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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

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Date of Submission 25/02/2019 Cite This Paper: Srikanth, N. & GangaPrasad, M.S. (2019). Green comp based
energy efficient data aggregation algorithm with malicious node identification
Date of Acceptance 08/04/2019 (geed-m) for lifetime improvement in wsn. 8(4), COMPUSOFT, An
Date of Publication 30/04/2019 International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology. PP-3117-3125.
Page numbers 3117-3125 (9 Pages)
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.



Nandoori Srikanth1*, Muktyala Siva Ganga Prasad2
1, 2
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, KoneruLakshmiah Educational Foundation, Green
fields, Vaddeswaram, India.

Abstract: Random deployment of sensor nodes, energy limitations, interference of wireless links, and exposed nodes, are the
major reasons of performance degradation in WSN. Energy efficiency, Lifetime improvements are the key research areas from
last few decades. Even a high level of research is going on; still there are several issues which reduce the network lifetime and its
throughput. For diminishing the energy consumption, the sensor nodes are driven into sleep mode once they finished their
sensing round. Introducing mobile nodes in sub clusters is an efficient technique to make the network energy efficient in
irregular terrains like plateaus. The energy limitations of mobile nodes, and malicious behaviour are big issues in mobile node
based sub clustered sensor networks. These issues can be clear up by introducing a Green CoMP based energy efficient data
aggregation algorithm with malicious node identification is proposed, which exchange messages to the cluster head through a
mobile node. Malicious behaviour of mobile node is also identified by using Built-in self-Test based technique to improve
network throughput. The proposed algorithm gives better results compared with existing algorithms with a lifetime improvement
of 56%, energy consumption 44%.

Keywords: Data aggregation; Green-CoMP; Malicious node; Built-in self-test; Lifetime;

I. INTRODUCTION to the Base station through a cluster head. The smart sensors
WSN is a collection of group of sensor nodes which nodes works on command controlled strategies that have
communicate through wireless links, and can work together one or more memory unit, sensors, processor, an actuator
to sense environmental conditions. WSN has changed the and power supply [4]. In WSN, sensor nodes are controlled
way of living, and reduce the complexity situations, and w.r.t communication bandwidth, processing power and
giving attractive solutions to various problems in various storage space which are mandatory to be very efficient as a
fields. The wide range of applications of WSN includes source of operation. In Wireless sensor networks, the sensor
military, medical, communication, industrial, wild life, nodes are organized into clusters. It is more advantageous to
environmental applications etc. The drastic development of use clustering in WSNs, Due to clustering, reducing the
WSN changed the entire communication system in many complete energy consumption and decreasing the
applications with high end security, throughput. The data interferences between sensor nodes. The major issues of
gathered from various sensor nodes are aggregated and send WSN are Energy efficiency, lifetime, and security. There

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

are several clustering and routing approaches have been sub clusters has only one mobile node with
proposed to make the network more energy efficient. From low energy.
the past few decades, there is a rapid growth in WSN, and  A novel BIST based algorithm is proposed to
technologies in various fields which are associated with find which mobile node is malicious. There
WSN. Even a high level of research is going on; still there are three cases in malicious nodes
are several issues to make the network energy efficient. Identification, and this algorithm makes the
Depends on application of WSN, there are several issues network to identify the malicious nodes
which degrades the performance of WSN. automatically and immediately, and moreover
Election of cluster head and formation of clusters and network itself takes the action according to the
sub clusters are basic steps to design and implement WSN. case.
Traditional approaches make the network into groups of The proposed method section of the paper explains how
clusters, and each cluster is assigned with a cluster head, GEED-M algorithm enhances the network lifetime,
each cluster is divided into sub clusters, and each sub cluster throughput, PDR, energy efficiency of the network.
is assigned with a sub cluster head. Every sensor node in
sub cluster sense the data and forward to the sub cluster
head, and sub cluster heads forward data to the Cluster head.
Cluster head is the gateway of particular cluster.

