodic Declarations

ENIDESWD Number Range Maintenance: ISU_IDESWD

ENIN Number range maint. ISU_INDEXN


ENLO Documentary Payments

ENLP Number Range Maintenance: ISU_LOGLPR

ENNR No. Range Maint.: ISU_LOGINR

ENOBJAD Number Range Maintenance: EWA_OBJAD

ENPA FT: Enjoy: Period-end Closings

ENPR Preference Handling

ENPS No. Range Maint.: ISU_EABP

ENRD Number Range Maintenance: ISU_ERDMP

ENROB Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EWAROB

ENROUTE Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EROUTE

ENSAMPLE Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_SMPL

ENSERVAD Number Range Maintenance: EWA_SERVAD

ENSL Cockpit: Sanctioned Party List

ENSV Foreign Trade Data Maintenance


ENUMRGE_BR Brazil: Number Range Object

ENVD CIC: Data Environment Maintenance

ENVOUCHER Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_PGR

ENWDPL Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_WDPT

ENWDPPROC Number Range Maintenance: EWAEL_WDPP

ENWEIGH Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_WPNR

ENWEIGHFAV Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_WFAV

ENWEIGHOFL Number Range Maintenance: EWAWA_WONR

ENWK No. Range Maint.: ISU_EWIK

ENZD Customs Objects: Documentation/Info.

ENZW No. Range Maint.: ISU_LOGIZW

EOLA Master Data Tab

EP01 Customizing: Transaction Statistics

EP02 Customizing: Stock Statistics

EPA1 Create Print Action Record

EPA2 Change Print Action Record

EPA3 Display Print Action Record

EPAR List Print Action Records

EPDHIER Display Hierarchy of MDT Category

EPDTYPE IS-U MD Generator: MDT Categories

EPERS IS-U Report Var. Maint. for MiniApps

EPFCGROUP Price Simulation Group

EPFCGROUP_DISPLAY Display Price Simulation Groups

EPIC_BAL Bank Balance Management

EPIC_BAM Hierarchy of House Bank Account

EPIC_BC Start Bank Communication Monitor

EPIC_BRM Bank Receipt Management

EPIC_BRM_CLAIM Claim Bank Receipts

EPIC_BRM_EDIT Claim Bank Receipts

EPIC_BRM_POST Claim Bank Receipts

EPIC_CAM01 Create Cash Account

EPIC_CAM02 Change Cash Account

EPIC_CAM03 Display Cash Account

EPIC_CAM04 Display Cash Account

EPIC_F8REL Release Payt Requests from IDoc

EPIC_FF73 Process Cash Concentration

EPIC_FF73_SET Cash Concentration Settings

EPIC_GRP Maintain Cash Pools

EPIC_IMP Import Data from Bank Account

EPIC_IMP_S Get Data from Bank Account in Batch

EPIC_LOGON Maintain Bank Comm logon data

EPIC_LOGON_IT Maintain Bank Comm logon data

EPIC_MONI Check Status of Bank Communication

EPIC_MONI_IT Check Status of Bank Communication

EPIC_PROC Electronic Payment Integration





EPIC_PRP Post to Bank G/L Account

EPIC_PRP_S Post to Bank G/L Account in Batch

EPIC_RECONCILE Reconcile Bank/Cash Transactions

EPIC_RECONCILE_S Reconcile Bank/Cash Trans. in Batch

EPIC_RPR Create Cash Receipt/Payt Request

EPIC_TC_CB_CYCLE Maintain Cycle Data for Budget Plan

EPIC_TC_CB_LQITEM Maintain Liq. Items for Budget Plan

EPIC_TC_CB_PLAN Maintain Cash Amnts for Budget Plan

EPLOT Repayment on Account

EPMC Customizing: Plant Manager

EPM_REPORT_START Start Report With Variant

EPODSRVC1 Create point of delivery services

EPODSRVC2 Change point of delivery services

EPODSRVC3 Display point of delivery services

EPOD_ARCHIVE_DL Deleting the Proof of Delivery

EPOD_ARCHIVE_WR Archiving the Proof of Delivery

EPPM Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PREPAY

EPRACT Number Range Maintenance: ISU_PRACT

EPREPAY Amount Mgmt of Prepayment Meter

EPREPAYFREE Release locked PPM entries

EPREPAY_RELEASE Release locked PPM entries

EPRICE_UPLOAD Import IS-U Prices from Excel

EPRODCUST IS-U MD Template: Customizing

EQ01 Field Selection: Contract (IMG)

EQ02 Field Sel: Connection Object (IMG)

EQ03 Field Selection: Premise (IMG)

EQ04 Field Selection: Installation (IMG)

EQ05 Field Sel: Device Location (IMG)

EQ06 Field Sel: Initial Screen - Move-Out

EQ07 Field Sel: Move-In - Contract1 (IMG)

EQ08 Field Sel: Move-In Contract 2 (IMG)

EQ09 Field Sel: Owner Allocation (IMG)

EQ10 Field Selection for Property (IMG)

EQ11 Field Selection for WDO Header

EQ12 Field Selection for WDO Item

EQ20 Field Sel. for Accel. Weighing Entry

EQ30 Search Help for Parameter Recs (IMG)

EQ31 Search Help for Portions (IMG)

EQ32 Search Help for MR Units (IMG)

EQ33 Search Help for Contracts (IMG)

EQ34 Search Help for Conn. Objects (IMG)

EQ35 Search Help for Premises (IMG)

EQ36 Search Help for Installations (IMG)

EQ37 Search Help for Device Locs (IMG)

EQ38 Search Help for Register Grps (IMG)

EQ39 Search Help for I/O Groups (IMG)

EQ40 Search Help for Command Groups (IMG)

EQ42 Search Help for Winding Groups (IMG)

EQ43 Search Help for Device Categs (IMG)

EQ44 Search Help for Devices (IMG)

EQ45 Search Help for Lots (IMG)

EQ46 Search Help for Rates (IMG)

EQ47 Search Help for Schemas (IMG)

EQ48 Search Help for Rate Categs (IMG)

EQ49 Search Help for Discs/Surchgs (IMG)

EQ50 Search Help for Franchise Cont.(IMG)

EQ51 Search Help for Print Docs (IMG)

EQ52 Search Help for BB Plans (IMG)

EQ53 Search Help for Billing Docs (IMG)

EQ54 Search Help for Move-In Docs (IMG)

EQ55 Search Help for Move-Out Docs (IMG)

EQ56 Search Help for Disconn. Docs (IMG)

EQ57 Search Help for Cleaning Obj. (IMG)

EQ58 Search Help for Surfaces (IMG)

EQ59 Search Help for Routes (IMG)

EQ60 Search Help for Cont. Location (IMG)

EQ61 Srch Help for BP for Cont.Loc. (IMG)

EQ62 Srch Help for Guarantor Cntrct (IMG)

EQ80 Check Sub-Transactions for Rates

EQ81 Display Migration Handbook (IMG)

EQ82 Billing Master Data Transport (IMG)

EQ83 Check Rates (IMG)

EQ84 Check Activities (IMG)

EQ85 Check Statistics Groups (IMG)

EQ90 Task Customizing for IS-U (IMG)

EQDTRIGGERMA Process Qty Determination Trigger

EQMANAGER Easy Query Manager

EQPREVIEW Display for EQ Result Set Preview

EQSBGRFCMONITOR bgRFC Monitor with Inbound Queue

ER30 Maintain Poli. Reg. Struc. Hierarchy

ER31 Maintain Political Regional Struct.

ER32 Display Political Regional Structure

ER3D Display Poli. Reg. Struct. Hierarchy

ERCH_EXTR Extracts: Export Billing Docuemnts

EREC01 Transfer to FI- single cont. mode

EREC02 Transfer to FI invoicing 3rd party

EREC03 Aggregated Posting to Contract Acc.

EREG IS-U Regional Structure

ERN1 No. Range Maint.: ISU_TE227

EROD Transfer Master Data to Route Plan.

ERONEW Maintain Service Frequency


ERS_IT Number range maintenance: ERS_IT

ES20 Create Contract

ES20C Tab Strip for IS-U Contract

ES21 Chg. Contract

ES22 Display Contract

ES27 Multiple Contract Maint.

ES28 Multiple Contract Display

ES30 Create Installation

ES30CONTAIN Tabstrip: Reference Values

ES30HEAT Tabstrip: Reference Values

ES30LIGHT Tabstrip: Reference Values

ES30REFVAL Tabstrip: Reference Values

ES31 Change Installation

ES32 Display Installation

ES43 Create Franchise Contract

ES44 Change Franchise Contract

ES45 Display Franchise Contract

ES50 Number Range Maintenance: ISU_EPROP

ES55 Create Connect. Object

ES56 Change Connect. Object

ES57 Display Connect. Object

ES60 Create Premise

ES61 Change Premise

ES62 Display Premise

ES64 Change Connection Object

ES65 Create Device Loc.

ES66 Change Device Loc.

ES67 Display Device Loc.

ESALES_SVOFFERS Maintain Settings for File Table

ESARA01 IS-U Archiving: Print Docmt Header

ESARA02 IS-U Archiving: Print Document Items

ESARA03 IS-U Archiving: Billing Document

ESARA04 IS-U Archiving: Budget Billing Plans

ESARA05 IS-U Archiving: Billing Doc. Lines

ESARA06 IS-U Archiving: MR Results

ESARA07 IS-U Archiving: Inspection List

ESARA08 IS-U Archiving: EDM Profile Values

ESARA09 IS-U Archiving: Prepayment Documents

ESARA10 IS-U Archiving: Usage Factors

ESARA11 IS-U: Archiving: Settlement Docs

ESARA12 IS-U Archiving: Routes

ESARA13 IS-U Archiving: Waste Disposal Order

ESARA14 IS-U Archiving: Installation Facts

ESARA15 IS-U Archiving: Switch Documents

ESARA16 IS-U Archiving: Contracts

ESARA17 IS-U Archiving: Parked Documents

ESARA18 IS-U Archiving: Disconnection Docs.

ESARA19 IS-U Archiving: Move-In Documents

ESARA20 IS-U Archiving: Move-Out Documents

ESARA21 IS-U Archiving: Data Exchange Task

ESARA22 IS-U Archiving: AMI Communication

ESARA23 IS-U Archiving: AMI Messaging

ESARA24 IS-U Archiving: AMI Event Processing

ESARA25 Archive TOU Exception Response

ESARA26 Archive TOU Exceptions

ESARJ01 Activate AS for print doc. header

ESARJ02 Activate AS for print doc. line itms

ESARJ03 Archive IS bill.doc.header is active

ESARJ04 Activate AS for budget billing plan

ESARJ05 Arch.Info.Struct.:Bill.Doc.Lines Act

ESARJ06 ArchInfrastr. ME Results Active

ESARJ07 ArchInfStructure InspectList Active

ESARJ08 ArchInfStruc: EDM Prof.Values Active

ESARJ09 ArchInfStructure: Prepayment Active

ESARJ10 Arch.Inf.Struct.: Act. Waste Order

ESARJ11 Arch.Inf.Structure: Activate Routes

ESARJ12 Arch.Inf.Str.: Archive Install.Facts

ESARJ13 Arch.Inf.Structure: Settlement Doc.

ESARJ14 Arch.Info.Structure: Usage Factors

ESARJ15 Activ. ArchInfoStruc. f. Switch Docs

ESARJ17 Arch.Infrastr. TOU Excptn Response

ESARJ18 ArchInfStructure TOU Exception

ESARJ22 ArchInfStruct. AMI Communic. Activ.

ESD1 IS-U Business Master Data

ESD2 IS-U Technical Master Data

ESDF Maint. of Add. Field Descriptions

ESDP Maintain Tolerance Profile

ESFM_GVA1 Grouped Value Adjustment: Create

ESFM_GVA2 Grouped Value Adjustment: Change

ESFM_GVA3 Grouped Value Adjustment: Display

ESFM_GVA4 Grouped Value Adjustment: Approve

ESFM_GVANR Number range maintenance: ESFM_GVANR



ESH_COCKPIT Connector Administration Cockpit

ESH_EXTR_USER ESH Set Extraction User for Indexing

ESH_IMG Customizing Enterprise Search

ESH_MODELER Search & Analytics Modeler

ESH_QL_CUST Customize Query Logging

ESH_REG_REMSEARCH Configuration of Remote Search

ESH_SEARCH Enterprise Search

ESH_SHOW_BP Display Bus. Partner in BuPa App

ESH_TAU Test Console for Test Automation

ESH_TAU_PD Product - Datasheet (EPM)

ESIMD IS-U Archiving: Reorg. Sim. Docs



ESR_CHK_CL Esr Changelist Check

ESR_CHK_F7 Esr F7 Checks

ESWTMON01 Monitoring of Switch Documents

ETHI Aggr. Posting Serv. Prov. CA

ETHIM Mass Act. Aggr. Posting for ServProv

ETHIM_BW Delta: Bill Processing by Third Prty

ETHIM_TAX Aggregated Posting for SP with Tax

ETHI_DIS Evaluation of DFKKTHI Entries

ETHI_SUM_DIS Evaluation of DFKKTHI_SUM Entries

ETHI_TAXREV Reversal of Aggr. Posting with Tax

ETHPM Aggr. Posting of Outgoing Payment

ETOUCONSASSIGN Alloc. Consumption Pattrn to Profile

ETOUEXCEPT01 Display and Maintain TOU Exceptions

ETOUEXCEPT02 Create TOU Exceptions

ETOUEXCEPTPRG01 Edit Time-Of-Use Exception Programs

ETOUEXCEPTRESP01 Display/Maintain TOU Exception Resp.

ETOUEXCEPTRESP02 Create TOU Exception Response

ETP_DELETE_TASKS Deleting tasks

ETRANSF Mass Activity - Aggregated Posting

ETRANSF_DIS Display Transfer Data

ETRM IS-U Scheduling

EUNLD Delete Unneeded Billing Doc. Lines

EUPTSP GP Content Transport


EXCL_TABLE Transaction to exclude table

EXEORGCHEARM Parameter transaction for TG01000008

EXPD Expediting

EXPD_STNUM Number Range Status Information

EXPG Agent Determination

EXPL_MSS Call the explain in a new window

EXPO_ANA Analysis of a FOX Folder

EXPO_READ Read & Visualize FOX Storage

EXPO_TEST Text explosion FOX with PLM objects


EXP_CUST Express Planning Customizing

EXP_CUST_KFPRICE Prices of Statistical Key Figs




EXTID_DN External Identification Type DN

EXTID_ID External Identification Type ID

E_00003090 Maintain BTE 00003090

E_00003091 Maintain BTE 00003091

E_DEREG_SYST Deregulation: System Settings

E_JBP_CUST Customizing JBP

E_JBP_SYST SAP System Settings for JBP

F-01 Enter Sample Document

F-02 Enter G/L Account Posting

F-03 Clear G/L Account

F-04 Post with Clearing

F-05 Post Foreign Currency Valuation

F-06 Post Incoming Payments

F-07 Post Outgoing Payments

F-18 Payment with Printout

F-19 Reverse Statistical Posting

F-20 Reverse Bill Liability

F-21 Enter Transfer Posting

F-22 Enter Customer Invoice

F-23 Return Bill of Exchange Pmt Request

F-25 Reverse Check/Bill of Exch.

F-26 Incoming Payments Fast Entry

F-27 Enter Customer Credit Memo

F-28 Post Incoming Payments

F-29 Post Customer Down Payment

F-30 Post with Clearing

F-31 Post Outgoing Payments

F-32 Clear Customer

F-33 Post Bill of Exchange Usage

F-34 Post Collection

F-35 Post Forfaiting

F-36 Bill of Exchange Payment

F-37 Customer Down Payment Request

F-38 Enter Statistical Posting

F-39 Clear Customer Down Payment

F-40 Bill of Exchange Payment

F-41 Enter Vendor Credit Memo

F-42 Enter Transfer Posting

F-43 Enter Vendor Invoice

F-44 Clear Vendor

F-46 Reverse Refinancing Acceptance

F-47 Down Payment Request

F-48 Post Vendor Down Payment

F-49 Customer Noted Item

F-51 Post with Clearing

F-52 Post Incoming Payments

F-53 Post Outgoing Payments

F-54 Clear Vendor Down Payment

F-55 Enter Statistical Posting

F-56 Reverse Statistical Posting

F-57 Vendor Noted Item

F-58 Payment with Printout

F-59 Payment Request

F-60 Maintain Table: Posting Periods

F-62 Maintain Table: Exchange Rates

F-63 Park Vendor Invoice

F-64 Park Customer Invoice

F-65 Preliminary Posting

F-66 Park Vendor Credit Memo

F-67 Park Customer Credit Memo

F-90 Acquisition from purchase w. vendor

F-91 Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acct

F-92 Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer

F.01 ABAP Report: Financial Statements

F.02 Compact Journal

F.04 G/L: Create Foreign Trade Report

F.05 Foreign Currency Valuation

F.07 G/L: Balance Carryforward

F.08 G/L: Account Balances

F.0A G/L: FTR Report on Disk

F.0B G/L: Create Z2 to Z4

F.10 G/L: Chart of Accounts

F.12 Adv.Retrn for Tax on Sales/Purchases

F.13 Automatic Clearing without Currency

F.14 ABAP/4 Report: Recurring Entries

F.15 ABAP/4 Report: List Recurr.Entries

F.16 ABAP/4 Report: G/L Bal.Carryforward

F.17 ABAP/4 Report: Cust.Bal.Confirmation

F.18 ABAP/4 Report: Vend.Bal.Confirmation

F.19 G/L: Goods/Invoice Received Clearing

F.1A Customer/Vendor Statistics

F.1B Head Office and Branch Index

F.20 A/R: Account List

F.21 A/R: Open Items

F.22 A/R: Open Item Sorted List

F.23 A/R: Account Balances

F.25 Bill of Exchange List

F.26 A/R: Balance Interest Calculation

F.27 Periodic Account Statements

F.28 Customers: Reset Credit Limit

F.2D Customrs: FI-SD mast.data comparison

F.2E Reconciliation Btwn Affiliated Comps

F.2F Management Acct Group Reconciliation

F.2G Create Account Group Reconcil. G/L

F.2I Document Assignment User Settings

F.2K Manage Templates for Notifications

F.30 A/R: Evaluate Info System

F.31 Credit Management - Overview

F.32 Credit Management - Missing Data

F.33 Credit Management - Brief Overview

F.34 Credit Management - Mass Change

F.35 Credit Master Sheet

F.36 Adv.Ret.on Sls/Pur.Form Printout(DE)

F.37 Adv.rept.tx sls/purch.form print (BE

F.38 Transfer Posting of Deferred Tax

F.39 C FI Maint. table T042Z (BillExcTyp)

F.40 A/P: Account List

F.41 A/P: Open Items

F.42 A/P: Account Balances

F.44 A/P: Balance Interest Calculation

F.46 A/P: Evaluate Info System

F.48 Vendors: FI-MM mast.data comparison

F.50 G/L: Profitability Segment Adjustmnt

F.51 G/L: Open Items

F.52 G/L: Acct Bal.Interest Calculation

F.53 G/L: Account Assignment Manual

F.54 G/L: Structured Account Balances

F.56 Delete Recurring Entry Documents

F.57 G/L: Delete Sample Documents

F.58 OI Bal.Audit Trail: fr.Document File

F.59 Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Create Extract

F.5A Accum.Clas.Aud.Trail: Eval.Extract

F.5B Accum.OI Aud.Trail: Create Extract

F.5C Accum.OI Audit Trail: Display Extr.

F.5D G/L: Update Bal. Sheet Adjustment

F.5E G/L: Post Balance Sheet Adjustment

F.5F G/L: Balance Sheet Adjustment Log

F.5G G/L: Subseq.Adjustment(BA/PC) Sp.ErA

F.5I G/L: Adv.Rep.f.Tx on Sls/Purch.w.Jur

F.61 Correspondence: Print Requests

F.62 Correspondence: Print Int.Documents

F.63 Correspondence: Delete Requests

F.64 Correspondence: Maintain Requests

F.65 Correspondence: Print Letters (Cust)

F.66 Correspondence: Print Letters (Vend)

F.70 Bill/Exchange Pmnt Request Dunning

F.71 DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation

F.75 Extended Bill/Exchange Information

F.77 C FI Maintain Table T045D

F.78 C FI Maintain Table T045B

F.79 C FI Maintain Table T045G

F.80 Mass Reversal of Documents

F.81 Reverse Posting for Accr./Defer.Docs

F.90 C FI Maintain Table T045F

F.91 C FI Maintain Table T045L

F.92 C FI Maintain T012K (Bill/Exch.)

F.93 Maintain Bill Liability and Rem.Risk

F.97 General Ledger: Report Selection

F.98 Vendors: Report Selection

F.99 Customers: Report Selection

F/LA Create Pricing Report

F/LB Change pricing reports

F/LC Display pricing reports

F/LD Execute pricing reports

F00 SAPoffice: Short Message

F000 Accounting
F010 ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change

F01R MC settlement single reversal

F01S Reversal of Periodic Postings

F01T Reverse General Contract Accr./Def.

F04N Vendor Foreign Currency Valuation

F05N Customer Foreign Currency Valuation

F06N Foreign Currency Val. (G/L Accounts)

F101 ABAP/4 Reporting: Balance Sheet Adj.

F103 ABAP/4 Reporting: Trnsfr Receivables

F104 ABAP/4 Reporting: Receivables Prov.

F107 FI Valuation Run

F107_A2MT Assign Transaction Types to Actions

F107_MT2A Assign Transaction Types to Actions

F107_PROV FI Provisions

F107_PROVMETH FI Provision Calculation Methods

F107_PROV_RP FI Discounting: Receivables/Payables

F110 Parameters for Automatic Payment

F110S Automatic Scheduling of Payment Prog

F110S_DD_PRENOTIF Payment Runs After DD Pre-Notif.

F111 Parameters for Payment of PRequest

F11CS Config.TR Display Payment Program

F11CU Config.TR Maintain Payment Program

F13E Automatic Clearing With Currency

F13L Autom. Clearing Spec. to Ledger Grp

F15 F15 Interface

F150 Dunning Run

F17P Bal. Confirmation (Customer) as PDF

F18P Bal. Confirmation (Vendor) as PDF

F48A Document Archiving

F53A Archiving of G/L Accounts

F53V Management of G/L Account Archives

F56A Customer Archiving

F58A Archiving of Vendors

F61A Bank archiving

F64A Transaction Figure Archiving

F66A Archiving of Bank Data Storage

F8+0 Display FI Main Role Definition

F8+1 Maintain FI Main Role Definition

F8+2 Display FI Amount Groups

F8+3 Maintain FI Amount Groups

F8+4 Maintain Account Assignment Groups

F8+5 Maintain General Role Definition

F801 Create Payment Request

F802 Change Payment Request

F803 Display Payment Request

F804 Changes to Payment Requests

F805 Delete Payment Request

F806 Create Payment Request

F807 Change Posted Payment Request

F808 Post Payment Request

F809 Post exchange rate differences

F810 Number Ranges Payment Request

F811 Create Collective Payment Request

F812 Change Collective Payment Request

F813 Delete Collective Payment Request

F814 Reverse Collective Payment Request

F815 Display Collective Payment Request

F816 Reset Reversal Coll. Payt Request

F817 Release Collective Payment Request

F820 Coll. Payment Request Number Ranges

F821 Default Doc. Type for Request Type

F822 Set Automatic Payment Block

F823 Revenue Type/Object Class Assignment

F824 Print Request

F831 Create Recovery Request

F832 Change Recovery Request

F833 Display Recovery Request

F835 Delete Recovery Request

F836 Create Recovery Request

F837 Change Posted Recovery Request

F838 Account Grp/Revenue Type Assignment

F839 Number Range Maintenance: PSOOB

F840 Display Object

F841 Change Object

F842 Create Object

F843 Object Classes

F844 Define Summary Keys

F845 Close Posting Day

F846 Target and Actual Daily Closg Bals

F847 Define Permitted Posting Days

F848 Define Posting Day

F849 Group Responsibility

F850 G/L Account Determination (FM)

F851 Fiscal Year Identification (FM)

F852 Assign Fiscal Year Identification FM

F853 Posting Variants (FM)

F854 Assign Company Code Groups (FM)

F855 Acct Determination Characteristcs FM

F856 Posting Key According to D/C, etc.

F857 Accounts to be Proposed: Requests

F858 Number Range Maintenance: LOTNO

F859 Assign Request Cat. to Number Range

F860 Revenue Types

F861 Revenue Types/Company Code

F862 Revenue Types/Commitment Items

F863 Functions

F864 Processor

F865 Main and Secondary Revenue Types

F866 Activate Check Digits (Cust./Vend.)

F867 Deduction reasons

F868 Define Regions

F869 Where-used list

F870 Posting a Parked Request

F871 Create Payment Request (Local Auth.)

F872 Change Payment Request

F873 Display Payment Request

F874 Release Payment Request

F875 Delete Payment Request

F879 Create Payment Deduction Request

F880 Reverse Deferral

F881 Create Acceptance Request

F882 Change Acceptance Request

F883 Display Acceptance Request

F884 Release Acceptance Request

F885 Delete Acceptance Request

F886 Defer Acceptance Request

F887 Waive Acceptance Order Temporarily

F888 Waive Acceptance Request

F889 Create Acceptance Deduction Request

F890 Reverse Temporary Waiver

F891 Create Clearing Request

F891B CR Transfer Between Different Funds

F892 Change Clearing Request

F893 Display Clearing Request

F894 Release Clearing Request

F895 Delete Clearing Request

F896 Create Blanket Remainder Clean Up

F899 Bundle Requests

F8B1 C FI Maintain Table TBKBC

F8B2 C FI Maintain Table TBKCB

F8B3 C FI Maintain Table TBKCR

F8B4 C FI Maintain Table TBKDC

F8B5 C FI Maintain Table TBKLA

F8B6 C FI Maintain Table TBKPD

F8B6N C FI Maintain Table TBKPV

F8B7 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP

F8B8 C FI Maintain Table TBKSR

F8B9 C FI Maintain Tables TBKRL, TBKRLT

F8BA C FI Maintain Append to Table BNKA

F8BB C FI Maintain Include to Table T012K

F8BC C FI Maintain Table TBKFK

F8BD C FI Maintain Table TBKZW

F8BE FI Table Maintenance TBKS, TBKST

F8BF C FI Maintain Table T042Y

F8BG Maintain Global Data for F111

F8BH Inconsistencies T042I and T042Y

F8BI C FI Maintain Table T012-VPAST

F8BI1 Create Variant for RFBIBLK0

F8BJ Maintain Clearing Accts (Rec.Bank)

F8BK Maintain ALE-Compatible Pmnt Methods

F8BL C FI Maintain Table TBKWT

F8BM Maintain numb.range: Payment request

F8BN Corr.Acctg Documents Payment Block

F8BO Payment request archiving

F8BR Levels for Payment Requests

F8BS Detail display of payment requests

F8BT Display Payment Requests

F8BU Create payment runs automatically

F8BV Reversal of Bank-to-Bank Transfers

F8BW Reset Cleared Items: Payt Requests

F8BX Online Payment

F8BZ F111 Customizing

F8M1 Calculate Penalty Surcharge

F8O0 Delete Assignment Cust./Obj/Rev.Type

F8O1 Master Data Objects: Delete Data

F8O2 Control Different Functions

F8O3 Assignment Rounding Units CoCd Var.

F8O4 Document Type/Request Type Assgt

F8O5 Automatic Approval/Posting Control

F8O7 Prepare Archiving of Temp. Waiver

F8O8 Define Workflow Variant AO

F8O9 Assign Workflow Variant

F8P0 Spplt Dnng Proc. Assgt to Dnng Area

F8P1 Change Dnng Proc. Asst to Dnng Area

F8P2 Dunning Block in Customer Line Items

F8P3 Delete Assignment Cust./Rev.Type

F8P4 Delete Customer Execution Data

F8P5 Delete Subldgr Account Preprocessing

F8P6 Assign SL acct to SL prep. program

F8Q1 Create Recurring Payment Request

F8Q2 Create Recurring Acceptance Request

F8Q3 Change Standing Request

F8Q4 Display Standing Request

F8Q5 Release Standing Request

F8Q6 Delete Standing Request

F8Q7 Post Standing Request

F8Q8 Create Posting Documents

F8Q9 Requests from Down Payments

F8R1 Additional Setting Dunn.Procd.for FM

F8R2 Assgmt Dnng Procedure/Dunning Area

F8R3 Display Addtl Sttng Dnnn Prd. FM

F8REL Release of Payment Requests

F8REV Cancellation of Payment Requests

F8V1 Export execution data

F8XX Payment Request No. Ranges KI3-F8BM

F90ABKST Archiving Bank Statements

F90ACFBAL Archiving Balance Carry Forwards

F90AINCAL Archiving Account Balancing Details

F90AITEM Archiving Payment Items

F90AORDER Archiving Payment Orders

F90APECAL Archiving Account Balancing Data

F90ASTORD Archiving Standing Orders

F90ATOTAL Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures

F90_PAR_NUMRG_GENER Set Up Number Range Intervals

F90_PAR_REALLOCATE Program to Create Interval Table

F91LTC Call Fixed-Term Deposits

F92LTC Collection of Fixed-Term Deposits

F93LTC Postprocessing Fixed-Term Deposits

F94LTC Restart Fixed-Term Deposits

F95LTC Pre-notification of Maturity

F960 Application Log Cash Concentration

F961 Application Log FI Transfer

F962 Application Log Balance Sheet Prep.

F963 Appl. log bal.sh. prep.(backdated)

F970 Account Balances

F970_VAL Balance List on Key Date

F971 Account Locks

F972 Overdraft List

F973 Display reconcil. balance list 1

F974 Display reconcil. balance list 2

F975 Compensation statememt daily status

F976 Overview Interest Accrual/Deferral

F977 Correction parked payment items

F978 Reconcil. List: FI Documents

F97A Overview of BCA Reconciliation Keys

F97A1 Reconciliation key detail display

F97AT Audit trail

F97C Internal Reference Accts

F97CURR Acct List for Currency Changeover

F97CX External Reference Accts

F97E Recon. to reconciliation key

F97G Statement FI Document/BCA Posting

F97I Reconciliation BCA /SAP FI Balances

F97J Appl. log bal.sh. prep.(backdated)

F980 Interest Acc/Def Individ. Statement

F982 Edit general conditions

F983 Display General Conditions

F984 Release General Conditions

F984_DR Release Deleted Conditions

F985 Edit Interest Conditions

F986 Display Interest Conditions

F987 Release Interest Conditions

F988 Edit Charge Conditions

F989 Display Charge Conditions

F98A Release Charge Conditions

F98B Edit Value Date Conditions

F98C Display Value Date Donditions

F98D Release Value Date Conditions

F98E Edit Condition Assignment

F98F Display Condition Assignment

F98G Release Condition Assignment

F98R Retroactive Condition Change

F98RK Retroactive Condition Change

F98TM Application Log for Term Control

F98TMAT Application log: mature report

F98TMCOLL Application log: collection report

F98TMPRE Application Log for Pre-notification

F991 Mass Acct. Balancing (Int./Charges)

F992 Application Log Account Balancing

F992EX Application Log Acct Balancing EDT

F993 Accrual/Deferral for General Ledger

F994 Application Log Accrual/Deferral

F995 Restart Account Balancing

F996 Single Acct. Balancing (Int./Charge)

F997 Early Mass Account Balancing

F997S Early Individual Account Balancing

F999 Interest scale

F99C Restart Interest Acc./Def.

F99D Preparation Early Account Balancing

F99E Closing: Settled Accounts

F99F Single Acct. Balancing: Restart

F99G Check Account Balancing Ext. Data

F9A0 BCA: Block Checks

F9A1 Create Check

F9A10 Edit Lock

F9A11 Delete Check

F9A12 Creat Check Stack

F9A13 Request Check Stack (Customer)

F9A16 BCA: Delete Stack Creation

F9A18 BCA: Request Checks from Location

F9A19 BCA: Release Check Stack

F9A20 Display Check Stack

F9A21 BCA: Block Check Stack

F9A23 Lift Block

F9A25 BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt

F9A26 BCA: Stack Location Settings

F9A4 BCA: Request Check

F9A5 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_ACC_EX

F9A50 Change Check Status

F9A7 BCA: Revoke Check Block

F9A8 Check Locks

F9A9 BCA: Display Checks

F9AUTH Maintain Authorization Groups

F9B1 BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact.

F9B2 Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch

F9B3 User Log Currency Changeover

F9B4 BCA: Report Currency Conversion

F9BKST_CORR Correction Report for Bank Statement

F9BKST_CORR_LOG Log of Correction Report for Bank St

F9BTEINFO BCA: BTE Info System (P&S)

F9C11 Maintain Reports End of Day Process.

F9C12 Scheduling Reports End of Day Proc.

F9C3 Number Range Maintenance: BCA_PAORN

F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Type

F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity

F9CAPPLREL Relationships Betw. Applic. Types

F9CARCPERIODS Retention Periods

F9CCHGRCV Recipient in A-Sentence

F9CL1 Create Creditor Limit

F9CL2 Change Creditor Limit

F9CL3 Display Creditor Limit

F9CL4 Delete Creditor Limit

F9COGR1 Create Condition Group

F9COGR2 Edit Condition Group

F9COGR3 Display Condition Group

F9COL1 Correction of SubFinPayt Balance

F9CORRDISPMAP Corresp: Bank Stat Dispatch Mapping

F9CORRMIGRATE Migrate BKK45 Entries

F9CPP Settings for Parallel Processing

F9CSA BCA Ref. Interest Rate Maintenance

F9CSO00 SO: Field Modification Activity

F9CSO01 SO: Field Modification Trans. Type

F9CTRNSTYP Maintain Transaction Types

F9CTXTKEY BCA: Maintain Text Key

F9CX Field Control - Conditions

F9D1 Messages

F9DDCC Currency Conversion Dir. Debit Order

F9FOCC Forward Order Currency Changeover

F9FOLLOWUP Account Resubmission

F9G1 Create acct holder

F9G2 Change acct holder

F9G3 Display Account Holder

F9G4 Create Authorized Drawer

F9G5 Change Authorized Drawer

F9G6 Display Authorized Drawer

F9G7 Create Account Holder

F9G8 Change Account Holder

F9G9 Display Account Holder

F9GA Create Bank Statement Recipient

F9GB Change Bank Statement Recipient

F9GC Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient

F9GL Display All BP Roles

F9GML Global Mandate Locks

F9H0 Account Hierarchy Change History

F9H1 Create Account Hierarchy

F9H2 Change Account Hierarchy

F9H3 Display Account Hierarchy

F9H4 Cash Concentration: Single Run

F9H5 Cash Concentration: Restart

F9H6 Cash Concentration: Mass Run

F9H7 Number Range Maintenance: BKK_HYRAR

F9HEWB1 Create Individual Value Adjustment

F9HEWB2 Change Individual Value Adjustment

F9HEWB3 Display Individual Value Adjustment

F9HEWB4 Post Loss on Receivables

F9HI Transfer BCA - GL

F9HIST_KOND_INDIV History of Individual Conditions

F9HIST_KOND_STAND History of Standard Conditions

F9HIST_KOND_ZUORD History of Condition Assignment

F9HL Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA - GL

F9HLDAUTH BCA: Authorization Amts for Holds

F9HLDREL Release Holds requiring Dual Control

F9HO GL Control for Legacy Data

F9HRVA Post Individual Value Adjustment

F9HRVA_MT Indiv. Val. Adjst. Proposal List

F9H_GLCUST Check General Ledger Customizing

F9H_GLDATA Comparison of FI Data with BCA

F9H_GL_OLD GL Control for Legacy Data

F9I1 Create Payment Order - External

F9I1PLAN Create Planned Order Externally

F9I2 Create Payment Order - Internal

F9I2PLAN Create Planned Order Internally

F9I3 Display Payment Order

F9I3PLAN Display Planned Order

F9I4 Create Payment Item

F9I7 Display Payment Item

F9I8 Postprocess Payment Item

F9I9 Edit Payment Order (General)

F9I9PLAN General Processing of Planned Order

F9IA Release Payment Order

F9IAPLAN Release Planned Payment Order

F9IB Release Payment Item

F9IC Create Payment Order Former Account

F9ID BCA: CpD Editing of Payment Item

F9IE Create Payment Item Former Account

F9IF BCA: CpD Display of Payment Item

F9IG Reverse Payment Item

F9II Return Payment Item

F9IJ Edit Payment Item

F9IK Create Return Payment Order

F9IL Create Planned Item

F9IM Delete Planned Item

F9IN Display Planned Items

F9INDCOND Release Individual Conditions

F9INDCONDDELREL Release Individual Conditions

F9INDCONDDISP Display Individual Conditions

F9INDIV Display Individual conditions

F9IO Post Planned item

F9IP Planned items

F9IQPLAN Delete Planned Order

F9ITAUTH BCA: Amount Authorization for Item

F9IUPLAN Post Planned Orders

F9IVPLAN Planned Orders - Application Log

F9J0 Display Application Log

F9J1 Reconcile with Legacy System


F9K1 Create Account

F9K2 Change account

F9K3 Display Account

F9K4 Release/Reject Accounts Master Data

F9K5 Display Accounts Data in Release

F9KAC Release Account Closure

F9KD Account Closure

F9KE Application Log Account Closure

F9KG Release Limits

F9KGDEL Delete Limits

F9KGDISP Limit Overview

F9KH Release Currency Changeovers

F9KHDEL Delete Currency Changeovers

F9KMOC Change business partner

F9KOVRDISP Tolerated Overdraft: Display

F9KOVRN Tolerated Overdraft: Notification

F9KOVRN_DUPL Tol.Ovrdft: Duplicate Notification

F9KOVRR Tolerated Overdraft: New Run

F9L4 Posting Date for Closing in Dialog

F9LBDT Development in BDT Environment

F9LTC Fixing Fixed-Term Deposits

F9LU Payment Notes for Returns

F9M01 S Table: Field Status Maintenance

F9M02 Table: Function Variant Maintenance

F9M03 Assign Function Variants

F9M04 Field Groups per Object

F9M05 Field Status per Activity

F9M06 Field Status per Document Type

F9MC Assignment of Check Digit Procedure

F9MEMPOBJM Table Mainten. Obj.Meth. Empl.Accts.

F9MMETHOD Table Maintenance Methods

F9MN Bank Customer Accounts

F9MOBJECT Table Maintenance Objects

F9MOBJMETH Table Mainten. Obj.-Meth. Assignment

F9MREPOBJM Table Maint. Object Meth.Perio.Tasks

F9MS Function Groups Maintenance

F9MT Locking Reasons Maintenance

F9MZ S Table: Buttons to Hide Maintenance

F9N1 Create Bank Statements

F9N10 Overview End of Day Processing

F9N11 Start End-of-Day Processing

F9N12 Overview of Current Mass Runs

F9N13 Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing

F9N14 Duplicate Creation Bk.State. Restart

F9N15 Duplicate Creation Single Run

F9N16 Balance Notification Mass Run

F9N17 Balance Notification Single Run

F9N18 Restart Balance Notification

F9N19 Balance Notification Application Log

F9N3 Application Log Bank Statement

F9N4 Restart - Bank Statement

F9N6 Posting Date for Balancing as Batch

F9N7 Bank Statement - Single Account

F9N8 List of Accounts in End of Day Proc.

F9N9 Bank Statement - Duplicate Creation

F9NARCH Archiving Bank Statements

F9NCHAIN Start End-of-Day Processing

F9ND Assgmt Processes -> GL Processes

F9NTC4 Amount Notice: Mass Release

F9NTC5 Correct Available Balance Series

F9NTC_LOG_RELEASE Application Log Notices

F9O01 Create stand. order

F9O02 Change stand. order

F9O03 Display Standing Order

F9O43 Release Standing Order

F9O6 Delete stand. order

F9O61 Confirm Standing Order Deletion

F9OA Standing Order: Display Applic. Log

F9OF Create Foreign Payment Order

F9OFPLAN Create Plannned Order - Foreign

F9OG Post Standing Order

F9OGPAR Post Standing Order Packages

F9OH Postprocess Payment Order

F9OI Reverse Payment Order


F9PEXDE4 Application Log of Outgoing PT

F9PEXDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT

F9PI06 Delete Payment Item

F9PICC Planned Item Currency Changeover


F9PINDE2 Restart: Import EFT

F9PINDE3 Reversal Run for Incoming PT

F9PINDE4 Application Log for Incoming PT

F9PINDE5 EFT File Overview of Incoming PT

F9PO06 Delete Payment Order (General)

F9POAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order

F9POWFCU Assign Workflow Tasks Acct Mgmt

F9SEPA_CR1 Create Mandate for Ordering Party

F9SEPA_CR2 Change Mandate for Ordering Party

F9SEPA_CR3 Display Mandate for Ordering Party

F9SEPA_DB1 Create Mandate for Recipient Party

F9SEPA_DB2 Change Mandate for Recipient Party

F9SEPA_DB3 Display Mandate for Recipient Party

F9SI PAIT Control: Field Groups

F9SIMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Independt

F9SJ Condition Control: Field Groups

F9SK Cond.Control: Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fld

F9SL Cond.Control: Assign. Table<->FuMod.

F9SM Position Control: Field Groups

F9SN PAIT Control: Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Field

F9SO Position Control: Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld.

F9SOAUTH BCA: Authorization Group Order

F9SOCC Standing Order Currency Changeover

F9SP Position Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.

F9SQ PAIT Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.

F9SR PAOR Control: Field Groups

F9SS PAOR Control: Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field

F9SSNRKREIS Number Range Maintenance: BKK_PYNOT

F9ST PAOR Control: Table <-> Func. Mod.

F9T0 Archiving Payment Orders

F9T1 Delete payment orders

F9T2 Reloading Payment Orders

F9T3 Reading Payment Order Archives

F9T4 Managing Payment Order Archives

F9T5 Archiving Standing Orders

F9T6 Deleting Standing Orders

F9T7 Reloading Standing Orders

F9T8 Reading Standing Order Archives

F9T9 Administration Stand.Order Archives

F9TA Archiving Payment Items

F9TB Deleting Payment Items

F9TC Reloading Payment Items

F9TD Reading Payment Item Archives

F9TE Admin.of Payment Items Archives

F9TF Archiving Account Balancing Data

F9TFASTENTRY1 Create: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit

F9TFASTENTRY2 Change: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit

F9TFASTENTRY3 Display: Fast Entry of Fixed Deposit

F9TG Deleting Account Balancing Data

F9TH Reloading Account Balancing Data

F9TI Reading Act. Balancing Data Archive

F9TJ Admin. of Acct.Bal.Data Archives

F9TK Archiving Acct.Bal.Detail Data

F9TL Deleting Acct.Bal.Detail Data

F9TM Reloading Acct. Bal. Detail Data

F9TN Reading Acct.Bal.Det.Data Archives

F9TO Admin. of Acct.Bal.Det.Dat. Archives

F9TP Archiving Value Date Trans. Figures

F9TQ Deleting Value Date Trans. Figures

F9TR Reloading Value Date Trans. Figures

F9TRMMINDEP Min. Deposit Maint.: Term-Dependent

F9TS Reading Val.Date Trans.Figs.Archives

F9TT Admin.of Val.Dt.Trans. Figs.Archives

F9TU Archiving conditions

F9TV Deleting conditions

F9TW Reloading Conditions

F9TX Reading Condition Archives

F9TY Admin. of Condition Archives

F9VW Preparation of Currency Changeover

F9Z1 Changing Default Values

FAA_CHECK_ACTIVATION Check If Can Be Activated

FAA_CHECK_MIG2SFIN Migrate Charts of Depreciation

FAA_CHEK_AREA_4_PARV Check of Area Configuration

FAA_DO_ACTIVATION Check and Activation

FAA_FINS1_PRECHECK Pre-Check for Asset Migration

FAA_GENMAP Generate Mapping Methods

FAA_MIG2SFIN2_BUHBKT Fill Parameters in Chart of Deprec.

FAA_SHOWLOG_MIG2SFIN Display Migration Log

FAGL23 Display General Ledger Rollup

FAGL25 Execute General Ledger Rollup

FAGL3KEH General Ledger: Default Profit Ctr

FAGLAL3N Transfer of Totals Documents

FAGLB03 Display Balances

FAGLB03A Display Balances

FAGLBW01 Generate Gen. Ledger Extract Struct.

FAGLBW03 Assign Gen. Ledger DataSource/Ledger

FAGLCOFIFLUP Repost CO->FI from Worklist

FAGLCOFIIMG Customizing for CO->FI Update

FAGLCOFILOGDISP Display Application Log

FAGLCOFITRACEADMIN Administr. of Trace for OnlineUpdate

FAGLCOFITRACEDEL Deletion of Trace Data for Update

FAGLCOFITRACEOFF Deactivate Trace for Online Update

FAGLCOFITRACEON Activate Trace for Online Update

FAGLCOFITRACESHOW Display Trace for Online Update

FAGLCOFITRNSFRCODOCS Transfer CO Doc. into Ext.Accounting



FAGLCOFIWRKLSTTRACE Display Worklist and Trace Data

FAGLCORC CO - FI Reconciliation

FAGLF03 Reconciliation

FAGLF101 Sorted List/Regrouping

FAGLGA11 General Ledger: Create Act. Assessmt

FAGLGA12 General Ledger: Change Act. Assessmt

FAGLGA13 Gen. Ledger: Display Act. Assessment

FAGLGA14 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act. Assessment

FAGLGA15 Gen. Ledger: Execute Act. Assessment

FAGLGA16 Gen. Ledger: Act. Assessmt Overview

FAGLGA27 Gen. Ledger: Create Plan Assessment

FAGLGA28 Gen. Ledger: Change Plan Assessment

FAGLGA29 Gen. Ledger: Display Plan Assessment

FAGLGA2A Gen. Ledger: Delete Plan Assessment

FAGLGA2B Gen. Ledger: Execute Plan Assessment

FAGLGA2C Gen. Ledger: Plan Assessmt Overview

FAGLGA31 Gen. Ledger: Create Act.Distribution

FAGLGA32 Gen. Ledger: Change Act.Distribution

FAGLGA33 Gen. Ledger:Display Act.Distribution

FAGLGA34 Gen. Ledger: Delete Act.Distribution

FAGLGA35 Gen. Ledger:Execute Act.Distribution

FAGLGA36 Gen. Ledger: Act. Distrib. Overview

FAGLGA47 Gen. Ledger:Create Plan Distribution

FAGLGA48 Gen. Ledger:Change Plan Distribution

FAGLGA49 Gen. Ledger:Display PlanDistribution

FAGLGA4A Gen. Ledger:Delete Plan Distribution

FAGLGA4B Gen. Ledger:Execute PlanDistribution

FAGLGA4C Gen. Ledger: Plan Distrib. Overview

FAGLGCLE Activation of Plan Line Items

FAGLGP52 Copy Model Plan

FAGLGP52N Copy Data to Plan

FAGLGVTR G/L: Balance Carried Forward

FAGLGVTR_OLD G/L: Balance Carried Forward

FAGLL03 G/L Account Line Items (New)

FAGLL03H G/L Line Item Browser (G/L View)

FAGLLOG Logs: Administration

FAGLP03 Display Plan Line Items

FAGLPLC Gen. Ledger: Change Planning Layout

FAGLPLD Gen. Ledger: Display Planning Layout

FAGLPLI Gen. Ledger: Create Planning Layout

FAGLPLSET Gen. Ledger: Set Planner Profile

FAGLSKF Post Statistical Key Figures(Actual)

FAGLSKF1 Post Statistical Key Figures (Plan)

FAGLSKF3 Stat. Key Figures: Period Evaluation

FAGLSKF4 Stat. Key Figures: Document Display

FAGLSKF5 Stat. Key Figures: Document Reversal

FAGLSKF6 Stat. Key Figs: Post CO Subsequently

FAGLSKF7 Stat. Key Figs: Post FI Subsequently

FAGLSKF8 Stat. Key Figs:Post PCA Subsequently

FAGLSKFR Stat. Key Figures: Rev. doc. list

FAGLSL25 Execute General Ledger Rollup

FAGL_104 Reserve for Bad Debt: Gross (New)

FAGL_ACTIVATE_IT Activate Line Item Display

FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP Activation of Open Item Management

FAGL_ACTIVATION Activation of New G/L Accounting

FAGL_ACTIV_SPLIT_CC Activation of Document Splitter

FAGL_BELNR Number Range Maint. for Source Doc.

FAGL_BELNR_LD Doc. Types for Source Docs in Ledger

FAGL_CHECK_ACCOUNT Check G/L Accounts for Doc.Splitting

FAGL_CHECK_DOC_TYPE Check Doc. Types for Doc. Splitting

FAGL_CHECK_LINETYPE Check Bus. Transaction for Documents

FAGL_CHECK_OBJ Analysis of Obj. No. Inconsistencies

FAGL_CLOCO_CALLTRANS Start of Transactions and Programs

FAGL_CLOCO_CALLWDAPP Start of Transactions and Programs





FAGL_CL_MIG_OB Opening Balance in the Cash Ledger

FAGL_CL_MIG_OB_DISP Display Opening Balance

FAGL_CL_MIG_RESET Reset Migration of Cash Ledger

FAGL_COFI_GENERATOR RTI: Generate Field Transfer




FAGL_CO_PLAN Transfer CO Plan Documents in ERP GL


FAGL_DEL Delete Transaction Data from Ledger

FAGL_DOCNR Number Range Maint. for Doc. Number

FAGL_DOCNR_LD Doc. Types for New G/L Doc. Numbers

FAGL_DOCTYPE_OIM Doc.Type for Zero-Balan. Line Maint.

FAGL_EHP4_T001B_COFI Open and Close Posting Periods

FAGL_FCBAL Additional Characteristics

FAGL_FCV Foreign Currency Valuation

FAGL_FCV_SNRO Number Range Maintenance: FAGL_FCV

FAGL_FC_TRANS Currency Translation of Balances

FAGL_FC_VAL Foreign Currency Valuation

FAGL_FLEXGL_IMG IMG for New General Ledger



FAGL_FR_03 Opening Posting France

FAGL_GINS G/L installation



FAGL_LEDGER_OIM Special Ledger for OIM

FAGL_MCA_MCA_DN Number Range Maintenance: GLE_MCA_DN

FAGL_MCA_RUNID Number Range Maintenance: GLE_RUNID

FAGL_MCA_VCDF Target Accts. f. Clearing Difference

FAGL_MIGDS_REST_ALL Reset Migration Completely

FAGL_MIGDS_REST_OP Reset Migration for Open Items

FAGL_MIGDS_REST_RP Reset Migration for Documents


FAGL_MIG_ADJUST Log of Document-Specific Adjustments

FAGL_MIG_CRESPLIT Process Open Items for Doc.Splitting

FAGL_MIG_CRESUM Generate Bal.Carryforward:Open Items

FAGL_MIG_FICHAN Subsequent Posting: FI Docs (Update)

FAGL_MIG_FICHAT Subseq. Posting: FI Docs (Selection)

FAGL_MIG_FINISH Complete Migration

FAGL_MIG_GCAC Compare Against Backup Copy

FAGL_MIG_OPFILL Worklist for Open Items

FAGL_MIG_REPORT_SUM Generated Entries: Totals Table

FAGL_MIG_REPOST Subsequent Posting in Migration

FAGL_MIG_REPOST_OP Transfer Open Items to New GL

FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_ALL Reset Migration Completely

FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_OP Reset Migration for Open Items

FAGL_MIG_RESTORE_RP Reset Migration for Documents

FAGL_MIG_RPFILL Worklist for Migration Documents

FAGL_MIG_SELECT Determine Migration Objects

FAGL_MIG_SHOW_SPL Display Document Splitting Result

FAGL_MIG_SIM_SPL Simulation of Document Splitting

FAGL_MIG_SPLIT Subsequently Post Split Information

FAGL_MIG_STATUS Analysis: Migration Status

FAGL_ML_ADJUST Reconcil. with Bal. Sheet Acct in FI

FAGL_MM_RECON Bal. Reconcil.: Gen. Ldgr / Material

FAGL_OBH1 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Company Code

FAGL_OBH2 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal Year

FAGL_PLAN_ACT_SEC Integ.Planning for Sec. CostElements

FAGL_PLAN_VT Balance Carryforward: Plan Data

FAGL_PRCTR_AUTH Activation of PrCtr Auth. Check




FAGL_RMIGR Report Trnsfr: EC-PCA to FI-GL (New)

FAGL_RMIGR_LOG Transfer of PCA Reports: Log



FAGL_RRI_CUST Report Interface: Customizing FI-CO

FAGL_RUNID_INIT Reset Transfer of Totals Documents

FAGL_R_AA_ASSET_UPDT Fill Asset Master Data

FAGL_R_ARCHDEF Definition of Residence Time

FAGL_R_ASSETS_CONS Check PrCtr Assignments for Assets

FAGL_R_COPA_CORRECT Subseq. Post Billing Docs to CO-PA

FAGL_R_FILL_RMVCT Transfer Balances to Cons.Trans.Type

FAGL_R_INFO Reorganization

FAGL_R_REPORT_SEG PCs to be considered in Reorg Plan

FAGL_SCENARIO Scenario Maintenance in New G/L

FAGL_SCENARIO_ASS Scenario Assignment in New G/L

FAGL_SCENARIO_ASSIGN Scenario Assignment for Ledger

FAGL_SCVA Splitter Customizing:Analyze Changes



FAGL_SLL_100_CHECK Check Project Start Prerequisites

FAGL_SLL_110_CONFIRM Confirm Project Start Prerequisites

FAGL_SLL_200_PLAN Create Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_300_ACTIVAT Activate Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_310_YDEP Release Switch Yr for Specif. Pstngs

FAGL_SLL_311_COGM Confirm COGM Changeover

FAGL_SLL_320_TRANS Confirm Import of Necessary Settings

FAGL_SLL_400_MCLOSE Confirm Last Posting Period Closing

FAGL_SLL_500_CO_PLAN Confirm Chang./Exec. of CO Planning

FAGL_SLL_501_CO_IST Confirm Changeover CO Act/Per. Close

FAGL_SLL_505_RES_ANA CO-PA: Confirm Reset of Cumul. Res.

FAGL_SLL_506_RES_ANA Confirm Changeover of Res. Analysis

FAGL_SLL_510_RES_ANA CO-PA: Confirm Rebuild of Cum. Res.

FAGL_SLL_610_CONFIRM Confirm Prerequisites for Switch

FAGL_SLL_640_PREPARE Prepare Switch in Target System

FAGL_SLL_650_T881 Switch Leading Ledger

FAGL_SLL_655_T882G Generate Non-Leading Ledger

FAGL_SLL_700_YDEP Release Old Fiscal Year for Postings

FAGL_SLL_800_YCLOSE Confirm Year-End Closing

FAGL_SLL_900_FINISH Close Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_BELNR_LD Define Document Types for Ledger

FAGL_SLL_LOG Display Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_LOG_ACTUAL Display Current Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_PLAN_DISP Display Switch Project

FAGL_SLL_SHOW_T881 Switch of Leading Ledger

FAGL_SLL_SLG1 Appl. Log for Leading Ledger Switch

FAGL_SPLIT_FL2 Additional Characteristics


FAGL_SUP_DOCS FI Document Browser

FAGL_TRGT_LDGR Assgnmnt:Acctg Principle to Ldgr Grp



FAGL_UPL_CF G/L: Upload of Balance Carryforward

FAGL_VALIDATE Validation of A/c Assignmt Combinat.

FAGL_VAL_LOG Analysis: Validation Log

FAGL_VPROV Generate Virtual InfoProvider GL

FAGL_WZ_NEW_RULE Wizard: New Document Splitting Rule

FAGL_WZ_SPLIT_CONF Wizard: Configuration of DocSpitting

FAIB01 Rule Administration

FAIB02 Build Intermediate Layers

FAIB03 Balance Sheet Valuation

FAIB04 Market Prices

FAIB05 Balance Sheet Values by Account

FAIB06 Display Intermediate Layers

FAIB07 Display Current Rules

FAIC03 Substitution of Account Assignments

FAIP04 GR/IR Clearing

FAIP05 Calculation of Actual Overhead

FAIP06 WIP Clearing

FAIP07 Target Cost Calculation

FAIP08 Revaluation Costs of Sales

FAIQS01 Create Actual Quantity Structure

FAIR01 Inventory Accounting: Line Items

FAIR02 Inventory Accounting: Line Items

FAIR03 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ

FAIR04 Inventory Accounting: Document Displ

FAIR05 Reconciliation Inv. Ledger - G/L

FAIR06 Plan/Tgt/Actual Comparison - Orders

FAIR07 Overview: Valuated Inventory

FAIV01 Price Release

FAIV02 Change material prices

FAIV03 Display Material Prices

FAIV04 Price Comparison

FAIV05 Display History for Material Prices

FAIV06 Debit/Credit Material

FAIWQ1 Worklist

FAKA Config.: Show Display Format

FAKP Config.: Maintain Display Format

FAR1 S FI-ARI Maint. table T061A

FARA S FI-ARI Maint. table T061P/Q

FARB C FI-ARI Maint. table T061R

FAREA_MODE Setting: Determination of Funct.Area

FARI AR Interface: Third-party applicatns

FARY Table T061S

FARZ Table T061V

FB00 Accounting Editing Options

FB01 Post Document

FB01L General Posting for Ledger Group

FB02 Change Document

FB03 Display Document

FB03L Document Display : G/L View

FB03S Display Split Documents

FB03Z Display Document/Payment Usage

FB04 Document Changes

FB05 Post with Clearing

FB05L Post with Clearing for Ledger Group

FB05_OLD Post with clearing

FB07 Control Totals

FB08 Reverse Document

FB08S Reverse Split Document

FB09 Change Line Items

FB09D Display Line Items

FB10 Invoice/Credit Fast Entry

FB11 Post Held Document

FB12 Correspondence Request

FB13 Release for Payments

FB15 Assign Items

FB16 Assign Items

FB16EA Assign Items

FB17 Open Item Assignmnt: Check from List

FB18 Maintain Standard Mail Texts

FB1D Clear Customer

FB1K Clear Vendor

FB1S Clear G/L Account

FB1SL Clear G/L Account for Ledger Group

FB21 Enter Statistical Posting

FB22 Reverse Statistical Posting

FB2E Reconciliation btwn affiliated comps

FB31 Enter Noted Item

FB41 Post Tax Payable

FB50 G/L Acct Pstg: Single Screen Trans.

FB50L Enter G/L Account Doc for Ledger Grp

FB60 Enter Incoming Invoices

FB65 Enter Incoming Credit Memos

FB70 Enter Outgoing Invoices

FB75 Enter Outgoing Credit Memos

FB99 Check if Documents can be Archived

FBA1 Customer Down Payment Request

FBA2 Post Customer Down Payment

FBA3 Clear Customer Down Payment

FBA6 Vendor Down Payment Request

FBA7 Post Vendor Down Payment

FBA7_OLD Post Vendor Down Payment

FBA8 Clear Vendor Down Payment

FBA8_OLD Clear Vendor Down Payment

FBB1 Post Foreign Currency Valn

FBBA Display Acct Determination Config.

FBBCX Post Document with Currency Exchange

FBBP Maintain Acct Determination Config.

FBBRVO Vendor Operation

FBCB Balance Carryfwd for Ledger Group

FBCJ Cash Journal

FBCJ3 Display Cash Journal


FBCJC1 Cash Journal Document Number Range


FBCJC3 C FI Maintain Tables TCJ_PRINT

FBCJC5 Maintain Numb. Groups for Cash Docs

FBCJC6 Number range maintenance: CAJO_DOC3

FBD1 Enter Recurring Entry

FBD2 Change Recurring Entry

FBD3 Display Recurring Entry

FBD4 Display Recurring Entry Changes

FBD5 Realize Recurring Entry

FBD9 Enter Recurring Entry

FBDC_P010 FDC Dummy

FBDF Menu Banque de France

FBE1 Create Payment Advice

FBE2 Change Payment Advice

FBE3 Display Payment Advice

FBE6 Delete Payment Advice

FBE7 Add to Payment Advice Account

FBF1 C80 Reporting Minus Sp.G/L Ind.

FBF2 Financial Transactions

FBF3 Control Report

FBF4 Download Documents

FBF5 Reports Minus Vendor Accounts

FBF6 Document Changes

FBF7 C80 Reports Minus Sp.G/L Ind.

FBF8 C84 Reports

FBFT Customizing BDF

FBIC001 Check Assignment of Accounts

FBIC002 Automatically Assign Accounts

FBIC003 Create Additional Fields

FBIC005 Create Additional Fields

FBIC006 Create Additional Fields

FBIC008 Companies to be Reconciled

FBIC009 Companies to be Reconciled

FBIC010 Reconciliation Process Attributes

FBIC011 Auxiliary Programs

FBIC027 Activate Process Tables

FBIC028 Activate Process Tables

FBIC029 Activate Process Tables

FBIC030 Activate Process Tables

FBIC031 Activate Process Tables

FBIC032 Companies to be Reconciled

FBIC033 Download Contact Person Data

FBIC034 Upload Contact Person Data

FBIC035 Define Companies

FBICIMG Cross-System IC Reconciliation

FBICIMG3 Cross-System IC Reconciliation

FBICR3L Intercompany Reconciliation (Local)

FBICRC001 Configure Reconciliation Overview

FBICRC002 Set Up Assignment Confirmation

FBICRC003 Configure Service Requests

FBICRC_PREDEF_TOOL ICR: Launch Predefinition Tool


FBIC_SNRO_DOC Number range maintenance: FBICRC_DOC

FBKA Display Accounting Configuration

FBKF FBKP/Carry Out Function (Internal)

FBKP Maintain Accounting Configuration

FBL1 Display Vendor Line Items

FBL1H Vendor Line Item Browser

FBL1N Vendor Line Items

FBL2 Change Vendor Line Items

FBL2N Vendor Line Items

FBL3 Display G/L Account Line Items

FBL3H G/L Account Line Item Browser

FBL3N G/L Account Line Items

FBL4 Change G/L Account Line Items

FBL4N G/L Account Line Items

FBL5 Display Customer Line Items

FBL5H Customer Line Item Browser

FBL5N Customer Line Items

FBL6 Change Customer Line Items

FBL6N Customer Line Items

FBM1 Enter Sample Document

FBM2 Change Sample Document

FBM3 Display Sample Document

FBM4 Display Sample Document Changes

FBMA Display Dunning Procedure

FBMCA01A Create FX Position Adjustment

FBMCA01AL Create FX Position Adjust. for LG

FBMCA01J Create MCA Journal

FBMCA01JL Create MCA Journal for Ledger Group

FBMCA01S Create FX Swap

FBMCA01SL Create FX Swap for Ledger Group

FBMCA03 Display Manual MCA Document

FBMCA08 Reverse MCA Document

FBMCA80 Mass Reversal of MCA Documents

FBMCA80P Exec. Mass Reversal MCA Docs: Postp.

FBMCADJ MCA Document Journal

FBME Banks
FBMP Maintain Dunning Procedure

FBN1 Accounting Document Number Ranges

FBN2 Number Range Maintenance: FI_PYORD

FBO1 Mass act: Create Boleto from OI

FBO1C Boleto: Mass cancellation

FBO1S Boleto: Single Boleto from OI

FBOE Complete Menu for Stock Exchange Tax

FBOL2 Create Boleto DME File

FBOL3 Display boleto

FBOLARCRES Define Res. Period for Boleto

FBOLBANK Boleto: Bank selection by percentage

FBOLBANKALL Boleto: Bank selection by percentage

FBOLCODE Boleto: Instruction code and keys

FBOLINST Boleto: Instruction code/keys

FBOLNR Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLETO

FBOLXT Number range maintenance: FKK_BOLXT

FBP1 Enter Payment Request

FBPM Payment medium program of PMW

FBPM1 Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium

FBPM2 Status Report

FBR1 Post with Reference Document

FBR2 Post Document

FBRA Reset Cleared Items

FBRC Reset Cleared Items (Payment Cards)

FBRC001 Maintain Message Templates

FBRC002 Maintain Placeholders

FBRC003 Set Up Reconciliation Display

FBRC004 Define Sets

FBRC005 Define Rules for Document Assignment

FBRC006 Define Possible Status for Documents

FBRC007 Reconciliation Process Attributes

FBRC008 Maintain Field Catalogs

FBRC009 Set Up Display Categories

FBRC010 Contact Database Maintenance

FBRC011 Application ID Maintenance

FBS1 Enter Accrual/Deferral Doc.

FBS_SE_TCT_FIN_MDM_A Testplan Financial MDM

FBTA Display Text Determin.Configuration

FBTP Maintain Text Determin.Configuration


FBU2 Change Intercompany Document

FBU3 Display Intercompany Document

FBU8 Reverse Cross-Company Code Document

FBV0 Post Parked Document

FBV1 Park Document

FBV2 Change Parked Document

FBV3 Display Parked Document

FBV4 Change Parked Document (Header)

FBV5 Document Changes of Parked Documents

FBV6 Parked Document $

FBVB Post Parked Document

FBW1 Enter Bill of Exchange Pmnt Request

FBW2 Post Bill of Exch.acc.to Pmt Request

FBW3 Post Bill of Exchange Usage

FBW4 Reverse Bill Liability

FBW5 Customer Check/Bill of Exchange

FBW6 Vendor Check/Bill of Exchange

FBW7 Bank file to file system (for FBWD)

FBW8 File to Bank (for Transaction FBWD)

FBW9 C FI Maintain Table T045DTA

FBWA C FI Maintain Table T046a

FBWAPI0 FI Internet: Vendor Line Items

FBWAPI0EA FI Internet: Vendor Line Items

FBWARI0 FI Internet: Customer Line Items

FBWARI0EA FI Internet: Customer Line Items

FBWD Returned Bills of Exchange Payable

FBWE Bill/Exch.Presentatn - International

FBWO Discounting of Orbian Credits

FBWO1 Maintenance View: Orbian Links

FBWQ C FI Maintain Table T045T

FBWR C FI Maintain Table T045W

FBWS C FI Maintain Table T046s

FBZ0 Display/Edit Payment Proposal

FBZ1 Post Incoming Payments

FBZ2 Post Outgoing Payments

FBZ3 Incoming Payments Fast Entry

FBZ4 Payment with Printout

FBZ5 Print Check for Payment Document

FBZ8 Display Payment Run

FBZA Display Pmnt Program Configuration

FBZA_OLD Display Pmnt Program Configuration

FBZG Failed Customer Payments

FBZP Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration

FBZP_OLD Maintain Pmnt Program Configuration

FC038 Compare Test Groups

FC039 Comparison by Selection Criteria

FC10 Financial Statements Comparison

FC10N Financial Statements

FC11 Data Extract for FI Transfer

FC17 Commodity Prices: Change

FC80 Document C80

FC82 Document C82

FCAA Check Archiving

FCBOL Boleto: mass cancellation

FCC1 Payment Cards: Settlement

FCC2 Payment Cards: Repeat Settlement

FCC3 Payment Cards: Delete Logs

FCC4 Payment Cards: Display Logs

FCCR Payment Card Evaluations

FCH1 Display Check Information

FCH2 Display Payment Document Checks

FCH3 Void Checks

FCH4 Renumber Checks

FCH5 Create Check Information

FCH6 Change Check Information/Cash Check

FCH7 Reprint Check

FCH8 Reverse Check Payment

FCH9 Void Issued Check

FCHA Check archiving

FCHB Check retrieval

FCHD Delete Payment Run Check Information

FCHE Delete Voided Checks

FCHF Delete Manual Checks

FCHG Delete cashing/extract data

FCHI Check Lots

FCHK Check Tracing Initial Menu

FCHN Check Register

FCHR Online Cashed Checks

FCHT Change Check/Payment Assignment

FCHU Create Reference for Check

FCHV C FI Maintain Table TVOID

FCHX Check Extract - Creation

FCIWCU00 Generate DataSources

FCKR International cashed checks

FCLM_ACT_PU_HRY Activate Planning Unit Hierarchy

FCLM_BAM_ACCLINK Map House Bank Account and Account

FCLM_BAM_ACCNR Number Range Maintenance: FC_ACCID

FCLM_BAM_BNKA_BP Map Banks and Business Partners


FCLM_BAM_EXP_IMP Export/Import Bank Hierarchy


FCLM_BAM_REQNR Number Range Maintenance: FC_CREQID

FCLM_FB_UTIL Flow Builder Utilities


FCLM_NAV_REDIRECT Virtual proxy to display detail

FCML0 Transfer ML Data to CO

FCML1 Transfer Depreciation to CO

FCML2 Alternative Accounts for ML Postings

FCML4 Real-Time Integ. for Parallel COGM

FCMLACC HANA Accelerator for Material Ledger

FCML_AGG Derivation Rules for ML aggregation

FCML_DDOWN_C Maintain ML Drilldown Reporting

FCML_FILL Fill ML Reporting Tables

FCML_NWG Material Ledger Network Graphics

FCML_ONLUP_C Update Strategy ML Reporting Table

FCML_VIP_C Maintain ML Virtual Info Providers

FCMM C FI Preparations for consolidation

FCMN FI Initial Consolidation Menu

FCOACTIV Activate Failure Cost Processing

FCOACTIV_REM Activate Failure Cost Processing

FCOACTIV_SFC Activate Failure Cost Processing

FCODOC Display Failure Cost Documents

FCOEX Start Additional Expense Posting

FCOMENU Menu Tree for Failure Costs

FCOM_ACTIVITYTYPE Change planning indicator

FCOM_ALERT_CBL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CBV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CCL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CCV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CDL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CDV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CL Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_CV Cost Center Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_IBV Investment Program Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_IMV Investment Program Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OBL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OBV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OCL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OCV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OL Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OYV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_OZV Order Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_PBL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PBV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PCL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PCV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PDL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PDV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PL Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PML Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PMV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_PV Profit Center Monitor Rule Evaluat.

FCOM_ALERT_RBV Projects Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_RCV Projects Rule Evaluation

FCOM_ALERT_RMV Projects Rule Evaluation

FCOM_COSTCENTER Navigation to Backend API

FCOM_ECP_GEN Generate all Template Configurations

FCOM_EQM_COST Equipment Monitor Rule Evaluation

FCOM_GROUP Navigate to Group SAPGui transaction

FCOM_IP_ST Switching Infoobjects MD access type


FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CCL Deletion of Line Item CCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CDL Deletion of Line Item CCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_CL Delete Line Items CL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OBL Deletion of Line Item OCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OCL Deletion of Line Item OCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_OL Delete Line Items OL


FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PCL Deletion of Line Item PCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PDL Deletion of Line Item PCL

FCOM_LINE_SYNC_PL Delete Line Items PL


FCOM_NAV_DELEGATOR Navigation Delegator

FCOM_PLAN_VIEW_GEN Generate Plan Data View with Proxy

FCOM_RKEGEN Assigning InfoObj. for Op. Concern

FCOM_RULE_CBL Rule for Cost Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_CBV Rule for Cost Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_CCL Rule for Cost Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_CCV Rule for Cost Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_CDL Rule for Cost Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_CDV Rule for Cost Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_CL Rule for Cost Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_CV Rule for Cost Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_IBV Rule for Investment Prog. Variances

FCOM_RULE_IMV Rule for Investment Prog. Variances

FCOM_RULE_OA Rules for Equipment Monitor

FCOM_RULE_OBL Rule for Internal Order Line Items

FCOM_RULE_OBV Rule for Internal Order Variances

FCOM_RULE_OCL Rule for Internal Order Line Items

FCOM_RULE_OCV Rule for Internal Order Variances

FCOM_RULE_OL Rule for Internal Order Line Items

FCOM_RULE_OV Rule for Internal Order Variances

FCOM_RULE_OYV Rule for Annual Order Budget

FCOM_RULE_OZV Rule for Annual Order Budget

FCOM_RULE_PBL Rule for Profit Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_PBV Rule for Profit Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_PCL Rule for Profit Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_PCV Rule for Profit Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_PDL Rule for Profit Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_PDV Rule for Profit Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_PL Rule for Profit Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_PML Rule for Profit Center Line Items

FCOM_RULE_PMV Rule for Profit Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_PV Rule for Profit Center Variances

FCOM_RULE_RBV Rule for Project Variances

FCOM_RULE_RCV Rule for Project Variances

FCOM_RULE_RMV Rule for Project Variances

FCOM_RULE_USER_CBL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CBV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CCL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CCV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CDL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CDV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_CV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_IBV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_IMV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OBL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OBV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OCL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OCV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OYV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_OZV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PBL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PBV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PCL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PCV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PDL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PDV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PL Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PML Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PMV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_PV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_RBV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_RCV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_RULE_USER_RMV Display Rule for a User

FCOM_SNI_BUA Settings for Hierarchy Display

FCOREP_EXCESS Additional Expense in FCO

FCOREP_NOTIF Quality Notification in FCO

FCOREP_RESPCC Responsible Cost Center

FCOREP_REW Rework in Failure Cost Processing

FCOREP_REWCO Rework Costs in Failure Cost Proc.

FCOREP_SCRAP Scrap Costs in Failure Cost Proc.

FCOSETTINGS Settings in Failure Cost Processing

FCOST Start Failure Cost Processing

FCOVALU Valuation of Failure Cost Documents

FCRD Credit Cards

FCV1 Create A/R Summary

FCV2 Delete A/R Summary

FCV3 Early Warning List

FCZZ Maintain Commodity Master Data

FC_BW_BEX Business Explorer Analyzer

FC_BW_RSA1 Administrator Workbench

FC_BW_RSZDELETE Delete BW Query Objects

FC_BW_RSZV Maintain BW Variables

FD-1 Number range maintenance: FVVD_RANL

FD02CORE Maintain customer

FD03 Display Customer (Accounting)

FD04 Customer Changes (Accounting)

FD09 Confirm Customer List (Accounting)

FD10 Customer Account Balance

FD10N Customer Balance Display

FD10NA Customer Bal. Display with Worklist

FD10NET Customer Balance Display

FD11 Customer Account Analysis

FD15 Transfer customer changes: send

FD16 Transfer customer changes: receive

FD32 Change Customer Credit Management

FD33 Display Customer Credit Management

FD37 Credit Management Mass Change

FDCS01 Specify Derivative Contract Spec.

FDCS17 Edit Commodity Prices

FDCS17B Edit Basis Prices

FDCS17B_D Download Basis Prices

FDCS17B_U Upload Basis Prices

FDCS18 Edit Basis ID

FDCS_IMG Customizing DCS-Based Mkt Data Mgmt

FDCS_MD_ARCH Archiving of DCS Price Quotations

FDCS_MD_QUALITY Quality Check of Commodity Prices

FDCU Loans customizing menu

FDI0 Execute Report

FDI1 Create Report

FDI2 Change Report

FDI3 Display Report

FDI4 Create Form

FDI5 Change Form

FDI6 Display Form

FDIC Maintain Currency Translation Type

FDIK Maintain Key Figures

FDIM Report Monitor

FDIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report

FDK43 Credit Management - Master Data List

FDKTRANS Transport User Actions FI_AP/AR

FDKUSER Internet: User Action Assignment


FDM_AUTO_CREATE Create Dispute Cases Automatically

FDM_COLL01 Collections Management


FDM_CREATE_PROPOSAL Proposal for Automatic Assignment

FDM_CUST00 Activate Dispute Management

FDM_CUST01 Create Default Vals for Dispute Case

FDM_CUST02 Permit References in Dispute Case

FDM_CUST03 Settings for Dispute Case Write-Off

FDM_CUST05 Case Type for Promise to Pay

FDM_CUST06 Values for Dispute Case in FSCM-BD

FDM_CUST07 Dispute Case Reasons in FSCM-BD

FDM_CUST08 Activation of Collections Management

FDM_CUST09 Installment Plan Types

FDM_CUST10 Activate Assignment of Credit Memos

FDM_CUST13 Dispute Case Default Values (TPM)

FDM_CUST15 Maintain Active Company Codes

FDM_CUST16 Maintain Relevant Fields

FDM_CUST17 Harmonize Dunning Levels

FDM_CUST18 Automatic Change of Document Fields

FDM_CUST20 Cust.-Disp. Objects in Dispute Cases

FDM_CUST22 CCM Special G/L Indicators

FDM_CUST23 CCM Reason Codes

FDM_CUST24 Customizing in Substitute System

FDM_CUST25 Cost Center when Writing Off


FDM_INV_MEM Provision of Invoice Data

FDM_JUDGE Valuation of Promise to Pay

FDM_LDDB_DISP Display of Changes to Documents

FDM_LDDB_EXEC Execute Changes to Documents

FDM_LDDB_REORG Reorganization of Changes

FDM_MIRR_CLIENTSETUP Set Up Substitute System

FDM_MIRR_CMD_GET01 Transfer of Customer Master Data

FDM_MIRR_CMD_GET03 List of Customers Transferred

FDM_MIRR_DOC_GET01 Transfer of Document Data

FDM_MIRR_DOC_GET03 List for Transfer of Document Data

FDM_MIRR_DOC_POST01 Posting of Substitute Documents

FDM_MIRR_WIZARD Wizard: CoCd in Substitute System

FDM_P2P_CONFIRM Confirmation of Promise to Pay

FDM_PROCESS_PROPOSAL Processing of Assignment Proposal


FDOO Borrower's notes order overview

FDTA TemSe/REGUT Data Administration

FDT_DEPLOYMENT_LOG Display BRFplus deployment logs

FDT_HELPERS BRFplus Utilities

FDT_LEAN_TRACE Transaction to generate lean trace

FDT_PROCESS_LOG Display BRFplus process logs

FDT_RESERVED Reserved ID Patterns

FDT_SHOW_DB BRFplus - Show Object DB Entries


FDT_TEST_SUITE Profile-Based Test Execution

FDT_TRANS_EMEX BRF+: Emergency Transport Attribute


FDUNN Dunning Loans

FEBA Postprocess Electronic Bank Statmt

FEBAN Bank statement postprocessing

FEBAN_BROWSER Displays the Note to Payee

FEBA_ACCOUNT_BALANCE Display Account Balance

FEBA_BANK_STATEMENT Postprocessing Bank Statement

FEBA_CHECK_DEPOSIT Postprocessing Check Deposit Trans.

FEBA_LOCKBOX Display Account Balance

FEBC Generate Multicash format

FEBOAS Request Account Statement via OFX

FEBOFX OFX Functions


FEBP Post Electronic Bank Statement

FEBPS Import PSP Settlement File

FEBSTS Search String Search Simulation

FEB_BSPROC Bank Statement Postprocessing

FEB_BSPROC_CALL Call Bank Statement Postprocessing

FEB_FILE_HANDLING Import Automatically

FEB_FILE_HANDLING_C Call: Import Automatically

FEB_IMP_FILEPATH Logical File Paths Definition

FEB_IMP_POST Posting Params. Elec. Bank Statement

FEB_IMP_SOURCE Import Info Electronic Bank Stmt

FEB_IMP_TRANSFER Transfer Log. Bank Statement Files

FEB_LG1 Logs for Bank Statement

FEC14 Clearing groups

FEC6 Regulatory indicator assignment

FEC7 Regulatory indicators

FEC8 CO transaction type handling

FECA Customizing Archiving

FECC Control of messages by the user

FECG General regulatory parameters

FECJ Create job for multiple periods

FECM Online manual

FECP Copy regulatory parameters

FECV Clearing cost element variants


FEOD Drill down (Old version)

FEOT Flow of cost trace (Old version)

FEP4 Plan versions

FEP5 Fiscal year dep. version parameters

FEP6 Plan versions

FEP7 Fiscal year dep. version parameters

FER0 Standard cost adjustment

FER1 Trace flow of primary costs

FER2 Post primary costs

FER3 Post variance allocations

FER4 Direct postings

FER5 Prepare drill down

FERA Administration

FERC Regulatory reporting

FERD Drill down

FERE Transport periodic parameters

FERH Processing history

FERN Release notes

FERO Process actuals for current period

FERP Process plan for current period

FERQ Process plan

FERR Reverse regulatory procedure

FERS Process actual

FERT Flow of cost trace

FERV Validate regulatory configuration

FESA Summarized final objects

FESR Import of ISR File (Switzerland)

FEUB Adjust VIBEPP after EURO conversion

FEUI Real Estate Implementation Guide

FEV1 Controlling area dependent parameter

FEV10 Secondary cost elem. to be ignored

FEV11 Regulatory indicator assignmnt field

FEV13 Clearing cost elements

FEV13A Cost element variants

FEV2 Company code dependent parameters

FEV3 Regulatory accounts for traced costs

FEV3A Regulatory indicator variants

FEV4 Specific Std. Cost. Adj. assignments

FEV5 Specific clearing COEl assignments

FEV6 Regulatory indicator assignments

FEV9 Regulatory accounts for direct post.

FEVF6 Organizational assignment of objects

FF$3 Send planning data to central system

FF$4 Retrieve planning data

FF$5 Retrieve transmission results

FF$6 Check settings

FF$7 Check all external systems

FF$A Maintain TR-CM subsystems

FF$B Convert Planning Group

FF$C Convert planning level

FF$D Convert business areas

FF$L Display transmission information

FF$S Display transmission information

FF$X Configure the central TR-CM system

FF-1 Outstanding Checks

FF-2 Outstanding Bills of Exchange

FF-3 Cash Management Summary Records

FF-4 CMF Data In Accounting Documents

FF-5 CMF Records fr.Materials Management

FF-6 CMF Records from Sales

FF-7 Planned Item Journal

FF-8 Payment Advice Journal

FF-9 Journal

FF.1 Standard G/L Account Interest Scale

FF.3 G/L Account Cashed Checks

FF.4 Vendor Cashed Checks

FF.5 Import Electronic Bank Statement

FF.6 Display Electronic Bank Statement

FF.7 Compare Payment Advices

FF.8 Print Payment Orders

FF.9 Post Payment Orders

FF.D Generate payt req. from advices

FF/1 Compare Bank Terms

FF/2 Compare value date

FF/3 Archive advices from bank statements

FF/4 Import Electronic Check Deposit List

FF/5 Post electronic check deposit list

FF/6 Deposit/loan mgmt analysis/posting

FF/7 Deposit/loan management int accruals

FF/8 Import Bank Statement into Cash Mgmt

FF/9 Compare Advices with Bank Statement

FF63 Create Planning Memo Record

FF65 List of Cash Management Memo Records

FF67 Manual Account Statement

FF68 Manual Check Deposit Transaction

FF6A Edit Cash Mgmt Pos Payment Advices

FF6B Edit liquidity forecast planned item

FF70 Cash Mgmt Posit./Liquidity Forecast

FF71 Cash Position

FF72 Liquidity forecast

FF73 Cash Concentration

FF74 Use Program to Access Cash Concntn

FF7A Cash Position

FF7B Liquidity forecast

FF7F Cash Position Data

FF:1 Maintain exchange rates

FFA1 Compare Advices with Bk.Stmt Advices

FFB4 Import Electronic Check Deposit List

FFB5 Post electronic check deposit list

FFCD Cash deconcentration

FFL_OLD Display Transmission Information

FFS_OLD Display Transmission Information

FFTL Telephone list

FFW1 Wire Authorization

FFWR Post Payment Requests from Advice

FFWR_REQUESTS Create Payment Requests from Advice

FFZF Fill Table T038N from T038

FFZK C FI Maintainence Table T018Z

FF_1 Standard G/L Account Interest Scale

FF_3 G/L Account Cashed Checks

FF_4 Vendor Cashed Checks

FF_5 Import Electronic Bank Statement

FF_6 Display Electronic Bank Statement

FG99 Flexible G/L: Report Selection

FGI0 Execute Report

FGI1 Create Report

FGI2 Change Report

FGI3 Display Report

FGI4 Create Form

FGI5 Change Form

FGI6 Display Form

FGIC Maintain Currency Translation Type

FGIK Maintain Key Figures

FGIM Report Monitor

FGIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

FGL6 IRE: One Time Posting - Gen. Contr

FGL_MIG_SOURCE Def. Source Ledger for Migr. Balance

FGM0 Special Purpose Ledger Menu

FGRP Report Painter

FGRW Report Writer Menu

FGSODN_IT1 Number range maintenance: FIN2_IT

FI01 Create Bank

FI02 Change Bank

FI03 Display Bank

FI04 Display Bank Changes

FI06 Set Flag to Delete Bank

FI07 Change Current Number Range Number

FI08 Distribution of the Bank Master Data

FI09 Distribution of IBANs

FI12 Change House Banks/Bank Accounts

FI12CORE Change House Banks/Bank Accounts

FI12_HBANK Change House Banks

FI12_OLD Change House Banks/Bank Accounts

FI13 Display House Banks/Bank Accounts

FI13_HBANK Display House Banks

FI13_OLD Display House Banks/Bank Accounts

FIAAHELP FI-AA Utility Programs

FIAAHELP_DARK FI-AA Utility Programs Dispatcher

FIAAIN_PO_TRACK Transaction Code for PO Tracking AA

FIAAPT_MAPAS Transaction code for Mapas Fiscais

FIAAQA_DEPR Depreciation Reporting for Qatar

FIAA_MESSAGES_SEARCH Search for SE91 Messages in FI-AA

FIAPEG_TXCLR Witholding/Stamp tax clearing(Egypt)

FIAPEG_TXREM Remittance Statement for WHT & Stamp

FIAPPL_OVERDUE_INV Transaction code for Inv Reporting

FIAPPT_BAL Transaction code for FIAPPTV_BAL

FIAPPT_CBR Transaction code for CBR PT

FIAPPT_FSV Transaction code for FIAPPTV_FSV

FIAPQA_MER Monthly Expense Report

FIAPQA_PAYTF Payment Forms:Qatar

FIAPQA_PREQ01 Create Payment Request

FIAPQA_PREQ02 Edit payment Request (Qatar PS)

FIAPQA_PREQ02_WF Transaction for Edit through Workflo

FIAPQA_PREQ03 Display payment Request (Qatar PS)

FIAPQA_PREQ03_WF Transaction for Workflow Screen

FIAPQA_PRVNSTAT Provision Statement

FIAPSA_ADPDSP Display Advance Payment Request

FIAPSA_ADPO Create expenditure Order through

FIAPSA_ADPOVR Create Advance Payment Request

FIAPSA_ADPSF Create Settlement Request

FIAPSA_CLPO Create expenditure Order for claims

FIAPSA_CSTD Custody Management

FIAPSA_DISSF Display Settlement Request

FIAPSA_DLTO Delete Expenditure Order

FIAPSA_DSPO Display/Edit Expenditure Order

FIAPSA_DSPO_CUS Display expenditure order - Custody

FIAPSA_DSPO_WF Display expenditure order - workflow

FIAPSA_EDPO Edit Expenditure Order

FIAPSA_EXPO Expenditure Order

FIAPSA_FCBAL Financial Custody Report

FIAPSA_NRA Number range maintenance: FIAPSA_NRA

FIAPSA_NRE Number range maintenance: FIAPSA_NRE

FIAPSA_NRO Number range maintenance: FIAPSA_NRO

FIAPSA_NRP Number range maintenance: FIAPSA_NRP

FIAPSA_NRS Number range maintenance: FIAPSA_NRS

FIAPSA_PCF Petty Cash Form

FIAPSA_PYMO01 Create payment order

FIAPSA_PYMO02 Edit Payment Order

FIAPSA_PYMO03 Display Payment Order

FIAPSA_PYMO03_WF Display Paymenr Order via Workflow

FIAPSA_V_ADVPR_APPRS Approvers for Advance Payment Req.

FIAPSA_V_BL_EXPORD Block Expenditure Orders

FIAPSA_V_ORDER_APPRS Approvers for Expend and Paym Orders

FIARQAV_CRV_APPR Approvers for Receipt Voucher

FIARQA_CRV01 Receipt Voucher Creation

FIARQA_CRV02 Receipt Voucher Edit

FIARQA_CRV03 Receipt Voucher Display

FIARQA_CRVWF Receipt Voucher - Workflow

FIARQA_NRV Number range maintenance: FIARQA_NRV

FIARQA_V_VOUCH_APPRS List of approvers for Receipt Vouche

FIARSEPA_BOE Transaction code for BOE report

FIAR_DUN_TOPLIST Top N List of Dunned Customers

FIAR_FDM_COLL Process Receivables

FIAR_OVERDUE_TOPLIST Due Date Grid for Customers

FIAR_PAYDIFF_TOPLIST Customers with Payment Differences

FIAR_PRINTLASTODN To Print Last Generated ODN number

FIAR_QRYCACHE_CFG Set Retention Period for Cache



FIBB Bank chain determination

FIBC Scenarios for Bank Chain Determin.

FIBD Allocation client

FIBF Maintenance transaction BTE

FIBHS Display bank chains for house banks

FIBHU Maintain bank chains for house banks


FIBKRU_ACNT_TURNOVER Account turnovers

FIBKRU_BAL_TRANS Everyday balance transfer Pair acnts

FIBKRU_MO_BROWSER Memorial order browser

FIBKRU_MO_CR_OFFLN Memorial order offline creation


FIBKRU_PRINT_MO Memo order printing

FIBKRU_REG_BOOK Account registration book

FIBKRU_SETTINGS Settings for Memo Order Applications

FIBKRU_SINGLE_MEMO Single memo to screen

FIBKRU_VAT Special VAT handling for banks

FIBKRU_V_AC_CUST Bank acnt #. Customising.

FIBKRU_V_AC_PAIR Bank pair accounts. Customising.

FIBKRU_V_AC_TECH Bank acnt #. Technical settings.

FIBKRU_V_MO_APPRS Approver for Memo Orders

FIBKRU_V_MO_BASE Memorial order base texts

FIBKRU_V_MO_FILTER Filter FI documents for MO creation

FIBL0 Origin Indicator Definition

FIBL1 Control Origin Indicator

FIBL2 Assign Origin

FIBL3 Group of House Bank Accounts

FIBL4 Bank Clearing Account for HR Payment

FIBLAPOP Vendors - Payment Request

FIBLAROP Customers - Payment Request

FIBLFFP Free Form Payment

FIBPS Display bank chians for partners

FIBPU Maintain bank chains for partner

FIBS Input House Bank in Payment Request

FIBTS Dis. bank chains for acct carry fwds

FIBTU Main. bank chains for acctCarry over

FICAAOLA Master Data Tab

FICAARCHBDT BDT Contract Account Archiving

FICADELE Contract Account Deletion

FICADELEBDT BDT Contract Account Deletion

FICAIMG IMG for Contract AR/AP

FICBR_REP_DMEE Trans for assigning DMEE to category

FICBR_REP_SEL_DOC Trans. For Selecting Documents

FICBR_REP_SUB_TYP Trans. For Reporting Sub Type View

FICBR_REP_TYP Transaction For Reporting Type View

FICD Cash deconcentration

FICOBDT Financial Conditions

FICOBDT01 FICO Config. - BDT - Applications

FICOBDT0104 FICO Config - BDT - Screen Config.

FICOBDT013 FICO Config. - BDT - Roles

FICOBDT014 FICO Config. - Role Category Groups

FICOBDT02 FICO Config. - BDT - Field Groups


FICOBDT03 FICO Config. - BDT - Views

FICOBDT04 FICO Config. - BDT - Section

FICOBDT05 FICO Config. - BDT - Screens

FICOBDT06 FICO Config. - BDT - Screen Sequence

FICOBDT07 FICO Config. - BDT - Event

FICOBDT08 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Std Funct.

FICOBDT09 FICO Config.- BDT - GUI Add. Funct.

FICOBDT100 FICO Config - BDT - Fmod per Acct

FICOBDT102 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. type

FICOBDT103 FICO Config - BDT - Fld Grp Authoriz

FICOBDT105 FICO Config. BDT -Fmod Ext. Applic.

FICOBDT11 FICO Config - BDT - ScrnFld ->DB Fld

FICOBDT12 FICO Config. - BDT - Fmod. Criteria

FICOBDT15 FICO Config. - BDT - Appl. Transact.

FICOBDT16 FICO Configuration - BDT - Tables

FICOBDT17 FICO Config.- BDT -Ext. Applications

FICOBDT18 FICO Config. - BDT - Activities

FICOBDT19 FICO Config. - BDT - Authoriz. Type

FICOBDT_31 Define Condition Type

FICOMAIN Menu for New Conditions Log

FICO_123 Create Basic Setting - Conditions

FICO_124 Create Basic Setting - Conditions

FICO_CG Define Condition Group Type

FICO_CUS_LIST_BCA Customizing for Condition Group Type

FICO_FOBU_OPERATOR Define Formula Operators

FIEH01 Process Contracts with Errors

FIES_INCASH347 Transaction for Incash (M347)

FIES_M347 Transaction for Modelo-347:Spain

FIEUVC_GEN_SAFT SAF-T Generic Settings

FIEU_BC Maintain SAF-T Bussiness Cases

FIEU_BCP Business Case

FIEU_BCP_LU Business Case

FIEU_GEN Maintain SAF-T Generic Customization

FIEU_MFI Set Document Types for FI Invoices

FIEU_PATH SAFT:Maintain XML Paths(Appln.Server

FIEU_PAYM Maintain Payment Mechanism for SAF-T

FIEU_PTYPE Maintain Product Type for SAF-T


FIEU_SBEKORG SAFT:Vendor/Purchasing Organization

FIEU_SBINFO Maintain data for Self Billing

FIEU_SDGEN Maintain Invoice for SAF-T SD Inv

FIEU_SOFC Maintain Sales Office Customization

FIEU_VAT_RCPT Payment Receipt

FIGLMX_AUXACCT Transaction for Mexico AuxAccounting

FIGLMX_EACCT Transaction for Mexico E-Accounting

FIGLMX_JE Mexico Journal Entry

FIGLQA_ITR Income Tax Returns (Qatar)

FIGLQA_TD Income Tax Declaration (Qatar)


FIHB In-house bank

FIHB0 Number Range Maintenance

FIHB1 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB

FIHB4 Assignment of IHB to Bookkeeping

FIHB5 Data for Automatic Payments

FIHB6 Assignment of Bnk Statement to IHB

FIHB7 Reversal of IHC Payment Requests

FIHB8 Transfer Recipient Items

FIHBC Settings for In-House Bank

FIHC Create In-House Cash Center


FIKR_IT_MIG Korea: Industry Type Migration

FIKW_SH_MIG Kuwait: Shareholder Migration

FIKZCFL Cash flow direct method

FIKZCUSTDECL Maintain Customs Declarations

FIKZDEADJRNL Maintaine Deadlines

FIKZDIPCUST Enable E-Invoicing for Customers

FIKZDIPVEND Enable E-Invoicing for Vendors

FIKZMM_RESRV_PRINT Z-5 form for reservation documents

FIKZPROPTAX Property tax Kazakhstan

FIKZREGCUSMAT Matching rules for Invoice Journal

FIKZREGINV Invoice Journal (Kazakhstan)

FIKZRGIN Define incoming invoice number range

FIKZRGOUT Define outgoing invoice number range

FIKZTRTAX Transport tax Kazakhstan

FIKZUSEPERMIT Invoice Journal: Entry protection

FIKZ_BSALL Financial Statement Forms (KZ)

FIKZ_MAT_MOVE VAT Classification For Mat.Documents

FILAACETRANS Transfer ACE Documents to Accounting

FILAADJ Manual Changes to Value ID Contents

FILAADJREV Reverse Value ID Change

FILAADJREV_2 Reverse Value ID Change

FILAADJ_2 Manual Changes to Value ID Contents

FILAADMN Process Processing Initial Screen

FILACHECK List Available Help Programs

FILACUS List Available Help Programs

FILAEXAM Lease: Process Analysis

FILAEXAMX Deprecated

FILAEXPL Leasingvertrag anzeigen

FILAFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation

FILAHELP Deprecated

FILASTRUC_LVS_PARAM Validation Parameter

FILASYST Jump to IMG for System Customizing

FILATEST Deprecated

FILAUF_WF_CUST Store Order: Workflow Customizing

FILAVSRDEF Substitution/Validation Determinat.

FILAVSRDEF_CLASS Check Sequences f. Financ. Classif.

FILAVSRDEF_CRMC Check Sequences f. Pricing Classif.

FILAVSRDEF_VALID Validation Determination

FILAVSRDEF_VALUE Determ. f. Val.Determ. Substitution

FILA_LC_TEST Lease Classification

FILA_RE_C_CAT Define Refinancing Categories

FILA_RE_C_CAT_C Assign Tax ID and Clearing Accounts

FILA_RE_C_CHGPR Assign Change Processes to Clusters

FILA_RE_C_EVENT Assign Processes

FILA_RE_C_RFF Generate Forfaiting Payment Schedule

FILA_RE_C_VAL Assign Value Identifier to Ref. Cat.

FILA_RE_DOC_FLOW Display DocFlow for Refinancing

FILA_RE_MASTER Edit Refinancing Program

FILA_RE_NR1 Number Range Maint: Refinancing

FILA_RE_RETURN Create Return Transaction Tranche

FILA_RE_SELECT Create Refinancing Tranche

FILA_RE_TRANCHE Edit Refinancing Tranche

FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PO Post Refinancing Tranche

FILA_RE_TRANCHE_PR Post Return Transaction Tranche

FILA_RE_TRANS_POST Repost Customer/Vendor G/L Accounts

FILA_WRITE_DOWN Adjustment of Residual Value

FILA_WRITE_DOWN_UNDO Undo Adjustment of Residual Value

FILE Cross-Client File Names/Paths

FILEEDIT File Editor

FILINV_WF_CUST Store Inventory:Workflow Customizing

FILUCBR Transaction for CBR Luxembourg

FILU_DOC_TYPE LU SAF-T: Maintain Payment Doc Type

FILU_PLANT Transaction for Plant Information

FILU_REFID Assign Ref. Node ID to FSV Node

FIMA Financial Calculations

FIMA_TEST_DI FiMa Test for Daily Interest

FIMA_TRACE User Dialog for FIMA Trace

FIMENA_COMPCERT Check Company Certificates status

FIMENA_CRMAINTAIN Maintain company certificates

FIMY_GST03 Malaysia : GST-03 Reporting


FIMY_OBCG Maintain Table T007K_MY

FIMY_OBCH Maintain Table T007L_MY

FINB_CCD_ADD Classes for Customizing Dispatcher

FINB_CONF_AFTER_NOTE Rework after SAP Note Implementation

FINB_CONF_START_IMG Define Configuration (SAP)

FINB_MSG_LG1 Analyze Application Log

FINB_PR_SHOW Display Persistence Objects

FINB_TR_CAT Catalog of Transport Objects

FINB_TR_CATA Attributes of Transport Objects

FINB_TR_CATAL Local Attributes

FINB_TR_CCM Client Copy - Protection

FINB_TR_CCM1 Client Copy - Administration

FINB_TR_CCO Client Copy - Object Status

FINB_TR_CC_LOG Client Copy-Postprocessing Log

FINB_TR_CUST FINB Transport Tool: Customizing

FINB_TR_DEST Destination for Transport Methods

FINB_TR_IMG Transport Tool - Development

FINB_TR_TCATO Obsolete Transport Objects

FINB_VIEW_TO_CONFIG Connection to Configuration

FINDR0 ParameterTransaction Derivation Tool

FINF Info System Events

FINL_9000_SHOW Display

FINP Info System Processes

FINR3_CPROJECTS_CUST cProjects IMG in Plug-In for ERP

FINSC_CO_CD_TEMPLATE Set Company Code Template Indicator

FINSC_LEDGER Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_LEDGER_TEMPLTE Maintain Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSV_LD_CMP_COV Assign Ledgers to CO Versions

FINS_BCF_MIG Enrichment of Balances

FINS_BCF_MIG_MONITOR Display Status of Balance Enrichment

FINS_BCF_REC Reconciliation of Balance Enrichment

FINS_BCF_REC_MONITOR Status of Reconc. Bal. Enrich. Disp.

FINS_CFIN_AIF_SETUP AIF Setup for Central Finance

FINS_CFIN_CJ4 Central FIN Simulate Mapping

FINS_CFIN_CJ5 Central FIN Simulate Posting

FINS_CFIN_LOAD1 Central FIN Initial Load - Extract

FINS_CFIN_LOAD2 Central FIN Initial Load - Post


FINS_CFIN_LOAD_DEL Delete Initial Load Data

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_GRP_E Execute Initial Load by Load Group

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_GRP_M Monitor Initial Load by Load Group

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_MON1 Initial Load: Extraction Status

FINS_CFIN_LOAD_MON2 Initial Load: Posting Status

FINS_CFIN_MONI_CJ4 Initial Load: Simulate Mapping

FINS_CFIN_MONI_CJ5 Initial Load: Simulate Posting

FINS_CO_RECONCILE Reconciliation of CO-Documents

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK Check ledger customizing settings

FINS_CUST_CONS_CHK_T Check also country template settings

FINS_CUST_CONS_REP Repair customizing settings for JE

FINS_DDLS_TO_REQUEST Put DDL-Sources into corr. request

FINS_FCT call maintenance view for fieldcat

FINS_FCT_BCF_BS call maint. view for fieldcat BCF_BS

FINS_FCT_BCF_PL call maint. view for fieldcat BCF_PL

FINS_FCT_GL_BAL_VAL call maint. view fldcat GL_BAL_VAL

FINS_FCT_GL_REP call maint. view for fieldcat GL_REP

FINS_FCT_GL_TOT call maint. view for fieldcat GL_TOT

FINS_FCT_UTIL Utilities for the ACDOC fieldcatalog

FINS_LEDGER_MAP Mapping of Ledgers (NewGL-UDoc.)

FINS_MIGRATION Migrate and Enrich Documents

FINS_MIG_AFA Initial Depreciation Calculation

FINS_MIG_BSEG_HWAER Migrate document lines local curr

FINS_MIG_CHECK_GCM Check consistency GL acct/Cost elem

FINS_MIG_CHECK_MK3 Reconcile Documented CreditDecisions

FINS_MIG_CJ1 Central FIN Initial Load - Extract

FINS_MIG_CJ2 Central FIN Initial Load - Post

FINS_MIG_CJ3 Central FIN Re-Open Tech Clearings

FINS_MIG_COB Company Code in CO Tables

FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CHCK Check Credit Mgmt Customizing

FINS_MIG_CREDIT_CUST Migrate Credit Mgmt Customizing

FINS_MIG_DAA Default Assignment Cost Elements

FINS_MIG_DLT Data Migration UJ: Aggregate Deltas

FINS_MIG_DUE Fill Due Dates in FI Documents

FINS_MIG_FINISH Set migration status to "FINISHED"

FINS_MIG_FYV Reconcile fiscal year variant CO and

FINS_MIG_GCM G/L Acc. and Cost Elem. Merge

FINS_MIG_GKONT Fill Offsetting Account

FINS_MIG_GL_ALLOC Migration of GL Allocations

FINS_MIG_INIT_COLD Transfer Data to Cold DB Area

FINS_MIG_KNKK_CUST Settings for Credit Migration

FINS_MIG_LEDGER_CUST Migration of Ledger Customizing

FINS_MIG_LINK Set Link between CO and FI Documents

FINS_MIG_MK1 Credit Mgmnt Master Data Migration

FINS_MIG_MK2 Credit Mgmnt Exposure Migration

FINS_MIG_MK3 Initialize Credit Management DCDs

FINS_MIG_MONITOR AC on HANA: Data Migration Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_AFA Monitor Initial Depreciation Calcul.

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ1 Initial Load: Extraction Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ2 Initial Load: Posting Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CJ3 Re-Open Technical Clearings

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_CLD Cold DB Area Transfer Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_COB Company Code in CO Tables Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DAA Default Assignment Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DLT Migration Monitor UJ: Aggregate Delt

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_DUE Show Status of Due Dates Migration

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GCM Monitor G/L Acc. and Cost Elm. Merge

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_GKO Show Status of Offsetting Account

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_LNK sFin Document Link Migration Monitor

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK1 Credit Mgmnt Master Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK2 Credit Mgmnt Exposure Status

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_MK3 Display Status of DCD Initialization

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_PRC Display Status of field Profit Ctr

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC0 Monitor Analysis of Transact. Data

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC1 Monitor Reconciliation

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC2 Monitor Check of Documents

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC3 Monitor Check of Journal Entry

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4 Monitor Check of Balances

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC5 Monitor check FI-AA Balances (AFAR)

FINS_MIG_MONITOR_UJ AC on HANA: Migration Monitor UJ

FINS_MIG_PRECHECK Check Ledger Settings for Migration


FINS_MIG_STATUS sFin migration status

FINS_MIG_UJ SAP AC on HANA: Data Migration UJ

FINS_PRC Populate Profit Ctr in CO Line Items

FINS_REC Reconciliation

FINS_RECONCILE Reconciliation of FI-Documents

FINS_RECON_RC0 Analysis of Transactional Data

FINS_RECON_RC1 Reconciliation of Transactional Data

FINS_RECON_RC2 Check Migration of Documents

FINS_RECON_RC3 Check Migration into Journal Entry

FINS_RECON_RC4 Check Migration of Balances

FINS_RECON_RC5 Check FI-AA Balances after AFAR

FINS_REC_MONITOR Reconciliation Monitor

FINS_REC_RESULT Results Reconciliation UJE

FINS_RFTMPBLU Converting Held Documents

FINT Item Interest Calculation

FINTAP Item Interest Calculation Vendors

FINTSHOW Overview of Int. Runs for Item. Int.

FIN_ACCDOCNO_MAINT Number Ranges for Document Numbers

FIN_CORR_RESEND_BILL Resend Billing Document

FIN_GLACCT Maintain G/L Accounts

FIN_GLTRATYPE Maintain Transaction Type

FIN_GL_SCHEDULE Update open and close posting period

FIN_PRCVARIANT Maintain Price Variant

FIOA Interest on Arrears Calculation

FIOR Create Orbian Bank

FIOTPKOFIMAINTAIN Maintain Derivation Rule Entries

FIOTP_NRIV One-Time PostingsNumber Range Maint.

FIPAY_BDGTS01 Subsequent SPL Screening

FIPAY_CUST01 Maintenance View V_FIPAY_T042_GTS

FIPOS Create Commitment Items

FIPRC10 Fields Maintenance

FIPRC11 Feature Maintenance

FIPRC12 Field Values Maintenance

FIPRC13 Two Dimensional Field Value Mainten.

FIPRC2 Product Category Maintenance

FIPRC3 Maintain Attributes

FIPRC4 Maintain Key Prefix

FIPRC5 Field Grouping Activity

FIPRD1 Create Product

FIPRD2 Change Product

FIPRD3 Display Product

FIPRD4 Copy Product

FIPS Create PSP Bank

FIP_CALL_MM03 Call the MM03 Transaction

FIP_CALL_MM43 Call the MM43 Transaction



FIP_CALL_WF30 Call wrapper program for WF30



FIP_MD Buffer Report for Master Data

FIP_RP_WORKLIST_DELE Delete Worklist Replacement GR

FIP_RP_WORKLIST_DISP Display Worklist Replacement GR

FIP_SD Buffer Report for Statistical Data

FIP_TD Buffer Report for Transactional Data

FIQA_BANKRECONCL Bank Reconcilation Report

FIQA_FIN_ST_BAL QA Balance Sheet Report

FIQA_JVMOF Number range maintenance: FIQA_MOF2

FIQA_MOFEXCP Reserved MOF Numbers

FIQA_PFMOF Number range maintenance: FIQA_MOF1

FIQA_RVMOF Number range maintenance: FIQA_MOF3

FIQA_TB QA Trial Balances

FIRPGR Repetitive Code Groups Maintenance

FISA_ABRF8 Account Balance - Form 8

FISA_ADJRF13 Adjustment Report - Form 13

FISA_CASHREQ Cash Safe Filling Request

FISA_CHECKCOLL Encashed and Uncashed Checks

FISA_CSFR Cash Safe feeding Reimbursement

FISA_ECF12 Form 12 - Employee Consignment

FISA_TBR12 Trial Balance - Form 12

FISEPA Create Internal Bank for SEPA


FISK_VAT Slovakia VAT Ledger Statement

FISL_VPROV Generate Virtual InfoProviders in SL

FISPLOGCUST Customizing for Log Categories

FISPLOGDISP Display of Log Entries

FISPLOGORGA Reorganize Log Entries

FIS_VIS_FB09D call transaction FB09D

FITDQA_FSK Define Tax Declaration FSK (Qatar)

FITH_BC_MIG Branch Code Migration (Thailand)

FITP_RESPO Contact Partner Responsibilities

FITP_SETTINGS Settings for Travel Planning

FITP_SETTINGS_TREE Tree Maintenance Current Settings



FIVOCPT Add VAT on Cash (PT Customers)

FIWTAR_TAX_LIABILITY Vendor tax liability update

FIWTAR_VEND_EXMP Vendor exemption update

FIWTIN_QRETURNS Quarterly Returns for India

FIWTIN_SCEGC TAN for Section code group

FIWTIN_SCEGV TAN for Section code group

FIWTIN_TANCUST Customer TAN exemption

FIWTIN_TANVEND Vendor TAN exemption

FIWTIT_CU Italy withholding tax reporting - CU

FIWTQA_CERT Withholding Tax Certificate

FIWTQA_DMTPC QA :Monthly ClearingTax Payment Code

FIWTQA_MCL Monthly Clearing of WHT (Qatar)

FIWTQA_MREV Reversal of Monthly Clearing (Qatar)

FIWTQA_NR Number range maintenance: FIWTQA_NRO

FIWTQA_NRC Number Range: Withholding Tax Cert.

FIWTQA_TRFND Withholding Tax Refund

FIWTQA_TXR Monthly tax return Qatar

FIWTRCT Vendor specific threshold amounts

FIWTSA_CERT Withholding Tax Cert.for Ven(SAU)

FIWTSA_NRC Number range maintenance: IDSAUWTCER

FIZA_VAT SA: VAT reporting

FI_APAR_SEPA_CONV Create SEPA Mandates in Mass Run

FI_APAR_SEPA_CUST FI General Settings for SEPA

FI_APAR_SEPA_FIELDS FI Changeable Fields for SEPA

FI_DRILLDOWN GT Documents for FI Document

FJA1 Inflation Adjustment of G/L Accounts

FJA2 Change Last Adjustment Dates

FJA3 Balance Sheet/P&L with Inflation

FJA4 Infl. Adjustment of Open Items (FC)

FJA5 Infl. Adj. of Open Receivables (LC)

FJA6 Infl. Adj. of Open Payables (LC)

FK02CORE Maintain vendor

FK03 Display Vendor (Accounting)

FK09 Confirm Vendor List (Accounting)

FK10 Vendor Account Balance

FK10N Vendor Balance Display

FK10NA Vendor Balance Display

FK10NET Vendor Balance Display

FK15 Transfer vendor changes: receive

FK16 Transfer vendor changes: receive

FK20 Pflege der Formularzuordnung

FK22 Pflege der Teilelemente einer HHST

FK59 C FI-CA Table maintenance TFK044A

FKCB FI-CA Dunning - Customizing

FKCJ BP Control: Activities

FKCUMTAX Summarize Tax Lines UK

FKEXMA Monitor Tax Exemptions

FKI0 Execute Report

FKI1 Create Report

FKI2 Change Report

FKI3 Display Report

FKI4 Create Form

FKI5 Formular ändern

FKI6 Display Form

FKIC Maintain Currency Translation Type

FKIK Maintain Key Figures

FKIM Report Monitor

FKIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

FKJOCMDR Job Commander Standalone

FKJOCMDR1 Job Commander from FuMo (List)

FKJOCNT Job Container

FKJOXTR Job Container

FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS Transfer Raw Data to Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT02_TRANS_MA Billable Items: Raw Data Transfer

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH Archiving of Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_CUS1 Res. Time Archived Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_DEL Delete Archived Billed BITs

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_MA Archive Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_ARCH_READ Display Archived Billed Items

FKKBIXBIT4_DEL Delete Billed Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT4_MON Analysis of Billed Items

FKKBIXBITB_MON Analysis of Billable Items

FKKBIXBITR_MON Analysis of Raw Data

FKKBIXBITX_DEL Delete Excepted Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_CONF Config. of Billable Item Classes

FKKBIXBIT_CWB Processing of Billing Item

FKKBIXBIT_DC_MON Display Duplicate Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_DIA_GEN Generate Maintenance Dialog

FKKBIXBIT_GEN Generate Billable Item Classes

FKKBIXBIT_MON Display of Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_REV_M Reverse Billable Items (Mass Run)

FKKBIXBIT_REV_MON Analysis of Reversal Requests

FKKBIXBIT_REV_S Reverse Billable Items (Indiv.Proc.)

FKKBIXBIT_STRUCCHK Check of Runtime Structures

FKKBIXBIT_UPLOAD File Upload of Billable Items

FKKBIXBIT_VIEW_GEN Generate Database Views

FKKBIXCIT02_TRANS Transfer Raw Data to Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT02_TRANS_MA Consumpt. Items: Raw Data Transfer

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH Archive Rated Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_CUS1 Residence Time of Archived Cons.Item

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_DEL Delete Archived Rated Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_MA Archive Rated Consumption Item

FKKBIXCIT4_ARCH_READ Display Archived Rated Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT4_DEL Delete Rated Consumption Items

FKKBIXCITX_DEL Delete Excepted Cons. Items

FKKBIXCIT_CONF Configur.of Consumption Item Classes

FKKBIXCIT_CWB Processing of Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_DC_MON Display Duplicates

FKKBIXCIT_DIA_GEN Generate Maintenance Dialog

FKKBIXCIT_GEN Generate Consumption Item Classes

FKKBIXCIT_MON Display Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_STRUCCHK Check of Runtime Structures

FKKBIXCIT_UPLOAD File Upload of Consumption Items

FKKBIXCIT_VIEW_GEN Generate Database Views

FKKBIX_CITID_NUM Consumption Item ID Number Range

FKKBIX_CYC_MA Create Periodic Rating Requests

FKKBIX_DISC Discounts/Charges on Billable Item

FKKBIX_M Mass Billing


FKKBIX_RATEID_NUM Rating ID Number Range

FKKBIX_RATE_M Rating (Mass Run)


FKKBIX_RATE_S Rating (Individual Processing)

FKKBIX_RERATE_M Reverse Rating (Mass Run)

FKKBIX_RERATE_MA Reverse Rating and Run Rerating

FKKBIX_RERATE_MON Display Rerating Requests

FKKBIX_RERATE_S Reverse Rating (Indiv. Processing)

FKKBIX_S Individual Billing

FKKBIX_SRCTAID_NUM Source Trans. ID Number Range

FKKBIX_VT_CYCREQ_DEL Deletion of Periodic Rating Requests

FKKBPCL Process BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLCLAR Clarification of BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLDISP Display of BP Duplicates

FKKBPCLIMP Import of BP Duplicate

FKKBRFCIMP BRF: Copy Implementing Classes

FKKBRFTRANS BRF:Transport of Application Classes

FKKCC_MD_CLU Clean Up Trigger Table

FKKCC_MD_COM Comparison of Master Data with SAPCC

FKKCC_MD_MAN Manual Master Data Distribution

FKKCC_MD_MIG Migration of Master Data to SAP CC

FKKCC_MD_MON Master Data Distribution Monitor

FKKCC_MD_PRC Replication of Incorr.Dist.Records

FKKCC_PC_MON Monitor Provider Contract Distrib.

FKKCLERK_CM_CUAGENT Responsiblity Maintenance for Clerk

FKKCLERK_CM_CUCENTER Maintain Department Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_CM_CUDUNN Simulate Responsibility for WorkItem

FKKCLERK_CM_CUUNIT Maintain Unit Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_CU_BUSACH Maintain Posting Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_CU_MASACH Maintain Dunning Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_DN_CUAGENT Responsiblity Maint. for Specialist

FKKCLERK_DN_CUCENTER Maintain Department Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_DN_CUUNIT Maintain Unit Responsibilities

FKKCLERK_RESP Assign Responsibilities

FKKCOLL_MONI Monitor of Collections Services

FKKCRM_AUTH_CHECK Dummy: FCC Authorization Check

FKKCRM_INFO_MOD Assign Info Module to Profiles

FKKCRM_INFO_PROF Define Information Module

FKKCZ_VATLED Display VAT Ledger Data

FKKCZ_VATPER VAT Ledger Periods Overview

FKKEXC_AGENT Post Agent Receivable

FKKEXC_AGENT_GL Agent Posting as G/L Account Posting

FKKEXC_MONI Monitor for Ext. Cash Desks via XI

FKKEXC_RETRY Post External Payments (Retry)

FKKIDPL_VATOVDUE Tax Adjustment for Overdue Invoices


FKKID_FQ1480 VAT Transfer: Tax Codes for Cr. Memo

FKKID_FQ1481 VAT Transfer: Doc. Types for Cr.Memo

FKKID_FQ1482 VAT Transfer: Tax Codes for SVOC

FKKID_FQ1483 VAT Transfer: Determ. Cr. Memo items

FKKID_FQ1484 VAT Transfer: Determine SVOC

FKKID_FQ1485 VAT Transfer: Doc. Types for SVOC

FKKID_LOAD_OLDCRM Migrate Nondeliv. Credit Memos

FKKID_SVOC Tax Transfer for Special VAT Opers.

FKKID_VATTR_CM VAT Transfer (Credit Memos)

FKKID_VATTR_CM2 Change VAT Transfer (Credit Memos)

FKKID_VATTR_ITC Confirmation of Spec. VAT Operations

FKKID_VATTR_ITC2 Change Confirmation of Spec. VAT Opr

FKKID_VAT_TRANSF VAT Transfer (Cr.Mem & Int.Trn.Conf)

FKKINVBILL_ARCH Archive Billing Documents

FKKINVBILL_ARCH_CUS1 Retention Period: Arch. Billing Docs

FKKINVBILL_ARCH_CUS2 Retention Period: Arch. Billing Docs

FKKINVBILL_ARCH_DEL Delete Archived Billing Documents

FKKINVBILL_ARCH_MA Parallel Archiving Billing Documents

FKKINVBILL_ARCH_READ Display Archived Billing Documents

FKKINVBILL_A_DEL Delete Billing Additional Data

FKKINVBILL_DISP Display Billing Document

FKKINVBILL_NUM Number Range for Billing Documents

FKKINVBILL_REV_M Mass Reversal of Billing Document

FKKINVBILL_REV_MON Analysis - Reversal Requests

FKKINVBILL_REV_S Single Reversal of Billing Document

FKKINVBILL_REV_S_NEW Single Reversal of Billing Document

FKKINVBILL_SIM_DEL Delete Simulated Billing Documents

FKKINVDOC_ARCH Archive Invoicing Documents

FKKINVDOC_ARCH_CUS1 Retention Prd of Archived Inv.Doc.

FKKINVDOC_ARCH_CUS2 Retention Prd of Archived Inv.Doc.

FKKINVDOC_ARCH_DEL Delete Archived Invoicing Documents

FKKINVDOC_ARCH_MA Parallel Archiving Invoicing Docs

FKKINVDOC_ARCH_READ Display Archived Invoicing Documents

FKKINVDOC_DISP Display Invoicing Document

FKKINVDOC_NUM Number Range for Invoicing Documents

FKKINVDOC_SIM_DEL Deletion of Simulated Invoicing Docs

FKKINVSRCD_NUM Number Range of Source Documents

FKKINV_AUTH_CHECK Dummy: RFC Authorization Check

FKKINV_BW_MA BI Extraction of Invoicing Documents

FKKINV_BW_MON Analysis of BW Extraction Orders

FKKINV_BW_SIM Individ. Simulation of BW Extraction

FKKINV_CFC Clarification Processing: Invoicing

FKKINV_CFCNUM Number Range Maintenance: FKKINVCFC

FKKINV_CYC_MA Create Periodic Invoicing Orders

FKKINV_ENH_DEFREV Create Enhancement: Deferred Revenue

FKKINV_ENH_MA_AGRMT Create Enhancement: Master Agreement

FKKINV_ENH_OFFSET Create Enhancemt: Offsetting in Inv.

FKKINV_ENH_PYCHANNEL Create Enhancement: Settlement Chan.

FKKINV_ENH_REV_ACCX Create Enhancement: Rev.Acctg Integ.

FKKINV_ENH_TAX_NOTIF Create Enhancement: Tax Notification

FKKINV_M Mass Invoicing

FKKINV_MA Invoicing

FKKINV_MON Analysis of Invoicing Orders

FKKINV_REVTASK Edit Reversal Tasks

FKKINV_REVTASK_MON Reversal Task Display

FKKINV_REV_M Mass Reversal of Invoicing Doc.

FKKINV_REV_MA Reversal of Documents

FKKINV_REV_MON Analysis - Reversal Requests

FKKINV_REV_S Ind. Reversal of Invoicing Documents

FKKINV_S Individual Invoicing

FKKJP_CVS Convenience Store File Converter

FKKJP_ENH_CVS Activate CVS for Japan

FKKJP_ENH_DD Activate Direct Debit for Japan

FKKLM Edit Business Partner Lock

FKKLS Display Business Partner Lock

FKKORD1 Edit Requests

FKKORD1_APPR Check Requests

FKKORD1_EXT Display Requests

FKKORD2 Edit Standing Requests

FKKORD2_APPR Approve Standing Requests

FKKORD2_EXT Display Standing Requests

FKKORD2_YEAREND Create EF for Standing Request

FKKORD3 Edit General Requests

FKKORD3_APPR Check General Requests

FKKORD3_EXT Display General Requests

FKKORD4 Edit Request Templates

FKKORDA Approve Request

FKKORDM Create Documents from Requests

FKKORDNR Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ORD

FKKRCD1 Display Change Documents Requests

FKKRTP_RETRY Repeat Posting of Real-Time Payment

FKKS Contract A/R + A/P

FKKSK_VATARCH_PER Residence Time for VAT Ledger

FKKSK_VATLED Electronic VAT Ledger

FKKSK_VATLEDQ Electronic VAT Ledger Quarter

FKKSK_VATMNT Electronic VAT Ledger Maintenance

FKKSK_VATNUM_CORR Electronic VAT Ledger - VAT no.corr.

FKKSNEW Contract A/R + A/P

FKKXXDF_RULES Deferred Tax Rules Table Maintenance

FKK_BRF Configure BRF

FKK_COLI_BOR_OBJECT Maintain Tax for a Business Object

FKK_COLI_DELETION Delete Co-Liability Data

FKK_COL_CORR_COL1 Invoice Run for Co-Liability

FKK_COL_TRIGGER_MA Co-Liability: Trigger Processing



FKK_CORRSPND_DELETE Correspondence: Delete Requests

FKK_CORRSPND_PROF Correspondence: Package Prof. Creatn



FKK_CORRSPND_SARA Archive Administration for CORRSPND

FKK_CORR_ARCHIVEINFO Activate Archive IS for Corr. Arch.

FKK_CORR_HISTORY Display Correspondence History

FKK_DEPR FI-CA: Obsolete Functions

FKK_EBS_ARC Link Documents with External Bills

FKK_EBS_ARC_E Postprocessing Run: Link Bills

FKK_EBS_MRD Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys.

FKK_EBS_MRD_E Postprocessing Run: External Reversa

FKK_EBS_POI Create Additional Information

FKK_EBS_POI_E Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.

FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics

FKK_EBS_TOI_COPA_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs

FKK_PAYMENTRELEASE Install Payment Release Workflow

FKK_SARA Parameter Transaction for TA SARA

FKLOCK01 Check Conditional Locks

FKLOCK2 Set Processing Locks

FKMT FI Acct Assignment Model Management

FKPC Payment card processing

FKR1 Vendor

FKR2 Rate Types / Vendor

FKR3 Conversion Exchange

FKR4 Currency Conversion

FKR5 Rate Code Conversion

FKR6 Maintain STT Groups

FKR7 Product Type Maintenance

FKR8 Report: Stock Transfer Tax

FKR9 Initializing STT Position

FKT1 CCR Report

FKT2 Loans: Foreign Currency Table

FKT3 Status Report

FKT4 Business Volumes

FKTB Shareholding Forms

FKTC Austria: Maintain Reporting Table

FKTF Finan. Mrkt Supervisory Board Mess.

FKTM Maintain Subitems from Flow Types

FKTN Maintain Report.-Relevant Flow Types

FKTNS Maint. Conv. Debt Flow Types

FKTNU Flow Type Conversion

FKTP Maintain Flow Types

FKTQ Maintain ID No. Priority Data Trans.

FKTR Maintain Insurance LoBs Data Trans.

FKTS Maintain Control for Report to CCR

FKTSV Assign Asset Type to Stock Indicator

FKTT Maintain Assignment Cred. Type/Class

FKTU Cont. Deriv. CCR Report Austria

FKTVS Val. Simul.for Data Trfr Super.Board

FKUM Rate/Price Transfer Settings

FLB1 Postprocessing Lockbox Data

FLB2 Import Lockbox File

FLBFILE Generate a Test Lockbox File

FLBP Post Lockbox Data

FLBPC1 Create BP from Vendor

FLBPC2 Link BP to Vendor

FLBPD1 Create BP from Customer

FLBPD2 Link BP to Customer

FLCC1 Create Customer

FLCC2 Change Customer

FLCC3 Display Customer

FLCU1 Create Customer

FLCU2 Change Customer

FLCU3 Display Customer

FLETS Field length extension topic switch

FLEXBRE BRE: Parallel Execution of BRE

FLEXFIN Update Obselete Backlog Entries

FLEXLOG Total Log of Parallel BRE Run

FLOREO Customizing of Logical Doc. Reorg.

FLQAB Assignment from Bank Statement Info.

FLQAC Assignment from FI Information

FLQAD Assignment from Invoices

FLQAF Assignment from Document Chains

FLQAH Assignment from Document Chain(HANA)

FLQAL Assignment from Invoices

FLQAM Manual Assignment

FLQAM_TP Manual Assignment (Top)

FLQC0 Default LQ Item Deriv. Para. for CC

FLQC1 Liquidity Items

FLQC10 Regenerate Flow Data

FLQC11 Query Sequences (Invoice)

FLQC12 Settings for Invoice Exit

FLQC13 Settings for FI Mechanisms

FLQC13F Settings from Document Chains

FLQC14 FI Assignment Analysis

FLQC15 Query Sequences

FLQC16 Tables for Conditions in Queries

FLQC17 FLQ:Maintain user exits

FLQC1A Liquidity Items (Single-Level)

FLQC2 Global Data

FLQC20 Global Settings

FLQC3 Company Code Data

FLQC4 Other Actual Accounts

FLQC5 Query Sequences (Bank Statement)

FLQC6 Assignment: Sequences - Bank Accts

FLQC7 G/L Accounts Relevant for Query

FLQC8 Query Sequences (FI Information)

FLQC9 Delete Flow Data

FLQCUST Menu for Liquidity Calc. Settings

FLQF1 Liquidity Forecast: Create Data

FLQF2 Liquidity Forecast: Delete Data

FLQF3 Liquidity Forecast: Display Data

FLQHIST Line Item History

FLQINFACC G/L Accounts w/ Liquidity Item Info

FLQLACC G/L Accounts List

FLQLGRP List of Query Sequences

FLQLI Line Item List

FLQLPOS List of Liquidity Positions

FLQLQR List of Queries

FLQLS Totals List

FLQMAIN Liquidity Calculation

FLQQA1 Edit Query (General)

FLQQA3 Display Query (General)

FLQQA5 Queries for Sequences

FLQQB1 Edit Query (Bank Statement)

FLQQB3 Display Query (Bank Statement)

FLQQB5 Queries for Seq. (Bank Statement)

FLQQB7 Test Request (Bank Statement)

FLQQC1 Edit Query (FI Information)

FLQQC3 Display Query (FI Information)

FLQQC5 Queries for Sequences (FI Info.)

FLQQC7 Test Query (FI Payment Document)

FLQQD1 Edit Query (Invoice Information)

FLQQD3 Display Query (Invoice Information)

FLQQD5 Query Sequences (Invoices)

FLQQD7 Test Query (Other FI Document)

FLQQRCOND Regenerate Condition Strings

FLQREP Payment Report

FLQRWC Liquidity Totals Comparison Report

FLQRWT Liquidity Totals Report

FLQT1 Create Transfer Posting

FLQT1B Create Transfer with Batch Input

FLQT2 Change Transfer Posting

FLQT3 Display Transfer

FLQTRCBPOS Commitment Item Derivation

FLQTRFIPOS Liquidity Items for Commitment Item

FLQUPGRP Upload Query Sequence (Assignment)

FLQUPINFAC Upload Info Accounts (Application)

FLQUPPOS Upload of Liquidity Positions

FLQUPQR Upload Queries

FLT02 Flight Scheduling: Generate Details

FLVN1 Create Vendor

FLVN2 Change Vendor

FLVN3 Display Vendor

FM+0 Display FM Main Role Definition

FM+1 Maintain FM Main Role Definition

FM+2 Display FM Amount Groups

FM+3 Maintain FM Amount Groups

FM+4 Display FM Budget Line Groups

FM+5 Maintain FM Budget Line Groups

FM+6 Display FM Document Classes

FM+7 Maintain FM Document Classes

FM+8 Display FM Activity Categories

FM+9 Maintain FM Activity Categories

FM+A Display Doc.Class->Doc.Cat. Assgmt

FM+B Maintain Doc.Clase->Doc.Cat.Assgmt

FM03 Display FM Document

FM03A Display FM Document with Archive

FM2BL_DERIVE Derive FM totals transfer to BL

FM2BL_DERIVE1 Derive FM totals transfer to FI

FM2BL_DERIVER CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to BL

FM2BL_DERIVER1 CO-PA Rule for FM transfer to FI

FM2E FM: Change Budget Document

FM2F FM: Display Budget Document

FM2G Field Contents in Funds Centers

FM2M Index of Funds Centers

FM30 Kopieren von Gld- und Grp-Texten

FM3G Commitment Item Hierarchy

FM3M Index of Commitment Items

FM3N Commitment Items for G/L Accounts

FM48 Change Financial Budget: Initial Scn

FM48_1 PS-CM: Create Planning Layout

FM48_3 PS-CM: Display Planning Layout

FM49 Display Financial Budget: Init.Scrn

FM4G Budget Structure Element Hierarchy

FM4M Directory of Functional Areas

FM5I FIFM: Create Fund

FM5M Index of Funds

FM5S FIFM: Display Fund

FM5U FIFM: Change Fund

FM6I FIFM: Create Application of Funds

FM6M Index of Application of Funds

FM6S FIFM: Display Application of Funds

FM6U FIFM: Change Application of Funds

FM71 Maintain Cover Pool

FM72 Assign FM Acct Asst to Cover Pool

FM73 Create Cust. for Distr.inCollec.Exp.

FM78 Charact.Groups for Cover Pools

FM79 Grouping Chars for Cover Pool

FM7A Indiv. Processing of CE Rules

FM7B Flag FMAA as Eligible for Cover

FM7C Generate Cover Pools from Rules

FM7G Edit rules

FM7K Copy Cover Eligibility Rules

FM7K_N Copy Cover Pools with Funds Centers

FM7L Delete Cover Eligibility Rules

FM7M Directory of Funded Programs

FM7P Indiv. Processing of Assgt to Cvr E.

FM7S MassMaintenac. Rules-CoverEligibilty

FM7U Multiple Processing of Assgts to CE

FM80 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Display

FM81 Budget Incr. Rev. Maint. - Update

FM9B FM: Copy Budget Version

FM9C Plan Data Transfer from CO

FM9D FM: Block Budget Version

FM9E FM: Unblock Budget Version

FM9K FIFM: Change Budget Structure

FM9L FM: Display Budget Structure

FM9M FM: Delete Budget Structure

FM9N FM: Generate Budget Object

FM9O Copy Supplement Budget

FM9P Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values

FM9Q FM: Total Up Budget

FM9QBTP Reconstruct Budget per Budget Type

FM9QBUD FM: Reconstruct Budget

FM9QRIB FM: Reconstr. of Additional Revenues

FM9R Loc.Auth.: Change Budget Structure

FM9S HHM: Generate Net Vote Objects

FM9T Check Assignment Object

FM9TBUD Check budget objects

FM9U FM: Checking Budget Consistency

FM9W Adjust Funds Management Budget

FM9X FM: Delete Budget 1 Commitment Item

FM9Y FM: Copy BS - Year-Dependent StD.

FM9Z FM: Transfer Budget Structure

FM9ZA10 Budget Structure Mass Processing

FMA1 Matching: Totals and Balances (CBM)

FMA2 Matching: CBM Line Items and Totals

FMA3 Matching: FI Line Items (CBM)

FMA4 Matching: FI Bank Line Items (CBM)

FMAA Matching: Line Items and Totals (FM)

FMAB Matching: FI FM Line Items

FMABPDERIVE Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing

FMABPDERIVER Auto. Budget Postings - Customizing

FMABPDERIVER_BR ABP for Budgt Recovery - Customizing


FMABPDERIVE_BR ABP for Budgt Recovery - Customizing



FMABP_COR_AWORG ABP cor. for follow on document

FMADB_CREATE_FYV Create Period Variant on Daily Basis

FMADB_CUSTOM Average Daily Balances: Customizing

FMADB_POST Average Daily Balances: Allocation

FMADB_TRACE Trace of Last ADB Run

FMAF Level Line Items and Totals Items

FMAG GR/IR Analysis in FM

FMAO Requests Journal

FMARC Initial Archiving Run

FMARC_BATCH Initial Archiving Run

FMAR_AT Archive Totals Records f. Cmmt/Act.

FMAR_BCS_ED Archive Budget Entry Documents (BCS)

FMAR_BCS_LI Archive Budget Line Item (BCS)

FMAR_BCS_TT Archive Budget Totals Records (BCS)

FMAR_BE Archive Budget Entry Documents

FMAR_BH Archive Budget Hierarchy Documents

FMAR_BT Archive Budget Totals Records

FMAR_CO Archive CO Line Items

FMAR_FI Archive FI Line Items

FMAR_OI Archive Commitment Line Items

FMAVC1 Prepare Cross Assignments Clearing

FMAVCCD FM AVC change document number ranges

FMAVCCUST01 Display Control Ledger Customizing

FMAVCCUSTDEF Check AVC Customizing (FM)

FMAVCDERIACTG Derivation of Activity Groups

FMAVCDERIAO Derivation of control object (ACO)

FMAVCDERIAOCPY Copy strategy for derivation of ACO

FMAVCDERIAODEL Delete strategy for deriving ACO

FMAVCDERIAOPREDEF Add predefined steps (AFMA)

FMAVCDERIAOR Derivation of control object (ACO)

FMAVCDERICH Derivation of checking horizon

FMAVCDERICHR Deriv. Rules, Deriv. of Checkng Hor.

FMAVCDERITPROF Derivation of tolerance profile

FMAVCDERITPROFCPY Copy strategy for derivation of TolP

FMAVCDERITPROFDEL Delete strategy for deriving TolProf

FMAVCDERITPROFR Derivation of tolerance profile


FMAVCDIFF Find AVC Data Inconsistencies


FMAVCH01 Overview of AVC Data

FMAVCINDINCON Find AVC Index Inconsistencies

FMAVCINDMISS Find Missing AVC Index Entries




FMAVCMSGD Show details of FMAVC messages


FMAVCR01 Display Annual Data of Control Obj.

FMAVCR02 Display Overall Data of Control Obj.

FMAVCREINIT Re-Initialize AVC Ledger

FMAVC_TEST_QUEUE Simulate Queue Processing

FMB0 CO Document Transfer

FMBA Abschluß Barkasse

FMBAS_DERI_ACC Show Derived FM Account Assignment

FMBB Budgeting Workbench

FMBBC Create Entry Document

FMBELI Processing list

FMBG1 Input tax adjustmnt(monthly) for PCO

FMBG2 Input tax adjustmnt (yearly) for PCO

FMBG3 Display input tax adjustments

FMBGCP Copy acc. assignment allocations

FMBGD Cash Dis. and Backdated Tax Calculn

FMBGJ Execute Annual Adjustments

FMBGKONT Assign FM Account Assgnts to PCOs

FMBGM Execute Monthly Adjustments

FMBGU Reset Input Tax Adjustment

FMBGUL Sales Tax List PCOs

FMBGV Calculate Input Tax Deduction Rate

FMBI Posting Line-Based Budget Increase

FMBLBASIC BL Account classification

FMBLCLASS BL Account classification

FMBLCOAD Colombia budgetary ledger derivation

FMBLCOADR Colombia budgetary ledger derivation

FMBLCORR Budgetary Ledger Correction

FMBLEXCLWASHOUT BL Account classification

FMBLEXT BL Accounts for Extensions

FMBLEXT0 Set account balance to zero

FMBLEXTR CO-PA BL Account Rule for Extensions

FMBLYRCL1 Year End Acc. Ass. derivation

FMBLYRCL2 US BL federal government derivation

FMBO Pflege Betrags-/Verdichtungsobjekte

FMBODP Pflege der Dyn. Performs

FMBOSTAT Maintain budget object & status

FMBPD Budget Period: Maintain

FMBPD_D Budget Period: Display

FMBPD_DELETE FM: Delete Budget Periods

FMBPD_DISPLAY Display Budget Period

FMBPD_LIST FM: Budget Period Report

FMBPD_MASS FM: Mass assignment of BPs to funds

FMBPLOGSHOW Display Retraction Log

FMBPLOGSHOW_BCS Display Retraction Log

FMBPNO Number Range Maintenance: FM_BPREPBW

FMBPQV Create Query Variant

FMBPQV_BCS Create Query Variant

FMBPRET Budget data transfer

FMBPREVERSE Cancel Retractor Run

FMBPREVERSE_BCS Cancel Retractor Run

FMBPRRC Change Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRC_BCS Maintain Derivation Rules BCS

FMBPRRC_COMMON Change Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRI Create Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRI_BCS Create Derivation Strategy BCS

FMBPRRI_COMMON Create Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRS Display Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRS_BCS Display Derivation Strategy

FMBPRRS_COMMON Display Derivation Strategy

FMBSBO Change Budget Addresses

FMBSBOHIS Change History of Budget Addresses

FMBSBOHISDEL Delete Change History of Budg. Addr.

FMBSBOS Dispay Budget Addresses

FMBSBO_DATA Budget data on invalid objects

FMBSBO_DEL Delete budget objects

FMBSBO_GEN Generate budget objects from budget

FMBSBO_HIE_MULT Maintain Hierarchical Budget Address

FMBSBO_INCON_DEL Delete Inconsistent Budget Address

FMBSBO_MULT Maintain budget objects

FMBSCPY Copy budget structure objects

FMBSDERIBO Derivation of Budget Address

FMBSDERIBOCPY Copy strategy for deriving bud. addr

FMBSDERIBODEL Delete strategy for budget addresses

FMBSDERIBOPREDEF Add predefined steps (BSAC)

FMBSDERIBOR Deriv. Rules, Deriv. of Budget Addr.

FMBSIDX_INCON Display index inconsistencies

FMBSIDX_RECON Reconstruct budget structure index

FMBSPO Change Posting Addresses

FMBSPOHIS Change History of Posting Addresses

FMBSPOHISDEL Delete Change History of Post. Addr.

FMBSPOS Display Posting Addresses

FMBSPO_DATA Actual/Commitment on invalid objects

FMBSPO_DEL Delete posting objects

FMBSPO_GEN Generate posting objects from data

FMBSPO_HIE_MULT Maintain Hierarchical Posting Addr.