A. Motivation of the paper

Fig. 1 General scenario of WSN
In plateaus or grid based networks, sensor nodes are
randomly deployed in various places like valleys, hills,
under water, etc. In these types of applications some sensor
nodes may place in valleys and these nodes head, or cluster II. RELATED WORKS
head (CH) may place in hills or in other places. So it is a Generally data sensed by the each sensor node is very
difficult task to send data from node to cluster head. Sensor important to the cluster head to know the event happening,
nodes has to use more energy to send data from nodes to the malicious attacks, hidden nodes, and fault nodes status.
cluster head, due to these limitations some of the mobile Majorly data aggregation techniques are classified under
nodes are assigned to move around each sub cluster in order five strategies.
to collect data from each node and send it to the cluster head
after the data aggregation. The selections of mobile nodes
are based on threshold level, due to Energy limitation,
sometimes there is a chance of each sub cluster may have
only one mobile node, or none after some rounds of data
sensing. To overcome this problem, a Green CoMP based
energy efficient data aggregation algorithm is proposed.
Due to malicious activities of nodes, wireless sensor
network faces the critical problems like behavioural change,
Throughput failure, Improper QOS. In these types of Fig. 2 Data Aggregation Methods in WSN
applications, Mobile node plays a key role in each sub
cluster operations. Therefore if a mobile node is malicious
in the network, then entire performance of the network 2.1 DATA Aggregation Strategies
degrades, Hence this paper proposed a Built in Self-Test
(BIST) based Algorithm, for finding which mobile node is In centralized data aggregation methods, each sensor
malicious. node sends its sensed data to the highest energy node in
their ambience. This highest energy node is also called as
B. Contributions of the paper head node, which aggregates data based on average of the
all sensor nodes data in particular region. In network
The main contribution of the paper is to make the
processing aggregation methods have two approaches,
network more energy efficient and also to improve lifetime
without size reduction, with size reduction. This process is
of the network. To achieve this, a novel green comp based
carried out with intermediate nodes in multi hop networks.
energy efficient data aggregation algorithm with malicious
in size reduction phase, the intermediate nodes perform
node identification (GEED-M) is proposed.
data aggregation by combining and compressing the data
packets and reducing the size of packets for forwarding to
The Major contributions of the proposed work are:
the sink node. In without size reduction method, all packets
 This algorithm concentrates on sub clusters
from neighbor nodes are merged into a packet without
which does not have a mobile node, and which
processing. In tree based approaches [2, 14], spanning tree

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

structure is created with every node, and each node has its algorithm, for mobile WSNs, It is a distributed clustering
parent node for data transmission. In this type of algorithm, and it is named as ALM. This algorithm
approaches leaves nodes are less loaded, and nodes near to enhances network lifetime, and it also improves the
sink node are heavily loaded for aggregation. stability, and network connectivity.

In cluster based routing [13], entire network is Gong et al. [12] presented a routing protocol for the
partitioned into clusters, and each cluster is assigned with a purpose of energy efficiency and security in WSNs, named,
cluster head. This cluster head collects data from every secure and energy aware routing protocol (ETARP). The
node in the cluster, and aggregates the data and finally main contribution point in ETARP is route discovering and
forward to the base station. Due to this technique, selection based on both the maximum utility concept.
bandwidth for data transmission is reduced due to reduction ETARP scheme takes into consideration the energy
in number of data packets. in mobile data collector based efficiency and the trustworthiness in routing protocol,
aggregation methods [14, 15 16], various new algorithms which may sustain more complexity and overhead
are proposed for efficient data aggregation. In conventional compared to AODV routing protocol. For hybridized
methods, entire network is divided into clusters, and networks like some nodes are fixed and others are mobile, a
assigned with a cluster head. The mobile data collector CBR-MOBILE routing is proposed. It is a traffic adaptive
collects data from each cluster head, and aggregates the routing protocol, which gives a re-assigned time slot to the
data and forward to the base station. The mobile data mobile nodes which are moving into the network by
collector move among clusters and aggregates the data removing the timeslots of nodes which are moving out of
collected from cluster head nodes. The major problem in the network [13].Authors proposed a novel secure mobile
this type of algorithms is every node‟s data can be easily data routing to the mobile nodes while collecting the data.
accessed at cluster head. For secure data collection they proposed three protocols
with a tree based connection management among them
Guoxing Zhan et al., [7] For dynamic wireless sensor [14].
networks, to provide a trustful and efficient scale routing
without time synchronization, a robust trust-aware routing S. Deng ; J. Li ; L. Shen proposed a Mobility based
framework is designed and implemented. To overcome the clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks, with
misdirecting of multi hop communication, and also to mobile nodes. Based on its residual energy and mobility of
provide security for WSN, authors proposed this algorithm. the sensor node, it can decide itself as a cluster head. Based
on connection time estimation, the sensor node aims on
B. A Mohan, H. Saroja Devi, [8] proposed an efficient link stability which is connected between sensor node and
hybrid data collection algorithm, for data collection from cluster head. Each sensor node can send its data in assigned
multiple mobile nodes. In this technique, the cluster head time slot in an ascending order (TDMA).During mobility
will be elected by the base station for first two rounds using condition; sensor node sends a joining request message to
centralized algorithm, after that CH selection is based on the new cluster head, about its joining when it lost its
previous cluster heads selection in distributed way. Here a connection with previous cluster head [16].
mobile node is introduced between CH, and Base Station.
For this type of applications, Mobile nodes are assigned
with unlimited resources to increase lifetime of Network. III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
3.1 Network model
J. Luo and J.-P. Hubaux, [9] presented an energy
efficient and conserving routing protocol for the purpose of The network model should have randomly deployed
improving lifetime, by managing the concentration of data sensor nodes in distributed way with non-uniform manner.
traffic at small number of base stations. In WSN, sensors Sensor nodes are arranged as sub clusters, and each sub
which are nearer to BS have to relay high amount of data cluster is assigned with one or two mobile nodes randomly.
traffic, then those nodes batteries ends up quickly. To The cluster head (CH), should be at centre of sensing sub
overcome this problem, the BS should be a mobile, and regions, and it has to be in communicate with only Mobile
then automatically sensors nearer to BS changes timely and nodes. All sensor nodes are homogeneous, and equipped
no more data traffic burden would be on same nodes. with a unique ID.