FMBSPO_INCON_DEL Delete Inconsistent Posting Address

FMBSPO_MULT Maintain posting objects

FMBS_STAT Budget Structure Settings

FMBTB Transfer Budget Totals to FI-BL

FMBUD001 Export ISPS Budget Data

FMBUD002 Import ISPS Budget Data

FMBUD003 Export from Local Auth. Budget Data

FMBUD004 Import from Local. Auth. Budget Data

FMBUD007 Export of Financial Results

FMBUD008 Import Financial Results

FMBUDACT Budget/Actuals allowed for BL

FMBUD_APP Mass Budget Approval

FMBV FM: Activate Availability Control

FMBY1 Budget Period Control: Applications

FMBY100 BP Ctrl: Field Grouping per Activity

FMBY101 BP Ctrl: Field Grouping per Role

FMBY108 BP Ctrl: Field Grouping per Appl Obj

FMBY11 BP Ctrl: Assign Scrn Field to DB

FMBY12 Budget Pd Ctrl: Field Group Criteria

FMBY13 Budget Pd Ctrl: Role Categories

FMBY14 Budget Pd Ctrl: Role Category Grpng

FMBY15 Budget Pd Ctrl: Appltn Transactions

FMBY16 Budget Period Control: Tables

FMBY17 Budget Pd Ctrl: External Applicatns

FMBY18 Budget Period Control: Activities

FMBY19 BP Ctrl: Fld Grpng for Each Activity

FMBY2 Budget Period Control: Field Groups

FMBY23 Budget Period Control: Data Sets

FMBY3 Budget Period Control: Views

FMBY4 Budget Period Control: Sections

FMBY5 Budget Period Control: Screens

FMBY6 Budget Period Ctrl: Screen Sequences

FMBY7 Budget Period Control: Events

FMBY8 Budget Pd Ctrl: GUI Stand. Functions

FMBY9 Budget Pd Ctrl: GUI Addtnl Functions

FMB_A01 Budget Consumption View

FMB_B01 Budget View by Document Type

FMB_B02 Budget View by Process

FMB_PL01 Budget Lines Vs. Commt./Actual Line

FMB_PT01 Budget Totals Vs. Commt./Actual Tot.

FMC2 Customizing in Day-to-Day Business

FMCAALOT Approval Write-Off

FMCAARFB0 Residence Time of Form Bundle

FMCAARFB1 Archiving of Form Bundle

FMCAARFB2 Activate AS for Form Bundles

FMCABILL Public Sector Billing

FMCABILLI Object-Based Tax Billing

FMCABILLM Object-Based Tax Billing

FMCABP B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search

FMCABP1 B. Partner Asset w. Duplicate Search

FMCABRFCIMP BRF: Copy Implementation Classes

FMCABRFGEN BRF: Generate Expressions

FMCABRFTRANS BRF: Transport Application Classes

FMCAC1 Create Contract Partner & Customer

FMCAC2 Change Contract Partner & Customer

FMCAC3 Display Contract Partner & Customer

FMCACOLLAG Derivation Cllction Agncy - Custom.

FMCACOLLAGE Derivation Cllction Agncy - Mainte.

FMCACOV Business Partner Overview

FMCACOVP Business Partner Overview

FMCADERIVE FM Deriv. Transactions - Customizing

FMCADERIVE2 FM Derivation Trans. - Distributor

FMCADERIVER FM Deriv. Transactions - Maintenance

FMCADLOT Resubmission Write-Off

FMCADOCA Approval List for Doc. Changes

FMCAFOBI Form-Based Tax Bill

FMCAFOBIS Form-Based Tax Bill

FMCAFPFCP Copy a Form Bundle

FMCAFPFIMG Display IMG Activity for Form Proc.


FMCAFPFM2 Migration of Tax Returns to FPF

FMCAGTRINVBILL_DISP Display Grantor Billing Doc. (PSCD)

FMCAGTRINV_M Mass Invoicing (Grantor)

FMCAGTRINV_S Single Invoicing (Grantor)

FMCAILOT Approval Installment Plan

FMCAINCOC Generate Inbound Correspondences

FMCAINCOH Process Inbound Correspondence

FMCAINVH Invoice History

FMCAM1 Generate Inbound Correspondences

FMCAM1_OLD Generate Inbound Correspondence

FMCAM2 Generate Invoices

FMCAOGRM Generate Docs from General Requests

FMCAORDNR2 Number Range Maintenance: FMCA_ORD

FMCAPFBI Update Delta Queues for Form Bundles

FMCAPFBI_GEN Generate BI Extractor for Form Data

FMCAPFPF Mass Activity for Form Process

FMCAPFPFS Process Form Bundle

FMCASKV Differences in Cash Discount Clearng

FMCAV1 Create Contract Partner & Vendor

FMCAV2 Change Contract Partner & Vendor

FMCAV3 Display Contract Partner & Vendor

FMCA_AIH IS-PS-CA Archiving Invoice History

FMCA_BRF Configure BRF

FMCA_BRFP_GEN Generate objects for call procedure

FMCA_BRFP_GEN_DISP Display objects in generation mode

FMCA_COUPON Generate Coupon Books

FMCA_DUN_EA Update Enf. Action from Dunning

FMCA_EATYREPL Replicate Enforcement Action Type

FMCA_EHVD Customer Overview - Data Selection

FMCA_GEN_WD_FROM_UI Generate WD form UI for ISR scenario

FMCA_GRANT_FICA_ACT Activate the use of Grant for FICA

FMCA_P050 Estimation Posting for Ind Cor. Req.

FMCA_P052 Deactivate Enhanced Inbnd Corresp.

FMCA_P053 Settings for Enh. Inbound Corresp.

FMCA_P673 Maintain Exception List Messages

FMCA_PT_REISPL Information System: Parcels

FMCA_SN Snapshot Types

FMCA_TRM_OBN_BP OBN for Contract Object

FMCA_TRM_OBN_CO OBN for Contract Object

FMCA_TRM_OBN_ICR OBN for Creating Enhanced EKA

FMCA_TRM_OBN_INV OBN for Invoicing Document

FMCA_TRM_OBN_OA OBN for Optical Archive

FMCA_TRM_REL_LINKS Configure Useful Links

FMCA_TRM_YOUCANALSO Configure Other Options

FMCB Reassignment: Document Selection

FMCC Reassignment: FM-CO Assignment

FMCCA Def. of FM CC - Address based

FMCCAVCCUSTDEF Check Cash Control Customizing

FMCCAVCDERIACTG Derivation of Activity Group

FMCCAVCDERIACTGR Derivation of Activity Groups

FMCCAVCDERIAO Derivation of Control Object

FMCCAVCDERIAOR CC Derivation control object (ACO)

FMCCAVCDERICH Derivation of Control Object

FMCCAVCDERICHR CC Derivation of check horizon

FMCCAVCDERITPROF Derivation of Activity Group

FMCCAVCDERITPROFR CC Derivation of tolerance profile

FMCCAVCOVERVIEW Overview of Cash control Values


FMCCAVCREINIT Re-Initialize Cash Control Ledger

FMCCAVC_F110 F110 for Cash Control exclusively

FMCCD Def. of FM CC - Document based

FMCCFB Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF

FMCCFBR Strategy for Prohibiting Budget CF

FMCCF_CORR Correct Budget From CCF

FMCCF_MONI Fiscal Year Change Monitor

FMCCOVR FM Obligation Closeout

FMCCR01 Consistency Check Report

FMCD Reassignment: Delete Work List

FMCECPYCG Copy Cover Groups

FMCECVGPNR Maintain No.Range Intvl for Cvr Grps


FMCEGENCG Generate CE Rules

FMCEHISCG Change History of CE Rules

FMCEHISDEL Delete Change History Records for CE

FMCEMON01 Overview of Automatic Cover Groups


FMCEMSGD Show details of FMCE messages

FMCERG Strategy for Generating CE Rules

FMCERGR Derivation Rules in CE Rule Strategy

FMCERULE Process Single CE Rule

FMCG Reassignment: Overall Assignment

FMCG_CHAIN Reassignment: Full Selection(Chains)

FMCIA Edit Commitment Item

FMCIC Display commitment item

FMCID Change Commitment Item: Hierarchy

FMCIE Display Commitment Item: Hierarchy

FMCIH Commt Items: Alternative Hierarchy

FMCI_COPY_NEXT_YEAR Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year

FMCI_FYC Copy Cmmt Items into Following Year

FMCI_REPLACE_HIVARNT Replace Hierarchy Variant Assignment

FMCJ Maintain cash journal

FMCL FM Closeout of Obligations

FMCN Reassignment: Supplement.Acct Assgt

FMCOMPARESTRATEGY Compare Derivation Strategy

FMCP_EF_CLOSE Close Earmarked Funds for Contracts

FMCP_EF_CREATE Create Earmarked Funds for Contracts

FMCR Reassignment: Display Work List

FMCT Reassignment: Transfer

FMCUDERIVAL Derivation strategy to create line

FMCUDERIVDALE Derivation strategy for ALE distribu

FMCUDERIVMIG Derivation strategy for migration

FMCUDERIVMIGED Derivation strategy for migration

FMCUDERIVSUB Derivation strategy for substitution

FMCYCOPI_BW Transfer of SAP BW PlanData to BCS

FMCYCOPI_CO Transfer of CO Planning Data to BCS

FMCYDOC Copy Budget Documents

FMCYFREEZE Copy budget data (freeze)

FMCYFREEZEN Copy budget data (freeze)

FMCYINIT Initialize budget data

FMCYLOAD Copy budget data (load)

FMCYLOADN Copy budget data (load)

FMCYPREP Copy budget data (preparation)

FMCYRESET Reset budget data (preparation)

FMCYTEXT Copy Budget Text

FMD0 HHM:Nachtr.Sammelnachw.Plan anzeigen

FMD1 FM: Change Carryforward Rules

FMD2 FM: Display Carryforward Rules

FMD7 FM: Change Supplement Budget Plan

FMD8 FM: Display Supplement Budget Plan

FMD9 FM: Change Suppl. Coll. Expend. Plan

FMDA FM: Change Budget Plan

FMDAOPA Clear Down Payments

FMDB FM: Display Budget Plan

FMDC FM: Change Collect. Expend. Planning

FMDD FM: Display Collect. Expnd. planning

FMDE FM: Loc. Auth.: Change Fin. Result


FMDERIVATIONANALYSIS Analysis Report on FM Derivations

FMDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing

FMDERIVER FM Object Assignment - Maintenance


FMDF FM: Loc. Auth.: Display Fin. Result

FMDG FM: Loc. Auth.: Change FR in CE

FMDH FM: Loc. Auth.: Display FR in CE

FMDI FM Loc. Auth.: Copy Budget Version

FMDI01 Data Transfer in Direct Input

FMDJ FM: Transfer Financial Result

FMDK FM Loc. Auth.: Change Net Voting

FMDL FM Loc. Auth.: Display Net Voting

FMDM Monitor Closing Operations

FMDMR1 Display Assignment Rules for Process

FMDMR2 Display Assignmt. Rules for Val.Type

FMDN FM: Integration in Balance Hierarchy

FMDO FM: Loc. Auth.: Transfer Bdgt Values

FMDO0 HHM : Übernehmen von Vorjahreswerten

FMDO1 FM: Revaluate Original Budget

FMDO2 FM: Revaluation of Supplement

FMDOCREV Mass Reversal of FM Documents

FMDPEF Create Down Paym. with EF reference

FMDPEF_DET Create Down Paym. with EF reference

FMDPREF Create Down Paym. Req. with EF ref.

FMDPREF_DET Create Down Paym. Req. with EF ref.

FMDS Copy Carryforward Rules

FMDT Display Carryforward Rules

FMDV FM: Residual Budget Data Transfer

FMDW FM: Financ. Result CE Data Transfer

FMDX FM: Coll. Expend. Plan Data Transfer

FMDY FM: Financial Result Data Transfer

FMDZ FM: Budget Planning Data Transfer

FME1 Import Forms from Client 000

FME2 Import Reports from Client 000

FME3 Transport Forms

FME4 Transport Reports

FME5 Reorganize Forms

FME6 Reorganize Drilldown Reports

FME7 Reorganize Report Data

FME8 Maintain Batch Variants

FME9 Translation Tool - Drilldown

FMECDERIVE FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance

FMECDERIVER FMEUF Object Assignment -Maintenance

FMEDANALYZER Analyzis of possible Duplicated Docs

FMEDD Display Entry Document

FMEDDH Display Budget Documents

FMEDDW Drilldown for Budget Entry Documents

FMEDFAMNR FM document family number ranges

FMEDHISTDEL Delete history of Entry Document

FMEDHISTDIS Display history of Entry Document

FMEDNR FM entry document number ranges

FMEG Pflege der Summierung Gruppen Epl

FMEH SAP-EIS: Hierarchy maintenance

FMEK FMCA: Create Drilldown Report

FMEL FMCA: Change Drilldown Report

FMEM FMCA: Display Drilldown Report

FMEN FMCA: Create Form

FMEO FMCA: Change Form

FMEP FMCA: Display Form

FMEQ FMCA: Run Drilldown Report

FMER FMCA: Drilldown Tool Test Monitor

FMEUFDD Display Original Document

FMEUFFINTYP Display Financing Source Type

FMEUFINTERV Define Intervention


FMEUFLP1 Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Manager

FMEUFLP2 Set Up Launchpad for Cert. Accountnt

FMEUFPROC Display Certification Procedure

FMEUFRCODE Maintain Regional Codes

FMEUFTAXHAND Display Certification Procedure

FMEUF_CUST Expenditure Certification Custom.

FMEURO05 Delete Euro FM Area

FMEURO1 Create Euro FM Area

FMEURO2 Refresh Euro Master Data

FMEURO3 Display Euro FM Areas

FMEURO4 Deactivate Euro FM Area

FMEV Maintain Global Variable

FMF0 Payment Selection

FMF1 Revenue Transfer

FMFA_0001 FMFA: Applications

FMFA_0002 FMFA: Field Groups

FMFA_0003 FMFA: Views

FMFA_0004 FMFA: Sections

FMFA_0005 FMFA: Screens

FMFA_0006 FMFA: Screen Sequences

FMFA_0007 FMFA: Events

FMFA_0008 FMFA: GUI Standard Functions

FMFA_0009 FMFA: GUI Additional Functions

FMFA_0011 FMFA: Assign Screen Field->DB Field

FMFA_0012 FMFA: Field Grouping Criteria

FMFA_0013 FMFA: Role Categories

FMFA_0015 FMFA: Application Transactions

FMFA_0016 FMFA: Tables

FMFA_0018 FMFA: Activities

FMFA_0104 FMFA: Applications

FMFA_0106 FMFA: Assign Object Part --> Note ID

FMFA_0108 Edit Funct. Area Field Sel. String

FMFEE Calculate Fees for US Federal

FMFGAPAAC Acc. Property account assignment cat

FMFGAPCON Acc. Property Main Settings

FMFGAPCR Accountable Property program

FMFGAPMT Accountable Property Movement Types

FMFGAPTR Acc. Property Transaction Types

FMFGBUTYPE Budget Type attributes



FMFGCCRUPDATE Update CCR data using data file

FMFGCCRUPLOAD Upload Initial CCR Data File

FMFGCCRVENDORCREATE Create Vendor Master from CCR Data

FMFGCCRVENDORUPDATE Update Vendor Master from CCR Data

FMFGCCR_CREATE PSM-FG: Create/Update CCR Vendors


FMFGDRVCOCKPIT Federal Extension Derivation Data

FMFGDRVCOCKPIT_IMG Federal Extension Derivation Access

FMFGDRVTRACE Display US Federal derivation trace

FMFGF2_ATTRIBUTES Configure Attributes

FMFGRCN_DEF_RULE Reconciliation Rule Definition

FMFGRCN_DEF_SLICE Reconciliation Slice Definition

FMFGSUBTOT Reconciliation Subtotal Texts

FMFGTB US Federal: Trial Balance Report

FMFGTCL Congressional Limitations (St. Fund)

FMFGYEFIELDS Collected fields year end

FMFG_AADISP Display Items by Acct. Assignment

FMFG_AAPAY Partial Clearing by Acct. Assignment

FMFG_ACC_CLOSEOUT Closeout of the Residual Accounts

FMFG_ADJUST_SO Adjust Sales Order

FMFG_AUTO_TC Treasury Confirmation - Automated

FMFG_CANCELED_AP Canceled Fund for Account Payable-FI

FMFG_CANCELED_AP_MM Canceled Fund for Account Payable-MM

FMFG_CANCELED_AR Canceled Fund for Acct Receivable-FI

FMFG_CANCEL_FUND A/R Cancel Fund Automatic Posting

FMFG_DIT_FBT Maintain List of DIT/FBT Accts

FMFG_DOCT_ADJ Document types for adjustments

FMFG_EF_POST Post parked Earmark fund documents

FMFG_EXCLUDE_INVOICE Exclude Invoice from PPA Calculation

FMFG_E_1099_C Tax Form 1099-C

FMFG_E_BR1 Statement of Budgetary Resources

FMFG_E_BS1 Balance Sheet

FMFG_E_CA1 Statement of Custodial Activities

FMFG_E_CF budget carry forward with subtypes

FMFG_E_CL0 Preclosing Rollup

FMFG_E_CL1 Preclosing rollup: fund type rules

FMFG_E_CL2 Preclosing rollup: fund rules

FMFG_E_FI1 Statement of Financing

FMFG_E_FMS1219 FMS 1219/1220 Accountability Reports

FMFG_E_NET_COST Statement of Net Cost

FMFG_E_NP1 Statement of Changes in Net Position

FMFG_E_RB1 Reclassified Balance Sheet

FMFG_E_RC1 Reclassified Statement of Net Cost

FMFG_E_REL Release Budget

FMFG_E_RLAYOUT Tool Program for Reporting Layout(s)

FMFG_E_RP1 Reclassified Stmt of Net Position

FMFG_E_SF1081 US Federal SF1081 - Voucher process

FMFG_E_SF132 SF-132

FMFG_E_SF133 SF-133

FMFG_E_SF224 SF-224 Statement of Transactions

FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_CHG SF-224: Maintain ALC GWA Master Data

FMFG_E_SF224_ALC_GWA SF-224: Display ALC GWA Master Data

FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVE SF-224 - Customizing

FMFG_E_SF224_DERIVER SF-224 - Customizing

FMFG_E_SF224_TS Treasury Subclasses

FMFG_E_TP1 Trial Balance Tie-Points

FMFG_E_TRANS_REG Transaction Register

FMFG_E_YFITRG02 Document Listing

FMFG_E_ZFZALI00 Payment Settlement List

FMFG_E_ZOPAC Online Payment and Collection System

FMFG_F2_TRANS Maintain Transfer Agency and Account

FMFG_FP_REL_LIV Release Blocked Fast Pay Invoices

FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_BCS 5-Column Status of Funds in BCS

FMFG_FUNDS_AVAIL_SPL 5-Column Status of Funds in FI-SL


FMFG_GTAS_ACBLDEF Specify GTAS Account Balances

FMFG_GTAS_CONV GTAS Conversion/Initialization

FMFG_GTAS_FILE Create GTAS bulk file

FMFG_HELD_INVOICES List for Parked and Held Documents

FMFG_IMPROP_REASONS Reason code maintenance

FMFG_INVCANCEL Cancel Invoice and Subsequent Docs

FMFG_INVSTAT Maintain Invoice Statuses

FMFG_INV_STAGES FMFG: Invoice Stages Activation

FMFG_IPAC US Federal IPAC Interface Process

FMFG_IPACED US Federal IPAC Interface Process



FMFG_IPACED_REVERSE IPACed Bulk File Confrm. Reverse Pro

FMFG_IPAC_CNFRM IPAC Confirmation Process

FMFG_IPAC_REGENERATE Regenerate previous produced bulk fi

FMFG_IPAC_REVERSE IPAC Bulk File Reverse Process

FMFG_IPAC_SNUM Number range maintenance: IPAC_DOCR

FMFG_MAN_RFC_CONFIRM Treasury Confirmation

FMFG_MM_PENDING PO Pending Changes Report

FMFG_OBJ_CLASS_FILE Create Object Class bulk file

FMFG_PMT_TYPE Maintain Pmt Method to Pmt Type map

FMFG_PO_HISTORY Purchase Order History

FMFG_PO_POST Post the held PO's


FMFG_PPA_TO_VENDOR Transfer PPA Flag to Vendor

FMFG_PP_CLEAR Federal Payment Program Clearing

FMFG_PROG_ACT_FILE Create Program Activity bulk file

FMFG_PROG_REPT_CODE Program Report Category - FACTS II

FMFG_PR_POST Post the held PR's

FMFG_RCN_DERIVE1 Reconciliation: Derivation cust.

FMFG_RCN_DERIVE2 Reconciliation: Derivation cust.

FMFG_RCN_DERIVE3 Reconciliation: Derivation cust

FMFG_RCV Treasury Report on Receivables

FMFG_REASON_CODE Improper Reason Code Report

FMFG_REV_DPR_EF Rev. Unused Down Payment Req. for EF

FMFG_RFC_REGE Regenerate IPAC file Using PMW

FMFG_RPTA_DERIVE Reporting Attributes - Customizing

FMFG_RPTA_DERIVER Reporting Attributes - Customizing

FMFG_RPT_E_UNFILLED Close Out Unfilled Orders

FMFG_SF108_CONFRM SF1081/80 Confirmation/Cash Check

FMFG_SF108_REPRNT SF1081/80 Reprint Output

FMFG_SF108_REV SF1081/80 Reversal Confrmed Doc

FMFG_SF108_REV_UNCON SF1081/80 Reverse Unconfirmed Doc

FMFG_SO_ADJ_DERIVE SO Adjustment Program - Customizing

FMFG_SO_ADJ_DERIVER SO Adjustment Program - Customizing

FMFG_SO_HISTORY Sales Order History

FMFG_SPS_PAM_SUMM PAM SPS Summary File Creation

FMFG_SPS_SUMM SPS Summary File Creation

FMFG_SS_APPROVAL Payment Sampling Approval Process

FMFG_SS_BATCH Payment Statistical Sampling - Invoi

FMFG_SS_CERTIFY Payment Sampling Certification Proce

FMFG_SS_STATUS Payment Sampling Process Status Repo

FMFG_SS_USERS Statistical Sampling Clerk/Superviso

FMFG_TC_REVERSE Treasury Confirm Reverse Process

FMFG_TC_REV_CHECKS US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - check

FMFG_TC_REV_SCHEDULE US Fed. TC Schedule Reversal - Sched

FMFG_TRANS_DP2CUSREC Transfer DP to Customer Receivable

FMFG_TREASURY_CONFIR Treasury Confirmation

FMFG_UPD_SL_LINES Update 95/96/97 ledger line items

FMFG_WAREHOUSE Prompt Payment Analysis



FMFG_YEAR_END_CLOSE Year End close open balance

FMFG_YEC_LOAD_RULES Year End Close Load Rules

FMFG_YRCL Year end closing rules

FMFI Execute program RFFMCJFI

FMFPCOPY Copy Assgmt of Cmmt Item to Rev Type

FMFU Pflege Grupp. Finanzierungsübersicht

FMFUDERI Fund and Function Derivation

FMFUDERIR Fund and Function Derivation: Rules

FMFV Pflege der Fußnote Anlage 2c

FMG1 Create Budget Structure Template

FMG2 Change Budget Structure Template

FMG3 Display Budget Structure Template

FMG4 Delete Budget Structure Template

FMG5 Generate BS Object from BS Template

FMGL Maintain Text for Grouping

FMGL_COFIMONITOR Monitor Balancing CO-FI Postings

FMGL_PERIOD_CONTROL Posting Periods for Gnral Ldr Fields

FMGP Gruppierungen zur Grup.Übersicht

FMGR Maintain Texts for Grouping

FMGRPM Gruppierungen zu Themen

FMGS Pflege der Summierung Grp. Übersicht

FMGU Pflege des Gruppierungsplans

FMGX Commitment Item Issue to UNIX-File

FMGY Create Commitment Items via UNIX

FMHC Check Bdgt Structure Elements in HR

FMHG Generate Bdgt Struc Elements in HR

FMHGG Generate BS Elements f. Several Fnds

FMHIE_CHANGE Process Hierarchy

FMHIE_CHKINCONDATA Check MBS Data for Inconsistencies

FMHIE_CHKINCONDISTR Check Distr. for Inconsistencies

FMHIE_COPY Copy hierarchical budget structure

FMHIE_DELETE Delete hierarchical budget structure

FMHIE_DISPLAY Display hierarchical budget structur

FMHIE_EXPORT Export Multi Level Budget Structure

FMHIE_GENERATION Generate Generate Hierarchy

FMHIE_HIEID Create/Assign Sub-Hierarchy ID

FMHIE_IMPORT Import Multi Level Budget structure

FMHIST Apportion Document in FM

FMHK Copy Control Data

FMHQ Pflege Grupp. Haushaltsquerschnitt

FMHS Pflege zur Haushaltsansatzstatistik

FMHU Pflege zur Haushaltsansatzstatistik

FMHV Budget Memo Texts

FMIA Indiv. Processing of Revs Incr. Bdgt

FMIB Posting Line-Based Budget Increase

FMIC Generate Additional Budget Incr.Data

FMIF Correction Report for RIB-FB

FMIK Copy Rules for Revs Incr. the Budget

FMIL Delete Rules for Revs Incr. Budget

FMIP Edit Revenues Increasing Bdgt Rules

FMIPCT Payment Transfer: Customizing

FMIR Detail Maintenance of Open Int Rules

FMIS Display Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget

FMIT Totals-Based Distribution Procedure

FMITPO Payment Transfer

FMIU Maintain Rules for Revs.Incr.Budget

FMIV Pflegeview 'Innere Verrechnungen'

FMJ0 Manual Zero Carryforward

FMJ2 Year-End Closing: Carryfwd Cmmts

FMJ2_D Carryfwrd Cmmt Accrd. to Entry Date

FMJ3 Reverse Commitments Carryforward

FMJA Budget Year-End Closing: Prepare

FMJB Budget Year-End Closing: Determine

FMJC Budget Year-End Closing: Carry Fwd

FMJD Reverse Fiscal Year Close: Budget

FMJM Maintain residual budget application

FMJN Display residual budget application

FMJO Maintain residual budget approval

FMJP Display residual budget approval

FMJ_ANZ Carry Forward Down Payments

FMJ_APP Approval Step Cmmt Carryforward

FMJ_CHAIN1 Check Chains Consistency

FMJ_DISP Display Cmmt Carryforward Approval

FMJ_DISPLAY Display FM Commt Carryforward Docs

FMJ_FICA Transfer Open Items from FI-CA

FMK2 Pflege der Teilelemente einer HHST

FMK3 Pflege der Formularzuordnung

FMK4 Mandantencopy fuer FMDYNHST

FMKBO_M Monitor Reporting/Kennzahlen

FMKD Kontoauszug Debitor

FMKF Pflege Gliederung Finanzplan Invest.

FMKFDEF FM Definition of Key Figures

FMKFH01 Key Figures Reporting tools

FMKFR01 Display budget data

FMKG Text zur Gliederung

FMKK Kontoauszug Kreditor

FMKO Finanzpositionen-Alphabetische Liste

FMKO_RFFMKAUS Liste aller SN-Buchungsstellen

FMKO_RFFMKBHA Sicht Ausgaben

FMKO_RFFMKBHE Sicht auf eine HHstelle: Einnahmen

FMKO_RFFMKBHH Uebersicht Bewirtschaftung

FMKO_RFFMKBHV Sicht Verwahr und Vorschuß

FMKO_RFFMKBVSX Vergleich Saldenbudgetierung

FMKO_RFFMKDED Übersicht über die einseitige Deck.

FMKO_RFFMKDGD Übersicht der Deckungsringe

FMKO_RFFMKDKZ Liste aller Kurzkennzeichen

FMKO_RFFMKEVMNX Einzelplan Vermögenshaushalt

FMKO_RFFMKEVMX Einzelplan Vermögenshaushalt

FMKO_RFFMKEVWNX Einzelplan Nachtrag

FMKO_RFFMKEVWX Einzelplan Verwaltungshaushalt

FMKO_RFFMKFPAX Finanzplan - Verdichtete Form

FMKO_RFFMKFPIX Investitionsmassnahmen

FMKO_RFFMKGB2X Gesamtplan Teil B

FMKO_RFFMKGEAX Gesamtplan Teil A

FMKO_RFFMKGEBX Gesamtplan Teil B

FMKO_RFFMKGECX Gesamtplan Teil C

FMKO_RFFMKGEDX Gesamtplan Teil D

FMKO_RFFMKHHSX Haushaltsansatzstatistik


FMKO_RFFMKJR1 Jahresrechnung: Übersicht

FMKO_RFFMKJR1_TRE Rechnungsergebnis speichern

FMKO_RFFMKSML Aufteilung auf Auflösungs

FMKO_RFFMKSNR Sammelnachweishierarchie

FMKO_RFFMKSSN Liste der Aufloesungsunterabschnitte


FMKO_RFFMKTZB Zeitbuch ( Tagesabschluß )

FMKO_RFFMKVBU Sammelnachweis-Buchungsstellen
FMKO_RFFMKVERX Übersicht über Verpflichtungserm.

FMKO_RFFMKVVG Versionsvergleich (Haushaltsplanung)

FMKO_RFFMREBU Verteilbarwerte: Budget / Freigaben

FMKS Pflege der Summierung zum Fipl. A

FMKU Text zur Gruppierung


FMKUDB Display BCS Data Analysis

FMKUDELDATA Delete BCS database tables

FMKUDOCRESET Reset BCS Entry Documents

FMKUMIGDOC Migrate FB Documents to BCS

FMKUMIGTEXT Migration FB Budget Text to BCS

FMKUMIGTOT Migrate FBS totals to BCS totals

FMKUTOTCOL Collect Budget Totals

FML1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger

FML2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger

FML3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger

FML4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger

FMLBH Data Integrity Analysis for ML

FMLD Ledger Deletion

FMLF Classify Movement Types

FMLGD_H_CUST Clearing Control

FMLGD_H_ELKO Basic Settings Elctr. Bank Statement

FMLID Display Change Document

FMLIDW Drilldown for Change Documents

FMLINR FM line item document number ranges

FMLSHOWCUST Show ML Customizing Settings

FML_MIG_CHECK Check Material Ledger migration

FML_MIG_CHECK_STATUS Status of ML migration check

FML_MIG_CUST Migrate Material Ledger Customizing

FML_MIG_DEL Deletion of Material Ledger data

FML_MIG_START Material Ledger Production Startup

FML_MIG_STATUS Status of Material Ledger Migration

FMMACGPERC Edit percentage per cover group

FMMC FM Obligation Closeout

FMMDAUTO FM: Auto. Creation of Master Data

FMMDCICOPY Copy commitment item substrings

FMMDFCCOPY Copy funds center substrings

FMMDFDCOPY Copy fund substrings

FMMDFNCOPY Copy functional area substrings

FMMD_SETGEN Generate Substring Groups

FMME1 Funded Program Control: Applications

FMME10 Funded Program Control: Search Help

FMME100 FPC: Field Group per Activitiy

FMME101 FPC: Field Group per Role

FMME102 FPC: Authorization Types

FMME103 FPC: Field Groups for Authorizations

FMME104 Funded Program Control: Screen confi

FMME105 FPC: Field Group for Ext.Application

FMME106 FPC: Note View for Role Category

FMME107 FPC: Where-Used View

FMME108 FPC: Client-Wide Field Grouping

FMME109 Field Group Criteria by FM Area

FMME11 FPC: Assign Screen Field to Database

FMME12 FPC: Field Group Criteria

FMME13 Funded Program Control: BP Roles

FMME14 Funded Program Ctrl: BP Role Groupin

FMME15 FPC: Application Transaction

FMME16 Funded Program Control: Tables

FMME17 Funded Program Control: External App

FMME18 Funded Program Control: Activities

FMME19 FPC: Function Module Activities

FMME2 Funded Program Control: Field Groups

FMME20 Funded Program Ctrl:Differentiation

FMME200 Funded Progr. Contr: Change doc list

FMME21 Funded Program Ctrl: Activity type

FMME22 Funded Program Ctrl: Cat. Fld Grp

FMME23 Funded Program Control: Data sets

FMME24 Funded Progr. Where used list define

FMME25 Where used list - process to view

FMME26 FPC: Assign BAPI Flds to Field Grps

FMME27 Funded Program DI to Table fields

FMME3 Funded Program Control: Views

FMME4 Funded Program Control: Views

FMME5 Funded Program Control: Views

FMME6 Funded Program: Screen Sequence

FMME7 Funded Program: Events

FMME8 Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Std Functio

FMME9 Funded Program Ctrl: GUI Addl Func.

FMMEASURE Funded Program: Maintain

FMMEASURED Funded Program: Display

FMMEASURE_DISPLAY Display Funded Program

FMME_SET_C Funded Program Groups Create

FMME_SET_CH Funded Program Groups Change

FMME_SET_D Funded Program Groups Display

FMMI Mass Maintenance of Open Intervals

FMMIGCE Migrate FBS cover pools and rules

FMMPCEBAL Balancing Automatic Cover Groups

FMMPCOVR Carry over residual budget

FMMPCOVRN Carry over residual budget

FMMPCOVR_BT Carry over residual budget obsolete

FMMPPCLO Pre-close: Transfer Residual Budget

FMMPRBB Increase Budget from Revenues

FMMPRELE Release data

FMMPRELEN Release data

FMMPROLLUP Rollup budget obsolete

FMMPSTAT Generate Statistical Budget Data

FMMPTRAN Transfer postings

FMMPTRAN_BT Transfer to cons.budget type obsolet

FMN0 Subsequent Posting of FI Documents

FMN0_PAY Reconstruction of Payment Docs

FMN1 Reconstruction of Parked MM Docs

FMN3 Transfer Purchase Req. Documents

FMN3N Reconstruction of Purch. Requisition

FMN4 Transfer Purchase Order Documents

FMN4N Reconstruction of Purchase Orders

FMN5 Transfer Funds Reservation Documents

FMN5N Reconstruction of Earmarked Funds

FMN8 Loans: Due Date List for Pl. Records

FMN9 Loans: Due date list for posted doc.

FMNA Display CBA Rules

FMNB CBA Budget Objects

FMND Actual Distribution in CBA

FMNG CE: Actual Distr. and Integration

FMNI Integration with the Budget

FMNK Copy Collective Expenditure

FMNL Delete Collective Expenditure Rules

FMNM Budget Transfer in CBA

FMNO Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELNR

FMNP Maintain CBA Rules

FMNR Assgt of SN-BUSTL to Coll. Expend.

FMNS Display CBA Rules

FMNSD Rebuild FM Open Item of SD Orders

FMNSDN Reconstruction of Sales Orders

FMNU Maintain CBA Rules

FMNV Fast Data Entry Distribution Basis

FMOD Override FM Update Date

FMOPER Open Budgeting Periods

FMP2 Delete Financial Budget Version

FMPAYCORR FM Payment lines correction program

FMPAYD Process Payment Distribution

FMPEBADJ Tax Adjustments

FMPEBTIL Document Statement

FMPEBTRANS Transfers with Tax


FMPEP Multiple Budget Entry

FMPEPE Easy Multiple Budget Entry

FMPEP_ADMIN Temp.Admin.Easy Multiple BudgetEntry

FMPF Change Chart of Commitment Items

FMPG Change Chart of Cmmt Items Assgmt

FMPLADM FI-FM: Planner Profile Maintenance

FMPLCPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data


FMPLDPD FI-FM: Change Plan Data


FMPLLC FI-FM Change Planning Layout

FMPLLD FI-FM Display Planning Layout

FMPLLI FI-FM Create Planning Layout

FMPLSET FI-FM: Set a Planner Profile


FMPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data

FMPO Payment Directives: Create

FMPOPDERIVE Principle of Prudence - Customizing

FMPOPDERIVER Principle of Prudence - Maintenance

FMPOWLEF POWL for Earmarked Funds

FMPP Partial Payment by GL-Entities

FMPP_CONTROL Partial Payment by Fund:Customizing

FMPSO001 Reverse Overdue Deferrals

FMPSO002 Funds Commits.from Standing Rqsts

FMPSO50 Check Mass Deferral Requests

FMPSOSA Process Petty Amounts

FMPU_R_MIG_ODB_ANA Analysis of Open Document Bundle

FMPU_R_MIG_ODB_DISP Display Worklist

FMPU_R_MIG_ODB_RP Reconstruct Open Document Bundle

FMR0 Reconstruct Parked Documents

FMR1 Actual/Commitment Report

FMR2 Actual/Commitment per Company Code

FMR3 Plan/Actual/Commitment Report

FMR4 Plan/Commitment Report w.Hierarchy

FMR5A 12 Period Forecast: Actual and Plan

FMR6A Three Period Display: Plan/Actual

FMRA Access Report Tree

FMRB Access Report Tree

FMRBCD FM RIB change document number ranges


FMRBDEL Delete Master Data for RIB

FMRBDERIMD Assign Proposal for RIB Master Data

FMRBDERIMDR Deriv. Rules, Strat. for RIB Rules

FMRBDERIRO Derive RIB Object From Budget Addr.

FMRBDERIROR Derivation Rules, Deriv. of RIB Obj.

FMRBDISPCHANGEDOC Display RIB Change Documents

FMRBGENMD Generate Master Data for RIB

FMRBIDXREC Reconstruct Index for RIB

FMRBMON01 Overview of RIB Values

FMRBREINIT Re-Initialize RIB Ledgers

FMRBRULE Edit Single Rule for RIB

FMRBRULEHIS Display Change History for RIB Rules

FMRBRULEHISDEL Delete Change History for RIB Rules

FMRC Reason codes for penalties (report)

FMRC21 Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds

FMRC22 Reconciliation of Purch. Requisition

FMRC23 Reconciliation of Purchase Orders

FMRESDISPLAY Display Earmarked Funds

FMRESV_EF_COMP Earmarked funds set to complete

FMRESV_EF_CREATE Create Earmarked funds for Mat. Res.

FMREVACTREASON Activate Reversal Reasons

FMREW Earmarked Funds: Enhancement Wizard

FMRE_ARCH Archive Earmarked Funds

FMRE_EWU01 Earmarked Funds: Euro Preprocessing

FMRE_EWU02 Earmarked Funds: Euro Postprocessing

FMRE_KERLK Close Earmarked Funds

FMRE_SERLK Close Earmarked Funds

FMRFFMKVVA Veränderungnachweis

FMRFFMVVA Veränderungsnachweis
FMROD Recurring Obligations Overdue Check

FMROP Post Recurring Obligations

FMRP18 Clear Subsequent Postings

FMRPKFCHECK Comparison of Key Figures(Reporting)

FMRPWT Revenue Posting from Withholding Tax

FMRP_2FMB4001 Commitments/Actuals

FMRP_2FMB4002 Assigned Funds

FMRP_3FMB4001 Annual Budget

FMRP_3FMB4002 Overall Budget

FMRP_3FMB4003 Budget: Period Display

FMRP_3FMB4004 Assigned Funds (Annual Budget)

FMRP_3FMB4005 Assigned Funds (Overall Budget)

FMRP_3FMB4006 Assigned Fds (Releases, Annual Bdgt)

FMRP_3FMB4007 Assigned Fds (Releases,Overall Bdgt)

FMRP_CI_SET_HIER Create CI Set Hier. from Master Data

FMRP_FC_SET_CORR Correction report for set group

FMRP_FC_SET_HIER Create FC Set Hier. from Master Data

FMRP_FW_BROWSER FM Line Item Browser

FMRP_FW_BUDCON Budget Consumption Line Items

FMRP_FW_COMACT Overview of Commitments/Actuals

FMRP_RFFMAV01X Annual Budget

FMRP_RFFMAV02X Overall Budget

FMRP_RFFMAV03X Budget Deficits with Expenditures

FMRP_RFFMAV04X Budget Deficits for Revenues

FMRP_RFFMAV05X Cross Assignments and Outside Usages


FMRP_RFFMCE01 Monitor for Cover Eligibility

FMRP_RFFMCE11 Overview of Cover Pools with FMAA

FMRP_RFFMCE12 Overview of Cover Pools

FMRP_RFFMCE13 Overview Revenue Cover Pool

FMRP_RFFMCE21 FMAA Subj. to Cvr to FMAA Ent.to Cvr

FMRP_RFFMCE22 Ent. to Cvr to Subj. to Cvr FMAA

FMRP_RFFMCE23 Subj. to cover to Expend. Cover Pool

FMRP_RFFMCE31 Rules f. Revenues Increasing Budget

FMRP_RFFMCE32 Rules for Revenues Cover Pools

FMRP_RFFMCE41 Collective Expenditure FM Acct Asgts


FMRP_RFFMEP1BX Annual Budget



FMRP_RFFMEP1GX Yr End Closing: Cmmts/Bdgt Carrd Fwd

FMRP_RFFMEP1OX Commitments and Funds Transfers

FMRP_RFFMEP2AX PBOF - Commts/Actuals Line Items

FMRP_RFFMEP2BX Overall Budget

FMRP_RFFMEP30X PBOF - Annual Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs

FMRP_RFFMEP31X PBOF - Overall Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts LIs

FMRP_RFFMEP3GX Year-End Clsg: Preselected Budget

FMRP_RFFMEP4BX Periodical Display

FMRP_RFFMTO10X Commitment/Actual Totals Records

FMRP_RFFMTO20X Additional Revenues

FMRP_RFFMTO30X PBOF - Ann.Bdgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals

FMRP_RFFMTO31X PBOF - Ovrl Bgt vs Cmmts/Acts Totals

FMRP_RFFMTO50 Annual Budget: List

FMRP_RW_BUDCON Budget Consumption Report

FMRP_RW_BUDGET Budget Report

FMRP_RW_BUDVER Budget Version Comparison

FMRP_RW_COVRGRP Budget Consumption in Cover Groups

FMRP_RW_EFFYEAR Budget Overview by Year of Cash Eff.

FMRULES FM Objects: Predefined Rules

FMRW Budget Entry Documents

FMRY Annual budget

FMRZ Overall Budget

FMSA Create Funds Center in FM Area

FMSB Change Funds Center in FM Area

FMSC Display Funds Center in FM Area

FMSD Change Funds Ctr/Hierarchy Variant

FMSE Display Hierarchy Variant/Funds Ctr

FMSF Change Funds Ctr Hierarchy Variant

FMSG Change Assignment Fnds Ctr Hier.Var.

FMSGDERIVE Fund message: customizing

FMSGDERIVER Fund message: customizing


FMSGLCLASS SGL Account classification

FMSHERLOCK Processing Clarification Cases

FMSHERLOCK_ADD_D Clarification WL: Add Documents

FMSK Commitment Item Check

FMSL Change Cmmt Item: Mass Processing

FMSP Zuordnung v. SapScript zu AOTyp

FMSPDERIVE Account Distributions derive: steps

FMSPDERIVER Account Distributions derive: values

FMSPLITMAINT Maintain Acct Asst Distribtn Rules



FMSRCICHNG Reassign Standing Request

FMSS Display Status Assignment

FMST Statistical report for PPA

FMSU Change Status Assignment

FMSX Output of Funds Center to UNIX file

FMSY Create Funds Center Using UNIX

FMT4 Pflege der Verdichtungsschlüsselart

FMTA Zeilen des Tagesabschlusses

FMTB Transfer Commitment/Actuals to FI-BL

FMTEXT Budget Text Organizer

FMTFDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing

FMTFDERIVER G/L Acct Deriv. Rules - Maintenance

FMTFR HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance

FMTR FM budgetary ledger trace

FMU0 Display Funds Reservation Doc.Types

FMU1 Maintain Funds Reservation Doc.Types

FMU2 Display Funds Reservtn Fld Variants

FMU3 Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Variants

FMU4 Display Funds Reservation Fld Groups

FMU5 Maintain Funds Reservatn Fld Groups

FMU6 Display Funds Reservtn Field Selctn

FMU7 Maintain Funds Resvtn Field Selctn

FMU8 Display Template Type for Fds Resvtn

FMU9 Maintain Template Type for Fds Resvn

FMUA Dispay Fds Res.Template Type Fields

FMUB Maintain Fds Res.Template Type Flds

FMUC Display Funds Res. Reference Type

FMUD Maintain Funds Res.Reference Type

FMUE Display Funds Res.Ref.Type Fields

FMUF Maintaine Fds Rsvtn Ref.Type Fields

FMUG Display Reasons for Decision

FMUH Maintain Reasons for Decisions

FMUI Display Groups for Workflow Fields

FMUJ Maintain Groups for Workflow Fields

FMUK Display Fields in Groups for WF

FMUL Maintain Fields in Groups for WF

FMUM Display Field Selctn ->Variant/Group

FMUN Display Field Seln->Variant/Group

FMUSFG1 USFG Derivation - Customize

FMUSFG2 USFG Derivation - Maintain

FMUV Funds Resvtn Field Status Var.Asst

FMV1 Create Forecast of Revenue

FMV2 Change Forecast of Revenue

FMV3 Display Forecast of Revenue

FMV4 Approve Forecast of Revenue

FMV5 Change FM Acct Asst in Fcst of Rev.

FMV6 Reduce Forecast of Revenue Manually

FMVA01 Collective Prcssng Value Adjustments

FMVABD Define Funds Management Validation

FMVPM1 Create Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt.

FMVPM2 Change Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt.

FMVPM3 Display Forecast of Rev. Value Adjmt

FMVPM4 Approve forecast of rev. value adjmt

FMVT Fund Balance Carryforward

FMW1 Create Funds Block

FMW2 Change Funds Block

FMW3 Display Funds Block

FMW4 Approve Funds Blocking

FMW5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Blkg

FMWA Create Funds Transfer

FMWB Change Funds Transfer

FMWC Display Funds Transfer

FMWD Approve Funds Transfer

FMWE Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Trsfr

FMWHEREUSED Where-Used FM Assignments

FMWPM1 Create Fund Block for Value Adjustmt

FMWPM2 Change Fund Block for Value Adjustmt

FMWPM3 Display Funds Block for Value Adjst.

FMWPM4 Approve Fund Block for Value Adjust.

FMX1 Create Funds Reservation

FMX2 Change Funds Reservation

FMX3 Display Funds Reservation

FMX4 Approve Funds Reservation

FMX5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Resvn

FMX6 Funds Reservation: Manual Reduction

FMXPM1 Funds Reservation: Create Value Adj.

FMXPM2 Funds Reservation: Change Value Adj.

FMXPM3 Funds Reservation: Displ. Value Adj.

FMXPM4 Funds Reserv.: Approve Value Adjust.

FMY1 Create Funds Commitment

FMY2 Change Funds Commitment

FMY3 Display Funds Precommitment

FMY4 Approve Funds Precommitment

FMY5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Prcmmt

FMY6 Reduce Funds Precommitment Manually

FMYC Funds Management Control

FMYC02 Reassignment for canceling Funds

FMYC03DERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing

FMYCDERIVE FM Object Assignment - Customizing

FMYCR HHM Object Assignment - Maintenance

FMYC_ASSIGN Assign Derivation Strategy

FMYC_CFBCOM Closing Operations: Cmmt Budget (CB)

FMYC_CFBPAY Clsg Operations: Bdgt for Cmmt (PB)

FMYC_CFCCOM FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (CB)

FMYC_CFCPAY FM Closing Operations: Cmmt (PB)

FMYC_CFPARAM Closing Ops: Carryforward Parameters

FMYC_CFPCOM Closing Ops: Residual Commt Budget

FMYC_CFPPAY Closing Ops: Residual Payment Budget

FMYC_CFRULES Closing Commt: Assign Carryfwd Par.

FMYC_DEFAULT FM Closing Operations: Default

FMYC_DELWF Reset Workflow (Earmarked Funds)

FMYC_VA Amount Adjustment of Document Chains

FMYC_VA_REV Undo Value Adjustment for Chains

FMYPM1 Funds Precmmt: Create Value Adjust.

FMYPM2 Funds Precmmt: Change Value Adjust.

FMYPM3 Funds precmmt: Display value adjust.

FMYPM4 Funds Precmmt: Approve Value Adjust.

FMZ1 Create Funds Commitment

FMZ2 Change Funds Commitment

FMZ3 Display Funds Commitment

FMZ4 Approve Funds Commitment

FMZ5 Change FM Acct Asst in Funds Commt

FMZ6 Reduce Funds Commitment Manually

FMZ7 Defaulteinstellung Abschlußgruppe

FMZ9 Defaulteinstellung Verdichtungsschl.

FMZBVT Carry Forward Balance

FMZK Day-End Closing Correction User

FMZPM1 Funds commit.: Create value adjust.

FMZPM2 Funds commit.: Change value adjust.

FMZPM3 Funds Cmmt: Display Value Adjustment

FMZPM4 Funds commit: Approve value adjust.

FMZT Assigning Clsng Op. Grp - FM Areas

FMZZ Revalue Earmarked Funds

FM_CHECKREF Prüfung Zuordnung Felder/Kennzahlen

FM_CHECK_VERRECHNUNG Check Customizing Clearing Control

FM_CISUB_SET1 Create Cmmt Item Substrings Group

FM_CISUB_SET2 Change Cmmt Item Substrings Group

FM_CISUB_SET3 Display Cmmt Item Substrings Group

FM_CLEAR_ACC Clarification Worklist - FM AcctAsgt

FM_CM_EXCLUDE Exclude Credit Memo for Pmt Offset

FM_CM_EXCLUDE_CLR Reset Credit Memo for Payment Offset

FM_DLFI Deletes FI Documnts Transferred from

FM_DLFM Deletes all FM Data (fast)

FM_DLOI Deletes Cmmts Transferred from FM

FM_DLPF Reconstruct Document Bundle

FM_ENH_FMDERIVE_SETS Update of FM derivation rules

FM_EURO Reconciliation After Euro Conversion

FM_EURO_M Parameter Maintenance for Euro Conv.

FM_FCSUB_SET1 Create Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group

FM_FCSUB_SET2 Change Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group

FM_FCSUB_SET3 Display Fds. Cntr. Substrings Group

FM_FDSUB_SET1 Create Fund Substrings Group

FM_FDSUB_SET2 Change Fund Substrings Group

FM_FDSUB_SET3 Display Fund Substrings Group

FM_FINAL_AA Display the final AA indicator in PO

FM_FKBER_ACTIVATE_GL Functional Area as GL Characteristic

FM_FNSUB_SET1 Create Func. Area Substrings Group

FM_FNSUB_SET2 Change Func. Area Substrings Group

FM_FNSUB_SET3 Display Func. Area Substrings Group

FM_FUNCTION FM: Functional Area

FM_FUNCTION1 FM: Functional Area

FM_FUNCTION2 FM: Functional Area

FM_HHM_ACTIVATE Activate/Deactivate Funds Management

FM_LGD_H_BSU Search Help for Bank Turnover

FM_LGD_H_EST Posting Statistic for Acct Statement

FM_LGD_H_MCE Multi-Cash Editor

FM_MRP_PR Update MRP PR's to FM

FM_RC07 Reconcile FI Paymts-> FM Line Items

FM_REVALUATION_PO Revaluate Purchase Orders

FM_SD07 Display Worklist

FM_SETS_FICTR1 Create Funds Center

FM_SETS_FICTR2 Change Funds Center Group

FM_SETS_FICTR3 Display Funds Center Group

FM_SETS_FIPEX1 Create Commitment Item Group

FM_SETS_FIPEX2 Change Commitment Item Group

FM_SETS_FIPEX3 Display Commitment Item Group

FM_SETS_FUNCTION1 Create Functional Area Group

FM_SETS_FUNCTION2 Change Functional Area Group

FM_SETS_FUNCTION3 Display Functional Area Group

FM_SETS_FUND1 Create Fund Group

FM_SETS_FUND2 Change Fund Group

FM_SETS_FUND3 Display Fund Group

FM_SETS_FUNDPRG1 Create Funded Program Group

FM_SETS_FUNDPRG2 Change Funded Program Group

FM_SETS_FUNDPRG3 Display Funded Program Group

FN-1 No.range: FVVD_RANL (Loan number)

FN-4 Number range maintenance: FVVD_PNNR

FN-5 Number range maintenance: FVVD_SNBNR

FN-6 Number range maintenance: FVVD_RPNR

FN12 Display borrower's note order

FN17 Display borrower's note contract

FN18 Payoff borrower's note contract

FN22 Display borrower's note offer

FN32 Display policy interested party

FN34 Policy interested party in applic.

FN35 Policy interested party in contract

FN3A Display other loan application

FN3V Display other loan contract

FN42 Display other loan interested party

FN5V Payoff other loan contract

FN63 Display collateral value

FN82 Display manual debit position

FN83 DO NOT USE: Create Waiver

FN85 Display Waiver

FN86 DO NOT USE: Write-Off Deb.Item Enter

FN88 Display Write-Off Debit Position

FN8A Manual Entry: Unscheduled Repayment

FN8B Manual Entry: Other Bus. Operations

FN8C Enter Single Postings

FN8D Post Planned Records

FN8X Business Operations: Workplace

FNA3 Display Mortgage Loan Offer

FNA8 Display Policy Offer

FNAK Select File Number

FNAM Reactivate deleted policy contract

FNAPPOFF_DISP Display Loan Application/Offer

FNARCADMIN Archiving Administration

FNARCANALYZE Check Whether Docs Can Be Archived

FNARCEXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock

FNARCHIVING Loan Document Archiving

FNARCSTATUS Display Archiving Status

FNASL Loans: Account Analysis

FNASSIGN_COND_X Workplace: Condition Assignment

FNASSIGN_INL_COND_X Workplace Cond. Assgnmnt Inst. Loan

FNASSIGN_LOC_COND_X Workplace Condition Assignment (LoC)

FNB1 Transfer to a Loan

FNB2 Transfer from a Loan

FNB3 Document Reversal - Loans

FNB8 BAV Information

FNB9 BAV transfer

FNBD Loans-Automatic bal.sheet transfer

FNBG Guarantee charges list

FNBT Balance Sheet Transfer

FNBU DARWIN- Loans accounting menu

FNCD Transfer Customizing for Dunning

FNCL Consumer Loan

FNCL_ADMIN Consumer Loan Administration

FNCL_DISB_MIG Migration of Old Disbursement Data

FNCL_DISPLAY Display Consumer Loan

FNCL_EDIT Change Consumer Loan

FNCNCL Delete Rescission Indicator

FNCOLLATE_DISP Display Collaterals from Archive

FNCOLOBJ_DISP Display Col. Objects from Archive

FNCONTRACT_DISP Display Loan Contracts

FNCOT_CHNG Change Condition Table

FNCOT_CREA Create Condition Table

FNCOT_DISP Display Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_CHNG Change Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_CREA Create Condition Table

FNCOT_INL_DISP Display Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_CHNG Change Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_CREA Create Condition Table

FNCOT_LOC_DISP Display Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_CHNG Change Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_CREA Create Condition Table

FNCOT_LOS_DISP Display Condition Table

FNCP1 Generate Change Pointers Manually

FNCP3 Display change pointers

FNCP4 Reorganize change pointers

FNCW1 Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment

FNCW2 Administrative Responsibility

FNCW3 Assign Agents to Tasks

FNCW4 Activate/Deactivate Workflow

FNDD Convert Dunning Data in Dunn.History

FNDD_CREATE Transaction for drawdown creation

FNDEF_PAST_DUE Display Open Items After Due Date

FNDOCSSHOW Display Individual Documents

FNEN Create Loan

FNENALG Create General Loan

FNENHYP Create Mortgage Loan

FNENPOL Create Policy Loan

FNENSSD Create Borrower's Note Loan

FNESRIN01 CML: Invoice Printing

FNESRNRR Number Range Maint.: FVVD_ESRIN

FNESRTDT049E CML Corr.: Posting Area - Part. No.

FNESRTDTZB0A CML Corr.: Seq. Invoice Printing

FNETSCA2 Customer: Change Address

FNETSCB1 Customer: Create Bank Details

FNETSCB2 Customer: Change Bank Details

FNETSCB6 Customer: Delete Bank Details

FNETSVA2 Vendor: Change Address

FNETSVB1 Vendor: Create Bank Details

FNETSVB2 Vendor: Change Bank Details

FNETSVB6 Vendor: Delete Bank Details

FNEXP Export Interface Loans

FNEXP_DET_DATA CML: Loans Pooling for Fund Mgmt

FNF3 Rollover: Display file

FNF4 Rollover: Fill file

FNF9 Rollover: Evaluations

FNFO ISIS: Create file

FNFP ISIS: Change file

FNFQ ISIS: Display file

FNFT Rollover: File evaluation

FNFU Rollover: Update file

FNG2 Total Loan Commitment

FNG3 Loan Commitment

FNGEN_PRODUCT_ATTR Processing Attrib. for Loans General

FNGEN_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Loans General

FNGEN_PRODUCT_CREA Creating Products for Loans in Genrl

FNI3 Display Mortgage Loan Application

FNIA Create inquiry

FNIB Change inquiry

FNIC Display Inquiry

FNID Deactivate Interested Party

FNIE Reactivate Interested Party

FNIH Decision-making

FNIJ Create credit standing

FNIK Change Credit Standing

FNIL Display Credit Standing

FNIN Create collateral value

FNINL Edit Installment Loan

FNINL_DISPLAY Display Installment Loan

FNINL_EDIT Change Installment Loan

FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attribs for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for Inst. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_CHNG Changing Products for Instllmt Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp. Products Instlmt Loans by Clnt

FNINL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Install. Loans

FNINL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Installment Loan Products

FNINL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Install. Loans

FNINV_ACC_DISP Display Investor Contract

FNIO Change collateral value

FNIP Display collateral value

FNK0 Multimillion Loan Display (GBA14)

FNK1 Loans to Managers (GBA15)

FNKO Cond.types - Cond.groups allocation

FNKWGFLAG Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator

FNKWGRAT Maintain Debtor Ratings

FNL1 Rollover: Create Main File

FNL2 Rollover: Change Main File

FNL3 Rollover: Displ. Main File Structure

FNL4 New business

FNL5 New business

FNL6 New business

FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes for LoC

FNLOC_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes for LoC

FNLOC_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Products - LoC Using Client

FNLOC_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Lines of Credit

FNLOC_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products for Lines of Credit

FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR Proc. of Attrs for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_ATTR_D No. of Attrib. for Aquisition System

FNLOS_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products for Aquisition Syst

FNLOS_PRODUCT_COMP_C Compare Prod. for Aqu. Using Client

FNLOS_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNLOS_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products in Aquisition System

FNLOS_PRODUCT_DISP No. of Products for Aquisition Syst.

FNM1 Automatic Posting

FNM1P Automatic Posting (parallelized)

FNM1S Automatic Posting - Single

FNM1S_NODD Automatic Posting - Single

FNM1_NODD Automatic Posting

FNM2 Balance sheet transfer

FNM3 Loans reversal module

FNM4 Undisclosed assignment

FNM5 Automatic debit position simulation

FNM6 Post Interest on Arrears

FNMA Partner data: Settings menu

FNMD Submenu General Loans

FNME Loans management menu

FNMEC Loans Management Menu

FNMH Loans management menu

FNMI Loans information system

FNMO Loans Menu Policy Loans

FNMODELCALCSHOW Display Archived Model Calculations

FNMP Rollover

FNMS Loans Menu Borrower's Notes

FNMULTIARC Archive Document Data

FNN4 Display General File

FNN6 Display general main file

FNN8 Display general main file

FNO3 Display Object

FNO7 Display collateral

FNO8 Create Objects from File

FNO9 Create Collateral from File

FNP0 Edit rollover manually

FNP4 Rollover: Display file

FNP6 Rollover: Display main file

FNP8 Rollover: Display overall file

FNPAD Prepare New Auto Debit

FNQ2 New Business Statistics

FNQ5 Transact.type - Acct determinat.adj.

FNQ6 Compare Flow Type/Account Determin.

FNQ7 Generate flow type

FNQ8 Automatic Clearing for Overpayments

FNQ9 Int. adjustment run

FNQF Swiss interest adjustment run

FNQG Swiss special interest run

FNR0 Loans: Posting Journal

FNR6 Insur.prtfolio trends - NEW

FNR7 Totals and Balance List

FNR8 Account Statement

FNR9 Planning List

FNRAP parallel calculation of accruals

FNRB Planned Record Update

FNRBP Planned Record Update (parallelized)

FNRB_FAC_PREP_FLOWS Generation of Plnnd Recs for Facil.

FNRB_WORKLIST Update Planned Records from Worklist

FNRD Display incoming payments

FNRE DO NOT USE:Reverse Incoming Payments

FNRELOADING Reload Archived Documents

FNRI Portfolio Analysis Discount/Premium

FNRLZ Statement of Remaining Terms

FNS1 Collateral number range

FNSA Foreign currency valuation

FNSARACUST Customizing Loan Archiving CML

FNSB Master data summary

FNSFP Contracts for the Finance Project

FNSIM_CORR Simulate Backdated Condition Change

FNSL Balance reconciliation list

FNSTA Processing Characteristics

FNT0 Loan correspondence (Switzerland)

FNT1 Automatic Deadline Monitoring

FNT2 Copy text modules to client

FNTDPRODPROFILE Assign Profiles to Products

FNUB Treasury transfer

FNV0 Payoff policy contract

FNV3 Display mortgage contract

FNV5 Disburse Contract

FNV8 Display policy contract

FNVA Create paid off contracts

FNVCOMPREXCL Set /Delete Archiving Lock

FNVD Disburse Contract

FNVD_REPAY Loan Payoff

FNVD_TRL Disburse Contract

FNVI Loans: General Overview

FNVM Change Contract

FNVR Reactivate Contract

FNVS Display Contract

FNVW Withdraw or Reduce Contract

FNV_CSPRD Credit Spread - Loans

FNWF WF Loans Release: List of Work Items

FNWF_REP Release Workflow: Synchronization

FNWO Loans: Fast Processing

FNWS Housing statistics

FNX3 Rollover: Display Table

FNX8 Rollover: Print Table

FNXD TR-EDT: Documentation

FNY3 New Business: Display Table

FNY8 New Business: Print Table

FNZA Account Determination Customizing

FN_1 Table maint. transferred loans

FN_2 Table maintenance transf. partner

FN_ACC_STMT Reprint of Account Statement

FN_AUTODRAFT_PROCESS Create Auto Debit Files

FN_BILLNUM Number Range Maintenance Bill Number


FN_BILL_NUM Number Range Maintenance: FVVD_BILL



FN_CBR_INFO Display Files for Credit Bureau

FN_CBR_PROCESS Create Files for Credit Bureau

FN_CHANGE_SEPA_DATA Check and adjust SEPA Data in Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR Process Attributes: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_ATTR_D Display Attributes: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_CHNG Change Products: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP Compare Products - Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_COMP_C Comp.Prods.- Cons.Loans Using Client

FN_CL_PRODUCT_CREA Create Products: Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_DEL Delete Products - Consumer Loans

FN_CL_PRODUCT_DISP Display Products: Consumer Loans


FN_CORR_MASS Create Annual Interest Statement

FN_DAILY_ACCRUAL Daily Interest Accrual Display

FN_DERI_COMPANY_CODE Derivation Rules for Company Code

FN_DERI_CONDITION Derivation Rules for Condition Table

FN_DERI_ORIGINATOR Derivation Rules for Originator

FN_DERI_PRODUCT Derivation Rules for Product

FN_DERI_SALES_ORG Derivation Rules for Org. Unit

FN_LOANUNITA_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_A

FN_LOANUNITV_ARC_ADM Archiving Administration LOANREF_V

FN_LOANUNIT_ARC Archive Loan Reference Units

FN_LOANUNIT_RELOAD Reload Loan Reference Units

FN_MIG_CMS Deletion of Data After Migration CMS

FN_NEW_AUTO_DEBIT New Auto Debit (SEPA Direct Debit)

FN_PAY_PROCESS_SUSP Generate PPO Error Messages

FN_PAY_PROC_PAYOFF Create Payoff from Overpayment

FN_PAY_STOP Create Lockbox Stop File

FN_POST_INL Post Planned Records from Worklist

FN_PPO2 Edit Postprocessing Order

FN_PPO3 Display Postprocessing Order

FN_PPO_CUS_VIEWCALL PPO Customizing with Component

FN_PPO_VIEWCALL PPO Customizing with Component

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_ATTYP Assign Attribute Types

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_CUSAT Table/Struct.Name f.Cust. Attributes

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_PTYP Options for Supported Product Cats.

FN_PRODUCT_BAS_TAPT Assign Trans.to Prod.Cat.& Cond.Type

FN_PRODUCT_KEYP_WORK Change Key Prefix for Product Key

FN_RULE_COMPANY_CODE Rule Entries for Company Code

FN_RULE_CONDITION Rule Entries for Condition Table

FN_RULE_ORIGINATOR Rule Entries for Loan Originator

FN_RULE_PRODUCT Rule Entries for Product

FN_RULE_SALES_ORG Rule Entries for Org. Unit

FN_SEPA_DD_CHECK Check SEPA Direct Debit Records

FN_STOP_ADMIN Manage Stops

FN_TRLE_CHECK_CUST Check Cust. for Parallel Posit. Mgmt

FN_TRLE_CML_TRL Comp. CML-BO and Parallel Pos. Mgmt

FN_TRLE_INIT_VCLASS Initialization of General Valn Class

FN_TRLE_TEST_INIT REP: rfvd_test_distributor_init

FN_UPD_FELDAUSW Update Program for Field Selection

FO/E Create exception real estate

FO/F Maintain exception real estate

FO/G Display exception real estate

FO/H Create groups except. real estate

FO/I Change groups except. real estate

FO/J Display groups except. real estate

FO01 Real estate management leasing




FO08 Reversal input tax distribution

FO10 Reserved for real estate

FO11 Number range maintenance: Land reg.

FO12 Field status: Management contract

FO14 Land register: Display

FO18 Land register: Parameters via MEM ID

FO19 Land register: Parameter trnsfr test

FO1B Create expert report

FO1C Change expert report

FO1D Display expert report

FO1E Owner Settlement

FO1F Owner Account Settlement Reversal

FO1G Correction Items Retirement

FO1I Post-generate settlement particip.

FO1I_MV Post-Generate Settlement Particip.

FO1J Corr.item transfer within asset

FO1K Reverse CI transfer within asset

FO1L Repost Input Tax Adjustments

FO20 Reserved for real estate

FO23 Display business entity

FO24 Follow-up post. inc.pmnt rejections

FO25 Number Range for Business Entity

FO27 Number Range for Property

FO28 Number Range for Building

FO29 Reset transaction block

FO30 Maintain lease-out

FO33 Display property

FO37 Display building

FO3B Selection real.est.obj. for CO sett.

FO3C Real estate CO settlement

FO3K Maintain automatic postings accounts

FO3L Read lease-out flow archive

FO40 Reserved for real estate

FO49 Check index for real estate

FO4B Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy

FO4C Stand.settings rental agreemnt analy

FO4D Stand.Settings Bus.Entity Analysis

FO4E Standard settings property analysis

FO4F Standard settings building analysis

FO4G Reporting tree VI12

FO4H Reporting tree VI13

FO4I Reporting tree VI14

FO4J Reporting tree VI15

FO4K VI16 report tree

FO4L Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR

FO4M Translation Tool - Drilldown Report

FO4N Number range maint.: RE_INVOICE

FO4O Stand.settings partner analysis

FO4P Partner analysis-new selection

FO4Q Std settings land register analysis

FO4W Test monitor - Real Estate reports

FO4Y Read lease-out archive

FO5G Real Estate report list

FO5O Import reports

FO5P Generate reports

FO5Q Rental Units Standard Analysis

FO5R Real Estate report layouts

FO5T Lease-Out Analysis: New Selection

FO5V Print New LO Number Correspondence

FO60 Reserved for real estate

FO61U Create Master Settlement Unit

FO62U Change Master Settlement Unit

FO63 Display settlement unit

FO63U Display Master Settlement Unit

FO65 Overview of Settlement Units

FO66 Overview cost collectors for SU

FO67 SU Overview for Rental Unit

FO6A Real estate field status application

FO6B Display real est. applic.fld select.

FO6C Rental request field status

FO6E Change co-applicant field selection

FO6F Display co-applicant field selection

FO6G No.range maintenance: FVVI_VWVTR

FO6H Field Status: Rental Request

FO6I Reporting tree VI11

FO6J Maintain Real Estate Report Tree

FO70 Reserved for real estate

FO77 Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_NKSET

FO7P Property Standard Analysis

FO7Q Buildings Standard Analysis

FO7R Reporting tree VI10

FO7T Rental unit analysis user settings

FO7U Rntl agrmnt analysis user settings

FO7V Standard analysis land register

FO7Y Tenant acct evaluation

FO80 RA debit positions - Log

FO81 Display Rent Adjustm.History

FO82 Create Management Contract

FO83 Change Management Contract

FO84 Display management contract

FO85 Simulate debit position/man.contract

FO86 Change active admin.contract fees

FO88 Management contract debit position

FO8A Real est. trans.records accr./defer.

FO8B RealEstate accr./defer.- Reversal

FO8C Real Estate CO Indiv. Settlement

FO8D Report: Displ.inp.tax distributions

FO8DA Input Tax Distribution

FO8DB Input Tax Distribution Posting

FO8DM Input Tax Distribution Reversal

FO8DN Input Tax Distribution Log

FO8E Create admin.contract event

FO8F Change admin.contract event

FO8G Display admin.contract event

FO8H Admin.costs acct sttlmnt simulation

FO8I Management Costs Settlement

FO8J No.range maintenance:FVVI_VWEVT

FO8K Carry out real estate accr./defer.

FO8L Changed Option Rate Ratios

FO8N OptRte-Relevant Changes RU / LO

FO8P Reset D tape data

FO8Q Incoming payments by posting date

FO8S Create measurement doc.

FO8T Change Measurement Document

FO8U Display Measurement Document

FO8V Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

FO8W Change Measurement Documents

FO8X Display Measurement Documents

FO8Y Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

FO8Z Change Measurement Documents

FO91 VICP report tree

FO94 Number range maintenance:FVVI_BEBE

FO95 Create correction items

FO96 Change correction items

FO97 Display correction items

FO98 Delete correction items

FO9A Display Measurement Documents

FO9B Create measurement doc.

FO9C Change Measurement Document

FO9D Display Measurement Document

FO9E Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

FO9F Call reporting tree VI01

FO9G Call reporting tree VI02

FO9H Call reporting tree VI03

FO9I Call reporting tree VI04

FO9J Call reporting tree VI05

FO9K Import Reports from Client

FO9L Import Forms from Client 000

FO9M Transport reports

FO9N Transport Forms

FO9O Overview of Reports

FO9P Real estate: Create select.version

FO9Q Real estate: Change select. version

FO9R Real estate: Display select.version

FO9S Real estate: Schedule select.version

FO9T Selection Version Tree Real Estate

FO9U User-Spec. Sel.Vers.Tree Real Estate

FO9V Reporting tree VI06

FO9W Reporting tree VI07

FO9X Maintain report selection

FO9Y Business Entities Standard Analysis

FO9Z Reporting tree VI09

FOA2 Rent adjustemnt: Display logs

FOA3 Calculate rent adjustment: CH

FOA4 Rent Adjustment - Reserved

FOA6 Rent adjustment letter: Index

FOA7 Rent adjustment logs: Index

FOA8 Dispay rent adjustments: Index

FOABG General contract accrual/deferral

FOAD Display rent adjustment: Comp.apart.

FOAF Comparative rnt rnt. adj. coll.print

FOAG Rent adj. logs: Comparative apart.

FOAIMMO Maintain AIMMO Indicator

FOAJ Display rent adj.: Free adjustment

FOAK Rent adjustment letter: Free adj.

FOAL Display rent adjustment: Free adj.

FOAN Activate rent adjustment: All methds

FOAO Reverse rent adjustment: All methods

FOAP Display rent adjustment logs

FOAPCUST00 Activation of Application FI-CDA

FOAPLOG01 Analyze Application Log

FOAPLOG02 Analyze Application Log

FOAPPROC01 Transfer Credits and Payments

FOAPPROC02 Clear Invoices

FOAR00 Business Partner Configuration Menu

FOAR01 REAR: Applications

FOAR02 REAR: Field Groups

FOAR03 REAR: Views

FOAR04 REAR: Sections

FOAR05 REAR: Pictures

FOAR06 REAR: Screen Sequences

FOAR07 REAR: Events

FOAR08 REAR: GUI Standard Functions

FOAR09 REAR: GUI Additional Functions

FOAR0A Create Rental Request

FOAR0B Change Rental Request

FOAR0C Display Rental Request

FOAR10 Application archiving

FOAR100 Management contract archiving

FOAR101 Management of mgt contract archives

FOAR103 Mngt contract archiving prep.prog.

FOAR11 Management of application archives

FOAR12 REAR: Field Modification Criteria

FOAR13 REAR: Activities

FOAR14 REAR: Field Assignment Screen->DB

FOAR15 REAR: Application Transactions

FOAR16 REAR: Tables

FOAR18 REAR: Activity Field Modification

FOAR1A Transfer Rental Units into Offers

FOAR1B Offer Overview

FOAR1C Overview of Requests

FOAR20 Offer archiving

FOAR21 Management of offer archives

FOAR25 REAR: Authorization Types

FOAR26 REAR: Field Groups for Authorization

FOAR27 REAR: Search

FOAR2A Rental Request -> Find Offer Object

FOAR2B Offer Object -> Find Rental Request

FOAR30 Flow archiving

FOAR30R1 Read Lease-Out Flow Archive

FOAR31 Management of flow archives

FOAR33 Flow archiving preparatory program

FOAR40 Rental agreement archiving

FOAR40R1 Read lease-out archive

FOAR41 Management of rntl agrmnt archives

FOAR43 Rntl agrmnt archiving prep.program

FOAR45 LO archiving index creation

FOAR46 LO archiving index deletion

FOAR50 Archiving rental units

FOAR51 Managing rental unit archives

FOAR53 Rental unit archiving prep.program

FOAR60 Building archiving

FOAR61 Managing building archives

FOAR63 Building archives prep. program

FOAR70 Property archiving

FOAR71 Managing property archives

FOAR73 Property archiving prep.program

FOAR80 Archiving business entities

FOAR81 Managing business entity archives

FOAR83 Business entity archiving prep.prog.

FOAR90 Settlement unit archiving

FOAR91 Managing settlement unit archives

FOAR93 Settlement unit archiving prep.prog.

FOARBW Rental Request Number Range

FOARNOTE Rental Request: Notes

FOAROF Offer Number Range

FOART0 RE: REsearch RE Market Place

FOART1 REsearch: Concordance Eval. Test

FOART2 REsearch: Administration Web-User

FOAT Display Active RLR Rent Adjustment

FOAU Rep.rnt list rnt increase coll.print

FOAV Display RLR Rent Adjustment Log

FOAW Print apartment valuatn Netherlands

FOAY Balance List by Real Estate Object

FOAZ Display Active Rent Adj. ALL

FOB0 Number range maintenance:FVVI_SOID

FOB1 Lease-Out One-Time Postings

FOB4 Check Real Estate Acct Determination

FOB9 Rent Adj. - Reminder Print ALL

FOBA RE archive residence times

FOBB Rent Adj. - Reminder Print CGP

FOBC Real estate: Delete transaction data

FOBC72 Business partner: Notes (role)

FOBC73 bc73
FOBD Rent Adj. - Simulate Amount Transfer

FOBE Rent Adj. - Calculate Amount Transf.

FOBEBASELIST Berichtigungsbasis anzeigen

FOBECALCBASE Basissätze für Berichtigungsobjekte

FOBECORMONTH Monatliche Berichtigungen

FOBECORREV Berichtigungen stornieren

FOBECORYEAR Jährliche Berichtigungen

FOBECUST IMG Berichtigung §15a

FOBEDOCASSIGN Zuordnung Vorsteuerbelege

FOBEOPTSATZ Ermittlung von Optionssätzen

FOBERCOR Nummernkreispflege: FVVI_BEROB

FOBEVIBEITEM00 Berichtigungsbuchungen

FOBEVIBEITEM_ALTDAT Berichtigungsbuchungen Altdaten

FOBEVIBEITEM_MANU Berichtigungsbuchungen manuell

FOBF Rent Adj. - Activate Amount Transf.

FOBG Rent Adj. - Reverse Amount Transfer

FOBH Rent Adj. - Display Amount Transfer

FOBI Rent Adj.- Display Amnt Transfer Log

FOBJ Rent Adj. - Reminder Print RLR

FOBK Copy real estate company codes

FOBK01 Nummernkreispflege: ISRE_KONTO

FOBL Rent Adj. - Reminder Print EXP

FOBM Rent Adj. - Reminder Print CEA

FOBN Rent Adj. - Reminder Print MOD

FOBO Rent Adj. - Reminder Print IND

FOBO01 REBO: Anwendungen

FOBO02 REBO: Feldgruppen

FOBO03 REBO: Sichten

FOBO04 REBO: Abschnitte

FOBO05 REBO: Bilder

FOBO06 REBO: Bildfolgen

FOBO07 REBO: Zeitpunkte

FOBO08 REBO: CUA-Standardfunktionen

FOBO09 REBO: CUA-Zusatzfunktionen

FOBO0A Berichtigungsobjekt anlegen

FOBO0B Berichtigungsobjekt ändern

FOBO0C Berichtigungsobjekt anzeigen

FOBO10 REBO: Feldmodifikation je Aktivität

FOBO11 REBO: Feldzuordnung Dynpro->DB

FOBO15 REBO: Anwendungstransaktionen

FOBO16 REBO: Tabellen

FOBO18 REBO: Aktivitäten

FOBP Properties: Usage type acc. dev.plan

FOBT Rent Adj. - Reminder Print FAC

FOBW Rent Adj. - Reminder Print SCS

FOBX Rent Adj. - Reminder Print FAR

FOBY Rent Adj. - Reminder Print GAR

FOBZ Rent Adj. - Reminder Print ACO

FOCNOI Real Estate: BDN - CN Templates

FOCORRITEM Correction Items Report

FOCPTL Overview of Letters and Text Modules

FOCP_COLLATERAL Print Rental Collateral for LO

FOCP_COLLATERAL_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Deposit Types

FOCP_RADJ_ADJMOD_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Rent Adj. Modus

FOCP_RADJ_DUNMOD_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: Rent Adj. Dun.

FOCP_RC_TYPE_VAL Corr. Differ. Char: LO Type

FOD0 Copy Customizing Cross-IS

FOD1 Copy Real Estate Customizing

FOD2 Copy Customizing for Related Applic.

FOD9 CustDarwinRealEst:Create ac.sttl.var

FODA Cust.darwinRealEst:Chnge ac.sttl.var

FODB Cust.darwinRealEst: Disp.ac.sttl.var

FODC Cust.darwinRealEst:Delete ac.stl.var

FODU Customizing View T_TZS13 Real Estate

FODZ Cust. object type status profile

FOE3 Display: Rental Unit

FOE5 Number range maintenance: MIETEINH

FOE6 Run drilldown report

FOE7 Create drilldown report

FOE8 Change drilldown report

FOE9 Display drilldown report

FOEBKA Display account statement

FOEBL1 Lockbox total report

FOED Maintain global variable

FOEP Cust.ISIS Alloc. external roles TZR4

FOEP0001 Actual: Line Items

FOEP0002 Commitment line items

FOEP0003 Line Items - Plan

FOEPA001 Settlement unit actual line items

FOEPA002 Sett. unit commitment line items

FOEPV001 Management contr. actual line items

FOEPV002 Mgt contract commitment line items

FOEPV003 Mgt contract plan line items

FOEU Create form for real estate report

FOEV Change form for real estate report

FOEW Display form for real estate report

FOF9 VIFI report tree

FOFI Real Estate Management master data

FOFO Mass release

FOFV Real estate third-party mgmnt

FOG3 Display Provis. Agreement

FOGEDI Building: Direct Input

FOGEGN Building: Generate Data File

FOGESH Building: Change Data File

FOGH Transfer offer to commer.lease-out

FOGRDI Property: Direct Input

FOGRGN Property: Generate Data File

FOGRSH Property: Change Data File

FOGS Property

FOH3 Display Heating System

FOH9 Management contract: Fee list

FOHBKID Maintain House Bank Accounts

FOHX Overview of Extern. Heating Expenses

FOI0 RE Contract: Development Menu

FOI0SCS RE Contract: Development/Customizing

FOI10 RECN-BDT: Search Help

FOIC Real Estate Management master data

FOID RECN-Cust: Contract Type -> Adjust.

FOIH RECN-Cust: Field Modification Activ.

FOII RECN-Cust: Field Modific.ContrType

FOIJ RECN-BDT: Generate Test File (DI)

FOIK RECN-BDT: Update w/o Dialog

FOIL RE Contract: Resubmission

FOIM RE Contract: Create

FOIO RE Contract: Change

FOIP RE Contract: Display

FOIQ RE Contract: Periodic Postings

FOIR RECN Cust: Screen Configurations

FOIS Information system

FOIT Acct Assign. for RE General Contract

FOIU RECN Cust: User Field Accnt Determ.

FOIV RECN Cust: Contract Type

FOIW RECN Cust: Authorization Types

FOIW21 Create PM Notifications in RE

FOIX_NR Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_RECN

FOIY RECN Cust: Resubmission Rule

FOIZ RECN Cust: Field Groups for Author.

FOJ0 Contract: Application Menu

FOJ2 Display Comparative Group of Apartm.

FOJ3 Real Estate Implementation Guide

FOJ4 Cash Flow Generator General Contract

FOJ5 Display Contingencies

FOJ6 Correction of VISLID Entries

FOJ7 Correction of T033F Entries

FOJ8 RECN-Cust: Object Part

FOJA Maintain participation ID

FOJB Display participation ID

FOJC RECN Cust: Resubmission Rules

FOJD RECN-Cust: Contr.Type -> Obj.Type

FOJF RECN-Cust: Acct Determin. Values

FOJF0 LO: Account Determination Values

FOJF1 MC: Account Determination Values

FOJG RE Contract One-Time Posting

FOJI RECN Cust: Validation Times

FOJJ RECN-Cust: ContrTyp Preassignments

FOJK RECN Cust: Substitution Times

FOJL RECN Cust: Periods of Notice

FOJM RECN Cust: Notice Dates

FOJN RECN Cust: Notice Reasons

FOJO RECN Cust: Notice Rejection Reasons

FOJP RECN-BDT: BDT Data Client Copy

FOJQ RE Contract: Create CN (Legacy Data)

FOJR RE Contract: Periodic Postings Log

FOJS RE Customer: Renewal Options

FOJSCS1 Condition Type-> Service Charge Key

FOJSCS10 Change Service Charge Settlement

FOJSCS11 Display Service Charge Settlement

FOJSCS2 Service charge keys

FOJSCS20 RE Contract:Overview of Act. Revenue

FOJSCS21 RE Contract:Overview of Plan Revenue

FOJSCS22 Overview of Missing Sales Reports

FOJSCS25 Missing Sales Report: Correspondence

FOJSCS3 Apportionment Units

FOJSCS30 RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast

FOJSCS4 Apportionment Unit <-> Area Type

FOJSCS5 Apprtion. Unit With Extra Attributes

FOJSCS6 Cred. SC Key -> Deb. SC Key

FOJSCS7 Properties of Service Charge Key

FOJSCS8 Maintain Settlement Categories

FOJSCS9 Assign of Plan Index to Actual Index

FOJT RE Customer: Renewal

FOJU RE Contract: Maintain Sales Reports

FOJV RE Contract: Create Defaults

FOJW RE Contract: Display Sales Reports

FOJWN RE Contract: Display Sales Reports

FOJWNS Display Sales with Condition Types

FOJX RE Contract: Change Defaults

FOJY RE Contract: Display Defaults

FOJZ RE Contract: Contract Data Reporting

FOK0 Maintain key figures

FOK1 Notice of rental agreement

FOK2 Edit Rental Deposit Release

FOK3 Display rental deposit release

FOK4 Edit rental unit inspection

FOK5 Display rental unit inspection

FOK6 Print sec.dep.sttl. for dep.release

FOK7 Mass Notice on Lease-Out

FOKC Create Cost Element Planning Layout

FOKD Change Cost Element Planning Layout

FOKE Display Cost Element Planning Layout

FOKF Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

FOKFP Copy Cash Flow to Plan Version

FOKG Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

FOKH Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

FOKIP Copy Actual->Plan for Real Estate

FOKN RE: Displ.Planning Stat.Key Figs

FOKO Check conditions/flow types

FOKOBA Acct Determination for Cond.Type

FOKOTCH Check Internal Condition Categories

FOKP RE: Change Plan.Cost El./Act.Inpt

FOKPP Copy Plan->Plan for Real Estate

FOKQ RE: Displ.Plan.Cost Elem/Act.Inpt

FOKR RE: Change Plan.Prim.Cost Elements

FOKS RE: Displ.Plan.Primary Cost Elements

FOKT RE: Change Planning Activ.Input

FOKU RE: Display Planning Activ.Input

FOKV RE: Change Plan.Revenue Elements

FOKW RE: Display Plan.Revenue Elements

FOKX RE: Change Plan.Stat.Key Figures

FOKY RE: Display Plan.Stat.Key Figures

FOKZ RE: Change Plan.Stat.Key Figures





FOL6 IRE: one-time postings lease-out

FOL7 IRE: Change record indicator

FOLA Bulk Print. Resid.Lease-Out

FOLB Mass Print. Bank Guarantee for LO

FOLC Mass Print. Garage LO Correspondence

FOLD Bulk Print. Garage Lease-Out

FOLE Bulk Print. LO Personal Guarantee

FOLF Bulk print. resid.RA-correspondence

FOLG Bulk print.adv.notice of const.chngs

FOLH Bulk print.rnt incr.due const.chngs

FOLI Resid. and Garage LO Bulk Printing

FOLJ FVVI Pop-up for rntl agrmnt printing

FOLK FVVI Pop-up for addit.letter print.

FOLL FVVI Pop-up for print of oth.letters

FOLM Cust. FVVI letters

FOLN Cust.FVVI letter-module relationship

FOLQ FVVI RA-Connect.to optical archive

FOLR FVVI Client copy text modules

FOLS FVVI Maintain text objects

FOLT FVVI Maintain text ID's

FOLU Archive and Corresp.Parameters

FOLW Allocate application/corr.activity

FOLX Real estate Alloc. CA -> Letter/role

FOLY Real estate correspond. activities

FOLZ Rent adjust.CH:Int.rate per location

FOM4 Maintain rent reaductios

FOM5 Display rent reductions

FOMA Create modernization measure

FOMAFC RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast

FOMAFCC RE:Rent Adj.-Index Contract Forecast

FOMASS Number Range for Mass Changes

FOMB Change modernization measure

FOMC Display modernization measuer

FOMC_1 Electr. Account Statement: Test Data

FOMC_2 Electr. Acct Statement: Gen. File

FOMD Delete modernization measure

FOME Rntl unit attribute selection (cust)

FOMF OI list by business entity

FOMG Repeat run invoice printout

FOMH Evaluation log invoice printout

FOMKB Tenant Account Sheet

FOMS Swiss representative rent list

FOMS1 Maint.Rep.List of Rents (Basic Data)

FOMS2 Maint.Rep.List of Rnts (Value Table)

FOMU OI Transfer Posting on Tenant Change

FOMY REst. manual incom.pmnt fast entry

FOMZ Real Estate Incoming Payments

FON4 Execute full acct settlement: OC+HC

FON6 Simulate full acct settlement: OC+HC

FON9 Reverse full acct settlement: OC+HC

FONA Real Estate Management master data

FONK Number range for SC settlement

FONN Correspondence SCS/Rntl Agreement

FONU Serv.charge stt. apportionable costs

FONZ Tenant account maintenance

FOO1 Reassign Correction Items

FOO7 Cust.heat.costs data medium exchange

FOOA1 Change Object Availability

FOOA2 Display Object Availability

FOOA3 Object Availability - Mass Change


FOOF Reverse debit pos.management contr.

FOOG Reverse settl.management contract

FOOH Invoice / Credit memo owner

FOOL Maitain heat.oil supply

FOOPTRATES Option Rate Report

FOOZ Incoming Pymnts with Residual Items

FOP2 Change Real Estate planning

FOP3 Display Real Estate planning

FOP5 Simulate flat-rate adjustment

FOP6 Calculate flat-rate adjustment

FOP7 Activate flat-rate adjustment

FOP8 Flat-rate adjustment correspondence

FOPA OI Clearing on Rental Agreements

FOPB Condition types with acc./def. ID

FOPCBU Connect User and Person

FOPC_AS_REORG Administration Programs

FOPC_CASECUST_CHECK Case Management Customizing

FOPC_DEFIC_ANA_COPY Copy Issues for Deficiency Analysis


FOPC_HR_DEL Deletion of HR Table Entries

FOPC_HR_LINKS_MIGRAT Conversion of Links in KPro

FOPC_HR_REBUILD Rebuild HR Object List

FOPC_SIGNOFF_NOTE Maintain Note for Sign-Off

FOPC_SOD_CHECK Segregation of duties check




FOPC_WF_SLG1 Analyze Applicat. Log for Scheduling

FOPD Check acc./def. reference flow types

FOPE Copy reference flow types

FOPF List of reference flow types

FOQ0 Number Range Maintenance: VERGLWOHN

FOQ3 FVVI: Display Ext. Compara.Apartment

FOQ5 RE: Simulate CH rent adj.

FOQ6 RE: Activate CH rent adjustment

FOQ7 Real estate: CH rent adj: Disp.res.

FOQ8 RE: Display CH rent adj.log

FOQ9 RE: Rent adj. - display CH

FOQC RE: Display active GAR rent adj.

FOQD Free garage adj.:Tenant letter

FOQE RE: Display GAR rent adj. log

FOQG Print rent adjustment Switzerland

FOQJ RE: Display active FAR rent adj.

FOQK Free resid. adj.: Letter to tenant

FOQL RE: Display FAR rent adj. log

FOQP RE: Display act.rent adj.AnyCond.

FOQQ Adj. surcharges: Letter to tenant

FOQR RE: Display rent adj.log Any.Cond

FOQU RE: Simulate MOD rent adj.

FOQV RE: Activate MOD rent adj.

FOQW RE: Display active MOD rent adj.

FOQX RE: Display MOD rent adj. log

FOQY RE: Reverse MOD rent adj.

FOQZ RE: Calculate MOD rent adj.

FOR2 Rooms: Display

FOR3 Number range maintenance:FVVI_SRAUM

FOR6 Display common rooms in building

FOR8 Display rooms in RU via building

FORA RE: Rent adj. - Calc.expert opin.

FORALSR Process Returned Debit Memo

FORB RE: Activate EXOP rent adj.

FORC RE: Display act.EXOP rent adj.

FORD RE: Display EXOP rent adj. log

FORE RE: Simulate EXOP rent adj.

FORF Rnt adj. as res.of exp.rep.corresp.

FORFVIVIBETAXD Belege zum Berichtigungsobjekt

FORG RE: Reverse EXOP rent adj.

FORH RE: Rent adj. - Simulate CEA

FORI RE: Rent adj. - Calculate CEA

FORJ RE: Rent adj. - Activate CEA

FORK RE: Rent adj. - Reverse CEA

FORL RE: Rent adj. - Display CEA

FORM RE: Rent adj. - CEA log

FORN Rent Adj. - Print CEA

FORN1 Change Renewal Option for Contract

FORN2 RE: Change CN Renewal Option

FOROZ VI01 reporting tree (IPD)

FORQ RE: Rent adj. - Simulate area

FORS RE: Rent adj. - Calculate area

FORS1 Maintain Resubmission

FORS2 Display Resubmission

FORS3 RE: Generate Resubmission Dates

FORT RE: Rent adj. - Activate area

FORV RE: Rent adj. - Reverse area

FORW RE: Rent adj. - Display area

FORX RE: Rent adj. - Area log

FORY RE: Rent adj. - Print area

FOS1 Internal document entry

FOS8 Single Document Reversal

FOSE Account determination list

FOSETBEBASE Berichtigungsbasis ändern

FOSETBEBASENEW Berichtigungsbasis erfassen

FOSF Maintain Dunning Procedure

FOSG Display Dunning Procedure

FOSK Vacancy Debit Position - Log

FOSL General Real Estate Posting Log

FOSM General Real Estate Posting Log

FOSN Real Estate - Posting

FOSO Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_RWINT

FOSR Replaced by transaction FVIESR

FOST Real Estate Management master data

FOT1 Current Vacancies

FOTA Rental units: Create data file

FOTB Change data file rental units

FOTC Direct input rental units

FOTD Lease-outs: Create data file

FOTE Change data file lease-outs

FOTED1 Electr. Data Transmission Settings

FOTED2 Elec. Data Transmission Parameter(s)

FOTF Direct input lease-outs

FOTI00 Tenant Information - Config. Menu

FOTI01 RETI: Activities

FOTI02 RETI: Applications

FOTI03 RETI: Screen Layout Field Groups

FOTI04 RETI: Screen Layout Views

FOTI05 RETI: Screen Layout Sections

FOTI06 RETI: Screen Layout Screens

FOTI07 RETI: Screen Sequence

FOTI08 RETI: Times

FOTI09 RETI: Tables

FOTI0A Tenant Information

FOTI10 RETI: GUI Functions - Standard

FOTI11 RETI: GUI Functions - Additional

FOTI12 RETI: Matchcode ID's

FOTI13 RETI: Assign Screen->DB Field

FOTI14 RETI: Field Modifications - Criteria

FOTI15 RETI: ApplicTransactions

FOTI16 RETI: Field Modification Activity

FOTI17 RETI: Authorizations-Author.Groups

FOTI18 RETI: Field Group Authorization

FOTIOI RE BDN - TI Templates

FOTP Create Electr. Special Advance Payt

FOTV Admin. Report Data Transmission

FOTY Error Message

FOU1 RFVI: Rent adj. due to EURO Convers.

FOU3 Display sales reports

FOU3N Display sales reports

FOU3NS Display Sales with Condition Types

FOU4 Reverse sales-based settlement

FOU4N Reverse Sales-Based Settlement

FOU5 Sales settlement selection

FOU6 List of sales reports per year

FOU7 List of sales reports per month

FOU8 Overview of Missing Sales Reports

FOUB Display sales settlement history

FOUBN Display Sales Settlement History

FOUD RE: Display act.sales-based rnt adj

FOUF RE: Activate USER rent adj.

FOUG RE: Reverse USER rent adj.

FOUH RE: Display active USER rent adj.

FOUI RFVI: Simulate Rent Adjustment USER

FOUJ RFVI: Calculate rent adjustment USR

FOUK RE: Simulate Meth.Comp. rent adj.

FOUL RE: Calculate Meth.Comp. rent adj

FOUM Convers. of rep.list of rents texts

FOUP RE: Reverse CH rent adj.

FOV0 Rental agreement number range

FOV3 Display Lease-Out

FOV6 Activate advance payment adjustment

FOVA Determination of option rates

FOVB Real Est.: Update of LO Cash Flow

FOVC Manual input tax treatment

FOVD Input tax trtmnt: Monthly postings

FOVE Create Lease-Out Offer

FOVF Change Lease-Out Offer

FOVG Display Lease-Out Offer

FOVH Transfer offer to lease-out

FOVI Post trivial amnts to prior period

FOVIM Migration: Post Trivial Amt to Prior


FOVJ Reverse input tax treatment run

FOVK Print general rent adjustment

FOVL Overview of Lease-Outs

FOVN Invoice (CH) on basis of cash flow

FOVO Print owner settlement

FOVP Repeat invoice (cash flow)

FOVQ OIs from FI already invoiced

FOVS Assign Collective LO for Act. LO

FOVTIV11 Overview adjustment methods

FOVU Print sales settlement

FOVV Lease-out renewal

FOVX Mass Processing of Offers

FOVZ Rental Agreement Offer Number Range

FOW0 Real Estate application number range

FOW3 Real est. comm. application: Display

FOW6 Real est. priv. application: Display

FOW8 Rent requests evaluation

FOWB00 Geschäftspartner-Einstellungsmenü
FOWB01 RE-WB: Anwendungen

FOWB02 RE-WB: Feldgruppen

FOWB03 RE-WB: Sichten

FOWB04 RE-WB: Abschnitte

FOWB05 RE-WB: Bilder

FOWB06 RE-WB: Bildfolgen

FOWB07 RE-WB: Zeitpunkte

FOWB08 RE-WB: CUA-Standardfunktionen

FOWB09 RE-WB: CUA-Zusatzfunktionen

FOWB0A Teil-WiBe anlegen

FOWB0B Teil-WiBe ändern

FOWB0C Teil-WiBe anzeigen

FOWB10 RE-WB: Matchcodes

FOWB11 RE-WB: Feldzuordnung Dynpro->DB

FOWB12 RE-WB: Feldmodifikationskriterien

FOWB15 RE-WB: Anwendungstransaktionen

FOWB16 RE-WB: Tabellen

FOWB18 RE-WB: Feldmodifikation Aktivität

FOWB19 RE-WB: Status Haupt-WiBe

FOWB20 RE-Cust: Kostenstruktur WiBe

FOWB21 RE-Cust: Finanzierungsstruktur WiBe

FOWB22 RE-System: Status Teil-WB

FOWB23 RE-Cust: Nutzungskategorien

FOWB24 RE-Cust: Status Haupt-WB

FOWB25 RE-Cust: Berechtigungsarten

FOWB26 RE-Cust: Feldgruppen f. Berechtigung

FOWB28 RE-Cust: Pauschalen Lauf. Aufwendg.

FOWB29 RE-Cust: Aufwendungsstruktur

FOWB30 REWB-Steuerung: Aktivitäten

FOWB41 RE-Cust: Mietausfallwagnis allgemein

FOWB42 RE-Cust: Mietausfallwagnis speziell

FOWB43 RE-Cust: Einheiten für Lauf. Aufw.

FOWB44 RE-Cust: Zweckbindung

FOWB45 RE-Cust: Kond.arten f. Ber. Erlöse

FOWB90 RE-WB: Reporting

FOWB91 RE-WB: Korrespondenz

FOWB92 Rent Adj.acc. to CEA: Correspondence

FOWE Business entity

FOWEDI BE: Direct Input

FOWEGN BE: Generate Data File

FOWESH BE: Change Data File

FOWU Display simplif.cost effic.analysis

FOWV Change Simplif.Cost Effic.Analysis

FOWW Create simplif.cost effic.analysis

FOWX Create Cost Efficiency Analysis

FOWY Change Cost Efficiency Analysis

FOWZ Displ.Cost Efficiency Analysis

FOX0_EXTENSION Application-specific enhancements

FOX0_LINK_BACK Inverse Relationship

FOX0_LINK_TYPE FOX - Object Relationships


FOX0_OBJ_TYPE FOX - Object Types

FOX0_PROFILE FOX Explosion Profiles

FOX0_SCENARIO Explosion Scenarios

FOX0_VALIDITY FOX - Validity Identifiers

FOX3 FOX: Area Menu

FOX3_REQUEST_NUM Number Range Maintenance: FOX_REQ

FOXA Create broker

FOXB Change broker

FOXC Display broker

FOXD Create owner

FOXE Change owner

FOXF Display owner

FOXG Create tenant

FOXH Change tenant

FOXI Display tenant

FOXJ Create

FOXK Change

FOXL Display

FOXX Real estate current settings

FOYA Real Estate IXS Incid.Expens.Sttlmnt

FOYB Invoice for Rent: First Print

FOYC Invoice for Rent: Repeat Print

FOYS Status- and transaction control

FOZ0 Number Range Maintenance: FVVI_ZAEHL

FOZA Acct determ. for LO

FOZB Customiz.Real Est.post.interface

FOZC Customizing post.interface REstMgmt

FOZD Change Payment Method, Bank Details

FO_ANCO_01 Analysis and Correction VITAXA

FO_ANCO_02 Analysis/Correction VIBEBE/VIBEOS

FO_ANCO_03 Analysis/Correction Program VITAXD

FO_BELEGE Document Analysis Doc. Database BRF

FO_BELEGE_RETAX Doc. Analysis for RETAX Documents

FO_FVVI_BUKRS Basic Settings for RE Company Codes

FO_NKA_BUP SCS Follow-up Posting

FO_NRIV_IMKNT Number Range Interval: FVVI_IMKNT

FO_PRINT_NOTICE Notice / Confirmation of Notice

FO_RFVIAB30 Correction Item Flows

FO_RFVIITLBZX Enter Date of Service

FO_SAD9 Transfer Rental Request

FO_SETS Generate Sets from RE Objects

FO_USE_OF_ACCOUNTS Accounts Used in RE Account Determ.

FO_VIBEOS Option Rates: Correction Items

FO_VIOB05 Option Rates: Buildings

FO_VIOB06 Option Rates: Properties

FO_VIOB07 Option Rates: Business Entities

FO_VTIV8A Accounts for Directly Assigned Costs

FO_V_ANKA_VI Asset Classes - Real Estate

FO_V_TIV65 Non-Deductible Input Tax Accounts

FO_V_TIV79A Input Tax Correction Accounts

FO_V_TIV79K Non-Deduct.Input Tax Default Account

FO_V_TIV80 Clearing Accounts for Cost Accounts

FO_V_TIV84 Revenue Acct Non-Ded.Inp.Tx Rev.Acct

FO_V_TIVA1 Accounts for rounding differences

FP00 Determine Appl. Component

FP02R Change Repayment Request

FP02RC Reset Check Reason in Repymt Request

FP03 Submission to External Coll. Agency

FP03D Submit Receivables to Coll. Agency

FP03DM Mass Act.: Submission to Coll.Agency

FP03DML Logs of Submissions for Collection

FP03E Release of Items for Collection

FP03EC Submit Items for Internal Collection

FP03F Read Collection Agency File

FP03H History of Collection Items

FP03I Process Info fr.Ext.Collect.Agencies

FP03L List of Collection Items

FP03M Mass Run: Release for Collection

FP03P Process Info fr.Ext.Collect.Agencies

FP03R Display Repayment Request

FP03U Call Back Receivables fm Coll.Agency

FP04 Write Off

FP04H Display Write-Off History

FP04HP Write-Off History Public Sector

FP04M Mass Run: Write-Off

FP04P Write-Off with Authoriz. Wrt-Off Rsn

FP04_APPROVE Approve Item Write-Off

FP05 Process Payment Lot

FP05ARC Create Archive Index for Payment Lot

FP05BNKD Clarification Case Transfer

FP05CLE Process Payment Lot

FP05CLE_CALL Clarification proc. via CALL TRANS

FP05DIS Display payment lot item

FP05FIK Change Reconcil. Key for Payment Lot

FP05_PROP Exception Accts for Clarif. Proposal

FP06 Account Maintenance

FP06LG Clearing of Provisional Postings

FP07 Reset Clearing

FP08 Reverse Document

FP08M Mass Reversal

FP08MP Mass Reversal (Parallel)

FP09 Returns

FP09ALV Returns Lot Overview

FP09FIK Change Recon. Key for Returns Lot

FP09FS Field Selection Returns Lot Header

FP09FSL Field Selection Returns Lot List

FP18 Reverse Repayment Request

FP22 Mass Reversal of Documents

FP25 Process Check Lot

FP25PDC Edit Postdated Check Lot

FP27 Prior Period Posting to Clarif. Acct

FP2P Valuation of Promises to Pay

FP2P1 Process Promise to Pay

FP2P2_WF Promise to Pay: Approval

FP2P3 Display Promise to Pay

FP30 Find Payment

FP30C Find Clarification Cases

FP30H User-Defined Payment Search

FP31 Find Payment (fromm Payment Run)

FP35 Process Credit Card Lot

FP40 Transfer

FP40N Transfer Items and Requests

FP40P Process Prepaid Balance

FP40PE Process Prepaid Error

FP45 Process Payment Order Lot

FP45RTP Payment Order Lot (Real-Time)

FP50 Manual Outgoing Checks Lot:

FP50FIK Man. Check Lot: New Recon. Key

FP51 Data Transfer: Man. Outgoing Checks

FP52 Postproc.Tfr of Man. Issued Checks

FP53 Clarif.Process. of Cashed Checks

FP54 Transfer Encashment Data to Clarif.

FP55 DunSch - Customer Structure Generat.

FP60A Aggregated Distribution Information

FP60BW Revenue Distribution: BI Extraction

FP60G Change Distribution Periods

FP60M Mass Activity: Revenue Distribution

FP60P Post Revenue Distribution

FP60PM MassAct. Post Distribution Documents

FP60P_OLD Post Revenue Distribution

FP60R List of Distributed Revenues

FP60R1 Rev. Dist.: Analysis of Dist. Docs

FP60R2 Evaluation of Revenue Distribution

FP60R_NEW Rev. Dist.: Analysis of Orig. Docs

FP60R_OLD List of Distributed Revenues

FP70 Returns Lot: Incorrect Bank Data

FPAC Maint. Document Types Residence Time

FPAC01 Maintain Correspondence Resid. Time

FPAC02 Activate AS for Document Archiving

FPAC03 Activate AS for Paymt Lot Archiving

FPAC04 Activate AS for Returns Lot Arch.

FPAC05 Activate AS for contract acct arch.

FPAC06 Activate AS for Correspondence arch.

FPACCADJ Post Account Assignment Adjustment

FPACTEN Create Customer Notifications

FPAGENT Maintain Additional Specialist

FPAR FI-CA Document Archiving

FPAR01 FI-CA Official Number Archiving

FPAR02 FI-CA: Request Archiving

FPAR02A FI-CA: Residence Time for Requests

FPAR02B Activate AS for Archiving Requests

FPAR03 FI-CA: Revenue Distribution Archivg

FPAR03B Activate AS for Revenue Distribution

FPAR03C Activate AS for Enhanced Rev.Distrib

FPAR04 FI-CA: Gen. Tax Reporting Archiving

FPAR05 FI-CA: Gen. Revenue Reporting Arch.

FPAR06 FI-CA: Gen. Tax Reporting Arch.

FPAR07 Delete Tax Reporting Data

FPAR08 Delete Reporting Data for Revenues

FPAR09 FI-CA: Foreign Currency Valuation

FPAR10 FI-CA: Clearing History Archive

FPAR11 FI-CA: Doubtful Receivables

FPAR12 FI-CA: Invoicing by Third Party

FPAR2 FI-CA Correspondence Archiving

FPAR50 FI-CA: Security Deposit Archiving

FPAR50A FICA Runtime for Archiving Sec. Dep.

FPAR50B Activate AS for Archiving Sec. Dep.

FPARBGA0 FI-CA: Res.Time Tax Info for Com.Ops

FPARBGA1 Archiving of Tax for Commercial Ops

FPARBGA2 Activate AS for Tax for Commerc. Ops

FPARBP FI-CA: Business Partner Archiving

FPARCAMA0 FI-CA: Master Agrmt Residence Time

FPARCAMA1 FI-CA: Master Agreement Archiving

FPARCAMA2 Activate AS for Master Agreement

FPARCASE0 FI-CA: Item List Residence Time

FPARCASE1 Archiving of Item List in Cases

FPARCASE2 Activate AS for Item List in Cases

FPARCAVT0 FI-CA: Prov.Contracts Resid. Time

FPARCAVT1 FI-CA: Archiving Provider Contract

FPARCAVT2 Activate AS for Provider Contract

FPARCJ0 FI-CA: Cash Journal Residence Time

FPARCJ1 Cash Journal Archiving

FPARCJ2 Activate AS for Cash Journal

FPARCOLD0 FI-CA: Ext. Collections Resid.Time

FPARCOLD1 Archiving of External Collections

FPARCOLD2 AS External Collection

FPARCOLL0 FI-CA: Collection Agency Resid.Time

FPARCOLL1 Collection Agency Archiving

FPARCOLL2 Activate AS for Collection Agency

FPARCR0 FI-CA: Check Deposit Residence Time

FPARCR1 FI-CA: Check Deposit Archiving

FPARC_PAYH01 FI-CA: Resid. Time Pmt Run Pmt Data

FPARC_PAYH02 Activate Arch.Str.for PmtRun PmtData

FPARDMS1 Archiving of Management Data for DMS

FPARDMS2 Activate AS Management Data for DMS

FPARDOCMASS Parallel Document Archiving

FPARDRE0 Event-Based Def.Revenues Resid.Time

FPARDRE1 Archiving of Event-Bsd Def.Revenues

FPARDRE2 AS Event-Based Deferred Revenues

FPAREXC0 FICA: Res.Time External Payment Info

FPAREXC1 Archiving of External Payment Info

FPAREXC2 AS:Activate Totals Recs for Ext.Pyts

FPAREXCJ0 FI-CA: Cash Journal (Inb. Services)

FPAREXCJ1 Archiving Cash Journal (Inb. Serv.)

FPAREXCJ2 AS Cash Journal (Inbound Services)

FPAREXCS0 FICA:Life of Totals Recs for Ext.Pyt

FPAREXCS1 Archiving: Totals Recs for Ext.Payts

FPAREXCS2 AS:Activate Totals Recs for Ext.Pyts

FPARINDPAY0 Payment Specifications Resid. Time

FPARINDPAY1 Payment Specification Archiving

FPARINDPAY2 Activate AS for Payment Specificatns

FPARINF0 FI-CA: Information Container Life

FPARINF1 Archiving of Information Container

FPARINF2 Activate Information Container AS

FPARIP0 FICA: Life of Payment Specifications

FPARIPH1 Inst. Plan Header/History Archiving

FPARIPH2 AS Installment Plan Header and Hist.

FPARIPL0 Inst.Plan Key Date Residence Time

FPARIPL1 Archiving Key Date Record. Inst.Plan

FPARIPL2 AS Key Date Recording of Instal.Plan

FPARM0 FI-CA: Dunning History Resid. Time

FPARM1 FI-CA: Dunning History Archiving

FPARMDOC0 FI-CA: Sample Docs Residence Time

FPARMDOC1 Archiving of Sample Documents

FPARMDOC2 Activate AS for Sample Documents

FPARMDOC3 FI-CA: Sample Docs Residence Time

FPAROB1 FI-CA Official Doc. Number Archive

FPARPAYH FI-CA: Payment Run Payment Data

FPARPCARD0 FICA: Pmt Card Supplement Resid.Time

FPARPCARD1 Archiving of Payment Card Supplement

FPARPCARD2 Activate Payment Card Supplem. AS

FPARPDC0 FI-CA: Resid. Time Postdated Checks

FPARPDC1 Archiving of Postdated Checks

FPARPDC2 AS Activate Postdated Checks

FPARPNBK0 FI-CA: Prenofitication Resid. Time

FPARPNBK1 Prenotification Archiving

FPARPNBK2 Activate Archive IS Prenotification

FPARPP0 Promise to Pay Residence Time

FPARPP1 Archiving of Promises to Pay

FPARPP2 Activate Promise to Pay AS

FPARPPAC0 FI-CA: Prepaid Accts Residence Time

FPARPPAC1 FI-CA: Archiving Prepaid Accounts

FPARPPAC2 Activate AS for Prepaid Accounts

FPARPRNH0 FI-CA: Res.Time SEPA Prenotification

FPARPRNH1 Archiving of Pre-Notification

FPARPRNH2 AS Activate Pre-Notification

FPARR0 FI-CA: Returns Lot Residence Time

FPARR1 FI-CA: Returns Archiving

FPARR2 Returns History Residence Time

FPARR3 FI-CA Returns History Archiving

FPARS1 Delete Totals Records

FPARSTPY0 FICA: Life for Pymts Sub. to StampTx

FPARSTPY1 Archiving of Pymts Subj. to Stamp Tx

FPARSTPY2 Activate AS for Stamp Tax Payments

FPARSUM0 FICA: Reconciliation Key Resid.Time

FPARSUM1 Archiving of Reconciliation Key

FPARSUM2 Activate Reconciliation Key AS

FPARTHI2 Activate AS for Convergent Invoicing

FPARTHP1 Archiving of Convergent Bill.(FI-AP)

FPARTHP2 Activate AS for Conv. Billing FI-AP

FPARTHPF1 Arch.of Convergent Billing (FI-CA)

FPARTHPF2 Activate AS for Convergent Billing

FPARUSTAX0 FI-CA: Telco Tax Residence Time

FPARUSTAX1 Archiving of Telecommunications Tax

FPARUSTAX2 Activate AS for Telco Tax

FPARV1 FI-CA: Contract account archiving

FPARWL0 FI-CA: Collection Worklist Res.Time

FPARWL1 Archiving of Collection Worklist

FPARWL2 Activate Collection Worklist AS

FPARWLA0 FI-CA: Worklist Residence Time

FPARWLA1 Archiving of Worklist

FPARWLA2 AS Activate Worklist

FPARWLI0 FI-CA: Collection Work Item Res.Time

FPARWLI1 Archiving of Collection Work Item

FPARWLI2 Activate Collection Work Item AS

FPARWLIA0 FI-CA: Work Item Residence Time

FPARWLIA1 Archiving of Work Item

FPARWLIA2 AS Activate Work Item

FPARZ0 FI-CA: Payment Lot Archiving

FPARZ1 FI-CA: Payment Lot Residence Time

FPAS00 Display Archived Payment Lot

FPAS01 Displ.FICA Pymt Lot ArchivInfoStruct

FPAS02 Displ.FICA Docs Archiv.Info.Struct.

FPAS04 Display FICA Returns Lot Archive

FPAV FI-CA: Payment Advice Note

FPAVDEL Delete Payment Advice Note

FPAVI FI-CA: Pymt Advice Note fm CollAgeny

FPAWM Processing of Report File

FPAWM_ALV Foreign Trade Report - ALV List

FPAWM_CORR Update Report File

FPAY1A Create Payment Specification

FPAY1B Create Payment Specification

FPAY2 Change Payment Specification

FPAY3 Display Payment Specification

FPAY8 Reverse Payment Specification

FPAY9 Reverse Item Preselection

FPAYR01 Payment Specifications: List

FPAYR02 Payment Specifications:Preselections

FPAYR03 Payment Specifications: Items

FPB0 Post Payment

FPB1 Document Transfer

FPB10 Paymt Lot Transfer - Cust.Struct.Gen

FPB11 ReturnsLotTransfer - Cust.Struct.Gen

FPB12 Check Register Transfer

FPB13 Check Reg. Transfer - Error Proces.

FPB14 Check Reg. Tfr - Cust. Struct. Gen.

FPB17 Transfer MultiCash File (FI-CA)

FPB2 Process Document Transfer Errors

FPB20 Payment Advice Note Transfer

FPB21 Pymt Advice Tfr - Error Processing

FPB22 Advice Note Tfr - Generate Cust.Str.

FPB3 Payment lot transfer

FPB4 Payment Lot Transfer Error Process.

FPB5 Returns Lot Transfer

FPB6 RL Transfer: Error Processing

FPB7 Transfer from Elect. Acct Statement

FPB8 Acct Stmt Transfer: Error Processing

FPB9 Doc.Transfer-Cust.Struct.Generator

FPBCD FI-CA Data Transfer Changes

FPBDC Bank Data Correction

FPBL_GET Get Locked Partners and Countries

FPBMC Select MultiCash Conversion Program

FPBPCR Prep. Master Data Change fm Ext.Sys.

FPBPCU Proc. Master Data Change fm Ext.Sys.

FPBRBOLO Boleto: payment medium creation

FPBRCOLBON Transaction for I/C FEBRABAN file pg

FPBRFPLUS_SAMPLE Sample Application for Collections



FPBRLEVY Brazil: Amount calculation per Levy

FPBW BW Extraction of Open Items

FPBWCINT Maintain FICA Extraction Intervals

FPBWD Delete Held Jobs

FPBWS OI Selection for Extraction - Admin.

FPBW_EXTRACT Update Delta Queue


FPB_CALL_IS_QUERIES Call Infoset queries for APB Launchp

FPB_CALL_RW_REPORT AC Report Call for Launchpad

FPB_CALL_TRANSACTION Transaction from Launchpad

FPB_CHANGE_APPLFIELD Change Comb. of applid fieldnam

FPB_DELETE_PERS_DATA Delete Selected Personalization Data

FPB_EXP_CLIENT_COPY Copy Scenario from Client

FPB_FILL_PERS_CC Fill for Personalization, Cost Ctrs

FPB_FILL_PERS_PC Fill for Personalization,Profit Ctrs

FPB_LAUNCHPAD_CUST Customizing of Report Launchpad

FPB_LINE_SYNC Delete Line Items

FPB_LP_ASR_HRA_CUST Report List for Role ASR

FPB_LP_ASR_HRU_CUST Report List for Role ASR

FPB_LP_BUA_PLA_CUST BUA Planning Report Customizing

FPB_LP_BUA_REP_CUST BUA Reporting Report Customizing

FPB_LP_BUY_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Buyer

FPB_LP_EXP_CUST Report Lists for Express Planning

FPB_LP_ISR_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role ISR

FPB_LP_IVC_REP_CUST Maint. Report List for Invoice Verif

FPB_LP_MSS_REP_CUST MSS Reporting Report Customizing

FPB_LP_MT_REP_CUST MT Reporting Report Customizing

FPB_LP_PM_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role PM

FPB_LP_PSS_REP_CUST PSS Reporting Report Customizing

FPB_LP_PS_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Role PS

FPB_LP_QI_REP_CUST QI Reporting Report Customizing

FPB_LP_SUP_REP_CUST Maintain Report List for Vendor

FPB_MAINTAIN_DIALOG Personalization: Dialog Maintenance

FPB_MAINTAIN_HIER Personalization: Hierarchy Maint.

FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_M Collective Processing of Pers. Data

FPB_MAINTAIN_PERS_S Individual Processing of Pers. Data

FPB_MIGRATE_RULES Migrate Rules of Monitors

FPB_MON_LINE Evaluation for Line Items

FPB_MON_VAR Evaluation for Critical Variance

FPB_MYB_CONF Set up BP for MSS (myBudget)

FPB_RULE_ADMIN Rule Administration

FPB_RULE_ADMIN_FRONT Front End Rule Maintenance

FPB_RULE_USER Display Rule for a User

FPB_SHOW_PERS_DATA Display Personalization Data

FPB_SNI_CUST Set Hierarchy Navigation

FPC1 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn. Procedure

FPCB Collective Bill

FPCC Display Cash Desk Closing

FPCC0002 Create Account Statements

FPCC0026 Balance Notification Account Creatn

FPCC0029 Create Business Partner Statement

FPCC0034 Generate Write-Off Notification

FPCCMD Master Data f. Challenger Strategies

FPCCR Clarification of Cashed Checks

FPCCT FI-CA: Test Series - Coll.Strategies

FPCCU Run for Collection Strategy Update

FPCCUM Maintain Collection Strategy Update

FPCD Post Payment

FPCD_PREP selection items before cash journal

FPCESPAC Define CESP Auth. Codes (Argentina)

FPCF Transfer Data to Cash Management

FPCFDEL Delete Completed Clarification Cases

FPCG Maintenance of Master Data Groups

FPCGA Display Master Data Groups

FPCGB Update of Contact Persons

FPCH1 Online Check Printing

FPCHA Assign Payment Document to Check

FPCHESCHC Clarification of Check Escheatment

FPCHESCH_CHANGE Change Check Escheatment Data

FPCHESCH_DISP Display Check Escheatment Data

FPCHESCH_ESCH Execute Check Escheatment

FPCHESCH_START Start Check Escheatment Process

FPCHL List of Issued Checks

FPCHN Create Check in Register

FPCHO Maintain Owner of Check Forms

FPCHP Check Assignment for Payment Run

FPCHR Check Management

FPCHS Document Reversal after Check Lock

FPCHV Voiding of Checks from Payment Run

FPCHX Check Extract for Report Files

FPCI Information for Collection Agencies

FPCIBW BW Extraction of Cleared Items

FPCIBWFC Set Fields for CI Extraction

FPCJ Cash Journal

FPCJM Edit Cash Object

FPCJM_EX Process External Cash Desk Object

FPCJM_IN Define Cash Desk Structure

FPCJ_MAINTAIN_RESP Maintain Cash Journal Responsibilits

FPCKWL FI-CA: Receivables Monitoring

FPCLBW Extraction of Collection Items

FPCL_CUSTOMIZING Payment Release List (France)

FPCM1 Transfer of Credit Data

FPCM2 Replication of Score

FPCM3 Compare Replicated Score

FPCMCAP Capacity Planning

FPCNR Clarif. Incorr. Bank Data Changes

FPCODU Correspondence Dunning

FPCODUH Correspondence Dunning History

FPCOHIST Display Correspondence History

FPCOLLAG Derivation Cllction Agncy - Custom.

FPCOLLAGP Derivation Cllction Agncy - Mainte.

FPCOLLHIST Display Collection History

FPCOPARA Correspondence Printing

FPCORRLOG Display Data Changes

FPCPL Clarification Processing: Pmnt Lot

FPCPL_ALERT Clarification Processing: Pmnt Lot

FPCPR Clarif. Processing: Payment Run

FPCR1 Display Creditworthiness

FPCR2 Change Creditworthiness

FPCRL Clarification Processing: Returns

FPCRPO Clarification Processing: Credit

FPCRPO_DET Create Credit List

FPCR_ACTIVATE Applic.: Activate Garnishment Reg.

FPCR_CUSTOMIZING Garnishment Register


FPCS Payment Card Billing

FPCUM Write-Off fm Clarification Worklist

FPCVS Clarification Processing:

FPCVS_CLAR Confirm Payments

FPCVS_CONF Confirm Reported Payments

FPCVS_EXAM Monitoring of Third Party Payments

FPD1 Security Deposit Statistics Report

FPD2 Overview of Security Deposits

FPDC Document Consistency Check

FPDCM Consistency Check for FI-CA Docs

FPDDA2 Change Debit Memo Notification

FPDDA3 Display Debit Memo Notification

FPDDAX Debit Memo Notification (GB)

FPDE Document Extracts: Overview

FPDEC_DEL Customizing Extr. - Deletion of Ext.

FPDEC_EXP Customizing Extracts - Export

FPDEC_IMP Customizing Extracts - Import

FPDEL_APPSTATE Application Data for Fiori Apps

FPDEL_TAB Delete Other Objects

FPDEP_DEL Partner Extracts - Del. of Extract

FPDEP_EXP Partner Extracts - Export

FPDEP_IMP Partner Extracts - Import

FPDE_AEXP Doc. Extracts - Export fm Archive

FPDE_DEL Doc. Extracts - Deletion of Extract

FPDE_EXP Document Extracts - Export

FPDE_EXTR Doc. Extracts - Export Extr. Docs

FPDE_IMP Document Extracts - Import

FPDKCPR Denmark : CPR / CVR No

FPDM00 Display Dispute Cases

FPDM01 Create Coll. Cases after Dunn. Run

FPDMS Manage Documents

FPDMS1 Add Documents

FPDMS2 Determine Image of Documents

FPDMS3 Assign Business Partner

FPDMS4 Delete Images of Documents

FPDOC Display missing FI-CA document

FPDPR1 Check Bus. Partner Can Be Blocked

FPDPR_BP_BLOCK Blocking Business Partner

FPDPR_BP_INIT Add Missing BP Entries

FPDPR_BP_SIM Simulate Bus.Partner Can Be Blocked

FPDPR_BP_UNBLOCK Unblocking Business Partner

FPDP_ACTIVATE Application: Activate Down Payments

FPDP_CREATE Down Payments with Purchase Orders


FPDP_MESSAGE Customizing Messages

FPDR Trans.Postg Run for Deferred Revenue

FPDR_BY_EVENT Transfer Run (Event-Based Def.Rev.)

FPDR_BY_EVENT_CORR Evt-Based Def.Revenues Adjustmt Run

FPDR_CURRCH_CORR Reconc.Run Def.Revenue Crcy Convrsn

FPDR_CURRCH_PRE Prep. for Correct. Run Def. Revenue

FPDR_DISPLAY Display of Deferred Revenues

FPDR_DISPLAY_EVENT Display of Event-Based Def. Revenues

FPDR_DISPLAY_TIME Display of Time-Based Def. Revenues

FPDUDC Create Docs from Standing Requests


FPDUTL Dunning Telephone List

FPE1 Post Document

FPE1LG Posting of Provisional Postings

FPE1S Post Sample Document

FPE2 Change Document

FPE2C Reset Check Reason in Document

FPE2M Mass Document Change

FPE2S Change Sample Document

FPE3 Display Document

FPE3S Display Sample Document

FPE4 Display Document Changes

FPEMMA Log Analysis for Mass Runs

FPEMMACGEN Mass Act.: Clarification Case Gen.

FPEMMAMA EMMA: Mass Activities

FPEMMAPREP EMMA: Mass Activity for Job Analysis

FPESCSB190 Bank Data Validation: CSB 19.1

FPEW1 Euro: Reconcile with G/L

FPEW2 Euro: Status of Mass Runs

FPEW3 Euro: Conversion of FI-CA Documents

FPEW3A EURO: Balance Determin. in FI G/L

FPEW4 EURO: Conv. Inst.Plan and Coll. Bill

FPEW5 Euro: Display Critical Documents

FPEW6 Euro: Adjust FI Reconciliation Accts

FPEW7 Euro: Check Adjustment Posting

FPEW8 Log Data on Euro Differences

FPEWG EURO: Determin. of GLT0 Conv.Prog.

FPEWS EURO: FI-CA Document Balances

FPEXC Ext. Cash Desk Servs: Transfer OIs

FPEXC_TR Turkey: Open Item selection

FPFA1 Factoring: Offer Receivables

FPFA1_DELE Delete Simulated Data

FPFA1_FILE Create File for Offer

FPFA2 Factoring: Execute Response

FPFA3 Factoring: Clearing Information

FPFA3_FILE Create File for Clearing Information

FPFA8 Factoring: Reverse Offer

FPFAV Favorites

FPFA_MON Factoring: Monitor

FPFMDY Executn of Subsequent FM Activation

FPG0 Maintain Alternative Posting Data

FPG0SP1 Default Special Periods

FPG0SP2 Special Period with G/L Transfer

FPG0SP3 Special Period When FI Period Closed

FPG1 Transfer Posting Totals to G/L

FPG1M General Ledger Transfer - Mass Run

FPG2 Reconcile with General Ledger

FPG2M Check G/L Documents - Mass Run

FPG3 Transfer to CO-PA

FPG3M COPA Transfer - Mass Run

FPG4 Close Reconcil. Keys Automatically

FPG5 FI-CA Docs to FI-GL Docs

FPG7 Check CO-PA Documents

FPG7M Check CO-PA Documents - Mass Run

FPI1 FI-CA: Calc. Interest Individually

FPI10 Analysis of Cleared Items w/Interest

FPI10A P&I Clarification Case Run

FPI2 FI-CA: Interest on Cash Sec. Deposit

FPI3 FI-CA: Overdue Interest Inst.Plan

FPI4 FI-CA: Display Interest Calculation

FPI5 Loan Calculation: Test Transaction

FPI7 Interest Simulation

FPIA_FINTAP Item Interest Calculation Vendors

FPIA_INTSHOW Overview of Int. Runs for Item. Int.

FPIA_KEPL00 List of vendor line items

FPIA_MASS_UPD Penalty Interest Mass Changes

FPIA_SINGLE_02 FPIA Single Transaction Create/Chang

FPIA_SINGLE_03 FPIA Single Transaction Display

FPINFCO1 Information Container: Send Data

FPINFCO2 Display Information Container

FPINFCO3 Information Container: Reset Send

FPINTHDEL Delete Interest History

FPINTM1 Interest Run

FPINTM2 Cash Security Dep. Interest Run


FPIN_LIST Enter Arrears Days for Penalty Int.

FPIPBW Installment Plan Extraction

FPIPKEY Installment Plans for Key Date

FPK1 Item Processing

FPL9 Display Account Balance

FPL9S Account Balance: Internal Call

FPL9S2 Account Balance: Internal Call

FPLC Acct Balance: Fullscreen Chronology

FPLKA Evaluate Processing Locks

FPLKDEL Delete Mass Locks Set

FPM3 Display Dunning History

FPM3_RELEASE Release Dunning Notices

FPM4 Display Returns History

FPMA Automatic Clearing

FPMANAGER Maintain Additional Manager

FPMA_PP Autom. Clearing of Prepaid Accounts

FPMDT Master Data Transfer

FPMO FI-CA: Application monitor

FPM_ACTIVATE_SICF Activate ICF-Services for FPM Apps


FPM_WB FPM Workbench

FPN1 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_BELEG

FPN10 Number Range Maintenance: FKKINDPAY

FPN11 Number Range Maint: FKKPRENOT

FPN2 Maintain Number Range: FKK_ACCOUNT

FPN3 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ZAUFT

FPN4 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYFORM

FPN5 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_UMB

FPN6 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_EXTDOC

FPN6_06 Number range maintenance: FKK_ED06

FPN6_06S Number range maintenance: FKK_ED06S

FPN6_06SY Number range maintenance: FKK_ED06SY

FPN6_06Y Number range maintenance: FKK_ED06Y

FPN6_07 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED07

FPN6_07S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED07S

FPN6_07SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED07SY

FPN6_07Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED07Y

FPN6_08 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED08

FPN6_08S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED08S

FPN6_08SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED08SY

FPN6_08Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED08Y

FPN6_09 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED09

FPN6_09S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED09S

FPN6_09SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED09SY

FPN6_09Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED09Y

FPN6_10 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED10

FPN6_10S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED10S

FPN6_10SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED10SY

FPN6_10Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED10Y

FPN6_11 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED11

FPN6_11S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED11S

FPN6_11SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED11SY

FPN6_11Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED11Y

FPN6_12 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED12

FPN6_12S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED12S

FPN6_12SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED12SY

FPN6_12Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED12Y

FPN6_13 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED13

FPN6_13S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED13S

FPN6_13SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED13SY

FPN6_13Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED13Y

FPN6_14 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED14

FPN6_14S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED14S

FPN6_14SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED14SY

FPN6_14Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED14Y

FPN6_15 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED15

FPN6_15S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED15S

FPN6_15SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED15SY

FPN6_15Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED15Y

FPN6_16 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED16

FPN6_16S Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED16S

FPN6_16SY Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED16SY

FPN6_16Y Number Range Maintenance: FKK_ED16Y

FPN7 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYORDER

FPN8 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_TXINV

FPN9 Number Range Maintenance: FKKPYANNMT

FPNOCANC file for cancelled payment orders

FPNORMBP Normalized BP for Duplicate Search

FPNP2P Number Range Maintenance: FKK_P2P

FPNRPT Number Range Maintenance: FKK_REPT

FPN_AGGRF Number Range Maintenance: FKKDREGAGG

FPN_AUBID Number Range Maintenance: FKKD_AUBID

FPN_COL Number Range Maintenance: FKK_COL

FPN_DISPUTE Number Range Maintenance: FKKDISPUTE


FPN_MA Number Range Maintenance: FKK_MA

FPN_PPACC Number Range Maintenance: FKK_PPACC

FPN_SEPA Number Range Maintenance: FKK_SEPA

FPN_VT Number Range Maintenance: FKK_VT

FPN_WL Number Range Maintenance: FKK_WL

FPO1 FI-CA: OI List per Key Date

FPO1P OI List for Key Date (Parallel)

FPO1_ACC FI-CA Key Date-Specific OI List(Acc)

FPO2 Reconciliation of OI's in G/L

FPO2P Reconciliation of OIs in G/L

FPO4 Item Evaluation

FPO4P OI List for Key Date (Parallel)

FPO6 Evaluation of Report Totals

FPO7 Analysis of Extracted Open Items

FPO7F Display Non-Resident Customers

FPO7FN Foreign Trade Declaration Z5a

FPODN_GEN Maintain ODN number range interval

FPOITR Outbound Interface: BP Postings

FPOITRD Outbound Interface Delete Trigger

FPOP Update of BP Delta Queue

FPOPDEL Delete Trigger for BP Delta Queue

FPOR2 Change Payment Order

FPOR3 Display Payment Order

FPOR8 Reverse Payment Order

FPOR8M Mass Reversal of Payment Orders

FPP Framework for Parallel Processing

FPP1 Create Contract Partner

FPP1_C Create CP with Cust. Integration

FPP1_V Display CP with Vendor Integration

FPP2 Change Contract Partner

FPP2A Activate Planned Changes

FPP2_C Change CP with Customer Integration

FPP2_V Change CP with Vendor Integration

FPP3 Display Contract Partner

FPP3_C Display CP with Cust. Integration

FPP3_V Display CP with Vendor Integration

FPP4 Maintain Payment Data

FPP7 Create Installer

FPP8 Change Installer

FPP9 Display Installer

FPPARDEL Delete Parameter Records

FPPARHID Hide Parameter Records

FPPARMV Move Parameter Records

FPPARTADJ_MA Adjustments for Partner Settlements

FPPARTADJ_MON Orders for Partner Adjustments

FPPARTREL Release Partner Items for Billing

FPPARTREL_MA Release of Partner Items

FPPARTREL_MON Display Trigger Items

FPPARUNHID Reactivate Parameter Records

FPPCAI PCARD: Items in card account

FPPCAS PCARD: Invoiced items

FPPCBP PCARD: Business partner with cards

FPPCDL PCARD: Delete logs

FPPCDS PCARD: Perform invoicing

FPPCLI PCARD: Log (paid items)

FPPCLP PCARD: Log (payments)

FPPCSF PCARD: Display invoicing file

FPPCSL Payment cards: Display log

FPPCTS PCARD: Items to be invoiced

FPPDC2 Change Postdated Check

FPPDC3 Display Postdated Check

FPPDC8 Postdated Check: Reversal Processes

FPPDC_DLI Display Postdated Checks

FPPDC_MON Display Postdated Checks

FPPN5 Postprocess Prenotification Return F

FPPNH Display Prenotification History

FPPNO Prenotification file outgoing

FPPNR Process Prenotification Return

FPPNU Change Prenotif. Processing Status

FPPRD0 Overview of Products

FPPRD1 Create Product

FPPRD2 Change Product

FPPRD3 Display Product

FPPRN2 Change SEPA Pre-Notifications

FPPRN3 Display SEPA Direct Debit Pre-Notif.

FPPRN8 Reverse SEPA Direct Debit Pre-Notif.

FPPRN8M Mass Reversal of Pre-Notifications

FPPRN8MP Reverse Pre-Notification (Parallel)

FPPRN8_MASS Mass Reversal SEPA Pre-Notifications

FPPRNL List of Direct Debit Pre-Notif.

FPPST Denmark: Stop payment

FPPTGAPS Digital Signature PT: Numbering gaps

FPPTSIGN Detect/Generate missing Dig. Sign.PT

FPP_2 Parallel Processing Initial Screen

FPP_2_SAMPLE Example - Parallel Processing

FPP_SAMPLE Framework for Parallel Processing

FPP_SAMPLE_ENTRY Framework for Parallel Processing

FPP_STMT Parallel Processing of Settlement

FPP_STMT_ENTRY Framework for Parallel Processing

FPR1 Create Installment Plan

FPR2 Change installment plan

FPR3 Display installment plan

FPRA Display Adjusted Receivables

FPRB Prepare Valuation Areas for DE

FPRD Installment Plan Printing

FPRECL Post Reclassifications

FPRECL_DUEGRID Reclassification by Due Date

FPRECON Enhanced Analysis Totals + Documents

FPREPT Receipt Management

FPREPTM Mass Receipt Printing

FPREPZM1 Initialization of EC Sales List

FPREPZM2 Act. of EU Tax No. for EC Sales List

FPRES_CON Summarization of Reserve Postings

FPRETBW Extraction of Returns

FPRH Display Installment Plan Histories

FPRL Release Cash Security Deposit

FPRL_ACTIVATE Activate Payment Release List

FPRL_CLEAR_DI Define Approval Levels

FPRL_CUSTOMIZING Payment Release List

FPRL_DOC_DI Define Approval Levels

FPRL_F110 F110 for PRL exclusively

FPRL_LEVELS Define Approval Levels

FPRL_LIST Payment Release List

FPRL_SET_APPLIC Set Payment Release List Application

FPRS Open Repayment Requests

FPRU Overview of Repayment Requests

FPRV Transfer Post Adjusted Receivables

FPRVD Display Adjusted Items

FPRW Adjust Receivables According to Age

FPR_PLCL Clarification Account - Itemization

FPR_RLCL Clarification Account - Itemization

FPS1 Load of Polling Data to Bank Buffer

FPS2 Generate Payment Advice from Polling

FPS3 Intraday Statment

FPSA CA Selection

FPSAFT_BPRCT Business Partners Requesting Receipt

FPSAFT_EXT Extract SAF-T Source Documents

FPSC Display Day-End Closing

FPSCHEDULER Execute Mass Activity

FPSD01 SD/FI-CA Reconciliation Report

FPSEC0 Number Range Maintenance: FKK_SEC

FPSELP Selections for Evaluations

FPSELP1 Layout for Evaluations

FPSELPLOCK Locks according to Preselection

FPSEPA Creation of SEPA Mandates

FPSEPA1 Change SEPA Mandates



FPSG1 Safeguarding: Execute Check Run

FPSG2 Safeguarding: Process Results

FPSG3 Safeguarding: Check History

FPSG4 Safeguarding: Delete Worklist

FPSNAP Account Bal.: Creation of Snapshots

FPSNAP_CUST Account Bal.: Partner for Snapshot

FPSNAP_DEL Account Bal.: Deletion of Snapshots

FPSO Post Charge After Payment

FPSP BP Selection

FPST Preselection by Transaction Data

FPSUPP SAP Support Analysis Program

FPS_RFKKBELJ00 Document Journal

FPS_RFKKPYOD Delete Payment Orders

FPS_RFKKPYOL List of Payment Orders

FPS_RFKPYD00 Delete Payment Data

FPT1 Check Totals Tables

FPT1M Check Totals Records - Mass Run

FPT3 Alternative Period Transfer

FPT4 Analyze Status of Transfer

FPT5 Display documents for reconcil. key

FPT6 Recreate Totals Records

FPT7 Statement Posting Totals

FPT8 Acct Assgt Stmt for Single Docs

FPTCRPO Credit Processing

FPTL1 Country specific fiscal reports

FPTRACE Display Log

FPTX Update External Tax System

FPTX1 Select Country-Specific Tax Report

FPTXCOM Update Telecommunications Tax

FPU1 Maintenance of regrouping accounts

FPU2 Tfr Posting to Other Company Code

FPU5 Transfer Documents to Another Acct

FPU6 History of Transfer

FPUCT_RFC RFC Destination for Telco Tax

FPVA Dunning Proposal

FPVB Dunning Activity Run

FPVBUND Adjustment to Percentage of Ownersh.

FPVBUND1 Maintenance of VBUND History

FPVC Mass Reversal of Dunning Notices

FPVT Transfer Dunning Telephone List

FPVT1 Entries in Dunning Telephone List

FPVV Valuation of Dunnings

FPVZ Maintain Agreed Payment Amounts

FPW1 Foreign Currency Valuation

FPW2 Log Records for For. Crcy Valuations

FPW3 Event-Controlled Inverse Posting

FPWLM Manage Worklists

FPWLMN Manage Worklists

FPY1 Payment Run / Debit Memo Run

FPY1A Analysis Tool for Payment Runs etc.