Atakli et al. [10] developed a scheme based on 1. The sensor nodes are always static and that nodes
weighted-trust estimation in order to detect and isolate the never change its location.
compromised nodes in hierarchical clustered WSN 2. These nodes are used to accumulate surrounding
structure. In this scheme, they select some nodes as data and forward this data to the cluster head,
forwarding nodes to give a trust values for all of the cluster through Mobile node by wireless communication.
nodes. Afterwards, they decrease the node's trust level for 3. The unique identifier (ID) is assigned to each and
all nodes that sent malicious information. D. Tolba, W. every sensor node to avoid redundant data, these
Ajib, and A. Obaid, [11] proposed an energy efficient sensor nodes won‟t work when their energy is less
than threshold level.
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

4. Power level can be adjusted dynamically when 3.1.2 Energy Consumption model for proposed
node‟s transmitting energy level decreases. algorithm
Every sensor nodes calculates their position based on the The Energy consumption for the mobile data collector, and
received signal strength instead of GPS equipment based in the system for data transmission when CH is located at
position finding in the sensor region centre of the cluster, can be calculated as
To send „R‟ bits of data to the cluster head from mobile
3.1.1 Energy consumption model: data collector, its energy consumption is
The energy spent for transmitting an m-bit message over
distance n is, E(Trans)m,n = E MDC = m × E(elec ) + m × E(s) × rh2 (8)

m × E elec + n ×∝ fs × n2 , n < 𝑛(0) Where E (MDC) is the energy consumed by mobile data
m × E elec + n ×∝ mp × n2 , n ≥ n(0) collector node, and 𝑟ℎ is the average distance between
The energy spent to receive m-bit message is mobile data collector and cluster head.

E(rec) m= m× 𝐸(𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐) (2) L2

rh2 = (9)
Amount of energy consumption to aggregate k messages
with m-bit is denoted by, RE is the residual energy consumed by the cluster head for
R bits of data transmission in particular round, and it is
E(agg) k,m = k × m ×E(da) (3) expressed as
Where E(da) is the energy dissipated per bit to aggregate RE = − 1 × m × E elec + × m × E(d) + m ×
message signal.E(elec) is the energy consumed by the E(elec ) +∝ fs × rd (10)
sensor node for a bit of data transmission.
The residual energy (RE) of proposed algorithm is
measured in each round, which starts from the current T is the number of nodes equally dispersed over the square
round, round+1 and round+ 2 until final node is reached. area L × L.
The energy consumption rate of proposed system is shown
in the following equations. The energy consumption E(d) is the energy consumed per bit report to the base
measured in various rounds is as follows, station, and rd is the distance between cluster head to the
base station.
In current round, the energy consumed by CH is given in
equation 1. 3.2 Proposed method
In Wireless sensor networks, even there is a tremendous
work going on to make the network more energy efficient
Residual energy = RE + S i ∗ E (4)
and also to improve the lifetime of network. In this paper
each sub cluster is assigning with two to three mobile
From this, the average residual energy (ARE) is calculated
nodes to move among sub clusters for data gathering from
each sub cluster nodes and finally they forward data to
RE Round +1
cluster head. When mobile node (MN), moves around the
ARE Round + 1 = (5) sub cluster nodes, then they gets off from sleep mode and
they forward data to mobile node. Once the MN moves
The Total Energy Consumption (TEC) on each rounds are away from Sub cluster nodes, they again go to sleep mode
calculated using the following equation. until next event comes. This paper introduces a Green
CoMP based energy efficient data aggregation algorithm
TEC Round + 1 = E0 ∗ n − RE Round + 1 (6) (GEED-M), to make the network more energy efficient,
and also to improve lifetime of the network.
In case are „n‟ layers available in the network, the average
energy consumption of node can be defined as 3.2.1 Objectives and Advantages of Proposed
Aggregation Algorithm
TEC Round +1
AEC Round + 1 = (7)
n The main advantages of proposed algorithm, compared to
conventional algorithms are listed below.
The AEC is calculated with respect to the total energy
consumption. TEC consists of the average of all transmitted  Conventional clustering and data aggregation
energy, received energy, idle energy and sleep mode algorithms are unsuccessful to give optimum
energy. The result shows the total dead and alive nodes results in plateaus and military applications. But
present in the system.
COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

this algorithm gives better results in network loss,

lifetime, and energy efficiency.
 Mobile data collector collects data from sensor
nodes independently, without any neighbour node
 Mobile data collector can identify low energy
sensor nodes, and keep them in sleep states, to
reduce energy consumption.
 Less loaded and heavily loaded sub-clusters can
take decisions dynamically to share the mobile Fig .3 Implementation of Green CoMP (Initial Rounds)
node energy resources.
 Tree structured data aggregation algorithms are In sc3, sensor nodes send their data to the MN 42, once the
avoided to reduce more load in ends of the branch data transmission is completed, those nodes goes into sleep
nodes. Therefore unwanted overhead is also state, and MN 42 moves towards to the SC2 for data
reduced in this algorithm. gathering (in fig. 4). Similarly in SC1, MN 29 moves
towards to the SC2, after SC1 nodes moves into sleep state.
3.2.2 Green CoMP based Energy efficient Data
In SC2, some nodes, like 24, 22, and 20 send their data to
Aggregation Algorithm (GEED-M)
the MN42, and other nodes 15, 18, 42, 28 etc. send their
In green comp based cellular networks, the less loaded data to MN 29. Based on distance, nodes send their data to
cell (during night times) is switched off up to some nearest MNs. Depends on energy level network can decide
whether MN 30 has to be switch off/on.
time, and traffic of that cell is shared by neighbour
cells by increasing their coverage to cover switched off
cell users. This efficient technique reduces power
wastage very well in cellular networks [4]. In the
same way, due to random deployment of sensor nodes,
some sub clusters may less loaded and some sub
clusters may heavily loaded. Heavily loaded sub
clusters need more than one mobile node to cover the
entire sub cluster quickly, less loaded sub clusters do
not require more than one number of mobile node. to
make the load balance, one sub cluster‟s mobile node Fig .4 Implementation of Green CoMP (After Few Rounds)
is handover to another sub clusters (neighbour clusters)
in following conditions. 3.2.3 Malicious node identification

1. If one of the sub cluster has less number The Role of mobile node in these types of applications
of nodes.(less loaded sub cluster) is very important, especially in data aggregation and data
2. If one of the sub cluster has more number transmission. The entire sub cluster data depends on mobile
of nodes (heavily loaded) but assigned with less node of particular sub cluster. Therefore Mobile nodes
number of mobile nodes ( <2 ) should have to transmit data perfectly and also within a
3. If the energy of mobile nodes is less than timeslot. If mobile node is malicious then entire network
the threshold level. performance degrades and it is a big issue to the network in
As mentioned in first condition, less loaded sub cluster some major applications like military and security
does not require more than one mobile node, therefore networks. There are three cases to check or to identify
remaining mobile nodes of sub cluster are switch over to whether the mobile node is a malicious or not.
another sub clusters which are heavily loaded. If a sub
cluster is loaded with very few nodes (SC3), then that sub Case-I: If the mobile node does not able to transmit
cluster is assigned with neighbour sub cluster mobile nodes any data to cluster head (Dead)
as green comp technique in cellular networks. As per next Case-II: if the mobile node able to send the data,
two conditions, if heavily loaded sub cluster has less but it is a fault data. (Fault)
number of mobile nodes (SC2), or if the energy of mobile Case-III: if the mobile node able to send the correct
node is less than the threshold level after some rounds, then data, but it is received as a fault data due to link failure.
neighbour mobile nodes are switch over from other sub (Link fail)
clusters. From implementation, the sub cluster 3 has less In Case–I, if the mobile node does not able to
number of sensor nodes with a single mobile node, sub transmit data, then that MN has to remove from the
cluster 2 has large number of sensor nodes but it is also network, and that node is to be considered as almost
assigned with a single mobile node (MN 30). dead node.