FPYE1 Year-End Postings

FPYP Direct Debit Pre-Notification (SEPA)

FPYS Payment Run (Direct Payers)

FPZD Reorganize Payment Documents

FPZP Payment Form Items Overview

FPZW Receivables correction

FPZWH Evaluate Adjusted Receivables

FP_DEL_DFKKQSR Delete Withhold. Tax Reporting Data

FP_DEL_DFKKREP01 Deletion of Tax Rep. Data (Belgium)

FP_DEL_DFKKZP_ARCIND Delete Indexes for Arch. Payment Lot

FP_DEL_REPZM Delete EC Sales List Data

FP_FILTER2 Change Filter

FP_FILTER3 Display Filter

FP_FIL_TEST Test Filtering of Items

FP_KMIG Set Subsequent Account Assignments

FP_MA0 Overview of Master Agreements

FP_MA1 Create Master Agreement

FP_MA2 Change Master Agreement

FP_MA3 Display Master Agreement



FP_MA_TEST Master Agreement: Test Assignments

FP_NOTE_CUST Not to Payee Analysis - Customizing

FP_NOTE_TEST Note to payee Analysis - Test

FP_PD01 Report RFKKPD01

FP_PD02 Report rfkkpd02

FP_PD03 Report rfkkpd03

FP_PV0 Overview of Partner Agreements

FP_PV1 Create Partner Agreement

FP_PV2 Change Partner Agreement

FP_PV3 Display Partner Agreement

FP_RAI_ID_NUM Number Range for RAI_ID

FP_RAI_MON Display Revenue Accounting Items

FP_RAI_OL Prepare Operative Load

FP_RAI_TRANSF Transfer to Revenue Accounting

FP_REG Subscriptions for Clearing

FP_REG_DEL Delete Obsolete Subscriptions

FP_VMIG_WOH Contract in Write-Off History

FP_VMIG_ZWF Set Contract in Receivable Adjust.

FP_VT0 Overview of Contracts

FP_VT1 Create Provider Contract

FP_VT2 Change Provider Contract

FP_VT3 Display Provider Contract

FP_VTC Provider Contract: Display Counters

FP_VT_TR Migration of IDs

FP_VT_UPD Adjust Provider Contracts

FQ00 FI-CA Technical Settings

FQ0015 Account Assignment of Other Taxes

FQ0017 Account Assignment for Telco Taxes

FQ0018 Maintain Tax Interface Version

FQ0021 Tax at Clearing Tax Code

FQ0025 Tax Specifications

FQ0061 FI-CA: Late Payment Surcharge

FQ0090 FI-CA: Specifications for Bundling

FQ01 C FI Maintain Table TFK022A/B

FQ0111 FI-CA: Returns Specifications

FQ02 C FI Maintain Table TFK022C

FQ0200 FI-CA: Withholding Tax Outgoing Payt

FQ0201 FI-CA: Addtl Withholding Tax OutPayt

FQ0210 FI-CA: Withholding Tax Incoming Payt

FQ0211 FI-CA: Addtl Withholding Tax IncPayt

FQ0212 FI-CA: Addtl Withholding Tax IncPayt

FQ03 C FI Maintain Table TFK022D

FQ0300 FI-CA: Segment for G/L Item

FQ0301 FI-CA: Segment for Bus. Partner Item

FQ0310 Add. Acct Assignments for Down Pmts

FQ04 C FI Maintenance Table TFK000U

FQ05 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK061A

FQ0500 Determine Contract Stnd. Acct Assgmt

FQ0510 Determine RA Relevance of Contract

FQ06 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK062A

FQ07 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK063A

FQ1012 Determine Main and Subtransaction

FQ1031 FI-CA: Incoming Pmnt Specifications

FQ1032 FI-CA: Post Payment Order Specs

FQ1033 FI-CA: Credit Card Lot Specs

FQ1035 FI-CA: Specs for Man. Checks Lot

FQ1036 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment

FQ1037 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment

FQ1038 FI-CA: Specs for Check Encashment

FQ1039 Check Encashment Exp./Rev. Accounts

FQ1041 FI-CA: Returns Clarification Account

FQ1042 Enter Check Escheatment Specificat.

FQ1047 FI-CA: Cash Check (Inbound)

FQ1048 FI-CA: Real-Time Payments - Accounts

FQ1062 Specifications for Transerring Items

FQ1130 Setting of Debt Recvery Score

FQ1131 Clearing Accts for Collect.Agencies

FQ1132 Specific. for Coll.Agency Postings

FQ1230 FI-CA: AcDt - DefRev Currency Change

FQ1270 FI-CA: Prepaid Balance (G/L Account)

FQ1271 Prepaid: Reversal of Top-Ups

FQ1272 FI-CA: Prepaid Balance (Contr.Acct)

FQ1273 FI-CA: Prepaid Balance (Contr.Acct)

FQ1274 FI-CA: Prepaid Adjustment Postings

FQ1275 FI-CA: Free Increase

FQ1276 FI-CA: External Prepaid Refill

FQ1277 FI-CA: Currency Change Prepaid Acct

FQ1297 Activate Valuation Area

FQ1310 FI-CA: Main/Sub for Official Charges

FQ1311 FI-CA: Doc. Type for Official Chrges

FQ1320 Settings for Credit Clarification

FQ1321 Settings for Credit Clarification

FQ1322 Assign Authorization in Credit Proc.

FQ1378 Requirement from Invoicing

FQ1379 Enhanced Revenue Distribution

FQ1380 Settings for Revenue Distribution

FQ1381 Posting Specs: Revenue Distribution

FQ1382 Spec. Posting Specs: Rev. Distrib.

FQ1384 Distrib. Groups Transaction Determ.

FQ1600 BP Duplicates: Transfer Specifictns

FQ2000 Fund Accounting Settings FI-CA

FQ2001 Acct Determination f. Fund Clearing

FQ2002 Additional Information for FM and GM

FQ2010 FM Acct Assgt for Subseq. FM Activtn

FQ2101 FI-CA: Document Type for Perception

FQ2102 FI-CA: Tax Determ. Code - Argentina

FQ2103 FI-CA: ActivCode Dist.Type Argentina

FQ2104 Alternative Tax Determination Code

FQ2110 Tfr Pstg to Resp. Company Code

FQ2600 Document Types for Invoicing Docs

FQ2605 Maintain Doc. Types for Posting Docs

FQ2606 Calculation Rules for Scheduling

FQ2607 Control of Periodic Invoicing

FQ2610 Acct Assgt of General Ledger Items

FQ2611 Acct Assgt of Business Partner Items

FQ2612 Summarization Trans for BPtnr Items

FQ2613 Transf. Posting Proc. for Offsetting

FQ2617 Assign Charge/Discount Key

FQ2618 Base Amount Determ. Charges/Discnts

FQ2620 Calculatn of Interest on Open Items

FQ2622 Calc. of Int. on Cash Sec. Deposits

FQ2623 Release Cash Security Deposit

FQ2625 Item Selectn: Statistical Open Items

FQ2627 Preselect Items for Activation

FQ2628 Activation in Invoicing

FQ2630 Account Maintenance in Invoicing

FQ2635 Subitems in Invoicing

FQ2637 Flag Document for Invoicing List

FQ2639 Specific. for Preliminary Invoices

FQ2640 Trans. Deter. for Billing Doc. Items

FQ2641 Determine Tax Code

FQ2642 Determine Tax Condition Type

FQ2643 Add. Acct Assignment Billing Docs

FQ2645 Document Types for Billing Documents

FQ2647 Assign Target Proc. to Src.Doc.Cat.

FQ2671 Assign Check to Invoicing Document

FQ2672 Assign Check to Source Document

FQ2673 Maintain Exception List Messages

FQ2680 Determination of Application Form

FQ2685 Invoicing: Payment Method/Form

FQ2686 Assign Key for Invoice Rounding

FQ2737 Creations for Tax Notification

FQ3100 Factoring: Trans. for Factor Posting

FQ3101 Factoring: Expense/Clearing Account

FQ3102 Factoring: Clearing Acct Write-Offs

FQ4000 Maintain FI-CA Rule Variants

FQ8065 Acct Assignmt for Add.Billng Doc Itm

FQ8106 Calculation Rules for Scheduling

FQ8108 Assign Schema for Duplicate Check

FQ8110 Documtent Types of Billing Document

FQ8115 Aggregation of Billable Items

FQ8117 Derive BIT Class Discount Base Items

FQ8118 Derive Acct Asgnmt Disc. Base Items

FQ8119 Assign Across-the-Board Discounts

FQ8120 Define Account Assignments

FQ8121 Define Transactions

FQ8122 Define Transactions

FQ8123 Assign Tax Codes

FQ8124 Specifications for Ext. Tax Transfer

FQ8125 Tax Type for Other Taxes

FQ8168 Assign Schema for Duplicate Check

FQ8170 Derive Billable Item Class(from CRM)

FQ8171 Enter Account Assignments (from CRM)

FQ8172 Enter Transactions (from CRM)

FQ8175 Standard Attributes for Bill. Items

FQ8177 Standard Attributes for Bill. Items

FQ8186 Standard Attributes for Bill. Items

FQ8187 Standard Attributes for Rating Req.

FQA1 Archiving of FI-CA documents

FQAT02 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 2

FQAT03 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 3

FQAT04 Follow-Up: Variants for Act. Type 4

FQAUTH FI-CA Special Authorizations

FQB1 Correspondence Data Fields

FQB10 FI-CA: Bollo Specifications

FQB2 Correspondence Data Fields

FQB4 FI-CA Corresp. - Application Forms

FQB9 FI-CA: Ital. Stamp Tax Returns,Specs

FQC0 C FKK Acct Determination (General)

FQC0075 FI-CA Acct Determ. Posting Area 0075

FQC0950 Determination of Authoriz. Group VK

FQC1 C FKK Account Determination */0010

FQC1005 Prefix for Lot IDs-Acct Stmt Transfr

FQC1071 C FKK Account Determination */R600

FQC1075 C FKK Acct Determination */1075

FQC1091 Acct Determination */1091

FQC1200 Acct Determination */1200

FQC1201 C FKK Acct Determ. */1201

FQC1205 C FKK Acct Determination */1205

FQC1210 Acct Determination */1200

FQC1215 C FI-CA Contract Postings

FQC1350 C FKK Account Determination */1350

FQC1351 Spec. for Posting Reclassifications

FQC1355 C FKK Acct Determination */1355

FQC1400 Acct Determ. IDOC Receivables Items

FQC1401 Account Determ. IDOC Revenue Items

FQC1402 Document Type Determination

FQC1403 Determination of Posting Data

FQC1404 Determination of Posting Transacts

FQC1405 Tax IDs for IDOC Data

FQC1410 Data for Reversing IDOC Documents

FQC1500 Receipt Management Specifications

FQC1510 Credit Specif. from Follow-Up Acts

FQC2 C FKK Account Determination */0020

FQC2120 Receipt Management Specifications

FQC3 C FKK Account Determination */0030

FQC40 C FKK Account Determination */0040

FQC5 C FKK Account Determination */0050

FQC6 C FKK Account Determination */0060

FQC7 C FKK Account Determination */0070

FQC700 Collective Bill Specifications

FQC72 C FKK Acct Determination */0072

FQC8 C FI-CA Account Determination */0071

FQC900 Acct Determination */0900

FQCALLID Maintenance of Table TFKCALLID

FQCC Maintain Bank Sel. IDs for Pymt Run

FQCCINTF Display of Interfaces to SAP CC

FQCE Acct Determination: Error Analysis

FQCF User ID for Bank Transactions

FQCFCC1071 Buchungsdaten für Gutschriften

FQCG C FI-CA Dunning Grouping */0400

FQCODU Cont A/R + A/P - Cust. Dunn. Proced.

FQCR Account Determination: List

FQCR600 C FKK Account Determination */R600

FQCV950 Define Auth. Group for Ins. Objects

FQCVS CVS Bank Clearing Account

FQC_R404 Diff.Accts for Cons.Ports Prev. Year

FQC_R410 Assign Summarization Subtransactions

FQC_R412 Unexpected Revenues in Bill Reversal

FQC_R418 Assign Summarization Subtransactions

FQC_R419 Verdichtungsteilvorgänge zuordnen

FQD1 Productive Start - Delete Test Data

FQD2 Synchronization - Maintain Variants

FQDM0 Posting Area 3000

FQDM1 Posting Area 3001

FQDM2 Posting Area 3002

FQDPR Maintain Defaults for Data Privacy

FQEVENT Display Event


FQEVENT_0550 Display Event 0550

FQEVENT_0551 Display Event 0551

FQEVENT_0553 Display Event 0553

FQEVENT_0554 Display Event 0554

FQEVENT_0556 Display Event 0556

FQEVENT_0558 Display Event 0558

FQEVENT_0965 Display Event 0965

FQEVENT_0966 Display Event 0966

FQEVENT_0967 Display Event 0967

FQEVENT_1774 Display Event 1774

FQEVENT_8205 Display Event 8205

FQEXC1 Define Specifns for Agent Posting

FQEXC2 Doc. Types for Posting for Framework

FQEXC3 Clearing Acct for Payt Lot for ExtCD

FQEXC4 Enter Specif. for Agent Commissions

FQEXC6 Specif. for Posting Cash Desk Diff.

FQEXC7 Deposit and Withdrawal Accounts

FQEXC8 Ext. Cash Desk Serv. Basic Settings

FQEXC9 Cash Desk Closing Acct Ext.Cash Desk

FQFUND Activation Status Fund Accounting

FQGRP Balances Groups

FQH0 Specifications for Diff. Postings

FQH1 Specifications for Diff. Postings

FQH2 Spec. for Document Type Payment Cat.

FQH4 Cash Desk/Cash Journal: CD Accounts

FQH5 Specifications for Diff. Postings

FQH6 Specif. for Dep./Withdrawal Posting

FQI1 Maintain Interest Keys

FQI2 Display Interest Keys

FQI3 Maintain spec. for int. on inst.plan

FQI4 Maintain Interest Entries

FQI4Z Interest: Additional Functions

FQI5 Maintain Cash Sec.Deposit Entries

FQI6 Maintain Mass Activity: Interest

FQI7 Maintain Mass Activ: Cash Sec. Dep.

FQI8 Specifications-Interest on Arrears

FQI9 Processes for witholding tax code

FQINTF Display of Interfaces

FQINTF_CUST Configuration of Interface Display

FQK1 TFK021R (account balance: Search)

FQK2 TFK021R (account balance: Select)

FQK3 TFK021R (account balance: Sort)

FQK5 TFK021R (account balance: Add.field)

FQK50 Derivation of Credit Segment

FQK51 Maintain Credit Segment

FQK52 Central Credit Management Setting

FQK53 Derivation of Credit Segment

FQK54 Definition of Key Figures

FQK55 Settings for Key Figures

FQK56 Time Period for Key Figures

FQK57 Cred.Exp.Cat. for Ext.Billing System

FQK6 TFK021R (posting totals: Search)

FQK8 TFK021R (posting totals: Sort)

FQKA Document: Central Settings

FQKB Document: User Settings

FQKL Existing settings contract A/R & A/P

FQKP Config.: Maintain Display Format

FQKPA Modifiable Fields in Account Maint.

FQKPB Broker Report: Line Layout Variants

FQKPD Document Processing: Variants

FQKPH Man. Issued Checks: Line Layout

FQKPI Payment Specification: Line Layout

FQKPK Document: Line Layout Variants (G/L)

FQKPM Account Balance:Line Layout Variants

FQKPN Bank Report: Line Layout Variants

FQKPO OI Processing: Line Layout Variants

FQKPP Document: Line Layout Variants (OI)

FQKPS Posting Totals: Line Layout Variants

FQKPT Broker Report: Item Entry

FQKPZ Payment Lot: Line Layout Variants

FQKS Account Balance: Sort Variants

FQKX TFK021L(Acct Balance: List Cats)

FQM0 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings

FQM1 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Procedures

FQM12H One Exposure from Operations Report

FQM2 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Dunning Levels

FQM21 Import Bank Cash Balances

FQM3 FI-CA Dunning: Cust.Min/Max Amounts

FQM4 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dun. Charges Type

FQM5 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Groupings

FQM6 FI-CA Dunning-Cust.Dunn.Block Reason

FQM7 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dun.Level Types

FQM8 FI-CA Dunning - Cust.Dunn.Proc.Types

FQM9 FI-CA Dunning - Cust. Charges

FQMASS Mass Activities


FQM_APPLICATION_LOG Application Logs of One Exposure

FQM_ASSIGN_FLOWTYPE Assign Flow Type to Planning Level

FQM_DELETE Delete Data from One Exposure

FQM_INITIALIZE Initialization

FQM_INIT_KF Init. Assign Flow Cat. -> Key Figure

FQM_INIT_TRANSFER Set Params for One Exposure Upload

FQM_MAINTAIN_FLOW Exposure Hub Flow Maintenance

FQM_QUEUE_MONITOR Exposure Hub Queue Monitor

FQM_TRANSFER Transfer Data to One Exposure

FQM_TRANSFER_MANUAL Manual Transfer to One Exposure

FQM_UPD_FLOW_TYPE Update Flow Types in FI Documents

FQM_UPD_HBK_HKT Insert House Banks and Bank Accounts

FQM_UPD_LITEM Rebuild tool for Liquidity Item

FQOGRM Post Gen. Request Specification Docs

FQORD1 Request: Doc. Generation Specificats

FQP1 Define Payment Methods

FQP2 Item Indicator

FQP3 Payment Medium Formats

FQP4 Company Code Details for Payment

FQP5 Payment medium formats:Note to payee

FQP6 Settings for Check Creation

FQP6A Assign Internal Check Numbers

FQP7 Maintain Instruction Key

FQP8 User ID for Bank Transactions

FQP9 DME Foreign Payment Transactions

FQR1 FI-CA Returns - Reason Settings

FQR2 FI-CA Returns - AcctDet Settings

FQR3 Returns - Allocate Return Reason

FQRP17 Tax at Clearing Tax Code

FQS1 Fast Entry: Item List

FQS2 Fast Entry: G/L Item List

FQS3 Fast Entry: Payment Lot

FQSE1 Security Deposit: Clearing

FQSEC Security Deposit: Special Parameters


FQTFK020C FI-CA Maintenance Table TFK020C

FQU1 FI-CA: Transfer Posting: Addl Specs

FQU2 Transfer Items: Trans. Determination

FQUD Customer Queries

FQUK Vendor Queries

FQUS G/L Account Queries

FQV085 Provisional Premium Receivables

FQV093 RFC Destination

FQV094 Derivation Ext. Product & Rev. Type

FQV095 Derivation HVORG/TVORG for Tax Line

FQV096 Tax-Rel. Insurance Object Categories

FQV160 GP Duplicates: Specs PH Change

FQVAR Balances Variants

FQVBUND Doc. Type for VBUND Adjustment Pstg

FQVI01 Agency Coll.: Coll. Default Values

FQVI02 AgencyColl: Third-Party Default Vals

FQVI03 AgencyColls: Agency Postings on Acct

FQVI04 AgencyColl: Cust. Postings on Acct

FQVI05 AgencyColl: Deposits/Withdrawals

FQVI06 AgencyColl: Deposits/Withdrawals

FQVI07 AgencyColl: Clarification Code

FQVI08 AgencyColl: Internal Temp. Coll.

FQVI09 AgencyColl: External Temp. Coll.

FQVI10 AgencyColl: TransPost CGT

FQVI11 AgencyColl: TransPost 3rd-P. Comm.

FQVI12 AgencyColl: Payt Meths AgencyPaytRun

FQVI13 AgencyColl: Specs Shares Insurance

FQVI14 Agency Collections: Transactions

FQVI15 AgencyColl: Internal Temp. Coll.

FQVI16 Agency Collections: Document Types

FQVI17 Agency Coll: On Acct Transactions

FQVI18 Agency Coll: On Acct Clarifctn Code

FQVI19 AgencyColl: Reversal Specifications

FQVI20 Agency Coll: On Acct Clarif. Code

FQVI21 AgencyColl: Specs Shares Insurance

FQVI22 AgencyColl.: Payt Lock Subcomm.

FQVI23 Agency Coll.: Fax Broker Defaults

FQVI24 AgencyColl: Internal Enh. Temp. Coll

FQVI25 AgencyColl: Create Depot in TempColl

FQXI01 Derivations for Down Payment Request

FQZ01 FI-CA: Acct Det-Alt. Acct Reversal

FQZ01F Alt. Accts for Aperiodic Invoicing

FQZ02 FI-CA: Charge-Off Specs

FQZ02A FI-CA: Charge-Off Specs

FQZ03 FI-CA: Mass Write-Off Specifications

FQZ03A FI-CA: Mass Write-Off Specifications

FQZ04 FI-CA: G/L Acct Det Write Off

FQZ04A FI-CA: Write-Off Acct Determination

FQZ04B Maintain Table TFK048AB

FQZ04M Mass W/Off: Specif. and Default Vals

FQZ04S Write-Offs: Specif. and Default Vals

FQZ04T Write-Off without Tax Adjustment

FQZ04U Alterna. Expense and Revenue Account

FQZ04W External System for Tax Calculation

FQZ04X Transactions for Ext. Tax Calculat.

FQZ05 FI-CA: Acct Det - Autom. Clearing

FQZ06 FI-CA: Installm.Plan Inact. Dunn.Run

FQZ07 FI-CA: Default Vals Receivable Valtn

FQZ08 FI-CA: Acct Det.-Doubtful Items

FQZ09 FI-CA: Acct Det - Deferred Revenues

FQZ09A FI-CA: Acct Det - Deferred Revenues

FQZ1 FI-CA: Account Balance Line Layout

FQZ10 FI-CA: Default Vals Delayed Revenues

FQZ100 C FKK Acct Determination */Z100

FQZ1072 Biller Direct: Overpayment Specifs

FQZ1073 Biller Direct: Overpayment Reversal

FQZ1074 BD: Overpayment Clearing Account

FQZ11 FI-CA: Acct Det.-Ind.Val.Adjustment

FQZ12 Tax Calculation Typ Indiv.Value Adj.

FQZ13 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFKZGR

FQZ14 FI-CA Maintenance Table TFKZRGR

FQZ15 FI-CA: Coll. Agency Specifications

FQZ16 FI-CA: Acct Det. - G/L Transfer

FQZ17 Maintain Table TFKZVAR

FQZ18 Maintain Table TFKZMETH

FQZ19 Maintain Table TFKZGRME

FQZ1A FI-CA: Acct Det.-Ind.Val.Adjustment

FQZ2 FI-CA: OI Processing Line Layout

FQZ20 FI-CA: AcctDet - Indiv. Val. Adj. CZ

FQZ21 FI-CA: Collection Agency Pstg Specs.

FQZ22 FI-CA: Callback Data Specifications

FQZ23 FI-CA: Information to Coll. Agency

FQZ24 FI-CA: Document Type for VAT Percep.

FQZ25 FI-CA: Information to Coll. Agency

FQZ26 Collection Agencies

FQZ28 FI-CA: Alt.tax acct. for IVA

FQZ29 FI-CA: AcctDet - TaxAdj.

FQZ2A Maintain Table TFKZWEX

FQZ2B Maintenance of Table TFKZVARI

FQZ3 FI-CA: Posting Totals Line Layout

FQZ4 FI-CA: Screen Var. B/P Item Posting

FQZ5 FI-CA: Screen var.for post.G/L items

FQZ6 FI-CA: Payment Lot Screen Variants

FQZ7 FI-CA: Returns Lot Screen Variants

FQZ8 FI-CA: Acct Det. - Output Tax

FQZ9 FI-CA: AcctDet - Tax Clearing/Dwnpmt

FQZA FI-CA: AcctDet - CoCode Clearing

FQZB FI-CA: AccDet - Charges Rec. Revenue

FQZBW Activate Valuation Area

FQZC FI-CA: Account Det. - Cash Discount

FQZD FI-CA: AcctDet - Exchange Rate Diff.

FQZE FI-CA: Acct Det. - G/L Transfer

FQZE1 G/L Transfer Addit. Specifications

FQZE2 G/L Transfer Addit. Specifications

FQZF FI-CA: Acct Det. - Returns

FQZG FI-CA: AccDet - Down Pmnt/Charge

FQZGM FI-CA: Acct Asg. Collab. Liability

FQZH FI-CA: Acct Maint. Default Entries

FQZH2 FI-CA: Credit Memo Clearing (EBPP)

FQZI FI-CA: Incoming Pmnt Specifications

FQZJ FI-CA: Clariftn Acct Incmg Paymnts

FQZK FI-CA: Reverse Doc. Default Entries

FQZL FI-CA: Payment Program: Bank Accts

FQZM FI-CA: Doc Posting: Default Entries

FQZN FI-CA: Act Det.-Inc.Pmnt Refund Acct

FQZO FI-CA: AcctDet- Reset Clrd Itms Def.

FQZP FI-CA: AcctDet.- Reset Clrg: New OI

FQZQ FI-CA: Doc Posting: Default Entries

FQZS FI-CA: Returns: Default Entries

FQZT FI-CA: Check Deposit Clearing

FQZU FI-CA: AcctDet-Inst. plan charges

FQZU1 Install.Plan Surcharge Enh. Active

FQZU2 Installment Plan:Exclude HVORG/TVORG

FQZU6 Add. Inst.Plan Enhancement Active

FQZV FI-CA: Payment Cards: Acct Determ.

FQZX FI-CA: Payment Cards: Acct Determ.

FQZY FI-CA: Dunning: Defaults

FQZZ FI-CA: Instal.Plan Interest Spec.

FQ_ENH_BRCDE Erweiterung anlegen: Barcode

FQ_ENH_BROKR Create Enhancement: Broker

FQ_ENH_CCARD Create Enhancement: Payment Cards

FQ_ENH_EINV Tcode for Einvoice Norway activation

FQ_ENH_J1B Erweiterung anlegen: Brasiliensteuer

FQ_ENH_LDGRP Create Enhancement: Ledger Group

FQ_ENH_LOCKT Create Enhancement: Lock Comment

FQ_ENH_NEWGL Create Enhancement: FI-GL (New)

FQ_ENH_OPORD Create Enhancement: Classificatn Key

FQ_ENH_PPACC Create Enhancement: Prepaid Account

FQ_ENH_PSD Create Enhancement: PSD

FQ_ENH_RDI Create Enhancement: Revenue Distrib.

FQ_ENH_USTPD Create Enhancement: U.S. Taxes

FQ_ENH_VTREF Create Enhancement: Contract

FQ_FILTER Change Filter (Customizing)

FQ_FPCJ_ACTIVITIES Role-Specific Activities

FQ_FPCJ_NC Normal Clerk

FQ_FPCJ_NC_462 Normal Clerk

FQ_FPCJ_NC_GT_462 Normal Clerk

FQ_FPCJ_SC Clerk with Special Tasks

FQ_FPCJ_SC_462 Clerk with Special Tasks

FQ_FPCJ_SC_GT_462 Clerk with Special Tasks

FQ_FPCJ_SU Branch Office Manager

FQ_FPCJ_SU_462 Branch Office Manager

FQ_FPCJ_SU_GT_462 Branch Office Manager

FR01 Change original commitments

FR02 Display original commitments

FR04 Change original payments

FR05 Display original payments

FR07 Change Release for Commitment Bdgt

FR08 Display Release Commitments

FR10 Change Release for Payment Bdgt

FR11 Display Release Payments

FR15 Change Supplement Commitments

FR16 Display Supplement Commitments

FR19 Change Supplement Payments

FR20 Display Supplement Payments

FR22 Mandantencopy fuer FMDYNHST

FR23 Change Return Commitments

FR24 Display Return Commitments

FR27 Change Return Payments

FR28 Display Return Payments

FR50 Enter Original Budget

FR51 Enter Release

FR52 Enter Supplement

FR53 Enter Return

FR54 Distribute Original Budget

FR55 Distribute Release

FR56 Distribute Supplement

FR57 Distribute Return

FR58 Post

FR59 Change document

FR60 Display Document

FR61 Park Original Budget

FR62 Park Release

FR63 Park Supplement

FR64 Park Return

FR65 Park Original Budget Distribution

FR66 Park Release Distribution

FR67 Park Supplement Distribution

FR68 Park Return Distribution

FR69 Park Transfer

FR70 Post Parked Document

FR71 Cancel Parked Document

FR72 Display Parked Document

FR73 Change Parked Document

FR81 Loc.Auth.: Budget Reduction

FR86 Loc.Auth.: Enter Residual Budget

FR87 Distribute Budget Types with Release

FR88 FM: Loc.Auth.: Mass Release

FR89 Reverse Document

FR90 Loc.auth: Distribute budget types

FR91 Loc.Auth.: Transfer with auto. rel.

FR92 Reconstruction of Release Groups

FRACTIV Activate Subdivision

FRCA Settlement calendar

FRCISUB1 Process Substring1 Commitment Item

FRCISUB1_SET Create Cmmt Item Substring1 Group

FRCISUB2 Process Substring2 Commitment Item

FRCISUB2_SET Create Cmmt Item Substring2 Group

FRCISUB3 Process Substring3 Commitment Item

FRCISUB3_SET Create Cmmt Item Substring3 Group

FRCISUB4 Process Substring4 Commitment Item

FRCISUB4_SET Create Cmmt Item Substring4 Group

FRCISUB5 Process Substring5 Commitment Item

FRCISUB5_SET Create Cmmt Item Substring5 Group

FRE01 Initial Transfer of Data to F&R

FRE02 Transfer Changed Data to F&R

FRE03 Transfer Time Series Data

FRE04 Transfer Open Orders to F&R

FRE05 Transfer Changed Sls Prices to F&R

FRE06 Processing of Order Inbound Buffer

FRE07 Re-initial Transfer of Data

FRE10 Transfer Reference Site to F&R

FRE11 Initial Transfer of DIF Occurrences

FRE12 Delta Transfer of DIF Occurrences

FRE13 Delete Admin.Data for DIF Occurrence

FRE14 Transfer of reference assignm data

FRE15 Deletion of reference data

FRE16 InitTrnsfr. DIF Occur. for No. Sites

FRE17 DeltTrnsfr. DIF Occur. for No. Sites

FRE18 Delete DIF Occ. for No. Sites

FRE19 Trans. P.Org + P.Org Assgn. to F&R

FRE20 Update Procurement Cycles

FRE21 Upd. Assignment of Initial Buy Check

FRE22 Upd. Assignment of Central PO Cal.

FRE23 Upd. Repl. Block. After Cust. Change

FRE24 Logistical Rounding Delta

FRE25 Processing Methods Delta

FRE27 Transfer Structured Materials to F&R

FRE30 Maintenance of Table FRE_MD_PRODUCT

FRE31 Maintenance of Interface Tables MD4

FRE32 Calculate planned delivery time

FRE33 Deletion of Consumption Data

FRE34 Maintenance of Table FRE_OP_PO_KEY

FRE35 Reo Change Pointer Stock Consumption

FRE50 Send Switchover Information

FRE51 Reorganization Switchover Info

FRE55 Send Assignment Data

FRE80 No. Range Maintnce: FRE_PROCYC

FRE81 No. Range Maintnce: FRE_DIFREF

FRE83 Number Range Maintenance: FRE_DIF2

FRE84 Number Range Maintenance: FRE_RELPRO

FRE_C1 Check Master Data

FRE_C2 Check Supply Net Data

FRE_C3 Check Layout Module

FRE_C4 Check Order Data

FRE_C5 Reorganization F&R Control Tables

FRE_C6 Check Sales Order Data

FRE_UI User Interface for F&R Messages

FRFCSUB1 Process Substring1 Fund Center

FRFCSUB1_SET Create Funds Center Substring1 Group

FRFCSUB2 Process Substring2 Fund Center

FRFCSUB2_SET Create Funds Center Substring2 Group

FRFCSUB3 Process Substring3 Fund Center

FRFCSUB3_SET Create Funds Center Substring3 Group

FRFDSUB1 Process Substring1 Fund

FRFDSUB1_SET Create Fund Substring1 Group

FRFDSUB2 Process Substring2 Fund

FRFDSUB2_SET Create Fund Substring2 Group

FRFNSUB1 Process Substring1 Functional Area

FRFNSUB1_SET Create Func. Area Substring1 Group

FRFNSUB2 Process Substring2 Functional Area

FRFNSUB2_SET Create Func. Area Substring2 Group

FRFNSUB3 Process Substring3 Functional Area

FRFNSUB3_SET Create Func. Area Substring3 Group

FRFT Rapid Entry with Repetitive Code

FRFT2 Repetitive fast entry form

FRFT_B Repetitive Codes: Payment to Banks

FRFT_TR Repetitives: Payment Treasury Partnr

FRH1 Loc.Auth.: Enter Budget Release

FRH2 Loc.Auth.: Enter Local Block

FRH3 Komm.: Freigabe erfassen - Sammelv.

FRH4 Komm.: lokale Sperre erf. - Sammelv.

FRH5 No longer used

FRH6 Create Release Group Profile

FRH7 Transfer of Residl Bdgts from CoverP

FRHU2 Random creation of HUs

FRML03 Display Recipe Formula

FRML04 Formula Information System

FRMLC01 Customizing: Formula Level Assignmt

FRMLC02 Customiz.: Formula Conversion Assig.

FRMLC03 Custom.: Check Function/Level Assig.

FRMLC04 Custom.: General Environment Param.

FRMLC05 Customizing: Composition Display

FRMLC06 Customizing for Units of Measurement

FRMLC07 Customiz.: Substance Types per View

FRMLC08 Customizing Status

FRMLC13 Specify Field Attributes

FRMLC30 Customizing Formula Tables Layout

FRMLC35 Customizing for Key Figures

FRMLC43 Set/Activate Customizing Views

FRMLC47 Customizing Assignmt ChkMod./ F.Lev.

FRMLC49 Roles for Events

FRMLC50 Roles for Events (Explosion)

FRMLC51 Customizing Component for Event

FRMLC52 Set Parameters for Formula View

FRMLC53 Parameters for Explosion Scope

FRMLC60 Customizing User Exits OPEN / CLOSE

FRMN Credit Management

FRSTRID Define Subdivision

FRSUBDIV Define Substrings

FS00 G/L acct master record maintenance

FS00001 Create Business Partner

FS00002 Change Business Partner

FS00003 Display Business Partner

FS00101 Create Business Partner Customer

FS00102 Change Business Partner Customer

FS00103 Display Business Partner Customer

FS01 Create Master Record

FS02CORE Maintain G/L account

FS03 Display Master Record

FS10 G/L Account Balance

FS10N Balance Display

FS10NA Display Balances

FS15 Copy G/L account changes: Send

FS16 Copy G/L account changes: Receive

FSAA Display Address for Bal.Confirmatns

FSAP Addresses for Balance Confirmations

FSAV Balance Confirmations: Reply View

FSBPCC_TAXC Enter Tax Compliance Types

FSBPCC_TAXC2CTRY Enter Countries for Tax Compliance

FSBPCC_TAXCRSN Enter Reasons for Compliance Status

FSBP_CREATE_RC_CP Create Change Pointer for Reconc.

FSBP_CREATE_RC_CP_DP Reconcile Purpose of Use

FSBP_TC_CUST_CHECK Check Consistency of Customizing

FSBP_TC_SHOW Display Total Commitment

FSBP_TC_STATUS Change Status of Total Commitment

FSCD Change Document List

FSCDEXPIRY1 Create Expiry Notes

FSCPAR01 FI-CA: Bal. Int. Calc. Archiving

FSCPBAC Acct Balance Interest Notification

FSCPBAH Balance Interest Calculation History

FSCPI1 Balance Interest Calculation Run

FSCQAR01A FI-CA Bal.Int.Cal. Archiv.Res.Time

FSCQAR01B Activate AS for Bal. Int. Cal. Arch.

FSCQS000 Acct Determ. for Receivables Accts

FSCQS001 Acct Determination: Revenue Accounts

FSCQS082 Specifs for Bal. Int. Calculation

FSCQS100 Payment Media ID for Appl. Forms

FSCQS400 Specs for Bal. Int. Calc. Reset

FSCYT_CFM_CALC CFM Edit Withholding Tax Debit-Side

FSCYT_CFM_STORNO CFM Reverse Withholding Tax Debit

FSCYT_CFM_TAX_APO CFMReverse Withholding Tax Subledger

FSCYT_CFM_TAX_APO_ST CFM Reverse Withholding Tax Subledge

FSCYT_CML_CALC Withholding Tax for Reg. Securities

FSCYT_CML_STORNO Reversal Withholding Tax for Reg.Sec

FSC_REL_IT Italy: Release Fascimil Block

FSE0_EXPORT_DETAILS Data Export for Elect. F/S: Accounts

FSE0_EXPORT_NODES Data Export for Electronic F/S:Items


FSE0_EXP_AHS_NODES EFS Data Export: Asset Hist. Sh. It.

FSE0_XBRL F/S Version Acc. to XBRL Taxonomy

FSE1_XBRL F/S Version from XBRL Taxonomy

FSE1_XBRL_COPY F/S Version: A/c Assignment Transfer

FSE3 Display Financial Statement Version

FSE6N Display Planning

FSE8 Display Forgn Lang Fin.Statmnt Texts

FSE9 Automatic Financial Statement Form

FSEPA_M1 SEPA: Create Mandate

FSEPA_M2 SEPA: Change Mandate

FSEPA_M3 SEPA: Display Mandate

FSEPA_M3_LUW SEPA: Display Mandate (in new LUW)

FSEPA_M4 SEPA: List Mandates

FSF1 Financial Calendar

FSH01 Flight Scheduling : Master Data

FSH01N Flight Scheduling : Master Data

FSH02 Flight Scheduling : Detail Data

FSH02N Flight Scheduling : Detail Data

FSH_CHAR_CONVERSION Define characteristic conversion

FSH_CIF_BATCH_CL Default Class for Batches at Plant

FSH_CIF_BTCHCHR Batch Characteristics

FSH_CO09 Generic Article CO09

FSH_CTCT Maintain Condition Tables

FSH_CTFC Maintain Field Catalog

FSH_CT_ACC_SEQ Maintenance of Access Sequences

FSH_CT_COND_TYPE Maintain Condition Types

FSH_CT_DET_PROC Determination procedure maintenance

FSH_DEF_CONV Define Conv. for the characteristic

FSH_MASS_SD Mass change transaction

FSH_MD04 Stock/Requirements List for Fashion

FSH_MG_ATTRI Maintain Fashion attributes

FSH_PCW Production Control Workbench

FSH_PFM Miantain PFM Rules

FSH_PIR PIR workbech for Fashion

FSH_PROD Create product number for GTS transf

FSH_PSM Miantain PSM Rules

FSH_SDM_AGG FM : Stock Demand Mapping Aggregator


FSH_SEASONS_NR FSH: Number Range for Seasons

FSH_SPLITPO Split Purchase Order

FSH_SPLIT_PO Split Purchase Order

FSH_SRED Season Re-determination

FSH_SWB Season Workbench

FSH_VAR_CONDITION Condition Maintenance

FSH_VAR_CTCT Maintain Condition Tables

FSH_VAR_CTFC Maintain Field Catalog

FSH_VAR_CT_ACC_SEQ Maintenance of Access Sequences

FSH_VAR_CT_COND_TYPE Maintain Condition Types

FSH_VAR_CT_DET_PROC Determination procedure maintenance

FSH_VAR_MM Condition Maintenance

FSH_VAR_MM_NUM_RANGE Number Range for Fashion Pur. Grid

FSH_VAR_SD Condition Maintenance

FSH_VAR_SD_NUM_RANGE Number Range for Fashion Sales Grid

FSH_VAS Condition Maintenance

FSH_VASA Condition Maintenance

FSH_VAS_MM Condition Maintenance

FSH_VAS_NR FSH: Number Range for VAS

FSH_VAS_RED VAS Redetermination Report

FSH_VAS_RED_NR Number Ranges for VAS redetn.

FSH_VAS_SD Condition Maintenance

FSH_VPO Purchasing Document VAS Details

FSH_VSO Sales Document VAS Details

FSI0 Execute report

FSI1 Create Report

FSI2 Change Report

FSI3 Display Report

FSI4 Create Form

FSI5 Change Form

FSI6 Display Form

FSIC Maintain Currency Translation Type

FSIG Balance Sheet Reports Criteria Group

FSIK Maintain Key Figures

FSIM Report Monitor

FSIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

FSK2 Maintain Sample Rules

FSK2_OLD Maintain Sample Rules

FSKA Change Cost Element

FSL_EVALUNR Number Range Maintenance: SL_EVALU

FSL_VALU_NR Number Range Maint.: SL Valuation

FSM3 Display Sample Account


FSO3 Display Finan.Statement Vers. (Old)

FSP0 G/L acct master record in chrt/accts

FSP3 Display Master Record in Chart/Accts

FSRD Loans Regulatory Reporting CH

FSRG Money Mkt Regulatory Reporting CH

FSRW Securities Regulatory Reporting CH

FSS0 G/L account master record in co code

FSS1 Create Master Record in Company Code

FSS2 Change Master Record in Company Code

FSS3 Display Master Record in Comp.Code

FSSA Display Bal.Confirmatns Sel.Criteria

FSSC_SR_CO_REPORT Service Request Report for CO

FSSC_SR_FI_REPORT Service requestion report for FI

FSSP Change Bal.Confirmatns Sel.Criteria

FST2 Maintain Account Name

FST3 Display Account Name

FS_BUT021 Data Transfer to but021_fs

FT10002 Create Treasury partner

FT10003 Create Treasury partner

FTB01001 Create Principal Loan Partner

FTB01002 Change Principal Loan Partner

FTB01003 Display Principal Loan Partner

FTB01501 Create Issuer

FTB01502 Change issuer

FTB01503 Display issuer

FTB01511 Create Counterparty

FTB01512 Change Counterparty

FTB01513 Display Counterparty

FTB01521 Create Depository Bank

FTB01522 Create Depository Bank

FTB01523 Create Depository Bank

FTB01531 Create Paying Bank

FTB01532 Create Paying Bank

FTB01533 Create Paying Bank

FTB01541 Create Beneficiary

FTB01542 Create Beneficiary

FTB01543 Create Beneficiary

FTB02001 Create Guarantor

FTB02002 Display Guarantor

FTB02003 Display Guarantor

FTB02021 Create Different Settler

FTB02022 Display Different Settler

FTB02023 Display Different Settler

FTBP1 Create business partner

FTBP2 Create business partner

FTBP3 Create business partner

FTEX Exp.bill.doc.analysis

FTE_BSM Bank Statement Monitor

FTE_BSM_CUST Customizing: Bank Statement Monitor

FTE_POWL_LINE_ITEMS line items display for powl

FTE_POWL_POSTPROC postprocessing

FTE_POWL_STMT_DISP bank statment display for POWL

FTE_POWL_STMT_LAST last bank statment display for POWL

FTGR Import Gds Receipt Analysis

FTIM Import Order Analysis

FTI_FAS157_LEVEL3 Level3 details report

FTI_FAS157_LEV_LOAN Maintain levels for Securities

FTI_FAS157_LEV_OTC Maintain levels for OTC deals

FTI_FAS157_LEV_SEC Maintain levels for Securities

FTI_FAS157_OVERVIEW FAS157 Compliance Overview

FTLC_TBSCOP SAPscript: Standard Texts

FTR01 Maintain Number Ranges

FTR02 Bill of Exchange List

FTR03 Bill of Exchange Transactions

FTR04 Reversal of Bill Transactions

FTR05 Printout of Transaction Records

FTR06 Inflation Adj. of Monetary Items

FTRAMORTISATIONLOG03 Display Amortisation Log

FTRBP03 Display Business Partner

FTRBUSTRANS03 Display Business Transaction

FTRCL Closing of Expense Accounts

FTRCOEX11 Archive Commodity Price Exposures

FTRCOEXCREATEBGRFC Set Up bgRFC for Commodity Exposures

FTRCOEXLG1 Log Commodity Price Exposure Update

FTRCOEXLOADFTA Initialization of Fin. Transaction

FTRCOEXLOADTEX Load Commodity Price Exposures

FTRCOEXROLLMATST Carry Forward Mat. Stock Exposures

FTRCOMS00 Collective Processing of COMS

FTRCOMS01 Create Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS02 Change Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS03 Display Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS04 Settle Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS05 Reverse Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS06 Give Notice on Commodity Swap

FTRCOMS07 Commodity Swap: Display History


FTREX1 Raw Exposure Maintenance

FTREX12 Exposure Position List

FTREX13 Exposure Flows Display

FTREX15 Exposure Position Transfer to E-HA

FTREX2 Raw Exposures Display

FTREX21 Process Unmatched Transactions

FTREX25 Mass Fixing for Raw Exposures

FTREX31 Preprocess Step to Set Archive Ind.

FTREX32 For Archive Reset

FTREX41 Archiving of Raw Exposure Objects

FTREX42 Archiving of Position Objects

FTREX5 Mass Release for Raw Exposures

FTREX7 Maintain Commodity Split

FTREX_LG1 Log for Logistics to Treasury

FTRFUTACCOUNT03 Display Futures Account

FTRPAYMENTJOURNAL03 Display Payment Journal

FTRPOSINDICATOR03 Display Position Indicator

FTRPOSMANPROC03 Display Pos. Management Procedure

FTRSECACCOUNT03 Display Security Account

FTRSECCLASS03 Display Security Class

FTRSL G/L Account Balances

FTRSLK Expense Account Balances

FTRTBG01 Create Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG02 Change Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG03 Display Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG04 Settle Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG05 Reverse Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG06 Terminate Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG07 History of Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG08 Execute Order

FTRTBG09 Roll Over Bank Guarantee

FTRTBG10 Expire Order

FTRTDPP01 Trade Finance: DPP

FTRTLC00 Trade Finance: Collective Processing

FTRTLC01 Create Letter of Credit

FTRTLC02 Change Letter of Credit

FTRTLC03 Display Letter of Credit

FTRTLC04 Settle Letter of Credit

FTRTLC05 Reverse Letter of Credit

FTRTLC06 Terminate Letter of Credit

FTRTLC07 History of Letter of Credit

FTRTLC08 Execute Order

FTRTLC09 Roll Over Letter of Credit

FTRTLC10 Expire Order

FTRTLC11 Present Letter of Credit

FTRTRES00 Collective Processing of TRES

FTRTRES01 Create Total Return Swap

FTRTRES02 Change Total Return Swap

FTRTRES03 Display Total Return Swap

FTRTRES04 Settle Total Return Swap

FTRTRES05 Reverse Total Return Swap

FTRTRES06 Advance Maturity of TRES

FTRTRES07 History of a Total Return Swap

FTRTRES08 Exercise a Total Return Swap

FTRTRES11 Dividend Payment of a TRES

FTRTRESMAT Maturity Schedule Total Return Swaps

FTRUE Cost of Sales Statement

FTRV_CONFIG Define Communication Profile

FTRV_MAPPING_CONF Define Mapping Rules

FTR_00 Collective Processing

FTR_ALERT Financial Transaction: Alert Monitor


FTR_ALRT_BTCH CO Alert in batch mode

FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST00 Min. Retention Per. FTR CoCd-Depend.

FTR_ARCHIVE_CUST01 Min.Retention Per. FTR per Prod.Type

FTR_ARCHIV_RETENTN Maintenance of retention period

FTR_ARCH_W Fin. Transaction: Create Archive

FTR_BAPI BAPI Test Program


FTR_BP_BIC Maintain BIC/Account for BP

FTR_COCREATE Create Manual Correspondence Object

FTR_COMATCH Match unmatched correspondences

FTR_COMONI Correspondence monitor

FTR_COPY_COMP Copy Company Code Dependent Settings

FTR_COSEND Execute Unsent Correspondences

FTR_CO_ARCHIVE For archiving of co objects

FTR_CREATE Create Transaction (TR-TM)

FTR_CSPRD Credit Spread - OTC Transactions

FTR_CTY_POS Open-Positions Reporting

FTR_CTY_POS_MCS Open-Positions Reporting

FTR_C_MENU Transaction: Task Menu

FTR_DERIVE_EXP_CAT Determination of Exposure Category

FTR_DERIVE_EXP_FIELD Derivation of Exposure Fields

FTR_DERIVE_EXP_HEDGE Define Trfr Rules: Exp. to Hedg.Mgmt

FTR_DISPLAY Transaction Display

FTR_DISVARIANT_DEF TCO: Define display variants

FTR_EDIT Process Treasury Transaction

FTR_EXT_ASSIGN Maint.Profile & BPG ass. to Ext.Rec

FTR_HMLOG_ARCH_W E-HA Log: Create Archive

FTR_IMPORT Import Incoming Messages

FTR_INB_ASSIGN Maintain BP group for inbound format

FTR_INB_FUNC Assign inbound function to partner

FTR_INT_ASSIGN Maint.Prof. & BPG Assign. to Int.Rec


FTR_MASS_EXEC Forex: Mass Execution

FTR_MASS_ORDR_EXPIRY Forex: Mass Order Expiry

FTR_MASS_SETTLE Mass Settlemt Financial Transactions

FTR_NOTE_CREATE Note creation

FTR_NR_CO Define Number Ranges for CO ID

FTR_NR_MATCH Define Number Ranges for Match ID

FTR_RECON_CA_BATCH Reconcile Corporate Actions in Batch

FTR_RENM_PROD Copy/Ren. Prod.Type + All Dep. Sett.

FTR_RPS Repayment Schedule

FTR_SAT_ACTVT Correspondence Activities for SAT

FTR_SAT_ALRT Maintain alert cat for sec. accounts

FTR_SEND_APPRVL Send for approval in batch mode

FTR_SI_DERIVE TCOR Derive Settlement Instruction


FTR_SWIFT_MAP Map Swift Message

FTR_TARO_DER_CONTENT Determination of TARO Content

FTR_TARO_DER_DER_CNT Determination of TARO Deriv. Content

FTR_TARO_IMPORT Import Incoming Messages

FTR_TARO_IMP_REPORTS Import Period-End Reports

FTR_TARO_MONITOR Monitor for Trade Repository Objects

FTR_TARO_PROCESS Process Trade Repository Objects

FTR_TARO_SEND Send Trade Repository Objects

FTR_TARO_TRADE_ID Update Transactions with Ext.TradeID

FTR_THRESHOLD_CALC Calculate Key Figures for CTR

FTR_THRESHOLD_DISP Clearing Threshold Report

FTR_THRESHOLD_RM Set Risk Mitigation Indicator

FTR_THRESHOLD_RM_DER Risk Mitigation Checkbox Defaults

FTR_TRM_COR_REL01 Customizing correspondence release

FTR_TRM_EM_REL01 Customizing of the Release Tool

FTR_TRTM_TPM_ARCH Archiving of Treasury Positions

FTR_XI_MAP_FXLEG Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data

FTR_XI_MAP_FXOPTION Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data

FTR_XI_MAP_FXSWAP Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data

FTR_XI_MAP_GEN Mapping for Gen. Transaction Data

FTUS Foreign Trade: Maintain User Data

FTW0 Tax data retention and reporting

FTW1A Extract Data

FTWA Extract data

FTWAD Associated data detector

FTWB Retrieve archived data

FTWC Merge extracts

FTWCF Field catalog

FTWCS Segment catalog

FTWD Verify data extract checksums

FTWE Verify control totals (FI documents)

FTWE1 Verify all FI control totals

FTWES Data extract splitter

FTWESL Display extract splitter log

FTWF Data extract browser

FTWH Data view queries

FTWI Create background job

FTWJ Clear data retrieved from archives

FTWK Delete extracts

FTWL Display extract log

FTWM Rebuild data extract

FTWN Display view query log

FTWP Settings for data extraction

FTWQ Configure data file data segments

FTWQMD Number range maintenance: TXW_SN_MD

FTWQTD Number range maintenance: TXW_SN_TD

FTWR File size worksheet

FTWS Transport configuration and logs

FTWSCC DART: Settings for Company Codes

FTWW List segment information

FTWX Data file view authority groups

FTWY Maintain data file view

FTWYR DART: Maintain Segment Relationships

FTXA Display Tax Code

FTXP Maintain Tax Code

FT_PULL_FILES Upload Customs Data

FUCN_BATCH_PRINTLOG Display Batch Print Log

FUCN_PRINTLOG_DISP Display Background Print Log

FUCN_SAMPDOC_DEL Delete Sample Document

FV02 Reverse Correction Items

FV08 Reverse input tax treatment run

FV11 Create condition

FV12 Change condition

FV13 Display condition

FV50 Park G/L Account Items

FV50L Park G/L Acct Doc. for Ledger Group

FV53 Display Parked G/L Account Document

FV60 Park Incoming Invoices

FV63 Displayed Parked Vendor Document

FV65 Park Incoming Credit Memos

FV70 Preliminary Entry Outbound Invoices

FV73 Display Parked Customer Document

FV75 Park Outgoing Credit Notes

FVBTEP BTE Process Text Module for RE

FVCP Copy Program for Form Variants


FVD_CORR_HISTORY Display Correspondence History

FVD_CORR_PRINT_LOG Appl. Log for Correspond. Print Run

FVD_CORR_PRINT_START Start Correspondence Print Run

FVE3 Foreign Exchange Valuation

FVE4 Quotation Currency Conversion

FVE7 Reverse Forex Valuation

FVI5 Electronic rent collection

FVIESR RE: Import POR data (Switzerland)

FVIQ Legacy data transfer of compos.rates

FVIR Legcy Data Trnsfr:Reset Option Rates

FVMCA01A Park FX Position Adjustment

FVMCA01AL Park FX Position Adjust. for LG

FVMCA01J Park MCA Journal

FVMCA01JL Park MCA Journal for Ledger Group

FVMCA01S Park FX Swap

FVMCA01SL Park FX Swap for Ledger Group

FVOE Edit Transfer Table. Opt.Rates

FVOI Create Transfer Table Opt.Rates

FVOP Transfer Opt.Rates to Prod.System

FVVC Transfer input tax correct.values

FVVD Lgcy Data Reset Inp.Tax.Correct.Val.

FVVE Data Transfer Input Tax Correction

FVVOZ Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object

FVZA Inflow/outflow list report

FW FW.. reserved for VV-Securities

FW-1 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_ANLA

FW-2 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_BEKI

FW-3 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_ORDER

FW-4 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_PNNR

FW-5 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_KMNR

FW-6 Number range maintenance: FVVW_KMNR

FW-7 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_PODOC

FW-8 Number Range Maintenance: FVVW_KOBJ

FW17 Maintain Security Price

FW18 Display Security Price

FW20 Create Securities Account

FW21 Display Securities Account

FW24 Display CoCd Position Indicators

FW24A Display Sec.Acct Position Indicators

FW26 Change Securities Account

FW27 Maintain index

FW28 Maintain index status

FW29 Maintain Index Type

FW43 Customizing Currency Swap Accounts

FW44 Customizing portfolio items

FW45 Customizing lock flags

FW46 Customizing holding share

FW47 Customizing tax rates

FW48 Customizing dealers

FW49 Customizing reservation reasons

FW51 Customizing valuation principles

FW52 Customizing valuation classes

FW53 Customizing valuation in CoCd

FW54 Customizing ref.prod.type/repmnt typ

FW55 Customizing: Ref.prod.type/sec.class

FW56 Customizing user-specific loan key

FW57 Customizing user-specific loan key

FW59 Customizing secondary index

FW60 Customizing sec.class relation.types

FW61 Customizing valuation principles

FW62 Customizing valuation principles

FW63 Customizing rate type

FW84 Customizing security type

FW85 Customizing funds type

FWAA Execute Amortization

FWACR Reverse Amortization

FWBA BAV Transfer/Securities Init. Screen

FWBC BAV Info. - Securities Init. Screen

FWBJ Posting journal

FWBK Balance sheet transfer

FWBS Manual Posting

FWCP Calculate Position

FWDG Class information

FWDP Securities account list

FWER Exercise Security Rights

FWER_DRAWING Drawable Bonds: Mass Processing

FWER_STORNO_NEU Reversal Rights

FWIW Securities information

FWK0 Edit corporate action

FWKB Post corporate action

FWKS Reverse corporate action

FWLL Proportion of Equity and Voting Rept

FWMY Securities management

FWO0 Display Flows from Oper. Valn Area

FWO1 Create order

FWO2 Change order

FWO3 Display order

FWO4 Create order execution

FWO5 Change order execution

FWO6 Display order execution

FWO7 Create order settlement

FWO8 Change order settlement

FWO9 Display order settlement

FWOA Execute order

FWOB Settle order execution

FWOC Settle order

FWOE Reverse Posting

FWOEZ Reverse Debit Position

FWOF Change transaction

FWOG Display transaction

FWOH Settle transaction

FWOI Display posted order settlement

FWOK Display reversed settlement

FWOP Update Flows from Oper. Valn Area

FWOS Reverse order settlement

FWPA Period-end closing

FWPA_EMERGENCY Old Period-End Closing - Emergencies

FWPL Display Last Period-End Closing

FWPR Reset Period-End Closing

FWR1 Customizing Acct Assignm. Refer.(Mod

FWSB Rate/price valn

FWSO Automatic debit position

FWSS Reverse Rate/Price Valuation

FWSU Reverse Balance Sheet Transfer

FWTU Securities Deadline Monitoring

FWUP Update Planned Records

FWZA TR Securities: Account Determination

FWZB Treasury: Acct Deter. SEC Transact.

FWZE Manual debit position

FWZZ Class Master Data

FW_CSPRD Credit Spread - Securities

FXI0 Execute Report

FXI1 Create Report

FXI2 Change Report

FXI3 Display Report

FXI4 Create Form

FXI5 Change Form

FXI6 Display Form

FXIC Maintain Currency Translation Type

FXIK Maintain Key Figures

FXIM Report Monitor

FXIT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

FXMN Call Additional Components (FDMN)

FXM_KF_DEF Define Key Figures

FXXX Processes for witholding tax code

FY01 FI Transport T060* in Client <> 000

FY02 EB: Transfer acct assignment + T028D

FY03 EB: Transfer acct stmt (T028H/I)

FY04 EB: Transfer checks recd (T028H/I)

FYMN Call Additional Components (IMG)

FZ-1 Number Range Maintenance: FVV_DEBIT

FZ-2 Number Range Maintenance: FVV_PARTNR

FZ-3 Number Range Maintenance: FVV_VORG

FZ-4 No.range maintenance:FVV_ADRNR

FZ-5 Number Range Maintenance: FVV_OBJNR

FZ-6 No.range maintenance:FVV_PARTID


FZ03 BAV Data ANL, AEN, ANZ Real Estate

FZ06 BP customizing: REst. default values

FZ10 Loans: Circular R5/97

FZ11 Securities: Circular R5/97

FZ12 Circular R5/95 Real Estate

FZ12_BADI Circular R5/95 Real Estate

FZ13 Money Market: Circular R5/97

FZ14 Access PRF-0 for Eq.-Linked Life.Ins

FZ19 Customizing Release Object Active ID

FZ20 Customizing Number Components

FZ30 Customizing restraint on disposal

FZ31 v-tzv04

FZ32 Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Display)

FZ33 Customizing tax office stock indic.

FZ34 Cust. Stock Indicator BAV (Change)

FZ37 Customizing conversion extern.roles

FZ41 Customizing Internal Partner Role

FZ42 Customizing customer applicatn type

FZ43 Customizing Address Type

FZ44 Customizing Object Type

FZ45 Customizing Partner Install. Param.

FZ46 Customizing Partner Forms of Address

FZ47 Customizing Partner Letter Addr.Frms

FZ48 Customizing Partner Relationships

FZ49 Customizing Partner Reference Relat.

FZ50 Customizing Legal Form

FZ51 Customizing Finan.Acctng Asset Group

FZ52 Customizing Reasons for Reversal

FZ53 Customizing PRF- Number

FZ54 Customizing PRF - Subsection

FZ55 Customizing Insurance Branch

FZ56 Customizing Balance Sheet Indicator

FZ57 Customizing BAV 4/77

FZ58 Customizing Acct Assignm. Refer.- DD

FZ59 Customizing BAV Group 101 (Secur.)

FZ5A AWV statement Z5 and Z5a

FZ60 Customizing BAV Group 101 (Loans)

FZ61 Customizing BAV Group 101 (Real Est)

FZ62 Customizing BAV Group 102

FZ63 Customizing BAV Group 102 (Secur.)

FZ64 Customizing BAV Group 102 (Real Est)

FZ65 Customizing PRF-Number

FZ66 Customizing PRF number (Real est.)

FZ67 Customizing Sub-section (Securit.)

FZ68 Customizing Sub-section (Real Est.)

FZ69 Customizing BAV Group 501 (Loans)

FZ70 Customizing BAV Group 501 (Secur.)

FZ71 Customizing BAV Group 501 (Real Est)

FZ73 Customizing Sub-section Relationship

FZ74 Customizing BAV Group 501 Relatnship

FZ75 Customizing BAV Group 201 (Loans)

FZ76 Customizing BAV Group 201 (Secur.)

FZ77 Customizing BAV Group 201 (Real Est)

FZ78 Customizing BAV Group R11/76 (Loans)

FZ79 Customizing BAV Group 11/76 (Secur.)

FZ80 Customizing BAV Grp R11/76 (RealEst)

FZ81 Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Loans)

FZ82 Customizing BAV Group R2/87 (Secur.)

FZ83 Customizing BAV Grp R2/87 (Real Est)

FZ84 Cust. Stat.reporting asset type

FZ85 Customizing Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Sec)

FZ86 Cust. Asset Type DV3/DV8 (Real Est)

FZ87 Customizing acct assignment ref. DW

FZ88 Customizing acct assignment ref.- DI

FZ89 Customizing SCB Asset Group

FZ91 Customer input per product type

FZ92 Customizing default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DW)

FZ93 Customizing Default-ProdTyp/CoCd(DI)

FZ94 Customizing Default Value PART (DD)

FZ95 Customizing Default Value PART (DW)

FZ96 Customizing Default Value PART (DI)

FZ97 Customizing Search + Replace Strings

FZ98 Customizing Par. 18 GBA

FZ99 Customizing Int. Item

FZA0 Customizing Int. Indicator 1

FZA1 Customizing Int. Indicator 2

FZA2 Customizing Int. Indicator 3

FZA3 Customizing Int. Indicator 4

FZA4 Customizing Int. Indicator 5

FZA5 Customizing Int. Indicator 6

FZA6 Customizing Int. Indicator 7

FZA7 Customizing Int. Indicator 8

FZA8 Customizing Int. Indicator 9

FZA9 Customizing Int. Indicator 10

FZAB Cust. appl./role categ./dunn.param.

FZB0 Customizing Int. Indicator 11

FZB4 List of trustees

FZB5 Statements

FZB6 Control Parameters for BAV Statement

FZB7 Statements

FZB7_BADI BAV-Nachweisungen BerVersV Immobilie

FZB8 BAV-Lists Securities Control

FZB9 Control prem.reserve fund lists DA

FZBA Transact. types relationship tab.-DD

FZBB Transact.types relationship tab.-DW

FZBC Transact types relationship tab. -DI

FZBD Alloc. prog. transaction types - DD

FZBE Alloc. prog. transaction types - DW

FZBG Ratio Table for For.Exch Rate Conver

FZBH Exchange Rate Calculation Indicator

FZBI BAV Reporting - Real Estate

FZBI_BADI Deckunggstocklisten Immobilien

FZBK Debit form type FVV/DD

FZBL Form Line Items FVV/DD

FZBM Darwin Real Estate Objects FVV

FZBN BAV Control of Cost Elements

FZBO Classification of Contracting Party

FZBP Contracting Party/Class Relatnships

FZBR Cust. trns types per post.appl.-DD

FZBU Customizing Status Transfer

FZBV Selection for status transfers - DD

FZBW Selection for status transfers - DW

FZBX Customizing status definit. D:D,W,I

FZBY Selection for status transfers - DI

FZC4 Maintain Ratings

FZC5 Maintain Legal Entity

FZC6 Maintain Product Types-DW (Gen.data)

FZC7 Maintain Product Types-DW(CoCd data)

FZC8 Maintain Changes in Net Assets

FZC9 Maintain Valuation Types

FZCA Maintain Ownership Share

FZCB Flow types relationship keys

FZCC Maintain VV Status Definition

FZCD Maintain Int. Status Delivery Matrix

FZCE Maintain Condition Type (DW)

FZCF Maintain Condition Type (DD)

FZCG Maintain Condition Group (DW)

FZCH Maintain Condition Group (DD)

FZCJ Maintain Product Types-DD (Gen.data)

FZCK Maintain Product Types-DD(CoCd Data)

FZCN Status Definitions

FZCO Customizing Status Transfer

FZCP Selection for Status Definitions -DD

FZCQ Selection for Status Definitions -DW

FZCR Selection for Status Definitions- DI

FZCS Transaction type - DD

FZCT Transaction type - DW

FZCU Customizing Initial Transaction

FZCV Transaction type - DI

FZCX Special Indicator for Loans

FZCY Determine Special Interest

FZD4 VV Plausibility Checks

FZFD Assign planning levels

FZID Number Range Maintenance: FVVZ_IDENT

FZKB Clear Trivial Amnts for Cons. Loans

FZKE DO NOT USE: Event Control

FZKL Account Clearing Loans

FZLR VV Returned debit memos

FZM4 Treasury Mgmt information system

FZMN Treasury Management basic functions

FZNB Payment Postprocessing


FZP4 Display Partner

FZP5 Choose Partner

FZPA Create Partner in Role

FZPB Change Partner in Role

FZPC Display Partner in Role

FZPD Edit bus.partner in role

FZPE Change customer (hidden)

FZR1 Create Rating Agency

FZR2 Change Rating Agency

FZR3 Display Rating Agency

FZUA Auto. Process Unscheduled Repayment

FZW0 Resubmission of Application Area

FZW1 Create Messages / MAILS

FZW2 Change Messages / MAIL

FZW3 Display Messages / MAIL

FZW4 Delete Messages / MAIL

FZW5 Maintain Text Objects: Table TTXOB

FZW6 Maintain Text IDs: Table TTXID

FZW7 Dates Overview

FZW9 Display monitoring table

FZXR Flow types per posting application

FZZB Cust.: Sort criteria selection

FZZC Customizing: Sort criteria values

FZZD Customizing: Planned item-search

FZZE Custzomizing: IPD-transaction types

F_0BF Z4 Rep. FTR: Download Reporting Data

F_0BN Z4 Report FTR on Basis of Rec./Pay.

F_71 DME with Disk: B/Excha. Presentation

F_72 Mass Bill/Exch.Liability Maintenance

F_75 Extended Bill/Exchange Information

F_76 Extended Bill of Exchange List (ALV)

F_77 C FI Maintain Table T045D

F_79 C FI Maintain Table T045G

F_90 C FI Maintain Table T045F

F_CO_01 Report RFSUMB00 Colombia

F_CZ_01 Report RFSUMB00 Czech Republic

F_DD_PRENOTIF_DEL List of Dir. Debit Pre-notifications

F_DD_PRENOTIF_ITEM Item Direct Debit Pre-notification

F_DD_PRENOTIF_LIST List of Dir. Debit Pre-notifications

F_FR_01 Report RFSUMB00 France

F_IT_01 Report RFSUMB00 Italy

F_PT_01 Report RFSUMB00 Portugal

F_RFUMSV25 Transfer Posting for Deferred Tax

F_RO_01 Report RFSUMB00 Romania

F_SK_01 Report RFSUMB00 Slovakia


F_TR_01 Report RFSUMB00 Turkey

GA11 Create FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA11N Create FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA12 Change FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA12N Change FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA13 Display FI-SL actual assessment

GA13N Display FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA14 Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA14N Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment

GA15 Execute FI-SL actual assessment

GA16 Actual Assessment Overview

GA1D Delete allocation line items

GA27 Create FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA27N Create FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA28 Change FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA28N Change FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA29 Display FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA29N Display FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA2A Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA2AN Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA2B Execute FI-SL Planned Assessment

GA2C Plan Assessment Overview

GA31 Create FI-SL actual distribution

GA31N Create FI-SL Actual Distribution

GA32 Change FI-SL actual distribution

GA32N Change FI-SL Actual Distribution

GA33 Display FI-SL actual distribution

GA33N Display FI-SL Actual Distribution

GA34 Delete FI-SL actual distribution

GA34N Delete FI-SL Actual Distribution

GA35 Execute FI-SL actual distribution

GA36 Actual Distribution Overview

GA47 Create FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA47N Create FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA48 Change FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA48N Change FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA49 Display FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA49N Display FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA4A Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA4AN Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA4B Execute FI-SL Planned Distribution

GA4C Plan Distribution Overview

GACNFIAA Golden Audit: Assets (China)

GACN_APAR Golden Audit: Cust./Vendors (China)

GACN_COMMON Golden Audit: Common Info. (China)

GACN_DOWNLOAD Data File Management

GACN_GL Golden Audit: General Ledger (China)

GADBAVG ADB Calculate Monthly Averages

GADBCDT FI-SL Document Types for ADB

GADBCLD ADB Ledger Customizing

GADBCOR Corrections to Monthly Average Bals.

GADBKFC Calculate ADB Key Figures

GADBMM ADB Move and Merge

GADBMM2 ADB Move + Merge, + Avg Bal. Calc.

GADBMMLIST List of ADB Move and Merges

GADBREV Reversal of ADB Move and Merge

GADB_SNUM_RUNID Number Range Maintenance ADB Run ID

GAL1 Update Assignment Table EDIMAP

GAL2 Generate Export/Import

GAL3 Export of G/L acct transactn figures

GALILEO Galileo Bypass

GALILEO_SYNCH Synchronization of Galileo PNRs


GAOV Cycle Overview FI-SL

GAR1 Create Archive

GAR5 Display Structure of Local DBs

GAR8 RW/RP Reports for FI-SL Archives

GAR9 Generate FI-SL Archive/DB Reports

GA_CN_PY Golden Audit: Payroll (China)

GB02 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers

GB03 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers

GB04 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledgers

GB05 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers

GB06 Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documnts

GB16 Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Docmnts

GBC1 GBC: Method Repository

GBC2 GBC: Task Definition

GBC3 GBC: Field and Value Allocations

GBC4 GBC:No.Range Maintenance(ISU_GBCCON)

GBC5 GBC:No.Range Maint. (ISU_GBCLNK)

GBCA GBC: Link Log

GC01 Call GS01 for LC

GC10 FI-LC: Print Companies

GC11 Create Company Master Record

GC12 Change Company Master Record

GC13 Display Company Master Record

GC14 Delete Company Master Record

GC16 Create Subgroup Master Record

GC17 Change Subgroup Master Record

GC18 Display Subgroup

GC19 FI-LC: Print Subgroups

GC21 Enter Individual Fin.Statement Data

GC22 Display Individual Fin. Stmt Data

GC23 FI-LC: Document Entry

GC24 FI-LC: Display Document

GC25 Maintain Consolidation Number Ranges

GC26 FI-LC: Journal Entry Report

GC27 FI-LC: Customize Journal Entry Reprt

GC28 Status Display

GC29 Status Management

GC30 FI-LC: Mass Reversal

GC31 FI-LC: Customize Curr. Translation

GC32 FI-LC: Customizing Consolidation

GC33 FI-LC: Financial Data Table Maint.

GC34 FI-LC: Reported Data Table Display

GC35 FI-LC: Transport Table Entries/Sets

GC36 Transport connection: Cons.Inv.Cust.

GC38 Data transfer

GC39 Change Local Valuation Data

GC41 GLT3 - Maintain GLT3 sub-assignments

GC44 Send Financial Statement Data

GC45 Delete Subgroup

GC4P FI-LC Print Step-Consolidated Group

GC50 Report Selection

GC51 Report Selection

GC60 Data for elim. of IC profit/loss

GC61 Export of Transaction Data

GC62 Import of Transaction Data

GC63 Liability Method

GC99 Consolidation Test Data

GCA1 FI-SL: Field Usage for Assessment

GCA2 FI-SL: Data Control for Assessment

GCA3 FI-SL: Allocations: Data fld descr.

GCA4 FI-SL: Allocation Field Grp Texts

GCA5 FI-SL: Allocation Table Information

GCA6 FI-SL: Field Usage for Distribution

GCA7 FI-SL: Data Control for Distributn

GCA8 Sender-Receiver Relationship

GCA9 Check allocation customizing

GCAC Ledger comparison

GCACH Compare Totals Records ERP - HANA

GCAE Ledger comparison w/diff. clearing

GCAG Generate FI-SL Archiving

GCAN Analysis of FI-SL Database Contents

GCAR Ledger Comparison Remote

GCB1 Change FI-SL Customizing Comp. Code

GCB2 Display FI-SL Customizing Comp.Code

GCB3 Copy FI-SL Customizing Company Code

GCB4 FI-SL: Delete Company Code

GCBA FI-SL: Valid Document Types

GCBE Texts for Document Types

GCBR Document Types for Rollup

GCBT Texts for Document Types

GCBW1 Generate TransStruct. for Totals Tbl

GCBW2 Generate TransStruct. for Totals Tbl

GCBX FI-SL: Valid Document Types

GCCG Generate Code for FI-SL

GCD0_EXPORT_DETAILS Display eBilanz Global Common Data

GCD0_EXPORT_SHLDR Shareholders of Global Common Data

GCD1 FI-SL Customizing: Diagnosis Tool

GCD1_XBRL GCD Version from XBRL Taxonomy

GCD2 List of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables

GCD2_XBRL Change GCD Revision

GCD3 Graphical Navigation in FI-SL

GCD4 Check General Ledger

GCD5 Check Currencies in FI-SL

GCD6 Graphic Display of FI-SL Tables

GCDE Delete FI-SL Transaction Data

GCDF Delete FI-SL Transaction Data

GCDH G/L diagnosis

GCE1 Maintain User

GCEA Maintain FI-LC ledgers

GCEB Maintain FI-LC ledgers for conversn

GCEC Maintain companies for conversion

GCED Make special settings for conversion

GCEE FI-LC: Reconcil. of bal. carried fwd

GCEF FI-LC: Reconcil. of fin. data tables

GCEG Ingeration: Euro transaction types

GCEH Make settings for integration

GCEJ Suggest FI-LC package assignment

GCEK Reconcil. integration <_> CF FILCT

GCEL Item substitution/Ret. earn. (CF)

GCEM Post extract in carryforward period

GCEN Check whether balance carried fwd

GCEP Delete period values for current yr


GCEU Item can be Included in Bal.Sheet

GCF1 Create FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.

GCF2 Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.

GCF3 Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign.

GCF4 FI-SL: Delete Field Assignment

GCG1 Create FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.

GCG2 Change FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.

GCG3 Display FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp

GCG4 Copy FI-SL Customizing Global Comp.

GCG5 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Companies

GCGE Activate Global Plan Line Items

GCGG Generation of GLU1

GCGR Activity Groups

GCGS Reconciliation of Total Line Items

GCGV C FI Maintain Table T009

GCI1 Installation of FI-SL Tables

GCI2 FI-SL: Installation of Object Tables

GCI3 FI-SL Table Directory

GCI4 FI-SL Fixed Field Movements

GCIN Maintain FI-SL tables

GCIQ Quick installation FI-SL

GCJU Diagnosis: Direct Access to Function

GCL1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger

GCL2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger

GCL3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger

GCL4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger

GCL6 FI-SL: Copy Ledger

GCLE Activate Local Plan Line Items

GCM1 Conversion

GCP1 FI-SL: Local Posting Periods

GCP2 FI-SL Customizing: T001C

GCP3 FI-SL: Local Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Param

GCP4 FI-SL: Global Fisc.Yr-Dep.Vers.Para

GCP5 FI-SL: Local Plan Periods

GCP6 FI-SL: Global Plan Periods

GCR1 Rollup: Create Field Assignment

GCR2 Rollup: Change Field Assignment

GCR3 Rollup: Display Field Assignment

GCR4 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution

GCR5 FI-SL: Rollup Substitution

GCR6 FI-SL Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A.

GCR7 Rollup: Direct Access

GCR8 Rollup: Direct Access

GCRB Report Selection

GCRE1 Activate drilldown rep. for SL table

GCRE2 Deactivate drilldown rep. - SL table

GCRF Translation Factors

GCRS Languages for Report Writer

GCS1 FI-SL: Master Data T800D

GCS5 Balance Carr. Forward Fld Movements

GCS6 Global Standard Accounts

GCS7 Bal.Carr.Forward: Global Std Accts

GCT0 Transport of Substitutions

GCT1 Transport Ledger

GCT2 FI-SL Activation

GCT3 Control Information

GCT4 Transport Rollup

GCT5 Transport: Planning Parameters

GCT6 Transport Distribution Key

GCT7 Transport: Cycles

GCT8 Transport: Document Types

GCT9 Transport of Validations

GCTA Transport Rules

GCTR Transport from Report Writer objects

GCTS Transport of sets and variables

GCU0 Customizing FI-GLX Menu

GCU1 Data Transfer from FI

GCU1N Data Transfer from FI

GCU2 Generate G1U2

GCU3 Transfer Data From CO

GCU4 Subsequent Posting of Data From MM

GCU5 Subsequent Posting of Data frm Sales

GCU6 CO plan doc subs. posting to FI-SL

GCU9 Delete Transaction Data

GCUP Subsequently posting CO data to FISL

GCUT Maintain user tables

GCV1 FI-SL: Create Activity

GCV2 Change FI-SL Customizing Activity

GCV3 Display FI-SL Customizing Activity

GCV4 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Activity

GCVB Update Type in FI-SL

GCVI FI-SL: Actual Versions

GCVO Preparation for FI-SL Customizing

GCVP FI-SL: Plan Periods

GCVV FI-SL Validation / Local

GCVW FI-SL Validation / Global

GCVX FI-SL Substitution / Local

GCVY FI-SL Substitution / Global

GCVZ Rule Maintenance

GCW1 Versions for Currency Translation

GCW2 Local Translation Methods

GCW3 Global Translation Methods

GCW4 Sp.Purpose Ldgr Currency Translation

GCW5 FI-SL: Historical Curr. Translation

GCW6 FI-SL: Exchange Rates

GCW7 Transport Currency Translation Mthd

GCW8 Exchange Rate Types

GCW9 Methods for Currency Translation

GCWU Assign tables to translation methods

GCX1 FI-SL: Client-independent user exits

GCX2 FI-SL: Client-dependent user exits

GCZ3 Generate Report Groups

GC_GR_NV Indirect call of GCD3

GD00 Report Selection

GD02 FI-SL line item plan documents

GD12 Flex.G/L: Totals Record Display

GD13 Totals Record Display

GD20 Start Selectin FI-SL Line Items

GD20H FI-SL Line Item Browser

GD21 Flexible G/L: Document Selection

GD22 Flex. G/L: Actual Document Display

GD23 FI-SL: Local Actual Document Display

GD33 FI-SL: Global Actual Doc. Display

GD42 Flex. G/L: Plan Document Display

GD43 FI-SL: Local Plan Document Display

GD44 FI-SL: Global Plan Document Display

GD51 Enter Local FI-SL Master Data

GD52 Change Local FI-SL Master Data

GD53 Display Local FI-SL Master Data

GD54 Delete Local FI-SL Master Data

GD60 Create Code Combinations

GD61 Maintain Code Combinations

GD62 Display Code Combinations

GD63 Code combinations activation

GD64 Code combinations deactivation

GDS_MATERIAL_EXTRACT Extraction of Materials for GDS

GDV_EDIT_SNAPSHOT Edit Value Snapshot

GENC Generate Source Code

GENCA_GRFCON Configure Groupform Views

GENEPXML Generate Enterprise Portal Navb. XML

GENERAL_LEDGER_PERU General Ledger, Peru

GENFM_10 Budget by Chapters,comm.items

GENFM_20 Budget by Programs,Projects

GENFM_30 GFSM - Expenditure and Revenue

GENFM_CI_SETUP Setup Commitment Items and Groups

GENFM_EXTBR_RULES Opens the BRF+ Catalog w/ the rules

GENIL_BOL_BROWSER Browser for Business Object Layer

GENIL_MODEL_BROWSER Model Browser for genIL Applications

GENIL_MODEL_EDITOR Editor for Genil Models


GENIOS_PARAM GENIOS: Parameter Customizing

GENIOS_SOLVER GENIOS: Solver customizing


GEN_US_2 Activate/deactivate US enhancements

GFSRFW Fastsearch Replication Monitor

GFSWB Generic Fast Search Workbench

GFTR_C0001 FTTR: Applications

GFTR_C0002 TR-TM: Define Field Groups

GFTR_C0003 FTTR: Views

GFTR_C0011 TR-TM: Screen Field <--> DB Field

GFTR_C0012 TR-TM: Field Modification Criteria

GFTR_C0023 FTTR: Data Sets

GFTR_C0101 GFTR: Field Modification Prod. Cat.

GFTR_C0102 TR Transaction Mgmt: Field Selection

GFTR_C0200 Customizing Field Selection Process

GFTR_CATTR Treasury Sample Transactions

GFTR_C_MENU Transaction: Task Menu

GGB0 Validation Maintenance

GGB1 Substitution Maintenance

GGB3 Maintain Boolean Class

GGB4 Analysis tool for valid./subst.

GHODOI DOI Cust: Number Ranges

GHONET GHONET : Number Ranges

GHOPPC Cleanup Report Planning Table

GHOTRO TRO Cust: Number Ranges

GHOVARID Network object number range

GHO_DM_EVENT_NUM_RNG Number range maintenance: GHO_EVENT

GHO_PN_DELETE Deletion of Production networks


GJ01 Net Cash Call to Equity Group

GJ02 JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group

GJ03 JV Net Cash Call To Project

GJ04 JV Gross Cash Call To Project

GJ05 JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp

GJ06 JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Project

GJ09 Joint Venture detailed information

GJ0A Non-Operated Billing by Operator V.2

GJ0B Non-Operated Billing by Venture V.2

GJ10 Yearly balance shifting

GJ11 Joint Venture master data catalog

GJ12 Billing Ledger Extract

GJ13 Joint Venture Ledger Extract

GJ14 Hard Copy Billing

GJ15 Billing Schedule Manager

GJ16 EDI Billing

GJ17 Suspense Project / Equity Group

GJ18 Partner Suspense Clearing

GJ19 Equity Adjustments

GJ20 Venture Bank Account Switching

GJ21 Recovery indicator

GJ22 Internal recovery indicator

GJ23 Change JV partners

GJ24 Venture classes

GJ25 Cutback rules / accounts

GJ26 Cutback rules / accounts

GJ27 Cutback rules / cost centers

GJ28 Cutback rules / cost centers

GJ29 Cutback rules / projects

GJ2A Display JV partners

GJ2B Maintain JV partners

GJ30 Cutback / project intercompany code

GJ31 Cutback tables / orders

GJ32 Cutback rules / orders

GJ33 Equity types

GJ34 JV project in suspense

GJ35 Bank accounts

GJ36 Funding groups

GJ37 Funding group assignment

GJ39 JV Billing indicator

GJ3A Display JV project in suspense

GJ3B Cutback rules / intercompany assets

GJ3C Cutback rule: Networks

GJ3D Cutback - Intercompany networks

GJ3R Reconsile Intercompany Mapping

GJ40 Accounts for supplemental billing

GJ41 JV Projects for supplemental billing

GJ42 JV Material Batch-Cond code x-ref

GJ44 Net profit interest groups

GJ45 JVA functions / function item types

GJ47 Billing methods

GJ49 Billing method posting rules

GJ4A Periodic updates for company code

GJ4A_MCC Periodic updates for company code

GJ50 JV Posting rule detail customizing

GJ51 Bank accounts for cash call print

GJ52 Non-operated billing forms

GJ53 Non-operated billing form lines

GJ54 JOA detailed information

GJ55 JV valuation area

GJ56 Accounts for exchange differences

GJ57 JIB/JIBE classes

GJ58 JIB/JIBE subclasses

GJ59 JV Conditional code

GJ60 EDI Outbound Base Configuration

GJ61 JV Clearing billing indicator

GJ62 JV Bi.Meth./CompCd. assignment

GJ63 JV Project types

GJ64 JV Cost center types

GJ65 JV Order types

GJ66 JIB master data

GJ67 JIB account mapping

GJ68 JIB class/account mapping

GJ69 JIB class/subclass/account mapping

GJ70 JOA-maintenance

GJ72 JOA classes

GJ73 Special cost elements

GJ74 Stepped rate rules

GJ75 JV stepped rate thresholds

GJ76 Partner process groups

GJ77 Drilling statistical ratios

GJ78 Producing statistical ratios

GJ80 JIB account mapping for AFE

GJ81 JV Billing structure

GJ82 Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls

GJ83 JV Automatic posting

GJ84 JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp)

GJ85 JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs)

GJ86 Customize report selection

GJ87 Display summary ledger totals

GJ88 Display billing ledger totals

GJ89 Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates

GJ90 JV Realized exchange differences

GJ91 JV Unrealized exchange

GJ92 JV Goods receipt expense orders

GJ93 JV Goods receipt inventory orders

GJ94 International Cost Calculations

GJ95 North American Overhead Calculations

GJ96 Payroll Burden Clearing

GJ97 Compare FI with JV document

GJ97N JV Document Comparison

GJ98 North America Overhead Detail Report

GJ99 EDI mapping

GJA1 Create joint operating agreement

GJA2 Change joint operating agreement

GJA3 Display joint operating agreement

GJA4 JOA master data catalog

GJA5 Display changes for Joint Op. Agreem


GJA8 JV JOA screen

GJAA JOA Master Transaction

GJAC Activate JVA in a Client

GJB1 BI for supplemental detail

GJB2 Account for supplemental detail

GJB3 Project type for supplemental detail

GJB4 Cost center type for suppl. detail

GJB5 Order type for supplemental detail

GJB6 SDS protocol

GJBA Balance sheet accounts for splitting

GJBM GJ BAPI parameter mapping

GJBR Billing reconciliation

GJBS Assign substitution to JV company

GJBT Billing threshold check

GJBV Assign Validation to JV Company

GJC1 Activate company in JV

GJC2 Deactivate company in JV

GJCA Housebank switching

GJCB JV Cutback Program

GJCB_REV Cutback Reversal

GJCC Copy configuration from company code

GJCG Carried interest groups

GJCM Change message control for JVA

GJCN Convenience netting

GJCS JV settlement manipulation rules

GJCU Cutback Ledger Update

GJCUST JV Customizing


GJDC Dunning

GJDE Delete Joint Venture Data

GJE0 EDI invoice service codes

GJE2 JV Customize EDI Suppl Seg Drivers

GJE3 JV Customize EDI Segment Components

GJE4 EDI JIBE condition codes

GJE5 JV EDI Communications Code

GJE6 JV EDI Bill Ind to Svc Code mapping

GJE7 JV EDI Outbound: Company Config.

GJE8 JV EDI Terms of Payment

GJE9 JV EDI Contact Function Codes

GJEA EDI inbound: company configuration

GJEB JV EDI Outbound: Control Processed

GJEC Pre-Cutback Equity_Change Management

GJED JV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE No

GJEE JV EDI Inbound: Property Table

GJEF EDI inbound: withhold code

GJEG EDI inbound: mapping qualifier

GJEH JV EDI Inbound: Cost Object Mapping

GJEI JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref

GJEJ JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class

GJEK JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Ref+Class+Sub

GJEL JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class

GJEM JV EDI Inbound: 819 CO Class+Sub

GJEN JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE

GJEO EDI inbound: 819 account mapping

GJEP EDI inbound: 819 acc class mapping

GJEQ EDI inbound: 819 acc class+sub

GJER JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Mapping

GJES JV EDI Inbound: 810 CO Service Code

GJET EDI inbound: 810 account mapping

GJEV Process history

GJEW EDI inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC no

GJEX JV mapping: Material - Service code

GJEY JIB/JIBE Tubular Sub-Accounts

GJEZ JIB/JIBE Non-Tubular Sub-Accounts

GJF2 Change JV assessment cycle - actual

GJF3 Display JV assessment cycle - actual

GJF4 Delete JV assessment cycle - actual

GJF5 Execute JV assessment - actual

GJF6 Overview JV assessment

GJF8 Change JV assessment cycle - plan

GJF9 Display JV assessment cycle - plan

GJFA Print Allocation Information

GJFARM_0 view maintenance FARM

GJFARM_1 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback

GJFARM_2 Farm in/out: JVTO1 and Cutback

GJFARM_3 FarmIn/Out Cash Call redetermination

GJFARM_4 FarmIn/Out Cash Call correction

GJFB Execute JV assessment - plan

GJG2 Change JV distribution cycle -actual

GJG3 Display JV distribution cycle-actual

GJG4 Delete JV distribution cycle -actual

GJG5 Execute JV distribution - actual

GJG6 Overview distribution - actual

GJG8 Change JV distribution cycle - plan

GJG9 Display JV distribution cycle-plan

GJGA Display JOA graphically

GJGL General Ledger Integration

GJGO Driver transaction for customizing

GJGR Graphical Navigation JVA

GJJ1 Generate JADE audit file

GJJ2 Billing extracts

GJJ3 JADE file description

GJJA JV Load Balancing

GJJE Joint venture event maintenance

GJL7 Plan Data Transfer by Documents

GJL8 Company code (global data)

GJLB Load Balancing Distribution

GJLI Summary ledger line items

GJLI2 Billing ledger line items

GJLV Line item report list variants

GJM1 Mark Prepaid Inventory

GJM2 Display Prepaid Inventory

GJNO Non open item unreal. exchange diff.

GJNR JV Number range customizing


GJOI Open line items for cost objects

GJP1 JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp)

GJPA Partner regional addresses

GJPB Pivot Browser: JV line items

GJPC Penalty categories

GJPD Determine CRP pricing procedure

GJPE Display Documents for re-posting

GJPN Partner Netting

GJPTS Payment term schema

GJQ0 CRP Customising Menu

GJQ1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR

GJQ2 Condition Types: SD Pricing

GJQ3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)

GJQ4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog

GJQ7 Display Conditions (CRP)

GJQ9 Maintain Recover Ind determination

GJR1 Summary Ledger Reporting

GJR2 Billing Ledger Reporting

GJR3 JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report

GJR4 EDI: Invoice and Operating Statement

GJR5 JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure

GJR6 JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects

GJR7 JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Comparison

GJR8 810/819 Mapping Report

GJR9 810/819 Property Error

GJRC Cash Call Reclass

GJRCN Cash Call Reclassification

GJRD JV Recovery indicator determination

GJRG_5J1A Gross bill./all by venture/account

GJRG_5J1B Gross billable / all by cost object

GJRG_5J1C Gross bill/partner net by cost obj.

GJRG_5J1D Gross bill./all by cost obj. F.Curr

GJRG_5J1E Gross billable/partner net for JIB

GJRG_5J1F Remaining cutback by cost object

GJRG_5J1G Posted suspense overview

GJRG_5J1H Gross non-operated by cost object

GJRG_5J2A Venture/EG/Billing indicator

GJRG_5J2B Partner/Billing indicator

GJRG_5JCA Cost centers: overview actuals

GJRG_5JCB Internal orders: overview actuals

GJRG_5JCC WBS elements: overview actuals

GJRG_5JCD Cost centers: actual/plan gross/net

GJRG_5JCE Int. orders: actual/plan gross/net

GJRG_5JCF WBS elements: actual/plan gross/net

GJRS Configure report selection

GJRT Overhead burden rate type

GJRX Bericht auswählen

GJS1 Create account set

GJS2 Change account set

GJS3 Display account set

GJSX Call set maintenance

GJT0 Reverse AM/MM Transfer document

GJT1 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT1_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Project/Order

GJT2 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT2_OLD JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT3 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT3_OLD Retirement of Venture Owned Assets

GJT4 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT4_OLD Sale of Venture owned assets

GJT5 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT5_OLD Transfer Proj./Order to Proj./Order

GJT6 JV Transfer Asset to Asset

GJT6_OLD Transfer Project/Order to Asset

GJTA Depreciation area update by RI

GJTB Transaction Type Subst. for Cutback

GJTD Transaction types per line

GJTE Equity change asset transact. types

GJTF Fields to be copied to new assets

GJTG Maintain TransTypeGroup JV Prop.

GJTR C FI Month End Advance Tax Return

GJTX Maintain Field Transfers rules for

GJU1 Customizing groups

GJU2 Customizing group definition

GJU3 Processes for authorization

GJV1 Create Joint Venture Master

GJV2 Change Joint Venture Master

GJV3 Display Joint Venture Master

GJV4 Joint Venture Customizing Menu

GJV5 Display Change Documents JV-Master



GJVA Advance Tax Report

GJVB JV Billing formats

GJVC IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting con

GJVD Joint Venture Deletion

GJVE List Venture / Equity Groups

GJVF Bank Acct Switch - Maintain Data

GJVG Bank Acct Switch - Create Data

GJVL JV layout sets

GJVP IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pro

GJVS JV Supplemental detail

GJVV Joint Venture Master Transaction

GJW1 Create JV-Pricing archive

GJW2 Delete archived JV-Pricing Data

GJW3 JV-Pricing Archive-Administration

GJX1 Conditions: Procedure for A CR

GJX2 Condition Types: SD Pricing

GJX3 Maintain Access (Sales Price)

GJX4 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog

GJX5 Maintenance text for table T8J156S

GJX6 Maintenance text for table T8J156X

GJXC JV cross company reconciliation

GJY01 Create JV bank account archive

GJY02 Delete archived JV bank account data

GJY03 Reload JV bank account data

GJY04 JV bank archive administration

GJY1 Create JV-Cutback archive

GJY11 Create JVA event

GJY12 Delete archived JV event data

GJY13 Reload archived JVA event data

GJY14 JVA event archive administration

GJY2 Delete archived JV-Cutback Data

GJY3 Reload JV-Cutback Archives

GJY4 JV-Cutback Archive-Administration

GJY5 Reporting on JVA-Archives

GJY6 RW/RP Reports for JVA-Archives

GJZ1 Create JV-Billing archive

GJZ2 Delete archived JV-Billing Data

GJZ3 Reload JV-Billing Archives

GJZ4 JV-Billing Archive-Administration

GJZ5 Reporting on Billing-Archives

GJZ6 RW/RP Reports for Billing-Archives

GJZA Company code (global data)

GJZC Company code (corporate information)

GJZD Company code (detailed data)

GJ_GD13 Display JVA and JV-Billing totals

GJ_GD20 JVA and JV-Billing items

GJ_SUS_CC JV cost centers in suspense

GJ_SUS_CC_DISP Display JV cost centers in suspense

GJ_SUS_ORD JV orders in suspense

GJ_SUS_ORD_DISP Display JV orders in suspense

GJ_SUS_VE Ventures in suspense

GJ_SUS_VE_DISP Display Ventures in suspense

GL10 Flexible G/L: Transaction figures

GL20 Number Ranges FI-SL Rollup

GL23 Display rollup

GL25 Execute rollup

GL26 Reverse rollup

GLA1 Activate flexible G/L

GLAREP Flex. G/L:RW/RP reports for archives

GLARI1 Flex. GL: Line item archiving

GLART1 Flex. GL: totals archiving

GLC1 Flexible G/L: Currencies

GLC2 Flex.G/L: Activate local ledger

GLCF Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L accts

GLDE Deletion of Flex G/L transactn data

GLE_AFX_ACT No. Range Maintenance Object:AFX_ACT

GLE_AFX_CUST_DEPLOY Use Archive Customizing

GLE_FX_CUST_COPY Copy FX rates customizing

GLFLEXCUS New General Ledger Accounting

GLFLEXIMG Flexible G/L Customizing


GLFLEXSPL New General Ledger Accounting

GLGCA1 Flexible G/L: Field use assessment

GLGCA2 Flexible G/L: Data control assessmt

GLGCA3 Flexible G/L: Data field allocation

GLGCA4 Flexible G/L: Field group texts

GLGCA5 Flexible G/L: Table information

GLGCA6 Flexible G/L: Field use distribution

GLGCA7 Flexible G/L: Data control distrib.

GLGCA8 Sender-receiver relationship

GLGCA9 Check allocation customizing

GLGCS1 General Ledger: Master Data Check

GLGCU1 Subsequently Post Docs to ERP GL

GLGCU2 Copy transaction figures

GLGVTR Flexible G/L: Balance carry forward

GLL1 Create ledger

GLL2 Change ledger

GLL3 Display ledger

GLL4 Delete ledger

GLLI Activate Local Plan Line Items

GLN1 Flexible G/L:Actual Document Types

GLN2 Flexible G/L: Plan Document Types

GLOBAL_TEMPLATES Global authorization templates

GLO_PRAD Delimitation of PD for Local Transp.

GLO_PRKD Delimitation of PD for Pocket Money

GLO_PRTD Delimitation of PD for Public Transp

GLO_PR_WEB_2100 Trip Transports

GLP2 Flexible G\L: Versions

GLPCA Display Table GLPCA

GLPCP Display Table GLPCP

GLPCT Display Table GLPCT

GLPLADM FI-SL: Planner Profile Maintenance

GLPLANZ FI-SL: Display Profile Maintenance

GLPLC FI-SL Change Planning Layout

GLPLD FI-SL Display Planning Layout

GLPLDEL Delete Generated Programs

GLPLI FI-SL Create Planning Layout

GLPLIMPORT Import Layouts

GLPLINST Installation of summary tables

GLPLINSTALL Install all summary tables

GLPLSET FI-SL: Set a Planner Profile

GLPLTOOL FI-SL: Planning Tool

GLPLTRANS FI-SL: Transport Layouts

GLPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data

GLPV Flexible G\L: Versions

GLR1 Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger

GLR2 Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger

GLR3 Display flex. G/L rollup ledger

GLR4 Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger

GM01 Warranty categories

GM02 Warranty types

GM03 Initial transactions

GM04 Warranty counter categories

GMAACT Calculate and Post Accruals

GMABILLING Set Accrual Method by Billing Rule

GMABUKRS Set Accr. Calculation by Company

GMAGRANT Set Accrual Method by Grant

GMAPOST Transfer ACE Docs to Accounting

GMAPSADCONT01 Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 01

GMAPSADCONT02 Acct Determntn: Maintn Entry Step 02

GMAPSADMETA01 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 01

GMAPSADMETA02 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Step 02

GMAPSADMETASGL Acct Detrmn: Define Single-Step Rule

GMAPSDOCITEMS Display Line Items in the Acc. Eng.

GMAPSITEMS Display Total Values in the Acc.Eng.

GMARECONCILE Reconcile Acc. Eng. with Accounting

GMAREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs

GMAR_DOC_AC Arch: Actual/Commitment Documents

GMAR_DOC_BD Archiving Budget Documents

GMAR_DOC_TT Archiving Total Records

GMAR_MD_GR Archiving Grant

GMAR_MD_GS Archiving Sponsor

GMATRANSFER Transfer Grants to Accrual Engine

GMATREE03 Display Accrual Objects

GMAVCCUSTDEF Check AVC Customizing (GM)

GMAVCDERIACTG GM Derivation of Activity Groups

GMAVCDERIACTGR Derivation of Activity Groups

GMAVCDERIAO GM Derivation control object (ACO)

GMAVCDERIAOR GM Derivation control object (ACO)

GMAVCDERICH GM Derivation of check horizon

GMAVCDERICHR GM Derivation of check horizon

GMAVCDERITPROF GM Derivation of tolerance profile

GMAVCDERITPROFR GM Derivation of tolerance profile

GMAVCDIFF GM AVC display discrepancies


GMAVCMSGA Call GMAVCOVRW (annual values)

GMAVCMSGD Show details of GMAVC messages

GMAVCMSGO Call GMAVCOVRW (overall values)

GMAVCOVRW Overview of GM AVC Values

GMAVCREINIT Re-Initialize AVC Ledger

GMA_ACEARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run



GMA_ACEPS_AWREF Number Range Maintenance: ACE

GMA_ACEPS_RUNID Number Range Maint: ACE Posting Run

GMBDGTOVIEW GM Budget Overview

GMBDGTOVIEWD GM Budget Overview Direct

GMBUNR GM change document number ranges

GMCA_BCF MCA Balance Carryforward

GMCA_BILA MCA Financial Statement

GMCA_CHK_BAL Validate FX Balances

GMCA_CHK_CONF Check MCA Configuration

GMCA_CHK_DOCRATE Validate ExRates Appl.for Calc.Equiv

GMCA_CHK_RATES Validate Exchange Rates

GMCA_CHK_SWAP Validate FX Swaps

GMCA_FXA Adjust FnC Amount of Position Acct

GMCA_FXR Restate FX Position

GMCA_FXV Valuate FX Position Accounts

GMCA_IFX Adjust Implicit FX Transactions


GMCA_LOADPP MCA Data Load Postprocessing

GMCA_MAR Valuate Monetary Asset Accounts

GMCA_PLC_B Close P&L: Balance Based

GMCA_PLC_D Close P&L: Document Based

GMCA_PLL_B Lock P&L: Balance Based

GMCA_PLL_D Lock P&L Accounts: Document-based

GMCA_PLT_B Transform P&L: Balance Based

GMCA_PLT_D Transform P&L: Document Based

GMCA_RUNADM MCA Run Administration

GMCA_SSLD MCA G/L Account Balances

GMCLASS GM Sponsored Class Master Data

GMCLAUTH Class Authorization Groups

GMDERIVE GM Assignment - Customizing

GMDERIVER GM Assignment - Maintenance


GMEDNR GM entry document number ranges

GMGAAPPOST Post Grants Manangement GAAP Accrual

GMGRANT Grant Master - Single Screen

GMGRANTD Grants Master - Display Only

GMGRANTWF Approve Grant

GMGRAUTH Grant Authorization Groups

GMIDCPOST Calculate GM Indirect Cost

GMLDBW GM Special Ledger BW Extractors

GMMPRBB Increase Budget from Revenues

GMNRG Set Not Relevant Grant

GMPRAUTH Program Authorization Groups

GMPROGRAM GM Sponsored Program Master Data

GMRBDERIMD GM: Assign Proposal for RIB Master D

GMRBDERIRO GM: Derive RIB Object From Posting

GMRBGENMD Generate Master Data for GM RIB

GMRBIDXREC Reconstruct Index for GM RIB

GMRBRULE Edit Single Rule for RIB Object

GMRELATIONSHIPS Maintain Grant Relationships

GMREPCLASS Define GM Report Class

GMREPORTRULE Define GM Report Rule

GMS1 GM BDT Applications

GMS100 GM BDT field group per activity

GMS101 GM BDT field group per role category

GMS102 GM BDT Authorization Types

GMS103 GM BDT Field Groups Authorization

GMS104 GM BDT Visual Screen Tool

GMS105 GM BDT Field Groups Ext. Application

GMS106 GM BDT Note View for Role Categories

GMS107 GM BDT Where-Used Views

GMS108 GM BDT Field Grouping ApplicationObj

GMS11 GM BDT Assign Scrn Flds to DB Fields

GMS12 GM BDT Field group criteria

GMS13 GM BDT Role Categories

GMS14 GM BDT Role Groupings

GMS15 GM BDT Application Transactions

GMS16 GM BDT Tables

GMS17 GM BDT External Applications

GMS18 GM BDT Activities

GMS19 GM BDT Function Module Activity

GMS2 GM BDT Field Groups

GMS20 GM BDT Differentiation Types

GMS200 GM BDT Change document lists

GMS21 GM BDT Activity Category

GMS22 GM BDT Where-Used List:

GMS23 GM BDT Data sets

GMS24 GM BDT Where used list define view

GMS25 GM BDT Where-used process to view

GMS26 GM BDT BAPI Fields to Field Groups


GMS4 GM BDT Sections

GMS5 GM BDT Screens

GMS6 GM BDT Screen Sequence

GMS7 GM BDT Events

GMS8 GM BDT GUI Std Functions

GMS9 GM BDT GUI Addl Functions

GMSCHEDULERULE Define GM Schedule Rule

GMTEXTID GM Text ID maintenance

GMTRANSLATE1 Translation: Initial Screen

GMWHEREUSED Where-Used GM Assignments

GM_AWARD_TYPE Maintain award types

GM_BDGT_COPY_VERSION Copy GM Document between Versions

GM_BDGT_DEL Delete GM Budget Documents

GM_BDGT_DOC_TYPE Budget Document Types

GM_BDGT_RANGES Number range maintenance: GRANT_BDGT

GM_BDGT_REASON_CODES Plan/Budget Reason Codes

GM_BDGT_RELEASE GM Budgeting Release Process

GM_BDGT_TRANSFER_FM Budget Transfer to Funds Management

GM_BDGT_VERSION Plan/Budget Versions

GM_BILLING_RULES Configure Billing Rules

GM_BILL_PLAN_STATUS Remove Block for Billing Plan

GM_BLOCK_STATUS Block Billing Status

GM_BP_ACC_1 Account Group Assignment

GM_BP_ACC_2 Sponsor/Customer Details

GM_CC_SETTINGS Maintain Company Code Settings

GM_CFDA GM: Define CFDA codes

GM_COA Maintain chart of account settings

GM_CREATE_BUDGET Create GM Budget Entry Document

GM_CS_RULES Configure Cost Sharing Rules

GM_DISPLAY_BUDGET Display GM Budget Entry Document

GM_E_4GBA Overall Budget vs. Commitment/Actual

GM_GAAP Maintain chart of account settings

GM_GAAPVT Maintain chart of account settings

GM_GRANT_TYPE Maintain grant types

GM_IDC_RULES Configure IDC Rules

GM_LD_CODES Configure Legislative Codes

GM_LOC GM: Define Letters of Credit

GM_MAINT_NR Maintain Number Ranges for Grants

GM_MLST Billing Plan

GM_MODIFY_BUDGET Modify GM Budget Entry Document

GM_OBJ_MAPPER GM Object Mapper

GM_PAYMENT_RULE Maintain payment rules

GM_RECON_CO GM:Reconciliation of CO Documents

GM_RECON_EF GM:Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds

GM_RECON_FI_DEL Delete GM Actual Line Items

GM_RECON_FI_REP Transfer FI Documents to GM Ledger

GM_RECON_MM_REP Transfer MM Documents to GM Ledger

GM_RECON_PK GM:Reconciliation of FI Parked Doc.

GM_RECON_PO GM:Reconciliation of Purchase Orders

GM_RECON_PR GM:Reconciliation of Purchase Req.

GM_RESP Maintain grant responsibilities

GM_REVAL Revaluation of currency in GM

GM_REV_SETTINGS Default FM account assignments

GM_RM_BUPA Business Partner integration to RM

GM_RRB_IND GM Billing (Single Processing)

GM_RRB_MASS GM Billing (Mass Processing)

GM_SETS_GRANT1 Create Grant Group

GM_SETS_GRANT2 Change Grant Group

GM_SETS_GRANT3 Display Grant Group

GM_SETS_SPCLASS1 Create Sponsored Class Group

GM_SETS_SPCLASS2 Change Sponsored Class Group

GM_SETS_SPCLASS3 Display Sponsored Class Group

GM_SETS_SPPROG1 Create Sponsored Program Group

GM_SETS_SPPROG2 Change Sponsored Program Group

GM_SETS_SPPROG3 Display Sponsored Program Group

GM_SPLIT_RULES Configure Splitting Rules

GM_UPD_SETTINGS Maintain Update Settings

GM_VALUETYPES Maintain Value Types

GM_WF_DEF_BUDGET Definition of GM Workflow for Budget

GM_WF_DEF_MASTERDATA Definition of GM WF for Grant Master

GP12N FI-SL: Change Plan Data

GP12NA FI-SL: Display Plan Data

GP30 Maintain Distribution Keys

GP33 Display Distribution Key

GP43 Display Planning Parameters

GP52 Local Model Plan

GP52N Local Model Plan

GP62 Global Source Data to Plan

GP83 Flexible G/L: Display plan values

GPDARCH01 GPD Archiving: WBS Selection

GPDARCH02 GPD Archiving: Repl.obj. Selection

GPDARCH03 GPD Archiving: WBS Display

GPDARCH04 GPD Archiving: Customizing

GPDARCH05 GPD Archiving: Customizing (message)

GPSHAD_NEW Preparation of Shadow Table

GPSHAD_UPDATE Update of Shadow Table

GR11 Create Standard Layout

GR12 Change Standard Layout

GR13 Display Standard Layout

GR14 Delete Standard Layout

GR17 Export standard layouts

GR18 Import standard layouts

GR19 Copy standard layouts from client

GR1L Directory: Standard Layout

GR21 Create Library

GR22 Change Library

GR23 Display library

GR24 Delete library

GR27 Export libraries

GR28 Import libraries

GR29 Copy libraries from client

GR2L Catalog: Libraries

GR31 Create report

GR32 Change Report

GR33 Display report

GR34 Delete report

GR37 Export reports

GR38 Import reports

GR39 Copy reports from client

GR3L Catalog: Reports

GR51 Create report group

GR52 Change Report Group

GR53 Display report group

GR54 Delete report group

GR55 Execute Report Group

GR57 Export report groups

GR58 Import report groups

GR59 Copy report groups from client

GR5G Generate report groups

GR5L Directory: Report groups

GRAL Calling SAP Graphics demos

GRCT Report Writer: Control Tables

GRE0 Report Writer: Extract Management

GRE1 Report Writer: Display Extracts

GRE5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts

GRE6 Report Writer: Print Extracts

GRE7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts

GRE8 Extracts: User Settings

GRE9 Extracts: User settings, coll.maint.

GRLV List variants for line items

GRM1 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.

GRM2 Display MRP Group Assignments

GRM3 Colective Processing: Assignments

GRM4 Change Grouping Element Assignments

GRM5 Maintain MRP group assignments

GRM6 Grouping Consistency Check

GRM7 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.

GRMG Generic Request and Message Gen.

GRM_WRAPPER Generic Role Manager: Wrapper

GRP1 Report Writer: Display Extracts

GRP5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts

GRP6 Report Writer: Print Extracts

GRP7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts

GRPE Editor callup for FI/CO program

GRR1 RW: Create Row/Column Structure

GRR2 RW: Change formula

GRR3 RW: Display formula

GRR4 Create model

GRR5 Change model

GRR6 Display model

GRR7 Export models

GRR8 Import models

GRR9 Copy models from client

GRRT Report Painter: Translate reports

GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCH Start Report Group from Portal

GRW_PORTAL_LAUNCHNEW Start Report Group from Portal

GS01 Create set

GS02 Change Set

GS03 Display Set

GS04 Delete set

GS07 Exports sets

GS08 Import sets

GS09 Copy sets from client

GS11 Create Variable

GS12 Change Variable

GS13 Display Variable

GS14 Delete Variable

GS17 Export variables

GS18 Import variables

GS19 Copy variables from client

GS32 Create/Change Key Figures

GS33 Display Key Figures

GSCD Activate change documents

GSFNR Document Display for a GSFNR

GSP_CD Maintain constants

GSP_KD Maintain account determination

GSP_KD1 Maintain acct deter: 0 balance

GSP_KD2 Maintain acct deter: Additional rows

GSP_LD Define item type

GSP_LZ1 SAP internal item cat. assignment

GSP_LZ2 Allocation: acct number - item type

GSP_MD Define Splitting Method

GSP_PD Define business process

GSP_RD Define Split Rule

GSP_VD Define business process variant

GSP_VZ1 Transaction->process var. assignment

GSP_VZ2 MM movem. type->process var. assgmt

GSP_VZ3 FI doc type->process var. assignment

GSTA Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figures



GTCN_ADD1 Modify Data element text for Add. 1

GTCN_ADD2 Modify Data element text for Add. 2

GTCN_ADD3 Modify Data element text for Add. 3

GTCN_ADD4 Modify Data element text for Add. 4

GTCN_ADD5 Modify Data element text for Add. 5

GTCN_ADD6 Modify Data element text for Add. 6

GTCN_ADD7 Modify Data element text for Add. 7

GTCN_ADD8 Modify Data element text for Add. 8

GTCN_PROC_STRAT Define Strategy of Regular Processor

GTCN_TR_COND_MTN Tax Refund Rate Condition Maintain

GTCN_TR_ORG_LEVEL Customizing of Organization level

GTCN_TR_ORG_PL_MTN Maintain Organization level

GTCN_TR_ORG_SD_MTN Maintain Organization level

GTDIS General Table Display

GTRBILLDOC_ARCH Archive Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR)

GTRBILL_DISP Display Grantor Billing Doc. (AP/AR)

GTRBILL_NR Maintain Number Range: GTRBILL

GTRDERIVE GTR Object Assignment - Customizing

GTRDERIVER GTR Object Assignment - Maintenance

GTRINV_MULTI_BP_S Grantor Invoicing (multiple BP rec.)

GTRINV_S Individual Grantor Invoicing

GT_ACT_DB Activate New DB Configration

GT_CUS Set Customer Type

GT_DL Upload Inbound File from GT

GT_DLN Upload Inbound File from GTS

GT_IVL Invoice List

GT_UL Create Outbound File for GT

GT_ULN Create Outbound File for GTS



GVAR Maintenance of Fiscal Year Variants

GVTR FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward

GWUG FI-SL: Global Currency Translation

GWUL FI-SL: Local Currency Translation

GZZG Generate FI-SL completely

I009 Location/AccAsst No. Range (ILOA)

I18N Internationalization


IA03 Display Equipment Task List

IA04 Display PM/SM Task List (A,E,T)

IA07 Display General Task List

IA09 Display Task Lists

IA10 Display Task Lists (Multilevel)

IA13 Display FunctLoc Task List

IA15 Task List Original Change Docs

IA16 Cost Maintenance Task Lists

IA17 Print Maintenance Task Lists

IA18 Display Task Lists by Class Search

IA19 Change Task Lists by Class Search

IA21 Evaluate Task List Change Documents

IA24 Archiving of PM Task Lists

IA29 Display Task Lists

IAC_FLIGHT Flight Example Program

IAOCPRA Log Entries for Cockpit (cProjects)

IAOCPRB Marking of Errors Manually

IAOCPRC Delete and Clean Up

IAOM0 Business Scenario Translator

IAOM3 Bus. Scen. Grp Acct. Assgt Manager

IAOM4 Business Scenario Extension

IAOMA Log for Account Assignment Manager

IAOMA_DB Acc.Assgn.Man. Log w.Test Run Debug.

IAOMB Delete Acc. Assignment Manager Log

IAOMC Object Link Analysis Acct Management

IAOMD Logbook Parameters

IAOME Check and Correct Contr.Type Determ.

IAOMF Acct Assgmt Manager Logbook Analysis

IAOMG Display Master Data Extension

IAOM_BEMOT Settlement:Activate Accntng Indicat.

IAOM_SOURCE CRM Assgnmnt of Settlement Receiver

IAOOMA Archiving Release Account Mgmt OM

IB03 Display Equipment BOM

IB06 Display Equipment BOM Group

IB07 Assign Equipment BOM to Plant

IB09 Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc.

IB13 Display Functional Location BOM

IB16 Display FunctLocation BOM Group

IB17 Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmnt

IB18 Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.

IB19 Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.

IB51 Create IBase

IB52 Change IBase

IB53 Display IBase

IB54 Change Two Installed Bases

IB55 Display Two Installations

IB56 Expand IBase

IB61 Create Installed Base with Reference

IB80 Change Documents for Equipment BOM

IB81 FunctLocation BOM Change Documents

IB90 Equipment BOM Number Ranges

IB91 FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges


IBI2 Plant Maintenance Batch Input

IBIP PM: Batch Input Utility

IBIPA Transaction for BAL of IBIP

IBNR Processing IBNR Reserves

IBR01 Enter Broker Report

IBR02 Broker Collections Acct Bal. Display

IBR03 Broker Desktop

IBR04 Clarify Broker Report

IBR05 Display Broker Report History

IBR06 Display Customers For Broker

IBR07 Search/List Broker Report Items

IBR08 Broker Report New Reconciliation Key

IBR09 Broker Report Reversal

IBR10 Number Range Maintenance: BRO_STMH

IBR11 Define Insurance User

IBR12 Web Broker: Maintain Forms

IBR13 Display Broker for Customer

IBR23 Broker Report Clearing Account

IBR24 Interim Account Broker Report

IBR25 Default Values Broker Report

IBR27 Broker Summary Posting Default Vals

IBR28 Configure Clarification Codes

IBR30 Activities for Clarification Codes

IBR31 Broker Hierarchy Selection

IBR32 Assign Item Cat/Broker Report Cat

IBR33 Clarif. Account for Clarif. Code

IBR34 Broker Report Selection Categories

IBR35 Customizing: Broker Report Grouping

IBR36 Customizing: Account Det. Tolerance

IBR37 Customizing: Prfx Reconciliation Key

IBR38 Customizing: Released Reports

IBR39 Derivation Clarif. Code Web Appl.

IBR40 Create Broker Account Statement

IBR50 Create Broker Report

IBR51 Broker Report Transfer

IBR52 Broker Report Transfer Error Proc.

IBR53 Broker Report Transfer - File Change

IBR54 Broker Report Transfer - File Gen.

IBR55 BrokRepTransfer - Cust. Struct. Gen.

IBR60 Request Broker Report

IBR70 Create Broker Dunning Status

IBR75 Dunning Status History

IBR80 Auto. Broker Report Postprocessing

IBR81 Specs for Auto. Brok. Rep. Postproc.

IBR85 Post Broker Report After Inc. Payt

IBR90 Create Broker Balance

IBRBAPITEST Test Transaction BAPIs Broker Coll.

IBRO Broker Collections Area Menu

IBSPI_RFCDEST RFC Destination IBS-PI Functions

IBSSI_RFCDEST RFC Destination for IBS Functions

IB_COM_CUST_01 IBase: Customizing IBase Category



ICKF Customer-Specific Key Figures

ICLAPPTOPC File from Appl.Server to Frontend

ICLARCH Archive Claim Data

ICLBP101 Create Retailer

ICLBP102 Change Retailer

ICLBP103 Display Retailer

ICLBP11 Create Repair Shop

ICLBP12 Change Repair Shop

ICLBP13 Display Repair Shop

ICLBP21 Create Auto Rental

ICLBP22 Change Auto Rental

ICLBP23 Display Auto Rental

ICLBP31 Create Appraiser

ICLBP32 Change Appraiser

ICLBP33 Display Appraiser

ICLBP51 Create Towing Service

ICLBP52 Change Towing Service

ICLBP53 Display Towing Service

ICLBPS1 FS-CM: Find Policyholder

ICLBPSRCHGEN Generate Business Partner Search

ICLCCSRCHGEN Generate Claim Bundle Search

ICLCDC01 Create Claim (Expert Mode)

ICLCDC02 Change Claim (Expert Mode)

ICLCDC03 Display Claim (Expert Mode)

ICLCDCN1 Initial Screen Claims Data Capture

ICLCDINFO ISCD Information on a Payment

ICLCHECKNO Delivers Free Check Numbers for User


ICLCLOSE Close Claim (Dark)

ICLCLSRCHGEN Generate Claim Search

ICLCUST003 ICL: CDC: Customizing Int.Claim Type

ICLCUST1 ICL: CDC: Customizing Claim Type

ICLCUST2 ICL: CDC: Customizing Subclaim Type


ICLCUST4 ICL: CDC: Cause of Loss

ICLCUST5 ICL CDC:Assign Claim Type/Loss Cause

ICLCUST50 Reserve Types

ICLCUST51 Reserve Categories

ICLCUST52 Reserve Change Reasons

ICLCUST53 Assignm. Subclaim Type-Reserve Type

ICLCUST54 Benefit Types

ICLCUST55 Assignm. Subclaim Type-Benefit Type

ICLCUST57 Reserve Types

ICLCUST58 Reserve Types

ICLCUST59 Reserve Types

ICLCUST60 Reserve Types

ICLCVERM003 Configure Internal Claim Type

ICLCVERM160 Define Benefit Type Tree

ICLCVERM320 Define Policy Products

ICLC_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_CLAIM

ICLC_NRFNOL Number Range Maintenance: ICL_CLFNOL

ICLDIAGIMPORT Import Diagnoses

ICLE1 BDT-Event: Applications

ICLE10 BDT-Event: Matchcode

ICLE100 BDT-Event: Fld Grouping (Activity)

ICLE101 BDT-Event: Fld Gouping (Role Cat.)

ICLE102 BDT-Event: Authorization Type

ICLE103 BDT-Event: Field Groups (Authoriz.)

ICLE104 BDT-Event: Screen Configuration

ICLE11 BDT-Event: Assign ScrnFld-> DBFld

ICLE12 BDT-Event: Field Grouping

ICLE13 BDT-Event: Role Categories

ICLE14 BDT-Event: Role Category Grouping

ICLE15 BDT-Event: Application Transactions

ICLE16 BDT-Event: Tables

ICLE18 BDT-Event: Activities

ICLE2 BDT-Event: Field Groups

ICLE23 BDT ICLE: Data Sets

ICLE3 BDT-Event: Views

ICLE4 BDT-Event: Sections

ICLE5 BDT-Event: Screens

ICLE6 BDT-Event: Screen Sequences

ICLE7 BDT-Event: Events

ICLE8 BDT-Event: Standard GUI Functions

ICLE9 BDT-Event: Additional GUI Functions

ICLEACCEVT Search for Accident Event

ICLEACCEVT01 Accident Event: Create

ICLEACCEVT02 Accident Event: Change

ICLEACCEVT03 Accident Event: Display

ICLEBLKINV01 Collective Invoice: Create

ICLEBLKINV02 Collective Invoice: Change

ICLEBLKINV03 Collective Invoice: Display

ICLEBLKSBR01 Coll.Subrogation: Create

ICLEBLKSBR02 Coll.Subrogation: Change

ICLEBLKSBR03 Coll.Subrogation: Display

ICLECMCMT Claim Control Maintenance

ICLECU1 ICL Event Custom.: Claim Bundle Type

ICLECU2 ICL Event Custom.: Clm BundleSubtype

ICLEEXPERT Claim Bundle Search

ICLEEXPERT_0 Claim Bundle Search

ICLEEXPERT_1 Claim Bundle Search

ICLEEXPERT_OLD Initial Screen Claim Handler

ICLEMC01 Multiple Contract Handling: Create

ICLEMC02 Multiple Contract Handling: Change

ICLEMC03 Multiple Contract Handling: Display

ICLET01 Claim Bundle: Create

ICLET02 Claim Bundle: Change

ICLET03 Claim Bundle: Display

ICLEUSR Maintain User Settings

ICLEVCT Claim Bundle Cust.: Screen Config.

ICLEWM Claim Bundle Work Menu

ICLEWM104 BDT-FNOL: Screen Configuration


ICLEXPERT Claim Search




ICLE_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_EVENT

ICLE_TOUCH_MASS Mass Processing for Claim Bundle

ICLFNOL01 Create Notice of Loss

ICLFNOL03 View Notice of Loss

ICLFNOL2CLAIM Convert Notice of Loss to Claim

ICLFNOLSAP1 Notice of Loss from SAP User

ICLFNOLSAP3 Display Notice of Loss from SAP User

ICLIBNR01 Calculation of Suppl. Reserves

ICLIBNR840 Reserve Group / Indicatives

ICLIBNR841 Reserve Group / Indicatives

ICLIBNR843 Reserve Group Cluster

ICLIBNR848 Reserve Group / Indicatives

ICLIBNR849 Reserve Group / Indicatives

ICLIBNR850 Selection Screen Reserve Allocation

ICLIBNR851 Selection Screen Reserve Allocation

ICLIBNR852 Loss/Expense Ratio

ICLIBNR860 ResGrp -> Version

ICLIBNR861 Define Reserve Group

ICLIBNR861_HEALTH Define Reserve Group

ICLIBNR862 Reserve Group Category

ICLIBNR863 Define Reserve Group

ICLIBNR865 Expense Calculation Rule

ICLIBNR867 Reserve Group Cluster

ICLIBNR867_HEALTH Reserve Group Cluster

ICLIBNR867_X Reserve Group Cluster

ICLIBNR869 Define Versions for Res.Gp Cluster

ICLIBNR873 Edit Process Sequence

ICLIBNRCLASS Calculation of Suppl. Reserves

ICLIBNRCOMP Comparison of Two IBNR Versions

ICLIBNRDIRECT Selection: Direct IBNR Reserving

ICLIBNREDITRESULT IBNR Determination of Reserves


ICLIBNRLE Calculation of Suppl. Reserves

ICLIBNRPROCESS IBNR Determination of Reserves


ICLIBNRRESLOT IBNR Determination of Reserves

ICLIMG Go Directly to FS-CM IMG

ICLINS01 Create Insurer

ICLINS02 Change Insurer

ICLINS03 Display Insurer

ICLINVMASS01 Invoice Mass Entry

ICLINVNOT01 Single Entry of Invoice

ICLINVSG01 Invoice Mass Entry

ICLL_MASS_PROCESSING Mass Processing for ICLL Objects

ICLMYCLAIMS Claim Handler: My Claims

ICLNOT01 Create Claim (Notification Mode)

ICLNOT02 Change Claim (Notification Mode)

ICLNOT03 Display Claim (Notification Mode)

ICLNOTE1 Create Note (Overview Mode)




ICLNWM FS-CM: First Notice of Loss: Dialog

ICLN_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_NOTICE

ICLOPENACT Claim Handler: Pending Tasks

ICLOVER03 Display Claim (Overview Mode)


ICLPAY01 Create Payment (Overview Mode)

ICLPAY03 Approve Payment (Overview Mode)

ICLPAYAUTH Display of Payment Authorizations

ICLPCTOAPP File from Frontend to Appl. Server

ICLPICUPLOAD Upload and Save Picture Files

ICLPOLDISP Display All Policies in ICLCLAIM

ICLQCL01 Create Quick Claim

ICLQCL02 Change Quick Claim

ICLQCL03 Display Quick Claim

ICLRBPOM01 Create RBP-OM Assignment Data

ICLRBPOM02 Change RBP-OM Assignment Data

ICLRBPOM03 Display RBP-OM Assignment Data

ICLREASSIGN Reassign Payment (Overview Mode)

ICLRES02 Change Reserve (Overview Mode)

ICLRIDATA Report Data to RI

ICLRPDMNT Scheduled Payment

ICLR_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_RESLOT

ICLSALV01 Create Salvage (Overview Mode)

ICLSCDISP Display Benefit Catalogs

ICLSCEXPERT Benefits Catalog Search

ICLSCT01 Create Catalog Item

ICLSCT02 Change Catalog Item

ICLSCT03 Display Catalog Item

ICLSCWM FS-CM Task Level Menu Benefit Catelg

ICLSCWM1 BDT ICLB: Applications

ICLSCWM10 BDT ICLB: Matchcodes

ICLSCWM100 BDT ICLB: Fld Modif. per Activ.Cat.

ICLSCWM102 BDT ICLB: Authorization Types

ICLSCWM103 BDT ICLB: Fld Grp for Authorization

ICLSCWM104 BDT ICLB: Screen Configuration

ICLSCWM11 BDT ICLB: Assignment Scrn->DB Field

ICLSCWM12 BDT ICLB: Field Modificatn Criteria

ICLSCWM15 BDT ICLB: Application Transactions


ICLSCWM18 BDT ICLB: Activities







ICLSCWM6 BDT ICLB: Screen Sequences


ICLSCWM8 BDT ICLB: GUI Standard Functions

ICLSCWM9 BDT ICLB: GUI Additional Functions

ICLSUP800 ResGrp -> Version

ICLSUP801 Reserve Group / Indicatives

ICLSUP802 Reserve Group / Method

ICLSUP803 Create/Change Method

ICLSUP804 Calculation of Suppl. Reserves

ICLSUP805 Create/Change Application Method

ICLSUP806 Reserve Group -> Application Method

ICLSUP807 Application Suppl. Reserves

ICLSUP808 Comparison of Two Res. Calculations

ICLSUP809 Calculation of Suppl. Reserves

ICLSUP814 ResGrp -> Version

ICLSUP820 Product Group

ICLSUP821 Line of Insurance

ICLSUP822 Suppl. Reserves: Coverage

ICLSUP823 Statutory State

ICLSUP824 Regional Office

ICLSUP825 Company Code

ICLSUP826 Company Code

ICLSUP827 Company Code

ICLSUP860 ResGrp -> Version

ICLSUPPL01 Define Evaluation Criteria

ICLSUPPL02 Select Evaluation Criteria


ICLTREX Claim Search Using Search Engine

ICLUL_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_ULAEDB

ICLUSR Maintain User Settings

ICLVCT Claim Customizing:Scrn Configuration

ICLVEHCATALOGUPLOAD Catalog Import for Damage Category

ICLWC01 Create Catalog Item

ICLWC02 Change Catalog Item

ICLWC03 Display Catalog Item

ICLWCRWB WCOMP Rules Update Workbench


ICLWM1 BDT ICL: Applications

ICLWM10 BDT-FNOL: Matchcodes

ICLWM100 BDT-FNOL: Fld Grouping (Activity)

ICLWM101 BDT-FNOL: Field Grouping (Role)

ICLWM102 BDT-FNOL: Authorization

ICLWM103 BDT-FNOL: Field Groups (Authoriz.)

ICLWM104 BDT-FNOL: Screen Configuration

ICLWM107 Where-Used List: Views

ICLWM11 BDT FNOL: Assign.ScreenFld->DBField

ICLWM12 BDT-FNOL: Field Grouping Criteria


ICLWM14 BDT-FNOL: Role Categories

ICLWM15 BDT ICL: Application Transactions


ICLWM18 BDT-FNOL: Activities

ICLWM2 BDT ICL: Field Groups

ICLWM20 BDT ICL: BDT Search Help

ICLWM22 Where-Used List

ICLWM23 BDT ICL: Data Sets




ICLWM6 BDT ICL: Screen Sequences


ICLWM8 BDT-FNOL: Standard GUI Functions

ICLWM9 BDT-FNOL: Additional GUI Functions

ICLWM_MINI_BD ICL: BP Search Help Address-Dependnt

ICLWM_MINI_BD1 ICL: Address-Dependent Application

ICLWM_MINI_BD2 ICL: Address-Dependent Field Group

ICLWM_MINI_BD3 ICL: Address-Dependent Views

ICLWM_MINI_BP ICL: BP Search Help Address-Indepndt

ICLWM_MINI_BP1 ICL: Address-Independent Application

ICLWM_MINI_BP2 ICL: Address-Independent Field Group

ICLWM_MINI_BP3 ICL: Address-Independent Views

ICLWWW01 Create Claim (WWW Mode)

ICLWWW02 Display Claim (WWW Mode)

ICLWWW03 Change Claim (WWW Mode)

ICLWWW09 Display Claim Status (Customer View)

ICLX_CLAIM_GUID Display GUIDs for a Claim

ICLX_CLAIM_SEARCH Claims Facade: Claim Search


ICL_ARCHCCEVT_DISPL Claim Bundle Display

ICL_ARCHCLAIM_DISPL Display Archived Claims

ICL_ARCHSC_DISPL Display Archived Benefits Catalog

ICL_BAPI_SMOD_EDIT Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt

ICL_BP Edit Business Partner

ICL_BPCALL Call Business Partner

ICL_BRF_AC Definition of BRF Actions

ICL_BRF_EV Definition of BRF Events

ICL_BRF_EX Definition of BRF Expressions

ICL_BRF_RL Definition of BRF Expressions

ICL_BRF_RL_SHOW Display All ICL Rule Lines

ICL_BRF_RS Definition of Rule Sets


ICL_CAT2 BBP for Claim

ICL_CHEAT_SHEET Display Claim Memo Pad


ICL_CLAIM_PORTAL02 'Change Claim' (for Portal)

ICL_CMC_EV_CR FS-CM: BTE (Publish & Subscribe)

ICL_CMC_PR_CR FS-CM: BTE (Process Interfaces)

ICL_COPY_RULES Copy Rules for New Maintenance

ICL_ESH_SEARCH Claim Search Using Search Engine


ICL_EXPERT_0 Claim Search

ICL_EXPERT_1 Claim Search



ICL_IBNR_NR Number Range Maintenance: ICL_IBNR

ICL_ICLBDT1 FS-CM: Data Set -> Claim Subobj.Cat.

ICL_ICLBDT2 FS-CM: Assgnmnt BDT ScrnFlds -> Int.


ICL_INVSTG_INIT_SEND Perform Initial Send

ICL_INVSTG_PROC_RES Process Response Messages



ICL_LP_CHA_REP_CUST Set Up Launchpad for Claim Handler

ICL_MAINTAIN_TICL130 Maintenance of Table TICL130

ICL_NWBC_BULK_SUBRO Wrapper f.Collective Subro Transactn


ICL_PAYMENTS2CD Post Payments to Coll./Disbursements

ICL_PAYMENT_REPORT Evaluation of Documents/Payments

ICL_PI_NR_BENTREE Number Range Maintenance: ICL_BENTRE

ICL_PI_NR_BENTYPE Number Range Maintenance: ICL_BENTYP

ICL_PI_NR_COVTYPE Number Range Maintenance: ICL_COVTYP

ICL_PI_NR_POLPROD Number Range Maintenance: ICL_POLPRO

ICL_RBP_MASS_CHANGE Mass Change Performer Assignment




ICL_REGREP_ERRCTR Regulatory Reporting - Error Center

ICL_REGREP_PROC_RES Process Response Messages



ICL_RESLOT_DISPLAY Display Reserve Lot

ICL_SET_USER_GROUP Assign Claim Handler Group

ICL_SHOW_ARCHDOC Display Claim Document

ICL_SHOW_KW_DOCU Display KW Documentation




ICL_STRU_ACC_EDIT Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt


ICL_STRU_ULACC_EDIT Create/Change CI Incl. f.AcctAssgnmt

ICL_TEST_ESH Test ESH Extraction with Output




ICL_ULAEPEREDIT Edit Reserve Parts Manually

ICL_ULAERESALLOCATE Distribution of ULAE Reserves

ICL_ULAERESEDIT Edit CF Factors Manually

ICL_ULAERESUPLOAD Read Input Data from Appl. Server



ICL_WCOMP_RULES Overview - Workers Comp Rules

ICM1COND Change Condit.Maint. of Remuneration

ICM1CONDB Change Condit.Maint. of Valuation

ICM1CONDC Create Condit.Maint. of Liability

ICM2COND Change Condit.Maint. of Remuneration

ICM2CONDB Change Condit.Maint. of Valuation

ICM2CONDC Change Condit.Maint. of Liability

ICM3COND Display Condit.Maint. of Remunerat.

ICM3CONDB Display Condit.Maint. of Liability

ICM3CONDC Display Condit.Maint. of Liability

ICNV Incremental Conversion

ICON Display Icons

ICRC001 Maintain Message Templates

ICRC010 Maintain Contact Person Database

IC_LTX Remote Part of Launch Transaction

IC_LTXE Remote Part of Launch Transaction

IDAR_CONDGEN Condition Maintanance Argentina

IDBK Maintain Books

IDCFM_FRAM_DICHECK Consolidate Assignment Check

IDCFM_FRCR_1 Capit. Reserve Reconciliation

IDCFM_FRIM_CREATE Record Impairment

IDCFM_FRIM_DISPLAY Display Impairment

IDCFM_FRIM_EXPERT Manual Input of Expert Values

IDCFM_FRRF_CUCHECK FIFO Reevaluation Customizing Check

IDCFM_USWS_OVERVIEW Wash Sales: Overview

IDCFM_USWS_SELCRIT Wash Sales: Selection Criteria

IDCFM_USWS_WORKLIST Wash Sales: Worklist

IDCNACCTBLN Account Balance Output (China)

IDCNALG Account Level Hierarchy (China)

IDCNAP A/P Aging Report (China)

IDCNAR A/R Aging Report (China)

IDCNBSAIS Financial Statement (China)

IDCNCASH Cash Flow Statement (China)

IDCNDOC Account Document Output (China)

IDCNFB03 Display Document

IDCNGRIR_BNG GR/IR Clearing for BNG (China)

IDCNGRIR_GNB GR/IR Clearing for GNB (China)

IDCNODNADJ ODN Adjustment Program

IDCNPLFWD P&L Account Closing Posting (China)

IDCN_FSC_EXP_IMP Financial statment export and import

IDCN_NR_GEN ODN number range generation

IDCP Printout on Prenumbered Forms

IDCZ_VATDOCDP VAT Document for Down Payment

IDDH Used Prenumbered Forms Report

IDFIVATCZ00 Country Specific VAT (CZ): Electroni

IDFIVAT_ARCH_PER Residence Time for VAT Country spec.

IDFIVAT_EXT_DATA VAT Ledger: Ext. Data Maintenance

IDHU_DOWNP_VAT Down Paymnt - Recalculate Tax Amount

IDIN_ASSETBLK Asset Block Data

IDIN_FIAA_TAX Tax Area for Asset Block calculation

IDIN_FIAA_TRGR ID Transaction Group for IT report

IDLB Maintain Document Lots and Books

IDLOCL_INV_LEDGER Inventory Ledger (Chile)

IDMIMG Key Mapping Customizing

IDMX_MONTHREPORT Monthly Invoice Report (Mexico)

IDM_INTEG_CUST Customizing of SPML Configuration

IDM_INTEG_CUST_I Maintain SPML Configuration

IDPH1 Currency Diffs for Partial Payments

IDREPFW_COPY_CUST Rep.Framework: Copy Customizing

IDREPFW_EVN_MGMT Rep.Framework:Management of Events

IDREPFW_IMPORT Rep.Framework:Import of Settings

IDREPFW_REP Reporting Framework - Start

IDREPFW_RUNINR Number range maintenance: IDREPFWRID

IDSAUZAK Zakat Levy Declaration (Old)

IDSAU_ADJUST_ENTRY Adjustment Entry Reporting (KSA)

IDSAU_CC_PARAM Additional Texts for Company Code

IDSAU_CR_VC Vendor Certificate Validity Check

IDSAU_FSV Define FSK for KSA Tax Declaration

IDSAU_REPFORM Assign PDF Form to Program

IDSAU_SHAREHOLD Foreign Shareholders Percentages

IDSAU_TAXDECL Income Tax Declaration

IDSAU_TAXRATES Maintain Tax Rates

IDSAU_TDE Zakat and Tax Declaration Enclosures

IDSAU_TD_AGTL Tax depr. KSA - Asset Group Totals

IDSAU_TD_MAIN Tax Depr. of Fixed Assets (KSA)

IDSAU_ZAKATN Zakat Declaration (Saudi Arabia/GCC)

IDVD Void Unused Prenumbered Forms

IDX1 Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter

IDX2 Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

IDX5 IDoc Adapter - Monitoring

IDXP Monitor for Message Packages

IDXPW IDoc Package Wizard


IE01 Create Equipment

IE01_ISU_C Create Equipment

IE02 Change Equipment

IE03 Display Equipment

IE05 Change Equipment

IE06 Change Equipment

IE07 Equipment List (Multi-level)

IE08 Create Equipment

IE10 Multiple Equipment Entry

IE20 Replacement Equipment Search

IE25 Create Production Resource/Tool

IE31 Create Fleet Object

IE36 Display Vehicles

IE37 Change Vehicles

IE4N Equipment Installation and Dismant.

IE4NCGP Maintain General Settings for IE4N

IE4NORG User-Group-Specific Settings

IE4NUSR User-Specific Settings

IECS Technical Objects

IEQCM1 Change of Equipment History

IE_RCT_SUBMIT Transaction to execute RCT program

IE_RCT_UPDATE Transaction to update RCT Response

IF00 Production Resources/Tools

IFCU Consumption Transaction

IFW_DELETE Invoice forecasting deletion

IFW_FORECAST Invoice forecasting run

IGN1 Create Policyholder

IGN2 Change Policyholder

IGN3 Display Policyholder

IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC01 Create Search Application

IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC02 Change Search Application

IGN_SEARCH_APPLIC03 Display Search Application

IGN_SEARCH_CONCAT02 Change Logical Operators

IGN_SEARCH_CONCAT03 Display Logical Operators



IGN_SEARCH_TYPE02 Change Search Categories

IGN_SEARCH_TYPE03 Display Search Categories

IH01 Functional Location Structure

IH02 Reference Location Structure

IH03 Equipment Structure

IH04 Equipment Structure

IH05 Material Structure

IH06 Display Functional Location

IH07 Display Reference Location

IH08 Display Equipment

IH09 Display Material

IH10 Display Equipment

IH11 Display Functional Location

IH12 FunctLocation Structure

IH18 Ref. Location List (Multi-Level)

IH20 Where-Used List Time

IH22 Where-Used List Time Interval

IHB0101 Account Holder In-House Cash: Create

IHB0102 Account Holder In-House Cash: Change

IHB0103 Account Holder In-House Cash:Display

IHC0 Payment Order Browser

IHC01 Cross-Bank Area Orders

IHC02 Reverse Additional POs from Currency

IHC1ED Create External Payment Order

IHC1EP Create External Payment Order

IHC1EP_MUL Manual Ext. PO for several recipient

IHC1ID Create Internal Payment Order

IHC1ID_MUL Int. DirectDebit PO for several rec.