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

In Case – II, if mobile node transmits data to cluster Algorithm of Malicious Node Identification
head, but the data is incorrect in several links, then the
network will decide that the mobile node is a fault node, R = no. of rounds
and it has to remove from the network. Sequence formation R
No. of bits in sequence= [0, 1]
In Case – III, if mobile node able to send correct X falls in the condition
data to cluster head, but it received as a fault data in if
only one link, then the network will decide that, an error 𝑁
MN  𝑛=1 seq[1]
is occurred due to link failure but not due to mobile
node. 𝑁
MN  𝑛=1 seq[0]
The above three cases should be check by the network Denote
itself and it has to decide which action has to be take X = no malicious node is detected
according to the case, For this purpose a BIST based Else
malicious node identification algorithm is proposed, In this Y= malicious node is detected
algorithm the cluster head has to check every mobile node End if
before data transmission initiates. For this the cluster head
asks mobile node to transmit a sequence of two bits for IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
checking purpose. The mobile node itself asks neighbour In this section, the proposed green comp based data
six nodes to send a data bit HIGH, then the mobile node aggregation algorithm with malicious node identification
aggregates the data and send it to cluster head, again the (GEED-M) is proposed, evaluated and compared its
mobile node asks another six neighbour nodes to send a performance with two other known routing protocols:
data bit LOW, then the mobile node aggregates the data suspicious node information dissemination protocol
and send it to the cluster head, If cluster head receives two (SNIDP) and normal Node Behavioral Strategies Banding
data bits 1, and 0 (Zero) simultaneously from mobile node, Trust Evaluation Algorithm (NBBTE). These two
then it accepts that mobile node for data transmission. If algorithms were chosen for being well known in the
cluster head does not receive those two bits sequence literature and have the same goals that the proposed
correctly, then it asks agent node in particular sub cluster to algorithm. The TMECA performance is evaluated under
check that mobile node condition. When mobile node sends the following metrics: (i) Energy efficiency (ii) Energy
data to particular agent node, if agent node also does not Consumption (iii) Throughput (iv) Lifetime of network.
receive data sequence correctly then cluster head decides,
that mobile node is a fault node and it is completely
removed from the network. If agent node receives data Parameters Values
sequence correctly, but cluster head receives data sequence
wrongly, then cluster head decides data received wrongly Simulation Period 100ms
due to communication link failure. Then it assigns another Coverage Area 1320*1032
link to mobile node and check again. Here agent node is the No of Nodes 51
node which node has direct access with cluster head for No of sink node 1
malicious identification. During this entire process mobile No of mobile node 5
node can identify malicious nodes of sub cluster, when it No of Sub cluster 5
asks its neighbour nodes to send data HIGH, Low for No of Cluster Head 1
checking process. Those nodes will remove from the sub Traffic Type CBR
cluster by mobile node. Agent Type UDP
Routing protocol AODV
Algorithm of proposed Green CoMP
Initial power 100 J
MN collect data from n Transmission Power 1J
Calculation of energy in MN Receiving Power 1J
Threshold (TH) =5J (assigned) Queue Type Drop-Tail
If Table-1 Simulation parameters
TH of MN < 5J
MN of neighbour cluster act as data Network lifetime
Else The lifetime of network is calculated by data aggregation in
Present MN act as data collector` number of rounds until sensor node get die. For
End if applications instance, where the time of all nodes operates
together, the lifetime can be defined as the first sensor is
exhausted of its energy until certain the number of rounds.