IHC1IP Create Internal Payment Order

IHC1IP_MUL Manual Int. PO for several recipient

IHC2 Change Payment Order

IHC3 Display Payment Order

IHCCM0 Setup IHC Financial Status

IHCCM1 Transfer IHC Financial Status to CM

IHCCM2 IHC Financial Status Online

IHCCM3 Consistency Check for Customizing

IHCFX FX netting with In House Cash

IHCLOGBASTA Logs for Account Statement Postings

IHCLOGRVS Display Logs for IHC Reversals

IHCN1 Number Range Maintenance: IHC_LOG

IHCN3 Number Range Maintenance: IHC_NRO_PN

IHCRT IHC: Set of Rules Def. for Route Det

IHCRVS Reversal of IHC Payment Orders

IHCWTKA Reversal of Crcy Conv.-Pymt Orders

IHC_AUTH Amount Group in IHC

IHC_INB_CUST Customizing IHC IDoc Incoming

IHC_MAIN_CUST Customizing IHC Clearing

IHC_PI_INB_CUST Customizing IHC Inbound IDOC

IHC_REFERENCE Display Reference Document

IHC_WORKFLOW IHC Workflow Customizing

IK01 Create Measuring Point

IK01R Create Reference Measuring Point

IK02 Change Measuring Point

IK02R Change Reference Measuring Point

IK03 Display Measuring Point

IK03R Display Reference Measuring Point

IK04 Create Measuring Points for Object

IK04R Create Ref. Measuring Points for Obj

IK05 Change Measuring Points for Object

IK05R Change Ref. Measuring Points for Obj

IK06 Display Measuring Points for Object

IK06R Display Ref Measuring Points for Obj

IK07 Display Measuring Points

IK07R Display Reference Measuring Point

IK08 Change Measuring Points

IK08R Change Reference Measuring Point

IK09 Maintain Number Range for Table IMPT

IK10R Transfer Data from Ref Measuring Pnt

IK11 Create Measurement Document

IK12 Change Measurement Document

IK13 Display Measurement Document

IK14 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

IK15 Take Up Measurement Reading Transfer

IK16 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

IK17 Display Measurement Documents

IK18 Change Measurement Documents

IK19 Maintain Number Range for Table IMRG

IK21 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

IK22 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

IK31 Create MeasReading Entry List

IK32 Change MeasReading Entry List

IK33 Display MeasReading entry list

IK34 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments

IK39 Nummernkreispflege: IMEL

IK41 Display MeasDocs From Archive

IK51 MeasReading Transfer Structure

IK52 MeasReading Transfer History

IK71 Create Meas. Document in Internet

IK81 Create Linear Reference Pattern

IK82 Change Linear Reference Pattern

IK83 Display Linear Reference Pattern


IKKW Valuation Variant Generic Object

IKKZ Costing Variant Generic Object

IL01 Create Functional Location

IL02 Change Functional Location

IL03 Display Functional Location

IL04 Create FunctLocation: List Entry

IL05 Change Functional Location

IL06 Data Transfer From FunctLocation

IL07 Funct. Location List (Multi-Level)

IL08 Create Functional Location

IL09 User Profile for Labeling

IL10 Reusability of Historical Labels

IL11 Create Reference Location

IL12 Change Reference Location

IL13 Display Reference Location

IL14 Create RefLocation: List Entry

IL15 Change Reference Location

IL16 Data Transfer from RefLocation

IL17 Take up Data Transfer

IL18 Data Transfer From Equipment

IL20 Change Functional Location

IL21 Heal from INHB

ILMAPK Audit Package Maintenance

ILMAPT Audit Package Template Processing

ILMARA Audit Area Processing

ILMAUT Call Audit Trail Wrapper Report


ILMDOWLB Download Browser local reporting

ILMDOWLB_S Download Browser local reporting


ILMPRLISTRW Print Lists: Find and Display in RW


ILMSIM ILM Rule Simulation

ILMSTOREADM SRS Store Administration

ILMTABLB Table Browser local reporting

ILMVIEW ILM View Definition in RW

ILMVIEWM View Maintenance for ILM

ILM_AL_EOL Set ArchiveLink References in RW

ILM_AL_REF Set ArchiveLink References (Att.)

ILM_AO_CUST Object-Specific Customizing Settings

ILM_ARC_LAUNCH_WEBUI Auxiliary Transaction FPM -> WebGUI

ILM_CHANGE_RET Change Expiration Date

ILM_C_APPL Define Applications

ILM_C_CON Configure Segments

ILM_C_C_CON Configure Customer-Specific Segments

ILM_C_OBJECTS Define Archiving Objects

ILM_C_RAOB Register Archiving Objects

ILM_C_RAOB_TAB Register Archiving Objects Tables

ILM_C_RELA Relation between segments

ILM_C_SOEX Define Segments to Extract

ILM_C_STRC Define Structures

ILM_DESTRUCTION Data Destruction

ILM_DL_REF Set ArchiveLink References (DL)

ILM_EDIS Generic E-Discovery

ILM_EQM1 Create Equipment

ILM_EQM2 Change Equipment

ILM_EQM3 Display Equipment

ILM_E_DISPLAY Display Archive Files

ILM_E_SELECT Run Archiving for ILM

ILM_GENERIC_CDE Trigger Generic CDE from RW

ILM_LHM Legal Hold Management

ILM_LH_ADK Legal Hold Propagation (ADK)

ILM_LH_AL Legal Hold Propagation (ArchiveLink)

ILM_LTCONFIG LT system configuration

ILM_LTRUN ILM LT Configured Object Execution


ILM_SB ILM Store Browser

ILM_SN_EXTENSION SN Extension Tool (Swiss Knife)

ILM_STOR_ADM_CUST ILM Store Administrative Customizing

ILM_STOR_CS_COCKPIT ILM DB Store: Certification Suite

ILM_STOR_MON ILM Store Monitor

ILM_STOR_MON_SAP ILM Store Monitor for SAP adm.origin

ILM_STOR_OPR_CUST ILM Store: Operational Customizing

ILM_TRANS_ADMIN Transfer of Archive Administration

ILM_TRANS_ADMIN_ONLY Transfer Administration Data Only


ILM_TRANS_ALDL Transfer Attachments and Print Lists

ILM_TRANS_CONST Convert and Store Data

ILM_TRANS_CREP Transfer Content Repository Def.

ILM_TRANS_META_ADMIN Administration Data for SN_META Only

ILM_TRANS_META_CONST Convert and Store Metadata

ILM_TRANS_OBJECTS Transfer Transaction Data to RW

ILM_TRANS_OBJ_CONST Convert and Store Transaction Data

ILM_TRANS_SN Context Data/Snapshots to RW

ILM_TRANS_SN_CONST Convert and Store Context Data/SN

ILM_TRANS_SN_META Transfer Metadata to RW

ILM_WOC1 Create Notification

ILM_WOC2 Change Notification

ILM_WOC3 Display Notification

IM00 Investment programs

IM01 Create Investment Program

IM02 Change Investment Program

IM03 Display Investment Program

IM05 Reassign Measures/Approp.Requests

IM11 Create Investment Program Position

IM12 Change Investment Program Position

IM13 Display Inv. Program Position

IM20 Ongoing settings for inv. program

IM22 Change Investment Program Structure

IM23 Display Investment Program Structure

IM24 Create Investment Program

IM25 Create Investment Program

IM27 IM: Open new approval year

IM27_CLOSE IM: Close old approval year

IM27_REPEAT IM: Open New Approv. Yr- Repeat Run

IM28 Copy investment program

IM30 Change Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos.

IM31 Display Supplement to Inv.Prog.Pos.

IM32 Change Budget of Inv. Prog. Position

IM33 Display Budget of Inv.Prog.Position

IM34 Determining Default Plan Value IM

IM35 Change Plan on Inv. Program Position

IM36 Display plan on prog. position

IM38 Change return on program position

IM39 Display return on program position

IM40 Change supplement on operative objs

IM41 Display suppmt on operative objects

IM42 Change budget operative objects

IM43 Display budget operative objects

IM44 Determining Default Budget Value IM

IM48 Change return on operative objects

IM49 Display return on operative objects

IM52 Process budget distribution

IM53 Display budget distribution

IM54 Investment Program Reorganization

IM64 Transfer from Old Investment Program

IMA0 Appropriation Requests

IMA1 Create appropriation request

IMA11 Individual Processing

IMA12 Individual Processing (Planner)

IMA13 Individual Processing (Web Trans.)

IMA1N Create Appropriation Request

IMA2 Change appropriation request

IMA20 Ongoing settings for app. request

IMA2N Change Appropriation Request

IMA3 Display appropriation request

IMA3N Display Appropriation Request

IMA4 Delete appropriation request

IMA4N Delete Appropriation Request

IMA6 Copy version assignmt to measure

IMAI CI Management Info System

IMAM Mass maintenance of approp.requests

IMAMB Automatic Mass Change

IMAMP Blanket Change to Plan Values

IMAN Number range maintenance: IMAK

IMAP Change plan for appropriation req.

IMAPL Overview Planning (Planner)

IMAPL2 Overview Planning

IMAPL3 Overview Planning (Easy Web)

IMAQ Display plan for appropriation req.

IMAR Plan investment portion of app.req.

IMAS Display plan: Appropriation request

IMAV Change plan revenues

IMAW Display plan revenues

IMB0 IM Summariz: Replicate hierarchy

IMB1 IM Summariz: Replicate curr. values

IMB2 IM Summariz: Replicate entities

IMB3 IM Summariz: Current values in file

IMB4 IM Summariz: Entities in file

IMB5 IM Summariz: Values from file

IMB6 IM Summariz: Entities from file

IMB7 IM Summarization: Copy values

IMB8 IM Summariz: Summarized val. in file

IMBC IM Summariz: Settings in file

IMBD IM Summariz: Delete values/hierarchy

IMBE IM Summarization: Delete entities

IMBM IM Summarization: Monitor

IMBPUP Plan/Budget Rollup

IMC3 IM Summarization: Display report

IMC6 IM Summarization: Create form

IMCAOV Budget Carryfwd for Inv.Programs

IMCBR3 Mass Budget Release for Projects

IMCC IM Summarization: Curr. transl. type

IMCCP1 Copy Plan -> Budget (Inv.Prog)

IMCCP2 Transfer App.Req. Plan -> Meas. Plan

IMCCP3 Copy Plan -> Budget (Projects)

IMCCP4 Copy Plan -> Budget (Orders)

IMCCV1 Copy Plan Vers. -> PlanVers(InvProg)


IMCG Summariz. IM: Gen. User-Def. Char.

IMCK IM Summariz: Calculated key figures

IMCOC1 Consistency Check (Inv.Prog.)

IMCOC3 Consistency Check (Projects)

IMCOC4 Consistency Check (Orders)

IMCRC1 Currency Reacalculation (Inv.Prog.)

IMCRC2 Currency Recalculation (App.Req.)

IMCRC3 Currency Recalculation (Projects)

IMCRC4 Currency Recalculation (Orders)

IMCT IM Summar: Translation of drilldowns

IMCTST IMC Test Monitor

IMCTST2 Test IMC Communication

IMCTX Intermode Communication

IMCU Config. menu Investment Management

IMD3 App.req: Display report

IMD6 App.req: Display form

IMDC App. req: Currency translation key

IMDG Generate User-Defined Characteristic

IMDK App.req: Calculated key figures

IMDT App. req: Translate drilldown

IME3 Display cap.inv.prog. report

IME6 Display layout set for inv.prog.rep.

IMEC Maint. of currcy.conv. type inv.prg.

IMEG Generate User-Defined Characteristic

IMEK Maintain ratios

IMEO1 Create Inv.Program in Enterprise Org

IMEO2 Change Inv.Program in Enterp. Org.

IMEO3 Display Inv.Program in Enterp. Org.

IMEO_GEN Generate Inv.Program frm Ent.Organiz

IMET Transl. tool - Dr.-down rep. inv.prg

IMEU Euro conversion: IM postproces.prog.

IMI0 CI Management Info System

IMIG Incremental Migration

IMKBUD Original Budget = Current Budget

IML1 Define Long Text Templates

IML1W Define Long Text Templates - Word

IMLX Define Long Text Templates

IMLXW Define Long Text Templates - Word

IMP Start of Mass Processing

IMPBA3 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Projects)

IMPBA4 Plan/Budget Adjustment (Orders)

IMP_CUST Maintenance Mass Processng Customzng


IMP_TRIGGER_NUMBERS Number Range Maintenance: IMP001

IMR1 Values for Capital Investment Prog.

IMR1_ALV ALV Reporting Investment Program

IMR3 Delete Whole Capital Investment Prg.

IMR4 App.Req. w/o Distrib., w/o Variants

IMR5 App.Req. w/ Distrib., w/o Variants

IMR6 App.Req. w/o Distrib., w/ Variants

IMR7 App. Request w/ Distrib. w/ Variants

IMR8 Non-Assigned Measures/App.Req.

IMR9 Check of Inheritance in Inv.Program

IMR_PREINV Recalculate preinv. analysis figures

IMSL Set language for text

IMV1 Changes to Investment Programs

IMV2 Changes to CI Program Positions

IM_ARCR Archiving of Approp. Requests

IM_ARDE Delete Archived App. Requests

IM_ARMA Admin. of App. Request Archives

IM_AVCHANA Monitor Avail.Ctr. for Inv.programs

IM_AVCHANA_ORD Monitor Avail.Ctr. for Inv.programs

IM_AVCHANA_WBS Avail. Ctrl Monitor for WBS Elements

IM_DLAS Detach and Reass. Meas./Approp. Req.

IM_LKZS Set Deletion Indicator

IN01 Create object link

IN02 Change object link

IN03 Display object link

IN04 Create FunctLoc Object Link

IN05 Change FunctLoc Object Link

IN06 Display FunctLoc Object Link

IN07 Create Object Link for Equipment

IN08 Change Object Link for Equipment

IN09 Display Object Link for Equipment

IN15 Change FunctLoc Object Network

IN16 Display Object Network for FunctLoc

IN18 Change Object Network for Equipment

IN19 Display Object Network for Equipment

IN20 Object link number ranges

IN21 Create Object Network

IN22 Change Object Network

IN23 Display Object Network

IN24 Multi-Level FuncLoc Network List

IN25 Multi-Level Equipment Network List

IN26 Change Network List

IN27 Display Network List

IN30 Number Range Maintenance: NetwAttr

IN31 Create Network Attribute Values

IN32 Change Network Attribute Values

IN33 Display Network Attribute Values

IN34 Network Attribute List

INEX Initial Data Entry of ExtractINSTSET

INOT Create SM/PM Notification IDoc

INSO Area Menu for Insurance in BDT

INSO0001 BDT Control: Applications

INSO0002 BDT Control: Field Groups

INSO0003 BDT Control: Views

INSO0004 BDT Control: Sections

INSO0005 BDT Control: Screens

INSO0006 BDT Control: Screen Sequences

INSO0007 BDT Control: Times

INSO0008 BDT Control: CUA Standard Funct.

INSO0009 BDT Control: CUA Addit. Funct.

INSO0011 BDT Control: Assign ScrnFld->DB Fld

INSO0012 BDT Control: Field modif. criteria

INSO0013 BDT Control: Role Categories

INSO0014 BDT Control: Role Categories Grpg

INSO0015 BDT Control: Application Transaction

INSO0016 BDT Control: Tables

INSO0017 BDT Control: External Applications

INSO0018 BDT Control: Field Modif. Activities

INSO0019 BDT Ctrl: Field Mod. IO Categories

INSO0020 BDT Control: Authorization Types

INSO0021 BDT Control: Ass. DI Field->DB Field

INSOARCH FS-CD: Insurance Object Archive

INSOAS1 Activate AS Insurance Object

INSOAS2 Activate Insurance Object (Ext. No.)

INSOAS3 Activate AS Ins. Obj. (Contract ID)

INSOCHANGE Change Insurance Object

INSOCREATE Create Insurance Object

INSODISP Display Insurance Object

INSONR Number Range Maint.: INSOBJECT

INSOSN Cust: Field Groups for Authorization

INTERV Installn Interval for Backlog Set


INVADV01 Payment Advice Note Dialog

INVDOC01 Bill Dialog

INVDOC02 Bill Dialog - Sales Tax Statement

INVMASSPROC Mass Act: Bill/Paym.Adv.Note Proc.

INVMON Inbound Bill Monitoring

INVR Number range editing: OIJ_INV_M

INVRETPER Define Retention Period

INVSARA01 Archiving: Bill Documents

INVSARA02 Archiving: Transfer Lines

INVSARJ01 Activate ArchInfStruct. for Bill Doc

INVSARJ02 Activate ArchInfStruct f. TrnsfrLine

INV_DISPLAY_MAT Display Material Master/Price Analys


IOCI_FCON2 OCI:Convert HTML Field Values


IOCI_FUNCM OCI: Conversion Functions

IOCI_ORGU OCI: Assign Catalogs to Order Type

IORD Create SM/PM Order IDoc

IP00 Maintenance Planning Menu

IP01 Create Maintenance Plan

IP02 Change Maintenance Plan

IP03 Display Maintenance Plan

IP04 Create Maintenance Item

IP05 Change Maintenance Item

IP06 Display Maintenance Item

IP10 Schedule Maintenance Plan

IP11 Maintain Maintenance Strategies

IP11U Rescheduling of Maintenance Plans

IP11Z Maintain Cycle Set

IP12 Display Maintenance Strategies

IP12Z Display Cycle Set

IP13 Package Order

IP14 Where-Used List by Strategy

IP15 Change Maintenance Plan

IP16 Display Maintenance Plan

IP17 Change Maintenance Item

IP18 Display Maintenance Item

IP19 Maintenance scheduling overview

IP20 Maintenance plan number assignment

IP21 Maintenance item number assignment

IP22 Maintain number range: OBJK_NR

IP24 Scheduling overview list form

IP25 Set deletion flag for maint. plans

IP30 MaintSchedule Date Monitoring

IP30H Mass Schedule Maintenance Plans

IP31 Maintenance Plan Cost Display

IP40 Add Service Plan for Purchasing

IP41 Add single plan

IP42 Add strategy-controlled plan

IP43 Add multiple counter plan

IP50 Create ref. for maint. contract item

IP51 Maintenance contract item lists

IP62 Material Where-Used List: Task Lists

IPCS Maintenance Planning

IPM2 Change Permit

IPM3 Display Permit

IPMACT Calculate and Post Accruals

IPMADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01

IPMADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules

IPMARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run

IPMCARRYFORWARD Balance Carryforward

IPMCRMITEM Display CRM Contract Data

IPMD Maintain/Display Permits

IPMDSITEMS Reporting Accrual Objects IPM

IPMDSPARAMS Reporting ACE Object Parameter IPM

IPMFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation

IPMFISCYEAR Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE

IPMIMG IMG for CRM Accruals

IPMOACT Calculate and Post Provisions

IPMOADCONT01 Accrl Acct Detmn: Mntn Entry Area 01

IPMOADMETASGL Act Dtmn: Define Simple Set of Rules

IPMOARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run

IPMOCARRYFORWARD Provisions OR: Balance Carryforward

IPMODSITEMS Reporting: Accrual Objects: IPMO

IPMODSPARAMS Reporting: ACE Object Parameter IPMO

IPMOFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation

IPMOPSDOCITEMS Display Posting Line Items IPMO

IPMOPSITEMS Display Posting Totals Values IPMO

IPMOREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs

IPMOTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting

IPMOTREE03 Display / Change OR Accruals

IPMPSDOCITEMS Display Line Items in IPM

IPMPSITEMS Display Totals Values in IPM

IPMREVERS Reversal of Periodic Accrual Runs

IPMTRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting

IPMTREE01 Create IPM Accruals

IPMTREE03 Display/Change IPM Accruals

IPM_BDC_CR Create OR Data Collector

IPM_BDC_DL Reset OR Data Collector

IPM_CR_REPOST_PAYM TransfPstng of Pymnts After Revision

IQ01 Create Material Serial Number

IQ02 Change Material Serial Number

IQ03 Display Material Serial Number

IQ04 Create Material Serial Number

IQ08 Change Material Serial Number

IQ09 Display Material Serial Number

IQ10 Change UII

IQ11 Display UII

IQM1 Create cond. records qual.notificatn

IQM2 Change cond.records qual.notificatn

IQM3 Display cond.records qual.notificatn

IQM_CM_CONFIG IQM Information Consistency

IQS12_EWT Process Task

IQS13_EWT Display Task

IQS21_EWT Creating Notifications

IQS21_W Creating Notifications from ISR

IQS22_EWT Notification Processing

IQS23_EWT Display Notification

IQS8 Worklist: Notifications (General)

IQS8_EWT Notification Worklist

IQS9 Worklist: Tasks (General)

IQS9_EWT Tasks Worklist

IR00 PM Resource Planning Menu

IR01 Create Work Center

IR02 Change Work Center

IR03 Display Work Center

IRF2 Optimal Rotable Float: Initial scree

IRF4 ORF: Maintain Ess. Code Table

IRF5 ORF: Batch Processing

IRF6 Batch Processing Report

IRFC1 Profiles for Single Item Calculation

IRFC2 Profiles for Batch Processing


IRM_CAT IRM Policies

IRM_CUST IRM Customizing

IRM_CUST_BS IRM Customizing (Business Suite)

IRM_CUST_CSS IRM: Customer-Specific Settings

IRWCCUST ILM Cockpit Reporting Customization

IS00 Number range maintenance: ISMP

IS01 Solution DB - Create/Display/Change

IS02 Text Indexing for Solution Database

IS03 Number range maintenance: ISOL

ISAESCR86EKES Aggregate Vendor Confirmations

ISAESCRME84MD07 Start MD07 via Report

ISAUTO_MRNB Automotive Revaluation

ISAUTO_OMRM ERS Customer-Specific Notifications

ISAUTO_SICASN1 Create Inbound Delivery (Web)

ISAUTO_SICASN2 Update Inbound Delivery (Web)

ISAUTO_SICASN3 Display Inbound Delivery (Web)

ISAUTO_SICASN4 Tracking Inbound Delivery (Web)

ISAUTO_SICBC Communication settings for SWP (Web)

ISAUTO_SICCO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)

ISAUTO_SICDDL1 Delivery due list

ISAUTO_SICENG Engineering Information (Web)

ISAUTO_SICIV Display Settlement Status (Web)

ISAUTO_SICJIT Display Sequenced JIT Calls (Web)

ISAUTO_SICPDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)

ISAUTO_SICPH Disp. Inbound Delivery History (Web)

ISAUTO_SICPI Display Packing Instructions (Web)

ISAUTO_SICRL Packaging accounts / postings (Web)

ISAUTO_SICRLRD RL: Postings for Ref. Document (Web)

ISAUTO_SICRPM Display APO-Matrix (Web)

ISAUTO_SICSR Display Schedule Releases (Web)

ISA_ERSLIST ERS Collective Settlement List

ISA_ESCR_QDP Quantity Difference Profile

ISA_SICALERT Display MRP Alerts (Web)


ISBROK_ACTBAL Broker Balance Display

ISCA Define Symptom Type

ISCB Define Solution Type

ISCC Define Symptom Categories

ISCD Define Solution Categories

ISCDTOOL12 Internal: Payt Plan Simulation Test

ISCDTOOL13 Internal: Payt Plan Tables Display

ISCE Define Application Areas

ISCF Define Validation Categories

ISCG Define BO Types for Symptoms

ISE0 Funds Management


ISHN1 Create Shift Note

ISHN2 Change Shift Note

ISHN3 Display Shift Note

ISHN4 List Shift Notes for Tech. Objects

ISHR1 Create Shift Report for Techn. Obj.

ISHR2 Change Shift Report for Techn. Obj.

ISHR3 Display Shift Report for Techn. Obj.

ISHR4 List Shift Reports for Tech. Objects

ISHRN IMG Shift Report and Shift Note

ISIPI_CP Consignment processing (Web)

ISIPI_CS Display current schedules (Web)

ISIPI_ESP External Service Provider Service

ISIPI_OEPM Ordering packaging material (Web)

ISIPI_POD Proof of Delivery

ISIPI_PUL Display current pickup sheets (WEB)

ISIPI_SM Supplier Address maintenance

ISIPI_SUMJIT Display Summarised JIT calls(web)

ISIPI_TRACK Inbound shipment tracking (Web)

ISISMN Insurance Applications

ISIT_PR Testing Printing of SWP

ISI_BCI Message inbound via BC and SWP

ISI_BCO Message outbound via SWP and BC

ISI_POD Analysis of the POD View Flag

ISI_PR Maintain settings for SWP printing

ISJP_CR Invoice Summary Processing

ISJP_MD Master Data for Invoice Summary

ISJP_PR Invoice Summary Printing

ISJP_SNRO Number Range for Invoice Summary

ISJP_STR Invoice Summary Status Report

ISJP_VA Maintenance of Virtual Accounts

ISMCA00 Account Assgt for Main Transaction

ISMCA01 Account Assgt for Sub-Transaction

ISMCA03 Derive Transaction from IS-M

ISMCA04 Derive Document Type from IS-M

ISMCA05 Derive Document Type from IS-M

ISMCA06 Derive Document Type from IS-M

ISMCA07 Derive Document Type from IS-M

ISMCA08 Control Incoming Payment for Subs

ISMCA10 Default Settgs for IS-M Acct Display

ISMCA700 Record Doc. Type for Revenue Accrual

ISM_PT_GAPS_AM Portugal: M/AM Document Number Gaps

ISM_PT_GAPS_SD Portugal: SD Document Number Gaps

ISM_PT_SIGN_AM Check a. generate Digital Sig. M/AM

ISM_PT_SIGN_SD Check and generate Digital Signature

ISNR Number range maintenance: ISDB

ISP4 Text

ISSR_ADMN_ASSET Master Data for Statutory Reporting

ISSR_ANLV_2004 Asset Regulation 2004 Implementation

ISSR_APPL_CTRL Define Statutory Reporting Options

ISSR_ASSET_TYPE Def.Fixed Assets/Current Assets Ind.

ISSR_AV09_DERIV Derivations of Legal Change

ISSR_BENCHMARK Definition of Fund Benchmark

ISSR_BONDTYP Definition of Security Types

ISSR_BONITAET Define Credit Rating Groupings


ISSR_BPV_ANRECH SR Switzerland - Calculation Factor

ISSR_BPV_LSTSUM SR Switzerland - Sort/Tot. List Type

ISSR_BPV_SKZ_SP SR Switz. - Per.Comb. Guar. Fund/LoB

ISSR_BP_CHANGE Transfer Partner Change to Ledger

ISSR_BP_CNS_MONITOR Display Business Partner Change

ISSR_COLL_HIST Collateral History Maintenance

ISSR_COLL_POOL Defintion of Collateral Pools

ISSR_COPY_CUST Copy Customizing Entries

ISSR_CTRV_CHECK Setting SR Variants Dep. Check

ISSR_CTR_TO_CTRVAR Assignment Country Var. -> SR Var.

ISSR_CVR ISSR: Field Assignment Rule Mainten.

ISSR_CVRC ISSR: Copy Converter Entries

ISSR_CVRIF ISSR: Maintain Converter Interfaces

ISSR_CV_COPY Copy/Delete: Create DB Table

ISSR_CV_DEL_CFM Delete SR-Var.-Dep. Customizing Data

ISSR_C_RBD1 Activate System for SAP SR

ISSR_C_RBD2 Assign RBD to SR Valuation Area

ISSR_C_RBD3 Assign FS Flow Types to SR FTP

ISSR_DSUMB Transfer Statutory Reporting Data

ISSR_ERI_REL Assignment Price Type to Val. Class

ISSR_EX1 ISSR: Define Application Area

ISSR_EX2 ISSR: CV Interface <-> Appl. Area

ISSR_EX3 ISSR: Define User Exit Variant

ISSR_EX4 ISSR: SR Variant-> User Exit Variant

ISSR_EX5 ISSR: Exit Program-> User Exit Var.

ISSR_FBPATA Assign Import Param. to Func. Module

ISSR_FEE_HIST Collateral History Maintenance

ISSR_FIAA_AMORT Period. Post. Depreciation/Input Tax

ISSR_FIEPLA ISSR: Define Application Area

ISSR_FIX_VAL Period-End Closing SR Trans. Posting

ISSR_FONDS_CAT Define Fund Types

ISSR_FONDS_TRM Return Periods for Funds

ISSR_FSTRUC_TYP Structure Type

ISSR_GD13 ISSR: Display Totals Records

ISSR_GD20 ISSR: Ledger Line Items

ISSR_GEN_TOPINCL Generate Output Top Include


ISSR_GRP_M1 Define and Assign Groups Sample 1

ISSR_IDENTNR_CORR Conversion of Identification Numbers

ISSR_IF_1 ISSR: Definition of Flow Tables

ISSR_IF_SPREADS_DATA External Data from Table Calculation

ISSR_IF_U1 ISSR: PRF Conversion


ISSR_INDEXGRP Definition of Index Groups


ISSR_INVESTMENT Definition of Shareholding Forms

ISSR_INV_STRAT Investment Strategy of Fund

ISSR_LOCK_FIELD Non-Modifiable Fields SR Trans.Post.

ISSR_MAIN10 Defin. Segment (Assignment Scheme)

ISSR_MAIN11 Assignment of FT to FTP for Segment

ISSR_MAIN12 Assignment VA and Variant to CCode

ISSR_MAIN15 Display Reserved FI-SL Ledgers

ISSR_MAIN16 Automatic Interface Derivations

ISSR_MAIN18 Number Range Maint.: DOCNR for FISL

ISSR_MAIN2 Control Valuation Areas

ISSR_MAIN3 Manage Product Information


ISSR_MAIN5 Definition - Feeder System Databases

ISSR_MAIN6 Register Feeder System

ISSR_MAIN7 Define Statutory Reporting Variant

ISSR_MAIN8 Definition of Flow Type

ISSR_MAIN9 Def. PRF Transfer Posting Flow Type

ISSR_MAIN_01C Maintain Standard Ledger for SR

ISSR_MAIN_02C Assignment of Ledger to Company Code

ISSR_MAIN_03C Define Statutory Reporting Variant

ISSR_MAIN_04C Control of SR Flow Types

ISSR_MAIN_05AC Ledger Assignment to Company Code

ISSR_MAIN_05C Activate Statutory Reporting

ISSR_MAIN_06C Maintain FI-SL Versions - SR Ledger

ISSR_MAIN_GVTR ISSR: Balance Carryforward

ISSR_MAIN_GVTR_FU ISSR: Field Movement for Balance CF

ISSR_MAPC2 Configure Standard Log

ISSR_MIG1 ISSR: Migrate/Import Securities

ISSR_MIG1B ISSR: Migrate Security Positions

ISSR_MIG2B ISSR: Migrate Positions for Loans

ISSR_MIG3 ISSR: Migrate/Import Real Estate

ISSR_MIG5 ISSR: Delete Migrations

ISSR_MIG_01C Register Feeder System

ISSR_MIG_02C Display Defined SR Ledger Type

ISSR_MIG_CONVERT BaFin Statutory Conversion

ISSR_MIG_EXT_ID Copy External IDNR in Mgmt Table

ISSR_MIG_MD_AV09 ISSR: Migration of Master Data

ISSR_MIG_MFT1 Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type


ISSR_MW_GUID Definition of MW_GUID

ISSR_NABU_AV09 Subsequent Posting for Migration

ISSR_NB1 ISSR: Subseq. Post. from Basis Table

ISSR_NW670C NW670 Defin. + Assignment Asset Type

ISSR_NW671C NW671 Defin. + Assignment Asset Type

ISSR_OECD_EEA Maintain Country








ISSR_OUT17 Relation. List Type Grp/SR Table Grp









ISSR_OUT_ALV ISSR: Output Control via ALV

ISSR_OUT_ALV_B Statutory Reporting Output

ISSR_OUT_ALV_B2 Statutory Reporting Output - Batch


ISSR_OUT_DEF_CTY_REP ISSR/Output: Global Settings

ISSR_OUT_DEF_LIST ISSR/Output: List Type Definition

ISSR_OUT_DEF_LTG Define and Assign List Group


ISSR_OUT_REPORT ISSR: Statutory Reporting Lists

ISSR_OUT_VAR_FIELD ISSR/Output: Pos. Fields Variably

ISSR_PRIMA Number Range Maint.: ISSR_PRIMA

ISSR_R11_2005 Identifier Conversion to R11 / 2005

ISSR_R59703 Definition Ident. Annex 3 R30/2002

ISSR_R59704 Definition Ident. Annex 4 R30/2002

ISSR_R59705 Definition Ident. Annex 5 R30/2002

ISSR_R59706 Definition Ident. Annex 6 R30/2002

ISSR_R59708 Definition Ident. Annex 8 R30/2002

ISSR_RANTYP_GRP Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type

ISSR_RATE_HIST Collateral History Maintenance

ISSR_RATE_HISTB Collateral History Maintenance

ISSR_RATING Definition BaFin Rating Classific.

ISSR_RATING_COMPANY Definition Rating Agencies

ISSR_READ_FISL SR Variants Dep. Transfer Structures

ISSR_RPNNR Number Range Maintenance: ISSR_RPNNR

ISSR_RWIN1 ISSR: Activate Online Posting

ISSR_SPARTE Definition of Line of Insurance

ISSR_SPEC_ASSET Add. Class. for Capital Investment

ISSR_SPEC_ASSET2 Test Spec Asset

ISSR_SPEC_ASSETB Add. Class. Acc to RX/2005 (Not Sec)

ISSR_SPEC_ASSETBO Add. Class.Acc to R30/2002 (Not Sec)

ISSR_SPEC_ASSETO Add. Class. for Asset Acc. R30/2002

ISSR_STOCKFA Def. Stock Indicators for Tax Office

ISSR_SV10UA_2005 Conversion of SS for PRFL 10 2005

ISSR_TAC_MIG_DV Transformation of Old PRF -> New PRF

ISSR_TAC_MIG_DVUA Transformation of Old SS -> New SS

ISSR_TAC_MIG_R59710 Mig. of Identifiers Annex 10 R5/97

ISSR_TAC_PB_FUNDS Ind. Pure Bond Fund for Fund Type

ISSR_TA_ADMIN Initial Screen for SR Master Data

ISSR_TA_ADMIN_DEACT SR Maintenance from Feeder System

ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FCNTL Field Selection for SR Master Data

ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FCODE FCODE Assignment Feeder Sys. <> ISSR

ISSR_TA_ADMIN_FVAL Fixed Value Modification for SR

ISSR_TA_ADMIN_TABSTR Assignment of Subscreen > Screen

ISSR_TA_DEPOT_DIALOG Map Dialog Mode Sec. Account > SR

ISSR_TA_DEPOT_FCNTL Field Selection for SR Master Data

ISSR_TA_DEPOT_FVAL Fixed Val. Modif. Sec. Acc. Data BAV

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_COLMAP Col. Defin. for Data Transfer Format

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_FMT Def. Output Format for Data Transfer

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_HDPARM Def. Parameters Data Transfer Format

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_HD_DE Def. Header for Data Transfer Format

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_ROWMAP Def. Rows for Data Transfer Format

ISSR_TA_DUEVA_ROWSUM Def. Totals for Data Transfer Format

ISSR_TA_DUPL_LISTTYP Edit Tables with List Type

ISSR_TA_DYN_GEN_FN Variable Texts for SR Screens

ISSR_TA_MIG_DEPOT ISSR: Migrate/Import Securities

ISSR_TA_MIG_DV Migration of Prem. Res. Fund Lists

ISSR_TA_MIG_DV_CHECK Define PRF Exclusion Field Check

ISSR_TA_MIG_R59710 Migration of Annex 10 R5/97

ISSR_TA_MIG_R59710_X Definition Check Matrix R5/97 Ann.10

ISSR_TA_MIG_RANTYP Assign. Asset Type Feeder Syst.>ISSR

ISSR_TA_MIG_STOCK_C Exclusion Field Check for Stock Ind.

ISSR_TA_REDEMP_ACT Activation of PRF Repayment List

ISSR_TA_TABL_LISTTYP Define List Type-Dependent Tables

ISSR_TOOL_MIG_ALLA10 Change Annex 10 Identifiers

ISSR_TOOL_MIG_AMOUNT Compare Positions: BAFin <> CFM

ISSR_TOOL_MIG_ANL10 Change Identifiers Ann.10 - Contract

ISSR_TOOL_MIG_EMP_DV Search for BaFin Master Rec. Errors

ISSR_TOOL_MIG_FTP Check Configured FTPs


ISSR_TOOL_MIG_PTYP Fill New Product Category from CFM

ISSR_TP_GENERAL Gen. Settings for SR Identif. Change

ISSR_TP_MESSAGES Message Log for SR Transfer Posting

ISSR_TP_PROT Log Control for Statutory Reporting

ISSR_TP_STRUC Assign. Struct. to Function Module

ISSR_TR_S_IDENT Assignment ID Definition Old - New

ISSR_VAR_SELSCR Assignment of FS to SR Contract Type

ISSR_VC101 Maintain NW101 Identifiers

ISSR_VC102 Maintain NW102 Identifiers

ISSR_VC201 Maintain NW201 Identifiers

ISSR_VC59710 Maintain Identifiers R5/97 Annex 10

ISSR_VC59710_OLD Maintain Ident. R5/97 Annex 10 (Old)

ISSR_VC600 Maintain NW600 Identifiers

ISSR_VCANLART Assign. Prod.Cat.Asset Type P54a VAG

ISSR_VC_ALV Settings for ALV Objects

ISSR_VC_CHANGE_DYN Screen Control SR Transfer Posting

ISSR_VC_CHANGE_DYNS Control of Selection Screens

ISSR_VC_DVUA Assignment Product Cat.-> DVUA -> DV

ISSR_VC_FG_FIELD Definition of Fld Groups and Fields

ISSR_VC_MAACRE Settings for Ident. No Assignment

ISSR_VC_STOCKBAV Def. and Assignment of STOCKBAV

ISSR_V_ALVFMT Format Settings for ALV Grid

ISSR_V_ALVGRID Settings for ALV Grid

ISSR_V_ALVNODE Settings for Sort Seq. in ALV Grid

ISSR_V_ALVSORT Settings for ALV Tree

ISSR_V_ANLARTB Assignment Prod.Cat.-> SR Asset Type

ISSR_V_CDYN Assignment of Report - Screen

ISSR_V_CDYNBD Text Assignment to Screen Blocks

ISSR_V_CDYNFD Screen Field Control

ISSR_V_CDYNFS Texts for Fields on Selection Screen

ISSR_V_CDYNS Assignment of Report to Sel. Screen

ISSR_V_CDYNSB Texts for Selection Screen Blocks

ISSR_V_CDYNT Text Assignment to Sel. Screen Tabs

ISSR_V_CDYNTD Text Assignment to Screen Tab Pages

ISSR_V_DVUA Assignment of Subsection to PRF

ISSR_V_DVUAB Assignment Product Category to DVUA

ISSR_V_DV_LT_REL Assignment of List Type to Lists

ISSR_V_DV_PT Assignment PRF to Product Category

ISSR_V_FGFIELD Assignment of Fields to Field Group

ISSR_V_GP_CHANGE Comments for BP Change

ISSR_V_IDENT_NR Definition of Ident. No. Assignment

ISSR_V_IFBPCPTRT Desc.Tab.Prod.Cat,Prod.Type,Asset.Ty

ISSR_V_MIGTP_EWR Conv. Ident. 10 R5/97: Special Fund

ISSR_V_NODELEV Definition of Node Levels ALV Tree

ISSR_V_NODELEV2 Definition of Node Levels ALV Tree

ISSR_V_NW101B Assignment NW101 Product Category

ISSR_V_NW102B Assignment NW102 Product Category

ISSR_V_NW201B Assignment NW201 Product Category

ISSR_V_NW600B Assignment NW600 Product Category

ISSR_V_R59710B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 10

ISSR_V_R59710Q Assign. Quota Ident. Ann.10 R30/2002

ISSR_V_R5973B Assignment Prod. Cat. to R5/97 3

ISSR_V_R5974B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 4

ISSR_V_R5975B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 5

ISSR_V_R5976B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 6

ISSR_V_R5978B Assignment Product Cat. to R5/97 8

ISSR_V_STOCKBAV_C Definition of Statutory Asset Names

ISSR_V_STOCK_FIAA Assignment Dep. Area FIAA Stock Ind.

ISSR_V_TGRP_TO_MFT Assignment of Tab Group to MFT Table

ISSR_V_UMSR59710 Conversion of Ident. Annex 10 R5/97

ISSR_V_UMS_DV Conversion of Identifier for PRF

ISSR_V_UMS_R5973 Conversion Ident. Annex 3 R5/97

ISSSR_AV09_DERIV Derivations of Legal Change

ISTCA00 Account Determ.: IS-T Receiv. Accnts

ISTCA01 Account Determ.: IS-T Revenue Accnts

ISTCA10 IS-T Account Display: Specifications

ISTCA31 Cash Desk: Specifications

ISTCA32 Cash Desk: Specifications

ISTCA40 Data for IS-T collective bill

ISTCAFHIST Disconnec.and Reconnec.File History

ISTCAXT900 Mass Generate Tel. No. Reconn. File

ISTCAXT910 Generate Reconnection File

ISTCA_T100 Def. Info. for Payment Medium ID

ISTMFCA IS-U Contract Accounts R/P

ISTMMF1 IS-T Business Master Data

ISTMNET IS-T Network Manag.

ISTMREG IS-T Regional Structure

ISTMSRV IS-T Customer Service


ISTNBTDOC Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTDOC

ISTNBTELNR Number Range Maintenance: IST_BTELNR

ISTUNLT930 Lock/Unlock Services Using XI

IST_EBS_ARC Link Documents with External Bills

IST_EBS_ARC_E Postprocessing Run: Link Bills

IST_EBS_MRD Reversal of Bills from Billing Sys.

IST_EBS_MRD_E Postprocessing Run: External Reversa

IST_EBS_POI Create Additional Information

IST_EBS_POI_E Postprocessing Run: Additional Info.

IST_EBS_TOI Transfer Documents from Billing Sys.

IST_EBS_TOI_COPA Transfer Doc./CO-PA Characteristics

IST_EBS_TOI_COPA_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs

IST_EBS_TOI_E Postprocessing Run: Transfer Docs

IST_EVAL Evaluate Reconnection Proposals

IST_TDATA_DELETE Delete Terminated Telephone Nos

ISUBDMARK Configuration marker function

ISUCC CIC customizing menu

ISU_BOL_BROWSER Browser for Business Object Layer

ISU_BOL_TREE Utilities BOL Tree definition

ISU_CRM_IL_REMOTE Dummy for Remote IL Access

ISU_IL_MODEL Utilities genIL-model definition

ISU_IL_MODEL_C Utilities genIL (Customer model)

ISU_PFC_TESTTOOL Test Price Simulation

ISU_PPM_JOB_NR Number Range Maintenance: PPM_JOB_NR

ISU_SALES_ORDER Create Order for Utility Products

ISU_SALES_QUOTATION Create Quotation for Utility Prods

IT00 Test IAC

IT01 Maintain IDES path for Internet

IT03 Test IAC: internal development

IT12 Test IAC language-dependent

IT13 Test IAC: language-independ template

IT18 Test IAC: start service via call TA

IT19 Test IAC: Call Trans Skip Screen

IT50 IAC Test Includes

IT5200 ITS Test Transaction with S Message

ITA Insight to Action

ITAE Insight to action - drilldown config

ITAGCYCALL Call Agency Coll. with Activity

ITAGCYCOINS Agency Collections: Coins Shares

ITAGCYCOMMCTRL Agency Coll.: Commission Monitoring

ITAGCYCOSTCTRL Agency Collections: Cost Control

ITAGCYCUST IMG Activities for Agency Coll.

ITAGCYSUBCOMMCLR Agency Coll.: Clear Stat. Comm.

ITAGCY_NO Number Range Maintenance: BRO_CONTH

ITAH Insight to action - drilldown config

ITBLIST Italy Black List Declaration

ITMF_CONTRIB_DET Auto Det. for SPED EFD Contribution

ITMF_NF_ACCT Accounting Nota Fiscal Writer

ITMOBILE00 Test Transaction for Mobile Devices

ITMOBILE01 Test Transaction for Mobile Devices

ITMOBILE02 Test Transaction for Voice Input

ITRBX Test IAC for sapjulep Rabaxes

ITSMOBILE_CERT_VOICE ITSmobile Voice Certification

ITSMOBILE_MSUB Test Transaction for Mobile Devices

ITSR00 Foreign Trade Declaration (Generic)

ITSR00_BE_F01DGS Foreign Trade Decl.: Belgium F01DGS

ITSR02 FTRD Customizing Check Report

ITS_DOCU ITS SAP Script Documentation

ITVAT_D VAT report for Italy: detailed list

ITVAT_M Monthly VAT report for Italy

ITVAT_Q VAT quarterly report for Italy

ITVCL Vendor Customer List (Italy)

ITW5200 Wrapper for it5200

IUEEDPPLOTAALC2 Distribute Aggr. Paymnt from Billing

IUEEDPPLOTAALC3 Allocate Payment to Distr. Lot

IUEEDPPLOTAALC4 Process Distr. Lot (Rev. and Reset)

IUEEDPPLOTAALC5 Process Distribution Lot


IUID_GENERATE Generation of Internal UIIs

IUID_MAN_MAINT Create IUID Change Messages Manually


IUUC maintain tables for IUUC

IUUCAT Analysis Tasks

IUUC_1N_HC 1:N Replication Healthcheck

IUUC_ACTIVATE_UC_MOD Activate unicode conversion mode

IUUC_CMP_TAB_ENTRIES compare # tab entries in snd/rcv sys

IUUC_CONTROL_UMG Prepare IUUC mode for Unicode conver

IUUC_CREATE_MT_ENTRY Create Mass Transfer ID

IUUC_CRE_DB_TRIGGER Create DB triggers

IUUC_CRE_LOGTAB_RCV create logging tables in receiver

IUUC_CRE_LOG_TABLES Create logging tables in sender syst


IUUC_DEL_RCV_TRIG Delete triggers in the receiver syst

IUUC_DEL_SND_TRIG delete DB triggers in sender system

IUUC_DOWNTIME_TRNSFR transfer data in downtime

IUUC_GET_BEF_EXPORT get before export methods

IUUC_PARALLEL_TRNSFR transfer data parallel to production

IUUC_PROCOP_CONFLICT process option conflict handling

IUUC_REMOTE remote tools for IUUC

IUUC_REPL_CONTENT SAP LT Replication Server - Settings

IUUC_REPL_EN Notifications for LTR

IUUC_SCANCODE code scanner

IUUC_SCHED_WATCHDOG Schedule job to find entries in log.

IUUC_START_REPLAY Start Delta Replay

IUUC_SYNC_MON IUUC Synchronization Monitor

IUUC_TABLE_UPLOAD Upload table list from PC file


IW12 Document flow list

IW13 Material Where-used List

IW20 Quality Notification No. Assignment

IW21 Create PM Notification - General

IW22 Change PM Notification

IW23 Display PM Notification

IW24 Create PM Malfunction Report

IW25 Create PM Activity Report

IW26 Create Maintenance Request

IW28 Change Notifications

IW29 Display Notifications

IW29WP IW29 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp

IW30 Notification List (Multi-Level)

IW31 Create Order


IW33 Display PM Order

IW34 PM Order for PM Notification

IW36 Create PM Sub-Order

IW37 Change Operations

IW37N Change Orders and Operations

IW38 Change PM Orders

IW39 Display PM orders

IW39_PM_ORDER1 Detail Display for Mini-App PM_ORDER

IW39_PM_ORDER2 Variant Maint. for Mini-App PM_ORDER

IW39_WP IW39 - Call from Workplace/Mini-App

IW3D Print Order

IW3K Change order component list

IW3L Display Order Component List

IW3M List of Goods Movements for Order

IW40 Display Orders (Multi-Level)

IW40N Operation Cost Overview

IW41 Enter PM Order Confirmation

IW42 Overall Completion Confirmation

IW43 Display PM Order Confirmation

IW44 PM Order Collective Confirmation

IW45 Cancel PM Order Confirmation

IW46 Postprocessing of PDC Error Records

IW47 Confirmation List

IW48 Confirmation using operation list

IW49 Display Operations

IW49N Display Orders and Operations

IW51 Create Service Notification-General

IW52 Change Service Notification

IW53 Display Service Notification

IW54 Create Service Notification-Malfn.

IW55 Create Activity Report

IW56 Create service request

IW58 Change Service Notifications

IW59 Display Service Notifications

IW61 Create Historical PM Order

IW62 Change Historical Order

IW63 Display Historical PM Order

IW64 Change Activities

IW65 Display activities

IW66 Change Tasks

IW67 Display Tasks

IW68 Change Notification Items

IW69 Display Notification Items

IW70 Orders Overall Network Scheduling

IW72 Change Service Order

IW73 Display Service Order

IW74 Change Contract for Serviceable Item

IW75 Display Serviceable Item Contract

IW81 Create Refurbishment Order

IW8W Goods Receipt f. Refurbishment Order

IWBK Material availability information


IWP01 Audit Package Handling

IWP_AREA Define Audit Area


IWP_CALLBACK_DEFINE Define Callback Destination

IWP_COMPARE_AREA Compare Audit Area with Meta-Data

IWP_CREP Content Repos. Retention Warehouse


IWP_DP_CUST01 Parallelization For Acc. Reporting

IWP_IMG IMG of Retention Warehouse

IWP_LOAD_REPOS Load Repositors from Metadata


IWP_LOG_DISPLAY_EXT Display Logs - extended

IWP_LPD_AP_ADM Launchpad for AP Administration

IWP_LPD_PRODLIAB Launchpad for Product Liability

IWP_LPD_TAX Launchpad for Tax


IWP_QUERY_EXPORT Export Query Results

IWP_REPOS Maintenance of Repository

IWP_REPOS_OT Repository Structures f. Object Type

IWP_REUSE_DEFINE Define InfoObjects to Be Reused

IWP_VC_AREA_SF Maintanance of the Audit Areas

IWP_VC_WPP Maintanance of the AuditP. Template

IWP_VIEWLOG Data View Files

IWP_VPROV_CREATE Create a VirtualProvider

IWP_VPROV_DEFINE Define Content of VirtualProvider

IWP_WP_DELETE Delete Content of an Audit Package

IWP_WP_GENERATE Generate Content for Audit Package

IWR1 Create / Change Revision

IWR2 Display Revision

IWWW Create Service Notification (WWW)


I_GRAPH_MONITOR Monitor for Jobs

J&00 IS-M: Views/Clusters for Cond.Tech

J&S0 IS-M: Create Output

J&S1 IS-M: Create Output w/Reference

J&S2 IS-M: Change Output

J&S3 IS-M: Display Output

J-02 Std Analyses Std Settings MDIS

J-03 Media Info System: Mtn.Requirements

J-04 Media Info System: Maintain Formulas

J-05 MDIS: Overview of Field Catalogs

J-20 MDIS: Update Settings

J-31 IS-M: Access Std Analyses for MDIS

J-33 IS-M: Var.Std Analyses - User MDIS

J-37 IS-M: Display Eval.of Info System

J-40 IS-M: Display Evaluation Structure

J-50 IS-M: Exception Analysis MDIS

J-61 IS-M: Create Selection Version MDIS

J-62 IS-M: Change Selection Version MDIS

J-63 IS-M: Display selection version MDIS

J-64 IS-M: Sel.Vers.: Schedule Job MDIS

J-6A IS-M: Selection Version Tree MDIS

J-6B IS-M: User-Spec.Sel.Vers.Tree MDIS

J-A1 IS-M/SD: Customer Anal. - Selection

J-A4 IS-M/SD: Sales Off.Anal. - Selection

J-A7 IS-M/SD: Product Anal. - Selection

J-AA IS-M/SD: Plant/Ctry Anal. -Selection

J-AD IS-M/SD: Sales Agent Anal. - Sel.

J-AG IS-M/SD: Promotion Anal. - Selection

J-AJ IS-M/SD: AR Cat.Analysis - Selection

J-AM IS-M/SD: Carrier Route Anal.-Sel.

J-F1 IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data f.Sales Ord.

J-F2 IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for CorrOrd.

J-F3 IS-M/SD: Update LIS Delivery Data

J-F4 IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Billing

J-FA IS-M/SD: LIS Upd.Simul.f.Sales Order

J-FB IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.Corr.Order

J-FC IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Delivery

J-FD IS-M/SD: LIS Update Sim.for Billing

J-FL IS-M/SD: Reorg.LIS Data for Delivery

J-FU IS-M/SD: Indicator Delivery Updated

J-IX IS-M/SD: Initialize Gen.LIS Data

J-K1 IS-M/AM: Business Partner Analysis

J-K2 IS-M/AM: Order Simulation

J-K3 IS-M/AM: Restructure Order Update

J-K5 IS-M/AM: Analyse BU, Cont.Component

J-K6 IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC1

J-K7 IS-M/AM: Maintain TJHMC3

J-K8 IS-M: Order Sales Agent Assignment

J-K9 IS-M/AM: LIS Restructure Billing

J-L1 IS-M: LIS Billing Simulation Update

J-M1 Media information system

J-M2 Media information system

J/72 IS-M: Output processing from NAST

J/73 Message Overview

J/H1 Create pricing report COA scale

J/H2 Change pricing report COA scale

J/H3 Display pricing report COA scale

J/H4 Execute pricing report COA scale

J/H5 Create Condition List Prices JA

J/H6 Change Condition List Prices JA

J/H7 Display Condition List Prices

J/H8 IS-M: Execute Condition List JA

J/LD Execute Condition List

J/LH IS-M: Pr.Report for Postal Charges

J1A3 MM goods issue revaluation

J1A5 MM Warehouse stock report (Arg.)

J1A6 Modify Official Document Number

J1A7 Average cost valuation

J1AANIV AFIP Response File Upload

J1AB Number range maintenance: J_1AOFFDOC

J1ACAE Argentina Electronic Invoice

J1AEXPMONITOR AR: Monitoring Tool for WS Export

J1AH Creating Way Bills

J1AI Asset Revaluation (Inflation)

J1AJ Print Way Bill Document

J1AMONITOR AR: Monitoring Tool for Web Services

J1AP Nummernkreispflege: J_1APRNTCH

J1APAC01 Create/Change Print Authoriz. Code

J1APAC02 Display Print Authoriz. Code

J1AQ Display Index definition

J1AR Display Index Data

J1ARC Replacement Cost Determin. (Chile)

J1AS Display Composite Index

J1ATAXP Taxpayer Integration Process

J1AX Market price determination program

J1AZ MM index adjustment program

J1B1 Create Nota Fiscal (Writer)

J1B1N Create Nota Fiscal (Writer) - Enjoy

J1B1N_IMP Upload Data for NF from MS Excel

J1B2 Change Nota Fiscal

J1B2N Change Nota Fiscal - Enjoy

J1B3 Display Nota Fiscal

J1B3N Display Nota Fiscal - Enjoy

J1BE Nota Fiscal Document Number Range

J1BECD Electronic Accouting File (Brazil)

J1BECD_NUM ECD Execution Number Range

J1BF Create Entries for Output Type

J1BG Change Entries for Output Type

J1BH Display Entries for Output Type

J1BI Nota Fiscal Number Range

J1BI_NFE Nota Fiscal Number Range

J1BJ Maintain Output Processing Programs

J1BK Maintain Access Sequences (N.Fiscal)

J1BL Maintain Output types (N.Fiscal)

J1BM Maintain Procedures (N.Fiscal)


J1BNFE NF-e/CT-e Monitor

J1BNFE_IN_SIMULATE Simulate NFe Incomg., SAP Staff only

J1BO Output CondTable/Create Nota Fiscal

J1BP Output CondTable/Change Nota Fiscal


J1BQ Output CondTable/Display Nota Fiscal

J1BR Conditions: V_T681F for B NF

J1BTAX Tax Manager's Workplace

J1BTRMFME Month End Tax Calculation for Funds

J1BTRMSTAX Swap Tax Calulation

J1B_FISC_ID Tax Incentive Type Maintenance

J1B_FISC_ID_SD Tax Incentive Type Maintenance

J1B_FISC_INCT Tax Incentive Type Maintenance

J1B_LB01 Modelo 1

J1B_LB02 Modelo 2

J1B_LB03 Modelo 3

J1B_LB07 Physical Inventory Overview

J1B_LB07N Modelo 7 new

J1B_LB08 Modelo 8

J1B_LFA1 Arquivo Magnético/Convênio ICMS

J1B_LFB10 IN68- Accounting-Related File 1.2

J1B_LFB2 IN68: Cadastros

J1B_LFB3 IN68: Nota Fiscal Files

J1B_LFB4 IN68: Tabelas

J1B_LFB5 IN68: FI Files

J1B_LFB6 IN68: MM Files

J1B_LFB6B IN68: Files - Material Inventory


J1B_LFB8 IN68: Files - Asset Accounting

J1B_LFB9 IN68 - Vendor/Customer Data

J1B_LFC1 IN86 Einstieg

J1B_LFC10 Kunden- und Lieferantenstammdaten

J1B_LFC11 Zusätzliche Tabellen

J1B_LFC12 Außenhandelsdaten

J1B_LFC2 IN86: Finanzbuchhaltungsbelege

J1B_LFC3 Sachkontenstamm Verkehrszahlen

J1B_LFC4 Einkaufs- und Verkaufsprozesse

J1B_LFC5 Nota Fiscal bezogene Dateien

J1B_LFC6 Materialbewegungen

J1B_LFC7 Materialbestände

J1B_LFC8 Stücklisten

J1B_LFC9 Anlagenbuchhaltung

J1B_LFD1 IN359-Magnetic file on Notas Fiscais


J1B_LFZF Issued Notas Fiscais

J1G0 Hellenization global settings

J1G4_M MYF - Load customer data - monthly

J1G5_M MYF - Load vendor data - monthly

J1G6_M Import MYF data - monthly

J1G7_M MYF - Load GL data - monthly

J1GAL0 Maintain J_1GALC

J1GAL1 Maintain J_1GAR_AL_V

J1GAL2 Maintain J_1GOR

J1GAL3 Maintain J_1GGA

J1GAL4 Maintain J_1GIA

J1GAL8 Update A/L (FI) from SPL

J1GALE Maintain J_1GOP

J1GALF Maintain J_1GALL

J1GAMRV1 Rules for Fixed Asset Revaluation

J1GAMRV2 Asset Super Number Objective Values

J1GAM_LA Asset Legal Register

J1GAM_R1 Field Maintenance

J1GAM_R2 Maintain fields

J1GCAS MYF customizing fields for CAS

J1GCASTAX MYF Tax codes for CAS - customers

J1GCASTAXC MYF customizing Tax codes for CAS

J1GCD Check Digit Routines (for Cheques)

J1GCKCP0 Create and print G/L Account checque

J1GCKPR0 Print a manual cheque

J1GCL Customer Ledger

J1GCOA Chart of Accounts

J1GCVAL Customer valuation

J1GDAS1 Maintain J_1GID

J1GDAS2 Maintain J_1GIM

J1GFBWE Bill/Exch.Presentation -Greek

J1GFISA Print FI document card

J1GGL Detailed Ledger

J1GJR0 Document journal

J1GJR1 Document types

J1GJR2 Posting keys

J1GJR3 Journals

J1GJR4 Journal descriptions

J1GJR5 Document types assignment

J1GJR6 Document types

J1GJR7 Legal numbers list

J1GJR8 Document types assignment

J1GJR9 Control table

J1GJRA Admin tool for Journal official runs

J1GLBPP1 Control of leg.book prepr. headers

J1GO Invoice selection criteria for CAS

J1GO4 Invoice selection criteria

J1GOD0 Control table

J1GP Edit MYF data

J1GP01 Pu posting

J1GP02 Mass update of J_1GPURULES

J1GP03 Maintain J_1GPURULES

J1GP04 Maintain J_1GPUPREFIX

J1GP05 Transfer of 32 to 20

J1GP06 Maintained J_1GPU32RULES

J1GPCBK Book of Production & Costing

J1GPMT3V Check print program

J1GPUF124 Automatic clearing

J1GP_M Edit MYF data - monthly

J1GQN Vendor Tax - Export

J1GQ_M Export MYF data - monthly

J1GR W.Tax certificate types

J1GRN Vendor Tax - Print Forms

J1GS W.Tax accounts

J1GSL0 Summarized Ledger

J1GSL1 Control table

J1GSN Vendor Tax - GL Accounts

J1GTBC Control table

J1GTBD Customer Trial Balance

J1GTBG Ledger Trial Balance

J1GTBK Vendor Trial Balance

J1GTDL Dual Acc.System Reconcil.Table

J1GTN Vendor Tax - Loading

J1GTR Vendor Tax Rates

J1GTSB Technical Specifications Book

J1GTSBC1 Valuation class texts for TSB

J1GU W.Tax certificates data

J1GUN Vendor Tax - Edit

J1GVATC1 Account substitutions for VAT report

J1GVATR VAT report

J1GVL Vendor Ledger

J1GVL_ALDI A/L postings via direct input

J1GVL_DEV devaluation

J1GVL_GL Read G/L account items

J1GVL_INVB Inventory book

J1GVL_P00 WHB for arbitrary dates

J1GVL_P01 Warehouse book

J1GVL_P07 Delete online WHB records

J1GVL_R1 Sample Valuation Report 1

J1GVL_R10 Table 10 totals

J1GVL_R11 Table 11 totals

J1GVL_R2 Sample Cost/Consumpt. Analys. Report


J1GVL_RE1 Line items per GL Account

J1GVL_RE2 Valuation Data: Compact version

J1GVL_REP Reposting valuation

J1GVL_REX expenses report

J1GVL_RPU purchases report

J1GVL_RRV revenue report

J1GVL_S00 Global Settings

J1GVL_S01 WHB definition

J1GVL_S01T WHB Definition Texts

J1GVL_S02 Valid plants

J1GVL_S03 Valid materials

J1GVL_S04 Valid G/L accounts

J1GVL_S05 Valid document types, movement types

J1GVL_S06 Warehouse book layout

J1GVL_S07 Function modules for online WHB val.

J1GVL_S08 Valid transaction categories

J1GVL_S09 Update control table

J1GVL_S10 Update WHB control table

J1GVL_S11 compare PC CP component cost

J1GVL_S13 Accounts for A/L postings

J1GVL_S14 CO Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S15 FI Repostings Settings

J1GVL_S16 Production Costs (Cost Estimates)

J1GVL_S17 Open Production Orders (WIP)

J1GVL_S19 valuation methods

J1GVL_S1C Warehouse Books

J1GVL_S20 Default forms/functions

J1GVL_T01 Upload initial stock

J1GVL_T02 Material moement totals in period

J1GVL_T04 Update offline the WHB table J_1GVL_

J1GVL_T05 Read online WHB values

J1GVL_T08 check customizing for valuation/WHB

J1GVL_T09 Update control table

J1GVL_T10 Update WHB control table

J1GVL_T11 Initialize prod. run (new)

J1GVL_T12 Propose WIP Orders

J1GVL_T14 Stock report for period

J1GVL_T15 WHB to CD utility

J1GVL_VL Material valuation

J1GVVAL Vendor valuation

J1GWN Vendor Tax - Print Certificates

J1GX Bill/Exch.Presentation -Greek

J1G_AMF Aforologito apothematiko

J1G_AMI Investment Book

J1G_SM30_GL Maintain J_1GGL

J1G_SM30_GS Maintain J_1GGS

J1I0 Customizing wizard

J1I2 Sales Tax Register

J1I3 Modvat utilzation in batch

J1I57AE New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE

J1I7 Query Excise invoices

J1I8 TDS Challan Update

J1I9 Number ranges for excise invoice

J1IA Excise Invoice Details

J1IA101 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure

J1IA102 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure

J1IA103 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure

J1IA104 Excise Bonding ARE-1 procedure

J1IA301 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure

J1IA302 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure

J1IA303 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure

J1IA304 Deemed Exports ARE-3 Procedure

J1IANX18 Pro Forma of Running Bond Account

J1IANX19 Export of Excisable Goods

J1IARE_AGE Aging Analysis for ARE Documents

J1IB Excise Verification And Posting

J1IBN01 Create Excise Bond

J1IBN02 Change Excise Bond

J1IBN03 Display Excise Bond

J1IBN04 Cancel Excise Bond

J1IBN05 Close Excise Bond

J1IBONSUM Bond Summary Report

J1IC194C Annual Return under section 194c

J1IC194D Annual Return under section 194d

J1IC194I Annual Return under section 194i

J1IC194J Annual Return under section 194J

J1ICANCINV Cancel Invoice

J1ICOVEND Monthly freelancer data

J1ID Rate maint & amend open po's/so's

J1IDEPCALPOST Dep calc. and Post'G program at Blk

J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 Depot stock with balances

J1IDEPOT_VAL Depot Balance stock duty

J1IDISPBLK Display Trans'n Details at BlK/Asset

J1IDOCFLOW Excise document flow

J1IDUELIST Billing document due list for modvat

J1IE Number range maintenance: J_1ITDSNO

J1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices

J1IEX_BO Outgoing Excise Invoices for Exports

J1IEX_C Capture Incoming Excise Invoices

J1IEX_P Post Incoming Excise Invoices

J1IEX_SFAC Incoming Exc Inv Field Selection

J1IF Subcontracting
J1IF01 Subcontracting Challan : Create

J1IF11 Subcontracting Challan : Change

J1IF12 Subcontracting Challans : Display

J1IF13 Challan Complete/Reverse/Recredit

J1IFQ Challan : Reconcile Quantity

J1IFR Subcontracting Challan Listing

J1IG RG23D register receipt at depot

J1IGA Additional Excise Entry at Depot

J1IGAD Additional Excise at Depot Display

J1IGAR7 Capture - GAR7 Information

J1IGR List of GR's without gate pass


J1IGTACHLN GTA Challan creation

J1IH Create Excise JV

J1IHBK Copy House Bank ID from Invoice

J1IIEXCP Sales Excise Invoice Exceptions

J1IIN Outgoing Excise Invoice

J1IJ Excise invoice selec. at depot sale

J1IK Selection of Excise Invoice - Common

J1IL India Localization

J1ILIC01 License : Capture

J1ILIC02 License : Change

J1ILIC03 License : Display

J1ILIC04 License : Cancel

J1ILIC05 License : Close

J1ILICSUM Deemed Export License Summary

J1IM Maintain Excise Number Range

J1IME2W Open Orders- PO & Scheduling Agrmnt

J1IME3M Open Orders- Contract

J1IMGCN Update Tax code in Contracts

J1IMGPO Update Tax code in Purchase Orders

J1IN India Version Tax Deduction at Sourc

J1INACKN Maintain Acknowledgement Numbers

J1INBANK Bank challan updation

J1INBLK Uploading Asset Block Data

J1INBLKADJST Adjustment to WDV or Transactions

J1INBLKOWDV Assign Opening WDV to Blocks

J1INBLKTOAST Assigning Assets to Blocks

J1INBLKTRNS Updating Trans'n Details at B'Level

J1INC Tax Deduction at Source: Classic

J1INCAL Customizing for calendar Id

J1INCANC Certificate Cancellation

J1INCCERT Customer Certificate

J1INCCREP Customer Certificate Reprint

J1INCERT Print Vendor WH Tax Certificates

J1INCHLN Challan Number Updation

J1INCRT Customizing for Certificate Printing

J1INCT Num.Range for EWT Certificate India

J1INCTNO Certificate Numbers

J1INCUS Customizing for Customer Certificate

J1INCUST Enter WH Tax Cert. from Customer

J1INDUE Customizing for Payment Due Dates

J1INEMIS Withholding Tax Info. System India

J1INHC Health check for migration to EWT

J1INMIG Data Migration Tool to EWT

J1INMIS Withholding Tax Information System

J1INO Customizing Table for Challan no ran

J1INPP Update Business Place in FI document

J1INQEFILE Quarterly E-returns (India)

J1INREP Reprint Vendor WH Tax Certificates

J1INREV Challan reversals

J1INSUR Surcharge Table for EWT India

J1INSUR1 Surcharge Table for EWT INDIA

J1INTRNS Update Opening WDV

J1INUM Number Group for Internal Challan No

J1INUMBER Number range for Internal Challan.

J1IP Excise invoice print

J1IPROJDEPCAL Calculation of Projection Dep values

J1IPR_EX Excise invoice print program

J1IPUR Purchase Register - India

J1IQ Year-End IT Depreciation Report

J1IRAIN01 Create AIN

J1IRAIN02 Change AIN

J1IRAIN03 Display AIN

J1IRAIN10 Approve AIN


J1IREJECTION Post rejected invoices

J1IS Excise invoice for other movements

J1ISAL Sales Register - India

J1IST Service Category Maintenance

J1IST3 Transaction code for ST3

J1ISTREV Service Tax Credit Reversal (India)

J1ITDUE Payment Due date customising

J1IUN Forms tracking

J1IV Excise post & print for others mvmts

J1IW Excise Invoice without PO

J1IX Excise Invoice Verification WO PO

J1IY Maintain W.taxcode and Section .

J1IZ Maintain W. Tax Section info.

J1S! IS-M: CH/F: VAT Payment Types

J1S$ IS-M: CH: WEMF-Spec. Cat.Processing

J1S( IS-M: CH: PTT Settlement Check

J1S) IS-M: CH: Daily WEMF Update

J1S+ IS-M: CH/L: Item Cat.f.PTT Settlemt

J1S/ IS-M: CH: Weight Groups for Post Tax

J1S0 IS-M: Interm.Dataset for Postal Upgr

J1S1 IS-M: CH/S: Basic Postal Codes

J1S2 IS-M: CH/S: Preposition Code

J1S4 Create Operating System Files

J1S5 IS-M: CH/S: Conversion Processing

J1S6 IS-M: CH/F: Maintain Dunning Levels

J1S7 IS-M: CH/S: Customer-Spec.Streets

J1S8 IS-M: CH/J: Retail Return Assignmts

J1S9 IS-M: CH/V: Max.Weight for Postman

J1S: IS-M: CH/V: PCode-Prod.Seq.Assignmt

J1S< IS-M: CH/V: Manual ZEBU CH Version

J1S= IS-M: CH: Spec.Category Default

J1S? IS-M: CH/F: Monthly Sales Tax List

J1SA IS-M: CH/V: Maint.PCd-ProdSeq.Assgt

J1SAVER IS-M: Print Postal Dispatch List

J1SB IS-M: CH/V: Displ.PCd-ProdSeq.Assgt

J1SC IS-M: CH/V: Maintain ZEBU Data

J1SD IS-M: CH/V: Display ZEBU Data

J1SE IS-M: CH/F: Format POR Data

J1SF IS-M: CH/F: POR Billing Doc.Release

J1SG IS-M: CH/F: LSV Billing Doc.Release

J1SI IS-M: CH/F: Dunning Run

J1SJ IS-M: CH/S: Prepare PCode Data

J1SK IS-M: CH/V: Display Prod.Sequence

J1SL IS-M: CH/S: DMK Dummy Entry CH

J1SM IS-M: CH/S: Change PCode Data

J1SN IS-M: CH/S: Prepare Carrier Data

J1SNB Data Transfer: Carriers

J1SNO Data Transfer: City

J1SNP Data Transfer: Postal Code

J1SNS Data Transfer: Streets

J1SO IS-M: CH/V: Display Prod.Sequence

J1SP IS-M: CH/S: Change Street Data

J1SPTAX00 IS-M: CH: Edition Data Postal Tax

J1SPTAX01 IS-M: Postal Charge Forecast CH

J1SPTAX02 IS-M: Postal Charge Reporting CH

J1SPTAXL IS-M: CH: Country Grp. f.Postal Tax

J1SPTAXREPAUL IS-MSD-CH/S: Postal Charge Rept List

J1SPTAXZ IS-M: CH: Ctry Grp.Asgt for Post Tax


J1SQ IS-M: CH/S: Change Carrier Data


J1ST IS-M: CH/V: Check Program ZEBU CH

J1SV IS-M: CH/S: Postal Charge Reporting

J1SW Number Plan for PPacking and Sacking

J1SX IS-M: CH/S: Num.Range.Maint.J_1S_ORT

J1SY IS-M: CH/V: Foreign PPack Addresses

J1SZ IS-M: CH: CH Specifications

J1S[ IS-M: CH: Monthly WEMF Update

J1S] IS-M: CH: Annual WEMF Update

J1UFCASHBOOK Cash Journal Reports (Ukraine)


J1UFCFS Cash Flow Statement (Ukraine)

J1UFCOMP Balance Notification (Ukraine)

J1UFCONTRPER Schedule for Summary Tax Invoices

J1UFCORRPODNAC Print Tax Invoice Corrections


J1UFDIPROCIN Processing Incoming Files

J1UFDIVATADMV Manage Electronic VAT Extracts

J1UFEXP Export Operation Status

J1UFFORM4 Capital Flow Statement

J1UFIMP Import Operation Status

J1UFINV1 Inventory of Fixed Assets

J1UFMATCHING Linking of XML Files and FI Docs

J1UFMR Customizing for exch.diff.accounting

J1UFN1 Difference List for Stock

J1UFNA4 Inventory of Intangible Assets

J1UFPODNAC Print Tax Invoices

J1UFPTAX Profit Tax Data Provider (Ukraine)

J1UFREVAL Fixed Asset Revaluation

J1UFRGOUT Number range maintenance: J_1UFRGOUT

J1UFRL Revaluation document list

J1UFRON Check list for incoming tax vouchers

J1UFRVN Check list for outgoing tax vouchers

J1UFRVN_NEW Checklist for Outgoing Tax-Rel. Docs

J1UFSCE Changes in Equity (Ukraine)

J1UFTAX21 VAT declaration (Ukraine)

J1UFTPDEL Transfer Pricing Delete Notification

J1UFTPFORGV Foreign organization data

J1UFTPGROUPV Groups of Similar Transactions

J1UFTPLIMITSV Controllable Operation Amount Limits

J1UFTPMATOCPV Mapping materials to classification

J1UFTPPARTYV Controlled contractors

J1UFTPPSV Code based for price ordinary

J1UFTPRELATNV Related parties

J1UFTPRICESV Intervals of Market Prices

J1UFTPSCRV Selection Criteria

J1UFTPSRCINFV Source to determine normal price

J1UFTRPR Transfer Pricing Notification (UA)

J1UFTRPRDOC Document Types for Transfer Pricing

J1UFTRPRV Transfer Pricing Configuration

J1UFVAN4T1 Data for Table 1 of Annex 4

J1UFVAN4T2 Data for Table 2 of Annex 4

J1UFVBELWMKT Set up Documents for Second Tax Inv

J1UFVCUSTTAX Time-Dependent Data: Customers

J1UFVTAX21AN2 Data for Table 1 of Annex 2

J1UFVTAXMAIN Maintenance ID for VAT Return

J1UFVTAXMAIN1 Free Form Annex List

J1UFVTAXMAIN2 Tax Inspection Data

J1UFV_CUSTTAX UA, Time-dependent data for customer

J1UFV_VENTAX UA, Time-dependent data for vendors

J1UF_BOOL_RULE Boolean Rule Maintenance

J1UF_IN_OUT Register of Tax Invoices




J1UF_PKDTIV Parked Incoming Tax Doc. (Ukraine)

J1UF_REEIN_NUM Incoming Documents in Register

J1UF_REE_NUM Document Numbers in Register

J1UF_TAX_AN7 Recalc. of Share Use Prepaid Tax

J1UF_TTD Calc. of the temporary tax differen

J1UF_VAT_AN8 Document List for Annex 8

J1UNCREATEEXT Create Tax Invoices and Corrections

J1_MASSPO Mass Maintenance: Temporary Pricing

J2GCMD Check customer master files

J2GCMK Check vendor master files



J2GFMC Maintain J_2GFIELDV - Company

J2GFMD Maintain J_2GFIELDV - Customers

J2GFMK Maintain J_2GFIELDV - Vendors

J2GFMP Maintain J_2GFIELDV - Plant

J2GLPCANCSD Cancelation of SD

J2GLPDSD Digital Sign Devices (DSDs)

J2GLPDSDR Digital Sign Devices - Restricted


J2GLPGP Global DSD Parameters



J2GLPLK Maintenance of Table J_2GLPLK

J2GLPLKT Maintenance of Table J_2GLPLKT


J2GLPLOGPAPERSFI FI further checks on logical paper

J2GLPLOGPAPERSFIV Customize FI Logical Papers


J2GLPLP Maintenance of Table J_2GLPLP

J2GLPMMOUT Allowed movement types

J2GLPP1 Maintenance of Table J_2GLPP1

J2GLPP2 Maintenance of Table J_2GLPP2

J2GLPP3 Maintenance of Table J_2GLPP3

J2GLPP4 Assignment of Doc. Codes to PTCs

J2GLPPARACHECKCUST Check customizing

J2GLPPARACHECKPTCD Check Print task codes


J2GLPPDL SD Deliveries

J2GLPPMM Print MM Documents

J2GLPPR Maintenance of Table J_2GLPPR

J2GLPPRFL0 Fill up J_2GLPPR from pricing

J2GLPPSD Print SD Tim & DaTim

J2GLPPTCODESCUSTOM Customize print task codes

J2GLPRPD Reprint DSD enabled legal documents


J2GLPST DSD check list

J2GLPVL09 Cancelation of GI

J2GPFI FI printing program

J2G_FPA_BOX E-File position per VAT rate

J2I0 Asset Installation

J2I5 Extract

J2I6 Print Utility

J2I7 CIN: SAPScript reporting customizing

J2I8 Avail.of subs credit for Cap Goods

J2I9 New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE

J2IB Service tax challan

J2IC Service tax returns

J2ID Archive TDS documents

J2IE View Archived TDS documents

J2IER1 Monthly er1 report

J2IF Display document flow

J2IN New RT-12 Report

J2IR23D Register RG23D

J2IRAP1 Print RG23A Part1

J2IRAP2 Print RG23A Part2

J2IRCP1 Register RG23C part1

J2IRCP2 Register RG23C Part2

J2IRG1 Register RG1

J2IRPLA Register PLA

J2IU Fortnightly Utilization

J2IUN Monthly utilization

J3G# Field Selection - Operator's Report

J3G& Field Selection Equi. Insurance Data

J3G. Transaction Calls for Joint Ventures

J3G? ETM Function Calls

J3GARCH ETM Archiving Number

J3GF Maintain User Fields for ETM

J3GLIAL Catalogs - List of Characteristics

J3GO Number Assignment for ETM Documents

J3GORV ETM No. Range Interval SD Documents

J3GORVL ETM Settlement Run Number

J3GP Define No. Range f. PriceLstDtrmntn

J3GPAKET10 List of Packages

J3GPAKET15 Manage Equipment in Packages

J3GPAKET16 Manage Material in Packages

J3GSTL Number Range Object BOMs

J3GU Stock List for Equipment

J3GW Stock List for Material

J3GWKAT Display Catalog Entries

J3G] Screen Modification - Shipping Doc.

J3G` Overview of Stock with History

J3KLANDA Alternative country codes

J3RALFAO1 AO-1 Advance Report


J3RALFFMCHECK Check New Version of Inventory Card

J3RALFGEN Russian Legal Form Generator

J3RALFINV1 INV-1 Inventory List of Fixed Assets

J3RALFINV10 Inventory of unfinished repairs

J3RALFINV11 INV-11 Prepaid Expenses Inventory

J3RALFINV17 Act of inventory of vend/cust debts

J3RALFINV18 INV-18 Diff. List for Fixed Assets

J3RALFINV19 INV-19 Difference List for Stock

J3RALFINV19UA INV-19 Difference List for Stock

J3RALFINV1A INV-1A Inventory List of Int. Assets

J3RALFINV26 Statement of result of ph.inventory

J3RALFINV3 INV-3 Physical Inventory List

J3RALFINV3UA INV-3 Physical Inventory List UA

J3RALFINV5 Ph.Inventory list goods taken stock

J3RALFNRNG Number range maintenance: J3RFORMS

J3RALFOS1 OS-1 Accept. and Ret. Record of FA

J3RALFOS14 OS-14 Acceptance Record of Equipment

J3RALFOS15 OS-15 Act on recept. & trans. equip.

J3RALFOS16 OS-16 Act about disc. equip. defects

J3RALFOS1A OS-1A Acc. and Ret. Record of Bldngs

J3RALFOS1B OS-1B Acc. and Ret. Rec. of FA Group

J3RALFOS2 OS-2 Internal Transfer Record of FA

J3RALFOS3 OS-3 Repairs and Bett. Record of FA

J3RALFOS4 OS-4 Scrapping Record of Fixed Asset

J3RALFOS4A OS-4A Scrapping Record of Vehicles

J3RALFOS4B OS-4B Scrapping Record of FA Groups

J3RALFOS6 OS-6 Inventory Card for Fixed Assets

J3RALFOS6A OS-6A Inventory Card for FA Groups

J3RALFOS6B OS-6B Inventory Book for Fixed Asset

J3RALFPTAXCALC Property Tax Calculation

J3RALFPTAXDECL Property Tax Return

J3RALFPTAXPAIDABR Property Tax Paid Abroad

J3RALFTORG10 TORG-10 Spec. of Goods Packaging

J3RALFTORG10AFS TORG-10 Sp. of Goods Packaging (AFS)

J3RALFTTAXCALC Transport Tax Calculation

J3RALFTTAXDECL Transport Tax Return

J3RCALD Automatic Clearing, FI-AR (Russia)

J3RCALK Automatic Clearing, FI-AP (Russia)

J3RCPS Customer Payments Overview

J3RCREV Clear Reversed Invoices (Russia)

J3RCUSTOKTMO OKTMO-codes for Vendors

J3RCUSTOKTMOV Define Customers as Tax Agents

J3RFAB08 FI-AA reversal documet posting

J3RFACC16 16th account distribution

J3RFACCST Accounting statement

J3RFASD Customer Balance Notification

J3RFASK Vendor Balance Notification

J3RFBS5 Balance Sheet Supplement N5 (FI-AA)

J3RFCASH15 Cash Journal Reports (Russia)

J3RFCCCUST Set Up Multiple Operators

J3RFCCOP Maintain Electronic IDs

J3RFCNT Maintain Internal Contract Numbers

J3RFCNTI Contract Numbers Maintenance

J3RFCNTOFFP Offline Contract Accounting Update

J3RFCPSEXCLKV Excl. Keywords from Notes to Payee

J3RFCPSPARSKV Keywords from Notes to Payee

J3RFCPSRULESV Sales Order Unblocking Rules

J3RFCTS01 Run CTS generator

J3RFCTS03 Run CTS maintenance report

J3RFCTS03S CTS Single Entry Display

J3RFCURRCNTRL Currency control report

J3RFDEPBRESTORE Depreciation bonus restore

J3RFDEPRBONUS Depreciation Bonus Calculation

J3RFDSLD Customer Turnover Balance Sheet

J3RFF4 Cash Flow Statement (Russia)

J3RFF4V Define Cash Flow Statement Versions

J3RFFSALL Financial Statements

J3RFGROUPV Maintain Group Codes

J3RFGTDASSIGN Assign Import GTD to Bil./Mat. Doc.

J3RFGTDINT Maintain CDec Data (Russia)

J3RFGTDINTMASS Maintain Mass CDec Data (Russia)

J3RFGTDUSAGE Customs Declaration Assignments

J3RFIMCD01 Create Import Customs Declaration

J3RFIMCD02 Change Import Customs Declaration

J3RFIMCD03 Display Import Customs Declaration

J3RFIMCD_MOVE Cross company transfer. Import CD

J3RFIMCD_SETTINGS Import Customs Declaration Version

J3RFIMOPER Import Operations Report

J3RFINVOFFLINK Match Incoming E-Invoices with FI

J3RFINVTARG Redetermination of Invoices (Russia)

J3RFKSLD Vendor Turnover Balance Sheet

J3RFLVMOBVED Stock Overview (Russia)

J3RFLVMOBVEDH Stock Overview (New)

J3RFNEGP Negative posting partial payment(RU)

J3RFNKSPIR Verification of Costs (Russia)

J3RFNKSREGISTR Asset Registration (Russia)

J3RFNKSSTARTUP Verification of Invoices (Russia)

J3RFNKSTAX Validation of Goods Issues (Russia)

J3RFOCCODE Assign Electronic IDs to Operators

J3RFOKOFMIGR Migration Tool for OKOF Data

J3RFOS6 Asset Inventory Cards (Russia)

J3RFPCR Vendor Payment Analysis (Russia)

J3RFPCUST Assign Electronic IDs to Customers

J3RFPDE Customer Payment Analysis (Russia)

J3RFPROPTAX Property Tax Report (Russia)

J3RFPURB Purchase Ledger (Russia)

J3RFPVEND Assign Electronic IDs to Vendors

J3RFRATECALC Down Payments in Foreign Currency

J3RFREGINV Invoice Journal (Russia)

J3RFREGINVD Customer Invoice Journal (Russia)

J3RFREGINVK Vendor Invoice Journal (Russia)

J3RFREGTORG Delivery and Acceptance Journal

J3RFREVAL Fixed Asset Revaluation for Russia

J3RFREVHISTFC Revaluation History in FC

J3RFREVSTOR FixedAssetRevaluation ReversePosting

J3RFSELB Sales Ledger (Russia)

J3RFSPD01 Create SPD

J3RFSPD03 Show list of SPD

J3RFSPD03S Show single SPD

J3RFSTRDIV Structural divisions customizing

J3RFT53A Form T-53A

J3RFTAXAMTEST Tax Depreciation Report (Russia)

J3RFTAXFINREZLIST Gains and Losses (Russia)

J3RFTPCCPROV CompanyCategories, LiquidationCodes

J3RFTPCNTRPARV Prepare Controllable Partner Data

J3RFTPCOCATV Company categories

J3RFTPDEL Transfer Pricing Delete Notification

J3RFTPFLCUST Set Up Attachment Structure for TP

J3RFTPFLUT01 Folders system maintenance utility

J3RFTPFORGV Foreign organization data

J3RFTPLIMITSV Limits for controllable transaction

J3RFTPLIQCTV Liquidation codes

J3RFTPMATOCV Mapping material codes to OCP codes

J3RFTPPMV Pricing methods

J3RFTPPRICESV Define Allowed Market Prices for TP

J3RFTPPSV Price source codes

J3RFTPSTATUSV Status of transaction participants

J3RFTPTRANPCV Transaction participant codes

J3RFTPTRANSTV Transaction types

J3RFTRPR Transfer Pricing

J3RFTRPRCP TP: Controllable partners

J3RFTRPRDOC Transfer Pricing Document Types

J3RFTRPRPC TP: Comparison of the Actual Prices

J3RFTRPRSEL Transfer Pricing Document Selection

J3RFTRPRV Transfer Pricing Configuration

J3RFUM26 Secondary Events (Russia)

J3RFVATANALYSIS Incoming VAT Account Analysis

J3RFVATEXP Export Data Analysis for VAT

J3RFVATSD VAT for Goods in Transit

J3RFVENDORV Maint. view of Vendor Data

J3RFWORKWEAR Employee Workwear Record

J3RFWORKWEARLIST Workwear List for Employees

J3RFWWALLOW Maintain Workwear quaotas

J3RFWWCONMV Maintain Workwear Quotas (Config)

J3RFZDBPDF Print Payment Orders (Russia)

J3RFZKRPDF Print Payment Orders (Russia)

J3RF_DI_ARCLOG XML data for Electronic Invoices

J3RF_F3 Capital flow

J3RF_F3S1 References (net wealth)

J3RKACT Interpretation algorithms

J3RKAID Account priorities

J3RKAVI Register of Amounts Posted (Russia)

J3RKBOOL Rule Maintenance

J3RKGLK General Ledger Report (Russia)

J3RKKRD Determine Offsetting Accounts

J3RKKRL Account Balances, LC (Russia)

J3RKKRN Prohibited correspondences customiz.

J3RKKRS Automatic Account Determination

J3RKKVL Accounts Balances, FC (Russia)

J3RKNGLL Activiate Non-Leading Ledger

J3RKNID Unprocessed Accounting Documents

J3RKOBS Account Balance Comparison (Russia)

J3RKOBX Account Balance Comparison (Russia)


J3RKPAC Account priorities

J3RKPAI Priorities for pairs of accounts

J3RKSORT Sorting rules

J3RKSPLIT Splitting rules

J3RLFNPOSTR Notification of Postal Money Transf.

J3RLFNPOSTRHR Notification of Postal Money Transf.

J3RM11RES Print M-11 Form from Reserv.Document

J3RMB7 MB-7 Register of Issued Workwear

J3RPBU18DP Post Tax Differences to FI-GL

J3RPBU18DT Transfer Tax Differences to FI-SL

J3RPBU18RA Rates and accounts for PBU18 setting

J3RPBU18SC Set Classes Assignment

J3RSCD01 Create Customs Declaration Data

J3RSCD02 Change Customs Declaration Data

J3RSCD03 Display Customs Declaration Data

J3RSCDHIST Customs Declaration Change History

J3RSCDREP Customs Declaration Report

J3RSDP Deal Passport

J3RSDPHIST Deal Passport Change History

J3RSEXPORT Create Secondary Events for Exports

J3RSINVDIFF Offset Inventory Differences

J3RSLINKEXPINV Link Outgoing 0% Invoices


J3RSVATCOEFF Edit VAT Coefficients

J3RSVATCOEFF_NEW Edit VAT Coefficients EhP5 SP5

J3RSVATCOEFF_OLD Edit VAT Coefficients EhP5

J3RTAX21 VAT Return (Russia)

J3RTAXAE Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC/ledger

J3RTAXAS Assign Tax Hierarchy to CC

J3RTAXCD Tax chain definition

J3RTAXCE Execute tax chain

J3RTAXCS Create FI-SL settings

J3RTAXDC Profit Tax Reporting (Russia)

J3RTAXDD Provision for Doubtful Receivables

J3RTAXDE FI-SL selective deletion utility

J3RTAXDP Electronic Tax Format Maintenance

J3RTAXDPED GUI DP editor tool

J3RTAXDR Tax declaration rows

J3RTAXGR Maintain FI-SL activity groups

J3RTAXHR Tax Hierarchy Maintanance

J3RTAXID Tax hierarchy assignment ID

J3RTAXIN Table group install.for tax account.

J3RTAXJR Tax journal

J3RTAXLA List accounts used in hierarchy

J3RTAXREP Reporting hierarchy

J3RTAXRL Hierarchy rollup creation

J3RTAXST Selective field transfer parameters

J3RTAXTB Maintain table links

J3RTAXTEST Print Sample VAT Returns (Russia)

J3RTAXTR Tax hierarchy transport

J3RTAXUC Maintain unclassified objects

J3RTAXUL Unclassified transactions listing

J3RTSEAUXILIAV Links between FI and SD/MM items

J3RTSEMAINT Secondary Events Table Maintenance

J3RTUPD Transport Tax Recalculation (Russia)

J3RTVEH Transport Tax Report (Russia)

J3RVATDECL VAT Return for Russia (New)

J3RVATDFILESV Define VAT Return Section Filenames

J3RVATDRFUM0V Enter Run IDs for 0% VAT Operations

J3RVENDOKTMO OKTMO-codes for Vendors

J3RVENDOKTMOV Define Vendors as Tax Agents

J3RXMLEXP XML Hierarchy output

J3RXMLTRANS XML invoices transformations mapping

J4G2 CEM - Master Data

J4GA ETM: Create Conditn Table (PrcList)

J4GB ETM: Change Conditn Table (PrcList)

J4GC ETM: Display Conditn Table (PrcList)

J4GD ETM: Create Condition Record-PrcLst

J4GE ETM: Change Condition Record-PrcLst

J4GF ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst

J4GL Current Stock for Equipment

J4GM Current Stock for Material

J4GO Location Stock

J4GON Location Stock (ALV)

J4GT ETM: Display Condition Record-PrcLst

J4GW Movements Between Locations

J4GWN Movements Between Locations List

J4GX Hour Evaluation for PBE

J4GZ Equipment and Tools Management (ETM)

J7L0 REA Article: Display References

J7L1 Create REA Article: Initial Screen

J7L2 Change REA Article: Initial Screen

J7L3 Display REA Article: Initial Screen

J7L4 REA Annual Prepaid Declaration

J7L5 Create REA Packaging: Initial Screen

J7L6 Change REA Packaging: Initial Screen

J7L7 Display REA Packaging:Initial Screen

J7L8 REA Info Cost Analysis: Article

J7L8_FISCH REA Cost Analysis: Article (Old)

J7L9 REA Article: Collective Maintenance

J7LB REA Cust.: Adjust Conditions

J7LC REA Cust.: General Controls

J7LCD REA Cust.: Data Filter Key

J7LDA REA General Interface

J7LE REA Display Recycling Partners

J7LF REA Number Range Maint.: Declaration

J7LFAVOURITE1 Favorites Mgmt: Header&Field Catalog

J7LFAVOURITE2 Favorites Management: Entries

J7LFAVOURITE3 Favorites Management Referencing

J7LG REA Display Packaging Group


J7LIGEB REA: Fraction Charge Overview

J7LIKO REA Condition Analysis

J7LIKU REA Info systems customer analysis

J7LIPAA REA Info System: ArtclPricing Analys

J7LIPAV REA Info System:Packaging Pric.Anlys

J7LISA REA Infosystem Article Master Data

J7LISF REA Info System Fraction Master Data

J7LISP REA Infosystem Price List Master

J7LISR REA Infosystem Re.Partner Master

J7LISV REA Infosystem Packaging Master Data

J7LIZAF REA Infosystem Article-Fraction Asgt

J7LIZAR REA Infosystem Article-Partner Assig

J7LIZARF REA Info System Art.-RP-Fract. Asgmt

J7LIZAV REA Infosystem Article-Pack. Assign.

J7LIZAV2 REA Info System RePartAsgmt Art-Pckg

J7LIZFA REA Infosystem Fraction-Article Asgt

J7LIZFR REA Infosystem Fraction-RePart.Asgmt

J7LIZFV REA Infosystem Fraction-Packag.Asgmt

J7LIZRF REA Infosystem RePart-Fraction Asgmt

J7LIZRV REA Info System RPart-Pack. Assignm.

J7LIZVA REA Infosystem Pack-Article Assign.

J7LIZVF REA Infosystem Packag.-Fract. Asgmt

J7LIZVR REA Infosystem Pack-R.Part.Assign.

J7LIZVV REA Infosystem Pack-PackGrp Assign.

J7LK REA Customizing: Condition Types

J7LKC Article Consistency Check

J7LKCV Packaging Consistency Check

J7LLAN Workflow Log Analysis

J7LM REA Article Field Changes

J7LMN REA Article Field Changes

J7LMS REA Declaration System

J7LN REA Number Range: Declaration Key

J7LN1 REA Number Ranges: Declaration Key 1

J7LN2 REA Number Ranges: Declaration Key 2

J7LN3 REA Number Ranges: Data Filter

J7LN4 REA Number Ranges for Packaging

J7LO REA Customizing: Fractions

J7LP REA Display Price Lists: Init.Screen

J7LPARTNEREXP Export Recycling Partners

J7LPARTNERIMP Import Recycling Partners

J7LPUB REA Period Overview

J7LR REA Recycling Administration

J7LRKPD11000186 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_LOGFILE

J7LRKPD11000187 Data Filter Assgmt Access Seq. Vend.

J7LRKR0 REA Accruals Analysis/Correction

J7LRRE711000110 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_STEUERUNG

J7LRRE711000111 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_NUMKREISE

J7LRRE711000112 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_BUCHUNGSKR

J7LRRE711000113 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_GEMBUCHKR

J7LRRE711000114 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_LAENDGRUP

J7LRRE711000115 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_FRAKTIONEN

J7LRRE711000116 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_ABGRMELD

J7LRRE711000117 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_AENDFELD_MM

J7LRRE711000118 Number Ranges Rec. Declaration Keys

J7LRRE711000119 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_MATERIALART

J7LRRE711000120 Data Filters Item Ctgry Sales Doc.

J7LRRE711000121 Data Filters Material Type Packaging

J7LRRE711000122 Data Filters BOM Usage

J7LRRE711000123 Data Filters Item Ctgry BOM

J7LRRE711000124 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_VERPARTEN

J7LRRE711000126 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_VERPEBENEN

J7LRRE711000132 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_ALLG_SCHNIT

J7LRRE711000136 Data Filters Customer's Industry Key

J7LRRE711000137 REA Change Condition Types

J7LRRE711000139 REA Display Condition Types

J7LRRE711000140 REA Splitting Filters

J7LRRE711000141 REA Weighting Factors

J7LRRE711000142 Number Ranges Rec. Declaration Keys

J7LRRE711000143 Number Ranges Rec. Declaration Keys

J7LRRE711000144 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_FAKTURAART

J7LRRE711000145 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_VERTRBER

J7LRRE711000146 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_PRODHIER

J7LRRE711000147 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_VORGART

J7LRRE711000148 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_BEWEGARTEN

J7LRRE711000149 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_MATBELARTEN

J7LRRE711000150 REA Customer-Specific Enhancements

J7LRRE711000151 Groups for Material Characteristic

J7LRRE711000152 Data Filters Def. Data Filter Types

J7LRRE711000153 Number Range Data Filter Keys

J7LRRE711000154 Display Data Filters

J7LRRE711000155 Data Filters Field Definition

J7LRRE711000156 Plants Assigned to CoCd for BOM

J7LRRE711000158 Data Filters Access Seq. Hierarchy

J7LRRE711000161 Data Filters Access Sequence Asgmt

J7LRRE711000162 REA Data Filters Trade Level Comb.

J7LRRE711000164 Data Filters Transaction Keys

J7LRREN11000156 IMG Activity: Form Groups Decl.Syst.

J7LRREN11000157 IMG Activity: Form Group Routines

J7LRREN11000158 IMG Activity: Interface Control

J7LRREN11000159 IMG Activity: Field Control DME


J7LRREN11000161 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_WARENGRUP

J7LRREN11000162 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_MELDESCHL1

J7LRREN11000163 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_MELDESCHL2

J7LRREN11000164 IMG Activity: Accruals Correction

J7LRREN11000166 IMG Activity: Activate Auto.AccrCorr

J7LRREN11000167 IMG Activity: Assign Conditions

J7LRREN11000168 IMG Activity: Accrual Corr. Analysis

J7LRREN11000169 IMG Activity: Document Flow Filters

J7LRREN11000170 IMG Activity: Single Access Doc.Flow

J7LRREN11000171 IMG Activity: Document Flow Path

J7LRREN11000172 IMG Activity: Doc. Flow Access Seq.

J7LRREN11000173 IMG Activity: Document Eval. Asgmt

J7LRREN11000175 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_SOKOA

J7LRREN11000176 IMG Activity: J_7L_REA_TEXT_KOND

J7LRREN11000177 IMG Activity: Consistency Check

J7LS REA Customiz.: Data Filter Splitting

J7LSTO REA Document: Cancellation

J7LTSL REA Document: Process Test Run

J7LU REA Material Master Field Changes













J7LUTILITY20 Delete REA Article

J7LUTILITY21 Delete REA Packaging

J7LUTILITY22 Delete REA Partners

J7LUTILITY23 REA Article: Data Migration

J7LUTILITY24 Workflow Article Consistency Check

J7LUTILITY25 Workflow Packaging Consistency Check

J7LUTILITY26 Workflow Log Analysis

J7LUTILITY27 Edit Article Header Data

J7LUTILITY28 Conversion to Packaging Without MM

J7LUTILITY29 REA Article: Change Recycl. Partner


J7LUTILITY30 REA Packaging: Change Recycl.Partner








J7LV11 Create REA Document

J7LV13 Display REA Document

J7LV14 Cancel REA Document

J7LV15 REA Document: Create Test Run

J7LVERSION REA Version Information

J7LW REA Inf. Cost Analysis: Packaging

J7LX REA General Field Changes

J7LXN REA General Field Changes

J7LY Number Range Maintenance: J_7LFKEY

J7LZ REA Packaging Field Changes

J7LZN REA Packaging Field Changes

JARC IS-M: Archiving Development

JB02 Bank Single Transaction Costing

JB04 Bank Risk Management

JB05 IS-B: Bank regulatory reporting

JB06 Bank RM Configuration Menu

JB07 IS-B: Settings menu - bank reg.rep.

JB08 Bank STC Configuration Menu

JB09 Maintain Bank Products

JB0A Maintain Sender Programs

JB0B Maintain Financial Conditions

JB0C Maintain Product Type

JB0J Treasury Master Data

JB0N Display Bank Products

JB0O Copy Company Code

JB0P Display and Delete Logs

JB0U Maintain Product Variants

JB0V Display Product Variants

JB0W Change Transaction Differentiation

JB0X Display Transaction Differentiation

JB12 Limit Management

JB121 Definition

JB16 Costing Rule List

JB18 Display Req./Opt.Control

JB19 Asset/Liability Management

JB1C Display Product Type

JB1E Display Financial Conditions Types

JB1F Maintain Bank Product Assign.

JB1G Display Bank Product Assignmnt

JB20 Maturity Pattern

JB21 Maturity Pattern - Volume Assignment

JB2X Securities

JB3M List of curr. supported field names

JB3P Maintain variant groups

JB3Q Maintain Variants

JB3R Schedule variant group

JB3S Define variant group

JB43 Display SD Condition

JB46 Maintain Costing Sheet

JB47 Maintain SD Condition Types

JB48 Maintain Access Sequence

JB4B Display SD Condition Table

JB4O Display List of Conditions

JB4X Money market

JB5X Forex

JB68 Interpolate yield curves

JB69 Maintain Int. Rates for Yield Curves

JB69T TimeOFday dep. IR's for Zcurves pf1

JB6X Derivatives

JB72 Display int.rates for ref.int.rate

JB72T IR's for timeOFday dep. ref. int.

JB73 Display int. rates for date

JB73T TimeOFday dep. IR's for date

JB81 Maintain account

JB88 Maintain Output Fields

JB91 Maintain Aggregation

JB92 Display Aggregation Value Fields

JB99 Test Menu ONLINE Integration

JBA1 Maintain Base Portfolio

JBA2 Maintain Cash Flow Type

JBA3 Maintain balance type

JBA4 Maintain Maturity Scenario

JBA5 Maintain summarization rule

JBA6 Assign Summarization Rule to CF Type

JBA7 Assign Summ. Rule to Balance Type

JBA8 Maintain RM-FIMA Costing Rule

JBA9 Assign RM-FIMA to Cash Flow Type

JBAA Assign RM-FIMA to Balance Type.

JBAB Maintain Settings for Maturity Scen.

JBAC Maintain Risk Hierarchy

JBAD Risk hierarchy node

JBAE RM Maintain Risk Factors

JBAF Maintain Characteristics for View

JBAJ Risk hierarchy node

JBAL Overview of Analysis Structures

JBAO Allocate Index to Securities ID

JBAP Create Maintain Analysis Structures

JBAT Report Selection

JBAY Maintain Beta Factor Type

JBAZ Maintain Beta Factors

JBA_US_MD_NIPL ALM - Master Data Maint.

JBB2 Display Position

JBB4 Display Position Values

JBB5 Edit characteristics

JBB6 Edit Value Fields

JBBE Valuation Setting

JBBETA Enter Beta Values

JBBEW Maintain Position Changes

JBBEWE1 Valuation Setting

JBBG Position Groups

JBBG1 Define Position Groups

JBBM Positions

JBBPU Reorg.of Field Cat.for BP Conversion

JBBW Customize Valuation in Company Code

JBC0 Sample Customizing - Organization

JBC1 Sample Customizing - Basis Data

JBC2 Sample Customizing - Treasury

JBC3 Sample Customizing - Basis

JBC4 Sample Customizing - Money Market

JBC5 Sample Customizing - Forex

JBC6 Sample Customizing - Derivatives

JBC7 Sample Customizing - Securities

JBC8 Sample Customizing - Loans

JBC9 Sample Customizing - Accounts

JBCA Sample Customizing - Services

JBCAPAACT BCA: FO Integration of Prof. Anal.

JBCB Sample Customizing-Non-Int.Positions

JBCBCA Customizing BCA Accts Non-Critical

JBCC Delta Customizing - Derivatives

JBCD Delta Customizing - Loans

JBCDLI Display Condition Lists

JBCDLITY Display List Types for Cond. Lists

JBCDPERTY Assign Cond. Types to List Types

JBCE Delta Customizing - Securites

JBCF Maintain Condition Type

JBCG Sample Customizing - Process Costs

JBCH Delta Customizing - Accounts

JBCI Delta Customizing - Loans

JBCJ Delta Customizing - Derivatives

JBCK Delta Customizing: ABC 4.02

JBCL Delta Cust.: Basic Data 4.02

JBCM Delta Cust.: Loans 4.02

JBCN Delta Cust.: Money Market 4.02

JBCO Sample Customizing: Volumen Costing

JBCP Customizing: Vol. Cost. Not Critical

JBCQ Customizing: Var.Trans. Not Critical

JBCR Goto currency redemption

JBCS Flow Type

JBCT Customize Flow Type

JBCTVT_NEBP Assign New Bank Products

JBCTVT_NEBPVR Assign Bank Product Variant

JBDAC_DEL Deletion of Account Master Data

JBDBALCOST Volume Cost. Costing Rule Derivation

JBDCD Delete Change Pointers

JBDCPNUM No. Range Maint.: Object JBD_CPID

JBDCR Change Relevance

JBDDRBCA1 BCA: Maintain Derivation Strategy

JBDDRBCA2 BCA: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDDRDERIV1 Derivatives: Maintain Deriv. Strat.

JBDDRDERIV2 Derivatives: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDDRFGDT1 Gen. Trans: Maintain Deriv. Strat.

JBDDRFGDT2 Gen. Trans: Maint. Rule Entries

JBDDRFX1 Forex: Maintain Derivation Strategy

JBDDRFX2 Forex: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDDRLOAN1 Loans: Maintain Derivation Strategy

JBDDRLOAN2 Loans: Maintian Rule Entries

JBDDRMM1 Money Market:Maintain Deriv.Strategy

JBDDRMM2 Money Market: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDDRORD1 Order: Derivation Strategy

JBDDRORD2 Order: Maintian Rule Entries

JBDDRSTX1 Positions: Maintain Deriv. Strategy

JBDDRSTX2 Positions: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDDRVT1 Variable Transaction: Deriv. Strat.

JBDDRVT2 Var. Trans: Maintain Rule Entries

JBDEA Export Settings

JBDEM Overview of Change Pointers

JBDER Export Relevance

JBDERH Main Setting for Export Relevance

JBDEX Start Export

JBDFOAC_DEL Deletion of Accnt Financial Objects

JBDFOLN_DEL Deletion of Loan Financial Objects

JBDFOSV_DEL Deletion of FO for Services

JBDFOVT_DEL Deletion of Financial Objects of VT

JBDFTP FTP Update in PC Accounting

JBDIL02 Initial Load: Security Class Data

JBDIL03 Initial Load: Security Order

JBDIL04 Initial Load: Listed Derivatives

JBDIL05 Initial Load: Loans

JBDIL07 Initial Load: Forex Transactions

JBDIL08 Initial Load: Business Partner

JBDIL09DETR Initial Load: Listed Der. Positions

JBDIL09FX Initial Load: Forex Positions

JBDIL09SETR Initial Load: Security Order Positns

JBDIL11 Initial Load: Position Change

JBDIL12 Initial Load: Fixed-Term Deposit

JBDIL13 Initial Load: Commercial Paper

JBDIL14 Initial Load: FRA

JBDIL15 Initial Load: Swap

JBDIL16 Initial Load: Variable Transactions

JBDIL18 Initial Load: Generic Transactions

JBDIL19 Initial Load: Facilities

JBDIL20 Initial Load: Collateral

JBDIL21 Initial Load: Security Prices

JBDIL22 Initial Load: Exchange Rates

JBDIL23 Initial Load: Interest Rates

JBDIL24 Initial Load: Indexes

JBDIL25 Initial Load: Limits

JBDIL30 Initial Load: BP Relationship

JBDIL31 Initial Load: Security Volatilities

JBDIL32 Initial Load: Index Volatility

JBDIL33 Initial Load: Currency Volatility

JBDIL34 Initial Load: Interest Volatility

JBDK Customize Exchange Rate Type

JBDLN_DEL Deletion of Loan Master Data

JBDM IS-B: Loans

JBDO Financial Object

JBDO1 Financial Object

JBDO_VT_OLD Old Initial Screen in FO f. VT (Old)

JBDSV_DEL Deletion of Services

JBDVT_DEL Deletion of Master Data of Var.Trans

JBD_AFX_ACT No. Range Maintenance Object:AFX_ACT

JBD_AFX_CUST_DEPLOY Use Global Control


JBD_DEL_PROT Display of Deletion Logs




JBD_GAP_ARCH_CUS Customizing for Object GPAN_ARCH







JBD_VT_OLD_CUST Customizing: Variable Trans. (Old)

JBFR Customize Function per Register

JBFS Maintain Due Date Scenario

JBG0 CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern

JBG0O CO-PA Bank: Edit Operating Concern

JBGK Maintain Yield Curve Types

JBGKN Maintain Yield Curve Types

JBI1 PA transfer structure CO

JBIR Goto reference interest rates

JBIRM Reference Interest Rate Maintenance

JBIRMTD Goto time-dependent int. rate. maint

JBJJ Display Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule

JBJK Change Assgmt of Bal.Type>Cost.Rule

JBK1 Preliminary Costing: Create Form

JBK3 Preliminary Costing: Display Form

JBKA SAP Banking: Costing Sheet Analysis

JBKR Customize Account Assignment Ref.

JBKW Actual Process Allocation: Fin. Obj.

JBL7 Current Settings Market Risk

JBLDC Var. Transaction Ledger Dimensions

JBLM Block Size for EDT

JBLS Bank Profit.Analysis - Curr.Settings

JBLZ Maturity band

JBLZB1 Maturity band

JBLZB2 Maturity band

JBM0 Maintain Eval.Types (Addition)

JBM1 Maintain Eval Types - Value Fields

JBM3 SAP Banking: EURO Log Administration

JBMK Required/Optional Fields

JBMT1 Evaluation Categories in SEM

JBMT2 Parallel Processing Settings

JBMU Display Required/Optional Fields

JBMVT Business Partner Configuration Menu

JBMVTWORK Business Partner Configuration Menu

JBMVTWORK2 Business Partner Configuration Menu

JBN1 IS-B: Nummernkreispflege Umsätze

JBN4 IS-B: Nummernkreispflege Gp.konto

JBN5 IS-B: Nummernkreispflege Dienstl.

JBNKGS Nummernintervalle Gap sichern

JBNPV Maintain NPV

JBPB Define Period Block

JBPD Update Character. for Process Costs

JBPERIOD Period values

JBPF Customize Portfolio Data

JBPH Portfolio hierarchy

JBP_CUS_DIST_DER1 Derivation Strategy DIS1 (Distrib.)

JBP_DIST_TRO Distribution (Treasury Offset)

JBR0 Maintain Market Data Shifts

JBR0_OLD Maintain Market Data Shifts

JBR10 RM: Maintain External Key Figures

JBR10EXT External Key Figures for FO

JBR10S RM: Display External Key Figures

JBR10U RM: Maintain External Key Figures

JBR3 Assign Flow Type to Cash Flow Indic.

JBRA Assign Product Type -> Eval. Type

JBRALMART Maintain ALM Valuation Type

JBRB1 Summarization Rule - Default Setting

JBRB2 Summarization Rule - Spec. Settings

JBRBPC Bond Price Calculator

JBRCPAACT GT: FO Integration for PA

JBRCU Edit Characteristic Values

JBRCV Maintenance of Characteristic Values

JBRDG Generate Program for Char.Derivation

JBRDR Settings for Char. Derivation

JBRDV Maintain Derivation of Rule Entries

JBRE Customize Register

JBREVAL Maintain Evaluation Type

JBRFG Edit field groups

JBRG0 Default Settings for Gap Analysis

JBRG1 Spec. Eval. Control for Gap Analysis

JBRGV Reorganize Maintenance Modules

JBRKA Display Portfolio Hierarchy (old)

JBRLZB Maintain Maturity Band

JBRM Valuation Rules - Evaluation Type

JBROZ RM Gap Calc. of TP using Costing

JBROZPROT Log of TP Determination

JBRP Customize Report Functions

JBRPLANV Maintenance of Planning Variables

JBRQ Valuation Rules

JBRTUP Update Saved Gap Results

JBRTUPPROT Information on Saved Gap Results

JBRUD Banking Reuse Library Display

JBRUM Banking Reuse Library Maintenance

JBRZ Maintain Derivation Strategy


JBSTCOND Maintain Standard Conditions

JBSTNK Nummernintervalle Standverwaltung

JBSV Maintain Service

JBSY IS-B: Treasury Master Data

JBTLSVORMERK Maintain LS Selection Table


JBTM SAP R/3 Top Menu

JBTZ Maintain Cash Flow

JBUB Non-Int. Bearing Positions: Maintain

JBV0 Maintain Master Data of Volatilities

JBV61 Assign Ref. Int. Rates to Vol. Names

JBV62 Assign Currency Pair to Vol. Names

JBV63 Assign Sec.ID No. to Volatility Name

JBV64 Assign Index to Volatility Name

JBVCP Volatilities for Commodity Prices

JBVFX Exchange Rate Volatilities

JBVIN Index Volatilities

JBVIR Interest Rate Volatilities

JBVIRC Interest Rate Volatility Curve

JBVL Volatilities

JBVRF Risk Factor Volatilities

JBVSE Security Volatilities

JBVT Activity Category Customizing

JBVT0001 VT Control: Application

JBVT0002 VT Control: Field Groups

JBVT0003 VT Control: Views

JBVT0004 VT Control: Sections

JBVT0005 VT Control: Screens

JBVT0006 VT Control: Screen Sequence

JBVT0007 VT Control: Business Trans. Events

JBVT0008 VT Control: CUA Standard Functions

JBVT0009 VT Control: CUA Additional Functions

JBVT0010 VT Control: Matchcode

JBVT0011 VT Control: Screen Fld -> DB Field

JBVT0013 VT Control: Role Categories

JBVT0014 VT Control: Role Category Groupings

JBVT0015 VT Control: Application Transactions

JBVT0016 VT Control: Tables

JBVT0018 VT Control: Activities

JBVT0019 VT Control: Field Mod. per Activity

JBVTCH Change Variable Transaction

JBVTCR Create Variable Transaction

JBVTDEL Delete Variable Transaction

JBVTPAACT Var. Trans.: FO Integ. Prof. Anal.

JBVTSH Display Variable Transaction

JBW0 Execute Report

JBW0_MONITOR Display Selection of Frozen Data

JBW1 Create Report

JBW2 Change Report

JBW3 Display Report

JBW4 Create Form

JBW5 Change Form

JBW6 Display Form

JBW7 Maintain authorization obj. present.

JBW8 Display authorization obj.presentatn

JBWA Access Report Tree

JBWC Comments Management: Treasury

JBWG Characteristic Groups for RM

JBWH Maintain hierarchy

JBWK Maintain key figures

JBWM Test Monitor: RM Drilldown Reporting

JBWPORD Securities Order Maint. Transaction

JBWPORD_ANZ Display Securities Order Directly

JBWS Display structure

JBWT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

JBWU Convert drilldown reports

JBWW Mainten.curr.conversion type TMR

JBW_AM_COA_1 IS-M: Determine BW Classificat.Again

JBW_AM_COA_2 IS-M: Unload Contracts from BW

JBZK Assign Condition Types->Cond. Groups

JB_TONUM Nummernkreis für Umsätze pflegen

JB_TONUMI Nummernkreispflege Objekt JB_TONUM_I

JB_VTNUMI Nummernkreispflege Objekt JB_VTNUM_I

JC9B IS-M: Condition Master Data - Sales

JC9C IS-M: Condition Master Data

JC9D IS-M: Condition Master Data


JCP4 IS-M: Master Data f.Postal Charges

JCS0 IS-M: Create Condition

JCS1 IS-M: Create Condition w/Reference

JCS2 IS-M: Change Condition

JCS3 IS-M: Display Condition

JD42 Automatic Issue Generation

JD43 Issue Numbering

JD45 Move Publication Date of Issue

JD46 Log: Move Issue Publication Date

JD55 IS-M: Create Issue Archiving

JD56 IS-M: Delete Issue Archiving

JD57 IS-M: Reload Issue Archiving

JD58 IS-M: Management of Issue Archiving

JD70 IS-M: Arrival Times of TP Objects

JD71 IS-M: Editions of Publications

JD72 IS-M: Displ.Edition Publ.Calendar

JD73 IS-M: Edition Overview

JD74 IS-M: Overview of Issue Weights

JD75 IS-M: Issue Overview

JD76 IS-M: Display Ad Pre-Print Pub.Cal.

JD77 IS-M: Ad Pre-Print Overview

JD83 IS-M: Maintain Edit.Bundling Group

JD84 IS-M: Display Edition Bundling Group

JD85 IS-M: List Editions in Bundling Grp

JD85_A IS-M: List Editions in Bundling Grp

JD86 IS-M: Maintain Edit.Bundling Group

JD87 IS-M: Display Edition Packing Group


JDPOST01 Edition Postal Data

JF01 IS-M/SD: Create Billing Document

JF02 IS-M: Change Billing Document

JF03 IS-M: Display Billing Document

JF04 IS-M: Create Billing Document

JF05 Create Billing Interface

JF06 IS-M: Billing Logs

JF07 Simulate Billing Interface

JF11 IS-M: Reverse Billing Document

JF12 IS-M: Reverse Coll. Billing Run

JF2A IS-M: Reorg.Billg Index aft.Canc.

JF2B IS-M: Tfer Postings Bef.STax Reg.

JF61 List of Open Items and Balance

JF87 IS-M/SD: Create Rev.Acct Det.Table

JF88 IS-M/SD: Change Rev.Acct Det.Table

JF89 IS-M/SD:Display Rev.Acct Det.Table

JFAF IS-M: Billing Document Check List

JFB2 IS-M: Data Transfer f.Bank Return

JFB3 IS-M: Reconc.List for Bank Return

JFB4 IS-M: Ords fr.Bank Rtns for Change

JFB4_A IS-M: Ords fr.Bank Rtns for Change

JFB5 IS-M: Ref.Transfer of Bank Returns

JFBF IS-M: Billing Document Flow

JFBS IS-M: Bank Returns by Return Reason

JFBT IS-M: Payment Medium Germany

JFCA IS-M/SD: Billing Doc.Authorization

JFCB Check Payment Cards Before Billing

JFCC Checking Log for Payment Cards

JFCO Issue - Addit. Account Assignment

JFCO_PVA Edition - Additional Account Assgmt

JFF1 Maintain number range: ISP_FIBU

JFFB Doc.According to Billing Cond.Types

JFFI FI Journal for Revenue Posting/Dist.

JFJOURNREVPER Posting Journal for Per. Rev. Accr.

JFLI IS-M/SD: List Billing Documents

JFM1 Media Sales + Distribution - Billing

JFNF Set Up Indexes

JFNL Non-Billed Deliveries

JFP2 Billing Docs not Transfd to RF/FI

JFP3 Collective Proc./Transfer Assignment

JFRA Posting Journal for Revenue Accrual

JFRE IS-M: Revenue Distribution Journal

JFREVENUECOCKPIT Revenue Accrual Cockpit

JFRJ IS-M: Outgoing Invoice Journal

JFRT Orders Not Billed

JFSI IS-M/SD: Simulate Billing

JFSU IS-M: Information on Coll.Proc.

JFT1 Individual Transfer to FI

JFT2 Collective Transfer to FI

JFT3 IS-M/SD: Payment Card Transfer

JFT4 Collection Transfer for Billing

JFT5 IS-M/SD: Bank Returns Transfer

JFT6 IS-M/SD: Transfer Revenue Distrib.

JFTA IS-M/SD: Call Up Individual Transfer

JFTB IS-M/SD: Call Up Collective Transfer

JFTC IS-M/SD: Call Up Field Coll.Transfer

JFTD IS-M/SD: Access Bank Rtns.Transfer

JFTE IS-M/SD: Access Revenue Accrual

JFTH IS-M/SD: Data Transfer to HR

JFU1 Individual Transfer to FI

JFU2 Collective Transfer to FI

JFU3 IS-M/SD: Bank Returns Transfer

JFU4 Collection Transfer for Billing

JFUV Transfer Issue to Financial Accounts

JFVL Open Issue Account Assignments

JF_ITALY_VAT_01 Setting for VAT Reporting

JF_ITALY_VAT_02 VAT Reporting - Italy

JGA2 IS-M: Maintain Business Partner Asgt

JGA3 IS-M: Display Bus.Partner Assignment

JGA4 IS-M: Maintain Address Print Formats

JGA6 IS-M:Maint.AddPrintFormat-Env.Assgmt

JGA8 IS-M: Address Recording

JGA9 IS-M/SD: Add.Change -> Check Orders

JGA9_A IS-M/SD: Add.Change -> Check Orders

JGAD IS-M: Determine Address Duplicates

JGAE IS-M: Determine Jurisdiction Code

JGAF IS-M: BP Log in Non-SAP System

JGAS IS-M: Screen Mod.for SD BP Transacs

JGB3 IS-M: Add.Synch. IS-M -> Standard

JGB4 IS-M: Add.Synch. IS-M -> Non-SAP

JGB5 IS-M: Transfer Customers on Hand

JGB6 IS-M: BTCI Session BP Data Transfer

JGB7 IS-M: Synch.bank conn. IS-M->FI

JGB8 IS-M: Bank con.synchronization log

JGBA IS-M: Transfer Bank Data

JGBD IS-M: Bank data changes

JGBDC1 Change Bank Number in Bank Details

JGBDC2 Bank Details Change: Create File

JGBDC2A BnkDetChge.: Generate File With IBAN

JGBDC3 Bank Details Change: Read File

JGBDC3A BankDet.Change.: Read File With IBAN

JGBP_CHANGE IS-M: Change Business Partner

JGBP_SHOW IS-M: Display Business Partner

JGCL IS-M: BP Classification

JGDPP_EOP_DETERMINE Determine Residence End for Each BP

JGKS IS-M: Sales Summary

JGM0 Business Partner

JGMIG_ADDRBP Migrate Business Partner Addresses

JGMIG_ADDRORD Migrate Order Addresses

JGMIG_ADDR_LOG Log for Address Migration

JGR1 IS-M/SD: SC Employee Turnover

JGR2 IS-M: Service Company Employees

JGR3 IS-M: Overview of Fwding Agents

JGSEPA01 IS-M: Use of SEPA Mandates

JGSEPA02 Mandate Usage (Display)

JGV7 IS-M: Maintain Employment Relnship

JGV8 IS-M: Display Employment Relnship

JGWWWIU1 IS-M: Create Internet User

JGWWWIU2 IS-M: Change Acc.Data for Int.User

JGZ0 Check SAP BP Customizing

JGZ1 IS-M: Create Customer

JGZ2 IS-M: Change Customer

JGZ20 IS-M: Create Sales Customer

JGZ21 IS-M: Change Sales Customer

JGZ22 IS-M: Display Sales Customer

JGZ23 IS-M: Create Retailer

JGZ24 IS-M: Change Retailer

JGZ25 IS-M: Display Retailer

JGZ3 IS-M: Create Vendor

JGZ30 IS-M: Create Service Company

JGZ31 IS-M: Change Service Company

JGZ32 IS-M: Display Service Company

JGZ33 IS-M: Create Carrier

JGZ34 IS-M: Change Carrier

JGZ35 IS-M: Display Carrier

JGZ36 IS-M: Create Researcher

JGZ37 IS-M: Change Researcher

JGZ38 IS-M: Display Researcher

JGZ39 IS-M: Create Field Collector

JGZ4 IS-M: Change Vendor

JGZ40 IS-M: Change Field Collector

JGZ41 IS-M: Display Field Collector

JGZ42 IS-M: Create Commission Recipient

JGZ43 IS-M: Change Commission Recipient

JGZ44 IS-M: Display Commission Recipient

JGZ50 IS-M: Create Publisher

JGZ51 IS-M: Change Publisher

JGZ52 IS-M: Display Publisher

JGZ60 IS-M: Create Media Customer

JGZ61 IS-M: Change Media Customer

JGZ62 IS-M: Display Media Customer

JGZ70 IS-M: Create Media Sales Agent

JGZ71 IS-M: Change Media Sales Agent

JGZ72 IS-M: Display Media Sales Agent

JGZ90 IS-M: Create Household

JGZ91 IS-M: Change Household

JGZ92 IS-M: Display Household

JH00 IS-M: Condition Refs Check List

JH01 IS-M: Condition Refs Check List

JH51 Display UM for pricing

JH52 Design Ad Type: Admissibility

JH53 General Ad Type: Admissibility

JH54 UM for Ads & Pricing (Display)

JH55 Ad Type Design Admissibility (Displ)

JH56 General Ad Type Admissibility(Displ)

JH57 BU Grouping for Ad Type Admissibilty

JH60 Generate schedule lines

JH61 Display generation period

JH62 Item list according to date type

JH64 Status/char.attributes for item

JH65 Data transfer for new orders

JH66 Data transfer for old orders

JH67 Data transfer for COAs

JH68 Status/char.attributes bill.dataset

JH69 Status/Char.Attributes S.Line/Ad Spc

JH70 Status/Char.Attributes for AI SLine

JH72 Status/char.attributes for com.SLine

JH73 Status/Char.Attribute DT Sched.Line

JH75 Manual on-screen mark up check

JH76 Data trans.for new commercial orders

JH77 Status/Char.Attributes S.Line/Ad Spc

JH78 Return Actual Online Data Manually

JH84 Grouping for Fixed Spaces Planning

JH85 Fixed spaces capacity

JH86 Date-spec. capacity for fixed spaces

JH89 IS-M/AM: Order Transfer to TS Online

JH89_A IS-M/AM: Order Transfer to TS Online

JH91 Create Conditions

JH92 Create conditions using template

JH93 Change Conditions

JH94 Display Conditions

JH99 Order transfer from emerg.sys.ACCESS

JHA0 IS-M: Sales Area Menu

JHA1 IS-M/AM: Create Order

JHA1N IS-M/AM: Create Order

JHA1X IS-M/AM: Create Order

JHA2 IS-M/AM: Change Order

JHA2N IS-M/AM: Change Order

JHA2X IS-M/AM: Change Order

JHA3 IS-M/AM: Display Order

JHA3N IS-M/AM: Display Order

JHA3X IS-M/AM: Display Order

JHA4 IS-M: Maintain Fast Entry

JHA6 IS-M/AM: Central Access

JHA7 Advertisement orders 1

JHA8 Business partner usage

JHAD IS-M: Positioning Information

JHAE IS-M: Error List for Tech.System

JHAF IS-M: Todo List for Technical System

JHAG Cam.rdy cpy with past reminder date

JHAH IS-M: Payment Cards: Authorization

JHAI IS-M/AM: Credit Check for Orders

JHAJ Payment Cards:Coll.Process.Overview

JHAK Credit Mgmt: Coll.Process.Overview



JHAP IS-M/AM Order Update Collective Log

JHAVMA IS-M/AM: Update Orders

JHAVM_REGEN IS-M: Generate New AM Order Items

JHAW IS-M/AM: IAC Enter Classified Ad

JHAW_ADMIN IS-M/AM: IAC Classified Ads Adminis.

JHAW_WEBEDITOR IS-M/AM: Web Editor Test Transaction

JHB1 IS-M: Ad Insert Planning

JHB10 IS-M/AM: Online Planning

JHB1_A IS-M: Ad Insert Planning

JHB2 IS-M: Commercial Planning

JHB3 IS-M: Commercial Planning Export

JHB4 IS-M/AM: Fixed Spaces Planning

JHB4_IAC IS-M/AM: IAC Display Free Spaces

JHB5 IS-M/AM: Local Windows Planning

JHB6 IS-M: Display BU Hierarchy

JHB7 IS-M: Change BU Hierarchy

JHB9 IS-M: M/AM Order Qty <> M/SD Del.Qty

JHBA Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JC

JHBB Cond.Maint.Via Index: Create JC

JHBC Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JE

JHBD Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create JE

JHBE Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JC

JHBO Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JE

JHBW IS-M: AI Plant Data Assignment List

JHC1 Contact Conversion

JHC2 Maintain positioning factor

JHCA Archive

JHCB Archive

JHCNTENT_REP_CALL IS-M: Access Report With Variant

JHCP_CHANGE Change Contact Person

JHCP_CONV Media Contact: Convert Order/Contrct

JHCP_CONV_CAS Media CP: Sales Support Conversion


JHCP_DISPLAY Display Contact Person

JHD1 Create Condition Records (JA)

JHD2 Change Condition Records (JA)

JHD3 Display Condition Records (JA)

JHD4 Create Condition Records (JB)

JHD5 Change Condition Records (JB)

JHD6 Display Condition Records (JB)

JHD7 IS-M: Create Condition Table (JD)

JHD8 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JD)

JHD9 IS-M: Display Condition Table (JD)

JHDA Create Condition List Prices JC

JHDB IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JC

JHDC IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JC

JHDD IS-M: Execute Condition List JC

JHDE IS-M: Create Cond.List Prices JE

JHDF IS-M: Change Cond.List Prices JE

JHDG IS-M: Display Cond.List Prices JE

JHDH IS-M: Execute Condition List JE

JHE0 Account Determination: Display Table

JHE1 Account Determination: Create Table

JHE2 Account Determination: Change Table

JHE7 Dynam.cond.maint.f.pricng for c.ord.

JHEB Account Determination: Create Table

JHEC Account Determination: Change Table

JHED Account Determination: Display Table

JHEF1 Sales Volume Proof Media Partnership

JHEF2 IS-M: VBOX Restructure

JHEM IS-M: Create Media Partnership

JHEM1 IS-M: Create Media Partnership

JHEN IS-M: Change Media Partnership

JHEO IS-M: Display Media Partnership

JHEOBA IS-M/AM: Update Revenue Object Docs

JHEOBA_RRREL IS-M/AM: Convert Orders for ROD

JHF0 IS-M: Billing

JHF1 IS-M/AM: Create Billing Document

JHF2 IS-M/AM: Change Billing Document

JHF3 IS-M/AM: Display Billing Document

JHF7 IS-M/AM: Collective Billing Run

JHF8 IS-M/AM: Reverse Bill.Coll.Processng

JHF9 IS-M: Contract Settlement

JHF9_A IS-M: Contract Settlement

JHFA Coll.Proc.Contract Settlement Log

JHFB IS-M/AM: Billing Overview

JHFC IS-M/AM: Release to Accounting

JHFD Billing Document Reversal BCat-Ind.

JHFK IS-M: Cntrct Settlement Billing Doc.

JHFL IS-M/AM: Bill.Log for Cntrct Sttlmnt

JHFP IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run

JHFR IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)

JHFS IS-M/AM: Billing - Ind.Reversal

JHFT IS-M: General Receivables Charge-Off

JHFU IS-M/AM: Release Customer Accounting

JHG1 Create Condition Table (JC)

JHG2 Change Condition Table (JC)

JHG3 Display Condition Table (JC)

JHGP IS-M/AM: Overview Coll.Billing Run

JHGR IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)

JHGS IS-M/AM: CSetBill. Reverse Dialog

JHGT IS-M: Charge Off Contract Settlement

JHH1 IS-M: Display Revenue Object Doc.

JHINSSERT_DET Enter Series Determ.Rule Parameters

JHK1 IS-M: Pricing Proc.Det.for Pricing

JHK4 Activate Condition Index

JHK8 Condition table: Change index (JA)

JHK9 Reorganize condition indexes

JHKD Condition table: Change index (JC)

JHKE Condition table: Change index (JE)

JHKH Reorganize condition indexes

JHKI Reorganize condition indices JE

JHKJ Condition table: Change index (JD)

JHKL IS-M/AM: Sales Activity List

JHKM Cond.maint.using index: Create

JHKN Cond.maint.using index: Change

JHKO Cond.maint.using index: Display

JHKP Define campaigns

JHKR Reorganize condition indices JE

JHKS Cond.maint.using index: Create JA

JHKS2 Cond.Maint.Using Index: Create JD

JHKT Reorganize condition indices JD

JHKU Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JA

JHKU2 Cond.Maint.Using Index: Change JD

JHKX Cond.maint.using index: Display JA

JHKX2 Cond.Maint.Using Index: Display JD

JHM0 IS-M/AM: Interface Records Contents

JHM1 IS-M/AM: Data Generat.for New Order

JHM2 IS-M/AM: Generate Contract Data

JHM3 IS-M/AM: Data Gen.for Legacy Order

JHM4 File Check for Order Migration

JHN1 IS-M: Create Condition Table (JK)

JHN2 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JK)

JHN2JM IS-M: Change Condition Table (JK)

JHN3 IS-M: Display Condition Table (JK)

JHN4 IS-M: Create Condition Records (JK)

JHN5 IS-M: Change Condition Records (JK)

JHN6 IS-M: Display Condition Records (JK)

JHO2 IS-M: Change Responses

JHO3 IS-M: Display Responses

JHO4 Number range maintenance: ISP_CHINR

JHO5 Display Box No.Resubmission Date

JHP0 IS-M: Sales Agent Settlement

JHP1 IS-M: Create Sales Agent Settlement

JHP2 IS-M: Change Sales Agent Settlement

JHP3 IS-M: Display Sales Agent Settlement

JHP7 IS-M: SlsAgent Settlement Coll.Proc.

JHP8 IS-M/AM: Reverse Coll.SlsAgnt Sett.

JHPA Account Determination: Create Table

JHPB Account Determination: Change Table

JHPC Account Determination: Display Table

JHPP IS-M/AM Evaluate Sls Agent Coll.Proc

JHPR IS-M/AM: Individual Release (Dialog)

JHPS IS-M:Ind.Vendor Bill.Doc.Reversal

JHPU IS-M/AM: Release Vendor Documents

JHR0 IS-M: Contract Settlement

JHR1 IS-M/AM: Create Final Settlement

JHR2 IS-M/AM: Change Settlement

JHR3 IS-M/AM: Display Settlement

JHR4 IS-M/AM: Settlements List

JHR5 IS-M/AM: Create Interim Settlement

JHR6 IS-M: Alt.Payer in Contract Settlemt

JHRE IS-M: Complaints List

JHSA Evaluate Collective Processing Run

JHSP IS-M: Collective Processing Log

JHSR IS-M/AM: Reorganize Coll.Processing

JHT1 Create Condition Table (JA)

JHT2 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JA)

JHT3 Display Condition Table (JA)

JHT4 Create Condition Table (JC)

JHT5 Change Condition Table (JC)

JHT6 Display Condition Table (JC)

JHTB IS-M: Create Condition Table (JE)

JHTC IS-M: Change Condition Table (JE)

JHTD IS-M: Display Condition Table (JE)

JHV1 IS-M: Create Contract Requirements

JHV2 IS-M: Change Contract Requirement

JHV3 IS-M: Display Contract Requirement

JHV4 Maintain number range: COA

JHV5 IS-M: Maintain Substitute Reqs

JHV6 Overview of Contract Requirements

JHVCATVASTD_SM34 IS-M: Issue Shift: Order Item Pool

JHW0 IS-M: Contract Monitoring

JHW1 IS-M: Create Contract

JHW2 IS-M: Change Contract

JHW3 IS-M: Display Contract

JHW3_IAC IS-M/AM: Query Contract

JHW4 IS-M: Display BP Hierarchy

JHW5 IS-M: Create External Sales Volume

JHW6 Maintain number range: COA

JHW8 IS-M: Change Contract Billing Doc.

JHW9 IS-M: Display Contract Billing Doc.

JHWA IS-M: Create Media-Mix Contract

JHWB IS-M: Change Media-Mix Contract

JHWC IS-M: Display Media-Mix Contract

JHWD IS-M: Maintain Media-Mix Packages

JHWE IS-M: Define No.Range Intervals

JHWF IS-M: Create Media-Mix Settlement

JHWF1 IS-M: Media-Mix Interim Settlement

JHWF2 IS-M: Media-Mix Final Settlement

JHWG IS-M: Change Media-Mix Settlement

JHWH IS-M: Display Media Mix Settlement

JHWI IS-M: Media-Mix Settlement Coll.Proc

JHWJ Media-Mix Initial Screen Tree Strct.

JHWL IS-M: Subsequent Contract Assignment

JHWM IS-M: Select Assignments

JHWN IS-M: Subsequent Assignment of BDst

JHWWWTEMP Edit Order Data from the Internet

JHZ1 IS-M/AM: Number Range Obj.for Order

JH_COPY_FUNC_CALL IS-M: Access Copying Function

JH_P Maintain Print Parameters

JH_PUB_CHANGE Publications Collective Change Order

JI20 IS-M: IVW Audit Report (General)

JI21 IS-M: IVW Audit Rep.for Daily Papers

JI22 IS-M: IVW Audit Report for Magazine

JI30 IS-M: Average Audit Report Qties

JI31 IS-M: Period Comparison of AR Qties

JI32 IS-M: AR Monthly Revenue Accrual

JI33 IS-M: AR Distribution Analysis

JI34 Daily CAR Statistics (w/o Hierarchy)

JI35 CAR Quantity Statement for Period

JI36 IS-M: AR Revenue Accrual per Issue

JI37 IS-M: IVW Revenue Accrual/Month

JI40 Edit PCode Area Evaluation Variants

JI41 Display PCode Area Eval.Variants

JI42 Edit Postal Code Evaluation Areas

JI43 Display Postal Code Evaluation Areas

JI44 Assign Postal Codes to Eval.Areas

JI45 Display PCode-Eval.Area Assignment

JI46 Create Geo.Hierarchy Variant

JI47 Delete Geo.Hierarchy Variant

JIA0 Update Circulation Book for ABC

JIA1 Manage Audit Reports (Period)

JIA2 Delete Circulation Book Records

JIA3 Display ABC Update Log

JIA4 Recompile Returns in Circ.Book

JIAA IS-M/SD: Circulation Book Overview

JIAUDITREPORT_MPS IS-M: Evaluate Audit Report for MPM

JIAUDITREPORT_MSD IS-M: Evaluate Audit Report for MSD

JII0 Update Circulation Book for Audit

JII1 Close/Open IVW Audit Period

JII2 Delete Daily AR Statistics Data

JII3 Update Circulation Book for Audit

JIM1 IS-M/SD: Circulation Auditing

JIRECATEGORIZE IS-M: Recategorize Subscrip. Orders

JISDCIRCCAT IS-M/SD: Mass Maint.of Aud.Rpt Cat.

JISDSCSDORD Audit Report Categorization SD Order

JIT0 Sequenced JIT Call - Main Screen

JIT1 JIT Call Inbound

JIT2 Change JIT Call

JIT3 Display JIT Call

JIT4 JIT Call Inbound: Simulation

JIT5 JIT Call Fast Change (1 screen)

JIT6 JIT: Action Entry (Barcode)

JIT6H JIT: Action Entry (Barcode)

JIT6RF Barcode Handheld 16 x 20

JIT7 JIT: Action Entry (Specified)

JIT7H JIT: Action Entry (Specified)

JIT7RF Barcode (Specified) Handheld 16 x 20

JITA Component list

JITB Reprocess Pool of Confirmations

JITC JIT Basic Data-Individual Maint.

JITE Emergency Monitoring

JITEMRA Emergency Creation of Bundled SumJCs

JITF Progress Confirmation

JITFX Progress Confirmation (without tabs)

JITG JIT Cockpit

JITH Matching JIT call w.Fcst/JIT Del.Sch

JITI IDoc List for Specified JIT Calls

JITJ Signal Monitor

JITK Summarized JIT Calls Due for Dely

JITL Maintenance Dialog JIT Material

JITLOG Display Action Log

JITLOGDEL Delete Action Logs

JITM JIT Monitoring

JITMAT Create Material Table from SchedAgmt

JITMX JIT Monitoring (Simple Selection)

JITN Color Profile Maintenance

JITO Check Delivery Combination

JITO1 Create/Change: Outbound Call

JITO3 Display: Outbound Call

JITO6 Bar Code Entry

JITOA Archiving JIT Outbound

JITOAL JIT Outbound: Alerting

JITOE Status Correction

JITOG JIT Cockpit Outbound

JITOM Monitoring JIT Outbound

JITOTL Tolerance maintenance for delivery

JITOXML XML-Download of Calls

JITQ Display Action Network

JITR Reorganisation Material Master Data

JITS Graphic Progress Confirmation

JITT JIT: Maintennace Dialog Lead Times

JITU User Assignment - Display Variant

JITV Maintain JIT Control Data

JITW Lean JIT Monitoring

JITX JIT Excel Download Monitoring

JITXML XML Upload of Calls

JITY Archiving JIT Inbound

JITZ Display Documentation Data

JJ/0 IS-M: Maintain Forms

JJ/C IS-M: Billing Print Parameters

JJ11 Create Conditions

JJ12 Create conditions using template

JJ13 Change Conditions

JJ14 Display Conditions

JJ20 IS-M/AM: Order Archiving

JJ21 IS-M/AM: Order Archiving Order-Del.

JJ23 IS-M: Archiving Order Management

JJ24 IS-M: Display Archive Orders

JJ25 IS-M/AM: Archive Display Full Run

JJ26 IS-M/AM: Archive Order Check

JJ30 IS-M/AM: Billing Archiving

JJ31 Billing Archiving - Billing-Delete

JJ33 IS-M: Billing Archiving Management

JJ34 IS-M: Display Billing Archive

JJ35 IS-M/AM: Archive Display Full Run

JJ36 IS-M/AM: Archive Billing Check

JJ40 IS-M/AM: Contract Archiving

JJ41 IS-M/AM: Contract Archiving Delete

JJ43 IS-M: Archiving Contract Management

JJ44 IS-M: Display Archive Contract

JJ45 IS-M/AM: Archive Display Full Run

JJ46 IS-M/AM: Archive Contract Check

JJ50 IS-M: Display M/AM Address Changes

JJ60 IS-M/AM: Media-Mix Archiving

JJ61 IS-M/AM: Archiving Med-Mix Delete

JJ63 IS-M: Media-Mix Archive Management

JJ64 IS-M/AM: Display Media-Mix Archive

JJ65 IS-M/AM: Archive Display Full Run

JJ66 IS-M/AM: Archive Media-Mix Check

JJA0 IS-M: Sales Support

JJA1 IS-M/AM: Create Contact Person

JJA2 IS-M/AM: Change Contact Person

JJA3 IS-M/AM: Display Contact Person

JJA4 IS-M/AM: Number Range Maint. PARTNER

JJADVSLSZ_WEEKDAYS Define Weekdays for AdvertSalesZones



JJBB IS-M: Create/Change Date-Specific BU

JJBC Check BU Completeness

JJBF IS-M: M/AM PCirQy <> M/SD Del.Qties

JJBG IS-M: Copy BU Hierarchies

JJBH Check BU Hierarchies

JJBI Check Content Component Master Data

JJBJ Maintain Alternative Dates

JJBK CM_BU: Maintain content

JJBL CM-BU: Maintain Date-Specific Cont.

JJBM Check BU completeness new

JJBN Check Booking Unit Content

JJBO Distribution BU Planned Quantities

JJBO_FPLZ IS-M: Maintain Online Fixed Spaces

JJBO_KTZHL IS-M: Maintain Plan.Gross Impressns

JJBO_ZUO IS-M: Maintain Online Assignments

JJBP Check production unit content

JJBV IS-M: Maintain AI BU Variant

JJBW AI-BU: Maintain Date-Specific Capac.

JJBY IS-M: Gen. Work Area for BU Hier.

JJBZ IS-M: AI BU Admissibility

JJC1 IS-M: Ad Insert Processing Type

JJCAMPAIGN_CRM IS-M: Campaigns With CRM Reference

JJCAMPAIGN_NOCRM IS-M: Campaigns Without CRM Refernce

JJCP_ACT IS-M/AM: Activate Contact Person

JJCP_CHANGE IS-M: Change Contact Person


JJCP_CLA2 CP Class.: Copy Classes

JJCP_CLA3 CP Class.: Copy Classifications

JJCP_CLA4 CP Class.: Delete Classification

JJCP_CONV_FS Convert Free Subscription

JJCP_CONV_RB Convert Responsibility

JJCP_SHOW IS-M: Display Contact Person

JJCP_STATUS Media Cnt: Define Conversion Status

JJD0 IS-M: Services

JJD4 Maintain number range: ISP_DIEN

JJF2 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JF)

JJF3 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JG)

JJF5 IS-M: Change Condition Records (JF)

JJF7 IS-M: Change Condition Table (JA)

JJFK IS-M: Requirement for output deter.

JJFM IS-M: Change Condition Table (JH)


JJG1 IS-M/AM: Create Media Customer

JJG2 IS-M/AM: Change Media Customer

JJG3 IS-M/AM: Display Media Customer

JJG4 Maintain Telephone Barring List

JJG5 Maintain Telephone Barring List

JJG6 Display barred telephone list

JJG7 Maintain Sales Agent Pool

JJG9 Display Agent Pool

JJGD IS-M/AM: Maintain BP Alias

JJGE IS-M/AM: Display BP Alias

JJGK Maintain Sales Agent ID Code

JJGL IS-M/AM: Display Sales Agent ID Code

JJGM Maintain Alternative Customer Number

JJGN IS-M: Display Former Advertiser No.

JJH0 IS-M/AM: Product Hierarchy

JJIA Content component conversion

JJK0 Call up dynamic condition mainten.

JJK1 Dynam.cond.maint.f.pricng for c.ord.

JJK2 Dyn.Cnd.Maint.f.Contrct Disc.Pricing

JJK3 Dynam.Cond.Maint.in Pric.for Commis.

JJK4 Dynam.cond.maint.f.pricng for c.ord.

JJK5 .

JJP2 Generate booking unit - content

JJP3 Delete Booking Unit Content

JJP4 Generate Production Units

JJP5 Display generation status

JJP6 IS-M: Display Generated PUs

JJP7 IS-M/AM: Coll.Maintenance of PUs

JJP8 IS-M: Update PUs

JJP9 Display generation status

JJPACKAGE Number Range Object for Packages

JJPC Package Configurator

JJPH IS-M/AM: Maintain product hierarchy

JJPI IS-M/AM: Display Product Hierarchy

JJPO IS-M: Partner Objects

JJPRDH_AV IS-M/AM: Provis.Products Worklist

JJPRDH_AZ IS-M/AM: Worklist Link Table

JJPRDH_DU IS-M/AM: Duplicate Check (ProdHier.)

JJPRDH_FA IS-M/AM: Create WL for Link Table

JJPRDH_IF IS-M/AM: Data Transfer (Prod.Hier.)

JJPRDH_P1 IS-M/AM: Maintain Economic Sectors

JJPRDH_P2 IS-M/AM: Maintain Product Groups

JJPRDH_P3 IS-M/AM: Maintain Product Families

JJPRDH_P4 IS-M/AM: Maintain Umbrella Products

JJPRDH_P5 IS-M/AM: Maintain Products

JJPRDH_P6 IS-M/AM: Maintain Link Table

JJPRDH_PNKRS IS-M/AM: No.Range for Prov.Products

JJPRDH_TGLOBAL IS-M/AM: Global Setting: Prod.Hier.

JJPRDH_TPRS IS-M/AM: Product Search (Cust)

JJPRDH_TUAG IS-M/AM: Assign Agency Role (Cust)

JJPRDH_UK IS-M/AM: Update Link Table

JJPRDH_UV IS-M/AM: Update Provisional Products

JJS0 IS-M: Area Menu - Structures/Dist.

JJS1 Maintain Bank Details Barring List

JJS1_BKID IS-M: Bank Details ID Maintain Excp.

JJS2 Display Bank Details Barring List

JJS2_BKID IS-M: Bank Details ID Display Excep.

JJS3 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_SINR

JJSI IS-M: Ad Insert

JJSNRO_ISM_FESTPL Number Range Maintenance: ISM_FESTPL

JJUPSELL IS-M: Maintain Upselling Proposals



JJV1 IS-M/AM: Create Sales Agent Contract

JJV2 IS-M/AM: Change Sales Agent Contract

JJV3 IS-M: Display Sales Agent Contract

JJV4 IS-M/AM: Edit Exclusion Requirements

JJV5 IS-M: Display Exclusion Requirement

JJV7 IS-M/AM: Edit Inclusive Requirements

JJV8 IS-M: Display Inclusive Requirement

JJV9 Create Occasional Sales Agent Cntrct

JJW1 IS-M/AM: Add Sales Activity

JJW2 IS-M/AM: Change Sales Activity

JJW3 IS-M/AM: Display Sales Activity

JJWA IS-M/AM: Edit Address List

JJWB IS-M/AM: Create Letter

JJWM IS-M/AM: Create Mailing

JJWT IS-M/AM: Create Telephone Call

JJWV IS-M/AM: Create Sales Call

JJXX IS-M: Configurat.Reqs and Formulas

JK16 Fast Entry for Retail Purchase Qties

JK61 Create xx offer - not used

JK62 Change xx offer - not used

JK63 Display xx offer - not used

JKACCNEWCURR Currency Change for Liability Accts

JKAN New Acct.Det.with Rev.Acct.Transfer

JKAN_ALOG IS-M/SD: Log New Account Det.

JKCOMPL1 IS-M/SD: Create Customer Complaint

JKCOMPL1_FM IS-M/SD: Create Complaint (Func.Mod)

JKCOMPL1_PRESET IS-M/SD: Create Complaint (Defaults)

JKCOMPL1_WWWTEMP IS-M/SD: Create Complaint (Posted.)

JKCOMPL2 IS-M/SD: Change Customer Complaint

JKCOMPL3 IS-M/SD: Display Customer Complaint

JKD0 Edit Delivery Viability Optimization

JKD1 Display Delivery Via.Optimization

JKD3 IS-M/SD: Delivery Viab.Optimization

JKD4 Publications for Address

JKFB01 IS-M/SD: Mass Incoming Payment

JKGP IS-M: Generate Ad Pre-Print Order

JKK0 Order processing - central maint.

JKK1 Order management - central display

JKLIABACC Liability Account Analysis

JKLIAB_REVERSE Reverse Liability Account Transfer


JKON IS-M: Generic Condition Maintenance

JKR1 Create customer complaint

JKR2 Change customer complaint

JKR3 Display customer complaint

JKR4 Release customer complaint

JKR8 Release return

JKRA Create Return

JKRAP Update Amortization Plan

JKRB Change Return

JKRC Display Return

JKREX Update Expiration Date

JKRGL Data Transfer for Going Live

JKRGL_BUILD_AMODATA Data Transfer for Going Live

JKRM IS-M/SD: Subscription Monitoring

JKRM_ALOG IS-M/SD: Subscription Monitoring Log

JKRN IS-M/SD: Amortization

JKRNP Display Amortization Log

JKRN_MASTER IS-M: Amortization - Parallel Proc.

JKRN_OVERVIEW Overview of Amortization Logs

JKRT IS-M/SD: Liability Account Transfer

JKRTP Log for Liability Account Transfer

JKS1 IS-PSD: Analysis of live subscrips

JKS2 Comparison of Live Subs (S/T/F)

JKS3 IS-PSD: Compare live sub.trans (all)

JKS4 IS-PSD: Transacs affecting live subs

JKS5 IS-PSD: Compare live subscr.transacs

JKS6 IS-M: Daily Retail Sales

JKS7 IS-M: Weekly Retail Sales

JKS8 IS-M: Reader Structure Ind./Occup.

JKS9 IS-M: Edition Distrib.Geo/Carr.Route

JKSA IS-M: Dist.Rept Geo/CRoute Ret./Sub.

JKSADR Deactivate Divert/Voucher Ship.Addr.

JKSB IS-M: Dist.Rept Geo/CRoute DatComp.

JKSC Subscription lifetime analysis

JKSD IS-M: Distribution of Transfers

JKSD03AN Display Qty Plan per Contract Item

JKSD03N Quantity Plan per Media Issue

JKSD04 Display Quantity Plan

JKSD06 Display Quantity Plan for Phase Del.

JKSD07AN Display Qty Plan per Media Issue

JKSD07N Quantity Plan per Media Issue

JKSD07N_CHARINDEX Index for Planning Contract Index

JKSD11 Refresh Planning from BP Calendar

JKSD12 Quantity Plan from Planning Calendar

JKSD13 Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13A Display Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_ISSUES Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_ISSUES_A Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_RETURNS Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_RETURNS_A Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_SALES Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD13_SALES_A Process Worklist of Media Issues

JKSD15 Set Statuses of Media Issues

JKSD15_PROT Log of Setting Media Issue Statuses

JKSD21 Adjust Quantity Planning

JKSD25 Compile Index for Order

JKSD26 Log for Order Index

JKSDADRRASS Address Formatting

JKSDAREA01 Quantity Planning: Planning Area

JKSDAREA02 Quantity Planning: Segments

JKSDCA01 IS-M: Central Access

JKSDCOLLECT01 Create Collection

JKSDCOLLECT02 Create Collection - POS Closure

JKSDCOLLECT03 Postpone Recall Due to Suspension

JKSDCOLLECTCALC Calculate Collection Date for Issue

JKSDCOLLECTCALC01 Display Recall Dates

JKSDCOLLECTIONPROT Create Log for Return Index

JKSDCOLLECTISSUEDATE Maintain Coll. Date for Media Issue

JKSDCOLLECTNUM Number Range for Recall - Ext.Number



JKSDCOLLUNSOLD01 Create Return for Recall

JKSDCOLLUNSOLD02 Reset Start of Return Process

JKSDCOMP01 Edit Product Kit Structure

JKSDCOMP02 Edit Product Kit

JKSDCOMP03 Generate Product Kit from Structure

JKSDCOMP04 Display Product Kit Structure

JKSDCOMP05 Display Product Kit

JKSDCON01 IS-M: Copy Contract Data

JKSDCON02 IS-M: Create Contracts

JKSDCON03 IS-M/SD: Copy Contract Data

JKSDCON04 IS-M/SD: Reject Contracts

JKSDCON05 IS-M/SD: Schedule Contracts

JKSDCONTRACTFAST Fast Entry of Customer Quantity Plan


JKSDCOPYMS Copy Quantities (Master-Slave)

JKSDCQP00 Initialize Constant Service

JKSDCQP01 Edit Constant Service per Customer

JKSDCQP01A Display Constant Service per Cust.

JKSDCQP02 Edit Constant Service per Product

JKSDCQP02A Display Constant Service per Product

JKSDCQP03 Edit Constant Qty per Customer (CIC)

JKSDCQP04 Copy Constant Service to Qty Plan

JKSDCQP05 Copy Qty Plan to Constant Service

JKSDCQP06 Copy Dist. List to Constant Service

JKSDCRED1 Mark Credit Memo Req.w/Ref.to Order

JKSDCRED12 Log Credit Memos to SD

JKSDCRED1E Mark Credit Memo Req.w/Ref.to Order

JKSDCRED2 Create Credit Memo Requests

JKSDCRED3 Mark Cred.Memo Req.w/Ref.to Contract

JKSDCRED3E Mark Cred.Memo Req.w/Ref.to Contract

JKSDCRED4 Mark CMRs w/o Reference to Document

JKSDCRED4E Mark CMRs w/o Reference to Document

JKSDCUST02 IS-M: Maintain Req.for Contract

JKSDCUST07 IS-M: Maintain Geo.Assignment Type

JKSDCUST11 IS-M: Audit Report Category Determ.

JKSDDELETEWERKSISSUE Delete Plant Issue Contract Assgmt

JKSDDELIVERY01 IS-M: Update Delivery


JKSDDELWERKSISSUELOG Delete Supplying Plant: Log

JKSDDEMANDBLOCK Quantity Plan from Planning Calendar

JKSDDEMANDINIT Create Quantity Planning

JKSDDISPLAYQUAN IS-M: Display Quantities for Segment

JKSDEVENTEXEC Change Quantity Plan from Events

JKSDFC01 Parameters for Sales Forecast

JKSDFC01A Display Sales Forecast Parameters

JKSDFC02 Execute Sales Forecast

JKSDFC03 Copy Forecast Parameters

JKSDFC04 Assign Contracts to Segments

JKSDFC05 Delete Assignments to Segments

JKSDFC06 Create Parameters Automatically

JKSDFC08 Edit Contract Assignment

JKSDFC09 Display Contract Assignment

JKSDFORECASTPLAN Write Delivery Quantity to Contracts


JKSDGILIST Worklist for Publisher Goods Issue

JKSDGR01 Worklist for Goods Receipt

JKSDGRCOLLRETURN Goods Receipt for Returns

JKSDHORIZONDISPLAY Display Planning Horizons

JKSDINDEXNOSUPPLY Generate Constant Service Index

JKSDISSUEDATE01 Generate Recall Dates

JKSDISSUEDATE02 Generate Recall Dates Periodically

JKSDISSUEDATE03 Edit Recall Dates

JKSDISSUEDATE03A Display Recall Dates

JKSDISSUEDATE04 Delete Recall Dates

JKSDISSUEDATE05 Calculate Initial Dates


JKSDISSUEDATECREATE Create Coll. Index for Media Issues

JKSDISSUERETPROC Create Return Del. Process for Issue

JKSDKNVP Maintain Time-Dep. Partner Roles

JKSDKNVP1 Display Time-Dependent Partner Roles

JKSDKNVP2 Adjust Partner Roles in Contracts

JKSDKNVP2_REVERSE Reset Adj. of Roles in Contracts

JKSDKNVP3 Log of Partner Roles in Contracts

JKSDKNVP4 Adjust Partner Roles in Cust. Master

JKSDKNVP5 Log of Partner Roles in Cust. Master

JKSDLIKECREATE Set Up Like Relationship

JKSDMPMASTER01 Master-Slave Products

JKSDORDER01 Generate Orders for Contracts

JKSDORDER02 Quantity Changes to Orders

JKSDORDER03 Delete Order Items

JKSDORDER04 Modify Delivery Date

JKSDORDER05 Postedit Partially Generated Orders

JKSDORDER06 Adjust Components in Orders

JKSDORDER08 Restart Order Generation

JKSDORDER10 IS-M: Contract/Media Product Item

JKSDORDER11 Log Order Generation

JKSDORDER12 Quantity Change Log

JKSDORDER13 Log Order Item Deletion

JKSDORDER14 Delivery Date Log

JKSDORDER16 Adjust Components in Orders

JKSDORDER18 Log of Orders not Created Fully

JKSDORDERBOOK01 Process Order Quantity Planning

JKSDORDERBOOK02 Display Order Quantity Planning

JKSDORDERBOOK03 Edit Purchase Quantity Plan

JKSDORDERBOOK03A Display Purchase Quantity Plan

JKSDORDERBOOK04 Edit Return to Publisher

JKSDORDERBOOK04A Display Return to Publisher

JKSDORDERBOOK05 Calculate Purchase Order Quantities

JKSDORDERBOOK06 Return to Publisher: Calculate Qties

JKSDORDERBOOK07 Execute Goods Movements

JKSDORDERBOOKGEN Initialize Purchase Order Planning

JKSDORDERBOOKGEN01 Initialize Purchase Planning

JKSDORDERBOOKGEN02 Purch.Order Planning: Initialize Mix

JKSDORDERBOOKRETGEN Initialize Return to Publisher

JKSDORDERTR01 Create Orders for Contracts

JKSDPLANPROFILE1 Sales Planning Profile for Med.Prod.

JKSDPLANPROFILE1A Sales Planning Profile for Med.Prod.

JKSDPLANPROFILE2 Purch.Planng Profile for Media Prod.

JKSDPLANPROFILE2A Purch.Planng Profile for Media Prod.

JKSDPORDERGEN Generate Purchase Orders

JKSDPORDERGEN01 Generate Purchase Orders

JKSDPORDERGEN02 Generate Purchase Orders







JKSDQEVENTINIT Corrected Sales Qty: Initialize

JKSDQEVENT_NRKR Number Range Maintenance: ISP_EVENTQ

JKSDQUAN01 IS-M/SD: Quantity Determination

JKSDRECALL01 Create Recall

JKSDRECALL02 Create Recall - POS Closure

JKSDRECALL03 Edit Recall

JKSDRECALL03A Display Recall

JKSDRECALL04 Delete Recall

JKSDREQUEST01 Administration Request

JKSDRET2PUB01 Return Del. Process per Media Issue


JKSDRETURN1 Individual Proc. of Customer Returns

JKSDRETURN10 Mass Processing of Customer Returns

JKSDRETURN10A Mass Display

JKSDRETURN15 Set Up Data for Return Qty Check

JKSDRETURN16 Data for Quantity Check: Log

JKSDRETURN1A Individual Display

JKSDRETURN2 Release Return

JKSDRETURN20 Number Range Assignment for Returns

JKSDRETURN2_REVERSE Reset Release of Return

JKSDRETURN3 Close Returns - Subsequent Return

JKSDRETURN4 Complete Log of Return Process

JKSDRETURN5 Close Returns - Issue

JKSDSBRCALC Optimize Replenishment Quantities

JKSDSBRFORECAST Calculate Replenishment Quantities

JKSDSBRINIT Replenishment Planning for Med.Issue


JKSDSETWERKSISSUE Plant Assigned to Issue and Contract

JKSDSETWERKSISSUELOG Log Determination of Supplying Plant

JKSDSHIPMSG01 Create Quality Notifications

JKSDSHIPMSG02 Change Quality Notifications

JKSDSHIPMSG03 Display Quality Notifications

JKSDSQPBATCH01 Sales Qty Planning: Adjust Qties

JKSDSQPBATCH02 Sales Qty Planning: Calculate Qties

JKSDSQPEVENT Events for Quantity Planning

JKSDSQPEVENT01 Manage Events


JKSDSQPEVENTCALC Corr. of Sales Figures: Calculate

JKSDSQPEVENTINIT Correction to Sales Figures: Init.

JKSDSQPEVENTVERIFY Display Correction of Sales Figures

JKSDSQPEVENTVERIFY2 Process Correction to Sales Figures


JKSDTRANS01 Process Request

JKSDTRANS02 Create Transfer Documents

JKSDTRANS03 Process Request

JKSDTRANS12 Log Transfer

JKSDTRANS80 IS-M: Num.Range Maint.for Goods Tfer

JKSDUNSOLD01 Process Requests

JKSDUNSOLD02 Create Request Documents

JKSDUNSOLD03 Process Requests

JKSDUNSOLD04 Process Request

JKSDUNSOLD05 Maintain Default User Settings

JKSDUNSOLD10 Edit Returns (Set-Get-Parameters)

JKSDUNSOLD11 Postprocess Single Returns

JKSDUNSOLD12 Log Request Documents

JKSDUNSOLD20 IS-M: Evaluation

JKSDUNSOLD80 IS-M: Num. Range Maint. for Returns

JKSDUNSOLD85 IS-M: Num.Range Maint. for Coll.Run

JKSDUNSOLDCANCEL Delete Docs for Return Rel. to SD

JKSDUNSOLDCANCELP Delete Log Doc. for Return Release

JKSDUSERGROUP1 User Groups for Sales Planning

JKSDUSERGROUP2 User Groups for Purchase Planning

JKSDUSERGROUP3 User Groups for Return to Publisher


JKSDWWW02 WWW Entry Screen for Returns

JKSDWWW03 Overview of Possible Returns

JKSDWWW04 Query Tool for Returns

JKSDWWW10 IS-M: Individual Order via Internet

JKSDWWW11 IS-M: Individual Order via Internet

JKSDWWW15 IS-M: Individual Order via WAP

JKSD_CONTRACT_ASSORT Contract Generation from Assortments

JKSD_CONTRACT_AS_BAL Log Contract Gen. for Assortments

JKSE IS-M: Coll.Ex.Copy Del. Retail Ord.

JKSE01 Process Shipping Planning

JKSE02 Display Shipping Planning

JKSE25 Compile Index for Contract

JKSE26 Log of Contract Index

JKSECONTRACT01 Activate Series Contract

JKSECONTRACT02 Log of Series Contract Activation

JKSECONTRACT03 Adjust Pricing for Billing Plan

JKSECONTRACT04 Log of Pricing Adjustment

JKSECREATECONTRACT IS-M: Create Contract from Order


JKSEORDER01 Order Generation

JKSEORDER03 Delete Order Items

JKSEORDER04 Complete Order Creation

JKSEORDER08 Restart Order Generation

JKSEORDER11 Log Order Generation

JKSEORDER12 Adjust Pricing for Order

JKSEORDER13 Log Order Deletion

JKSEORDER14 Log Adjustment of Pricing for Order

JKSEORDER18 Log Restart of Order Generation

JKSEPLAN01 Adjust Delivery Schedules

JKSEPLAN11 Log Delivery Schedule Adjustment






JKSF IS-M: Trial Items Longer Than N Days

JKSG IS-M: Suspensions Longer Than N Days

JKSH ISPC Returns Interface

JKSI IS-M: Transfer Dist.:Process Session

JKSJ Subscription Lifetime Statistics

JKU1 Where-used list of BP in order

JKU2 Orders for Carrier Route

JKU3 Orders for geography

JKU4 Orders for item types

JKU5 Ad Pre-Print Orders for Carr.Route

JKU6 Ad Pre-Print Orders for Carr.Edition

JKU7 Generate free subscriptions

JKU8 Incomplete order items

JKU8_A Incomplete Order Items

JKU9 Ad Pre-Prints - Planning Overview

JKUA Orders with billing block

JKUB Orders with Monitoring Block

JKUD Notification from Shipping Serv. Agt

JKVIAC_RESTORE Activate IAC Changes After Planning

JKVIAC_SUSPEND Suspend IAC Changes Before Planning

JKVIAC_SUSPEND_OV Overview of Suspended IAC Changes

JKWA IS-M: WBZ Outb.Proc., Data Carrier

JKWB WBZ Stock List (Record Type 119)

JKWC IS-M: WBZ Outbound, Manual Comm.

JKWD IS-M: WBZ, Delete Entries, RtnFile

JKWE IS-M: WBZ, Inbound Processing

JKWF IS-M/SD: WBZ, Overview

JKWR IS-M: WBZ, Create Confirmation File

JKWT IS-M/SD: WBZ, Cust.Number Exchange

JKWWW01 IAC Subscription Sales

JKWWW02 IAC Change Address

JKWWW03 IAC Subscription Vacation Service

JKWWW04 IAC Change Payment Data

JKWWW05 IS-M/SD: IAC Create Complaint

JKWWWPROT IS-M: Log of Internet Changes

JKWWWTEMP Process Order Data from the Internet

JKWWWTEMP_ADR IS-M: Edit Internet Address Change


JKWWWTEMP_MONITOR Access Internet Postediting

JKWWWTEMP_SERV IS-M: Edit Internet Applications

JKX1 IS-M: Create Order Archive

JKX11 IS-M/SD: Read Archived Complaints

JKX2 IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Delete

JKX21 IS-M/SD: Archive Amo.Data for Acct

JKX3 IS-M: Reload Order Archive

JKX31 IS-M/SD: Archive Liability Account

JKX4 IS-M: Admin of Delivery Archive

JKY4 Transfer Subscription Changes

JKY7 Data transfer for sales docs (fMod.)

JK_RJKBST80 TI, FI Conversion Statistics

JL1D IS-M: Transfer EE Comm.Settlement

JL1E IS-M: Transfer SC Comm.Settlement

JL1F IS-M: Transfer EE HDel.Settlement

JL1G IS-M: Transfer SC Home Del.Sett.

JL2A IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.EE Commiss.

JL2B IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.SC Commiss.

JL2C IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.EE Home Del.

JL2D IS-M: Reverse Coll.Proc.SC Home Del.

JL60 IS-M: Create EE Comm.Settlement

JL60_SIM IS-M: Simulate EE Comm. Settlement

JL61 IS-M: Change EE Comm.Settlement

JL62 IS-M: Display Comm.Settlement EE

JL63 IS-M: Reverse Comm. Settlement EE

JL64 IS-M: Coll.Run for Comm.Sett EE

JL65 IS-M: Create Comm.Settlement SC

JL65_SIM IS-M: Simulate SC Comm. Settlement

JL66 IS-M: Change Comm.Settlement SC

JL67 IS-M: Display Comm.Settlement SC

JL68 IS-M: Reverse Comm. Settlement SC

JL69 IS-M: Coll.Run for Comm.Sett.SC

JL70 IS-M/SD: Create HDel.Settlement EE

JL70_SIM IS-M/SD: Simulate EE Home Del. Sett

JL71 IS-M: Change HDel.Settlement EE

JL72 IS-M: Display HDel.Settlement EE

JL73 IS-M: Reverse HDel. Settlement EE

JL74 IS-M: Coll.Run for HDel.Sett EE

JL75 IS-M: Create HDel.Settlement SC

JL75_SIM IS-M: Simulate SC Home Del. Settlemt

JL76 IS-M: Change HDel.Settlement SC

JL77 IS-M: Display HDel.Settlement SC

JL78 IS-M: Reverse Deliv. Settlement SC

JL79 IS-M: Coll.HDel.Settlement Run(SC)

JL80 IS-M/SD: Display Collective Runs

JL81 IS-M: Disp.Coll.Proc.EE Comm.Sett.

JL82 Display Coll.Commission Sett Run- SC

JL83 IS-M: Disp.Coll.HDel.Sett.Run - EE

JL84 IS-M: Disp.Coll.HDel.Sett.Run - SC

JLAA IS-M: Exceps f.Transfer to HR/RP

JLAB IS-M: Monitor Missing BP Substits

JLAC IS-M: Transfer Lost Times to HR

JLAD IS-M: Monitor Missing Absences

JLAK Document by Billing Condition Types

JLAP IS-M/SD: Settlement Transfers

JLC0 IS-M: Maintain Acct Det.Data (J0)

JLC1 IS-M: Maintain Acct Det.Data (J1)

JLC2 IS-M: Maintain Acc.Assgt Data (J2)

JLCB Master Data on Payment Terms

JLCD Master Data on Payment Terms for SC

JLCE IS-M: Settlement Data for SComp.

JLCF IS-M: Default Sett. Data for PA

JLCG Master Data Contract Arr. Ext. Carr.

JLCH Master Data Contract Arr. Ext. SC

JLCK IS-M: Maintain Account Det.Data

JLI3 IS-M: Transfer Del.Sett to RP

JLI4 Tfer Del.Billing to Human Resources

JLI5 IS-M: Tfer Comm.Sett - Human Res

JLM1 IS-M: Home Del.Service Settlement

JLM2 IS-M: Serv.Settlement for Comm.

JLM3 IS-M: Serv.Settlement for Comm.

JLP0 IS-M: Postal Circulation of Edition

JLP1 IS-M: Determine Postal Circulation

JLPA IS-M: Postal Charge Forecast for PDI

JLPB IS-M: Post.Charges for Labeled PP

JLPC IS-M: Postal Charges for RCP

JLPD IS-M: Overv of Goods Arr.Lists PDI

JLPE IS-M: Postal Charge Stats for PDI

JLPF IS-M: Postal Charges - Labeled PP

JLPG IS-M: Postal Charge Stats f.RCP

JLPH IS-M: Overall Postal Charge Stats

JLSDHDSETTLEMENT Interface for HDel. Settlemt Update

JLT1 IS-M/SD: Transfer EE HDel.Sett.to FI

JLT2 IS-M/SD: Transfer SC HDel.Sett to FI

JLT3 IS-M/SD: Transfer EE Comm.Sett.to FI

JLT4 IS-M/SD: Transfer SC Comm.Sett.to FI

JLTA IS-M/SD: Access EE HDel.Sett.Transf.

JLTB IS-M/SD: Access SC HDel.Sett.Transf.

JLTC IS-M/SD: Access EE Comm.Sett.Transf.

JLTD IS-M/SD: Access SC Comm.Sett.Transf.

JLTS Settlements Not Yet Transferred

JLTT Assign Coll.Processing to Transfer

JLU1 Commission Due Dates

JLW7 IS-M: Create Cond.Tab.-EAD HDel.

JLW9 IS-M: Disp.Cond.Table for HDeliv.

JLX9 IS-M: Disp.Cond.Table f.ExpAccDet.

JM01 IS-M: Create Material

JM02 IS-M: Change Material

JM03 IS-M: Display Material

JN30 Condition Master Data

JND0 IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Order)

JND1 IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Billing)

JND2 IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Settlement)

JND3 IS-M: Reorg.Output Cont.(Dist.ErrH.)

JND4 IS-M: Reorg.Output Contr.(Research)

JND5 IS-M: Outpt Control Reorg.(Add.Chge)

JNS0 IS-M: Sales Output

JNS1 IS-M: Billing Output

JNS2 IS-M: Settlement Output

JNS3 IS-M: Complaint Output

JNS4 IS-M: Resubmission Output

JNS5 IS-M: Address Change Output

JNS6 IS-M: Dist.Error Message Output

JNS7 IS-M: Bank Returns Output

JNS8 IS-M: Research Output

JNS9 IS-M/SD: Monitoring Output

JP02 Change Title Master

JP03 Display Title Master

JP20 Media Product Master Browser

JP20NEU Media Product Master Browser

JP21 Create Media Product Family

JP22 Change Media Product Family

JP23 Display Media Product Family

JP24 Create Media Product

JP25 Change Media Product

JP26 Display Media Product

JP27 Create Media Issue

JP28 Change Media Issue

JP29 Display Media Issue

JP30 Move Media Issue Publication Date

JP31 Log: Move Publ. Date of Media Issue

JPBDCCR Create OR Data Collector

JPBDCDL Reset OR Data Collector

JPC1 Create Media Prod.Mast.from WBS Elmt

JPC3 Log Media Prod.Mast.from WBS Element

JPC4 Create Media Prod.Mast.from App.Req.

JPC6 Log Media Prod.Mast.from App.Req.

JPECPFE Define Formula Element

JPECPPK Define Pricing Key

JPECPVT Define Valuation Templates

JPMDG1 Define Master Data Template

JPMDG2 Maintain Generation Profile

JPMDG3 Generate Media Product Master Recs

JPMDG4 Log Media Product Master Rec.Gen.

JPMG2 Create Issues in an Issue Sequence

JPMG3 Display Generation Log

JPMG4 Use of Media Issue in Issue Sequence

JPMG5 Preassign Issue Sequences

JPMG6 Create Issues in Several Issue Seqs

JPMG7 Preassign Issue Sequences: Log

JPMG8 Archive Issue Sequence

JPMGD2 Maintain Generation Profile


JPMPMIG Media Product Migration

JPMPMIG1 IS-M: Med.Prod.Migration: Check Data

JPMPMIG2 IS-M: Med.Prod.Migration: JFREVVA

JPMPMIG3 IS-M: Complete Media Prod.Migration

JPMPMIG_PROT Logs of Media Product Migration

JPMPMIG_PROT1 Logs of Completion of Media Prod.Mig

JPMPMIG_PROT2 Logs of Checks on Media Prod.Migr.

JPMPMIG_PROT3 JFREVVA Conversion Logs (Migration)

JPS1 Create Ad Insert

JPS2 Change Ad Insert

JPS3 Display Ad Insert

JPSEG01 Extend Organizational Units

JPSEG01_PROT Extend Organizational Units: Log

JPSEG02 Copy Org. Units from Template

JPSEG02_PROT Copy Org. Units from Template

JPSEPRODCOMP Series Product Hierarchy

JPTSTARTER Assign Basic Edition to Media Prod.

JPTSTARTERPRICE Assign Basic Edition to Media Prod.

JR14 IS-M: Auto.Gen.of Daily Truck Routes

JR17 IS-M: Manual Gen.of Daily Truck Rtes

JR34 IS-M: Unloading Point Sequence

JR40 IS-M/SD: Replace Unloading Points

JR50 IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Create

JR51 IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Delete

JR52 IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Reload

JR53 IS-M: Shipping Archiving - Reload

JR54 IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Create

JR55 IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Delete

JR56 IS-M: Delivery Archiving - Reload

JR57 IS-M: Admin of Delivery Archive

JR58 IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Create

JR59 IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Delete

JR60 IS-M: Dly Truck Route Arch. - Reload

JR61 IS-M: Daily Truck Route Arch.-Manage

JRPRESHIP IS-M: Log. Del. Type for Preshipping

JS70 IS-M: Update addresses

JS70N Address Update

JS71 Refresh Structures

JSA1 Geo.Units in Carrier Routes

JSA2 Postal Units in Carrier Route

JSA3 Organizational Units in Carr.Routes

JSA4 Carrier Routes in Geo.Units

JSA5 Postal Units in Geo.Units

JSA6 Unloading Points in Geo.Units

JSA7 Org.Structure for Geo.Units

JSA8 Postal Units in Carrier Routes

JSA9 Postal unit for geographical units

JSAA Postal Unit for Org.Structure

JSAB Postal Unit for Addresses

JSAC Org.Structure for Carrier Routes

JSAD Org.Structure for Addresses

JSAE Unloading Points in Carrier Route

JSAF Editions Viable for Home Delivery

JSAG IS-M: Display Truck Rtes in Car.Rte

JSAH IS-M: Display Daily Truck Routes

JSB1 Split Entire Postal File

JSB2 IS-M: Postal Transfer DMun.Key

JSB3 IS-M: Transfer City Data

JSB4 IS-M: Transfer City District Data

JSB5 IS-M: Transfer Postal Code Data

JSB6 IS-M: Transfer Data on Streets

JSB7 IS-M: Transfer Data on P.O.Boxes

JSB8 IS-M: Convert Phonetic Search

JSB9 IS-M: Copy Ext.Street Directory

JSE0 Update Postal Data - Germany

JSE01 Refresh Postal Code-City Assignments

JSE02 Evaluate City References

JSE03 Evaluate Street References

JSE1 Transfer Cities, Postal Codes - USA

JSE10 Transfer Streets - Italy

JSE11 Transfer Postal Data (NL)

JSE2 Transfer Streets, P.O.Boxes - USA

JSE4 Set Origin Ind.for Street in City

JSE7 Update Cities, Postal Codes - USA

JSE8 Update Streets - USA

JSE9 Transfer Cities - Italy

JSM1 IS-M: Organizational structure


JUC016 BP Conversion Industries T016 TB023

JUC05 BP Conv. Occupations TJG05 TB028

JUC37 BP Conversion Grouping TJG37 TB001

JUC39 BP Conversion Role Categs TJG39 TBZ0

JUC41 BP Conversion Origin TJG41 TB005

JUC43 BP Conversion FOAs TJG43 TSAD3

JUC45 BP Conv.Marital Status TJG45 TB027

JUC535N1 BP Conv.Academic Title TJ535NU TSAD2

JUC535N2 BP Conv.Prefixes TJ535NU TSAD4

JUC535N3 BP Conv.Name Affixes TJ535NU TSAD5

JUCC1 Init. SAP BP Customizing

JUCC2 Customizing Conversion

JUCDCM Customer and Vendor Conversion

JUCDCMLOG Logs of Customer/Vendor Conversion

JUCM1 Change BP Control for Migration

JUCM2 Change BP Control After Migration

JUCMO Migration Overview

JUCP1 Conversion of IS-M Partner to SAP BP

JUCP7 Display Conversion Logs

JUCVGF BP Conv. Legal Entity TVGF TB032

JUPART Conversion IS-M BP to SAP BP

JV17 IS-M: Deliveries/Unloading VSets

JV18 Delta Betw.Postal and ZEBU Data

JV19 Check Result

JV21 IS-M: Maintain Cont.Packing Rule

JV23 IS-M: Display Cont.Packing Rule

JV28 IS-M: Container/Postal Pack Numberg

JV2SD01 Synchronize Unloading Pts to SAP BP

JV2SD02 Create Contract Items for LES

JV2SD03 Synch. Drop-Offs for Purch. Qty Plan

JV2SD04 Synch. Drop-Offs for Purch. Qty Plan

JV30 IS-M: Bundling

JV31 IS-M: Container Packing

JV37 IS-M: Set Order Deadline

JV40 IS-M: List Shipping Problem Messages

JV40_A IS-M: List Shipping Problem Messages

JV44 IS-M: Evaluate Shipping Prob.Message

JV63 IS-M: Copy Trigger Interval

JV69 Display Planning Trigger List

JV72 IS-M: Maintain ShDoc.Destinations

JV73 IS-M: Display ShDoc.Destinations

JV74 IS-M: Maintain ShDoc.Type Usage

JV75 IS-M: Display ShDoc.Type Usage

JV80 IS-M: Maint.ShDoc.Dest.Search Seq.

JV86 IS-M: Carrier List

JV90 IS-M: Edit Order Deadline

JV91 IS-M: Display Order Deadline

JV92 IS-M: ShipList f.Labeled Per.Post

JV93 IS-M: Shipp.List f.Red.Charge.Pkge

JV94 IS-M: Check Del.Round-BP Assignment

JV99 Edit ZEBU Manual

JVA0 IS-M/SD: Goods Arr.List -Period.Post

JVA1 IS-M: Move Goods Arrival List No.

JVA2 IS-M: Ship.List f.Periodical Post

JVA3 IS-M: Plant Data for Del.Record

JVA4 IS-M: Alt.Init.Sales Date f.Del.Rec

JVA5 IS-M: Start Report for Del.Record

JVA6 IS-M: Goods Arrival List for RCP

JVA7 IS-M: Copy Trigger in Past

JVA8 IS-M: Start AM Exchange Report

JVA9 IS-M: Customer Data for AM Exchange

JVC1 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_GP_ERS

JVDPAM_NR1 Number Range Maintenance: ISM_DPAM_1

JVDPAM_NR2 Number Range Maintenance: ISM_DPAM_2

JVFM IS-M: Maintain Driver Notification

JVLA IS-M: Deliveries for Order

JVLF IS-M: Sales, Current Settings

JVM4 IS-M: Distribution

JVM5 IS-M: Shipping Schedule

JVM6 IS-M: Shipping Preparation

JVM7 IS-M: Shipping

JVP1 IS-M: Prod.Sequence (Prod.Data)

JVP2 IS-M: Production Procedure

JVP3 IS-M: Procedure Det.for Prod.Proced.

JVP4 IS-M: Subs.Proced.for Prod.Data

JVP5 IS-M: Elements of Prod.Grouping

JVP6 IS-M: Create Production Data

JVP9 IS-M: Production Paper Usage

JVPC IS-M: Production Group

JVPE IS-M: Create Production Data

JVPH0 IS-M/SD: Maintain Geo.Usage Type

JVPH1 IS-M/SD: Display Geo.Usage Type

JVPH10 Initialize Ordering Schedule: Phases

JVPH1N Create Phase Model

JVPH2 Edit Phase Model

JVPH2N Edit Phase Model

JVPH3 Display Phase Model

JVPH3N Display Phase Model

JVPH4 Edit Phase Shipping Dates

JVPH5 Display Phase Shipping Dates

JVPH8 IS-M/SD: Monitor Phase Shipping

JVPH9 IS-M/SD: Create Phase Shippg Orders

JVRULE_COP IS-M: Maintain Packing Rule f.Copies

JVSD01 IS-M/SD: Edit Media Issue Mix

JVSD04 IS-M: Generate Media Issue Mixes

JVSD05 IS-M/SD: Create Media Issue Mixes

JVSD06 IS-M/SD: Change Media Issue Mixes

JVSD07 IS-M/SD: Display Media Issue Mixes

JVSD10 Initialize Delivery Quantities

JVSD11 Update Delivery Quantities

JVSD12 Interactive Insert Planning

JVSD13 Copy Insert Booking

JVSD14 Business Partner Insert Groups

JVSD15 Edit Quantities for Deliv.Priorities

JVSD16 Update Media Issue Mixes

JVSD2MSD Transfer SD Orders to IS-M/SD

JVSDAD01 Ad Inserts from AI Orders

JVSDCUST05 SAP BP Insert Groups

JVSDCUST06 Insert Groups

JVSDGEO1 Ambiguity Check

JVSDHD0 ISM: Maint. HDel.Schedule for Mat.

JVSDHD1 ISM: Display HDel. Schedule for Mat.

JVSDHD3 Edit Ref. Edition for SD Home Del.

JVSDHD4 Display Ref.Edition for SD Home Del.

JVSDHD_COLLECT ISM: HDel.Planning: Select SD Orders

JVSDHD_HEADER_DELETE ISM: HDel.Planning: Delete Header

JVSDHD_RELEASE ISM: HDel.Planning: Home Del. Data

JVSDHD_RELEASE_DEL ISM: HDel.Planning: Delete HDel.Data

JVSDHD_VDAT_SHIFT ISM: HDel.Planning: Move Shippg Date

JVSDMIXLOG IS-M: Mix Creation Logs

JVSDPG Define Packaging Characteristics

JVSDPL01 Weekday-Dependent Plant Determ.

JVSDPR3 Edit Media Issue for Packing Char.

JVSDTP01 Maintain Transportation Plan

JVSDTP02 Display Transportation Plan

JVSDTPCOPY Copy Transportation Plan Version

JVSDTPDEL Delete Transportation Plan Version

JVSDTPGEN Generate Transportation Plan

JVSDTPLOAD Generate Shipping Plan


JVSDTPLOAD_COPY Copy Shipping Plan

JVSDTPLOAD_DEL Delete Shipping Plan

JVSDTPLOAD_DISPLAY Display Shipping Plan

JVSDTPMASTER01 Edit Delivery Cycles for Plant

JVSDTPMASTER02 Edit Delivery Cycles for Visit Plan

JVSDTPMASTER03 Exceptions in Del.Cycle per Med.Prod

JVSDTPMASTER04 Exceptions in Del.Cycle per Dist.Chn

JVSDTPMASTER05 Assign Delivery Group

JVSDTPMASTER06 Assign Plant to Visit Plan

JVSO10 Display Edition and Ref.Edition

JVSO14 Ship. Order Archiving: Write Archive

JVSO15 Sh. Order Archiving: Delete Archive

JVSO16 Sh. Order Archiving: Reload Archive

JVSO17 Ship. Ord. Archiving: Manage Archive

JVSO9 Edit Edition and Reference Edition

JVSOCOMPL1 IS-M/SD: Create Ship.Order Complaint

JVSOCOMPL1_PRESET IS-M/SD: Create Issue Compl.(Def.)

JVSOCOMPL2 IS-M/SD: Change Ship.Order Complaint

JVSOCOMPL3 IS-M/SD: Display Ship.Order Complt

JVSOCOMPL_EXPORT Export File for Shipp. Order Compl.

JVSOCOMPL_IMPORT Import File: Import Ship.Ord.Compl.

JVSOCOMPL_LIST Shipping Order Complaint Overview


JVTMCP_GEN IS-M: TMCP: Generate Shipping Orders

JVTMCP_GEN_PROT IS-M: TMCP: Log of Shipp. Order Gen.

JVTMCP_PLANNING IS-M: TMCP: Planning for Ship.Orders

JVTMC_HH Maintain Household Parameters

JVTT Joint Venture Test Tool

JVU1 IS-M: Drop-Off Overview

JVU2 IS-M: Key Date Comparison: Drop-Off

JVU3 IS-M: Circ.of Carriers and Inserts

JVU4 IS-M: Carr.Circulation f.ShipDate

JVU5 IS-M: Check Draw Against Del.Qty

JVU6 IS-M: Production Stats for Bundles

JVU7 IS-M: Shipping Overview

JVX1 IS-M: Display Sales Offices

JVZAEM0 IS-M: Generate Std Deliv.Exception

JVZM IS-M: Maintain Carrier Notification

JW25 IS-M/SD: Create Sales Promotion

JW26 IS-M/SD: Change Sales Promotion

JW27 IS-M/SD: Display Sales Promotion

JWM1 IS-M: Promotion Master Data

JWU1 IS-M/SD: Std Letter for Sales Prom.

JWU10 Standard Letter By Classification

JWU2 Print Labels for Free Gifts

JWU3 IS-M/SD: Orders for Gift

JWU4 IS-M/SD:Sales Activities in Geo.Unit

JWU5 Sales Activities for Bus.Partner

JWU6 IS-M/SD: Compare Sales Activities

JWU7 IS-M/SD: Shipped/Reserved Gifts

JWU8 IS-M: Update Sales Promotions

JWW1 IS-M/SD: Create Sales Activity

JWW2 IS-M/SD: Change Sales Activity

JWW3 IS-M/SD: Display Sales Activity

JX01 Maintain Types of Geo.Units

JX02 Maint.Hierarchy Type in Geo.Unit

JX57 SM30 Maintenance of IS-M Acct Group

JX67 SM30 Maintenance of Stats Groupings

JX72 SM30 Maint. Counter Restart DTrsfer

JX74 SM30 Maint.Search Seq.f.Std Packing

JX75 SM30 Maint.Search Seq.f.Std Packing

JX82 SM30: Edit Advertising Media

JX83 SM30 Maint.: Display Advertisg Media

JXA8 SM30 Display Edition Rept Grping 2

JXAD IS-M: Maintain Odd Bundle Group

JXAE IS-M: Display Edit-OddBdleGrp.Assgmt

JXAJ SM30 Maint.of Stats Grp f.Sales Doc.

JXAK SM30 Maint.of Update Grp Header

JXAL SM30 Maint.of Update Grp for Item

JXAM SM30 Maint.of UpdGrp for Delivery

JXAN Sm30 Maint.of Stats Grp per Ord.Type

JXAO SM30 Maint.Stats Grp per OType/I.Ass

JXAP SM30 Maint.Stats Grp per Billg Type

JXAQ SM30 Maint.UpdGrp f.Del.-Ord.Assgmt

JXBD IS-M/SD: Maintain Odd Bundle Group

JXBDSD IS-M: Maintain Comm.Odd Bundle Group

JXBE IS-M: Maint.Edit.-Odd Bdle Grp Asgt

JXBESD IS-M: Maint.Edit.-Odd Bdle Grp Asgt

JXG8 Assign ctry grping to shipping sch.

JXG9 Country Grouping for Shipping Sched.

JXVA IS-M: Display Post.Packing Rule Det.

JXVB IS-M: Edit Post.Packing Rule Determ.

JXVZ IS-M: Consist.Check for Purch.Org.

JY20 Condition Master Data

JY81 IS-M: Test - TOA01

JYA1 IS-M: Create Deliv.Sett Archive

JYA2 IS-M: Delete Deliv.Sett Archive

JYA3 IS-M: Reload Del.Sett Archive

JYA4 IS-M: Create Deliv.Sett Archive

JYA5 IS-M: Display Home Del.Sett Archive

JYA6 IS-M: Display Comm.Sett Archive

JYA9 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ABUEB

JYB1 IS-M: Create Billing Archive

JYB2 IS-M: Delete Billing Archive

JYB3 IS-M: Reload Del.Sett Archive

JYB4 IS-M: Mgmt of Billing Archive

JYB5 Check Archivability of Billing Docs


JYC1 Maintain number range doc.conditions

JYD1 Maintain number range: ISP_DRER

JYD2 Maintain number range: ISP_VA

JYD3 Number range maintenance: ISP_VASYNC

JYE1 Create Archive for Commiss.Billing

JYE2 IS-M: Comm.Sett.Archive: Delete

JYE3 IS-M: Comm.Sett.Archive: Reload

JYE4 Comm.Sett.Archive: Administration

JYF1 Maintain number range: ISP_FSAMMG

JYF2 Maintain number range: ISP_FUEBL

JYF3 Maintain number range: ISP_FAKBL

JYF5 Number Range Maintenance: ISM_FICOL

JYF6 IS-M: Display Billing Archive

JYG1 Maintain Number Range: ISP_GP_NR

JYG2 Maintain number range: ISP_ADRNR

JYG4 Number range maintenance: ISP_BV

JYG5 Maintain number range: Logs

JYI1 IS-M/SD: Number Ranges for Circ.Book


JYK1 Maintain number range: ISP_BELEG

JYK2 Number Range Maint. for Research

JYK4 Maintain number range: ISP_PROSP

JYKWWW Number Range Maintenance: ISM_SESSNO

JYL1 Maintain number range: ISP_LSAMMG

JYL2 Maintain number range: ISP_ABRCHN

JYL3 Maintain number range: ISP_JKONV

JYM1 Maintain number range: ISP_MAT

JYN2 Number range maintenance: ISP_RECHDR

JYNAST_PDFBUNDLING IS-M: Output Processing from NAST

JYPO IS-M: Print Param.f.Outpt Control

JYR1 Maintain number range: ISP_ROUPVA

JYR2 Maintain number range: ISP_ROUTE

JYR3 Maintain number range: ISP_RVERT

JYRA Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ABLRGL

JYRB IS-M: Install Specific Report Tree

JYRT IS-M: Choose Report Tree

JYRZ Maintain report trees for pub.system


JYS2 IS-M: Number Ranges for Geo.Units

JYS3 Maintain number range: ISP_GEOPST

JYS4 Maintain number range: ISP_LAUFLI

JYSC Number Range Maintenance: ISP_ORT

JYSS Maintain number range: ISP_STR

JYTCODEEXECUTE Execute Transaction

JYV1 IS-M: Num.Range Object - Drop-Off

JYV2 Maintain number range: ISP_NCAEND

JYV3 IS-M: Maint.Carrier Route No.Range

JYV4 IS-M: Num.Range Maint.for Post.Packs

JYV5 IS-M: Number Range for Containers

JYV7 Maintain number range: ISP_LFNGNR

JYV8 Maintain number range: ISP_JVTFV

JYV9 Maintain number range: ISP_BEABST

JYVA IS-M: Num.Range Ship.Schedule Var.

JYVB IS-M: Num.Range Shipping Schedule

JYVC Number range maintenance: ISP_PAKET

JYVL Maintain number range: ISP_LFBAR

JYVS Maintain Number Range: ISM_JVSOH

JYW0 IS-M: Currency Change

JYW2 Number Range Maintenance: ISM_PROMO

JYWW Maintain number range: ISP_WEKONR

JYX1 IS-M: Edit Order Deadline Status

JZ06 Maintain BU hierarchy

JZ25 Maintain settlement calendar - agent

JZ26 Maintain number range: ISP_FAKT

JZ27 Maintain agt det.proc. for media agt

JZ30 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_BELEIN

JZ31 Number range maintenance: ISP_INHAKO

JZ33 Maintain date combination (fixed)

JZ34 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_VERMV

JZ38 IS-M: Maintain Sales Agent Types

JZ39 Number range maintenance: ISP_PE

JZ40 Maintain number range: ISP_SAMMG

JZ41 Copy pricing procedure and cnd.types

JZ43 Maintain Date Combination (Flexible)

JZ44 Number Range Maintenance: ISP_EV

J_1BEFD Creation of SPED Digital Archive

J_1IRAINNO Number range maintenance: J_1IRAINNO

J_3RINV Incoming Invoice Number Ranges

J_3RSEXP Maintain Secondary Event Numbers

J_CLBALTAX Balance Sheet for Tax (Chile)

J_CLBS Balance sheet (Chile)

J_CLML Material Ledger (Chile)

J_DEV2 IS-M: Dev

KA01 Create Cost Element

KA02 Change Cost Element

KA02CORE Maintain Cost Elements

KA03 Display Cost Element

KA03CORE Display Cost Elements

KA04 Delete cost element

KA05 Cost element: display changes

KA06 Create Secondary Cost Element

KA10 Cost Center Master Data

KA12 CO Totals Records

KA16 CO Line Items

KA18 Archive admin: assess., distr., ...

KA23 Cost Elements: Master Data Report

KA24 Delete Cost Elements

KAB9 Planning Report: Orders

KABL Order: Planning Overview

KABP Controlling Documents: Plan

KAFD External Data Transfer

KAFL Delete All Costs Transferred w. KAFD

KAH1 Create Cost Element Group

KAH2 Change cost element group

KAH3 Display cost element group

KAID Delete ALE-COEP(L) Line Items

KAK2 Change statistical key figures

KAK3 Display Statistical Key Figures

KAL1 Reconcil. Ledger Follow-Up Posting

KAL2 Create Archive for Reconcil. Ledger

KAL3 Delete Data After Archiving

KAL7 Overview of Cost Flows

KAL7N Overview of Cost Flows

KAL8 Generate Reconcil. Ledger Reports

KALA Activate Reconciliation Ledger

KALB Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger

KALC Cost Flow Message

KALCN Reconciliation Posting

KALD Reset Reconciliation Ledger

KALE Reconcil.Ledger: Display Totals Rec.

KALE1 RCL: Parameter Transaction for GD13

KALF Start Background Report RKAKALBT

KALG Change Reconcil. Ledger Report List

KALH Change Rules for Reconcil. Posting

KALI Import Reconcil. Ledger Reports

KALK Create Rules for Reconcil. Posting

KALM Display Reconcil. Ledger Report Tree

KALN Report Tree: Maint. Reconcil. Ledger

KALNRCHECK Consist. Check for Costing Run Nos.

KALNRREORG Reorg. of Old Costing Number Entries

KALO Export Reconcil. Ledger (Rollup)

KALR Reconciliaton Ledger: CO Line Items

KALS Reverse Reconciliation Posting

KALSN Reconciliation Posting: Reverse

KALX Fill Original Units in CO Document

KALY Convert Reconc. Ledger Documents

KAMN Menu for Internal Orders

KANK Number range maint.: RK_BELEG

KAUM Display Conversion Milestones

KAVA Send Cost Center Totals Records

KAVB Send Cost Center Group

KAVC Send Cost Element Group

KAVD Send Activity Type Group

KB11 Enter Reposting of Primary Costs

KB11N Enter Manual Repostings of Costs

KB13 Display Reposting of Primary Costs

KB13N Display Manual Repostings of Costs

KB14 Reverse Reposting of Primary Costs

KB14N Reverse Manual Repostings of Costs

KB15 Enter Manual Allocations

KB15N Enter Manual Allocations

KB16 Display Manual Allocations

KB16N Display Manual Allocations

KB17 Reverse Manual Allocations

KB17N Reverse Manual Allocations

KB21 Enter Activity Allocation

KB21N Enter Direct Activity Allocation

KB22 IAA via Internet

KB23 Display Activity Allocation

KB23N Display Direct Activity Allocation

KB24 Reverse Activity Allocation

KB24N Reverse Direct Activity Allocation

KB27 IAA Enter Other Periods

KB31 Enter Statistical Key Figures

KB31N Enter Statistical Key Figures

KB33 Display Statistical Key Figures

KB33N Display Statistical Key Figures

KB34 Reverse Statistical Key Figures

KB34N Reverse Statistical Key Figures

KB41 Enter Reposting of Revenues

KB41N Enter Manual Repostings of Revenue

KB43 Display Reposting of Revenues

KB43N Display Manual Repostings of Revenue

KB44 Reverse Reposting of Revenues

KB44N Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenue

KB51 Enter Activity Posting

KB51N Enter Sender Activities

KB53 Display Activity Posting

KB53N Display Sender Activities

KB54 Reverse Activity Posting

KB54N Reverse Sender Activities

KB61 Enter Reposting of CO Line Items

KB63 Display Reposting of CO Line Items

KB64 Reverse Reposting of CO Line Items

KB65 Enter Indirect Acty Alloc.Reposting:

KB66 Display Indir. Acty Alloc. Reposting

KB67 Reverse IAA Reposting

KB71 JV-Transfer Postings

KBC0 Maintain list of screen variants

KBC1 Cost Transfer Layout Variants

KBC2 Int. Cost Alloc. Screen Variants

KBC3 Screen Variants: Stat. Key Figures

KBC4 Transfer Revenue Screen Variants

KBC5 Non-alloc. Activity Screen Variants

KBC6 CO-ABC: Manual Actual Price

KBC7 CO-ABC: Display manual actl. price

KBEA Trsfr Price Docs: Set Del.Indicator

KBEB Trsfr Price Docs: Generate Archive

KBEC Trsfr Price Docs: Manage Archive

KBH1 Create statistical key figure group

KBH2 Change statistical key figure group

KBH3 Display statistical key figure group

KBK6 CO-CCA: Manual Actual Price

KBK7 CO-CCA: Display manual actl price

KBXXN_CUST Define Posting Variants

KC7R EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules

KCA0 SAP-EIS: Edit aspect

KCA1 Reorganize aspect tables

KCA2 Edit field groups

KCA5 Edit characteristics

KCA6 Edit basic key figures

KCAB Change Allocation Process Assessment

KCAL Change Indirect Activity Allocation

KCAM Change Indirect Activity Allocation

KCAN Derivation

KCAP Change Allocation Transfer Posting

KCAR Change Allocation Resource Assessm.

KCAU Change Allocation Assessment

KCAV Change Allocation Distribution

KCB0 Execute report

KCB1 Create report

KCB2 Change report

KCB3 Display report

KCB4 Create report class

KCB5 Change report class

KCB6 Display report class

KCB7 Create user group

KCB8 Change user group

KCB9 Display user group

KCBA Report class overview

KCBB Set user group

KCBH Report portfolio data transfer

KCBW EC-EIS/BP: Generate DataSource

KCC0 Maintain currency translation key

KCC1 Currency translation sender program

KCC2 Cross-table translation key


KCCO EC-EIS/BP: Manage comment tables

KCDI Divide report

KCDR Reorganization document flag T242B

KCDU Structure of summ. level of SAP-EIS

KCDV Maintain summarization levels

KCE1 Display transaction data

KCE2 Delete transaction data

KCE3 SAP-EIS: Choose Collection Program

KCE4 Change transaction data (EIS/BP)

KCE5 Display transaction data (EIS/BP)

KCE6 Individual record entry

KCE7 EIS: Single record display

KCE8 EC-BP: Change plan data

KCE9 EC-BP: Display plan data

KCEA Set planner profile

KCED Define Flexible Excel Upload

KCEE Flexible Excel Upload to SAP-EIS

KCF0 Import File

KCF1 Import master data file

KCF2 Import comments file

KCF3 Change revaluation factors

KCF4 Display revaluation factors

KCFR EDT: Maintain Transfer Rules

KCH3 Display profit center hierarchy

KCH5N EC-PCA: Change Standard Hierarchy

KCH5NX EC-PCA: Change Stand.Hier. EO Active

KCH6 EC-PCA: Display standard hierarchy

KCH6N EC-PCA: Display Standard Hierarchy

KCH6NX EC-PCA: Disp. Stand.Hier. EO Active

KCHA CCA Allocation: Data Field Descript.

KCIB CCA: Field Use, Process Assessment

KCIF CCA: Field Use, JV Assessment

KCIG CCA: Field Use, JV Distribution

KCIL CCA: Field Use, Ind. Acty Alloc.

KCIP CCA: Field Use, Periodic Reposting

KCIU CCA: Field Use, Assessment

KCIV CO-OM-CCA: Distribution Field Use

KCJ0 EIS/BP: Hierarchy node maintenance

KCJ1 EC-EIS/EC-BP: Hierarchy maintenance

KCJ3 Hierarchy Maintenance

KCJB CCA: Data Control, Proc. Assessment

KCJF CCA: Data Control, JV Assessment

KCJG CCA: Data Control, JV Distribution

KCJL CCA: Data Control, Ind. Acty Alloc.

KCJP CCA: Data Control, Period. Reposting

KCJU CCA: Data Control, Assessment

KCJV CCA: Data Control, Distribution

KCK0 Key figures

KCK1 Display key figure

KCKB Formulas for basic key figures

KCLA EDT: Automatic File Split

KCLF External Data Transfer

KCLF001 SAP Banking EDT Financial Object

KCLF002 SAP Banking EDT Period Values

KCLF009 EDT Loans

KCLF024 EDT Financial Object

KCLFS Sender Structures

KCLI ALE Interface for EDT

KCLJ EDT: Execute Transfer

KCLJ015 External Data Transfer Type 15 (BP)

KCLJ090 External Data Transfer Type 90 (BPR)

KCLJ120 Authorizations for Insurance Object

KCLJ121 DI Payt Plan Items Authorizations

KCLL EDT: Generate Sender Structure




KCLT EDT: Create Test Data

KCLU EDT: Maintain Transfer Types

KCLV EDT: Delete Obsolete Programs

KCMA CCA Allocation: Field Group Texts



KCO1 Comments on transaction data

KCP0 Automatic Planning

KCP1 Validation logs data entry

KCP2 Automatic Planning: Forecast

KCP22 Automatic Planning: Forecast

KCP3 Currency translation key entry/main.

KCP4 Create entry form

KCP5 Change entry form

KCP6 Display entry form

KCP7 Create planning layout

KCP8 Change planning layout

KCP9 Display planning layout

KCPA Automatic Planning: Copy

KCPA2 Copy

KCPB Batch jobs aut. planning

KCPD Delete plan data with key fig. sel.

KCPE EC-BP: object-dependent revaluation

KCPF EC-BP: object-dependent distribution

KCPG EC-BP: object-dependent forecast

KCPL Automatic Planning: Change

KCPL2 Automatic Planning: Change

KCPT Automatic planning: top-down distr.

KCPT2 Automatic Planning: Top-Down

KCPU Display Forecast Profile EC

KCPV EC: Change forecast profile

KCPW EC: Display weighting groups

KCPX Change Weighting Groups

KCPZ Segment-Specific Planning Functions

KCR0 Run Drilldown Report

KCR01_TEST Test Calculation of CO Resource

KCR04_TEST Cost Resource: Test Environment

KCR1 Create Drilldown Report

KCR2 Change drilldown report

KCR3 Display Drilldown Report

KCR6 Display form

KCR7 Maintain authorization obj. present.

KCR8 Display authorization obj.presentatn

KCRA Maintain variant table

KCRB Maintain variable groups

KCRC Print/actualize reports

KCRD Maintain Variants RKCBATCH

KCRE Maintain Global Variables

KCRF Maintain Char.Grps for SAP-EIS Rep.

KCRG Maint.view for curr.transl./fld cat.

KCRH Maint.view for curr.transl./key fig.

KCRMCO_CRM_DET Analyze Service Contract

KCRMCO_CRM_SEL Service Process Analysis

KCRMCO_CSCEN Extended Service Process Analysis


KCRMCO_GENERIC_DET Generic Detailed Report

KCRP Maintain variant groups

KCRQ Maintain Variants

KCRR Report selection

KCRS Schedule Variant Group

KCRT Define Variant Group

KCRU Convert drilldown reports

KCS0 Maintain master data

KCS2 SAP-EIS: Delete char. values

KCS3 SAP-EIS: Maintain character. values

KCS4 SAP-EIS: Display character. values

KCS5 Maintain characteristics (view)

KCS6 Display characteristics (view)

KCS7 Maintain fiscal year

KCSA Send structure output fields default

KCSE Sending structure output fields

KCT0 EC-EIS/EC-BP: Comment management

KCT1 EC-EIS/EC-BP: Reorganize comments

KCUA Display Transfer Log

KCUU Report Data Reorganization

KCV0 Maintain Distribution Keys

KCVA EIS/BP: Maintain validations/rules

KCVC EIS/BP: Copy validations/rules

KCVD Overview of Reports

KCVV Reorganization Reports

KCW0 Testmonitor reporting SAP-EIS

KCW1 Generations SAP-EIS


KCWA Maintain Currency Translation Type

KCWW Reorganize forms

KCXX Reorganization of Variant Groups

KCZ1 EC-EIS/BP: Archive transaction data

KDH1 Create Account Group

KDH2 Change Account Group

KDH3 Display Account Group

KDTT Display incorrect report

KE0B Archiving: CO-PA

KE0C CO-PA Distribution: Initial Supply

KE0D CO-PA Distribution: Reconciliation

KE0E CO-PA Distribution: Installation

KE0F CO-PA Distribution: Activate

KE0G CO-PA Distribution: Roll-up

KE0H Archiving: CO-PA

KE0I CO-PA Archiving: Customizing

KE12 Display plan data

KE16 Display Planning Layout

KE17 Maintain Planning Authorization Obj.

KE18 Display planning authorization obj.

KE1A Copy complete plan

KE1B Process complete plan

KE1C Delete Plan Data

KE1D Forecast Plan Data

KE1E Transfer Plan Data to SOP

KE1F Complete Plan Management

KE1FN Admin.: Logs for Overall Planning

KE1G Top-Down Complete Plan

KE1H CO-PA Planning: Set Planner Profile

KE1I Maintain Ratio Scheme

KE1K Transfer to LIS

KE1L Create Plan Structure

KE1M Change Plan Structure

KE1N Display Plan Structure

KE1O Maintain User Exits for Planning

KE1R Change Weighting Group

KE1S Display Weighting Group

KE1T Change Forecast Profile

KE1U Display Forecast Profile

KE1V Transfer to EC-PCA

KE1W Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-GL

KE1Y Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-SL

KE1Z Transfer CO-PA Plan Data to GL (New)

KE21N CO-PA Line Item Entry

KE21S CO-PA Valuation Simulation

KE23 Display CO-PA line item

KE23N CO-PA Line Item Display

KE24 Line Item Display - Actual Data


KE25 Line Item Display - Plan Data

KE26 Repost Accounting Document

KE27A Execute Periodic Valuation

KE28A Run Top-Down Distribution

KE28L Administration: Logs

KE28LC Administration: Logs

KE28R Top-Down Distribution

KE28T Technical Settings: Top-Down

KE29 Management

KE29A Administration: All Logs

KE29N Administration: Logs

KE29NO Administration: Logs

KE2B Correction to Incoming Orders

KE2D Display Error File

KE2K CO-PA: Maintain Key Figures

KE2S Summarize Actual Data

KE2T CO-PA: Assign IDoc Fields

KE2U CO-PA: Display Segment Types EDIMAP

KE33 Display Report

KE36 Display form

KE37 Maintain Report Authorization Object

KE38 Display report authorization objects

KE3E Maintain Global Variables

KE3F Create line item layout

KE3H Display line item layout

KE3I CO-PA: Transport tool

KE3J Import
KE3M Overview of Reports

KE3S Define Variant Group

KE3U Maintain variants (RKEBATCH)

KE40 Maintain view V_TKEVA03

KE41 Create condition

KE42 Change condition

KE43 Display condition

KE45 Maintain View V_T258I_KO

KE46 Maintain costing sheet

KE47 Maintain condition types

KE48 Maintain access sequences

KE4B Display condition table

KE4D Maintain external str. in ABAP Dict.

KE4E Maintain View V_T258W_KE

KE4F Post Incoming Orders Subsequently

KE4G Maintain View V_TKEVG

KE4H Maintain view V_TKEVA03A

KE4I View maintenance VV2_T258I_V

KE4IEX Assignment of CRM Conditions

KE4IM Maintain View VV_T258I_M

KE4J Maintain view V_TKEVA03M

KE4M Maintain view V_T258M

KE4MS Assign CO-PA Standard Quantity

KE4O Display Pricing Report

KE4R Maintain view V_TKEVA04

KE4S00 CO-PA: Reversal of Line Items

KE4SMM CO-PA: Post Material Documents Subs.

KE4T Set Up Transfer of Incoming Orders

KE4TS Simulate Doc. Transfer from Orders

KE4U Maintain view cluster V_TKEVAx

KE4V Control table for ext. data transfer

KE4W Reset value fields

KE4Z Maintain view V_T258Z_KE


KE51 Create Profit Center

KE52 Change Profit Center

KE53 Display Profit Center

KE54 Delete Profit Centers

KE55 Mass Maintenance PrCtr Master Data

KE56 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assgt

KE57 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assgt

KE59 EC-PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center

KE5A EC-PCA: Call up report

KE5C EC-PCA: Account Master Data (CO/FI)

KE5T Compare G/L Accounts FI <-> EC-PCA

KE5U Compare and Reconcile G/L Accounts

KE5X Profit Center: Master Data Index

KE5Y Profit Center: Plan Line Items

KE5Z Profit Center: Actual Line Items

KE5ZH PCA Line Item Browser

KE62 EC-PCA: Copy Data to Plan

KE71 Archive Management

KE72 Archive Administration: Line Items

KE73 Archive Administration: Totals Recs

KE75 EC-PCA: ALE Get profit centers

KE77 EC-PCA: ALE send profit centers

KE78 EC-PCA: Execute ALE Rollup

KE79 EC-PCA: Send ALE Hierarchies

KE83 EC-PCA: Display Drill-Down Report

KE86 EC-PCA: Display Form

KE87 RW/RP Reports for EC-PCA Archives

KE8C EC-PCA: Maintain Currency Transl.

KE8D Overview of Reports

KE8K Maintain Key Figures

KE94 Create form

KE96 Display Form

KE97 Maintain Report Authorization Object

KE98 Display Report Authorization Objects

KEA0 CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern

KEA0O CO-PA: Maintain Operating Concern

KEA5 Maintain Characteristics

KEA6 Edit Value Fields

KEAD01 Assign Account to Value Field

KEAE Generate Proc. Template Environment

KEAF Value Field Analysis

KEAI Value Flow FI -> SD / CO -> CO-PA

KEAL Change Allocation IAA Result

KEAN CO-PA Data Analysis

KEAS Selection Characteristics CO-PA/ABC

KEAT Reconcile CO-PA <-> SD <-> FI

KEAU Change Allocation Assessment Result

KEAV Valuation

KEAW Reconciliation Make-to-Order Prod.

KEB0 Create CO-PA DataSource

KEB0N Create CO-PA DataSource

KEB1 CO-PA Hierarchy DataSource

KEB2 Display Dtld Info on CO-PA DataSrce

KEB2N Display Dtld Info on CO-PA DataSrce

KEB3 Activate Debugging Support

KEB4 Debugging Support Hierarchies

KEB5 Reduce Data Volumes for Test

KEB6 Assign Key Figures

KEBA Display operating concern

KEBC Change operating concern

KEBD Set Operating Concern

KEBI Set operating concern (batch-input)

KEC0 Maintain curr. transl. type (CO-PA)

KEC3 Cross-table translation key CO-PA

KECD Valuation of Overhead Cost Transfer

KECM CO-PA: Customizing Monitor

KECO Transfer of Cost Component Split

KECP Copy Operating Concern

KECRM_0KEL PCA: Substitutions CRM Integration

KECT Maintain Environ. Dyn. Process Alloc

KED0 Derivation: Initial Screen

KED5 Data Mining: Create Form

KED6 Data Mining: Change Form

KED7 Data Mining: Display Form

KEDA Export Summarization Level

KEDB Deletion of Test Data in CO-PA

KEDD COPA Char. Derivation Overview ALV

KEDE Maintain Derivation Rule Entries

KEDF CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)

KEDJ CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)

KEDO Overview: CO-PA Summarization Levels

KEDP Maintain CO-PA Account Determination

KEDR Maintain Derivation Strategy

KEDRA COPA Customizing via ALE

KEDR_CHACO Derivation When OpConc. Implemented

KEDT Log Summarization Logs

KEDU CO-PA: Build Summarization Levels

KEDUS CO-PA: Period Build of Summ. Levels

KEDUSM CO-PA: Monitor Build for Summ. Lvls

KEDV CO-PA: Maintain Summarization Levels

KEDVP Default for Summarization Levels

KEDVPD Proposal for Summ. Levels (Analysis)

KEDVS Maintain Old Storage Summ. Levels

KEDW CO-PA: Fill Summ. Levels (Expert)

KEDX CO-PA:Fill Summ.Lev. from Summ. Lev.

KEDZ Read Interface for CO-PA Log

KEEU CO-PA EIS/BP: Generate transfer

KEF1 Change Revaluation Keys

KEF2 Display revaluation indices

KEF3 Time-Dependent Revaluation Factors

KEF4 Display Events

KEFD Maintain Rules

KEG1N Create Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.

KEG2N Change Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.

KEG3 Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.

KEG3N Display Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.

KEG4N Delete Indirect Actual Acty Alloc.

KEG7N Create Indirect Plan Acty Allocation

KEG8N Change Indirect Plan Acty Allocation

KEG9 Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.

KEG9N Display Indirect Plan Acty Alloc.

KEGAN Delete Indirect Plan Acty Allocation

KEGD Overview Actual IAA Cycles

KEGE Overview Plan IAA Cycles

KEGS Business Transactions in CO-PA

KEGV Generate Variant from KEPM Environmt

KEHA Create CO-PA Information Model

KEHC CO-PA Accelerator: Settings

KEHD Transfer Realignments

KEHIER1 Maintain CO-PA Customiz. Hierarchies

KEHM Change HANA Access Mode

KEHS Replicate CO-PA Archive

KEHW Write CO-PA Data

KEI1 Maintain PA Transfer Structure

KEI2 Maintain PA Transfer Structure

KEI3 Maintain PA Transfer Structure

KEICO Value Field Assignment CO-Interface

KEIH CO-PA Allocation: Data Field Descr.

KEII CO-PA Assessment: Field Usage

KEIJ CO-PA Assessment: Data Control

KEIK CO-PA: Field Usage, Int. Cost Alloc.

KEIL CO-PA: Data Control,Int. Cost Alloc.

KEIM CO-PA Allocation: Field Group Texts

KEIP Generation: Virtual InfoProvider

KEIT CO-PA Allocation: Table Information

KEK0 Test Key Figure Transaction

KEKE CO-PA: Activation Indicator

KEKF Transfer Incoming Sales Orders

KEKG Active Indicator for Prof.Ctr Update

KEKK Maintain view V_TKA01_ER

KEKW Maintain Process Template Determin.

KEL0 Assign CRM Cost Element Group

KELC BW/CO-PA Retraction: Customizing

KEMDM Profit Center Master Data Maint.

KEMN Profitability Analysis appl. menu

KEN1 Maintain Number Range: COPA_IST

KEN2 Maint. number ranges: CO-PA planning

KEND Realignments

KEO1 Create Enterprise Organization

KEO2 Change Enterprise Organization

KEO3 Display Enterprise Organization

KEOA1 Activate Cost Centers

KEOA2 Activate Profit Centers

KEOA3 Activate Processes

KEOAP2 Change Altern. Profit Center Struct.

KEOAP3 Display Alter. Profit Center Struct.

KEOC1 Settings for EntOrg Cost Centers

KEOC2 Settings for EntOrg Profit Center

KEOC2AP Altern. Profit Center Struct. Active

KEOD1 Reset Inactive Cost Centers

KEOD2 Reset Inactive Profit Centers

KEOD3 Reset Inactive Business Process

KEOG1 Generate Standard Hierarchy

KEOG2 Generate Alternative Hierarchy

KEOG3 Replace Standard Hierarhcy

KEOP1 Print Standard Hierarchy

KEOP2 Print Enterprise Organization

KEOV CO-PA: Cycle Overview

KEP0 Assign value fields (Dir.post. FI)

KEP1 Maintain record types

KEP5 Maintain operating concern

KEP6 Maintain characteristics

KEP7 Display characteristics

KEP8 Operating concerns

KEP9 Value field assignment

KEPA Char. Groups for Actual and Planning

KEPC Flexible Callup of Cost Estimates

KEPD Characteristic groups for reports

KEPE Segment-Specific Revaluation Keys

KEPF Segment-Specific Distribution Keys

KEPG Segment-Specific Forecast Profiles

KEPH Segment-Specific Events

KEPI Maintain Rule Values for Revaluation

KEPJ Maintain Rule Values for Distrib.

KEPK Maint. Rule Values for Forcast Prof.

KEPL Maintain Rule Values for Events

KEPM CO-PA Planning

KEPMU Create Planning Level from Layout

KEPM_W Sales & Profit Planning in the WWW

KEPM_WAO CO-PA Planning Framework

KEPP Check plan structure

KEPV Plan Settlement: Assign Version

KEPZ Segment-Specific Planning Functions

KEPZ_E Access of Segment-Specific Events

KEPZ_P Access of Segment-Specific Forecast

KEPZ_U Access of Segment-Specific Revaltn

KEPZ_V Access of Segment-Specific Distr.Key

KEQ3 Maintain Charact. for Segment Level

KEQ4 Maintain Segment-Lvl Chars ALE

KEQ5 Maintain View for Defined Op.Concern

KEQ6 View Maint. with Preset Op. Concern

KEQ7 Prof. segment - ACDOCA summarization

KER1 Maintain Key Figure Scheme

KERV Repair Summarization Level

KES1 CO-PA Maintain Characteristic Values

KES2 Customizing: Display characteristics

KES3 Maintain Characteristics Hierarchy

KES4 Transfer Customer Rebate Agreements

KESF Maintain View V_TKEPPI

KEU1N Create Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU2N Change Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU3 Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU3N Display Actl Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU4N Delete Actual Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU7N Create Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU8N Change Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU9 Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEU9N Display Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEUAN Delete Plan Transfer of CCtr Costs

KEUD Overview Actual Assessment Cycles

KEUE Overview Plan Assessment Cycles

KEUH Maintain Key Figures for Allocations

KEV0 Maintain Distribution Keys

KEVF CO-PA Planning: Value Field Assignm.

KEVFG CO-PA Value Field Groups

KEVG Record Types for Process Costs

KEVG2 Assign Characteristic Group

KEVG3 Assign Value Field Groups

KEVG4 Assign char. grp to plan cycles

KEVG5 Assign char. grp to actual cycles

KEVG6 PA Transfer Schema: Overhead ACTUAL

KEVG7 PA Transfer Schema: Overhead PLAN

KEVP CO-PA Planning: Distribution Profile

KEWUSL Where-Used List for Cycles (PA)

KEZ5 Execute Distribution

KFM_REPORT_DETAIL Detail Display for Key Figure

KFTP R/2 - R/3 - Link: File Transfer

KGBC Copy CMP Client

KGF4 Maintain overhead dependencies

KGI2 Act. Overhead: Int.Order Ind.Pro

KGI4 Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc.

KGO2 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Ind.Pro.

KGO4 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Col.Pro.

KGP2 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro.

KGP4 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Col.Pro.

KGST Control Tables: Consistency Check

KGT5 Overhead: Field catalog

KIMS R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems

KIS6 Segment Adjustment: Overview

KIS6N Segment Adjustment: Overview

KISR Execute Actual Segment Adjustment

KJCCSJ3BI01 Customizing for Estimation Procedure

KJH1 Create WBS Element Groups

KJH2 Change WBS Element Groups

KJH3 Display WBS Element Groups

KK01 Create Statistical Figure

KK02 Change Statistical Figure

KK03 Display Statistical Key Figures

KK03DEL Delete Statistical Key Figures

KK04 Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Report

KK05 Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead)

KK06 Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead)

KK07 Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead)

KK11 Create Condition

KK12 Change Condition

KK13 Display Condition

KK14 Create Condition with Reference

KK16 CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput

KK17 CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInput

KK46 CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig.

KK47 CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig.

KK65 COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInput

KK66 COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInput

KK67 COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpt

KK87 Actual settmt: prodn cost collector

KK88 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects

KK89 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects

KK95 COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF

KK96 COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF

KK97 COC Display Planning Layout Stat. KF

KKA0 Maintain Cutoff Period

KKA0P Maintain Cutoff Period

KKA1 Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc.

KKA1P Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc.

KKA2 Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.

KKA2P Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc.

KKA3 Sales Document Item Results Analysis

KKA3P Sales Document Item Results Analysis

KKA4 Create Res. Analysis Data for Order

KKA5 Create RA Data for WBS Element

KKA6 Create RA Data for Sales Order

KKA7 Delete Results Anal. Data for Order

KKA7P Delete Results Anal. Data for Order

KKA8 Delete RA Data for WBS Element

KKA8P Delete RA Data for WBS Element

KKA9 Delete RA Data for Sales Order

KKA9P Delete RA Data for Sales Order

KKAA Sales Document Line Items Res.Anal.

KKAB Run Selected Reports

KKAC Sales Order Hierarchy Display

KKAD Order List for Make-to-Order

KKAE Results Analysis: Display Worklist

KKAF Results Analysis: Delete Worklist

KKAG WIP: Display Worklist

KKAH Sales Order Selection

KKAI Actual Results Analysis: Orders

KKAIP Planned Results Analysis: Orders

KKAJ Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem.

KKAJP Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements

KKAK Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs

KKAKH Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordrs

KKAKP Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders

KKAL Results Analysis: Display Log

KKAM Make-to-order
KKAN Results Analysis: Delete Log

KKAO WIP Calc.: Collective Processing

KKAOH WIP Calc.: Collective Processing

KKAQ Display WIP - Collective Processing

KKAS WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll.

KKAT WIP Display for Product Cost Coll.

KKAV WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hier

KKAW WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy

KKAX WIP Calculation for Order

KKAY WIP Display for Order

KKB0 Control Parameters for Info System

KKB0N Control Parameters for Info System

KKB1 Costing Items for Sales Document

KKB2 Costing Items for Cost Object

KKB3 Costing Items for WBS Elements

KKB4 Itemization for Base Planning Obj.

KKB5 Costing Items for Material

KKB6 Configure Report Trees

KKBB Report Call CM

KKBB_ORD_46C Target/Actual Comparison for Orders

KKBC Main Tree for CO-PC Info System

KKBC_BPR Analyze Business Process

KKBC_HOE Analyze Summarization Object

KKBC_HOE_H Analyze Summarization Object

KKBC_KST Analyze Cost Center

KKBC_KTR Analyze Cost Object

KKBC_KUN Analyze Sales Order

KKBC_MAT Analyze Material Cost Estimate

KKBC_ORD Analyze Order

KKBC_ORD_INT Analyze Internal Order

KKBC_PKO Analyze Product Cost Collector

KKBD Order Selection Without Variances

KKBE Order Selection with Variances

KKBF Order Selection (Classification)

KKBG Generate Report Group

KKBH Planning report: Cost objects

KKBI Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups

KKBO Report Tree

KKBU Cost Object: Planning Overview

KKBZ Display Hierarchy List

KKB_RLISE Report List (Single-Level)

KKB_RLISH Report List (Hierarchical-Sequent.)

KKB_RLISP Report List (Data Check Only)

KKC1 Create Cost Object

KKC2 Change Cost Object

KKC3 Display Cost Object

KKC4 Create Cost Object Planning

KKC5 Change Cost Object Planning

KKC6 Display Cost Object Planning

KKC7 Create Product Group

KKC8 Change Product Group

KKC9 Display Product Group

KKCA Cost Objects: Variance Line Items

KKCP Cost Object Line Items - Plan

KKCS Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual

KKDV CO-PC: Summarization level maint.

KKE1 Add Base Planning Object

KKE2 Change Base Planning Object

KKE3 Display Base Planning Object

KKE4 List Base Planning Objects

KKE5 Delete Test Data for Base Object

KKE6 Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj

KKE7 Report Tree Base Planning Object

KKE8 Archive Base Planning Objects

KKEB Revaluate Base Planning Objects

KKEC Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est

KKED BOM for Base Planning Objects

KKF1 Create CO Production Order

KKF2 Change CO Production Order

KKF3 Display CO Production Order

KKF4 Change CO-FA Plan Values

KKF5 Display CO-FA Plan Values

KKF6 Create Production Cost Collector

KKF6M Create Multiple Product Cost Coll.

KKF6N Maintain Product Cost Collector

KKF7 Change Production Cost Collector

KKF8 List Production Cost Collector

KKF9 Find CO Orders

KKFB RS Header: Line Items Variance

KKG0 Display Cutoff Period

KKG0P Display Cutoff Period

KKG1 Create Cost of Sales: Order

KKG2 Create Cost of Sales: Project

KKG3 Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order

KKH1 Create Cost Object Group

KKH2 Change Cost Object Group

KKH3 Display Cost Object Group

KKML0 Run Drilldown Report

KKML1 Create Drilldown Report

KKML2 Change Drilldown Report

KKML3 Display Drilldown Report

KKML4 Create Form

KKML5 Change Form

KKML6 Display Form

KKML7 Maintain Key Figures

KKMLH Transport of Reports

KKMLI Transport of Forms

KKMLJ Client Copy of Reports

KKMLK Client Copy of Forms

KKMLM Test Monitor Object Record Reports

KKMLV Maintain Global Variable

KKMN Product costing application area

KKN1 Actual Reval.: Cost.Obj. Ind.Pro.

KKN2 Actual Reval.: Cost Obj. Col.Pro.

KKO0 Run Drilldown Report

KKO1 Create Drilldown Report

KKO2 Change Drilldown Report

KKO3 Display Drilldown Report

KKO4 Create Form

KKO5 Change Form

KKO6 Display Form

KKO7 Maintain Key Figures

KKOB Basic Functions of Cost Object Contr

KKOG Characteristic Groups for Costing

KKOH Transport of Reports

KKOI Transport of Forms

KKOJ Client Copy of Reports

KKOK Client Copy of Forms

KKOM Test Monitor Object Record Reports

KKOR Report Selection

KKOT Split Report

KKOV Maintain Global Variable

KKOW Maintain Currency Translation Type

KKP1 Create Hierarchy Master Record

KKP2 Change Hierarchy Master Record

KKP3 Display Hierarchy Master Record

KKP4 Display Cost Object Hierarchy

KKP5 Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variances

KKP6 Cost Object: Analysis

KKPA Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure

KKPAN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure

KKPB Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure

KKPBN Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struct

KKPC Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure

KKPCN Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure

KKPD Order List for Process Manufacturing

KKPDN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure

KKPE Report Selection for Process Mfg

KKPG Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint.

KKPH Collective Entry

KKPHIE Cost Object Hierarchy

KKPJ Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc.

KKPK Collective Entry

KKPM Process costing menu

KKPN Material Assignment

KKPQ Create Cost Object Archive

KKPT Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variances

KKPU User's List of Reports

KKPV Delete Transaction Data

KKPX Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.

KKPY Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.

KKPZ Actual Overhead: Cost Obj Individ.

KKR0 CO Summarization: Hierarchy Maintena

KKR1 CO Summarization: Summ. Object Types

KKR2 CO Summarization: Summ. Characterist

KKRA Order Summarization

KKRC Summarization: CO Object

KKRO Data Collection: Product Drilldown

KKRP Project Summarization

KKRS Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)

KKRV Data Collection Product Drilldown

KKRZ Summarization: Process Mfg (COC)

KKS1 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)

KKS1H Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)

KKS1N Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)

KKS2 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I)

KKS3 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C)

KKS4 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I)

KKS5 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C)

KKS6 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I)

KKS7 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C)

KKS8 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I)

KKS9 Variances - Account Determination

KKS9X Variances - Account Determination

KKSB Start Selected Reports

KKSD Order List for Order-Related Prod.

KKSM Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock

KKSP Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C)

KKSQ Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I)

KKSR Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C)

KKSS Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I)

KKST Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C)

KKSU Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I)

KKSV Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C)

KKSW Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I)

KKV1 View Maint. Sel. Production Orders

KL01 Create Activity Type

KL02 Change Activity Type

KL02CORE Maintain Activity Types

KL03 Display Activity Type

KL03CORE Display Activity Types

KL04 Delete Activity Type

KL05 Activity type: Display changes

KL13 Activity Types: Master Data Report

KL14 Delete Activity Types

KL20 Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Type

KLABL Derivation of the Default Risk Rule

KLABL_ACP Deriv. of DRR for Class Pos.Sec.Acct

KLABL_BCA Derivation of DRR for BCA

KLABL_DE Derivation of DRR for Derivative

KLABL_FAZ Derivation of DRR for Facilities

KLABL_FX Derivation of DRR for Foreign Exch.

KLABL_LO Derivation of DRR for Loan

KLABL_MM Derivation of DRR for Money Market

KLABL_RC Derivation of DRR for Risk Object

KLABL_ST Derivation of DRR for Security Trans

KLABL_TF Derivation of DRR for Trade Finance

KLABL_VT Derivation of DRR for Var. Trans.

KLAU Change Allocation Assessment Ledger

KLAV Change Alloc. Distribution Ledger

KLCCTOEU Log Admin for Facilities+Collateral

KLCOCUMIG Initial Loading Assignmt Crcy->Cntry

KLEH Display Logs

KLEXT Display Active External Transactions

KLFZ0001 Facilities Control: Application

KLFZ0002 Facilities Control: Field Groups

KLFZ0003 Facilities Control: Views

KLFZ0004 Facilities Control: Sections

KLFZ0005 Facilities Control: Screens

KLFZ0006 Facilities Control: Screen Sequence

KLFZ0007 Facilities Control: Time

KLFZ0008 Fac. Cntrl: GUI Standard Functions

KLFZ0009 Fac. Cntrl: CUA Additional Functions

KLFZ0010 Facilities Control: Matchcode

KLFZ0011 Fac. Cntrl: Assign Scrn fld->DBfield

KLFZ0013 Facilities Control: Role Categories

KLFZ0014 Facilities Ctrl: Role cat. groupings

KLFZ0015 Facilities Ctrl: Application trans.

KLFZ0016 Facilities Control: Tables

KLFZ0018 Facilities Control: Activities

KLFZ0019 Fac. Cntrl: FldModif./Activity(Cntl)

KLFZ01 Facilities: Create

KLFZ02 Facilities: Change

KLFZ03 Facilities: Display

KLFZCCTOEU Currency Conversion for Facility

KLFZDT01 Detail Reporting for Facilities

KLFZMD01 Facilities: Master Data Reporting

KLFZMD03 Facilities: Master Data Reporting

KLGPUPDLR Mass Processing of Financial Objects

KLH1 Create Activity Type Group

KLH2 Change Activity Type Group

KLH3 Display Activity Type Group

KLLE Overview: Exceeded Limits

KLLE_DELETE Deletion of Exceeded Limits

KLMAP Assign Accounts to Business Partner

KLMASSPRT Display Logs

KLMASSUPD Mass Processing of Financial Objects

KLMASSUPD_VT_OLD Mass Processing of Financial Objects

KLMAXLIMIT Change Limit for Product/Trans. Type

KLNACHT Attributable Amount Determination

KLNACHT1 Old: Postprocess Data Pool Trans.

KLNACHT2 Postprocessing of Mass Data

KLNAEG01 STChk for Datapool Transactions

KLNK Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL

KLNR Number Range Maintenance: ISB_KL

KLONL Online Check

KLREL_LIMIT Reporting for Relative Limits

KLREL_LIMIT_ASS Assign Rel. Limits to Portfolio Node

KLSDC1 Single Transaction Check: New

KLSDC2 Single Transaction Check: Change

KLSDC3 Single Transaction Check: Deactivate

KLSDC4 Display Transactions

KLSDCPDEF Define STC Products

KLSDCPROTS STC Log Generation: Control

KLSI01 Create Collateral Provision

KLSI01_CFM Create Collateral Provision

KLSI02 Change Collateral Provision

KLSI02_CFM Change Collateral Provision

KLSI03 Display Collateral Provision

KLSI03_CFM Display Collateral

KLSICCTOEU Currency Changeover for Collateral

KLT1 Credit Limit: Global Settings

KLTEV01 Credit Limit: Global Settings

KL_ARR_RC Assign Risk Object

KM1V Cost Center Selection Variants

KM3V Select. Variants for Bus. Processes

KM5V Selection Variants: Cost Elements

KM7V Activity Type Selection Variants

KNMA Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers

KO01 Create Internal Order

KO02 Change Order

KO03 Display Internal Order

KO04 Order Manager

KO08 Data Transfer for Order Master Data

KO09 Sender Structures for Trans. Data

KO12 Change Order Plan (Overall, Year)

KO12N Overall Planning for Orders: Change

KO13 Display Order Plan (Overall, Year)

KO13N Overall Planning for Orders: Display

KO14 Copy Planing for Internal Orders

KO14N Set planner profile

KO14_OLD Copy Order Plan Version (old)

KO15 Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan

KO1ECP Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning

KO22 Change Order Budget

KO23 Display Order Budget

KO24 Change Order Supplement

KO25 Display Order Supplement

KO26 Change Order Return

KO27 Display Order Return

KO2A Change budget document

KO2B Display budget document

KO30 Activate Orders Availability Control

KO31 Reconstruct Order Availability Cntrl

KO32 Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl

KO88 Actual Settlement: Order

KO8A Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM

KO8B Display Settlement Document

KO8G Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders

KO8GH Acct. Settlement: Int./Maint. Orders

KO8N No. Ranges for Settlement Document

KO9E Plan Settlement: Internal Order

KO9G Plan Settlement: Internal Orders

KOA1 Send Internal Order

KOAA Archive Settlement Documents

KOAB Order Types: Budget Profile

KOAI Order Types: Default Int. Planning

KOAK Order Types: Classification

KOAL Order Types: Settlement Profile

KOAM Order Types: Model Order

KOAO Order Types: Commitment Update

KOAP Order Types: Plan Profile

KOAR Archive CO Orders

KOB1 Orders: Actual Line Items

KOB1L Line Item Monitor Orders (Actual)

KOB1N Orders: Actual Line Items New

KOB2 Orders: Commitment Line Items

KOB2N Orders: Commitment Line Items

KOB3 Orders: Variance Line Items

KOB4 Orders: Budget Line Items

KOB5 Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement

KOB6 Orders: Settlement Line Items

KOB7 Orders: Line Item Settlement Retirem

KOB8 Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Items

KOBP Orders: Plan Line Items

KOBPN Orders: Plan Line Items New

KOC2 Run Selected Reports

KOC4 Cost Analysis

KOCF Carry Forward Order Commitments

KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders

KOH1 Create Order Group

KOH2 Change Order Group

KOH3 Display Order Group

KOK2 Collective Proc. Internal Orders

KOK3 Collective Disp. Internal Orders

KOK4 Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders

KOK5 Master Data List Internal Orders

KOK6 Collect. Printing of Internal Orders

KOL1 Order List (Master Data)

KOM1 Create CO model order

KOM2 Change CO Model Order

KOM3 Display CO model order

KOMM Customizing pick list

KON1 Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro.

KON2 Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Col.Pro.

KONK Maintain Order Number Ranges

KOP1 Create Orders for Plan Revaluation

KOP2 Change Orders for Plan Revaluation

KOP3 Display Orders for Plan Revaluation

KOP4 Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation

KOPA1 Overall Plan., Orders: Create layout

KOPA2 Overall Plan., Orders: Change Layout

KOPA3 Overall Plan., Orders: Displ. Layout

KOPU Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation

KOR2 _

KORI Job Selection

KORJ Job Selection (Output)

KOSL Incompleteness FT Data BOM

KOSRLIST Collective Displ.: Settlement Rules

KOSRLIST_OR Internal Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRu

KOSRLIST_PP Prod. Orders: Coll. Displ. SettRules

KOSRLIST_PR Projects/Nets: Coll. Displ.SettRules

KOSRLIST_RE Real Estate: Coll. Displ. Sett.Rules

KOSRLIST_VB Sales Doc.: Coll. Displ. Sett. Rules

KOT2 Maintain Order Types - All Categs.

KOT2_FUNCAREA Functional Area Order Types (CO)

KOT2_OPA Order types for internal orders

KOT2_OPA_STSMA Order Types for Internal Orders

KOT2_PAUF Check Order Type-Manufacturing Ord.

KOT2_PKOSA Check Order Type-Prod.Cst Collector

KOT2_TP Maintain Order Types - All Categs.

KOT3 Display Order Types

KOT3_OPA Order types for internal orders

KOTZ Costing Items for Order

KOUPD Analysis Tool for Condition Update

KOV2 Maintain Transaction Grps for Orders

KOV3 Display Transaction Grps for Orders

KOW1 Create Periodic Reposting

KOW1N Create Periodic Reposting

KOW2 Change Periodic Reposting

KOW2N Change Periodic Reposting

KOW3 Display Periodic Reposting

KOW3N Display Periodic Reposting

KOW4 Delete Periodic Reposting

KOW4N Delete Periodic Reposting

KOWEB_CREATE_OR Create Order Master Data (Web)

KOWEB_EDIT_OR Edit Order Master Data (Web)

KP04 Set Planner Profile

KP06 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning

KP07 Display Planning CElem/Act. Input

KP16 Change Plan Data for Primary Costs

KP17 Display Plan Data for Primary Costs

KP26 Change Plan Data for Activity Types

KP27 Display Plan Data for Activity Types

KP34 CO Maintain Planner Profile

KP34BP Maintain CO Planner Profiles

KP34ER Maintain CO Planner Profiles

KP34PC Maintain CO Planner Profiles

KP34PS Maintain CO Planner Profiles

KP35 Display CO Planner Profile

KP36 Change Secondary Cost Plan Data

KP37 Display Secondary Costs Plan Data

KP46 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KP47 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KP56 Change Revenue Plan Data

KP57 Display Revenue Plan Data

KP65 Create Cost Planning Layout

KP66 Change Cost Planning Layout

KP67 Display Cost Planning Layout

KP75 Create Activity Type Planning Layout

KP76 Change Activity Type Planning Layout

KP77 Display Activ. Type Planning Layout

KP80 Maintain Distribution Keys

KP83 Display Distribution Key

KP85 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

KP86 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

KP87 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

KP90 Delete Planned Costs

KP90NI Delete Planned Costs

KP91 Delete Planned Costs

KP91NI Delete Planning Data

KP95 Revaluate Manual Planning

KP96 Activate L. Items and Int. Planning

KP97 Copy Planning for Cost Centers

KP98 Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Centers

KP9R Copy CO Resource Prices

KP9S Revaluate CO Resource Prices

KPA6 Change Primary Cost Element Planning

KPA7 Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning

KPAS Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type

KPB6 Change Activity Type Plan Data

KPB7 Display Activity Type Plan Data

KPC6 Change Activity Input Planning

KPC7 Display activity input planning

KPD6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KPD7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KPE6 Change Revenue Element Planning

KPE7 Display Revenue Element Planning

KPEP Log: Flexible Excel Upload

KPEU Flexible Upload for Excel Planning

KPF6 Change CElem/Activity Input Planning

KPF7 Display CElem./Acty Input Planning

KPG1 Create Planning Parameters

KPG2 Change Planning Parameters

KPG3 Display Planning Parameters

KPG4 Delete Planning Parameters

KPG5 Create Cost Planning Layout

KPG6 Change Cost Planning Layout

KPG7 Display Cost Planning Layout

KPH0 Maintain Distribution Keys

KPH3 Display Distribution Key

KPH5 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

KPH6 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

KPH7 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

KPHR Transfer HR Costs to CO

KPI6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KPI7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data

KPPS Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp

KPR1 Callup View Maintenance With COArea

KPR2 Maintain Resources Master Record

KPR3 Display Resource Master Record

KPR4 Maintain CO Resource Price Types

KPR5 Display CO Resource Price Types

KPR6 Maintain CO Resource Prices

KPR7 Maintain CO Resource Prices

KPR8 CO Res.: Maintain Valuation Variants

KPR9 CO Res.: Display Valuation Variants

KPRA CO Resources: Maint. Price Strategy

KPRB CO Resources: Display Price Strategy

KPRC Maintain Costing Sheet for CO Res.

KPRD Display Costing Sheet for CO Res.

KPRF Settings Cost Obj Contr Process Mfg

KPRI Define Price Tables

KPRK Define Access Sequences

KPRN Copy Resource Planning

KPRO KPRO Administration

KPRW Evaluate resources used

KPRZ Depend.Planning: Recalculation

KPSI CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation

KPSR Execute Plan Segment Reversal

KPT6 Execute Formula Planning

KPU1 Create Plan Revaluation

KPU2 Change Plan Revaluation

KPU3 Display Plan Revaluation

KPU4 Delete Plan Revaluation

KPUB Revaluate Plan in Background

KPY1 Create Planning Parameters

KPY2 Change Planning Parameters

KPY3 Display Planning Parameters

KPY4 Delete Planning Parameters

KPZ2 Change Cost Center Budget

KPZ3 Display Cost Center Budget

KR03 Display Summarization

KR05 Execute Summarization

KRMI Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actual

KS01 Create cost center

KS02 Change cost center

KS02CORE Maintain Cost Centers

KS03 Display Cost Center

KS03CORE Display Cost Centers

KS04 Delete cost center

KS05 Cost Center: Display Changes

KS07 Execute rough entry of cost center

KS08 Execute list editing of cost center

KS12 Change Cost Centers

KS12N Mass Maintenance for Cost Centers

KS13 Cost Centers: Master Data Report

KS14 Delete Cost Centers

KS30 Cost Centers: Change Management

KSA3 Actual Accrual for Cost Centers

KSA4 Execute actual accrual

KSA8 Plan Accrual for Cost Centers

KSA9 Execute Plan Accrual

KSAG Maintain condition tables

KSAH Display condition tables

KSAI Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data

KSAJ Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cred

KSAP Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data

KSAQ Maintain surcharge conditions

KSAR Display Overhead Conditions

KSAZ Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structure

KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items

KSB1L Line Item Monitor Cost Ctrs (Actual)

KSB1N Cost Centers: Actual Line Items New

KSB2 Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items

KSB5 Controlling Documents: Actual

KSB5N Controlling Documents: Actual

KSB9 Planning Report: Cost Centers

KSBB Run Selected Reports

KSBL Cost centers: Planning overview

KSBP Cost Centers: Plan Line Items

KSBPN Cost Centers: Plan Line Items New

KSBT Cost centers: Activity prices

KSBTV Price Comparison: Activity Types

KSBX Cost Centers: Line Items (Actl/Plan)

KSB_IP Generation of InfoProvider Cost Ctr

KSC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSC6 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview

KSC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview

KSC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan

KSC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan

KSCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Plan

KSCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.

KSCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview

KSCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview

KSCF Carry Forward Cost Center Commitment

KSCK Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments

KSCP Find Processes in Cycles / Segments

KSCYC3 Display Cycle/Segment Objects

KSES CO: Alloc. Structure for Assessment

KSEX Allocations: Extracts

KSFX Predistribute fixed costs: cctr

KSH1 Create Cost Center Group

KSH2 Change Cost Center Group

KSH3 Display Cost Center Group

KSI4 Actual Overhead: Cost Centers

KSII Actual Price Determination: CCtrs

KSMN Actual Menu

KSO9 Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers


KSOV Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA,ABC)

KSP4 Plan Overhead: Cost Centers

KSPI Iterative Plan Price Calculation

KSPP Transfer Planning From Logistics

KSPU Execute Plan Revaluation

KSR1_ORC Strategies for Internal Orders

KSR1_ORI Maintenance Order Strategies

KSR1_PRN WBS Element Strategies

KSR1_VBP Strategies for sales order item

KSR2_NPH Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements

KSR2_ORC Strategy Sequences: Internal Orders

KSR2_ORI Strategy Sequences for PM-Orders

KSR2_PRN Strategy Sequences for WBS Elements

KSR2_VBP Strat. sequences f. sales order item

KSR3_ORC Strategy Seq. - Order Cat.: Internal

KSR3_ORI Strategy Sequence - Ordtyp PM-Orders

KSR4 User-Defined Strategies

KSRT Allocations: Runtime Analysis

KSS1 Variance Calculation: Cost Centers

KSS1H Variance Calculation: Cost Centers

KSS2 Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers

KSS3 Calculate Target Costs

KSS4 Split Plan Costs

KSSK Temp. Alloc.: Actual Stat. Key Fig.

KSU1 Create Actual Assessment

KSU1N Create Actual Assessment

KSU2 Change Actual Assessment

KSU2N Change Actual Assessment

KSU3 Display Actual Assessment

KSU3N Display Actual Assessment

KSU4 Delete Actual Assessment

KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment

KSU5 Execute Actual Assessment

KSU6 Actual Assessment: Overview

KSU6N Actual Assessment: Overview

KSU7 Create Plan Assessment

KSU7N Create Plan Assessment

KSU8 Change Plan Assessment

KSU8N Change Plan Assessment

KSU9 Display Plan Assessment

KSU9N Display Plan Assessment

KSUA Delete Plan Assessment

KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment

KSUB Execute Plan Assessment

KSUC Plan Assessment: Overview

KSUCN Plan Assessment: Overview

KSV1 Create Actual Distribution

KSV1N Create Actual Distribution

KSV2 Change Actual Distribution

KSV2N Change Actual Distribution

KSV3 Display Actual Distribution

KSV3N Display Actual Distribution

KSV4 Delete Actual Distribution

KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution

KSV5 Execute Actual Distribution

KSV6 Actual Distribution: Overview

KSV6N Actual Distribution: Overview

KSV7 Create Plan Distribution

KSV7N Create Plan Distribution

KSV8 Change Plan Distribution

KSV8N Change Plan Distribution

KSV9 Display Plan Distribution

KSV9N Display Plan Distribution

KSVA Delete Plan Distribution

KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution

KSVB Execute Plan Distribution

KSVC Plan Distribution: Overview

KSVCN Plan Distribution: Overview

KSW1 Create Periodic Reposting

KSW1N Create Periodic Reposting

KSW2 Change Periodic Reposting

KSW2N Change Periodic Reposting

KSW3 Display Periodic Reposting

KSW3N Display Periodic Reposting

KSW4 Delete Periodic Reposting

KSW4N Delete Periodic Reposting

KSW5 Execute Actual Periodic Reposting

KSW6 Periodic Repostings: Overview

KSW6N Periodic Repostings: Overview

KSW7 Create Plan Periodic Reposting

KSW7N Create Plan Periodic Reposting

KSW8 Change Plan Periodic Reposting

KSW8N Change Plan Periodic Reposting

KSW9 Display Plan Periodic Reposting

KSW9N Display Plan Periodic Reposting

KSWA Delete Plan Periodic Reposting

KSWAN Delete Plan Periodic Reposting

KSWB Execute Plan Periodic Reposting

KSWC Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview

KSWCN Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview

KSWUSL Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA

KTPF View Maint.: Find Template

KVA0 Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF

KVA1 Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF

KVA2 Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF

KVA3 Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF

KVA4 Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figure

KVA5 Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure

KVA6 Copy Assignment CCtr/KF

KVB0 Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF

KVB1 Display Plan Assignment Process/KF

KVB2 Change Actual Assignment Process/KF

KVB3 Display Actual Assignment Process/KF

KVB4 PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures

KVB5 PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures

KVB6 Copy Assignment Processes/KF

KVBI Sales Documents: Line Items Actual

KVBO Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items

KVC0 Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF

KVC1 Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF

KVC2 Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF

KVC3 Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF

KVC4 KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures

KVC5 KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures

KVC6 Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig.

KVD0 Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF

KVD1 Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF

KVD2 Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF

KVD3 Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF

KVD4 LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures

KVD5 LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures

KVD6 Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure

KW3P WWW: Internal Price List

KWFM_PRT_AGREEMORDE Agreement Order print

KWFM_PRT_FUNDRESERV Funds Reservation print

KWSTAT KW Statistics Functions

KW_BANKRECONCL Bank Reconciliation

KW_CC_STATUS Maintenance Company Status codes

KW_CC_T001 Maintenance Company Code Extension

KW_DIVIDEND Withholding Tax Settlements

KW_FA_STAT Fixed Asset Statement

KW_FSK Define FSK for Tax Declaration

KW_FSK2 Define FSK for Local Taxes

KW_IO_DEL Deletion of KW Contents

KW_IO_DEL_TR Requests for Deleted Contents

KW_IO_DISP Results List or Transaction Call

KW_LTEXTS Maint. of linetexts for PDF Tax Decl

KW_OPERAT Maintenance Operational status codes

KW_REPFORM Assign PDF Form to Program

KW_ROLEID Role ID for FI legal forms

KW_ROLES Roles for FI legal forms

KW_ROLESEQ Assign Roles to Form Signatures

KW_STOCK Stock Statement at Closing Inventory

KW_SUBST Statement of Subcontractor Payments

KW_TAXDECL Income Tax Declaration (Kuwait)

KW_TAXLOCL Zakat and Other Taxes (Kuwait)

KW_TAX_RATES Maintenance of Income tax rates

KXH1 Create Group (Hierarchical)

KXH2 Change Group (Hierarchical)

KXH3 Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical)

KXX3 Start a CO Display Transaction

KZA1 Select Overhead

KZB2 Maintain Calculation Base

KZB4 Calculation Base Cost Ctr/Activ.Type

KZE2 Maintain Credit

KZM2 Maintain quantity-based overhead

KZO2 Maintain Basis of Output Quantity

KZS2 Maintain Costing Sheet

KZZ2 Maintain Percentage Overhead


LAS1 Sequencing in Background Job

LAS3 Display Sequence Schedule

LAS4 Change Sequence Sched. Interactively

LASN Nummernkreispflege: LASP_OPID

LAST_SHORTDUMP Display Last Short Dump

LAUNCH_CRW Start of Crystal Report Designer

LB01 Create Transfer Requirement

LB02 Change transfer requirement

LB03 Display Transfer Requirement

LB10 TRs for Storage Type

LB11 TRs for Material

LB12 TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc.

LB13 TRs for Requirement

LBW0 Interface LIS Information Structures

LBW1 Update Activation LIS/BW

LBW2 Version Copier LIS/BW

LBWE LO Data Ext.: Customizing Cockpit

LBWF Log for Logistics Extract. Structure

LBWG Delete Newly Reorg. BW Data

LBWQ Logistics Queue Overview

LBWR Reconstruct Extraction Queue

LC10 liveCache Assistant

LC11 Creating the liveCache connection

LCA01 Read LCA Object Tracing

LCA02 LCA Object Tracing

LCA03 Standard liveCache Test

LCA04 Display the Current LCA Version

LCA13 liveCache and LCA Objects Analysis

LCA20 Profiling

LCO1 Set Up Warehouse Co/Material Docs.

LCO2 Set Up Warehouse Co/Transport Orders

LCRCHECK Test LCR Interface


LCRSERVADDR Define Landscape Directory Server

LD00 Line Design

LDA3 Display Takt Time

LDAP LDAP Customizing and Test

LDAPEXTRACT_LOG Log For Displaying the Extractor Log


LDAPMAP Manage LDAP Attribute Assignments

LDB3 Display Line Hierarchy

LDD3 Display Line Balance

LDE1 Work Instruction for Routing

LDE2 Work Instruction for Line Hier.

LDGRP Definition of Ledger Groups (FI-SL)

LEAN Request long-term Sup.Decl. (suppl.)

LECI Register Means of Transport/Visitor

LECICARD Number range maintenance: LE_CI_CARD

LECIFORM Form Maintenance at Check-in

LECIPASS Number range maintenance: LE_CHKI

LECIW Register Means of Transport/Visitor

LECMOFF Deactivate Change Management

LEER Create long-term VenDecl. (customer)

LEMA Dun long-term suppl. decl.(supplier)

LEPA Activate Determination Log

LEPD Deletion of INDX Records

LEPS Display Determination Log

LH01 Assign Pick-HU to TO

LH03 Assign Pick-HU to TO Display

LI01 Create System Inventory Record

LI01N Create System Inventory Record

LI02 Change System Inventory Record

LI02N Change System Inventory Record

LI03 Display System Inventory Record

LI03N Display System Inventory Record

LI04 Print System Inventory Record

LI05 Inventory History for Storage Bin

LI06 Block stor.types for annual invent.

LI11 Enter Inventory Count

LI11N Enter Inventory Count

LI12 Change inventory count

LI12N Change inventory count

LI13 Display Inventory Count

LI13N Display Inventory Count

LI14 Start Inventory Recount

LI15 Evaluation of quant inventory

LI16 Cancel Physical Inventory Doc. Item

LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM

LI21 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-IM

LIBRO_JOURNAL_PE Journal Ledger, Peru

LICC Cycle Counting per Quant

LICENSE_ADMIN License Administration Workbench

LICENSE_ATTRIBUTES Maintain License Attributes of Roles

LIKP_DA Data Aging Customizing Deliveries

LIKP_DA_ANALYSIS SD Deliveries DA Analysis Report

LIKP_DA_SIMULATE SD Deliveries DA Simulation Report

LISH LIS Standard Analyses: Hierarchies

LISK LIS: Data Collection in R/2

LISTCUBE List viewer for InfoCubes

LISTSCHEMA Show InfoCube schema

LITRMS Send Exposure to TRM

LK01 Create consumer

LK02 Change consumer

LK03 Display consumer

LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor

LLDEL Delete application logs


LM00 Logon RF
LM01 Dynamic Menu

LM02 Select by SU -Put Away

LM03 Put Away - by TO

LM04 Put Away -System Guided

LM05 Picking by TO ID

LM06 Picking - by Delivery ID

LM07 Picking - System Guided

LM09 Put Away by Delivery ID

LM11 Posting Changes

LM12 Material Inquiry

LM13 Put Away Clustered

LM18 Handling Unit Inquiry

LM19 Handling Unit - Pack

LM22 Handling Unit - Unpack

LM24 Packing HU by Delivery

LM25 Unpack HU by Delivery

LM26 Picking by Delivery - W/O sel scree

LM27 Put Away by Delivery - W/O sel scree

LM30 Load Control - Load by Shipment

LM31 Load Control - Load by Delivery

LM32 Load Control - System Guide Load

LM33 Load Control - UnLd by Shipment.

LM34 Load Control - UnLd by Delivery

LM35 Load Control - Detail by Shipping Un

LM36 Load Control - Detail by Delivery

LM37 Load Control - Detail by Shipment

LM45 Pick and Pack

LM46 Pick and Pack by Delivery

LM47 nested handling units

LM50 Count Inventory By System Guided

LM51 Count Inventory By User Selection

LM55 Print Storage Bin Labels

LM56 Select by SU - Interleaving

LM57 System Guided Putaway - Interleaving

LM58 Sys. guided dynamic inventory count

LM59 User initiated dynamic invent. count

LM60 User guided dynamic invent. count

LM61 Goods Issue by Delivery

LM62 Goods Issue by MS area

LM63 Goods Issue by Shipment

LM64 Goods Issue by ALL

LM65 Goods Issue by Group

LM66 Goods Issue by HU

LM71 Goods Receipt by Delivery

LM72 Goods Receipt by MS area

LM73 Goods Receipt by Shipment

LM74 Goods Receipt by ALL

LM76 Goods Receipt by HU

LM77 Queue Assignment

LM80 Serial number capture

LMIBKKA BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.

LMIFGDT Risk Object: FO Integr. act./inact.

LMIJBVT Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.

LMIKLFZ Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int

LN01 Number Ranges for Transfer Requirem.

LN02 Number Ranges for Transfer Orders

LN03 Number Ranges for Quants

LN04 Number Ranges for Posting Changes

LN05 Number ranges physical inventory

LN06 Number Ranges for Group Number

LN07 Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec.

LN08 Number range maintenance: LVS_LENUM

LN09 Number Range Maintenance: LVS_LBELN

LNRMS Number range maintenance: TRM_MSGSEQ

LNRRQ Number range maintenance: TRM_REQEST

LNRRS Number range maintenance: TRM_RSRC

LNRTK Number range maintenance: TRM_TASK

LOCA Locator Demo

LOCA_APPL Locator Applications

LOCA_CUST Locator Customizing

LOIN_CV_MD_MIG Cust./Vend. MD Migration (India)

LOP_CUST Customizing: Logistical Option

LOP_LISTS Log. Option: Search Documents

LOP_MASTER Log. Option: Maintain Master Data

LOP_MASTER_LISTS Log. Option: Search Master Data

LP00 Mobile Presentation

LP10 Direct picking for PO

LP11 WM staging of crate parts

LP11W WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC)

LP12 Staging release order parts (WM-PP)

LP21 WM replenishment for fixed bins

LP22 Replenishm. Planning for Fixed Bins

LP24 WM Replenishment for Random Whse

LPCONFIG Maintain Logical Ports

LPD_CUST Launchpad customizing

LPD_CUST_BUA_PLA Customizing for Role BUA / PLA

LPD_CUST_BUA_REP Customizing for Role BUA /REP

LPD_CUST_BUY_REP Report Launchpad for Buyer Role

LPD_CUST_DISPLAY Launchpad customizing

LPD_CUST_PARAM Start Launchpad parametrized

LPD_MP_REP_CUST MP Report Launchpad Customizing

LPD_MS_REP_CUST MS Report Launchpad Customizing

LPD_MT_REP_CUST MT Report Launchpad Customizing

LPD_QI_REP_CUST QI Reporting Customizing (ABAP)

LPIN Info: Material Stock WM-PP

LPINW Info Transaction (IAC)

LPK1 Create Control Cycle for WM

LPK2 Change Control Cycle for WM

LPK3 Display Control Cycle for WM

LPK4 Create Contr.Cycles for Rel.Ord.Part

LPRO Material Forecast Menu

LPSC RF Screen Conversion Tool

LPVAS VAS Management

LPYRD Yard Management

LQ01 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt

LQ02 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt

LRF1 RF Monitor, Active

LRF2 RF Monitor, Passive

LRFMD Maintain RF user master data

LROUT Creation or adjustement of routes

LRSW Resource element maintenance wizard

LS01 Create Warehouse Master Record

LS01N Create Warehouse Master Record

LS02 Change Warehouse Master Record

LS02N Change Warehouse Master Record

LS03 Display Warehouse Master Record

LS03N Display Warehouse Master Record

LS04 Display Empty Storage Bins

LS05 Generate Storage Bins

LS06 Block Storage Bins

LS07 Block Quants

LS08 Block Storage Bins by Aisle

LS09 Display Material Data for Stor.Type

LS10 Generate Storage Bins

LS11 Change several stor.bins simultan.

LS12 Block stor.type

LS22 Change Quants

LS23 Display Quants

LS24 Display Quants for Material

LS25 Display Quants per Storage Bin

LS26 Warehouse stocks per material

LS27 Display quants for storage unit

LS28 Display storage units / bin

LS32 Change storage unit

LS33 Display storage unit

LS41 List of control cycles for WIP loc.

LS51 Create Batch Search Strategy - WM

LS52 Change Batch Search Strategie - WM

LS53 Display Batch Search Strategy - WM

LSET_BIN_COORDINATES Maintain Storage Bins by selection

LSF_EXEC_ENH_FC Load and Maintain Enhanced Forecast

LSF_MAINT_ENH_FC Maintain Enhanced Forecast

LSMW Legacy System Migration Workbench

LSOTACITEM Item Statistics

LSO_LOCAL_CONTENT Locally Available Course Content

LSO_MMA_ADM Manage Required Courses

LSO_MMA_MGR Manage Required Courses

LSO_OORT Create Resource Type

LSO_PSV5 Info: Participation

LSO_PSV6 Information: Courses

LSO_PSV7 Reporting: Resources

LSO_PSV8 Create Participant

LSO_PSV9 Change / Display Participant

LSO_PSVI User-Defined Settings

LSO_PSVO Change / Display Training Provider

LSO_PSVQ Create Training Provider

LSO_PVDCEL Curriculum Type Elements

LSO_PVEC_CREATE Access: Create/Change Curriculum

LSO_RHABLAUF_OLD Course Schedule

LSO_RHPPROGRS Completion Progress of Learner

LSO_RHPPROGRS_EC Learning progress for Curriculum

LSO_RHRBEL00 Resource Reservation

LSO_RHSEMI60 Course Information

LSO_RHSSREF0 Instructor Information

LSO_RHXBUCH0 Bookings per Participant

LSO_RHXCGRP0 Course Hierarchy

LSO_RHXERES0 Resource List per Course

LSO_RHXEVALV_OLD Course Appraisals

LSO_RHXKBED0 Course Demand

LSO_RHXKBRO0 Course Brochure

LSO_RHXKBRO1 Course Dates

LSO_RHXKBRO2 Course Prices

LSO_RHXKURS2 Participation Statistics

LSO_RHXKURS3 Participation and Sales Statistics

LSO_RHXKVOR0 Participation Prerequisites

LSO_RHXMARP0 Material Requirements per Course

LSO_RHXORES1 Resources Not Yet Assigned / Course

LSO_RHXORES2 Resources Not Yet Assigned/Res. Type

LSO_RHXQANF0 Prerequisites Matchup

LSO_RHXRBEL1 Graphical Resource Reservation

LSO_RHXRESO0 Resource Reservation Statistics

LSO_RHXSTOR0 Cancellations per Course

LSO_RHXSTOR1 Cancellations per Participant

LSO_RHXTEILA Attendance List

LSO_RHXTEILN Participant List

LSO_RHXTEILNORG Courses per Organizer

LSO_RHXTHIST Participant's Training History

LSO_RHXUMBU0 Participants for Rebooking

LSO_RHXVORM0 Prebookings per Course Type

LSO_RHXVORM1 Prebookings per Participant

LSO_SCHEDULE_EMAIL Scheduler - E-Mail Notifications

LSO_SCHEDULE_JAMIN Scheduler - SAP Jam Integration


LSO_SOCIAL_MANAGER LSO: Social Integration Manager

LSO_TAC_ITEMSTAT Results Overview: Item Statistics

LSO_TAC_PART_RESULT Results Overview: Participant

LSO_TAC_TRAIN_RESULT Results Overview: Course

LSO_TP_C LS: Participation Document

LSO_WBT_ATTEMPTS Participant Results in Online Tests

LSO_WD_CRP_CHANGE Change Correspondence Request (WD)

LSO_WD_CRP_PREVIEW Correspondence Request Preview (WD)

LT01 Create Transfer Order

LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference

LT03 Create TO for Delivery

LT04 Create TO from TR

LT05 Process Posting Change Notice

LT06 Create TO for Material Document

LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit

LT08 Manual Addition to Storage Unit

LT09 ID point function for storage units

LT0A Pre-plan storage units

LT0B Putaway Pre-Picked Handling Units

LT0C Removal of Pre-Picked HUs from Stock

LT0D Transfer of Existing Handling Units

LT0E Create Removal TO for 2-Step Picking

LT0F Create TO for Inbound Delivery

LT0G Return delivery to stock

LT0H Putaway/Stock Transfer of HUs

LT0I Removal of Handling Units from Stock

LT0J Put Away Handling Unit

LT0R Request replenishment manually

LT0S Create TO for multiple deliveries

LT10 Create Transfer Order from List

LT11 Confirm Transfer Order Item

LT12 Confirm transfer order

LT13 Confirm TO for storage unit

LT14 Confirm preplanned TO item

LT15 Cancelling transfer order

LT16 Cancelling TO for storage unit

LT17 Single Entry of Actual Data

LT1A Change Transfer Order

LT1B Confirm TO-Item Pick

LT1C Confirm TO-Item Transport

LT1D Confirm Transfer Order Pick

LT1E Confirm Transfer Order Transport

LT1F Confirm TO for SU Pick

LT1G Confirm TO for SU Transport

LT21 Display Transfer Order

LT22 Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type

LT23 Display Transfer Orders by Numbers

LT24 Display Transfer Order / Material

LT25 Display Transfer Order / Group

LT25A Display Transfer Order / Group

LT25N Confirm Transfer ORder / Group

LT26 Transfer orders for storage bin

LT27 Transfer order for storage unit

LT28 Display Transfer Order / Reference

LT31 Print TO Manually

LT32 Print transfer order for stor.unit

LT343XYZ Copy Storage Bin Definition Rules

LT343XYZA Maintain Bins by Definition Rule

LT41 Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing

LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing

LT43 Forming groups for deliveries

LT44 Release for Multiple Processing

LT45 Evaluation of reference numbers

LT51 Maintain Preallocated Stock

LT63 Control: Single Entry of Actual Data

LT64 Single Entry of Actual Data

LT72 Determine 2-step relevance

LT73 Display 2-step

LTR SAP LT Work Center

LTRA TRM Alert Monitor

LTRC SAP LT Replication Server - Cockpit

LTRCC TRM Customization Consistency Check

LTRL TRM Log Reports


LTRO Replication Monitoring

LTRS SAP LT Replication Server - Settings

LTR_ACT_SICF SAP LT Replication SICF Activation

LTR_CFGCHK SAP LT Replcation Server NWBC Check

LTR_PERMISSIONS Allow editing or transporting

LTR_TRANSP_BPL_OBJ Transport BPL Customer Objects

LTS SAP LT Work Center

LTS_ACT_SICF SAP LT Work Center SICF Activation

LTS_CFGCHK SAP LT Work Center Config Check

LTS_CHG_KW_CTX SAP LT Work Center Change KW Context


LTS_CONTENT_SE61 SAP LT List SE61 Documents

LTS_CONTENT_TP SAP LT Content Transport




LTS_SOLMAN_PROJECT Open Execution Plan in Work Center

LTS_SUPPORT SAP LT Support Data Overview

LTX_SAPGUI Launch SAPGUI with given BOR params

LU01 Create Posting Change Notice

LU02 Change Posting Change Notice

LU03 Display Posting Change Notice

LU04 Selection of Posting Change Notices

LUEVAT Annual EVAT List Luxembourg

LVASA VAS Alert Monitor

LVASDVC Maintain Presentation Devics for VAS

LVASEXIT Exit stock from Work Center


LVASNR Number range maintenance: LXVAS_VOID

LVAST01 Create VAS Template

LVAST02 Modify VAS Template

LVAST03 Display VAS Template

LVASUSR Define RF Users for VAS

LVASWC02 LXVAS work center operation - Update

LVASWC03 LXVAS work center operation - Displa

LVASWOR Create VAS Order w/o reference

LX01 List of Empty Storage Bins

LX02 Stock list

LX03 Bin Status Report

LX04 Capacity load utilization

LX05 Block Bins in Bl.Storage w.Time Lim.

LX06 Fire Department Inventory List

LX07 Check storage

LX08 Accident Regulations List

LX09 Overview of All Transf.Requirements

LX10 Activities per Storage Type

LX11 Document overview

LX12 Document Overview: Landscape Format

LX13 Analysis of differences

LX14 Matl mvmt frequency

LX15 Selection of Bins for Annual Invent.

LX16 Selection of Bins for Continuous Inv

LX17 List of Inventory Differences

LX18 Statistics of Inventory Differences

LX19 Inventory Data Takeover by Btch Inp.

LX20 Generate interim storage bins

LX21 Pick List for Several Transfer Ord.

LX22 Process Inventory from Overview

LX23 Stock comparison IM - WM

LX24 Display of hazardous mat.numbers

LX25 Inventory Status

LX26 Inventory in WM via cycle counting

LX27 Stock levels by shelf life exp.date

LX28 Relevant TO item for ext.system

LX29 Fixed bin supervision

LX30 Overview of WM messages ext.system

LX31 Analysis of print control tables

LX32 Archived transfer orders

LX33 Archived transfer requirements

LX34 Archived posting change notices

LX35 Archived system inventory records

LX36 Archived Inventory Histories

LX37 Linked objects

LX38 Check Report Customizing Strategy K

LX39 Evaluation Reference No. for 2-S.Pck

LX40 Material Situation Prod. Storage Bin

LX41 Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface

LX42 Evaluation PP Order from WM View

LX43 Consistency Check for Control Cycles

LX44 Inward and outward movements

LX45 Verification Field in Storage Bin

LX46 Transmission WM perform. data to HR

LX47 Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update

LXDCA Cross Docking Alert Monitor

LXDCK Cross-Docking Monitor

LXDNR Cross-Docking Decision Number Range


LXE_MASTER Translation Administration

LXE_SXMANEXP sxman Export


LXE_TBWD Trados-based Workload Determination

LYACT Yard activities number ranges

LYCHP Check-in / Check-out transaction

LYLDP Load & unload transaction

LYRDA Yard Alert Monitor

LYRDM Yard Monitor

LYSCH Yard Scheduling Chart

LYVHC Yard Inventory

M-01 Create Vendor

M-02 Create goods vendor

M-03 Create payment recipient

M-04 Create invoicing party

M-05 Create carrier

M-06 Create ordering address

M-07 Create one-time vendor

M-12 Create hierarchy nodes

M-51 Create vendor

M-52 Create goods vendor

M-53 Create payment recipient

M-54 Create invoicing party

M-55 Create carrier

M-56 Create ordering address

M-57 Create one-time vendor

M-62 Create hierarchy nodes

M/06 Condition Type: (Purchasing)

M/07 Access: Maintain (Price Purchasing)

M/08 Conditions: Schema for Purchasing

M/10 Condition Type: Services

M/11 Access: Maintain (Price Services)

M/12 Conditions: Schema for Services

M/15 Display Condition Table (Services)

M/16 Conditions: Var. Schema for Service

M/25 Condition type: Short txt for cust.

M/32 Maint. Message Determ. Schema: RFQ

M/36 Maintain Message Determ. Schema: PO

M/42 Maintain Message Schema: Del. Sched.

M/48 Maintain Access Sequences: RFQ

M/50 Maintain Access Sequences: PO

M/52 Maint. Access Sequences: Outl. Agmt.

M/54 Maint. Access Sequences: Del. Sched.

M/68 Maintain Message Schema: Outl. Agmt.

M/73 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry

M/74 Maintain Access Sequences: Entry

M/75 Maintain Messages: Serv. Entry Sheet

M/76 Display Messages: Entry

M/77 Maintain Message Schema: Entry Sheet

M/78 Disp. Message Determ. Schema: Entry

M/N1 Maintain accesses (fr.gds - purch.)

M/N2 Create free goods table

M/N3 Display free goods table

M/N4 Free goods types - purchasing

M/N5 Free goods: Procedure for purchasing

M/N6 Free goods pricing procedure

M703 Output: Create Conditions Table

M704 Output: Change Condition Table

M705 Output: Display Conditions Table

M706 Maintain Output Types: Inv. Mgmt

M708 Output Determination: Procedure

M710 Output Determ.: Access Sequences

M802 Message Requirements (IV)

M804 Message Processing Program (IV)

M806 Message Types (Invoice Verification)

M808 Message Schema (Inv. Verification)

M810 Message Access Sequence (Inv. Ver.)

M811 Create Message Condition Table (IV)

M812 Change Message Condition Table (IV)

M813 Display Message Condition Table (IV)

MACI MA Control: Screen Configuration

MAHD1 Load Alternative Historical Data

MAHD2 Change Alternative Historical Data

MAHD3 Display Alternative Historical Data

MAHD4 Delete Alternative Historical Data

MAL1 Create material via ALE

MAL2 Change material via ALE

MAP1 Create contact person

MAP2 Change contact person

MAP3 Display contact person

MAPREVACC Mapping Revenue Account

MARCR Process mass alllocation rules

MARS Send Aggregated Bills

MAS1 MA Control: Applications

MAS2 MA Control: Field Groups

MAS23 MA Control: Data Sets

MAS3 MA Control: Views

MAS4 MA Control: Sections

MAS5 MA Control: Screens

MAS6 MA Control: Screen Sequence Variants

MAS7 MA Control: Events

MAS8 MA Control: CUA Standard Functions

MAS9 MA Control: CUA Additional Functions

MASB MA Control: Asgnmt Scrn Fld->DB Fld

MASB_DI MA Control: Asgnmt DI Fld->DB Fld

MASC MA Control: Fld Modification Crit.

MASD MA Control: Role Category Grouping

MASE MA Control: Role Categories

MASF MA Control: Application Transactions

MASG MA Control: Tables

MASH MA Control: External Applications

MASI MA Control: Activities

MASJ MA Control: Field Mod. Activity

MASN MA Control: Field Grps Authorization

MASO MA Control: Authorization Types

MASP MA Control: Fld Mod. Ext. Applic.

MASSOBJ Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects

MASSS2V Copy System Variant as Variant

MASSV2S Copy Variant as System Variant

MASSVAR Display variants

MASSVAR_S Display System Variants

MASS_CHARVAL Mass Maintenance for Characteristics

MASS_EINE Inforecord Mass Maintenance

MASS_EKKO PO mass maintenance

MASS_MARC Logistic/Replenishment Mass Maint.

MASS_MEAN Mass Maintenance for GTINs

MASS_SAVE_ART_LOG Better Log for Parallel Mass Change

MASS_VENDOR Vendor Mass Maintenance

MATERIAL_INFO Material Information

MATGRP01 Create Article Hierarchy

MATGRP02 Change Article Hierarchy

MATGRP03 Display Article Hierarchy

MATGRP04 Delete Article Hierarchy

MATGRP05 Activate Article Hierarchy

MATGRP06 Article Hierarchy: Copy Nodes

MATGRP07 Deactivate Article Hierarchy

MATREX Material Stock Treasury Exposure


MA_DD_REPORT Start a Drilldown Report


MA_ST_TH Critical Stock Values - Mass Maint.

MA_WM_IDOCMO_P Personalization: IDoc Monitor

MB00 Inventory Management

MB03 Display Material Document

MB11 Goods Movement

MB1A Goods Withdrawal

MB1B Transfer Posting

MB1C Other Goods Receipts

MB23 Display Reservation

MB24 Reservation List

MB25 Reservation List

MB26 Picking list

MB51 Material Doc. List

MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand

MB53 Display Plant Stock Availability

MB54 Consignment Stocks

MB55 Display Quantity String

MB56 Analyze batch where-used list

MB57 Compile Batch Where-Used List

MB58 Consgmt and Ret. Packag. at Customer

MB59 Material Doc. List

MB5B Stocks for Posting Date

MB5C Pick-Up List

MB5K Stock Consistency Check

MB5L List of Stock Values: Balances

MB5M BBD/Prod. Date

MB5OA Display Valuated GR Blocked Stock

MB5S Display List of GR/IR Balances

MB5SIT Display Valuated GR Blocked Stock

MB5T Stock in transit CC

MB5TD Stock in Transit on Key Date

MB5U Analyze Conversion Differences

MB5W List of Stock Values

MB9A Analyze archived mat. documents

MBAD Delete Material Documents

MBAL Material Documents: Read Archive

MBAR Archive Material Documents

MBAV Manage Material Document Archive

MBBS Display valuated special stock

MBC1 Create MM Batch Search Strategy

MBC2 Change MM Batch Determ. Strategy

MBC3 Display MM Batch Determ. Strategy

MBGR Displ. Material Docs. by Mvt. Reason

MBLB Stocks at Subcontractor

MBMENUS Process MM-IM Inconsistencies

MBN1 Free goods - Create (Purchasing)

MBN2 Free goods - Change (Purchasing)

MBN3 Free goods - Display (Purchasing)

MBNK Number Ranges, Material Document

MBOGUI Business Object Maintenance

MBSI Find Inventory Sampling

MBSM Display Cancelled Material Docs.

MBW1 Special stocks via WWW

MBWO Error Correction: Subs. Value Calc.

MBXA Printout of XAB Documents

MC$0 PURCHIS: PurchGrp PurchVal Selection

MC$2 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Freqs. Selection

MC$4 PURCHIS: Supplier PurchVal Selection

MC$6 PURCHIS: Supplier DelRelblty Select.