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

The data aggregation is to perform the uniform energy

drainage in the network. The proposed algorithm gives
better results compared with SNDP, and NBBTE, GLBD,
MLPA algorithms.

Figure 6: Energy Efficiency comparison graph with

existing system
Fig. 5 Network lifetime comparison with existing systems

Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is the amount of energy used by the
individual node that to be processed. The proposed work
shows how much it is efficient than existed protocols. It is
an efficient technique which can reduces the energy
wastage, and performs the number of rounds within limited
energy. Malicious node identification is a good sign for
reducing energy wastage of the network.
Figure 7: Energy consumption comparison graph with
Energy Consumption existing system
The energy consumption represents energy consumed by
the network within assigned data rounds. Energy
consumption includes energy consumed by the nodes,
processors, transceiver, and all other units used for the
network. The energy consumption of the network is greatly
reduced by Green CoMP technique. By avoiding malicious
nodes in the network, the energy wastage can be reduced.
Figure shows comparison results of Green CoMP with
existed techniques.

Network Throughput
Throughput is the amount of data transmitted successfully Figure 8: Network throughput comparison graph with
from one place to another in a given time period. It is also existing system
referred as overall system performance. The proposed
technique can reduce the packet wastage and it can increase
the system performance. The comparison results of the
proposed method with existed techniques shown below to
know how Green CoMP plays a vital role in WSN.

Packet Delivery Ratio

Packet delivery ratio is defined as the ratio of
data packets received by the destinations which is
generated by the sources. Packet delivery ratio is a key
parameter in estimation of a network performance. The Figure 9: packet delivery ratio comparison graph with
Packet delivery ratio of proposed method is slightly better existing system
than existed protocols. The PDR can be improved by
maintaining proper communication links with working
sensor nodes.

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

Fig .10: Implementation of Green CoMP with higher nodes Fig .11 Implementation of Green CoMP with higher nodes
(>100 Nodes) at Initial Rounds (>100 Nodes) after few rounds


Packet delivery The parametric analysis of Network lifetime, Network
77% 72% 97.419%
loss and throughput are calculated and analyzed for various
Control overhead 1265 packets 1564 packets 969 packets node densities 50, 100 nodes per cluster. This analysis
shows various changes in parameter values according to the
65% 80% 44% network density. From parametric analysis, the proposed
GEED-M algorithm gives better results even the network
Energy efficiency 35% 20% 54% density increases.

Throughput 542 Kbps 244 Kbps 886 Kbps

Network Lifetime With Node Density
Loss 432 packets 564 packets 207 packets >100 per cluster

Lifetime 35% 20% 56% 80

The major parameters of network are calculated and 40
compared with existing algorithms to show the strength and 20 NBBTE
importance of proposed algorithm. To enlighten the 0 GLBD
strength of proposed work, simulation has extended with 0 20 40 60 80 100
100 nodes, and various parameters are observed and
calculated. The proposed algorithm also gives better results
compared with existing algorithms, even at higher number Fig. 12 Comparison of Network lifetime with existing
of nodes in a cluster. The entire cluster nodes are systems
organized into sub clusters, and each sub cluster is assigned
with at least one mobile node for data collection. The The Network lifetime is calculated by data aggregation in
mobile data collector nodes can collect information from number of rounds until sensor node get die. The proposed
sensor nodes individually and given to the cluster head. If GEED-M algorithm is applied at various node densities,
the mobile node energy level is reduced than threshold and evaluated various parameters. The lifetime is the key
level, then that mobile node, sends a request message to parameter which decides the network throughput and
neighbour sub cluster Mobile data collector node, then usage. So lifetime is calculated at higher node density and
neighbour mobile data collector node can collect data from compared its results with popular existed algorithms like
sensor nodes and given to cluster head. After few rounds of NBBTE, GLBD.
data collection, MN 42 moves towards to SC6, MN50,
moves towards to SC6 and SC3 and MN 29 moves towards 600
to SC1. When one of the mobile nodes is identified, as 400
malicious, then it is separated from data collection, and 50 NODES
keep it as dead node, as discussed in the proposed work. 100 NODES
From simulation, we can observe in fig.11, The MN 30 THROUGHPUT NETWORK LIFETIME
identified as malicious, after few rounds of data collection. LOSS

Fig. 13 Parametric Analysis of Lifetime, Network Loss and


COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 8(4), April-2019 (Volume-VIII, Issue-IV)

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