MC$8 PURCHIS: Supplier QtyRelblty Select.

MC$: PURCHIS: Supplier Freqs. Selection

MC$< PURCHIS: MatGrp PurchVal Selection

MC$> PURCHIS: MatGrp PurchQty Selection

MC$A PURCHIS: MatGrp DelRelblty Selection

MC$C PURCHIS: MatGrp QtyRelblty Selection

MC$E PURCHIS: MatGrp Freq. Selection

MC$G PURCHIS: Material PurchVal Selection

MC$I PURCHIS: Material PurchQty Selection

MC$K PURCHIS: Material DelRelib Selection

MC$M PURCHIS: Material QtyRel Selection

MC$O PURCHIS: Material Freqs. Selection

MC(A SIS: Customer,Inc.Orders - Selection

MC(B SIS: Variant Configuration

MC(E SIS: Material,Inc.Orders - Selection

MC(I SIS: SalesOrg. Inc.Orders Selection

MC(M SIS: Sales Office, Inc.Orders Selec.

MC(Q SIS: Employee, Inc.Orders Selection

MC(U SIS: Shipping Point Deliveries Sel.

MC+2 SIS: SalesOrg.Invoiced Sales, Selec.

MC+6 SIS: SalesOrg.Credit Memos Selection

MC+A SIS: Customer Returns, Selection

MC+E SIS: Customer, Sales - Selection

MC+I SIS: Customer Credit Memos - Selec.

MC+M SIS: Material Returns, Selection

MC+Q SIS: Material, Sales - Selection

MC+U SIS: Material Credit Memos, Selec.

MC+Y SIS: Sales Org. Returns, Selection

MC-0 SIS: Shipping Point Returns, Selec.

MC-A SIS: Sales Office Returns, Selection

MC-E SIS: Sales Office - Sales Selection

MC-I SIS: Sales Office Credit Memos Selec

MC-M SIS: Employee - Returns, Selection

MC-Q SIS: Employee - Sales, Selection

MC-U SIS: Employee - Credit Memos, Selec.

MC.1 INVCO: Plant Anal. Selection: Stock

MC.2 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss

MC.3 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection,Turnover

MC.4 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection,Coverage

MC.5 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection, Stock

MC.6 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection: Rec/Iss

MC.7 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection,Turnover

MC.8 INVCO: SLoc Anal.Selection, Coverage

MC.9 INVCO: Material Anal.Selection,Stock

MC.A INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Rec/Iss

MC.B INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Turnover

MC.C INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection, Coverage

MC.D INVCO: MRP Cntrllr.Anal.Sel. Stock

MC.E INVCO: MRP Cntrllr Anal.Sel. Rec/Iss

MC.F INVCO: MRP Cntlr Anal.Sel. Turnover

MC.G INVCO: MRP Cntlr.Anal.Sel. Coverage

MC.H INVCO: Business Area Anal.Sel. Stock

MC.I INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss

MC.J INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Turnover

MC.K INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Coverage

MC.L INVCO: Mat.Group Analysis Sel. Stock

MC.M INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss

MC.N INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Turnover

MC.O INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Coverage

MC.P INVCO: Division Analysis Sel. Stock

MC.Q INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss

MC.R INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Turnover

MC.S INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Coverage

MC.T INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Selection Stock

MC.U INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Rec/Issues

MC.V INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Turnover

MC.W INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Coverage

MC/3 Display exception: EWS/INVCO

MC/6 Display exception: INVCO

MC/9 Display jobs exceptions: INVCO

MC/G Display exception: EWS/PURCHIS

MC/J Display exception: PURCHIS

MC/M Display jobs exceptions: PURCHIS

MC/S Display exception: EWS/SIS

MC/V Display exception: SIS

MC/Y Display Jobs: Exceptions SIS

MC00 Logistics Information System (LIS)

MC01 Key Figure Retrieval Via Info Sets

MC02 Key Fig.Retrieval Using Text Strings

MC03 Key Fig Retrieval via Classification

MC06 Display Info Set

MC09 Create Field Catalog

MC0A Number Range Maintenance: Key Figs.

MC0C Number Range Maintenance: Info Sets

MC1! RIS: Maintain Requirements

MC1$ RIS: Display Formulas

MC1% External Data: Maintain Requirements

MC1& External Data: Display Requirements

MC1( External Data: Display Formulas

MC1+ RIS: Display Requirements

MC1/ External Data: Maintain Formulas

MC13 Display Evaluation

MC16 LIS: Delete Evaluation Structure

MC18 Create Field Catalog

MC19 Change Field Catalog

MC1A Maintain Formulas/Requirements

MC1AT Maintain Formulas/Requirements

MC1C SIS: Display Requirements

MC1CT TIS: Display requirements

MC1E SIS: Display Formulas

MC1ET TIS: Display formulas

MC1G PURCHIS: Display Requirements

MC1I PURCHIS: Display Formulas

MC1K SFIS: Display Requirements

MC1M SFIS: Display Formulas

MC1O INVCO: Display Requirements

MC1Q INVCO: Display Formulas

MC1R Display Formulas/Requirements

MC1S QMIS: Maintain Requirements

MC1T QMIS: Display Requirements

MC1U QMIS: Maintain Formulas

MC1V QMIS: Display Formulas

MC1W PMIS: Maintain Requirements

MC1X PMIS: Display Requirements

MC1Y PMIS: Maintain Formulas

MC1Z PMIS: Display Formulas

MC1§ RIS: Maintain Formulas

MC20 Display Field Catalog

MC21 Create Info Structure

MC22 Change Info Structure

MC23 Display Info Structure

MC24 Create Update

MC25 Change Update

MC26 Display Update

MC29 Display Evaluation Structure

MC30 Update Log

MC31 Create Planning

MC37 Display Rough-Cut Planning Profile

MC38 Number range maintenance: MC_ERKO

MC3V U3 update

MC40 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values

MC41 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values

MC42 INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg.Val.

MC43 INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts

MC44 INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnover

MC45 INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values

MC46 INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Items

MC47 INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values

MC48 INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock Values

MC49 INVCO: Mean Stock Values

MC50 INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock

MC59 Revise Planning Hierarchy

MC60 Maintain SOP Plant

MC63 Display Planning Hierarchy

MC66 Display Event

MC67 Init.graphics screen: genl.plg.hier.

MC6A Sales and Operations Planning

MC6B Sales and Operations Planning

MC70 Maintain Capacity Planning (SOP)

MC76 "Disaggregation: Planning"

MC77 "Disaggregation: Display Planning"

MC79 User Settings for SOP

MC7A Plant Distribution

MC7B Information Structure: Units

MC7C Key Figure Parameters: Info Struct.

MC7D Planning Parameters: LIS

MC7E ALE Configuration for Info Structure

MC7F Planning Parameters

MC7M Methods maintenance

MC7N Price Band Prices

MC7O Characteristic Fields for Info Str.

MC7P COPA Profile

MC7Q Characteristic Assignment

MC7R Key Figure(s) Assignment

MC81 Sales and Operations Planning

MC82 Sales and Operations Planning

MC83 Sales and Operations Planning

MC85 Display Product Group

MC87 Sales and Operations Planning

MC88 Sales and Operations Planning

MC89 Sales and Operations Planning

MC8A Create Planning Type

MC8B Change Planning Type

MC8C Display Planning Type

MC8H Maintain User Methods

MC8J Reprocess Mass Processing

MC8L Calculate Proportions: SOP

MC8N Delete forecast versions

MC8O Reset Generation Time Stamp

MC8Q Aggregate Copy

MC8R RESET: Status for Planning Objects

MC8S Transfer Profiles

MC8T Activities

MC8X SOP: Distribution Scenario - Select

MC8Y SOP: Distribution Scenario - Display

MC91 Initial Graphic: Product Groups

MC92 Initial: Product Groups, Hierarchies

MC95 Display Flexible LIS Planning

MC96 Maintain Table 440P

MC97 Number Range Maintenance: MC_SAUF

MC99 Display Planning Objects

MC9D Maintain Copy Profiles

MC9K Maintain Available Capacity

MC9V Define MRP Elements in Key Figure

MC:3 Display exception: EWS/RIS

MC:6 Display exception: RIS

MC:9 Display jobs exceptions: RIS

MC=3 Display exception: EWS/SFIS

MC=6 Display exception: SFIS

MC=9 Display jobs exceptions: SFIS

MC=G Display exception: EWS/PMIS

MC=J Display exception: PMIS

MC=M Display jobs exceptions: PMIS

MC=S Display exception: EWS/QMIS

MC=V Display exception: QMIS

MC=Y Display Jobs: Exceptions SIS

MC?0 WFIS: Schedule Jobs - Exceptions

MC?1 WFIS: Create Exception

MC?2 WFIS: Maintain Exception

MC?3 WFIS: Display Exception

MC?4 WFIS: Create Exception Group

MC?5 WFIS: Change Exception Group

MC?6 WFIS: Display Exception Group

MC?7 WFIS: Create Jobs - Exceptions

MC?8 WFIS: Change Jobs - Exceptions

MC?9 WFIS: Display Jobs - Exceptions


MCA7 INVCO: Execute Evaluation

MCAA WFIS: Maintain Requirements

MCAB WFIS: Display Requirements

MCAC WFIS: Maintain Formulas

MCAD WFIS: Display Formulas

MCAE WFIS: Activate Updating

MCAF WFIS: Standard Analyses

MCAG WFIS: Customizing, Standard Analyses

MCAH WFIS: Organization View - Selection

MCAI WFIS: Process View - Selection

MCAJ WFIS: Object View - Selection

MCAK WFIS: Group View - Selection

MCAL WFIS: Sample Scenario - Selection

MCAM WFIS: Append Structure

MCAN WFIS: Selection Program

MCAO WIS: Application PM/QM/SM Selection

MCAP WIS: Delete Data

MCAQ WIS: Correct Data

MCAR WIS: Transfer Data

MCAT WFIS: Display Evaluation Structure

MCAU WFIS: Change Evaluation Structure

MCAV WFIS: Create Evaluation Structure

MCAW WFIS: Display Evaluation

MCAX WFIS: Change Evaluation

MCAY WFIS: Create Evaluation

MCAZ WFIS: Execute Evaluation

MCB% INVCO: Set up stats. for parm. anal.

MCB& INVCO: Set up statis. for stck/reqt

MCB) INVCO: Long-Term Stock Selection

MCB0 Maintaining Transactn Key BW Transf.

MCB1 Inventory Controlling

MCB4 INVCO: Display Evaluation Structure

MCB7 INVCO: Display Evaluation

MCBA INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection

MCBC INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis Selection

MCBE INVCO: Material Analysis Selection

MCBG INVCO: MRP Cntrlr Analysis Selection

MCBI INVCO: Business Area Anal. Selection

MCBK INVCO: MatGrp Analysis Selection

MCBM INVCO: Division Analysis Selection

MCBO INVCO: Mat.Type Analysis Selection

MCBR INVCO: Batch Analysis Selection

MCBV INVCO: Parameter Analysis Selection

MCBZ INVCO: Stck/Reqt Analysis Selection

MCB_ Determine Industry Sector

MCC1 Inventory Controlling

MCC2 Inventory Information System

MCC3 Set Up INVCO Info Structs. from Docs

MCC4 Set Up INVCO Info Structs.from Stock

MCD MI:Process Mobile Component

MCD9 PURCHIS: Display Eval. Structure

MCDC PURCHIS: Display Evaluation

MCE+ PURCHIS: Reporting - Subseq. Settlmt

MCE0 Purchasing Information System

MCE1 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Analysis Selection

MCE2 PURCHIS: Update Diagnosis Purch.Doc.

MCE3 PURCHIS: Supplier Analysis Selection

MCE5 PURCHIS: MatGrp Analysis Selection

MCE7 PURCHIS: Material Analysis Selection

MCE8 PURCHIS: Service Analysis Selection

MCE9 Purchasing Information System

MCEA PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Supp.Analysis

MCEB PURCHIS:Lng-Term Plg Mat.Gr.Analysis

MCEC PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Mat. Analysis

MCER PURCHIS: Service Purch.Qty-Selection

MCES PURCHIS: Service Purch.Val-Selection

MCF9 PURCHIS: Quantity Grid - Maintain

MCFA PURCHIS: Grid for Dates - Maintain

MCFB PURCHIS: Display Pattern, QtyRel

MCFC PURCHIS: Display Pattern On Schedule

MCG1 Rough-Cut Planning Profiles

MCG3 Call Self-Defined Analyses: Retail

MCGC RIS: Season: Mvmts + Stk - Selection

MCGD RIS: POS: Sales - Selection

MCGE RIS: POS: Matl Aggr. POS - Selection

MCGF RIS: POS: Cashier - Selection

MCGG RIS: Cust./Material Grp - Selection

MCGH RIS: Customer/Material - Selection

MCGJ RIS: POS: POS Balancing - Selection

MCGK RIS: Matls w/ additionals- Selection

MCGL RIS: Sales data: Customers- Sel.

MCH+ RIS: Display Evaluation Structure

MCH0 Retail Information System

MCH01 Mass Maintenance of Maint. Plans

MCH02 Log of Mass Changes

MCH03 Delete Variant

MCH1 RIS: Execute Evaluation

MCH2 RIS: Create Evaluation

MCH3 RIS: Change Evaluation

MCH4 RIS: Display Evaluation

MCH6 Update Maintenance: RIS

MCH7 RIS: Update Diagnosis, SP Change Doc

MCH8 RIS: Perishables - Selection

MCH9 RIS: Inventory Controlling - Stores

MCH: RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selection

MCHA RIS: Till Receipt/Matl - Selection

MCHB RIS: Till Receipt - Selection

MCHC Companion sales

MCHD Maintain Dynamic IS Read Rules

MCHG RIS: Purchasing: Mvmt+Stck-Selection

MCHP RIS: Material: Mvmt+Stck - Selection

MCHS RIS: Promotion - Selection

MCHV RIS: Material/Add-On - Selection

MCHY RIS: Create Evaluation Structure

MCHZ RIS: Change Evaluation Structure

MCH_ Activate IS-R Enhancement for RIS

MCI0 Plant Maintenance Information System

MCI1 PMIS: Object Class Analysis

MCI2 PMIS: Manufacturer Analysis

MCI3 PMIS: Location Analysis

MCI4 PMIS: Planner Group Analysis

MCI5 PMIS: Object Damage Analysis

MCI6 PMIS: Obj.Statistic.Analysis

MCI7 PMIS: Breakdown Analysis

MCI8 PMIS: Cost Evaluation

MCIA PMIS: Customer Notification Analysis

MCIS Call Up PM Standard Analyses

MCIZ PMIS: Vehicle Consumption Analysis

MCJ1 PMIS: Create Evaluation

MCJ2 PMIS: Change Evaluation

MCJ3 PMIS: Display Evaluation

MCJ4 PMIS: Execute Evaluation

MCJ5 PMIS: Create Evaluation Structure

MCJ6 PMIS: Change Evaluation Structure

MCJ7 PMIS: Display Evaluation Structure

MCJB MTTR/MTBR for Equipment

MCJC FunctLoc: Mean Time Between Repair

MCJE PMIS: Info System

MCK0 Plant Maintenance Information System

MCK3 Display hierarchy

MCK9 Maintain Customer OIW Info Catalog

MCKB TIS selection version tree

MCKC User-spec. TIS select. version tree

MCKH Selection version tree: Sales

MCKI Selection version tree: Purchasing

MCKJ Selection version tree: Stock

MCKK Selection version tree: Production

MCKL Selection version tree: Quality

MCKM Selection version tree: Plant Maint.

MCKN Selection version tree: Retail

MCKO Selection version tree: General

MCKP User-spec. selec. vers. tree: Sales

MCKQ User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Purchase

MCKR User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Stock

MCKS User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Product.

MCKT User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Quality

MCKU User-spec. sel. vers. tree: PM

MCKV User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Retail

MCKW User-spec. sel. vers. tree: General

MCKY WFIS: Selection Versions (User-Spec)

MCKZ WFIS: Selection Versions (General)

MCL1 WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection

MCL5 WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection

MCL9 WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selection

MCLD WM: Material Flow - Selection

MCLH WM: Movement Types - Selection

MCLIMAN MultiClient Manager

MCM% RIS: Create Selection Version

MCM+ WFIS: Create Selection Version

MCM- WFIS: Change Selection Version

MCM/ WFIS: Display Selection Version

MCM0 INVCO: Change selection version

MCM1 SIS: Create selection version

MCM10 TIS: Create selection version

MCM11 TIS: Change selection version

MCM12 TIS: Display selection version

MCM13 TIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job

MCM2 SIS: Change selection version

MCM3 SIS: Display selection version

MCM4 SIS: Selec. version: Schedule job

MCM5 PURCHIS: Create selection version

MCM6 PURCHIS: Change selection version

MCM7 PURCHIS: Display selection version

MCM8 PURCHIS: SelectVers: Schedule job

MCM9 INVCO: Create selection version

MCM? RIS: Schedule Selection Version

MCMA INVCO: Display selection version

MCMB INVCO: SelecVers: Schedule job

MCMC PPIS: Create selection version

MCMD PPIS: Change selection version

MCME PPIS: Display selection version

MCMF PPIS: SelectVers: Schedule job

MCMG QMIS: Create selection version

MCMH QMIS: Change selection version

MCMI QMIS: Display selection version

MCMJ QMIS: Selection Version:Schedule Job

MCMK PMIS: Create selection version

MCML PMIS: Change selection version

MCMM PMIS: Display selection verison

MCMN PMIS: SelectVers: Schedule job

MCMO Create selection version

MCMP Change selection version

MCMQ Display selection version

MCMR Selection Version: Create Variant

MCMS Selection Version: Change Variant

MCMT Selection Version: Display Variant

MCMV Selection version: Schedule job

MCMX RIS: Change Selection Version

MCMY RIS: Display Selection Version

MCMZ RIS: Selection Version: Schedule Job

MCNB BW: Initialize Stock Balances

MCNR Number Range Maintenance: MCLIS

MCO1 RIS: OTB - Selection

MCO2 OTB: Copy Planning Type

MCO4 Create OTB Planning

MCO5 Change OTB Planning

MCO6 Display OTB Planning

MCO7 Create OTB Planning

MCO8 Change OTB Planning

MCO9 Display OTB Planning

MCOA QMIS: Cust. analysis, Lot overview

MCOB QMIS: General Results for Customer

MCOC QMIS: Cust. Analysis Quant. Overview

MCOD QMIS: Quantitative Results for Cust.

MCOE QMIS: Customer Analysis Q Score

MCOG QMIS: Customer Analysis Lot Counter

MCOI QMIS: Customer Analysis Quantities

MCOK QMIS: Customer Analysis Expense

MCOM QMIS: Customer Analysis Level/Disp.

MCOMP Compare Material

MCOMPC Custom. Material Master Comp. Progr.

MCOO QMIS: Customer analysis - insp. lots

MCOP QMIS: Cust. Analysis Item Q Not.

MCOV QMIS: Cust. Anal. Overview Q Not.

MCOX QMIS: Customer Analysis Defects

MCP0 Shop Floor Information System

MCP1 SFIS: Operation Analysis Selection

MCP3 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection

MCP5 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection

MCP6 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg

MCP7 SFIS: Work Center Analysis Selection

MCP8 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg

MCP9 SFIS: Select Run Schedule

MCPB Operation analysis: Dates

MCPD Production order analysis: Dates

MCPE_CUS Commodity Pricing Customizing for MM

MCPE_DOC Commodity Pricing in MM Documents

MCPE_FA_ACC_SEQ Access Sequence for Formula Assembly

MCPE_FA_COND_TYPE Condition Types for Formula Assembly

MCPE_FA_CT Cond. Tables for Formula Assembly

MCPE_FA_DET_PROC Det. Procedure for Formula Assembly

MCPE_FA_FC MM Field Catalog

MCPE_FA_GCM Formula Master Data Maintenance

MCPE_FA_MNTGRP_1 CPE: define maint. groups for MM

MCPE_FA_MNTGRP_2 CPE: assign maint. groups for MM

MCPE_FA_PRIORITY Priorities for Formula Assembly (MM)

MCPE_RULE CPE WB: Rules, Term, Formula for MM

MCPE_WB CPE Formula Workbench for MM

MCPF Material analysis: Dates

MCPH Work center analysis: Dates

MCPI Menu: Production Info System

MCPK Operation analysis: Quantities

MCPM Production order anal.: Quantities

MCPO Material analysis: Quantities

MCPQ Work center analysis: Quantities

MCPS Operation analysis: Lead time

MCPU Production Order Analysis: Lead Time

MCPW Material analysis: Lead time

MCPY Work center analysis: Lead time

MCQ. SFIS: Kanban analysis selection

MCQA Call Up QM Standard Analyses

MCR3 SFIS: Display Evaluation

MCR9 SFIS: Display Evaluation Structure

MCR: Std Analyses: User Settings, CALL

MCRA LIS Layout Reports

MCRB LIS: Generate Evaluations

MCRC Charact. Texts for Eval. Structures

MCRE Material Usage Analysis: Selection

MCRH Display Settings: PPIS

MCRI Product Cost Analysis: Selection

MCRJ Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg

MCRK Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg

MCRM Reporting Point Stats.: Selection

MCRO Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mfg

MCRP Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mfg

MCRQ Call Standard Analyses: PP-IS

MCRT LIS Readings for Internal Numbers

MCRU PP-PI: Operation Analysis Selection

MCRV PP-PI: Process Order Analysis

MCRW PP-PI: Resources Selection

MCRX PP-PI: Material Usage Analysis

MCRY PP-PI: Product Cost Analysis

MCS$ Info Structure Data: Process Archive

MCS% Info Structure Data: Manage Archive

MCS& Info Structure Data: Reload Archive

MCS/ Mass Generation: Info Struct./Update

MCS1 Standard Analyses; General Logistics

MCS2 Routine LIS Settings

MCS3 Routine SIS Settings

MCS4 Routine INVCO Settings

MCS5 Routine PURCHIS Settings

MCS6 Routine PPIS Settings

MCS9 SIS: Display Evalaution Structure

MCS= Info Structure Data: Create Archive

MCSC SIS: Display Evaluation

MCSCHECK Check Utility - Logistic Infosystem

MCSD Routine PMIS Settings

MCSE Routine QMIS Settings

MCSF Routine RIS Settings

MCSH Call Std. Analyses of Customer Appl.

MCSI Call Standard Analyses of Sales

MCSJ Call Standard Analyses of Purchasing

MCSK Call Standard Analyses of Stocks

MCSL Call Shop Floor Standard Analyses

MCSM3 TIS: Display evaluation

MCSM7 TIS: Display evaluation structure

MCSO Current Settings: TIS

MCSR Standard Analyses External Data

MCSS Display Log: Gen. Info Structure

MCST Display Log: Gen. Updating

MCSV Call View V_TMC6P_D

MCSW Archiving of Selection Versions

MCSX Archive Statistical Data

MCSY Reset Time Stamp: LIS Generation

MCSZ Convert LIS Statistical Data

MCT0 Initial SIS Screen

MCT1 Standard SDIS Analyses

MCT2 Initial SIS Screen

MCTA SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection

MCTC SIS: Material Analysis - Selection

MCTE SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selection

MCTG SIS: Sales Office Analysis Selection

MCTI SIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection

MCTK SIS: Shipping Pt. Analysis Selection

MCTV01 SIS: Sales Activity - Selection

MCTV02 SIS: Sales Promotions - Selection

MCTV03 SIS: Address List - Selection

MCTV04 SIS: Address Counter - Selection

MCTV05 SIS: Customer Potential Analysis

MCU0 Transportation Info System (TIS)

MCU3 Call Standard Analyses: Transportatn

MCUA TIS: Shpt analysis

MCUB TIS: Shipment Analysis: Routes

MCUC TIS: ShipmentAnaly: MeansOfTransport

MCUD TIS: Shipment Analysis: Shipping

MCUE TIS: Shipment Analysis: Stages

MCUF TIS: Shipment Analysis: Material

MCV0 Purchasing Information System

MCV1 QMIS: Vendor analysis - insp. lot

MCV3 QMIS: Material analysis - insp. lot

MCV5 Call Up Price List w.Stepped Display

MCV6 Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List

MCV7 Call Up List of Price Groups

MCV8 Call Up Material/MatPrcGroup List

MCV9 Call Up List of Incomplete Documents

MCVA QMIS: Vendor Analysis Lot Overview

MCVB QMIS: General Results for Vendor

MCVC QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Qty Overview

MCVCHECK01 SIS: Update Group Check



MCVD QMIS: Quant. Results for Vendor

MCVE QMIS: Vendor Analysis Quality Score

MCVG QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Lot Numbers

MCVI QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Quantities

MCVK QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Effort

MCVM QMIS: Vendor Analyis - Level & Disp.

MCVO Vendor Analysis - Lots Overview

MCVP QMIS: vendor analysis items Q notif.

MCVQ Quality Management Info System QMIS

MCVR SIS: update diagnosis - order

MCVS TIS: Update Diagnosis: Transportatn

MCVT SIS: update diagnosis - delivery

MCVV SIS: update diagnosis - billing doc.

MCVVK SIS: Updating - Sales Activities

MCVW INVCO: Update Diagnosis MatDoc

MCVX QMIS: Vendor analysis defects

MCVY INVCO: Update Diagnosis AcctngDoc

MCVZ QMIS: Ven. Analysis- Q Not. Overview

MCW1 Evaluate Settlement Document Header

MCW2 Evaluate Settlement Document Items

MCW3 Evaluate Vendor Billing Doc Header

MCW4 Evaluate Vendor Billing Doc. Items

MCW5 Settlement Mngt - Simulate Updating

MCW6 LIS Setup for Settl. Mgmt Docs

MCWIS FK Simulation Inventory Document

MCWRP FK Simulation Invoice Document


MCW_AA_APP Maintain Analytical Applications

MCW_AA_METH Maint. Methods for Analytical Apps

MCW_AA_QUERY Maint. Queries for Analytical Apps

MCW_AA_TEST Test Remote Execution of Queries

MCX1 QMIS: Create Evaluation

MCX2 QMIS: Change Evaluation

MCX3 QMIS: Display Evaluation

MCX4 QMIS: Execute Evaluation

MCX7 QIS: Create Evaluation Structure

MCX8 QIS: Change Evaluation Structure

MCX9 QIS: display evaluation structure

MCXA QMIS: Material Analysis-Lot Overview

MCXB QMIS: General Results for Material

MCXC QMIS: Matl Analysis - Qty Overview

MCXD QMIS: Quant. Results for Material

MCXE QMIS: Matl Analysis - Quality Score

MCXG QMIS: Matl Analysis - Lot Numbers

MCXI QMIS: Material Analysis - Quantities

MCXK QMIS: Material Analysis - Effort

MCXM QMIS: Matl Analysis - Level & Disp.

MCXP QMIS: Matl. Analysis - Q Notif. Item

MCXV QMIS: mat. analysis overview Q not.

MCXX QMIS: Material analysis defects

MCY3 Display Exception (EWS/LIS)

MCY6 Display Exception

MCY9 Display Jobs: Exceptions

MCYG Exception Analysis INVCO

MCYH Exception Analysis: PURCHIS

MCYI Exception Analysis: SIS

MCYJ Exception Analysis: PP-IS

MCYK Exception Analysis: PM-IS

MCYL Exception Analysis: QM-IS

MCYM Exception Analysis: Retail IS

MCYN Exception Analysis: LIS-General

MCYO Exception analysis: TIS

MCYO3 Display Exception: EWS/TIS

MCYO6 Display Exception: TIS

MCYO9 Display jobs: Exceptions SIS

MCYY WFIS: Exception Analysis

MCZ3 Display LIS Inbound Interface

MD00 MRP : external procurement

MD01 MRP Run

MD01N MRP Live

MD02 MRP - Single-Item, Multi-Level

MD03 MRP-Individual Planning-Single Level

MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situation

MD05 Individual Display Of MRP List

MD06 Collective Display Of MRP List

MD07 Current Material Overview

MD08 Reorg. MRP Lists

MD09 Pegging
MD11 Create Planned Order

MD12 Change Planned Order

MD13 Display Planned Order

MD14 Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord.

MD15 Collective Conversion Of Plnd Ordrs.

MD16 Collective Display of Planned Orders

MD17 Collective Requirements Display

MD19 Firm Planned Orders

MD20 Create Planning File Entry

MD21 Display Planning File Entry

MD25 Create Planning Calendar

MD26 Change Planning Calendar

MD27 Display Planning Calendar

MD40 MPS Planning Run

MD41 MPS - Single-item, Multi-level -

MD42 MPS - Single-item, Single-level -

MD43 MPS - Single-item, Interactive -

MD44 MPS Evaluation

MD45 MRP List Evaluation

MD46 Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller

MD47 Product Group Planning Evaluation

MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation

MD4C Multilevel Order Report

MD50 Sales order planning

MD51 Individual project planning

MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements

MD62 Change Planned Indep. Requirements

MD63 Display Planned Indep. Requirements

MD64 Create Planned Indep.Requirements

MD65 Change Standard Indep.Requirements

MD66 Display Standard Indep.Requirements

MD67 Staggered Split

MD70 Copy Total Forecast

MD71 "Copy Reference Changes"

MD72 Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques

MD73 Display Total Indep. Requirements

MD79 "PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer"

MD81 Create Customer Indep. Requirements

MD82 Change customer indep. requirement

MD83 Display Customer Indep. Requirements

MD85 List Customer Indep. Requirements

MD90 Maintain Number Range for MRP

MD91 Maintain No. Range for Planned Order

MD92 Maint.No.Range for Reserv/Dep.Reqmt

MD93 Maintain Number Range: MDSM

MD94 Number range maint.: Total reqs

MDAB Planning File - Set Up BATCH

MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order

MDB SPI Metadata Browser

MDBA BAPI planned order processing

MDBGVR Maintain ApplicationID-GRPVAR

MDBS MPS - total planning run

MDBT MRP Run In Batch

MDBTVR Create variant for tab

MDC6 Start of MD06 via Report

MDC7 Start MD07 by using report

MDCIMG MDG, Consolidation Customizing

MDCLOG MDC Log Monitoring


MDC_BP_IMHANA_BC01 Import BC Set for IM in Hana

MDC_BP_TRANS_SRCDATA MDC (BP): Transform Source Data

MDC_HDB_MTC_CONFIG Fuzzy Match Configuration

MDC_HDB_MTC_DEL Delete generated Hana artifacts

MDDISPONENT MRP Controller Workflow

MDDO Evaluation Report RoCs Online

MDDS Evaluation Report Ranges of Coverage

MDEX MRP Data Extractor

MDF_ATTRSET Maintain Set Types and Attributes

MDGCPDEL Delete Change Pointer

MDGC_BRFPLUS_AGENT Assign Processor to Workflow Step No

MDGDT Configuration Workbench

MDGIMG Master Data Governance Customizing

MDGM_METADATA_INV Invalidate Metadata


MDGM_TEXT_DELETE Delete mapping data for descriptions

MDGS_BRFPLUS_AGENT Assign Processor to Workflow Step No

MDG_BP_AGENT_BP1P1 Assign Processor to WF Step (BP1P1)

MDG_BP_AGENT_BP2P1 Assign Processor to WF Step (BP2P1)

MDG_BP_AGENT_BP5P1 Assign Processor to WF Step (BP5P1)

MDG_BP_AGENT_BP6P1 Assign Processor to WF Step (BP6P1)

MDG_BP_DISP_CTP MDG - Display Contact Person (Relat)

MDG_BP_DISP_CTP_BP MDG - Display Contact Person (Relat)

MDG_BS_BP_CRMC_BCSET BC-Set with Outbound Customizing

MDG_BS_BP_CR_BCSET Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_BP_CR_BCSET2 Import BC Set with CR types 7.0 FP

MDG_BS_BP_CR_BCSET3 Import CR Types forSAP Fiori

MDG_BS_BP_FMOD_BCS01 BP BC-Set Fieldmod.crit. import.

MDG_BS_BP_FMOD_BCSET BC-Set with Fieldmod.crit. import.

MDG_BS_BP_SCOPE_BC Reduce BP Model to EHP6 Delivery

MDG_BS_BP_WF_CHECK BC Set with Workflow-Depend. Checks

MDG_BS_CL_CR_BCSET1 BC Set w. CR Types f. Cust. Like UI

MDG_BS_CL_CR_BCSET2 BC Set CR Types Cust. Like UI 7.0 FP


MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET2 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET3 Import BC Set with CR types 7.0

MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET4 Import BC Set with CR types 7.0 FP

MDG_BS_CUS_CR_BCSET5 Import CR Types forSAP Fiori

MDG_BS_CU_FMOD_BCSET BC-Set with Fieldmod.crit. import.

MDG_BS_MAT_CRMC_BC05 Import BC Set with CR types for MC

MDG_BS_MAT_CRMC_BCST Import BC Set with CR types for MC

MDG_BS_MAT_CR_BCSET Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_MAT_CR_BCST04 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_MAT_CR_BCST05 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_MAT_CR_BCST06 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_MAT_CR_ODAT05 Import CR Types forSAP Fiori

MDG_BS_MAT_GOV_SCOPE Import BC Set with Governance Scope

MDG_BS_MAT_GOV_SCP04 Import BC Set with Governance Scope

MDG_BS_MAT_UI_PDF05 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_RS_FMOD_BCSET BC-Set with Fieldmod.crit. import.


MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET2 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET3 Import BC Set with CR types

MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET4 Import BC Set with CR types 7.0

MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET5 Import BC Set with CR types 7.0 FP

MDG_BS_SUP_CR_BCSET6 Import CR Types forSAP Fiori

MDG_BS_VEND_CR_BCSET BC Set with CR Types for Vendor UI

MDG_BS_VL_CR_BCSET2 BC Set with CR Types for Vendor UI

MDG_BS_VL_CR_BCSET3 BC Set with CR Types for Vendor UI

MDG_BS_VL_CR_BCSET4 BC Set CR Types for Vendor UI 7.0 FP

MDG_DATA_MODEL MDG Data Model: Generated Tables

MDG_DATA_TRANSFER MDG Data Transfer: Upload / Download

MDG_DELETE_CREQUEST Delete Change Requests

MDG_DELETE_MODEL Delete Active Version of a Model

MDG_DISPLAY_COLORS Colors used for Highlighting Changes

MDG_DL_OBJ Define Object Types for Data Load

MDG_ES_TEMPL Create/Chg. ES Template for Staging

MDG_FIN_BCSET Import Predefined CR and Entity Type

MDG_FIN_BCSET_04 Import Predefined CR and Entity Type

MDG_FIN_BCSET_05 Import CR Types forSAP Fiori

MDG_FIN_BCSET_CR_05 Imp. BC Set w/ CR Types 7.0 FP

MDG_FIN_BCSET_CR_06 Imp. BC Set w/ CR Types 8.0

MDG_FIN_BCSET_ED_05 Import BC Set w/ Edition Types 7.0FP

MDG_GEN_HBA_CR Generate MDG HANA based CR content

MDG_GEN_HBA_CR_EXT Generate MDG HANA based CR content

MDG_GN_CATALOG Display of Generated Objects

MDG_GN_IMG DDIC Generator: Development Menu

MDG_GN_LOC_SETTINGS Local Settings of DDIC Generator

MDG_GN_LOG Display of Generation Log

MDG_GN_LOG_INT Display of Generation Log

MDG_GN_SETTINGS Settings of DDIC Generator

MDG_HDB_GEN_UI HANA View Generator

MDG_ISS_CUST_TEMPL Import Self Service custom. template

MDG_MDF01 Master Data: Settings

MDG_MDF_APPL Maintain Application

MDG_MDF_DEL_BUFFER Delete Buffered Field Information

MDG_MDF_GEN_AREAID Generate Application Area

MDG_MDF_GEN_LIST Display of Generated Objects

MDG_MDF_GEN_TYPE Define Generic Types

MDG_MDF_LIST_HRY_SID Hierarchy: Display SID


MDG_MDF_LOCAL_ROLES Local Role Maintenance

MDG_MDF_LOCAL_ROLESH Local Role Maintenance (Hierarchies)

MDG_MDF_ROLES Role Maintenance

MDG_MDF_ROLE_HRY Role Maintenance (External Hiers)

MDG_MDF_SHM Setting of Parameters

MDG_MSG_LG1 Analyze Application Log

MDG_NR_ADDR Number range for temporary BP number

MDG_NR_BP Number range for temporary BP number

MDG_TR_CAT Catalog of Transport Objects

MDG_TR_CATA Attributes of Transport Objects

MDG_TR_CATAL Local Attributes

MDG_TR_CCM Client Copy - Protection

MDG_TR_CCM1 Client Copy - Administration

MDG_TR_CCO Client Copy - Object Status

MDG_TR_CC_LOG Client Copy - Postprocessing Log

MDG_TR_DEST Destination for Transport Methods

MDG_TR_EXEC_AI Postprocessing of Client Copy

MDG_TR_IMG Transport Tool: Development

MDG_TR_LOG Display of Logs of Transport Tool

MDG_TR_TCATO Obsolete Transport Objects

MDHI Master Data and Hierarchy

MDLD Print MRP List


MDM1 Mail To Vendor

MDM2 Mail to Vendor

MDM3 Mail to Customer

MDM4 Mail to MRP Controller

MDM5 Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller

MDMC Send Customers (MDM)

MDMGX MDM Generic Extraction Framework

MDMGXC0 Transaction for MDMGXC0

MDMGXC1 Transaction for MDMGXC1

MDMGXC2 Transaction for MDMGXC2

MDMGXMOBJ Maintain Object Types

MDML Calculation of Multilevel Delay

MDMV Send Vendors (MDM)

MDM_CLNT_EXTR Local Extraction

MDM_FSBP_TEST Tests MDM Scenarios for FSBP

MDP0 Independent Requirements

MDP1 Create combination structure

MDP2 Change combination structure

MDP3 Display combination structure

MDP4 Maintain combinations

MDP6 Modeling

MDPH Planning Profile

MDPP Demand Management

MDPV Planning variant: Initial screen

MDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship

MDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship

MDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship

MDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship

MDRE Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode

MDRP Distribution Resource Planning

MDSA Display Serial Numbers

MDSP Change BOM Explosion Numbers

MDS_COMPARE_TOOL Compare Tool for Master Data Sync.

MDS_CONSISTENCY_TOOL Consistency check Tool for MDS

MDS_LINKS Get the Mapped Cust/Vend/BP

MDS_LOAD_COCKPIT Synchronization Cockpit

MDS_PPO2 PPO for Master Data Synchronization

MDUM Convert Planned Orders into PReqs

MDUP Maintain Project New Key Assignment

MDUS Assign New Key to WBS Elements

MDVP Collective Availability Check PAUF

MDW1 Access MRP control program

MD_MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC Info and Set. f. Mat. in MRP on HANA

MD_MRP_PERFLOG MRP Live Performance Log


ME03 Display Source List

ME06 Analyze Source List

ME08 Send Source List

ME0M Source List for Material

ME13 Display Purchasing Info Record

ME17 Archive Info Records

ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record

ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records

ME1E Quotation Price History

ME1L Info Records per Supplier

ME1M Info Records per Material

ME1P Purchase Order Price History

ME1W Info Records per Material Group

ME1X Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Supplier

ME1Y Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Material

ME23 Display Purchase Order

ME23N Display Purchase Order

ME26 Display PO Supplement (IR)

ME28 Release Purchase Order

ME2A Monitor Confirmations

ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number

ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group

ME2COMP Component Consumption History

ME2DP Down-Payment Monitoring for PO

ME2J Purchase Orders for Project

ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment

ME2L Purchase Orders by Supplier

ME2M Purchase Orders by Material

ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number

ME2O SC Stock Monitoring (Supplier)

ME2ON Subcontracting Cockpit

ME2S Services per Purchase Order

ME2SCRAP Scrap Analysis (Component Consump.)

ME2STAR Purchasing Document Items

ME2V Goods Receipt Forecast

ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant

ME308 Send Contracts with Conditions

ME33 Display Outline Agreement

ME33K Display Contract

ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement

ME35 Release Outline Agreement

ME35K Release Contract

ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement

ME36 Display Agreement Supplement (IR)

ME39 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST)

ME3A Transm. Release Documentation Record

ME3B Outl. Agreements per Requirement No.

ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Group

ME3J Outline Agreements per Project

ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment

ME3L Outline Agreements per Supplier

ME3M Outline Agreements by Material

ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No.

ME3S Service List for Contract

ME43 Display Request For Quotation

ME45 Release RFQ

ME48 Display Quotation

ME49 Price Comparison List

ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number

ME4C RFQs by Material Group

ME4L RFQs by Supplier

ME4M RFQs by Material

ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number

ME4S RFQs by Collective Number

ME52NB Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisition

ME53 Display Purchase Requisition

ME53N Display Purchase Requisition

ME54 Release Purchase Requisition

ME54N Release Purchase Requisition

ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.

ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display

ME5F Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition

ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Project

ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment

ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions

ME5W Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions

ME60 Screenpainter Test

ME62 Display Supplier Evaluation

ME64 Evaluation Comparison

ME65 Evaluation Lists

ME69 List non confirmed WEB releases

ME6A Changes to Supplier Evaluation

ME6B Display Supplier Evaln. for Material

ME6F Print

ME6G Supplier Evaluation in Background

ME6H Stand. Analysis: Supplier Evaluation

ME6Z Transport Supplier Evaluation Tables

ME80 Purchasing Reporting

ME80A Purchasing Reporting: RFQs

ME80AN General Analyses (A)

ME80F Purchasing Reporting: POs

ME80FN General Analyses (F)

ME80R Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts.

ME80RN General Analyses (L,K)

ME81 Analysis of Order Values

ME81N Analysis of Order Values

ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents

ME83 Remove Scheduling Agreement Releases

ME84 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases

ME84A Individual Display of SA Release

ME85 Renumber Schedule Lines

ME86 Aggregate Schedule Lines

ME87 Summarize PO History

ME88 Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date

ME89 Release of Stopped SA Releases

ME97 Archive Purchase Requisitions

ME98 Archive Purchasing Documents

ME99 Messages from Purchase Orders

MEAN Delivery Addresses

MEB0 Reversal of Settlement Runs

MEB3 Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.)

MEB5 List of Supplier Rebate Arrangements

MEB6 Bus Vol. Data, Supplier Rebate Arrs.

MEB8 Det. Statement, Supplier Rebate Arr.

MEB9 Stat. Statement, Supplier Reb. Arrs.

MEBA Comp. Suppl. BV, Supplier Reb. Arr.

MEBABW Delta Init for BI-Extraction

MEBB Check Open Docs., Supplier Reb. Arr.

MEBC Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett.

MEBH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)

MEBI Message, Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Run

MEBJ Recompile Income, Supplier Reb. Arr.

MEBK Message., Subs. Settlem.- Arrangment

MEBM List of settlement runs for arrngmts

MEBOR Work Center Conversion

MEBR Archive Rebate Arrangements

MEBS Stmnt. Sett. Docs., Supp. Reb. Arrs.

MECCM Send Purchasing Data to Catalog

MECCP_ME2K For Requisition Account Assignment

MEER Mass Act: Create Electronic Bill

MEI1 Automatic Purchasing Document Change

MEI2 Automatic Document Change

MEI3 Recompilation of Document Index

MEI4 Compile Worklist for Document Index

MEI5 Delete Worklist for Document Index

MEI6 Delete purchasing document index

MEI7 Change sales prices in purch. orders

MEI8 Recomp. doc. index settlement req.

MEI9 Recomp. Doc Index Supplier Bill. Doc

MEIA New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett.

MEIS Select MM Receipts and Returns

MEK3 Display Conditions (Purchasing)

MEK31 Condition Maintenance: Change

MEK32 Condition Maintenance: Change

MEK33 Condition Maintenance: Change

MEKA Conditions: General Overview

MEKB Conditions by Contract

MEKC Conditions by Info Record

MEKD Conditions for Material Group

MEKE Conditions for Supplier

MEKF Conditions for Material Type

MEKG Conditions for Condition Group

MEKH Market Price

MEKI Conditions for Incoterms

MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party

MEKK Conditions for Supplier Sub-Range

MEKX Transport Condition Types Purchasing

MEKY Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.)

MEKZ Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.)

MEL0 Service Entry Sheet

MELB Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.

MEM1 Replacement for Purchase Order Item

MEMASSCONTRACT Mass Changing of Contracts

MEMASSIN Mass-Changing of Purch. Info Records

MEMASSPO Mass Change of Purchase Orders

MEMASSRQ Mass-Changing of Purch. Requisitions

MEMASSSA Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements

MEMON_CUST Activating monitoring for RC-monitor

MEMPADELIM Maintain Delimiters for Message

MENU_MIGRATION Menu Migration into New Hierarchy

MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Info

MEPB Price Info/Supplier Negotiations

MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement

MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement

MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangements

MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material

MER5 List of Customer Rebate Arrangements

MER6 Busn. Vols., Cust. Reb. Arrangements

MER8 Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs.

MER9 Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats.

MERA Comp. Suppl. BV, Cust. Rebate Arrs.

MERABW Delta Init for BI Extraction

MERB Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr.

MEREP_BWAFDEL delivery of BWAFMAPP entries

MEREP_DISP_DQ DSD Transaction - Download Queue

MEREP_DISP_UQ DSD Transaction - Upload Queue

MEREP_DWNL_T01 Initial download T01

MEREP_DWNL_T01_MOD Download T01 with modifications


MEREP_EX_REPLIC Execute Replicator

MEREP_GEN_ALL Transaction to generate all

MEREP_LOG Activity Log

MEREP_MBL deletion of obsolete mobile ids

MEREP_MIG Migration

MEREP_MON Mobile Monitor

MEREP_PD Profile Dialog


MEREP_REPAIR Repair critical tables in MI


MERH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension)

MERJ Recomp. of Income, Cust. Reb. Arrs.

MERS Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs.

MES11 Sustainability Info Records

METAL Transaction Starter Purchasing

MEU0 Assign User to User Group

MEW0 Procurement Transaction

MEW1 Create Requirement Request

MEW10 Service Entry in Web

MEW2 Status Display: Requirement Requests

MEW3 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs.

MEW5 Collective Release of Purchase Order

MEW6 Assign Purchase Orders WEB

MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets

MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet

MEWP Web based PO

MEWS Service Entry (Component)

MEX3 Display Purchasing Document

ME_EXT_REL_PR Requisition for External Release

ME_RTRACE Client Trace Settings

ME_SWP_ALERT Display MRP Alerts (Web)

ME_SWP_CO Display Purchasing Pricing (Web)

ME_SWP_IV Display Settlement Status (Web)

ME_SWP_PDI Display Purchase Document Info (Web)

ME_SWP_PH Display Purchasing History (Web)

ME_SWP_SRI Display Schedule Releases (Web)

ME_WIZARD ME: Registration and Generation

MF00 Run Schedules


MF12 Display Document Log (With ALV)

MF20 REM Cost Controlling

MF22 Versions: Overview

MF23 Linking Versions Graphically

MF26 Display Reporting Point Quantity

MF27 Update Stats for Planned Quantities

MF30 Create PrelimCostEst - ProdCostColl.

MF36 C RM-MAT MD Create Planning IDs

MF37 C RM-MAT MD Linking Versions

MF3A Document Archiving

MF3D Delete Archived Document

MF3E Evaluate Archived Document

MF3M Manage Archived Documents

MF3R Reload Archived Document

MF41 Reverse Backflush (With ALV)

MF42 Collective Backflush

MF42N New Collective Entry

MF45 Reprocessing Components: Rep.Manuf.

MF46 Collective Reprocessing, Backflush

MF47 Open Reprocessing Records / Pr.Line

MF4R Resetting Reporting Points

MF50 Planning Table - Change

MF51 Print Production Quantities

MF52 Planning Table - Display

MF53 Maintaining Variants-Production List

MF57 Planning Table - By MRP Lists

MF60 Pull List

MF63 Staging Situation

MF65 Stock Transfer for Reservation

MF68 Log for Pull List

MF70 Aggregate Collective Backflush

MFBF Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg

MFHU Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg

MFI2 Actual Overhead: Run Schedule Header

MFN1 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Ind.Pro.

MFN2 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Col.Pro.

MFP1 REM: Plan HUs - General

MFP11 REM: Plan HUs Without Order

MFP12 REM: Plan HUs for Order

MFP13 Rep. Manuf.: Plan HUs for Delivery

MFP14 Rep. Man.: Plan HUs for Purch. Order

MFP2 REM: Pack HUs - General

MFP21 REM: Pack HUs Without Order

MFP22 REM: Pack HUs for Order

MFP23 Rep. Manuf.: Pack HUs for Delivery

MFP24 Rep. Man.: Pack HUs for Purch. Order

MFPP1 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Plan

MFPP2 PackDemandMgt Repetitive Mfg: Pack

MFPR Process Inspection Lot for Versions

MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan

MGMT Device Configuration

MGMT_ADMIN Device Configuration

MGMT_AUTHORITY Edit Authorizations

MGMT_CUSTOMIZING Screen Control for Device Config.

MGMT_DEV_IDTXT Assign Text to Device ID

MGMT_PARA Assign Configuration Parameters

MGMT_PARA_COND Parameter Conditions

MGMT_PARA_PATT Set Device Configuration Parameters

MGMT_PARA_PROP Get Parameter Properties

MGMT_SERVICE Assign Agents to Monitoring Function

MGMT_TYPES Device Configuration - Types

MGVEXTOBJ Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects

MGV_CORRECT Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure

MGV_MAPALE Mapping externa/internal number ALE

MGV_OMSL Maintain TMCNV for long material no.

MGW0 Create Components for Set Material

MGW1 Display Components for Set Material

MGW2 Create Components for Display Matl

MGW3 Display Components for Display Matl

MGW4 Create Components for Prepack Matl

MGW5 Display Components for Prepack Matl

MGW6 Create Components for Full Product

MGW7 Display Components for Full Product

MGW8 Change Components for Set Material

MGW9 Change Components for Display Matl

MGWA Change Components for Prepack

MGWB Change Components for Full Product

MI00 Physical Inventory

MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document

MI06 Display Inventory Count

MI12 Display changes

MI20 Print List of Differences

MI21 Print physical inventory document

MI22 Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Material

MI23 Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material

MI24 Physical Inventory List

MI33 Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance

MI35 Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance

MI9A Analyze archived phy. inv. docs

MIAD Delete Phys. Inv. Documents

MIAL Inventory Documents: Read Archive

MIAR Archive Phys. Inv. Documents

MIAV Manage Phys. Inv. Doc. Archive

MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting

MICN Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctng

MIDO Physical Inventory Overview

MIGO Goods Movement

MIGO_GI Goods Movement

MIGO_GO Goods Movement

MIGO_GR Goods Movement

MIGO_GS Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided

MIGO_TR Transfer Posting

MIGR1 KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global)

MIGR2 KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.)

MIGR_TEST Test Menu for Migration

MILL_00 IS Mill Products

MILL_CUT Cutting Stck Trans. and Confirmation

MILL_CUT_CO Cutting Confirmation

MILL_CUT_LBA Confirmation DNP Processing

MILL_CUT_TR Cutting Stock Transfer

MILL_OC Create Order Combination


MIMD Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data

MIR4 Call MIRO - Change Status

MIR5 Display List of Invoice Documents

MIR6 Invoice Overview

MIR7 Park Invoice

MIRA Fast Invoice Entry

MIRCMR Material Reconciliation

MIRO Enter Incoming Invoice

MIRO_WORKFLOW Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow

MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow

MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow

MIS3 Display Inventory Sampling

MIS4 Create Inventory Sampling - R/2

MIS5 Create Inventory Sampling - Other

MISS Extract: Check Solution Paths

MI_CONFIG_CLIENTS Configuration of MI Client

MI_MCD MI:Process Mobile Component

MI_MSD MI:Process Mobile Component


MK03 Display vendor (Purchasing)

MK19 Display vendor (purchasing), future

MKH1 Maintain vendor hierarchy

MKH1N Display/Maintain Vendor Hierarchy

MKH2 Display vendor hierarchy

MKH2N Display Vendor Hierarchy

MKH3 Activate vendor master (online)

MKH4 Activate vendors (batch input)

MKK Mass Contract Invoicing

MKOP Call Up Material Master-Copier

MKS11 Vendor Sustainability Records

MKVG Settlement and Condition Groups

MKVZ List of Suppliers: Purchasing

ML01 Create Standard Service Catalog

ML02 Maintain Standard Service Catalog

ML03 Display Standard Service Catalog

ML05 Purchasing Object for Service

ML10 Create Model Service Specifications

ML100 Calculate Taxes at Service Level

ML11 Change Model Service Specifications

ML12 Display Model Service Specifications

ML15 List of Model Service Specifications

ML20 Create Conditions

ML32 Display Supplier Conditions

ML33 Create Supplier Conditions

ML34 Change Supplier Conditions

ML35 Display Supplier Conditions

ML38 Display Supplier Conditions

ML39 Create Supplier Conditions

ML40 Change Supplier Conditions

ML41 Display Supplier Conditions

ML44 Display Supplier Conditions

ML45 Display Service Conditions

ML46 Change Service Conditions

ML47 Display Service Conditions

ML50 Display Conditions

ML51 Create Conditions

ML52 Change Conditions

ML53 Create Conditions

ML60CK Release Procedure Checks

ML81N Service Entry Sheet

ML82 Display Service Entry Sheet

ML84 List of Service Entry Sheets

ML87 Export Service Data

ML89 Definition of Formulas

ML90 Field Selection for Services

ML91 Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt.

ML92 Entry Sheets for Service

ML93 Purchasing Object for Service

ML94 External Services Mgmt.: Direct Call

ML95 List Display: Contracts for Service

ML96 Purchase Requisitions for Service

ML97 Recompile Index

ML98 Std. EKORG Values f. Ext. Srv. Mgmt.

ML99 Formula Variable IDs

MLCCSPD Cost Components for Price

MLRP Periodic Invoicing Plans

MLS5 Import Standard Service Type

MLS6 Report for Standard Service Catalog

MLV2 Create Total Price (PRS)

MLV3 Create Total Price (PRS)

MLV4 Create Total Price (PRS)

MLV5 Change Currency (Contracts)


MM03 Display Material &

MM13 Activate Planned Changes

MM14 Display Planned Changes

MM17 Mass Maintenance: Indus. Matl Master

MM19 Display Material & at Key Date

MM42 Change Material &

MM43 Display Material &

MM46 Mass Maintenance: Retail Matl Master

MM60 Materials List

MM70 Sel. Materials Flagged for Deletion

MM71 Reorganize Materials

MM72 Display Archive of Materials

MM73 Special Stocks: Preparation

MM74 Archive Special Stocks

MM75 Display Archive of Special Stocks

MM90 Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster

MM91 Delete ALE Appl. Log for Matl Master

MMBE Stock Overview

MMBE_OLD Stock Overview

MMCC Copy Material

MMCL Stock Overview by Characteristic

MMCU Customizing Material Master Copier

MMD3 Display MRP Profile

MMD7 Display MRP Profile Usage

MMDE Delete All Materials

MMLS Logistic Switch (Not Released)

MMM1 Create Message: Material Master

MMNR Define Material Master Number Ranges

MMPURPAME21N Create Purchase Order from Portal





MMPURUICALLMD03 Wrapper for transaction MD03

MMPURUICALLME28 Wrapper for transaction ME28

MMPURUICALLME29N Wrapper for transaction ME29N

MMPURUICALLME49 Wrapper for transaction ME49

MMPURUICALLME54N Wrapper for transaction ME54N

MMPURUICALLME55 Wrapper for transaction ME55

MMPURUIME21N Wrapper transaction for ME21N


MMPURUIPRCREQ Create PO from Requisition

MMPUR_ATTC_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_ATT

MMPUR_CAT_EXT Catalog_Extractor

MMPUR_CTLOG_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_CAT

MMPUR_GNRL_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_GEN

MMPUR_ME41 RFQ Transaction

MMPUR_PRC_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_PC

MMPUR_PRS_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_PS

MMPUR_SRT_NR Number range editing: MMPUR_ST

MMSC_MASS Maintain Storage Locations Coll.

MMSRVAC03 Display Service Master from Portal

MMSRVCRTSES Create SES from Portal

MMSRVENTRY Call transaction ML81N from Portal

MMSRVSES Call SES from Portal

MMSRVSESINV Call transaction MIRO from Portal

MMZ3 Display Material (Old MM03)

MN03 Display Message: RFQ

MN06 Display Message: PO

MN09 Display Message: Outline Agreement

MN12 Displ. Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule

MN15 Display Message: Service Entry Sheet

MN21 Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt

MN22 Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt

MN23 Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt

MN26 Display Message: Shipping Notif.

MN29 Display message: rough goods receipt

MNKR Number range maintenance: W_EREIGNIS

MNTB Table Maintenance for PSO48

MNTF Table Maintenance for PSO49

MOALL Delete Agent Allocation

MOKA CAP: Calculation Restitution

MOKS CAP: Calculation Simulation

MOVE_HIER_CONFIG Transfer Hierarchy configuration

MP00 Material Forecast Menu

MP01 Maintain AMPL Records

MP02 Display AMPL Records

MP11 Create message for direct production

MP12 Change Message for direct production

MP13 Display message - direct production

MP32 Display Material Forecast

MP33 Reprocess material forecast

MP39 Print

MP83 Display Forecast Profile

MP90 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Param.

MP91 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Values


MPAD Delete archived materials from AMPL

MPAMSGTEMPL Maintain Message Template

MPAR Archive final issue materials

MPAV Manage archive for maufacturer parts


MPCR Transaction for Mass Creation Of MP

MPD Maintenance Program Definition

MPDR Print in BATCH Mode


MPE1 Create buyer

MPE2 Change buyer

MPE3 Display buyer

MPLT Test Appl. for Interface to iPPE WB

MPN01 MPN Conversion Reconcilation

MPND Field Synchronization, Interch.Parts

MPN_V_V2 MPN and SuS Rescheduling

MPOCCMONALERT Write Extracts for CC Monitor

MPOCCPOSALERT Write Extracts for Line Items

MPOILVALERT Write Extracts for IAA Monitor

MPOORDALERT Write Extracts for ORDMonitor

MPOORDPOSALERT Extracts of Critical Line Items ORD

MPO_ADMIN Administration of Rule Maintenance

MPO_APPREQ Services for Request Types

MPO_CCMONITOR_RRIF Start Report/Report Interface

MPO_CCMON_DOC_CALL Call Doc. Display for CCtr Monitor

MPO_ILV Rule Maintenance for IAA Monitor

MPO_LINE Rule: Unusual Postings - Orders

MPO_MON Rule Maintenance for CCtr Monitor

MPO_ORD Rule Maintenance for Order Monitor

MPO_PERS_DATA_DELETE Delete User's Personalization Data

MPO_PERS_FILL_CC Fill for Personalization, Cost Ctrs

MPO_PERS_FILL_PC Fill for Personalization,Profit Ctrs

MPO_POS Rule Maint. for Unusual Postings

MPR1 Forecast Adopted from External Data

MPR2 Deletion of Forecast Data

MPSD_CA_CE_001 Maintain table for grouping reason

MR00 Invoice Verification

MR01 Process Incoming Invoice

MR03 Display Inv. Verification Document

MR08 Cancel Invoice Document

MR11 GR/IR account maintenance

MR11SHOW Account Maint.Docu.Display-Reversal

MR11_OLD Old GR/IR account maintenance

MR21 Price Change

MR22 Material Debit/Credit

MR23 Adjustment of Inventory Value

MR32 Change Material Layer (LIFO)

MR33 Display Material Layer (LIFO)

MR34 Change FIFO Data

MR35 Display FIFO Data

MR39 Display Documents (LIFO)

MR41 Park Invoice

MR42 Change Parked Invoice

MR43 Display Parked Invoice

MR44 Post Parked Document

MR51 Material Line Items

MR8M Cancel Invoice Document

MR90 Messages for Invoice Documents

MR91 Messages for Invoice Documents

MRA1 Archive Invoice Documents

MRA2 Delete Archived Invoice Documents

MRA3 Display Archived Invoice Documents

MRA4 Manage Invoice Document Archive

MRBE Valuation

MRBP Invoice Verification in Background

MRBR Release Blocked Invoices

MRBWNEU Recompilation

MRCHVW Batch mgmt with reconciliation

MRDC Automatic Delivery Cost Settlement

MRER Auto. ERS Automotive

MRF1 Execute FIFO Valuation

MRF2 Diplay Documents (FIFO)

MRF3 FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract

MRF4 FIFO: Select Materials

MRF5 FIFO: Delete Valuation Data

MRHG Enter Credit Memo

MRHR Enter Invoice

MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan

MRKO Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs.

MRL1 Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl

MRL2 Perform LIFO Valuation: Pools

MRL3 LIFO Lowest Value Comparison

MRL4 Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl

MRL5 Display LIFO Valuation: Pools

MRL6 Select Materials

MRL7 Display Pool Formation

MRL8 Create Base Layer

MRL9 LIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract

MRLA Check Pool Formation

MRLB Delete Layer

MRLC Transfer Third-Party Data

MRLD Transfer Valuation Prices

MRLE Change Group Structure

MRLF Create Version as Copy

MRLG Aggregate Layer

MRLH Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level

MRLI Generate Pools

MRLJ LIFO Data Transfer

MRLK LIFO: Adjust Units of Measure

MRLL LIFO: Reassign Material Layer

MRM0 Logistics Invoice Verification

MRM1 Create Message: Invoice Verification

MRM2 Change Message: Invoice Verification

MRM3 Display Message: Inv. Verification

MRM4 Number Ranges, Invoice Verification

MRN0 Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices

MRN1 Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverage

MRN1_TS Determine Lowest Value: Rge of Cov.

MRN2 Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate

MRN3 Loss-Free Valuation

MRN8 Lowest Value: Price Variances

MRN9 Balance Sheet Values by Account

MRN9DELTA Delta Posting Processing

MRN9_OLD Balance Sheet Values by Account

MRNB Revaluation

MRO2 Configuration: IV Lists

MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement

MRRS Evaluated Receipt Settlement

MRTRSC01 RMS-MRTRS : RFC Destination of GR

MRTRSC02 RMS-MRTRS : Master Recipe Generation

MRTRS_START RMS-MRTRS : Start MR Transformation

MRY1 Calculate Average Receipt Price

MRY2 Transfer Physical Inventory Prices

MRY3 Display Valuation Alternative

MRY4 Transfer ML Prices

MRY_SCMA Execute via Schedule Manager

MRY_SCMO Analyze via Schedule Manager

MRY_SLG1 Analyze Application Log

MR_BEWART Material Reconciliation

MR_FORM Reconciliation: Formula

MR_PARAM Reconciliation: Formula Parameter

MS00 Long-term planning

MS01 Long-Term Planning: Total Planning

MS02 Long-term plng: single-itm, mult-lvl

MS03 Long-term plng: singl-itm, singl-lvl

MS04 Planning Scenario: Stock/Reqmts List

MS05 Long-term planning: display MRP list

MS06 Long-term plnng: collective MRP list

MS07 Long-Term Plng: Material Overview

MS08 Reorg.MRP Lists for Long-Term Plnng

MS11 LTP: Create planned order

MS12 LTP: Change planned order

MS13 LTP: Display planned order

MS20 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng

MS21 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnng

MS29 Calculate Sim. Initial Stock

MS31 Create planning scenario

MS32 Change planning scenario

MS33 Display planning scenario

MS44 Flexible Evaluation Long-Term Plnng

MS47 Evaluation LTP for Product Group

MS50 Make-to-order planning (LTP)

MS51 Project planning (LTP)

MS64 Create Simulation Version

MS65 Requirements Situation

MS66 Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts

MS70 Evaluation Plng Scenario for PURCHIS

MS71 Copy info structure version to LTP

MSAB LTP: set up plnng file entries BATCH

MSAC LTP: delete plnng file entries BATCH

MSAM_ACTBPRO Activate Business Process for MSAM

MSAM_DESTSD RFC destinations for delta replicat.

MSAM_EQTEMP Template Equipment Profile

MSAM_GENERAL General settings for Data Movement

MSAM_LANG Multi-Language settings for MSAM

MSAM_NOTIF Notification Processing Profile

MSAM_ORDER Order Processing Profile

MSBT Long-term plng:plng background job

MSC3 Display Batch

MSC3N Display Batch

MSC4N Display Change Documents for Batch

MSC5N Mass Processing for Batches

MSC6 Start of MS06 via Report

MSC6N Batch Worklist

MSC7 Start MS07 from Report

MSCUST Maintain Due Date Scenarios

MSDO LTP Evaluation Report RoC Online

MSDS LTP Evaluation Report Coverages

MSE7 EKS Simulation: Material Selection

MSEX LTP Data Extractor

MSGNO Number range editing: FSH_ARNLOG

MSG_TEST Test Message

MSINA Maintain Backlog Entry in Extract

MSK3 Display Display Consignment Goods

MSL1 Display Mass Maintenance Logs

MSL2 Delete Mass Maintenance Logs

MSLD Print MRP List; Long-Term Planning

MSRV1 List for Service

MSRV2 Service List for Requisition

MSRV3 Service List for Purchase Order

MSRV4 Service List for RFQ

MSRV5 Service List for Contract

MSRV6 Service List for Entry Sheet

MSR_CRD RRD for Customer Returns

MSR_INSPV Enter Material Insp. by Supplier

MSR_INSPWH Enter Material Insp. in Warehouse

MSR_INSP_DISPLAY Display Inspection Results

MSR_INSP_SFAC Field Selection Insp. Char. Values

MSR_IRD RRD for Internal Returns

MSR_PLNCHK Approval check related plants

MSR_RETURNS_REASON MSR: Returns Reason Codes

MSR_RETURNS_REFUND MSR: Returns Refund Codes


MSR_RRCDEF_CRD MSR: View for Returns Refund Code

MSR_RRCDEF_CUS MSR: View for Returns Refund Code

MSR_RRCDEF_IRD MSR: View for Returns Refund Code

MSR_SELECT MSR: Maintain Selection Criteria

MSR_SFAC Field Selection MSR

MSR_SNUM Maintain the number range for MSR_ID

MSR_TRC_C Tracking of Customer Returns

MSR_TRC_I Tracking of Supplier Returns

MSR_TVAK_CMR MSR: TVAK Credit Memo Request


MSR_TVLK Def. Billing Type for IC Returns

MSR_UGROUP Assign User to User Group

MSR_VRM_GR Receive Replacement from Supplier

MSR_VRM_LFU LFU for Replacement from Supplier

MST0 Mass changes

MSTRVAR Transport Variants

MSTRVAR_S Transport System Variants

MSW1 Reset Warnings (in the Foreground)

MSW2 Reset Warnings (in the Background)

MTBEC1 Customizing

MU01 Mass Upload Download

MU02 UOM Mass upload

MVD_CUST Cutosmizing: Material Versions LS1A

MWB Start DMC Interface

MWB1 Creating Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation

MWB2 Changing Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation

MWB3 Displaying Prop/Prod Unit Valuation

MWBC Consistency Chck f. Prop./Prod. Unit

MWBDISP MWB: Display Transaction

MWBE Purchase order history corr. PUR

MWBIU MWB: Integrated Upgrade

MWBIU_EXT MWB: Upgrade Buffer Administration

MWBK Actv. ingr. management corr. factor

MWBMON MWB: Transfer Monitor

MWBQ Purchase order history corr. QM


MWB_TRANSFER_PERFORM Transfer Performance Evaluation

MWCH Change Procurement IAC

MYB3 Bus. Volume Comparison Type Purchas.

MYB4 Bus.Vol. Tolerance Group Purchasing

MYB5 User Settings, Subsequent Settlement

M_LA Purchasing: Condition List

M_LB Change Condition List

M_LC Display Condition List

M_LD Execute Condition List

M_LQH Define Liquidity Item Hierarchies

M_QADJ Quantity Adjustment Customizing MM

O000 C RM-MAT Menu - Classification

O005 C CL Characteristic Default Settings

O020 Record Layout for BTCI (Classes)

O021 Class Data Transfer

O023 Display Class Maintenance Data File

O024 Transfer Class Data: Direct Input

O02F Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec.

O02G Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec.

O02K Maintain Period Indicator

O035 Country version delivery sys created

O037 HR Customizing User Parameters

O03C Assign Target Fields to Mess. Dest.

O041 Cust. Chars: Char. Statuses

O042 Cust. Chars: Char. Groups

O043 Cust. Classes: Class Groups

O044 Cust. Chars: Template Characters

O045 Cust. Characteristics: Templates

O04C PI: Message Control Purchasing

O050 Customizing: General Info System

O052 Set up Clients

O053 Customizing Request Management

O05C PI: Messages Control C5

O06C Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit

O06S Define Process Manufacturing Cockpit

O07C Obsolete transaction

O08C Release Char. Grp for Proc. Messages

O09C Release Char. Group for Proc. Instr.

O10C Assig. Ctrl Rec. Dest./Proc. Instr.

O10CXT Change Destination for XSteps

O11C Maint. Acct.Assgnmt.Types for Order

O12A Maintain Object Types

O12C Assign Charact. / Proc. Instr. Cat.

O13C MessCat./Dest./Chars./Target Fields

O15C Overview Var.: PI Sheet Selection

O1CL Maintain Class Types

O22C Copy SAP Messages (Standard)

O22C_VHUMI Copy Message Cats Mat.Ident./Reconc.

O23C Client Copy of PP-PI Characteristics

O23C_VHUMI Copy Material Ident. Characteristics

O24C Copy SAP Messages (Generic)

O25C Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes

O25X Create Charac. with PP-PI Attributes

O26C Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes

O26X Change Charac. with PP-PI Attributes

O27C Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute

O27X Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribute

O285 Master Recipe/QM Data

O28C Copy SAP Messages (Central)

O29C Copy SAP Messages (Decentralized)

O2CL Profile for User Settings

O30_DT Data transfer

O30_PROPT Price Optimizer Notification

O30_PROPT_LOG Price Optimizer Log Display

O30_RM Maintain Material Relevance

O3AA Archive Exchange Balance Records

O3AX Exchanges operations

O3AY Exchanges master data

O3A_PRP Assign price reference plants

O3GV Loading Master Record

O3I1 Appl./Customiz. Customer Price List

O3I2 Define Price Information for Quote

O3I4 Maintain Gross/Net Rule Defaults

O3I5 Define Price Information for Quote

O3INT Special interest table

O3O_ARCC RLM container archiving

O3O_ARCF RLM object flow archiving

O3O_ARCH RLM container history archiving

O3O_ARCR RLM returns archiving

O3O_ARCV RLM Voyage archiving

O3O_CT01 Maintain container materials

O3O_C_ACT Maintain supply activities

O3O_C_MAIN Maintain system parameters

O3O_C_OBJTY Maintain document flow object types

O3O_C_SBSDC Subsequent posting rules for returns

O3O_C_SPDRV Maintain supply process derivation

O3O_C_SPPNR Maintain no ranges for auto packing

O3O_C_SPROC Maintain supply processes

O3O_VL10B RLM Purchase Orders Due for Delivery

O3O_VL10D RLM Purch. Order Items due for Dlv

O3O_VL10F RLM PurchOrd Sched Lines due for Dlv

O3O_VMIS Voyage Management Information System

O3RAM1 Maintain material handling groups

O3RAM3 Display material handling groups

O3RAPL1 Location Based Collective output

O3RAPR1 Create Print document

O3RAPR2 Change Print program

O3RAPR3 Display Print document

O3RA_ARCHIVING SSR - Archiving customizing

O3RA_ARCH_OBJ SSR - Archiving customizing

O3RCF000 Fuels processing

O3RCMM01 SSR Meters - Maintenance

O3RCMM02 SSR Meters - Detail report

O3RCMM03 SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.)

O3RCMM03S SSR Meters - Errors (background pr.)

O3RCMM04 SSR Meters - Errors maintenance

O3RCMM05 SSR Meters - Clearing

O3RCMM06 SSR Meters - Rebuild aggregated data

O3RCMM07 SSR Meters - End day process

O3RCMM07I SSR Meters - End day process (init.)

O3RCMM07R SSR Meters - End day process (rest.)

O3RCMM08 SSR Meters - Month Quantities

O3RCMM09 SSR Meters - Invoice quantites

O3RCMM10 SSR Meters - Deleted meter readings

O3RCMM11 SSR Meters - Delete quantity reading

O3RCMMX4 SSR Meters - App. log Errors maint.

O3RCMV01 Material movem. based on meter read.

O3RCMV02 Material movem. based on dip reading

O3RCPC02 SSR - Profile maintenance (material)

O3RCPR01 SSR Pricing - Group update

O3RCPR02 SSR Pricing - Group reverse

O3RCPR04 SSR Pricing - Price check

O3RCPR06 SSR Pricing - Network-Group report

O3RCPR2D SSR Pricing - Price maintenance

O3RCPR2D_D SSR Pricing - Price Deletion

O3RCPR2D_RS SSR Pricing - Price maintenance

O3RCPR50 SSR - Price history for location

O3RCPR51 SSR - Network prices at special time

O3RCPR52 SSR - Price changes

O3RCPR53 SSR - Netw. average prices by loc.

O3RCPR54 SSR - Price changes dealer delay

O3RCPR55 SSR - Netw. average prices by date

O3RCPRCM SSR Pricing - Price cluster maint.

O3RCPRCN SSR Pricing - Branch cluster maint.

O3RCSM01 SSR Stocks - Maintenance

O3RCSM02 SSR Stocks - Stock corrections

O3RCSM03 SSR Stocks - Errors (background pr.)

O3RCSM04 SSR Stocks - Errors maintenance

O3RCSM05 SSR Stocks - Clearing

O3RCSM06 SSR Stocks - Review stocks

O3RCSM07 SSR Stocks - End day process

O3RCSM07I SSR Dips - End day process (init.)

O3RCSM07R SSR Dips - End day process (rest.)

O3RCSM08 SSR Stocks - List

O3RCSMX2 SSR Stocks - Stock corrections (D)

O3RCSMX4 SSR Stocks - App. log Errors maint.

O3RC_CLUSTER_DEF SSR Pricing - Location cluster def.

O3RECH1 Create CH Settlement/Transmission

O3RECH2 change settlement/transmission

O3RECH4 Assign Customer to Clearing house

O3RECOMPL SSR Complaint process

O3RECON1 Payment card reconciliation

O3REDTF04 SSR Payment cards: Mass correction

O3RH_CHLM Process change pointers for location

O3RH_CHPR Process change pointers for prices

O3RI01 Service Station Partner Invoicing

O3RI02 Location partner daily report

O3RI03 Reverse periodic invoices

O3UBL01_WORKPLACE Balancing Workplace

O3UCA_GPSS Gas Plant Sliding Scale

O3UCA_MKGRPL List processing for Marketing Groups

O3UCA_OSP Owner Selective Processing Options

O3UCA_PRL Percent Return to Producer

O3UCA_PSP Plant Selective Processing Options

O3UCI_ARVAR Receivable and Price Variance


O3UCI_MASS Processing Checks in Mass

O3UCI_PDX Purchaser to Property/DOI Xref

O3UCI_PPD PRA Payment Posting Desktop

O3UCI_PRDX CDEX Comapny Product Cross Reference

O3UCI_REMX CDEX Remitter Cross Reference

O3UCI_SUSP Suspended Line Items messages

O3UCM_T8JV PRA Joint Venture Master Data

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT Generic Table Maintenance

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_003 Reclassification of Production Codes

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_004 Material and Product Code Proc XRef

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_005 Material Sum - Gas Plant Comp Alloc

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_006 SPF NGL Component Allocation Basis

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_007 SPF Wet Gas Equivalent

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_008 Sliding Scale Methods - Dim / Materl

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_009 PRA Partner Table from JV

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_010 Volumetric SKF

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_011 Setup Code and Generic Values Dated

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_012 Reg Rpt: MP/State Assigned ID XRef

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_013 State Agency & PRA Material XRef


O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_017 Roy Rpt: Code Maintenance

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_018 Parameters for TX Migration

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_019 Zero Rejects for Wyoming Royalty

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_020 MMS-2014 Date Effective Edits

O3UCM_TAB_MAINT_021 Agency/PRA Product Code XRef

O3UCP_CO2_RMV0 CO2 Removal Fee Processing

O3UCP_MKT_CST0 Contract Marketing Costs

O3UCP_TAR_RMB0 Tax and Royalty Reimbursement

O3UCW_BANK Bank Details for Payment Processing

O3UCW_EXCEPTION Exception list from Payment run

O3UCW_PAYMENT_RUN PRA Payment Processing

O3UCW_TAX Owner Taxes Withheld Report

O3UE2_ESCHEAT_ADDR Escheat Due Dilgence Address Maint

O3UE2_ESCHEAT_HOLDER Escheat Holder Record Maintenance

O3UE2_ESCH_BA Escheat BA Info Maintenance

O3UE2_ESCH_DISP_HIST Display Owner Escheat History

O3UE2_ESCROW_HISTORY Wyoming Escrow Owner History

O3UE2_PORTAL_004 Process 2.0 Portal

O3UE2_SFI Suspended Funds Inquiry

O3UE2_WORKPLACE Process 2.0 Workplace

O3UE2_WORKPLACE_001 Wyoming Escrow Workplace

O3UE2_WORKPLACE_002 Escheat Workplace

O3UE2_WY_ESCROW_ADDR Wyoming Escrow Address Maintenance

O3UGT_EDITOR Upstream Graphics Editor

O3UGT_ICON_DOWNLOAD Download Upstream Graphics Bitmaps

O3UGT_ICON_MAINT Bitmap/Flashform Maintenance

O3UGT_ICON_UPLOAD Upload Upstream Graphics Bitmaps

O3UHS_CM1 Common Table Entries - Create

O3UHS_CM2 Common Table Entries - Change

O3UHS_CM3 Common Table Entries - Display

O3UHS_CM4 Common Table Entries - Delete

O3UH_1099 1099 Report

O3UH_ACCEPTED_JE Posted Journal Entries Reports

O3UH_ACCT_CLOSE Accounting Period Close

O3UH_AD_VAL Ad Valorem

O3UH_ARJE A/R Journal Entry Generation

O3UH_ARWOC A/R Write Off Cents Report

O3UH_AR_UP Accounts Receivable Update

O3UH_CC Check Clearing

O3UH_CR_NA Create Negative Amounts

O3UH_ES Escheat Processing

O3UH_FLASH_DOWNLOAD Download Reporting Flashforms

O3UH_FLASH_UPLOAD Upload Reporting Flashforms

O3UH_FT Funds Transfer



O3UH_LOAD_JEINTF Load JEINTF rec for Batch type 40&41

O3UH_NA_IN Negative Amount Invoice

O3UH_NA_PU Negative Amount Purge

O3UH_NP_SU Negative Payment Suspense Report


O3UH_REJECTED_JE Rejected Journal Entries Report

O3UH_REPEX Report Execution

O3UH_RV Revenue Report Viewer

O3UH_TC Treasury Check

O3UH_TP_WO Taxes Payable Write Off

O3UH_VC_CP Void/Cleared Check Purge

O3UOW_DOC Change Owner List Processing

O3UOW_PP Production Payment

O3UOW_SUMM_BAL Outstanding summary balance

O3UPR_MPALF Display MP Allocation Factor

O3UPR_RWC Regulatory Reallocated WC

O3UPR_SKF SKF Submission

O3UPR_WCALF Display Well/WC Allocation Factor

O3UPR_WCDPS WC Daily Pressures

O3UREP_MASTER Regulatory Reporting Master Data

O3UREP_MMS_2014 MMS-2014 Workplace

O3UREP_MMS_2014_FORM MMS 2014 Printable Form

O3UREP_MMS_EDIT Regulatory Reporting Report MMS Edit

O3UREP_MMS_MRTHIST MMS Level Historic Royalty Trans Rep

O3UREP_MMS_MRTPEND MMS Level Pending Royalty Trans Rep

O3UREP_MMS_RECOUP MMS Indian Recoupable Report

O3UREP_MMS_REJECTS MMS Extraction Rejects Report

O3UREP_MMS_RTHIST Historic Extract Report

O3UREP_OPERATOR Regulatory Reporting Setup

O3UREP_ROY_BASEDATA Royalty base data maintenance

O3UREP_ROY_MASTER Master Maint. for Royalty Reporting

O3UREP_ROY_MDQ Master Data Query

O3UREP_ROY_REPORTING Royalty Reporting

O3URV_COMB Combined Run Report

O3URV_COMB_NEW New Combined Run report

O3URV_DOC Valuation Document Worklist

O3URV_RDSUM RD summary generation

O3URV_SRPT Valuation Selection Report

O3URV_SS0 Settlement Statement

O3URV_SST0 Settlement Stmnt/DOI Cross-Reference

O3UT2_IM0 Interface Monitor

O3UVL_GSP0 Gas Statement Profile

O3UVL_MTA Marketing Cost Tax Allowance

O3UVL_OSP0 Oil Statement Profile

O3UVL_RPA0 Royalty Processing Allowance

O3UVL_TCL0 Tax Classification

O3UVL_TCL9 Tax Classification List Processing

O3UVL_TPA0 Tax Processing Allowance

O3UVL_TTX0 Tier Tax Maintenance

O3UX1_MIGR_FINAL Finalize tax reporting migration

O3UX1_MIGR_TRN Migrate tax transaction data

O3UX1_TAXREP_MAIN Tax Reporting Main

O3UX1_TAXREP_MSTR Tax reporting master maintenance

O3UX1_TAX_ADJ Tax adjusments transaction

O3UX2_MSTR_QUERY master data query

O3UX3_DISP_TX_EDTERR Texas Additional Edit Errors

O3UX3_DISP_TX_OOSWO List of Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

O3UX3_DISP_TX_RPVAR Texas Tax Variance Report

O3UX3_MIGRATION Tax Reporting - Migration Workbench

O3UX3_MIGRATION_001 Texas Migration Workbench

O3UX3_MIG_LOAD_VLDOC Tax 2.0 - Load VL Docs for Migration

O3UX3_PORTAL Generic Portal

O3UX3_PORTAL_001 Tax Reporting Portal

O3UX3_RPT_PROF Maintain Reporting Profiles

O3UX3_TX_ASU Maintain Auto-Suspension Data

O3UX3_TX_BATXID Maintain Business Associate Tax IDs

O3UX3_TX_LEASE Maintain Texas Lease Data

O3UX3_TX_MASTER Maintain Texas Master Data

O3UX3_TX_OOS_WO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance

O3UX3_TX_SOL Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data

O3UX3_TX_SOLE Maintain SOL Exceptions

O3UX3_TX_TAXHST Up-to-Date Reported Transactions

O3UX3_TX_TAXTXN Texas Tax Transactions

O3UX3_UPD_TX_TAXHST Texas Tax History

O3UX3_WORKPLACE Report 2.0 Workplace

O3UX4_OUT_BAL TPSL/TP out of balance report

O3UX4_PORTAL_002 Taxes Payable Reconciliation Portal

O3UX4_RESP_ID Maintain Taxes Payable Resp. ID

O3UX4_TPMIG_VERIFY Transaction to verify TP Migration

O3UX4_TP_MIGRATE Transaction for TP Recon Migration

O3UX4_WORKPLACE TP Summary Workplace

O3UX4_WO_SETUP Taxes Payable Write Off Setup

O3UX5_DISP_OK_RPVAR Oklahoma Tax Variance Report

O3UX5_DISP_OK_TAXHST Up-to-Date Reported Transactions

O3UX5_DISP_OK_TAXTXN Oklahoma Tax Transactions

O3UX5_DISP_OOSWO List of Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

O3UX5_MIGRATION_002 Oklahoma Migration Workbench

O3UX5_OK_ASU Maintain Auto-Suspension Data

O3UX5_OK_BATXID Oklahoma BA Tax ID Maintenance

O3UX5_OK_MASTER Oklahoma Master Data Maintenance

O3UX5_OK_PUN_EDIT Tax 2.0 OK - PUN Edit Report

O3UX5_OK_SOL Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data

O3UX5_OK_SOLE Maintain SOL Exceptions

O3UX5_OK_TAX_RT Tax 2.0 - OKGP Tax Rate Maintenance

O3UX5_OK_ZVOL Maintain Oklahoma Zero Vol Reporting

O3UX5_UPD_OK_OOS_WO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance

O3UX5_UPD_OK_TAXHST Update Oklahoma Tax History

O3UX5_UPD_OK_TAXTXN Maintain User Tax Transactions

O3UX6_DISP_OOSWO List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

O3UX6_DISP_WYCTAXHST Up-to-Date Reported Conserv Trans

O3UX6_DISP_WYCTAXTXN Wyoming Conservation Tax Trans

O3UX6_DISP_WYC_RPVAR WY Conservation Tax Variance Rpt

O3UX6_DISP_WYSTAXHST Up-to-Date Reported Severance Trans

O3UX6_DISP_WYSTAXTXN Wyoming Severance Tax Transactions

O3UX6_DISP_WYS_RPVAR Wyoming Severance Tax Variance Rpt

O3UX6_MIGRATION_003 Wyoming Migration Workbench

O3UX6_UPD_WYC_OOS_WO WY Con Out-of-Statute Write-Off

O3UX6_UPD_WYS_OOS_WO WY Sev Out-of-Statute Write-Off

O3UX6_UPD_WY_CTAXHST Update Wyoming Conserv Tax History

O3UX6_UPD_WY_CTAXTXN Maintain WY Conserv User Tax Trans

O3UX6_UPD_WY_STAXHST Update Wyoming Severance Tax History

O3UX6_UPD_WY_STAXTXN Maintain WY Severance User Tax Trans

O3UX6_WY_ASU Tax 2.0 - Wyoming AutoSuspend Master

O3UX6_WY_BAOPID Tax 2.0 - Wyoming BA Operator ID

O3UX6_WY_CTAX_RT Tax 2.0 - WYC Tax Rate Maintenance

O3UX6_WY_LCDOVR Tax 2.0 - Wyoming LCD Override

O3UX6_WY_MASTER Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Master Data

O3UX6_WY_SOL Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Statute of Limit

O3UX6_WY_SOLE Tax 2.0 - Wyoming SOL Exceptions

O3UX6_WY_STAX_RT Tax 2.0 - WYS Tax Rate Maintenance

O3UX6_WY_ZVOL Tax 2.0 - Wyoming Zero Volume Master

O3UX7_WORKPLACE Tax 2.0 - WYGP Workplace

O3UX7_WY_MKTOVR Tax 2.0 - WYGP Mkt XRef Override

O3UX7_WY_MPALLOC Tax 2.0 - WYGP MP Allocation

O3UX8_DISP_NM_OOSWO List of NM Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

O3UX8_DISP_NM_RPTVAR New Mexico Tax Variance Report

O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXDTL Display New Mexico Tax Trans Decimal

O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXHST Up-to-Date Reported New Mexico Trans

O3UX8_DISP_NM_TAXTXN Display New Mexico Tax Transactions

O3UX8_LOAD_HISTORY New Mexico State History Upload

O3UX8_LOAD_SUFF_RATE Tax 2.0 NM - Upload suffix tax rates

O3UX8_MIGRATION New Mexico Migration Workbench

O3UX8_NM_AFFOVR Maintain New Mexico Aff Cd Override

O3UX8_NM_ASU Maintain New Mexico Auto-Suspend

O3UX8_NM_ASUE Maintain NM Auto Suspend Exception

O3UX8_NM_JC_MST Maintain New Mexico Jicarilla Credit

O3UX8_NM_MASTER Maintain New Mexico Master

O3UX8_NM_OTH_OWN Maintain New Mexico Oth Exmpt Owners

O3UX8_NM_SOL Maintain New Mexico Statute-of-Limit

O3UX8_NM_SOLE Maintain New Mexico SOL Exceptions

O3UX8_NM_SUFFDEC Maintain New Mexico Suffix Decimal

O3UX8_NM_SUFFXRF Maintain New Mexico Suffix Cross-ref

O3UX8_UPD_NM_OOS_WO New Mexico Out-of-Statute Write-Off

O3UX8_UPD_NM_TAXHST Update New Mexico Tax History

O3UX8_UPD_NM_TAXTXN Maintain New Mexico User Tax Trans

O3UX8_VERIFY_ST_HST NM Verify State Vs Migrated data

O3UY3_DISP_BAL_RPT Texas GLO/TAMU Balancing Report

O3UY3_DISP_PAY_RECON Texas GLO/TAMU Payables Recon

O3UY3_DISP_TX_OOSWO List of Texas GLO OOS Write-Offs

O3UY3_DISP_TX_ROYHST Up-to-Date Reported Texas GLO Trans

O3UY3_DISP_TX_ROYTXN Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Trans

O3UY3_DISP_TX_RPTVAR TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Variance Report



O3UY3_TX_ASU Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU ASU Master

O3UY3_TX_BAXRF Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU BA XRef

O3UY3_TX_CTRL Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Rpt Ctrl Mst

O3UY3_TX_LEASE Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Lease Master

O3UY3_TX_MASTER Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Master Data

O3UY3_TX_OWNOVR Maintain TX GLO/TAMU Own Lvl Rpt Ovr

O3UY3_TX_PDCXRF Maintain Production Disposition XRef

O3UY3_TX_RDCXRF Maintain Royalty Disposition XRef

O3UY3_TX_RRC Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Master

O3UY3_TX_SOL Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU SOL Master

O3UY3_TX_SOLE Maintain TX GLO/TAMU SOL Exception

O3UY3_TX_UNIT Maintain Texas GLO/TAMU Unit Master

O3UY3_UPD_TX_OOS_WO TX GLO/TAMU Out-of-Statute Write-Off

O3UY3_UPD_TX_ROYHST Update TX GLO/TAMU Royalty History

O3UY3_UPD_TX_ROYTXN Maintain Texas GLO User Roy Trans

O3UY6_DISP_BAL_RPT Wyoming Royalty Balancing Report

O3UY6_DISP_PAY_RECON Wyoming OPSL Balancing Report

O3UY6_DISP_WY_OOSWO List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs

O3UY6_DISP_WY_ROYHST Up-to-Date Reported Wyoming Trans

O3UY6_DISP_WY_ROYTXN Display Wyoming Royalty Transactions

O3UY6_DISP_WY_RPTVAR Wyoming Royalty Variance Report

O3UY6_MIGRATION_005 WY Oil Royalty Migration Workbench

O3UY6_MIGRATION_006 WY Gas Royalty Migration Workbench

O3UY6_UPD_WY_OOS_WO Wyoming Out-of-Statute Write-Off

O3UY6_UPD_WY_ROYHST Update Wyoming Royalty History

O3UY6_UPD_WY_ROYTXN Maintain Wyoming User Roy Trans

O3UY6_WY_ASU Maintain Wyoming Auto Suspend Master

O3UY6_WY_CAPOVR Maintain Wyoming CA Percent Override

O3UY6_WY_CBMOVR Maintain WY Coal Bed Methane Overrid

O3UY6_WY_LEASE Maintain Wyoming Lease Master

O3UY6_WY_MASTER Maintain Wyoming Master Data

O3UY6_WY_PRICE Maintain Wyoming Reporting Price

O3UY6_WY_SOL Maintain Wyoming Statute of Limit

O3UY6_WY_SOLE Maintain Wyoming SOL Exceptions

O3UY6_WY_ZVOL Wyoming Royalty Zero Volume Master

O3UYC_BA_RPTID Royalty 2.0 - BA & Rpt ID XReference

O3UYC_PORTAL_003 Royalty 2.0 Portal

O3U_APIG API Gravity Scale Adjustments

O3U_AWO Automatic Write off processing

O3U_BA Create Business Associate

O3U_BA1 Create Business Associate

O3U_BA2 Change Business Associate

O3U_BA3 Display Business Associate

O3U_DNH1 Delivery network group create

O3U_DNH2 Delivery network group change

O3U_DNH3 Delivery network group show

O3U_FRML1 Create Formula Id Maintenance

O3U_GAS1 Create API Gravity Adjustment Scale

O3U_GAS2 Change API Gravity Adjustment Scale

O3U_GAS3 Display API Gravity Adjustment Scale

O3U_GAS6 Delete API Gravity Adjustment Scale

O3U_MAIN Main Menu

O3U_MCCT Maintain container categories

O3U_MEASUREMENT Measurement system (temporary me

O3U_MECF Maintain calculation functions

O3U_MECL Maintain measurement classes

O3U_MEDOCC List measurement document changes

O3U_MEDOCL List measurement documents

O3U_MEMC Maintain measurement calculations

O3U_MEMT Maintain measurement types

O3U_MEMTNR Meas.doc. number range assignment

O3U_MENU Production Application Menu

O3U_MERT Maintain reading types

O3U_MESC Measurement sources

O3U_MEUMG Maintain unit of meaure groups

O3U_MKT1 Create Internal Marketing Rates

O3U_MPFUS1 Create MP Fuel Usage

O3U_MPFUS2 Change MP Fuel Usage

O3U_MPFUS3 Display MP Fuel Usage

O3U_MPFUS6 Delete MP Fuel Usage

O3U_MPH1 Measurement point group create

O3U_MPH2 Measurement point group change

O3U_MPH3 Measurement point group show

O3U_MWHV1 Create MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.

O3U_MWHV2 Change MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.

O3U_MWHV3 Display MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.

O3U_MWHV6 Delete MP/WC Default HV Cross Ref.

O3U_MWT9 MP/WC to Transporter Xref List

O3U_OMPMRA M.Pt. Meas.Reading assignment

O3U_OMPMTD M.Pt. meas.type derivation

O3U_PAM1 Create Plant Allocation Methods

O3U_PAM2 Change Plant Allocation Methods

O3U_PAM3 Display Plant Allocation Methods

O3U_PAM6 Delete Plant Allocation Methods

O3U_PP3 Price maintenance

O3U_REBUILD_HIER Rebuild Standard Hierarchies

O3U_RES1 Create Reservoir

O3U_RES2 Change Reservoir

O3U_RES3 Display Reservoir

O3U_RES6 Delete Reservoir

O3U_RH Transaction to rebuild Hierarchies

O3U_SCM2 Maintain Gravity Scale Defintion

O3U_SCM3 Display Gravity Scale Defintion

O3U_VCR1 Create Valuation Cross Reference

O3U_VCR2 Change Valuation Cross Reference

O3U_VCR3 Display Valuation Cross Reference

O3U_VCR6 Delete Valuation Cross Reference

O3U_VPPN9 Production PPN Dialog

O3U_WCDT9 Well Completion Downtime report


O3U_WLH1 Well completion group create

O3U_WLH2 Well completion group create

O3U_WLH3 Well completion group create

O3_DIPWL Silo Mgmt.: Worklist entries

O400 Location Management (IS-Oil MRN)

O40A Archiving - Archive Business Loc.

O40D Archiving - Delete Business Loc.

O40R Archiving - Reload Business Loc.

O40V Archiving - Manage BL. archive

O4AA TD Maintain Compartment Group Index

O4AB TD Display Compartment Group Index

O4AN TD Maintain Product Group Index

O4AO TD Display Product Group Index

O4AR TD archiving - rack meters

O4AS TD archiving - shipments

O4AT TD archiving - transport units

O4AU TD archiving - vehicle meters

O4AV TD archiving - vehicles

O4AW TD archiving - drivers

O4B2 Batch mass processing of shipments

O4B9 TD mass processing: display logs

O4BA TD Maintain Customer Group Index

O4BB TD Display Customer Group Index

O4BER Number range maintenance: OIJ_BER

O4BT TD Maintain Vehicle Group Index

O4BU TD Display Vehicle Group Index

O4EDI_VEND Assign EDI account number to Vendor

O4K5 Excise Duty Rate Maintenance

O4K5A Excise Duty Rate Maintenance -Region

O4K_J1B_08 Maintain Incoming Taxation Table

O4K_J1B_10 Maintain Refinery Taxation Table

O4K_J1B_11 Maintain Printing Exceptions ICMS

O4K_J1B_12 Maintain Acquisition Price Table

O4K_J1B_13 Maintain Controlled Price

O4K_J1B_16 Complement ICMS rules inside calc.

O4K_J1B_20 Maintain Post. exp. for ICMS compl.

O4K_J1B_28 Maintain PMPF price table

O4L6 TD Create shipment cost worklist

O4L7 TD Collective run in background

O4L8 Selec.var. coll. run shipment costs

O4N0 Bulk Replenishment (IS-Oil BDRP)

O4P0 Terminal Automation Interface

O4P9 Transport Planning System Interface

O4PW IDOC via Changepointer for OILDVA

O4PX Shipment Planning Workbench

O4S0 Transport and Distribution

O4S1 TD Master Data

O4T0 IS-OIL TSW (Trader's & Scheduler's W

O4TDG OIL TSW: Maintain deal groups

O4TI TSW archiving - Tickets

O4TK TSW archiving - Nomination

O4T_EDIACC Assign EDI account numbers to vendor

O4V7 LoV reconcile

O501 General functionality switch(On/Off)

O503 Parameter admin. (set value)

O541 Number Range Maintenance: OIA01

O542 Number Range Maintenance: OIA10H

O544 Maintain Exchange Stmnt. Customizing

O54L Set Price Ref. Plant Flag

O54N Set reversal movement type indicator

O54U Number Range Maintenance: OIA08

O581 OIB02 Conversion Mode

O588 Conversion group maintenance

O5A4 Intransit store location determ

O5AA Number range maintenance: OIG_TU

O5AB Number range maintenance: OIG_DRIVER

O5AC Number range maintenance: OIG_VEHMET

O5AD Number range maintenance: OIG_VEH

O5AE Number range maintenance: OIG_S

O5AF Number range maintenance: OIG_RACMET

O5AM In-transit batch/handling type

O5AV Shipment archiving retention time

O5AW Number range maintenance: OIG_MASSPR

O5AY Define intransit storage location

O5BAPR1 Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRDOC

O5BAPR2 Number range maintenance: OIRA_PRIDX

O5BAPRDE1 SSR Output Det. - Field catalog

O5BAPRDE3 Maintain Condition Type - SSR Gr.Out

O5BAPRDE4 Access Sequence (SSR Group Output)

O5BAPRDE5 SSR Group Output Det.Procedure

O5BAPRDE6 Output Det. Procedure - SSR Gr.Outp.

O5BCNRRG Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRUPD

O5BCPRCH Number range maintenance: OIRC_PRCHG

O5BEAD1 V_T681F: SSR CH Object-Allowed flds

O5BEAD11 Cond.proc. for SSR CH Object

O5BEAD13 Credit card accounts

O5BEAD5 SSR CH Object det: Acc. seq.- Create

O5BEAD8 Condition types: SSR CH Object

O5BENR Number range maintenance: OIREDTF


O5BENRRECON Number range maintenance: OIRERECON1

O5BENRRECON2 Number range maintenance: OIRERECON2

O5BESNR Number range maintenance: OIRESETLNR

O5BH04 Number range maintenance: OIRH_CHSMG

O5BINR03 Number range maintenance: OIRALINKNR

O5F9 Number Range Maintenance: RepForm-ID

O5K_J1B_27 Global plant business settings

O5O_CTNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_CNTNR

O5O_PKGNR Number range maintenance: OIO_EXIDV

O5O_RTNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_RTDOC

O5O_VGNUM Number range maintenance: OIO_VOYAGE

O5PC Number range maintenance: OIK_LID

O5R7 Number Range Maintenance: OIF_PBL

O5S2 Conditions: Possible fields schedul.

O5S3 Maintain Condition Type - Scheduling

O5S4 Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling)

O5S5 Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure

O5S7 Output Det. Procedure - Scheduling

O5SB Conditions: Possible fields loading

O5SC Maintain Condition Type - Loading

O5SD Access Sequence (Bulk Tran.-Loading)

O5SE Bulk Loading Output Det. Procedure

O5SG Output Det. Procedure - Loading

O5SK Conditions: Possible Fields Del.Conf

O5SL Maintain Condition Type-Del. Confirm

O5SM Access Sequence (Bulk Scheduling)

O5SN Bulk Scheduling Output Det.Procedure

O5SP Output det.procedure del confirm.

O5T1 Number range maintenance: OIJ_WL

O5T4 Number range maintenance: OIJ_TS

O5T8 Update fields in field catalog - NOM

O5T8_TKT Update fields in field catalog - TKT

O5T9 Maintain Condition Type - NOM

O5T9_TKT Maintain Condition Type - TKT

O5TA Maintain access sequence - NOM

O5TA_TKT Maintain access sequence - TKT

O5TB Maintain output det procedure - NOM

O5TB_TKT Maintain output det procedure - TKT

O5TC Assign output det procedure - NOM

O5TE Assign forms and programs - NOM

O5TE_TKT Assign forms and programs - TKT

O5TG Maintain TSW Planning Calendar

O5TNR_NOM_COMM Number range maintenance: OIJ_NOMCOM

O5TNR_NOM_VERS Number range maintenance: OIJ_VERS

O5TNR_OIJ_NOM No. Range Maintnce: OIJNOM

O5TNR_OIJ_PEG Number range maintenance: OIJ_PEG

O5TNR_OIJ_SIM Number range maintenance: OIJ_SIM

O5TPEGT Define Pegging type

O5UCM_SN_NR PRA Number Range Maintenance

O5UCM_TT Common Table Maintenance

O5UCW_CHECK_NUMBERS Configure Check Numbers in Check Lot

O5UH_JE03 Accounting Category


O5UREP_BACKUP1 Number range maintenance: OIUREPSYS

O5UREP_COMMON Regulatory Reporting Setup

O5UREP_MMS_TRANS_VAR MMS-2014: Transport Suppl Rpt Vars

O5U_MEDOCN Measurement document number ranges

O5V1 Number range maintenance: OIJ_EL_TKT

O5W10 Storage location/license number

O5W11 Config.excise duty account determ.

O5W12 ED consumpt.posting/Activ.movement

O5W13 Activ.ED postings per movement type

O5WV Number range maintenance: OIH01

O5WW Number range maintenance: OIH30

O5WX Number Range Maint.: Tax Revaluation

O5_SILO02 Silo M. Cust.: Tank storage location

O7E1 Payment advice note entry screens.

O7E3 Acnt assignment model entry screens

O7E4 Preliminary posting entry screens

O7E5 Vendor inv./cr.mem. entry screens

O7E6 G/L item fast entry screens

O7F1 Clearing field selection conditions

O7F2 Clearing field selection search

O7F3 Clearing Field Selection Sort

O7F4 Item Display Field Sel.Conditions

O7F5 Item Display Field Selection Search

O7F6 Item Display Field Selection Sort

O7F7 Item Display Field Selection Total

O7F8 Item Display Field Sel.Addit.Fields

O7F9 Paymnt Adv.Notes Field Selction Flds

O7FA Pyt Adv.Notes Field Sel.Ext.Sel.Fld

O7FB Auto.Pymt Fld Sel.Sort Payment

O7FC Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Payment

O7FD Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Sort Payment

O7FE Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Line Item

O7L0 FI IMG Link

O7L1 FI IMG Link: Check Document

O7L2 Check Parked Documents

O7L3 Check Correspondence

O7L4 Check Withholding Tax

O7L5 Settings for Displaying Payments

O7L6 Settings for Displaying Line Items

O7L7 Settings for Processing Open Items

O7L8 Check Workflow Basis Settings

O7L9 Settings for Payment Release

O7R1 Item Display Totals Variants

O7R2 Item Display Master Record Info.

O7R3 Item Display Special Fields

O7S1 Pyt Medium Correspondence Sort Varnt

O7S2 Pyt Medium Line Items Sort Variant

O7S3 Credit Management Sort Variants

O7S4 General Correspondence Sort Variants

O7S5 Correspondence Int.Docs Sort Variant

O7S6 Line Item Corresp.Sort Variant

O7S7 Item Display Sort Variants

O7V1 Document Display Default Line Layout

O7V2 Item Display Default Line Layout

O7V3 Clearing Default Line Layout

O7V4 Automatic Paymnt Default Line Layout

O7V5 Auto.Pyt Line Item Dflt Line Layout

O7V6 Paymt Adv.Notes Default Line Layout

O7V7 Credit Management Dflt Line Layout

O7Z1 Document Display Line Layout

O7Z2 Document Posting Line Layout

O7Z3 Document Display Line Layout

O7Z4 Clearing Line Layout

O7Z4D Clearing Line Layout

O7Z4K Clearing Line Layout

O7Z4S Clearing Line Layout

O7Z5 Auto.Payment Line Layout

O7Z6 Auto.Pyt Line Item Line Layout

O7Z7 Payment Adv.Notes Line Layout

O7Z8 External Documents Line Layout

O7Z9 Credit Management Line Layout

O851 Update settings

O984 Customizing doc converter program

OA03 C AM Asset Class Index

OA05 C AM Maintain Table T499S

OA07 Generate C AM BALTD Record Layout

OA08 FI-AA: Maintain Country Table

OA11 C AM Asset Master Matchcode

OA14 Direct import of data

OA15 C AM Maintenance Table T094P

OA1X Asset Data Transfer

OA2C_CONFIG OAuth 2.0 Client Configuration

OA2C_GRANT OAuth 2.0 Grant Application

OA2C_TYPES OAuth 2.0 Client Types

OA50 Maint. of rules for delivery costs

OA79 C AM Maintain Ast.Hist.Sheet Defin.

OA80 C AM Maint. Asset.Hist.Sheet Defin.

OA85 C FI-AA: Weighting periods

OA90 AM: Asset Register

OAA1 SAP ArchiveLink: Maint. user st.syst

OAA3 SAP ArchiveLink protocols

OAA4 SAP ArchiveLink applic. maintenance

OAAD ArchiveLink Administration Documents

OAAT SAP ArchiveLink: Create ILQBATCH

OAAW FI-AA: Memo value for asset class

OAAX FI-AA: Asst class for grp asset only

OABK Delete asset class

OABL C AM Reset Company Code

OABO Displaying Open Bar Codes

OABR Maint. of rules for delivery costs

OABT Set Up Parallel Currencies

OABY C AM Maintain Table T093Y

OPS9 Budget Management Profile

OV-0 View V_TVP0, Attribute 10

OV-1 View V_TVPH, Attribute 1

OV-2 View V_TVP2, Attribute 2

OV-3 View V_TVP3, Attribute 3

OV-4 View V_TVP4, Attribute 4

OV-5 View V_TVP5, Attribute 5

OV-6 View V_TVP6, Attribute 6

OV-7 View V_TVP7, Attribute 7

OV-8 View V_TVP8, Attribute 8

OV-9 View V_TVP9, Attribute 9

OV/1 Generate Record Layout

OV/2 RV Batch Input Program

OV/3 RV Batch Input Program

OV/4 RV Batch Input Program

OV/5 RV Batch Input Program

OV/6 RV Transfer Program

OV/7 Test Data for Data Transfer

OV/8 Test Data - Transfer Data - Cond.

OV/9 Display Test Data

OV01 Access Sequence: Matl Listng/Exclsn

OV02 Condition Type: Listing/Exclusion

OV03 Procedure: Listing/Exclusion

OV04 C RV Tab. TVAK "Listing/Exclusion"

OV05 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion A

OV06 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion C

OV07 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion D

OV08 Condition Table: Add Index

OV09 Condition table: Change Index

OV10 Condition Table: Display Index

OV11 Access Sequence: Matl Determination

OV12 Condition Types: Material Determin.

OV13 Procedure: Material Determination

OV14 C SD Tab. TVAK "MaterialSub"

OV16 Condition Table: Material Substit. A

OV17 Condition Table: Material Substit. C

OV18 Condition Table: Material Substit.D

OV1Z Define Product Allocation Procedure

OV20 Condition Table: Create Rebate

OV21 Condition Table: Change Rebate

OV22 Condition Table: Display Rebate

OV23 Condition Exclusion: SD

OV24 Pricing: V_T681F for A U

OV25 V_T681F: RevAccDeter - Allowed Flds

OV26 V_T681F: MatDeterm. - Allowed Flds

OV27 V_T681F: List Excl. - Allowed Fields

OV28 V_T681F: Rebate - Allowed Fields

OV29 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog

OV2Z Define Product Allocation Object

OV30 Condition Exclusion: ProcedAssignmnt

OV31 Maintain Exclusion Group

OV32 Maintain CondTypes for ExclusionGrp


OV34 View V_T687 Account Key

OV35 C RV View V_T683S_EL

OV36 Archiving Conditions V_T681H

OV3Z Determine Prod. Allocation Hierarchy

OV40 V_T681F:Cross-Selling:PermittedFldNo

OV41 Access sequences: Cross-selling

OV42 Condition types: Cross-selling

OV43 Diagram: Cross-selling

OV46 Condition table: Cross-selling H

OV47 Condition table: Cross-selling Ä

OV48 Condition table: Cross-selling A

OV4Z Product Allocation Control

OV50 Comparison of master data for cust.

OV51 Display of Changes for Customer

OV52 Del.Customers Pre-Production Startup

OV5Z Maintain Consumption Periods

OV60 V_T681F: RecAccDet - Allowed fields

OV61 Recon. account det.: Create table

OV62 Rec. account det.: Change table

OV63 Rec. account det.: Display table

OV64 Account determin. - rec. accounts

OV65 Cond. proc. for rec. account det.

OV66 Cond. types: Acc. det. rec. accounts

OV67 Rec. account det.: Access sequences

OV68 Ass. billing type - rec. acc. proc.

OV71 Cash account det.: Change table

OV72 Cash account det.: Display table

OV73 V_T681f: RecAccDet - Allowed fields

OV74 Cash account det.: Access sequences

OV75 Cash account det.: Condition types

OV76 Cond.: Procedure for cash acc. det.

OV77 Account determination -Cash accounts

OV78 Assign billing type-cash acc. proc.

OV7Z Create Characteristics for Rem.Alloc

OV80 Acc. det.- credit cards: Create tab.

OV81 Acc. det.- credit cards: Change tab.

OV82 Acc. det.- credit cards: Displ. tab.

OV83 V_T681F: Credit card -Allowed fields

OV84 Credit card acc. det: Acc. sequences

OV85 Condition types: Acc.det. cred.cards

OV86 Cond.proc. for credit cards

OV87 Credit card accounts

OV88 Assign billing type-credit card proc

OV8Z Check Settings

OV90 COPA project: Create table

OV91 COPA project: Change table

OV92 COPA project: Display table

OV93 V_T681F: COPA project all. fields

OV94 COPA project: Access sequences

OV95 COPA project: Condition types

OV96 Pricing procedure for COPA project

OV97 Accounts COPA project

OV98 Assign billing types-COPA proj.proc.

OV9A Card Authorization Requirements

OV9B Copying Requirements for Deliveries

OV9C Copying Requirements f. Billing Docs

OV9Z Suitable Statistical Structures

OVA0 C_RV_Tab. VVVS "Status group"

OVA2 Incompletion log

OVA3 C_RV_Tab. TAUUM SlsDocType Convers.

OVA4 /nse38/nse38Schedule Usage

OVA5 C SD Tab.VHA Ord.Type Group Itm Det.

OVA6 Credit Groups for Document Types

OVA7 Credit Relevancy of Item Categories

OVA8 Automatic Credit Checks

OVA9 /nse38/Handling Errors SchedAgrs

OVAA C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons

OVAB /nse38/Schedule Line Types

OVAC C SD Tab VCPA "Copy Documents

OVACT Revenue Recognition: Activations

OVAD Delivery Type Assignment

OVAE C SD Tab. VEP Orders

OVAF C SD Tab. 184 Item Category Determ.

OVAG C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons

OVAH /nse38/Variable Messages

OVAI /nse38/Determine Sold-to Party

OVAJ /nse38/Distribution Function

OVAK Sales Order Type Assignment

OVAL C SD Table VASP Sales Docs: Blocks

OVAM C SD View TVKOV_AU DistChanDoc.Types

OVAN C SD View TVKOS_AU "Div.Doc.Types"

OVAO C SD View TVKO_AU "SlsOrgDoc.Types"

OVAP C SD Tab. VAP Item Categories

OVAQ C SD Tab. VAU Order Block Reasons

OVAR C SD Tab. ROAZ Route Determination

OVAS C SD Tab. VAST "Order: Block Reasons

OVAT C SD Tab. TXVR Copy Document Text

OVAU C SD Tab. VAU Other Reasons

OVAV C SD Tab. MVFU Avail.Check Criteria

OVAW C SD Tab. PTM Item Category Groups


OVAY C SD Tab. 184E Sched.Line Determ.

OVAZ C SD Tab. VAKZ Order Type/Organiz.

OVB0 Change "Billing: Document Types"

OVB1 Sales Organizations - Rebate


OVB3 Rebate: Reorganiz. of Billing Index

OVB5 Req. for Creating a Purch.Requisit.

OVB6 Requirement for Picking a Delivery

OVB7 Requ. for Goods Issue of a Delivery

OVB8 Criteria for Creating a Requirement

OVB9 Create Delivery Due Index

OVBA Conditions: Views (Pricing)

OVBB Conditions: View sequence A,V,Rebate

OVBC Documents Value Classes

OVBD Assign Credit Control Area

OVBE Default Values for Display Variant

OVBF Conditions: View sequence A,V,SDeal

OVBH Conditions: View sequence A,V, Price

OVBI Maintain Billing Plan Type

OVBJ Maintain Date Category for BillPlan

OVBK Assign Bill Plan Type to Item Catgry

OVBL Date Category Proposal for Bill Plan

OVBM Maintain dates

OVBN Maintain Date IDs

OVBO Maintain milestone billing plan type

OVBP Assign billing plan type

OVBR Assignment to Item Category

OVBS Rule Table for Determining Dates

OVBT Modification Report Billing Plan

OVBV_DIS Requ. for Goods Issue of a Delivery

OVC1 C SD Tab. TVC1 Activity Outcomes

OVC2 C SD Tab. TVC2 Activity Reason

OVC3 C SD Tab. TVC Sales Activity Status

OVC4 C SD Tab. TVC4 Activity Outcomes

OVC5 C SD Tab. TVC5 Sales Activities

OVC6 C SD Tab. TVC6 Activity Status

OVC7 c SD Tab TVC7 Assign Activities

OVCA C RV Tab. TVKK "NoRng Adr > Acct.

OVCB Structure of Reporting View

OVCC Assign View to User

OVCD Definition of Reporting View

OVCE Control Update of Perform.Measures

OVCF Control Reporting - Info Blocks

OVCG Mtn Action Box for Follow-Up Act.

OVCI C SD Set Workflow Action box

OVCK C SD Tab. TVKK Activity Types

OVCM RVCust:TVKK:Planning:Sales Act. Type

OVCN C RV Tab. TVKK "NoRng for sls.activ.

OVCO C RV Tab. TVKK (SalesAct <--> STGRP)

OVCP C SD Tab. TVCPK Activity Copying Con

OVCS C SD Tab. TVKK Activity Types

OVCT C RV Tab. TKSF "CAS: Statistics grp

OVCU C RV Tab. TKSFK "CAS: Statistics seq


OVD0 /nse38/Spec.Features EDL-LS-EDI

OVD1 /nse38/Special Billing Features

OVD2 Define reference conditions

OVD3 Define tolerances for self-billing

OVD4 SD Self-Billing: General Parameter

OVD5 SD Self-Billing: EDI Partner

OVD6 SD Self-Billing: Tolerance Groups

OVD7 SD Self-Billing:Sold-To Party Params

OVD8 SD Self-Billing: Tolerances Definitn

OVDSP Customize Subsequent Deliv. Split

OVE1 Commodity Code / Import code no.

OVE2 C SD Table T615 Customs offices

OVE3 C SD Table T618 Mode of Transport

OVE4 C SD Table T605 "Business type"

OVE5 C RV Table T605Z "Prop. for bus.type

OVE6 C RV Table T616 "Exp/Import Proced.

OVE7 C SD Table T616Z "BusTransTypeProp.

OVE8 C SD Table TVFM "MatPrGrp-Imp/Exp

OVE9 Completion check

OVELO00 Global VMS parameters

OVELO1 Define Actions

OVELO11 Define Action Controls

OVELO12 Define Vehicle Status

OVELO13 Define Availability

OVELO14 Define Vehicle Usage

OVELO18 Define Vehicle Search Areas

OVELO19 Define VMS Roles

OVELO2 Define No. Range for Int.Veh. No.

OVELO27 Access Auth. During Vehicle Search

OVELO29 Define Search Views

OVELO3 Define No. Range for Act. Ctrl Det.

OVELO30 Calculation sheet profile

OVELO4 Define Addnl Data for Vehicle

OVELO5 Define External Status

OVELO6 Define Technical Data for Actions

OVELO7 Assign Own Dialog Messages

OVELO8 Define No.Range f, Config Chg Determ

OVELOL Define Vehicle Location

OVELOM01 Maintain Condition Tables

OVELOM04 Define Field Catalog for Messages

OVELOM11 Define Access Sequences

OVELOM21 Define Message Types

OVELOM31 Define Message Determ. Procedures

OVELOM41 Assign Msge Determ. Schema to Plant

OVELOTREX Define Columns for TREX Download

OVEP Rev. recognition: Ind. Item Categ.

OVF0 C SD Table T134G Business Areas

OVF1 C SD Table TVTA Business Areas

OVF2 C SD Table TVTA Business Areas

OVF3 C_RV_Tab. VAUK "Cost Centers"

OVF6 VAUK Dunning Areas



OVFD Forms of payment guarantee

OVFE Payment guarantee procedure

OVFF Control for payment guarantee proced

OVFG Customer payment guarantee procedure

OVFH Document payment guarantee procedure

OVFI Assign doc. payment guarantee proced

OVFJ Determine payment guarantee proced.

OVFK C SD Table VFK Billing Documents

OVFL Assign credit contrl area/sales area




OVG1 Redetermine subtotal

OVH1 C RV Tab. THIT Hierarchy Type

OVH2 C SD Tab. THIZU AcctGrpAssignment

OVH3 C RV Tab. THIOZ Org.assignments

OVH4 C RV Hierarchie Pricing

OVHU01 Define customizing HU check profile

OVHU2 Customizing for Pack. Transn Profile

OVHU3 Nummernkreispflege: KONP

OVHU4 Customizing HU Picking Profile

OVK1 C SD Table V_TST "Tax Catg./Country"

OVK2 C SD Table T005S "Regions"

OVK3 C SD Table TSKD "Cust.Tax Indicator"

OVK4 C SD Table TSKM "Mat.Tax Indicator"

OVK5 V Table VKM Material Acct Grp

OVK6 C SD Table T001W Plants/Countries

OVK7 C SD Table T459 "Reqt/PlanOrd.Type"

OVK8 C SD Tab. TVKT Customer Acct Grp

OVK9 Tax Records for Each Country

OVKA SD Tab. T686C "Responsibility

OVKB Tax Record Conditions VK11

OVKC Tax Record Conditions VK12

OVKD Tax Record Conditions VK13

OVKE Tax Record Conditions VK14

OVKF C SD Table T005E Ctry/Region/County

OVKG C SD Table T005G Ctry/Region/City

OVKH C SD Table TVAK Sales Document Types

OVKI C RV Table V_TVKV "DocPricingProcdr"

OVKJ C RV Table V_TVAK_PR "Order > Procd

OVKK C RV Table T683V "ProcedrDeterminatn

OVKL C RV Table TVAP "Assign Billing Itm

OVKM C RV Table TVCPA 'Flow Order'

OVKN C RV Table V_TVCPF "Flow Bill Doc

OVKO C RV Table TVAP_PR "Item Pricing

OVKP SD Table TVKD "Customer detrm procdr

OVL1 C SD Tab. VRO Transportat.Planning

OVL2 Shipping Point Determination

OVL3 Picking Location Determination

OVL5 Maintain Transit Time

OVL6 C_RV_Tab. VUVS "Status Group Dely"

OVL7 Assigning Shipping Point/Ctry/Zone

OVLA C SD Tab T173 Shipping Types



OVLD SD Table VKN Trans.connection points

OVLE SD Table VTR Mode of Transport


OVLG C SD Tab. TVLG Weight Grp/Delivery

OVLH SD Table VRO Routes

OVLK C SD Tab TVLK Delivery Header

OVLL C SD Tab T630L Loading Times

OVLM C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ."

OVLN C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blocking

OVLO C SD Table TVLK Route Control

OVLP C SD View 142 Picking by Item

OVLQ C SD Table TVLK "Picking Control"


OVLS C SD Tab TVLS Delivery Block Reasons

OVLT C SD Table TVST "Picking Lists"

OVLU c_rv_tab. vro "Transit time"

OVLV C SD Tab T630R Shipping Times

OVLW C SD Tab.T644

OVLX C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blocks

OVLY C SD Table Scheduling Control

OVLZ Scheduling by Shipping Point

OVM1 Controllable Error Messages Shipping

OVM2 I Messages in Mult. Processing Log

OVNA C SD Table T685B

OVNB C SD Tab. TVST Shipping Point Info

OVNC C SD Tab. TNAPR Layouts

OVND C SD Tab TNAPN Output/Part.Function

OVNE C SD Tab. TVKO Sales Org.Information

OVNF C SD Table T685B

OVNG C SD Tab. TVAK Assign Ouput

OVNI C SD Tab. TVLK Assign Output

OVNJ C SD Tab. TVFK Assign Output

OVNK C SD Table 077D Higher-level Output

OVNL C SD Table T685B

OVNO C SD Table TVKO Form for Sales Off.

OVP0 Pr. point gr. -> Organization/MatGrp

OVP1 Create price point group

OVP2 Create pricing group

OVP4 Display price point group

OVP5 Assignment to VKALS/LIFEL

OVP6 Create list variant

OVP7 Pricing group -> Organization

OVP8 Assignment: fields -> list variant

OVP9 Assignment: Texts -> List field

OVPS Document Mgmt Customizing

OVR0 SD Table 171 Sales Regions

OVR1 SD Table ZONE Transportation Zones

OVR2 c_rv_Tab. T016 "Sectors"

OVR3 C SD Tab. Customer Calendar

OVR4 C SD Tab. Billing Schedules

OVR5 C SD Tab. TBRC Industry Code (Cust.)

OVR6 C SD Tab. TVGF Legal Status (Cust.)


OVRA C SD Tab. TVSD Customer Stats Grps

OVRB Statistical Currency per Sales Org.

OVRF C SD Table TVSM Material Stats Grps

OVRH C RV TAB TVAK "Sales Document Types"

OVRI C RV Tab. TVAP "Sales Doc.Item Cat."

OVRK C RV Tab. TVLK "Delivery Types"

OVRL C RV Tab. TVLP "Delivery Item Categ"

OVRM C SD Tab. TVFK BillingDoc: DocTypes

OVRN C RV Tab. TVSF "SD:Stats"

OVRO C RV Tab. TVSFK "Updates"

OVRP C RV Tab. TVSFP "Updates"

OVRQ C SD Table TVSU "Substit.Reason"

OVRT Customizing: Routes

OVRX SD Cust.Tble TBPROC:Business Trans.

OVRZ C TV_Table TVST Assign Transprt Zone

Q000 Quality management

QA00 Quality inspection

QA11 Record usage decision

QAER Display archive objects

QAFM_BT_EST_CONS Budget Estimation and Consolidation

QAFM_BT_EXP_DEPARTM Budget and Expenditures by Departmen

QAFM_BT_EXP_MONTH Budget and Expenditures by Period

QAFM_BT_EXP_QUARTER Budget and Expenditures by Quarter

QAFM_BT_SUG_CH4 Budget suggestions for key Chapt. IV

QAFM_DETLIABPER Detail of Liabilities By Period

QAFM_PRT_AGREEMORDE Agreement Order print

QAFM_PRT_FUNDRESERV Funds Reservation print

QAFM_PRT_OBLIGORDE Obligation Order print

QAFM_STATEMENT Statement of Account

QAM_ACTBP Assign Partner/Pos. to Acty Template

QAM_IAM_ACT_SNUM Number Range for Activities

QAM_IAM_ISS_SNUM Number Range for Issues


QAM_PRBP Assign BP Hierarchy to Partner Role

QAM_QIBP Assign Partner/Pos. to Issue Type

QAM_VC_QA Activity Categories

QAM_VC_QI Issue Categories

QA_TAX_RATES Maintenance of Income tax rates

QC01 Create certificate profile

QC02 Change certificate profile

QC03 Display certificate profile

QC15 Create cert. profile assignment

QC16 Change cert. profile assignment

QC17 Display cert. profile assignment

QC18 Create cert.prof.assign.w/copy model

QC51 Create certificate in procurement

QC52 Change certificate in procurement

QC53 Display certificate in procurement

QC55 Worklist: Certificates - Procurement

QCC0 QM: Direct Access to IMG

QCC1 Direct Access to IMG: Notification

QCC2 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Notification

QCC3 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Inspection

QCC4 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Planning

QCC5 IMG Direct Selection: QM Bus. Add-In

QCCC QM standard settings complete

QCCF QM standard forms

QCCK QM standard settings: Catalogs

QCCM QM std. settings: Qual. notifs.

QCCN QM standard number ranges

QCCP QM std. settings: Quality planning

QCCS QM sampling schemes

QCCT QM standard texts

QCCU QM standard settings: Environment

QCCW QM std. settings: Quality inspection

QCCY Transport QM tolerance key

QCCZ QM std. settings: Qual. certificates

QCC_STABI Copy Stability Study Customizing

QCC_STABI_NK Copy Stability Study Number Ranges

QCE2 Edit Communication Support

QCE3 Display Communication Support

QCHECK Check Query

QCMS Certificate for Inspection Lot w. MS

QCYF QM standard forms (general)

QCYT QM standard texts (general)

QD22 Archiving Notifications: Archive

QD24 Archiving Notifications: Delete

QD25 Archiving Notifications: Admin.

QD33 Delete quality level

QDA1 Edit sampling type

QDB1 Maintain allowed relationships

QDB3 Display allowed relationships

QDM1 Edit valuation mode

QDP Quantity Distribution Profile

QE00 Quality Planning

QEI1 Displaying QM Interfaces Appl. Log

QEI2 Deleting QM Interfaces Appl. Log

QF4 Available queries

QG09 Maint. num. range Q control charts

QGEN Derive Qualifications


QISR1 Internal Service Request - Forms


QISRCONF ISR Wizard Initial Screen

QISRLIST ISR Wizard: List of Scenarios

QISRSCENARIO Customizing Szenario

QISRSCENARIO_OVS ISR Scenario - Extended Search Help

QISRTRANSPORT ISR Customizing Transport

QISR_BCK ISR: Popup for Editing in the Portal

QISR_PCR60 vc_scenario for Message type 60(PCR)

QISR_SM29 ISR Customizing: Table Transfer

QISR_SR12_START Suggestion System

QI_DISPLAY_PLAN Display Task List

QK03 Maintain Specs for Order Type

QM00 Quality Notifications


QM_FMEA_RESIDENCE FMEA: Determine Residence Duration

QP03 Display Inspection Plan

QP08 Print Specific Task Lists

QP13 Display reference operation set

QP21S Create Inspection Plan from a Source

QP48 Number Ranges for Physical Samples

QP49 Number range for phys. samp. drawing

QPC3 Display Inspection Plan

QPCG Synchr. Insp. Plan from Ext. Source

QPCP_NUM Number Range for Control Plan

QPNQ Number ranges for inspection plans

QPV2 Maintain sample drawing procedure

QPV3 Display sample drawing procedure

QS21S Create Master Insp.Char. from Source

QS29 Maintain characteristic number range

QS41_EXT Mapping for Code Groups and Codes

QSFF Customizing Template

QSR5 Archive inspection plans

QST01 Create Stability Study

QSUB Define subsystems

QT00 Test Equipment Management

QT01 Test equipment management

QTSA Product Allocations: Send Quantities

QTSP Product Allocations:Send Customizing

QUERY_BP_FSBPBILDER BP: Screen Customizing for Query

QV01 Create quality assurance agreement

QV02 Change quality assurance agreement

QV03 Display quality assurance agreement

QV04 Find Quality Assurance Agreement

QV11 Create technical delivery terms

QV12 Change technical delivery terms

QV13 Display technical delivery terms

QV14 Search technical terms of delivery

QV21 Create QA agreement (DocType Q03)

QV22 Change Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)

QV23 Display Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)

QV24 Find Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)

QV31 Create Q-spec. (doc.type Q04)

QV32 Change Q-specification (docType Q04)

QV33 Displ. Q-specification (docType Q04)

QV34 Find Q-specification (doc. type Q04)

QZ00 Quality Certificates

R3A1 Customizing Events

RCA01 Create Risk Object

RCA02 Change Risk Object

RCA03 Display Risk Object

RCA04 Copy Risk Object

RCA06 Delete Risk Object

RCC00 Configuration Menu for Risk Objects

RCC01 RO Control: Applications

RCC02 RO Control: Field Groups

RCC03 RO Control: Views

RCC04 RO Control: Sections

RCC05 RO Control: Screens

RCC06 RO Control: Screen Sequences

RCC07 RO Control: Events

RCC08 RO Control: Standard Functions

RCC09 RO Control: Additional Functions

RCC0G RT Control: Tables

RCC10 RO Control: Search Help

RCC11 RO Control: Assign DB Screen

RCC12 RO Control: Modification Criteria

RCC15 RO Control: Application Transaction

RCC18 RO Control: Activities

RCC19 RO Control: Field Mod. per Act. Cat.

RCC20 Authorization Types

RCC23 RO Control: Data Sets

RCCFM RT Control: GFORM Modification

RCCG2 Change trans. form

RCCG3 Display Transaction Form

RCCMREP01 Organization/Agent Time Report

RCCMREP02 Organization/Agent Call Vol. (DNIS)

RCCMREP03 Agent Activities

RCCMREP04 Agent Profile Report

RCCMREP05 Agent Profile Overview

RCCMREP06 PD Organization Profile - Detail

RCCMREP07 Document Flow Report


RCC_CUST RCCF: Edit Destinations

RCC_LOG RCCF: Log Display

RCC_PARAM RCCF: Settings for Experts


RCC_SESSION RCCF: Display Active Session

RCC_VERSION RCCF: Version Display

RCDEF Definition of Risk Object

RCJCLMIG Conversion report for free charact.


RCNPRECP Activation of ECP Plan Versions


RCOD_E2E_CONNECT Check E2E Connectivity from ERP

RCOPCA_VPROV Generate Virtual InfoProvider PCA

RCP02 Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S

RCP03 Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S

RCPOTPT RMS-RCP: Recipe Output

RCP_NR Maintain Number Ranges for Vers.

RCP_PPMIG RMS-RCP: Process Parameter Migration

RCV_DYN_REC_DET_HDS Rules for Dynamic Recipient Determ.

RDART_MERGE Merge SAFT-PT files for Portugal

RDCA Send Vendor Documents

RDCA_WIZ Evaluate Vendor Document Interface


RDDPRCHK_AUDIT Customer Tables without Log

RDDTDDAT_BCE Check Table Logging

RDMBBY03 Display Bonus Buy

RDMBBYANALYSE01 Display Bonus Buys for Promotion

RDMBBYCHECK Check Bonus Buys

RDMBBYDEL2 Deletion of Bonus Buy

RDMBBYMATLIST List of Bonus buy for material

RDMBBYNR01 Number Range Maintenance: RDM_BBYNR

RDMREO Price Opt: Confirm. Change Pointer

RDM_BBY_REQNR Define Requirements for Bonus Buy

RDM_SLG1_ALL Inbound Processing of all Protocols

RDM_SLG1_ALL_OUT Outbound Processing of all Logs

RDM_SLG1_CHG_OUT Log Change Messages

RDM_SLG1_INIT_OUT Initial Data Transfer

RDM_SLG1_INTERNAL Only for internal use

RDM_SLG1_MAN_OUT Logs: Manual Selection

RDM_SLG1_MD Application Log Markdown Optimiztn

RDM_SLG1_PRICE Application Log - Price Optimization

RDM_SLG1_PROMO Application Log - Promo Optimization

RDM_SM37_PROMO Job Overview Price Activation -Promo

RDPT1 List of Redemption Schedule Sets

RDPT2 List of Redemption Schedules

RDPT3 Delete Redemption Schedule Sets

RDPT4 Delete Redemption Schedules

RDPT_FACTOR Edit Drawing Factors

RE80 RE80: RE Navigator

REAJADJMCONTROL Adjustment Control

REAJADJMCTRLRULE Adjustment Control Rule

REAJADJMRULECTRLRULE Adjustment Rule and Control Rule

REAJADJMVAR Variables for Adjustment Control

REAJAHCN Adjustments on Contracts

REAJAHRO Adjustments on Rental Objects

REAJAHSCSE Service Charge Settlemt Adjustments

REAJAT Edit Adjustment Measure

REAJATAR Archive Adjustment Measures

REAJATARE Display Adjustment Measures(Archive)

REAJATCHECK Mass Check: Adjustment Measures

REAJATCOSTS Costs Item Group for Rule

REAJATRP Change Pers.Resp: Adjustment Measure

REAJBLREAS Reasons for Adjustment Locks

REAJCEAEXPMC Mass Change of Current Expenses

REAJCG Edit Comparative Group of Apartments

REAJCG0001 CG: Applications

REAJCG0002 CG: Field Groups

REAJCG0003 CG: Views

REAJCG0004 CG: Sections

REAJCG0005 CG: Screens

REAJCG0006 CG: Screen Sequences

REAJCG0007 CG: Events

REAJCG0008 CG: CUA Standard Functions

REAJCG0009 CG: CUA Additional Functions

REAJCG0011 CG: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

REAJCG0012 CG: Field Modification Criteria

REAJCG0016 CG: Tables

REAJCG0017 CG: External Applications

REAJCG0018 CG: Activities

REAJCG0019 CG: Feldmod. per Activity (Control)

REAJCG0022 CG: Where-Used List: Structure

REAJCG0100 CG: Field Modification per Activity

REAJCG0102 CG: Authorization Types

REAJCG0103 CG: Field Groups for Authorization

REAJCG0104 CG: Screen Configuration

REAJCG0105 CG: Fld Mod. per Ext. Application

REAJCG0106 CG: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

REAJCG0107 CG: Where-Used List: Views

REAJCGAR Archive Comparative Groups

REAJCGARE Display Comparative Groups (Archive)

REAJCGCHECK Mass Check: Comparative Apartments

REAJCGRP Change Pers.Resp: Comp. Apartments

REAJCH Continue Adjustment

REAJCHCEA Continue with Adjustments - CEA

REAJCHECKINDX Check Unmaintained Index Points



REAJEDIT Process Adjustments Directly

REAJEPCRTD WB: Calc. Formula - Expense Item

REAJINDX Index Classes, Series and Points

REAJINDXCONV Index - Rebasing

REAJMAXINC Adjustment Rule Capping Provisions

REAJMETH Adjustment Method

REAJMETHCOMB Combinable Adjustment Method

REAJPR Specify Adjustments

REAJPRCEA Specify Adjustments - CEA

REAJPRTASK Determine Adjustments - TASK

REAJREASON Adjustment reasons

REAJREBASEINDEX Rebasing of Index Points

REAJRLRAAMT Value Table for Rep. List of Rents

REAJRLRAVC Maintenance of Rep. List of Rents

REAJRLRAVCST Structure Maint. for Fixt./Fittings

REAJROAT Assignment to Adjustment Measure

REAJROCG Assignment to Comparative Group

REAJRULE Adjustment Rules

REAJRULECOMB Combinable Adjustment Rules

REAJRULECOMP Comp. Apartment Adjustment Rule

REAJRULECOND Adjustment Rule and Condition Type

REAJRULEINDX Index Adjustment Rule

REAJRULERLRA Rep.List of Rents Adjustment Rule

REAJRULETASK Adjustment Measure Adjustment Rule

REAJRV Reverse Adjustments

REAJRVCEA Reverse Adjustments - CEA

REAJSH Display Adjustments

REAJSHCEA Display Adjustments - CEA

REASSIGN_ADMSERVICES Reassignment of Admin ICF Services

REAT0001 AM: Applications

REAT0002 AM: Field Groups

REAT0003 AM: Views

REAT0004 AM: Sections

REAT0005 AM: Screens

REAT0006 AM: Screen Sequences

REAT0007 AM: Events

REAT0008 AM: CUA Standard Functions

REAT0009 AM: CUA Additional Functions

REAT0011 AM: Assignment Scrn Field->DB Field

REAT0012 AM: Field Modification Criteria

REAT0016 AM: Tables

REAT0017 AM: External Applications

REAT0018 AM: Activities

REAT0019 AM: Field Mod. per Activity (Contr)

REAT0022 AM: Where-Used List: Structure

REAT0100 AM: Field Modification per Activity

REAT0102 AM: Authorization Types

REAT0103 AM: Field Groups for Authorization

REAT0104 AM: Screen Configuration

REAT0105 AM: Field Modification per External

REAT0106 AM:Assignment Object Part --> MemoID

REAT0107 AM: Where-Used List: Views

REATFSVAR Field Status Variant Adjust. Measure

REATFSVARFM Field Modific. Field Status Variant

REATTYPE Type of Adjustment Measure

REBDAO Process Architectural Object

REBDAO0001 AO: Applications

REBDAO0002 AO: Field Groups

REBDAO0003 AO: Views

REBDAO0004 AO: Sections

REBDAO0005 AO: Screens

REBDAO0006 AO: Screen Sequences

REBDAO0007 AO: Events

REBDAO0008 AO: CUA Standard Functions

REBDAO0009 AO: CUA Additional Functions

REBDAO0010 AO: Matchcode

REBDAO0011 AO: Assgmt Screen Field->DB Field

REBDAO0012 AO: Field Modification Criteria

REBDAO0013 AO: Role Categories

REBDAO0014 AO: Role Category Groupings

REBDAO0016 AO: Tables

REBDAO0017 AO: External Applications

REBDAO0018 AO: Activities

REBDAO0019 AO:Fld Grouping per Activity(Contr.)

REBDAO0022 AO: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDAO0023 AO: Data Sets

REBDAO0100 AO: Field Modification per Activity

REBDAO0102 AO: Authorization Types

REBDAO0103 AO: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDAO0104 AO: Screen Configuration

REBDAO0105 AO: Field Grouping per Ext. Appl.

REBDAO0106 AO:Assignment Obj Part --> Notice ID

REBDAO0107 AO: Where-Used List: Views

REBDAOAR Archive Architectural Objects

REBDAOARE Display Arch. Objects (Archive)

REBDAOCHECK Mass Check: Architect. Objects

REBDAORP Change Person Resp.: Arch. Objects

REBDBE Process Business Entity

REBDBE0001 BE: Applications

REBDBE0002 BE: Field Groups

REBDBE0003 BE: Views

REBDBE0004 BE: Sections

REBDBE0005 BE: Screens

REBDBE0006 BE: Screen Sequences

REBDBE0007 BE: Events

REBDBE0008 BE: Standard GUI Functions

REBDBE0009 BE: Additional GUI Functions

REBDBE0011 BE: Assignment Screen Fld to DB Fld

REBDBE0012 BE: Field Modification Criteria

REBDBE0013 BE: Role Categories

REBDBE0014 BE: Role Category Groupings

REBDBE0016 BE: Tables

REBDBE0017 BE: External Applications

REBDBE0018 BE: Activities

REBDBE0019 BE: Fld Modif. per Activity(Control)

REBDBE0022 BE: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDBE0100 BE: Field Modification per Activity

REBDBE0102 BE: Authorization Types

REBDBE0103 BE: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDBE0104 BE: Screen Configuration

REBDBE0105 BE: Field Modif per External Applic.

REBDBE0106 BE: Assignment Object Part -> NoteID

REBDBE0107 BE: Where-Used List: Views

REBDBEAR Archive Business Entities

REBDBEARE Display Business Entities (Archive)

REBDBU Process Building

REBDBU0001 BU: Applications

REBDBU0002 BU: Field Groups

REBDBU0003 BU: Views

REBDBU0004 BU: Stages

REBDBU0005 BU: Screens

REBDBU0006 BU: Screen Sequences

REBDBU0007 BU: Events

REBDBU0008 BU: CUA Standard Functions

REBDBU0009 BU: CUA Additional Functions

REBDBU0011 BU: Assgmt Screen Field->DB Field

REBDBU0012 BU: Field Modification Criteria

REBDBU0013 BU: Role Categories

REBDBU0014 BU: Role Category Groupings

REBDBU0016 BU: Tables

REBDBU0017 BU: External Applications

REBDBU0018 BU: Activities

REBDBU0019 BU:Fld Grouping per Activity(Contr.)

REBDBU0022 BU: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDBU0100 BU: Field Modification per Activity

REBDBU0102 BU: Authorization Types

REBDBU0103 BU: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDBU0104 BU: Screen Configuration

REBDBU0105 BU: Fld Grouping Per External Appl.

REBDBU0106 BU:Assignment Obj Part --> Notice ID

REBDBU0107 BU: Where-Used List: Views

REBDBUAR Archive Buildings

REBDBUARE Display Buildings (Archive)

REBDCACHECK Mass Check: Usage Objects

REBDCARP Change Person Resp.: Usage Objects

REBDCOBJASSTYPE Object Assignment Types

REBDCOBJASSUSED Object Types for Obj. Assign. Types

REBDCOBJTYPEASS Obj.Assignment Types per Object Type

REBDDEFPS Definition of Pooled Space

REBDFIXFITCHAR Fixt./Fittings Characteristics

REBDIFRS IFRS: Mass Change of Contracts

REBDMSA Maintain Measurement Types

REBDOCC Occupancy Planning of Architecture

REBDOCCUSE Occupancy Planning of Usage

REBDPR Process Property

REBDPR0001 PR: Applications

REBDPR0002 PR: Field Groupings

REBDPR0003 PR: Views

REBDPR0004 PR: Stages

REBDPR0005 PR: Screens

REBDPR0006 PR: Screen sequences

REBDPR0007 PR: Events

REBDPR0008 PR: GUI Standard Functions

REBDPR0009 PR: GUI Additional Functions

REBDPR0011 PR:Assignment Screen Field->DB-Field

REBDPR0012 PR: Field Grouping Criteria

REBDPR0016 PR: Tables

REBDPR0017 PR: External Applications

REBDPR0018 PR: Activities

REBDPR0019 PR:Fld Grouping per Actvty (Control)

REBDPR0022 PR: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDPR0100 PR: Field Modification per Activity

REBDPR0102 PR: Authorization Types

REBDPR0103 PR: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDPR0104 PR: Screen Configuration

REBDPR0105 PR: Field Grouping Per Ext. Appl.

REBDPR0106 PR: Assign. Object Part --> NoticeID

REBDPR0107 PR: Where-Used List: Views

REBDPRAR Archive Land

REBDPRARE Display Land (Archive)

REBDRO Process Rental Object

REBDRO0001 RO: Applications

REBDRO0002 RO: Field Groups

REBDRO0003 RO: Views

REBDRO0004 RO: Sections

REBDRO0005 RO: Screens

REBDRO0006 RO: Screen Sequences

REBDRO0007 RO: Events

REBDRO0008 RO: CUA Standard Functions

REBDRO0009 RO: CUA Additional Functions

REBDRO0011 RO: Assgmt Screen Field -> DB Field

REBDRO0012 RO: Field Modification Criteria

REBDRO0016 RO: Tables

REBDRO0017 RO: External Applications

REBDRO0018 RO: Activities

REBDRO0019 RO:Fld Grouping per Actvty (Control)

REBDRO0022 RO: Where-Used List: Structure

REBDRO0100 RO: Field Modification per Activity

REBDRO0102 RO: Authorization Types

REBDRO0103 RO: Field Groups for Authorization

REBDRO0104 RO: Screen Configuration

REBDRO0105 RO: Field Grouping per Ext. Appl.

REBDRO0106 RO: Assign. Object Part --> NoticeID

REBDRO0107 RO: Where-Used List: Views

REBDROAR Archive Rental Objects

REBDROARE Display Rental Objects (Archive)

REBDROCFAR Archive Cash Flow of Rental Objects

REBDROCFARE Display RO Cash Flow (Archive)

REBDRSRETURN End Rental Spaces

REBDTIVBDMEASRO Cust:Maint. Msrmnt Type per Usg Type

REBDTIVBDROFSTATUS Cust: Maintain Field Grp per UsgType

REBDTIVBDROUSGREL Cust: Maintain Usg Type per RO Type

REBFCR01 Generate Customizing Classes (TAB)

REBFCR03 Generate Table Buffer Classes

REBFCR04 Generate Update Modules

REBFCR05 Generate Business Object Types

REBFCR06 Generate Manager Object Types

REBFCR11 Template Classes for Generation

REBFCR12 Excluded Fields for Detailed Compar.

REBPZA Applications

REBPZC Role Types

REBPZD Allowed Role Categories

REBPZE BP grouping

REB_CONDTYPE maintain rebate condition type

RECAAC Allowed Object Types and Properties

RECAALVIMPORT System Report ALV Variants

RECAALVTRANS Transport RE ALV Variants

RECAARE Archive Explorer

RECABDTSCR Manager Subscreens in BDT

RECABT Generate BDT Subscreen Containers

RECABUSOBJAPPLSTART Start Business Object Display

RECACC Check Customizing Settings

RECACDOBJREL Change Doc. Objects per Object Type

RECACOLOR Colors in the Application


RECACOPA Parameters for Create with Template

RECACPROCESS RE-FX: System Table Setting- Process




RECACPROCSTEPABLE Process Mode and Process Step


RECAECADJAE Euro Changeover: Accrual Engine

RECAECADJAERE Euro Changeover: Accrual Engine RE

RECAECADJAT Euro Changeover: Round Measure

RECAECADJCF Euro Changeover: Adjust Cash Flow

RECAECADJCFCN Cash Flow - Contracts

RECAECADJCFRO Cash Flow - Rental Objects

RECAECADJCN Euro Changeover: Check Contracts

RECAECADJOF Euro Changeover: Check Offers

RECAECADJRO Euro Changeover: Check Rental Obj.

RECAGUICUST System Settings: Interface

RECAIC Icon Assignment

RECAICONFOR Icon - Icon Area

RECAICONFORKEY Icon Key for Icon Area

RECAKEY Conversion of RE Key Fields

RECALA Analyze Logs

RECALA_USER Analyze Own Logs

RECALD Delete Logs

RECALN Number Range Maint: RECALOG

RECALP Param. for Log Overview (Internal)

RECAPICCUST System Settings: Background Graphic

RECARECURNO Recurring Appointment Number Range

RECARESPGROUP Maintain Groups Responsible

RECARG Worklist: Update Objects

RECARS Process Dates for All Objects

RECARSBD Process Dates for Usage Objects

RECARSCN Process Dates for Contracts

RECARSGEN Generate Reminder Dates

RECARSGENBD Generate Dates for Usage Objects

RECARSGENCN Generate Dates for Contracts


RECASTATOBJ Possible Status Activ. per Obj.Type

RECATM Manage Text Modules

RECATMCLIENTCOPY Client Copy Text Modules

RECATRACE Set Trace Options

RECATRACERTBADI Display Runtime Information

RECAWBLIST Overview Lists per Object Type

RECAWBNAVTOOL Navigation Tools in Navigator

RECAWBREQTOOL Tools for RE Workbench Requests

RECAWBTYPE Object Types in the Workbench

RECAYA Interface Implementation

RECAYB Reasons for Registration

RECAYC Object Statuses

RECAZR Retention Periods



RECDCA Internal Calculation Rules

RECDCB External Calculation Rules

RECDCC Internal Distribution Rules

RECDCD External Distribution Rules

RECDCE Internal Condition Purpose

RECDCF External Condition Purpose

RECDCFCMP Cash Flow Comparison & Simulation

RECDCG Cash Flow Update for Contract

RECDCGOL Cash Flow Update for Contract

RECDCGOLACT Activate CF Update Contract w/o LD

RECDCH Update Cash Flow for Rental Object

RECDCHGREAS Maintenance - Change Reasons

RECDCOAJ Adjustment Rules for Conditions

RECDCOND Maintain Condition Types

RECDCONDGROUP Maintain Condition Groups

RECDCONDGROUPCOND Maintain Cond. Groups, Assignment

RECDCONDGROUPREL Maint. - Condition Types -> Groups

RECDDC01 Derivation Tool:Maintain Transaction

RECDDC02 Derivation Tool: Rule Values

RECDDD Due Date Correction Rule

RECDFIXPER Maintenance - Fixed Periods

RECDFIXPERDATE Maintenance- Periods of Fixed Period

RECDFLOWRELFLOW Maintain Reference Flow Type

RECDFLOWTYPE Maintain Flow Types

RECDFLOWTYPEREL Maintain Flow Type Relationships

RECDIFRS IFRS: Valuation of Contracts

RECDZY Maintenance-Conditions-View Cluster

RECDZZ Test - Conditions

RECN Process Contract

RECNAA Contract Type Field Modification

RECNAB Contract Type

RECNAD ObjTypes Permitted For Contract Type

RECNAR Archive Real Estate Contracts

RECNARE Display RE Contracts (Archive)

RECNCFAR Archive Cash Flow of Contracts

RECNCFARE Display Contract Cash Flow (Archive)

RECNCHECK Mass Check: Contracts

RECNCUST Display "Contract Types" RE-FX IMG

RECNDPMETHOD Form of Security Deposit

RECNRP Change Pers.Resp: Contracts

RECNZA Notice Reasons

RECNZB Reasons for Rejection

RECON1 Process Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON2 Reconcile Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON3 Delete Ext. Security Acct Statements

RECON4 Process Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON5 Reconcile Ext. Sec. Acct Statements

RECON6 Delete Ext. Security Acct Statements

RECOPLACT02 RE: Planning -Change Activity Input

RECOPLACT03 RE: Planning - Display Activ. Input

RECOPLACTCOPY Copy Actual->Plan for Real Estate

RECOPLCFCOPY Copy Cash Flow to CO Planning

RECOPLCST02 RE: Planning - Change CElem/Act.Inp.

RECOPLCST03 RE: Planning -Display CElem/Act.Inp.

RECOPLCSTLAY01 Create Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLCSTLAY02 Change Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLCSTLAY03 Display Cost Element Planning Layout

RECOPLKYF02 RE: Planning - Change Stat.Key Fig.

RECOPLKYF03 RE: Planning -Display Stat.Key Fig.

RECOPLKYFLAY01 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLKYFLAY02 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLKYFLAY03 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout

RECOPLPLANCOPY Copy Plan->Plan for Real Estate

RECOPLPRM02 RE: Planning - Change Prim.CostElem

RECOPLPRM03 RE: Planning -Display Prim.CostElem

RECOPLREV02 RE: Planning - Change Revenue Elems

RECOPLREV03 RE: Planning -Display Revenue Elems

RECOPLSESNG Planned Settlement: RE Objects

RECOPLSEVAR Plnd Collective Settlement: RE Obj.

RECOPLSU RE: Cost Element Planning for SU

RECOSESNG CO Settlement of Real Estate Objects

RECOSEVAR RE: CO Collective Settlement

RECOSEVAR_MAINT_CN Variant Maint.Contracts f.CO Settlmt

RECOSEVAR_MAINT_OBJ Variant Maint. Obj.for CO Settlement

RECOSTKFBD Transfer Measmt to Stat. Key Figure

RECOSTKFSU Transfer Measmt to Stat. Key Figure

RECPA100 General Corresp.(Arch.Obj.)

RECPA110 Master Data Summary(Arch.Obj.)

RECPA120 General Correspondence (BE)

RECPA130 Master Data Summary (BE)

RECPA140 General Letter (Land)

RECPA150 Master Data Summary (Land)

RECPA160 General Correspondence (Buildings)

RECPA170 Master Data Summary (Buildings)

RECPA180 General Correspondence (RO)

RECPA190 Master Data Summary (Rental Object)

RECPA200 General Letter (Parcel)

RECPA210 Master Data Summary (Parcel)

RECPA220 General Letter (Parcel Update)

RECPA230 Master Data Summary (Parcel Update)

RECPA240 General Letter (Land Register)

RECPA250 Master Data Summary (Land Register)

RECPA260 General Letter (Public Register)

RECPA270 Master Data Summ. (Public Register)

RECPA280 General Letter (Notice of Assessmt)

RECPA290 Master Data Summ.(Notice of Assessmt

RECPA330 General Letter (RE Search Request)

RECPA340 Master Data Summary (RE Search Req.)

RECPA350 RE Search Request

RECPA360 General Letter (Contract Offer)

RECPA370 Master Data Summary (Contract Offer)

RECPA380 Contract Offer

RECPA390 Lease Abstract

RECPA400 General Correspondence

RECPA410 Master Data Summary

RECPA420 Contract Form

RECPA440 General Letter (Adjustment Measure)

RECPA460 Master Data Summary (Adj. Measure)

RECPA500 Contract Account Sheet

RECPA520 Invoice for Rent

RECPA550 Service Charge Settlement

RECPA560 COA Settlement

RECPA562 Annual Budget

RECPA564 Tenant Settlement

RECPA566 Statement of Reserve Fund

RECPA570 Sales-Based Settlement

RECPA580 Sales Report

RECPA590 Reminder of Missing Sales Reports

RECPA600 Adjustment

RECPA610 Approve Adjustment

RECPA620 Adjustment Approval Reminder

RECPA630 Notify About Adjustment

RECPA700 Notice/Confirmation of Notice

RECPDOC Overview of Created Documents

RECPYA Basic Settings and Doc. Templates

RECPYX Supported Object Types

RECPZA Basic Settings

RECPZE Correspondence activities

RECPZF Correspondence Applications

RECPZR Output Documents

RECPZX Supported Object Types

RECPZY Supported Corresp.Applications

RECRWF Customizing Workflow Recruitmnt Form

RECTHP01 IDE: Generation of FI Vendor Posting

RECTHP02 IDE: Generation of FI Vendor Posting

REDISND1 Create Electronic Bill

REDSLOADGEN Generation of Program Loads

REDSRS01 Mass Syntax Check

REDSSCCC Set Cost Collector to 'Settled'

REDSTAXBASEBUILD Generate Tax Items to Be Distributed

REDSTBO01 Check Object Type Texts in TBO01

REEXACCSTGNDAT Electr. Account Statement: Test Data

REEXACCSTGNTXT Electr. Acct Statement: Gen. File

REEXACRCARRYFORWARD Balance Carry Fwd for RE Accruals


REEXACRPPRV Reverse Contracts Accruals/Deferrals

REEXACRSHOW Display Accrual Objects

REEXAI02 AIS: Autom. Generated RE Documents

REEXCNTYPE Approval for Contract Type

REEXFB05 RE: Post with Clearing

REEXFB1D RE: Customer Clearing

REEXF_26 RE: Incoming Payment Fast Entry

REEXF_28 RE: Post Incoming Payment

REEXOUCOPY Tables for Organizational Units

REEXOUCOPYEXCL Tables to Be Excluded

REEXPL Posting Log

REEXPOSTCC Itemization for Settlement Units

REEXRESETCLEARPROC Reset of Clearing Process



REEXSETGENAO Generation of Sets for Arch. Objects

REEXSETGENBD Generate Sets for Usage Objects

REEXSETGENCN Generate Sets for Contracts

REEXSETGENSU Generate Sets for SU

REEXZA Document Type Determination

REEXZB Tax Code Assignment

REEXZC Replace Account Symbols

REEXZD Assignment of Tax Transaction Key

REEXZE RE Dunning Areas

REEXZF Assign. User/Role Cat./DunningParam.

REFSITE Reference site management

REFXCN_CALC Daily Margin Calculation

REFXCN_CMPV Contract version comparison

REFXCN_CMPVT Contracts comparison in tab level

REFXCN_CNSD Contract and Sales data Search

REFXCN_COND_ADJ Condition Adjustment

REFXCN_COPV Copy version to main contract

REFXCN_DELV Delete contract version

REFXCN_DIVIDE Coupon Apportionment Rule

REFXCN_IDOC IDOC Inbound Data Maintenance

REFXCN_RETDATA Retrieve data to RE system

REFXCN_SALES_EDIT IDOC Inbound: Sales Data Maintenance

REFXCN_SARP Sales Report Updating

REFXCN_SR Sales Report Updating

REFXCN_STCN_SEARCH Contract and Store Search

REGC0001 Applications

REGC0002 Field Groups

REGC0003 Views

REGC0004 Sections

REGC0005 Screens

REGC0006 Screen Sequences

REGC0007 Events

REGC0008 GUI Standard Functions

REGC0009 GUI Additional Functions

REGC0010 Matchcode

REGC0011 Assign Screen Field->DB Field

REGC0012 Field Modification Criteria

REGC0013 Role Categories

REGC0014 Role Cat. Groupings

REGC0016 Tables

REGC0017 External Applications

REGC0018 Activities

REGC0019 Field Modifictn per Actvty (Control)

REGC0022 Where-Used List: Structure

REGC0023 Data Sets

REGC0100 GC: Field Modification per Activity

REGC0102 Authorization Types

REGC0103 Field groups for authorization

REGC0104 Screen configuration

REGC0105 Field Modific. per Ext. Application

REGC0106 Assign object part --> Note ID

REGC0107 Where-used list: Views

REGM1 Task Frequencies

REGM2 Maintenance Task Type

REGM3 Task Attributes

REGT1 Regular Task Scheduling

REGT2 Regular Task Maintenance

REGTM4 obsolete

REGTM5 obsolete

REG_VIEWTASK Regular Tasks Status Overview

REISACRITEM Accrual/Deferral Records

REISAJAT Info System: Measure Overview

REISAJATCOSTS Info System: Measure Costs


REISAJATEXPENSE Info System: CEA Current Expenses

REISAJATFINPLAN Info System: CEA Financing Plan

REISAJATOBJ Info System: Measure Objects/Meas.

REISAJATPRESTAGE InfoSystem: CEA Prestage Adjustments

REISALIT Accruals/Deferrals

REISAO Info System: Architectural Objects

REISAOCT IS: Fixt./Fittings for Arch. Objects

REISAODT Infosystem: Arch. Objs with Details

REISAOOA Info System: Objects for AO

REISAOPO Info System: Arch.Obj. - Cont.Occup.

REISBDCT InfoSystem: Fixt/Fitt. f. MasterData

REISBDOA Info System: Object Assignment

REISBE Info System: Business Entities

REISBP Info System: Objects for Partner

REISBPBD Info System: Partner for Master Data

REISBU Info System: Buildings

REISCDBD Info System: Conditions for RO

REISCDCF Info System: Cash Flow

REISCDCFOBJ Info System: Object Cash Flow Contr.

REISCDCFVAC Info System: Vacancy Cash Flow

REISCDCN Info System:Conditions for Contracts

REISCDCNAJ Info System: Cond./Adjustment Rule

REISCHGDOCCN Info System: Contract Change Docs.

REISCN Info System: Contracts

REISCNBP IS: Business Partners of Contracts

REISCNDP Infosystem: Security Dep. Agreements

REISCNMS Info System: Contract Measurements

REISCNNT Infosystem: Notice on Contracts

REISCNNTRULE Info System: Notice Rules

REISCNOA Info System: Objects for Contracts

REISCNPE Infosystem: Term of Contracts

REISCNRN Infosystem: Renewal of Contracts

REISCNRNRULE Info System: Renewal Rules

REISCOCSTACT Costs/Revenue: Actuals Overview

REISCOCSTACTPLN Costs/Revenue: Plan/Actual Comp.

REISCOCSTACTPRE Costs/Rev: Comparison Actual PrevYr

REISCOCSTCMNT Costs/Revenue: Commitment Overview

REISCOCSTPLN Costs/Revenue: Plan Overview

REISCOLIBD Master Data Line Items

REISCOLIBDN Real Estate Objects - New Line Items

REISCOLICN Line Items of Contracts

REISCOSKFACT Stat. Key Figures: Actuals Overview

REISCOSKFACTPLN Stat.Key Fig: Plan/Actual Comparison

REISCOSKFACTPRE Stat.Key Fig: Compar. Actual PrevYr

REISCOSKFPLN Stat. Key Figures: Plan Overview

REISITOR Overview: Option Rates of RE Objects

REISITORCALC Info System: Option Rate - Calcul.

REISJL Info System: Joint Liability

REISLR Info System: Land Registers

REISLRJL Info System: Land Reg. - J.Liability

REISLRRG InfoSystem: Land Reg. w/ RE Register

REISMMCAP InfoSystem:Statement of Reserve Fund

REISMMCAPD Info Syst: Reserve Fund Stmt Details

REISMP Infosystem: Move Plans

REISMSAO InfoSystem: Measurements f.Arch. Obj

REISMSBD Infosystem: Measurements - Mast.Data

REISMSCN Infosystem: Measurements - Contracts

REISNA Info System: Notices of Assessment

REISNAMF Info System: Not. of Assessmt - Muni

REISNAVL InfoSystem: Assessmt Not.-AnnualVal.

REISOF Info System: Contract Offer

REISOO Info System: Offered Object

REISOOCTOR IS: Fixt./Fittings for Offered Obj.

REISOOCTRS IS: Fixt./Fittings for Reserv. Obj.

REISPE Info System: Other Public Registers

REISPL Information System: Parcels

REISPLCS Info System: Contaminated Parcels

REISPLCT Info System: Fixt./Fit. for Parcel

REISPLDB InfoSystem: Benefits/Curtailments

REISPLDP Info System: Parcels - Develop. Plan

REISPLER Info System: Parcels - Easements

REISPLLR InfoSystem: Land Registers f. Parcel

REISPLMS Info System: Parcels - Measurements

REISPLOBJ Info System: Objects for Parcels

REISPLP Info System: Predecessor Parcels

REISPLPF Info System: Area Analysis

REISPLS Info System: Successor Parcels

REISPLSL Info System: Cad. Classifications

REISPLUS Info System: Usages of Parcels

REISPO Info System: Continuous Occupancy

REISPOCAP Info System: Cont. Occupancy List

REISPR Info System: Land


REISRC Information System: Parcel Updates

REISREDOCCN InfoSystem: RE Docs for Contracts

REISREP Reports of Info System

REISREPPP Parallel Processing of Reporting

REISREPTREE Info System Report Tree

REISRO Info System: Rental Objects

REISROAS Rental Objects -Assessment Contracts

REISROOC Info System: Occupancy of ROs

REISRR Info System: RE Search Request

REISRS Information System: Reservations

REISRSOBJ Info System: Reservation Object

REISRSSRV Services for Reservation

REISRSUSER Info System: Reservations User


REITDOSCHANGE Change Date of Service

REITDS Input Tax Distribution

REITDSOBJSHOW Input Tax Distribution for Objects

REITDSRV Reverse Input Tax Distribution

REITISTC Overview of Correction Objects

REITORCALC Option Rate Determin.: All Objects

REITORCALCDAILY Option Rate Determin.: All Objects

REITORCALCSCS Option Rate Determination for SCS

REITORSHOW Option Rate Determ: Display Results

REITTC Edit Correction Object

REITTC0001 TC: Applications

REITTC0002 TC: Field Groups

REITTC0003 TC: Views

REITTC0004 TC: Sections

REITTC0005 TC: Screens

REITTC0006 TC: Screen Sequences

REITTC0007 TC: Events

REITTC0008 TC: CUA Standard Functions

REITTC0009 TC: CUA Addit. Functions

REITTC0011 TC: Assgnmt Screen Field->DB Field

REITTC0012 TC: Field Modification Criteria

REITTC0016 TC: Tables

REITTC0017 TC: External Applications

REITTC0018 TC: Activities

REITTC0019 TC: Fld Mod. per Activity (Control)

REITTC0022 TC: Where-Used List: Structure

REITTC0100 TC: Fld Modification per Activity Cu

REITTC0102 TC: Authorization Types

REITTC0103 TC: Field Groups for Authorization

REITTC0104 TC: Screen Configuration

REITTC0105 TC: Fld Mod. per Ext. Application

REITTC0106 TC: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

REITTC0107 TC: Where-Used List: Views

REITTCAR Archive Rental Objects

REITTCARE Display Correction Objects (Archive)

REITTCASSIGN Assign Correction Objects

REITTCBASE Overview of Input Tax Corr. Basis

REITTCCALC Execute Input Tax Correction

REITTCCALCRV Reverse Input Tax Correction

REITTCCALCSHOW Overview of Input Tax Correction

REITTCCHECK Mass Check: Correction Objects

REITTCCUST Input Tax Correction IMG

REITTCID Number Range Maint. Correction Obj.

REITTCNO Number Range Maintenance: REITTC

REITTCPOST InpTaxCorr: Manual Posting

REITTCRP Change Pers. Resp.: Correction Obj.

REITXR Display Planned Retirements

REITZA Maintain Option Rate Methods

RELINVDOC Call transaction MRBR from Portal

RELMJL Process Joint Liability

RELMJLAR Archive Joint Liabilities

RELMJLARE Display Joint Liabilities (Archive)

RELMJLCHECK Mass Check: Joint Liabilities

RELMJLRP Change Pers.Resp: Joint Liabilities

RELML00001 L0: Applications

RELML00002 L0: Field Groups

RELML00003 L0: Views

RELML00004 L0: Sections

RELML00005 L0: Screens

RELML00006 L0: Screen Sequences

RELML00007 L0: Events

RELML00008 L0: CUA Standard Functions

RELML00009 L0: CUA Additional Functions

RELML00011 L0: Assignment Scrn Fld->DB Field

RELML00012 L0: Field Modification Criteria

RELML00016 L0: Tables

RELML00017 L0: External Applications

RELML00018 L0: Activities

RELML00019 L0: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RELML00100 L0: Field Modifcation per Activity

RELML00104 L0: Screen Configuration

RELML00105 L0: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

RELML00106 L0: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

RELML10001 L1: Applications

RELML10002 L1: Field Groups

RELML10003 L1: Views

RELML10004 L1: Sections

RELML10005 L1: Screens

RELML10006 L1: Screen Sequences

RELML10007 L1: Events

RELML10008 L1: CUA Standard Functions

RELML10009 L1: CUA Additional Functions

RELML10011 L1: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

RELML10012 L1: Field Modification Criteria

RELML10016 L1: Tables

RELML10017 L1: External Applications

RELML10018 L1: Activities

RELML10019 L1: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RELML10100 L1: Field Modification per Activity

RELML10104 L1: Screen Configuration

RELML10105 L1: Field Mod. per External Applic.

RELML10106 L1: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

RELML20001 L2: Applications

RELML20002 L2: Field Groups

RELML20003 L2: Views

RELML20004 L2: Sections

RELML20005 L2: Screens

RELML20006 L2: Screen Sequences

RELML20007 L2: Events

RELML20008 L2: CUA Standard Functions

RELML20009 L2: CUA Additional Functions

RELML20011 L2: Assignmt Screen Fld->DB-Field

RELML20012 L2: Field Modification Criteria

RELML20016 L2: Tables

RELML20017 L2: External Applications

RELML20018 L2: Activities

RELML20019 L2: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RELML20100 L2: Field Modification per Activity

RELML20104 L2: Screen Configuration

RELML20105 L2: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

RELML20106 L2: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

RELML30001 L3: Applications

RELML30002 L3: Field Groups

RELML30003 L3: Views

RELML30004 L3: Sections

RELML30005 L3: Screens

RELML30006 L3: Screen Sequences

RELML30007 L3: Events

RELML30008 L3: CUA Standard Functions

RELML30009 L3: CUA Additional Functions

RELML30011 L3: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

RELML30012 L3: Field Modification Criteria

RELML30016 L3: Tables

RELML30017 L3: Extrnal Applications

RELML30018 L3: Activities

RELML30019 L3: Field Mod. per Activity(Control)

RELML30100 L3: Field Modification per Activity

RELML30104 L3: Screen Configuration

RELML30105 L3: Field Mod. per Ext.Application

RELML30106 L3: Assignment Obj. Part --> Memo ID

RELML40001 L4: Applications

RELML40002 L4: Field Groups

RELML40003 L4: Views

RELML40004 L4: Sections

RELML40005 L4: Screens

RELML40006 L4: Screen Sequences

RELML40007 L4: Events

RELML40008 L4: CUA Standard Functions

RELML40009 L4: CUA Additional Functions

RELML40011 L4: Assignmt Screen Field->DB Field

RELML40012 L4: Field Modification Criteria

RELML40016 L4: Tables

RELML40017 L4: External Applications

RELML40018 L4: Activities

RELML40019 L4: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RELML40100 L4: Field Modification per Activity

RELML40104 L4: Screen Configuration

RELML40105 L4: Field Mod. per External Applic.

RELML40106 L4: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

RELML50001 L5: Applications

RELML50002 L5: Field Groups

RELML50003 L5: Views

RELML50004 L5: Sections

RELML50005 L5: Screens

RELML50006 L5: Screen Sequences

RELML50007 L5: Events

RELML50008 L5: CUA Standard Functions

RELML50009 L5: CUA Additional Functions

RELML50011 L5: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

RELML50012 L5: Field Modification Criteria

RELML50016 L5: Tables

RELML50017 L5: External Applications

RELML50018 L5: Activities

RELML50019 L5: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RELML50100 L5: Field Modification per Activity

RELML50104 L5: Screen Configuration

RELML50105 L5: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

RELML50106 L5: Assgnmt Object Part --> Memo ID

RELMLR Process Land Register

RELMLRAR Archive Land Registers

RELMLRARE Display Land Registers (Archive)

RELMLRCHECK Mass Check: Land Registers

RELMLRRP Change Resp. Person: Land Registers

RELMNA Process Notice of Assessment

RELMNAAR Archive Notices of Assessment

RELMNAARE Disp. Notices of Assessment(Archive)

RELMNACHECK Mass Check: Notices of Assessment

RELMNARP Change Pers.Resp: Notice of Assmt

RELMPE Process Other Public Register

RELMPEAR Archive Other Public Registers

RELMPEARE Disp.Other Public Registers(Archive)

RELMPECHECK Mass Check: Public Registers

RELMPECSNO Number Range Maintenance: RELMPECS

RELMPEPSNO Number Range Maintenance: RELMPEPS

RELMPERP Change Pers.Resp: Public Registers

RELMPL Process Parcel of Land

RELMPLAR Archive Parcels

RELMPLARE Display Parcels (Archive)

RELMPLCHECK Mass Check: Parcels

RELMPLRP Change Pers.Resp: Parcels

RELMRC Process Parcel Update

RELMRCAR Archive Parcel Updates

RELMRCARE Display Parcel Updates (Archive)

RELMRCCHECK Mass Check: Parcel Updates

RELMRCRP Change Resp. Person: Parcel Updates

RELMRCTODO Parcel Updates: Noted Objects List

REMCOABD Mass Change Org. Assignment Objects

REMCOACN Mass Change Org.Assignment Contracts

REMCOAOF Mass Change Org. Assignment Offer

REMCOASU Mass Change Org.Assgmt Settlmt Unit

REMCPYCN Mass Change to Posting Terms

REMIACCRUALGC Migration of Accrual-General Contr.

REMIACCRUALLOEXE Migration LO Accruals - Update Run

REMIACCRUALLOSIM Migration LO Accruals - Simulation

REMICL Migration from Classic RE to RE-FX

REMICLBATCH Migration from Classic RE to RE-FX

REMICLTRREQ Transport Customizing/Decision

REMMBAMN Compare Reference CoCd and Mandates

REMMBAPLANT Compare Reference Plant - Mandates

REMMBUDGET Create Annual Budget

REMMCCSET Company-Code-Dependent Settings

REMMHB Number Range Maint. for House Banks

REMMHBACC House-Bank-Dependent Settings

REMMMN Edit Mandate

REMMMN1 Edit COA Mandate

REMMMN2 Edit Object Mandate

REMMMNCHECK Mass Check: Mandates

REMMMNID Number Range Maintenance - Mandates

REMMMNRP Change Pers. Responsible: Mandates

REMMMNSET Settings Dependent on Mandate Type

REMMOBJADOPT Transfer Objects to COA

REMN0001 MN: Applications

REMN0002 MN: Field Groups

REMN0003 MN: Views

REMN0004 MN: Sections

REMN0005 MN: Screens

REMN0006 MN: Screen Sequences

REMN0007 MN: Events

REMN0008 MN: CUA Standard Functions

REMN0009 MN: CUA Additional Functions

REMN0011 MN: Assignmt Screen Field->DB Fld

REMN0012 MN: Field Modification Criteria

REMN0016 MN: Tables

REMN0017 MN: External Applications

REMN0018 MN: Activities

REMN0019 MN: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

REMN0022 MN: Where-Used List: Structure

REMN0100 MN: Fld Modific. per Acktivity Custo

REMN0102 MN: Authorization Types

REMN0103 MN: Field Groups for Authorization

REMN0104 MN: Screen Configuration

REMN0105 MN: Field Mod. per External Applic.

REMN0106 MN: Assignmt Object Part --> Memo ID

REMN0107 MN: Where-Used List: Views

REMOB_ACT_STA Remob maintain activity status

REMOB_ACT_TYPE Remob maintain activity type

REMOB_CONF Remob Home Page Configuration

REORCANCELRS Reversal of Reservations

REORCOST Costs of Reservation/Cont.Occupancy

REORCOSTPOSTPO Posting of Continuous Occupancy

REORCOSTPOSTPORV Reversal of Cont. Occupancy

REORCOSTPOSTRS Posting of Reservations

REORCOSTPOSTRSRV Reversal of Reservations

REORDELEMPTYRS Delete Empty Reservations

REORMP Move Planning

REORMP0001 MP: Applications

REORMP0002 MP: Field Groups

REORMP0003 MP: Views

REORMP0004 MP: Sections

REORMP0005 MP: Screens

REORMP0006 MP: Screen Sequences

REORMP0007 MP: Events

REORMP0008 MP: CUA Standard Functions

REORMP0009 MP: CUA Additional Functions

REORMP0011 MP: Assignment Screen Field->DB Fld

REORMP0012 MP: Field Modification Criteria

REORMP0016 MP: Tables

REORMP0017 MP: External Applications

REORMP0018 MP: Activities

REORMP0019 MP: Field Mod. per Activity (Cont.)

REORMP0022 MP: Where-Used List: Structure

REORMP0100 MP: Field Modification per Activity

REORMP0102 MP: Authorization Types

REORMP0103 MP: Field Groups for Authorization

REORMP0104 MP: Screen Configuration

REORMP0105 MP: Fld Mod. per Ext. Application

REORMP0106 MP: Assgnmt Object Part --> Memo ID

REORMPID Number Range Maintenance: REORMP

REOROF Edit Contract Offer

REOROF0001 OF: Applications

REOROF0002 OF: Field Groups

REOROF0003 OF: Views

REOROF0004 OF: Sections

REOROF0005 OF: Screens

REOROF0006 OF: Screen Sequences

REOROF0007 OF: Events

REOROF0008 OF: CUA Standard Functions

REOROF0009 OF: CUA Additional Functions

REOROF0011 OF: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

REOROF0012 OF: Field Modification Criteria

REOROF0016 OF: Tables

REOROF0017 OF: External Applications

REOROF0018 OF: Activities

REOROF0019 OF: Field Mod. per Activity (Contr.)

REOROF0022 OF: Where-Used List: Structure

REOROF0100 OF: Field Modification per Activity

REOROF0102 OF: Authorization Types

REOROF0103 OF: Field Groups for Authorization

REOROF0104 OF: Screen Configuration

REOROF0105 OF: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

REOROF0106 OF: Assignmt Object Part --> MemoID

REOROF0107 OF: Where-Used List: Views

REOROFAR Archive Contract Offers

REOROFARE Display Contract Offers (Archive)

REOROFCHECK Mass Check: Contract Offers

REOROFID Number Range Maintenance: REOROF

REOROFRP Change Pers. Resp: Contract Offers

REOROO Edit Offered Object

REOROO0001 OO: Applications

REOROO0002 OO: Field Groups

REOROO0003 OO: Views

REOROO0004 OO: Sections

REOROO0005 OO: Screens

REOROO0006 OO: Screen Sequences

REOROO0007 OO: Events

REOROO0008 OO: CUA Standard Functions

REOROO0009 OO: CUA Additional Functions

REOROO0011 OO: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

REOROO0012 OO: Field Modification Criteria

REOROO0016 OO: Tables

REOROO0017 OO: External Applications

REOROO0018 OO: Activities

REOROO0019 OO: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

REOROO0022 OO: Where-Used List: Structure

REOROO0100 OO: Field Modification per Activity

REOROO0102 OO: Authorization Types

REOROO0103 OO: Field Groups for Authorization

REOROO0104 OO: Screen Configuration

REOROO0105 OO: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

REOROO0106 OO: Assignment Obj. Part--> Memo ID

REOROO0107 OO: Where-Used List: Views

REOROOAR Archive Offered Objects

REOROOARE Display Offered Objects (Archive)

REOROOCHECK Mass Check: Offered Objects

REOROOCREATE Creation of Offered Objects

REOROOID Number Range Maintenance: REOROO

REOROORP Change Pers. Resp: Offered Objects

REORPDRES1 Reservation Price: Derivation Rule

REORPDRES2 Reservation Price: Derivation

REORPDSRV1 Service Price: Derivation Rule

REORPDSRV2 Price of Service: Derivation

REORPOMULTI Continuous Occupancy Mass Processing

REORRR Edit RE Search Request

REORRR0001 RR: Applications

REORRR0002 RR: Field Groups

REORRR0003 RR: Views

REORRR0004 RR: Sections

REORRR0005 RR: Screens

REORRR0006 RR: Screen Sequences

REORRR0007 RR: Events

REORRR0008 RR: CUA Standard Functions

REORRR0009 RR: CUA Additional Functions

REORRR0011 RR: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

REORRR0012 RR: Field Modification Criteria

REORRR0016 RR: Tables

REORRR0017 RR: External Applications

REORRR0018 RR: Activities

REORRR0019 RR: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

REORRR0022 RR: Where-Used List: Structure

REORRR0100 RR: Field Modification per Activity

REORRR0102 RR: Authorization Types

REORRR0103 RR: Field Groups for Authorization

REORRR0104 RR: Screen Configuration

REORRR0105 RR: Field Mod. per Ext. Application

REORRR0106 RR: Assignmt Object Part --> MemoID

REORRR0107 RR: Where-Used List: Views

REORRRAR Archive RE Search Requests

REORRRARE Display RE Search Requests (Archive)

REORRRCHECK Mass Check: RE Search Requests

REORRRFE RE Search Request - Ad Hoc Search

REORRRID Number Range Maintenance: REORRR

REORRRRP Change Pers.Resp: RE Search Requests

REORRS Edit Reservation

REORRSIDINT No. Range Maintenance: Reservation

REORRSOBJCOST Change Account Determination Data

REORRSOBJCREATEUPD Generate/Update Reservation Objects

REORRSPOST Posting of Reservation

REORRSREC Edit Recurring Reservation

REORSRVPROV Services for Reservation

REORSRVRECV Services for Reservation

REOR_HM_TRANSFER Distribution of Arch. Objects

REPORTING_AGENT Scheduler Test Call

REPP1 CO-OM-IS User Settings: Customizing

REP_EAPS_CZ_CR Closing Reports

REP_EAPS_CZ_CR_ANNEX Closing Reports (Annexes 5 and 6)



REP_EAPS_CZ_FINSPO Cost and Revenue Budget Overview

REP_EAPS_CZ_PAP Auxiliary Analytical Rep.(Lev.I-III)

REP_EAPS_CZ_PAP_04 Auxiliary Analytical Rep.(Lev.IV)



REP_EAPS_CZ_RZAM Employment Report

REP_EAPS_DATCON Rep.Framework: Data Connector

RERAALCN Accrual/Deferral: Contracts

RERAALCNRV Accrual/Deferral: Reverse Contracts

RERAALCNRVIU Accrual: Cont. Reverse Incept./Updt.

RERAALCNRVIU_PD Accrual: Cont. Reverse Incept./Updt.

RERAALCNRV_PD Accrual/Deferral: Reverse Contracts

RERAALCN_PD Accr/Deferral: Contracts PstgDate

RERACL Clearing for RE Contracts

RERACLRV Reverse Clearing

RERADOCAR Archive RE Documents

RERADOCARE Display RE Documents (Archive)


RERAIV Create Invoices

RERAIVRS Invoices for Ext. Reservations

RERAIVRV Reverse Invoices

RERAIV_SINGLE Create Invoice for a Contract

RERALA Analyze Logs

RERAOP One-Time Posting

RERAOPRV Reversal of One-Time Posting

RERAOPSUTP One-Time Posting: Transfer for SU

RERAOPSUTPRV Reverse Transfer Posting for SU

RERAOP_MAIN One-Time Posting

RERAOP_SC1100 One-Time Posting - Insurance

RERAPL General Real Estate Posting Log

RERAPP Periodic Posting: Contracts

RERAPPCMP Period. Posting: Prev. Period Comp.

RERAPPRV Reverse Contract Postings

RERAPP_SINGLE Periodic Posting for a Contract

RERAVP Per. Posting: Rental Obj.(Vacancies)

RERAVPRV Reverse Vacancy Postings

RERAZA Account determination values

RERAZB Account Symbols

RERAZC Account Determination

RERAZD Posting Transactions

RERAZE Tax groups

RERAZF Tax Types

RERAZG Accounting Systems

RERAZH Default Values Tax Grp / Tax Type

RERAZI Line Item Texts

RERFVICUP8 Check Prog Customizing Bank Statemnt

RESCA Import A-tape

RESCADVSTATUS Status of Advance Payments

RESCAJ Specify Adjustments for SCS

RESCAJAA Adjustment of Assessments

RESCAJCO Adjustment for COA Settlement

RESCAJTN Adjustment for Tenant Settlement

RESCBC Posting of Settlement

RESCBCAL Posting of Accrual/Deferral

RESCBCCO Posting of COA Settlement

RESCBCTN Posting of Tenant Settlement

RESCCC Generate Cost Collector

RESCCH Continue a Service Charge Settlement

RESCCHAA Continue Assessment Adjustment

RESCCHAL Continuation of Accrual/Deferral

RESCCHCO Continue COA Settlement

RESCCHTN Continue Tenant Settlement

RESCD Import D-tape

RESCDC Distribution Overview

RESCDCO Import D-Tape for COA

RESCD_BY_EVALGRP Import D-Tape by Evaluation Group

RESCFIX Store a Simulated SC Settlement

RESCFIXAL Storing of Accrual/Deferral

RESCFIXCO Store a COA Settlement

RESCFIXTN Store a Tenant Settlement

RESCGC Cost Overview

RESCIS Report for Service Charge Settlement

RESCISAA Report on Assessment Adjustment

RESCISAL Evaluation of Accrual/Deferral

RESCISCO Report on COA Settlement

RESCISMULTI Report on Multiple Settlements

RESCISMULTIRO Report on Multiple Settlements

RESCISTN Report on Tenant Settlement

RESCML Create M/L-Tape

RESCMLCO Create M/L-Tape for COA

RESCMOAL Change of Accrual/Deferral Results

RESCMOBEAL Change of Accrual/Deferral Results

RESCMPRO Display Meters for Rental Objects

RESCMPSU Meters for Settlement Units

RESCPG Process Participation Group

RESCPG0001 PG: Applications

RESCPG0002 PG: Field Groups

RESCPG0003 PG: Views

RESCPG0004 PG: Sections

RESCPG0005 PG: Screens

RESCPG0006 PG: Screen Sequences

RESCPG0007 PG: Events

RESCPG0008 PG: CUA Standard Functions

RESCPG0009 PG: CUA Additional Functions

RESCPG0011 PG: Assignment Screen Fld->DB-Field

RESCPG0012 PG: Field Modification Criteria

RESCPG0013 PG: Role Categories

RESCPG0014 PG: Role Category Grouping

RESCPG0016 PG: Tables

RESCPG0017 PG: External Applications

RESCPG0018 PG: Activities

RESCPG0019 PG: Fld Mod. per Activity (Control)

RESCPG0022 PG: Where-Used List: Structure

RESCPG0100 PG: Field Modification per Activity

RESCPG0102 PG: Authorization Types

RESCPG0103 PG: Field Groups for Authorization

RESCPG0104 PG: Screen Configuration

RESCPG0105 PG: Fld Modif. per External Applic.

RESCPG0106 PG: Assignment ObjectPart --> MemoID

RESCPG0107 PG: Where-Used List: Views

RESCPGAR Archive Participation Groups

RESCPGARE Display Participation Grps (Archive)

RESCPGCHECK Mass Check: Participation Groups

RESCPGRO Rental Objects for Particip.Groups

RESCPGRP Change Pers.Resp: Particip. Groups

RESCROSU Settlement Units for Rental Objects

RESCRV Reversal of Service Chg Settlement

RESCRVAA Reversal of Assessment Adjustment

RESCRVAL Reversal of Accrual/Deferral

RESCRVCO Reversal of COA Settlement

RESCRVTN Reversal of Tenant Settlement

RESCSE Service Charge Settlement

RESCSEAA Assessment Adjustment

RESCSEAL Accrual/Deferral

RESCSEAR Archive SC Settlements

RESCSEARE Display SC Settlements (Archive)


RESCSESTATUS Current Settlement Periods per SU

RESCSESTATUSPER Settlement Periods of SU

RESCSETASK Service Charge Settlement

RESCSETN Tenant Settlement

RESCSP Settlement Participation

RESCSU Edit Settlement Unit

RESCSU0001 SU: Applications

RESCSU0002 SU: Field Groups

RESCSU0003 SU: Views

RESCSU0004 SU: Sections

RESCSU0005 SU: Screens

RESCSU0006 SU: Screen Sequences

RESCSU0007 SU: Events

RESCSU0008 SU: CUA Standard Functions

RESCSU0009 SU: CUA Additional Functions

RESCSU0011 SU: Assignment Screen Fld->DB Field

RESCSU0012 SU: Field Modification Criteria

RESCSU0013 SU: Role Categories

RESCSU0014 SU: Role Category Groupings

RESCSU0016 SU: Tables

RESCSU0017 SU: Non-SAP Applications

RESCSU0018 SU: Activities

RESCSU0019 SU: Field Mod. per Activity (Control

RESCSU0022 SU: Where-Used List: Structure

RESCSU0100 SU: Field Modification per Activity

RESCSU0102 SU: Authorization Types

RESCSU0103 SU: Field Grops for Authorization

RESCSU0104 SU: Screen Configuration

RESCSU0105 SU: Field Mod. per Non-SAP Applic.

RESCSU0106 SU: Assigment Obj.Part --> Memo ID

RESCSU0107 SU: Where-Used List: Views

RESCSUAR Archive Settlement Units

RESCSUARE Display Settlement Units (Archive)

RESCSUBYBE Collective Creation of SUs

RESCSUCHECK Mass Check: Settlement Units

RESCSURO Rental Objects for Settlement Units

RESCSURP Change Pers.Resp: Settlement Unit

RESCSUSHAREOUT Allocation Rules of Settlement Unit

RESCZD Settlement Parameters

RESCZE Settlement and Settlement Steps

RESCZF Settlement Types

RESCZG Settlement Methods

RESCZH Char. of Service Charge Settlmt Keys

RESCZI Characteristics-Settlement Companies

RESCZJ Settlement Participation

RESCZK Purpose

RESCZL Which Step Is Dependent on Which

RESCZM Possible Settlement Steps

RESRBC Posting of Settlement

RESRBCSINGLE Posting of Settlement

RESRCL Display Results of Calculation

RESRIS Report on Sales-Based Settlement

RESRISSINGLE Report on Sales-Based Settlement

RESRMO Change Results


RESRRP Collective Entry of Sales Reports

RESRRV Reversal of Sales-Based Settlement

RESRRVERR Reversal for Incorrect Settlement

RESRRVSINGLE Reversal of Sales-Based Settlement

RESRSE Sales-Based Rent Settlement

RESRSECORRECT Adjustment of Sales-Based Settlement

RESRSESINGLE Sales-Based Rent Settlement

RESRSETASK Sales-Based Settlement

RETAIL_GCU1 Retail Ledger: Transfer Data from FI

RETAIL_GCU3 Retail Ledger: Transfer CO Act. Data

RETAIL_GCU6 Retail Ledger: Transfer CO Plan Data

RETAIL_ITEMS Line Items Retail Ledger

RETAIL_TOTALS Retail Ledger:Display Totals Records

RETMZA Groups of Term Categories

RETMZB Term Categories

RETMZE Notice Rules - Period Regulations

RETMZF Notice Rules - Deadline Regulations

RETMZG Notice Procedures

REUT ABAP Unit für Real Estate

REV_REC_MON Revenue Recognition Monitor


REWR Tabellenpflege für Quittungsdruck


REXCAJFRWCH Adjustment Framework - Change Adj.

REXCAJFRWPR Adjustment Framework - Specify Adj.

REXCAJLOCCH01 Location for Adj.Rule and Off.Lang.

REXCAJMCRETERMCH01 Massenänderung Anlegen Anp.Klausel

REXCAJMGRCH01 Maintain Pass On Rates for Mrtg Rate

REXCAJMICNCH01 LO Migration: Adj. Data - Swiss Law

REXCAJMIROCH01 RO Migration: Adj. Data - Swiss Law

REXCAJRULECH01 Adjustment Rule per Swiss Law

REXCCL Read Fuel Level

REXCCORRRAIV Assgnmnt of Corr./Rev. Invoice

REXCCPCHA400 CH Law: Graduated Rent

REXCESCD Security Deposit Cockpit

REXCESIBI Property Tax (IBI) Cockpit

REXCESM180 Modelo 180

REXCESM180NR Number range maintenance: REXCESM180

REXCFC Determine Consumption

REXCFCMIFSCH Migration: Fuel Level

REXCFFS Enter Mass Process. of Ending Level

REXCFL Overview of Fuel Screen

REXCFOB Enter Mass Process. of Initial Level

REXCFR Reverse Consumption

REXCFRMMBUDGET RE-FX France: Create Annual Budget

REXCFRPROCID Number range maintenance: REXCFR

REXCFRSRU01 Settlement Unit Status (France)

REXCFRSRU02 Transfer Posting (France)

REXCFRSRU03 Reversal of Transfer Posting (FR)

REXCFRSRU05 Year-End Posting (France)

REXCFRSRU06 Reversal of Year-End Posting (FR)

REXCFRSRULOG Posting Log (France)

REXCFT Mass Processing Fuel Addit.or Remov.

REXCHUINV Non-invoiced items

REXCHUOC1 Create One-Time Conditions (Hungary)

REXCHUOC2 Change One-Time Conditions (Hungary)

REXCITCAD Cadastral Object Splitting/Merging


REXCITIREMIGR Migration Report IRE Italy

REXCITPROCID Number range maintenance: REXCIT



REXCJPFUP Fixed Unit Price Maintenance

REXCJPPAYMENTREP Payment Charge Report

REXCMS Main Rent Statement

REXCMSCE Number Range Maintenance: REXCMSCE

REXCNLAVERAJM Average Rent of Adjustments

REXCNLCHARARD Fixtures and Fittings Characteristic

REXCNLSUBCAT Categories for subsidy

REXCNLSUBCON Conditions for subsidy


REXCOTSHOW Log for VAT Calculation


REXCRAESRASS Assignment POR Vendor Inv./Cash Flow

REXCRAESRPARAM Read ISR Payments Parameter

REXCSCCHCR Reverse Measurement Documents


REXCSCCHET Process Imported Tape


REXCSCCHTAPE Tape Management

REXCSKPTCO Property Tax Cockpit (Slovakia)

REXCSKPTPC Property Tax: Year-End Closing

REXCSKPTPO Property Tax Posting (Slovakia)

REXCSKPTVZN Prop. Tax: Define Mun. Regulations


RE_MASS Rental Unit Mass Change

RE_RHAKTI00 Change Object Status

RE_RHAUTH00 Authorized Objects

RE_RHBEGDA0 Change start date

RE_RHCHECK1 Check Database Consistency

RE_RHCHECKV Check Relationships

RE_RHCHEXOB Reconcile Infotypes Ext. Objects

RE_RHCOPL00 Copy Plan Version W/O Comparison

RE_RHCOPLPT Reconcile Plan Versions (Parts)

RE_RHCOPY00 Copy Object

RE_RHCOPY10 Copy Objects Using Selection List

RE_RHCOPYSTRUCT Copy structures

RE_RHDBST00 PD Database Statistics

RE_RHDBST10 Database Statistics: No. of Objects

RE_RHDBST20 Database Statistics: No. of Notes

RE_RHDBST30 Database Statistics: Infotype

RE_RHDBST40 Database Statistics: Infotypes

RE_RHDESC10 Display Infotypes of an Object

RE_RHEXIST0 Existing Objects

RE_RHGRENZ0 Delimit Objects

RE_RHGRENZ1 Set New End Date

RE_RHGRENZ2 Delimit Infotypes

RE_RHGRENZ4 Set new end date for infotypes

RE_RHINFAW0 Infotype Reporting

RE_RHMOVE30 Manual Transport Interface

RE_RHNAVIG0 Structure Navigation Instrument

RE_RHPNPSUB Start PA Reporting via PD

RE_RHREPL20 Replace User With Person

RE_RHRHAZ00 Display PD Database Records

RE_RHRHDC00 Delete HR Database Records by List

RE_RHRHDL00 Delete PD Database Records

RE_RHTRANS0 Translate Language-Dependent Records

RE_RHU_INF_BPD_ACT Activation Infotypes for Budget Per.

RE_RHU_INF_BPD_UPD Update Infotypes for Budget Period

RE_RHVOPOS1 Obsolete positions

RE_RHXDESC0 Job Description

RE_RHXDESC1 Position Description

RE_RHXEXI00 Existing Organizational Units

RE_RHXEXI01 Existing Work Centers

RE_RHXEXI02 Existing Jobs

RE_RHXEXI03 Existing Positions

RE_RHXEXI04 Existing Tasks

RE_RHXFILLPOS Time period of unoccupied positions

RE_RHXHFMT0 Authorities and Resources

RE_RHXIAW00 Work Centers with Restrictions

RE_RHXIAW01 Single Work Centers with Restriction

RE_RHXIAW02 Work Centers with Health Exams

RE_RHXIAW03 Single Work Centers with Health Exam

RE_RHXIAW04 Character of Tasks

RE_RHXIAW05 Character of Individual Tasks

RE_RHXSBES0 Staff assignments

RE_RHXSOLO0 Planned Labor Costs

RE_RHXSTAB0 Staff Functions for Org. Units

RE_RHXSTAB1 Staff Functions for Positions


RE_RHXSTR00 Organizational Plan (Org.Units Only)

RE_RHXSTR01 Org. Structure with Positions

RE_RHXSTR02 Org. Structure with Persons

RE_RHXSTR03 Org. Structure with Work Centers

RE_RHXSTR04 Reporting Structure with Persons

RE_RHXSTR05 Reporting Structure Without Persons

RE_RHXSTR06 Work Centers per Org. Unit

RE_RHXSTR07 Activity Profile Without Persons

RE_RHXSTR08 Activity Profile with Persons

RE_RHXTASKC Task Description

RE_RHXTASKS Task Description Position

RE_SEARCH RE: REsearch RE Market Place

RF01 C FI Maintain Table TBKSP

RFACTS1_BL FACTS 1: Trial Balance

RFACTS1_FILE_SEND FACTS 1: Send File to Treasury

RFACTS1_TR FACTS 1: Transaction Register

RFACTS2_BL FACTS 2: Trial Balance

RFACTS2_EDGRP FACTS 2: Customize Edits 2,3,5 & 11.

RFACTS2_EDINV FACTS 2: Customize Edit 6.


RFACTS2_EDSGL FACTS 2: Customize Edits 4,7 & 12


RFACTS2_FADT Specify G/L Accounts for Extraction

RFACTS2_FILE_SEND FACTS 2: Send File to Treasury

RFACTS2_FOOTNOTE FACTS 2: Footnote Maintenance

RFACTS2_MAF FACTS 2: Maintain MAF File

RFACTS2_PREDA FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit A

RFACTS2_PREDC FACTS 2: Customize Pre-Edit C

RFACTS2_TR FACTS 2: Transaction Register


RFAF Store order follow-on documents


RFAUDI20_BCE Where-Used List: Authorization Obj.



RFC_T_SCMA_RFC Call Transaction in Satellite

RFEULIST EU Sales and Purchase List

RFEULIST_HU EU Sales and Purchase List - Hungary

RFFMCCF_DISP Display Fiscal Year Change Document


RFFM_DOC_CHAIN Document Chain Display

RFFVAL10 Compare Value Date

RFHUAUDIT Audit Report

RFHUDSP Domestic Sales and Purchase List

RFHUPHPF HU: Report for PHPF Declaration


RFIDATAFS Annual Financial Statement

RFIDITCVLCODE Annual Tax Return: Customers/Vendors

RFIDKRTC_R Create Tax Bill

RFIDKRTP_R Processing of Tax Bills

RFIDPL19 Exchange Difference Valuation (PL)

RFIMPECB Import of ECB Exchange Rates

RFKKO1 Display Documents from Requests

RFKKO2 Display Documents from Standing Req.

RFKKO2H Reconcile Docs from Standing Request

RFKORDPL Processing of Internal Invoices

RFKRADEC Declining balance Depreciation (KR)

RFKRASL Straight Line Depreciation Korea

RFKRASUP Asset Accounting detail Report

RFKRAUP Si Bu In Amount update

RFKRIBG Goods Mvmt. between Bus. Places

RFKRIBP Inter bus place tax invoice printing

RFKRIBR Inter bus. place tax invoice reprint

RFKRINV Print Tax Invoices (South Korea)

RFKRMIG Migration of Tax Invoices- Korea

RFKRREP Reprint/Cancel Tax Invoices (Korea)

RFKRSUM VAT Summary Report (South Korea)

RFKRTIM VAT Time Stamp Report for Korea

RFKRWCT Withholding Tax Certificates

RFKRWDL Withholding Tax on Business Income

RFKRWDT Detail Information on Total Tax

RFMCAO4 Display Docs from General Requests

RFMCAO4H Reconcile Docs from General Requests

RFMFGRCN_RP1 Reconciliation Analysis Report

RFMFGRCN_RP2 Batch Reconciliation Check

RFM_DEBT_RESCHEDULE Reschedule debt into installments

RFPM_MIGR Migration 4.0 to 5.0


RFSCD_COV FSCD: Cluster Builder - Disp. Func.


RFTBPROT_BCE_AIS_BIL AIS Financial Statements



RFTBUH06_BPUM_DEVCL Maintain Development Classes

RFTREY30_SINGLE_XFER Send Planning Data to Central System

RFTREY40_SINGLE_XFER Retrieve Planning Data

RFTS6510 Load TR-CM Payment Advices from File

RFTS6510CS Create Structure for External Advcs

RFUMSV52 Analysis of Deferred Tax Accounts

RFUMSV53 Deferred Tax Toolbox

RFUVPL00 Reverse Charge Printing (Poland)

RFVATRTNMX VAT Return (Mexico)

RFVOBJ01CS Structure for Object Transfer

RFVPAR Display Initialization Date

RFVSIC01CS Structure for Collateral Transfer

RG_SAC_CALCPL Half-Year Closing-Retained earnings

RG_SAC_CENTRAL Closing - Centralization

RISV Setup: Retail Info System - Versions

RJAM_TEST Test Jam Connection

RJAM_TEST2 Test Jam Connection

RJB1 External Data Transfer Workbench

RJKREBOOKING Transfer Post Add.Payments/Refunds

RKABSHOW Display CO Document

RKACGRID CO Table Display

RKACSHOW Display CO Cost Segments

RKARSHOW Display Follow-On Documents

RKE_KA03 Start KA03

RKE_KS03 Start KS03

RKE_VD03 Start VD03

RKLNT Counterparty Risk of Netting Group

RKLSI Overview of Collateral Provision


RK_PLAN_DEL_ZERO_REC Delete CO plan records with amount 0

RL00 Returnable packaging accounts

RL01 Create returnable packaging account

RL02 Change returnable packaging account

RL03 Display returnable packaging account

RL04 Archive Returnable Packaging Accts

RL05 Read Ret. Pcking Accts from Archive

RL06A RP Accounts With Sub-Relationshps

RL06L RP Accounts by RP Matl and Location

RL06M RP Accounts by Material

RL06R RP Accounts by Relationship

RL06X RP Accounts by Locn and Exchge Part.

RL07 Purchase Order for Ret. Packaging

RL11 RP Account Posting Entry

RL12 Reprocess RP Account Postings

RL14 List of account postings

RL15 Archive Account Postings

RL16 Read Account Postings from Archive

RL17A RP account postings for account

RL17D Account Postings for Ref. Document

RL17L RP Account Postings by Location

RL17M RP Account Postings by Material

RL17P All RP account postings

RL17X Account postings by exchange partner

RL23 Document Display for Ledger 3A

RL24 Matching via statements

RL24I Statement Overview (Inbd) and Matchg

RL24O Statement Overview (Outbound)

RL34 Acct balances per RtnPck/acct holder

RL42 Change External Partner Descriptions

RL43 Display ext. partner descriptions

RL52 Returnable packaging acct matching

RL53 ReturnPack acct matching (display)

RL61 Create Account Statement

RL62 Change account statement

RL63 Display account statement

RL64 Archive Accounts Statements

RL65 Read Account Statements from Archive

RL71 Create RP Account Statements

RL71F Issue Account Statement Messages

RL71I Create Initial Statements

RL72D Delete Last Statement per Account

RL73 Display Statement Log

RL73D Delete Statement Logs

RL73I Display Internet Matching Logs

RL74 Archive Transmissions

RL75 Read Transmissions from Archive

RL84 Archive Matching Groups

RL85 Read Matching Groups from Archive

RLC1 Create Condition Records

RLC2 Change Condition Records

RLC3 Display Condition Records

RLMFW_CUST Settings for Release Management

RLMFW_NUM Number Ranges for Release Management

RLMFW_OOCU Processor in Release Management

RLMFW_ORDER Edit Release Order

RM00 Position of Risk Objects

RM01 Position of Risk Objects

RM02 RM: Position Groups

RM10 RM: Views

RM10D RM: Views

RM11 RM: Portfolio Hierarchies

RM11D RM: Portfolio Hierarchies (Display)

RMBDS1 Archiving of Report Data

RMBDS2 Delete Archived Report Data

RMBDS3 Report Data: Overview of Archive

RMBDSA Overview of Report Data

RMBDSB Create Report Data

RMBDSN BDS: Number Range for Runs

RMBK1 BCA: Derivation Strategy

RMBK2 BCA: Rule Entries

RMBPRE_ASSIGN Assign Ref. Entities to BPs

RMBSC Maintain Basis Spread Curve Types

RMBSM Maintain Basis Spread Values

RMCARS Display Random Walks

RMCOV Matrix Checks for Risk Analytics

RMCSC Maint. Cred. Spread Curve Structures

RMCSM Maintain Credit Spread Values

RMD01 FO: Derivation Strategy

RMD02 Financial Object: Rule Entries

RMDR1 Gen.Transaction: Derivation Strategy

RMDR2 Gen. Transaction: Rule Entries


RMFZ1 Derivation of RM Part for Facilities

RMGK Maintain Yield Curve Types

RMHWCAL Calibration of the Hull-White Model

RMIBKKA BCA Account: FO Integr. act./inact.

RMIFGDT Gen.Trans.: Act/Deact FO Integration

RMIJBVT Var. Trans.: FO Integr. act./inact.

RMIKLFZ Facility: Activate/Deactivate FO Int

RMINI_SAFT Mini SAF-T Report for Portugal

RMINI_SAFTN Mini SAF-T Report for Portugal

RMMDG Market Data Generator

RMMDGSBP Forex Swap Basis Points Generator

RMPSACTIVATEWF Activation of Process Routes


RMPSDISPOSALOFFER Create List of Providers

RMPSDOD_EVENTCUST DOD: Event customizing

RMPSDOD_EVENTTYPES DoD: Event Types for Disposal

RMPSDOD_RULEBASE DOD: Rulebase customizing

RMPSE_SOA_DOC Customizing for DocTypes for ESOA

RMPSE_SOA_REC Customizing for RecTypes for ESOA

RMPSP_GENATTR_DOD Generate Attributes (DoD)

RMPSP_GENATTR_TNA Generate Attributes (TNA)

RMPSP_GEN_ATTRIBUTE Generating of Attributes


RMPSP_RECTYPE Create Disposal Document Type

RMPSP_T_ORG Define Organizations

RMPSRETDURPW Maintain Res. Time of Temp. Objects

RMPSSTORDUR Define Storage Duration in Stor.Cat

RMPSSTORPLACE Define Storage Location

RMPSTNA_EVENTCUST TNA: Adapted cutomizing transaction

RMPSTNA_EVENTTYPES TNA: Event Types for Disposal

RMPS_ACL_STATUS Status Maintenance Dstb Lists in ACL

RMPS_AUDIT_CUST Help for Log Customizing

RMPS_AUDIT_REORG Log Reorganization

RMPS_COFCON Confirm Cutoff

RMPS_COF_CUST TNA: Maintain Cutoff Periods

RMPS_CUSTOMIZING Customizing Public Sector RecordsMgt


RMPS_DOCNR Nummer Range Maintenance: RMPSDOCNR

RMPS_DOD_DISPOSAL DOD : Start Disposal Process

RMPS_DOD_DOCSTRG Storage Categories for DOD disposal

RMPS_DOD_TRANS DOD : Disposal Transactions

RMPS_DP_REP TNA: Disposal Reporting

RMPS_EVENTTYPES TNA: Event Types for Disposal

RMPS_EXPDEST TNA: Maintain Export Destinations

RMPS_EXPORT Export in Case Management

RMPS_IMPORT_KC Import Key Word Catalog

RMPS_KPRO Objects in KPro: Reporting

RMPS_LIST_ATTRIBUTES List Attributes for Document Class

RMPS_LIST_PAPER_REC List of Paper Records

RMPS_MAINT_PATH Maintain Process Route

RMPS_MAINT_PATH_CASE Maintain Process Route Case

RMPS_MAINT_PATH_POST Maintain P. Route Incoming Post Item

RMPS_MT_STORAGE_P Check and Define Retention Periods

RMPS_PHYS_DISPOSAL Physical Disposal

RMPS_POST_HISTORY Call Incoming Post Book

RMPS_POST_PROCESS TNA: Object Postprocessing Disposal

RMPS_PRO_DISPOSAL Start Disposal Process

RMPS_PRO_TRANS TNA: Disposal Transactions

RMPS_PUTAWAY_DELETE Delete Temporary Objects

RMPS_RATING_LIST Load Valuation Directory

RMPS_RECORD_LIST Records Directory

RMPS_RECTYPE TNA: Declare Record Types

RMPS_RECTYPEC TNA: Record Types Customizing

RMPS_RULEBASE Disposal Schedules

RMPS_SECL Convert Authorization Levels

RMPS_SET_SUBSTITUTE Maintain Substitute (Administration)

RMPS_TRF_CONFIG Transfer Configuration

RMPS_TRF_EXPORT Export Workbench

RMPS_TRF_IMPORT Import Workbench

RMPS_UNRESERVE Deletion Report for Reservations

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS Check Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_C Select Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_M Monitor Vital Records

RMPS_VITAL_RECORDS_R Check Vital Records

RMRB Dataset Management

RMRBA1 Dataset Archiving

RMRBA2 Delete Archived Dataset

RMRE Maintain Reference Entities

RMSL02 Change Label Set

RMSL03 Display Label Set

RMSLTABLEINFO Data Analysis Report for Labeling

RMSL_NR Number Range for Label Set

RMSTAT Mass Status Change

RMS_EQR_NR Maintain Number Ranges for Equip.Req

RMS_GLOB Global Recipe Customizing

RMS_POB_NR Maintain No. Ranges for Process Mgmt

RMTABLEINFO RM Data Analysis Report

RMVARS Display Shifts During VaR Evaluation

RMVC Correlations between Exchange Rates

RMVT1 Variable Trans: Derivation Strategy

RMVT2 Variable Transaction: Rule Entries

RMW99 Area Menu

RMWB Start Workbench

RMWBCUST Workbench Settings

RMXM_BOM_CMP Compare Bills of Material

RMXTPLAN02 Change Trial Planning

RMXTPLAN03 Display Trial Planning

RMXT_IMG01 Transf. Characteristics frm Client 0

RM_01 Initialize view

RM_02 Regenerate View

RM_97 Display of DB Logs

RM_98 Diagnosis of BP Admin. Tables

RM_99 Deactivate Financial Objects

RN1_ISHMED_USER_COUN Determine Number of i.s.h.med

RNBPMIG_LREP Migrate Legal Rep's Next of Kin

RODPS_ODP_IMG Modeling Client

RODPS_REPL_SEL Maintain Selections for BWA Repl.

ROE1 Number Range for ROE Evaluation Run


ROIJRUHIST Change History (Russia)

ROIJRUTREXP Process Transportation Expenses

ROIJRUUPLOAD Upload Carrier Invoice Data

ROLE_CMP Compare Roles

RO_DEF Define Reimbursable Orders

RP09_LOAN_INIT Loans: Initialization (IT3,VIEKN)

RP3214GAPI0_PS Gap Analisys

RPA0 Info.Sys. Rec.Ledger: Presettings

RPA1 Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currency

RPAM Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currency

RPAN Info.Sys. Rec.Ledger: Presettings

RPB0 Info.Sys. Proc.: Presettings

RPBN Info.Sys. Proc.: Presettings

RPC0 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings

RPC1 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings

RPC2 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings

RPCN Info. System CCtrs: Presettings

RPDK Workflow for Danish Payroll

RPFIKZ_GOODS Goods Import Declaration (Customs Un

RPFIKZ_REGINV Invoice Registration Journal

RPFIKZ_TAXIMPORT Import Tax Data Provider

RPFIKZ_VATRET VAT Return Data Provider


RPFIPT_PSXML PT: Public Sector Report

RPFIWTIN_PROV_INFO Provision utility report

RPKFDEF Reporting Key Figures definition

RPLM_MT_REPORTING Report-Launchpad Maint. Technician


RPLM_QI_REPORTING Support LaunchPad- Quality Inspector

RPLSVED0 Detailed Display Report RPLSVED0

RPMTIME01 HR Time/Rate info for employees

RPO0 Info. System Orders: Presettings

RPON Info. System Orders: Presettings

RPP0 Proj. Info System: Default Settings

RPPN Proj. Info System: Default Settings


RPSPOP1 Create Variant

RPSPOP2 Assign Variant to User

RPSPOR1 Create Variant

RPSPOR2 Assign Variant to User

RPU_T5D83_TO_T5D8S Start Report RPU_T5D83_TO_T5D8S

RPWPOPSC1 Create Variant

RPWPOPSC2 Assign Variant to User

RPWPORDC1 Create Variant

RPWPORDC2 Assign Variant to User

RPX0 CO-OM Information System: Settings

RPXN CO-OM Information System: Settings

RRMX Start the Business Explorer Analyzer

RTAXMCHECK Tax Material Check for MLAN Table

RTBSTD Position Management for Gen.Trans.

RTGDI Direct input for routings

RTHCOC Create Retail Object Assignment

RTHCOD Display Retail Object Assignment

RTHCOM Change Retail Object Assignment

RTKB Maintain Number Range: KB_NRRANGE

RTOHC01 Realtime customizing

RTOHC02 Acti Realtime Overh for Business Tra

RTOHC03 Activate Work Date = Document Date

RTOHC04 Special Valuation Date Settings

RTOHC_REPOST Repost Realtime Overhead

RTOHC_UPGRADE Realtime Overhead Upgrade Postings

RTPB01 RPUS Cntrl: Application Transactions

RTPB02 RPUS Cntrl: Tables

RTPB03 RPUS Cntrl: Activities

RTPB04 RPUS struct: Applications

RTPB05 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Field Groups

RTPB06 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Views

RTPB07 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Sections

RTPB08 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Screens

RTPB09 RPUS Struct: Screen Sequence

RTPB10 RPUS Struct: Events

RTPB11 RPUS GUI: Standard Functions

RTPB12 RPUS GUI: Additional Functions

RTPB13 RPUS GUI: Assignm scrn fld -> DB fld

RTPB14 RPUS Field Mod: Criteria

RTPB15 RPUS Field Mod: Activity Category

RTPB16 Create data set for retirement plan

RTPB17 Retirement types

RTPB18 RPUS Authorization types

RTPB19 RPUS Field groups for authorization

RTP_US_C1 Create a retirement plan

RTP_US_CUST Maintain defaults

RTP_US_D1 Display a retirement plan

RTP_US_DEFAULT Maintain defaults retirement plan

RTP_US_M1 Change a retirement plan

RTP_US_PLAN_NO Transaction code for number range

RTP_US_R1 Retirement plan year-end report

RTP_US_R2 Retirement plan age limit report

RTP_US_R3 Retirement plan contribution limit

RTP_US_R4 Retirement plan distribution limit

RTP_US_R5 Calculate fair market value

RTP_US_R6 Check consistency fair market value

RTP_US_R7 Application log for FMV updates

RTREAS_OFFSET_FILE Create Treasury Offset File

RTREAS_OFFSET_UPDATE Treasury Offset Update Report

RTTE_SET_3XTAXDET Enable 3.x TTE Tax Determination

RTTREE_MIGRATION Report tree migration


RUNSCHED Scheduler Test Call

RVITREVAL Foreign Currency Revaluation

RVND Create Payment Requests Online

RWBE Stock Overview

RWBILL Billing

RWDEL Delete Billing Data

RWPOS_PARA POS Sales IDOC Enqueue Control

RWPRINT Print Billing Data

RWUF_CHECK Check Customizing

S00 Short Message

SA38 ABAP Reporting

SB01 Application Components

SBAC Edit Application Components

SBACH02 Edit SAP Application Hierarchy

SBACH03 Display SAP Application Hierarchy

SBACH04 Edit Component Structures

SBACH05 Extend Application Hierarchy

SBAL_TEST_REPORT Application Log: Internal Test

SBCA Routing Server Administration

SBCS_ADDR BCS: Where-Used List for Addresses

SBCS_ADRDUP BCS: Delete Duplicate Addresses

SBCS_ADRVP BCS: Delete Addresses

SBCS_DFRE BCS: Delete from Dark Folder

SBCS_DLI BCS: Consistency of Dist. Lists

SBCS_EXTCOM BCS: Agent and Mail System Group

SBCS_FOLID BCS: Delete SOFM Without Folder ID




SBCS_NUM BCS: Consistency of Number Ranges

SBCS_PRIV BCS: Delete from Private Folders

SBCS_PRRP BCS: Repair SAPoffice Profile

SBCS_QUEUE BCS: Delete from Queue

SBCS_REORG BCS: Reorganization

SBCS_RESTORE BCS: Restore from Backup

SBCS_SOC3 BCS: Consistency SOC3 and SOOD

SBCS_USCO BCS: Consistency of Users

SBCS_USFD BCS: Create Private Root Maps

SBDS1 Displaying Open Bar Codes

SBDS2 Open Internal Bar Codes

SBDS3 Open External Bar Codes

SBDS4 Open Bar Codes with Keep Flag

SBDS5 Internal Bar Codes with Keep Flag

SBDS6 External Bar Codes with Keep Flag

SBDS7 Compare Open Bar Codes

SBDSV1 Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL

SBDSV2 Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL

SBDSV3 Maintenance View for BDS_LOCL

SBEA BEAC corporate flight system

SBGRFCCONF bgRFC Configuration

SBGRFCHIST Display Unit History


SBGRFCPERFMON bgRFC Performance Monitor

SBGRFCSCHEDMON bgRFC Scheduler Monitor

SBI1 Maintain enhanced InfoSource

SBI2 Maintain enhanced master data str.

SBI3 Maintain append for InfoSource

SBI4 Maintain append for master data

SBI5 Delete InfoObjects

SBIT BAPI Test Environment


SBIZCLOG Business Content: Application Log

SBIZCT BizContent Framework Test

SBIZCTC BizContent Configuration Test

SBIZCTO BizContent Framework Test

SBIZC_CFGT Display Configuration Templates


SBLM_INTERNAL Blacklist Monitor - For Internal Use

SBPT Administration Process Technology

SBPT_WB Wizard Builder


SBRAC Catalog of Routing Attributes

SBRREORG Routing Server Reorganization

SBRT BCOM RBR: Test Interface

SBRT2 Routing Test

SBRT3 RBR Test Server - Configuration

SBTA Test background processing

SBWP SAP Business Workplace

SBWP_GP SAP Business Workplace for GP

SCA1 Cannot be executed directly

SCA2 Cannot be executed directly

SCA3 Cannot be executed directly

SCA4_D Cannot be executed directly

SCA4_U Cannot be executed directly

SCA5_D Cannot be executed directly

SCA5_U Cannot be executed directly

SCA6_D Cannot be executed directly

SCA6_U Cannot be executed directly

SCAL Factory Calendar with GUI

SCAL_TCONVC Customizing: Techn. Calendar Conv.

SCASE Case Management

SCASEPS Electronic Desk

SCASEPSCUSTOMIZING Customizing Electronic Desk


SCASE_CUSTOMIZING Customizing Case Management


SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool

SCDN Change Documents: Number Ranges

SCDO Change Document Objects

SCDO_DAAG_RES Change Document Residence Times

SCDO_OLD Display Change Document Objects

SCDT_MAPPING Edit Synchronization Objects


SCFB Role Manager: Start of a Function

SCFD_CHANGE_LOG Custom Fields: Change Log Viewer

SCFD_LOG Custom Fields: Log Viewer

SCFD_REGISTRY Custom Fields: Registry UI

SCFD_REGISTRY_EXPORT Custom Fields: Export Registry

SCHAR Classification browser

SCHED_ANALYZE_ACT Activate Scheduling Analysis

SCHED_ANALYZE_DISP Display Scheduling Analysis

SCI ABAP Code Inspector


SCID Code Inspector for Specified Object

SCII Code Inspector: Inspection


SCI_CALL_GRAPH_1 Test Call Graph


SCLAS Classification Browser

SCLAS_API Classification Browser

SCLAS_MATCH Classification Browser

SCLS Classification Tool-Set

SCLS_TRANSP_CLASSI Transport Classifications

SCMA Schedule Manager: Scheduler

SCMACUS Maintain Task Lists

SCMAPROG_CUST Schedule Manager: Register Programs

SCMATP SchedMan: Task List Maintenance

SCMATRANS_CUST SchedMan: Register Transactions

SCMA_PROG_CUST SCMA: Registrat. of Cust. Programs

SCMGVIEWGEN View Generator

SCMIS_REP_CONF CMIS Repository Configuration

SCMO Schedule Manager: Monitor

SCMON ABAP Call Monitor: Administration

SCMOND ABAP Call Monitor: Data Browser

SCMONL ABAP Call Monitor: Log Browser

SCMP View/Table Comparison


SCMSHO Locations of Hosts

SCMSIP Locations of IP Subnets

SCMSLP Location Path for Caching

SCMSMO Knowledge Provider Monitor

SCMSPL Additional Locations for CS Alias

SCMSPLD Cache Preload

SCMSPX Content Server Aliases

SCON SAPconnect - Administration

SCOT SAPconnect - Administration

SCOV ABAP Coverage Analyzer

SCP Display and Maintain Code Page

SCPE_FA_FIELDREL CPE-FA Field Relationships

SCPE_FA_PRIORITY Maintain formula assembly priority

SCPE_PQ1 Maintain Price Quotations for CPE

SCPE_PQ2 Maintain Price Quotations for CPE

SCPE_PQ3 Display Price Quotations for CPE

SCPE_PQ_SIM Define Price Quotation f. Simulation

SCPE_TCURR_SIM Define Exchange Rates for Simulation

SCPI Production Optimization Interface

SCPL Screenplay Director


SCPMIG Character Conversion

SCPR20 Activate BC Sets

SCPR20PR BC Set Activation Logs

SCPR3 Display and maintain BC Sets

SCPRAT Change BC Set Value Attributes

SCPRCOP Copy Multiple BC Sets

SCPRIP Delete Multiple BC Sets

SCPRSETUP BC Sets: Central Settings

SCPRUPP Use of BC Sets in IMG

SCRE Role Manager: Start of a Report

SCRK Number range maintenance: CSCR_KEYN

SCRM CRM-Relevant IMG in PlugIn of R/3

SCSM Maintenance Dialog for CCMSYSAS

SCTS_RESNAME Naming Conventions in ABAP Workbench

SCTS_RSWBO004 System Change Option

SCTS_TRANS_PATH_EDIT Navigation IMG -> Trans.Route Editor

SCU0 Customizing Cross-System Viewer

SCU3 Table History

SCU3ARCH1 Create Database Log Archives

SCUA Central User Administration

SCUC CUA: Synchronize company addresses

SCUG Transfer Users

SCUH Change Documents for CUA Landscape

SCUL Central User Administration Log

SCUM Central User Administration

SCUSSEQUENCE Call Order for Hierarchies

SCWB Correction Workbench


SESSION_MANAGER Session Manager Menu Tree Display

SM21 system log

SM30 Call View Maintenance

SM34 Viewcluster maintenance call

SM35 Batch Input Monitoring


SMX Display Own Jobs

SN00 IS-H: System Menu Hospital

SNAPSHOTS Snapshot Administration

SNBCH Switzerland National Bank Reporting

SNC0 SNC Access Control List: Systems

SNC1 Create SNC Name for User

SNC2 Export SNC name of user

SNC3 User initial control list 3.1-4.0

SNC4 Check canonical SNC names

SNCCONFIG SNC Configuration

SNCWIZARD SNC Configuration

SNL1 Display NLS (character set, lang.)

SNL2 Set NLS (character set, language...)

SNL3 Develop NLS (character set, lang...)


SNLS Display NLS (character set, lang.)

SNOTE Note Assistant

SNOTE_DISPLAY Note Assistant

SNRO Number Range Objects

SNRO_BCF Number Range Interval for BCF

SNUM Number Range Driver

SNUM_CCMS Monitoring: Critical Intervals

SO00 SAPoffice: Short Message

SO01 SAPoffice: Inbox

SO01X SAPoffice: Inbox

SO02 SAPoffice: Outbox

SO02X SAPoffice: Outbox

SO03 SAPoffice: Private Folders

SO03X SAPoffice: Private Folders

SO04 SAPoffice: Shared Folders

SO04X SAPoffice: Shared Folders

SO05 SAPoffice: Private Trash

SO05X SAPoffice: Private Trash

SO06 SAPoffice: Substitution on/off

SO07 SAPoffice: Resubmission

SO07X SAPoffice: Resubmission

SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts

SO12 SAPoffice: User Master

SO13 SAPoffice: Substitute

SO15 SAPoffice: Distribution Lists

SO16 SAPoffice: Profile

SO17 SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash

SO18 SAPoffice: Shared Trash

SO19 SAPoffice: Default Documents

SO20 SAPoffice: Private Default Document

SO21 Maintain PC Work Directory

SO22 SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files

SO23 SAPoffice: Distribution Lists

SO24 SAPoffice: Maintenance of default PC

SO28 Maintain SOGR



SO30 Business Workplace: Reorg.

SO31 Reorganization (daily)

SO36 Create Automatic Forwarding

SO38 SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths.

SO40 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set MAIL

SO41 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEFAX

SO42 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_K

SO43 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_M

SO44 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEX

SO50 Rules for inbound distribution

SO52 Deletes Address from User Master

SO55 User consistency check

SO70 Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure

SO71 Test plan management

SO72 Maintain Hypertext Module

SO73 Import graphic into SAPfind

SO81 SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test)

SO82 SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch

SO85 SAPfind: txt_seq_search

SO86 SAPfind: Txt_seq_search_1

SO90 SAPfind: shell folders service prog.

SO91 SAPfind SO: SAPoffice Marketing Info

SO95 Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec.

SO99 Put Information System

SOA SAP ArchiveLink

SOA0 ArchiveLink Workflow document types

SOAACT Actual Calculation of Provisions

SOAAD ACE Account Assignment

SOAADCONT01 Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 01

SOAADCONT02 Acct Determntn: Mntn Entries Area 02

SOAADMETA01 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 01

SOAADMETA02 Acct Determntn: Define Rule Area 02

SOAADMETASGL Acct Detrmn: Def 1-Step Set of Rules

SOAAD_MAIN Acct Determination: Maintain Entries

SOAAD_META ACE Account Assignment

SOAARCHPREP Preparation of the Archiving Run

SOACARRYFORWARD Balance Carryforward

SOAD SAPoffice: External Addresses

SOADATADEL Deletion of Data in the Accrl Engine

SOADM BCS: Administration

SOADSITEMS Reporting Accrual Objects SOA

SOADSPARAMS Reporting ACE Object Parameters SOA

SOAFCHART Simulation: Separation Rates

SOAFIRECON Accrual Engine / FI Reconciliation

SOAFISCYEAR Open/Lock Fiscal Years in ACE

SOAFVERS Versions for Separation Rates

SOAHRCON Set Up Connection to HR System

SOAHRFI Assignmnt Award <-> Method

SOAHRTRANS Data Transfer from HR System

SOAIACE Assignment Award <-> Index

SOAICHART Simulation: Performance of Indexes

SOAIMG IMG for Stock Option Accounting

SOAIVAL Definition of Index Values

SOAIVERS Versions for Performance of Indexes



SOAPPLOG Display Periodic Posting Runs

SOAPSDOCITEMS Display Line Items in the Acc Engine

SOAPSITEMS Display Total Values in the Acc.Eng.

SOAREVERS Reversal of Provisions Postings

SOASCHART Simulation: Stock Price Performance

SOASIM Simulation of Provisions

SOASVERS Versions for Perfmce of Stock Prices

SOATRANSFER Transferral of ACE Docs to Accnting

SOATREE01 Create allocations

SOATREE03 Displaying Grants

SOAUTH2 OAuth 2.0 Configuration

SOAUTH2_REVOCATION OAuth 2.0 Token Context Revocation

SOAUTH2_REVOKE_ADM OAuth 2.0 Revocation - Admin Mode


SOBJ_EXT AIM Repository

SOBL_MODEL Model Data Object Relationships

SOBN01 Personal data

SOCP SAPoffice: External Addresses

SODIS BCS: Disclosures Communication

SODS SAPoffice: LDAP Browser

SOEX Express Message

SOFF SAPoffice: Area Menu

SOHI Object History

SOIN BCS: Inbound Send Requests (SMTP)

SOJ2 SAP Objects: Display Methods

SOJ3 SAP Objects: Display Return Values

SOL Solutions: Check Solution Paths

SOLE OLE Applications

SOLMAP Maintain Solution Maps

SOLPA Solution Paths

SOMI_CONSENT_01 Schedule Consent Type 01

SOMI_CONSENT_02 Schedule Consent Type 02

SOMI_DS_CONFIG SOMI DataSift Configuration

SOMI_SENTI_ASSIGN Schedule sentiment assignment

SOMI_VOC_INDEX_GEN Voice of Customer Index Generation

SOPE Exclude Document Classes

SOSA SAPconnect Send Requests

SOSB Send Request Overview (Users)

SOSG Send Request Overview (Groups)

SOST SAPconnect Send Requests

SOSV SAPconnect Send Requests

SOTD SAPoffice: Maintain Object Types

SOTG Maintain object type groups

SOTR Test transaction for API1 (received)

SOTR_EDIT Editor for OTR Texts

SOUD BCS: User Management

SOY1 SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users

SOY2 SAPoffice: Collect Statistics Data

SOY3 SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation

SOY4 SAPoffice: Access Overview

SOY5 SAPoffice: Inbox Overview

SOY6 SAPoffice: Document overview

SOY7 SAPoffice: Folder overview

SOY8 SAPoffice: Mass Archiving

SOY9 SAPoffice: Inbox Reorganization

SOYA SAPoffice: Change Folder Owner

SP00 Spool and related areas

SP01 Output Controller

SP01O Obsolte (Replacement: SP01)

SP02 Display Spool Requests

SP02O Obsolete (Replacement: SP02)

SP11 TemSe Directory

SP12 TemSe Administration

SPACKAGE Package Builder

SPAD Spool Administration

SPAK Package Builder

SPAK_ERROR_ANALYSIS Detailed Package Error Analysis

SPAK_EXPLAIN Start the Package Check Explain Tool

SPAM Support Package Manager

SPAR Determine Storage Parameters

SPAU Display Modified DE Objects

SPAU_ENH Object Navigator

SPAU_OLD Display Modified Objects

SPB SPI Service Provider Browser

SPBM Monitoring parallel background tasks

SPBT Test: Parallel background tasks

SPDD Display Modified DE Objects

SPDD_OLD Display Modified DDIC Objects

SPERS_DIALOG Edit Personalization

SPERS_MAINT Personalization object processing

SPERS_TEST Test personalization objects

SPFPAR Display Profile Parameters

SPH1 Create and maintain telephony server

SPH2 Maintain outgoing number change

SPH3 Maintain incoming number change

SPH4 Activ./deactiv. telephony in system

SPH5 Define Address Data Areas

SPH6 Language-dependent server descrip.

SPH7 Language-dep. addr. data area texts

SPHA Telephony administration

SPHB SAPphone: System Administration

SPHD SAPphone: Own telephone number

SPHS SAPphone: Interface for Telephone

SPHSREMOTE Start Softphone remote

SPHT SAPphone Test Environment

SPHW Initiate Call in Web Applications

SPIA PMI Administration

SPIAPPLOG Call Application Log

SPIC01 Process Information Repository

SPID Display Process Repository

SPIG Maintain Process Groups

SPIM Process Monitoring: Meta Data

SPIO Process Monitoring Overview

SPIP PMI: Self-Monitoring Logs

SPIS Start User Interface for Monitoring

SPI_ALE01 ALE monitoring

SPI_BOR01 BOR Monitoring

SPI_CHECKS SPI Runtime Checks Administration

SPI_DEMO PMI Demo: Beverage Wholesaler

SPI_TOOLS Overview of SPI Tools

SPI_TRFC01 tRFC Monitoring

SPL_GENERATE_DDIC Generate additional fields

SPNEGO SPNego Configuration

SPO0 Data for Drag&Relate

SPO1 Generic Transaction Starter

SPO4 Drag&Relate Metadata: Object View

SPO4_DISP Drag&Relate Metadata (Display Only)

SPO5 Drag&Relate: Initial Screen

SPOV Spool Request Overview

SPPFC PPF: Initial Screen in Customizing

SPPFCADM PPF: Administration

SPPFCONCREATE1 Edit Schedule Conditions

SPPFCONCREATE2 Edit Start Conditions

SPPFCONS PPF: Check Consistency

SPPFCONSISTENCY PPF: Consistency in Customizing

SPPFCWIZARD PPF: Actions Definition Using Wizard

SPPFDEMO PPF: Demo application

SPPFDET PPF: Condition definition

SPPFDETCRM PPF: Action Profile with Conditions

SPPFP Process Actions

SPPF_PRPR Print Profile Maintenance

SPRM Current Customizing

SPRO Customizing - Edit Project

SPROJECT_ADMIN Project Management

SPROXSET Proxy Generation: Settings

SPROXY Enterprise Repository Browser

SPROXY_SHOW Display Proxy Editor

SPROXY_START Display Proxy Editor

SPROXY_WIZ Proxy Wizard

SPRO_ADMIN Customizing - Project Management

SPRO_DB Implementation Guide f. DB Providers

SPTP Text elem. maint. for print formats

SPUMG Unicode Preconversion

SPUMGVOC Manual language assignment

SPWSE_DTEL_EXIT_REG Exit technology


SPXNGENAPPL Assignment Namespace Generating Appl

SPXNMIG Migration Proxies ESR -> MDR

SQ00 SAP Query: Start queries

SQ07 SAP Query: Language comparison

SQ11 SAP Query: Web reporting (Admin)

SQADB01 Maintain Questions for QADB

SQADB01B Maint. Questions for QADB Industries

SQADOKU Maintain Documents for Review

SQASUBJECT Maintain Subject Areas for Review

SQATOPIC Maintain Topics for Review

SQCIT Maintain CI Templates

SQDEMO_ADHOC Starts InfoSet Query for Ad Hoc rep.

SQF Support Query Framework

SQF_FILE Support Query Framework

SQLM SQL Monitor

SQLMD Display SQL Monitor Data

SQLR SQL Trace Interpreter

SQLSTMT_MSS Display SQL for abap in new window

SQVI QuickViewer

SQ_DEMO_ADHOC Demo: Start InfoSet Query (Ad Hoc)

SQ_DEMO_DEV Demo: Start InfoSet Query (Dev.)

SQ_DEMO_DEVELOP Startet InfoSet Query wth InfoSet

SQ_LEGEND Sequence Sched.: Select Graphic Elmt

SQ_REPORT_INFOSET Maintenance of Report Infosets

SR10 Create City

SR11 Change city

SR12 Display city

SR13 Area-Dependent Help

SR20 Create street

SR21 Change street

SR22 Display street

SR30 Create postal code

SR31 Change postal code

SR32 Display postal code

SRALCONFIG Read Access Logging Configuration

SRALMANAGER Read Access Logging Manager

SRALMONITOR Read Access Logging Monitor

SRALUTIL Read Access Logging Utilities

SRAL_ADMIN Technical Settings for RAL

SRAL_ALOG RAL Action log monitor

SRAL_CUSTOMER_INFO Detailed Customer Info

SRAL_DEMO_BANK RAL: Demo Banking Dynpro

SRAL_DEMO_BANK_WD RAL: Demo Banking Web Dynpro



SRAL_ELOG RAL Error Log Monitor

SRAL_TRANS transportation of RAL configurations

SRCN Delete Country-Specific Reports

SRDEBUG Activate Remote Debugging

SREFH00 Change SAP Reference Structure

SREFH04 Edit item in SAP Reference Structure

SRELADM SREL: Administration

SREL_MODEL ModelDataForBORObjectRelationships

SREP Maintain report definition

SREPO Repository Comparison

SRET Report Selection

SRET06 Dummy Transaction

SRET07 Monitoring for Indexing: Non-KPRO

SREV Review Authoring Environment

SREV01 Review Authoring Environment

SREVIEW Review Questions Auth. Environment

SRFAC_TEST_TA Refactoring Test Transaction

SRFCCONN Connect to Customer Sys. Using BWRFC

SRIP Import of Training Indexes

SRM01 Number Range Maintenance: INFREQUEST

SRM02 Number Range Maintenance: STH_EXPECT

SRM03 Number Range Maintenance: SRM_CONT

SRMBROWSER Records Browser

SRMCALLMON Monitor for Call Handler

SRMCMCREATE Create Content Models

SRMCMEDIT Edit Content Models

SRMCUSTOMIZING Customizing Records Management

SRMCUSTSRV SRM: Maintain Custom Services

SRMEXPORT Starts Selection Report SRM_EXPORT

SRMMODELER Records Modeler

SRMO SAP Retrieval - Monitor

SRMO1 Call of IMS Monitoring

SRMORGTYP BC-SRV-RM : Type Maint. Organizer

SRMPCR POID Content Repository

SRMPCR_CLNT POID Content Repository (Client)

SRMPLANER Records (File) Planner

SRMPROTOVIEW Records Management Log Viewer

SRMRECORDSCREATE Create Personnel Records

SRMREFRULE Generation Rules for Record Numbers

SRMREGEDIT SRM Registry Maintenance

SRMREGEDITC Maintain SRM Registry (Cust. View)

SRMSTART Records Management

SRMVIEWGEN View Generator

SRM_APPL_LOG Application Log Settings

SRM_DISP_NO Number Range Maintenance: SRMDPDPID

SRM_DOCFINDER SRM: Maintain DocFinder Settings

SRM_DOC_TEMPLATE SRM: Maintain Status Network

SRM_KC_ADMIN Administration Keyword Catalog

SRM_KC_EDIT Maintain Keyword Catalog

SRM_PROFIL SRM: Maintain Status Profile

SRM_PROP_PERSPUBLISH Generate Attribute Properties


SRM_RECTEST2 Test BO RECORD Dialog Methods

SRM_STATUS SRM: Maintain Status

SRM_STATUS_NET SRM: Maintain Status Network

SRM_WFPATH_NO Number Range Maintenance: SRMWFPATH

SRM_WF_PATH_MAINT Maintain Process Route

SRN1 Number range maintenance: ADRCITY

SRN2 Number range maintenance: ADRSTREET

SRN3 Number range maintenance: ADRPSTCODE

SRSE Test Search for the IMS

SRS_GM_SH Retail Store: Display MDE Data

SRTCM Runtime Check Monitor

SRTCMD Runtime Check Monitor: Data Display

SRTERROR_E2E WS related Runtime Errors - E2E

SRTIDOC Inbound SOAP: Register Service


SRTUTIL Tracing Utilities for Web Service

SRTUTIL_E2E SRT Trace Analysis E2E

SRTV Text Retrieval: Customizing

SRTV_COMPILE Find Report: Index Generation

SRT_ADMIN Maintenance SRT

SRT_ADRMAP Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs


SRT_BIZTALK_TEST2 SAP Interop browser BizTalk tests 2

SRT_CHANGE Report Tree Maintenance

SRT_DISPLAY Display Report Trees

SRT_ELOG Report Error Log


SRT_MONI WS Message Monitor

SRT_MONIS WS Sequence Monitor

SRT_ROLES Roles maintenance

SRT_SEQ_MONITOR Sequence monitoring

SRT_TEST Web Service Test Cockpit

SRT_TOOLS SOA Runtime Tools

SRT_UTIL Tracing Utilities for Web Service


SSC0 SAP Appointment Calendar (Employee)

SSC1 SAP (own) Appointment Calendar

ST22 ABAP Dump Analysis

SU01D User Display

SU1 Maintain Own User Address

SU3 Maintain Users Own Data

SU50 Own data

SU52 Maintain Own User Parameters

SU53 Evaluate Authorization Check

SU56 Analyze User Buffer

SW10 Delivery Verification

SWB3 Maintain Start Conditions

SWB4 Display Start Conditions

SWB_COND Maintain Workflow Start Conditions

SWB_COND_DISPLAY Display Workflow Start Conditions

SWB_PROCUREMENT Maintain B2B Start Conditions

SWDA Alphanumeric Workflow Builder

SWDB Create workflow

SWDC Workflow Definition: Administration

SWDC_DEFINITION Workflow Builder Administration

SWDC_INTERNAL Workflow Definition: Administration

SWDC_RUNTIME Maintain Administrator for Runtime

SWDD Workflow Builder

SWDD_CONFIG Workflow Configuration

SWDI Workflow Builder (Selection)

SWDM Business Workflow Explorer

SWDN Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID

SWDP Show Graphical Workflow Log

SWDS Workflow Builder (Selection)

SWE2 Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages

SWE3 Display Instance Linkages

SWE4 Status Change Event Trace

SWE5 Checks for Event Linkages

SWEAD Event Queue Administration

SWEC Event Linkage for Change Documents

SWED Assignment chng.doc./WF object type

SWEHR1 Linkage: Object Type to HR Infotype

SWEHR2 Event - Infotype Operation (SAP)

SWEHR3 Event-Infotype Operation (Customer)

SWEINST Display Instance Linkages

SWEL Display Event Trace

SWELS Switch Event Trace On/Off

SWEM Configure Event Trace

SWEQADM Event Queue Administration

SWEQADM_1 Maintain Event Queue Administrator

SWEQBROWSER Event Queue Browser

SWEQDEL Delete Event Queue

SWETYPV Display/Maint. Event Type Linkages

SWE_CD_TST Test Environ. for Change Documents

SWE_SET_DELEGATION Create Delegation in BOR

SWF3 Workflow Wizard Explorer

SWF4 Workflow Wizard Repository

SWFC Automatic Workflow Customizing


SWFPOWLWI Display/Execute Work Item


SWFVISU Workflow Visualization Metadata

SWFVMD1 Workflow: Visualization Metadata

SWF_ADM_SUSPEND Restart Suspended Workflows

SWF_ADM_SWWWIDH Restart Suspended Deadlines

SWF_APPL_DISPLAY Workflow: Application Log

SWF_AUTO Automatic Workflow Customizing

SWF_BAM BAM: Administration

SWF_BAM_CUSTOMIZING Automatic BAM Customizing

SWF_BAM_TRC Tracing for BAM


SWF_CNT_MAINTENANCE Diagnosis and Container Comparison

SWF_CNT_MIG_DISPLAY Display Migration Classes

SWF_CNT_MIG_EDIT Registration Migration Classes

SWF_CNT_STR_DISPLAY Display Local Structures

SWF_CNT_STR_EDIT Edit Local Structures

SWF_CNT_STR_GEN Workflow: Generation of Structures

SWF_CRL1 Correlation Editor

SWF_DEADL_CONF Maintain Deadline Configuration

SWF_DEADL_CONF_DISP Display Deadline Configuration

SWF_DEBUG Edit Workflow Breakpoints

SWF_GMP Administrator Overview

SWF_GP Guided Procedures

SWF_INB_ADM Administration Inbound Processing

SWF_INB_CONF Configuration Inbound Processing

SWF_INB_MON Monitoring Inbound Processing

SWF_LOG_ADM Administration for Log Profiles

SWF_OBJ_EXEC Execute Object Method

SWF_OBJ_EXEC_BO Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID)

SWF_OBJ_EXEC_CL Execute Object Method (SIBFLPORB)

SWF_RESTART_CANCEL Restart Suspended Cancel

SWF_RESTART_SUSPEND Restart Suspended Callbacks

SWF_RFC_DEST Configure RFC Destination

SWF_TRC Workflow Trace: Display

SWF_TRC_ALL Workflow Trace: Display All Comp.

SWF_TRC_DEMO Workflow Trace: Display DEMO-K.

SWF_TRC_SEL Workflow Trace: Display with Selectn

SWF_UNIT_CONF Configuration Unit Execution

SWF_UNIT_MONITORING Monitoring of Unit Execution

SWF_UTL_ALV Generic ALV Display

SWF_WAPI_TEST Automatic Test of SAP_WAPI

SWF_WIEVTADM Managing Work Item Events



SWF_XI_ARCHIV Display Archived Processes

SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING Automatic BPM Customizing

SWF_XI_DISPATCH_SHOW Display Message Dispatcher

SWF_XI_DISPCLR_SHOW Display Message Dispatcher Cleanup

SWF_XI_IPMON Integration Process Monitoring

SWF_XI_PBUILDER Process Builder

SWF_XI_SWI1 Process Selection

SWF_XI_SWI14 Processes for One Message Type

SWF_XI_SWI2_DEAD Processes with Missed Deadline

SWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG Diagnosis Processes with Errors

SWF_XI_SWI6 Processes for a Message

SWF_XI_SWPC Continue Process After System Crash

SWF_XI_SWPR Continue Process Following Error


SWF_XMP1 XML Object Type Builder

SWH_ADM1 Work Item Upgrade: Definition GUID

SWH_PROCESS_INFO Demo for Process Info System

SWI1 Selection report for workflows

SWI11 Where-Used List for Tasks

SWI13 Task Profile

SWI14 Workflows for Object Type

SWI1_COND Check Conditions for Work Items

SWI1_RULE Execute Rules for Work Items

SWI2_ADM1 Work Items Without Agents

SWI2_ADM2 Work Items with Deleted Users

SWI2_DEAD Work Items with Monitored Deadlines

SWI2_DIAG Diagnosis of Workflows with Errors

SWI2_DURA Work Items by Processing Duration

SWI2_FREQ Work Items per Task

SWI3 Workflow Outbox

SWI30 Unlock Workflows

SWI5 Workload Analysis

SWI5N Workload Analysis

SWI6 Workflows for Object

SWIA WI Administration Report

SWIE Unlock Work Item

SWJ1 Browser for Schedule Conditions

SWK1 Start Work Item Execution/Display

SWK2 Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID)

SWK3 Execute object method (SIBFLPORB)

SWL1 Settings for dynamic columns

SWL1_EXT Settings for type spec dyn columns

SWLC Check Tasks for Agents

SWLD Workbench for Workflow 4.0

SWLD_INPLACE1 Demo Embedded Inbox

SWLD_INPLACE2 Demo Embedded Inbox (Professional)

SWLO Display work items for objects

SWLP Copy a Plan Version

SWLT SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

SWLTC Manage SQLM Snapshots for SWLT

SWLV Maintain Work Item Views

SWNADMIN Administration of Notifications

SWNCONFIG Configuration Notifications

SWNC_TCOLL_LOG Performance Monitor Log

SWNNOTIFDEL Delete Notifications




SWNWIEX WF Notification: Edit Work Item

SWO1 Business Object Builder

SWO2 BOR Browser

SWO3 Business Object Builder

SWO4 Business Object Repository

SWO6 Customizing Object Types

SWO_ASYNC Asynchronous Method Call in BOR

SWPA Runtime System Customizing

SWPC WFM: Continue Workflow

SWPR WFM: Restart Workflow

SWP_CHANGE_MAXNODES Change Maximum Number of Nodes

SWRK Administrtation using work areas

SWRP Dummy for IAC Workflow Status

SWR_WEBSERVER Web Server Customizing

SWT0 Configure workflow trace

SWTFILTER Administration: Trace Activation

SWTREORG Reorganization Trace for Requests

SWTREQ Analyze Workflow Trace for Requests

SWU0 Simulate event

SWU1 User RFC Monitor

SWU10 Delete Workflow Trace Files

SWU2 Workflow RFC Monitor

SWU3 Automatic Workflow Customizing

SWU3_OLD Consistency check: Customizing

SWU4 Consistency Test for Standard Task

SWU5 Consistency Test for Customer Task

SWU6 Consistency Test for Workflow Task

SWU7 Consistency Test for Workflow Templ.

SWU8 Workflow Trace: On/Off

SWU9 Display Workflow Trace

SWUA Start Verification Workflow

SWUB Maintain Workflow RFC Destination

SWUC Customizing decision task

SWUC_01 SAP Task Customizing

SWUD Workflow Diagnosis

SWUE Trigger an event

SWUG Generate Workflow Start Transaction

SWUI Start Workflow

SWUI_BENCHMARK Start Performance Workflows

SWUI_DEMO Start Demo Workflows

SWUI_SINGLE Start Workflow (Parameter)

SWUI_START Start Workflow (Task Group)

SWUI_VERIFY Start Test Workflows

SWUI_WFUNIT Start Unit Workflows

SWUK Mapping form type - mail address

SWUL Customizing: Process Administrator

SWUN Number Range Maintenance: FORMABSENC

SWUOCHECK Test Report for Workflow Documents

SWUO_DEL Deletion Report for Workflow Docs

SWUP Switch SAPforms Trace On/Off

SWUR Send mails for work items

SWUS Test Workflow

SWUS_WITH_REFERENCE Workflow: Start with Reference

SWUT Namespace for Form Transactions

SWUU SAPforms: Diagnosis

SWUV Send E-Mail Notifications

SWUW Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID

SWUX SAPforms Administration

SWUY Workflow-Message Linkage

SWU_CONT_PERSISTENCE Administrate Container Persistence

SWU_EWBTE Wizard for Event Linkage (BTE)

SWU_EWCD Wizard for Event Linkage (Chg. Doc.)

SWU_EWLIS Wizard for Event Linkage (LIS)

SWU_OBUF Runtime Buffer PD Org

SWWA Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring

SWWB Schedule WI Deadline Monitoring

SWWCLEAR_DELETE Unschedule Workflow Clearing Tasks

SWWCLEAR_INSERT Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCLEAR'

SWWCOND_DELETE Unschedule Work Item Rule Monitoring

SWWCOND_INSERT Workflow: Background Job 'SWWCOND'

SWWD Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring

SWWDHEX_DEBUG Work Item - Deadline Monitoring

SWWDHEX_DELETE UnscheduleWorkItemDeadlineMonitoring

SWWERRE_DEBUG Work Item - Error Monitoring (Debug)

SWWERRE_DELETE Unschedule WorkItem Error Monitoring


SWWH WIM: Delete Work Item History

SWWL WIM: Delete Work Item

SWWL_DEP Delete Dependent Table Entries

SWWL_TOPLEVEL Delete Top Level Work Item

SWW_ARCHIV Display Workflows from Archive

SWW_BG_MON Monitoring: Background Work Items

SWW_BREAKPOINT Workflow: Create Breakpoint

SWW_DISPSWWCLEAR Show Background Job for Clearing

SWW_DISPSWWCOND Display: Background Job for Pre/Post

SWW_JOB_MON Monitoring: Work Items Using Job

SWW_SARA Archive Work Items

SWW_TASK_DAAG Customize Retention for Data Aging

SWW_WI_MON Monitoring: Background Methods

SWXA DEMO: Approve Leave Request

SWXC DEMO: Change Leave Request

SWXD DEMO: Delete Leave Request

SWXF DEMO: Create Notification of Absence

SWXFTB DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox

SWXML XML Document Selection

SW_WW10 IAC Product Catalog for SAP Store

S_ALR_87012167 Accounts Rec. Information System

T108 Change tactical standard planning

T109 Change tactical spring/summer plng

T110 Change tactical fall/winter planning

T111 Change operational standard planning

T112 Change oper. spring/summer planning

T113 Change operational fall/winter plng

T114 Change OTB

T115 Promotion planning

T123 Number Range Maintenance: TT123

TAANA Table Analysis

TAANA_AV Table Analysis: Analysis Variants

TAANA_VF Table Analysis: Virtual Fields

TAC1 Number range maintenance: FTA_GSART

TAC2 Number range maintenance: FTA_KLAMMR

TAC3 Number range maintenance: FTR_REFNR

TAC4 Number Range Maintenance: FTA_MAID

TAC5 Number Range Maintenance: FTA_AWKEY

TAISC0 Company Code Customizing

TAISC1 Product Type Customizing

TAISC2 Transaction Types Customizing

TAISC3 Acct Assignment Reference Customizg

TAISC5 Update Type Customizing

TAISC6 Valuation Class Customizing

TAISC7 Valuation Class Customizing

TAISC8 Valuation Class Customizing

TAMO Translation Analysis Monitor

TANCC11 Overview commodity curves

TANMDCR Define Structure Chart for MDCR

TANMDCR_DS Maintain Market Data Change Rates

TAN_MDS Maintain Market Data Sets

TAV1 Fix Average Rate

TAV2 Reset Average Rate Fixing

TA_FITV_IMG_VIEWSAVE Transaction Called to Save View Data

TB.5 FC valuation of hedged documents

TB01 Create forex hedge

TB02 Change forex hedge

TB03 Display forex hedge

TB04 Delete forex hedge

TB0A TR: Maintenance view swap rates

TB10 Process hedge requests

TB11 Create Object Hedge

TB12 Change object hedge

TB13 Display object hedge

TB14 Reverse object hedge

TB18 Hedged underlyings

TB19 Forex Hedges - Collective Processing

TB20 Unallocated forex transactions

TB21 Allocated forex transactions

TB30 List of open items FI

TB35 Reconciliation of cleared items

TB60 List of processed hedge requests

TBA1 TR:Maint. Change trans. category

TBA2 TR:Maint. Change processing cat.

TBA3 TR: Maint. Change TCODES Menu TIMN

TBA4 TR:Maint. Change processing cat.

TBA5 TR:Maint.Chnge Alloc.Proc.cat/act.ct

TBA6 TR: Maint. Change flow/cond. cat.

TBA7 TR:Maint.ChngeAlloc.App./Flw.CondCat

TBA8 TR: Maint. Change act.proc/def.

TBC0 TR: Maintain manual reversal type

TBC1 Datafeed: Define variants

TBC2 Datafeed: adjust workflow

TBC3 Define standard role

TBC5 Responsibilities for Agent Assgnment

TBC6 Transaction Release: Adjust Workflow

TBCA Index Definition

TBCB Maintain Index Rate Type

TBCC Exchanges

TBCF Exchange rate volatilities

TBCI View Master data G/L account

TBCJ Maint.Planning Types for Trans.Types

TBCK Check account determination

TBCL Maintenance View Hedge-Relev. Curr.

TBCM Maintenance View Unit Types

TBCN Maintenance: Note for Transaction

TBCO Security price type

TBCP Retransfer of activity transition

TBCQ Alloc. ValuationFlowTypes-Transactn

TBCR TR: Maintain fixing attributes FX

TBCS Automatic fixing processing

TBCU Check Account Determination: Forex

TBCV Check Acct Determination: Money Mkt

TBCW Check Acct Determination:Derivatives

TBCX Maintain Acct Determination: Forex

TBCY Maintain Acct Determination: MM

TBCZ Maintain Acct Determination: DE

TBD0 Datafeed: Adminster Archives

TBD1 Datafeed: Table structure VTB_DFCU

TBD2 Datafeed: Datafeed Customizing

TBD3 Datafeed: Market data administration

TBD4 Datafeed: Updated market data

TBD5 Datafeed: Import market data file

TBD6 Datafeed: Log file administration

TBD7 Datafeed: Check Customizing

TBD8 Datafeed: Archive

TBD9 Datafeed: Reload archives

TBDA Datafeed: Real-Time Initialization

TBDB Datafeed: Read archives

TBDC Datafeed: Real-Time monitor

TBDD Datafeed: Feed/Mode/Destination

TBDE Datafeed:Text tables operating modes

TBDF Datafeed: View permitted feeds

TBDG Datafeed: Text table feeds

TBDH Datafeed: Text table instr.classes

TBDI Datafeed: View Classes Allowed

TBDJ Datafeed: Historical Market Data

TBDK Datafeed: Code Conversion Program

TBDO Market Data File: Code Conversion

TBEX Spreadsheet for Market Data

TBEXN Spreadsheet Upload of Market Data

TBI5_COPY Copy Standing Instruct. for Corresp.

TBI5_DELE Delete Standing Instr. for Corresp.

TBI6_COPY Copy SI for Transaction Authorizat.

TBI6_DELE Delete SI for Trans. Authorization

TBI7_COPY Copy SI for Derived Flows

TBI7_DELE Delete SI for Derived Flows

TBK1 TR: Cust. loan acct assignment ref.

TBK2 TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Securities

TBK4 TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Forex

TBK5 TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Money Market

TBK6 TR: Cust. Acc.Ass.Ref. Derivatives

TBLA TR: Limit Maintenance for VC_ATLA

TBLARC Archiving: Limits and Utilizations



TBLPECC Change Posting Deadline

TBLP_CANC Cancel Transfer/Loan

TBLP_COST Cost Transfer/Loan

TBLP_CUST Customizing Transfer/Borrow/Loan

TBLP_INFO Transfer/Loan/Payback Info-Report

TBLP_M2M Create Mat. to Mat. Group Transfer

TBLP_PBCK Pay Back Loan

TBLP_TRLO Create Transfer/Loan

TBM7 Master Agreement: Maintain Memo IDs

TBMN Currency Hedges

TBSI_TOOLS Tools for Standing Instructions

TBX2 Conversion of SEC Corresp. Customiz.

TBZ16 Maintain IDoc FTRCON Postprocessor

TBZ17 SWIFT Code -> Partner - Assignment

TBZ5 List of Days Overdue Counterconf.

TC02 Number range maint.: FTI_UGSART

TCL1 Define Lines of Credit

TCL2 Display Lines of Credit

TCLSVERS Default Values Logistic Switch

TCMK Funds Management

TCMN Funds Management

TCO Start a TR in Parameter TCX

TCURMNT Maintain Exchange Rates

TC_INCASH_M340_ES Historical Data for Incash Payment

TC_RENT_M340_ES Maintain Rented Buisness Offices


TDMN Cash management

TDMN_DIST Distribution of TR Cash Mgt Data

TDMS SAP TDMS Control Center

TDMS_ACT_SICF SAP TDMS Work Center SICF Activation

TDMS_CFGCHK SAP TDMS Work Center Config Check




TDMS_SAPGUI SAP Test Data Migration Server

TDSCERTFICA Print Customer WH Tax Certificates

TEM1 Master Data Exposure Plng Profile

TEM15 Generate Version

TEM20 Exposure Analysis

TEM30 Delete Last Version

TEMN_EXPOS Number Range Maintenance: TEMN_EXPOS

TERMO Terminology Monitor

TEST0002 Test 0002

TEST999 Test 9999

TEST_FRONT_SERVICES Testing of frontend services

TEST_SOFT_MOD Test "Soft" Modifications

TEST_TEXTEDIT Test for TextEdit Wrapper

TF00 Collective Processing for Repos

TF01 Create Forward Security Transaction

TF02 Change Forward Securities Transactn

TF03 Display Forward Securities Transactn

TF04 Settle Forward Securities Transactn

TF05 Deliver Forward Securities Transactn

TF06 Reverse Forward Securities Transactn

TF07 Roll Over Forward Securities Trans.

TF08 History of Forward Securities Trans.

TF09 FST: Advance Maturity

TF10 FST: Display Activity

TF11 FST: Dividend Adjustment

TFBWD Customizing Table TFBWD

TFBWE Customizing Table TFBWE

TFCP Coll. Processing: Forward Sec.Trans.

TFL00 Collective Processing - Forward Loan

TFL01 Create Forward Loan Transaction

TFL02 Change Forward Loan transaction

TFL03 Display Forward Loan Transaction

TFL04 Settle Forward Loan transaction

TFL05 Delivery Forward Loan transaction

TFL06 Reversal of Forward Loan transaction

TFL08 History of Forward Loan transaction

TFL10 Display activity of Forward Loan

TFMN Cash Flow

TFSCD_ACTIVATE_BROKR Activate Alt. Collecting Broker

TFSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD Classification Key and Direct Input

TFWB Maintain Mini-Templates

TFWCLEANUP Cleanup the database

TFWFEAT Maintain features for rating

TFWKEYGEN Generate Table for Key Values

TFWPRED Maintain tag predicates

TF_WS453012160001 Query About a Flight Booking

TF_WS700004380001 AbsenceRequestCreate

TF_WS770001350001 Leave request

TGANL Create Separation Allowance

TGANZ Display Separation Allowance Event

TGMOD Change Separation Allowance

THIPAA For checking past certificates

THM10 Exposure Expiration

THM11 Reverse Exposure Expiration

THM12 Hedge Plan Expiration

THM14 Hedging Relationship Dedesignation

THM15 Reverse HR dedesignations

THM30 Define NPVs on Inception Date

THM35 Adjustment of the interest rates

THM50 Transfer Prospect. Effect.Assessment

THM51 Reverse Trans. Prospect.Eff.Assess.

THM52 Retrospective Assessment

THM53 Reverse Retrospective Eff. Ass.

THM54 Manual OCI Reclassification

THM55 Reverse Manual OCI Reclassification

THM56 Fair value changes to be posted

THM57 Reverse FV Changes to be Posted

THM58 Automatic EC Reclassification

THM59 Reversal of Automatic EC Reclass.

THM80 Effectiveness test

THM81 OCI per hedging relationship

THM82 Hedge plan overview

THM83 Hedging Relationships per Derivative

THM84 Prematurely Reclassified OCI

THM85 Change documents for Hedge Managemnt

THM86 Hedge Relationship Documentation

THM87 Display Effectiveness Assessments

THMEX E-Hedge Accounting: Application



THMMM Exposure Upload from Money Market

THMR1 Reverse single HR dedesignation

THMR2 Reverse single HR dissolve

THMRO Exposure Upload From External Source

THMST Hedging Relationship Status Overview

THM_COCO_SETTING Number range for hedges

THM_COCO_SETTING1 Number range for hedging rel.ships

THM_COCO_SETTING2 Comp.-code settings for hedge mgmt

THM_NR_HEDGE Define number ranges for hedges

THM_NR_HR Define number ranges for HR

THM_NR_PLAN Number range maintenance: THM_PLAN

THM_NR_TRANS Number range maintenance: THM_TRANS

TI-3 Display Currency Option

TI00 Collective Processing for Futures

TI10 Create Interest/Price Adjustment

TI11 Change Interest Rate Adjustment

TI12 Display Interest Rate Adjustment

TI37 Reverse Interest Rate Adjustment

TI5CN Options/Futures: Display Transaction

TI5DN Options/Futures: Execute Order

TI5EN Options/Futures: Order Expiration

TI5HN Options/Futures: Display History

TI70 Create Order

TI71 Create OTC Option

TI72 Change Transaction

TI73 Display Transaction

TI74 Reverse Contract

TI75 Settle Contract

TI77 Terminate Transaction

TI78 Execute Own Offer

TI79 Settle Termination

TI7A Order Expiration

TI7B Display Interest Settlements

TIC1 Number Range Maintenance: FTI_OPTFUT

TIDX1 Simulate Price Index

TIMECUST Profile for Time Functions

TIMECUSTEV Symbolic Names for Dates

TIMEPROF Profile for Time Functions


TIS1 Overview - Positions

TIS10 Currency Analysis

TIS11 Simulated Valuation

TIS12 Total Commitment

TIS20 Analysis: Int.-Bearing Instruments

TIS5 Country Analysis

TIS50 Issue Position

TISCER Commodity Exposure Report

TISCERN Commodity Positions Report

TISCLU Simplified Overview

TIS_IFRS7_1 Foreign Exchange Risk Reporting

TIS_IFRS7_2 Interest Rate Risk Report

TIS_IFRS7_3 Interest Rate Sensitivity Report

TIS_IFRS7_4 Changes in Fair Value Reports

TIS_IFRS7_5 Changes in Fair Value of Instruments

TIS_IFRS7_6 Cumulative Reporting

TIS_IFRS7_7 Risk Return Analysis

TIS_IFRS7_D1 FX Risk Reporting (Detailed)

TIS_IFRS7_D2 Int. Rate Risk Reporting (Detail)

TIS_IFRS7_D3 Int. Rate Sensitivity Report(Detail)

TIS_IFRS7_D4 Change in Fair Value Report (Detail)

TIS_IFRS7_D5 Fair Value Reporting (Sens. Detl)

TIS_IFRS7_D6 Fair Value Change Report (Detailed)

TIS_IFRS7_D7 Risk Return Analysis (Detailed)

TIS_POSITION_GRID Asset History Sheet

TJ02 Collective editing of options

TJ04 Payment Plan

TJ05 Automatic Interest/Price Adjustment

TJ05_REV Reverse Automatic Int. Rate Adjust.

TJ09 Update Planned Records

TJ11 Display Single Transaction

TJ12 Journal: Transactions w. Cash Flows

TJ13 Update Adjustment Dates

TK11 Create condition (shipment costs)

TK12 Change condition (shipment costs)

TK13 Display condition (shipment costs)

TK14 Create condition with ref.

TKCS Start transaction sender programs

TKLFZ01MD Facilities: Master Data Reporting

TKLFZDT01 Detail Reporting for Facilities

TL3M List of curr. supported field names

TL3P Maintain Variant Group

TL3Q Maintain Variants

TL3R Schedule Variant Groups

TL3S Define Variant Groups

TLM0 Execute Report

TLM1 Create Report

TLM2 Change Report

TLM3 Display Report

TLM4 Create Form

TLM5 Change Form

TLM6 Display Form

TLM7 Maintain authorization obj. present.

TLM8 Display authorization obj.presentatn

TLMA Access Report Tree

TLMC Limit Management: Manage Comments

TLMG Limit Management: Character. Groups

TLMH Maintain hierarchy

TLMJ Maintain Hierarchy Nodes

TLMK Maintain Key Figures

TLMM Limit Mgmt: Drilldown Test Monitor

TLMS Display Structure

TLMT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

TLMU Convert drilldown reports

TLMW Maintain Crcy Translation Type TLM

TLR0 Nummernkreispflege: FTLM_RES

TLTA Access Report Tree

TM12 Change Deposit at Notice

TM60 Fiduciary Deposits: Coll. Processing

TM60SC Fiduciary Deposits: Collaterals

TM61 Create Fiduciary Deposit

TM62 Change Fiduciary Deposit

TM63 Display Fiduciary Deposit

TM64 Adjust Fiduciary Deposit

TM65 Correction: Fiduciary Deposit

TM66 Settle: Fiduciary Deposit

TM67 Reverse Fiduciary Deposit

TM69 History: Fiduciary Deposit

TMA5 Edit characteristics

TMA6 Edit Value Fields

TMB1 Premium reserve fund lists

TMB2 Statements

TMBA BAV Information

TMBU BAV Transfers

TMDAS_CLASS2IDX Assign Class to Securities Index

TMDAS_VOLANAME2CLASS Assign ID Number of Security

TMDAS_VOLANAME2FX Assign Currency Pair

TMDAS_VOLANAME2IDX Assign Security Index

TMDAS_VOLANAME2RIR Assign Reference Interest Rate

TMDAS_VOLANAME_HW Assign Yld Curves to Hull-White Mod.

TMDBETA Enter Beta Factors

TMDFX Enter Exchange Rates

TMDFXFP Enter Forex Swap Rates

TMDIDX Enter Index Values


TMDPRICEIDX Enter Price Index Values

TMDSE Maintain Security Price

TMDVOLANAME Master Data for Volatilities

TMFM Money Market: Generate Cash Flow

TMMN Money Market

TMR1 Money Market: Flexible Position List

TMRMB Reporting Tree for MRM

TMS_IACOR_EDIT TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance

TMS_IACOR_SHOW TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance

TMU02 Mass Upload Download Rules & Meas


TMV11 IMG: Change Price Index Values






TMV7 IMG: Change Price Index Values


TNBP03 Edit Contents of TNBPMIG03

TNWCHTARGRP IS-H CH: Zuo Tariftyp - Tarifgruppe

TO01 Create OTC Interest Rate Instrument

TO02 Change OTC Interest Rate Instrument

TO03 Display OTC Interest Rate Instrument

TO04 Settle OTC Interest Rate Instrument

TO05 Reverse OTC Interest Rate Instrument

TO06 Give Notice on OTC Int. Rate Instr.

TO07 OTC Int. Rate Inst.: Display History

TO08 Execute OTC Int.Rate Instr. Order

TOENE Determine Net Exposures


TOK8 Condition exclusion proc. assig. F

TOM0 Clearing

TOOL10 Transaction for TTOOL01


TP00 Travel Management: Travel Planning

TP01 Planning Manager

TP02 Travel Planning (End User)

TP02_EWT Travel Planning (End User)

TP03 Planning Manager (Expert)

TP04 Travel Request (End User)

TP04_EWT Travel Request (End User)

TP10 Travel Plan Synchronization (AIR)

TP12 Travel Plan Synchronization (Manual)

TP14 Travel Plan Synchronization (Queue)

TP20 Create Travel Plan

TP30 Display Travel Planning report tree

TP31 Queries for Travel Planning

TP40 Maintain Routings

TP41 Initial Screen via IMG

TP50 Global flight availability

TP60 Synchronization of Hotel Catalog

TPC2 User for Authorization Check

TPC4 Programs for Authorization Check

TPC6 Periods for Authorization Check

TPCP Travel Planning Customizing

TPCT Current settings


TPDA_SE37_TEST TPDA: SE37 Test Framework Init

TPDA_START Start Master of TPDA Debugger

TPDA_START_VERI Start the TPDA Debugger (VeriMode)

TPES Display HR Master Data (ESS)

TPLOG Short cut for TPLOG

TPLP Create/Change LPs for SABRE

TPM1 Execute Valuation

TPM10 Fix. post or reverse transactions

TPM100 Hedge Accounting for Positions

TPM100_DISPLAY Display Hedging Relationships

TPM101 Classification

TPM102 Reverse Classification

TPM103 Postprocess Business Transactions

TPM10A Distribute BT to Position Mgmt

TPM10A_SWITCH Switch On/Off Asynchr. Distribution

TPM11 Post Reversal/Recalculation

TPM110 Execute Effectiveness Test

TPM112 Ineffective Hedging Relationships

TPM12 Treasury Ledger: Position List

TPM12H Flexible Position List

TPM13 Treasury Ledger: Flow List

TPM14 Update Types - Valn Class Transfer

TPM15 Valuation Class Transfer

TPM15M Valuation Class Transfer

TPM16 Reversal Valuation Class Transfer

TPM16M Reversal of Valuation Class Transfer

TPM17 Define Securites Account Groups

TPM18 Fix/Post Derived Business Transact.

TPM19 Status Change TRL Bus. Transactions

TPM2 Reverse Valuation

TPM20 Posting Journal

TPM20A Payment Journal

TPM21 Create Nominal Adjustment

TPM22 Display Nominal Adjustment

TPM23 Reverse Nominal Adjustment

TPM24 Update Margin Flows

TPM25 Post Margin Flows

TPM26 Display quantity ledger positions

TPM27 Generate Derived Flows

TPM28 Transfer Acct Assignment Reference

TPM29 Reverse Acct Assignm. Ref. Transfer

TPM3 Account Asst Reference Allocations

TPM30 Def. Determ. of Acct Assgmt Ref.

TPM31 Def. Determ. of Acct Assgmt Ref.

TPM32 Def. Determ. of Acct Assgmt Ref.

TPM33 Account Determination Overview

TPM34 Def. Determ. of Acct Assgmt Ref.

TPM35 Manual posting

TPM38 AcctAssgmtRef. Determ. Hedged Item

TPM39 Derivation for Financial Transaction

TPM4 Futures Account

TPM40 Display Class Cash Flow for SecAcct

TPM40A Display SecAcct Class Position List

TPM41 Display Sec. Account Position List

TPM42 Display Class List

TPM43 Process Restraints On Drawing

TPM44 Fin.Products Profit Accrual/Deferral

TPM45 Reverse Accrual/Deferral of Income

TPM5 Create Class Pos. in Futures Account

TPM50 Change Position Mgmt Procedure

TPM51 Periodic TRL Reporting

TPM52 Maintain Update Type Reconciliation

TPM53 Create Totals Records

TPM54 Delete Totals Records

TPM55A Generate Position ID (Securities)

TPM55B Generate Position ID (Loans)

TPM55C Create Position Indicator (OTC)

TPM55D Generate Pos.ID (Listed Derivatives)

TPM55E Generate Position ID (Ext. Accounts)

TPM55F Create Pos. Indicator (Hedged Item)

TPM56A Change Position ID (Securities)

TPM56B Change Position ID (Loans)

TPM56C Change PositionID (OTC Transactions)

TPM56D Change Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives)

TPM56E Change Position ID (Ext. Accounts)

TPM56F Change Pos. Indicator (Hedged Item)

TPM57A Display Position ID (Securities)

TPM57B Display Position ID (Loans)

TPM57C Display Pos. ID (OTC Transactions)

TPM57D Display Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives)

TPM57E Display Position ID (Ext. Accounts)

TPM57F Display Pos. Indicator (Hedged Item)

TPM58A Delete Position ID (Securities)

TPM58B Delete Position ID (Loans)

TPM58D Delete Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives)

TPM58E Delete Position ID (Ext. Accounts)

TPM58F Delete Pos. Indicator (Hedged Item)

TPM59 Exchange per Company Code/Class

TPM6 Change Class Pos. in Futures Account

TPM60 Save NPVs

TPM60CVA Determine NPVs Including CVA and DVA

TPM61 Execute Data Transfer Positions

TPM61A Position Information: Securities

TPM62 Reverse Data Transfer Positions

TPM63 Execute Data Transfer

TPM63A Val. Area-Independ. Data: Securities

TPM63B Val. Area-Dependent Data: Securities

TPM63C Val.Area-Dep. Data: MM, FX, OTC Der.

TPM63D Val. Area-Dependent Data: Futures

TPM64 Reverse Data Transfer

TPM65 P-HA: Execute Data Transfer

TPM65A Data for Securities w. Subpositions

TPM65B Data for OTC with Subpositions

TPM65C Data for Futures with Subpositions

TPM66 P-HA: Cancel Data Transfer

TPM7 Display Class Pos. in Futures Acct

TPM70 Record or Clear Impairment

TPM71 Reverse Impairment

TPM72 Maint. View Special Sec. Valuation

TPM73 Special security valn

TPM74 Enter Values for Manual Valuation

TPM75 Reference Report for Impairment

TPM8 Display Futures Account Cash Flow

TPM80 Fund Transfer

TPM81 Reversal of Fund Transfer

TPM82 Portfolio Transfer

TPM83 Reversal of Portfolio Transfer

TPM85 Inv.Pool Participants: Edit Add.Data

TPM85A Inv.Pool Participants: Disp.Add.Data

TPM86 Generate Trans. f. Pool Participants

TPM87 Reverse Inv. Pool Participant Trans.

TPM88 Overview:Inv.Pool Participant Trans.

TPM89 Edit Investment Pool Master Data

TPM89A Display Investment Pool Master Data

TPM9 Pos. List-Class Pos. in Futures Acct

TPM90 Edit Investments

TPM90A Display Investments

TPM91 Matching for Futures/Options

TPM92 Matching Overview w. Reversal Funct.

TPMEEM Enter Expected Exposures

TPMM Personnel Actions

TPMN_TRAC1 Number Range Maint.: TPMN_TRAC1

TPMN_TRAC2 Number Range Maintenance: TPMN_TRAC2

TPMN_TRPR Number Range Maintenance: TPMN_TRPR

TPMN_TRS Number Range Maint.: TPMN_TRS

TPMO Translation Performance Monitor

TPMS Display HR Master Data

TPM_ACCSYMGL_UPLOAD Assign G/L Accts to Acc. Sym. Upload

TPM_ATTR_L Maintain Values for Long Attribute

TPM_ATTR_M Maintain Values for Medium Attrib.

TPM_ATTR_S Maintain Values for Short Attribute

TPM_CTY11 Commodity Overview

TPM_CTY_MASTER Maintain Commodity Master Data

TPM_DERIVE_ACCNT Derive Additonal Account Assignments

TPM_HR_GROUP1 Maintain HR Grouping 1

TPM_HR_GROUP2 Maintain HR Grouping 2

TPM_INITIALIZE Initialization of Parallel Val.Areas

TPM_INIT_HREL Initialization Hedging Relationship

TPM_INIT_HREL_OTC Init.Hedging Relationship:Subpos.OTC

TPM_INIT_HREL_REV Reverse Initialization Hedging Rel.

TPM_INIT_HREL_SEC Init.Hedging Rel.: Sec.Subpositions

TPM_LOCATION Maintain Pricing Location

TPM_MIC_LOCATION Assign Pricing Locations to MICs

TPM_MIGRATION Conversion to ERP2007


TPM_MIGRATION_FUTURE Conversion of Futures from Rel. 4.6

TPM_MIGRATION_PMP Conversion: PosManProc. No.Assgmt

TPM_NR_HD Number range maintenance: TPMN_HD

TPM_NR_HINST Number range maintenance: TPMN_HINST

TPM_NR_HITEM Number range maintenance: TPMN_HITEM

TPM_NR_HREL Number range maintenance: TPMN_HREL

TPM_PAY_ASSIGN Generation Payment Indicator

TPM_PL_ASSIGN Generate Profit/Loss Indicators

TPM_POSTAUTREV Reverse Automatic Debit Position Run

TPM_TRCO_CTY_MCS Maintain Market Data Access for MCS

TPM_TRM_HMD_REL01 Customizing for Docum. Release

TPM_TRM_HME_REL01 Customizing for Document Release

TPM_TRM_HM_REL01 Customizing for Bus.Tr. Release

TPPF_D Display Entry V_TA23PF by Key

TPPR Travel Profile Display

TPQ0 Quicktrip Manager

TP_LOG Log: Calls of GDS Functions

TR02 Change strategic planning

TR3M List of curr. supported field names

TR3P Maintain variant groups

TR3Q Maintain Variants

TR3R Schedule Variant Group

TR3S Define Variant Group

TRACE Program Trace

TRANSFER Transfer/Borrow-Loan-Payback Menu

TRBS Automatic Postings Loans: Activities

TRC0 Client Copy Customizing

TRC1 Client Copy Customizing

TRC2 Client Copy Customizing

TRC3 Client Copy Customizing

TRC4 Client Copy Customizing

TRC5 Client Copy Customizing

TRC6 Client Copy Customizing

TRC7 Client Copy Customizing

TRC8 Client Copy Customizing

TRC9 Client Copy Customizing

TRCA Client Copy Customizing

TRCB Client Copy Customizing

TRCC Client Copy Customizing

TRCD C FI Maintain Table TBKSP

TRCE Client Copy Customizing

TRCMB Report Tree: Cash Management

TRCUT_CALMAP Calendar mapping table maintenance

TRCUT_CALUPL Calendar Upload


TRD1 Run Data Mining Report

TRD3 Change Data Mining Report

TRD4 Display Data Mining Report

TRD5 Data Mining: Create Form

TRD6 Data Mining: Change Form

TRD7 Data Mining: Display Form

TRD8 Display Results of Data Mining

TRDEB Report Tree: Derivatives

TREA_ACC_MNT Specify External Accounts

TREA_CLEAR Accept/Reject Clearing

TREA_CLEAR_HIST Novation History Report

TREA_CLEAR_REV Reverse Clearing/Rejection

TREA_DEF_VALUES Define Default Values for Clearing

TREA_EVAL Calculate Key Figure for Ext. Acct

TREA_EVAL_SHOW Results of KeyFig.Calc. for Ext. A/c

TREA_MLM_CAL_RUN_DIS Display MLM Calculation Run Data


TREA_MLM_POS_KEYDAT MLM Positions - Key Date View

TREA_MLM_POS_PERIOD MLM Positions - Periodic View

TREA_PAY Create Paymt Flows for Clearing Acct


TREA_RELEASE Release Line Items

TREA_REVERSE Reverse Posting, Release, Net Pymnt

TREA_SHOW_FLOWS External Account Position Flows

TREA_SHOW_POSITIONS External Account Positions

TREA_STA_MNT Process External Account Statements

TREA_STA_UPL Upload External Account Statement

TRED Treasury: Curr. Settings Derivatives

TREXADMIN TREX Administration Tool

TRFMB Report Tree: Cash Budget Management

TRFXB Report Tree: Foreign Exchange

TRF_CLASSPOS_NR Number Range Maintenance: FTR_TRF_CL

TRF_REV Reverse Margin Flows

TRIG_IGT Tcode for IGT processing

TRIP Travel Manager

TRIP_EWT Travel Manager

TRISB Report Tree: Information System

TRIVAT Input VAT List Turkey

TRLCCHK TRL Customizing Check

TRLM Treasury Management Basic Functions

TRLOB Report Tree: Loans


TRLO_TBSCOPY Copy Texts Between Clients

TRM0 Execute Report

TRM0_NEW Execute Report (CFM)

TRM1 Create Report

TRM1_NEW Create Report (CFM)

TRM2 Change Report

TRM2_NEW Change Report (CFM)

TRM3 Display Report

TRM3_NEW Display Report (CFM)

TRM4 Create Form

TRM4_NEW Create Form

TRM5 Change Form

TRM5_NEW Change Form

TRM6 Display Form

TRM6_NEW Display Form

TRM7 Maintain Auth.Object Presentation

TRM8 Display Auth.Object Presentation

TRMA Access Report Tree

TRMC Comments Management: Treasury

TRME Create Report

TRMF_FLDS_DEACTIVATE Deactivate Fields (For All Users)

TRMF_USER_D_MAINTAIN Maintain Dependencies: Cust. Char.

TRMF_USER_K_MAINTAIN Maintain Fld Catalog: Cust.Key.Fig.

TRMF_USER_M_MAINTAIN Maintain Field Catalog: Cust. Char.

TRMG Characteristic Groups for TR Reports

TRMG_KFG_CREATE Create Key Figure Group

TRMG_KFG_MAINTAIN Maintain Key Figure Group

TRMH Maintain hierarchy

TRMJ Maintain Hierarchy Nodes

TRMK Maintain Key Figures

TRMM Treasury Drill Down Rptng Testmonit.

TRMMB Report Tree: Money Market

TRMP_PERFORMANCE_BP Reorganize Business Partner Texts

TRMP_PERFORMANCE_MV Reorganize Risk Key Figures

TRMP_PERFORMANCE_MVT Reorganize Risk Key Figures

TRMP_PERFORMANCE_ST Set Buffer Table Parameters

TRMS Display Structure

TRMS_ALL Display Structures

TRMS_DEACTIVATE Deactivate Structures

TRMS_EXTENDED Display Structure

TRMS_SINGLE Display Structures

TRMS_USER_DEACTIVATE Deactivate Structures: User-Depend.

TRMT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report.

TRMT_TEXTS_GENERATE Generates the Text Reader

TRMU Convert drilldown reports

TRMU_FLDS_DEACTIVATE Deactivate Fields: User-Dependent

TRMW Maintain currency exchange type TRM

TRM_GENERATE Generates Dependent Programs

TRM_MTM_DELTA_QUEUE TRM: Send MtM Values to Delta Queue


TRN0 Number range: Land register no.

TRN1 N.Range: FVVD_BO Business Operation

TRN2 No. Range: FVVD_KINT Loans Inquiry

TRN3 No.range: FVV_OBJNR(address obj.no.)

TRN7 Number range: FVVD_KOBJ Object key

TRN8 Number range: Loan collateral no.

TRN9 No. range: FVVD_RBLNR coll.value no.

TRNA No.range: FVVD_KSON special arrangmt

TRNB Number range: FVVD_BEKI doc. number

TRNC No.range: FVVD_RPNSP Gen.daybook no.

TRND No.Range: FVV_VORG Release Procedure

TRN_REG_APPL Settings of Application

TRN_REG_REQUESTS Administration of Transport Requests

TRN_REG_REQ_BCS Manage Transport Requests

TRP01 Create Repo Contract

TRP02 Change Repo Contract

TRP03 Display Repo Contract

TRP04 Settle Repo

TRP06 Reverse Repo Contract

TRP08 History

TRP10 Display Repo Contract

TRR_RDB_TEST Test Program for TRR Reporting

TRSA S-API Debugger

TRSEB Report Tree: Securities

TRSLIST Sales Invoice List (Turkey)

TRSR Single Financial Object Calculation

TRS_NOMCORR_NR Number Range Maintenance: FTR_TRS_NC

TRS_SEC_ACC Securities account master data

TRTC Access Report Tree

TRTD Access Report Tree

TRTG Access Report Tree

TRTK Access Report Tree

TRTM Access Report Tree

TRTM_CHECK_CORR_DE Check Corr. Customizing Derivatives

TRTM_CHECK_CORR_FX Check Correspond. Customizing Forex

TRTM_CHECK_CORR_MM Check Corr. Customizing Money Market

TRTM_CHECK_CORR_SE Check Corr. Customizing Securities

TRTM_CHECK_CORR_SI Check Standing Instr. Correspondence

TRTM_CHG_PARTNER Change Counterparty of Fin. Trans.

TRTM_CHG_PARTNER_DIS Display Change of Counterparty

TRTM_TBSCOPY Copy text module confirmations

TRTR Access Report Tree

TRTV Access Report Tree

TRTW Access Report Tree

TS00 Collective Processing

TS01 Create Securities Transaction

TS02 Change Securities Transaction

TS03 Execute Securities Order

TS04 Settle Securities Contract

TS05 Sec. Transaction: Order Expiration

TS06 Display Securities Transaction

TS07 Reverse Securities Transaction

TS08 Securities Transaction: History

TS09 Default Value Securities Account

TS10 Display Securities Transaction

TSCON_CO_ALL Save back work packages

TSCON_CO_SO Save back single object work package

TSCUST Table Search: Customizing

TSL00 Securities Lending: Coll. Processing

TSL10 Sec. Lending, Collateral, Revenues

TSMN Internal SAP IMG for Treasury

TSRUN Table Search: Start Screen

TST_RELEASE_TOOL Test Appl. for the Release Tool

TS_CONVERT Securities Transaction: Conversion

TS_TS20000256H Transaction for task TS20000256

TS_WS01200170H ESS Notification of Marriage

TS_WS20000102H Transaction for task WS20000102

TS_WS200001040100 Transaction to Task WS20000104

TS_WS200003771000 Transaction for Task WS20000377

TS_WS401000051000 Transaction for Task WS40100005

TS_WS456000041000 Transaction for Task WS45600004

TTEC_BUSPRTYP Maintain Business Process Type

TTEC_CACS Pricing / TTE: Access Sequences

TTEC_CNTY TTE Maintain Tax Location [obsolete]

TTEC_COMMUNITY Maintain Community

TTEC_COND Maintain Tax Rates and Exemptions

TTEC_COND_WT Withholding Tax Rates

TTEC_CPRP Pricing / TTE: Calculation Procedure

TTEC_CTCT Pricing / TTE: Condition Tables

TTEC_CTFC Pricing / TTE: Field Catalog

TTEC_CTYP Pricing / TTE: Condition Types

TTEC_CUST_PRICING Generic call of pricing customizing

TTEC_DCTR Decision Tree Maintenance

TTEC_DEDREAS Maintain Deductability Reason

TTEC_DT Decision Tree for Tax Determination

TTEC_DT_FISCO Decision Tree for Tax Determination

TTEC_EXCC Condition Exclusion Group

TTEC_EXCL_PROC Generic call of pricing customizing

TTEC_EXCP Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig

TTEC_EXCZ Condition Exclusion: Procedure assig

TTEC_EXPIND Maintain Export Indicator

TTEC_FISCCODE Maintain Fiscal Code

TTEC_INCOTERMS Maintain Tax Incoterms

TTEC_ORIGIN Maintain Origin

TTEC_PATXGRP Maintain Partner Taxability Group

TTEC_PATXTYP Maintain Partner Taxability Type

TTEC_PRC_TAX_MAP Maintain Mapping bet. Proc. and Tax

TTEC_PROCED Tax Procedure

TTEC_PROCEDURE Maintain Pricing Procedure

TTEC_PROCMODE Maintain Process Mode

TTEC_ROLE Maintain Partner Role

TTEC_TAXCAT Maintain Tax Category

TTEC_TAXCOMP Maintain Tax Component

TTEC_TAXTYP Maintain Tax Type

TTEC_TAX_REG maintain Tax Region

TTEC_TAX_TCODE Maintain Tax Tariff Code

TTEC_THRSHIND Maintain Threshold Indicator

TTEC_TRACEMOD Maintain Trace Mode

TTEC_TRACE_STAT Maintain Trace Status

TTEC_USAGE Maintain Usage

TTE_CLIENT_COPY Copy TTE customizing across clients

TTE_COPY_COUNTRY Copy all country specific settings

TTE_CUST_CHECK Check Customizing

TTE_CUST_IMPORT_FROM Import Customizing

TTE_CUS_IMPORT_FROM Customizing Import from

TTE_DELETE_COUNTRY Delete country specific settings

TTE_REFRESH Immediate Refresh Customizing

TTE_SIMULATION Transaction Tax Engine Simulation

TTE_WT_CUST_CHECK Check Customizing

TTSAC Acceptance Criteria for Hot WTs

TTSAM1 TTS Approvers

TTSAM2 TTS Approver Authorizations

TTSAUDT1 Work Ticket List

TTSAUDT2 Operation Ticket List

TTSC1 Work Ticket Approval Settings

TTSC2 Role Check Settings

TTSC3 Operation Ticket Modes

TTSC4 Generate Basic Data for Transfer

TTSC5 Operation Ticket Approval Settings

TTSC6 TTS Authorization Master Data

TTSC7 Assgmt of TTS Fields to Transactions

TTSC8 Fields for TTS Authorizations

TTSC9 Usages for Assistant Work Tickets

TTSFA Assignment of Printed Forms to WTs

TTSM1 Crew Attributes (TTS)

TTSM2 Crew Members' Assignment

TTSM3 Operation Action Groups

TTSM4 Operation Action Maintenance

TTSM5 TTS Screen Management

TTSM6 Crew Members

TTSM7 Crew Member Attendance Settings

TTSR1 Risk Action Group Maintenance

TTSR2 Risk Group Maintenance

TTSSMEX Execution Type Maintenance

TTSSMTR Safety Measure Maintenance

TTSTC Template Texts for Work Tickets

TTSTOR Template Texts for Op. Ticket Risks

TTSTWR Template Texts for Work Ticket Risks

TTS_DSWT Discard Work Tickets

TTS_OTFS TTS: Wor Ticket (Field Selection)

TTS_WTFS Work Ticket (Field Selection)

TU02 Parameter Changes on this Instance

TV24 Conditions: V_T681F for A F

TV25 V-T681F: Index Field Catalog

TV28 Scenario Progression

TV50 Save OTC NPVs

TVM1 Market Risk and Analysis

TWADMIN Start Watcher

TWGDS_CLASSIF_LOADER Classification Loader

TX21 Create Forex Transaction

TX76 Forex Transaction History

TX78 Execute Order - Forex

TXAK Calculation of option premiums

TXBA Text Module Maintenance


TYMN Treasury Information System (TIS)

UDM_AUTOWRITEOFF Automatic Write-Off of Dispute Cases

UPSC02 ALE Distribution Unit: Packet Types

V.14 Sales Orders Blocked for Delivery

V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price)

V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)

V/05 Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.)

V/06 Condition Categories: SD Pricing

V/07 Maintain Access (Sales Price)

V/08 Conditions: Procedure for A V

V/09 Condition Types: Account Determin.

V/10 Account Determination: Access Seqnc

V/11 Conditions: Account Determin.Proced.

V/12 Account Determination: Create Table

V/13 Account Determination: Change Table

V/14 Account Determination: Display Table

V/21 View V_TVSA_NAC

V/22 View V_TVTY_NAC

V/23 View V_TVST_KOM

V/24 View V_TVTK_NAC

V/25 View V_TVFK_NAC

V/26 View V_TVKK_NAC

V/27 Conditions for Output Determination

V/30 Output Types (Sales Document)

V/31 View V_TNAPN Appl V3

V/32 Sales Doc Output Determtn Procedure

V/33 View V_TNAPN Appl V7

V/34 Maintain Condition Type Appl V2

V/35 Customizing for Output Determination

V/36 Delivery Output Determination Procdr

V/37 Assign Customer

V/38 Maintain Condition Type Appl V4

V/39 View V_TNAPR Appl V6

V/40 Maintain Condition Type Appl V3

V/41 View V_TVST_NAC

V/42 Output Detrmntn Procdr (Billing Doc)

V/43 View V_TVAK_NAC

V/44 Maintain Condition Type Appl DB

V/45 View V_TNAPN Appl K1

V/46 Output Determination Procdr Customer

V/47 View V_TNAPN Appl V1

V/48 Access Sequences (Sales Document)

V/49 View V_TNAPN Appl. V2

V/50 Access Sequence (Delivery)

V/51 View V_TNAPN Appl. V6

V/52 Access Sequences Appl. V3

V/53 View V_TNAPR Appl. V4

V/54 Access Sequence (Billing Document)

V/55 View V_TVBUR_NA

V/56 Output: Cond.Table - Create Orders

V/57 Output - Cond.Table - Change Order

V/58 Output - Cond.Table - Display Order

V/59 Output - Cond.Table - Create Dlv.

V/60 Output - Cond.Table - Change Dlv.

V/61 Output - Cond.Table - Display Dlv.

V/62 Output - Cond.Table - Create BillDoc

V/63 Output - Cond.Table - Change BillDoc

V/64 Output - Cond.Table - Display BillDc

V/65 Output CondTable/Create SalesSupport

V/66 Output CondTab./Change Sales Support

V/67 Output CondTab/Display Sales Support

V/68 Maintain Access Seqnc (Sales Actvty)

V/69 View V_TVAP_NAC

V/70 Maintain Condition Type Appl K1

V/71 View V_TVLK_NAC

V/72 Output Determination Procedure (CAS)

V/73 View V_TVLP_NAC

V/76 Maintain Product Hierarchy

V/77 Output -ConditTable- Create Transprt

V/78 Output -CondTable- Change Transport

V/79 Output -CondTable- Display Transport

V/80 Access Sequence (Transport)

V/81 View V_TNAPR Appl V7

V/82 Maintain condition type Appl. V7

V/83 View V_TNAPR Appl V3

V/84 Output Determination Transport

V/85 View V_TVKO_NAC

V/86 Conditions: V_T681F for B V1

V/87 Conitions: V_T681F for B V2

V/88 Conditions: V_T681F for B V3

V/89 Conditions: V_T681F for B V5

V/90 Conditions: V_T681F for B V6

V/91 Conditions: V_T681F for B V7

V/92 Conditions: V_T681F for B K1

V/93 Output -CondTable- Create Packaging

V/94 Output -CondTable- Change Packaging

V/95 Output -CondTable- Display Packaging

V/96 Access Sequence (Packaging)

V/97 Output Type Packaging

V/99 Output Determntn Procedure Packaging

V/C1 Strategy Types: Batch Determin.SD

V/C2 Access: Maintain Batch Determin. SD

V/C3 Batch Determin.: Procedure for SD

V/C4 Search Types: Optimize Access

V/C5 SD Tab. T683C "Search Proced.Det.

V/C6 Conditions: V_T681F for H V

V/C7 CondTable: Create (Batches, SD)

V/C8 CondTable: Change (Batch, SD)

V/C9 CondTable: Display (Batches, SD)

V/CA Automatic Batch Determin.in SlsOrder

V/CL Automatic Batch Determin.in Delivery

V/G1 Output CondTab/Create Group

V/G2 Output CondTab Change Group

V/G3 Output CondTab/Display Group

V/G4 Access Sequence (Groups)

V/G5 View V_TNAPR Appl K1

V/G6 Maintain Condition Type Appl V5

V/G7 View V_TNAPR Appl V1

V/G8 Output Determinatn Procedure Groups

V/G9 View VN_TNAPR Appl V2

V/I1 Activation of Condition Index

V/I2 Set up condition indices

V/I3 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index

V/I4 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index

V/I5 Condit: Pricing SD - Index in Backgr

V/I6 Display conditions using index

V/LA Create Pricing Report

V/LB Change Pricing Report

V/LC Display Pricing Report

V/LD Execute pricing report

V/LE Generate pricing reports

V/N1 Maintain accesses (free goods - sls)

V/N2 Create free goods table

V/N3 Display free goods table (SD)

V/N4 Free goods types - Sales

V/N5 Free goods: Procedure for SD

V/N6 Free goods procedure determ. SD

V/T1 Maintain profile

V/T2 Network Types

V/T3 Deadlines:Assign NetwProf.to DlvType

V/T4 Maintain Deadline Functions

V/T5 Maintain Deviation Reasons

V/T6 Maintain assignment to plant

V/T7 Assign Shipping Deadlines to Shipmnt

V/T8 Shipping Deadlines-Graphics Settings

VB(1 Rebate number ranges

VB(2 Rebate Agreement Type Maintenance

VB(3 Condition Type Groups Overview

VB(4 Condition Types in ConditType Groups

VB(5 Assignment Condition -> CondTypeGrp

VB(6 Rebate Group Maintenance

VB(7 Rebate Agreement Settlement

VB(8 List Rebate Agreements

VB(9 Maintain Sales Deal Types

VB(A Promotion Type Maintenance

VB(B Copying Control Maintenance

VB(C Maintain Copying Control

VB(D Rebate Agreement Settlement

VB01 Create Material Listing/Exclusion

VB02 Change Material Listing/Exclusion

VB03 Display Material Listing/Exclusion

VB04 Reference Material Listing/Exclusion

VB11 Create Material Substitution

VB12 Change Material Substitution

VB13 Display Material Substitution

VB14 Reference Material Substitution

VB21 Create Sales Deal

VB22 Change Sales Deal

VB23 Display Sales Promotion

VB25 List of Sales Deals

VB31 Create Promotion

VB32 Change Promotion

VB33 Display Promotion

VB35 Promotions List

VB41 Create cross-selling

VB42 Change cross-selling

VB43 Display cross-selling

VB44 Copy cross-selling

VBBLOCK Documents Blocked for Billing

VBC_APPMAINTAIN Visual Business Application Maint.

VBC_MAPMAINTAIN Assign Map Products to Applications

VBC_MPLMAINTAIN Maintain Map Provider List

VBC_PROXYMAINTAIN Maintain Default Proxy Settings

VBC_TRANSPORT Transport Visual Business Applcation

VBC_ZIPEXPORT Export Application to ZIP File

VBC_ZIPIMPORT Import Visual Business Application

VBELN_SET_GENERATE Generate Sales Order Set

VBG3 Display Material Grouping

VBI_UPLOAD_FC Upload GeoJSON Feature Collection

VBI_UPLOAD_L0 Upload GeoJSON L0-Content

VBI_UPLOAD_L1 Upload GeoJSON L!-Content

VBK0 Bonus Buy Selection

VBK3 Display Bonus Buy

VBKA Bonus Buy: Access Sequences

VBKB Bonus Buy: Create Condition Table

VBKC Bonus Buy: Display Condition Table

VBKD Bonus Buy: Condition Types

VBKE Bonus Buy: Calculation Schema

VBKF Bonus Buy: Schema Determination

VBKG Bonus Buy: Field Catalog

VBN1 Free goods - Create (SD)

VBN2 Free goods - Change (SD)

VBN3 Free goods - Display (SD)

VBO1 Create Rebate Agreement

VBO2 Change Rebate Agreement

VBO3 Display Rebate Agreement

VBOE Currency conversion rebate agreemnts

VBOF Rebate: Update Billing Documents

VBO_FINAL Finalize Rebate Agreements

VCH3 Display Batch Search Strategy

VE01 Select SD Dispatches and Returns

VE02 INTRASTAT: Create Form - Germany

VE03 INTRASTAT: Create File - Germany

VE04 EXTRASTAT: Data selection for export

VE05 EXTRASTAT: Create File - Germany

VE06 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien

VE07 Create INTRASTAT Form for France

VE08 Create INTRASTAT File for Italy

VE09 Create INTRASTAT file for Belgium

VE10 Create INTRASTAT file for Holland

VE11 Create INTRASTAT file for Spain

VE12 Create INTRASTAT form for Holland

VE13 KOBRA data selection: export Germany

VE14 Create KOBRA file for Germany


VE16 Create INTRASTAT form for Austria

VE17 Create INTRASTAT form for Sweden

VE18 SED data selection for USA exporters

VE19 Create SED form for USA

VE20 Create AERP file for USA

VE21 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.

VE22 Create VAR form for Switzerland

VE23 V.A.R.: File - Switzerland

VE24 Comm. Code Number Information (old)

VE24X Commodity Code Information

VE25 SED: Selection: USA Carriers

VE26 Number of CAP Products List

VE27 HMF: Selection - USA

VE28 Name of Market Organization

VE29 Assigned Documents for Each License

VE30 Existing licenses

VE31 Blocked SD Documents

VE32 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Ireland

VE33 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - U.K.

VE34 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien

VE35 Number of Market Organization

VE36 Group for CAP Products

VE37 INTRASTAT: File - France

VE38 INTRASTAT: Selection Simulation - EU

VE39 EXTRASTAT: Selection Simulation

VE40 KOBRA: Selection Simulation

VE41 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz.

VE42 INTRASTAT: File - Denmark

VE43 SED: Selection Exp. USA Simulation

VE44 SED: Select Carrier USA Simulation

VE45 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Greece

VE46 INTRASTAT: File - Finland


VE48 Customs Quota Code

VE49 Code for Pharmaceutical Products

VE50 Legal Regulation

VE51 Legal Regulation/License Type

VE52 Country/Legal Regulations

VE53 Export Situation for a Country

VE54 Preference Determination: Collective

VE55 Preference Determination: Individual

VE56 Check Export Control for Consistency

VE57 Country Classification

VE58 Product Classification

VE59 Legal Regulations/Country Grouping

VE60 Exp.Ctrl Class Accord.to Legal Reg.

VE61 Legal Regulations/Embargo Group

VE62 Material Group accord.to Legal Reg.

VE63 Customs Areas

VE64 Commodity Code/Customs Areas

VE65 Preference Reg./Percentage Rates

VE66 Preference Procedure

VE67 Aggregate Supplier Declarations

VE68 Request Supplier Declarations

VE69 Incompletion log

VE70 Place of manufacture

VE71 Preference: Determine Customs Area

VE72 Export - Billing Documents

VE73 Goods Catalog: Create Document

VE74 Goods Catalog: Create Diskette

VE75 Preference Code

VE76 Anti-dumping Code

VE77 Preference: Tariff Alternation

VE78 Plant Parameters for Supplier Decl.

VE79 Quota Code Determination

VE80 Assign Chapter to Section

VE81 Check Report: General FT Data

VE81X Incompleteness: FT Material Data

VE82 Check Report: Export Control Data

VE82X Incompleteness: Export Control Data

VE83 Check Report: Preference Data

VE83X Incompleteness: Preference Material

VE84 Monitoring: Purchasing Info Records

VE85 Change Statistical Value - Import

VE86 Display Statistical Value - Import

VE87 Change Stat.Value - Subcontracting

VE88 Change Statistical Value - Export

VE89 Display Statistical Value - Export

VE90 Change preference values

VE91 Display Preference Values

VE92 Create INTRASTAT tape Luxembourg


VE94 Load Commodity Code for EU Countries

VE94X Load Commodity Code for EU Countries

VE95 Create INTRASTAT papers: Portugal

VE96 EXTRASTAT Data Select.: Init. Screen

VE97 Create EXTRASTAT tape: Netherlands

VE98 Sales Invoice Values per Period

VE99 Create Document - Austria

VEA1 FT - Create commodity code import

VEA2 FT: Create commodity code export

VEA3 EXTRASTAT: File Version France

VEA4 EXTRASTAT: File Version France

VEA5 EXTRASTAT: File Version France

VEB1 Period-end Closings: Control

VEB2 DtA: Special Rule Countries/Regions

VEB5 Calculate Assemblies Individually

VEB6 Calculate Assemblies Collectively

VEB9 Customer Exits: Print Control


VECN Profitability and Sales Accounting

VECS Legal Control: Special Char. Code

VECZ INTRASTAT: File - Czech Republic

VED1 Print Parameters for Export Docs

VED2 Form Data Control

VEFU Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data

VEFUX FT-GOV: Change transaction INTRASTAT

VEG1 Handling Unit Group 1

VEG2 Handling Unit Group 2

VEG3 Handling Unit Group 3

VEG4 Handling Unit 4

VEG5 Handling Unit Group 5

VEGK FT: Comb. Bus Trans.Type - Procedure

VEGR Material Group: Packaging Materials

VEG_BATCHJOB Start conversion via batch job

VEG_JOBMONITOR Job log monitor

VEHU INTRASTAT: File - Hungary


VEI1 Display IDoc Import

VEI2 Display IDoc Export

VEI3 Display Stat.Value - Subcontracting

VEI4 Merge: Remaining Commodity Codes

VEI5 Create value limit subcontracting

VEI6 EDI: IDoc List - Import Basis












VEIV Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data





VEKAB Exp.Cont.(KOBRA)Data Maint.B Records

VEKAC Exp.Cont.(KOBRA)Data Maint.C Records

VEKU For. Trade: Change KOBRA Documents

VELC0 Vehicle Locator

VELO Vehicle Manager

VELOARDI Display Archived Vehicles

VELOARSL Set/Delete Archiving Indicator

VELOAS Assign Sales Docs to Vehicles

VELOB Execute Actions in Batch

VELOBWC Assign Class Char. to BW Char.

VELOC Define Sales Campaign

VELOCM Configuration mapping

VELOE Emergency Monitoring

VELOK Define Message Condition Records

VELOM Status Monitor for Vehicle IDoc

VELOMCS Mapping of models to calc. sheet

VELOMMAP Mapping of Models to Config Charact.

VELOMNR Models with Custom Number Ranges

VELONR Number range maintenance: VMS_VHL

VELOOBJC Include Obj. Char. in Configuration

VELOP Define Configuration Change Profile

VELOP01 Log: Status Monitoring

VELOP02 Log: Reservation

VELOP03 Log: Action Execution

VELOPR Evaluate Configuration Profiles

VELOR Update Reservation Queue

VELORM Assign Vehicle Model to VMS Roles

VELORO Assign Org. Data to VMS Roles

VELORU Assign VMS Roles to Users

VELOS Define Action Control Determination

VELOUM Define Used Vehicle Models

VELOV Action Execution Job Variant

VELO_LCCONTENT Maintain LiveCache Filter

VELO_LCINIT Fill LiveCache with Vehicles

VELO_LCSTATUS Activate/deactivate liveCache

VELO_SA Control Table for Vehicle Attributes

VELO_SC Control Table for Search

VEM4 Merge: EU - Commodity Code



VEPR Customs log

VEPT INTRASTAT: File - Portugal

VEREM Deletion of Evaluation Results


VESUB Subsequent Evaluation

VEU4 Load Commodity Code-Other Countries

VEU4X Load Commodity Code-Other Countries

VEXP Expiring SD Documents

VEXU Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data

VEXUX FT-GOV: Change transaction EXTRASTAT

VE_SEARCH Search Visual Enterprise Object

VI00 Shipment costs

VI01 Create shipment costs

VI02 Change shipment costs

VI03 Display shipment costs

VI04 Create shipment cost worklist

VI05 Change shipment cost worklist

VI06 Collective run in background

VI07 Collective run in background

VI08 Display FT data in purchasing doc.

VI08X Display FT data in purchasing doc.

VI09 Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.

VI09X Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc.

VI10 Display FT Data in Billing Document

VI10X Display FT Data in Billing Document

VI11 List shipment costs: Calculation

VI12 List shipment costs: Settlement

VI14 Change FT Data in Billing Document

VI14X Change FT Data in Billing Document

VI15 Display logs (appl. log)

VI16 Logs for worklist shipment

VI17 Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery

VI17X Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery

VI18 Display Anti-dumping

VI19 Display Third-country Customs Duties

VI20 Display Customs Quota

VI21 Display Pharmaceutical Products

VI22 Display Customs Exemption

VI23 Display Preferential Customs Duties

VI24 Code Number Information - Import

VI24X Import Code No. Information

VI25 Display Gross Price - Customs

VI26 Display Surcharge/Discount - Customs

VI27 Display Freight - Customs

VI28 EDI: Customs ID Number - Supplier

VI29 Incompletion - Foreign Trade Data

VI30 Declara. to Authorities: Exclusion

VI31 Code Determin. - Pharmaceut.Products

VI32 Code Determination - Anti-dumping

VI33 Customs Exemption

VI34 Preferential Customs Duty Rate

VI35 Third-country Customs Duty Rate

VI36 CAS Number

VI37 Import Simulation Control

VI38 Determination of Verification Docs

VI39 Authority for Verification Docs

VI40 Preference Type

VI41 Verification Document Type

VI42 Document Type (Export/Import)

VI43 Definition of Section

VI44 Assign Chapter to Section

VI45 Export --> Import Conversion

VI46 Conversion: Mode of Transport

VI47 Conversion of Business Transact.Type

VI48 Conversion of Customs Offices

VI49 Foreign Trade Data Control in Doc.

VI50 Conversion: Import/Export Procedure

VI51 Define Payment Guarantee Procedure

VI52 Define Form of Payment Guarantee

VI53 Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery

VI53X Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery

VI54 Customs Approval Numbers

VI55 Approval Number per Plant

VI56 EDI: Customs ID Number - Customer

VI57 Legal Control - Order Header

VI58 Legal Control - Order Item

VI59 Legal Control - Delivery Header

VI60 Legal Control - Delivery Item

VI61 Conversion - Reference Country

VI62 Conversion - Reference Country

VI63 Assign Delivery Item Categories

VI64 Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery

VI64X Display FT Data in Outbound Delivery

VI65 Maintain Market Organizations

VI66 Maintain No. of Market Organization

VI67 Maintain CAP Products List Nos

VI68 Control Commodity Code/Code Number

VI69 Maintain CAP Products Group

VI70 Default Values - Stock Transp. Order

VI71 Change Preference Values

VI72 Display Insurance - Customs

VI73 Maintain Supplier Declaration

VI73N Maintain Supplier Declaration

VI74 Display Supplier Declaration

VI74N Display Supplier Declaration

VI75 Suppl. Declarations - Dunning notice

VI76 Mode of Transport - Office of Exit

VI77 Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery

VI77X Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery

VI78 Foreign Trade: Country Data

VI79 Display FT Data in Goods Receipt

VI79X Display FT Data in Goods Receipt

VI80 Change FT Data in Goods Receipt

VI80X Change FT Data in Goods Receipt

VI81 Check Report: CAP Products

VI81X Check Report: CAP Products

VI82 Check General Customer Master Data

VI82X Incompleteness: FT Customer Data

VI83 Check Customer Master/Legal Control

VI83X Incompleteness:Customer Control Data

VI84 Doc.Payments: Check Customer Master

VI84X Billing Doc.Incompleteness Customer

VI85 Incompleteness: Foreign Trade Suppl.

VI86 Incompleteness: Cross-plant

VI87 Foreign Trade: Header Data Proposal

VI88 Input Table for Preference Determin.

VI89 Customs Law Description

VI90 Fill Foreign Components in BOMs

VI91 Display Foreign Components in BOMs

VI92 Preference: Alternative Comm. Code

VI93 Foreign Trade: Import Control

VI94 Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries

VI94X Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries

VI95 Def.Val.f.Foreign Trade Header Data

VI96 Customer Exits: Default Values

VI97 Define Control Codes

VI98 Select Intercompany Billing Receipts

VI99 Select MM Dispatches - OBSOLETE

VIAR Archive Shipment Costs

VIB1 Send IDoc Output

VIB2 Call Print Program From VI10/VI14

VIB3 Foreign Trade Output Status

VIB4 Print Transaction: Initial Procg

VIB5 Print Transaction: Repeat Procg

VIB6 Print Transaction: Error in Procg

VIB7 Send IDoc Output - Initial Procg

VIB8 Send IDoc Output - Repeat Procg

VIB9 Send IDoc Output - Error in Procg

VIBA Send IDoc Output-AES-Initial Procg

VIBB Send IDoc Output-AES-Repeat Procg

VIBC Send IDoc Output-AES-Error in Procg

VIBD Printing: Analysis form data audit

VIBN Monitor messages

VIC00 Consistency Check IMG ShpmtCostCalc.

VICC Convert format currency field

VICI Call shipment info via CALL TRANS


VIE4 Incompleteness Periodic Declarations

VIEX FT: Journal Export Actual

VIFBW Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW

VII4 Merge: Rest - Import Code Number

VII5 Import control in the material doc.


VIIM FT: Op. Cockpit: Purchase order

VIJ1 Journal Import

VIJ2 Journal Export

VILG FT: Country Group Definition

VILI FT: Export Deliveries Journal

VIM4 Merge: EU - Import Code Number

VIM6 Customer Exits: Data Selection

VIMM Decl. Recpts/Disptch Min. Oil Prod.

VIMU Foreign Trade: Comparison of codes

VINC List of Incomplete SD Documents

VINK Import Processing: Quota Number

VINP Import Processing: Ceiling Numbers

VINTEG1 Insurance Components Active?

VINTEG2 Define Information Origin

VINTEG3 Define Information Category

VINTEG4 Define Communication Type

VIPL Display Customs Duty for Ceiling

VIP_LAUNCH Visual instance planner launch

VIP_LAUNCH_PARAM VIP Launch for Launchpad

VIP_PSM_SETTING Visual instance planner PSM settings

VIR1 Import Reorg. - Incompleteness

VIR2 Export Reorg. - Incompleteness

VIRL Reload shipments

VIS3 Check program: Cross-plant

VISW Service: Information: Keywords

VITATAX Correction Run for Italian Taxes

VIU4 Load Import Code No.-Other Countries

VIU4X Load Import Code No.-Other Countries

VIUC FT Upload: Convert cust.duty types

VIUL Foreign Trade: Data Upload

VIWAX Display FT Data in Goods Issue

VIWBX Change FT Data in Goods Issue

VIWE FT: Op. Cockpit: Goods Receipt

VIZB Import Proc: Means of Transport

VIZN Import Proc: Type of Goods ID Seal

VIZP Import Processing: Package Type

VJ01 In-Force Bus. Groups Pension Funds

VJ02 Insurance Type

VJ03 Customer type

VJ04 In-Force Business Type

VJ05 Underwriting type

VJ06 Claim Type

VJ07 Risk type

VJ08 Functional area

VJ09 Organizational area

VJ10 Insurance Class

VJ11 Insurance Class: Reporting

VJ12 Reporting Transact. Type

VJ13 Insurance Type Reporting

VJ14 Business Transaction Type

VJ15 Country Where Risks are Situated

VJ16 In-Force Bus. Type Reporting

VJ17 Reporting Risk Type

VJ18 In-Force Bus. Group Reporting

VJ19 Reporting-Origin of Ins. Transactn

VK+C Condition master data check

VK01 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.

VK03 Create Condition Table

VK04 Change Condition Table

VK05 Display Condition Table

VK11 Create Condition

VK12 Change Condition

VK13 Display Condition

VK14 Create Condition with Reference

VK15 Create Condition

VK16 Create Condition with Reference

VK17 Change condition

VK18 Display condition

VK19 Change Condition Without Menu

VK20 Display Condition Without Menu

VK30 Maintain Variant Conditions

VK31 Condition Maintenance: Create

VK32 Condition Maintenance: Change

VK33 Condition Maintenance: Display

VK34 Condition Maint.: Create with Refer.

VKA1 Archiving conditions

VKA2 Deleting conditions

VKA3 Reloading conditions

VKA4 Archiving agreements

VKA5 Deleting agreements

VKA6 Reloading agreements

VKAR Read Archive File

VKAW Generate Archive File

VKC1 Create General Strategy

VKC2 Change General Strategy

VKC3 Display General Strategy

VKDV Number range maintenance: RV_SNKOM

VKK1 IS-IS/PP Ins. Solution Customizing


VKKBILLCL Clarification of Cashed Checks

VKKICDA1 ICDA Settings: Master Data Creation

VKKICDA2 ICDA Settings: Insurance Object

VKKICDA3 ICDA Settings: Broker Contract

VKKICDA4 ICDA Settings: Cancellation

VKKICDAD Derivation of ICDA Data: Customizing

VKKICDADR Derivation of ICDA Data: Maintenance

VKKICDAS ICDA Derivation Strategies



VKKICDR1 Derivation of ICDR Settings

VKKICDR2 ICDR - Settings for Master Data Crtn

VKKICDR3 ICDR - Posting Settings

VKKICDR4 ICDR Settings for Creating Ins Objct

VKKICDR5 ICDR Settings for Reversal

VKKICDRD Derivation of ICDR Data-Customizing

VKKICDRDR Derivation of ICDR Data-Maintenance

VKKICDRN1 Number Range Maintenance: VKK_ICDR

VKKICDRP1 ICDR: Posting of Planned Creation

VKKICDRP2 ICDR: Posting Planned Reversal

VKKICDRP3 ICDR: Posting Created Trigger

VKKICDRS ICDR Derivation Strategies

VKKICDRTEST1 Test: Creation of ICDR


VKKICDRTEST3 Test: Query FI-CA Docs via ICDR

VKKICDRTEST4 Test: ICDR Cancellation

VKKICDRTEST5 Test: Query ICDR Data via Ext. ID

VKKICDRTEST6 Test: ICDR Check Cancellation

VKKM Contract A/R + A/P

VKKMNEW Contract A/R + A/P


VKKQUOT1 Quotation monitoring

VKKQUOT2 Days to Quotation Acceptance Check

VKM1 Blocked SD Documents

VKM2 Released SD Documents

VKM3 Sales Documents

VKM4 SD Documents

VKM5 Deliveries

VKOA Accnt Determination


VKP0 Sales Price Calculation

VKP1 Sales price calculation

VKP2 Display POS Conditions

VKP3 Pricing document for material

VKP4 Pricing document for org. structure

VKP5 Create Calculation

VKP6 Change pricing document

VKP7 Display Pricing Document

VKP8 Display Price Calculation

VKP9 Currency conversion in price calc.

VKPA Archiving

VKPB Sales price calc. in background run

VKPR Read archive file

VKTT Test Partners DI/RFC

VKU1 Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chng

VKU10 Correction of Valuation at Retail

VKU11 Delete Count Document Items

VKU2 Total Revaluation at Retail

VKU3 Partial Revaluation at Retail

VKU4 Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material

VKU5 Display Retail Revaluation Document

VKU6 Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Change

VKU7 Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Chn

VKU8 Test Transaction BAPI Count List

VKU9 Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display

VKUN Reload


VKVF Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem.

VKVG Maintain Condition Elements

VKVI General View Maintenance - W.Qualif.


VKXX Create Test for RKA

VKYY Change Test for RKA

VKZZ Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions

VL00 Shipping

VL01 Create Delivery

VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref.

VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref.

VL02 Change Outbound Delivery

VL02N Change Outbound Delivery

VL02N_B Change Outbound Delivery (for PO)

VL02N_F Change Outbound Delivery (PP)

VL02N_O Change Outbound Del. (no Reference)

VL03 Display Outbound Delivery

VL03N Display Outbound Delivery

VL03N_ITEM Display Outbound Delivery with Item

VL04 Process Delivery Due List

VL06 Delivery Monitor

VL06C List Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation

VL06D Outbound Deliveries for Distribution

VL06F General delivery list - Outb.deliv.

VL06G List of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issue

VL06I Inbound Delivery Monitor

VL06IC Confirmation of putaway inb. deliv.

VL06ID Inbound Deliveries for Distribution

VL06IF Selection inbound deliveries

VL06IG Inbound deliveries for goods receipt

VL06IP Inbound deliveries for putaway

VL06L Outbound Deliveries to be Loaded

VL06O Outbound Delivery Monitor

VL06P List of Outbound Dlvs for Picking

VL06T List Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning)

VL06U List of Uncheckd Outbound Deliveries

VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request

VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Note

VL10 Edit User-specific Delivery List

VL10A Sales Orders Due for Delivery

VL10B Purchase Orders Due for Delivery

VL10BATCH VL10 Background planning

VL10BATCH_A Background Planning VL10 (0 Tbstrps)

VL10BATCH_B Background Planning VL10 (3 Tbstrps)

VL10C Order Items Due for Delivery

VL10CU Delivery Scenarios

VL10CUA User Roles (List Profiles)

VL10CUC Create Profile - Delivery

VL10CUE Exclude Function Code Profile

VL10CUF F Code VL10 Profile

VL10CUV Delivery Scenarios

VL10CU_ALL User Roles (List Profiles)

VL10D Purch. Order Items due for Delivery

VL10E Order Schedule Lines due for Deliv.

VL10F PurchOrd Schedule Lines due for Dlv.

VL10G Documents due for Delivery

VL10H Items Due for Delivery

VL10HU Sales Orders Due for Dely With HUs

VL10I Schedule Lines due for Delivery

VL10U Cross-System Deliveries

VL10UC Check / combine unchecked deliveries

VL10X VL10 (technical)

VL12 Delivery creation in background

VL21 Post goods issue in background

VL21A Post goods receipt as batch

VL22 Display Delivery Change Documents

VL23 Goods Issue (Background Processing)

VL23N Goods Issue (Background Processing)

VL30 Shipping

VL31 Create Inbound Delivery

VL31N Create Inbound Delivery

VL31W Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)

VL32 Change Inbound Delivery

VL32N Change Inbound Delivery

VL32N_F Change Inbound Delivery (PP)

VL32N_L Change Incoming Delivery (from MM)

VL32N_O Change Incoming Del. (no Reference)

VL32W Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB)

VL33 Display Inbound Delivery

VL33N Display Inbound Delivery

VL34 Worklist Inbound Deliveries

VL35 Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time

VL35_S Create Wave Picks: Shipment

VL35_ST Create Wave Picks: Shipment/Time

VL36 Change Picking Waves

VL37 Wave Pick Monitor

VL38 Groups Created: Wave Picks

VL39 Billing Documents for Wave Picks

VL41 Create Rough GR

VL42 Change Rough GR

VL43 Display Rough GR

VL51 Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr.

VL51A Create Schedule

VL52 Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr.

VL52A Change Schedule

VL53 Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr.

VL53A Change Schedule

VL54A Create Shipment From Schedule

VL60 Extended Inbound Delivery Processing

VL60C Clearing

VL60P Posting

VL60P1 Maintenance Profiles for GR Dialog

VL60P2 Maintenance of User Groups

VL60PM1 Maintenance of Function Profile

VL60PM2 Maintenance of Object Profiles

VL60PM3 Maintenance of Selection Profiles

VL60PM4 Maintain Column Profiles

VL60PM5 Maintenance of Filter Profiles

VL60PM6 Maintenance of Config. Profiles

VL60V Edit Document

VL64 Worklist Inbound Deliveries

VL65 Inbound Delivery Purge Report

VL66 Inbound Delivery Delete Report

VL70 Output From Picking Lists

VL71 Output from Outbound Deliveries

VL72 Output from Groups of Deliveries

VL73 "Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries"

VL74 Output from Handling Units

VL75 Shipping Notification Output

VLAL Archive Deliveries

VLBT Plan Delivery Creation as a Job

VLE1 Picking with Picking Waves

VLIDAR Display inbound dly from archive

VLK1 Picking with Picking Waves

VLK2 Picking with Picking Waves

VLK3 Picking with Picking Waves

VLLA RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis

VLLC RWE: Archive Data

VLLD Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log

VLLE RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis

VLLF Picking Waves: Archive Data

VLLG RWE: Analyze Complete Overview

VLLP Rough Workload Forecast: Display Log

VLLQ RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis

VLLR RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis

VLLV W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves

VLMOVE HU Goods Movements

VLODAR Display outbound dly from archive

VLPOD POD - Change Outbound Delivery

VLPODA POD - Display Outbound Delivery

VLPODF Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing

VLPODL Worklist: POD Deliveries

VLPODQ Automatic PoD Confirmation

VLPODW1 Proof of Delivery (Communicator)

VLPODW2 Proof of Delivery via WEB

VLPP Packing Req. for Item Categories

VLRL Reload Delivery

VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split

VLSPS Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan

VLUNIV Change Delivery (General)

VL_COMPLETE Completion of Deliveries

VM01 Create Hazardous Material

VM02 Change Hazardous Material

VM03 Display Hazardous Material

VM04 Filling Haz. Substance Table MGEF

VMCDBG VMC NewDebugger

VMCDBG_ALT_CONTROL VMC Debugger: Alternative Controller

VMCDBG_LAUNCH VMC NewDebugger with Port Selection

VMCJDB VM Container Mini Debugger

VMG1 Create Material Group 1

VMG2 Create Material Group 2

VMG3 Create Material Group 3

VMG4 Create Material Group 4

VMG5 Create Material Group 5

VMIMG Value Mapping Customizing

VMP_EXECUTE Visual Manufacturing Planner



VN01 Number Assignment for SD Documents

VN03 Number Assignment for Doc.Conditions

VN04 Number Assignment for Master Conds.

VN05 No.Assignment for Address List(SSup)

VN06 Create No.Interval-Sales Activities

VN07 Maintain number range for shipments

VN08 Number range for shipment costs

VN09 Number range for proc. shipment cost

VN10 Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE

VNE1 Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.

VNE2 Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.

VNE4 Access Sequences (Ship.Notification)

VNE5 View V_TNAPN Appl. E1

VNE6 Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif.

VNE7 View V_TVLK_NLA (Ship.Notification)

VNE8 View V_TVLK_NGW (Rough GI)

VNE9 Conditions: V_T681F for B E1

VNEA Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR

VNEB Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.

VNEC Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt)

VNED Access Sequences (Rough GR)

VNEE View V_TNAPN Appl. M1

VNEF Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR

VNEG Conditions: V_T681F for B M1

VNEH View V_TNAPR Appl. E1

VNEI View V_TNAPR Appl. M1

VNKP Number Range Maintenance: RV_VEKP


VNPU Partner Conversion

VN_TP02 Salutation

VN_TP04 Marital property regime

VN_TP05 Employee Group

VN_TP06 Rating

VN_TP07 Credit Rating Institute

VN_TP10 Loan to manager

VN_TP11 Employment Status

VN_TP12 German Banking Act Credit Info.

VN_TP13 Target Group

VN_TP18 Undesirable Customer

VOA0 Order Information Configuration

VOA01 User exit lists sales

VOA1 Inquiry Information Configuration

VOA2 Quotation Information Configuration

VOA3 Configuration of Sched.Agreemt Info

VOA4 Contract Information Configuration

VOA5 Product Proposal Info. Configuration

VOB3 Comparison: Bill. Docs and Stats

VOBO Config.for Backorder Processing

VOC0 Contract List Configuration

VOC1 Customizing for List of Addresses

VOD5 Configuration Cust.Indeped.Reqs.Info

VOE1 Maintain EDPST

VOE2 SD EDI Customer/Supplier

VOE3 SD EDI Partner Functions

VOE4 SD EDI Conversion

VOEX Incompleteness: Billing Document

VOF0 Configuration of Billing Information

VOF01 User exit lists sales

VOF02 User exit lists sales

VOF1 Configuration: Collective Billing

VOF2 Configuration Invoice List Info

VOF3 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists

VOFA Billing Doc: Document Type

VOFC Billing: Document Types

VOFM Configuration for Reqs, Formulae

VOFN Call Up Transaction VOFM

VOFS Billing: Document Types

VOGL Deliveries (Gen. and From Coll.proc)

VOIM Incompleteness: Purchase Order

VOK0 Conditions: Pricing in Customizing

VOK1 Account Determination: Customizing

VOK2 Output Determination

VOK3 Message Determination: Purchasing

VOK4 Output Determination: Inventory Mgmt

VOK8 Condition Exclusion Assign Procdr V

VOKF Configuration Release of CustPrice

VOKR Configuration of Credit Release

VOL0 Delivery Information Configuration

VOL01 User exit lists sales

VOL1 Configuration: Collective Dlv.Proc.

VOL6 Configure information on

VOL7 Settings for Packing

VOLI Incompleteness: Delivery

VONC Output Form for each Group

VOPA Configuration: Partner

VOPAN Customizing Partners

VOR1 Joint Master Data: Distr. Channel

VOR2 Joint Master Data: Division

VORA Archiving Control for Sales Doc.

VORB Group Reference Sales Document Types

VORD Route definition (to R/3 vers. 3.1)

VORF Route Definition (Up To Rel. 4.0B)

VORI Archiving Control Shipment Costs

VORK Archiving Control for Sales Activity

VORL Archiving Control for Delivery

VORN Central Archiving Control

VORP Repairs procedure:Short texts trans.

VORR Archiving Control for Billing Docs

VORS Group Reference Procedures

VORT Archiving Control for Shipments

VORV Repair procedure

VOTX Configuration: Texts

VOTXN Maintain Text Customizing

VOV4 Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.

VOV5 Table TVEPZ Assign Sched.Line Cat.

VOV6 Maintain Schedule Line Categories

VOV7 Maintain Item Categories

VOV8 Document Type Maintenance

VOVA Default Values for Material

VOVB Screen Sequence Group Maintenance

VOVC Item Field Selec.Group Maintenance

VOVD Header Field Selection Group

VOVF Variant matching procedure

VOVG Define Characteristic Overview

VOVL Cancellation Rules

VOVM Cancellation Procedures

VOVN Assignment Rules/Cancellation Proc.

VOVO Val.period.category

VOVP Rule Table for Date Determination

VOVQ Cancellation Reasons

VOVR Default Values for Contract

VOVS Define Status in Overview Screen

VOW1 User assignment GRUKO_WF

VOWE Incompleteness: Goods Receipt

VOZP Planng dlv. sched.instr./split rule

VP01 Maintain Print Parameters

VP01SHP Print parameter maintenance shipping

VP01SHPV Print parameter maintenance shipping

VP01TRA Print parameter maintenance transp.

VP01TRAV Print parameter maintenance transp.

VP01_AG Print parameter maint. agency bus.

VP01_NA Print Parameter Maint. Subs. Sett.

VP01_PAG Maintain print parameters

VP01_PNA Maintain print parameters

VP01_PTC Maintain print parameters

VP01_SD Maintain Print Parameters SD

VP01_TC Print Parameter Maint. Trading Cntr

VP94 Load Import Code No. for Japan

VP94X Load Import Code No. for Japan

VPAR Archiving Preference Logs

VPBD Requirement for Packing in Delivery

VPE1 Create sales representative

VPE2 Change sales representative

VPE3 Display sales representative

VPM4 Merge: Japan - Import Code Number

VPN1 Number Range for Contact Person

VPNR View of the active PNR in 1A

VPP1 Payment Service Provider: Worklist

VPRE PRICAT manual creation

VPREF Archiving Customs Log

VPRICAT Maintain and Create Price Catalog

VPS2 Maintain Partn.Det.Proc.f.eachActTyp

VPSK DisplPartnDetProc.f.each Activ.Type

VPVA Dunning Proposal Insurance

VPVB Dunning Activities

VPVC Activities End Dunning Procedure

VPW1 Portal Workset Administration

VPWL Portal Target Administration

VRAA Maintain Coinsurer Specifications

VRAB Transactions Postings Coins. Shares

VRCN Posting Coinsurance Shares

VRCNHIST Coinsurance History

VRLI FT: Reorg. T609S Delivery

VRRE Returns Delivery for RMA Order

VRWE FT: Reorg. T609S Goods Receipt

VS00 SD Main Menu for Customer

VS01 Create Scale

VS02 Change Scale

VS03 Display Scale

VS04 Create Scale with Reference

VS05 List Scales

VS06 List Scales for Shipment Costs

VS38 Display Customer Conditions

VS39 Create Customer Conditions

VS40 Change Customer Conditions

VS41 Display Customer Conditions

VS42 Create Service Conditions

VS43 Change Service Conditions

VS44 Display Service Conditions

VS47 Display Conditions

VS48 Create Conditions

VS49 Change Conditions

VS50 Display Conditions

VSAN Number Range Maintenance: RV_SAMMG

VSB1 SB Proc. Inbound Monitor - Old

VSB1N Self-Billing Proc. Inbound Monitor

VSBA Archiving for Self-Billing


VSC01 Define Specifications for Reversal

VSC02 Define Specs for Scheduling Charges

VSC03 Define Specs for Payt Plan Change

VSC04 Define Specifications for Reversal

VSC05 Tax Specifications

VSC06 Early revenue posting


VSC08 Define Specifications for Reversal

VSC09 Payment Plans: Cash Mgmt Duration

VSC10 Transactions Early Ending

VSC11 Transactions Early Ending (Charge)

VSCAN Configuration of Virus Scan Servers

VSCANGROUP Configuration of Virus Scan Groups

VSCANPROFILE Configuration of Virus Scan Profiles

VSCANTEST Test for Virus Scan Interface

VSCANTRACE Memory Trace for Virus Scan Servers

VSIP Contract Selection

VSK1 Condition Type: Services (Sales)

VSK2 Access: Maintain (Services Price)

VSK3 Cond. Determ. Procedure f. Services

VSK4 Valid Services Fields

VSK7 Display Conditions Table (Services)

VSK8 SD Services: Exclusion

VSTK Picking Confirmation

VT00 Transportation

VT01 Old: Create Shipment

VT01N Create Shipment

VT02 Old: Change Shipment

VT02N Change Shipment

VT02_MEM Change Shipment (from Memory)

VT03 Old: Display Shipment

VT03N Display Shipment

VT04 Transportation Worklist

VT05 Worklist Shipping: Logs

VT06 Select Shipments: Materials Planning

VT07 Collective run in background

VT09 Number Ranges for Log VT04

VT10 Select shipments: Start

VT11 Select Shipments: Materials Planning

VT12 Select Shipments: Transpt Processing

VT13 F4-Help Shipment Number

VT14 Select Shipments: Utilization

VT15 Select Shipments: Free Capacity

VT16 Select Shipments: Check In

VT17 Extended Help (F4) Shipment Number

VT18 Start F4 Help Shipping

VT19 Shipment Tendering Status Monitor

VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor

VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment

VT30 Initial internet tran for shipment

VT30N Tendering Events for Carriers

VT31 Shipment tendering

VT31N Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents

VT32 Shipment Status list

VT33 Ship.Planning for Carriers

VT34 Event Reports for Carriers via HTML

VT34M Event Reports for Carriers via WML

VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TPS

VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries

VT62 Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent

VT63 Freight Plng Status from Deliveries

VT68 Deallocate delivery from TPS

VT683S_VAR_AV01 Maintain Pricing Procedure Variant

VT683S_VAR_AV02 Maintain Pricing Procedure Variant

VT69 Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng

VT70 Output for Shipments

VTAA Order to order copying control

VTAF Bill. doc. to order copying control

VTAR Archive shipments

VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run

VTBW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW

VTCI Ctr.Control: Screen Configuration

VTCM List of Continuous Moves

VTCU Customizing Version types

VTCU_AKT Customizing Version types

VTCU_SAKT Customizing Version types

VTDB Assignment screen name - field name

VTDOCU Tech. documentation transportation

VTFA Order to bill copying control

VTFAKT Bill Deliveries

VTFF Bill to bill copying control

VTFG Field groups material versions

VTFL Delivery to bill copying control

VTLA Order to delivery copying control

VTR1 XSI: Master Data: Service Codes

VTR2 XSI: Master Data: Routing Info

VTRC XSI Cockpit

VTRC_VVTR0011 Delivery Tracking - Collective Reqst

VTRK Tracking

VTRL Reload shipments

VTRT XSI: Carrier

VTS1 Ctr. Control: Applications

VTS2 Ctr. Control: Field Groups

VTS23 Ctr. Control: Data Sets

VTS3 Ctr. Control: Views

VTS4 Ctr. Control: Sections

VTS5 Ctr. Control: Screens

VTS6 Ctr. Control: Screen Seq. Variants

VTS7 Ctr. Control: Events

VTS8 Ctr. Control: CUA Standard Functions

VTS9 Ctr. Control: CUA Addit. Functions

VTSB Ctr. Control: Asgn Scrn Fld->DB Fld

VTSB_DI Ctr. Control: Asgn DI Fld->DB Field

VTSC Ctr. Control: Fld Modific. Criteria

VTSD Ctr. Control: Contract Cat. Grouping

VTSE Ctr. Control: Contract Categories

VTSF Ctr. Control: Application Transact.

VTSG Ctr. Control: Tables

VTSH Ctr. Control: Ext. Applications

VTSI Ctr. Control: Activities

VTSJ Ctr. Control: Field Mod. Activity

VTSN Ctr. Control: Fld Groups Authoriz.

VTSO Ctr. Control: Authorization Types

VTSP Ctr. Control: Fld Mod. Ext. Applic.

VTWABU Post goods issue


VUA2 Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.

VUA3 Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.

VUA4 Assignm. Deliv. Type Incompl.Proced.

VUA5 Disp. Assignm.Del.Type to Incom.Proc

VUC2 Maintain Incompletion Log

VUE2 Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr.

VUE3 Display Sched.Line Incompletion Proc

VULI Unilife Incoming Payment

VUP2 Maintain Item Incompletion Procedure

VUP3 Display Item Incompletion Procedure

VUP4 Assignm. Deliv.Items to Incom.Proc.

VUP5 Display Assignm. Del.Items IncomProc

VUPA Display Partner Incompletion Proc.

VV11 Create Output: Sales

VV12 Change output: Sales

VV13 Display Output: Sales

VV21 Create Output: Shipping

VV22 Change output: Shipping

VV23 Display Output: Shipping

VV31 Create Output : Billing

VV32 Change output: Billing

VV33 Display Output: Billing

VV51 Create Output for Sales Activity

VV52 Change Output: Sales Activity

VV53 Display Output: Sales Activity

VV61 Create Output: Handling Units

VV62 Change Output: Handling Unit

VV63 Display Output: Handling Unit

VV71 Create Output: Transportation

VV72 Change Output: Transportation

VV73 Display Output: Transportation

VVATAX1 Archive Italian Tax Reporting

VVATAX2 AS Activate Italian Tax Reporting

VVBILL Clear Prem. Rec. Automatically

VVBILL_MASS Clearing Temporary Premium Req.

VVCB Maintain Activity Authorization

VVG1 Create Output: Group

VVG2 Change output: Groups

VVG3 Display Output: Group

VVKK_CLEARING_CHECK Activate Test: Money Laundering Law

VVO1 Manage Contracts With AcctBalIntCalc

VVOC Create Ins. Obj. Int. Bal. Letter

VVOH Bal. Int. Calc. History Ins. Obj.

VVOSUM Summarization for Bal. Int. Calc.

VVOSUMA Bal. Int. Calc.: Summarization

VVOZ Balance Interest Calc. Ins. Object

VVOZACT AcctBalIntCalcCurrChange: Activities

VVOZACTDEF Currency Change: Define Activities

VVOZCURR Permitted Currency Change

VVOZCURRSW CurrChangeContractsAcctBalIntCalc.

VVOZINS_OBEGR Number Range Maintenance: VVOZINSEXT

VVSC Scheduling

VVSCACT Scheduling: Customizing Payt Opt Act

VVSCCACT Scheduling: Customiz. Chng SchedItem

VVSCEACT Scheduling: Customizing Payt Pl Act

VVSCHS1 SLV List for Payment Plan Change

VVSCHS2 List for Scheduling Item Change

VVSCIUB Scheduling: Customiz. Payt Plan Over

VVSCNUM Maintain Number Ranges Payment Plans

VVSCNUM1 Number Range Maintenance: VSC_ITEM

VVSCNUMITEM Number Range Payment Plan Items

VVSCNUMPOS Number Range Payment Plan Items

VVSCPO Scheduling: Payment Option

VVSCPOGRU Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Groupg

VVSCPOVER Scheduling: Debit Entry: Item Summrz

VVSCPOVEROPK Schedulimg: Debit Entry: Summ. OI

VVSCPP Scheduling: Payment Plan

VVSCSORT Scheduling: ULIFE: Item Sort

VVSCSTOR1 Business Case Reversal

VVSCSTOR2 Payment Plan Reversal

VVSCSTOR3 Payment Plan Item Reversal

VVSCSTOR4 Business Case Reversal

VVSCSTOR5 Business Case Reversal

VVSCSTOR6 Business Case Reversal

VVSCSTORNO Payment Plan Reversal

VVSCULIVECFC Cust.-Init. Payment Clarification

VVSCVERULI Universal Life Clearing Control

VVSCZOP Scheduling: Customizing Payment Opt

VVSCZOPZPL Scheduling: Assgt PmntOpt<->PmntPlan

VVSCZPL Scheduling: Customizing Payment Plan

VVSC_PP_FS Payment Plans Field Status

VVVORG Customize Transactions

VW01 SD Scenario 'Incoming Orders'

VW02 SD Scenario 'Freedom to Shop'

VW10 SD Scenario 'Order Status'

V_UC Incomplete SD Documents

W10E SAP Retail: Goods Receipt

W10F Store retailing

W10M SAP Retail

W10T SAP Retail main menu replcng S000

W3CUSX Customizing Parameters for MiniApps

W3DEVMINI Device Assignment for MiniApps

W3DEVTRAN Device Assignment for Transactions

W3WEBAPP MiniApp Maintenance

W3_SEARCH Search in Internet Server Objects

W4E5 Maintain No. Ranges 5-Fig. Wt EANs

W4EM Maintain No. Ranges for Weight EANs

W4EN Maintain Number Ranges for EANs

W4EO SAN Maintenance

W4EQ Maintain EAN Prefixes

W4ES Maintain Number Range Categories

WA/1 Create Mess. Cond. Tbl, Alloc Notif.

WA/2 Ch. Mess. Cond. Tbl, Alloc. Notif.

WA/3 Displ. Mess. Cond. Tbl, Alloc Notif.

WA/4 Maint. Access Seq. (Mess.) Alloc Tbl

WA/6 Maintain Mess. Schema, Alloc Tbl

WA/7 Assign Doc. Type/Schema, Alloc Tbl

WA/8 Ass. Mess. Type/Proc. Log, Alloc Tbl

WA/9 Requirements for Messages, Alloc Tbl

WA/A Mess.Deter., Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.R

WA/B Mess.Deter.,Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Rec

WA/C Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Rec

WA/E Ass. Mess.Type/Proc.Log Alloc Tbl Gr

WA00 Allocation Main Menu

WA01 Create Allocation Table

WA02 Change Allocation Table

WA03 Display Allocation Table

WA04 Alloc Tbl Processing: Plant Reply

WA05 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate POs

WA06 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Deliveries

WA07 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Wrhse Orders

WA08 Generate Alloc. Table Follow-On Docs

WA09 Deletion of Allocation Tables

WA09H Allocation Table Emergency Deletion

WA10 Generation for PO and OAPAC

WA11 Message Bundling, Allocation Table

WA12 Create Reminders/Accept Plnd Qties

WA14 Reply, Plant

WA15A Mess.Deter., Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.R

WA15B Mess.Deter.,Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Rec

WA15C Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Rec

WA21 Create Allocation Rule

WA22 Change Allocation Rule

WA23 Display Allocation Rule

WA30 Allocation Tables for Objects

WA31 Allocation Table List

WA35 Allocation Instruction

WA40 Adjust Alloc Tbl After Entering GR

WA50 Generate Allocation Rule

WA51 Reassign Gen. Alloc Rules/Plant

WA52 Alloc Rule Lists

WA53 Create Selection Variants

WA54 Generate Alloc Rule / Test RIS-L

WA60 Create Selection Variant for PO

WA61 Create Sel. Var. for Del. Generation

WABCM1 Reconstruction of Credit Mgmt Data

WAB_CANCEL Cancel Settl. Mgmt Docs

WAB_CANCEL_B Mass Canc. of Settlement Doc. (SD)

WAB_CANCEL_C Mass Canc. of Cust Sett. List (CL)

WAB_CANCEL_D Mass Canc. of Suppl. Sett. List

WAB_CANCEL_DISP Dispatcher: Mass Cancellation

WAB_CANCEL_G Mass Cancellation of Cust Sett. (CS)

WAB_CANCEL_K Mass Canc. of Sett. Doc. List (SL)

WAB_CANCEL_L Mass Canc. of Supplier Settlement

WAB_CLOSE Complete Settlement Management Docs

WAB_PRICING Mass Pricing for Settl. Mgmt Docs

WAB_RELEASE Release Settlement Management Docs

WAB_RELEASE_DISP Dispatcher: Mass Release

WAB_REOPEN Reopen Settlement Management Docs

WACBA Archive Customer Settlement Lists

WACBL Restore Customer Settlement Lists

WACBLR Delete Archived Cust. Sett. Lists

WACCIA Archive Customer Settlements

WACCIR Delete Archived Customer Settlements

WACLA Archive Settlement Document List

WACLF Restore Vendor Billing Documents

WACLFA Archive Vendor Billing Documents

WACLFR Delete Archived Vendor Billing Docs

WACLR Restore Settlement Document Lists

WACLRR Delete Archived Settlement Lists

WACRL Restore Vendor Settlement Lists

WACRLA Archive Vendor Settlement Lists

WACRLR Delete Archived Vendor Sett. Lists

WACSIA Activate Expense Settlements

WACSIR Delete Archived Expense Settlements

WACZR Restore Settlement Document

WACZRA Archive Settlement Documents

WACZRR Delete Archived Settlement Docs

WAFS Send Merchandise Category to AFS

WAHD1 Load Alternative Historical Data

WAHD2 Change Alternative Historical Data

WAHD3 Display Alternative Historical Data

WAHD4 Delete Alternative Historical Data

WAHDC AHD/PDF Customizing

WAK0 Promotion management

WAK1 Create promotion

WAK10 Send reply f. promo. for each plant

WAK11 Display promotion for each plant

WAK12 Maintain promotion items

WAK13 Promotion Change Documents

WAK14 Report RWAKT310 (Promo for mat.)

WAK15 Report RWAKT320 (promos for plant)

WAK16 Price activation in background

WAK17 Batch Allocation Table Generation

WAK18 Batch Promotion Listing

WAK19 Batch Promotion Announcement

WAK2 Change promotion

WAK20 Batch Supply Source Determination

WAK3 Display promotion

WAK4 Delete promotion

WAK5 Initial screen - Subseq. processing

WAK6 Initial scr.: overv. prices margins

WAK7 List promotion materials for plant

WAK8 Plant - materials in promotion

WAKC Maintain promotion themes

WAKN Output bundling promotions

WAKT_ARCHR Read Promotion Archive

WAKT_SARA Promotion archiving

WAKV Promotion announcement preview

WAP1 Edit Appointments Worklist

WAP2 Change Appointments

WAP3 Display Appointments

WAP4 Appointments: Overview

WAP5 Appointment, Departure

WAP6 Change Appointment(Indiv. Maintnce)

WAP7 Appointments: Plnd/Actual Comparison

WAPRL Vendor Settlement List - ApplStatus

WAPZR Payment Docs for Application Status

WAR Worklist for Manual Corrections

WAREPL Material Replacement

WB/0 Assignment partner / mess. promotion

WB/1 Sub. cond.,cr. tab, promo announ.

WB/2 Sub.cond.,change tbl, promo ann.

WB/3 Sub. cond., disp. tab, promo ann.

WB/4 Maintain sequence (mes.) promotion

WB/5 Maintain message types,promotion

WB/6 Maintain Message Deter.Schema,Promo.

WB/7 Assignment promotion type / schema

WB/8 Ass. mess.type/pr.proc. promotions

WB/9 Message requirements, promotion

WB/A Message deter. promo:create cond.rec

WB/B Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec

WB/C Mess.deter.promo: display cond. rec.

WB/D Maintain output types promotion grp

WB/E Assmnt mess.type/progr.group promo.

WB00 Subsequent settlement

WB01 Create plant

WB02 Change plant

WB03 Display plant

WB06 Archiving flag, plant

WB07 Change plant/customer assignment

WB08 Change plant/vendor assignment

WB20 Global Trade

WB21 Trading contract: Create

WB21_CS Trading contract: Create Settlement

WB22 Trading contract: Change

WB23 Trading contract: Display

WB24 Trading contract: Coll. status proc.

WB24N Mass Processing

WB24N_DIS Mass Processing

WB25 Trad. contract list: Contracts lists

WB25_COMP Trad. Contract List: Contracts Lists

WB26 Trading Contract: Document Flow

WB27 Trading contract: Standard analysis

WB28 Trading contract: Change history

WB28N Trading Contract: Display change doc

WB29_OPEN Status/Quantity Overview

WB29_PROFIT Trading Contract: Profit Simulation

WB2B_CUS Customizing Global Trade

WB2B_MOD Customizing Global Trade

WB2C Messages - Target Group: Customer

WB2CM1 Reconstruction of Credit Mgmt Data

WB2DI1 Generate Differential Invoices

WB2DI2 Relvt Billg Docs for Diffrntl Invs

WB2DI3 Complete Billng Docs for Difftl Invs

WB2DI4 Open Billing Docs for Diffrntl Invs

WB2GTS1 Export: Blocked Trading Contracts

WB2GTS2 Import: Blocked Trading Contracts

WB2GTS3 Incorrectly Transferred Documents

WB2GTS4 Transfer Documents Again

WB2IND Automatic Document Adjustment

WB2INDD Delete Document Index

WB2INDD2 Delete Worklist

WB2INDN Recompilation of Document Index

WB2L Long Short Analysis

WB2M Messages for Management

WB2MAP Mappings in Global Trade

WB2R_AB_DOCS List Settl. Mgmt Docs for Contracts

WB2R_BUSVOL Business Volume for Contracts

WB2R_BVDETAIL Detailed Statement CCS

WB2R_BVDETAIL_IDA Detailed Statement CCS - IDA

WB2R_CANCEL_DOCS Cancel documents for contracts

WB2R_DOC_ENTRY Contract Settlement: Manual entry

WB2R_EXTENSION Condition Contract Extension

WB2R_IMG Customizing Contract Settlement

WB2R_RAC Reverse Accruals Customer Settlement

WB2R_RAV Reverse Accruals Supplier Settlement

WB2R_SC Customer Contract Settlement

WB2R_SC_CORR Correction Customer Contract Settl.

WB2R_SETTL_CAL Settlement Calendar List

WB2R_SETTL_VAL_IDA Settlement Amounts CCS - IDA

WB2R_SV Supplier Contract Settlement

WB2R_SV_CORR Correction Vendor Contract Settl.

WB2SEL_AB Settl. Mgmt. Doc Selection (seltool)

WB2SEL_AB_LST Settlement Management Selection

WB2SEL_AC Accounting Document Selection

WB2SEL_IV Inbound Invoice Selection

WB2SEL_MD Material Doc. Selection (seltool)

WB2SEL_OD Delivery Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_PO Purchasing Document Selection

WB2SEL_SHD Shadow Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_SI Customer Billing Document Selection

WB2SEL_SI_LST Customer Billing Doc. List Selection

WB2SEL_SO Sales Order Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_TC Tr. Contract Selection (for seltool)

WB2SEL_Z1 Selection for Add-On z1

WB2SEL_Z2 Selection for Add-On z2

WB2SEL_Z3 Selection for Add-On z3

WB2TEW_FULL Dummy for ALV Variants (Fullscreen)

WB2TEW_HEAD Dummy for ALV Variants Header

WB2TEW_ITEM Dummy for ALV Variants Item

WB2V Messages for Supplier

WB2_ARCHIVE_PREP Archiving Preparation

WB2_CANCEL_WF_APP Approval: Cancel Workflow/Open TC

WB2_CHECK_STATUS_GRP Check Used Status Groups

WB2_CPM Contract Processing Monitor

WB2_CS Trading Contract Settlement

WB2_CS_LOG Application Log for Contract Settle.

WB2_DI_LOG Application Log for Delta Invoicing

WB2_DI_MAPPING_C Mappings for Diff. Calculations

WB2_EWB Expense Workbench (Trading)

WB2_LOP_LISTS Log. Option: Search Trading Contract

WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_C Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_PO_TO_TC_MAP_E Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_C Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_SO_TO_TC_MAP_E Mappings for shadow TC creation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_C Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_MM_E Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_C Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_2_TC_MAP_SD_E Mappings for TC consolidation

WB2_TC_CONSOLIDATED Display of consolidated TC

WB2_TC_DISP Display of Trading Contract Data

WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_C Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_IDQR_R Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcIDQR - ro

WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_CUST Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_NO_RO Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcNo - ro

WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_C Mapping AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVIV_SELQR_R Mapping for AnlytlVwOfInvcSelQR - ro

WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_CUST Mapping AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - Cust

WB2_WUF_AVTO_NO_RO Mapping for AnlytlVwOfTrdgOrdNo - ro

WB2_WUF_MAPPING Proxy-Mapping (WUF-Tool)

WB2_WUF_MAPPING_CUST Proxy-Mapping Cust (WUF-Tool)

WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_C Mapping for ToCncNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_CNCNO_RO Mapping for ToCncNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_C Mapping for ToNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_NOTIF_RO Mapping for ToNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_C Mapping for ToRelNotif - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_RELNO_RO Mapping for ToRelNotif - ro

WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_CUST Mapping for ToUpdReq - Cust

WB2_WUF_TRO_UPD_RO Mapping for ToUpdReq - ro

WB30N Maintain Sites/Merch. Categories

WB31 Trading Contract: Fincl Documents

WB35 Layout overview

WB40 List analysis for classes

WB50 Plant group, create alloc tbl

WB51 Plant group, change alloc tbl

WB52 Plant group, display alloc table

WB53 Plant group, delete alloc tbl

WB54 PG Maintain allocTbl, plant to class

WB55 PG AllocTbl, maintain class to class

WB56 PG AllTbl, maintain plants in class

WB57 PG AllocTbl display plants in class

WB58 PG Alloc tbl display class to class

WB59 PG AllocTbl display plants in class

WB5N Stock in Transit (Consignment)

WB60 Plant group, create promotions

WB61 Plant group, change promotions

WB62 Plant group, display promotions

WB63 Plant group, delete promotions

WB64 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class

WB65 PG Promotion, maint. class to class

WB66 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class

WB67 PG Promotion, maint. plants to class

WB68 PG Promotion, displ. class to class

WB69 PG Promotion, displ. plants in class

WB70 Create assortment class

WB71 Change assortment class

WB72 Display assortment class

WB73 Delete assortment class

WB74 Maintain assortments to classes

WB75 Maintain classes to classes

WB76 Maintain assortments in class

WB77 Display assortments to classes

WB78 Display Class for Classes

WB79 Display assortments in class

WB80 Create plant group Other

WB81 Change plant group Other

WB82 Display plant group Other

WB83 Delete plant group Other

WB84 PG Other, maint. plant to classes

WB85 PG Other, maint. class to classes

WB86 PG Other, maint. plant in class

WB87 PG Other, displ.plant to classes

WB88 PG Other, class to class

WB89 PG Other, displ. plants in class

WBB0 Assortment list applicatiom menu

WBBA Assortment List: Analyze Dates

WBBR Reorganize Assort. List Versions

WBBS Display Assortment List Versions

WBBS_ALV Display Assortment List Versions

WBBV_HPR Assortment List: Version Management

WBBV_HPR_ALV Assortment List: Version Management

WBF1 IS-R: Stock Overview, Empties

WBF2 Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans.

WBG1 Maintenance
WBGT_SLG2_INDEX Delete Log Global Trade Management

WBL1 Create Customer Settl. List Manually

WBL2 Change Customer Settlement List

WBL3 Display Customer Settlement List

WBL4 Release blocked Customer Sett. Lists

WBLFDETSIM VBD Determination Simulation

WBLMC Mass Change to Customer Sett. List

WBLR Create Cust Sett Lists Using Report

WBLRB Cust Settl Lists for Settl Doc List

WBLRN Create Customer Settlement List

WBLRN_DISP Dispatcher: Custom. Settlement Lists

WBLRO Create Cust Settl Lists Using Report

WBLRO_DISP Dispatcher: Create Cust. Sett. Lists

WBLS Customer Settlem. List Cancellation

WBNO Number range editing: FSH_WB

WBOLI Condition Overview

WBRP Repricing of Trading Contract

WBRP_DIS Dispatcher: Re-pricing of Trad.Cont.

WBRR Mass Release of Trading Contracts

WBRR_DIS Dispatcher: Mass Release of TradCont

WBST SAP Retail: Inventory Management

WBTIMEX Site Master Transport

WBTIMEX_CUST Customize Site Master Transport

WBUDG01 Activate Budget Type

WBUDG02 Transport Budget Type

WBUDG03 Reorganize Budget Type

WBVK Subsequent settlement

WBWF Trading Contract: Workflw Workbench

WB_NEW_WINDOW Workbench: Opens new window

WC01 Edit Characteristic

WC02 Number Range for SP Calculation

WC03 Number range, allocation rule

WC04 Number ranges, Promotions

WC05 Number ranges, allocation table

WC06 Number Ranges Status Tracking

WC07 Number ranges for free goods

WC08 Number ranges layout promo/plant

WC10 Batch Worklist for Pricing

WC11 Batch Changes, Assortments

WC12 Batch Settlement for Arrangements

WC13 Batch List Output for Arrangements

WC14 Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngmt

WC15 Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangement

WC16 Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmnt

WC17 Batch Update Vendor Business Volume

WC18 Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmnt

WC19 Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol.

WC20 Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev.

WC21 Batch Reorg Data in LIS

WC22 Batch List Rtl Changes for Material

WC23 Batch IV, Immediate Cyclic Check

WC24 Batch POS Outbound

WC25 Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge Lab

WC26 Batch Forecast

WC27 Batch Requirements Planning per Plnt

WC28 Batch Set Central Block

WC29 Batch, Alloc Tbl Message Bundling

WC30 Batch, Promotion Message Bundling

WC31 Batch Preparation of Adv. Tax Return

WC32 Batch POS Outb. Ini

WC33 Assortment List: Initial. & FullVers

WC34 Batch repeat terminated upload

WC35 Batch repeat incorrect upload

WC36 Number range for revaluation

WC37 Number ranges, group message

WC38 Number ranges, document flow

WC40 Number range markdown planning

WC41 Batch worklist for doc. index

WC50 Matchcodes for Assortments

WC60 Number ranges, layout

WC61 Number Ranges for Replenishment Run

WC62 Market-Basket Pr. Calc. Numbr Ranges

WC63 Number Range for SP Calculation

WC64 Catalog code number ranges

WCA1 Output control by customer


WCAE WCM: Archiving: WCM_WAP

WCAY WCM: Archiving: WCM_WCD

WCBDELWORKLIST Delete Billing Worklist

WCBDISPLOG Display Log Subsequent Billing

WCBINDEX Subsequent Billing

WCB_SLG2_CC Delete Condition Contract Log

WCB_SLG2_INDEX Delete Subsequent Billing Log

WCB_SPPFP Selection/Processing of Actions

WCB_UI Web Channel Builder Transaction

WCB_VALIDITY_CHANGE Change Condition Contract validity

WCC Technical SAP Customizing

WCC1 Maintain Conflict Rules

WCC2 Assistant for Model Selection

WCC3 Generate Basic Settings

WCC4 WCM: No. Range Maintenance: WCNWAP

WCC5 WCM: No. Range Maintenance: WCNWAPI

WCC6 WCM: No. Range Maintenance: WCNWCDOC

WCC7 WCM: No. Range Maintenance: WCNTGNR

WCC8 Assign Technical Objects

WCC9 Assign Operational Conditions

WCCA Generate Print Settings

WCCB Create/Delete Applications

WCCD WCM: Change Mode-Dependent Tagging

WCCE WCM: Display Mode-Dependent Tagging

WCCF WCM: Number Range Maint.: WCNLINEUP

WCFA WCM: WCA (Field Selection)

WCFC_CDS_MAINT Central Data Source Maintenance

WCFC_MSG_FLD_MAPPING Define Message Field mappings

WCFE WCM: WAP (Field Selection)

WCFI WCM: Application (Field Selection)

WCFV WCM: Lineup (Field Selection)

WCFY WCM: WCD Header Data (Field Sel.)

WCFZ WCM: WCD Items (Field Selection)

WCF_AC_PROV Maintain Action Providers

WCF_AC_PROVC Maintain Action Providers

WCF_CC Upgrade Tool Central Check

WCF_CC_LOG Upgrade Tool Result List

WCF_CDS_COPY Copy CDS attributes from SAP

WCF_CDS_MAINT Central Data Source Maintenance



WCF_FA WebClient UI: Field Label Analysis

WCF_FAV_SETTINGS Edit settings for Favorites

WCF_GENIL_COMP Web Service Consumption Tool

WCF_ICONS Maintain SAP icons

WCF_LTX Transaction Launcher integration

WCF_ML_FIELDS Maintain Fields for Mixed List

WCF_MSG_FLD_MAPPING Define Message Field mappings

WCF_RT_COMP Comparison of Runtime Repositories

WCF_TC_SETTINGS Edit settings for Tag Clouds


WCHAIN3 Display Transportation Chain

WCI1 WCM: Check - WCCO


WCI3 WCM: Check - WCCO <-> WCCOR

WCI4 WCM: Check - WCCA

WCL1 WCM: Change WCD Template

WCL2 WCM: Display WCD Template

WCL3 WCM: Change Operational WCD

WCL4 WCM: Display Operational WCD

WCL5 WCM: Change WC Applications

WCL6 WCM: Display WC Applications

WCL7 WCM: Change Applications

WCL8 WCM: Display Applications

WCL9 WCM: Change Work Approvals

WCLA WCM: Display Work Approvals

WCLB WCM: Multilevel List Processing

WCLC WCM: Change Work Clearance Documents

WCLD WCM: Display Work Clearance Docs

WCLE WCM: Multilevel List Processing

WCLF WCM: Operational Log

WCLG WCM: Change Operational Lists

WCLH WCM: Display Operational Lists

WCLI WCM: Lineup Template

WCLJ WCM: Lineup Template

WCLK WCM: Operational Lineup

WCLL WCM: Operational Lineup

WCLM WCM: Change Lineups

WCLN WCM: Display Lineups

WCLO WCM: Change Work Permits

WCLP WCM: Display Work Permits

WCM Work Clearance Management

WCM1 Define CM area of responsibility

WCM2 Display worksheet for CM

WCM3 Display CM area of responsibility

WCM4 Delete CM area of responsibility?

WCMA RIS: OTB - Selection

WCMB RIS: OTB - Selection

WCMC RIS: OTB - Selection

WCMCP Category Manager Workbench - Example

WCMD RIS: OTB - Selection

WCME RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selection

WCMP_MASS Mass Complaints Processing

WCMP_PROCESSING Complaints Processing

WCMP_RESULT Results Log Mass Complaints Proc.

WCM_TEST_2 Test program for KW document bridge

WCOC Contract Monitoring

WCOCO Process Condition Contract

WCOCOAGBU Remuneration Settlement Overview

WCOCOALL Condition Contracts

WCOCO_ACTION Perform Business Transaction for CCs

WCOCO_PO_ADJUST Autom. Doc. Adjustm. Purchase Orders

WCOCS Contract Monitoring (Doc. Display)

WCOLI Condition Overview

WCPC Customizing Internet product catalog

WCR1 WCM: Create WCD Template for WCD

WCR2 WCM: Create WCD Template for WAPI

WCR3 WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAPI

WCR4 WCM: Create Op. WCD for WCD

WCR5 WCM: Create WCA for Order

WCR6 WCM: Create WCA for WAP

WCR7 WCM: Create WCA for WCD

WCR8 WCM: Create WAP for Order

WCR9 WCM: Create WAP for WAPI

WCRA WCM: Create WAP for WAP

WCRB WCM: Create WCD Template for WAP

WCRC WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAP


WCRF WCM: Create WAP for WCD

WCRG WCM: Create Op. WCD for Order

WCRH WCM: Create WCD Template with Order

WCRJ WCM: Create WAPI for Order



WCRN WCM: Create Lineup Template

WCRO WCM: Create Operational Lineup

WCSO SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order

WCSOC Change Order

WCSOD Deliver Sales Order

WCSOS SAP Retail Store: Cons. Order Status

WCSO_ENTRY SAP Retail Store Sales Order

WCT1 WCM: Create WCD Template

WCT2 WCM: Change WCD Template

WCT3 WCM: Display WCD Template

WCT6 WCM: Create Operational WCD

WCT7 WCM: Change Operational WCD

WCT8 WCM: Display Operational WCD










WCTP WCM: Assignment of WAP

WCTQ WCM: Assignment of WCA

WCTR WCM: Assignment of Operational WCD

WCTS WCM: Assignment of WAPI

WCTU WCM: Assignment of Order

WCTZ WCM: Display Template

WCU1 Maintain customer

WCU2 SAP Retail Store: Customer Mainten.

WCUM Maintain customer

WCUSPOWL Complaints Workbench for Customers

WCV1 WCM: Create Operational Lineup

WCV2 WCM: Change Operational Lineup

WCV3 WCM: Display Operational Lineup

WCV4 WCM: Create Lineup Template

WCV5 WCM: Change Lineup Template

WCV6 WCM: Display Lineup Template

WCW1 WCM: 'DLFL' Status Conversion

WCWB01 Complaints for Sett. Mgmt Docs

WCWB02 Process Complaints

WCWB03 Complaints for Settlement Mgmt. Docs

WCWB04 List Complaints Data

WCWB05 Display Complaint

WCWB06 Change Complaint

WCWBNR Number Range Maintenance: W_CWB

WDBI Assort. List: Full Vers. and Init.

WDBI_ALV Assort. List: Full Vers. and Init.

WDBI_HPR Full Version and Initial: HPR

WDBI_HPR_ALV Full Version and Initial: HPR

WDBM Assortment List: Manual Request

WDBM_ALV Assortment List: Manual Request

WDBM_HPR Manual Request HPR

WDBM_HPR_ALV Manual Request HPR

WDBR_HPR Assortment List: Restart Package

WDBU Assortment List: Change Message

WDBU_ALV Assortment List: Change Message

WDBU_HPR Change Version: HPR

WDBU_HPR_ALV Change Version: HPR

WDH1 Maintain plant hierarchy (SD)

WDH2 Display customer hierarchy (SD)

WDIS Materials Planning for SAP Retail

WDKQ_ACTION_REG WDKQ InfoSet POWL type action maint.

WDKQ_DEREGISTER Deregister InfoSet Query @ POWL

WDKQ_MAIN Maintain Reporting POWL

WDKQ_REGISTER Register InfoSet Query @ POWL

WDKQ_SELCRIT Maintain selection critieria

WDKR Create customers from vendors

WDK_APPL_REG WDK application registration

WDK_APPNAV Define application navigation

WDK_APPNAV_CHECK Check ext. appl. navigation custom.

WDK_EASY_SCRIPT WDK easy script creation

WDK_T_SE91 Variant Transaction for SE91

WDLS Delete Error Messages

WDL_COPY IDoc Copy Management

WDL_COPY_FILL IDoc Copy Management Customizing

WDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship

WDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship

WDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship

WDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship

WDR_ACF_GEN_CERT Generate Certificate for Whitelist

WDR_ACF_WLIST Administration of ACF Security List

WDR_REC_PLUGIN Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-In

WDR_REC_PLUGIN_COND Web Dynpro: Recording Plug-In Cond.

WDSD_WB DSD Master Data Workbench

WDSR Reorg of download status tracking

WDSR2 Mass Reorganization

WDTS Delete Status Information

WDYID Display Web Dynpro Application

WD_TRACE_TOOL Web Dynpro Trace Tool

WE02 Display IDoc

WE05 IDoc Lists

WE06 Active IDoc monitoring

WE07 IDoc statistics

WE08 Status File Interface

WE09 Search for IDocs by Content

WE10 Search for IDocs by Content

WE20 Partner Profiles

WE20BGRFC Settings for Inb. Proc. Using bgRFC

WE21 Port definition

WE24 DefaultValuesForOutboundParameters

WE27 DefaultValues for Inbound Parameters

WE30 IDoc Type Development

WE30SNAP IDoc Type Snapshot

WE31 Development IDoc Segment

WE31OPT Segment Options

WE32 Development IDoc View

WE34 Object for Display of XML IDocs

WE35 Mapping of IDoc Types

WE36 Mapping of Segments

WE40 IDoc Administration

WE41 Process codes, outbound

WE42 Process codes, inbound

WE43 Funct.module: Status record display

WE44 Partner Types and Checks

WE45 Forward (inbound) (V3, EDILOGADR)

WE46 Error and Status Processing

WE47 Status Maintenance

WE50 System process codes: Texts

WE51 System process codes: Change texts

WE54 FMs for changing file names

WE55 Function Module for Path Names

WE56 IDoc Administration

WE57 Assignment Messages for Appl. Objs

WE58 Status process codes: Texts

WE59 Change status process codes

WE60 Documentation for IDoc types

WE61 Documentation for IDoc record types

WE62 Documentation for segments

WE63 Documentation

WE64 Documentation message types

WE70 Conversion: Basic types

WE71 Conversion: Extensions

WE72 Conversion: IDoc types

WE73 Conversion: Logical messages

WE81 Logical message types

WE82 Assign Messages for IDoc Type

WE84 Assignment of IDoc and appl. fields

WE85 Create Rule Names

WE85_EOIO Rule Name Creation IDOC EOIO

WE85_INBOUND Rule Name Creation for Inbound Proc.

WE86 Assignment Segm.Type and Lang.Field

WE87 Load MDMP Information

WEADM ALE Debugging Control

WEBGUI Start Browser with WebGUI

WEBU Printing Labels via Assortment List

WEB_PRICAT Pricat on web

WECHECK Structure Check IDoc

WECO System Process Codes

WECP Status CPIC Interface

WECRYPTDISPLAY Fields for Encrypted Display


WEIDOCDAAG IDoc Residence Times

WEINBQUEUE Inbound IDoc Queue

WEKF Purchase order SAP Retail

WEL0 Forward (inbound) (EDILOGADR)

WEL1 EDI: Interface Invoice for EDILOGADR

WELI Define Status Groups

WENA Messages on Basis of Changes

WENOLINKS Deactivate Link

WEOUTQUEUE Outbound IDoc Queue

WEQDEL Delete Inbound IDoc Queue

WER_RULE_PROC_TEST Test program for processing rules

WESF Filter Definition

WESIMG IMG Retail Enterprise Services

WESLOG Analyze Application Log

WESLOGDEL Delete Application Log

WESO Special Request for Labels

WESOUT Generate Outbound Messages

WESREFAPPLIMPL Reference Stores per Appl/Impl

WESREFS Assignmnt - Reference Store to Store

WEST Labeling: Control Data

WETI IS-R Labeling

WEV1 Create planned retail markup

WEV2 Change planned retail markup

WEV3 Display planned retail markup

WEV5 Create pl.retail markup (price list)

WEV6 Change pl.retail markup (price list)

WEV7 Disp. pl. retail markup (price list)

WEWL Maintain Positive Lists for Ports

WEWU EMU conversions in retail

WF00 Workflow: Choose Processes

WF01 Workflow: Process

WF02 Workflow: Rule Editor

WF03 Workflow: Display Process

WF04 Workflow: Process in Background

WF05 Workflow: Queue

WF06 Workflow: Process Type Categories

WF07 Workflow: Link Roles

WF08 Workflow: Function Module Parameters

WF09 Number range: Processes

WF10 Collective Purchase Order

WF10A Collective PO Without Tabstrips

WF20 Change Distribution

WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor

WF40 Delete Distribution

WF50 Adjust Distribution

WF50A Adjust Distribution

WF51 Modify Distribution (in Background)

WF60 Create Outbound Deliveries

WF61 Create Outbound Deliveries (Bkgd)

WF70 Create Distribution Orders

WF80 Merchandise Distribution Log

WF80_DEL Display Delivery Generation Logs

WF90 Delete Merch. Distrib. Applic. Log

WF90_DEL Delete Delivery Generation Logs

WFCS03 Display Data for Sales Forecast

WFCSL01 Sales Forecast: Display Logs

WFCSL02 Delete Sales Forecast Logs

WFDHR_RANGE Number range maintenance: HRWFD

WFIL Store Order for SAP Retail

WFL1 Document flow, vendor billing docs

WFL2 Document Flow, Customer Settl. Lists

WFL3 Document Flow, Settlement Doc Lists

WFL4 Document Flow, Settlement Documents

WFL5 Document Flow, Request Lists

WFMCVSTART WFMC: Call View and View Cluster

WFRE Distribution of Returns

WFWS Maintain WebFlow Services (WSDL)

WF_CNT_MAINTENANCE Diagnosis + Comparison of Container

WF_CPL WebFlow Service Task Linkages

WF_EXTSRV Maintain WebFlow Services

WF_HANDCUST Customizing for Service Handler

WF_NEW_MAN Customizing for WS01200136

WF_START Start Workflow

WF_START_EWT Start Workflow (EWT)

WG21 Create material groups

WG22 Change material groups

WG26 Create assignments

WG27 Change assignment

WG28 Delete Assignments

WGCL Classification system, Retail

WGDS_CONF_MSG_MNGR Sending Trade Item Errors and Status

WGDS_PROCESS_CUST Defines application/event to execute

WGDS_PROC_ITEMS_MASS Mass Process Trade Items in Parallel

WGDS_STORAGE_CUST GDS storage customizing

WGDS_STORAGE_MONI Storage monitor

WGRC1 Vendor Assignment

WGRC2 Resources

WGRC3 Occupation Plan

WGRC4 Postprocessing Monitor

WGRC5 Inactive Vendors

WGRC6 Delete

WGRT Transport of classifiable objects

WGSE Sending material group hierarchy

WI00 Physical Inventory for SAP Retail

WIND_CUS IMG Document Index Update

WIZ_DEFINE Define a Wizard

WIZ_DEFINE_SHOW Define a Wizard - Display

WIZ_MODUL Wizard Module

WIZ_MODUL_SHOW Wizard Module - Display


WI_EXECUTE Execute Work Item

WI_EXECUTE_EWT Execute Work Item (EWT)

WI_EXE_STARTER Start Work Item Execution

WJB3 Test: Import Assortment List IDoc

WJB5 Display Assortment List

WK00 Subsequent settlement

WKA01 Change paym. block and paym. method

WKA02 Document flow of purchase orders

WKA03 Check Expiry Dates of Certificates

WKK1 Create Market-Basket Price Calc.

WKK2 Change Market-Basket Price Calc.

WKK3 Display Market-Basket Price Calc.

WKK4 MB Price Calc. Price Activation

WKON Conditions/Arrangements SAP Retail

WKUN Customer

WKX1 Execute Object Method (SWOOBJID)

WL00 Vendor Master

WLA1 Read Settlem. Doc Lists from Archive

WLA2 Read Cust. Settl. Lists from Archive

WLA3 Read Suppl.Settl. List from Archive

WLA4 Read Settlement Doc. from Archive

WLA5 Archived Settlement Doc. List Items

WLA6 Archived Settlement Document Items

WLA7 Archived Vendor Sttlmnt List Items

WLA8 Archived Customer Settl. List Items

WLACI Read Customer Settlements From AS

WLACII Read Customer Settlements From AS

WLAM Layout Maintenance

WLAMN Layout Maintenance

WLAN Listing Conditions for Layout Module

WLASI Read Expense Settlement From Archive

WLASII Read Expense Settlement From Archive

WLAY Space Management: Display Layout

WLB1 Investment Buying Reqrmnt Determntn

WLB13 Automatic Load Building

WLB2 Investment buying analysis

WLB3 Autom. opt. PO-based load building

WLB4 Results List for Load Building

WLB5 Manual Load Building

WLB6 Investment Buying Simulation

WLB7 Vendor Service Level Analysis

WLB8 Simulation for Quantity Optimizing

WLBA Config. Check for Load Building

WLBA_CUS Cstmzng Analysis for Load Building

WLBB Vendor Service Level

WLBC Reorganization of Condition Pointers

WLBC1 Number ranges for collective numbers

WLBC2 Number ranges for log

WLCH Communicating Layout Changes

WLCM Delete LayoutListConds. for Assort.

WLCN Delete Listing Conditions from LM

WLCPAR External Parallel Processing

WLCPARC Settings f. Ext. Parallel Processing

WLF1 Create Supplier Billing Document

WLF1D Create Expenses Settlement

WLF1K Create Customer Settlements

WLF1KO Create Customer Settlements

WLF1KO_DISP Dispatcher: Create Customer Settleme

WLF1K_DISP Dispatcher: Create Customer SettlMnt

WLF1L Create Supplier Settlements

WLF1L_DISP Dispatcher: Create Supplier Settlmnt

WLF2 Change Supplier Billing Document

WLF2D Change Expenses Settlement

WLF2K Change Customer Settlement

WLF2L Change Supplier Settlement

WLF2V Change Remuneration Settlement

WLF3 Display Supplier Billing Document

WLF3D Display Expenses Settlement

WLF3K Display Customer Settlement

WLF3L Display Supplier Settlement

WLF3V Display Remuneration Settlement

WLF4 Cancel Supplier Billing Document

WLF4D Cancel Expense Settlement

WLF4K Cancel Customer Settlement

WLF4L Reverse Supplier Settlement

WLF4V Cancel Remuneration Settlement

WLF5 Reopen Supplier Billing Documents

WLF5D Reopen Expenses Settlement

WLF5K Reopen Customer Settlement

WLF5L Reopen Supplier Settlement

WLF5V Reopen Remuneration Settlement

WLFA IMG Settlement Management

WLFB List header data billing document

WLFC List billing documents

WLFCAL Enhanced calendar maintenance

WLFCOL Collective Document Creation

WLFCOLD Collective Document Creation

WLFCUSLINKCREATE Assign User and Customer

WLFCUSLINKDEL Delete User/Customer Assignment

WLFCUSLINKDISP Display User/Customer Assignment

WLFD List Settlement Doc List Header Data

WLFE Display Settlement Doc List Data

WLFEDIMAP1 ALE Inbound Mapping

WLFEIR Extended IDoc Reporting

WLFF Mass release Settlement Doc.

WLFG Display payment header data

WLFH Display payment documents with items

WLFI Cancellation of payment documents

WLFIV1 Create Clearing Operation

WLFIV3 Display Clearing Operation

WLFJ Mass reversal of vendor billing docs

WLFK Mass release vendor billing docs

WLFKORR SupplBillingDocument Correction WB

WLFL Mass Release Settlement Doc List

WLFLK Mass release remunertn list customer

WLFLTM Freight Cost Distribution Documents

WLFLTM2 Overview Freight Cost Distribution

WLFM Create Remuner. List from Bill. Docs

WLFM30 Conditn Change for Suppl. Bill. Doc.

WLFM31 Condition Change f. Expense Docs

WLFM32 Condition Change Condition Settlemnt

WLFM40 Payment Document Condition Change

WLFM60 Customer Settlement Condition Change

WLFM99 Condition Change Settl. Mgmt. Docs

WLFMC Mass Change to Supplier Billing Docs

WLFMCD Mass Change to Expenses Settlement

WLFMCK Mass Change to Customer Settlement

WLFMCL Mass Change of Supplier Settlement

WLFMP Mass Pricing for Settl. Mgmt. Docs

WLFN Create Rem. Lists from Payment Docs

WLFO List of payment list header data

WLFP List of payment list data

WLFQ List of Cust Settl List Header Data

WLFR List of Customer Settle. List Data

WLFS Read archived vendor billing docs

WLFSL Follow-on Documents from Worklist

WLFSLRL Worklist based Settlement Doc. List

WLFT Archived billing docs with items

WLFU Document flow information

WLFV Create SDocLists from CustSett Lists

WLFW Complete Vendor Settlement Lists


WLF_IDOC IDoc Processing

WLF_INTR_LOG Display Applicaion Log

WLF_INTR_SHOW_ERROR Display Non-Transferable Documents

WLF_INTR_TRANSFER Transfer Intrastat documents Dispat.

WLF_INTR_TRANSFER_1 Transfer Intrastat documents

WLF_RET Create Settlement for Returns

WLF_RRLE_CREATE Create Settlement Document Lists

WLF_RRLE_CREATE_DISP Dispatcher: Create Settle. Doc. List

WLF_RRLE_SIM Simulation Settlement Document Lists

WLI1 List Output Single Documents

WLI2 List Output Settl. Mgmt Doc.

WLI3 List Output List Documents

WLI4 Output of Settlement Mgmt List Docs

WLI5 Settlement Mgmt. Document Monitor

WLM Worklist Monitor

WLMCO_OM_OPA Worklist Monitor for CO-OM

WLMCO_PC_OBJ Worklist Monitor for COC

WLMCO_PC_OBJ_COSTOBJ WL Monitor - Cost Objects

WLMCO_PC_OBJ_MTO WL Monitor for Sales Order Item

WLMCO_PC_OBJ_PRODORD WL Monitor - Mfg Orders & PCC

WLMF Fixture Maintenance

WLMM Layout Module Maintenance

WLMMN Layout Module Maintenance

WLMON Worklist Monitor - Direct Selection

WLMPS Worklist Monitor for Project System

WLMV Maintenance of Layout Module Version

WLMVC Conversion of Layout Module Versions

WLMVN Maintenance of Layout Module Version

WLN1 Messages from vendor billing docs

WLN10 Messages Customer Settlement

WLN11 Messages Expenses Settlement

WLN12 Mess. Remun. List Customer Settlmnt

WLN13 Message Settlem. Doc List Cost Settl

WLN14 Message Output Settlement Mngt. Doc.

WLN14D Dispatcher: Message Output

WLN15 Message Output for List Documents

WLN16 Generate Message Records

WLN2 Messages from Customer Settle. Lists

WLN3 Messages Remuner.Lists, Vend.BillDoc

WLN4 Messages from Settlement Documents

WLN5 Messages from settlem. request list

WLN6 Messages Rem. List Settlement Req.

WLOR Reorganization of Layout Objects

WLP1 Profit simulation Settlement Doc.

WLP2 Profit Simulation Supplier Set. List

WLR1 Create Settlement Document List

WLR2 Change Settlement Document List

WLR3 Display Settlement Document List

WLRA Rel. payment docs for Remuner. lists

WLRB Rel. Invoices for Settlem. Doc Lists

WLRMC Mass Change to Settlement Doc Lists

WLRS Cancellation of Settlement Doc Lists

WLS1 Go to Supplier Billing Docs archive

WLS2 Go to Customer Sett. List archive

WLS3 Go to Settlement Doc. List Archive

WLS4 Go to Settlement Document archive

WLS5 Go to Supplier Settl. List archive

WLS6 Goto AS for Customer Settlement

WLS7 Goto AS for Expense Settlement

WLSE Direct Sending: Layout Module

WLWB Layout Workbench

WLWBN Layout Workbench

WM00 Material

WMATGRP01 Create Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP02 Change Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP03 Display Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP04 Delete Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP05 Activate Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP06 Copy Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP06N Copy Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP07 Deactivate Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP08 Simulation of Article hierarchy copy

WMATGRP08N Simulate: Copy Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP10 Reorganize Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP11 Export Article Hierarchy

WMATGRP12 Article Hierarchy Consistency Report

WMB1 Create Competitor Price Entry

WMB2 Change Competitor Price Entry

WMB3 Display Competitor Price Entry

WMB4 Create Competitor Price Entry w/ Ref

WMBE Stock Overview: Value-only Material

WMF0 Season management menu

WMF1 Create Markdown Plan

WMF2 Change Markdown Plan

WMF3 Display Markdown Plan

WMF4 Delete Markdown Plan

WMF5 Price Activation Markdown Plan

WMF6 Markdown Plan Price Calculation Test

WMF7 Markdown Plan Evaluation

WMF_ARCHR Markdown Plan - Read Archive

WMF_SARA Markdown Plan Archiving

WMN1 Aggregation and Sorting Sequence

WMN2 Maintain usage (sort, summarization)

WMN5 Maintain, Assign User Groups

WMNB Create Worklist (Subseq. Settlement)

WMNE Process Worklist

WMNM Object Usages for Object Category

WMNO Define Object Types

WMNV Object Usages for Object Category

WMPA Markdown Profile Assignment

WMPA_REORG Reorganize Profile Assignments

WMR1 Create Markdown Rule

WMR2 Change Markdown Rule

WMR3 Display Markdown Rule

WMR4 Delete Markdown Rule

WMSBA Material Where-Used List

WOB0 Store

WOB1 Plant profiles

WOC1 Screen layout Plant profile

WOC2 Screen struc. Pl.fnc

WOC3 Call view blocking reasons

WOC4 Call view Copy rule

WOC5 Call view Define copy rule

WOC6 Transact-dep. screen selection Plant

WOF0 Store

WOG2 Maintain groups

WOG3 Plant groups

WOL1 Call view layout

WOL2 Maintain Layout Module

WOL5 View sales area

WOL6 Maintain area shares

WOL7 Layout Module Maintenance

WOM_CALL_MB5T Prepare the parameters to call MB5T

WOO1 Layout Number Ranges for ALE Inbound

WOOS Order view

WOPD Assortment List: Display Log

WOPS Partner Schema Assignment, Vendor

WORKINGAREA Administrtation using work areas

WORO1 Call Shelf Management Profile View

WOS1 Call view layout display

WOS2 Display Layout Modules

WOS5 View sales area display

WOS6 Display area shares

WOS7 Display Layout Modules

WOSCR01 Cash Balancing - Account Grouping

WOSCR02 Expense Invoice - Group of Accounts

WOSCR_CBL SAP Retail Store: Cash Balancing

WOSCR_EXI Create Expense Invoice

WOSCR_SLOGIN Silent Login Retail Store

WOSZ_MAT_SHOW Material Details View

WOSZ_PRINTER SAP Retail Store Assign Printer

WOTB1 WB: OTB Procurement

WOTB2 OTB Monitor

WOTB3 OTB Transfer

WOTB4 OTB: Reorganize Budgets

WOTB6 OTB Procurement: Special Release

WP00 Sales and Operations Planning

WP3R Follow-Up Processes for Portal Roles

WPC1 Prepare product catalog IDocs

WPC2 Prepare item IDocs

WPC3 Prepare catalog change IDocs

WPC4 Prepare item change IDocs

WPC5 Convert product catalog

WPCA Carry out settlement run

WPCC Prepare prod. catalog change IDocs

WPCD Delete settlement logs

WPCI Prepare product catalog IDocs

WPCJ Prepare product catalog IDocs

WPCP Settlement log - Payment cards

WPCTRA WB: PO Controlling Acting

WPCTRD Delete Completed Items

WPCTRQ Handling of Remaining Quantities

WPCTRR WB: PO Controlling Reacting

WPCW Repeat settlement run

WPDC SRS - PDC Processing

WPDTC Planned Delivery Time Calculation

WPED Sales Audit Editor

WPER POS interface monitor

WPER2 POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports

WPER_ALV POS Interface Monitor

WPHF Analysis report

WPIA Repeat upload POS IDOCs

WPIE Inbound modified IDocs

WPLG Space Management

WPLGN Space Management

WPMA POS Download: Manual Request

WPMI POS download: initialization

WPMIND Settings Retail Event RFC Inbound

WPMLOG Log Inbound Services Retail Event

WPMLOG1 Log Retail Event Replication Request

WPMLOG2 Log Retail Event Offer Activation

WPMLOG3 Log Retail Event Offer Deactivation

WPMLOGINT Only for internal use

WPMOA Promotion Offer Activation

WPMOAC Settings Inbound Offer Processing

WPMU POS download: change message

WPM_OFR_INTGLOG_INIT Only for internal use

WPM_OFR_INTG_LOG Offer Bulk Replication Request Log

WPM_OTM_PPO2 Edit Postprocessing Order

WPM_OTM_PPO3 Display Postprocessing Order

WPM_PPO_MASSCORRECT Mass Offer Error Resolution from PPO

WPO1 Close Back Orders

WPOHF1 WB: PO Manager

WPOHF2C Create Order List Item

WPOHF2D Display Order List Item

WPOHF2DS Display Order List Item

WPOHF2X Change Order List Item

WPOHF2XS Change Order List Item

WPOHF3C Create Grouped PO Document

WPOHF3D Display Grouped PO Document

WPOHF3DS Display Grouped PO Document

WPOHF3X Change Grouped PO Document

WPOHF3XS Change Grouped PO Document

WPOHF4C Create Purchase Order

WPOHF4D Display Purchase Order

WPOHF4DS Display Purchase Order

WPOHF4X Change Purchase Order

WPOHF4XS Change Purchase Order

WPOHF7 Generation of STOs Seasonal Proc.

WPOHF8 Doc. Creation Seasonal Procurement

WPOHF9 Number Range Order List Item

WPOHFIMG Call IMG Seasonal Procurement

WPOS POS Interface SAP Retail

WPOSIMG IMG Structure POS Interface

WPOS_MASTER POS inbound master data

WPPERS_CALL Edit User Settings

WPPERS_TEST Test User Settings

WPRI PRICAT on the Internet

WPRI6 Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem

WPRI7 Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyItem

WPS1 Revision Planning

WPS2 Create Order as Report

WPSRL1 Realloc.: Maintain Conversion rules

WPSRL2 Realloc.: Display Conversion rules

WPST Start Downloads

WPSTLH1 Task List Hierarchy: Create

WPSTLH2 Task List Hierarchy: Change

WPSTLH3 Task List Hierarchy:Display

WPUF Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO document

WPUK POS simulation

WPUS Simulation: Inbound Processing

WPUW Goods movements simulation

WP_N203 IS-H*MED: Report Start N203

WP_NA30N Report Start NA30N

WP_NA40 Report Start NA40

WP_NG09 Work Station: Display Ins.Providers

WP_NK01 Report Start NK01

WP_NK06 Report Start NK06

WP_NP03 Report Start NP03

WP_NP10 Report Start NP10

WP_NP61 Report Start NP61

WQ00 Value and Quota Scales Appl. Menu

WQ01 Create Value Scale

WQ02 Change Value Scale

WQ03 Display Value Scale

WQ04 Delete Value Scale

WQ05 Reconcile with Characteristic

WQ11 Create Quota Scale

WQ12 Change Quota Scale

WQ13 Display Quota Scale

WQ14 Delete quota scale

WQ15 Matching quota scl f. plant/mat. cl.

WQ21 Automatically Generate Quota Scales

WR30 Replenishment: Generate wghtng prof.

WR31 Replen: Create frcst wghtng profiles

WR60 Replenishment: Parameter Overview

WR94 Replenishment: Change planning

WR95 Replenishment: Create planning

WRA1 Delete Reclassification Version

WRA2 Display Reclassification Version

WRA3 Change Reclassification Version

WRA4 Create Reclassification Version

WRAV Update Reclassification Version

WRBDL Detailed Stock List

WRBDL2 Detailed Stock List

WRC1 Delete MG reclassification

WRC2 Display MG reclassification

WRC3 Change MG reclassification

WRC4 Create MG reclassification

WRCK Store Replenishment: Check Program

WRCR Retail Reclassification

WRCV Update MG reclassification

WRC_MACROS Recording of System Macros

WRC_USER_MACROS Recording of User Macros

WRDL Replenishment run reorganization


WRFAPC01 Operational APC: Create

WRFAPC02 Operational APC: Change

WRFAPC03 Operational APC: Display

WRFAPC11 Release Planned Materials

WRFAPC12 Release Purchasing List Items

WRFAPC14 Delete Purchasing Lists

WRFAPC15 Materials in Purchasing Lists

WRFAPC16 Display Application Log

WRFAPC17 Display Put Away Quantity Distrib.

WRFAPC21 Article Hierarchy Level OAPC

WRFAPC22 Active Key Figures OAPC

WRFAPC23 Sequence of Characteristics (OAPC)

WRFAPC24 Attribute Fields in Purchasing List

WRFAPC25 Hide Tab Pages (OAPC)

WRFAPC26 Quota Scales per Hier. Node/Char

WRFAPC27 Exceptions for Art. Hierarchy Level

WRFAPC30 Synchronisation of PL Items

WRFAPC35 Purch. Lists With Invalid Rollouts

WRFAPC36 Materials With Invalid Rollouts

WRFAPC37 PRICAT Items With Invalid Rollouts

WRFAPC40 Listing of Materials in PL Items

WRFCATEGORYSHOP Shop/Category Assignment

WRFCHVAL Edit Characteristic Values

WRFCHVALGRP Maintain Characteristic Value Groups

WRFCHVALTYPE Maintain Characteristic Type Data

WRFCLOSESHOPS Lock and Close Shops

WRFDELIVERYSITESHOPS Change Supply Relationsh. for Shops

WRFDEP01 Create New Department Store

WRFE Store Replen.: Preprocessing Program

WRFFUART Maintain Succ./Subst. Article Name


WRFFUREORG Reorganize Succ./Subst. Articles

WRFGHPARAM Edit Hierarchy Parameters

WRFGHTREE Edit Hierarchy Tree

WRFMASSMAT Integrated Mass Change

WRFMATBODY Edit Material Core Master Data

WRFMATMON Material Monitor

WRFMGROUP Maintenance Group Management

WRFREGIONSHOPS Change Delivery Regions for Shops

WRFROCAT Assign Rollout Groups to Categories

WRFSHOP01 Create New Shop

WRFSHOPCAT Create Shops with Initial Category

WRFSHOPDEP Create Shops w/Initial Dept. Store

WRFT_AT620 Maintian Extens. Alloc. Table Types

WRF_AL Material Lists

WRF_AL_REORG Reorg. Program for Material List

WRF_ARC_DEPSHOP Archive Department Store/Shop

WRF_ATTRIBUT Attributes for Refernc Determ Schema

WRF_ATTRIBUT02 Change attributes

WRF_ATTRIBUT03 Display Attributes

WRF_DISP_CON Transfer Time-Dep. Promotion Data

WRF_DISP_DF_REORG Reorganize Default Values

WRF_DISP_PROMO Edit Time-Dependent Promotion Data

WRF_DISP_PROMO2 Change Time-Dependent Promotion Data

WRF_DISP_PROMO3 Display Time-Dep. Promotion Data

WRF_DISP_QUEUE Process Worklist

WRF_DISP_REORG Delete Time-Dependent Promotion Data

WRF_DISP_TD_DF Create and Assign Default Values

WRF_DIS_MON Seas. Proc. Discontinuation Monitor

WRF_DIS_SEL Seas. Proc. Material Discontinuation

WRF_MAIN_DISP_TD_DF Maintain Default Values

WRF_MATGRP_INIT_DLD Article Hierarchy Initial Download

WRF_MATGRP_REQ_DLD Article Hierarchy Direct Download

WRF_ORGPR_MAINTAIN Original Price Maintenance

WRF_PBAS_CUST_MESS Customizable Messages

WRF_PPW01 Price Planning Workbench

WRF_PPW02 Price Plan: Approve

WRF_PPW03 Price Plans: Create Conditions

WRF_PPW04 Price Plans: Activate

WRF_PPW09 Price Plans: Reorganize

WRF_PPW10 Budget: Assign Price Planner Group

WRF_PPW11 Budget: Update Values

WRF_PPW12 Budget: Price Planner to Planning Gr

WRF_PPW13 Budgets: Reorganize

WRF_PPW14 Edit Price Planner Group

WRF_PPW15 Correct Promotion Budgets

WRF_PPW16 Delete Price Plans Without Check

WRF_PPW17 Assign Processor to Layout Group

WRF_PPW18 Edit Layout User Group

WRF_PPW20 Worklist: Enhance

WRF_PPW29 Delete Markdown Proposals

WRF_PPWNO Number Range: Price Planning Workb.

WRF_PPW_LAY Layout Definitions for PPW

WRF_PPW_REL Price Plans: Mass Release

WRF_PPW_SLG1 Application Log for Price Planning

WRF_PRGRP01 Creation of Price Level Groups

WRF_PRGRP02 Changing of Price Level Groups

WRF_PRGRP03 Display of Price Level Groups

WRF_PRGRP04 Change Documents Price Level Groups

WRF_PRGRP05 Assignment of Price Group to Mat.Grp

WRF_PRGRP06 Reorganization of Price Level Groups

WRF_PRICAT_LOG1 Log for Price Catalog

WRF_REF Ref. for Materials Without History

WRF_REF01 Create Reference Assignment

WRF_REF02 Change Reference Assignment

WRF_REF03 Display Reference Assignment

WRF_REF06 Delete Reference Assignment

WRF_REF_AUTO Automatic Assignment of References

WRF_REF_MOD_NR Maintain No. Range for Ref. Modules

WRF_SEND_TO_SOP_SOA Send to Space Management via Service

WRF_TCHAIN_MIGR Migration Transp.Chain/Staging Time

WRF_WSM4 Reorg. Assortment Deletion Tables

WRF_WSM5 Deletion of Listing Cond. for DC

WRF_WSOA1 Create Assortments

WRF_WSOA2 Change Assortments

WRF_WSOA3 Display Assortments

WRF_WSOA4 Delete Assortment

WRF_WTAD_CA Additionals: Price Changes

WRF_WTAD_CA1 Additionals: Create Work Data

WRF_WTAD_CA2 Additionals: Process Work Data

WRF_WTAD_CA3 Additionals: Analysis of Prc Changes

WRF_WTR3 Request Additionals IDoc for Doc.

WRL1 Create Supplier Settlement Document

WRL2 Change Supplier Settlement Document

WRL3 Display Supplier Settlement Document

WRL4 Mass release of settlem. req. lists

WRLI Issue Inbnd IDoc List Suppl.SetList

WRLK Correct. Workbench - Suppl.Set.List

WRLMC Mass Change of Suppl. Sett. List

WRLS Cancel Supplier Settlement List

WRLV Parked Supplier Settlement List

WRLVN Create Using Report (New)

WRLVN_DISP Dispatcher: Suppl. Settlement Lists

WRLVO Create Settlement Lists Using Report

WRLVO_DISP Dispatcher: Create Settlements Lists

WRMA_1 Revaluation Run RMA

WRMA_C1 RMA settings valid for the client

WRMA_CHECK Check RMA configuration (ERP)


WRMA_DIAG_R3 Diagnosis Support On/Off

WRMA_M1 RMA: Maintenance of plant parameter

WRMA_M2 RMA: Maint. of value-only art. assgt

WRMA_NO_DOC Deletn of Cancelled, Erroneous Runs

WRMA_VALUES Delete Entries in RMA Value Table

WRMA_WRART RMA: Check Payment Type

WRMD Data Export for RRM Interface

WRMO Replenishment monitor

WRN1 Number range maintenance: WFWFACTORS

WROUTE Maintain Move Times

WRP0 Replenishment

WRP1 Replenishment: Procurement

WRP1R Replenishment: Rapid Planning

WRPFMM Replenishment: Forecast (MM-IM)

WRPFSOP Replenishment: Forecast (Replen.-IM)

WRSO Store Replen.: Follow-On Doc. Gener.

WRSR Store Replen.: Requirem. Calculation

WRST Transfer Master Data for Matl Maint.

WRSTA Materials Listing

WR_MEK2 calls transaction wrapper for mek2

WR_MEK3 calls transaction wrapper for mek3

WR_VK12 calls transaction wrapper for vk12

WR_VK13 calls transaction wrapper for vk13

WS-1 Call: price band cat. maintenance

WS-2 Price point groups

WS00 Assortment
WS01000045 Employment and Salary Verification

WS01000060 Leave of Absence Request

WS01000090 W-2 Reprint

WS01000109 Cancel Leave Request

WS01000109M Dummy for Authorization for Canc. WF

WS04200009 Leave Request

WS04200009M Approve Leave Request

WS11 Send assortment modules

WS12 Send listing conditions

WS12400005 Cancel Leave Request

WS12400005M Dummy for Authorization for Canc. WF

WS13 Send assortments

WS20000081 Leave Request

WS20000081M Approve Leave Request

WSAD Space Management: No of Error Logs

WSADMIN Web Service Administration

WSAK SAP Retail Store: Promotions

WSAM_ENTRY SAP Retail Store AM Entry

WSAM_SHMAE SAP Retail Store - Material Search

WSAO_CYCLE Attachments of Ordering Cycles

WSAO_LKPLC Assignment of Planning Calendars

WSAU SAP Retail Store: Allocation Table

WSC1 Customizing season codes

WSC2 Customizing annual season

WSC3 Customizing markdown types

WSC4 Maintain data variants

WSCLASS Web Service Classification

WSCLASS_MAP_FIELDS fields maping for import classficat.

WSCM Category Manager Workbench - Example

WSCONFIG Release Web Services

WSDOCU_SERVER Maintain documentation server for ER

WSD_CBP Close-By Plants Application

WSD_KEYWORD Keyword maintenance

WSD_KW_NRANGE Number range maintenance: WSD_KW

WSD_REFMAT Definition reference materials

WSE1 Group-Wide Discontinuation

WSE2 Vendor/material discontinuation

WSE3 Material Discontinuation (Dist. Ch.)

WSE4 Material/Plant Discontinuation

WSE5 Error log, discontinuation

WSE6 Mat. Discontinuation for Assortment

WSE8 Display discontinuation status

WSFP_LOG_ALL_IN Inbound Processing, All Logs


WSFP_LOG_CHG_OUT Change Messages Log

WSFP_LOG_INIT_OUT Initial Data Transfer

WSFP_LOG_INTERNAL For Internal Use Only

WSFP_LOG_MAN_OUT Manual Selection

WSFP_TRANSFER Master Data Transfer

WSGM SAP Retail Store: Full Menu

WSGM_GM_HI Mobile Goods Movement

WSGM_GR_HI_WO Mobile Goods Receipt Without Ref

WSGM_GR_HI_WR Mobile Goods Receipt With Reference

WSHOPMIGR Migration: Store to Shop

WSHT SAP Retail Store: Time Recording

WSICF_PREFIX Path Prefix in ICF for WSDs

WSII_ENTRY SAP Retail Store II: Entry

WSIL_HI Mobile Inventory Lookup

WSIN Initialize Selection Variant

WSINTCHECK Get/Check WS Configurations

WSIS Information system

WSISOLATE Isolation of WS Providers / Consumer

WSI_OCI_GUI Example Program for OCI with GUI

WSI_OCI_ITS Example Program for OCI with ITS

WSK1 Assortments IS-R, copy store astmts

WSK2 Delete store assortments IS-R

WSK3 Assortment copy, batch input

WSK4 Delete Batch Input Assortment

WSL0 Consistency check for reference mat.

WSL1 Assortments, selection lists

WSL10 Materials in Assortment


WSL2 Check listing rules

WSL4 Analyze material in module

WSL5 Modules in plant

WSL6 Assortment structure, Plants

WSL8 Assortment grade info

WSL9 Listing conditions coming to an end

WSLA Assortment Users per Assortment

WSLB Assortment per Assortment User

WSLC Display of causes of listing

WSLDEST Maintain logical destination

WSLF Material per customer

WSLH Assortment modules for material

WSLI Display change doc. listing cond.

WSLOG_CONFIG Log viewer for srt configuration

WSLOG_PUBLICATION WS Publication Log Report

WSM11 replicate sales data to site level

WSM3 Recompil. of Listing acc. Material

WSM4 Relist after ch. plant/ mat. grp mas

WSM4A Relist After Changes to Assortments

WSM4B Relist After Changes to Plants

WSM4L Automatic Relisting of Layout Data

WSM6 Delete Individual Listing, Material

WSM7 Delete Individual Listing, Material

WSM8 Setup assrt.owner assortment as WRF6

WSM9 Delete Expired Listing Conditions

WSM9A Delete Change Docs WLK1 and ASMODULE

WSMIGRATE Web Service Migration

WSMP merchandise planning menu - first so

WSN1 Number range main.: WSORT

WSN2 Number range maintenance: WSORTIMENT

WSO1 IS-R Listing Create Module

WSO2 Assortments IS-R, maintain module

WSO3 Assortments IS-R, display module

WSO4 Assortments IS-R, delete module

WSO5 Astmts IS-R, maint. module-> store

WSO7 IS-R Astmts, Display module-> store

WSOA1 Create assortments

WSOA2 Change assortments

WSOA3 Display assortments

WSOA4 Delete assortment

WSOA5 Assign assortment to customer

WSOA6 Assortment Maintenance Tool

WSOA7 Mass Maintenance of Table WRS6

WSOD Create assortment class

WSOE Assign material groups

WSOF Change assortment class

WSOG Display assortment class

WSOH Assortment to class assignment

WSOI Class to assortment assignment

WSOJ Assortment class -> assortment class

WSOK Display assortment for class

WSOL Display class for assortment

WSOM Display assort. class/assort. class

WSOSDISPLAY Display Possible Sources of Supply

WSP3 Delete individual listing

WSP4 Create indiv. listing, mat. - plant

WSP5 Change ind. listing, mat. - plant

WSP6 Delete ind. listing, mat. - plant

WSP7 Mat. grp mat. listing in plant

WSPARAM Enterprise Registry Parameters(New)

WSPK Complete missing mat. segments log

WSPL Missing material master segments

WSPO_ENTRY SAP Retail Store PO Entry Point

WSPT_MONI Monitoring Tool for Webservice PT

WSPT_STORE_PASS WebService PT - Manage users/Passwds

WSPUBLISH Publish Web services

WSR1 Archiving worklist for assortments

WSR2 Deletion assortment and listing

WSR3 Reset assortment and listing

WSR4 Archiving Assortments

WSRESTRICT Restrictions of services publication

WSRS_HI_MENU Mobile Menu

WSRS_MGR1_LPD_CUST Customizing for Report Launchpad

WSRS_PLANT_COSTC Mainten. of Cost Centers for Plants

WSS1 General settings for Assortments

WSSPROFILE Edit Web Services Security Profile

WSSS Set Stock Situation

WSSW SAP Retail Store: Display Plant

WSTA SAP Retail Store: Orders

WSTASKCHECK Get/Check WS Configurations

WSTA_R_DLV_DISP Store Workbench: Display Store Order

WSTA_R_PDC_DATA MRP Data - Outbound

WSTA_R_PDC_STRUCT Structural Data - Outbound

WSTE SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt

WSTED SAP Retail Store: Display open GR

WSTE_NEW SAP Retail Store: Goods Receipt

WSTE_R_PDC_CUSTOMIZ Customizing Data - Download

WSTE_R_PDC_DOCUMENT Reference Document - Download

WSTE_R_PDC_GR SRS: Auto Posting GR from PDC

WSTI SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory

WSTI_DOC Retail Store Inv.: Doc. Creation

WSTI_MLT_HI_WO Mobile ad hoc Physical Inventory

WSTI_MLT_HI_WREF Mobile Planned Physical Inventory

WSTI_MON Retail Store Inventory: PDC Monitor

WSTI_R_PDC_PI PDC Transactions Reorg. in Phys. Inv

WSTI_R_PI_LOG Application Log: Display Logs

WSTI_R_PI_SHOW List of Calc. of Book Inventory

WSTL SAP Retail Store Labeling

WSTN11 Maintain prepack allocation planning

WSTN13 Display prepack allocation planning

WSTN14 Process prepack allocation manually

WSTN15 Delete Alloc. Table (PP Alloc Plan)

WSTP Retail Store Sales Prices

WSTSA SAP Retail Store: Assortment List

WSTU SAP Retail Store: Revaluation

WSTV SAP Retail Store: Goods Movements

WSTV_R_PDC_CUST Business Transaction - Download

WSTV_R_PDC_DATA Vendors and Stores - Download

WSTV_R_PDC_MATDATA Article Data - Download

WSUBST_CONTAB Edit Substitution Assignments

WSUBST_SWITCH_REORG Reorganization of Switchover Info

WSUBST_WORKLIST Edit Substitution Worklist

WSUP Space Management Using Plan Data

WSUP1 No. of Duplicate Listing Conditions

WSUP2 WSOF Migration Tool


WSV1 SD listing/exclusion per order type

WSV2 Create value contract module

WSVD_ENTRY SRS Vendor Master: Entry

WSVD_SAPGUI Maintenance Auth. for Local Vendors

WSVD_VNDR_WLIST Worklist for Local Vendors

WTAD Additionals

WTAD_ADDI_AL Analysis of Procedure for Additional

WTAD_APPL_LOG Application Log for Additionals

WTAD_ARCHR Read Archived Additionals

WTAD_FMCU_CHANGE Proc. for Add./Customer Maintenance

WTAD_FMCU_DISP Display Proc. for Additionals/Cust.

WTAD_IDOC_AL Analysis of Procedure for Additional

WTAD_SARA Archive Additionals Documents

WTAD_SRS Obsolete - do not use

WTAD_STWB Obsolete - do not use

WTAD_SUP_FM_CHANGE Maintain Proc. for Adds./Vendors

WTAD_SUP_FM_DISP Display Proc. for Adds./Vendors

WTAD_VKHM_DISPLAY Display Materials/Additionals

WTAD_VKHM_MAINTAIN Mass Maintenance Materials/Adds.

WTAOC Generate POs for Additionals

WTCA Change Analysis for Additionals

WTEW Trading Execution Workbench

WTEW_CATT Trading Execution Workbench for CATT

WTMG Conversion of Withholding Tax Data

WTNR w/tax certificate number range

WTOG define output group

WTR1 Request for Additionals IDoc

WTR2 Request Additionals IDoc for Promo

WTRA1 Maintain Runtime Customizing Table

WTRA2 Runtime Measurement: Delete Logs

WTRA3 Runtime Measurement: Display Logs

WTY Warranty Claim

WTYAP Action profile maintenance

WTYAUT Authorization

WTYCL Create Credit Memo Lists

WTYDBSHOW Warranty Claim: Table Display

WTYMP Mass Change Warranty Claim

WTYMP_A Mass Change Warranty Claim Admin.

WTYNK Number Range Warranty Claim

WTYOQ Worklist Warranty

WTYOR Execute Report

WTYRCL Maintain Recall

WTYRP Warranty: Part to Be Returned

WTYSC_WWB Warranty workbench

WTYSE Search Claim

WTY_ARCHIV Display Archived Warranty Claim

WTY_SARA Archive Warranty Claim

WTY_UPROF Assign User Profiles (Warranty)

WTY_VSR_ACTIVE Activate Validation / Substitution

WUFWUF Customizing Transformation Workbench

WUI Start the WebClient UI

WUI_DBG Start the WebClient UI (Debug mode)

WUI_SSO Start the WebClient UI

WUI_SSO_DBG Start WebClient UI (SSO & Dbg Mode)

WUSL Where-Used List

WUSLTABL Table Display

WVA1 Create planned mark-up

WVA2 Change planned mark-up

WVA3 Display planned mark-up

WVA5 Create planned markup (price list)

WVA6 Change planned markup (price list)

WVA7 Display planned markup (price list)

WVAL Send Value Scale

WVB0 Recompile doc. index (pricing docs)

WVEB Valuation SAP Retail

WVER Shipping for SAP Retail

WVFB Inbound store order processing

WVFD Process phys. inventory doc. further

WVFI Simulation: Store Physical Inventory

WVKF Sales Order (extended copy)

WVM0 Replenishment

WVM1 Execute customer replenishment

WVM2 Transfer stock/sales figures

WVM3 Display material data transferred

WVM4 Display PROACT data received

WVM6 Customer replen.: Parameter overview

WVM7 Assignment of PO Data to Vendor

WVN0 Generate pricing worklist

WVN1 Pricing worklist for material

WVN2 Pricing worklist for organization

WVTU Sales Support for SAP Retail

WW10 IAC product catalog

WW20 IAC Online Store

WW30 SD part for IAC MM-SD link

WW31 IAC Product Catalog for EBP

WWCD Product catalog:Display change docs.

WWFL Settlement Mgmt - Workflow Workbench

WWG1 Main Material Group Hierarchy Menu

WWG2 Main Material Group Menu

WWM1 Create product catalog

WWM2 Change product catalog

WWM3 Display product catalog

WWM4 Copy product catalog

WWM5 Delete product catalog

WWMI Product catalog area menu

WWN1 Create cond.table Subs.Sett-SettlRun

WWN2 Chng Cond Table. Subs.Settl-SettlRun

WWN3 Displ.Cond.Table Subs.Settl.-SettRun

WWN4 Mssg Access Seq. Subs.Sett. SettlRun

WWN6 Message Schema (Sub.Settl. -SettRun)

WWN9 Mssg Procc.Progr. Subs.Settl.SettRun

WWNA Subs.Settl. -SettRun: Create Cond.S.

WWNB Subs. Settl.-Sett.Run: ChangeCond.S.

WWNC Subs. Settl. SettRun: DisplayCond.S.

WWND Output Partner Arrngmt - Setlmt Run

WWNZ Subs.Settlem. SetRun - Allowed Field

WWP1 Online Planning in the Planning WB

WWP2 Settings for Planning Workbench

WWP3 Order Cancelation in Planning WB

WWP4 Load Building in Replenishment WB

WWR1 Create cond. tab. messages Agen.Bus.

WWR2 Change cond.tab. messages Agency Bus

WWR3 Display cond.tab. messages AgencyBus

WWR4 Message access sequence Settl.Mngt

WWR5 Message Types, Settlement Management

WWR6 Message Schema Settlement Management

WWR9 Message proc. program Settlemnt Mngt

WWRA SetMngt. messages: Create cond. rec.

WWRB SetMngt. messages: Change cond. rec.

WWRC SetMngt. messages: Display cond. rec

WWRD Output Partner Settlement Management

WWRZ Sett.Mngt. messages - allowed fields

WWS1 Create CondTab. Subseq.Settlement

WWS2 Change CondTab. Subseq. Settlement

WWS3 Display CondTab Subseq. Settlement

WWS4 Mssg AccessSeq. Subseq. Settlement

WWS6 Message Schema (Subseq. Settlement)

WWS9 Message Proc. Progr.Subseq.Settlemnt

WWSA Subseq.Settle.: Create Cond. Records

WWSB Subseq.Settle.:Change Cond. Records

WWSC Subseq.Settle.: Display Cond.Records

WWSD Output Partners, Arrangements

WWSZ Subseq. Settle. - Allowed Field

WWT1 Message Cond.Tab. Create Trading

WWT2 Message Cond.Tab. Change Trading

WWT3 Message Cond. Tab. Display Trading

WWT5 Trading Contract Message Types

WWTA Messages Trading: Create CondRecord

WWTB Messages Trading: Change CondRecords

WWTC Messages Trading: Display CondRecs

WWVT Merchandise Distribution

WWY1 Web Transaction Tutorial 1

WWY2 Web Transaction Tutorial 2

WWY3 Web Transaction Tutorial 3

WWY4 Web Transaction Tutorial 4

WWY5 Web Transaction Tutorial 5

WWY6 Web Transaction Tutorial 6

WWY7 Web Transaction Tutorial 7

WWY8 Web Transaction Tutorial 8

WXP0 Retail Planning

WXP01 Retail Planning Current Settings

WXP02 Create/Change Manual Planning

WXP03 Display Manual Planning

WXP04 Create Retail Planning Layout (Lib)

WXP05 Change Retail Planning Layout (Lib)

WXP06 Display Retail Planning Layout (Lib)

WXP07 Maintain Planning Scenario

WXP08 Display Planning Scenario

WXP09 Maintain Links

WXP1 Create Time-Based Distribution Key

WXP10 Display Links

WXP11 Execute Link

WXP12 Change Planning Hierarchy

WXP13 Display Planning Hierarchy

WXP14 Maintain Planning Hierachy Version

WXP15 Display Planning Hierarchy Version

WXP16 Maintain Automatic Planning

WXP17 Display Automatic Planning

WXP18 Execute Automatic Planning

WXP19 PlHierarchy: TransData Auto Setup

WXP2 Enter Time-Based Distribution Key

WXP20 PlHierarchy: Master Data Auto Setup

WXP21 Copy Planning Hierarchy Version

WXP22 Maintain Links

WXP23 Display Links

WXP24 Display Links

WXP25 Maintain Assignment for Add. KeyFigs

WXP26 Display Assignment for Add. KeyFigs

WXP27 Maintain Key Figure Parameters

WXP28 Display Key Figure Parameters

WXP29 Maintain Menu Status/Title

WXP3 Disply Time-Based Distribution Key

WXP30 Display Menu Status/Title

WXP31 Maintain Menu Functions

WXP32 Display Menu Functions

WXP33 Maintain Assignment Periods/Seasons

WXP34 Display Assignment Periods/Seasons

WXP35 Maintain Texts for CharAttributes

WXP36 Display Texts for CharAttributes

WXP37 Delete Planning Hierarchy Versions

WXP38 Change PlStep for Programs/Transact.

WXP39 Maintain Manual Planning Variants

WXP4 Delete Time-Based Distribution Key

WXP40 Display Manual Planning Variants

WXP41 Maintain Formula Groups

WXP42 Display Formula Groups

WXP43 Maintain Assignment Layout/FormulGrp

WXP44 Display Assignment Layout/FormulaGrp

WXP45 Display PlStep for Program/Transact.

WXP46 Execute Program/Transaction

WXP47 Transport Time-Bsed Ditribution Key

WXP48 Transport Planning Layouts

WXP48_OLD Layouts w/o manual planning variants

WXP49 Import Planning Layouts

WXP5 Retail Plng: Maintain Plan Versions

WXP51 Maintain Store Groups

WXP52 Display Store Groups

WXP53 Maintain Store Group Assignment

WXP54 Display Store Group Assignment

WXP55 Maintain Planned Materials

WXP56 Display Planned Materials

WXP57 Manual Planning With Workflow

WXP58 Cross-Scenario Settings

WXP6 Plan Version Maintenance: InitScreen

WXP60 Maintain Promotion Interfaces

WXP61 Display Promotion Interfaces

WXP62 Maintain Grouping Break-Downs

WXP63 Display Grouping Break-Downs

WXP64 Maintain Allocation Table Interfaces

WXP65 Display Allocation Table Interfaces

WXP66 Promotion Interface Logs

WXP67 Allocation Table Interface Logs

WXP68 Maintain User Settings for Network

WXP69 Assignment of Interfaces to Layouts

WXP7 Display Plan Version: Initial Screen

WXP70 Delete File Names

WXP74 Maintain Assortment Assignment

WXP75 Display Assortment Assignment

WXP8 Retail Plng: Display Plan Versions

WXPA Create Retail Planning Layout

WXPB Change Retail Planning Layout

WXPC Display Retail Planning Layout

WXPD Delete Retail Planning Layout

WXPE InitScreen Gen Layout Maintenance

WXPF Retail: Maintain Report Tree

WXPG Retail: Report Selection

WXPH Maintain Manual Planning Variants

WXPI Maintain Formula Groups

WXPJ Maintain Assig. of Layout to FormGrp

WXPN1 Plan Network Planning Scenario

WXPN2 Design Network Planning Scenario

WXP_IMG IMG Merchandise & Assortment Plng

WYC1 Price Marking Agreement

WYL2 Generate vert. model master + addr.

WYN1 Create Message: Warranty

WYN2 Change Message: Warranty

WYN3 Display Message: Warranty

WYP1 Create Condition

WYP2 Change Condition

WYP3 Display Condition

WYRL Vendor for returns

WZFT01 FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (MM)

WZFT02 FT: Wizard - Declara. to Auth. (SD)

WZFT03 FT Wizard: Data Service - Upload

WZFT04 FT: Data Service Wizard - Distribute

WZR0 Vendor Billing

WZR1 Create Settlement Document

WZR2 Change Settlement Document

WZR3 Display Settlement Document

WZR4 Cancel Settlement Document

WZR5 Reopen Settlement Document

WZRC Collective Docs from Settlement Doc.

WZRC_DISP Dispatcher: Collect Settlement Doc.

WZRI Issue Inbnd IDoc List of Settl. Docs

WZRK Correction Workbench - Settle. Doc.

WZRMC Mass Change to Setllement Doc.

WZRN Number Range Maintenance: W_LFAKTURA

WZRN1 Number range maintenance: W_LFAKTURA

W_FRM_CUST_MAT Display Material Settings

W_FRM_CUST_PLANT Display Plant Settings

W_GROUP_MAINTAIN Maintain Vendor-Group Assignment

W_INBOUND_GROUPS Maintain Groups

W_PARA Maintain Variants f. Paral. Process.


W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_001 Assignment ILN Vendor Pur. Group

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_002 Assignment ILN Mat.Gr. SAP Mat. Gr.

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_003 Assignment SAP Mat. Gr. - Purch.Gr.

W_PRICAT_ASSIGN_004 Supplier/Material Group Processor

W_PRICAT_DELETE Delete Inbound Price Catalogs


W_PRICAT_MAINTAIN Maintain Price Catalog

W_PRICAT_PRE1 Field Catalog

W_PRICAT_PRE2 Field Catalog - Material Group

W_PRICAT_PRE3 Field Catalog - Mat.Group/Supplier

W_PRICAT_PROFILE Maintain PRICAT Dialog Profiles

W_PRICAT_SEL_CREATE Maintain Price Catalog

W_PRICAT_TERMINATION Scheduled Data Creation



W_SLS_PROFILES_MAINT SLS - Maintain Profiles

W_SYNC Select, Process Price Catalog

XKN1 Display Number Ranges (Vendor)


ZDN Delivery Note Printout

ZFI_CUSTOMERLEDGER smartform for customer ledger


ZFI_VENDORLEDGER Vendor Ledger Report

ZINV Invoice Printout

ZLSLIP Loading Slip

ZPRP Purchase Requisition Printout

ZSGFB03 Sales Group upload fb03

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